Why Hillary Could Win
America In Decline Articles, Elections 2016

By Brother Nathanael Kapner June 11, 2015 ©
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WITH MONEY AND MEDIA backing her, (Jewish money and media), Hillary’s on her way to becoming the next president.
With her slogan, “Hillary For America,”
(not “Hillary for President”), a slick advertising campaign is underway geared to get Clinton into the White House.While Jewish money is funding Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, Hillary’s got both Jewish money behind her and the Jew-owned main stream media promoting her.
That’s a combo Jeb and Marco will find tough to beat.
The Jews want her and what the Jews want is bad for everyone else. Hillary’s already being pitched by the Jew-owned media as “making history” as “the first female president.”
That’s “history-making” of Jew-making. Just like they made “history” by creating Obama as the “first black president.” America has hit the skids for it.
These are phrases that win elections. Jews are masters of empty maxims. They don’t run Madison Avenue for nothing.

JEWISH SLOGANS won’t help America. Only by bringing our jobs back and ridding Capitol Hill of Jewish control can America find relief of its woes.
But Jewish Wall Street has offshored US manufacturing and Jewish money owns DC.
How then could legislation be penned that will put AIPAC out of business if every hack is owned by the Jews?
The face of Jewish arranged politics has a “diversity” look about it. Jews thrive on it. Their hate speech laws are built upon it.
It heralds the end of White Christian America, the bloc that could make the US judenfrei.
AND THAT BLOC is about to be rendered impotent if Hillary has her way.
With her vow to expand Obama’s “amnesty” for illegals and use “executive power” to override Congress should it (it won’t) oppose her, White Christian America is over.
Hillary’s the “champion” of America’s minorities, including white homosexuals.
Doesn’t bode well for the future of white families, does it?
For a nation of muddling minorities, only one minority rises to the top, Jews.
They’ve surely been our misfortune. Greater misfortunes are yet to come.
For More See: Who Said: ‘The Jews Are Our Misfortune?’ Click Here
And: What 2020 Will Bring Click Here
And: Bad Start With Hillary Click Here
And: The End Of White America Click Here
And: Elections For Jews Only Click Here
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Brother Nathanael @ June 11, 2015
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Update On My Living Situation
I can no longer live at my current residence due to the new owner turning the upstairs into a ‘Party Central’ flophouse. (See my “Updated Special Notice” below)
I can no longer get restful sleep but in fits, starts, and turns, I sleep very erratically.
I try to stay out of this house as much as possible. Then I dread coming home. Please pray I find a new residence soon. +bn
Updated Special Notice
My life has been a living hell for the past 6 weeks.
I come home to a house of torment. I DREAD coming home after being out on the street all day long doing my Street Evangelism.
My current rental residence where I’ve been living for the past five years has a new owner who has absolutely no regard for my monastic life style of quiet.
This new owner with an apparent intent to drive me out put 4 twenty year old males above me in the upstairs who are very noisy whose life style is “party central” 24/7.
Vagrants come in and out of the upstairs daily. They use the two doors abutting my downstairs apartment. Those doors were never used before by the former owner. The banging is non-stop, 24/7.
There is NO insulation between my ceiling and and their floor. There is NO insulation between my walls/shared walls.
(The former owner only stayed above me on occasional weekends and was very quiet, no stereo.)
The present young male renters BLAST their stereo from 6 am until the wee hours of the next morning and no amount of my requesting they turn it off works.
My nerves are frayed, I’m totally stressed out, I have NO peace, I’m totally drained all the time, and my health is unstable.
I’ve been ACTIVELY LOOKING for a new place to live but the only places that look livable are priced WAY BEYOND what I’m able to pay for monthly rent.
Any offers, help, or ideas of a new place for me to live so I can CONTINUE my ministry will be MUCH appreciated.
Please contact me by email: bronathanael [at] yahoo [dot] [com]
Clinton, Bush, and Rubio are all globalists that pander to the Jewish goal of a North American Union and world government.
Clinton and Bush are a part of the same global organized crime syndicate. There is not a dime’s bit of difference between the two.
As Carol Quigley pointed out in Tragedy and Hope, they control both sides.
That picture, Hillary approaching the Mexican charrito boy, if propagandized here it Mexico, it’ll win my fellow Mexican citizen’s hearts, in a snap.
I perceive her so devilish and the young child, so innocent. This gives me the chills.
I notified many of this distinct eventuality back in early 2014.
Bill, first gentleman, will she file for restraining order come 2017?
Everything what happens to (and with) the tribe is an imminent disaster: wars, murder, rape, discrimination, pedophilia, greed and all other sins has thrown our forefathers out of Israel, and now it is the same here.
Why does GOD not destroy Sodom and Gomorra now? Why is HE waiting?
Why are “we” the victims for nothing? And what about HIS word, I am with you all day and night, I am your doctor, trust ME and I will make your way right. So HE can also stop h.c. (or whatever) BUT shall HE doing it also?
I think the tribe will PAY a terrible price for their sins, and this is one of them.
I commented to a friend the other day, that worrying about Hillary is so much like closing the barn door after the horse is gone.
And America’s proverbial horse left a long time ago. This country’s policies have been built on lies and deceit since practically the beginning.
However with Manchurian candidate Obama, a completely manufactured personage and white trash candidate Hillary, all pretense that this country elevates those of true character, integrity and achievement will be gone.
She will actually represent well what America is, with its emasculated trash culture that honors perversion and murders its unborn.
For as I commented in an earlier post: America is founded on essentially French Revolutionary Principles, the principles of the so-called enlightenment, that man’s reason is superior to God.
