Jewish Lobby Turns On Trump
By Brother Nathanael Kapner December 30, 2018 ©

YOU CAN PLEASE some of the people all the time but Jews you can never please.
Trump tried to please them with his embassy move to Jerusalem, (which the Bible calls
Sodom and Gomorrah), and Jews applauded him worldwide.But when angling for the Jewish vote by giving them the whole pie and then picking out a crumb or two once in a while then you’ll lose Jewry’s allegiance.
In the game of realpolitik any hack worth his matzah balls should know that Jews don’t pay allegiance to anyone but themselves.
If one small policy decision looks “bad for the Jews” then your re-election chances are nixed.
Neocon Jew Bill Kristol summed it up when commenting on Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria:
“I’ve always thought that even if Trump is good for Israel in certain ways his ‘America first’ worldview of retreat and withdrawal from the world will ultimately be bad for Israel.”
Shilling for Jews, Senator Lindsey Graham, concurred:
“If reports are accurate about Kurds aligning with Assad then a major disaster is in the making. A nightmare for Turkey and eventually Israel.”
Where does America fit into all of this, dear Lindsey?
What American interest is at risk?
But it’s only temporary indigestion for Graham and the Jewish Lobby. (Lunch today with Trump!…may he belch it all out.)
AIPAC has deployed their ultra-hawk, Israel-loving, Assad-hating, mega Zionist Lindsey boy, who has already started working on Trump to change his mind about the Syria pullout.

THE JEWISH LOBBY’S agenda is simply another name for Fifth Column treason and control of government from within on behalf of a foreign state.
And those who lead the Jewish mission against ‘America First’ can be vicious ingrates.
Whose teeth surpass those of the Jew, Mark Dubowitz, who heads the Zionist think tank, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, whose choppers are sharpened into fangs ready to sink them into any policy that’s bad for the Jews?
And finding any defense for American democracy in Dubowitz’s malicious tweet addressed to Trump regarding his decision to pull out of Syria is a task no one could pull off:
“You just gutted your Iran policy and screwed so many of our allies and emboldened so many of our enemies, that I’ve lost count.”
Where do Jews like Dubowitz get the nerve to trash the President of the United States?
Do they think they own this country?
Well, what don’t the Jews own in this Zionist-occupied country save the souls of those who won’t bow down to them?
JEWS NOT ONLY THINK they own this country, they think they have the right to shove down everyone’s throats a commitment to the JEWish State, that is, to the genocidal regime of Israel.
As Billy Kristol said (unwittingly admitting that Israel is nothing without America as its regional bully and enforcer):
“Trump’s kind of pro-Israel policy is not sustainable. He happens to like Israel but his worldview is that America should not be involved in world affairs – and that’s not good for Israel. A strong Israel comes with a strong America.”
But Billy and the Jew boyz are in for a big surprise…Millennials are rising as America’s next generation of leaders.
And they don’t give a damn about IsraHell.
6 Point Plan To Stop Jewish Rule Here
Why Israel Should Not Exist Here
4 Point Plan To Stop AIPAC Here
* Moral Rot Of Zionist Christians Here
How Jews Celebrate Murder Here
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Brother Nathanael @ December 30, 2018
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True, All that, Brother!
It’s a monster that can never be sated. More, more, more is all it knows!
God bless Trump for coming right out in an interview when he was asked about the repercussions of the Syria ”Pullout” upon Israel, and saying ”Yeah, I talked to Bibi. He understands. Israel will be fine….we give them $4.5 Billion a year! They’ll be ok. It’s even more money than that if you look at the big picture.”
I’m paraphrasing, but that was the jist of it.
What President has actually thrown that out there, so in-your-face.
Of course, it was unmentioned by the MSM, as they are sworn to secrecy when it comes to the US taxpayers’ felonius contribution to The Entity. Look for a full-court press by the ((( Lobby ))) vs President Trump, coming soon and often!
This Greater Israel Project (a stepping stone for world domination) must be brought out for the World to see.
What Trump’s Pullout Means For The Middle East
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
December 30 2018
*SEE by comparison*
I SEE IT from a different angle. This guy above is a Westernized Iranian linked to neocon think-tanks and just speculating at this point.
First of all, Assad would like good relations with the entire Arab and Muslim world.
What I see are the concrete actions of Damascus and Tehran constantly meeting and making agreements in delegations of various kinds (political, educational, legislative, cultural, scientific, military, economic, financial, commercial), working on tightening up and improving their strategic relations with, less visibly, but just as dynamically, also Baghdad.
Syrians, Iraqis, and Iranians are industrious and enterprising peoples, as are Egyptians and Jordanians.
The Saudis are just getting morbidly obese off of American fast food, and hire foreign workers to do their work for them.
