Open Letter To Sarah Palin

By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2008-2010
Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Zionist News (SM)
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Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856
Dear Governor Sarah Palin,
IN LIGHT OF YOUR newly appointed Vice Presidency slot on the John McCain ticket, we concerned Americans would like for you to seriously consider our urgent plea to you.
Every American ‘leader’ has groveled before Zionist Israel and the powerful Israel Lobby such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). As Americans, we believe that all people are equal in God’s eyes and none have a special place in His providence. God has the same plan for all people: their well being and salvation.
We also believe that America’s continued financial support—a trillion dollars by most estimates—of 60 years of Zionist terrorism, inhuman brutality, and outrageous genocide, are not in America’s best interests.
Therefore dear Governor Palin:

We Call Upon You to make your position crystal clear on the horrific Bush-Cheney-Zionist-American genocide of well over a million Iraqi civilians and perhaps twice that number of Afghans.
We Call Upon You to make your position crystal clear on the Zionist agenda to engage in a military stike on Iran which will bring on WW III.
We Call Upon You to make your position crystal clear in terms of the expense of one more American life in the fraud called the ‘Global War On Terror.’
We Call Upon You to make your position crystal clear on the enslaving Unconstitutional laws that our spineless Congress continues to pass such as the Patriot Act, The Military Commissions Act, and FISA.
We Call Upon You not to cave into the Zionist summons that you ‘visit Israel soon’ to grovel before the Zionist Jews as have the other ‘illustrious’ American leaders shown on this page.
Stop The Elitist Establishment From Corrupting Our Political System!
Brother Nathanael Kapner
For More See: “Why Israel Should Not Exist” Click Here
And: “The Evils Of Zionism” Click Here
And: “Exposing The Mossad” Click Here
And: “Behind The Scenes At The AIPAC Conference ” Click Here

CLICK: Brother Nathanael! Street Evangelist!
Support Brother Nathanael! HERE
Or Send Your Contribution To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856
Brother Nathanael @ August 31, 2008
Dear Brother Nathanael, does Jesus visit you in your dreams? A few years ago, when I was reading the Bible and trying very hard to be a good Christian, Jesus visited me in my dreams perhaps three times. I knew it was Jesus. There was no mistaking Him. I made a private prayer room in my house and prayed about a certain thing for about two months. His reply came to me in my dream. He appeared to me as an elderdy man sweaping a porch and said to me, “Your life is safe.” One little sentence, that is all he needs to say to answer a prayer.
Dear Adora – No, the Lord Jesus Christ Never appeared to me in my dreams.
As an Orthodox Christian, we do not acknowledge such “apparitions” but deny them for fear of being deluded by Satan who can transform himself into “an angel of light.”
All apppearances of Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints, are DISCOUNTED by even great saints of the Orthodox Church.
It would have to be absolutely confirmed before an Orthodox Christian saint would acknowledge any “appearance.” +BN
Help With Br Nathanael’s NYC “9-11” Trip!
Dear Friends – I will be going to NYC for the “9-11” commemoration on Sept 9-13 2008.
It is a very expensive trip but I wish to conduct Street Evangelism there. It will be my 4th Street Evangelism effort in NYC.
Please consider donating to the trip by clicking the DONATE button above.
Or you can send a check to:
Brother Nathanael Kapner
PO Box 1242
Frisco CO 80443.
Many thanks in advance as some of you have donated already! (I am still way behind in covering the expenses) +BN
@ Bro Nathanael,
She has already groveled before Zionist Israel and the Israel Lobby or she would not be in the posistion she is in.
Dear Jim DeTexas – Do you have proof? +BN
Dear Readers – Please stay on subject line of the article that the Comment Section applies to.
Because of heavy spam & White Supremacist postings which I repudiate as an Orthodox Christian, all Comments are now being screened by myself and helpers. +BN
Hope she’s not pandering to the Jews as well?