We’re the sin of Adam writ large and personified. You can’t separate Church from State, be “pluralistic”, and preserve social order. It’s unnatural.
I know what you mean, Mexican Citizen.
If the photo of Hillary approaching the Mexican charrito boy were to be propagandized in Mexico, it definitely would win your fellow citizens’ hearts in a snap. I, too, perceive her to be so devilish and the child so innocent and yes it gives me chills as well.
I’d suggest you move out of that flat Brother, it’s not worth your health to stay and endure the landlord’s horrible “music” at such high decibels. Whoever he is he’s demonic.
As far as the current list of presidential candidates is concerned, a recent poll put the Star Wars character Darth Vader ahead of any of those candidates, that’s how bad the choice is. Even Ron Paul’s son, Rand, has groveled before AIPAC.
I wish you the best on your trips and will send another contribution to you soon. Just be sure to take care of yourself and with the summer heat either here or coming, ensure you’re sufficiently hydrated.
God Bless you always,
Let’s make history with Carly Fiorina as first woman President (as opposed to Hitlery as first lesbian president)
The last GOP convention was a scam. Voting is rigged.
It is too late to fix the nation.
Sorry brother, but I think you are wrong.
Two years ago, I told anyone the would listen that if we had another general election, the winner would be Jeb Bush. He most likely would defeat Billiary Clinton. Now here is why again we are assuming that there will be another election!
1. Who has more money–the Clintons or the Bushi’es ?
2. Who has more power and gets paid for past services, the Bush’es or Clintons?
3. Who has more so called royal blood in their veins the Clinton’s or the Bushasses? These things along with the Jew backing are what will determine the winner, and while it might seem that Billiary has better Jew press, that will turn soon and it will appear like a race as usual but the results again are predetermined.
When the Republican Party started killing off some of the other contenders early on, they did it so Jeb would surly get the nomination.
It was not the Democrats that killed Christie and a few others, it was their own party. Now I will make the same bet with you, I made with the Tomato Bubble. If Hillary wins, I will buy you a very nice cigar, and a fine drink. If Jeb wins I don’t drink or smoke so you can just tip your hat.
The title of my Article is:
“Why Hillary COULD Win,” NOT:
“Why Hillary WILL Win.”
Now, I’m not quite sure how the Bush family having more money than the Clintons will win Jeb the election.
Romney has MUCH more money than Obama. Why didn’t he win?
And how does having “royal blood” win elections? What royal blood does Obama have that got him in the White House twice?
JEWS decide who will live and who will die…NOT royalty or bank accounts.
And besides, I don’t smoke or drink. BUT I do know who tips elections in Jewry’s favor. +bn
Hi Brother Nathanael,
If housing has become a living hell, where you’re at I suggest you come on over to Fargo, ND or Moorhead MN.
Excellent places to live in and the people are great! Would love to have ya there!
I just plain don’t like Hillery Clinton.
She has to be a crypto Jew the way she so totally sucks up to the wicked Jews that did 911.
Is her ancestral name really Rosenberg and not Rodham? It’s a good Jewish name with many ruthless Jews as a part of its history including the infamous Rosenbergs that stole U.S. nuclear secrets for Israel.
Or, Alfred Rosenberg, Hitler’s top propagandist, who coined the phrase “master race” derived from the phrase “chosen people” so much was Hitler used by the Zionist Jews.
What is Hillery going to do with her all consuming sadistic desire to see poor Muslims dead when Louis Farrakhan of the Black Muslims visits Washington in October with his million man march and tells all of the crooked Jew bribed politicians that the Jews they worship did 911 with proof?
What is that Muslim hating witch going to do about that?
I agree with SkipNclair for different reasons.
Much is owed to the Bushes for subverting America for the sake of the Illuminati banksters. After all, wasn’t it George HW (Poppy) that revealed to us the New World Order and assured us that it would be successful? Prescott’s father worked directly for the Rockefellers.
After two Bush presidencies, they have a huge loyal campaign machine.
The Clintons are relative upstarts compared to the Bushes, although the Clintons have done some serious evil in a short time.
George HW ran the Kennedy assassination on the ground successfully, saving the day for the Rothschild/Rockefeller Federal Reserve ponzi scheme which Kennedy had inactivated with an executive order.
He and the Dulles brothers completely privatized the CIA and transferred it into the hands of the banksters which allowed them to run their illegal activities in a classified manner.
Henry Kissinger promised the Chinese that Bush would be the next president. Now that old codger ought to know since he introduced Evelyn Rothschild’s third wife to him.
However, if by some fluke Hillary does get elected, nothing will change.
Some Bill Clinton quotes:
“By the time you become the leader of a country, someone else makes all the decisions. In the future, you may find you can get away with virtual presidents, virtual prime ministers, virtual everything.” — President Bill Clinton
“When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of freedom to Americans…”
“And so a lot of people say there’s too much personal freedom. When personal freedom’s being abused, you have to move to limit it.
“That’s what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the Housing “Projects, about how we’re going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make the people feel safer in their communities” — President Bill Clinton
“We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.” — Bill Clinton USA Today
I’m with the Honorable General Patton, 1945.
Cannot believe America has sunk this Low. A Raccoon hath more Elegance and Class than these Repulsive Cretins.
Sincere Prayers for You in that awful situation at Your Residence. Am living a similar nightmare since my Neighbor passed away. He was the best one could ever ask for.
The New Occupants are as a Gypsy encampment. Their Dog Killed our Kitten, on and on, Misery index off the Scale. Your journalism an enormous source of inner Strength.