70% of Saudi males and 37% of Saudi females are clinically obese. In a 2007 Forbes list of the fattest countries in the world, Saudia ranked 29th. I’m sure they’re higher up on the list now.
And while Egypt and Jordan sided with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, imposing sanctions and expelling Syria from the Arab League, their actual adversarial stance was as minimally and superficially as possible.
At the same time, both Egypt and Jordan tried not to do anything which would imperil the loans extended to Cairo and Amman by Saudia and the UAE that Egypt and Jordan needed for cash injections into their respective economies in order to survive.
Moreover, Jordan had a hellacious burden with Syrian refugees, and the Gulf states were providing humanitarian aid.
But, neither Jordan nor Egypt funded or gave support to terrorist groups, nor did they covertly send fighters, nor completely broke diplomatic relations.
Instead, there were diplomatic trips back and forth, and I believe both kept an unofficial diplomatic presence in Damascus.
Syria has Jordanian POWs, but those were radicalized jihadist volunteers. Egypt has jihadi terrorist woes of its own.
The House of Saud is a degenerate, corrupt, brutal and often disgusting house prone to clan feuding, and wears the Wahabi clerics as camouflage for Saudi fake piety.
They’ve turned Mecca into Disneyland and a spectacle of conspicuous consumption with luxury high-rise hotels surrounding the Kaaba that only the very wealthy can afford, and they are charging a fortune for Muslims to make pilgrimages.
However, if Dr Assad and Syria return to the Arab League, as is likely, it will be on Dr Assad’s terms, with Syria being a country to reckon with, not dictated by the GCC states to “bring back Syria into the Arab fold.”
Nor will Syrians elevate their former enemies above their steadfast friends. To forgive, as Dr Assad has done with Jordan and Egypt, is not the same as forgetting, and Syria won’t forget what the Sauds, Qatar, and the UAE have done to them.
Twitter reports are that Dr Assad is scheduled to speak at the Arab League on March 19.
In the meantime, political analysts in Lebanon, given Netanyahu’s latest caterwauling over a few cross-border tunnels they claim to have found, observing that the US step of withdrawing from eastern Syria could also be a maneuver in preparation for political and on-the-ground escalation into southern Lebanon.
The Lebanese are keeping a keen eye on Trump’s nomination of Retired General John Abizaid to be the next US ambassador To Saudi Arabia. The position has been empty since Trump took office two years ago.
Abizaid, a Lebanese American, is not just another general nominated by Trump to a sensitive post at a sensitive stage.
While waiting for his nomination to pass, he currently works as a private consultant “providing strategic and analytic consulting services to corporate, non-profit, international and government clients.”
The President’s pick highlights the importance he has placed on the military partnership between Jewmerica and the Saudi royal court of an Arab country which hosts 5 major US bases, and which signed an arms deal with the US worth billions of dollars last year.
Abizaid would fill the role at a time when US ties with Saudi Arabia are strained following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. He studied and often served in the Middle East, speaks Arabic, and is widely considered to be an expert in the field of Middle Eastern affairs.
If approved by the Senate, the nomination of Abizaid gives Trump greater control over the current weak Saudi regime under the aging King and the Clown Prince.
Some of his responsibilities will likely be negotiating defense contracts, ending the devastating war in Yemen, lift the blockade on Qatar, helping the Saudi regime tighten up its own armed services into a more effective regional fighting force, keep oil prices stable, and last but not least, help reach Arab-Israeli strategic agreements. He has been a long-time advocate of moving the US-Israel relationship from a de facto alliance to one of “unmistakable alliance” particularly against Iran.
Abizaid, the Lebanese, is an expert on Hezbollah and Iran from the Israeli perspective. First, because he is the longest-serving commander of the US Central Command from 2003-2007 during the US occupation of Iraq.
He saw the beginning rise of the Iraqi resistance against occupation forces which in turn gave birth to the Wahabi jihadist Al Qaeda in Iraq,/Al Nusra/ISIS jihadist blob fused with a command structure of marginalized former Sunni military officers of Saddam’s Iraqi armed forces, and which he came to dub “The Long War.”
He was also quite aware of the Israeli-Lebanon border war against Hezbollah in 2006.
Concurrently, he oversaw humanitarian operations such as evacuation of American citizens from Lebanon prior to and during the Israeli-Hezbollah border conflict in 2006. Earlier staff assignments include a tour with the United Nations as Operations Officer (G-3) for Observer Group Lebanon and a tour in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the US Army.
While serving with the UN in 1985 during the Lebanon civil war and the Israeli invasion, occupation and war against burgeoning Hezbollah in the Shia populations of Beirut and southern Lebanon, Abizaid’s family lived in Israel, and he saw some of the first suicide bombings and attacks carried out by Lebanese militants and its allies.
