Putin Cancels South Stream: Game Changer!

Putin Cancels South Stream:
Game Changer!
By Brother Nathanael Kapner December 14, 2014 ©
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THE MORE THINGS Putin changes, the more things don’t stay the same.
First there was Crimea. When the Jew Nuland (originally
Nudelman) handed out cookies in Kiev, she handed Crimea to Putin on a geopolitical platter.And now that Jewmerica’s colony known as the EU overplayed its hand in the South Stream project, it handed over economic prosperity to Turkey.
Who wins? Jewmerica! (in the short run.) Russia and Turkey! (both short and long run.)
Who loses? The South Stream transit countries: Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, and Austria…ALL for the sake of the JEWS who hate Orthodox Christian Russia.
On December 1, 2014, Putin announced during a visit to Turkey that Russia would abandon South Stream which would have bypassed Ukraine, guilty of siphoning gas in the past in its perpetual dodging to pay its bills that led to European supply cuts.
Instead, Putin indicated that Europe’s gas demand would be fulfilled by Turkey with a new hub on the Turkish-Greek border.
Due to the demands of EU’s Third Energy Package, (Gazprom being forbidden to own both the gas and the pipeline), insisted upon after Russia lined up all the agreements—and preparatory work had commenced—South Stream was torpedoed.
Russia argued back that the EU ignored the fact that the inter-governmental agreements on the pipeline had been concluded in 2008, a year before the Third Energy Package was concocted, and, in defiance of international legal practices, applied it retroactively.
The EU wouldn’t budge and Putin cancelled out.
The economic losses borne by Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, and Austria are devastating:
Loss of transit fees, loss of investment returns, and loss of construction and ongoing participation, all of which translates into a huge economic undoing. (So much for the Jew York Times calling the cancellation a “defeat” for Russia.)
“It’s bad news for us,” Serbia’s prime minister Aleksandar Vucic admitted.
“Our sovereignty is under attack,” Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban lamented.
Indeed, Putin put it bluntly himself: “Bulgaria was deprived of the opportunity to act as a sovereign country.”

ON JUNE 3, 2014, the EU, obviously under pressure from economic sanctions-happy Jewmerica, flatly told Bulgaria to stop work on South Stream.
This was despite the fact that Russia and Bulgaria signed South Stream documents during an official ceremony in 2010.
The Bulgarian government—a minority coalition of Socialists and a party of ethnic Turks—immediately and justifiably refused.
On the same day Brussels, blackmailing the poorest country in the EU, cut tens of millions of euros in regional-development funds slated for Bulgaria.
The EU threatened to freeze more funds, which stoked a row inside the coalition between the party of ethnic Turks and its Socialist allies, South Stream’s strongest backers.
Enter John McCain, who hates diplomacy almost as much as he hates Putin, stepped out of the freezer of the one-sided New Cold War and visited Sofia on June 8 on a “working visit,” READ: “shakedown.”
McCain also met with Atlanticist and Judeophile extraordinaire Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, along with Russian-leaning Socialist Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski.
Ready to start a war, cold or hot, with Russia on European soil, insane McCain muscled Oresharski over proceeding with South Stream, insisting that there should be “less Russian involvement” in the project.
McCain’s visit snowballed into the collapse of the Bulgarian government forcing early elections of an EU-friendly parliament in October 2014. Good job McCain. You managed to destabilize yet another Christian country!
Russia and Bulgaria have both historical ties (liberation of Bulgaria in 1878) and cultural ties (80% of Bulgarians are Orthodox Christians.) The South Stream project added the economic realm to these enduring ties.
If Bulgaria had risen up on the wings of her own ancient nobility and flown in the face of Brussels to honor their 4 year old contract made with their traditional ally, Russia, there would have been no shortage of Balkan and East European friends from within Orthodox Civilization and elsewhere in the world, and Bulgaria would have won.
Such was not to be, and the impoverished Bulgarian people, (dependent on Russia for 99% of its gas), are the ones who will continue to suffer.
It is the flaming and fawning Judeophile Plevneliev, the last man standing in the wake of Bulgaria’s government’s electoral reshuffling to one more acceptable to Brussels, who handed Bulgaria’s national sovereignty over its section of South Stream to Brussels on a platter:
“The European Commission has frozen the project at the moment,” the slimy Plevneliev said in October, adding that a “correct dialogue” with the EU could give Bulgaria a “green light” to resuming its construction.
Treason by any other phrase would sound the same. Right before the EU-orchestrated new elections, Plevneliev went on a Russia-bashing (lying) campaign: “Gas is not an energy weapon. We want a Russia that observes its contracts,” implying that Russia (not Bulgaria and its EU masters) were to blame for the South Stream crisis.
Plevneliev has also been busy promoting and aggrandizing the relationship between Jews and Bulgaria to American Jewry and the State of Israel.
Plevneliev’s recent sponsorship of a “Hanukkah Festival” in Bulgaria underlines his treason against 80% of his constituency population who are Orthodox Christians.

WHEN NULAND UNWITTINGLY HANDED CRIMEA over to Putin, she launched the most momentous geopolitical coup in the history of Jewish global control.
