Edward Snowden…When Truth Becomes Treason
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Edward Snowden
When Truth Becomes Treason
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Brother Nathanael @ June 14, 2013
Text –Text– Text
Edward Snowden…When Truth Becomes Treason
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2013
All the usual suspects are sharpening their teeth on America’s newest whistleblower, Edward Snowden.
Whoever Ed Snowden really is pales in comparison to his message…that privacy and liberty in this disintegrating Republic are now virtually GONE.
Mr. Snowden hasn’t really said anything NEW—some are even suggesting he was set up—but at the very least he has brazenly and boldly quantified – right there on the main stream media – what many of us have realized for years…that we have been, and are being, illegally surveilled 24/7/365.
[Clip: “Any analyst at anytime can target anyone at any selector anywhere. But I sitting at my desk certainly had the authorities to wiretap anyone from you, or your accountant, to a federal judge, to even the president.”]
It didn’t take long for those who ‘hate our freedoms’ to sink their fangs into the future of this young man.
America’s most hated woman, Jewish Senator Dianne Feinstein, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, joined Mike Rogers this past Sunday to announce her black-hearted and hypocritical wish to “prosecute” Edward Snowden.
[Clip: “Is it fair to say that both of you believe that this investigation should be pursued, and the source, if found, should be prosecuted.” “I absolutely think they should be prosecuted.”
“You too Senator Feinstein?” “I do.”]
The very next day, Feinstein—who’s hell-bent on trashing the 2nd Amendment—had the audacity to tell reporters that Snowden has committed an “act of treason”…soon echoed by John Boehner, who using Feinstein’s playbook, defended their commonly-held malevolence with the over worn script: ‘We’re keeping American’s safe.’
[Clip: “Now to my exclusive interview with house speaker John Boehner, he began our interview with some tough words for Edward Snowden.” “He’s a traitor. The president outlined last week that these were important national security programs to help keep Americans safe.” “It’s called protecting America.”]
The hacks on Capitol Hill just love this slogan.
Why? Because ‘keeping American’s safe’ allows them to commit their own crimes IN SECRET…all in the name of SECURITY for the ‘homeland.’
[Clip: “We need to understand that in secrecy, the government has taken laws that we have written and enacted to protect us, and it has used those laws to destroy our personal dignity, and expose our inner most thoughts and behavior to the whims of government bureaucrats.”]
Speaking of political hags—I mean, hacks—the DNC’s Jewish chairwoman, Deborah Wasserman Schultz, dug her own claws deep into Snowden, calling him a “coward” who should be “extradited, arrested, and prosecuted.”
[Clip: “He should be extradited, arrested, and prosecuted. I mean that’s exactly what should happen to him.”]
Ron Paul expressed legitimate concern that Obama might send a drone after Snowden…just one more morbid episode of Obama’s warrantless assassinations of US citizens.
[Clip: “Where do you think he is right now? Are you worried about that?” “I have no idea. Yeah, I’m worried about somebody in our government might kill him with a cruise missile or a drone missile. I mean we live in a bad time where American citizens don’t even have rights and that they can be killed.”]
But the message AND the messenger are ALWAYS attacked by THOSE whose reputations are endangered: the policy-makers and actors who Snowdon AND Greenwald exposed. The COVER is off.
[Clip: “We heard a lot of push-back from National Security people saying ‘well this is nothing new, this has been going on for some time, nothing to see here, move along…’ Now we’re hearing it’s gut-wrenching that it’s a threat to American National Security. Which is it Glen?”
“It’s neither of those. The reality is is that US Government officials for many decades now and certainly over the last 10 years have been abusing their secrecy power to shield from the American public not programs that are designed to keep America safe and not prevent disclosures that would help the terrorists, but to conceal their own actions from the people they’re supposed to be democratically accountable.”]
And who specifically stands to have their reputations ruined?
The same ones who pushed the ‘war on terror’ hoax which was the primary tool to assault our privacy and freedoms.
One of the most rabid campaigners for America’s illegal war on Iraq, Richard Haass, Jewish president of the Council on Foreign Relations, was tabbed on Morning Joe to refute Greenwald’s defense of Snowden.
[Clip: “The law was broken by one person who was Mr. Snowden. Whistleblowers are people who uncover wrongdoing within their say agencies or organizations. This is not wrongdoing, this is US policy. This is not a whistleblower, this is someone who is going to make the United States I believe less safe.”]
Bull. In both the Zazi and Headling terrorist blockings that Feinstein and Rogers keep on citing, neither data mining nor Prism had anything to do with preventing their plots, but rather by conventional intelligence methods employed NOT by America but by Britain.
The smears continue by the Jewish vultures.
Alleged adulterer, Jeffrey Toobin, Jewish legal analyst for CNN, after writing in the The New Yorker that Snowden was a “grandiose narcissist who deserves to be thrown in prison,” had the gall to label the actions of Mr. Snowden a “disgrace.”
[Clip: “Stealing documents from the NSA and then turning them over to Glen Greenwald is simply not the American way and I think it’s a disgrace.”]
Not the ‘American way?’
Blowing the whistle on those who defraud Americans of their freedoms goes back to the days when British tea was tossed into the Boston Harbor…long before Toobin and his ilk ever made it to America’s shores. He’s got a lot of nerve defining for Gentiles what the ‘American way’ is all about..
Thank God there are a few notable Christians like Judge Napolitano and Ron Paul—who…defying the Jewish smears—hail Snowden NOT as a traitor, coward, felon, or disgrace… BUT as an American HERO.
[Clip: “I would describe this man as an American Hero, as a person willing to risk life, limb, and liberty in order to expose to the American people one of the most extraordinary violations of the American principles, value judgments, and the constitution itself in all of our history.”]
When truth is labeled as treason, either our country is headed for ruin or it’s a wakeup call for Americans to begin cleaning house.
[Clip: “You are a supporter of Edward Snowden and his actions. Why?”
“Well, from what I hear and what he’s done. I mean he’s done a great service because he’s telling the truth and this is what we are starved for. The American people are starved for the truth. And when you have dictatorship or an authoritarian government, truth becomes treasonous. I think the president ought to send him a thank-you letter because he… the President ran on transparency, and we’re getting a lot of transparency now.”]
Indeed. The “transparency” we’re finally getting is from those who the Jews want to put behind bars…whose civil disobedience is a mark of true patriots…who really care about saving fallen America.
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+Brother Nathanael
Dear Real Jew News Family –
Ron Paul GOT IT RIGHT: Americans are STARVED for the Truth.
And who are the enemies of the Truth who Crucified He Who IS the TRUTH?
Jews. And they CONTINUE to spread their famine to all the Gentiles who are force fed LIES and Propaganda by the Jew OWNED media and Jew CONTROLLED Washington.
No one says it like Brother Nathanael. I have the GUTS to NAME the JEW Names!
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Special Note
Please try to STAY On-Topic. +bn
This website is a real Godsend and has opened my eyes here in South Africa where the Jewish rot is really deep-set.
It would really be wonderful if you could bring your street evangelism to our shores.
Truth is HATE to those (synagogue of satan) who hate the TRUTH.
Have not I commanded thee?
Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for The Almighty & Jesus are with thee whithersoever thou goest. . .lo, even unto the gathering of the TARES…
The Almighty: http://biblehub.com/text/psalms/2-4.htm
You are right, who is Snowden?…just like who is Assange – neither have said anything new in reality, are the powers that be playing a game to lure out the real whistle-blowers and truth seekers?
Be wary, be cautious for our enemies know how to play dirty.
Brother Nat, you are awesome and there is none like you on the net or anywhere.
You hit the nail on the head everytime I see one of your Videos.
In the face of great danger, how you manage to stay breathing is a testament to how God protects His messengers. May the blessings be!
Here in Sweden the Zionist controlled old (politically correct) media, have done everything they can to support the NWO agenda, including the support of all the new wars after 911 and off course propaganding the necessary for neutral Sweden, to have troops in Afghanistan, JAS 39 strike aircraft in the Libya war, and of course a steady instigation to escalate the warpath of the West, including the Syrian conflict.
So something is not logical when our Jew-owned or controlled PC-media, makes a lot of room for the NSA affair. They obviously take their orders from the Zionists driving the NWO agenda. So why should they now all of a sudden have changed their mind?
Our PC-media behaviour spread news that exposes the NWO surveillance state might have a more logic answer than a whistleblower.
Can we find this in the news of today, that US have decided to escalate the war in Syria by an open policy of delivering arms (something they seems to have done during the whole conflict)?
Was the Edward Snowden a Zionist false flag OPS to blackmail the US administration, into an escalation of the Syria conflict?
Why is it that the Obama administration is now changing its policy regarding Syria?
They now claim that they have proof that the Syrians used chemical weapons and are pushing for a “No fly zone” over Syria and are going to supply the anti-Assad terrorists with heavy armements.
Russia has replied “Niet.” Are we now even closer to a general war in the Middle East?
Could all this be connected to the MSM campaign against Obama?
‘Why worry if youu have done nothing wrong’ applies to them as well now!
Yes! and the answer of the demonic Global Banking Cartel and Netanyahu is to demand a Western invasion of Syria to begin both a General Middle East War and World War III.
I believe that many in the Obama Administration, while terribly corrupt are still nevertheless not totally insane and are opposing this.
This is the real reason why the mainstream news media is NOW covering the flood of scandal stories about Obama including the NSA ones. To force him to sign onto WWIII.
Stirling http://europebusines.blogspot.fr/
I’ve been carefully following the neocon press reaction to Snowden, and their unanimous, hysterical verdict of “Treason!” leads one to suspect that their Tel Aviv bosses have a proprietary interest in the massive spying on Americans.