This included a March 1985 suicide truck bombing targeting the IDF in South Lebanon on the road to Metulla. He saw Shi’ite resistance fighters firing Katyusha rockets into Israel from Lebanon.
If the nomination to Saudi Arabia goes through, with Abizaid’s military experience and expertise, it would be like the Pentagon opened up a branch annex in Riyadh inside the US embassy.
Lebanese analysts think that Trump’s step of disengaging with northern Syria, could also be understood as a tactical step in the context of political escalation preparing the ground for an outsourced military escalation in southern Lebanon against Hezbollah, Syria and Iran, within which framework Israel will be its spearhead.
Thus, the question arises inside Lebanon: Is the US withdrawal from northern Syria the prelude to an Israeli aggression against Syria and Lebanon in the south?
+Brother Nathanael
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911 was an Israeli Job
“This Greater Israel Project (a stepping stone for world domination) must be brought out for the World to see.”
Yes, Ed, indeed a very admirable thought. If I had money, i’d like to drape banners over every overpass fence in America that said,
“Israel did 911
See RealJewNews for the TRUTH”
We are living in a true zionist twilight zone-1984 world. All those that speaketh the truth are condemned and smeared as “anti-Semitic” and are therefore instantly decredibilized by ZID, the Zionist International Dicatorship, which controls the flow of all news from the American mass media into the minds of the citizen zio-brainwashed zombies.
Just last week in a moment of pure spontaneous coincidence, I mercifully happened upon a realjewnews brother.
We were both waiting in line and I can’t remember exactly what I said (I try to bring up the truth of Israel whenever I feel the moment is ripe, risking my own personal condemnation), I eventually brought up realjewnews and this guy burst out in uncontrolled enthusiasm telling me he listens to Brother Nate too.
I hope you and all other members of the realjewnews family do the same thing as I do. I consider myself as a modern day Paul Revere!
Because we certainly can’t depend on AIPAC, Wolf Blitzer and his tribe to tell the truth, now can we?
Here is another wish for “A Happy New Year.”
Harry Truman: Christian Values and Recognizing the New State of Israel
‘If Jesus Christ couldn’t satisfy the Jews while on earth, how the hell am I supposed to?’ Truman once told his Cabinet in 1946
Israel turns 70 this year. To mark the anniversary, JTA’s Ron Kampeas describes the U.S.-Israel friendship through portraits of all 13 presidents who have been in office during the Jewish state’s history. For other articles in the series, click here.
On May 12, 1948, two days before David Ben-Gurion declared Israel’s independence, things were tense at the White House. President Harry Truman was torn between his secretary of state, George Marshall, who counseled against recognizing the new Jewish state, and Clark Clifford, his White House counsel, who said Truman should recognize Israel.
What tipped the balance? Truman’s deeply held Christian faith, coupled with his old Army buddy and former partner in a haberdashery, Eddie Jacobson, who traveled to the White House to make the case for the Jewish state. Truman sent his telegram recognizing Israel 11 minutes after Ben-Gurion proclaimed the country’s existence on May 14, 1948.
Truman also may have recalled a letter he had received a few weeks earlier from Chaim Weizmann, in which the future president of Israel wrote:
“The choice for our people, Mr. President, is between statehood and extermination. History and providence have placed this issue in your hands, and I am confident that you will yet decide it in the spirit of the moral law.”
Truman would not be the last president to harbor a passion for Israel, to sustain a close friendship with a Jew and to explode into anti-Semitic vituperation. (See under: Richard Nixon.) Truman resented pressures after the war from Jewish groups to help resettle millions of Jewish refugees.
“If Jesus Christ couldn’t satisfy the Jews while on earth, how the hell am I supposed to?” he told his Cabinet in 1946.
His tendency to explode under pressure manifested itself in his relationship with the Jewish state he helped midwife. In 1949, he threatened to break with Israel unless it allowed the return of some Palestinian refugees displaced in Israel’s 1948 War of Independence (Israel agreed, but Arab states rejected the offer). And he pressured Israel, without success, to withdraw from lands captured during that war.
Your comment is absolutely correct – this has been their (the Zionists) goal since the latter half of the 1800’s – global domination.
Surprisingly, it will be the non-Zionist Jews (the few that remain) and former Jews (like our host) who must expose and correct this massive corruption of the Pentateuch.
Sadly, the majority of Christendom has been corrupted by Zionism – the same is also true of Islam – yes, many of them too have been “Zionized” as well. The Zionist Jews have been influencing both religions for many decades.
The Zionist Jews are having massive problems corrupting Iran; hence, why they hate Iran so much. The Zionist Jews also hate the resurrection of a Christian Russia as well; hence, Russia is also the enemy too (Putin should keep this in mind).
The Zionist Jews want a 3rd world war so they can become the new and only superpower on earth (or so they believe).
“Millennials are rising as America’s next generation of leaders.