With Russia now commanding (lease free) the Black Sea region and enjoying a warm water port to the Mediterranean Middle East, Putin is now positioned to be a global force that frightens International Jewry out of its wits.
No one understands this better than Turkey and its prime minister, Recep Erdogan.
Right smack in the midst of anti-Russian sanctions, anti-Russian propaganda, anti-Russian political alignments, and pro-Nato proselytism, what does Nato-member Turkey do? It makes a ground-breaking gas deal with Russia…right under Nato’s nose! Touche!
Erdogan and Turkey’s political regime understand that the Black Sea region is now a strategic environment of which Russia is dominant.
This is why Russia avoids war at all costs. The longer it can make allies and alliances (China, Iran, India, Syria, Turkey (the list keeps on growing/where’s the so-called “isolation” the Jew York Times keeps barking about?) in a peaceful scenario, the stronger it grows.
THIS PAST FRIDAY, (December 12, 2014), countries in the Black Sea region agreed to expand economic cooperation with each other, and with partners around the world.
Moldova will soon take over the rotating presidency of BSEC, uniting the countries surrounding the Black Sea – Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.
And given the Russia-Turkey gas agreement, how could Turkey continue to pursue antagonistic policies and simultaneously maximize the benefits of its economic cooperation with Russia?
Bravo Vladimir! You trumped Jewmerica and its clones once again!
For More See: The Enemies Of Vladimir Putin Click Here
And: Secrets Of Putin’s Success Click Here
And: Jewish War On Holy Russia Click Here
And: Putin’s Pipeline To Syria Click Here
And: The Religion Of Vladimir Putin Click Here
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Brother Nathanael @ December 14, 2014
Dear Real Jew News Family,
Believe me, for I grew up as a Jew, the JEWS are SCARED to death of Vladimir Putin.
FINALLY, a true games-man, Orthodox Christian, and judo artist, knows how to move “geopolitically” around the globe.
Christ is WITH Vladimir Putin! He is a CHURCHMAN of the Russian Orthodox Church. Russia is “God Protected” and Putin is “God-Led.” Amen!
(We belong to the SAME Russian Church and drink from the same cup of Holy Communion! Yeah! … SEE: http://brothernathanaelfoundation.org/about)
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+Brother Nathanael @
Thank you for explaining a complex story.
You should be appointed a place in government for your wisdom. However, your appointment and calling is of the highest order.
The Order of the Cross Of Christ.
Thank you.
Wow! Masterpiece!
And only Brother Nathanael and Sheik Hosein have the deep spiritual insight to pick up on this obscure piece of history in the making.
No one else is paying much attention to Turkey’s change of tack that I’ve seen.
According to a 2014 Global Opinion Poll, 73% of Turks view Russia unfavorably, and only 16% view Russia favorably, making Turkey among the most Russophobic countries in the world.
This sudden change in the Black Sea strategic climate is huge. It is epoch-making.
Secular political analysts simply can’t see this or won’t talk about it. I’ve not seen anyone else put it together like you have, dear +BN.
Since even before the Crimea War, Turkey has been more or less in the Western camp. Britain, France, Kingdom of Sicily all allied with Turkey in the absolutely devastating war against Christian Russia in Crimea.
The Turkish Ottoman Empire became the “sick man of Europe” towards the end of the 19th century, was kept propped up as a catspaw against Russia primarily by Britain. France also had her meddling hands in things around the Turkish empire as well, particularly in the Levant and making claims in Palestine.
There has never been any sort of trade agreements of consequence with such long-term potential between Moscow and Ankara like this. It is just icing on the cake of agreeable strategic and bilateral trade relations which have been built since 1992.
Both countries are key strategic partners in the Transcaucasian region. With Russia’s security in Crimea ensured, along with this most recent very juicy memorandum of understanding between Russia and Turkey, the reach of a new strategic partnership will expand into the Middle East, and send new breezes into the Balkans.
Turkey’s eyes have been cast longingly in Europe’s direction since the late 1940s starting out as a founding member of some early European organizations. She then became an associate member of the European Economic Community, the predecessor of the EU in the 1960s.
Turkey signed a Customs Union agreement with the EU in 1995 and was officially recognised as a candidate for full membership in 1999, at the Helsinki summit of the European Council.
Negotiations for accession to the EU were started October 2005, and have been stalled ever since. It seems Turkey has lost any illusions about ever being given a place under the blue flag with a ring of yellow stars.
Otherwise I can’t imagine they’d be so bold as to sign this preliminary memorandum of understanding in the face of the EU’s hostility to Russia.
Starting in 1568, the Ottoman Empire’s support for smaller Turkic and Islamic vassal states in modern Russia (the Astrakhan Khanate, the Crimean Khanate, etc.) brought the two empires into conflict.
By nineteenth century, Russia was funding Turkey’s Slavic and Christian minorities to revolt against Ottoman rule at the same time Britain was funding and militarily supporting Greece.
Russia did not always have in mind the goal of partitioning the Ottoman state, fearing this would aid Austria the Russian leadership demurred.