Palin Enjoys Support of her Jewish Constituents
Dear brother Natanael,
Regarding orthodox religious people and their spiritual lives, maybe you could read about monk Paisios who lived on mount Athos in Greece, and had plenty of visions, clarvoyance, experiences with the uncreated light etc..
Best wishes and like much your site and work.
Dear Maria – These men like monk Paisios have gone through the 3 stages of purification, enlightenment, and deification.
This through many years of ascetical struggle.
Most of us are still working on purification and this will be our life time work. No visions are part of the work of purification. +BN
Bro Nathanael,
Still looking for the proof, but the mere fact that the very corrupt McCain chose her isn’t a feather in her cap. But you know as well as I do that they are not going to install anyone in the 2nd to the highest office in the land without ownership of said same. The proof will surface one day.
But for now I apologize for my preemptive Accession.
I still have this lingering belief that SARAH** Palin is Jewish. I looked up her last (married) name, and it seems to be eastern Slovakian. Whatever. THEY tried “Joltin’ Joe” Lieberman for this job in the past. He was obviously a lame choice. McCain is totally sold-out to the Zionists (google: McCain+wailing wall+Lieberman) Joe Biden has broadcast (Israeli TV) that “You don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist. I am a Zionist.” Where are all the WASPs and Anglo-Saxons in this dog-fight? Are we just going to lie down and accept a Jew-banker President? Sorry if I’ve trod upon any toes out there, but I don’t recall any stories about the Jews beating the Native Americans (?) to the punch in the 1800’s. Go figure.
I read another article that concerns me, it was found on discussing wether Palin was anti-Israel or pro..anyway this person still mentions Nazis and Hitler as archaic as that is! In the past she supported Buchanan but only on domestic issues. Here is a line from that article ……”During the meeting, the two discussed cooperation between Israel and Alaska on various issues, such as counter-terrorism efforts. Akov invited Palin to visit Israel and the governor expressed her desire to do so. She also reportedly told Akov that Alaska’s residents love Israel…..” Isn’t DOMESTIC ISSUES what we should be concerned with??!! Who gives a poo about Israel or any other country for that matter, we need help here! Maybe this country should mind their own business for a while and straighten out the many problems we have here, and then possibly befriend other countries not take them over. Cooperation takes you farther than bullying.
2 Tina
Go back and read the comments of that artical. It sounds like Jewish people talking about Sarah and her Views on Isreal.
Click on view all comments.
Tina, to the global elite who hate God and Christians, they don’t care about domestic issues, as they are undertaking a centuries old plan to establish a global government with themselves as the appointed leaders over the whole human race.
Here is a feather for Gov. Sarah.
Alaska Becomes 9th State to Reject Real ID
Dear Brother Nathanael,
Your open letter is fine sir, but people do have to realize she is just one person. It is going to take a very concerted and vocal effort to assist Gov. Palin in all the attacks coming at her now and especially when she is in the White House advising a President McCain.
I bring this up because exposing Gov. Palin now to the vehement attacks from the lobbyists and other factions will do no good. She has made it very clear in her record what she will do to assist all Americans.
As of now, one can witness the reality that this ilk of liberals is not going after her records, instead they are using an infant as a weapon in this political war.
This speaks volumes of what this Obama backing faction is about in their notorious nature.
So with respect, please let us if we are interested in a chance to have an American represent us which now has the opportunity to be a generation, work together to build Gov. Palin. There is going to be plenty of time to advise her later. As Lincoln stated, One has to get elected first before one can govern.
Let us get her elected first.
Thank you and God bless.
hi brother nathaniel,
i recently came across a new 911 video called “missing links”. have you seen it? i’d like to hear your comments. also, now that ron paul is out of the race, what do you think of cynthia mckinney? ever been to the A&W in frisco? ( i live in colorado too and would like to meet you someday)
thank you,
I want o answer to Adora. I did. It happen to me in Italy when Jesus came in my dream and said that he will take care of me. I think and I am sure that during my life time he show me the Heaven. Amazing feeling and when I came back I was like a feather, like all my sins was gone, reborn again. Pay attention to some dreams that looks strange to you but in reality your soul is there. The soul never die, the body does.