And they don’t give a damn about IsraHell.”
Amen! I hate to say it, but until the 1930s – 1950s baby boomers die off nothing will change.
That age range is the most ignorant, brainwashed, Jew worshipping, Christian Zionist bunch of idiots alive today. Not all of course, but that is the primary power structure feeding the children of the devil today.
Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake
By Alan Sabrosky -June 27, 201101451
“I am also absolutely certain as a strategic analyst that 9/11 itself, from which all else flows, was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation. But Mossad did not do it alone.”
By Dr. Alan Sabrosky
Many years ago I read a fascinating discussion of the “tactics of mistake.” This essentially entailed using a target’s prejudices and preconceptions to mislead them as to the origin and intent of the attack, entrapping them in a tactical situation that later worked to the attacker’s strategic advantage.
This is what unfolded in the 9/11 attacks that led us into the matrix of wars and conflicts, present (Afghanistan and Iraq), planned (Iran and Syria) and projected (Jordan and Egypt), that benefit Israel and no other country — although I concede that many private contractors and politicians are doing very well for themselves out of the death and misery of others.
I am also absolutely certain as a strategic analyst that 9/11 itself, from which all else flows, was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation. But Mossad did not do it alone.
They needed local help within America (and perhaps elsewhere) and they had it, principally from some alumni of PNAC (the misnamed Project for a New American Century) and their affiliates within and outside of the US Government (USG), who in the 9/11 attacks got the “catalytic event” they needed and craved to take the US to war on Israel’s behalf, only eight months after coming into office.
Genesis of the Deception
That was not how it seemed at first, of course. Lists of names and associations of the alleged hijackers quickly surfaced in official US accounts and mainstream media (MSM) reports, pointing to Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda group, then largely in Afghanistan. Bin Laden denied responsibility, saying in effect that while he thanked Allah that the attacks had occurred, he had not done it, but the US demanded that the Taliban governing Afghanistan turn him over to the US.
The Taliban response was reasonable: “Show us the evidence he did it and we’ll give him to you.” But the US brushed it off and attacked. Why? Because it had no convincing evidence, and never would — even on the eve of his public death in 2011, the FBI did not include 9/11 on his internet-based “Most Wanted” charge sheet.
As the war in Afghanistan for very dubious reasons extended into a war in Iraq for even more specious ones, the essential USG view of 9/11 became embedded in the public ethos. The 9/11 Commission Report, despite being handicapped when it was prepared and later revealed to have been deeply flawed, still appeared as the basic reference work on the attacks.
Details may have been compromised, but the prevailing view was that 19 Arab hijackers had flown four planes into three buildings and one crash site, and that was the end of it. This was the position taken by the Bush Administration in 2001, and reaffirmed a decade later by the Obama Administration. Politicians of every stripe, most pundits and rafts of mainly Protestant pastors and evangelists added their endorsements.
Neither I nor most Americans had any particular reason to doubt the veracity of these claims, then or later. Nonetheless, I had strong suspicions that something was very wrong with the official US account of the tragedy only weeks after the incident, while responding to a request from a local journalist for background information.
Too much made no sense whatsoever: warnings after the fact when there should have been no warnings, bizarre misbehavior by the alleged hijackers that ran counter to both the mission and their faith, skills required that far exceeded any skills the named hijackers themselves could ever have possessed for the mission, and especially the total absence of any recognition for what they had done from anyone except their supposed victims – something without precedent for actions of the sort that supposedly happened on 9/11.
These and similar discontinuities reinforced my suspicion that something in the entire exercise was rotten to the core.
Potentially far more significant than individual musings was the gradual appearance of dissent that eventually crystallized in the so-called “9/11 Truth” movement, which rapidly proliferated into scores of major and many minor organizations and websites dissecting the attacks, the Commission report, the motivations and agendas of assorted elected and appointed officials, and alternatives to the orthodox view.
But “9/11 Truthers” have been doing their version of the Maoist “Hundred Flowers” Campaign, throwing out so many different assessments of so many different aspects of so many different issues that the core message has been lost. Nor is it a matter of too little evidence invalidating the USG position on 9/11 being available, but too much to permit a clear focus on what happened (so many trees no one can really see the forest).
Mind you, it isn’t that what has been presented is irrelevant or even necessarily wrong, although some pretty bizarre theses have been tossed around along with a good deal of thoughtful and balanced work.
A substantial segment also have resisted closure under any circumstances – especially when Israel came into the equation in any way – thus keeping the rhetorical pot boiling inconclusively, more than a few for reasons that could not withstand close scrutiny as to their affiliation and motivation.
Critiquing the 9/11 Critique
The real difficulty with much, but not all, of the effort to critique and question the official US position on 9/11 is that the “9/11 Truth” proponents have been unable to communicate their concerns – much less any conclusions – to the general public in any significant way.
