The ‘Strike’ That Ended Israel’s Future

By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2008-2011
Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
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Source: The Strike That Shattered US-Syria Ties Here
For The Best Election Coverage CLICK: Here
“WE ARE TAKING MATTERS INTO OUR OWN HANDS,” said an official of the US army in defense of the US raid into Syria on October 26 2008.
Damascus condemned the strike as a “serious violation” of the territorial integrity of its boundaries.
Here is the report from Syria’s official news agency, SANA:
“American soldiers emerged from helicopters and attacked a civilian building under construction in Abu Kamal and opened fire on workers inside – including the wife of the building guard – leading to the death of eight civilians. The dead include a man, his four children, and a married couple.” View Entire Story
Tens of thousands of angry demonstrators took to the streets on October 29 2008 in Abu Kamal to protest the US attack. American and Israeli flags were burnt amid angry shouts denouncing the aggression. Speeches were made citing America’s violation of “international law.”
Another demonstration took place in Damascus on October 30 2008 prompting the US Embassy to shut down indefinitely with hundreds of Syrian riot police surrounding the US embassy.
US officials finally broke silence and confirmed the attack, claiming that top al-Qaeda operative, Abu Ghadiyah, was targeted during what is being described in Western media as a “pre-emptive strike.” (The notorious “Bush Doctrine”).
But initial reports on the casualties in Abu Kamal showed no terrorists in the building, just ordinary day workers. Syria’s relations with Washington have soured owing to the raid. History has proven that when Syria becomes angry, they can do much to upset the status quo in the Middle East.

A CHANGE IN US POLICY towards Israel will take place if Obama is elected president. Obama’s foreign policy adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski who wants to reassess America’s relationship with Israel.
In a recent interview on July of 2007, shortly before he endorsed Obama, Brzezinksi had some telling words that bodes ill for Israel’s future:
“Some of the things that we have done in the Middle East are contributing to a potential explosion region-wide. And if that explosion gets out of hand, we may end up being bogged down for many years to come in a conflict that will damage our capacity to exercise our power.
We may face a world in which much of the world turns away from us, seeks its own equilibrium, and slides into a growing chaos. So I think we’re at a very critical stage.
We’re dealing with a problem in which Arab nationalism has now become increasingly religious and fundamentalist. And that makes it more difficult to deal with. We have to ask whether we have been pursuing the wisest policy towards Israeli-Palestinian conflict over the last several years.” View Entire Story Here.

ISRAEL FEARS THAT A RUSSIAN ‘PAY BACK’ is now in the works in Syria’s Mediterranean ports. Israeli officials say that Putin’s citing of Israel’s role in training & arming Georgian troops for their invasion of S.Ossetia, is his justification for a renewed military accord with Syria. Russia & Syria are currently discussing furthering Russia’s presence in Syria’s Tartus port overlooking Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
On October 10 2008, Israel’s DEBKAfile reported that Russia carried out maneuvers with its missile cruiser, Peter The Great, in Syria’s port of Tartus.
“Discussions are now underway,” reports DEBKAfile, between Russia & Syria to arm the naval fleet with S-300 missiles. An arms deal which reached its closing stages in Moscow on August 22 2008 will enhance Syria’s weapons arsenal substantially, bringing on much consternation to Israel officials,” DEBKAfile said.

The significance of Russia sending her missile-equipped naval vessels to Syria threatens the current ‘Zionist-Jewish’ agenda of the US. Israel has never before faced such a formidable potential opponent in its environs, and thus is growing increasingly alarmed by Russia’s ominous presence in Syria’s Mediterranean ports.
The global balance of power is now tilting in a different direction – towards Moscow. With America now looked upon throughout the world as a “bankrupt bully ,” the prospects for the future of a US-sponsored Israel grows dimmer & dimmer…
For More See: Why Israel’s Days Are Numbered Click Here
And: Putin’s Move Into The Middle East Click Here
And: Germany Tilts Towards Russia Click Here
And: Is Putin A True Christian Leader? Click Here

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Brother Nathanael @ October 30, 2008
A ‘NEW’ Appeal From Br Nathanael
Dear Friends, I am going to keep it brief & simple this time.
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Many thanks to you loyalists who have already donated. Christ Bless You All. +BN
My New Helper & Tons Of Spam –
Dear Friends – due to over 200 spams a day on RJN comments section, I have employed a helper, “Admin Angel.”
So if your post gets deleted by accident, write back, and we will correct it. +BN
Perhaps what is going on with Russia making her presence, more and more felt in the middle east, is a fulfillment of the “half hour silence”, before final judgment. Another interesting note is the fact that Israel (the “little horn”, along with the beast America), are becoming uneasy,due to news “coming from the NORTH(and north of Israel is Russia),according to the holy prophet Daniel!
Is it this news, along with the restraining presence of Russia in the middle east, which temporarily stays the hand of global Zionism, until the “servants of God are sealed in their foreheads?” (Revelation)
If this is indeed the case, than let us all seize upon this latter day grace with repentance, seeking the face of God, for time is short!