It can’t be proved, but one must realistically contemplate the possibility that results of the whole surveillance/data mining operation are being shared with the State of Israel.
It takes one click of a Washington button to deliver the daily goods in their entirety.
Nearly every Jew, whatever political stripe, is a leftist at heart.
The Communist monster started under Karl Marx was slaughtered. Yet remnants of this monster are still kicking.
Part of this is the hoax of the Obama presidency. Jews still cling to the Communist fantasy and they’re trying to bring it to America with the cult of Obama presidency. But they will fail, in the long run.
TRUTH will prevail!
The pledge of allegiance is to the flag and to the REPUBLIC for which IT stands.
Many Americans are ignorant of the difference between a democracy and a republic.
The Oath is NOT to the PRESIDENT or the CONGRESS! But it IS to the CONSTITUTION. The Congress, the President, the Military and Police MUST SWEAR AN OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION.
The Constituion is clear. There shall be no warrantless searches! All those in favor of warrantless searches or against the Second Amendment are TRAITORS!
America is suffering from a severe case of Jewish Tyranny/Collectivism.
Feinstein calls Snowden’s actions “treasonous”, and Snowden has been labeled a “traitor.”
She supports the government spying on the Goyim, but let’s go back 60 years and ask this question: Would Feinstein have supported the NSA’s current spy program had Senator Joe McCarthy used it in his search for Communist Jews in Hollywood and in the Federal government?
If McCarthy had access to all the letters and the phone calls of the American Communist Jews who were betraying our country, he wouldn’t have had to interrogate Jews for information, and he could have busted many more Communists Jews; so-called “Americans” who had set the wheels in motion to destroy America.
And after all, wasn’t McCarthy “protecting America” from the treasonous Communist Jews who had just given the Soviets the blueprints for the fission and fusion nuclear bombs?
Maybe McCarthy could have saved America.
Instead, the Jews were so furious at his investigations they demonized McCarthy and destroyed the man.
No, the Jews would have protested vehemently against any government surveillance of them being involved in Communist plots to destroy America. What hypocrisy!
Snowden has typical Ashkenazi Israeli characteristics. I wonder when people are going to use their eyes? Anyone can claim they are behind the leaks (of things BN and others have known and have been warning about for years.)
It’s always amusing to seek the truth and find the truth, that is get Jew Wise, and THEN listen to these satanic liars spin their tales like the sky is falling because of someone exposing them?
Is there any better comedy, albeit tragic?
One key in getting Jew Wise is to understand “PROJECTION” — that almost without exception the Jews are actually guilty of what they accuse others of?
Polish proverb “The Jew cries in pain as he is beating you.”
I wish I knew if Snowden may just be part of a Jewish psy-op, but I don’t.
Yet it seems to me that some may be a little too much in a hurry to shoot down what might be a great American hero.
The link to developments in Syria would not at first view seem all that plausible to me, but then what is plausible these days?
Albeit the axiom remains: If two things happen closely one after the other that doesn’t mean the second event happened because of the first.
Anyway, I prefer to interpret events according to what my eyes can see and what my ears can hear — speculations are open-ended.
But once faced with speculation I can also contribute my share: Might it not be that it is no-one else than the Jew, who would have the greatest interest in avoiding that a hero-cult is arising around Snowden?
And is it not the Jews, who are known to miraculously transform their greatest enemies into being part of their own set-up?
And Snowden looks like a Jew? Does he really? Not in my eyes, at least, but there you are: Sometimes the truth has a tendency to partition itself to display as many facets as there are people trying to catch a glimpse of it!
Nevertheless: Those in a hurry should be reminded that the future has a tendency to solve many puzzles. Patience is the operative word — not shooting from the hip!
I’ve known for a long while that the ZOG has been spying on us, but its good that someone like Snowden did this.
It opens the tightly sealed can of Government information, on how the Christ-hating Jews led by Feinstein LIEberman, Levin, and all of Satan’s sons and daughters, spy on Gentiles in order to plot their next devilish move.
Feinstein is the typical Jew Commie bitch, she thinks all Gentiles aere out to get her satanic ilk. If you ask a Jew if he supports this warrantless spying and he or he says no, you know right from the get go that they are fibbing right then and there.
Snowden commited no treason against Amerika, he commited treason against Talmudic Jewry. That’s ten times worse, because they will probably decapitate him according to their satanic “holy book.”
We can only hope that Snowden doesn’t fall into the claws of Lieberman, Levin, or Feinstein, otherwise it would doom Amerika’s thirst for truth.
The IRS scandal, the Benghazi cover up, and NSA’s data mining of Americans had put the Obama administration on the defensive.
But suddenly everyone in the mainstream media is talking all about Syria and not about the IRS scandal, Benghazi, NSA snooping or any of the other political scandals that have popped up in recent weeks.
Suddenly Obama made headlines all over the globe on Thursday by claiming that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against the rebels “multiple times,” and that the Obama administration is preparing to impose a no-fly zone inside Syria along with sending heavy weapons to the so called “rebels.”
Despite the overwhelming public opposition to a U.S. intervention in the syrian conflict, Obama is now entering another war in the Middle East at a time when he was struggling with a number of scandals at home.
Well, isn’t that convenient?
The sad thing is that when I speak to liberals about this newest scandal, they don’t care. They still stand behind their leader, Mr. O.
Of course, if this spying on Americans and particularly on reporters had happened on Bush’s watch, they’d be calling for his impeachment. At least under Bush, most people knew his actions (the war on Iraq, Homeland Security) were wrong and were concerned and outraged.
But Obama and Holder and all the President’s men have carte blanche to do whatever they want, including starting new wars all over the Middle East.
Aside from many conservatives, it’s only the hard, old school Left, like the Noam Chomskys and Daniel Ellsbergs, who speak out, and even they get very little air time anymore.
+Brother Nathanael is highlighting the response to the “scandal,” and what the Jews are telling people to think about this “whistleblowing.”
I would not be at all surprised if Snowden is a sayanim or actually Jewish; you cannot go by the name ever! Since ancient times they have been changing their names to bait or fool others.
I concur with “The Ranameh” comment wholeheartedly. My “Jewdar” launched a huge spike when I saw Snowden’s picture. But, as +BN says “whoever” he is, it is the aftermath that we are looking at.
Satan not only gives us predictive programming, but then brags about what he has done. Here are Jews and their puppets telling us “it’s for security.” Oh sure.
There is no question that Isrealhell is 100% behind this exploit. Their tech firms have provided the means to do this spying after all.
Just as they provide “security” at our airports since before 9/11, our nuclear power plants (Fukushima too by the way), their firms were heavily involved in spying on American phone records and such for 13 years or more.
This has been documented even in the MSM. They do like to brag, remember? The hand to the face expressing shock is really to cover the big smile.
Jew-owned firms, Converse et al, are very familiar to those who pay attention to what happened in New York twelve years ago September. Do you imagine that they are less engaged with their spy efforts now?
And to refresh the 9/11 spy story:
Hello and thanks +BN and all.
Just came in to my mind a movie Zabriskie Point by Michelangelo Antonioni. In the movie police arrested some maybe leftist protestor students and then questioned them.
In the hearing one guy said his name was Karl Marx. Then the possibly not the brightest case on police force asked, “how do You spell Karl Marx?”
On the other hand, not that easy question after all, but here’s a try anyhow. It must be JE-W, no way, must be the other way J-EW. Neither of them, what the hell is it then, J-E-W?
Quess my point is that I never ask how many went wrong, can’t be any more than all, but did I get anything right.
And quess I got some, I’ve been reading and watching especially +BN and Joe Cortina and others too for some time now. I’ve learned from how to spell Bolshevik takeover till modern days “where’s the money then, where did it go and especially where did it came from?” That is how to hyphenate FED.
Of course Zionists on the other hand want to shut down the internet because of all that non-mainstream information, but on the other hand they want it simultaneously wide open, in order to be able to spy on ordinary people to get data for their “criminal minds” human behaviour modelling computer programs.
Seems like they’ve got paradox on their hands. Rather to be or not to be, than any how to spell Karl Marx.
I don’t have the reflection of that paradox, that is free internet and voluntary self censorship, although local “independent” newspapers warned in connection with Edward Snowden case, that Big Brother is watching, better watch Your step and think twice before writing anything.
Let the Big Brother watch, they’ve seen nothing yet. Are they going to bring me a image of somebody, who turned out to be homosexual? I think it’s mainly his own problem, not mine and I’ve got problems enough of my own. Like gays are minority, but the new normals are majority, that makes me minority as well.
I used to comment somewhat in local newspaper with my own name. And sometimes my hypothetical examples isolated and combined from mainstream media made me look like pervert and insane.
I thought I shouldn’t have wrote that crap, until some plastic mainstream compliant political rebellions, who’s always barking on the neighbour’s backyard direction to show, that they want to be leaseholders in their own house, they told me that my questionable comments live forever in digital space.
No s**t, did they mean like Prokofvjef’s questionable version of Romeo and Juliet? I don’t think so and they don’t think at all.
Up Yours tin soldiers, can’t live forever or one millisecond if the opinion was born dead as Yours. Mainstreamers shows up with their own names for a comment noname.
Name the names as +BN does, I don’t have knowledge in Finnish to do that and balls in English to do that, but luckily brains enough to refuse mainstream’s suggestive order to volunteer the opposite.
I love Richard Haas or is it Hass’s statement, “…This is not wrong doing, this is U.S. policy…”
So if it is U.S. policy it can’t be wrong? BAAWAAAH-HA-HA-HAAAAAA, did he just fall off the turnip truck?