So much of the discussion is only partially comprehensible to some within the movement, largely unknown to the general US public, and so complicated in all its dimensions to those who do become aware of it that they fail to follow up on the arguments.
It is as if critics of the official position on 9/11 have been attempting to try the case in court before they have even gotten an indictment – the analytical equivalent of putting the argumentative cart before the public horse of the need to rethink the issue, thereby creating an evidentiary Gordian Knot of sorts.
This analogy has long struck me as an appropriate way of rethinking our approach to the 9/11 controversy. It is not that the issue isn’t complex – it is, in ever so many ways, and that complexity would have to be addressed at some point, but there is no need to confuse the public with its complexity at the very beginning.
Remember that at least in the US, the evidence and voting requirements are very different in a grand jury which can issue an indictment, than they are in a petit jury that actually tries the case. The latter needs proof of guilt; but the former only needs sufficient indication that a specific crime may have been committed, and that the accused may have done it.
That is where we need to go, and where I will take this argument: to focus on those essentials necessary for an indictment in a way that will be understandable and credible to a reasonably intelligent person without requiring them to have the skills of (e.g.) a civil engineer or an aviator.
Peeling Away the Layered Details
There are so many flaws in the official US Government’s position on 9/11 that it is sometimes difficult to know just where to start. For example, the miraculous survival of a passport, used to identify one of the hijackers, which somehow worked its way through the aircraft’s impact, explosion, fire, and an 800-plus foot free-fall to be found by a well-dressed man and given to a New York City police detective at the base of the twin towers is a standout.
The superstar-like ability of named pilots to go from the controls of a single-engine propeller-driven light plane to the cockpit of a passenger airliner and do anything except put it into the ground within a minute of turning off the autopilot is another – who would ever have thought that the Microsoft Flight Simulator program was so superlative?
And the explanations given for the multiple failures of NORAD (the North American Air Defense Command) to have fighters on all four planes within minutes of their straying off course are individually dubious and collectively preposterous – only in Hollywood would they have any credence, perhaps because that is where they originated.
The debate on these and many other points, and the implications thereof, has been extensive and sometimes ferocious, even if not particularly effective.
What is not open to debate, however, is that WTC-7 — the third tower to collapse that day, and the only one not hit by a plane — absolutely was brought down by a controlled demolition, as anyone not trying to shield the attackers knows from a real-time video of its collapse.
That is, WTC-7 went straight down into its own footprint in seconds without any visible catastrophic external trauma, which means only some catastrophic internal trauma could have brought it down. And if it had been wired for a controlled demolition, then so were the other towers (WTC-1 and WTC-2) that collapsed.
That gives the plane impacts a gruesome cosmetic role, designed explicitly to conceal the true cause of the collapse of the buildings, while shocking the public into something akin to numbness.
The case of WTC-7 has long been known to critics of the US government position on 9/11.
What does not seem to have been fully appreciated, at least at first (this is changing somewhat now), is that it is not merely “an” issue, but the single issue that can be used simply, directly to the American public, and effectively to discredit the US Government’s case, and thus its rationale for so many fallacies and misdeeds: not only needless foreign wars (Afghanistan being a “pump-priming” conflict to get the US into war in the region, and to lay the groundwork for later wars), but a substantial infringement of American civil liberties under the misbegotten “Patriot Act,” the unbelievably widespread acceptance of torture (including a technique openly named “Palestinian Hanging,” which assuredly did not originate in Boston and says something about Israeli habits), and the creation of known and secret prisons and detention centers in various countries.
Second only to the actual controlled demolition of WTC-7, and supplementing the thesis that with or without impacting aircraft the buildings were brought down by other means, is extensive audio-visual evidence on 9/11 while the Twin Towers were still standing from what became “Ground Zero.”
This evidence includes real-time clips of secondary explosions at ground level in both WTC-1 and WTC-2 (you can hear the detonations and see smoke and debris billowing out), reports on many networks of those explosions and of strange vans inside and around those buildings prior to the secondary explosions, reports from EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) of the same thing and of people inside and around the lobbies of those buildings who were not emergency personal and were not fleeing the disaster – all of this on 9/11 and widely reported as it happened that same day.
And a third element, building on the above and adding its own dimension, is the presence of a number of (mostly white) vans owned – as far as can be determined, given the extent to which information on them and the people with them has disappeared from the public record – by an Israeli company (or rather a company owned by an Israeli, to be precise) in New Jersey.
Some of these vans were regularly around the World Trade Center itself. But two stand out, and need to be examined in some detail for their significance to be appreciated.
First, Bergen, NJ residents saw five people on a white van filming the attacks and visibly celebrating. They had set up their cameras before the first plane hit. Police arrested them. All were Israelis (now referred to as the “dancing Israelis”). Bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives, although officers were unable to find anything.