Dear Garibaldino – Please stick to the article subject. Since you are first time poster this went through as I was advised of by my helpers on moderating.
We Orthodox Christians as I already wrote DO NOT TRUST IN DREAMS. We live by the revelation given to us by the Church in Her writings to us in the Old & New Testaments.
We then rely on the Church Fathers, pious and purified men like St John Chrysostom as his homilies on Romans @ for our guidance. NOT Dreams.
No more on this dream issue. Please all, stick to the article subject. +BN
Let’s pray that Sarah is not deluded by the Pentacostal belief that the modern day state of Israel is chosen and divine. Lets also pray that she is aware of what is really going on here in the united states of Amerikkka. Time is short and we all need to be in prayer for the Republic.
Brother Nathanael Kapner being an attendee of ROCOR will they be holding a memorial to the Beslan school massacres by Western backed Chechen terrorists or how the BBC described them at the time “rebels”.
Is Sarah Palin Jewish? Let’s scotch that one right now:
Hello BN
I liked your “We Call Upon You” list very much. Personally however, I would have liked to see you mention something about Immigration, since that is very much an issue on the Zionist agenda effecting us all.
Best Regards and Good luck in NYC.
“As governor of Alaska, Palin has enjoyed a strong working relationship with Alaska’s Jewish community. She has demonstrated sensitivity to the concerns of the community and has been accessible and responsive,” said Republican Jewish Coalition Executive Director Matt Brooks.
“Homerun!” Larry Greenfield, the California director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, wrote me via e-mail five hours after McCain’s announcement. “Governor Palin has a very close relationship with the Jewish community of Alaska, with Chabad (Rabbi Greenberg) and with AIPAC. She is close to the Frozen Chosen
You can be assured that if Governor Palin’s crystal clear views conformed to those in Brother Nathanael’s plea, she would be quickly removed from the ticket. Were she sincerely to hold these views, she would have to keep them to herself until such a time as she were able to gain control of the reigns of power. In the meantime, expect her to toe the party line.
@ Admin:
“Dear Jim DeTexas – Do you have proof? +BN”
What greater proof is there, Bro Nath, her daughter Bristol is expecting a baby for a kid called Levi. I wouldn’t know who Levi’s father is but Levi is definitely Jewish and they ARE going to get married. Jewish blood already runs in the family.
The Strategy Behind Palin’s Place On The Ticket…..
Dear Egoigwe:
You have got to be kidding. This is proof that Palin has grovelled before the Zionists as DeTexas asserts – (I asked him for proof and he could not come up with any) – that Bristol her daughter is marrying a young fellow whose *first name* is “Levi?” This is proof? ha ha ha.
Try again my friend. You would make a lousy lawyer.
“Levi” as a LAST name could be Jewish, most likely, not always though. But a first name Levi means Jewish? ha ha ha.
Even if the young man was Jewish, Bristol’s marriage to him is the correct MORAL choice because he is the father of the baby. How does that make Palin grovelling before the Jews? You’d make a lousy lawyer. ha ha ha.
What does blood running in the family have to do with anything? Again, Egoigwe, (what kind of name is this?), Bristol Palin is making a CHRISTIAN choice here. +BN
Take a look at the small flag right next to the window.
Please take a look at this site
Sarah Palin: Dominionist Stalking Horse
The big news, obviously, in the blogosphere today is John McCain’s surprise pick for the Republican veep nominee–a relative unknown by the name of Sarah Palin, whom–at least in the more conventional political circles–would appear to be a complete cypher.
Unfortunately, if one digs just a bit deeper, Palin is found to have some very interesting–and very disturbing–connections…among them, being potentially the first Assemblies-linked VP candidate and having a number of links to dominionist groups targeting kids via “bait and switch” evangelism.
Sarah Palin’s connections that McCain doesn’t want you to know about
There are quite a number of extremely troubling links between Sarah Palin and neopentecostal dominionists–enough that, in truth, she may be ultimately as much of a “dream candidate” for the dominionist movement as Mike Huckabee was. Even worse, she’s running in a manner that has been frighteningly successful for dominionist groups since the early 80’s–specifically, as a “stealth candidate”.