Eventually, however, the desire for free passage through the Turkish Straits, the Pan-Slavist feeling at home, and Tsar Alexander II’s deeply felt obligation to liberate Constantinople for the Orthodox Christians pushed Russia in that direction, leading to decisive intervention in 1877–78.
The two empires fought each other for the last time during the First World War.
By the end of the war both monarchies had been either overthrown, or defeated.
Russian bolsheviks and the Soviet government headed by Vladimir Lenin after the Russian Civil War, viewed the Turkish revolutionary (national) movement under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal as friendly.
Lenin’s government abdicated the traditional claims of the Russian Empire to the territories of Western Armenia and the Turkish Straits (Bosporus and Dardanelles, & Constantinople).
The modern treaty controlling relations is the 1936 Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Turkish Straits, which is still in force.
It gives Republic of Turkey control over warships entering the straits but guarantees the free passage of civilian vessels in peacetime.
Methinks that Russia navy will have even less of a problem making free passage through the Straits to the Mediterranean than ever before.
The geo-political world is finally turning into a multi-polar one. Russia is a naval and nuclear power, and that power can be projected all the way to pipsqueak Tel Aviv, the “Sin City by the Sea.”
Glory to God for all things.
Putin also Trumped the Jews on the whole Oil for Dollars and Gold.
I would like to see a piece on that sometime.
Yes Russia is Damn Smart! Congrats on Turkey fighting all those US/Israel Protests that pop up in Turkey. Congrats on Turkey realizing how important Russia is.
Lies about Turkey from Jew US Media are as bad as lies about North Korea.
Russia and North Korea will be next for the big deals!
@Br. Nathanael
Bravo, Br. Nathanael! Again, I salute you, for another article brilliantly written. It’s on account of the articles you’ve written that I’ve made efforts to donate twice a month to your Foundation. You definitely deserve it.
I wish we had a leader such as Vladimir Putin, Brother; it certainly would make a huge difference in this Jew-infested USG.
The closest to come to Putin in stature was John F. Kennedy, who wasn’t afraid to stand up to Israel and its puppets here in the USSA. He didn’t hesitate to sign an Executive Order abolishing Rothschild’s private Central Bank aka “Federal Reserve” and return authority back to Congress – through the Treasury – to coin money as was written in the Constitution.
He didn’t hesitate to fire then CIA Director Allen Dulles and threaten to smash the Agency into a thousand pieces, following the Bay of Pigs fiasco; and he also didn’t hesitate to demand the Zionist Entity of Israel to open its Dimona Nuclear Facility in the Negev Desert to IAEA Inspectors and sign on to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
On 22 November, 1963, he paid the ultimate price for his integrity and courage in the face of such powerful opposition – his life; as, he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas that fateful day. No other POTUS since then has ever mustered the same degree of courage that JFK had.
The book – FINAL JUDGEMENT – written by Michael Collins Piper, describes in great detail Organized Jewry’s part in the planning and execution of JFK’s murder. It’s a book well worth reading.
With all said, Br. Nathanael, I’ll be sending another donation to help you with your wonderful work. Christmas is coming; and I want to wish you all of the Lord’s blessings to keep coming your way this Christmas and the coming New Year.
May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you this Christmas, and the New Year bring you more joy and prosperity, as you pursue your Divine mission.
Bravo, Brother Nathanael.
You have given an illuminating view of the European situation.
Orthodox Christianity must prevail because Christians are ‘the salt of the earth’ said the Lord Jesus.
True ones seek the good of mankind. It is the false who would wreck society and goodness being displayed towards those not of their thinking.
The part played by the Jews in America’s descent into ignominy, shame and much loss is being exposed.
That there is a sinister conspiracy of evil which is also of Israel, is becoming rather common knowledge.
Countries are being alerted, with many of their leaders and many of the common people.
An anger is increasing against the cartel that has world events in its grip but with a hold that is diminshed somewhat.
The suffering imposed in European countries due to their evil actions and indeed in the West to a lesser degree, is not being unheeded.
Events come tumbling one upon the other in quick succession as a world of on-lookers behold current happenings with horror.
May wisdom from heaven continue to guide such as yourself.
God grant that Mr. Putin continues to be led into a course that would promote Christianity because changed lives that would obey the dictates of the gospel bring compassion and a desire for peace and well-being upon as many millions as is possible.
One could laugh at what you show has been hammer blows against Jewry and the U.S.A., a country whose fighting forces in World War II were hosted in friendship by my own.
The scene we see now has changed.
It behoves us all turn to a policy that follows righteousness instead of deceit, treachery, cruelty and oppression.
‘He who kills by the sword will die by the sword’.
No doubt about it, Putin’s a slick operator.
I would hang a poster of Putin on my wall, except it might look a bit gay.
He is a gifted diplomat and makes the leaders in the West look like class fools.
As though the Crimean peninsula was not trespass enough, Russian access to the Mediterranean crosses numerous NATO red lines. The Grand Chessboard is rattling malevolently.
Here is a transcript from Yossi Gurvitz, apparently a formal Orthodox Jew (now secular atheist) living in Israel. It reveals yet one more perspective on the utter wrong-headedness of Christian Zionism.
