Putin Rebukes Zionist America & Obama
Putin’s Residence Outside Moscow In Novo-Ogarevo – July 7 2009
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2009-2011
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“THE US SHOULD TAKE A LESSON FROM THE PAGES OF RUSSIAN HISTORY,” scolded Russian Prime Minister during a speech at the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland on January 28, 2009.
Continuing his lecture to Zionist-occupied America, Putin said that America should not exercise “excessive intervention in economic activity having blind faith in the state’s omnipotence.”
Then pointing to a few of the tragic events of Russia’s economic woes during its occupation by Communism during its Soviet Union days, Putin issued this pointed message to the US: “Because the Soviet Union made the state’s role absolute, it made the Soviet economy totally uncompetitive. This lesson cost us dearly. I am sure nobody wants to see it repeated.”
Putin’s rebuke of Zionist America comes at a time when Obama is initiating the largest expanse of American government in the history of the US. With his latest appointment of the Zionist-Jew, Kenneth Feinberg, as “pay czar” to monitor the compensation of private businessmen – Obama should be listening to the sage advice of Vladimir Putin:
“We must not turn a blind eye to the fact that the spirit of free enterprise, including the principle of personal responsibility of business people, investors, and shareholders for their decisions, is being eroded. There is no reason to believe that we can achieve better results by shifting responsibility on to the state.” View Entire Story
With the US deficit climbing to over 2 trillion dollars – an extremely conservative figure – under the Obama administration, Putin’s words are coming home to roost: “We must assess the real situation and write off all hopeless debts. True, this will be an extremely painful and unpleasant process. However, we would only prolong the crisis unless we clean up our balance sheets.”
ON THE EVE OF HIS FIRST VISIT TO RUSSIA – JULY 6-8 2009, Obama accused Prime Minister Vladimir Putin of having “one foot” in the Cold War. (It is Obama who is waging Cold War policies with his wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and blowing hot & cold towards Iran.)
In his interview with the Associated Press, Obama not only made the mistake of alienating Putin by calling him a “cold war” politician, (suggesting that Russian president Medvedev’s outlook differs from Putin’s), but made an attempt to pit Medvedev against his mentor and boss, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin:
“As we move forward with President Medvedev it is important that Putin understand that the old Cold War approaches to US-Russian relations is outdated — that it’s time to move forward in a different direction.
I think Medvedev understands that. I think Putin has one foot in the old ways of doing business and one foot in the new.” View Entire Story Here.
Putin responded to Obama’s attack quickly with an obvious jab at Obama’s ‘rock star’ posturings: “We don’t know how to stand so awkwardly with our legs apart. We stand solidly on our own two feet and always look into the future.”
And responding to Obama’s attempt to drive a wedge between himself and Medvedev, (which demonstrated a total misreading of relations in the Kremlin…Medvedev is in office but not in power), Putin announced: “Dimitri Medvedev is no less of a Russian nationalist than I am!”
Indeed, Medvedev’s role as Russia’s president depends entirely on Putin’s support and intentions. As the Times Online reported, “Medvedev may represent a more accommodating face of Russia but this is only because Putin wants him to.”
Coming to Russia with all the hoopla that the Jewish-occupied press could muster, the superstar president talked of “resetting relations” with Russia in hopes of wooing the Russian people. But nowhere was rock star Obama greeted with the adulation that he has received on other foreign trips — few Russians lurked around venues in hopes of glimpsing the ‘superstar’ president.
It seemed that Obama’s visit didn’t capture public imagination at all. (Jews have no control of the press in Russia, that’s why.) View: In Russia, Obama’s Not A Rock Star Here.
IN HIS TWO-HOUR BREAKFAST MEETING WITH PUTIN on July 7, 2009, Obama was made subject to a one hour uninterrupted monologue by Putin about Russia’s view of the world.
And it is Russia’s “view of the world” that Obama must take second seat to. For Putin, being fully aware that Obama came to Russia to secure air space passage through southern Russia to transport US military supplies into Afghanistan, (which Putin granted), found opportunity to demonstrate to Obama that it is Russia who is really in charge of Eurasian geopolitics, not Zionist-occupied America. (Russia just signed an agreement with Azerbaijan to receive gas deliveries which the US-backed Nabucco Project depends on.) View The Russia-US Afghanistan Agreement Here & The Russia-Azerbaijan Agreement Here.
As planned by Putin, only one week prior to Obama’s visit, the US was granted the right to continue using the Manas air base in Kyrgyzstan, which was previously denied to America in February of 2009. Putin is believed to be behind the Central Asian nation’s decision to originally evict US troops, and his approval was sought when the US and Kyrgyzstan announced the move’s surprise reversal.
Obama unconsciously admitted to Putin’s growing dominance when in an interview with Fox News, Obama said: “I found Putin to be tough, smart, shrewd, very unsentimental and very pragmatic.”
The “tough, smart and unsentimental” Putin is dead set on re-establishing Russia’s sphere of influence in the former Soviet republics. And Putin will continue to use Europe’s dependence on Russian energy supplies as a card to divide Europe against Zionist-occupied America. And surely, while Obama and his handlers attempt to get the Nabucco Project off the ground, Putin will be working behind the scenes to see the project scrapped.
Obama came to the Russian table like a card sharp to a casino, ready to charm his hosts and pull aces from his sleeve to win support from Europe for America’s aim of continued (but waning) hegemony. But Putin is a master chess player, cautious and calculating. The unsentimental Putin does not respond to charm — and he has just closed Russia’s casinos in his efforts to build a Christian Russia …while Obama continues to follow his orders to build a Soviet America.
And amateur card players like Obama are simply tools — rather fools — for Putin to use in his new and expanding Russia…
For More See: Putin’s Purge Of The Rothschild Money Changers Click Here
And: Is Putin A True Christian Leader? Click Here
And: Why Jews Fear Putin As Prime Minister Click Here
And: Putin & The Battle For Oil Click Here
And: Putin’s Squeeze On Israel Click Here
And: Putin Trumps The Zionist West Click Here
And: Why Putin Ignores America’s Threats Click Here
And: Putin Stops Gay Parade In Moscow Click Here
And: Interview With Putin Banned – Read It Here! ‘ Click Here
And: Entire Putin Articles Click Here
CLICK: Brother Nathanael! Street Evangelist!
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Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856
E-mail: bronathanael@yahoo.com
Brother Nathanael @ July 19, 2009
Hi Everybody –
It just came upon this afternoon while putting hours upon hours into this Putin article that *I work for a living.*
St Paul said that those who are in the military do not get their wages at their own charge. He went on to say that Christ ordained that those who preach the Gospel should live off of the Gospel.”
Not that I would compare myself to the great St Paul, doubtless, the greatest man who ever lived. (Christ is God so we don’t so that He was the greatest man who ever lived.)
BUT – I do work hard and long hours on these article though tireless and painstaking research, NAILING DOWN the facts with links, and hours upon hours of finding the right pics and then assembling them into a montage. BECAUSE – pictures often tell the story better than words.
What am I getting at? QUITE SIMPLY this. Ever since Pay Pal Banned me last December, the numbers of donations have gone on a downslide. I used to get an average of 8-9 Click Donations on Pay Pal per week. I also would get many snail mail donations.
Now, with Click & Pledge, (which is EASISER and SIMPLER & QUICKER than Pay Pal, I get an average of 1 or 2 per week. And the snail mail donations are about half of what I used to get.
I need your help everyone. Tens of thousands of readers and NEW readers come to OUR site, Real Zionist News, every week. Yet, it is only a FEW, (and the same Few at that), and a trickle of New Donators, who are willing to help out financially.
Because of the High Hit Count, I have to use a Dedicated Server which COSTS a lot of money. (It is a state of the art Server and on the high end of price demand. I also have to pay a Web Manager who does much work behind the scenes for Real Zionist News.
Add to this the cost of high tech anti-hacking software, (an attempt was made a few months ago and took RZN down for 20 minutes, but my Web Manager caught it and then installed high priced anti hacking software both internally and externally. NO HACKS SINCE!
I also pay for a Web Tracking Service, various subscriptions to International News Services online, (I get updates around the clock every half hour), research materials, and various other costs.
With my Street Evangelism, I have decided that it is crucial to go regularly to NYC and Boston. NYC is flooded with young people and Boston is the heart of the colleges in the world.
I have booked Street Evangelism trips to NYC for August 18-22 2009 and a pending trip to Boston in September or October 2009. As well as a pending trip to NYC in September.
This costs a ton of money. But because the response is so overwhelmingly positive in both cities, I feel obligated to go as long as faithful RZN readers are willing to help me out.
Please pray about and consider helping me out. A DONATION FEATURE is at the top and bottom of this and every article.
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Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Finally, I wish to say that I DO appreciate all of our Real Zionist News Family! I pray for you all daily and have the greatest respect and admiration for all of you with your commitment to see America and the world turn to the TRUTH and the Lord Jesus Christ, Who IS the Truth!
Please keep me in your prayers for confidence of the Lord’s protection and guidance.
Much Love TO You All in Christ Our Saviour,
Your +Brother, Nathanael
Putin is a breath of fresh air and has been where the U.S. is flirting–
You should always pay attention to someone who has walked in those shoes before….
Why is it that so few understand, in the western world, that Putin is a benefactor for western freedom; and that he is a true patriot to his own country at the same stroke?
Russia & China are the two hedges standing between U.S. world hegemony.
All power to enlightenment.
See also:
@ http://www.propheticimagery.com/ANNIE%20FRANK.htm
@ http://www.propheticimagery.com/The%20Face%20of%20Reality.htm
Here is a functioning link to the link Ben posted re “Today’s ANNIE FRANK”:
@ http://www.propheticimagery.com/ANNIE%20FRANK.htm
71% of the Russian population identifies as Russian Orthodox and .3% as Russian Jewish.
Why then does Mattel manufacture its Rebecca Rubin doll as Russian Jewish instead of Russian Orthodox? or why not just Russian, period, as the other dolls are not religiously identified??
For those interested Tony the online herbalist can be heard twice a week on The Micro Effect Radio Broadcast Network, here…
Monday and Friday live from 7:00 to 8:00 pm Central Time.
MOSCOW, July 20 (RIA Novosti) – The Russian Navy will expand and modernize its Soviet-era naval maintenance site near Tartus in Syria to support anti-piracy operations off the Somali coast, a high-ranking navy source said on Monday.
About 50 naval personnel and three berthing floats are currently deployed at the Tartus site, which can accommodate up to a dozen warships.
“Two tug boats from the Black Sea Fleet will deliver a new berthing float to Tartus,” the source said.
“Following modernization, the Russian naval maintenance site in Tartus will become fully-operational,” he added.
The Navy maintenance site near Tartus is the only Russian foothold in the Mediterranean. Russian navy commanders have long been calling for the expansion and modernization of the Tartus base.
“The base in Tartus will provide all necessary support for the Russian warships which will be engaged in protecting commercial shipping around the Horn of Africa,” the official said.
According to the Russian Navy, the naval base in Syria significantly boosts Russia’s operational capability in the region because the warships based there are capable of reaching the Red Sea through the Suez Canal and the Atlantic through the Strait of Gibraltar in a matter of days.
The Khazars, (the VERY ones who have bought and paid for the United States of Israel’s politicians) are, in many cases the spawn of those VERY Khazars responsible for the slaughter of tens of millions of Russians, Ukrainians, Serbians, Armenians, Poles, Turks etc.
You can all tsk tsk me, and crow how that could NOT happen here! Well, it is and will. Right up to and including the concentration camps and possibly the slaughter. It’s what the Khazars do… Their best work has always been against women, children the old, infirm and those unable to defend themselves.
Like the slaughter of the 50,000 German farmers in within the Danzig Corridor. The slaughter that finally FORCED Hitler into Poland.
They OWN our government, the legislators, and now, with the passage of the “hate” laws, they’ll soon be filling those FEMA concentration camps with ALL who criticize Israel or the Khazars, (faux Jews).
Think not? Well, email Ernst Zundle,….ask him what HIS “crime” was.
Dear Father Joseph,
You are probably a very gifted aeronautical mechanic, but you need to work on basic biology. I am the wrong sex to be a “Patriarch”, therefore “Matriarch” will do. And, while we are on the subject, no need to bow, a simple courtly nod of the head will be sufficient.
See my queenly wave?
On to a more interesting subject: Our dear, charming Aaaabe Fauxman and company at the ADL may be getting very nervous.
I’ve just discovered that Pastor Ted Pike and the National Prayer Network are listed on the ADL website section under “Extremism in America”. Do not know how long he’s been listed on the site, but there is quite a dossier and this is what Fauxman considers to be “extremist hate activity”:
“Ted Pike makes use of a variety of mediums to spread his anti-Semitic message. He is waging a campaign against what he claims is “ADL sponsored” hate crimes legislation, and links to articles, radio shows, and videos, reflective of his opposition to the legislation, dominate his National Prayer Network (NPN) Website.
In his May 2007 “Current Action Plan,” posted to the NPN Website, Pike urges people to call the White House and his list of “persuadable Senate Members” and read pre-scripted messages, urging them to vote against the passage of the hate crimes legislation. Pike also insists that people “must flood Senators and their legislative aides with the truth” by mailing pre-produced pamphlets to the hundreds of government officials on a provided list of addresses.” […]
@ http://www.adl.org/Learn/Ext_US/pike/default.asp?LEARN_Cat=Extremism&LEARN_Cat=Extremism&LEARN_SubCat=Extremism_in_America&xpicked=2&item=tp
Putins Cross.
PUTIN (through translator): I prefer — I would prefer not to develop on that subject in detail.
I think such things are sacred for everybody. Everybody’s belief is not to be shown off, it’s inside a man’s heart. As regards to wearing cross, earlier I never had it — once my mother gave it to me and when I visited Israel. I was there two times. First on an official invitation of the minister of foreign affairs of that country. The second time, I liked the country, and I traveled there with my family as a tourist.
So my mother gave it to me to have a blessing there at the Tomb of Lord. I did so and now it’s with me always.
Incidentally enough, there was a story about this cross and since then I have always decided to have it on my body. Now in the Dacha close to St. Petersburg, there was fire on the Dacha, it happened because of the fact that something went wrong with sauna.
Prior entering sauna, I took off the cross before entering the sauna, and then with my friend we jumped out naked, since it was so unexpected. And I cherish that cross very much, it was my mother’s cross, and the fire was really in earnest at the time. So I was thinking about whether perhaps it could get even remnants of it, it was an aluminum-made cross, a very simple thing.
I was surprised completely when one of the workers, just muddling through those ashes of the remnants, found that cross intact. And the house fell, that was a surprise, a revelation, and therefore I always now keep it with me.
Dear Brother,
Thanks for the wonderful article on my favoured President Vladimir Putin. He is a president/leader given to us from GOD, no doubt in my mind. Yes, he loves his country and does everything possible, which depends on him, to help Russia and the Russians and even the world.
He himself grew up in a society where free good health care and education was a Right to all citizens not to the minority only. I am certain he could do miracles for Russia and the World with GOD’s help of course. I wrote once here an interesting experience. Several years ago when I was praying for Putin I saw in the room thick big golden light.
Yes, he is extremely intelligent and unlike Medvedev (who grew up in a family of two University professors, his father a hard science prof, the mother fine arts prof) Putin did everything himself. Studying and working hard his entire life. He loves reading and has a huge library at home. I am amazed at his knowledge on so many topics and how he talks without using electronic assistance to tell him what to say…
Yes, Russians did not pay much attention to Obama’s visit. Also read on Russians boards ladies commenting the lack of taste in Michelle Obama clothes, not appropriate for such official visit. I personally saw a picture where Putin and Obama were having an official meeting where our Obama leader started to fix his shoe and socks LOL, like he was alone in his bedroom.
Of course he is not as cultured as Putin is. Does Obama speak some foreign languages or only English?
Lots of Love,
Please, support our $5 campaign for GOD, your Soul and this site!!!
Eternal Love
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
It seems the Revolution has started not only in our earthly world but also high in the sky, in our spiritual world… and it is even more fierce and bloody than here, on earth. What I learned is probably what we all know that everything we humans experience on earth had been contemplated and created in the Spiritual World of GOD.
As I promised I am writing to ask favour from our more Developed and Noble Souls.
Please help our sinful brother Lucifer who is asking for help. We all know what he has done. Sold his Soul and dignity to the most horrible force of darkness and distraction, Satan. After working so many years for him, Lucifer does not want to continue that miserable life and want to come back to his real Father, brothers, and sisters!!!
Of course the process of his purification will not be easy that’s why he and our Holy Father wants some more developed, pure Souls to help. The help will be sending to our fallen brother Luci our Love. Please, say if you can, “Luci I love you and would love to see you back and working for your real Father and for the whole humanity and Good Cause!”. Luci will be Very grateful to you.
We all make mistakes and nobody is perfect so Forgive. This could be test given to all of us by GOD, to test our ability to Forgive.
I did my part of the “job” so to speak and would love to share with our family here my experience despite the fact that it is painful to even remember the case, but because this is the Will of GOD, my (our) Spiritual Father I will do it.
By the way this is a true story, which happened to me several years ago. At that time I was doing my physical and spiritual purification education under the vigilant guidance and immense help of GOD and his Angels.
Several years ago my brother passed away. It was suicide or somebody killed him…. After getting the news (I was away from the place he lived at the time) I broke down devastated in deep prayer.
While praying I saw with my inner vision a strange man. His face was very dark like having several layers of mud on him but surprisingly he had, at the same time, a bright star on his forehead. The man looked at me and said: “I killed your brother… “.
After he asked a question: “Do you Love me?” Needless to say I was dismay to hear that and not ready to say Yes, but than a gentle firm voice repeated in my head, “Say Yes”. It was GOD’s voice. I said “Yes”. After, second question appeared: “I also could kill You. Do you still Love me?” It was too much to bear, but than the same gentle, strong, loving voice emerged and advised, “Say Yes..” and I said “Yes”!!!
So if you feel like saying Yes and strong enough to forgive the sinner say Yes. You could ask help from GOD as well. But wasn’t our GOD who advices us all to forgive and help the ones in need especially when they want to come back to the GOD’s Light and Love and work for the Real common GOOD. Not the Good of our bankers/gangsters brothers.
I will write more about the subject, which I studied under the tight control and protection of GOD. These are dangerous matters and no human should approach them without the Help, Protection, Guidance of our Spiritual Father. Some of that knowledge I received, while studying it, could Safe lives…..
Lots of Love,
Please, support our $5 campaign for GOD, your Soul and this site!!!
Eternal Love
Lucifer confession.
Lucifer confessed that he had got tired of his life and wanted change. One of the reasons he explains is that when he does something bad to people, he feels the same pain which people themselves feel. He explained that he felt my pain and the pain of my brother. You could imagine what his life is like. Almost constantly living in pain of his victims who he actually destroys because Satan wants him to do it.
When his face, which is now dirty and muddy, becomes clean like before he would be Forgiven and purified.. And he showed me his face from before his fall into Satan hands.
I hope with GOD’s and our help to pull him out of the Satanic nest. As I said he was the most important “assistant” of uncle Satancle (as Luci calls him). Without him Satancle will be much weaker… Perhaps helping our fallen brother Luci to come back to GOD and us could be the first major blow to Satan!!!
I would love to confess here that I Love our fallen brother Luci and will pray for him and other fallen, weak Souls every day. GOD bless and help them!!!
Lots of Love,
Please, support our $5 campaign for GOD, your Soul and this site!!!
Eternal Love
Hi there,
Putin says:
“We must not turn a blind eye to the fact that the spirit of free enterprise, including the principle of personal responsibility of business people, investors, and shareholders for their decisions, is being eroded. There is no reason to believe that we can achieve better results by shifting responsibility on to the state.”
Its so very ironic that these words come from Russia when they are the primary ideals of a free America. A CONSTITUTIONAL America.
Its good to see not all leaders on the world stage are prostitutes to the zionist pimps.
When the good men and women reign it will be the end of Satan’s game.
Ron Paul was the man for America, If he had one tenth of the spotlight Obamagedon got he’d be in office.
Lies lies lies through the big media’s eye… twist and deceive, no clarity to perceive, nothing to believe through the Big Media EYE.
Extremely well said Brother Nathanael!
The Zionist run FED is sucking the lifeblood from America. It will be the end of America if it is not stopped.
500 trillion dollars in derivatives hang over the heads of the banks like the sword of Damocles.
They will be unwound using the money from the public purse, Probably in the form of Carbon taxes.
On 10-10-09, when the us/israel does their next false flag to invade Iran, Russia, China and the SCO are going to destroy America.
This is the war of Armageddon and you can know it is now by all the chemtrails sprayed all the time to hide the sign in the heavens. This is also why they are now classifying all asteroid events secret.
News and sources here:
Dear KathJuliane,
And I thought, perhaps, I put an end to this verbal and mental sparring match with you here on RZN.
Just want to let you know that in all the years of my life having to live with women, once married to a woman, in dating women, I never so much as physically slapped, punched, kicked or in any way physically injured or abused a woman.