Let’s see, U.S. policy was to aid South Vietnam in their war to, to…what? U.S. policy aided General Pinochet, oh wait, St. Pinochet according to Nixon and Kissinger and the list goes on and on.
Sure Richard, U.S. policy must be right. Rich, or is it Dick, take your head out of your donkey.
I can’t believe these idiots. They apparently think that we’re all that stupid.
Although I fully agree here, someone might want to inform Snowden that the genocidal, internet-censoring government of the PRC & its ruling “Communist” Party of China is no better…
Keep up the good work BN!
Is Ron Paul a traitor too, according to these goons?
Who do they think they are fooling with their traitorous lies and deception?
Not Snowden but his accusers, and we all know who they are now, are the “traitors, cowards, felons and disgrace.” (BN)
Because they have sold out the American Republic to an as yet still hidden, demon inspired Supranational Govt, the key to the success of which, is total surveillance.
Can you imagine an America with a Snowden for President instead of an Obam…wah? Just think would it would look like and how much more “secure” you would really be.
It is truly surreal to watch the likes of Richard Haas, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (a creature that slithered out of a Hieronymous Bosch painting on its belly if ever there was one), Dianne Feinstein and the rest of that tribe that has irremediably subverted and corrupted the political institutions of the United States in the interests of a foreign power call the likes of Edward Snowden a traitor.
The chutzpah is so thick in Jewmerika you can cut it with a knife.
Brother, best work yet.
Is there a list of who gets what AIPAC money? I would like to read that list. (You can sort of trust your intuition by who says what). Is there such a list?
In this age of spy verses spy, in the cause of anti-terrorism, in the spirit of “if you see something, say something,” I would like to know who gets what AIPAC money.
I am sure (bet my bottom dollar) that Senators McCain and Graham get plenty of AIPAC money.
I am a Buddhist and have no hate for Jewish people. There was a recent time when Jews from Israel spit on the New Testament. As a Buddhist I have an incredible love in my heart for Jesus, and find such behavior heart crushing.
How exactly are Jews leftists at heart?
Jews are known for loving money, and people who love money are right wing.
I also believe that Snowden is running a psyop on us.
Hey notice how Ryan Fogle was also Jewish? Whats with Jews in the CIA?
Yes! I can see that. He reminds me in certain facial features to that of the American actor Michael Douglas who was of course descended of Russian Jews.
It does add to some thought to he really is.
It’s not just Jews in the CIA, “erick” –they are in every position of power or at least controlling every position.
I hope new readers of +Brother Nathanael will look into the wealth of information on this site that provides proof and names the names.
Snowden’s recent employer is “an extension of the IC (intelligence community)” according to the CIA’s assistant director. That should clear up who this man really is.
The most interesting fact of all is that the vice president of that Jew-infested company Booz Allen Hamilton is none other than: Rabbi Dov Zakheim!
For those with short memories, Rabbi and dual national Dov is not just a NeoCon, or PNAC signator, but he was the very comptroller of the Pentagon who by kabbalistic magic disappeared 3 trillion dollars on September 10, 2001.
Yep, Rumsfeld said they just had no idea what happened to it. Then later, Rabbi Dov lost track of another 2.5 trillion dollars.
Many believe him to be the true master mind of 9/11.
He was also CEO of the company that developed fly-by-remote-controlled-systems for aircraft.
Furthermore, Booz Allen Hamilton is owned by the Carlyle Group (named for the Hotel) in which the Bush family and the Saudi Royals (Jew origin) and others have a real, not theoretical, conspiracy going.
If it is in the MSM, that means they really want you to know about it.
Support +BN, by daily prayers and finance to keep his wonderful work going! My next donation is on it’s way.
To Erik Valley:
Not all people who are right-wing “love” money, to love money is to sin. Yes money helps to buy things, but crass materialism is not good for the soul or the body.
Also Jews love money made by usury, that’s what capitalism has become, interest slavery has no place in free markets.
Jews are also heavily into socialism, communism, and Zionisim, all ideaologies they invented and fine tuned for their evil agenda.
My first impression is: this is a psy-op measure being trotted out once again to scare people into submission and silence.
Same with Bradley Manning, who is not only a victim but serves a convenient sub-role as a gay poster child as well.
Indeed, any news we hear and watch is a psy-op intended to mess with our minds and deceive us into believing what we hear. Into exchanging the truth for a lie, which is explicitly what Saint Paul warns us against in Romans.
Real whistleblowers of any cogent consequence are murdered outright and it goes without saying with brazen impunity: John Wheeler III, for example. Probably Christopher Stevens, Gadaffi, Aaron Schwarz and potential troublemakers formerly involved with the current president, amongst others Alex Okrent who collapsed with a “heart attack” at 29 years of age. (Even O’s grandmother died of “cancer” after his visit to Hawaii).
And many, many more — presidents, scientists, men, women, young people. They have no shame and no conscience and are deeply depraved and mentally as well as spiritually disturbed.
Let´s face it, television, radio and ALL mainstream media merge to form one big psy-op, hitting us on all levels, to make us feel INsecure, guilty, scared as hell and what have you. The idea is to weaken us mentally, spiritually and even physically.
The government especially serves the task of faking us out so we cannot recognize the REAL issue:
*the planet is being DESTROYED by chemtrails and HAARP.*
They are going to make us go hungry, thirsty and even take away the air we breathe.
THAT is the issue and NOT the dog and pony shows being put on by the power-crazed and thoroughly depraved “elite” on a daily basis, 24/7, 365, to literally drive us all to distraction, making us easy prey to march right straight into the jaws of the snare that has been waiting for us since the dawn of day.
Indeed, as that son of the virgin Queen, Francis Bacon – I mean Shakespeare – said, all the world is a stage. Satan’s stage. And the power mongers are his players and minions. This is ALL – it is a spiritual war.
“Communism” is a fake-out as well, a misnomer. The true meaning of communism is “MATERIALISM.”
Materialism against the spiritual realm. Satan vs. God. But they want to induce you into trusting in your laptop, your cell phone, your sex life, your guns, your government, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
They want to re-make you in their image, so do not be deceived. Pray to God to save your soul – that is all there is and all you “have.”
I agree entirely with Wotan’s analysis – wait for the dust to clear before leaping to hasty conclusions.
Beyond that, let’s face it. At the end of the day, we are all sort of whistling in the dark here, hoping for some miracle turnaround aren’t we?
One is reduced to asking questions about the meaning of life – is there really an afterlife, etc, because this one doesn’t look to have much of a future given the steady stream of revelations of just how utterly tight is big Zio’s stranglehold grip on the entire ‘Western world.’
Hegel’s dialectic is the tool which manipulates us into a frenzied circular pattern of thought and action.
Every time we fight for or defend against an ideology we are playing a necessary role in Marx and Engels’ grand design to advance humanity into a dictatorship of the proletariat. The synthetic Hegelian solution to all these conflicts can’t be introduced unless we all take a side that will advance the agenda.
The Marxist’s global agenda is moving along at breakneck speed. The only way to completely stop the privacy invasions, expanding domestic police powers, land grabs, insane wars, covert actions, and outright assaults on individual liberty, is to step outside the dialectic.
This releases us from the limitations of controlled and guided thought. (“What is the Hegelian Dialectic? By Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich”)
The only way is through the Truth! Our LORD Jesus Christ! He will protect & comfort those that hold fast the real Truth in these end times. Not some Zionist paid Scofield tainted blasphenmy!
Thanks to Brother Nathanael for all his good works! All Glory to YHVH! Donation is on the way!
ixquick & startpage are excellent search engines to stealthy manoeuvre the internet. No IP addresses or cookies are recorded. Use the proxy mode for the most security.
Pretty important these days!
Just got a nice thank you message from Brother Nathanael.
Would like some opinion on the perplexing matter of infighting amongst some well known names: Michael Collins Piper vs Christopher Bollyn vs Eric Hufschmid comes to mind.
It really disturbs to read accounts of mutual recrimination and claims of each being ‘Zionist double-agents’ etc.
All produce some excellent material (although Hufschmid has some literally loony ideas on the Apollo program.) So hard for an outsider to sort the wheat from the chaff. A list of core trustworthy folks is what I want.
According to Reuters, FACEBOOK over a period of six months, received and answered 10, 000 requests for information from the US Administration concerning the contents of 20,000 of their customer accounts.
FACEBOOK, APPLE and GOOGLE are spies for Obama.
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” – Henry David Thoreau
One is exponentially more informed about our present reality in just a single Brother Nathanael presentation than in an entire decade of ABCCBSCNNFOXNBC mouthings.
Do you think that they can get away with this over here?
Gathering up our intelligent high ranking Patriot Officers and try to pull a stunt like this.
Interesting question, Kevin. But it goes beyond the three names you have mentioned.
There is no honourable man on the right side of opinion-shaping (and I have noticed from some comments above there there are quite a few, who do not seem to know what left and right really means), who has not at one time or another been called “Jew” or “Jew agent,” “faggot” or suchlike.
This includes even Bro Nat, in whom I have placed my trust for years. But when I said “there is no honourable man on the right side of opinion-shaping” that doesn’t mean there may not be dishonourable men, who seek to shape opinions or even dishonourable commentators, who may be nothing else than hasbarats.
It is sometimes difficult to decide if somebody is a Jew agent provocateur or if he’s not yet gotten hold of the right end of the stick.
And like in every sphere of life you find among opinion shapers on the right spectrum of political thought people who want to be better than others. This leads to quarrels among them.