Love, Light as a Feather, Peace.
Were are not talking about two different families here my Brother … it is one giant criminal family … it is indeed all rigged and YES, it is all very much Jewish controlled – for many decades now.
Jenna Bush Hager ‘I’m related to Hillary Clinton’
George W.: Jeb Could Beat ‘Sister-In-Law’ Hillary
Practically Family: Clinton And Bush
George W Bush Says Bill Clinton Is His ‘Brother From Another Mother’
( youtube.com/watch?v=R-aTXRjXvSI )
Barack Obama and George Bush and Dick Cheney are cousins
( youtube.com/watch?v=U0VGMZm1SB8 )
BUSH FAMILY & CLINTON FAMILY Have Been In U.S. Political Power Since 1980
( youtube.com/watch?v=ZAkSqKODgl0 )
Slight misspelling, it should be “Hillary for Amerika.”
Presumably the campaign song will employ Sapphic Stanza.
“Vader for Prez 2016” —- He is NOT a third party candidate!
The Statue of Liberty has been Jewed since 1903, ten years before the Jews took over the Finance of the United States.
“Bartholdi’s gigantic effigy was originally intended as a monument to the principles of international republicanism, but ‘The New Colossus’ reinvented the statue’s purpose, turning Liberty into a welcoming mother, a symbol of hope to the outcasts and downtrodden of the world.”
9-11 was a plot to end the freedom of US citizens for ever, while also destroying all of Israel’s Muslim enemy States via aggressive wars by the USA. Marriage of pedo Sodomites is another plot to undermine US States and former white Nations world wide.
Unchecked Negro flash riots are also part of a plan to dismantle the States. “Local cops cannot control the crowds. We need the Feds”. Even though the Feds have put the brakes and the blinders on the local cops, while encouraging Blacks to riot and destroy.
Emma Lazarus, Jewess, wrote the words below in 1883 which the USA was stupid enough to inscribe inside the Statue of Liberty in 1903.
Twin cities is Jew York, center of worldwide evil. Note she did not mention Europe, so she did foresee that the unwanted wretched hordes of all the worlds worst countries such as most of Africa, would one day invade the United Sates. With the blessing of the Jews.
“Her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me”
Did George Washington ever say nonsense like this?
USA you have been Jewed since long before 1883 when these words were written.
You asked for it and now you are getting it. Wishes have a habit of coming true.
Hillary will just put a few more nails in the coffin lid.
The USA is a Jewish nation. It is built on the sacrifice and hard work of the Jewish people.
Everywhere you turn, you find Jews as the leaders and professionals. We are the physicians, the lawyers, the engineers, the professors, the accountants, and the pillars of society. Americans worship Jews.
Brother John Hagee says that a Jew is as close to God as you can get here on earth.
Hillary’s daughter married a Jew, the son of former U.S. Representative Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky. Of course the Jews endorse Hillary. Yes the USA is Jewish nation!
All that you have said is true including that Hillary’s daughter is married to a Jew, the son of former US representative Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky.
However, you did not mention the son’s father, former US representative Edward Mezvinsky and fraudster that was convicted of 31 counts of fraud and served five years in a federal prison.
I once had a Jewish kid that worked for me who grew up in Brooklyn. He assured me that the Italians did not run the mafia, but that the Jews do. He said the Italians worked for the Jews. So perhaps the Jews do run everything, including the world wide organized crime syndicate.
The fact that Hillary does not run for re-election in her home state of Arkansas, but rather has been parachuted into a Jewish voting District in New York tells you exactly who owns her.
She couldn’t be elected dog catcher in Arkansas, the state where people know her.
You see other women exactly like her in parts of New York, wearing mini skirts, heavily painted, leaning over and talking to men through car windows.
She is just another one.
These dinosaur parties are so behind the times.
A woman President? That is so 20th century.
We need a transvestite for President, or at the very least, one half of a gay couple.
Well said. Christian White America is indeed over.
Is it a judgment? They loved the evil, the sexual perversion, the corruption, the warmongering and those who have used her to further their witchcraft aims.
Bill and Hilary seem to favor the red wrist-bands of the Kabbalah zealots.
What then will come from the White House?
Zionist Christians have betrayed their Lord, their followers, their families and their country.
A wake-up call must be piercing their hearts, unless their consciences are seared as with a hot iron, beyond repair.
The Fox News repetitive promotions of the proven financial corruption of the ‘aristocrats’, the Clintons, is a wonderful promotional tool.
Her person and name is always before the public.
As for a Jew being as close to God as you can get here on earth, says Hagee, on the authority of the Holy Bible, let that be repudiated.
He is in bed with Talmud/Kabbalah followers. Therefore he is an agent, a tool, and a follower of Satan.
All who call themselves Christians had better not follow him into the ditch of eternal morass.
Many concern themselves with a coming Great Tribulation, seven years Rapture, millennium for the so-called Jews.
Their fear should be about the inevitable suffering, atrocities, degradations and multiple deaths of the elderly that lie at the door.
All of such are building beliefs on lying fables instead of following the ways of truth. The dire results will be terrible to behold.
There will never be enough ‘Coral Islands’ for the crowds to inhabit.
Perhaps there is an answer to the ghastly future for the many, that fate, or is it God, has decreed.
Spare a pity also for much of the rest of the world.
Scary, but then it will just be a continuation of the freak show in line with Obama “we’ll bomb ya”.
Wham! Bam! Thank you LGBT ma’am.
@Irene Bonney Faulkes
You said:
“As for a Jew being as close to God as you can get here on earth, says Hagee, on the authority of the Holy Bible, let that be repudiated. He is in bed with Talmud/Kabbalah followers. Therefore he is an agent, a tool, and a follower of Satan.