Don’t worry, these ‘onboard systems’ of mine are still working a-okay in acknowledging the presence of a good looking woman. The eyes still dilate wide. System’s blood pressure still hikes up.
The basic Divine Biology God has woven into men is still alive and kickin’ in me even as my hair begins to turn gray and thins.
BUT if you want to talk ‘The Birds and The Bees’ and natural and spiritual-emotional BIOLOGY that exists (or OUGHT TO exist) between men and women, we can do that too.
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Br. Nathanael,
What can I say? Everybody is out for a ‘Free Lunch’. The Bankers. The Finance Men. The Corporations. The Government.
One can only wonder what is going to happen to all of these people when they REALLY have to work for a living in order to keep themselves alive.
Anyways, this coming Friday is my personal ‘Wage Slave’ payday. The ‘Big Boys’ are going to give me a slip of paper with some numbers on it.
I’ll get some of those numbers on another slip of paper and send it to you.
Such is what passes off for ‘Living Life’ in our World of 2009 Anno Domini. All human life, living and undertakings simply writing numbers of pieces of paper.
Egads. And people actually LOVE this sort of miserable life and lives they are ALL living instead of adopting and implementing the Real Life and Real Living of their God and Father Who Is the Author and Source of ALL Real Life and Living.
Not much you or I can do about that. That sort of living life IS their personal decision. And they all have FREE WILL.
– Fr. Joseph
Is this page of interest or is it already commented on or from:
U.S. embassy to hold first-ever gay pride party tonight — in Iraq.
@ http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/cavere/090529
Prime Minister Vladimar Putin is correct in assesing that the communist virus that struck Russia came from the New York and London power centers.
Isn’t it ironic that some politicians in Russia know that: state attaining total primacy on all issues is fertile ground for draconian suffering and tyranny; only after allowing all opposition to be silenced, usually through systemic corruption, dereliction of duty, and brutality (9/11) does the law legitimize its power base.
Quite humorous that our politicians aren’t answerable to ‘we the people’ – a sure sign of corruption and perversion. An ineluctable prelude to what is in store for the U.S. and her citizens I fear.
When the Fatima commands are finally carried out and bears its fruit, I wonder how many people in the communist countries will point their fingers at the derelicts within the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC CHURCH for not acting in accordance with their beliefs in an opportune manner.
America was many years ago “we the people”.
Now, and unfortunately, its “we the plutocrats and oligarchs”.
That’s what must be taken back — the more centralized power through a totalitarian government the more control is in the claws of the few.
4th branch, otherwise known as the Media is treason to the Constitution, along with its lackeys.
The greatest Constitution known to man and woman is the American Constitution. Its up to the people to be awake.
Freedom or slavery, that’s what is at stake, and the generations now and to come must all be taught this. It is a fundamental for a Free America.
The system is made in a way to not educate the relevant sides of history to the kids and so grow in ignorance. It is a terrible crime to deny young minds of their potential, and to me this is the greatest gift God has given, the independence, freedom, imagination and creativity.
Truth is the past roots alive and today.
If one was born in a box from birth and taught this is all that is… how can the mind comprehend outside of it.
If you were taught as a slave you were free, and then come to learn what freedom truly is, this is the saving grace of the Almighty.
God, Jesus.. wants the children of the world FREE, anything contrary to this is what brings with it the greatest of sorrows.
I hear some people sometimes say there is no God, or if there is a God why so much pain and suffering.. Or the contradiction that if God was all powerful why is there evil in the world, how can it be if God is all good.
The truth to this is people are Free, free to destroy themselves, free to hurt.. but the terrible things that happen are not the makings of God.
God is pure innocence, such terms and notions of bad do not exist in what God is. in what the Almighty is.
Its pure Love and innocence.. its peace. Positive and negative cancel themselves out, the notion of good brought with it its brother of bad.. the dichotomy of life always has to opposing poles. With the Almighty this is not so.. things just are. A higher consciousness.
Within His world ( world is not even the right word ) there are no weapons, no chains of bondage, no lies of hurt, no suffering. It doesn’t exist.
He is as peaceful and dreamlike as a child that sleeps, a river that flows. He has no words to describe, He just is. Time is not bound by no logical linear, its the all of eternity in every heart.
A river has no start and no end, this is the Almighty.
But we Fall from this innocence, and the Karma of devilish ways returns throughout history.
Backlash after backlash.
It is a luciferian system that has been designed.. the pursuit of the material and the dividing emotions that come with it, jealousy, envy. hatred. God is ONE, as within a people are ONE.. as with every individual raindrop thst returns to the sea as ONE.
This oneness is lost amongst the demons of the world, they think for themselves and not others, feel no empathy for another as though they were themselves.
Luciferianism and satanism is SELF worship.. the Almighty opens our eyes to know no FEAR… to be with Love.
Love seeketh not Itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care;
But for another gives its ease,
And builds a Heaven in Hell’s despair.
So sang a little Clod of Clay,
Trodden with the cattle’s feet:
But a pebble of the brook,
Warbled out these metres meet.
Love seeketh only Self to please,
To bind another to Its delight:
Joys in another’s loss of ease,
And builds a Hell in Heaven’s despite.
—- William Blake—-
I would like to note that the Almighty is nor he or she but one and the same.
not a particular sex over the other.
not Patriarchal nor Matriarchal
(some may not like this, but it is what I have come to know)
Do people even realize we are all born female before the male grows in the womb?
God is always referred to as a He.. like HIS-tory. And Jesus was God incarnated as Man.. but the Almighty is not one sex… This is a male bias..all throughout His-tory… because the Sun was personified Male and the Moon female by Ancient ancestors.
And so Monotheism is Patriarchal. ( Im certainly no feminist but truth is truth where I’m concerned)
Why do you think these satanists have Phallic monuments all over the world? (the washington monument for example) Throughout European history woman has taken a back seat.. its only in recent times that they are allowed to vote.. seems strange.
Scientists thought of woman as not so bright as man because of the size of their skulls (its no joke), the basis was the smaller the skull the smaller the brain and so less intelligence. It’s a misconception both women and African people had suffered.. and so thought of as less significant in history .. as the great minds of the world.
It’s all there in the dusty old books.
As there is no “chosen race” there is no Chosen Sex.
God bless.
Dear RZN Christians,
I just returned from town, where I had to do a double take: I saw an Obama bumper sticker in HEBREW! What a give away.
Michael K,
If you think an Obama sticker in Hebrew is wierd…
How does one explain the Hebrew writing (w/ no English translation) on all cans of ‘Pringles’ potato chips ? What’s that about ?
On a similar note, very recently the logo for ‘Pepsi Cola’ has changed… It now looks strangely very much like an illustration of the Kabbalistic ‘all-seeing eye’…
Pepsi also owns ‘Frito-Lays’ potato chips, and (coincidentally ?) BOTH Pepsi products and Frito-Lays products are NEWLY adorned with little symbols marking them as ‘Kosher’ !
How soda pop and potato chips can be ‘Kosher’ or not – is totally beyond me ! Let alone why WE all should have to pay a hidden tax for ‘Kosher’ products… when more than 99% of the world is NOT ‘JEWISH’, and could care less !
Why do I even KNOW what ‘Kosher’ means ? Just the fact that we know that word AT ALL proves that ‘Jewish’ over-representation and control is a reality !
Dear Mr. Dickie Pope,
Regarding “dereliction of duty”.
Our 20th century has been one long ‘dereliction of duty’ since the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, 1917 A.D.
How many of our 20th century ‘World Leaders’ got in front of their fellow countrymen telling them about the Mother of God’s Messages and Instructions for our world’s Human Race?
How many of our 20th century ‘World Leaders’, when they met together at their summit meetings (e.g. the most recent Obama-Putin meeting in Russia) discussed the significance and implications of the Mother of God’s Divine Son took on our human nature and walked on and ‘visited’ our planet earth 2000 years ago in order to give these same World Leaders His Divine WISDOM and His Divine INSTRUCTIONS for the sake of their countries, their fellow countrymen and for all of Humanity?
Derelicts Galore can pretty much sum up the two words needed to desribe human history of the 20th century.
– Fr. Joseph
“We are now standing in the face of the GREATEST HISTORICAL CONFRONTATION Humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of the American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully.
We are now facing the FINAL CONFRONTATION between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel. This confrontation lies within the plans of Divine Providence; it is a trial which the whole Church…must take up.”
Karol Cardinal Wojtyla – November 9, 1978
on-line reference:
– Fr. Joseph
Somebody here in the U.S.A., its NSC, its CIA, its DOD, its FBI, its DOJ had better give Obama a REAL ‘Presidential Briefing’…
…the March 19 & 21, 1991 Messages here
There is but only so much one individual, Priest or not, can do for one’s US Nation, its citizens and people all over the world.
– Fr. Joseph
The prediction written in;
The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel by Jack Bernstein
“At some point during the war, when the U.S. military is deeply involved and the U.S. citizens demoralized, the Zionist oriented Jewish International Bankers will make their move. Evidence leads to the conclusion that it is these bankers who own the Class A Stock of the U.S. Federal Reserve, America’s central bank. In this position of power, these Zionist bankers, can, and likely will, trigger an economic collapse in America — like they did in 1929 when they caused the stock market crash and started the severe depression of the 1930’s.”
written in 1984 (there really is a strange thing with numbers going on)
“Rakovsky then revealed something that at the time was unknown to Gabriel and even to Stalin. He revealed that a higher order than that of Communism existed, whose orders would have to be obeyed.
This bears out what Doctor Bella Dodd, head of the Communist Party in New York during the war had said. When she reported to Cleon Skousin, second in command of the FBI, she said that whenever she had any difficulty in getting instructions from Moscow because of the war, she was to go to any one of three wealthy capitalists in the Waldorf Towers.
What amazed Doctor Dodd was that whenever these men gave instructions, Moscow always ratified them. When asked who the men were, Doctor Dodd refused to name them. But when pressed to say ultimately who ruled this higher order, she replied simply, ‘SATAN’.
“In the course of this history-making interview, Rakovsky made it clear that the key to the power of this higher order was money. Rakovsky said, ‘Money is power, the only power.’ – quoting from
It’s all in ‘The Public Domain’
– Fr. Joseph
I sure do hope that Pope Benedict XVI and some remaining number of loyal members of the Catholic Church’s ecclesiastical hierarchy in the Vatican REMEMBERS the words of the prayer known as the ‘Memorare’ for the sake of our entire Human Race and World of 2009 Anno Domini –
– Fr. Joseph
Although the Anne Frank topic is not related to this article, I mention it because it is referenced in one of the comments appearing at the beginning of the comments section.
The corollary drawn between Anne Frank and the terrified Palestinian girl photographed during the 2008/09 Israeli war on Gaza is interesting, even realistic. In the past, criticism was leveled against Palestinians authors for usurping or exploiting the Anne Frank tragedy by narrating or projecting Palestinians girls entrapped in similar or alleged situations.
Here are the two links:
Your take, Bro. Nathaniel?
“The THIRD WORLD WAR must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati’ between the POLITICAL ZIONISTS and the leaders of ISLAMIC WORLD. The WAR must be conducted…et al” – quoting from the public domain
“All ‘dual citizens’ will be banished from the U.S. government as hostile foreign agents of a power that has repeatedly conducted false-flag operations and assasinations against us to involve us in their murderous aggressions and thefts…et al” citing from the public domain
Again, making reference from the public domain,
‘World Peace or the Annihilation of Nations?
It Depends on 4600 Men’
– Fr. Joseph
I guess NOBODY in Washington D.C., or for that matter in ANY of the 50 State Capitols of these United States of America is capable of READING with COMPREHENSION anymore.
– Fr. Joseph
Aaaaabe Fauxman applauds further tightening of the ratchet around patriotic Main Street Christian America, scolds conservative political action as being “unnecessary and unwelcomed”:
ADL Applauds Senate’s Passage of Hate Crime Legislation
New York, NY, July 21, 2009 …The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) applauded the Senate’s passage of legislation that enhances the federal government’s ability to address hate crimes.
The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA) provides new authority for federal officials to work in partnership with state and local law enforcement to more effectively address hate violence. The long-delayed legislation was extended further by a flurry of unnecessary and unwelcome last-ditch efforts by policy opponents to amend it. […]
US civil war explained easy
When King David nearly killed off all the Edomites:
11:14 “And the LORD stirred up an adversary unto Solomon, Hadad the Edomite: he was of the king’s seed in Edom. 11:15 For it came to pass, when David was in Edom, and Joab the captain of the host was gone up to bury the slain, after he had smitten every male in Edom; 11:16 (For six months did Joab remain there with all Israel, until he had cut off every male in Edom:) 11:17 That Hadad fled, he and certain Edomites of his father’s servants with him, to go into Egypt; Hadad being yet a little child.”
If King David had only been able to nail Hadad we wouldn’t be in the difficulty we are in today, for the Edomites have taken over the entire world in our time and have plunged it into total economic chaos. After David attempted to kill them all they wormed their way into Israel later when Solomon “the dumbest guy in the world” married Edomite women and began to worship Satan in their gods.
By 745 B.C. the Edomites helped the Assyrians capture our Israelite forefathers and send them into slavery in Assyria. Then in 586 B.C. they did it again and THIS TIME helped the Babylonians capture what was left of Judah. (See the book of Obadiah). By then Israel had been sold off into slavery and had fled through the mountains to Russia and on into Europe.
Over 100 years before the time of Christ the Edomites murdered the High Priest and King, John Hyrcanus and put in their own man as King, Herod who was an Edomite:
2:3 “When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. 2:4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. 2:5 And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, 2:6 And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.”
By the time Christ came the Edomites had taken over the position of High Priest and King over Judah, and the stage was set. Today these Baptists on TV actually believe that the Edomites were the Israelites and in few of the text books on history, does it mention that the Edomites are the people we call “Jews” today. However in their own literature they do admit to that. Here is the quote:
The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, Vol. 5, page 41: “Edom is in modern Jewry.”
Once you understand WHO the Edomites ARE and where they WENT you can see that they have been fighting God’s people for 3000 years now from the time of King David on. All it takes is looking at a bible map and seeing how they moved into Idumaea. Again, King Solomon the horniest and stupidest man in the world, caused the problem. He insisted that those Edomites who were now from Idumaea be circumcised and they were allowed to join the Israelite nation. God had given instructions that they were to have NOTHING to do with them and not even sign a contract with them, but Solomon loved women, so there was no stopping him.
Once the Edomites were allowed into Israel despite the fact that David had tried to kill them all off, it was all downhill from then on. The “Jews” had taken over. They were the sons of Esau who God hated and called them the “small among the heathen.” Here’s what God says about the Jews in Obadiah:
1:1 “The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle. 1:2 Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised.”
Of course Jesus was from Galilee, four countries away from Idumaea, and five countries away from Edom. Just look at a bible map and confirm this for yourself. Jesus was an Israelite from the House of David. Israel was the nation north of Judah, with Idumaea south of that, and another country on the other side of that, was Edom. Edom was light years away from Galilee, and Jesus sure wasn’t an Edomite from Edom. If He had been, God would have hated Him, but God loved Jesus and said of Him: “This is my beloved Son.”
Let us NOT forget that the Divine Saving Mission of Christ Jesus our Lord, THE LOGOS through Whom all things were made and FOR Whom all things were made did NOT END with His Death, Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven. That was just the Beginning!
Our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Himself PROMISED to send the Advocate, God the Holy Spirit ONTO and INTO the minds, hearts, souls and spirits of people still yet mired in this ‘world’ of ours.
Now if THE CHURCH here on earth, its leaders, its hierarchies, its patriarchs, metropolitans, bishops, clergy have FORGOTTEN that Christ Jesus WANTS God the Holy Spirit poured forth upon His disciples within the Church and upon all of Mankind, then it is left to US to remind them.
God the Holy Spirit came down upon the Apostles and on members of the Human Race at Pentecost. Now what was the ‘Divine Formula’ to make THAT happen?
The Apostles TOOK THE MOTHER of Jesus Christ, their and our LORD and SAVIOR, and they PRAYED WITH HER in the Upper Room.
You get THE BISHOPS of the Church (and I don’t care if they are Catholic or Orthodox) to AGREED to meet TOGETHER at some day and time – and they ALL can assemble at that same day and time in their respective CATHEDRALS at their respective ALTARS – and they all prayed TOGETHER right along with the Blessed Virgin Mary – praying for the Consecration of Russia to the Mother of God’s Immaculately Loving Heart – and then all of Mankind need only to
Ya wanna see who is spiritually the MIGHTIER of the two – the Holy Spirit or SATAN?
Then get interested in getting the Bishop of Rome to ORDER the public and solemn Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Christ Jesus’ Own Mother per her 1917 A.D. Fatima Instructions.
– Fr. Joseph
Now I’m NO computer whiz. I don’t know whether it is my computer here at my hermitage, whether it is on account of not having the proper/correct ‘PDF’ reader (whatever THAT is) installed in my computer, or IF it is the fault of the following website, but I encourage ALL OF YOU, Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, whatever, to READ the article
‘Now Is The Time – Consecrating Russia Will Help – NOT HARM – Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue’ by Cathy Pearson
from the February 2009 Issue #91 of ‘The Fatima Crusader’ here:
“My People PERISH for lack of knowledge.” – Prophet Hosea – Hosea 4:6
– Fr. Joseph
Now look, we have all sorts of ‘bible-believing’ pastors such as John Hagee and a whole slew of others butchering up the Book of Revelation in order to promote this ‘Israel First’ garbage that passes itself off for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith of OUR LORD’s Apostles.
In the Book of Revelation – ALL OF YOU – can go read for yourselves (WITHOUT John Hagee talking over all of you and talking AT all of you like you are all a bunch of numb-skulls) the verses
“Let the heavens rejoice and all who live there; BUT FOR YOU, Earth and sea, TROUBLE IS COMING – because the devil has gone down to you IN A RAGE, knowing his days are numbered.’ – Revelation 12:12
“Then the dragon was ENRAGED with THE WOMAN (of Genesis 3:15) and went away TO MAKE WAR on the rest of her children, that is, all who obey God’s Commandments and bear witness for JESUS.” – Revelation 12:17
– Fr. Joseph
Com’on…com’on…com’on…just WATCH the seven parts of the on-line documentary entitled ‘Heaven’s Key To Peace’ here, would all of you, PLEASE???
Now armed with all of this information you’ve gathered from RZN, would you all AT LEAST – PLEASE – e-mail the Bishop of Rome here
and IF you are Orthodox, tell him something like ‘It is OKAY with me, as an Orthodox Christian, if youz guyz wanta do your Catholic thing and consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Jesus’ Mother – BUT AFTER YOUZ GUYZ DO THAT – we are going to get right back down TO BUSINESS with such things as ‘Filioque’ and ‘Papal Primacy’ and all sorts of stuff like that we’ve been doing for that past 1,000 years.’
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Father Joseph,
Fatima Cruzader link:
Americas economic crash.
Be prepared.
Stock up now.
Dear Juan,
Thanks for the article-link. My computer still does a ‘Duh?’ when I click on that article’s link.
Anyways, I receive the Fatima Crusader via the mails. That was a good article.
If I could I would have mailed a copy of it to every last Catholic and Orthodox Bishop throughout the World.
Somebody with sufficient funds, time and a desire for World Peace has to do that.
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Juan,
No sooner that I submitted my last comment to you, a thought popped up in my mind begging for an answer:
‘But what IF nobody wants World Peace in our day and age?’
I don’t think I want to give an answer to that Question.
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Juan,
And THAT brings up yet another thought or contemplative reflection I had earlier today here at my hermitage.
The Lord spoke the words
‘Let the DEAD bury the DEAD.’
My reflection was
‘If NOBODY wants to do SOMETHING about ANYTHING IMPORTANT at all, isn’t that very much like talking to or giving information to people already BURIED in graveyards all across our planet earth?’
– Fr. Joseph
“We believe in the HOLY SPIRIT, the Lord, the Giver of LIFE.”
Sure would be nice if we could get a ‘Second Pentecost’ for our Human Race.
Get the successors to the APOSTLES all gathered TOGETHER at the same time WITH the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary – and PRAY TOGETHER for ‘The Same Thing’ – the Outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit upon and all across our World with its 6 billion human inhabitants – but there seems to be VERY LITTLE INTEREST nowadays in seeing that happens or gets done.
– Fr. Joseph
I know…I know…I’m just talking to myself.
Ya get to do that when you’re a hermit.
– Fr. Joseph
Our Lady of America Messsages
What we see and experience from America today is exactly what was predicted if her beautiful messages were not heeded.
Can there be any more reason whilst there is still one second left on the ticking clock
to contemplate this wonderful, essential Divine Plan for America?
Our generation of the Human Race was granted the Divine Opportunity to actually get ‘to hear’ the CRUSHING of Satan’s head, but alas, it looks like we ALL are going to be robbed of that too.