Sarah Palin, Why do you have an Israeli flag displayed in your Alaska Governor’s office?
August 29, 2008
ANALYSIS: Sarah Palin . . . and the Jews
Biden: Israel should accept ‘nuclear’ Iran§ionid=351020104
Congressman: Choosing Palin an insult to Jews
US Nuclear Weapons
Being ‘Guarded’ By Israel
By Michael Collins Piper
First published 9-26-7
Los Angeles gives Israeli operatives “unfettered” access to their airport
The proof is definitely there, I watched the podcast as well. Hey can anyone open up the webpage?? I can’t.
Palin meets with AIPAC
‘Palin, joined by Sen. Joe Lieberman, expressed her “heartfelt support for Israel” and spoke of the threats it faces from Iran and others, the campaign official said.
“We had a good productive discussion on the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship, and we were pleased that Gov. Palin expressed her deep, personal, and lifelong commitment to the safety and well-being of Israel,” AIPAC spokesman Josh Block said. “Like Sen. McCain, the vice presidential nominee understands and believes in the special friendship between the two democracies and would work to expand and deepen the strategic partnership in a McCain/Palin Administration.”‘
The unpleasant reality is that any serious candidate for high public office in the U.S. must seek the imprimatur of the Israel Lobby in order to have any chance for election. The domination of the information and entertainment media by the Zionist community insures this. The media determine what people know and thereby what they think and what there are attitude is. If Sarah Palin has not already established her bona fides with the Zionists, she will do so shortly. Of that you may be assurred.
Dear jon on AIPAC Meets With Palin –
First of all, I cannot open up this link.
Second, it has not been confirmed that Palin met with AIPAC.
Third, Palin saying “heartfelt support,” is like saying “Have a good day,” Something more substantive/substantial please… +bn
Palin meets with AIPAC Posted: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 5:08 PM by Mark Murray
Filed Under: 2008, Palin
From NBC/NJ’s Matthew E. Berger
MINNEAPOLIS — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin today met with the board of directors of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, NBC/NJ has confirmed.
The meeting took place inside Palin’s hotel, sources said.
A campaign official would not say who asked for the meeting, but said it was geared towards putting the American Jewish community at ease over her understanding of US-Middle East relations.
“That’s obviously going to be an issue,” the aide said. “It’s not like being the senator from New York, obviously. But these aren’t issues that are off her radar.”
Palin, joined by Sen. Joe Lieberman, expressed her “heartfelt support for Israel” and spoke of the threats it faces from Iran and others, the campaign official said.
“We had a good productive discussion on the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship, and we were pleased that Gov. Palin expressed her deep, personal, and lifelong commitment to the safety and well-being of Israel,” AIPAC spokesman Josh Block said. “Like Sen. McCain, the vice presidential nominee understands and believes in the special friendship between the two democracies and would work to expand and deepen the strategic partnership in a McCain/Palin Administration.”
Dear Ed of St Lou:
Once again, to be redundant owing to *duplicate* posts from you & jon:
On AIPAC Meets With Palin –
First of all, I cannot open up this link.
Second, it has not been confirmed that Palin met with AIPAC.
Third, Palin saying “heartfelt support,” is like saying “Have a good day,” Something more substantive/substantial please…
A few more links for you BN:
Palin meets with AIPAC leaders
Palin at AIPAC: That Didn’t Take Long
Screenshot of the page that you can’t open:
Dear Brother Nathanael,
That’s very good site about St John Chrysostom homilies on Romans
The only problem is that it contains so many typos. It seems to me that old translations of St John Chrysostom work was scanned and went through not very good OCR program producing too many typos. There are many much better softwares like ABBYY FineReader.