Let us all determine in our own minds, saying with Joshuah,”as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!”
Just to invite some comments, will not this new diplomatic “attitude” under Obama towards a middle-east peace brokerage help precipitate the final partitioning of Jerusalem into 3 pieces (under Palestine, Israel & the Vatican) as prophesised in the final days?
2 Dave,
Obama Promises Undivided Jerusalem as Israeli Capital
Story here………
Dear Jim De Texas –
Obama “promises?” ha ha ha. +BN
Obama is not now, and NEVER will be in any position to make ANY decisions about Jerusalem.
~~~ Israel is all growed up now… they will NEVER allow Jerusalem to be split up – unless it’s by force ! (they want it to be the Capital City)
~~~ When it IS ever split – it will probably be 1/3 Ashkenazi, 1/3 Sephardim, & maybe 1/3 for the Idiot ‘Noachides,’ that will denounce Christ to stay alive, & worship at the Jews feet !
~~~ I know I wont be there !… How ’bout You ?
Air Talmud is up and about!
Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy, what nonsense!
Freemasonry in Israel
Official The Grand Lodge of the State of Israel
Invitations The Holy Land Lodge #50 – International Membership
Montefiore Lodge #78 – International Masters Lodge
Jerusalem Joint Lodges Welcome Committee
Ashlars from King Solomon’s Quarries, Jerusalem, Israel
Lodges Reuben #1 – Haifa
Rosh-HaAin #39 – Petah Tiqva
Holy Land #50 – Tel Aviv
Desert Splendor #57 – Beer Sheva
Alumim #58 – Tel Aviv
Solomon’s Pillars #59 – Eilat
Kramim (Vineyards) #76 – Karmiel
Montefiore #78 – Tel Aviv
Español La Fraternidad #62 – Tel Aviv
Français Lumière #42 – Tel Aviv
France #77 – Jerusalem
Deutsch Freimaurer-Loge Müffelmann zur Treue #29
Italiano Storia della Libera Muratoria in Israele – Pietre – Stones
Our Lord Jesus preserve us, not moi!
I know you NEVER would ! That was generally directed at Dave above, or anybody that has heard of this ridiculous ‘Noachide’ movement, and doesn’t understand what it really means.
~~~~~ I saw a site online telling people that the Noachide Laws originated from the Old Testement ! LIARS !!… I’ve seen how the ‘old sages’ used their schizophrenic ‘exegesis’ to pluck a word out of nowhere, & add it to other words plucked from nowhere (in the Talmud), together those words are the ‘scriptural’ basis (HA) for the seven laws for non-Jews… ALL punishable by beheading, according to Sanh. 57a in the Talmud.
~~~ … They’ll have to be fast to catch me ! Peace
Why would God have humans on Earth do the work of the final days?
U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis
Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica is an inseparable part of Ordo Templi Orientis; and the Gnostic Mass is one of the official rituals, more specifically the central ritual, of Ordo Templi Orientis.
While E.G.C. traces its historic origins to the French Gnostic revival of the turn of the century, which was a movement within Christianity, it has since accepted the Law of Thelema. It has declared itself independent from the Christian Universal Gnostic Church and its successors, and is no longer considered to be a Christian Church.
E.G.C. does not administer Christian Sacraments. Its ecclesiastical powers are founded on a spiritual succession from the Master Therion and the constituent originating assemblies of O.T.O., rather than on Christian Apostolic Succession.
The theology, doctrines and sacramental theory of E.G.C. are based on the principles of the Thelemic Religion. Its rites and ceremonies are eclectic in form (drawing upon the sacerdotal practices of a wide variety of cultures and historical religious systems), but are fundamentally Thelemic in character.
The traditional doctrines, theology, canon law, and insignia of the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Jacobite Churches do not operate within E.G.C.
Now citing New Testament:
1Jn 2:17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
1Jn 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
1Jn 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
1Jn 2:20 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.
1Jn 2:21 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
1Jn 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
1Jn 2:23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
I think I get it now…
The only constant in the world is change, and Barky is constantly changing, so this makes him one with the cosmos.
Obama Tells The Greatest Lies Ever Told, Even Before Being Elected.
Story here….
Zbig created and funded “al Qaeda”
His words were all lies: THEY created and added fuel to the fire of the “terrorists.”
It’s all a Zbig ass scam.
Hey everybody I have really great news. This guy named Joshua passed by a few thousand years ago and left us some salvation behind. Dont be driven to fear and hate each other. We are all brothers and sisters, just some of misguided perhaps. Its easier to bring them back into the family with love rather than pushing them away with hate.
Try to be positive, and dont forget to pray.
Big up and blessings to all you good and nice loving positive people and a big shout and some love for the negative, fearful people too, because love is the weapon with which we shall conquer.
Talmudic jewery in practical application.
A Sleepy Iowa Town Is Transformed Into A Multicultural Sewer.