“Seeing His Mother and the disciple(s) He loved standing next to her, JESUS said to His Mother ‘WOMAN (cf Genesis 3:15), this is (there ARE) your son(s).” – John 19:26
“The Lord UPHOLDS the right of A MOTHER over her sons.” – Ecclesiasticus 3:3
“He (They) who HONOR his (their) Mother is like someone amassing a (Divine) Fortune.”
– Ecclesiasticus 3:4
“But for My enemies who did NOT want Me for their King, bring them here and EXECUTE them in My Presence.” – Luke 19-27
Catholic and Orthodox Bishops COULD HAVE performed a public and solemn Collegial Consecration of RUSSIA to the Immaculately Loving Heart of THEIR OWN MOTHER at any time this past century!
– Fr. Joseph
Father Joseph,
It’s quite obvious you really don’t want to talk to me here, BUT…
You said above that the Divine mission of Christ did not end with His death, resurrection and ascencion…
But did not Christ Himself – God Himself declare :
“It is finished !” ?…
In the beginning of John’s description of Christ’s Death, we read,
“After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scriptures might be fulfilled,” (…)
So, accomplished,… fulfilled,… finished… this does not mean only that Christ has died, but also shows that *His Own Divine Plan* has now been seen to fruition, and completed ! Why should we fear death ? Jesus OVERCAME DEATH – by death !
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
You also say (Filioque) that Christ will send the Holy Spirit… but Christ said :
“If you love Me, keep My command-ments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever- (…)
[ AND you say that He will send the Spirit to the people “still yet mired in this world of ours, but the Word speaks of – ]
(…) the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot recieve, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him;” (…)
– John 14:15, 16
Notice that Jesus is not the one sending the Spirit here, but the Father… also notice He says nothing about Mary coming to us.
And :
“… whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”
– John 14:13
So why didn’t He tell us that Mary would do anything we ask Why didn’t He tell us that Mary was ‘Heaven’s Key to Peace’ ? It seems to me that the only peace we will have is in Christ…
“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
– John 16:33
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
One last thing… you say let’s all (Orthodox and Roman Catholic) get together and perform the consecration FIRST… and THEN we can talk about our differences…
But all of the past and ONGOING deeds and actions perpetrated UPON the Orthodox BY the Roman Catholics over the years, with full support of the Vatican… have made it so that the Orthodox do not collectively TRUST Roman Catholics anymore ! No, not at all !
EXPERIENCE has shown the Orthodox that they cannot trust you ! They have known you by your fruits ! Orthodox are very nervous about the ulterior motives coming from the ‘Jewish’, Luciferian Rothschilds controlled, so-called ‘Vatican City’, and are thus undestandably wary of ANY such overtures…
I think you have it backwards, Father Joseph… FIRST address the doctrinal issues !
FIRST let the Catholics repent of their errors, and sincerely apologize for their deeds… THEN let them go through the process of re-joining Christ’s Church – the Orthodox Church, and walk in the Truth of Christ’s Church for a time, and let them prove themselves that they have NO agenda – only that of confession, repentance and TRUE reconciliation IN JESUS CHRIST, … NOT under the Noahide Pope !
Dear Father Joseph,
Let me talk about a very interesting, edifying thing that happened in Buenos Aires around 1995(I’ll try to find an article on the Web).
A little kid was playing alone in his 8th floor apartment living room, close of an unprotected big window.
All of the sudden he managed to fall all the way down to the street level and MIRACULOUSLY survived, almost unharmed.
People run to help him recover and he was smiling. People was disturbed, asked frantically what had happened.
The kid simply said that while falling he saw and felt this big hand fastening him in the air. He said that he saw a lady proportionally enormous caring for him.
She was dressed in bright white robes, her head covered with a ‘chale’, he remember even her sweet eyes.
He said that surely it was “Nuestra Inmaculada Virgencita de Lujan” (Luján is a sanctuary 35 miles off Federal District).
Every year his family (like most of us) used to go and spend a day visiting this nice Basilica. It was a very popular and nice trip for simple people.
Hi The Prodigal Son,
Are you disturbed with subliminal messages?
Watch this one:
And what about this one:
Once one is aware of subliminal undertones they lose their unconscious influence.
Subliminals that are used in marketing are picked up by the subconscious and a person can want something without really knowing why.
A sudden urge to buy sweets, drinks etc.
Sex is one of the biggest things propagated through subliminal’ adverts.
Why?… what is the POWER?
There are three types of consciousness.
ONE.. to be Conscious coming from your conscience, the word conscience broken down is simply WITH KNOWING.
TWO.. The Subconscious; this absorbs all and sub means to be below, like a submarine. Below what? your KNOWING. Say for instance you walk into a room and your WITH KNOWING is concentrated on a picture on the wall, your subconscious absorbs the entire room, in that very instant, your conscience may not recall all if you were asked what colour was the door for instance…
“Mmm let me see.. I’m not sure, I was concentrated on the picture.”
Where does it go?
Three… the Unconscious; the unconscious is like the minds filing cabinet…. It harbor’s all from past experiences, entire trains of thought can disappear and come back again… like turning a light on in a room..and off and then on in another.
Jesus Christ was the union of Conscience and God.. A life filled with the Almighty.
People like this, incarnate cannot be manipulated for their conscience is with the essence. Pure AWARENESS.
A hypnotist is one trained in the methods of braking through the layers of consciousness.. but a hypnotist wouldn’t have a chance with the incarnate Son of God.
GOD is the union for a HIGHER AWARENESS.. within SENTIENT beings.
In conclusion, subliminals are the trick of a devil. God is truth and devils deceive.
Here’s the word for obsessive/compulsives-out there;
obsessives/compulsives shout JESUS!
over and over
It works…….because
Jesus saves.
Yes He does.
Thank you Jesus.
There is no subliminal messaging in this post-its all out in the open. Jesus saves!!
Yes He does.)
PS:- this is not popular in the new Zionist America – you may be arrested for “craziness”.
In case of arrest, only say simply,
“Jesus Saves.”
Thank you Jesus..
Also add – “I invoke the First Amendment- freedom of speech.”
If not obsessive compulsive,
say it to a Jew once a day – if possible.
There is no answer to that one, ‘cept “Praise You ….. Jesus!”
Pretty soon you’ll have skull caps everywhere shouting
“Jesus saves,
muzzeltot- musseltot,
Jesus saves!
Praise you Jesus!”
(not sure what that is in spanish)
– WW III will not materilize!
The Marlboro thing – someone has been staring at a pack of cigarrettes for too long ! This is just plain paranoia !
That article about the Passion was just ridiculous ! Obviously a scholar of a Noahide School
Subliminal messages ? Christ was scourged and crucified naked – and this guy sees ‘homoerotica’ ? Sounds like he’s the pervert here… not Mel Gibson !
And this ‘Jew’ was also quite upset, stating that Christians are trying to ‘trump’ the story of the ‘burnt offering’ (holocaust) with the story of the Passion…
First I would say to him that there is no comparison – because the Passion of Christ is a true story ! Jesus actually did die that way… but the ‘burnt offering’ (holocaust)?
Is it true ? Are the numbers exaggerated ? The ‘gas chambers’ ? Did they really exist ? I have tried to find evidence regarding the truth of these matters… instead, all I find is evidence to the contrary – the best of it from ‘Jewish’ sources such as David Cole, etc…
And just exactly WHO was it that OFFERED this holocaust – this burnt offering ?
And WHO was this holocaust offered TO ?
Seems to me that God specifically FORBADE the sacrifice of passing of the children through the fire (to Molech), didn’t He ?
He also denies the Gospels themselves, saying that the Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke and John surely MUST have lied in their telling of Christ’s final hours – and in how Pontius Pilate had said that HE FOUND NO FAULT in Him, and WASHED HIS HANDS of guilt, while the ‘Jews’ cried, “crucify Him !” !
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
If he understood (like Skip Baker does) that the ones who laid down palm branches , crying “Hosannah !”, welcoming Christ… and the Pharisees were NOT the same group… it would make more sense to him…
In Gibsons movie, he portrays the real children of Israel as they were – good people, who became the disciples of Christ…
And he portrays The Edomite King Herod, and Pharisees as they were – wicked people who preferred a murderers company over the righteous lessons which Christ made them hear ! …
“Release to us Barabbas !” the ‘Jews’ said… ‘Barabbas’ means “son of the father” and serves to show us just WHICH father these Pharisees belong… the father of lies, the devil – as illustrated in John 8:44…
The Prodigal Son,
Subliminal propaganda do exist even being ‘forbidden’ by law from more than 50 years in the ‘west’.
You will be surprised to the shear amount of Jewish crap that is embedded into every day’s advertisements.
An example of techniques especially directed to the youth :
In my country Youtube hard rock clips, starts almost invariably, with at least one shot (frame) containing at least 5 or 6 Hebrew characters.
Very fast, in order I suppose, to get those poor kids accustomed to the idea of a future dominant ‘culture’.
You are squarely correct regarding Mr. Gibson’s movie. I tried to highlight how a Jew can try to induce evil thoughts, even appropriating the idea of subliminal.
They simply can’t dissimulate their deep hate against our Redeemer.
I have no intention of inflaming or provoking you guys, it happens that I feel we all are being laughed at by these people.
Mr. Grayson conducted a very ironic/light hearted interrogation on this ‘bank robber’ obviously trying to justify what is unjustifiable!
I believe it is time to start throwing away politeness and harshly rebuke,imprison and more… these international parasites in disguise.
Bernanke is evidently nervous, pathetically lying. Investigate who gave the orders to move such tremendous amount of public money.
Central bankers receive their coordinates from The Bank of International Settlements, a 100% owned Jewish plutocracy bank!
Alan Grayson: “Which Foreigners Got the Fed’s $500,000,000,000?” Bernanke: “I Don’t Know.”
Dear Prodigal Son,
It’s not that I don’t want to hear from you, it’s just that after nearly 25 years of ‘apologetics’ work, going over and over and over yet again with haggling with ‘bible based protestant fundamentalists’ regarding Catholic doctrine, I’ve pretty much reached the conclusion that the best one can hope for is to present the other side FACTS with the hope they have soft enough HEARTS to ask the Holy Spirit to help them with discernment of what is actually and really TRUE.
But to address your concerns, let me have a cup of coffee, mull thinks over as to how best to present/explain things to you, and like ‘The Terminator’ movie character said
‘I’ll BE BACK!’
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Prodigal Son,
Let me start off with this issue that causes you so much inner conflict and turmoil. Regarding ‘Filioque’.
Break out your Canon of SACRED Christian Scripture, turn to the Gospel according to St. John the Apostle, chapter 14, verses 8 and 9 wherein EVERYONE on the entire planet earth – 6 billion human souls or thereabouts – can all read
“Philip said, ‘Lord, let us see THE FATHER and then we shall be satisfied..’
‘HAVE I BEEN WITH YOU ALL THIS TIME, Philip’ said JESUS to him ‘and you still do not know Me?’
Dear Prodigal Son, now in your opinion, who do you say ought to know MORE about the Divine Life of God? St. Photius OR God Himself?
Now ‘WHO?’ is answering Philip’s request of Jesus in his wanting to see THE FATHER? Is it THE SON Who is answering Philip or is it THE FATHER Who is answering Philip?
Would you PLEASE provide all of us RZN with your answer to that question. WHO is answering Philip? The Son OR The Father?
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Prodigal Son,
Next, open up your copy of the Canon of SACRED Christian Scirpture again to the Gospel according to St. John, chapter 20, verses 21-23 wherein the entire World of 2009 Anno Domini can all read along with me
“The disciples were filled with joy when they saw the Lord, and He said to them again ‘Peace be with you’
“As THE FATHER sent Me
so am I sending you.’
“After saying this He breathed on them and said:
For those whose sins you forgive,
they are forgiven;
for those whose sins you retain
they are retained.”
NOW THEN, was it THE FATHER or THE SON Who said ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’?
The implicit problem with St. Photius’ Orthodox theology is that St. Photius had this idea that he could TIE DOWN GOD onto a table, pull out a human scalpel, and DISSECT GOD Who is Pure Perfect Infinite Spirit Eternally United In Their Trinitarian Life and Divine Being.
Sorry, I had to say that as I know virtually ALL of your Orthodox are going to go BESERK in making that observation and remark about St. Photius.
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Prodigal Son,
I was just a catechism teacher back in the 80s. Obtained permission to teach Catholic Christian catechism from THE BISHOP of the Diocese of Orange, California.
When THE BISHOP of the Diocese of Orange California formally gave me his permission and authorization to teach teenagers and young adults about God and His Catholic Church, the HOLY SPIRIT never, never, never let me down in NOT helping me to answer some of the most profoundly personal questions these teenagers and young adults asked of me.
And may God the Holy Spirit continue to help me, right up to the point of time when the nations of this satanic dominited World decide to begin launching their military arsenals at each other all across our World.
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Prodigal Son,
Some ‘filioque’ stuff you can take home and read and ‘do your homework’ over
May God THE HOLY SPIRIT descend upon you granting His Divine Graces in gently instructing you with Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom. Amen +.
– Fr. Joseph
Father Joseph,
Thanks for your reply ! I really hope we can be friends… I am here to find truth, and walk in truth – nothing more… I do hope you understand that I have not a vindictive bone in my body… I merely seek that peace which comes through abiding in Christ’s truth.
To answer your first question from 7:52 am… “Now ‘WHO?’ is answering Philip’s request of Jesus in his wanting to see THE FATHER? Is it THE SON Who is answering Philip or is it THE FATHER Who is answering Philip?”…
Jesus – the SON – is answering Philip ! He is clearly saying that the Father and He are one !
JESUS says, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip ?”… This is not the Father talking ! No one has ever seen the Father…
This is Christ saying – basically, ‘I, Jesus – have been with you all this time and you still don’t’ understand that the Father and I ARE ONE ?’
In other words, ‘I’ve been with you all this time and you still do not REALLY KNOW ME – and My nature ?’
He is NOT saying, ‘I am the Father’, because He isn’t the Father – He is the Eternal Son !
He is saying that if you see Him and recognize the true nature of the Godhead and the Trinity in Him – then you already know the Father because they are ONE in essence ! You have already seen the Father because the Son IS “the image of the invisible God “! (see Colossians 1:15)
John 14:10,11 make it very clear that Christ is NOT saying that He is the Father, but that the Father is IN Him ! If someone rejects Christ, then they will NEVER see the Father… BUT if we know Christ, then we already know the Father because though they are distinct persons within the Godhead – Father and Son are undivided in nature, as ONE !
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Now to your next question at 7:58 am… when you asked, “NOW THEN, was it THE FATHER or THE SON Who said ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’?”
The Son, of course Fr. Joseph ! That’s obvious – but what is evidently less obvious is that Christ received the Holy Spirit at His Baptism… Since The Holy Spirit – at that time – had OBVIOUSLY proceeded from the Father – Who spoke from Heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.”
Christ also said this : “But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father,”(…)
And this : “It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.”
This shows, I believe – that Christ was telling them to RECEIVE the Holy Spirit as an instruction for the future, which was given along with other instructions at that time… But the actual reception of the Spirit had to have taken place AFTER He was gone, because He had already said that the Helper would not come until AFTER His Ascension to the right hand of the Father…
And then after the Holy Spirit has come at Pentecost, we see these words : “Therefore being exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He poured out this which you now see and hear.”
How does anyone receive the Holy Spirit now – today ? How has everyone received the Holy Spirit since Pentecost ? The Spirit is now not received directly from the Father, but the Spirit indeed does still proceed FROM the Father, eternally.
And thank you for your prayers… I think they worked ! Now I pray the same for you, may you receive the guidance of Spirit of Truth so you can see that the Vatican should have left the Creed as it always WAS !
Father Joseph,
Now you bring up Photius ? This isn’t about Photius – this is about the Creed of Christianity !
The Roman church was present at the time of the inception of the Creed, so clearly they understood well the democratic concept of the councils… and attended and participated – in the beginning !
But then the Vatican undertook to DICTATORIALLY CHANGE the Creed on their own – without consulting the rest of Christendom… WITHOUT convening a council on the matter.
NO ONE can unilaterally change the very Creed of Christianity ! That would have to be a matter for the ENTIRE Church to decide on, with the collective guidance of the Holy Spirit. If they wish to come up with their own version of the Creed – then they have actually come up with their own version of Christianity !
It’s not so much about the Filioque, if you ask me… It’s the fact that the Filioque CHANGE was only the beginning of a VERY slippery slope ! It then led to many, many other unilateral CHANGES to what were the original beliefs, and to what was once the original worship of Christians…
You change Christianity because you think that in your worldly wisdom – you are right !
But the Orthodox REFUSE to change Christianity because they believe that the True Church – as a whole… MINUS Rome – is guided by the Holy Spirit NOT to change it !
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
You must ask yourself, Father Joseph – When the great schism took place, and Rome separated, going their own way… Did the Holy Spirit LEAVE TOO, and go to reside instead in the Pope at the vatican…
OR – Did the Spirit remain in the Church wherein He has always dwelled ?
Clearly Orthodox and Roman Catholics practice a DIFFERENT Christianity… and since we know that the presence of the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth…
Roman Catholics and the Orthodox cannot BOTH be correct – there is only ONE truth. So all that remains to decide is WHICH Church has never changed – having been led into all truth – FROM THE BEGINNING !
In Christ,
Dear Prodigal Son,
So you AGREE with me thre is NO DIVISION POSSIBLE between God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Maybe we CAN get somewheres.
Now it takes the abiding Spiritual Presence of God the Holy Spirit to cause one to recognize and call out to God as ‘FATHER’ not unless St. Photius wants to cause schism with St. Paul THE APOSTLE who teaches that God the Holy Spirit EMPOWERS one to call God ‘FATHER’.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
So you cite Jesus Christ’s public baptism at the hands of St. John the Baptist as the moment God the Holy Spirit ‘descends’ upon Christ Jesus FROM the Father ‘alone’.
Well then, YOU TELL US was or was not God the Holy Spirit in and with the Christ Child when He told His Mother and St. Joseph
‘Didn’t you both know that I must be about MY FATHER’S business?’
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
St. John the Baptist confesses to Christ Jesus that he, St. John, needed the Baptism in the Holy Spirit FROM Christ Jesus prior to Christ accepting and receiving St. John’s water baptism of repentence for sins.
Christ Jesus is GOD INCARNATE. God Incarnate does NOT nor did He ‘lose’ His Divine Nature! He was ALWAYS God and He will ALWAYS BE God.
Christ Jesus, in ACCEPTING water baptism and in ACCEPTING the reception of God the Holy Spirit was and IS meant TO TEACH, to ILLUSTRATE, to MODEL, what all of His Apostles and disciples are supposed TO DO and what they are supposed TO MIMICK!
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
Anti-spam is KILLING my replies left and right, I’m running out of time as I have to be about getting TO WORK while the rest of our US Nation, it’s Governments, its many Institutions figure out how to STEAL their money and funds from others, so my PATIENCE with all of this ARGUING 1,000 year old THEOLOGICAL positions has run out.
It seems to me that you Orthodox would much prefer to perpetually argue ‘filioque’ SO THAT you can argue against the ‘Immaculate Conception’ SO THAT you can perpetually argue against the Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Mother of God’s Immaculately Loving Heart IN ORDER TO SAVE MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS FROM FALLING INTO THE ETERNAL TORMENTS OF HELL.
Has the Orthodox Church likewise DISCOUNTED and DISAGREE WITH the Catholic Chruch’s doctrines of JUDGEMENT and HELL as well?
You want people SAVED from Hell or do you want TO WIN this ridiculous 1,000 St. Photius theological argument and assertions?
As you can see, I’m really HUMAN. My patience at the present moment is SPENT.
Maybe tomorrow we’ll continue on.
– Fr. Joseph
Father Joseph,
I certainly have no desire to have you lose your patience with me sir… I am sorry if I have upset you.
Why do you keep bringing up Photius ? I guess I should be ashamed to admit that I had never heard of Photius until you brought him up, but I’m not… I just try to find & tell the truth. If I am wrong about something, I want to know right away !
I am also not too proud to admit when I am wrong, but I really do dislike BEING wrong because wrong is false – and false is the opposite of truth, a lie ! Ergo… it is opposite of where I want to be. Which is – walking in truth.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
I can definitely empathize with your experiences with the dreaded ANTI-SPAM !
Please let me help you… follow these instructions and you won’t have to post all of those short posts under a time limit anymore, O.K. ?
* Your mouse has probably two buttons to click – left click and right click…
1) Don’t bother entering your name and E-mail address first – they will only disappear when you refresh the page… Type and spellcheck your entire comment. Make it AS LONG as you want (within reason) !
2) When you’re done, and you’re sure that your comment is to your satisfaction… Click the right button on your mouse (right-click)… this will bring up a menu window.
3) Now use the mouses left-click button (one click) to choose ‘SELECT ALL’… This will highlight all of your text blue (or at least mine’s blue).
