Episode 39: Secrets Of The Kabbalah
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Episode 39: Secrets Of The Kabbalah
October 21 2024
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Brother Nathanael @ October 21, 2024
Great explanation, dear +BN!
The same subservience that the Jews have towards their rabbis they show regarding the Scripture.
For the Jews the Talmud is more important than the Torah, because the Rabbis give their (twisted) interpretation of Holy Scripture. This is a gnostic approach: the Scripture needs to be “interpreted”, it cannot be understood by the regular folks.
The Jews are indeed a people held captive by their Satanic leaders.
For those not familiar with it, Rabbis are the modern-day successors of the Pharisees.
Our Lord Jesus Christ warned already: “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees!” (Luke 12:1-3).
I knew someone many years ago who with others studied and practised the Kabbala although they were not Jews.
The upshot being that it was basically ritualized black magic. And as far as I know, the most famous black magician and Satanist was Aleister Crowley whose mantra was “do what thou wilt be the whole of the Law”.
This seems to be a rather apt description for Jewish behaviour especially their cruel and inhuman treatment of human beings and especially children. As I understand it Satanists revel in the torture, rape and murder of children, not just because it makes their blood sweeter, but the younger the better as they are seen to be closer to God in their innocence.
That Crowley mantra looked at from a psychological perspective would appear to be let the ego have total free reign, unlimited in any way. Maybe it could even be described as Chutzpah?
The religious corollary being it is the Soul or Holy Spirit, the living presence of God within, that is the source of Divine energy from which comes goodness, decency and humility and our life struggle being one of how to realise the latter (Holy Spirit) and subjugate the former (Ego/Id).
This ‘realisation’ can be easily seen in the Mystic traditions of the great world religions, for example Sufism as the mystical tradition of Islam, or Dogma (the mystical) and Buddhism (the ritual).
I hope @Brother Nathanael you will explore this aspect in more depth regarding the Kabbala.
Please continue with kabbalah part one and two.
ty. 1025am
Thanks, Brother Nathanael.
Interesting stuff, and I’m looking forward to Part 2.
My reading of things is that the jews took up the nascent kabbalah during their time in Babylon – and brought it back with them. Whence it grew large over time.
I believe this jewish occultism is what Jesus was referring to when he spoke of the “synagogue of Satan”.
Their fascination with the occult has been an ongoing problem for jews throughout the millenia… and now they’ve infected the Christian world with it, too.
Thanks jews!
A donation is pending. Hopefully, I’m not the only one.
Fascinating, Bro Nat!
Thanks so much, can’t wait to hear more.
Kabbalah sounds extremely Satanic.
Michael Hoffman has a helpful “Revisionist History” newsletter titled “Black Magic in Hasidic Judaism” wherein he delves into the history of the Cabala and (if I remember correctly) traces its origins to “Israel ben Eli’ezer (circa 1700-1760), the so-called ‘Besht’ or ‘Baal Shem Tov’ (‘Master of the Divine Name’ –a reference to his exploitation of God’s name . . . in magical rituals)” who received revelation from Lucifer.
“Cabala [Heb. to take, receive, accept] Tradition, or a mysterious kind of science among Jewish Rabbins, pretended to have been delivered to the ancient Jews by revelation, and transmitted by oral tradition; serving for the interpretation of difficult passages of scripture.
“This science consists chiefly in understanding the combination of certain letters, words and numbers, which are alleged to be significant. Every letter, word, number and accent of the law is supposed to contain a mystery, and the cabalists pretend even to fortell future events by the study of this science. (Encyc. Buck.)” -Noah Webster (1828 American Dictionary of the English Language)
Brother Nathanael, when are you going to reveal what that paper was that Menny handed to Ben?
Are you saying, Brother Nathaneal, that the ‘inner essence of the soul of the Mosaic Law’, according to the Kabbalah, will not be found somewhere in a book, but only revealed to the Dude, whoever he happens to be at the time?
Apparently this Dude can then interpret the Mosaic Law however he wishes and it will be taken as revelation, something received through the Dude from God?
For CitizenFitz and others:
I wonder if the words of Jesus as he chastised the Pharisees, as written down by the earliest Christians, were the only words Jesus spoke to them, or if this was all Jesus knew about them.
Though these words of Jesus have come down to us, did he have more to say, that wasn’t written by the early Apostles?
If Jesus castigated them for their ‘oral tradition’, traditions that could be secret, perhaps he knew more than was written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.