What Happened To Postville?
Basically some New York Hassidic ‘Flim-Flam’ artists, walked into a small Iowa town, bought off the local politicians, and established a giant slaughterhouse. They quickly flooded the plant with Mexican, Guatemalan, and Chinese immigrants.
The Rubashkin Family quickly took control of the town, and now it’s a cross between Krakow, and Mexico.
Story here……
ALERT MESSAGE From Brother Nathanael
Dear Friends, here is a message I just sent off to my Web Manager:
Hi Gerry,
As you are the Web Manager of my site, Real Jew News, I am concerned of a recent event regarding the anti Zionist and responsible site, Zionist Watch @ Which Was contacted at
Word Press shut Zionist Watch down for violation of terms of service. See: & *** *** (Word Press cites “defamatory” content).
Perhaps it is time to build my own Web Site skeleton and not be threatened and shut down a 4th time by the haters of freedom, the wicked ADL, who is after Real Jew News.
Please advise. +BN
@ Admin
Perhaps a change of tactics is advisable bro. In the good fight of faith we should not tell our enemy all about where we’re coming from and where our strengths and weaknesses lie, and learn from the enemy’s own devices.
Did not Jesus say to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves”?
Check out this video showing a mad person fooling around with a huge king cobra he found out in the bush … he even pats it on the head!
Is the king cobra the soul of the ADL, or does it exemplify the king of Israel the Jews want to crown instead of Jesus Christ after Obama’s support of Israel has unified Jerusalem and brought it back under Jewish control?
Did not Jesus say the leading Jews were “serpents” and “a generation of vipers”?
To Joe :
We ‘humans’ have been put here to do God’s will… NOT to be complacent, and sensuous, & let everything fall apart, & then wait around, saying, “This is what God has done ?…He must be a TERRIBLE God. When is he going to come & fix this, anyway ?”
~~~ We are to be diligent as stated above, and in Mathew 10:16, “be wise as serpents” – to try to figure out their evil plans, and hinder them if we can !
~~~ The ‘work’ has AVWAYS been ours, but we have been LAX in our duties.
The plan is still the same; Provoke a confrontation that will lead to a large scale general nuclear war intended to destroy the mass of humanity.
No change in plan whatsoever.
Greetings in the Lord Jesus from No Cal in US of Talmudistan
@Orthodox Russian-
God bless you for the stunning heads up on this one and our glory to our Lord Jesus.
That Crowley was perversly inspired by the Liturgy of St. Basil set off alarm bells.
This “Synagogue of Satan” is really pernicious, and has considerable demonic teeth as it doesn’t look outwardly like the the satanic mass that we’ve been Hollywood-ized into expecting, especially the satanic Thelemic “Gnostic Mass”. Although I knew about the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) and Crowley’s religion of Thelema, for some reason, I did not link it with the Pseudo-Byzantinish Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (EGC) as the ecclesiastical arm of the OTO of Thelema.
I’d come across the Gnostic Catholics on websites before, but just passed them over as lumped together with the relatively benign ~Ecclesia Gnostica~ (Gnostic Church) which is an entirely unrelated and different organized Gnostic church.
I hate seeing the word “Catholic” abused, but I want to share the information of this evil and abominable spoof of authentic liturgical Eucharistic Christianity, such as Catholicism and Orthodoxy, as well as of the Gnostic Church by Crowley’s satanic and magical Thelemic Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica.
The EGC is especially worrisome because it does have exoteric liturgies with a Christianized Gnostic mask open to the public for proselytizing and recruitment purposes into the OTO, as well as the esoteric private liturgies for initiates and adepts of Thelema. This is a true occult magical mystery religion.
We’ll separate out the Ecclesia Gnostica (Latin for The Gnostic Church), which is a gnostic church organized in England and since 1959 in the United States originally under the name Pre-Nicene Gnostic Catholic Church. [It may have changed its name to avoid confusion with the Crowley’s Church.]
This church is “neo-Gnostic” and follows more the classic philosophical Christianized Greek Gnosticism. It has a sister organization named the Gnostic Society, which is intended for studies of gnosticism, not religious services. The bishop of the church is Stephan A. Hoeller, a notable Gnostic who has written extensively on Gnosticism and Jungian psychology.
@ Joshua: We won’t be pursuing the one just describe–we are going to go hunt some real dragon on Air Talmud.
They voted, We should remember, On Nov. 4 your turn to vote.
How Senators voted on bail out
Vote list 1/2 way down the page Here…..
How every member of the House of Representatives voted on the economic bailout bill.
Story/List Here…..
GREAT WHITE Shark horror!!
Jews or “Jaws” at the GREAT WHITE throne judgment?
Repent O Jew or die the death!
“Hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it”. Isaiah 5.14.
How does the prophecy of the “War of Gog and Magog” factor into your predicted Israel demize?
Part 2 on the Dragon Hunt on Air Talmud:
From Wikipedia [The inocuous, white rice description]:
“Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) (Order of the Temple of the East, or the Order of Oriental Templars) is an international fraternal and religious organization founded at the beginning of the 20th century.