4) When your text is highlighted in blue, move the mouse to the top left of your screen and left-click on ‘EDIT’… That will open a menu window.
5) Now left-click on ‘CUT’… Now here – when you do that, your comment is GOING TO DISAPPEAR ! But don’t panic Father Joseph, that’s exactly what you want to happen…
6) Now hit the key on the top of your keyboard marked ‘F5’… This will REFRESH the page, and allow you to beat the time limit on the anti-spam !
7) When the page has been refreshed, scroll back down to the comments section again… NOW type in your name and E-mail as required here at RZN.
8) Now left click on the comment section like you would if you were about to tear a strip off me here again (just kidding!)… Once you get a cursor in the comment section, go back to the top left and again left-click on ‘EDIT’… then left-click on ‘PASTE’
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
BOOM ! Your comment returns… all that remains is for you to triumphantly click on ‘LEAVE A COMMENT’, and you’re in like Flynn Father Joseph !
Have yourself a good night at work sir… We’ll talk to you again tomorrow, God willing !
With love,
Dear Prodigal Son,
Naah…I’m not upset with YOU as a person.
And as for my bringing up St. Photius with you, it’s on account of there being very many people who elevate St. Photius above the Apostles in their Apostolic Ministry as if God the Holy Spirit was “dead” or “asleep” up until the year 1054 A.D.
Everybody goes around calling each other a ‘heretic’ on account of their favorite theologian spokesman. Every last protesant denomination does that – and they ALL call the doctrines and dogmas of the Catholic Church ‘heresy’.
Now let me attempt to c-a-l-m-l-y walk you through some prayerful thoughts and meditations regarding the Blessed Trinity.
By the way, I printed out your instructions (THANK YOU!), but as my time is short (as usual) I have to make these postings short, sweet and to the point.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
Think MY thoughts about the Blessed Trinity which I’m about to post here.
The Blessed Trinity, our Triune Godhead, consists of THREE Divine Persons sharing in ONE Common Divine Nature.
God the Fahter is Fully Divine.
God the Son is Fully Divine.
God the Holy Spirit is Fully Divine.
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit HAD NO BEGINNING and HAVE NO END.
They are Divine and They are Eternal. They have ALWAYS been Divine and They will ALWAYS be Eternal.
Are you with me so far? (grin)
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
Hence, can God the Father ‘Be’ WITHOUT God the Son or God the Holy Spirit IF They are Divine and Eternal?
Can God the Son ‘Be’ WITHOUT God the Father or God the Holy Spirit IF They are Divine and Eternal?
Can God the Holy Spirit ‘Be’ WITHOUT God the Father and God the Son IF They are Divine and Eternal?
If Jesus Himself, the Son of God, said the He, Jesus, and God the Father are ONE, then there is NO SUCH THING as a ‘dual procession’ of God the Holy Spirit IF the Father and the Son are ONE.
It takes a big ‘TWO’ to cause a ‘DUAL procession’.
But if WANTS TO MAKE God the Father one ‘god’ and if one WANTS TO MAKE God the Son ‘god number two’, then you DO have a ‘dual procession’ of God the Holy Spirit Whom you’ve made a ‘third god’.
But unfortunately for some past theologians of the Church, God is ONE whether they like it or not – whether their listening audience, no matter how large of influential politically, militarily, economically, empire size-wise they all might be.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
There is the Most Complete and PERFECT Unity of Divine Loving Intimacy between the Divine Persons of the Triune Godhead.
This Absolutely Perfect Love that IS the Divine Life of God between Father, Son and Holy Spirit causes Them to PERFECTLY SHARE in each Other’s Divine Nature.
Now then, from Sacred Scripture, God Who Is our Creator and the Author of Life and the One Who has granted us all LIFE within this Created All of His Creating, has His Own Words recorded down into human language writing:
“God said, ‘Let US make man in OUR image, in the likeness of OURSELVES, and let them be masters of the fish…et al’. Check out Genesis 1:26
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
Please DO notice that Genesis 1:26 does NOT relay,
‘THE GODS said, ‘Let US make man in OUR image, in the likeness of OURSELVES..’
You have the SINGULAR word ‘God’ Who speaks of Himself as ‘US’, ‘OUR’ ‘OURSELVES’.
Are you with me so far?
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
So IF God refers to Himself as ‘US’ and IF we are really and truly created in His Image and Likeness, it follows that IF God were to reveal Himself to any member of the Human Race, we ought to have a recorded event of the Triune Godhead appearing to a human being as Three Persons, right???
Open your Bible to Genesis 18:1-2 wherein you can VERIFY that all of us read
“YAHWEH (please note the this name for God is SINGULAR and not the plural ‘The YAHWEHS’) appeared to him (Abraham) at the Oak of Mamre while he was sitting by the enterance of the tent during the hottest part of the day. He looked up, and there he saw THREE MEN STANDING near him. As soon as he saw Them he ran from the entrance of the tent to meet Them, and bowed to the ground.
‘MY LORD’ he said…”
Notice that ABRAHAM, after bowing to the ground, does not call the THREE MEN the plural ‘LORDS’ – he addressed the THREE MEN with the singular ‘Lord’.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
Now if GOD appears to ABRAHAM as THREE MEN, who is or who are the MOTHER(S) of these Three Men?
Abraham is encountering the ETERNAL TRIUNE GOD Who Is Three Divine Persons sharing the Same Divine Nature and Divine Life.
Abraham is encountering GOD Who Is in His Divine Nature.
The SECOND PERSON of this Blessed Trinity Who is making Himself manifest to Abraham has NOT YET taken on or assumed our HUMAN NATURE.
The Incarnation of God the Father’s Only Begotton and Eternal Son takes place CENTURIES LATER when the Blessed Virgin Mary, the WOMAN of Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 12:17, completely and freely ACCEPTS the Archangel Gabriel’s Divine Message that GOD desires for her to bear His Only Begotten and Divine Son as per the Gospel according to St. Luke, 1:26-38.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
So God the Father sends His Only Begotten Son into our world to assume our human nature via the Power of God the Holy Spirit who conceives the Son of God in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary in order to give our Human Race a Person Who is capable of PERFECTLY FULFILLING AND OBEYING the Divine Will of God – on behalf of and FOR the entire Human Race – and by His PERFECT act of Loving Obedience to God in His human nature – He is our ‘HIGH PRIEST’ with God and it is He Who presents His own BLOOD as the Perfect Sacrifice of a Pure Spotless ‘Lamb’ so as to obtain from God the FORGIVENESS of our human race’s sins.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
Since it is the DIVINE Offspring of this WOMAN of Genesis 3:15, this WOMAN is pivotal in the fulfillment of the Adamic Covenant made by God for and on behalf of the Human Race.
BOTH the Woman and her Offspring are to CRUSH the head of Satan.
The public and solemn Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculately Loving Heart this WOMAN has for ALL OF MANKIND which moved her TO ACCEPT becoming the Mother of God the Son via the Power of God the Holy Spirit was and is meant for our entire satanic dominated World and its satanic enslaved Human Race so that our entire HUMAN RACE would witness the Divine Love of God FOR our Human Race by the DIVINE CRUSHING of Satan’s head by this Woman.
– Fr. Joseph
Ah, Father Joseph…
I think you’re a little off here my friend !
You said, “Are you with me so far?”
Um… No I’m not… Genesis 1:26 in MY Bible (from the un-altered Septuagint) says…
“Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to our likeness.”
Now – you have stated that the (English) word ‘God’ is singular… but I must tell you that the word ‘God’ comes from the Hebrew ‘Elohim’, which is actually in the PLURAL – the singular form of the word ‘Elohim’ is ‘Eloah’.
You can find this singular form used in Deuteronomy 32:15-17 and in Habakkuk 3:3… but the singular form appears in the O.T. only (approx) 250 times, while the plural ‘Elohim’ (as in Genesis 3:22, where we see ‘Elohim’, the Tetragrammaton [YHVH], along with the use of the word ‘us’)… appears (approx) 2500 times…
“Then the Lord God (YHVH Elohim) said, ‘Behold, the man has become like one of Us’, (…)”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
In Genesis 18… the ‘three men’ were Christ and two angels. See 18:22, where Abraham remained before the Lord… but the other two (the Lord’s angels) went toward Sodom… (See 19:1, where these two arrive in Sodom for verification).
The Lord has sent His angels to destroy Sodom (19:13), but when the time was at hand to destroy Sodom… there was much confusion and Lot and his wife and daughters were taken outside the city by the Lord because He had mercy on Lot…
Lot convinced the Lord to call off the angels from destroying Sodom until Lot and his family had escaped to Zoar… As soon as Lot had entered safely into Zoar, the Lord Himself rained brimstone and fire down on Sodom and Gomorrah from the Lord out of Heaven…
This demonstrates that the Lord (God the Father) was in Heaven while The Lord (the eternal Son) was on the earth… in much the same way that the story of Jesus’ baptism shows God the Father (in Heaven), God the Son (On earth, in the river Jordan), and God the Holy Spirit (descending FROM Heaven TO earth).
God is One in essence, but Three DISTINCT persons.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Again – in the Septuagint (the Greek O.T. carried by Christ and His apostles… as opposed to the ALTERED Pharisaic Hebrew Masoretic text – which is 700 years younger), in the verse you have quoted – Genesis 3:15… we see this :
“I will put emnity between between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He shall bruise your head, and you shall be on guard for His heel.”
‘Womans seed’ refers to Jesus Christ and the Church (Christ, Who is the Seed of Abraham – see Galatians 3:16, 26)… The seed of the serpent refers to all who reject Jesus’ salvation – instead following the devil, in this world…
But Father Joseph, the devil has ALREADY been defeated by Christ on the Cross ! We are saved from the curse of death through Jesus Christ, and Christ ONLY !
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
You constantly call for – “the Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Mother of God’s Immaculately Loving Heart IN ORDER TO SAVE MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS FROM FALLING INTO THE ETERNAL TORMENTS OF HELL.”
But Father Joseph, Fatima will not save anyone from the ‘ETERNAL TORMENTS OF HELL’ !! ONLY faith and righteousness in Jesus Christ can save anyone from Hell, sir…
“Jesus said to him, ‘For I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’ ”
– John 14:6
IF Fatima were true – and the consecration of Holy Russia WAS carried out… it would still NOT save anyone from the second death, but only the first !
“For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul ?”
– Mark 8:36
Prodigal Son,
That’s enough of my dealing with you. I see what you are really about.
You care not about Satan’s challenge lodged against the Lord back in 1884 A.D. to destroy both the Church and Mankind.
You care not about the Mother of God’s Fatima Apparitions, Messages and Instructions to and for the Bishops of the Church.
World War 1 and World War II don’t phase you. Nor does Satan’s desire in initiate a thermonuclear Third World War doesn’t phase you.
You’ve been given ALL the necessary information and on-line references.
– Fr. Joseph
The strength of Judaism lies in the blind obedience it has historically and currently obtained from those caught in its web.
This extraordinarily powerful technique of blind obedience was handed over to the Masonic sects which they founded among the goyim and similarly enforced to implement their plan of world domination.
This was the basic strength of the Bolshevik destruction of Christian Russia and of International Communism which controlled half the world, at least, until its sudden collapse in the late 80’s, whilst much of the the other half was controlled and is controlled by the same controllers of that now defunct International Communism, namely Zionism and Freemasonry.
This method of blind obedience was again the method used to conquer the Catholic Church through infiltration, Ecumenical Council, and implementation, as obedience to authority was also a part of the sacred ministry and tradition of the Catholic Church.
Those who refused to obey had no choice but to leave the church. 30,000 priests left the Catholic Church in the first year after Vatican II alone.
New vocations dropped from thousands per year to a trickle.
The spanner in the works caused by the consecration prevented the full implementation of their plans by the merger of east and west into a Luciferian dictatorship by the year 2000.
This was to have been commemorated by the crowning of the Pyramid of Giza with a golden capstone in that year.
All current predictions are for the collapse of the US economy by October, with signs in September of 2009.
Is it not a coincidence, then, that $billions is currently in the pipeline for a globally implemented “vaccine” for swine flu, for this time of economic collapse?
Is it not also a coincidence that FEMA detention centres have been rapidly built recently all over the US and in other countries.
What is in that vaccine?
Is the obviously artificially produced swine flu just an excuse for the vaccinne and possibly, along with other newer justifications, detention centres?
The term mandatory is used and attempted to be put in legislation regarding this holocaust, for that is what it is, make no mistake?
“Obama came to the Russian table like a card sharp to a casino, ready to charm his hosts and pull aces from his sleeve to win support from Europe for America’s aim of continued (but waning) hegemony. But Putin is a master chess player, cautious and calculating. The unsentimental Putin does not respond to charm — and he has just closed Russia’s casinos in his efforts to build a Christian Russia …while Obama continues to follow his orders to build a Soviet America.
And amateur card players like Obama are simply tools — rather fools — for Putin to use in his new and expanding Russia…”
EXCELLENT ANALYSIS. The allusions to games (card playing vs. chess) are spot on.
Fr. Joseph…
I’m sorry Father Joseph – I don’t understand.
Please enlighten me – what do you think I’m about ?
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
I’m about Christ’s truth these days, sir – nothing more…
Peace in Christ
This just in -from my e-mail.
“Then the Swine flu hit in Mexico City about May 1, 2009. I don’t live near that city but I thought “here is a possible chance to show that MMS can cure the Swine flu. So, I had my friend call the Mexican Senate and mention that MMS would probably handle the swine flu problem. At that time our friends in Mexico City, even one that worked in the main swine flu hospital had verified 2000 swine flu deaths.
However, one top senator told us that their hands had been tied and that the Senate could do nothing and that I was advised to leave Mexico immediately as someone very powerful didn’t want anything to be done about the swine flu. The indication was that if it looked like MMS could do something, it might be unhealthy for me in Mexico. Seeing that whoever was doing the swine flu was powerful enough to tie the hands of the Mexican Senate, it was good enough to make me decide to leave immediately.
At the airport one of my friends who was there to see me off was called by someone who said that a town nearby had quite a few cases of swine flu. They asked for help. I thought we might be able to do something so I cancelled my flight. We called a doctor in town and he said that he would accompany us to the town the next morning.
He was enthusiastic about doing something with the swine flu. However the next morning he wouldn’t talk to us and his secretary told us not to bother attempting to communicate. I took that as further reason to leave, so I left that day on the airplane bound for Mexico City, and immediately on to other places away from Mexico.
I worried about my friends there in Mexico except I knew they had powerful friends to protect them, and they would be safer with me gone. A friend called me and invited me to South Africa to meet a doctor there. It seemed like a good place to go at the time.”
@ Eternal Love,
I am kind’a confused with what you are saying, u mean you are having a conversation / vision about Lucifer? Aren’t Lucifer and Satan the same? and i am sorry but i have to say this, there is nothing Biblical with what you are saying.
Prodigal Son,
For your ‘enlightenment’…
“91…On the eve of the Third Millenium, the challenge facing us is an arduous one; only the concerted efforts of all those who believe in the value of life can prevent a setback of unforeseeable consequences for civilization. – on-line reference
“Then the All-good God will see the downfall of the human race…”
on-line reference
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
For your ‘enlightenment’,
“Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that the thoughts in his heart fashioned nothing but wickedness all day long. Yahweh REGRETTED having made man on the earth, and His (Divine) Heart grieved. ‘I WILL RID THE EARTH’S FACE OF MAN, MY OWN CREATION.’ – from the public domain reference, ‘The Bible’, Genesis 6:5-6
“August 3, 1973…
In order that the world might know His anger, the Heavenly Father is preparing to inflict a great chastisement on all mankind.
– on-line reference
“October 13, 1973…
If men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity.
– on-line reference
“At FATIMA, Our Lady declared, ‘ONLY I CAN HELP YOU.’ – on-line reference
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
It’s ALL in the ‘Public Domain’ and in FULL SIGHT of everyone in the ORTHODOX Church, in the CATHOLIC Church, in the 27,000 protestant denominations, in every last synagogue throughout the world, in every last mosque throughout the world, in every last governmental assembly throughout the world – in FULL SIGHT of every last major TV, radio and entertainment media conglomerate – all of this and MORE is right there in FULL VIEW of every last person living on our planet earth of 2009 Anno Domini, and they ALL perfer to shut their eyes and look away
‘Heaven’s Key To Peace’ Parts 1 thru 7
You want ‘truth’ – you have it poured into your lap by the railroad tanker car.
– Fr. Joseph
‘Then the All-good God will see the downfall of the human race…”
– The Prophecy of St. Nilus
Does anybody see any of our contemporary world’s ‘Movers, Shakers and Power Elite’ anywhere nowadays remotely concerned? Or are all them pressing on with their own agendas for what they want done to and with mankind?
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
Just ‘F.Y.I.’…
The public and solemn Collegial Consecration of RUSSIA to the Immauclately Loving Heart of the Mother of God per her 1917 A.D. Fatima, Portugal Apparitions will SAVE
The Patriarchs of the Orthodox Church
All the Orthodox Lay Faithful
All the people of Russia
All the people of Europe
All the people of Asia
All the people of the Americas
All the people of Africa
All the people of Australia
from being BURNED UP ALIVE from the Divine Fire God our Heavenly Father is preparing to cause to fall down from His Heaven upon ALL of our bloated, fat, grossly self opinionated HEADS.
And THE LORD knows how many HAIRS on on the top of each and every last one of our 6 billion HEADS.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
In this Icon of St. John Chrysostom
we read the words on the banner-scroll in his hands
“I will not speack of Thy Mysteries to Thine enemies.”
Since ALL that I’ve relayed to you and having given is ‘the public domain’ via references readily available to every last living soul currently alive on planet earth, I see no harm coming out of telling you of my own personal spiritual-mystical experiences of and with our Blessed Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
It was back in September, 1993 that I was granted a week’s long worth of experiences and spiritual encounters with our One, True and Living God.
Hope you don’t me telling you about it…
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
So an angel manifested himself to me in his UNSEEN spiritual presence and persistantly posed the question ‘Do you love God?’ to me.
After about the 5th or 6th time this particular Question was PRESSED onto me in order to give an answer, I simply blurted out
‘But of course I love God’ is a very curt, blunt sort of answer I simply gave in order to cause this unseen Questioning being laid upon me to ‘go away’.
Immediately, that persistant Questioning stopped and the unseen angelic presence left.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
To ‘fast foward’ to ‘The Chase Scene’, it was while I was in Evandale Ohio in September 1993 that I was granted this week’s long worth of mystical-spiritual experiences of our One, True and Living God Who just so happens to be Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Now then, St. Paul the Apostle relays his own personal encounter with our One, True and Living God being ‘taken up to Heaven’ in his 2nd epistle to the Church of Corinth, 2 Corinthians 12:7.
St. John the Apostle relays his own being ‘seized by the Spirit (of God Himself)’ in the Book of Revelation 1:10.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
So while finding myself being immersed in this Heavenly Comfort and Consolation which was lulling me into a kinda/sorta deep, tranquil, still, abosutely lovely SLEEP wherein my mind and heart were allowed to become acutely aware of what I felt and what I encountered, it was the Blessed Virgin Mary (unseen by my human eyes but recognized and felt-experienced by my mind and heart) who REVERENTLY WHISPERED right into my right ear
‘Do Whatever He Tells You’.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
Very shortly AFTER the Mother of God reverently whispering the words ‘Do Whatever He Tells You’ into my right ear, my mind and heart s-l-o-w-l-y shifted attentive focus onto what was ‘happening in and throught the Heavens’.
There was ABSOLUTE SILENCE from everyone throughout the Heavenlies for slowly came into the spiritually ‘audible’ faculty of my spirit, there became audible to me the booming and, yes, angrily YELLING God.
And all of Heaven was UTTERLY SILENT and UTTERLY STILL with no one daring to utter a word on their own AS God the Father was expressing His Divine ANGER.
As best as I could possibly describe it to you, for me it was very much like being a 5 YEAR OLD CHILD being given last minute MOTHERLY ADVISE to go into the home of one tremendously ANGRY & POWERFUL FATHER who was on the verge of throwing all sorts of pans and pots all over the place on account of His Anger.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
Our very angry God and Father then turned His attention towards ME, and that was when THE TERROR began.
Being ‘seized in spirit’ by an very angry God is something nobody, I don’t care WHO they are or who they THINK they are, ever want to expeience – if they could do ANYTHING to aviod it.
How to describe being ‘seized in spirit’ by an Angry God. A rough/crude comparison…
Take a flimsy cloth glove and blow into the open end of the glove to inflate it. Then carefully stand the glove on the open end on a table.
That ‘breath’ that inflated the glove represents the substance and strenght of OUR human spirits which keep these bodies of ours alive as we go about doing all sorts of either GOOD or EVIL things with these lifetimes of ours while on this surface of this planet earth of God’s Creating and Sustaining.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
Now image a real live, animate and potent human hand being INSERTED into that glove displacing one’s own ‘breath of one’s spirit’ currently holding that glove upright.