My personal opinion is that both MCP and CB are water-tight. One litmus test is AH, Germany and WWII. But there are smarties who are aware of this and try to be neutral on this issue or perpetuate it favourably (Henry Mackow does not belong to those smarties) so as to deflect suspicions on other issues they are riding on.
I think the true presenter will avoid attacking others, who present similar thoughts with slight variances and only the provocateur will try to spread confusion and catapult filth in the direction of others, because that is the power base of the Jew.
A truly complex issue, Kevin, and as I am trying to come to an end I realise that if one would want to go into greater detail one could write books on the subject.
Yet one thing is sure: Once we begin to doubt +BN, DD, CB, MCP, Incogman, ZCF and icons of this kind, it means the Jew has succeeded to open our skull and replace its original contents with his excrements.
Outstanding video.
They will never be successful if they attempt that sort of task. That is when they will be wiped off the face of this country.
Just finished watching this movie
Jew Süss (1940) directed by Veit Harlan
The movie was directed by Veit Harlan, who wrote the screenplay with Eberhard Wolfgang Möller and Ludwig Metzger, and starred Ferdinand Marian and Harlan’s wife Kristina Söderbaum.
It is partially based on the 1925 historical novel Jud Süß by Lion Feuchtwanger as well as the 1827 novella by Wilhelm Hauff. The film, the novel, and the novella do not correspond to the historic sources regarding Joseph Süß Oppenheimer as still accessible at the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg.
Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, who had commissioned the film, was very pleased with it, and appeared sitting next to the director Harlan at the premiere in the UFA Palast in Berlin. Heinrich Himmler ordered the members of the SS and police to watch the movie. It became a great success in Germany, with some 20 million viewers.
I Highly recommend it.
Set in the 1700’s it hits every note for those that are Jew Wise.
The plot is interwoven with how the Jew works. It is almost eerie how bang on this film is and how the Jew methodology never changes.
For those that aren’t Jew Wise…WATCH IT
Thousands of companies have been handing over your personal data to the NSA ~ link ~ Stirling http://europebusines.blogspot.fr/
It isn’t just Internet and phone companies that are giving your personal information to the U.S. government.
According to an astounding report by Bloomberg, “four people familiar with the process” say that “makers of hardware and software, banks, Internet security providers, satellite telecommunications companies” and a whole host of other sources are handing over your personal data to federal agencies.
The truth is that there is so much more to this NSA snooping scandal than the American people know so far.
When U.S. Representative Loretta Sanchez said, what Edward Snowden had revealed was “just the tip of the iceberg,” she wasn’t kidding. The U.S. government is trying to collect as much information about everyone on the planet as it possibly can.
This incredibly powerful intelligence machine is not going to go away just because a few activists get upset about it.
The United States government spends more than 80 billion dollars a year on intelligence programs.
Those that have spent their careers constructing this monolithic intelligence apparatus are going to defend it to the bitter end, as will the corporate partners in the private sector that rake in enormous profits thanks to big fat government contracts.
Dear Real Jew News Family,
Text –Text– Text
Edward Snowden…When Truth Becomes Treason
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2013
All the usual suspects are sharpening their teeth on America’s newest whistleblower, Edward Snowden.
Whoever Ed Snowden really is pales in comparison to his message…that privacy and liberty in this disintegrating Republic are now virtually GONE.
Mr. Snowden hasn’t really said anything NEW—some are even suggesting he was set up—but at the very least he has brazenly and boldly quantified – right there on the main stream media – what many of us have realized for years…that we have been, and are being, illegally surveilled 24/7/365.
[Clip: “Any analyst at anytime can target anyone at any selector anywhere. But I sitting at my desk certainly had the authorities to wiretap anyone from you, or your accountant, to a federal judge, to even the president.”]
It didn’t take long for those who ‘hate our freedoms’ to sink their fangs into the future of this young man.
America’s most hated woman, Jewish Senator Dianne Feinstein, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, joined Mike Rogers this past Sunday to announce her black-hearted and hypocritical wish to “prosecute” Edward Snowden.
[Clip: “Is it fair to say that both of you believe that this investigation should be pursued, and the source, if found, should be prosecuted.” “I absolutely think they should be prosecuted.”
“You too Senator Feinstein?” “I do.”]
The very next day, Feinstein—who’s hell-bent on trashing the 2nd Amendment—had the audacity to tell reporters that Snowden has committed an “act of treason”…soon echoed by John Boehner, who using Feinstein’s playbook, defended their commonly-held malevolence with the over worn script: ‘We’re keeping American’s safe.’
[Clip: “Now to my exclusive interview with house speaker John Boehner, he began our interview with some tough words for Edward Snowden.” “He’s a traitor. The president outlined last week that these were important national security programs to help keep Americans safe.” “It’s called protecting America.”]
The hacks on Capitol Hill just love this slogan.
Why? Because ‘keeping American’s safe’ allows them to commit their own crimes IN SECRET…all in the name of SECURITY for the ‘homeland.’
[Clip: “We need to understand that in secrecy, the government has taken laws that we have written and enacted to protect us, and it has used those laws to destroy our personal dignity, and expose our inner most thoughts and behavior to the whims of government bureaucrats.”]
Speaking of political hags—I mean, hacks—the DNC’s Jewish chairwoman, Deborah Wasserman Schultz, dug her own claws deep into Snowden, calling him a “coward” who should be “extradited, arrested, and prosecuted.”
[Clip: “He should be extradited, arrested, and prosecuted. I mean that’s exactly what should happen to him.”]
Ron Paul expressed legitimate concern that Obama might send a drone after Snowden…just one more morbid episode of Obama’s warrantless assassinations of US citizens.
[Clip: “Where do you think he is right now? Are you worried about that?” “I have no idea. Yeah, I’m worried about somebody in our government might kill him with a cruise missile or a drone missile. I mean we live in a bad time where American citizens don’t even have rights and that they can be killed.”]
But the message AND the messenger are ALWAYS attacked by THOSE whose reputations are endangered: the policy-makers and actors who Snowdon AND Greenwald exposed. The COVER is off.
[Clip: “We heard a lot of push-back from National Security people saying ‘well this is nothing new, this has been going on for some time, nothing to see here, move along…’ Now we’re hearing it’s gut-wrenching that it’s a threat to American National Security. Which is it Glen?”
“It’s neither of those. The reality is is that US Government officials for many decades now and certainly over the last 10 years have been abusing their secrecy power to shield from the American public not programs that are designed to keep America safe and not prevent disclosures that would help the terrorists, but to conceal their own actions from the people they’re supposed to be democratically accountable.”]
And who specifically stands to have their reputations ruined?
The same ones who pushed the ‘war on terror’ hoax which was the primary tool to assault our privacy and freedoms.
One of the most rabid campaigners for America’s illegal war on Iraq, Richard Haass, Jewish president of the Council on Foreign Relations, was tabbed on Morning Joe to refute Greenwald’s defense of Snowden.
[Clip: “The law was broken by one person who was Mr. Snowden. Whistleblowers are people who uncover wrongdoing within their say agencies or organizations. This is not wrongdoing, this is US policy. This is not a whistleblower, this is someone who is going to make the United States I believe less safe.”]
Bull. In both the Zazi and Headling terrorist blockings that Feinstein and Rogers keep on citing, neither data mining nor Prism had anything to do with preventing their plots, but rather by conventional intelligence methods employed NOT by America but by Britain.
The smears continue by the Jewish vultures.
Alleged adulterer, Jeffrey Toobin, Jewish legal analyst for CNN, after writing in the The New Yorker that Snowden was a “grandiose narcissist who deserves to be thrown in prison,” had the gall to label the actions of Mr. Snowden a “disgrace.”
[Clip: “Stealing documents from the NSA and then turning them over to Glen Greenwald is simply not the American way and I think it’s a disgrace.”]
Not the ‘American way?’
Blowing the whistle on those who defraud Americans of their freedoms goes back to the days when British tea was tossed into the Boston Harbor…long before Toobin and his ilk ever made it to America’s shores. He’s got a lot of nerve defining for Gentiles what the ‘American way’ is all about..
Thank God there are a few notable Christians like Judge Napolitano and Ron Paul—who…defying the Jewish smears—hail Snowden NOT as a traitor, coward, felon, or disgrace… BUT as an American HERO.
[Clip: “I would describe this man as an American Hero, as a person willing to risk life, limb, and liberty in order to expose to the American people one of the most extraordinary violations of the American principles, value judgments, and the constitution itself in all of our history.”]
When truth is labeled as treason, either our country is headed for ruin or it’s a wakeup call for Americans to begin cleaning house.
[Clip: “You are a supporter of Edward Snowden and his actions. Why?”
“Well, from what I hear and what he’s done. I mean he’s done a great service because he’s telling the truth and this is what we are starved for. The American people are starved for the truth. And when you have dictatorship or an authoritarian government, truth becomes treasonous. I think the president ought to send him a thank-you letter because he… the President ran on transparency, and we’re getting a lot of transparency now.”]
Indeed. The “transparency” we’re finally getting is from those who the Jews want to put behind bars…whose civil disobedience is a mark of true patriots…who really care about saving fallen America.
Personally speaking, I don’t find Snowden’s “revelations” at all surprising.
I never for a moment doubted that Big Brother either had access or would access any personal information they could.
The REAL question is…what purpose does it serve? So much information = paralysis by analysis?
IMHO, Answer is quite simple. The information will be used against parties as they (Big Brother=Jews) see fit.
This will be Bolshevik Russia 2.0 People will have trumped up charges aka “Enemies of the State.”