Originally it was intended to be modelled after and associated with Freemasonry, but under the leadership of Aleister Crowley was reorganized based on the Law of Thelema as its central religious principle.
Similar to many secret societies, O.T.O. membership is based on an initiatory system with a series of degree ceremonies that use ritual drama to establish fraternal bonds and impart spiritual and philosophical teachings.
“O.T.O. also includes the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (EGC) or Gnostic Catholic Church, which is the ecclesiastical arm of the Order. Its central rite, which is public, is called Liber XV, or the Gnostic Mass.
In 1913, Crowley composed the Gnostic Mass while in Moscow, which he described as being the Order’s “central ceremony of its public and private celebration.”
[The outer trappings of the Thelemic Gnostic Mass was based on the ancient and venerable Orthodox Divine Liturgy of St. Basil as used during the Lenten fast. Keep in mind, this is a Man-centered alchemical magical religion, and it has several layers. Although Crowley eschewed Christian Tradition, he organized his EGC along the lines of the Byzantine Orthodox Church, especially the high ceremonialism.]
In 1914, soon after World War I broke out, he moved to America. It was around this time that he decided to integrate Thelema into the O.T.O. system, and in 1915 had revised rituals prepared for use in his M~M~M.
~Thelema~ is a philosophy of life based on the rule or law, “Do what thou wilt.”
The ideal of “Do what thou wilt” and its association with the word Thelema goes back to Francois Rabelais, [who never wrote in the way Crowley wound up mangling his writings] but was more fully developed [with considerable license] and proselytized by Aleister Crowley who founded a religion named ~Thelema~ based on this ideal.
The word itself is the English transliteration of the Koine Greek noun ~thelyma~: “will”, from the verb ~thelo~: to will, wish, purpose. Early Christian writings use the word to refer to the will of God, the human will, and even the will of God’s opponent, the Devil.
In 1904, Crowley claimed to have received Liber AL vel Legis, the Book of the Law from an entity named Aiwass, which was to serve as the foundation of the religious and philosophical system he called Thelema.
The first appearance of Aiwass was during the Three Days of the writing of Liber Legis.
His first and only identification as such is in Chapter I: “Behold! it is revealed by Aiwass the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat” (AL I:7). Hoor-paar-kraat (Egyptian: Har-par-khered) is more commonly referred to by the Greek transliteration Harpocrates, meaning “Horus the Child”, whom Crowley considered to be the central deity within the Thelemic cosmology called the Aeon of Horus.
Crowley insisted that Aiwass was a distinct creature from himself, although at times he also described Aiwass as his Higher Self or Guardian Angel.
Crowley described the encounter in detail in ‘The Equinox of the Gods’, saying that as he sat at his desk in Cairo, the voice of Aiwass came from over his left shoulder [compare St. John in Revelation] in the furthest corner of the room.
This voice is described as passionate and hurried, and was “of deep timbre, musical and expressive, its tones solemn, voluptuous, tender, fierce or aught else as suited the moods of the message. Not bass—perhaps a rich tenor or baritone”.
Crowley also described a “strong impression” of the speaker’s general appearance. He saw or pictured Aiwass with a body composed of “fine matter,” having a gauze-like transparency.
Further, the speaker “seemed to be a tall, dark man in his thirties, well-knit, active and strong, with the face of a savage king, and eyes veiled lest their gaze should destroy what they saw. The dress was not Arab; it suggested Assyria or Persia, but very vaguely.”
In the later-written Liber 418, the voice of the 8th Aethyr says “my name is called Aiwass,” and “in The Book of the Law did I write the secrets of truth that are like unto a star and a snake and a sword.” Crowley says this later manifestation took the form of a pyramid of light.
Crowley summed up his Law of Thelema in these phrases from the Book:
a) “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”
b) “Love is the law, love under will”
c) “There is no Law beyond Do what thou wilt”
According to Crowley, every individual has a True Will, to be distinguished from the ordinary wants and desires of the ego. The True Will is essentially one’s “calling” or “purpose” in life. Crowley’s concept assumes that this includes the goal of attaining self-realization by one’s own efforts, without the aid of God or other divine authority.
Crowley was more specific about the True Will of women. He wrote that “women are nearly always conscious of an important part of their true Will; the bearing of children. To them nothing else is serious in comparison…”.
Crowley believed that in order to discover the True Will, **one had to free the desires of the subconscious mind from the control of the conscious mind, especially the restrictions placed on sexual expression, which he associated with the ~power of divine creation~ [phallicism].**
He taught that the True Will of each individual was identified with the Holy Guardian Angel, a daimon unique to each individual.
Crowley’s Thelema draws its principle gods and goddesses from Ancient Egyptian religion. [There’s an Egyptian mask covering the Babylonish Thelemic one. The next part the creature “Babalon” [sic] will be the focus of the dragon hunt.]