And that Real Live Hand now causes one’s ‘breath of spirit’ within that glove to experience being CLENCHED and POUNDED AGAINST the table – and that and other things are done TO and done WITH that glove WHILE one’s one ‘breath of life giving spirit’ remains RESIDING within that glove.
That is about the best possible explanation of what ‘being SEIZED by an Angry God’ really and truly FEELS like.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
So our Heavenly Father and His Son and God the Holy Spirit caused me to personal “experience” aspects of their Own Divine Natures and Their Divine Life Together.
Now let me tell you of a ‘Funny Thing’ about ME and MY spontaneous and sincere REACTION one night finding myself in His Divine Presence – the Divine Presence of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
In the Still, Dark, Absolutely Engulfing Spiritual Realm I found myself ‘with’ God, as I used this puny, itsy-bitsy “rationale” human MIND in an attempt to humanly ‘grasp’ the Divine Nature of God Himself as He was right there in front of me, above me, under me, behind me, all around me – as I attempted as best as I could ponder and come to a CONCLUSION on/about/with God Who was ‘right there’, a kinda-sorta MADDENING question came up into my mind to ATTEMPT to answer
‘Where did God come from? When did He have a beginning? How did God come about to begin with?’
And THAT, my dear Prodigal Son, is a line of HUMAN questioning that ought to be AVOIDED by any creature of God our Creator, great or small, seen or unseen – for ANY creature’s ATTEMPT to ponder the depth and origin of God’s Own Divine Nature will most assuredly drive one NUTS and INSANE!
One MUST simply submit to the Divine and Eternal Truth that of simply
And truly, He is ‘I Am Who I Am’.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
In conclusion, I just want to ensure you of the following;
God is so very, very, VERY ANGRY with the whole lot of us members of the Human Race.
And the ONLY PERSON who is keeping all of His Divine Anger at bay is…
The Patriarchs, Clergy, theologians past and present AREN’T doing very much from keeping His Divine Anger from reigning down from His Heaven upon ALL OF US members of the current crop of Humanity in this world of ours – the year now being 2009 Anno Domini.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
Now IF the Patriarchs, the Metropolitans, the Archbishops, the Bishops of God Incarnate’s Own CHURCH here on earth DO perform the public and solemn Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculately Loving Heart of God’s Own Mother per her 1917 A.D. Fatima, Portugal Instructions – thus showing the WHOLE WIDE WORLD the honor, the love, the gratitude, the thanksgiving, the obedience and loving AFFECTION every last member of our Human Race OWES TO this Woman, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Woman of Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 12:17, THAT would greatly APPEASE GOD’S ANGER with the whole lot of us miserably stinkin’ and utterly selfish and perpetually self-centered, self-promoting members of our current Human Race who can do nothing but plan, wish and DO EVIL to one another all over this planet earth of ours in this year 2009 Anno Domini.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
But as YOU can see, I can’t even inform, instruct or convince simply members of the Church’s own ORTHODOX LAITY about that.
If I can’t ‘convince’ a handful of members of the Orthodox laity here on RZN, then what are my chances of getting Patriarchs, Metropolitans, Archbishops, Bishops, Clergy, Theologians galore of convining and/or motiving ALL OF THEM?
I think my chances of doing THAT are next-to-zero.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
The Lord’s Parable of ‘The Prodigal Son’
is a MOST APPROPRIATE ‘Lectio Divina’ meditation and reflection in our contemporary World of 2009 Anno Domini.
Just LOOK at was is going on IN the minds, hearts, souls and spirits of millions upon billions of people nowadays.
Just CONSIDER that the are all placing ‘Value’ in.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
A simple honest observation of the people nowadays, 125 years AFTER Pope Leo XIII received his Divine ‘Heads-Up’ of Satan challenging Christ Jesus to destroy the Church and Mankind along with it, you find people the world over now “valuing” their McMansions, Luxury Transport and Entertaiment Crafts of all sorts, their portfolios containing ‘digits’ in any and all sorts of ‘accounts’, their sexual prowess or sexual allurement – pharmacuetially or cosmetically induced or not – their governmental posistions from which and by which they can enrich themselves – and on and on it goes.
Their ‘appetites’ for these and a whole host of OTHER things is simply ‘insatiable’.
And their chasing after these things brings about what we all know as and experience as ‘Human History’.
But just how many of our world’s current crop of human beings really and truly VALUE the Divine Fact that their Creator has chosen by His Own Free Will to extend to them all
God’s DIVINE FORGIVENESS in the face of all that is seen and unseen has INFINITE Value to them as individuals as well as to entire races and nations.
And they pay that NO MIND whatsoever!
And it appears that they COULDN’T CARE LESS either!
And they act, behave and conduct themselves in ANY manner AS IF they don’t need or are NOT in dire need of His Divine Forgiveness.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
God the Holy Spirit is the ONLY ONE Who can install the Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom of God’s Own Divine TRUTH about their lives and the meaning and purpose FOR living life in the very first place.
And just as Jesus implicitly expressed His Own Divine Mission to and for all of Mankind to His Own Mother
‘WOMAN, what is this between you and I?’
when His Mother brought to His Attention that simple people at a simple human wedding had simply run out of simple GRAPE WINE, that Divine Mission of His and hers to CRUSH SATAN’S HEAD per Genesis 3:15, nevertheless His Mother’s LOVE for those people at the wedding feast who had run out of WINE with which to continue in their joyful celebration resulted in His EXERCISING His Divine Mastery over His natural creation.
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
His Mother told the stewards at that wedding feast ‘Do whatever He tells you’
He told the stewards to fill the water jars used for the wedding party’s public hygene.
The stewards DID what He told them to do.
And they ALL had MORE WINE than they could all drink for about another month.
His Mother TOLD the ‘Stewards’ of His Church to perform a public and solemn Collegial Consecration of Russia to her Immacuately Loving Heart – and IF they did that – her Son would miraculously cause LAKES FULL of His Divine Wine, the Spiritual Wine of His Own Holy Spirit – to be made readily available for our ENTIRE Human Race to drink.
How many people nowadays on planet earth do you actually see ‘Drunk With Joy & Gladness’?
– Fr. Joseph
Prodigal Son,
Just FYI, I personally DO NOT like seeing the Human Race the way it is now and in the way it is living and HAVING TO live their lives.
If THAT troubles or irks you, then I say its about time for YOU to join the Human Race.
– Fr. Joseph
21 posts in a row ! I say, man -that’s got to be a record ! Well done !
And in those 21 posts – you still did not tell me what I am supposedly ‘really about’…
Have you even looked at the instructions I gave you to get around the anti-spam guard ? 59 out of 111 posts here are yours… You could have said all you said in 10 posts or less ! And all the while rather than speaking WITH me -you are speaking OVER me… speaking AT me…
You have not addressed many points I have made to you above, or made an effort to see the truth I am speaking.
While I HAVE examined all the Fatima business that you are promoting (but for whom?), and I have told you the reasons I have for not buying it…
The main reason is – Mary coming back to the Church as an apparition and giving us ‘a new plan’ – IS NOT something you can find in any Bible, is it ?
Another reason, and not the least of which is the fact that the year was 1917, and it dealt with Russia SPECIFICALLY, in an pathetically transparent effort to turn the real Christians in Russia into (Judaized) Roman Catholics… OR ELSE !
What a coincidence ! Right after that – the ‘Jewish’ led and financed Communist revolution overtook Holy Russia and the Czar and his family were murdered ! This has Vatican cooperation written all over it !
This was a concerted effort by ‘Jews’ of the world to stamp out true Christianity in Russia, and it’s STILL going on TODAY as dear Stav pointed out… now with the Uniates as well !
Now all those Russians will think that GOD Himself is behind all their misery – IF ONLY they would have all listened to the Pope, and become Catholics… then this would never have happened ! (HA!)
Then when all of the true Christians in Russia and elsewhere are being murdered and starved BY THE VERY SAME GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO RUN THE VATICAN… the Roman Catholic church posits that this was all BECAUSE Russia had NOT been consecrated to Mary’s ‘immaculate heart’.
Please address my points expressed to you – especially on another thread where I suggested to you that as long as you are focused with tunnel-vision on Mary… you are NOT focused on our ETERNAL salvation – which is through Jesus Christ – NOT Mary
AND… that as long as you are focused with tunnel-vision on Fatima, and the consecration of Russia, and the salvation of flesh – you are NOT focused on Heaven, and the salvation of immortal souls !
Then I will respond… But if all you want to do is talk AT me – then I am an un-neccessary part of the equasion here.
Right on cue
This article appears on Rense this morning concerning the swine flu vaccine from which …
“Your immune system recognizes squalene as an oil molecule native to your body. It is found throughout your nervous system and brain. In fact, you can consume squalene in olive oil and not only will your immune system recognize it, you will also reap the benefits of its antioxidant properties.
“The difference between “good” and “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry which incites your immune system to attack all the squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant.
“Your immune system will attempt to destroy the molecule wherever it finds it, including in places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of your nervous system.[viii]
“Gulf War veterans with Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) received anthrax vaccines which contained squalene.[ix] MF59 (the Novartis squalene adjuvant) was an unapproved ingredient in experimental anthrax vaccines and has since been linked to the devastating autoimmune diseases suffered by countless Gulf War vets.[x]”
According to Dr. Viera Scheibner, Ph.D., a former principle research scientist for the government of Australia:
“… this adjuvant [squalene] contributed to the cascade of reactions called “Gulf War Syndrome,” documented in the soldiers involved in the Gulf War.
“The symptoms they developed included arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Raynaud’s phenomenon, Sjorgren’s syndrome, chronic diarrhoea, night sweats and low-grade fevers.”[xii]
“Post Vaccination Follow-Up Might as Well Be Non-Existent.
There is virtually no science to support the safety of vaccine injections on your long-term health or the health of your children”
@ http://blogs.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/archive/2009/07/17/Squalene-The-Swine-Flu-Vaccines-Dirty-Little-Secret-Exposed.aspx
and this
@ http://rense.com/general86/whdo.htm
Regarding the August 3 and October 13, 1973 messages the Blessed Virgin Mary conveyed to one Carmelite nun Sr. Agnes as found here
we have these recent posted developments and information from one Mr. Karl Schwarz
Might Betelgeuse Go BOOM?
– Fr. Joseph
Additional information and developments by Mr. Karl Schwarz
Betelgeuse BOOM – Calamitas Apocalyptica
Both Betelgeuse And Antares – Update
– Fr. Joseph
Again, with a religious-spiritual eye to the Mother of God’s August 3 and October 13, 1973 messages to Sr. Agnes, I’ve forwarded this information to the Director of the Vatican Observatory
asking their staff to verify Mr. Schwarz’s articles’ information with a further request for them to contact Pope Benedict XVI appealing to him to release the full Third Secret of Fatima along with commencing the public and solemn Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Mother of God’s Immaculate Heart per her 1917 A.D. Fatima Apparition’s Messages and Instructions.
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Prodigal Son,
Perhaps you ARE an unneccessary part of the equation here.
I have more important things to do that squabble with you.
Consider these exchanges between you and I “Closed”.
– Fr. Joseph
@ Eternal Love,
“I am kind’a confused with what you are saying, u mean you are having a conversation / vision about Lucifer? Aren’t Lucifer and Satan the same? and i am sorry but i have to say this, there is nothing Biblical with what you are saying.”
Dear Aurora,
I also do not understand well what are you asking me about. But I will try to answer.
First, if you disagree on what I said that Lucifer is adopted son of Satan that’s fine with me. Of course I differ in my opinion here. They have been some changes in the Bible perhaps several times in the last 2 000 yrs; One of those who made changes is believed to have been imperator Justinian. But if even Satan is Lucifer we face the same situation. We have to pray than for Satan. I do not see anything wrong in praying for Satan (see the next paragraph) and any sinners.
Praying for someone including Satan is not worshiping the sins of the sinners. When praying for the Souls of prostitutes or a killers are we worshiping prostitution and violence?
Second, if you think that asking some developed nice Souls to pray and send Love to Satan or Lucifer is not Biblical I think you are wrong. How do you see dissolving Satan and liberating our world from him. Through hate, sending him hate? Then we will act exactly like him. The more negative energy (hate) we send him the stronger we make him, and this is exactly what he wants us to do.
I wonder why Satan has been so strong for so many years, and as we see now, he is getting even stronger. Could be precisely because people have been sending him hate and making him more cruel. Only the strong energy of LOVE will destroy/dissolve Satan’s hate and brutality, which could become worse in the next 2-3 years. I think we can weaken and eventually help to dissolve Satan by sending him strong energy of Divine Love, at least those who can.
Lots of Love,
Please, support our $5 campaign for GOD your Soul and this site!!!!!
Eternal Love (Holocaust horror stories survivor)
Father Joseph…
I’m sorry you feel that way. I think you need to learn the difference between a ‘squabble’ and a conversational debate between two adults, as I assure you that have no desire to ‘squabble’ with you, or anyone.
Perhaps there are other R.C.s here on RZN that would care to address anything I’ve said ? (rather than IGNORING my words, as you have)… NOT in a spirit of division; but of coming together in finding truth, WHATEVER it may be.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
“Test all things; hold fast what is good.”
– I Thessalonians 5:21
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Will Mary save us ?… Save us from the “Betelgeuse BOOM ” ? Hmmmm….
NO ! If it comes – it comes… The end WILL come ! Will you be ready when He comes ? For it is faith in Christ and the walk of carrying His cross that will SAVE – NOTHING ELSE !!
Hence, in my opinion instead of trying in futility to stop this world from passing away… You SHOULD be focused on the Kingdom to come, and helping to save the immortal SOULS of MORE people – so that they too may enter – and not perish in the second death ! The eternal death !
May the Schwarz be with you Fr. Joseph !
And may God show you your errors…
In sadness, with love,
“Just to make sure I had the math right, I looked up other well-known Supernova remnants. When the star went to Supernova that created M1 (Messier 1, or the Crab Nebula), it was visible during the day for 23 days according to written records of that time.
“That was a tremendous amount of light to be blasted across the galaxy and reach Earth in that magnitude. That happened in 1054 AD but that Supernova is about 6,500 light years from Earth. Imagine that, 23 days visible during the day from 6,500 light years away.” – Karl Schwarz – from
1054 A.D. – a very significant year in Human History – the year of the Great Schism in Christ Jesus’ Church Militant here on earth.
– Fr. Joseph
Perhaps Mr. Karl Schwarz will consider making public comment on another very recent astronomical phenomenon – eye witnessed by 70,000 rain dretched people at Fatima, Portugal back in 1917 A.D. – the Divine ‘Miracle of the Sun’, after which all 70,000 people found themselves instantaneously dry as well as the all of the ground under their feet.
And instead of relying on 900+ year old WRITTEN RECORDS, we have actual photographs of that miraculous Divine Event of 1917 A.D.
– Fr. Joseph
Just for ‘The Public Record’
1917 A.D. – The Miracle of the Sun, Fatima, Portugal
1931 A.D. – “Make it known to My ministers that given they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My command, that they will follow him into misfortune. It will never be too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary. – from
July, 1932 A.D. – “Later, evil overwhelmed men’s hearts to such an extent that I was compelled to send calamities upon the world to purify men through suffering, the destruction of their possessions, or even their death. These were the Flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, man’s wars against man, etc. ..
My dear children, I have lavished these gifts upon you with special graces for twenty centuries, but with what miserable results!” – God the Father to Mother Eugenia
– Fr. Joseph
Just for ‘The Public Record’
August 3, 1973 – “In order that the world might know the Father’s anger, the Heavenly Father is preparing to inflict a great chastisement on all mankind.
October 13, 1973 – “…if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. – Our Lady of Akita to Sr. Agnes
February 6, 1994 – “Time is running out. Repent, repent, repent or else you will suffer, suffer and suffer…
Man, you shall crawl upon the earth like serpents. You choose this way of life with your own free will. …
You have closed your ears. You have closed your hearts to Me.
When you have pushed My Mother aside, I tell you, you have pushed Me aside too. My Mother stands with Me.
When you push God aside, then you shall suffer the consequences.” Jesus Christ to Nancy Fowler
It’s ALL ‘in the Public Domain’
– Fr. Joseph
“It will never be too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary.” – Jesus Christ to Sr. Lucy – 1931 A.D.
My recommendation – e-mail the Bishop of Rome, Pope Benedict XVI, insisting to him that he ORDER the Bishops of the Church to perform the pubilc and solemn Collegial Consecration of Russia to His Mother’s Immaculately Loving Heart per her 1917 A.D. Fatima Instructions.
The Pope’s e-mail address:
– Fr. Joseph
Fr. Joseph,
Just skimmed the messages, but I can see you’re quite an advocate of the Fatima message and the Pope’s need to have all of the bishops consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart. My mother was a staunch Fatima advocate and Blue Army member (her picture was on the front page of our local paper — on her knees in Church praying the Rosary for JPII the day after JPII was shot — and it was the largest picture ever on the front page — with the proviso that her name not be used and it was shot in profile so most people wouldn’t recognize her).
The message of Fatima played a part in my conversion to the Catholic faith but, and this is a big BUT. It’s time to admit that NO post Vatican II Pope (I’m now wondering if I shouldn’t have accepted the sedevacantist position long ago) is going to properly carry out the demanded consecration.
The only way I can see a post Vatican II pope carrying out the consecration (which some quarters falsely claim has already been carried out) is in the aftermath of a nuclear conflagration which I think, by the way, looking at the middle-east and the madmen pulling the strings in Israel and the Trotskyites here running (ruining) America could be much closer than we’d care to think about!
Were you ever on the national boards before the Internet caught fire? I could tell you some stories about CIN (Catholic Information Network) that would curl your hair!
I truly like Brother Nathanael Kapner’s site here and agree with his comments and insights more than nearly anyone I know personally. But and this is another big BUT. I don’t believe Putin the the great “Christian leader” as he is being portrayed, having read New Lies for Old by Anatoly Golitsyn about the planned “collapse of communism” the “democratization” of the former Soviet Russia and its communist satellites.
It’s far too much for me to believe that when the Jews took over Russia, slaughtered the Russian intelligentsia to prevent their ever being a counterrevolution, the Jewish bankers control W O R L D — W I D E of finance and money that Russia could EVER escape from their clutches. At least not without the help of the “free world” and that wouldn’t be possible unless we first ousted the Jewish bankers and took control of our OWN media and churches again.
This hasn’t happened, and in fact the government recently took ownership of the largest company in the world, i.e., GM. That, father, is Communism! The plan was simple: a phony collapse of communism to accelerate the advance of communism in the west as would be the case once the few people still awake let down their guard.
After all the media keeps telling us “communism is dead”. Look at a map of S. America. Every country, save three, is either socialist or communist! It seems that nearly the only place in the world that isn’t communist is Russia! I, for one, am not buying that song and dance.
Oh, and Father, you don’t seriously expect Benedict XVI to EVER follow out the Fatima consecration, do you? He’s the one, who had Father, I forget his name, but the Jesuit who was well-known to be a disbeliever in Fatima to investigate it! And John Paul II praising the UN and also praising the ADL! I think the Church is in deep, deep, trouble, Father.
Dear Ron Dee,
One of the MOST VICIOUS enemies of the very early and incredibly VULNERABLE Church nearly 20 centuries ago was SAUL, one of the most rabidly zealous JEWS and staunchly devote and indoctrinated PHARISEES of his time.
Our Lord and Savior took it upon Himself to employ the most gentlest manifestations of His Divine Power onto SAUL – knocking him off his ‘high horse’, rendering him enfeebled and then bringing SAUL around to do His Divine Bidding here ALL ACROSS our known world back in his day.
To my knowledge, God’s Divine Powers hasn’t waned or diminished over time, these past 20 centuries.
There is NO DOUBT in my mind that He is More Than Capable of bringing about some very much needed and DRASTIC changes in the minds, hearts, souls, spirits, attitudes and inner dispositions of not only the Prelates of the Vatican, but in 6 billion human souls currently living and alive NOW on this planet earth of His Creating.
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Ron Dee,
So I want to THANK YOU for at least publicly admitting that ALL OF US members of the Catholic Church as well as the rest of those of Humanity who still harbor GOOD WILL towards one another are in a very real and true way ‘spiritually’ at BASTOGNE, holding on as best as we can against these massive spiritual assualts against US and against all of Humanity.
When, if EVER, is a General Patton with his 10 Armored going to show up? I haven’t a clue. Don’t even know IF there is a ’10th Armored’ LEFT in the Church Militant’s Expeditionary Forces here on earth.
But just to do what I can to ‘keep YOUR spirits and moral UP’, here’s an account of a spiritual battle long, long ago:
2 Kings 6:8-17
Keep your head low and keep on FIRING AWAY with your prayers!
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Ron Dee,
FYI, your prayers and the prayers of YOUR MOTHER are working.
And THE LORD is fully aware of the spiritual condition within and the machinations going on WITHIN His Church Militant’s HQ, ‘The Pentagon’ aka ‘The Vatican’.