He gives voice to an interesting concept which I’d never heard stated before, but which I’ve long-suspected as being America’s imminent fate, sort of a two-step. When absolute power is achieved, a new, much more severe, face will emerge.
Here is an except, thought the transcript is well worth reading in its entirety (and there is a YT vid as well):
“…the Talmud defines two different states of reality. There is one called “Darkei Shalom” (Peaceful Ways). In other words, “This is the actual religious law, this is how you are supposed to act.” “However, because it would cause a huge mess, and people will die, so due to ‘Peaceful Ways’, you don’t act that way. ”
Now, until what point does the “Peaceful Ways” rule still apply? Just as long as the other situation does not exist, which is “When Israel is Mighty.” That’s when there is a Jewish regime. It is independent, and it is merciless, it can do what it likes.
Under those circumstances – its all over, you go back to the letter of the law. No more “Peaceful Ways”, no more nothing.”
So I ask:
Is America in the twilight of ‘Peaceful Ways’ with internment camps waiting to be filled, government ammunition supplies at unprecedented highs, and HSA poised to morph more fully into a Soviet KGB?
Love Vlad and his wise politics.
Only wish we had a leader like him here instead of these sickening puppets that can’t lead their way out of a wet paper bag.
Thank You Brother Nathanael.
There is no better news than Good news, and it must go this way.
As for now the Khazarian Zionist Jews are up to take the land they came from with their capital Kiev.
When the God of Abraham, Izak and Jacob is forcing all foreigners back to their own country and the Jews home, then his will led to a lot of victims as written down in the Bible.
The best message is, nobody will miss them.
@Baxter Funt
Thank you for your post. Quoting you, “No doubt about it, Putin’s a slick operator.”
How about instead, a spectacularly savvy operator? The word “slick” brings back thoughts and images of someone most of us easily and a bit painfully recollect: Slick Willie!
Germany says will help finance four new Israeli warships.
Germans are helping the JEWS to start more WARS.
More Nuclear Rockets to threaten the World.
The JEWS have been using Mini-Nukes’ on Syria lately.
BERLIN (Reuters) – Germany plans to finance part of the cost of four new corvette warships for the Israeli navy made by German firm Thyssen Krupp under a deal struck with the Jewish state in November, the government said on Monday.
Following approval by German parliament’s budget committee the contract could be finalised before the end of this year, government spokesman Steffen Seibert said.
As part of its atonement for the Nazi Holocaust, Germany is committed to Israel’s security and has often helped pay for the cost of military equipment such as submarines.
The mass-circulation Bild am Sonntag newspaper reported on Sunday that Berlin had earmarked up to 115 million euros for the warships — which would cost around 1 billion euros in total.
Seibert declined comment on the size of the German contribution.
(Reporting by Alexandra Hudson; Editing by Mark Heinrich)
I think Germany is owned and run by the JEW WORLD ORDER.
Youtube Professor Robert Faurisson, “why are they keeping this holohoax alive?”
Surely it is time to expose the joke of it all and let the world live in peace!
Thank You, Brother Nathanael, for the latest update.
The JEW WORLD ORDER COMMUNISTS are going down in flames.
President Vladimir Putin, leader of the Russian Federation is WINNING, fantastic. He is making friends, closing deals all over the World.
The JEW WORLD ORDER is in chaos totally BANKRUPT making enemies all over the World.
Many countries are getting BLACKMAILED by the JEW WORLD ORDER EU Dirtbags.
VIVA President Vladimir Putin, what an awesome leader.
Turkey’s pact with Russia is stunning!
Turkey has been the southern corner stone of America’s Russia containment policy. Turkey has been a NATO member since 1952!!!
The consequences of this are yet to be seen. It will be very interesting and geopolitically transforming.
Erdogan must have looked at all the factors, especially the selfish, immature, degenerate and dangerously ignorant cabal in the White House and Congress. I wonder if these asses fully realize what they have done.
Also Brother N,
Don’t forget Putin is also encouraging and helping to finance the growing right wing movement in Germany, France and other European nations.
As things get worse in the West, the world should keep their eyes on Putin. Will Putin usher in WW3?
‘ISIS completely fabricated enemy by USA’, former CIA contractor
This is a NUKE detonated right at the center of the EU.
Putin is saying to Bulgaria, Serbia, Austria et al: this is the price you have to pay to be slaves of the EU.
These countries are FUMING at the EU now!
Putin’s goal is to DESTABILIZE THE EU in the long run.
This goal serves our Lord Jesus Christ. Why?
Step 1: EURO – Achieved
Step 2: EU (Political Union) – Achieved
Step 3: Global currency replacing Dollar & Euro
Step 4: NWO, Antichrist kingdom
Putin is thwarting Satan’s plans!
This time I think it’s for real.
“Patriotic Europeans Against Islamization of the West” (PEGIDA) organize Monday-Protests.
They gathered 15.000 people this Monday, and keep growing every week.
Slogans: stop immigration! Peace with Russia! We want our country back!
Corrupt, traitorous politicians are in panic, the mouvement comes from the middle of society.