There is another site with The Writings of Saint John Chrysostom
Hi Brother Nathanael! What browser are you using to try and open the link mentioned twice above, as it worked first time in Internet Explorer 7 on my Dell PC? Ed posted the NBC link story, which NBC is a reputable enough source. It would be hard to conclude that NBC is a conspiracy organization, would it not?
From NBC/NJ’s Matthew E. Berger
MINNEAPOLIS — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin today met with the board of directors of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, NBC/NJ has confirmed.
The meeting took place inside Palin’s hotel, sources said.
A campaign official would not say who asked for the meeting, but said it was geared towards putting the American Jewish community at ease over her understanding of US-Middle East relations.
“That’s obviously going to be an issue,” the aide said. “It’s not like being the senator from New York, obviously. But these aren’t issues that are off her radar.”
Palin, joined by Sen. Joe Lieberman, expressed her “heartfelt support for Israel” and spoke of the threats it faces from Iran and others, the campaign official said.
“We had a good productive discussion on the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship, and we were pleased that Gov. Palin expressed her deep, personal, and lifelong commitment to the safety and well-being of Israel,” AIPAC spokesman Josh Block said. “Like Sen. McCain, the vice presidential nominee understands and believes in the special friendship between the two democracies and would work to expand and deepen the strategic partnership in a McCain/Palin Administration.”
Then the AIPAC Jews will spin it any way they want it to read.
I STILL have not heard a single word out of the mouth of Sarah. Let’s wait to hear from her before jumping to conclusions. She already said that Iraq War was all about oil.
Next up will be rogue ‘Zionist state of Israhell.’ +bn
Need help, just want to get the word out and was wondering if I am on the right track. I have been studying Israel for the last two years, I hade to leave the church to do it because of the hate that was generateed to me because of the questions I was asking. I have part of my explaination on a web site Called my christian nation .com add. I am known as seeker and my post is Israel according to scripture. Would dearly love some help with this. I love what you are doing here, please don’t stop.
Those familiar with the closed-door meeting Palin held with AIPAC on Tuesday expressed satisfaction with the support and affection Palin had expressed for the Jewish state. The more than 30-minute meeting took place here amid her efforts to draft the speech which will introduce her to much of the American public, who like many in the pro-Israel community knew little about the Alaskan governor when she was tapped last week to be John McCain’s running mate.
Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Connecticut), who endorsed McCain at the GOP convention Tuesday night despite having been the Democratic vice presidential nominee in 2000, also participated in Palin’s meeting with AIPAC.
“We had a good, productive discussion on the importance of the US-Israel relationship, and we were pleased that Governor Palin expressed her deep personal commitment to the safety and well-being of Israel,” Block said. “Now that both the Democrats and the Republicans have determined their respective tickets, AIPAC is pleased that the parties have selected four pro-Israel candidates. In doing so, they have reaffirmed the broad, bipartisan support that exists in our country for a strong US-Israel relationship.”
sir, will you read and promote michael hoffmanns latest book, “judaism discovered”, banned by amazon. you do important and essential work and mr hoffmanns book takes it to the next level. your thoughts please. in christ, m m
Dear michael mccarthy –
Please read the list of articles. I already did an article on “Judaism Discovered” by my dear friend, Michael A Hoffman @
Also, there are two more articles I did on Michael A Hoffman:
“Interview With Michael A Hoffman II” @
“Judaism’s Strange Gods” @
Can someone link me pictures of Obama and Bush kneeling with the Jewish headdress on? (I don’t want to mispell it) Anyway I wanted to see those complete images and maybe some associated text. I hate that our leaders must grovel before anyone of any nation.
Bro Nate:
There are photographs of Ms. Palin in her office as governer and she has a small Israeli Flag posted there. If I can find the link to the picture I will forward it to you. No, it is not definitive proof that she supports Zionism and Israel but, I believe, that it is a good indication of where her loyalties lie.
Here is one of the links.
here’s a portion of a post i located this morning
(and, as i stated previously, i had heard palin’s
name brought up on “kosher” conservative talk radio
in a highly lauditory manner during the heat of the
spring presidential primaries):
Governor Palin “proudly displays” an Israeli flag in her gubernatorial office and for a very good reason.