Spiritual Military Intelligence Report FYI:
Don’t give up hope and NEVER doubt God’s Powers and His Faithfulness to His New Covenant with all of Mankind – those who “want IN” to His New Covenant that is.
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Ron Dee,
About 1/2 hours, the Lord granted me a gracious moment of an honest-to-goodness belly laugh. Most refreshing to one’s beleagured mind and heart.
Wanted to pass it on to you as a rather ‘unusual’ Priestly blessing for you, your family and your loved ones.
From Psalm 2 (and that, too, is in ‘the Public Domain), we ALL can read
“The One enthroned in Heaven LAUGHS; the Lord derides them.” – from
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Ron Dee,
So, my dear ‘fellow soldier of the Lord here at BASTOGNE’ (grin), just to pass on that Blessing to you, print this ‘Icon’ up and paste it to your wall right by your PC
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Ron Dee,
Next, please print out this ‘Icon’ as well and tape it to your wall next to your PC
Now instead of hearing with your inner spiritual ear the words of Oliver Hardy saying to Stan Laurel
‘Well STANLEY, this is ANOTHER FINE MESS you’ve gotten US into!”
You can substitute the name ‘STANLEY’ for any and all of the current ‘Movers, Shakers and Power Elite’ of our contemporary world as they pop up their heads and faces over the World’s Mass Media outlets of any sort spewing out whatever verbal GARBAGE at us or at other world leaders, and say to yourself ‘prayerfully’
this is ANOTHER FINE MESS you’ve gotten US into.’
whenever you wind up reading/getting news from the Internet, TV, radio, newsprint, magazines, etc.
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Ron Dee,
And on a more SERIOUS note while here with us at ‘Bastogne’, here ya go…you own spiritual anti-personnel weapon – a kinda sorta ‘grenade launcher’
St. Francis of Assisi’s Letter to THE RULERS OF THE PEOPLE:
Now what you can do is print that out, cut it down so that ONLY the part of St. Francis’ Letter to the Rulers of the People remains, made about 100 copies of it – and whenever ANY of our current ‘Celebrity Con-Artist Rules of the People of our World’ say or do ANYTHING at all contrary to the Diivne Will of GOD INCARNATE here in ANY country of our contemporary World of 2009 A.D., simply obtain their mailing address from the PUBLIC DOMAIN such as the Internet or Public Government Mailing Directories…
…and simply MAIL THAT PERSON/THOSE PERSONS a single copy of St. Francis of Assisi’s Letter to the Rulers of the People.
Total monetary cost to you will be the purchase price of 100 number 10 envelopes and a First Class postage stamp.
Say a little prayer to St. Michael the Archangel that your little letter ‘lights ’em up’.
– Fr. Joseph
Does president Putin ever mention Kosovo? Do any Christian denominations understand what is happening in Kosovo? How would anybody in the US or anywhere in the world feel if their ancient churches and monasteries were being blown up, while the people are being terrorized and fleeing their own homes?
Helsinki human rights watch has an employee, Sonja Biserko, who calls herself a Serbian human rights activist. She recently stated on television that Serbia is a “sick society”, she made no mention of the destruction of Serbian churches, monasteries and rights of indigenous Serbs in Kosovo.
Does anybody on planet earth get what is going on in Kosovo?? Do any Christians care?? Do any peace loving, human rights loving people care? Do any world leaders, church leaders, people in positions of power care to mention it?
Dear czarina,
Yeah, I care. We have ALL seen this before, time and time again.
Our Lady of Czestochowa
– Fr. Joseph
Dear czarina,
“IF” we get the public and solemn Collegial Consecration of RUSSIA done by the Bishops of the Western-Latin Church – WE WIN!
If NOT – well, we ALL lose.
– Fr. Joseph
Dear czarina,
F.Y.I. – ‘The Devil’s FINAL Battle’
– Fr. Joseph
Greetings in our Lord Jesus Czarina:
Many Orthodox and other Christian and humanitarian people in America and elsewhere in the world, including the Russians, do care about Serbia, and are doing what we can, however, the problem will become very clear how very suppressed is getting any information out, and how propagandized for the past 20 years, and snarled up with NATO, the Eurocrats, and our Serbophobic Obama and especially Biden. This is a very valuable website.
Serbophobia from the Ustasha Clergy Back in the Early 1980s
When Obama’s running mate Joe Biden stated that “all Serbs should be placed in Nazi-style concentration camps” during Senatorial deliberations in 1999 over NATO aggression on Serbia, most of the world was unaware of the source of such virulent Serb-hatred one would generally be ashamed of harboring, let alone advertising.
But issuing a statement that amounts to approval of the genocide Serbian nation had already been subjected to during the WWII, by the Croat fascists — Ustashe — and that it should, indeed, have been entirely exterminated in the death camps of which Ustasha-run Jasenovac was the most macabre chain of slaughterhouses in Europe, could have been inspired only by the pathological Croat Ustasha ideology fueled and grown on pure, undiluted hatred of everything Serbian.
Indeed, as Croatia’s Jutarnji List reports, it was the Croat Franciscan clergyman who planted the poisonous anti-Serb virus in Joseph Biden’s heart and instilled unvarnished, thunderous Serbophobia in him, exemplified by Biden filing Senate resolutions, motions, holding speeches and giving interviews that are so blatantly hateful, biased and fanatically anti-Serb, one would have a hard time to match that level of vitriol against a nation in the statements of any and all the other American politicians.
As a good Roman Catholic, Senator Biden apparently chose to filter out some of the less popular bits about the shameful role Vatican has played during the Second World War and the Holocaust.
He also seems to be blissfully unaware of the fact that Croat Franciscans were among the most rabid butchers who simply adored their ally — Third Reich, both the German and Croat fuhrers (Ante Pavelic was a Croat fuhrer — “poglavnik” — during the WWII) and have actively helped Hitler-adoring satellite, Independent Republic of Croatia (NDH, spanning both present-day Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina) to commit one of the most horrific genocides in the European history, tearing — eye-by-eye and limb-by-limb — 750,000 Serbs, 60,000 Jews and 30,000 Gypsies in the Jasenovac concentration camp-complex alone.
So, when a Croat Franciscan clergyman Ilija Zivkovic spoke to Biden against the Serbs, Senator Biden listened and, as evident in the past two decades of his career, took all the pathological hatred for a factual source of information against the Serbian nation.
What his Croat ultra-nationalist, Ustasha descendant advisers taught him about the Serbian nation was most evident on CNN’s Larry King Live where Senator Biden, stricken by one of those Hitler seizures, proclaimed that “Serbs are illiterate degenerates, baby killers, butchers and rapists”.
Fr. Joseph, I tried to leave a comment to your last replies, but I got an error message from spam free not allowing me to post even though I have Java and cookies enabled. Perhaps it was too long. Just as well I suppose.
Dear Czarina,
The plans to systematically “balkanize” the Balkans was in the planning stages for years and finalized in the ‘Project for a New American Century’ (PNAC) in order to bring the Balkans into NATO-stan under the governance of the Eurocrats.
“I Explained Why Belgrade Bridges Must be Bombed” (Way Back in 1993)
“He knew about Croatia and the Croat problems already at the time of Yugoslavia, when he was in contact with the president of the Croat Brotherhood Community Bernard Luketic and with the president of the Croat National Council Mate Mestrovic. But I think what influenced him most was the speech I held in Little Rock before just-elected president Bill Clinton, who invited the American minorities for conversation,” Fr Ilija Zivkovic boasted to Croat Jutarnji List.
Regarding the Croat ultra-nationalist organizations he’s mentioning as Biden’s decades-old ties and “friendly” sources of information, see this valuable study of the evolution of the Pavelic’s notorious Ustasha “brotherhood”. (on blogsite)
“[At that gathering organized by Clinton] We agreed that Luketic speaks about the situation in Croatia, and since I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina, I spoke about the situation in Bosnia. In 45 minutes I explained why the bridges in Belgrade, Serbia, must be bombarded, how to stop Serb forces in BiH… I think that made a strong impression upon Biden”, Zivkovic said, proudly adding he met a number of congressmen and senators during his work in United States.
“It was all clear to them, because we have engaged one former congressman back in 1987 to lobby for Croatia [for Croatia’s independence, that is, LONG BEFORE MILOSEVIC SHOWED UP ANYWHERE, [emphasis Kj] long before the wars that were used to rip Jugoslavia apart in the 1990s]”, Zivkovic said.
According to the Croat daily, this Franciscan worked at Voice of America in U.S. — a major propaganda tool, but he claims there were disagreements between Croats and Serbs already in 1985, because “the Serbian editors would cut out everything that was Croatian”.
Imagine that! Could that be because in 1985 there was only one state to be loyal to, called Yugoslavia — there was no Croat state (after the defeat of the fascists and dismantlement of the monstrous Ustasha-run NDH), and the tender Ustasha nostalgia and Croat fanatical nationalism was not tolerated by any nations Yugoslavia was comprised of?
But Ustashe always felt their right to hatred and fascism tramples all the laws and everyone else’s rights to peace and freedom from the terror of their psychopathology.
“We had no one to complain to, so I turned to the Foreign Policy Board of the Senate. Yes, I complained directly to Biden”, Zivkovic said, adding that “Biden trusted him because he was also a Roman Catholic”. And so too was Father Satan.
“We have been meeting many times since and he often asked for my opinion. We simply became close”, Zivkovic said.
Look, all of the ORTHODOX throughout the world along with all of the CATHOLICS throughout the world along with all of the PROTESTANTS throughout the world along with all of the GNOSTICS, ATHEISTS, HUMANISTS, COMMUNISTS, SATANISTS, MASONS, ROSICRUCIANS, HERMETIC ORDERS, KABBALAHISTS throughout the world have a CHOICE –
Everyone pressures the BISHOP OF ROME to order the Bishops of Christ’s Church here on earth to preform the public and solemn Collegial Consecration of RUSSIA to the Immaculately Loving Heart of His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary – OR – everyone STOP THEIR WHINING!
Everyone can write A LETTER to the Pope:
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
The Apostolic Palace
00120 Vatican City State
Italy, Europe
or E-MAIL him
People apparently like to SIT AROUND, point fingers, whine and complain.
DO something of substance.
Get the ORTHDOX Bishops doing what they should and CAN do for their flocks.
– Fr. Joseph
EVERYONE has the information on the OBEDIENCE God demands from THE BISHOPS of His Church here on earth – and yes, that INCLUDES the Bishops of the ORTHODOX Church!
If THE BISHOPS of His Church don’t want to do what GOD Himself DEMANDS, and the Catholic and Orthodox Laity DON’T want to see their BISHOPS do what God wants done, then stop all of this unproductive and entirely USELESS whining, complaining and perpetual finger-pointing – and simply ACCEPT THE CONSEQUENCES of what happens to people inside and outside of His Church the world over.
– Fr. Joseph
But, ‘I know, I know’…all of the OTHER PEOPLE throughout this world of 2009 Anno Domini simply exist, move, live and have their being here on God’s planet earth to
“make MY life pleasant”
is the contemporary religious-spiritual and geopolitical beliefs of EVERYONE nowadays.
Such is the nature of the LACK OF CHARITY on the part of people both within and throughout His Church as well outside of His Church.
God WANTS to help all of Mankind – and NOT just the Orthodox.
And IF the Bishops of His Church OBEY their Spiritual Mother as Our Lady of Fatima and DO want she has already instructed back in 1917 A.D. – there would be NO desecration of SERBIAN ORTHODOX Churches.
Does everyone understand that??
– Fr. Joseph
Now there are NO EXCUSES. Everyone in the ORTHODOX Church has access to viewing
‘Heaven’s Key To Peace’ parts 1 to 7
‘The Devil’s Final Battle’
Photographic-historical PROOF of the authenticity and validity of the Mother of God’s 1917 A.D. Fatima Apparition’s Instructions and Messages
– Fr. Joseph
All of the members of the ORTHODOX Church have THE LORD’S OWN WORDS contained written down in the Canon of Sacred Christian Scripture:
“Now after this He made His way thought towns and villages preaching, and proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God. With Him went the Twelve, as well as CERTAIN WOMEN who had been cured of evil spirits and ailments; MARY surnamed the Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, JOANNA the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, SUSANNA, and several others who provided for them out of their own resources.” – Luke 8:1-3
– Fr. Joseph
Question: Did these WOMEN named in Luke 8:1-3 help or hinder THE LORD in His Divine Mission? Did these WOMEN named in Luke 8:1-3 ASSIST the Blessed Virgin Mary in helping HER in the Divine Vocation that was given to her AS the Mother of God?
Should not ORTHODOX women ASSIST the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, in what she instructed to be DONE per her 1917 A.D. Fatima Apparition’s Instructions?
– Fr. Joseph
From the Penitential rite of the ROMAN Church’s Mass, the WHOLE WIDE WORLD can labor over and nit-pick at the following words:
“I CONFESS to Almighty God
and TO YOU, my brothers and sisters
that I have SINNED through MY OWN FAULT
in my thoughts and in my words
in what I HAVE DONE
and in what I HAVE FAILED TO DO
and I ask blessed Mary, every virgin,
all the angels and saints
AND YOU, my brothers and sisters
to pray for me to the Lord our God.”
– Fr. Joseph
“in what I HAVE DONE
and in what I HAVE FAILED TO DO”
So now, there are SINS of 1) COMMISSION and there are SINS of 2) OMISSION.
Boy o’boy, are so many SO QUICK to laborious point on in great and exquisite DETAIL the SINS OF COMMISSION of others here on RZN.
Those same people can NOW begin consider the long, long list of the SINS OF OMISSION by those outside of the ROMAN Catholic Church as well as within the ROMAN Catholic Church.
And while they are at that, they can begin to enumerate the SINS OF OMISSION from all of those inside and outide of the ORTHODOX Church as well.
– Fr. Joseph
The SINS OF OMISSION include the REFUSAL to honestly, sincerely and truthfully LOOK AT, EXAMINE, STUDY the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Instructions and Messages given to the entire world and her Son’s Church here on earth AS Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal 1917 A.D.
Well, shall we not start making a very long and very DETAILED LIST of all those in the Catholic Church and in the Orthodox Church, to include both Church’s PATRIARCHS, Metropolitans, Bishops, Clergy and members of THE LAITY the world over who REFUSE and REJECT the Mother of God’s Fatima APPEALS to our world and INSTRUCTIONS to her Son’s Church here on earth?
Who out there in RZN cyberworld is up to THAT TASK?
We need someone who can scroll out reams and reams of postings here to RZN giving exquisite and indepth DETAIL of all those and their names, dates, times, places who have committed the SIN OF OMISSION in refusing and rejecting Our Lady of Fatima.
– Fr. Joseph
KathJulian, thank you for all of that information. That is truly eye opening and something I never hear in the media.
Fr. Joseph, in your last post, it almost sounds as if you’re blaming the victims.
When they come into your house and slaughter you like a pig because you cross yourself differently, it is too late to watch youtube, and this is how the Serbs were slaughtered in WW2 – they say even Hitler was shocked at the brutality used by the Ustasha against the Serbs. “love thy neighbour” “thou shalt not kill”
The “Vicar of Christ” on earth is not only the head of a church, but a political entity, city state with offical, diplomatic ties to countries. With all his resources and protection, he could go to Jasenovac, Medjugorje and other places where innocent people were systematically slaughtered by priests who were given protection by the Vatican and means to flee to Argentina (Ratlines).
Christ’s “Vicar on earth” who teaches his flock we must confess our sins with our lips, we must repent, His Holiness should practice what he preaches, and visit these sites and pray for the souls of all those poor helpless, innocent victims, who were also baptized. If I was the Pope, that is what I would do, because my conscience my Jesus tells me to.
If you FAIL to lock your front door at night, and IF you awake in the middle of the night with a THIEF, a BULGLAR, a MURDERED in your own kitchen, living room or bedroom – who is to “blame”?
The Answer: BOTH the Criminal and the Home Owner.
The Criminal should NOT be going about stealing, looting and killing – and the Home Owner should NOT abandon or disregard the SAFETY/DEFENSE features of his or her home.
Disregading Heaven’s DIVINE PROTECTION and DIVINE DEFENSE against all that Satan and his seen and unseen minions have, are and will continue to cause all across our World of 2009 Anno Domini is IMPRUDENT, RECKLESS and – if I may be so bold to say this – a “tempting God”.
– Fr. Joseph
If your very own HOME is on fire – and you do the very best that you can in getting your own family members out of the fire and to safety – and you call your local fire department – and the FIREMEN at your local fire department DISREGARD your informing them your house is on FIRE and you need THEIR specialized help and assistance – and those FIREMEN say something like ‘La-De-Da, everything is just so NICE and PEACEFUL and PEACHY-KEENY here at OUR Fire Department Building – and besides, it’s both RAINING and COLD outside – and none of us want to get our UNIFORMS dirty nor our FIRE ENGINES muddy…and they DO NOT RESPOND…and YOUR house BURNS DOWN TO THE GROUND while your family is left out in the COLD and in the RAIN homeless, having LOST every last one of your valuable possessions…
The ‘Act of GOD’ which caused your home to catch fire – OR – those Firemen who are PAID and who are EXPECTED TO BE ‘Firemen’?
– Fr. Joseph
I take it that you are a DEVOUT Orthodox Christian.
Now you tell me – WHO in the Orthodox Church (or, for that matter, in the Catholic Church) have GOD’S OWN AUTHORITY to ‘Consecrate’?
– Fr. Joseph
WHO in God’s Church here on earth has His Divine Authority to CONSECRATE bread and wine into His Body and Blood?
WHO in God’s Church here on earth has His Divine Authority to CONSECRATE men and women into the Clergy and Religious Life?
WHO in God’s Church here on earth has His Divine Authority to CONSECRATE grounds and buildings in which HOLY and SACRED things such as the Divine Liturgy are conducted and in which His Divine Sacraments are ministered to His People here on earth?
Then consider – WHO in God’s Church here on earth has His Divine Authority to CONSECRATE nations of peoples here on earth so as to effect His Divine Will ON EARTH as His Divine Will is done in Heaven?
And isn’t HEAVEN a most Infinitely Wonderful and Lovely Place TO LIVE one’s life?
– Fr. Joseph
IF God’s Divine, Holy and All-good WILL is done in Heaven – don’t you think that, perhaps, by some stretch of one’s imagination, that is might be a good thing – A VERY GOOD THING – to see to it that His Divine Will gets done down here ON EARTH as well?
– Fr. Joseph
If the Mother of God herself says that GOD desires a public and solemn Collegial Consecration of RUSSIA to His Mother’s Immaculately Loving Heart – don’t you think THAT is a VERY GOOD IDEA?
So back to ‘Square One’…
WHO here on earth has His Divine Authority TO CONSECRATE in His Own Church?
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Czarina,
By economic vocation, I’m a ‘Licensed Aircraft Mechanic’. My country’s Government ‘CONSECRATES’ me to work on aircraft – maintaining and repairing them.
And this Nation of mine EXPECTS ME to maintain and repair its aircraft PER the explicit directions and instructions of the CREATORS of these manifold types of aircraft.
Now if I don’t properly install, torque and safety the PYLON BOLTS attaching the engine to the wing – and during flight – the ENGINE FALLS OFF – the aircraft’s wing is damaged – and the aircraft CRASHES to the ground – and hundreds of people are KILLED by the ‘Sudden Stop’ of their aircraft – who is to blame?
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Czarina
Back in 1917 A.D., THE CREATOR of the Church and our entire Planet Earth sent a ‘Maintenance Message’ to the CONSECRATED ‘Licensed Ecclesiastical Mechanics’ who are PAID-CHARGED-LICENSED by THE CREATOR to do a certain Divine PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE Procedure – so that ALL OF THE CHURCH’S AND PLANET EARTH’S PASSENGERS would avoid these ‘CRASH & BURN’ episodes that have been our Human History these past 100 years.
When the Divine ‘F.A.A.’ Inspector General HIMSELF comes a’calling – and when He INSPECTS the Maintenance Records and the Logbooks – all I can say is that
‘Heads Are Gonna Roll!’
– Fr. Joseph
Just a LINE-MECHANIC and most assuredly NOT a ‘HEAVY-CHECK Mechanic, Supervisor or Inspector’
Greetings in our Lord Jesus, czarina
Below article was also posted prior to the Obama-circus (2008 Presidential Election).
There are a number of reputable, independent ‘alternative’ journalists (Antiwar.com, Emperor’s New Clothes) and international humanitarian organizations that have done great work in uncovering the corrupt Clinton-Bush policies from under the manure pile of politicized Jewish-owned Mainstream Media/CIA propaganda, hoaxes and deliberate lies.
I will post up some more links for your reference. The byzantinesacredart site also has genenerous link documentions in its blog articles.
Biden & McCain are Exactly the Same, Two Warmongers Who Never Found a War They Didn’t Like
Another Croat ultra nationalist, Ivo Banac, saluted Obama’s appointment of no other than the Serbophobic Biden as his running mate, stressing that Biden held “strong anti-Milosevic views which tie him to the Republican presidential candidate John McCain”.