Yatseniuk, Stoltenberg will discuss restoration of Ukraine’s course to NATO
KYIV, December 13 / Ukrinform /. Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatseniuk and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will discuss restoration of the state’s Euro-Atlantic course and other first steps of rapprochement between Ukraine and NATO.
These issues are scheduled for discussion at a meeting of the Ukrainian government head with the NATO Secretary General on Monday, December 15, in Brussels, Yehor Bozhok, Minister Councellor of the Mission of Ukraine to NATO told a special correspondent of Ukrinform.
“An agenda of the meeting includes the restoration of the Euro-Atlantic integration, initial steps for rapprochement between Ukraine and NATO.
“This is, in particular, adaptation of the national legal framework on the status and interoperability to NATO standards, reformation of defense and security sectors, defense industry and the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to NATO standards, development of interoperability of the Ukrainian army and NATO forces,” the diplomat said.
Among other relevant topics, he noted development of Ukraine’s capabilities in cyber defense, plans of cooperation between Ukraine and NATO in certain areas of cooperation, involving appropriate counseling, practical and logistical support from the Alliance.
“In particular, implementation of the Annual National Program Ukraine-NATO for 2015 and the Roadmap to deepen interoperability between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO for 2015-2016 years,” the Counsellor said.
In addition, the Ukrainian Premier and the Alliance head can discuss strengthening of NATO’s diplomatic mission in Ukraine.
“Further assistance from NATO to counter the hybrid war of Russia against Ukraine is also important,” Bozhok emphasized.
While later Jews can’t truly be called “Christ killers,” it’s perfectly clear that most Jews, the large majority in fact, applaud the crucifixion of Jesus.
Even today He gets their kike up. Remember that Sara Silverman video?
Does anyone doubt that had they lived back then and there, most Jews today would have been screaming, “Crucify Him!” too? Does anyone doubt that at the time Jerusalem shook with that roar?
Likewise, it’s unquestionable that some of the more rabid kikes were abducting Christian children and murdering them as part of their satanic rites. Every now and then some would get caught red-handed.
The less insane Jews no doubt disapprove of such actions — though not because of the evil. They’re concerned solely about the unwelcome consequences it would bring should word get out.
One hears about how during the Black Plague Jews were accused of “poisoning the wells.” This is ALWAYS held up as an example of Christian ignorance, superstition and antisemitism.
What rarely, if ever, gets mentioned is that Jews WERE caught doing exactly that: throwing plague infected clothes or plague-dead animals into the Christians’ wells.
Today’s Jews are still wallowing in the ancient vomit of their ancestors: lying, swindling, murdering…. It never seems to occur to them that someday they might get found out. When they do get found out they invariably try to lie and/or bribe their way out of it; and when all else fails to start screaming, “Antisemitism!”
It’s the same as it ever was.
State Department Jen is running loose again at the mouth with her Psakisms.
When the Good USofA™ sends politicians and military advisors looking to beef up Right Sector dressed in National Guard cammies, as well as military equipment, supplies and arms to Ukraine, that’s “diplomatic.”
When Evil Russia™ sends unarmed humanitarian aid to Ukraine, that’s “confrontational.”
Interfax-Ukraine: US evaluating options of how best to support Ukraine – Department of State
The US authorities are concerned over the ongoing situation in Ukraine and evaluate the options of assistance to the country, U.S. Department of State Spokesperson Jennifer Psaki has reported.
“The situation, of course, remains fluid and we remain very concerned about the situation on the ground, and we continue to assess how best to support Ukraine,” she said at a daily briefing on Friday.
“Well, our position and our policy position has not changed. Our focus from the outset of this crisis has been on supporting Ukraine and on pursuing a diplomatic solution that respects Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” she stressed.
According to Psaki, the US is working closely with its allies and partners in Europe and around the world to help accomplish this aim.
She stressed that the United States provides a range of assistance to Ukraine, including $118 million in security assistance, everything from body armor, helmets, vehicles, night and thermal vision devices, heavy engineering equipment, advanced radios, demining equipment, portable explosive ordnance disposal robots, patrol boats, counter mortar radars. And this assistance also includes advising and training.
Besides, according to Psaki, “confrontational is a better way to use the term to describe the fact that there are continued aggressive actions and movement of humanitarian convoys and armed separatists moving around Ukraine, which is a sovereign country, rather than to characterize so the US Senate-adopted “Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014.”
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said that Moscow is indignant at US threats to impose new sanctions.
Previously, the U.S. Senate approved a bill “Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014” that allows the U.S. administration to introduce new sanctions against Russian state-owned companies, including Gazprom and Rosoboronexport, as well as to provide military assistance to Ukraine.
The people of Continental Europe must throw off NATO.
Than they must create a nationalized banking system without Jewish Finance. Great Britain has been the Jews powerful base since Puritan Oliver Cromwell liberated them and gave them the economy — since the 1600’s.