All who call themselves Christians had better not follow him into the ditch of eternal morass.”
No truer words have ever been spoken. John Hagee is the ultimate Zionist fake Christian. He claims that it is a waste of time to proselytize the Jews since they have their own covenant with God outside of Jesus Christ.
This is what Book of Revelation says about changing the Scripture to fit your need for Jewish money and their blessings for your ministry:
Rev 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
Rev 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
John Hagee is a doomed man unless he repents.
Hillary is disgusting.
She’s gotten away with everything her entire life and she’s accomplished nothing positive.
The whore of Babylon is Hell-ary Clinton. I guess character doesn’t count, does it? Her Secret Service agents can’t stand her.
Could you picture being in her cabinet or being VP and Bill running around the Whore House in his underwear?
We’re the laughing stock of the world.
The “Bolshevik Bitch” has only arrived at her present position after utter chaos every step of the ladder from day #1.
From the numerous death trail in Arkansas from the governorship days through the Sec of State tenure she has strewn a path of total mismanagement, more than obvious fraud, complicity to crimes against humanity, and should have been disbarred and locked away years ago.
The fact that all this trail of destruction is out on the table for everyone to see is almost too much to believe and she is still plowing on.
There is no more accountability anywhere in the Federal, State, County level anymore. It is open corruption with no limits. The only time you see a court case evolve is when one “Corrupto” is using the court system to dislodge another “Corrupto” from the feeding trough.
The Judges engaged in the circus rubber stamp the ruling and punishment they are directed to render.
For those of you do honestly believe the United States Supreme Court is not a ” Political ” appointed buffer squad had better wake the hell up.
The USSC was CREATED to be a ” fixer” if the lower courts didn’t neuter the possible damage before the case arrived at the White House level. Why has the court been packed with Jews to enable the “Jewish Bloc” to skew cases?
They have spent years stacking the deck on us and now the cards are being played for money.
Are you being sarcastic with that completely fabricated and false fantasy?
HRC is really a most overrated politician.
I didn’t think she would actually run this time but even I underestimated her demonic lust for power. She thinks she can ride into the White House with her Jewish friends and the media sheltering her from her horrible record and bland personality.
However in the end, I doubt she will make it in. Most people by now are sick of her and I think if Rubio is the candidate he will easily beat her. Anyone else it will be close but Hillary has so many high negatives.
The stars are really aligned against her and if not a charismatic Marco Rubio then maybe another huge scandal will thwart her ultimate ambitions. She can’t hide like Obama has.
Of course as you say, Brother Nathanael, nothing really good will come of either side winning. America’s downward spiral will continue until a major economic crisis happens and Americans are forced to wake up and come up with a solution to the Jewish problem.
And guess what, all those solutions are right here on this website!
I hate to be critical, Bro Nathanael, but this white Christian America you refer to is 100 million strong evangelical dispensationalist neocon Israel-firsters.
They are the problem, Bro. The Jew would be powerless unless they could depend on the right wing evangelistic dipensationalists to put the politicians in they want.
The deal ws made decades ago that put “Ronnie the Actor Reagan” in power by that Liberty baptist criminal–the so-called Rev. Falwell. It’s been down hill ever since and many have jumped on the band wagon.
Look to the Bronfman Jew-agent Alex Jones who promotes these guys and uses the same audience. Just because someone calls themselves a Christian does not make them one.
The ones I know are hypocrites personified. They are in their so-called churches to be seen and to take advantage of that fact. Most are greedy little Wall Street investors, and that is one of the reasons that they are Zio-jew backers. They think that by supporting the Zionist agenda they will get special investor attention.
There is no “Christianity”” in that!
@R A Feibel
I totally agree. But then Israel did give Jerry Falwell a multi-million dollar jet to fly around in with US certified tax payer money.
The perfect example is my once hero Billy Graham who got caught ragging out the Jews on tape with Nixon. Everything he said was true, but rather than take his lumps like a man, he crawled on his belly like a slithering worm.
All the Judaizer neocon evangelists are going to be in shock when they stand at the judgement seat of Christ and he asks them why they supported the Synagogue of Satan (Israel) that spilled the innocent blood of Christians in the Middle East and other parts of the world.
It will happen here soon enough.
The Jews do run organized crime. Its a gangster culture.
Myer Lannsky, creator of Murder Incorporated in the USA. The Bronfman family in Canada ran Al Capone. He was just a whiskey distributor for them.
The Bronfmans also own Hollywood film studios so they can keep the spotlight on the Italians and according to Gordon Duff Edgar Bronfman is behind 9/11. Israel is not a country at all.
It is a gang clubhouse or green zone for organized crime.
Jews worked hard to become parasites on America which was built by non-Jews.
There has never been a big prosperous Jewish civilization.
That’s because Jews are unable to create wholesome societies, but they are good at infiltrating and destroying them.
So Lowenstein you’re way off. Maybe you have the answer to why the West is going to hell.
US presidents are not elected presidents but chosen puppets by the Kissinger’s tribes.
If Hillary’s a tribe-certified chosen puppet, she will be US president.
I couldn’t understand how Hillary won a senate seat, so her winning the presidency wouldn’t surprise me.
You make some good points for her probable success Brother, but I believe this video makes the most sense for her to becoming president:
What’s the real scoop on the Bernie Sanders dual-citizenship blow-up?
Again +BN is right on everything. Besides Wall Street loves Clinton and crook Obozo and they thrived.