As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn warned:
“At what point, then, should one resist? When one’s belt is taken away? When one is ordered to face into a corner? When one crosses the threshold of one’s home?
“An arrest consists of a series of incidental irrelevancies, of a multitude of things that do not matter, and there seems no point in arguing about one of them individually…and yet all these incidental irrelevancies taken together implacably constitute the arrest. ”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
“Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?…
“The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!
“If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The only way Humanity has any chance of lasting past 2100 AD, is for the Goyim to embrace the Two Laws of Christ, which they will not.
Please ask your random flock what those Two Laws are, and perhaps you will be surprised. Please also first ask if they consider themselves Christians, and only then ask them what the Two Laws are.
My guess is they will screw the answer up because they are all robot ignoramuses. This goes back to the very old question as to whether the Messenger or the Message has prevalence. Quite simply, the Messenger loses importance without delivering the Message, so my choice is the Message.
The Infinite Creator is both formless and therefore timeless and gave us all Free Will to figure out Life for itself. God wishes for all of us to go out there and come home and report what transpired, and it is not any more complex than that.
Everyone of US, even Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, are all children of God, and will never be forsaken, regardless of their evil.
They will suffer tremendously because of their crimes, but God loves everyone of his children not willing that any should perish.
So help me, if these issues weren’t so serious: Brother Nathanael, and I mean this with all respect, would be one of the funniest comedians around today.
In any case, the man is one American worth much more than his weight in GOLD!!
You make two statements, which not only contradict each other, but which exclude each other.
This, numerically evaluated, attaches to your message a zero value.
Please explain what you are trying to say by saying nothing?
Since you are asking for help I would be most intrigued to hear from you what kind of help you are seeking?
Wotan wrote:
“Interesting question, Kevin. But it goes beyond the three names you have mentioned.
There is no honourable man on the right side of opinion-shaping…who has not at one time or another been called “Jew” or “Jew agent,” “faggot” or suchlike.
This includes even Bro Nat, in whom I have placed my trust for years. But…that doesn’t mean there may not be dishonourable men, who seek to shape opinions or even dishonourable commentators, who may be nothing else than hasbarats…
And like in every sphere of life you find among opinion shapers on the right spectrum of political thought people who want to be better than others. This leads to quarrels among them.
My personal opinion is that both MCP and CB are water-tight…
I think the true presenter will avoid attacking others, who present similar thoughts with slight variances and only the provocateur will try to spread confusion and catapult filth in the direction of others…
A truly complex issue…
Yet one thing is sure: Once we begin to doubt +BN, DD, CB, MCP, Incogman, ZCF and icons of this kind, it means the Jew has succeeded to open our skull and replace its original contents with his excrements.”
Thanks for a most thoughtful and intelligent response, Wotan.
I tick all those boxes, and realize that persistent and patient research is the only way to sort through the labyrinth. But input such as yours helps along the way.
HM is an interesting character and will need to check out his Holoco$t-was-real-but-Zionist-planned angle more carefully. Up against quite different angle from others.
Like the narrator of the excellent 9-11 Missing Links video (and various YouTube Holohoax exposes) — John Alan Martinson II — an interesting character who has undergone a bit of an ‘ideological journey’.
Anyway, Bro N is the #1 man for delivery and content, no question! Getting back to current topic, having watched interview with Ed Snowden here:
I’ve got to say he sure comes across as the real deal to me. What part of his message can one critique as ‘helping the enemy’?
None surely. If this emboldens others to follow suite, so much the better for our chances, slim as they are.
Greetings in the Lord, dear +BN.
Yet another hit it out of the ballpark video.
In your opening montage showing the ever charming Debbie Wasserman Schultz flapping her Jewish gums reminds me of a vampire hissing at someone holding up a cross.
Or maybe a parasitic sea lamprey. http://dnr.wi.gov/org/caer/ce/eek/critter/invert/lamprey.htm
For Humor:
Tap It: The NSA Slow Jam (featuring Remy)
( youtube.com/watch?v=SegAoSpHJck )
Truth or Treason?
Snowden, besides receiving character assassinations, is pilloried as a “traitor” by the neocons, the Lindsey Grahams, John Boehners and John McCains, and their newfound liberal best friends forever in the Obama administration.
What his very careful disclosure ultimately does, for the time being anyway, is exposes the utter hypocrisy of the JewSA, and robs the the White House and Capitol Hill of its ability to deny, deny, deny what can be logically assumed and is often almost common knowledge.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, all the US can do is bluster or fake a yawn. The only problem Snowden has presented the US Grovelment is that the government can no longer deny that they are doing it, which presents a domestic and international legal issue for them.
From the Christian Science Monitor:
Few seemed surprised by the allegations (probably not even the Chinese), but the NSA chief insisted that the leak caused “great harm” and will in fact impair the agency’s cyberintelligence-gathering ability.
That’s not, however, what tops the list of concerns for many experts on global spying.
The long-term and more serious impact, they say, could be to weaken the US position in ongoing global talks on the future of the Internet, including free speech, taxation, privacy, and cybersecurity policies.
The US hopes to gain international support for its stance that nation states should not spy on their citizens – a position that China, Russia, and some other nations oppose.
“The US wants to rally the rest of world behind it for a free and open Internet – and it could have pointed the finger at China and Russia [for spying on their citizens and Internet restrictions],” says Jonathan Logan, an independent network security consultant in Europe who has written extensively on global cyberspying. “But this has fundamentally changed now because we now can see that the US doesn’t have clean hands on cyberespionage.”
Snowden has taken great care, from what I’ve read, to leak general information only about programs, operations, and methods and their broad impact, and not about people and greater specifics. I think the most appropriate description of Snowden would be that of a conscientious objector.
After all, when we defend our nation, aren’t we defending the Fourth Amendment too? Under the circumstances, a court that fails to defend and uphold the Constitution could be described as a rogue court.
Snowden, apparently, believes that the American people are poorly informed as to what is done not only in their name in countries abroad, but to them domestically in violation of the Bill of Rights.
And, I hasten to add, the American people are footing the bill and bearing the taxpayers’ burden for these massively high-tech surveillance items as well as the programs themselves, while at the same time private company contractors in the national security industry, like Booz Allen Hamilton, are raking in double-digit billions of dollars of profits for their shareholders out of the triple-digit billions of taxpayer dollars allocated for national security.
If Edward Snowden giving information to American citizens makes him a traitor, as is his openly published and declared intent has been from the beginning, then the American citizens themselves are truly the enemy of the state that he is giving “aid and comfort to” (and this is no big surprise to RJN family that the Zionist Occupied Government considers the American people their enemy.)
Real “terrorists” already know they are being monitored and have known for years, which is why Bin Laden was off the grid in Tora Bora, and why Hezbollah can operate in such secrecy from Jewish prying eyes next door in the Zionist pariah state by remaining strictly off the grid. This is not a surprise, either.
However, in my opinion Snowden committed no treason against the Constitution, and that is what really counts. What did the Founders of the U.S.A. conceive of treason to be?
To avoid the abuses of the English law (including executions by Henry VIII of those who criticized his repeated marriages), treason was specifically defined in the United States Constitution, the only crime so defined.
Article III Section 3 delineates treason as follows:
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.”
Oran’s Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as “…[a]…citizen’s actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation].”
In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aiding or involved by such an endeavor.
Snowden’s leak was illegal — but it wasn’t treason under U.S. law. Article III of the Constitution defines it narrowly: It “shall consist only in levying War against” the U.S., “or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
Judges have read that to mean joining enemy military forces or giving them intelligence directly. Snowden did neither. He sent documents to two newspapers.
Treason cases, in fact, are rare: Fewer than 30 Americans have ever been charged with the crime, and none since the aftermath of World War II.
Not even John Walker Lindh, who fought alongside the Taliban when the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, was accused of treason.
On the other hand, it can be well-demonstrated that our government was subordinated decades ago to the interests of the Jewish nation and the foreign State of Israel when John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and the openly Jew-loving, Israel-loving Lyndon Baines Johnson became the 36th President of the US (1963-1969).
It was on LBJ’s watch 44 years ago this month when the USN technical research ship, the USS Liberty, on station in international waters 25 miles north of the Sinai Peninsula at the start of the 1967 Israeli-Arab war was openly and deliberately attacked by the IDF in a blatant act of undeclared war, and so Jewish Zion, a foreign entity, came to occupy the White House and Capitol Hill and began the campaign to totally dominate politics and the political life of Americans.
To start the 1967 “Six-Day War,” Dayan commanded pre-emptive [surprise] military strikes on Egypt and Syria and directed the illegal confiscation of 750,000 acres of Palestinian land in the West Bank and Gaza.
The USS Liberty would have obtained and recorded the signal intelligence which would have proven Israel’s original assertions that they were first attacked as a lie, and that the war began with a large-scale surprise air strike by Israel on Egypt. It would have shown an unjustified and unprovoked attack on Egypt and the complete destruction of the Egyptian Air Force on the ground while pilots were even eating breakfast.
War rhetoric by Nassar and other Arab states at the time was still not a declaration of war, nor is amassing troops at the border with another country an act of war or a sign of an imminent attack by the Arab states. In fact, peace negotiations were in progress at the time.
From ‘Controversies of the Six Day War’ – Wikipedia:
“Gideon Rafael, the Israeli Ambassador to the UN received a message from the Israeli foreign office: “inform immediately the President of the Sec. Co. that Israel is now engaged in repelling Egyptian land and air forces.” At 3:10 am, Rafael woke ambassador Hans Tabor, the Danish President of the Security Council for June, with the news that Egyptian forces had “moved against Israel,” and that Israel was responding to a “cowardly and treacherous” attack from Egypt…”
At the Security Council meeting of June 5, both Israel and Egypt claimed to be repelling an invasion by the other, and “Israeli officials – Eban and Evron – swore that Egypt had fired first.”