The highest deity in the cosmology of Thelema is in fact a goddess, Nuit. She is the night sky arched over the Earth symbolized in the form of a naked woman. She is conceived as the Great Mother, the ultimate source of all things.
The second principle deity of Thelema is the god Hadit, conceived as the infinitely small complement and consort of Nuit. Hadit symbolizes manifestation, motion, and time.[59] He is also described in Liber AL vel Legis as “the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star.”
The third deity in the cosmology of Thelema is Ra-Hoor-Khuit, a manifestation of Horus. He is symbolized as a throned man with the head of a hawk who carries a wand. He is associated with the Sun and the active energies of Thelemic magick.
Other deities within the cosmology of Thelema are [these are actually the three :
a)Hoor-paar-kraat (or Harpocrates), god of silence and inner strength, the brother of Ra-Hoor-Khuit [Horus the Child].
b)Babalon, the goddess of all pleasure, known as the Virgin Whore.
c)Therion, the beast that Babalon rides, who represents the wild animal within man, a force of nature.
Read this.Russia responds to US nuke talk.
The Russian Foreign Ministry on Friday rejected recent Washinghton allegations,saying Moscow has fully preserved its nuclear arsenal since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union.
On Wednesday, Gates suggested that tens of thousands of old nuclear mines, nuclear artillery shells and so on could have been smuggled ouside Russia. According to the US official, the reality is that the Russian dont have any idea about the amount or whereabouts of the soviet nukes.
For several years now, senior officials of the Bush (Satan) administration including the President and the Vice president have intimated, in no certain terms,that there will be a Second 9/11.
You ask, It is Serious? Yes you bet your life. People don’t do that unless it’s a serious situation. Donald Rumsfeld,December 2003.
Credible reporting indicates that Al Qaeda is moving forward with its plans to carry out a large-scale attack in the United States in an effort to disrupt our democratic process–Tom Ridge, 8 July 2004.
The enemy that struck on 9/11 is weakened and fractured yet it is still lethal and planning to hit us again–Dick Cheney, 7 January 2007.
We are still a nation at risk. Part of our strategy, of course, is to stay on the offense agains terrorists who would do us harm. In other words, it is important to defeat them overseas so we never have to face them here.
Nevertheless, we recognize that we’ve got to be fully prepared here at the homeland.–President Bush (Satan) February 8, 2006.
Why do I call this man satan? The Bible said, “You shall not kill; You shall not lie; You shall not steal.” He killed over 1,273,378 Iraqis since US invaded, 4,189 US soldiers
What about Afghanistan and so many NATO soldiers?? What about the next big 9/11 soon (nuclear bomb) and blame the Iranians, Russians?
The American BLACK HOUSE is the nest of Satan and his children. Revelation 18 is the End of America.
I’m sorry, whoever that was that answering reader james. Could you try reposting? I may have blocked you as spam. Your message popped up just as I was hitting the button on another piece of spam.
Admin Angel
Blessings and Peace of mind of Our Lord with you. Thanks for digging that deep in the matter. Did you ever heard about George Ivanovich Gurdjieff?
He has established Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man. Gurdjieff claimed that people do not perceive reality, as they are not conscious of themselves, but live in a state of hypnotic “waking sleep.”
“Man lives his life in sleep, and in sleep he dies.” Gurdjieff taught that each person perceived things from a completely subjective perspective.
Gurdjieff stated that maleficent events such as wars and so on could not possibly take place if people were more awake. He asserted that people in their typical state were unconscious automatons, but that it was possible for a man to wake up and experience life more fully.
He has many followers especially in Orthodox Russia.
Here what he had to say about Crowley. In February 1924, Crowley visited Gurdjieff’s Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man. He did not meet the founder on that occasion, but called Gurdjieff a “tip-top man” in his diary.
Crowley privately criticized some of the Institute’s practices and teachings, but doubted that what he heard from disciple Pindar reflected the master’s true position. Some claim that on a later visit he met Gurdjieff — who firmly repudiated Crowley.
Biographer Sutin expresses skepticism, and Gurdjieff’s student C.S. Nott tells a different version. Nott perceives Crowley as a black or at least ignorant magician and says his teacher “kept a sharp watch” on the visitor, but mentions no open confrontation.
@Russian Orthodox
Blush. Thank you. After praying for a while on what you had said about Crowley getting his twisted inspiration from RO it was very clear I needed to sort through and figure out just what Crowley did to some degree.
I’d heard of Gurdjieff [sp?] but never read any of his writings. I know he was big here in America in the spiritual/self improvement movements of the ’80’s Just scanned through your link to him, and my personal opinion was that he was a good, kind, sensitive man, a rare poet mystic, and probably a genius. He certainly got it right about Americans being a shallow newspaper people. LOL. It hasn’t improved-now were a “1 minute memo” people. We have no soul-deep classical artistic aesthetic culture like Russia/Ukraine. In the 70’s liberalism began ravaging such things as school orchestras and choirs, music, dance and art classes, not to mention our basic 3-R education-“Reading, ‘Riting, ‘Rithmatic”. Other useful things like history, geography, US Constitution, government and civics also went out the window. That was real brain sweat stuff for a kid, now education has to give way to a kid’s self-esteem.