They too on every attempt at liberating Europe from this: Napoleons ‘Continental System’, Wilhelmine Germany, and the The Third Reich which banished International Finance, and had amazing economic success. (see:THE NATIONALIST SOLUTION TO MONEY-Real Jew News.Com,HITLERS MESSAGE TO THE NWO -YT),
Czarist Russia was always a special target of theirs. Communism; merely a vehicle of International Jewish Finance to overthrow Gentile Society: The “left hook” of the Jew LEFT/RIGHT matrix…see OCCULT FORCES 1943-You Tube.
Putin is neither LEFT/RIGHT but Nationalist. Jews hate that the most — and he is their most powerful world opponent since 1945.
Putin must nurture competent nationalist forces in Europe and create an IMPERIUM from the Channel to the Urals. Hopefully, a liberated-from-the-Jews Britain could join-but that would take a miracle as the entire Jew system across ideologies was sponsored in “New Israel” from there, and that is where Rothschilds hold the world from: See: THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA — YT.
The attack on the ruble is the answer to Putin’s strategic moves.
A counterattack will follow.
Dante: “The people of Continental Europe must throw off NATO.”
True, but what do you think the chances of that are?
They’re just as zombified there as we are over here.
“The people of Continental Europe must throw off NATO.”
That’s like saying the Gauls must throw off Rome. Rome didn’t call itself an alliance. It called itself an empire. In that, it was more honest.
Europe, even if its corrupt leaders wanted to, can’t disband NATO nor ask it to leave. It is a US occupying force.
Quds Day means standing in solidarity with our brethren in Palestine, and at the same time standing up for our own rights and raising a banner of revolt against the oppressors and occupiers of our land.
It’s time to take out the JEW SQUATTERS.
The Russians are NOT COMMUNIST.
The JEWS did 9-11.
All part of the JEW WORLD ORDER.
USA has been HIJACKED by the JEWS.
The Illegal occupiers of our land USA and the World.
USA is fighting all the ENEMIES of the JEWS.
Russian President Vladimir Putin
Russian public names Putin ‘Man of the Year’ – fresh poll
An overwhelming majority of Russians named President Vladimir Putin ‘Man of the Year’ when pollsters asked them to choose from among serving Russian politicians.
The latest research conducted by an independent Russian pollster Public Opinion Foundation (FOM) showed that 68 percent of Russian citizens consider Putin worthy of the title.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the flamboyant leader of the populist nationalist party LDPR was in second place with 4 percent of supporters. A further 3 percent of Russians favored Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was in fourth place with 2 percent of votes.
Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and the leader of Russian Communists Gennady Zyuganov scored 1 percent each and the politicians who got less than 1 percent of supporters scored a combined 4 percent.
Four percent of the respondents insisted that not a single figure in Russia deserved to be called ‘Man of the Year’, while 17 percent said they found the question too difficult to answer.
The public affirmation about Vladimir Putin’s major role in the life of the country looks even more decisive considering researchers within the same poll asked who among scientists and artists was worthy of the mantle. Some 75 percent of Russians said they had no answer to this question.
The results of the FOM research show another rise in Vladimir Putin’s approval rating, which saw record highs this year.
In late October, influential independent pollster Levada released a research according to which 49 percent of Russians said they were ready to vote for Putin were a presidential election to be held the next weekend. In August this share was 57 percent – the highest in history.
However, Levada’s October research also showed that the overwhelming majority of respondents denied that the president’s popularity was turning into a cult of personality. Only 19 percent said they had noticed features resembling a cult, compared to 27 percent a year ago.
In early December, Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov commented on the surge in the president’s popularity in an interview with RT. Peskov said that in his opinion Putin did not need any publicity, bad or good, and the people’s love for Putin was a manifestation of their love for Russia.
Russian President Vladimir Putin
YOU definitely have MY VOTE.
Congratulations from
Snowy Smith
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Jew York Times: New Russia Sanctions Bill Will Be Signed by Obama, White House Says
WASHINGTON — President Obama has decided to sign legislation imposing further sanctions on Russia and authorizing additional aid to Ukraine, despite concerns that it will complicate his efforts to maintain a unified front with European allies, the White House said on Tuesday.
The legislation calls for a raft of new measures penalizing Russia’s military and energy sectors and authorizes $350 million in military assistance to Ukraine, including antitank weapons, tactical surveillance drones and counter-artillery radar.
The bill was approved unanimously by Congress, but Mr. Obama hedged for days on whether he would sign it.
Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, announced the decision to approve the bill even as he described the president’s qualms over it. Mr. Earnest said it sent a “confusing message” internationally, including language “that does not reflect the consultations” with European powers.
But in the end, he added, the president opted to allow the bill to become law because it does contain some flexibility that will give him room to maneuver.
The new sanctions come even as Russia’s economy is reeling from the collapse of the ruble, the increasing flight of capital investment and the specter of recession.
Previous rounds of sanctions imposed by Mr. Obama and the European Union in response to Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine have contributed to a broader economic and political instability that has been exacerbated in recent days by the plunge in the price of oil, on which Russia is deeply dependent.
Mr. Earnest said the turmoil was owing in significant part to President Vladimir V. Putin’s own actions. “It’s a sign of the failure of Vladimir Putin’s strategy to try to buck up his country,” Mr. Earnest said. “Right now, he and his country are isolated from the broader international community.”