On June 5 Egypt, supported by the USSR, charged Israel with aggression. Israel claimed that Egypt had struck first, telling the council that “in the early hours of this morning Egyptian armoured columns moved in an offensive thrust against Israel’s borders. At the same time Egyptian planes took off from airfields in Sinai and struck out towards Israel. Egyptian artillery in the Gaza strip shelled the Israel villages of Kissufim, Nahal-Oz and Ein Hashelosha…”
In fact, this was not the case. The US Office of Current Intelligence “…soon concluded that the Israelis – contrary to their claims – had fired first.”
Mossad’s old motto, “By Way of Deception We Will Wage War,” [since revised] isn’t just that agency’s, it is a statement of the national mentality of many Jews, particularly Israelis.
The Liberty’s signal intelligence could very well have captured radio traffic indicating Israel’s aggression and first strikes, would have established whether the Egyptians killed stragglers from their own forces as they returned from the defeat by a case of “friendly fire,” or if they were prisoners released who were then murdered by the Jews; and the Israelis’ ordered systematic slaughter of unarmed Egyptian prisoners. Therefore, the Liberty would need to be sunk to do away with any of her incriminating evidence.
So on the 8th of June, the fourth day of the Israeli-Arab war, on orders from the top of the Zionist heap, the USS Liberty was deliberately targeted by the IOF and every effort made to sink her and her signal intelligence and communications recordings so as not to blow Israhell’s formal lies and pretexts that the Egyptians and Arabs had attacked first.
Sen. McCain’s father, Admiral John S McCain, was in charge of US Naval Forces in Europe at the time of the attack. Admiral McCain, in collusion with the Johnson White House, was intimately involved in the cover-up of the attack on the Liberty, an open act of undeclared war on the United States of America.
Who is the real traitor? And his treasonous son?
Edward Snowden as a traitor to the Constitution and the American people, he is not. He may have done something illegal, and certainly breached his corporate non-disclosure agreements, but he did nothing unconstitutional, and in fact, struck a blow in defense of it, especially the Fourth Amendment.
Who to “trust?” Answer is simple.
Trust NO ONE. By that I mean no one is perfect, even if their intentions are good.
A lot of people mentioned above are very high caliber about research and objective commentary.
I submit the key is to get a grasp of the “Big Picture”…and not quibble over what end up being minor details.
Do I know 100% that the Jews are behind much of our problems? I can’t say 100%, but YES, but the mountain of evidence fingering them is quite indicative and indicting.
If we are spiritually tuned in, then our cognitive faculties should follow. Each day we see more evidence which also leads us to reinforce our conclusions, yet still maintaining an open mind.
Why I Don’t Care About Edward Snowden
Hero or traitor? The White House would love to distract us from its actions.
By Ron Fournier
Is Edward Snowden a hero or a traitor? I don’t care. You read right: I don’t give a whit about the man who exposed two sweeping U.S. online surveillance programs, nor do I worry much about his verdict in the court of public opinion.
Why? Because it is the wrong question. The Snowden narrative matters mostly to White House officials trying to deflect attention from government overreach and deception, and to media executives in search of an easy storyline to serve a celebrity-obsessed audience.
For the rest of us, the questions seem to be:
Are the two programs revealed by Snowden legal and constitutional?
Are the programs effective? The government says yes, but most Americans don’t trust government.
The Obama administration claims National Security Agency spying helped foil a plot in New York, but that claim has been convincingly disputed.
What else is the government doing to invade our privacy?
Until a few days ago, paranoids were people who claimed Washington had cast a vast electronic net over our communications. Who isn’t a bit paranoid now?
Why did the U.S. government for years debunk what they called a myth about the National Security Agency seizing electronic data from millions of Americans?
Why did the leader of the U.S. intelligence community mislead Congress in March by answering a question about the program in the “least untruthful manner” — a phrase that would make George Orwell cringe.
Why do Democratic lawmakers who criticized President Bush for exploiting the post-9/11 Patriot Act now defend President Obama for curbing civil liberties?
Why do Republicans who defended Bush now chastise Obama for ruthlessly fighting terrorists?
Rather than fierce oversight, why did the White House and congressional leaders restrict full knowledge of the programs to a few elites, and stage, for the rest of Congress, Potemkin briefings?
Why does a secret federal court almost always side with the government’s requests to seize information?
Why didn’t the president find a way before the leaks to tell the public in general terms what he was doing and why? Obama ran on a pledge of government transparency, opposed Bush-era surveillance tactics, and denounced the “false choice” between security and liberty.
No sane American would deny the president and the national security community the best tools to fight a fast-evolving and shadowy enemy.
It would be foolish to demand full disclosure of programs that require secrecy. And most Americans, according to polls, are open to trading some privacy for security.
But before perpetuating and immortalizing the Surveillance State, we need to remember that the precedents set today apply to the next president — and the ones that follow, perhaps men and women who aren’t as dedicated to democratic institutions as both Bush and Obama are. [I’m not sure if this is sarcasm or not–KathJ]
It would help if the Obama administration would stop misleading the public, eroding trust in government that is already at record lows.
Four stories today suggest how badly the truth has been victimized.
More: http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/why-i-don-t-care-about-edward-snowden-20130612
Ron Paul at Campaign for Liberty on YR about Schumer and McCain’s National ID scheme unobtrusively included in the new “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill” which the Senate will be taking up tomorrow.
A National ID linked up with all of the data that the Federal Grovelment is vacuuming up in the name of “National Security.”
Speaker of House John Boehner at 1:50 on +BN’s video: “He is a traitor.”
No “Mr” John Jewwhore – you are the traitor!
The first 20 sec:
Netanyahu speaks to US Congress Pt 1 of 4
Here you can see how Judaized Denmark is.
Norman Finkelstein to Jewish journalist in Denmark, you are spouting Israeli propaganda.
Excuse me, Washington, DC politicians! May I have your attention?!
AIPAC are the traitors! There are known spies in that organization. Are you cowards or blind?! The damned Zionist Jews are subverting America and none of you say anything!
And how did Snowden jeopardize America? Oh, wait. Don’t answer. I just remembered. You’re lying.
The traitors are right in front of you band of cowards! It’s the Jewish/Israel lobby! “It’s AIPAC, stupid!”
I see the Bitcoin. I will donate.
Thank you for everything you do.
As many of you are concerned that Snowden may be a insider plant by the Zionists, forcing more pressure on Obama to commit to war against Syria, I would think beyond fake birth certificates, and hidden records that they had full control of him before he was elected.
Snowden is what he his.
I have thought the same thoughts Snowden has. Do I want to live in a country like this.
Thank you once again Brother Nathaniel for your knowledge, and strength, to go forward with your mission.
As if we didnt know
but we made our stances ages ago.
Firefox plug-in warns users of NSA surveillance
Caught, Israel orchestrating world war
The Israeli “security publication,” DEBKA, a key part of their “war through deception” campaign against the world, has now made it inexorably clear, Israel is putting into motion their “final solution,” a campaign to pit nation against nation.
The plans are clear, an invasion of Syria, splitting the Kurdish region of Iraq off, into an Israeli controlled military bastion for an invasion of Iran.
What isn’t being said, however, is that, in order to push the United States back to war after a decade of military and economic disasters, assassinations, false flag terror and a campaign of counterfeit WMD intelligence is planned.
The proposed moves, as outlined below and confirmed through DEBKA, would require the United States to return to “Bush era unilateralism,” moves unlikely if President Obama, Secretaries Kerry and Hagel and JCOS Chief, General Martin Dempsey were still alive, despite wild conspiratorial claims quoted below.”
Its time to ARREST the War Mongering JEWS and their Jew PUPPET OBAMA for War Crimes.
Premeditated Murder, GENOCIDE.
After 6+ decades of Jewish Propaganda, not only in the secular media, but also in all Christian Institutions across the board, our society, especially the young well indoctrinated scholars under 50 years of age, are so much confused that even when some one tells them the truth, they refuse to belive it
With as much false information, coming from so many directions, their intellect is not enough to chose what is truth and what is a false, as we can see on this post, people that askes themselves, whether, what eduard snowden, is A HERO OR A TRAITOR.
Once an individual, male or female, question themselves those two opposite words in character, and bring it out into a public forum, we must question those that dare to imply the posibility of treason from some one who has exposed his whole future, with no hope to ever recuperating it back, to an ungrateful nation that prefers to question truth, but be so quick to accept the every day dose of deception and lies freely provided for public consumption.
They DARE TO SAY who is Eduard Snowden, as if the only way to trust an individual is by the title before their name would give more credibility to the truth.
To me, those are the ones that cause confusion and distrust, and have been part of the problem, are more likely either a Jew or a Zionist Christian that, guided by their master satan, has to come and drop their own few drops of deception. After all these parasites are sons and doughters of the master of lies and deception.
I am sure that if their homes were burning by fire, and some truth teller would come over to warn them of danger, of their whole family not being able to come out in time, they still would not listen to the warning.
Yes, we’ve known for a long time what the Jews have been doing to our Republic for more than a century, but God always sends warnings at the time of need.
When the final warning comes, the individual will have no excuse as to why they and theirs died, and then end up blaming God for the crimes of Satan.
To what I wrote in the beginning of this tread, on suspicions of the Edward Snowden/NSA-affair being a Jewish PSYOPS to blackmail US into escalating the Syria war, we now also have Jim Stone of Fukushima fame, giving his view on the matter.