Gurdjieff nailed Crowley spot on as “dirty”. Crowley was just about the filthiest, vile and most corrupt satanic pig in the world all the way to his soul-bones, now I’m seeing how much. If you can conceive Orthodoxy turned completely inside out and upside down spiriturally, and then given an extra twist, that is Crowley’s left hand path magickal alchemical Thelema.
Crowley was a carnal, sinister, troll and a mystical glutton when it came to stealing other people’s ideas and lodge initiations. That is what Gurdjieff probably picked up on, that Crowley was just plain wicked and perverse.. He was also supposed to have been involved with MI-6, British Intel.
You described that sinister satanist demon stargates opener very well. I think he doesn’t deserve mentioning here that much anymore. The only thing that his “thelema” teaching became a foundation of USA “masonic culture”, holliwood’s shitty scientology, politics, evangelicals, etc. Only True Christianity inspirational culture can and will defeat and replace that evil one, and bring lost integrity to human being.
In a few words Gurdjieff is founder of esoteric Christianity, so called fourth way.
@ Orthodox Russian
Gurdjieff struck me just from reading Wiki as perhaps someone who had Orthodox ‘phronema’ [sp] the strong inner sense of being a Christian. From his face I got joyous sorrow. I would presume that he was probably raised as one. He had wonderful ideas, especially about dancing and motion. What does Orthodoxy say about him and the fourth way?
One thing we lack here in mainstream America is the sense of ‘village’ if that makes any sense. That certain liturgical feast days it wasn’t just go to church and go home, but the “village” (not in the Hilary sense) spent the rest of the day making festival, folk dancing, chatting, things like that. “Family values” are centered on the core family, but not extended family. When the Zionist entity attacked Lebanon and I read about the close extended families of 75 people and more being wiped out who had pooled together to buy an apartment block, just about knocked me out of my chair. Still makes me teary-eyed.
The ethnic Orthodox here still have their cultural traditions which I enjoy a lot. There are mountain areas in the US with remote towns who still have that sense of “village” or neighborliness. The rural churches are the most prominent places without skyscrapers to compete.
The sad thing is prior to WW2 it really was Christian America. It’s going to take a lot of work and time to roll some of this evil age back. There are a lot of good Christians, but they are half-paralyzed by the Jews and Zionists, or still asleep. That vicious ADL even goes ballistic if one of the larger confessions considers divesting their investments from companies that support Israhell and ADL goes after them with lawyers.
All people need to do is get sick of being called an “antiSemite” and calling the ADL and Jewish Power on it, and tell them to knock it off. They need to find a new word!
Anyway, God bless and Christ be with you.
Yeah, I’m with O.R. – That plagarist pervert Crowley doesn’t even deserve to be remembered. ~~~~ If one does a search on masonic directories, it is RIDICULOUS how many of these places exist ! They’re EVERYWHERE !… and the worst part – police everywhere have their own little ‘clubs’ too ! ~~~ I am convinced the whole of the RCMP are deep into this God-less nonsense… They kill with impunity, now. ~~~ One of them left the barracks bar(!), drove drunk down the main drag -University Ave.-, ran over a kid walking… Killed him… No charges… Suspended WITH PAY… I could go on, but I feel ill. ~~~ God Help Us !
The Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, has opened a website forum for ordinary Russians to have their voices heard. By filling in an online form, anyone can post a question to him.
Web page Translator….
All people need to do is get sick of being called an “antiSemite” and calling the ADL and Jewish Power on it, and tell them to knock it off. They need to find a new word!
“anti-semite” is a phony, ridicule smear word that means nothing. Just laugh at anyone that uses that phony word and ask if they can spell it and explain what it means.
It’s easy to recognise a jew mafia thugh, they all use the phony smear word “antisemites”. Just ask those thughs to spell it.
Anyone that say or write “antisemites” is NOT to be taken serious at any time. Just smile at them 8D))))) Or even better MOHAHAHAHAhahaha … How do you spell that?
Just Ridicule anyone that uses that word.
To BN. Spam filter. Look near bottom of this forum. To post you must fill in a four digit code = Spam filter.
Did you get the Jackson?
KathJ defines “antiSemite” as a word for anyone the Jews and Christophobes hate.
I’m with you!
At KathJuliane
We have to kill that nonsense phony word “antisemite” once in for all.
Anyyone who uses the phony word “antisemite” is a very, very stupid person.
The jew mafia is void with out that childish I-Got-No-Brain ridicule smear word “antisemite”.
Just laugh out loud at anyone that say “antisemite”.
Anybody that say “antisemite” is a village idiot.
You don’t talk to a village idiot, you just laugh.