The FBI seized the van for further testing. All five were later released at the instigation of Israeli & American Jewish leaders, some in the US Government. Details are still classified. This incident quickly disappeared from the mainstream media, following a brief mention in the New York Times three days after the attacks, that was not followed up.
A second van was stopped on the approaches to the George Washington Bridge. As CBS’s Dan Rather said in his live report:
“Two suspects are in FBI custody after a truckload of explosives were discovered around the George Washington Bridge. That bridge links New York to New Jersey over the Hudson River. Whether the discovery of those explosives had anything to do with other events today is unclear, but the FBI, has two suspects in hand, said the truckload of explosives, enough explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington Bridge…”
Those suspects –also Israelis — and the incident then seem to have disappeared from the public record and mainstream media “examinations” of 9/11, just like discussions of the first van, the secondary explosions at ground level within WTC-1 and WTC-2, and the precipitous collapse into its own footprint of WTC-7.
The combined impact of these and many other factors is both chilling and compelling. Think of it: Secondary explosions at ground level where there should be no secondary explosions.
The catastrophic collapse of the 47-story WTC-7 into its own footprint in seconds, without any significant external trauma, where by rights there should have been no collapse. Vans with targeting maps, explosives or traces thereof, cameras pre-positioned to film the World Trade Center, and especially Israelis with those vans where there should have been no Israelis present with any of those things in those places at that time.
Any of these matters ought to have been sufficient to stimulate a searching re-examination of the official USG interpretation of 9/11, and especially of the actual or putative role of Al-Qaeda in it.
The vans alone pointed away from Al-Qaeda, unless one assumed that Al-Qaeda was an Israeli front, or that Mossad at a minimum had run a parallel and more murderous operation to whatever Al-Qaeda may have done. What is fascinating is how little impact it has had on public awareness of the details of 9/11, much less official US policy based on it.
A “cloak of silence” had descended over any official or mainstream media discussions of 9/11 that did not conform to the official interpretation, thereby keeping such dissonance from the general public.
The Cloak of Silence Over 9/11
There have been three elements to the “cloak of silence” covering efforts to expose the failings of the official US position on 9/11 to the public. One is within the Executive Branch. Another is within the Congress. And the third is the mainstream media (MSM).
The first is not at all surprising, as so many of its key members (and especially its so-called “neo-conservatives”) were the authors of the “19 named Arabs in 4 planes” thesis, and its de facto apologists on the professional staff of the 9/11 Commission. Indeed, many of them had a vested personal and professional interest in maintaining the validity of the official position.
A surprising number had been on the strongly pro-Israel Project for a New American Century (PNAC) when it published a report asserting that some “catalytic event” akin to the Pearl Harbor would be needed to move the US in the direction they desired (and which would be of enormous benefit to Israel).
The 9/11 attacks gave them their catalytic event, and they visibly capitalized on that opportunity. Many were Jewish, often with dual US-Israeli citizenship and a controlling commitment to Israel. All were Israeli partisans. And it took no great inferential leap to understand that a US consumed with anti-Arab and anti-Muslim rage would inevitably and inexorably do things that would directly or indirectly benefit Israel – which, of course, is precisely what has happened over the past decade.
Overtly more surprising was Congressional acceptance of the official explanation, or rather the lack of searching inquiries into it and the events of 9/11, at least by the Democrats. But in reality, that wasn’t at all surprising. It was not just that Administration officials were essentially “speaking with one voice” on this issue, or that the Republicans in the Senate at least could have kept Democrats from holding hearings, at least in the beginning.
It is that while many (especially Democrats) came to question later the war in Iraq, and some more belatedly the war in Afghanistan, there was and remains no discernable legislative effort to delve into the details of 9/11 – and especially the numerous contradictions, inconsistencies and unbelievable aspects in the official explanation.
This is a predictable outcome of a substantial lobbying effort by AIPAC (the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) here, “encouraging” Senators and Representatives of both parties to do in this matter what they do best – nothing – and punishing the handful who balked by marginalizing their efforts while in office, and working successfully for their electoral defeat later.
Overlapping these two branches, and a critical element in the Zionist control of the US Government that is sometimes overlooked, is their domination of the political appointment and confirmation process. The White House Personnel Office has been largely dominated by them at least since 1980, and perhaps before, thereby reducing the likelihood that people unfriendly to Israel or unsupportive of its “ways and means” will be nominated in the first place.
The vetting of nominees by key organized Jewish groups in the US before they go before the US Senate for their confirmation hearings has also been a fixture of this process for decades, as Ha’aretz (an Israeli newspaper) among many others has pointed out, and forces otherwise excellent nominees to withdraw if said Jewish groups find them to be unsuitable.