His main thing is that NSA has full insight in all Jewish terror attacks, False flags and PSYOPS done by Mossad and others, and that the perpetrators hate this situation, also that this insight is the reason for the necessity for the Jews, “to use drills as cover for all their false flags.”
I’m not sure this is the whole truth. Maybe we have in this a combination of reasons. Also Edward Snowden might very well be a genuine whistleblower and a hero, and at the same time a tool for the perpetrators behind this PSYOPS – Mind Control is only one of several factors that might have played a role in this.
Below is Jim Stone’s view on this taken from his homepage.
Is the NSA too much competition for the Jews?
Jim Stone, 6-14-13
The Jews own ALL the major telecommunications firms, ALL the major media, and virtually the entire internet, and as a result, without any effort at all get ALL the information the NSA picks up simply because the Jews own the infrastructure. This was part of a war plan for world domination.
For decades the Jews have been buying up infrastructure for the sole purpose of spying and we cannot possibly win if they know every secret. ENTER THE NSA –
ENTER THE NSA -It’s competition for the Jew and Israel, which can get into many of their back doors. They HATE the NSA because they want information superiority. And you want to know what I really think?
I’d bet the NSA is not lying when they say they stopped terror attacks, ALL OF THEM ATTEMPTED BY FALSE FLAGGING JEWS, and the NSA is probably why the Jews need to use drills as cover for all their false flags.
The NSA cannot tell the world it is the Jews doing it all, because they know that the Jewish owned media will not report that anyway, and doing so is political suicide. So the NSA keeps thwarting Jewish terror, and now, after exposing Obama and other forms of corruption, the NSA has crossed a line and the Jews have decided it has got to go.
THAT is what I finally concluded after thinking about this scenario for a few days.
Consider this – the system in question, PRISM, was made in Israel and designed by the Jews. Pretty ideal when they own all the infrastructure. By doing this they could accomplish two things – make sure the system could not get into their own most sensitive and secure areas, AND more importantly – put in whatever back doors they needed to keep an eye on what the NSA might know about.
Yeah, after thinking about it for a while, I believe the NSA really has stopped MANY terror attacks, but because it is not Arabs doing the terror, the real terrorists have used death threats and possibly even nuclear blackmail to prevent the NSA from telling the world who they really are.
Keep in mind that I am in no way excusing the NSA for what they are doing, they are the eyes and ears of a totally out of control police state. Also consider that despite what I have said above, that it is entirely possible that the NSA functions, for the most part, as a Zionist weapon.
By the way, this video by +BN is just dynamite. +BN is great and hits the nail as usual, but not that bad from almost Oscar worth walk-on by Deborah “rabies” Wasserman Schulz.
Just left me a little bit wondering, that was it +BN, who cut the video just before foam began to pour out of Deborah’s mouth.
Neither way, but the other question I’d like to ask a fair and honest lawyer like Judge Napolitano, about what does the law say about what happened to a hypothetical guy who happened to own 100 dollar in cash.
The guy mentioned walks on the street and another guy showed up. Then the another guy treacherously steals 100 dollars the first guy had in a way the first guy didn’t even notice anything.
But there was a third guy who saw everything. Then he by the means just about in legal limits forces the second guy to give him the money and then returns it to the first guy.
But then the second guy, the initial robber, starts complaining, that the third guy robbed him. Then continued that he initially “confiscated” the money for the first guy’s own best, so that Osama bin Whoever or the Beagle Boys can’t rob him.
Yes, that should hit too, not the nail but the finger. Terrorist surely can’t steal one’s money and freedom, if one doesn’t have any.
Or is it once again going to be, “I’ve done a lot of progress today, one day I’ll catch it”, thought a dog chasing his own tail.
In my earlier opinion, the traitor in this case was the Democrat Party, because I used to consider myself a democrat. But I think I may have been wrong, not on that many of Democrat representatives same as their Republican colleagues are traitors, but wheter I’m a democrat or not.
Small differences, I’m a European nationalistic social democrat. Yes, I’ve heard that national socialist categorization from Zionist Socialist International more than once, but I’m not. I stand for Henry Ford’s revolutionary economical views and I’m aware of his warnings about Zionist industrial feodalism by international bankers.
It just confused me, that howcome I almost always find myself in agreement with real Republicans like Ron Paul. Not in a sense, that I disagree with those banker sponsored flowerhat leftists, who first opened the “flood gates” of immigration, then those same responsible for that had happened are the first to see (in mainstream media) the harvest of despair due to unemployment and so.
And their solution is to set one flowerhat federal bureaucrat for every 100 unempoyed. That is in practice tax the useful working citizens for 100, give 1 to unemployed and keep 99 for federal government to gain fat.
I didn’t realize the difference between European right-left and American Repulican-Democrat layouts until I read some colourful stuff from Joe Cortina’s webpage.
A Republic is a nation with the law, the constitution; a Democracy is a nation with central government, a power-consuming fat one. That’s what the Europeans don’t seem to understand.
Neither Europeans nor Americans do understand, that socialism and communism are not the same but the opposite. Socialism is about equal human rights and equal human value. I think it was all already written down in the US Constitution before international banker Zionism hit the Europe introducing communism to obtain socialism.
ZioCommies counted that simple-minded people will believe as they introduced human life as static state. Exponentially increasing well-being due to technological advancement might make simple-minded people to think differential, so why not bring them back to where they belong by the WWI and Bolshevik takeover.
I’ve talked with many local commies. And their destination is common ownership and equal salary. Let’s imagine it so.
So we are all commies and work hard for one week and made some production too worth to 10 for each.
My question for the weekend was that are we going to drink all our production, or are we going to invest it to the more advanced technology as the other commies wanted. Commies said, let the democratically elected Government decide that.
And they decided to invest, in to which I protested and said my civil liberties to drink wine in the weekends were hurt. Democratically elected Government says You’re right, liberties above all, You may drink, the others may invest.
The second week we work equally hard as the first, but as the weekend came our work was equal to 20 for each thanks to commies investments.
I said, we’ll drink all of that, in to which commies protested, “he has given nothing for the company, he’s just drinking blue collar worker.”
And democratically elected Government says, You’re right, from now on it must be a man one vote, the other man two votes.
Similary, constant wage, the best gain/work efficiency by lazing all the time possible. Until all the workers got the same idea. And the cake supposed to be divided equally approaches to zero. And that’s not differential but static.
A little bit of light has been cast onto the cockroaches, rats, and CongressCritters and their ilk.
But nothing will change it’s all part of “The Plan.”
Here we go a sniveling among the people so green, here we go a mongering, so never to be seen.
What a fun take on a Christmas carol.
This country hasn’t been “run” since Andrew Jackson was in office, and hell who knows who the players have truly been. As a life lesson I want every/anyone who reads this to watch the ORIGINAL Mr. Deeds goes to Town (1936), not the Adam Shiller, I mean Sandwhatever, Sandler remake that is pretty much bulls**t in comparison.
You watch that, and see how the parallels exist, then watch Duck Soup (Marx Bros.) and pay attention to a comment from Groucho about Goldman Sachs…wow 1933 and they were doing it then…
Wake up you greedy pieces of s**t.
I don’t want my dream bastardized into “Gee I hope there’s some good stuff left in the rubble for me after it’s all over.”
Thanks, and keep your eyes on your backs, people. Greed transcends even family…
I Personally Believe Ed Snowden Is The Real Deal!
What Gets Me Is That I Also KNOW That “Snow,” “Snowden,” “Snowdeling”, “Snowdington” are sometimes British Jewish Surnames.
In Spanish “Snow” is “Nieves,” and/or “Nievez”: the Sephardic/Spanish Spelling Of The English Surname “Snow.”
Snowden, like NSA Whistle-Blower KLEIN, is possibly a genetic Askenazi-Jew With A CONSCIENCE:
In High School, I remember sitting in the back of American History class while the (Jewish) teacher demonized Senator McCarthy and the evil “McCarthyism” that had “swept over America” during the 1950s.
Anyway, to make a long story short…
I smiled and humorously uttered in the best Beavis-n-BHead voice I could muster:
“UhhhHeUh UhhhHeUh McCarthy ROCKED! UhhhHeUh UhhhHeUh Huuuhuu.”
The whole class, being mostly natural born Americans of ALL colors, totally got it — they all laughed, except for a few uptight Jews who only slightly smiled to appease their patriotic classmates who were obviously more loyal to the American INDIVIDUAL than to their [Jewish Classmates’] teacher’s/parents’ beloved Marx.
Brother Nate Said:
“Indeed. The ‘transparency’ we’re finally getting is from those who the Jews want to put behind bars…whose civil disobedience is a mark of true patriots…who really care about saving fallen America.”
Hear! Hear!
“A ‘terrorist’ is Zionist code-speak for non-Jews who resist Jewish terrorism, Zionist supremacy and the ‘Greater Israel’ project.
If you resist the Jewish theft of your land, you’re a ‘terrorist.’ If you resist the Jewish takeover of your country, you’re a ‘terrorist.’ If you resist the Jewish slaughter of your people, you’re a ‘terrorist.’ If you resist the Jewish control of your media, government and banking system, you’re a ‘terrorist.’ If you resist total Jewish supremacy, you’re a ‘terrorist.’
This is what occurs when we let Jewish supremacists define terms for us.”
The late Zander C. Fuerza
Note: The original/authentic ZCF’s strange and mysterious “disappearance” in mid December of 2012 is still yet to be properly proven/logically explained.