Greetings in the Lord Jesus from No Cal US of Talmudistan
We are taking a short detour on Air Talmud while on our way to kick some dragon to visit the territory of the late Lubavitcher Rabbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, a “man in black” par excellence, and considered the secret messiah of the Chabad Lubavitch movement and the idol of B’nai Noach [Gentile House of Noah]. For someone not familiar JAHG-USA, it is well worth the study, because most of this is from the horse’s mouth, or the other end, or something.
JAHG-USA Web Site (Jews and Hasidic Gentiles-United to Save America)
The Seven Noahide Laws
To the Jewish people G-d gave the entire Torah [teaching] as their Law. They therefore have a special responsibility—with special commandments—to be the priesthood of the world, a “light unto the nations.” [Dim Light Bulbs Kj]
What about the rest of the world? What is G-d’s will for them?
G-d gave Noah and all his descendants (B’nei Noach or “children of Noah”) seven commandments to obey. These seven universal laws (known as the “Seven Noahide Laws”) were reaffirmed with Moses and the Jewish people at Mt. Sinai in what is now known as the Oral Torah, establishing modern observance of these laws. These seven commandments (mitzvos), actually seven categories of hundreds of specific laws, are G-d’s will for all non-Jews. [SEVEN CATEGORIES, PEOPLE! Actually hundreds of laws in the works for B’nai Noach! Almost as many as for the Cursed Under the Law Jews! Check the links.]
Non-Jews who (1) reject all idolatrous ideas and accept the kingship of the One G-d, [especially required to reject Jesus Christ-Kj] (2) accept the priesthood of the Jewish people as the guardians and teachers of Torah, and (3) commit to following the Seven Noahide Laws as revealed in the Oral Torah from Mt. Sinai [revealed in fevered Pharisee rabbinic brains Kj] are “Hasidic Gentiles” or “Noahides.” The term “Hasidic Gentile” is derived from a classic commentary by the Rambam, Rav Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides), in The Laws of Kings 8:11:
“Anyone who accepts upon himself the fulfillment of these Seven Mitzvos [commandments] and is precise in their observance is considered one of the hasidei umos ha’olam [“Hasidim of the nations of the world”] and will merit a share in the World to Come.”
The Seven Noahide Laws are the minimal observance for non-Jews. The source of these laws and the basis of their understanding is the Oral Torah, which G-d gave to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai along with His Written Law. By learning from the Jews and performing the mitzvos, non-Jews have a crucial role in G-d’s Creation.
The Seven Noahide Laws actually encompass numerous details and applications within hundreds of laws, each with specific applications. One should also keep in mind that these laws are only the minimal basis for a Hasidic gentile’s service to G-d, since there are many Jewish mitzvos that non-Jews are encouraged to adopt to accomplish more. Through these laws a gentile refines himself and the Creation as a whole, fulfilling his purpose for existence.
For a detailed listing of the Noahide Laws, visit our sister site Hasidic University.
Home page
Dear James – Gog & Magog is figurative “apocalyptic” language for the enemies of the Church.
The Orthodox Church does not interpret Gog & Magog as referring to Russia. Russia is the 3rd Rome, and will continue to emerge as an Orthodox Christian nation, converting the world to the Christian Church. +BN
“the prospects for the future of a US-sponsored Israel grows dimmer & dimmer…”
Good. I’m glad. That piece of filth country needs to go the way of the dodo bird.
@ Orthodox Russian & KathJuliane-
Regarding Gurdjieff, Colin Wilson’s “The Occult, A HIstory,” (1971) :
‘Gurdjieff was born in 1873 in Alexandropol, in the Transcaucus, so that although his parents were Greek (his surname was actually Gorgiades), his nationality was Russian. In his book, “Meetings with Remarkable Men,” he summarizes the salient features of his early years. His father was an “Ashkoth,” a ‘bard.’ One of his poems he ‘sang’ was about Gilgamesh. When he read in a magazine that the tablets of the Gilgamesh Epic had been found at Nineveh, he experienced enormous excitement at the idea that a poem sung by his father could have been handed down verbally for thousands of years. It was the beginning of a suspicion that other forms of knowledge had been handed down through the ages-secret teachings….’
‘Gurdjieff began to read everything he could find on occultism in an attempt to explain [magical] phenomena. He visited monastaries….’
‘…, Gurdjieff managed to make a great deal of money by approaching the mayors of towns that the railway was scheduled to go through, assuring them that their towns were not on the proposed route but that he could ‘fix’ it for a sum of money. Gurdjieff had no objection to making money by dubiously legal means, and he tells with relish a number of similar stories in his book.’ He used the money to set out with a friend, Sarkis Pogossian, trying to find the remaining members of the ancient Sarmoung Brotherhood, which, Gurdjieff says, was established in Babylon in 2500 B.C….’