The Obozo policies where Korea trade deals for offshoring jobs secretly.
This site has almost 100 articles on th new KT-FTA along with FTA and NAFTA.
An article on her husband Bill Clinton’s legacies is here on biggest Jewish shill crook Arianna Huffington
On the HuffPo site — Bill Clinton’s True Legacy
Here is Wiki regarding Bill Clinton’s policies on Wall Street, fictionalization of economy, and NAFTA where it lead
( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_policy_of_Bill_Clinton )
Along with another shill, Al Gore the crook and his lies on NAFTA
( youtube.com/watch?v=s1RTl2GQhGY )
As +BN said they cater to ignorant liberals on lies and Jewish propaganda.
And Hillary will continue her husband’s legacy.
I took the poetic license to render your post for great poetic justice. So there goes it:
The USA is a Jewish conquered nation. It is built on the sacrifice and hard work of the American people for Jewish interest groups lodged at the top.
Everywhere you turn, you find Jews have dug their claws as leaders and professionals. We are some of the physicians, surely the lawyers, none of the engineers, almost all the professors, the accountants* and truely the sole rotten pillar of society. Americans worship Jews and Jews serve their Master, a beeing of absolute evil called Satan.
Brother John Hagee says that a Jew is as close to God as you can get here on earth. John Hagee of course is a self-appointed and self-annointed talk show host, doctrinally a heretic were he ever a real Christian, by extension his audience woefully misguided.
Hillary’s daughter married a Jew, the son of former U.S. judenkeit Representative Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky. Of course the Jews endorse Hillary because she sold out from the beginnig and has no integrity. Yes the USA is Jewish nation, that’s why it’s on its way to Hell.
*Accountants are the pillars of society? only a Jew would ever think so, to other folk an accountant is no hero, rather an insignificant clerk.
I read a couple of years ago, or more, that Hillary Clinton is a Jew and that she joined some sort of protestant church years ago. I believe that it was either a Methodist or Episcopalian church.
On another note, Lowenstein noted their sacrifices in order to get where they are. This might be correct. I read several years ago that Jewish parents would at times go without food in order to pay for the children’s education.
As I have said before, there are far more Jews than people realize. Even John Hagee may be a crypto-Jew. Remember, Jacob claimed his God told him that his people would be as the sand of the sea.
Brother Nathanael, I am sending another donation within in this next week. I wish I could send more. But alas, I, like other true Christians, are not Jews so hence I am pretty poor.
The left Jew shills are in denial of having a real story for once which shows their Jewish party.
Left Flank Critique of Hillary Clinton on Wall Street Ties
The top donor
Citigroup Inc $782,327
Goldman Sachs $711,490
DLA Piper $628,030
JPMorgan Chase & Co $620,919
EMILY’s List $605,174
Morgan Stanley $543,065
Time Warner $411,296
Skadden, Arps et al $406,640
Lehman Brothers $362,853
Politicop has another story
As I’m hearing live on emphasis of jobs she mentions LGBT.
On every aspect of she lies so openly.
Lets see if she wont continue supporting wall street and Nafta,CAFTA, FTA. She is a p of sh.
She will also keep on going with Russia polices.
“We are some of the physicians, surely the lawyers, none of the engineers, almost all the professors, the accountants* and truely the sole rotten pillar of society.”
So very true.
The “professions” have been turned into squalid clubs of thieves and pickpockets, and bastions of white collar crime.
There are no true professions left in America
I have learned much reading these posts and the writings that +BN has provided on his web page, but I must admit it makes my heart so very heavy for my beloved USA.
If only there was something we could do. Since I have discovered this website I feel like a cigar store Indian Kawliga in the old country music song, watching things go on I should stop, yet I am paralyzed to do a darned thing.
The other day in the gym I tried to impart my newfound education on a fellow who thinks the way I do politically, I wanted to tell him what was responsible for our ills and that he would hate me when I told him.
He said that he would not, so I mentioned Israel, he immediately became angry and defensive with that NO WAY! ATTITUDE! It should not have, but it surprised me. It is so imbedded in the American psyche, how can one remove such a thorn from our side?
Isn’t it funny how things change and come back around–right in your face…!?
First it was the Soviet Union and all their Evil communism, now Russia has PURGED it’s self of EVIL Khazar = FAKE Jew Zionism, and the Khazars HATE Putin/Russia for it!
Now the USA is rife with EVIL Jewry and hopefull real soon this will come back around — Right in EVIL Khazar Zionist = FAKE Jews Faces!
GOD will not be mocked! BEWARE Synagogue of Satan – your on deck^!!!
My dear and recently departed 85 year old wonderful, incredible Dad was a self-educated, self-made man, a genius and a polymath excelled in electrical engineering.
His daughter followed in his path and one son is a mechanical engineer–we are not Jews. Quit the BS about the Jews being so great.
No one can keep you down when you are determined to succeed. When I , a measley up-from-the-ashes old secretary, self educated high achiever come across a Jewish block, I find a way around it. I never let them keep me down.
They do spot Caucasian talent and try to destroy your natural path but they do not succeed.
It is fun to watch them rise to the level of their incompetence.
Dear friend ‘Chester’ clearly your reading list is outdated, because all you quoted so far is nonsense.
No, Hagee and the Clintons are not Jews, they are protestants i.e. make Christanity as they go along according to their private opinions which they assume are truely divine and universal (they’re not).
There couldn’t be a more insidious claim that Jew parenthood starves for its children. If you ever look into the expulsions of this Middle-eastern tribe, around half of them or so are after locals had a child stolen and/or found dead at the hands of local Jews, probably held and fattened till ready to eat.