Do you REALLY KNOW who it is that is typing this?
If you ever just happen to hear ZCF’s voice again in the future, check the content of the message for time specific material. Likewise, record and analyze his voice. Bet you’ll get “spikes” galore.
You have no idea who you’re typing to.
Stay Safe – Stay Anonymous
@Its Like the Jew World Order Dummy
There is a lot I have recently learned about the Jews and McCarthy.
I do believe that the Jews hate this country and want to punish America because the American Goyim watched and “did nothing” while Jews were humiliated and exposed by McCarthy for being traitors to this country.
The Jews feel that their Constitutional rights were violated by McCarthy and the federal government. Jews don’t forget.
To: Andrew Leslie
“Just because he looks like a Zionist and walks like a Zionist and talks like a Zionist don’t be fooled. He really IS a Zionist!”
— Groucho [Marx Bros.] 🙂
I’m curious anyone’s opinion of libertarian Jewish-born activist Adam Kokesh.
He’s the ex-Marine, anti-goverment activist.
He’s an avowed atheist but strong Ron Paul supporter.
We do NOT need a SPY PROGRAM to find the TERRORISTS.
BERLIN (AP) — President Barack Obama says lives have been saved by sweeping surveillance programs run by the National Security Agency.
Obama says at least 50 threats have been averted because of phone records and Internet information the agency was able to access. He says those threats were not just in the U.S. but also in other countries like Germany.
Obama says both programs are subject to strict court oversight and are limited in scope. He says he believes the U.S. is striking the right balance between national security and civil liberties.
Obama spoke at a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel (AHN’-geh-lah MEHR’-kuhl).
Merkel says the topic came up in her meeting with Obama. She says proportionality and balance are important when it comes to surveillance.
We do NOT need a SPY PROGRAM to find the TERRORISTS.
There is only ONE group of TERRORISTS in the World today and they are the WAR MONGERING JEWS.
It’s time to IMPEACH OBAMA.
Seems that we now have the answer to the ‘Que Bono’-question, of why the Worlds “Politically Correct” media did blow up the Edward Snowden affair and still does so. Due to Dr. Webster G. Tarpley this is a limited hangout operation to further the Syria war into a major war, and or World war.
How to identify CIA limited hangout op?
Give Edward Snowden $1 MILLION Whistle Blower REWARD.
Edward Snowden is a national hero and should be immediately issued a a full, free, and absolute pardon for any crimes he has committed or may have committed related to blowing the whistle on secret NSA surveillance programs.
“U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden has left Hong Kong on an Aeroflot flight to Moscow, credible sources have confirmed to the South China Morning Post,” the Post reported Sunday.
“Moscow will not be his final destination,” the paper, which has conducted exclusive interviews with Snowden in Hong Kong, said.
Iceland has previously said it was ready to grant political asylum to Snowden.
Snowden’s departure came despite a U.S. arrest warrant and extradition request to authorities in Hong Kong. On Saturday, the White House contacted Hong Kong to arrange his extradition back to the U.S.
But Honk Kong said Washington’s documents did not “fully comply with the legal requirements under Hong Kong law.”
Federal prosecutors have charged Snowden with espionage for exposing secret U.S. spying programs run by the NSA.
Hello BroN from off Cape Cod!
Long time no talkie. Your videos are getting better and better!
Sen. Feinstein on Edward Snowden – “The Chase Is On”!!!!! :)))
E. Snowden arrived in Moscow flying from Hong Kong on board an Aeroflot airliner on Sunday afternoon.
Maybe that his next destination will be Cuba. (IRIB World Service)
Russian President Vladimir Putin says Edward Snowden has committed no crime in Russia and will not be extradited to the United States.
Putin added on Tuesday that Moscow has no extradition agreement with the US, calling Washington’s accusations against Moscow as “rubbish.”
Snowden is free to travel wherever he wants, noted Putin, saying that it is better for him to choose a destination as soon as possible.
The remarks follow statements by US Secretary of State John Kerry who recently said there would be “consequences” for Russia and China if they helped whistle-blower Edward Snowden in boarding a plane to Moscow in an attempt to reach a third country.
Washington has reportedly revoked Snowden’s passport
Several US government officials including President Obama and FBI director Robert Mueller have defended the secret spying programs claiming that they are essential to the fight against terrorism.
Who besides Jewish and Masonic terrorists have attacked America?
None who were not patsies managed by Jews and Masons.
America needs regime change and a restoration of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. A reconning is in order to determine who is a loyal American and who is a civilian and or military criminal or enemy combatant and offenders dealt with.
Real traitors, war criminals and financial criminals get hung and non-Christians and satanists can be deported if not involved in serious offenses otherwise deal with them according to their crimes. America and its allies have allowed rot to rule for far too long and it is time to clean things up.
First of all I am 100% with Nathanael on this one and in a moment I will explain why.
I see almost 100 comments most of which have added nothing new or profound or even paramount to the issue at hand but I am still learning.
At first I thought that anyone using a pseudo name like ‘bubba’ had to be a predictable redneck. As I read his comments more thoroughly, I noticed more classic wisdom in short dissertations than most of the rest combined.
You have been paying attention — sir. I particularly smiled at his conclusion that Jews love to accuse others of doing exactly what they do (meaning bad things). Most people still don’t understand that basic trait of hypocrisy. Love to discuss this over a cold one some day.
Now I will explain why. I have been involved in intel analysis for about 40 years — much of it NOT ‘behind a desk.’ My work revolved about two main topics, separate but undoubtedly and inseparately relevant and intertwined.
Communism and Jews. TENS of thousands of hours pages and miles in the making. The earlier 20 years were the anti-communist years.
I was often asked at lectures (I wasn’t yet censured back then): “Easy for you to say Mr. Cortina, but although we ARE sincerely interested, we just don’t have the discretionary time to spend that you do,” (as if my ‘day’ had 48 hours instead of 24).
BUT I understood the message and here was my solution – and my ‘batting average’ would have surpassed Hank Aaron or Ty Cobb.
Here is what I told them and PROMISED them that IF they followed my outline faithfully (something they could learn in days instead of years), that they would in all honesty be accurate in their assessments of who were really bad guys and good guys to a degree very close to what took me decades to learn.
I was virtually NEVER wrong — not because I was so intellectually superior or had flawlessly impecable credentials — but because I investigated thoroughly before I stated conclusions I deemed as ‘gospel true facts they could take to the bank! “Measure twice – cut once.”
Well, I carried it a step further — “Research THRICE, and THEN publish it once!”
I learned this from a protege’ and mentor long ago. It never ever failed me. People remember ONE error better than they will a dozen truths. Simply this, and yes it DID require some work AND maintenance.
I compiled a list of books, newspapers, magazines, (certain people), organizations, and such who/which had pronounced their support OR antagonism regarding people organizations concepts laws policies etc etc.
With me so far? A list of good guys and a list of bad guys. That was the hardest part and required all those years of hands on experience and research reading travel and so on.
THEN I would simply see who was for and who was against what and who. The bad guy list would invariably support what was rancid devious evil and wrong – while the good guy list would rail against it.
It always worked It NEVER failed, ONLY as long as the lists were accurate, and therein lay the skills and experience that I PROVIDED and my ‘students’ had to accept on faith.
It still works 99% of the time like magic. I applied this logic to Snowden and suddenly it becomes a no-brainer. As LONG as you folks are wise enough to KNOW for sure where to place ALL of the players you will make virtually 100% correct assesssments as well.
Support true Christian Nathanael with the REAL support he deserves. I do, and ALL of you — to a lesser or greater extent — should also. JUST DO IT!
PS please read and share my latest blog with those who hunger for knowledge and truth @ http://mynameisjoecortina.wordpress.com/
Russian official confirms asylum request from NSA leaker
Snowden has been holed up at the Moscow airport since June 23 when he travelled from Hong Kong to avoid US extradition.
Washington has called on Ecuador, Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia not to provide political asylum to Snowden.
A Russian consular official says American whistle-blower Edward Snowden has applied for political asylum in Russia.
On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Snowden may stay in Russia under “one condition: he should stop his work aimed at inflicting damage on our American partners no matter how strange this may sound coming from my lips.”
Now two prominent American dissidents – Webster Tarpley and Naomi Wolf are saying that Snowden is a ‘limited hangout’ operation.
@tucker cobb
Now two prominent American dissidents – Webster Tarpley and Naomi Wolf are saying that Snowden is a ‘limited hangout’ operation.
I concluded long ago that Webster Tarpley and Naomi Wolf, due to their delicate dancing around when it comes to the unmentionable gorilla in the room, are themselves a “limited hangout operation” and would take anything they say with a grain of salt.
A good rule of thumb:
Anyone appearing on the Alex Jonestein Disinfo Clown Show with any regularity demands close scrutiny.
OTOH Br Nathaneal and Joe Cortina, I am humbled to be in your virtural presence.
To those who have expressed the idea that resistance is futile, that personal protection devices the likes of Senators Feinstein wish to remove from the public domain are useless, I echo bubba’s reference to the writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and encourage everyone to exercise not only their 1st, but 2nd Amendment rights..with vigor!
Has anyone covered the fact that government employees or contractors can use this data to stalk potential victims?
It’s a sexual predator’s dream.
So far this issue has been ignored by the mainstream press, but I happen to know that it’s been going on for a long time.
i agree about Tarpley and Naomi being a limited hang out operation.
Something doesn’t seem right about them.
The funniest thing about Tarpley is that he accuses others of being government agents, because they are based in DC or attended the Ivy League, yet he himself is based in DC, and an Ivy League grad. Lol.