Her maternal grandfather, Schmuel Sheigam, was a Lithuanian Jew, born in 1912 in Vilkaviskis, Lithuania, 91.2 miles west of Vilnius. The Sheigam family immigrated to America, via Hamburg, Germany in 1915 because of WWI.
At Ellis Island Immigration Centre, the name was entered as Sheeran, a standard practice of the time when immigration officers were unable to understand the pronunciation of non-English speaking immigrants. Sheeran is a common Irish name but members of the Sheigam family are buried in the Jewish cemetery at Budezeriai near Vilkaviskis:in Lithuania Further information on Governor Palin’s ancestors can easily be found in the vital records in the Lithuanian State Historical Archives in Vilnius. The Archives holds birth, marriage, divorce, and death records for the Lithuanian Jewish community from 1851 until 1915 when the Jews were required to leave the country because of World War I. They are in 18th Century Cyrillic script and Yiddish Many of these records include the mother’s maiden name and town of registration.…
and not that i have any particular grudge against lithuanian jews, my family were lithuanian catholics and i grew up amongst jews (largely lithuanian), many
were very dear people. however i do feel that presently there are that are very disconcerting regarding the equation of politics and religion in this country (along with the middle east) that may eventually portend of global repercussions (and i’m not referring to the “threat” of “islamo-fascism”) f.g.
Hi. Please read the following link about having a Jewish flag in her office.
Some people are just very naive I guess. Usually Goy of course. How else could stuff like this be happening?
Don’t you get it? The more she is attacked the more you can be absolutely certain she is a zio. Is this so hard to understand?
You are all watching a horrible play and made to believe it is a broadway production.
Am I a Zionist and don’t know it or are the Goy just so freaking stupid?
Why are so many LINKS disappearing off the internet that will answer questions that American voters want to have answered about Sarah Palin? As soon as a link is posted, the page seems to disappear.
WHO is doing this and WHY?
Dear Brother Nathanael,
Do you think that it makes sence to have a dialoge or cooperations with the non Orthodox Churches?
i appreciate the information delineating the differences between orthodox and other christian lines, as it were.
i live in an area where one cannot find much orthodoxy knowledge, and often it has been labeled as ritual instead of a basic difference in scriptural beliefs.
i do not have any alliance to one tradition, other than the desire to live His truth without conjecture, fantasy, beguilement, or my own human failings getting in the way of the Truth. simple, yet not.
thank you in advance for the detailed historical and theological material i will surely find on the rest of your site.
I am a little bit disenchanted to see Sarah Palin’s family background. If she has this background, she must be aware of the Ashkenazi Jew history.
I am not yet convinced that she really knows what the situation is as of yet.
The reason I say this is, that it hasn’t been until the last month that I found out about this situation. I thought, what President Truman did was to support the real Jews who use to occupy Jerusalem in the days of Jesus in their ancestry.
Can you imagine how shocked I was to find out about this hoax? I was greatly shocked.
What started me on my journey, is what has been happening in the USA with this present President Obama. I knew, he couldn’t have gotten there all by himself. He just isn’t that good. I knew, he has to have help in this scam from people who are more powerful in the government.
I decided to research the Federal Reserve. It was quite a shock to find out about the bankers and their secret society of satanism. I then looked at the flag of Israel and research it and I was very upset and shocked. I took my research in stages as this was all I could take in at a time. I took my concerns to the Lord.
From there, I started to research organizations that each of these politicians are in. Bildenberg group, Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones, Illuminati and some reading on the Jesuit and the Vatican.
I knew nothing about the background of what the migrations were for Jews, only what I read in the Scriptures. I knew that there were 12 tribes of Israel… and I had heard from my college days, that there was a 13 tribe supposely lost. But other that that, I don’t really know what separates these Jews… except for Levi the tribe of priests according to the Scriptures.
Shem’s tribe supposely went and migrated into Africia and I think the Russians as we know them today are supposely Shem’s tribe… and they were hunters. I am not sure I have that tribe right, but I think their characteristic of being hunters is right.