Rest assured friend that our most beloved Brother Nathanael’s woes are only temporary but already he is a legend, and in all accounts will leave his legacy as an inheritance to future Christians as well as pave the way for the introduction of real Christianity, the Orthodox Church into the Americas.
But thank you for reminding me of it, now I will donate as well to +BN, peace.
@invest in yourselves
I’m an engineer and finished in Greece my bachelor’s degree. When I came to New York or Jew York City where they thrive with monopolies and politics, you know what I could do with engineering? Well a zero.
Had to go through learning programming and finance. You know why? Because wages for engineering blow and can’t keep up with cost of living. Engineers have to go into oil/ or finance — the rest of jobs are outsourced and you work for peanuts.
In fact if you read here Blomberg markets published it.
So everything is squeezed to work for the Jews.
The Jews have destroyed almost every country in West. Even in the East, Japan which had self respect now its code of ethics today is sh.
In east only Chinese are smart which play their games yet give them the middle finger and so does Putin. The rest are all kosher. The Western countries are shills and host.
America is their heaven, but hell for majority.
Americans are so indoctrinated in Jewish propaganda they can’t dare to even question. But yeah I agree with you invest in education, invest in ethics and your family, and invest in your soul pray to God.
Jews as my father, whose grandfather was a Jew, use to say they lie to themselves and are caught in their lies /bullshit and evil and will head to the obvious deepest of hell.
The whole universe is created on action and counteraction forces and yet they think their g-d will forgive them for all their sins/evil atrocities against West and East and every host because they are above them. Again they are narcissistic demented psychopath in denial.
Their whole religion is a big joke which contradicts everything and is just to keep connections up. In fact you are Jewish by DNA or by nation/community not only by religion.
It got to a point that it become obvious that is huge joke based on materialistic gains/positions and has very little to do with religion. Their religion act as indoctrination method in order to keep them connected.
She’s a dangerous hag and the last thing we need is another Clinton in the Oval Office.
Norman Finkelstein: Third Generation Holocaust survivors to sue Second Generation Holocaust survivors for stealing millions from First Generation Holocaust survivors.
Alan Dershowitz to represent all three generations; promises to donate all his earning to fourth generation Holocaust survivors traumatized by Second Generation child abusers.
David Irving site.
What I stated above are from things which I have read.
I recently saw it reported on Zerohedge where someone also said she was a tribesman.
The tribe seems to be all for her. Being a crypto-Jew is a very sly way of worming their way into the confidence of us goys in order to steer our perceptions in a certain direction.
What better way than the authority of a noted pastor after other less noteworthy cryptos have laid the groundwork.
If you are going to use DNA as proof of Jewishness then a very great portion of the human race is Jewish. From what I understand of their laws, your Jewishness has to come from a female forebear.
My grandfather was born a Jew. But, he married a German Catholic woman so his children and the rest of their posterity would not be considered Jewish.
If any of my relatives were to state to me that I was Jewish, I would be horrified as I would not want to be grouped with people who had killed the Second Person of the Trinity-Jesus Our Lord and had robbed and murdered so many of my fellow man.
In my estimation, the Jews are the worst goys of all of us.
@Mexican Citizen
Some people look at the same picture and see some things completely different.
What I see is an evil Hilary Clinton, a tool of the devil and his children the Jews.
I see a Mexican child who will grow up to be thief, gangster, welfare recipient and overall bad person who will make their barrios vexatious and uninhabitable for decent people. Streets lined with trash and garbage.
There’s a reason the Jews want the Mexicans here. They’re a tool to help destroy what’s left of the few white, righteous and decent Christians left in America.
I would suggest that Mexicans start teaching your kids right from wrong at an early age. Be Christian not in word only, but indeed. As Jesus said, go and sin no more.
CBS News (1999) Hillary Has Jewish Roots
[Errr, Not Really. Her step-grandfather was Jewish, which hardly qualifies as a “Jewish branch.” She brought this up as a precursor to her election campaign for US Senator from Jew York.]
In New York, where one of every eight voters is Jewish, it certainly won’t hurt that First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton can note the Jewish branch on her family tree.
Mrs. Clinton, who is Methodist, “has very fond childhood memories” of the second husband of her grandmother, Max Rosenberg, a Russian-born Jew, said Howard Wolfson, a spokesman for the first lady’s Senate exploratory committee.
Wolfson said Thursday that he doesn’t “expect it will have an electoral impact, and we don’t see it in that context.”
Mrs. Clinton’s maternal grandmother, Della, married Rosenberg in 1933, seven years after she and Mrs. Clinton’s grandfather, Edwin Howell, divorced, according to a weekly Jewish newspaper, The Forward.
They had filed a petition for Max to adopt Della’s children, including Mrs. Clinton’s mother, Dorothy, but the attempt failed. Max Rosenberg died in Los Angeles in 1984.
Mrs. Clinton angered potential Jewish voters last year by voicing support for a Palestinian state, but has recently told Jewish leaders she considers Jerusalem “the eternal and indivisible capital” of Israel.
She has also said she favors moving the U.S. Embassy for Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The United States has never recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
No DNA can unambiguously prove Jewishness, because “Jewish DNA” is not exclusive to Jews. It is widely found throughout the non-Jewish Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean populations (Greeks; North Africa, etc), particularly since no ancient Judean DNA has been discovered and tested.
There are no definitive ways to tell for certain if someone has Jewish ancestry based strictly on their DNA.
For example, in researching Sicilian Jewish families, it is presumed that in Sicily most Jewish families were in Y haplogroup J1 or J2. But so were most non-Jews descended from Greeks and Arabs, and many of them also have the Cohen Modal Haplotype.