Russian officials have lashed out in recent days at the prospect of new sanctions. “Russia will not only survive but will come out much stronger,” Sergey V. Lavrov, the foreign minister, told France 24. “We have been in much worse situations in our history, and every time we have got out of our fix much stronger.”
He said there were “very serious reasons to believe” that the United States was pursuing a regime change strategy to topple Mr. Putin’s government, and he denigrated American lawmakers. “If you look at U.S. Congress, 80 percent of them have never left the U.S.A., so I’m not surprised about Russophobia in Congress,” Mr. Lavrov said.
Mr. Obama has already authorized multiple rounds of sanctions that have largely cut off major Russian banks from American credit markets, blocked the transfer of technology for long-term energy exploration and frozen assets and barred travel to the United States for a number of Mr. Putin’s allies.
Mr. Obama has made it a top priority to coordinate those measures with European allies, which have been more reluctant to escalate the confrontation with Russia because of closer economic ties.
The White House has been concerned that the new legislation would go beyond what the Europeans are willing to do and would contradict his own policy preferences for how to handle the showdown with Moscow.
Mr. Obama has opposed sending weaponry to Ukraine on the grounds that it would only exacerbate the conflict against pro-Russian forces in its eastern regions.
The legislation authorizes the provision of lethal arms but would not require it. Likewise, it requires the president to impose at least three sanctions from a menu of nine options on Rosoboronexport, the main Russian state arms exporter, and other military companies blamed for fostering instability in Ukraine, as well as in Moldova, Georgia and Syria.
But it includes a provision that allows the president to waive the requirement if he concludes that doing so would be in the nation’s security interest.
The legislation also authorizes, without requiring, the president to impose sanctions on international companies that invest in certain types of unconventional Russian crude oil energy projects and to further restrict the export of equipment for use in Russia’s energy sector. And it authorizes the president to bar investment or credit to Gazprom, the Russian state energy giant.
The measure went beyond penalties to authorize $10 million for each of the next three fiscal years to counter Russian propaganda in the former Soviet Union and prioritize Russian-language broadcasting in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.
And it authorized $20 million in each of the next three years to promote democracy, independent media, uncensored Internet access and anti-corruption efforts in Russia.
The bill was initially sponsored by Senators Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, who is chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, and Bob Corker, Republican of Tennessee, who is the ranking Republican on the committee. It passed both houses without a no vote, clearing its last hurdle on Saturday.
The House speaker John A. Boehner, Republican of Ohio, pressed Mr. Obama to approve the measure. “On behalf of the people’s House, I urge President Obama to sign this bipartisan legislation,” he said in a statement before the White House announcement.
Yeah, justice for both Germany and Russia.
To hell with the Jews, their Star of David, and that crappy little state called Israhell.
Dear Snowy,
Do you think that our holy Creator is unaware of the issues you raise?
As He fought for ancient Israel, so shall He do the same for us, the real Israel. All we are required to do is acknowledge His superior weaponry, obey His directives (there will be many marches around the walls of evil…repelling, repelling, repelling), and unit together in praise and thanksgiving to the Victor!
His glory is earmarked to fill the earth and will come through His warriors.
God bless you,
Dear Brother Nathanael,
Could hear the cold in your last vid.
May I suggest MEGAdoses of a high quality vitamin C in general – (2000-3000 mg. a day!).
May God bless, heal and strengthen you; also prescribed is some Advent music (cello/violin) to go with that.
A Christmas donation also forthcoming.
But we have to inform the good people of what is actually going on, how these JEW CRIMINALS are STEALING the Complete World.
The JEW PROPAGANDA is very confusing to the average person.
Brother Nathanael is doing a fantastic job informing the GOOD People, cutting through the JEW PROPAGANDA LIES.
Christian Putin at this stage is our only hope of bringing sanity to this insane situation. Nuclear WAR? WOW.
Our Christian sons are going to be sent to WAR NOT the JEW CRIMINAL BANKING MAFIA.
All part of JEW WORLD ORDER.
Have you noticed that every Country who President Putin has made a deal with their money has CRASHED? This has been done deliberately by the JEW BANKING CRIMINALS.
The JEWS forced everyone to go onto the “FLOATING SYSTEM” so the JEWS can manipulate the currencies.
The JEW CURRENCIES, the American Dollar and the EURO are totally BANKRUPT but are being held artificially high by the BANKING CRIMINALS. The JEW WORLD ORDER BANKING CRIMINALS are “BLACKMAILING” Putin’s and all his Friends.
These JEW BANKING CRIMINALS must be put in JAIL.
Jesus told us to Arrest all the Attorneys first. He should have said Arrest all the JEW MONEY LENDERS and the Attorneys at the same time.
It’s time to get all the JEW SQUATTERS out of PALESTINE and USA.
If Russia switched right now to make Europe buy gas and oil to pay with gold, we can start to say and kiss good bye the western economy as we know until today.
And if China seconds Russia, the whole world will going down. That is the scary world we are leaving today.
Ladies and Gentlemen we are entering in a new era, THE GOLDEN ERA and it won’t be without a war…. be ready!