So, I am currently reading up on the AshKenazi Jews on their background of where they migrated from, and it says Turkey and then eventually to Bulgaria and Poland and Germany.
I am continuing to read on this background material, but after the Bilderberg material and reading Scriptures in between each of these new discoveries, I would pray.
Once I understood the activities of the Bilderberg Committee, a story I read about Italy, I began to get the drip of an international banking cartel… with all of my Rothschild reading and the red shield.
I asked the Lord point blank, “Lord, is this where the Anti-Christ comes from?” as I was recalling the 1st King of the Anti-Christ for One World Order would come from Italy?
The Lord’s answer to me was “yes.” I was shocked, speechless. And, scared. I had to spend time in the word, and talking with the Lord, and take time to worship the greatness of God, to calm my spirit.
I too, felt like Sarah, because the Scripture tells us, the Lord will be against anyone who is against Israel. So, it meant, as a Christian, I had to support Israel for a homeland. At least, that is what I thought.
Then, I got angry at how dare these Jews take advantage of our innocence. I, too, did not want to ever forget 6 million Jews killed by the Germans. You see, I didn’t know anything about how this stuff came about in Europe. I am still in process of learning… and I am still learning… praying and studying the scriptures.
For some reason, throughout my Christian life, I have never liked the Book of Revelation. I had been in different studies to only find that no one really understands that book and I found this very frustrating.
So, I would never go there to read it, because, I didn’t understand the symbols and I found all of it quite scary. The only real thing I felt I need to know was and is we win.
Now, because of where this world is heading, I am reading Revelation because of this One World Order and discussing it with the Lord as I go through it. The question I had for the Lord is “Lord why now? What do you want me to do with this information?”
I knew I needed to use wisdom. To be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove.
Folks, Matthew 24 tells us, when we start to hear rumors of wars upon wars, persecution, etc… these things must happen according to the Lord, but his next statement is “Do not be afraid.”
It was interesting, that this comment was here, as I had to pray about this fear of losing our freedoms in this country and potential death and destruction from the communist Jews. I never occurred to me that we could be deceived like this, but the Lord did tell us, “They persecuted Me and they will persecute you too”…
So now, it’s a matter of getting ready for the birth pains as the Scripture states. I think, we are at the early stages of this thing. Several prophecies have not taken place for Israel yet the come out of Ezekiel and Isaiah yet.
So, I knew we were not visited by the Anti-Christ of the bible (I took comfort in that) but I knew, too, that Christians are starting to see persecutions in this nation of the United States.
Prophesy that hasn’t come about is the road to Egypt from Iraq. Israel will discover oil in their land that will make them filthy rich and all other nations will covet what they have. The temple has to be rebuilt.
I know, these signs have not happened as of yet so, when someone started to speculate about the end times and whether Obama is the Anti-Christ, I would say no. I figured he is just unsaved and he does not know the Lord.
I had never heard of this collectivism salvation concert. I did know that this theology is not scriptural but very political. This was my sense of it, as I prayed for this president’s soul.
Now… we need to pray for the nation to wake up. We need and I have been praying for God’s help to keep this nation from going un-Christian due to all this deception.
It is only God’s power that is going to be able to help us get this mess straightened up, as this is not just about flesh and blood but of the spirits and principalities.
That takes more wisdom than I have.
Oh, and Revelation tells us that these Ashkenzai Jews are not real Jews.
I found that really interesting. However, we are faced with the dilemma of being instructed that we aren’t to be against Israel.
I am assuming the Lord means the State of Israel, no matter how deceitfully it was formed. I am thinking the Lord means that he is going to have to separate the tares from the potentially saved Jews who come to believe in him.
So much wisdom is needed here to stand against the evil forces for the Goodness of God.
Oh, and GlennBeck reported that the chips that go into the right hand and forehead have been made in Silicon Valley, California and the company dissolved after that.
There is actually a video out showing someone placing the chip in someone’s right hand. This is in Revelation’s too.