‘There are many stories of [Gurdjieff’s] kind of attitude towards ‘difficult’ people; in each of them Gurdjieff displayed what Shaw called ‘natural Christianity.’ But in another sense it was not ‘natural.’ The natural reaction to such people is to ignore them, or to quarrel with them…’
‘The Revolution forced Gurdjieff to leave Russia. No doubt he would have been ‘liquidated’ fairly quickly as an organizer of ‘secret’ groups…’
‘…Gurdjieff was a Walt-Whitmanesque type of character, in some ways not unlike Rasputin. He was not a saint. He liked good food, and drank a lot of Armagnac. When he was settled at Fontainebleau he moved in his mother, brother, and sister, and the anonymous author of the Journal remarks that he was a patriarchal figure. An aphorism on the wall in the study house said: ‘It is a sign of a good man that he loves his father and mother.’ He was, as Orage said, a ‘complete man.’ When the men bathed communally, they had a ritual of telling dirty jokes, and Gurdjieff would make them line up to examine the degree of sunburn on their behinds. His wife died at Prieure’, and Gurdjieff took a mistress, who was soon pregnant. He was, apparently, capable of sleeping with attractive female pupils, and I myself met a professor at an American university who told me he was one of Gurdjieff’s natural sons, and by no means the only one. In ‘God is My Adventure,’ Rom Landau tells a story of an American woman novelist, who sat next to Gurdjieff’s table in a restaurant. Gurdjieff suddenly began to inhale and exhale in a peculiar way, and the woman went pale. She said that she had caught Gurdjieff’s eye-‘I suddenly felt as if I had been struck right through my sexual center. It was beastly!’ Even Crowley did not possess the capacity to cause instantaneous orgasms in strange women….’
‘Landau also mentions that he stumbled upon proof that Gurdjieff had been in Tibet; an Arab writer, Achmed Abdullah, said he had met Gurdjieff in Lhasa, when Gurdjieff was an agent of the Russian secret police.’
Ultimately, it is up to us each to research and understand these strange historical personages. My conclusion, however, is that Gurdjieff was not a ‘Christian,’ but more properly was a ‘magician.’
* I ASK * : Is it possible that Gog & Magog are representative of the Vatican (who has affirmed the Seven Noahide Laws !), and all of these Masonic Lodges that are EVERYWHERE & which are steering good Christians AWAY from the True Way, Truth & Light ? ~~~ [please just don’t delete this – if I’m wrong let someone explain… ] ~~~ Thanks !
Joshua I’m sorry. That was probably my fault, and much by accident. You would not believe the spam BN is getting hit with, and smaller posts get lost in the shuffle. I’ll try to keep a better eye. Admin Angel
Admin Angel, … No need for apologies ! I thought perhaps I had offended you with my Vatican comment… it IS a touchy subject ! ~~~~ p.s. … I am not computer savvy – what is ‘spam’ ? Is it advertising ? ~~~~ Thanks
BN is tied up working on a major posting. Spam is a continuous stream of unwanted advertising and links that sneaks in along with engine searches by spammers, and some of it is very raunchy. I don’t know all the technical details behind it. When you post a comment, it usually says waiting moderation, so you are in a pre-posting stage, waiting for me or BN. Your message could be idling in the middle of 30 spam messages in the moderation stage.
As BN said above, Orthodoxy teaches that “Gog and Magog” is figurative “apocalyptic” language for the enemies of “the Church” in general, and naturally from the particular perspective of the Eastern Orthodox. It’s not one identity or another, its simply any enemies of the Orthodox Church in the days of the great apostacy from Jesus Christ.
A believer just watches over his own soul, and prays not to fall into delusion.
Admin Angel
P.S. The Holy Fathers have also said that there are “Orthodox known only to God” as Christ’s light shines upon all.
I enoy your web-site, thank you very much. On Gurjdieff, a very good book on the man and his teachings is by his student Ouspensky: “In Search of the Miraculous”. Very enjoyable read, but take your time with it.
God Bless.
Dear Christians
In relation to Syria cast your minds back to Bush’s axis of evil speech in 2002. His speech was written by one David Frum [Canadian Jew]who accused certain governments of helping terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction.Frum named Iraq,Iran and North Korea and then went on to include Syria.
In reality war mongering Jews in the White house were sending US troops to do their dirty work.As we all found out Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction.
What is interesting about David Frum is,how does a Canadian born citizen and a non US citizen manage to get a job as Bush’s former speech writer? Are you telling me that there were no Christian […] Americans and could of done that job?
This only proves without a shadow of a doubt that the Jews control the white house and US foreign policy.When Syrian President Assad asked for the return of the Golan Heights back in exchange for peace with Israel he was labeled in the US Jew press as not trustworthy.
What the White house Jews want is for US troops who are mostly black,Hispanic and poor white boys to do the dying and killings on behalf of Israel. I wonder how many American Jews are serving on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan? We can probably count them on one hand.
I would add to your statement George G., in saying; Only God will be able to save these ‘Jews’ if this Frankenstein Army in the Middle East which they have created REALIZES what I have realized in the last 3 months, and TURNS on the evil doctors of their creation ! ~~~~ It IS POSSIBLE to awaken, & I am living proof. ~~~~ Thank God !