Putin’s current woes are epic, if not biblical. Prayers to Russia.
Should the US impose more sanction at this dire moment, well, sleeping giants and wounded bears are not to be trifled with.
At some point economic provocations bleed into military responses. We’re perilously close to that blurry line.
“A Canadian woman who unexpectedly went into labor while on vacation in the U.S. is protesting an almost $1 million bill for her and her baby’s hospital stay.”
Usura slayeth the child in the womb
It stayeth the young man’s courting
It hath brought palsey to bed, lyeth
between the young bride and her bridegroom
CONTRA NATURAM –from Canto 45, by Ezra Pound
Jewish Non-profit CEOs drawing six-figure salaries.
Shortest Fight in World History.
I think we should put Putin and Obama in the Boxing Ring with “NO RULES” and let them fight it out.
If Obama wins he can have Russia.
If Putin wins he can have USA.
Putin can then ARREST the JEW WORLD ORDER for 9-11 and execute them.
My MONEY is on Putin.
Any takers?
@Snowy Smith South Africa.
Response to your December 16, 2014 comment:
That is right, Snowy.
Listen to former Treasury official Roger Altman absolutely gloating about Big Jewry’s move to bring Russia down.
Altman said, “The global capital markets have spoken, and Russia is on its knees.”
While Die Juden are making economic war on Russia, they are preparing to attack us here in the “Homeland.” More like Homoland. Homeland is another Jew created term they concocted after they pulled off in 2001.
The great irony and current tragedy of America is that its government has been stripped of its national(ist) instincts and impulses, that is, the government has been coopted by internationalist interests.
We have a government in the formal sense. I mean, there’s the President and there’s the Congress sitting just where they taught us they would be in civics class. But the business of that government is trained elsewhere, often in agendas contrary to our national interests.
Our currency has been internationalized (petrodollar/world’s reserve currency). Our military has similarly been internationalized (deputized) as protectorate of this world currency. These are no longer American assets. They’ve been body-snatched.
Of course our children’s blood suffices just fine as the grease in the military skids. But the wars are not ours. We are mercenary force within our own military.
The day the USD repatriates and is ‘returned to us’ (when the internationalists inevitably abandon it for a follow-on currency, probably the IMF’s SDR), we will be knee-deep in USD’s. Repatriation will equate to hyperinflation.
Russia and China’s leaders serve as stewards for their respective nations. Of course there is corruption and self-interest. But that’s a given everywhere.
In America our governance has been completely severed from our interests. Even our Christian citizenry has in large part been conscripted into foreign service. We call them Christian Zionists.
We Americans are nothing less than hostages to a government that acts ostensibly in our name, but in fact belongs to another constituency entirely. We are being dragged along like accidental tourists.
Because we allowed this to happen, we will suffer worst of all when the USD finally unravels as it soon will. But that’s divine justice. God gave us reasoning powers.
Our reluctance to uses our brains has caused ruin the world over not to mention millions of deaths, ALL IN OUR NAME.
May God have mercy upon our dereliction.
This Bloomberg article states that the imploding Russian economy cannot get a bailout from the IMF because it is controlled by the West, and Russia is too rich for a bailout, so it would not qualify, and Putin would never ask for one because Russia does not need one.
How is a dumb goy supposed to make sense out of that?
Maybe he should scream real loud: USA! USA!
Putin must either kiss da ring in a public display of abject defeat, turn Russia into North Korea, or claim his role as belligerent initiator of WW3.
Russia is the last stubborn bastion of sovereign identity.
Self-understanding born of homogeneity is a cancer in the eye of the forever-dispossessed. National heritage wields an almost mystical power. Let alienation — and all the illnesses it propagates (atheism, pornography, mental illness, etc.) — engulf the planet from corner to corner.
As of today, the price of gas is plummeting with many gas stations in my home city of Cincinnati asking only $2.25 for regular which is the lowest since about the early 1990s.
Due to the very cozy relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia, with the Saudi royal family being allegedly Jews and not Muslims, is it any wonder that OPEC wants $40 per barrel crude oil with no cut in production in order to hurt both Iran and its ally Russia.
According to one source, Russia produced 10 million barrels of oil a day in 2010 with much of it exported to other countries and with some of the oil imported by the U.S. coming from Russia, but didn’t belong to OPEC.
But this drastic cut in crude prices is also hurting the American economy because oil exploration and development in the U.S. is going to become unprofitable if the Saudi Jews continue their plunge.
Whoever said the Jews care about economic health of Christians in either Russia or the U.S., they don’t care if the rest of the world blows up as long as they have Zionist criminal NWO Israel!
BRICS will survive the Jewish onslaught, the Jew elites will have an empty popcorn bowl and 18 trillion debt they created in America.
Putin did err by not granting Donestk and Lugansk request to become members of the Russian Federation….
Yesterday I snapped a pic of a gas price-sign in Oklahoma City ($1.70) and texted it to a cousin in CA with “Jews will do anything to break Russia.”
The whole commodity prices collapse in Jewmerica is a demonstration of their power and savagery.
LOVE your coment, just priceless.