The point to be made regarding genetic genealogy, useful as it is, is that in the great majority of cases it answers a few general questions but not too many specific ones. It should be pursued in combination with “traditional” documentary genealogy, not apart from it.
Without documentary research, even a “coincidence” cannot prove Jewish ancestry.
Dear All –
I’m now back from Michigan and must spend most of my time looking for a new place to live. (See the following)
Already, I’ve been out for most of the time looking for a new place to live.
I did find one place that looked good but the owner decided that “Brother Nathanael” was “too controversial” to rent to. That ended that, fast.
Someone emailed me today with the subject heading: Refuge. It accidentally went to my Trash file and got deleted. Hopefully the sender will send it again.
Update On My Living Situation
I can no longer live at my current residence due to the new owner turning the upstairs into a ‘Party Central’ flophouse. (See my “Updated Special Notice” below)
I can no longer get restful sleep but in fits, starts, and turns, I sleep very erratically.
I try to stay out of this house as much as possible. Then I dread coming home. Please pray I find a new residence soon. +bn
Updated Special Notice
My life has been a living hell for the past 7 weeks.
I come home to a house of torment. I DREAD coming home after being out on the street all day long doing my Street Evangelism.
My current rental residence where I’ve been living for the past five years has a new owner who has absolutely no regard for my monastic life style of quiet.
This new owner with an apparent intent to drive me out put 4 twenty year old males above me in the upstairs who are very noisy whose life style is “party central” 24/7.
Vagrants come in and out of the upstairs daily. They use the two doors abutting my downstairs apartment. Those doors were never used before by the former owner. The banging is non-stop, 24/7.
There is NO insulation between my ceiling and and their floor. There is NO insulation between my walls/shared walls.
(The former owner only stayed above me on occasional weekends and was very quiet, no stereo.)
The present young male renters BLAST their stereo from 6 am until the wee hours of the next morning and no amount of my requesting they turn it off works.
My nerves are frayed, I’m totally stressed out, I have NO peace, I’m totally drained all the time, and my health is unstable.
I’ve been ACTIVELY LOOKING for a new place to live but the only places that look livable are priced WAY BEYOND what I’m able to pay for monthly rent.
Any offers, help, or ideas of a new place for me to live so I can CONTINUE my ministry will be MUCH appreciated.
Please contact me by email: bronathanael [at] yahoo [dot] [com]
PS I must remain here in Summit County CO where I’ve been living for 10 years.
Great story on our boy Putin!
Dear All –
Working on a New Video now. Hope to have it ready and up by Tuesday eve.
Stay TUNED. +bn
People I Never Read
1. Chris Hedges – Always whining about “corporations.” Won’t say the Jew word.
2. Stephen Lendman – A Jew who NEVER uses the Jew word.
3. Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge – Copy and Paste journalism. Second hand and unreliable.
4. Judge Napolitano – Becoming more irrelevant every day.
5. Justin Raimondo – A homosexual. Total bore. Never uses the Jew word.
6. Michel Chossudovsky/Global Research – Nobody reads thick, rambling, 6,000 word essays any more. Never uses the Jew word. Suspect he’s a Jew himself.
7. Gerry Celente – Hot air. Lots of Jews on his Trends subscription list. He could never use the Jew word.
Zionist parasite embeds itself deeper into its American host –3min
You mean the Middle Eastern and Balkan Y haplogroup?
Since those are the closest related to Italkim (Judeo-Italians) and Romaniotes (Greek-speaking Jews) rather than the rest of that Y haplogroup which you break DNA sub groupings further [rather in generic] little to do.
Well as it suggest there is whole group of nations of Middle Eastern/Balkan which have more to do with historic wars rather than conversions to Judaism or perpetration.
In west that Y haplogroup is much much smaller. On juristic version it would fit they jewish though.
I do not use their subject of DNA, they use the subject of DNA to claim who is Jew and who is not. Not only that, but they claim that it has to do with their whole communities as well.
The type of religion is Reform, Conservative, Orthodox and Reconstructionist Judaism.
Here is explained on cultural aspect:
However, many people who call themselves Jews do not believe in that religion at all! More than half of all Jews in Israel today call themselves “secular,” and don’t believe in their G-d or any of the religious beliefs of Judaism.
Half of all Jews in the United States don’t belong to any synagogue. They may practice some of the rituals of Judaism and celebrate some of the holidays, but they don’t think of these actions as religious activities.
The most traditional Jews and the most liberal Jews and everyone in between would agree that these secular people are still Jews, regardless of their disbelief. See Who is a Jew? Clearly, then, there is more to being Jewish than just a religion.
The Jews are not goys of not they would not fight against. Um, I’m not a Jew since to be Jewish you have also to accept their community/way of life and ultimately religion.
The whole concept that the world is Jewish is based on logical fallacies which Jews make on their own on the DNA haplogroup which had little to with Jews.
We in Balkans are always identified as Jews purely on DNA but again that is due to Ottoman wars/subjugations which had Middle Eastern DNA.
Undoubtedly the Ottoman Empire had Jewish subgroups and many crypto Jewish sects claimed and not claimed but again that’s another story that had to do with religion but again data is limited.
The Jews went in Europe in early days through Greece first than in Italy that’s how is officially accepted.
A year ago, Unreal Jew News couldn’t chortle loudly enough about Michael Sam, “THE FIRST OPENLY GAY NFL PROSPECT!!!”.