“In May 1999, Biden and McCain submitted a resolution [to the Senate], proposing the use of ground forces against Milosevic”, Banac said.
This joint resolution proposal submitted by Biden and McCain not in May, but in April of that year, was blank authorization to the Clinton administration to use all the force at America’s disposal to crush tiny Serbia. With regret, Croat Banac noted this fascist resolution was not adopted. Banac also confirms Biden is heavily biased against the Serbs and militantly pro-Croat, claiming he was “against Milosevic from the very start” (i.e. during Yugoslavia, before any of the separatist wars).
Banac also claims Biden is equally anti-Russian:
“He is against Russia returning to the positions contrary to the Western ones. In regards to Georgia, he realized this was not a marginal issue, but an attempt of testing the resolve of the Western policy”, Banac eulogized.
It didn’t seem to occur to him to question Biden’s hypocrisy and duplicity: the same man who was among the most aggressive advocates of dismembering Serbia, who actively promoted and demanded the imposed severing of its southern Kosovo-Metohija province and gifting it to illegal Albanian immigrants and terrorists, is now very concerned over Georgia’s “territorial integrity”.
Banac explained the excessive praise and courtesy exchanged between the apparent opponents, Mad McCain and Biden: simply put, they are exactly the same Serbophobic warmongers. Not only are they both among the most prominent, most fanatical Serb-haters in Washington, with strong ties to both the Croat and Albanian ultra-nationalist lobbies, not only are they both unscrupulous, belligerent interventionists who behave as if bullying is the most sophisticated expression of political wisdom, but neither of them has ever found a war they didn’t like.
As one political analyst said in Aaron Russo’s exceptional documentary America, From Freedom to Fascism, the easiest way to understand the entire Democrats-versus-Republicans fake drama is to realize “they are one and the same mafia, the only difference is that the Democrats are the Gambino family and the Republicans are the Genoveses”.
Take your pick.
Anniversary of a Victorious Crime
August 4, 2005
In the early morning hours of Aug. 4, 1995, on the heels of an incessant artillery and air bombardment, some 200,000 Croatian troops moved in to “liberate” Krajina, a stretch of mountains inhabited by Serbs who had rejected Croatia’s secession from Yugoslavia four years prior.
Overrunning the token UN observation posts, the U.S-TRAINED [emph. Kj] Croatian army quickly overwhelmed localized Serb resistance. President Franjo Tudjman declared Aug. 5, the day Croat troops entered the Serb capital of Knin, a national holiday: “Homeland Thanksgiving Day.” By Aug. 7, the “Republic of Serb Krajina” was no longer in existence.
A grand celebration is scheduled for tomorrow in Knin. Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, the late Tudjman’s political heir, will no doubt give a rousing patriotic speech, glorifying Croatia’s “defenders from Serbian aggression.”
Some mainstream media will report that the offensive resulted in civilian casualties, and that one high-ranking Croatian general, Ante Gotovina, is a fugitive from war crimes charges at the Hague Inquisition. And that will be the end of it.
Dwelling on “Operation Storm” (Oluja) serves no purpose in the official narrative of the Balkans wars.
Its victims are that narrative’s principal villains, so their suffering must be suppressed.
The victors, on the other hand, are no longer useful to the Empire. “Storm” is something Washington would like to forget. Serbs and Croats don’t have that luxury.”
Mr. Joseph-
Thank you for all the comments and information. My “devoutness”, or lack of it, to any institution of organized religion is not an issue.
Let’s stick to the facts. I think some people are completely ignorant of the facts of WW2 history – the Black Shirts, The Brown Shirts, these were the men instructed by the Croatian Ustasha to go to Serbian homes, raid them, drag people off to camps, shoot them in the back as they were marching, throw them into crevices at Medjugorje, or simply rape them and slash their throats in their homes, mostly women and children, who of course, should have known better and locked their doors, as they could withstand an invasion of Black Shirt men in the middle of the night.
Good logic. I fail to understand comments like “it’s your fault if your door was not locked” during war time. It saddens and disturbs me that a person who considers themself a Christian, is not only lacking in compassion (like the Croatian priests who murdered innocent people), but also lacking in the knowledge of that history. Many survivors of Ustasha brutality are still alive.
Mr. Joseph, why don’t you speak with them, counsel them, pray for them so that they have healing for their trauma? Why don’t you act like Jesus? I really have no words for any human being who lacks such compassion and knowledge of the facts. It is people like Mr. Joseph, who give the Atheists and the secular Humanists justification for their beliefs.
WW2 Croatia, and still continuing in former Yugoslavia, is living proof of men who can kill in the name of God and Jesus Christ. One wonders if perhaps it’s time to listen to the Atheists and the Humanists? They are kinder, more humane and more knowledgable than Mr. Joseph.
Mr. Joseph, you terrify me. What happened to the Serbs and is still happening I do not wish upon my own worst enemy, not because I belong to a church, or maybe not, but because I am a decent, compassionate human being, which is more than I can say for you.
If I were you, I would feel ashamed for expressing such lack of compassion, inhumanity and ignorance for the world to see on this discussion site. I would say shame on you, but Jesus would say “forgive him Father, he knows not what he does.”
I will leave it up to Jesus to judge you.
The following “interventionist” pattern can be seen over and over again in Southeast Asia, Meso- and South American countries, Africa, the Middle East since WW2. Since at least the ‘70’s, the ultimate goal is US control and domination of multi-resource rich Central Asia, highly coveted by the likes Soros, Biden, Obama, and especially of Zbignew Brezhinski, Polish Catholic origin and notorious Russophobe [http://www.answers.com/topic/zbigniew-brzezinski for extensive political biography] in his book US Geostrategy: The Grand Chessboard.
Among numerous ant-Communist/Soviet efforts under President Reagan (including orchestration of the Soviet/Aghanistan War), Brezhinski visited Warsaw, met with Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski (against the objection of the U.S. Ambassador to Poland), recognizing the Roman Catholic Church as the legitimate opposition to Communist rule in Poland, hence was born ‘Solidarity’. Also in 1978, Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyła was elected Pope John Paul II—an event which the Soviets believed Brzezinski orchestrated.
June 17, 2005 (Book review)
Kosovo, 1999: An Insider’s View
by Christopher Deliso
Collision Course: NATO, Russia, and Kosovo
By John Norris
Praeger, 2005, 334 pp.
‘Collision Course: NATO, Russia, and Kosovo’ [Amazon.com] gives an unprecedented inside view of the planning and conduct of NATO’s 1999 bombing campaign against Yugoslavia. Written by John Norris, the former communications director for Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, this recently released work traces the chronology of decisions and events made by all of the key political players involved.
It’s important to note from the outset that Collision Course is an establishment work, and its author and key sources were and are cheerleaders for an intervention and occupation that have led to humanitarian horrors, local mafia consolidation of power, and the imminent betrayal of UN Resolution 1244, which guaranteed that Kosovo would remain a part of Yugoslavia.
Further, the author is currently special adviser to the president of the International Crisis Group [www.crisisgroup.org/home/], an utterly loathsome think-tank and graveyard of retired, failed, and ambitiously aspiring Western diplomats. Nevertheless, the ICG retains considerable clout among the “international community,” considering that it is funded by the same governments and institutions whose views it parrots with regularity.
In short, it is the civilian version of private military contractors like MPRI [www.mpri.com/] that are staffed by retired military men. The difference is that the ICG concentrates on political murders rather than corporeal ones.
Now the ICG has always been especially aggressive when it comes to the Balkans. It is no accident that several of the participants on the winning side of the Kosovo conflict now sit on its board. In addition to author and advisor Norris, names like General Wesley Clark and former Finnish president (and special negotiator during the war) Martti Ahtisaari jump out.
Before the book even starts, there is a foreword by former Deputy Secretary of State Talbott […his] brief text is dripping with a retrospective neoconservatism that remarkably manages to valorize the 1999 bombing while also taking jabs at the Bush administration’s handling of Iraq. The goal is to slyly posit Kosovo – a Clintonian “achievement” – as an example for the current administration to follow elsewhere.
A Startling Revelation
Following this rather hackneyed attempt to justify intervention as a policy, author Norris begins the book with a contention so surprising that one suspects some retrospective contextualization has been performed here as well for political benefit. How else can one explain the following statement and its conclusion?
“[N]ATO’s large membership and consensus style may cause endless headaches for military planners, but it is also why joining NATO is appealing to nations across Central and Eastern Europe. Nations from Albania to Ukraine want in the Western club. The gravitational pull of the community of Western democracies highlights why Milosevic’s Yugoslavia had become such an anachronism.
As nations throughout the region strove to reform their economies, mitigate ethnic tensions, and broaden civil society, Belgrade seemed to delight in continually moving in the opposite direction. It is small wonder that NATO and Yugoslavia ended up on a collision course.
***”It was Yugoslavia’s resistance to the broader trends of political and economic reform – not the plight of Kosovo Albanians – that best explains NATO’s war.” (pp. xxii-xxiii)***
This astonishing paragraph clearly seeks to contextualize Clinton’s war as a necessary predecessor to the Bush administration’s multicolored revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine, and who knows where next. Sadly, it might even be true.
The “liberals” of American politics are often contrasted with the belated liberals of the neocon camp, the ones most often identified with permanent revolution for the sake of spreading democracy, but it’s clear that despite the occasional softball criticism of the Bush administration’s interventions, it’s more like a family squabble than some deeper alienation.
The Democrats prefer allied lynch mobs, whereas the Republicans are more willing to intervene without outside help. The difference is basically the same.
At the end of the day, both Democrats and Republicans remain committed to the same “values” of forcing political change on foreign regimes. Norris’ explanation seems to replace one deception (that of the humanitarian intervention) with another (the democracy-building intervention), somehow by rolling them into one.
Considering that the ultimate justification for NATO’s war has always been cited as being primarily the protection of the Kosovo Albanians, I would be feeling pretty insulted right now if I were one of the latter. […]
Greetings in the Lord Jesus, Czarina:
Here is another very important well-documented website “Emperor’s New Clothes” run by Jared Israel, an investigative journalist researcher, editor, and mainstream-media propaganda and professional liars buster who has been a long-standing anti-war, anti-US imperialism voice.
His site contains a treasure of documentation and links about the Balkans and related US politics extending back into the 80’s. He is a champion against the demonization of the Serbs – and other affected Balkan minorities (including the ethnic Serbian Jews, “the national Jews” like the ethnic Jewish communities of long-standing history in various countries, unlike the “International Jew” or Zionist Jew.”).
Eradication of an ancient culture…
The Destruction of the Churches of Kosovo
by Jared Israel
[Posted 25 December 2000]
In 1998 Robert Gelbard, the State Department’s Special Envoy to the Balkans, made this statement about the Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës (UCK) or Kosovo Liberation Army:
“‘We condemn very strongly terrorist actions in Kosovo. The UCK is, without any questions, a terrorist group,’ Gelbard said.”
— Washington ready to reward Belgrade for “good will”: envoy, Agence France Presse — English, Feb 23, 1998, International news
Since NATO seized the Serbian province of Kosovo in June 1999, completely opening the border to Albania, the gangster-terrorists of the KLA have been installed as government leaders with the official approval of NATO and of the UN organization in Kosovo. That is not hyperbole. [2]
[News story on Kosovo “Prime Minister” starts here]
BELGRADE, July 19 (ONASA) – Kosovo Prime Minister Bajram Rexhepi has abruptly terminated an interview with Belgrade weekly NIN after being asked whether Albanians were practicing a form of apartheid against Serbs in the province.
He had earlier said that he had been proud to be a member of the outlawed Kosovo Liberation Army…Rexhepi also played down allegations of the former Kosovo Liberation Army having had a criminal or terrorist role…Rexhepi claimed to be certain that no indictments had been raised by the Hague Tribunal against former KLA commanders now occupying senior government posts in the province.
Nor had Hague Prosecutor Carla del Ponte ever mentioned the names of leaders of Albanian parties in the province or asked for documents about them, he said. “According to the information we have, and believe me it is from reliable international sources. [3]
[News story on Kosovo “Prime Minister” ends here]
KLA terrorists have forced around 300,000 people to leave Kosovo – Serbs, ‘Gypsies,’ Slavic Muslims, ethnic Turks, Croatians, Jews and ethnic Albanians loyal to Yugoslavia. Those Serbs who have remained live under nightmare conditions. The KLA has systematically attacked Serbian Orthodox churches, monasteries and graveyards. More than 110 Serbian Orthodox churches have been badly vandalized or reduced to rubble. [4]
These buildings were not only treasures of Christianity, masterpieces of an ancient Church; they were also works of art. They belonged to the world.
And they were also at the heart of the culture of a people, the much maligned Serbs.
Many of these churches had survived 500 years of Muslim rule under the Ottoman Empire. They survived Austrian rule. They survived World War II, when Kosovo was ruled by ethnic Albanian fascists allied with Mussolini and Hitler.
They were destroyed under UN/NATO occupation.
Before you tell yourself, “It’s not NATO’s fault. They can’t be everywhere,” consider this fact: the terrorist KLA has been desecrating churches since NATO moved into Kosovo in June 1999 – that’s four and a half years ago. Many churches were attacked more than once. Yet not one terrorist has been arrested, let alone put on trial. Not a single arrest.
Nor has any terrorist been arrested for driving hundreds of thousands of people out of Kosovo.
This although NATO has intimate knowledge of who the terrorists are, where they reside, their command structures. Indeed, the terrorists are presently organized in the UN’s Kosovo Protection Corps. They get regular paychecks. (Your tax dollars at work.) NATO officers preside over their crimes against Serbs and other ‘incorrect’ ethnic groups. [5]
Why has NATO unleashed its KLA proxies to destroy these exquisite churches?
Because according to the geostrategic plans of the US and European establishments, the Serbian people must be broken as an historical force. And the attempt to break the Serbs – physically and culturally while attempting to demoralize them politically – this attack on the Serbs is used to consolidate the power of the most racist part of the Albanian population.
These are the political descendents of the Albanians who sided with Hitler during World War II. They invented the phrase “ethnic cleansing” to describe what they wanted to do in Kosovo, which was to ‘purify’ humanity [sic!] by ridding it of Serbs: [6]
[Excerpt from 1982 NY Times starts here]
“The [Albanian] nationalists have a two-point platform,” according to Becir Hoti, an executive secretary of the Communist Party of Kosovo, “first to establish what they call an ethnically clean Albanian republic and then the merger with Albania to form a greater Albania. ”
— New York Times, Monday, July 12, 1982; “Exodus of Serbians Stirs Province in Yugoslavia”; by Marvine Howe, Special to the New York Times; Dateline: Pristina, Yugoslavia
[Excerpt from 1982 NY Times ends here]
Hitler encouraged the idea of Greater Albania when he put Albanian fascists in power in a large part of the Balkans during World War II; and NATO is following in the Nazis’ footsteps today.
Meanwhile the churches are destroyed to prove the power of the fascist faction among Albanians, to prove to ordinary Albanians that the fascists have NATO’s backing. The fascists tell other Albanians, “See? We eradicate their culture but no one gets jailed. NATO is with us! But publicly we should act violently dissatisfied and demand even more. Then NATO can ‘give in’ to us!”
In a May 1999, op ed piece for the ‘N.Y. Times,’ President Clinton wrote:
“The people of the former Yugoslavia have lived together for centuries with greater and lesser degrees of conflict, but not the constant ‘cleansing’ of peoples from their land.” (NY Times, May 23, 1999)
Clinton purported to be criticizing the Milosevic government. But his claim that the Serbs practiced ethnic cleansing in Kosovo is a lie, staged for the camera. [7]
Perhaps Mr. Clinton was making a cynical joke, attributing to NATO’s victims the crimes of NATO’s child, the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army, which has, with the help of NATO and UN officials, destroyed so many of the churches of Kosovo.
Jared Israel
Editor, Emperor’s Clothes
Dear Czarina,
St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelic Doctor of the Catholic Church, in his Summa Theologica, states the following
‘A message is received according to THE MODE of the receiver.’
Regarding “leaving one’s door unlocked”, tune your MODE from the current STATIC of your AM to what I’m attempting to relay to you on the FM broadcast band.
In the Gospel of St. Matthew, we read with THE LORD teachs ALL OF US:
Hopefully you can STAY on the FM bandwidth and go read ‘A Short History of the Prayer of St. Michael the Archangel’ here:
And the Mother of God came to tell the entire Church as well as ALL of Mankind (that includes the SERBS) to LOCK THE DOORS!
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Czarina,
Now if you WANT TO start flinging ‘who endured the worse atrocities’ during WWII as some sort of GAME of ‘I’m The Bigger Victim That You’…
I am quite capable of telling ALL SORTS of ‘War Horror Stories’ my own POLISH family, my mother, my father, my now long deceased relatives – uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. endured.
You want to hear my mother’s stories of being chased through the woods and being shot at and nearly killed by the Gestapo?
You want to hear about my father’s prolonged nervous break down and what is now known as ‘PTSD’ when his entire US Army infantry company of 500 men was MASSACRED in one day, leaving him and 25 other men as survivors?
Do you think for one moment that THE SERBS and the SERBS ALONE are the ONLY PEOPLE who experienced and endured the HORRORS of World War II?
Now if I ‘scare you’ – you ought to be TERRIFIED that the Satanists are now planning a THERMONUCLEAR Third World War.
And the real life prospect that there may longer be a ‘SERBIAN PEOPLE’ at all on planet earth.
– Fr. Joseph
“They” gathered 10,000 POLES together at KATYN.
Okay, YOUR TURN to ‘Top That’…
– Fr. Joseph
Also dear Czarina, Jared Israel presents the movie Judgment! It shows how the media lied about Bosnia to justify war.
“Starting on August 6, 1992 and repeatedly ever since, the picture on the left [on website page] and others like it have been broadcast worldwide. Taken from film shot on August 5 by a crew from ITN, the British news station, these pictures supposedly depict Muslim men imprisoned behind barbed wire in a Serbian death camp located in Trnopolje (turn-OP-ul-yay) in Bosnia.
In fact the pictures were doctored.
Trnopolje was not a death camp. It was not even a detention center. The men in the picture above were not prisoners. They were not enclosed by barbed wire. It was all illusion.
Using footage shot by a Yugoslav film crew that worked alongside the ITN crew, Judgment! shows what ITN really saw, and it shows, step by step, how film editors doctored ITN’s raw footage, packaging a lie used to justify the destruction of Yugoslavia and the smearing of the Bosnian Serbs and their Muslim allies.
Judgment! can now be viewed on youtube. […DVD is also offered by Emperor’s Clothes having better clarity]
Judgment! 1/3 – The Bosnian ‘Death Camp’ Accusation: An Espose
Judgment! uses footage provided by Mihajlo and Petar Ilic of Ilke Productions, who have graciously permitted Emperor’s Clothes to use their work to produce this film for an English-speaking audience.”
The remants of his US Army infantry company staggered back into their tent camp behind their lines.
The Captain shuffled towards his officer’s tent, barely lifting his combat boots from the ground as he did.
The Captain’s gaze was far, far away, still watching and witnessing all that he had just seen as he, in this zombie-like trance, headed into the flaps of his tent.
He lit his lantern as night was setting in.
The Captain then began to uncontrollably wail and shriek and cry – and he sobbed and sobbed and sobbed all night long.
No one got any sleep that night.
– Fr. Joseph
As they were pushed on by the German infantry along the dirt road, having been rounded up from their homes of their village, they had to sleep in the fields in the open under the miserable weather.
The German infantry make it a point to DESECRATE the Polish Catholic churches along the way.
One parish Church building had a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary right in front of it.
One of the more beligerant and haughty of the German infantry guards staggered up to the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
He used the butt of his weapon to strike out at the statue of the MOTHER OF GOD.
A chip of the statue’s MARBLE broke off and lodged SQUARELY in his right eye, permanentely blinding that particular German soldier.
– Fr. Joseph
So ‘Why?’ do we DO NOT WANT TO put a stop, an end, to all of this?
World Peace WAS possible and still IS possible.
The MOTHER OF GOD has given us her OWN WORD, her OWN PROMISE, that such can happen if but we only LISTEN and OBEY her Fatima Instructions!
How many MORE Poles and SERBS and any other nationality of peoples have to still DIE?
– Fr. Joseph
Dear Czarina,
Now look, I’m NOT trying to ‘settle scores’ here. I’m only doing, as St. Paul the Apostle instructs in his epistle, what my faith suggests in conjuction with whatever Graces God grants me as an ordained ‘Mister’ in His Church.
To use a ‘parable’ of sorts, let me explain.
I’m ONLY a licensed aircraft MECHANIC. I’ve never taken a flying lesson my life and never intend to either.