And the leverage of AIPAC in the US Senate is in this respect crucial: anyone AIPAC wants confirmed will be confirmed, and anyone who manages to reach that point and is not acceptable to AIPAC doesn’t stand a chance.
This is why under both Republicans and Democrats, the staffs in and around the President and the Vice-President, the National Security Council, the State Department and the Defense Department (among others) look the way they do. Many are Jewish and actively Zionist, often with dual US-Israeli citizenship (not that the absence of an Israeli passport matters all that much to the others).
Some are Christian Zionists who need no persuading to take the pro-Israel positions they do – I can only shudder to think of the type of a staff and appointments that would come from a president like Michele Bachmann or Mike Huckabee.
Others are what the communists used to call “useful idiots,” frequently intelligent people like Condoleeza Rice or John Bolton who have made their own Faustian bargain in the furtherance of their own careers. And the rest of us live with the consequences of all of them, not least of which was 9/11 and the ensuing wars.
But it is the role of the largely Zionist-owned mainstream media (MSM) in allowing the official US government view of 9/11 to go virtually unchallenged that is most fascinating, and has been most effective in letting any possible public debate on 9/11 largely lie fallow.
This was contrary to its entire post-Vietnam (and especially post-Pentagon Papers/post-Watergate) ethos, which put investigative journalism on a pedestal and made a fetish of investigating and exposing corporate and government wrong-doing, both for profits and for professional advancement.
Remember, that at least since the publication of the so-called “Pentagon Papers” during the Vietnam War, the normal instinct of the MSM is to investigate and to reveal, unless that discloses Israeli misconduct or reflects negatively on Israel, in which case its virtually primeval instinct is to conceal and to protect.
The MSM’s normal inquisitorial impulse was not in evidence in the case of 9/11. This is because critical inquiries into 9/11 have been largely ignored or repressed by the MSM — which would not do that if its largely Zionist ownership did not know, suspect or fear that an exposed evidentiary trail would lead, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly to Israel.
Indeed, if the evidentiary trail had seemed to lead to (e.g.) Iran instead of Israel, or if its provenance was even moderately uncertain, the MSM would have vociferously shredded the USG case long ago, and the “9/11 Truth” movement would find its views presented on the front pages of major newspapers and highlighted in favorable TV/radio broadcasts.
That this did not happen quickly becomes clear as one examines the MSM’s approach to 9/11.
Its role has been threefold: : (a) disinformation – to affirm, or at least not openly question, the USG case; (b) distraction – to direct attention away from Israel and the PNAC/neo-cons; and (c) doubt – to ignore or ridicule those who question the official US case. What people choose to conceal speaks volumes about the dynamics of the situation, and the end result of MSM actions has been the fabrication of an aura of disbelief and doubt where there should be none.
This process began almost immediately. Dramatic and revealing real-time reports about the details of the attacks appeared on 9/11, including many that did not directly involve the hijacked airliners. Over the next few days, some local papers and stations in the area still were reporting dissonant events (e.g., the van with the “dancing Israelis”).
But within a week, most dissonance was gone or relegated to inside pages and their electronic equivalents, especially anything pertaining to WTC-7, whose collapse became a non-event, or the presence of Israelis in the vans and elsewhere, as the US Government’s propaganda machine – aided actively by most of the MSM – went into high gear first against Al-Qaeda and then in support of the invasion of Afghanistan.
The Path to 9/11
The provenance of the 9/11 attacks becomes even clearer once they are examined as a classic exercise in covert operations. Generally speaking, there are three requirements for evaluating the origin and prospects for success of all covert intelligence operations: (a) motivation, (b) expertise, and (c) local support for access to the target and post-attack evasion and escape.
Let us look first at motivation. It is a bitter commentary on how far the US has gone from its strategic requirements and its own principles that so many movements and governments around the world not only dislike and distrust the US, but hate it with a passion and with better cause than I care to think about.
I recently came across a remark by a Jesuit priest to the effect that “Every time I hear that Israel is America’s only friend in the Middle East, I remember that before Israel, America had no enemies in the Middle East” – a point well worth remembering.
But the interesting thing about the assorted movements and governments that might have an actual or perceived reason to do harm to the US, is that all but one has had a negative incentive to do that: to punish the US for some actual or assumed failings or misdeeds.
The one exception is Israel. It has no negative incentives at all (I exclude some real fringe fanatics), simply because without US aid and diplomatic support, it would find itself in even worse straits than did apartheid-era South Africa, and with better cause.
But it is the one state with a positive incentive, if it believed it could get away with it, which is to enrage the American public against Muslims generally and Arabs in particular, and to make the US an active belligerent in the region – spending American lives and treasure in the service of Israel’s interests.