Even though Sam was slow and undersized and his his college football career was hardly stellar you couldn’t go an hour without hearing about this “courageous” young man. Of course he won the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. He was even congratulated by Obama… our Nobel Prize winning President….
He was drafted by the St. Louis Rams – in the seventh round – then dropped. He was then signed by the Dallas Cowboys – then cut.
As his football stock declined Sam disappeared from the headlines about as quickly as he appeared. Ending up in on a Canadian Football League team, the Montreal Alouettes, playing on the third team.
Now, even that is in jeopardy after he walked out of practice several days ago.
Even with all the drugs his Jewish handlers are pumping into him he still isn’t fast enough to play even third string… on a CFL team.
There’s a lesson there for anyone with eyes that work.
“The Jews went in Europe in early days through Greece first than in Italy that’s how is officially accepted.”
They went into Europe through a variety of routes: Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Russia, Turkey….
Even during the time of Caesar they had extensive trade networks around the Mediterranean and beyond. Particularly the slave trade.
Some things never change.
The tin miners of Cornwall had a song at one time, “Jesus Was In the Trade” – believing that in His youth he traveled there with His uncle, who traded for tin with the native Britons.
Holowhopper Of the Day
Twelve year old Rosalie Simon is sentenced to death by Dr. Mengele himself (when did this guy find time to sleep?) but an anonymous woman voluntarily takes her place in the gas chamber. Then Rosalie just runs away from Auschwitz:
“Rosalie Simon, of Margate, put down her turkey sandwich at the latest lunch to talk about Dr. Josef Mengele – the infamous “Angel of Death” to inmates of the equally infamous Auschwitz concentration camp – personally sentencing her to die.
“I was too young,” said Simon, 78. “In his opinion, I was unable to work because I was just 12 years old.”
“Simon saw Mengele’s face and acknowledged that “I still have a vision of him.” She also saw her mother sent to the gas chamber. Rosalie was “hysterically shaken” and crying, and another woman – whose child also had been sentenced to die – volunteered to take Rosalie’s place in the gas chamber.
“The woman apparently chose dying with her child over living without.
“I was let off. A Jewish girl (forced to work at the camp) told me to run,” Simon said, and somehow, through luck, she met up with her four older sisters.
They all managed to survive the war, and her father did also. But her mother “was killed that same day, along with my brother,” Rosalie said. Her brother was just 13, apparently also considered too young to work.” – MARTIN DeANGELIS, Staff Writer Posted: Saturday, December 26, 2009 Atlantic
The race business regarding the people who Call themselves Jews doesn’t mean diddley squat to me.
They call themselves a religión and also a race. All they are to me is a nation of people spread across the face of the earth who have a certain ideology. Their genes are as mixed up as their religion.
Many of them have kept within their own kind hence their gene makeup being so close. Their ideaology to me is the amassing of wealth and power. They usé religión primarily, I feel, as a means of defense. This is not to say that many of them are not religious and don’t believe their religion.
It is just that they blindly follow their rabbis and this could very well be their undoing.
To me, religion for most of them, particularly the upper echelons of them, especially the rabbis, is merely a mask to hide their ideology of the amassing of wealth and control.
They can’t accept the rest of us as equals. How else would they be a le to justify their ideology.
Sooo, I guess my question about how Rand Paul is doing is answered.
I had hoped upon hope that he would capture the vote, people want the glitter. So sad.
White people need to fight back!
Celente sometimes appears on Jeff Rense’s site. He is probably the best of that bunch.
The rest are just in it mainly for money and publicity. Ann Coulter is another. They will not change anything but they’ll get readers who think they’re “fighting the establishment.”
And all of these men you listed here are secular and hardly ever even say “Christian” much less “Jew”.
Hilary’s rally Sunday in Roosevelt Island announcing her run was lame. Bush’s speech Monday actually wasn’t bad, though far from inspiring. Trump, who I like on many matters, announced today. But unfortunately he’s a big Israel supporter and Jewish lackey when it comes to foreign policy.
We can try to imagine what this country’s elections would be like without Jewish power controlling them. Minus Hillary these are mostly good people running. Even George W. Bush had many good qualities and tried to accomplish some good things very early in his first term.
People liked him because they perceived them as a strong and compassionate Christian man. So it is all the more sadder then how things later ended up.
Marco Rubio is an attractive candidate who I think will eventually win. Ted Cruz is a bold politician. But it doesn’t matter who is running anymore until and unless we dismantle Jewish power permanently.
Dear All –
NEW Vid coming soon. STAY tuned.
It’s gonna bring the JEW house down! +BN
They do not want Hillary but they want a first woman to be president of USA. If that is what the next statement they want to make.
They already did The First Black. So what’s next?
Why they do not want Hillary? Because they want to go to war, they are in a hurry to establish Jewish empire, and they want Russia split into pieces.
They can’t go to war with Hillary as president.
Maybe you’ve written about it elsewhere, but this article is incomplete without mentioning Hillary’s amazing Jewish connections. For example, I’ve read that she’s one-quarter Jew, though I haven’t confirmed it.
I do know that Billary’s daughter, Chelsea, married a rich Jewish investment banker, both of whose parents are politicians linked to the Clintons. On top of that, her father-in-law was convicted of stealing about $10 million – much of it from his own family!
I wrote about this briefly @ http://2015.seattle-mafia.org/campaign-2016 but I’m sure you know much more about it than I do.
Thanks for another great article!
On another note, we could soon have America’s first woman pResident (if Hillary Clinton or Lindsey Graham get elected), first Jewish pResident (if Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton wins) or first homosexual president (if Graham wins).
The lesser of evils is looking less appetizing with each election. 😉