Now IF I were on a passanger laiden Boeing 777-400 and a Flight Attendant got on the Public Address and ask for ANY pilot to come to the Flight Deck because the Pilot and Co-Pilot had somehow ‘VANISHED’ – like a plot out of some sort of Rod Serling’s “Twilight Zone” story-episode – and there was NO ONE aboard that Boeing 777-400 who was even a PRIVATE pilot, I would AT LEAST ATTEMPT to seat myself in either the left or right seats on the Flight Deck and DO what I could “to fly” as well as “to land” the blasted thing – in order to ‘save MY OWN skin’ as well as the skins of everyone else on board.
– Fr. Joseph
That’s amazing information KathJuliane. I just discovered this web site:
It’s perfectly clear that Sonja Biserko talks just like a typical programmed illuminati slave, in the script of her paymasters and look at their goal: to integrate Kosovar Serbs into the larger Kosovar community…integrating ethnic people into their own country, as if the Serbs were newcomers or refugees in their own land.
Can there be anything more absurd?? Then they will be taught to speak Albanian and made to convert to Islam. (Battle of Kosovo 1389). For anybody who is ignoring the example being made of the Serbs, it’s on its way to your people too, if it hasn’t already happened.
How sad that the Pope only speaks to the leader of the Albanians, but not the leadership of Serbia. A man of Christ, or a man of politics? This is the New World Order, and it is funded by the same people, everywhere.
I pray for all the 100 million Slavs, Germans and other human beings who perished innocently, either at the hands of Nazis, Fascists, Communists or their fellow Christians, just like I pray for the 6 million Jews. The world needs to know the entire story of WW2 and not exclusively and repeatedly focus only on the Holocaust of 6 million Jews.
All victims need to be accounted for, their helpless voices heard and their souls prayed for and remembered. They deserve to be remembered. They deserve to be prayed for. ALL OF THEM. United we stand, divided we fall…
From a different point of view, Czarina and RZN family,
Jared Israel and Emperor’s Clothes is an excellent resource for many things relating to the Balkans, history, and the Powers That Be. His overall agenda or place in the scheme of things may be another matter.
As with everything on the Internet, RZN family is always encouraged to read and evaluate all data for themselves, taking some things with a grain of salt and a healthy dose of skepticism that are looking for answers in the alternative media, along with prayers to be led in the Holy Spirit of Truth.
Jared Israel and Emperor’s Clothes is ardently pro-Zionist, without appearing so, much like Bullhorn Jones. Israel Shamir, a Palestinian Christian and activist, outlines a possible case of political fake-opposition and points out glaring faults or “traps”.
The Strange Case of Jared Israel
By Israel Shamir
The Masters of the Discourse would not be what they are unless they were cunning. Many people arrive to the conclusion that they are misled by the media, experts and politicians. But what is the true reality?
The Masters provide a huge choice of traps and misleading explanations of reality, partly true, partly false. Only careful reading allows us to notice the hidden trap.
The site Emperor’s Clothes has all the qualities to pass for an opposition. They object to the present policies of Bush administration. They can disapprove of Israeli high-handedness. They show very well some of the lies permeating the media and politics of the politics in the US. And only sometimes their words express their true agenda. A reader’s letter alerted me to one of the traps.
A recent exchange of remarks http://emperors-clothes.com/letters/joan.htm between Jared Israel, one of the Emperor’s Clothes most active voices, and a reader provides us with unique opportunity to see through the fake opposition. A reader asks Jared Israel, does not he see a connection between the war axe grinding of Bush administration and the Jewish lobby.
And the fake opposition voice immediately denies it: “I know many Jewish people and I can tell you that, regarding Israel, they are mostly convinced that the aftermath of 9-11 has made things much worse for that country. Most U.S. Jews do *not* want war with Iraq”.
So much for the first lie of Jared Israel. But he does not stop here. He has to dissuade his readers that it is Israel and the US Jews who push for war.
In a stupefying piece of disinformation, he writes: “There is *nothing* worse for Israel than war in the Middle East. Israel is a tiny country with very hard-to-defend borders, surrounded by Muslim-dominated countries with about 50 times Israel’s population . The worst thing for Israel is a war in Iraq because it can only fan the flames of Muslim fanaticism, which will then be directed at Israel. The U.S. and England attack; Israel pays”.
Well, Israel is surrounded by ‘Muslim-dominated countries’, but this ‘tiny country’ with the third nuclear potential in the world is fully supported by the ‘Jew-dominated country’, which happens to be the world’s only superpower.
Though Jared Israel thinks the war against Iraq is the worst thing for Israel, probably he has in mind some other Israel, as all senior politicians of the Jewish state, its prime-ministers and ministers for defence, its spokesmen, official and unofficial, publicly and privately call for war.
The third lie of Jared Israel is even more brazen: “The U.S. and England attack; Israel pays”. What nonsense! Israel NEVER pays. Whatever happens, Israeli Army’s redeployment or violent attack on Palestinians, the settlements on the occupied territories or murder of children, everything is paid for by the people of the United States and Europe.
They paid for Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon and from a part of Golan heights, they pay now for food for the starved Palestinians, they will pay for any ‘peace settlement’ Israel would agree to sign.
When Israeli ‘peace camp’ promotes an idea of some compensation for the Palestinian refugees, they never offer to pay for the stolen lands and houses they live in: it is always one condition: “all will be paid for by the world community”.
The bill of Israel is not paid by the US Jews, either: they are not that silly. The US Jews pay their politicians or threaten them into political oblivion, unless they pay with the money of American Goyiim. If political considerations cause them to desist, they force the Goyiim of Germany or Swiss to foot the bill.
How can a reader became aware of the hidden agenda of a liar with the straight face? There are telltale signs. He throws “Nazi” at everybody, from brothers Dulles to your truly. He needlessly invokes the Jewish holocaust. And whenever pushed he immediately refers to ‘conspiracy theories’.
In plain words, yes, Mr Jared Israel, you are a part of the Judeo-Zionist plot. You provide the Jewish instigators of the war with much needed camouflage.
It is very good that Emperor’s Clothes object to the war. It is good that they do not support the war effort of the Jewish Lobby. But it is not worth one penny if they do not speak against the real instigators of the war.
It is not the nincompoop in the White House, neither Pentagon, but the US Jewish establishment, *the Jews that matter*, push for the war, with connivance of silent liberals.
Our only hope was expressed by the brilliant Canadian Jewish philosopher Michael Neumann: “Sooner or later, the great white men of America will wake up to their true interests, and get themselves a new set of speechwriters and pundits. The Jews will go out of style”.
Dear Czarina,
And BELIEVE me, if Air Traffic Controllers got a qualified and competent Boeing 777-400 PILOT on the radio with me to “bark orders” and to “bark commands” at me, I’d listen to and OBEY every last word that came out of his mouth.
– Fr. Joseph
KathJuliane, there are some good articles on this web site if you are interested.
I just finished offering up my daily private votive Mass for the Catholic Church. The only persons in attendance are those unseen spirits such as angels and saints and holy souls in purgatory. I don’t get to actually see them with my two eyes, but my Bishop and Rev. Mother down at the Skete in New Mexico are granted the Divine Grace to actually see them in attendance from time to time!
Anyway, the Gospel reading from tonight’s votive Mass for the Catholic Church was as follows:
As the crowd pressed in on Jesus to hear the word of God, He saw TWO BOATS MOORED by the side of the lake; the fishermen HAD DISEMBARKED and were washing their nets. He got into ONE of the boats, the one BELONGING TO SIMON, and asked him to pull out a short distance from the shore; then, remaining seated, He continued to teach the crowd from the boat.
When he had finished speaking He said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.’ Simon answered, ‘Master, we have been hard at it ALL NIGHT LONG and have caught NOTHING; but if You say so, I will lower the nets.’ Upon doing this they caught such a GREAT NUMBER OF FISH that their nets were at the breaking point. They signalled TO THEIR MATES IN THE OTHER BOAT to come and HELP THEM. These came, and TOGETHER they filled the TWO BOATS until they nearly sank.”
– Fr. Joseph
While reading the Gospel TO the unseen spirits, the angels, saints and holy souls in purgatory attending my Mass (but who I don’t actually physically see with my bodily eyes), the HOMILY, the actual PREACHING and TEACHING I might actually do to and for a real ‘flesh and bones’ congregation, materialized in my mind.
Since no living human being was at tonight’s votive Mass for the Catholic Church – there is nothing stopping me from sharing that HOMILY with all of you real life human beings out there in RZN cyberspace.
What was it that the Holy Spirit brought to my mind WHILE reading that particular Gospel passage at tonight’s votive Mass for all of YOU of the Universal Church?
“I’m glad you asked!” (grin)
– Fr. Joseph
Spiritual DARKNESS has settled over our World and the Catholic Church for close to 100 years now since the Fatima Apparitions of the Mother of God as Our Lady of Fatima back in 1917 A.D.
And what has His Church actually ‘caught’ these past 9 decades. Not very much.
Now the Lord gets into THE BOAT that belongs to SIMON PETER.
The Lord instructs Simon Peter to LOWER THE NETS. Simon Peter “protests” that after fishing ALL NIGHT LONG, he has caught NOTHING! Nevertheless, Simon Peter OBEYS the Lord and drops the nets from HIS BOAT.
He winds up catching SO MANY ‘FISH’ that Simon Peter has to ask THE OTHERS and THEIR BOAT to come and help bring in such an incredibly LARGE catch!
Simon Peter’s BOAT is the Catholic Church.
IF the current successor to Simon Peter OBEYS the Lord and ‘drops the net’, meaning to say, performs the public and solemn Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculetly Loving Heart of His Own Mother, there will be such a CONVERSION OF MEN’S HEARTS AND MINDS all across this spiritually DYING world of ours that SIMON PETER is going to have to ask for HELP from ‘The Others’ and THEIR BOAT.
‘The Others’ and ‘Their Boat’ = the Orthodox Church.
Yes, the ORTHODOX Church has Bishops with valid Apostolic Succesion.
And yes, the ORTHODOX Church has valid Divine Sacraments.
– Fr. Joseph
KathJuliane, have you ever heard of the American Council for Kosovo? I just discovered their web site and I find it shocking that none of what they say is in the main stream media.
Regarding the DIVINE CATCH the Lord wished to make in RUSSIA (and I suppose all throughout Eastern Europe, down through the Middle East and into continental Africa)
IF that Collegial Consecration gets DONE in Obedience to the Lord and His Mother, their are going to HAVE TO build so many more NEW Church buildings in Russia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the continent of Africa!
“Just Like In The Good Ol’ Days”
– Fr. Joseph
David Letterman’s hate is as old as some ancient Hebrew prophets.
Speaking of anti-Semitism, it’s Jerry Falwell and other fundy leaders who’ve gleefully predicted that in the future EVERY nation will be against Israel (an international first?) and that TWO-THIRDS of all Jews will be killed, right?
Wrong! It’s the ancient Hebrew prophet Zechariah who predicted all this in the 13th and 14th chapters of his book! The last prophet, Malachi, explains the reason for this future Holocaust that’ll outdo even Hitler’s by stating that “Judah hath dealt treacherously” and “the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this” and asks “Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother?”
Haven’t evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and persons perceived to be Jewish? Then please explain the recent filthy, hate-filled, back-stabbing tirades by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard and Kathy Griffin) against a leading evangelical named Sarah Palin, and explain why most Jewish leaders have seemingly condoned Palin’s continuing “crucifixion”!
While David, Sandra, and Kathy are tragically turning comedy into tragedy, they are also helping to speed up and fulfill the Final Holocaust a la Zechariah and Malachi, thus helping to make the Bible even more believable!
(For even more stunning information, visit MSN and other engines and type in “Separation of Raunch and State,” “Michael the Narc-Angel,” “Bible Verses Obama Avoids,” and “Tribulation Index becomes Rapture Index.”)
Too bad, Fr. Joseph, that the ‘peace peace’ cry will be heard before the actual consecration is done!
Please Fr. Joseph reevaluate your analogy. In the gospel reading Jesus commands Peter to cast his net, and although Peter protests (as he is tired) he does OBEY! And is overwhelmed.
These rotten malfeasant ‘churchmen’ (Fr. Malachi Martin’s choice of word to distinguish from ‘catholic church’) – I include the Popes from Fr. Roncalli through Fr. Ratzinger – have NOT OBEYED.
A consistent disinformation campaign has obfuscated the essence of the Fatima message,the third secret, and the actions necessary for the healing to begin, often with the former popes blessings; i.e. not all these problems can be blamed on the infiltration of the church by the secret societies, Masons notwithstanding.
We are known by the fruits we produce. Only the blind egomaniacs of the ‘COUNCIL’ still are wondering what went wrong – like Frs. Oddi and Capovilla (Fr. Roncalli’s secretaries) – as this Pope continues in the same direction, shaking hands with OWO devils.
Let’s hear it for the ‘COUNCIL’ and ‘good John’, and the age of 501c3 ecumenism!
Looks like the stigmatist Fr. Ruffini will be proven right, that the ‘Consecration’ will be done by the next pope. Maybe he will take the name Pius XIII.
Fr. Joseph,
I should let sleeping dogs lie, but I do not believe Benedict XVI has changed his opinion one iota about Fatima and merely says something once in a while so the conservatives, etc. have something to hope for.
In a recent homily he favorably mentioned Chardin whose theology in the past was condemned. Chardin promoted evolutionary madness and pantheistic garbage. This was in a homily Benedict gave July 24th.
His paper also saw many good qualities in the latest Harry Potter film and Christians who still have faith know that the Harry Potter films are indoctrinating a whole generation into witchcraft and sorcery, i.e., satanism! Just looking at the last issue the Vatican paper condemns the allies for not doing enough to prevent the “holocaust”.
There’s a holocaust occurring alright, but it’s a holocaust of souls because the Vatican won’t speak out against the Jewish controlled satanic media which has souls falling into hell like autumn leaves!
Benedict XVI needs a conversion to the orthodox Catholic faith. And I suggest the old saw: “Is the pope Catholic?” isn’t just a rhetorical question anymore!
Benedict won’t carry out the consecration failing a world-wide conflagration and even then I wouldn’t consider it a sure bet.
Fr. Joseph,
I’m surprised you’re even concerned with Sarah Palin! She’s obviously made it as far as she has because she’s MISTAKENLY a pro-Zionist!. The powerful Jews running this country and the world are willing to lend their support to her even though she’s a “Christian” as they know she’s completely under their thumb.
I’ve heard it proffered, and I agree that it’s a distinct possibility, that she’s going to offer Christians and other “conservatives” the needed option of a third party. As some people are finally awakening to the fact that the “money” people or those vague “darn liberals” control both parties. Her new third party will also be controlled by the same Jews that control the Dems and Reps, but it will just help slow the process of the people actually DOING something to counter their coil-like grasp on the whole world!
I don’t know whether Palin’s just duped or a mole, but I think she, like most evangelicals, just has a frail understanding of the Bible and NO understanding of what present day Judaism really is. I consider Judaism to be the belief system perfected by satan (since the Jews rejected Christ) to be his core group wielding power and influence over all others when he brings the antichrist to power to rule from Jerusalem.
Michael Collins Piper has a new book coming out: ‘The New Babylon’, and in it he makes clear what SHOULD be clear to ALL Christians who’ve kept abreast of events and have done some reading that the New World Order is based on … Drum Roll here every Christian on this site should know this without being told, but…it’s the TALMUD!!!
The NWO is based on the Talmud and Talmudic Jews will head up the New World Order over all of the other groups that oppose Christ and his reign. The people now running this country are Talmudists as are those in France, Germany, England, etc.
And, of course, Israel which I would consider the most evil country in the world except perhaps it falls second behind the U.S. as this is where, like in the Bible speaking of Babylon the Great, we have spread our poisons throughout the world, i.e, “democracy” which is just a tool for the Jews to more easily take control of any country they don’t already have, pornography which I’m pretty sure were sending everywhere.
Fr Joseph,
I don’t believe that the country in the Middle-East that calls itself Israel really has any relation to the Israel the Bible speaks about. It was created from land stolen from the Palestinians Muslims and Christians.
Its rulers have been terrorists from the Irgun and Stern gang. Its first ruler David Ben-Gurion was a Commie who greatly admired Lenin, the Jew who took over a Christian country and slaughtered the Christian intelligentisia with unspeakable tortures and murders. All of their leaders are people Christians should despise.
Israel is a godless, merciless apartheid state that murders men, women and children and through their control of the world-wide media Christian “Zionists” never even hear of this. To say that God brought about this evil state of Israel with the most evil people on the planet and with an agenda for the world that probably makes satan shudder with delight is blasphemy!
The fact that Lettermen, and Sandra Bernhardt (the Jewish lesbian lover of Madonna – her father’s a dentist in my city) rail against Christian fundamentalists shouldn’t surprise you.
If they thought the “Fundamentalists” were bright enough or informed enough to realize they were just the dupes of the Zionists big-money people they would be quiet. But they know that isn’t the case and so they can have their cake and eat it too, i.e., get a dig on the Christians which won’t cost them anything.
Mr. Dickie Pope,
See you referring to Malachi Martin. I’ve also read some of his books. What do you think of E Michael Jones (author of The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit: And Its Impact on the World) and M C Piper (author of Final Judgment, New Jerusalem, Judas Goats, The Golem, and his new book to be released shortly: The New Babylon), and others who think that if Martin wasn’t an outright enemy he was surely working for them.
It was Martin’s work that brought about the disastrous Nostra Aetae (is that right?) you know the document that concerned itself with the Church’s attitude on the Jews. Jones says he was in the pay of the monied Jews and that he was the Vatican insider that was referred to in Look magazines articles (or was it Life magazine).
Martin was a traitor to the Church and largely responsible for the Church’s mistaken attitude towards the Jews accepted at Vat II. In his book: Judaism and the Vatican by Vicomte Leon de Poncins he states that the bishops were so profoundly ignorant of Judaism (as are most Christians still I’d add) that they thought the Jews followed the Old Testament and were clueless about their real guiding books of the Talmud and Kaballah.
He worked to enlighten them, Martin worked for the Jews. This was proven as the Michael Serafin authorship of a book was the tipoff. He spent his latter years making a good living by writing for the “orthodox”. Could also give you some reasons why I didn’t trust him from his appearances on the Art Bell show.
Personally, I like Micheal Collins Piper as he tackles many issues the cowardly and betraying Catholic Churchmen have FAILED to address over these past 50 years. Though,like most of us, there are questions about him, too; not nearly on the same red flag warning level as Zionist (too many different groups here to enumerate), Jews, Ecumenists (like The Rockefeller crime family for one, and all too many churchmen for another – both Catholic and Protestant alike)internationalists, transnationalists, etc..
I would appreciate MCP having a whole weeks’ program about Fr. Malachi Martin that in turn would go in depth into the treason of the churchmen during the Council, including the rotten and betraying schema on the JEWS – of which Fr. Malachi Martin, it appears, played a part.
Add this to the LIE called the Hollowcost, too many churchmen like Cardinal Oddi and Bishop Capavilla, both secretaries of Pope John XXIII nor ‘good John’, never mentioned a public criticism when Pope Pius XII and the entire mystical body was scandalized by these world manipulators which led to the DIRE IMPLICATION surounding Catholics at large – that they were,through ‘Adolph Hitlers Pope’, primarily responsible for the fertile grounds that led to the Hollowcost -its resulting consequence – ‘so we must change.’
Here we can elucidate another part of the puzzle :…’of the Jews’ release from what holds back the Antichrist’. (Remember, its not just ‘the Jews’, but all those who oppose in thoughts, words, and deeds Our Lord Jeshua.)
This way the Churchmen who were ruling at the time got more wind in their egotistical sails; to promote their agenda of AGGIORNAMENTO while simultaneosly silencing all critics as being ‘uncharitable, pessimistic and of course ANTISEMITIC. ‘FATIMA be damned-enough of you ‘pessimists.’ Lots of material here!
Regarding the Vatican 2 Council: He would be able additionally to uncover the Masonic influence (Bella Dodds testimony-especially the 3 who controlled communist Russia while living in the Waldorf Astoria and answered to LUCIFER!), The Alta Vendida, The Broken Cross, The Rhine Flows Into the Tiber etc.
My only other problem with Fr. Malachi Martin is that he never told us of the ‘BIG BRUTALITY’, that these world powers with their henchmen in Oct. 1958, blackmailed the duly elected Pope Fr.Siri from the Chair of Peter. Many of the Churchmen were guilty of betrayal along with ecclesiastical Freemasons who were in the church at the time.
It’s always hopeful to remind myself of St Theres of Avilla’s (a Jewish true convert to Catholicism) advice not to worry, for everything passes. It’s heartwarming to know that ‘in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph’ and the church will be renewed.
Its good that Sen. Kennedy is dead now as are Sen Cranston, Metzembaum, and plenty of others who worked for the wisdom of the world. Their power is finished though their SINFUL STRUCTURES (Fr. Malachi’ term) live on.
Pope Ratzinger will, it appears, die in his sins; his only chance is to renounce this absurd progressive path he and so many rotten power people have been on, unfortunately it a seems unlikely.