Expertise is different and more diffuse. There are many intelligence and special operations forces in the world with the expertise to wire large urban structures for a controlled demolition. There are many combat engineer units in many countries that could do the same thing. And there are many private firms that specialize in them as well.
Yet neither Al-Qaeda as an organization, nor any of its known affiliates – much less the 19 named Arabs supposedly on those four planes – possessed that expertise, or anything even remotely close to it; had they done so, the Green Zone in Baghdad would have been a pile of rubble.
But it is local support that is the crucial determinant. All well-crafted covert operations require some measure of local support, official or unofficial, unless the target area is so irredeemably hostile that none is available. Any domestic or foreign intelligence agency targeting the WTC would absolutely have required it, and Mossad would be better placed than any other to access such support for entry, access, execution and escape.
This is especially true, given the security company overseeing the WTC. CIA and/or Defense Department personnel (which is not the same as the CIA or the Defense Department as organizations) could have had access, but only if that had Israeli endorsement – one does not casually cut open walls, implant explosives, run cables and wire everything together in buildings with state-of-the-art electronic surveillance and 24/7 on-site security.
Mossad would have no such need for those niceties, given the ownership of the WTC and the management of the company overseeing its security. Remember that we are not talking about large numbers of people in any case: given time to prepare the three buildings and protection from detection, as few as a dozen could have sufficed, a number small enough to be effectively unnoticed in a large organization.
Retrospect and Prospect
So let us recapitulate the basic conclusions of this analysis. First, the core official US Government position on 9/11 is that any and all aspects of it are directly attributable to 19 named Arabs on 4 planes, conducting a terrorist operation planned and executed by Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda. This position is at best incomplete, and at worst a complete fabrication engineered by those directly or indirectly responsible for what happened on 9/11, and the wars afterward.
Second, Al-Qaeda and many different countries and groups had negative reasons, real or contrived, to want to harm the US. But only Israel and its neoconservative wing in the US had a positive incentive to do so, which was to enrage Americans and make the US an active belligerent against Muslim countries, thereby cementing its bonding to Israel and Israel’s interests.
Third, there is no doubt that fully-loaded civilian airliners, especially with nearly-full fuel loads, impacting the Twin Towers (WTC-1 and WTC-2) would do great damage to those buildings, and might under a chain of extraordinary circumstances precipitate a chain of events leading to their collapse.
But there is absolutely no way that those airliners impacting 800-1000 feet above the ground could have produced visible and audible secondary explosions in those buildings at ground level, nor precipitated the collapse of a third building (WTC-7)which was not hit by any aircraft and had no massive external trauma from debris produced by the Twin Towers.
Fourth, Al-Qaeda – and perhaps other groups as well – had the theoretical capability to carry out a simultaneous four-plane hijacking, perhaps flying the aircraft to Cuba (the four 9/11 aircraft should have been able to make a one-way flight there at the beginning of their operational day without difficulty, depending on their actual loads), which would have been spectacular in itself.
But neither Al-Qaeda nor any of their affiliates had the expertise and local support necessary to allow them the needed access to any of the buildings at the World Trade Center, cut open the walls and wire them for controlled demolition, and then to escape and evade afterward.
Fifth and finally, in addition to being unique in having a positive incentive to make the 9/11 attacks, only Israel had the essential expertise and local support required to bring down the three World Trade Center buildings with controlled demolitions, and the leverage within and around the US Government to let their operatives evade detection, to be released without fanfare if apprehended unexpectedly, and to cloak their actions from public scrutiny – all of which happened on and after 9/11.
People often ask about some new evidence or proof tying 9/11, in whole or in part, to Israel.
Now I understand that there can never be absolute proof for some people barring a public confession from one of the Israeli planners or their American supporters, and that, I suspect, we will never obtain – although some of the statements made later in Israel by three of the Israelis arrested in Bergen, NJ filming the burning Twin Towers comes very close to that: One stated categorically that “our purpose was to document the event,” which should leave little doubt that they knew in advance of the attacks, whether or not they themselves personally had any further role in them.
But it is not necessary to have such a confession, any more than it is necessary to have a confession in a criminal court to convict a person of murder, if the other evidence is sufficiently compelling.
Here there is a mountain of physical, technical, analytical and circumstantial evidence, far more than any unprejudiced person needs to understand far beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever, that (1) the USG case is fatally flawed, and (2) this was a Mossad-directed operation orchestrated at the highest levels of the Israeli government (because of the target) with local support within the US and elements of the US Government itself.
Given the pervasiveness of Zionist influence in the US government and its intelligence and security agencies (including of course the Defense Department), two broad scenarios are possible. One is that the neo-cons and their cohorts were in the driver’s seat with Israel in the passenger seat with a map and the baggage.
The second sees Israel driving with the neo-cons and others handling the map and baggage. But they were both in the same car on the road to and from 9/11. Both were embedded in aspects of the planning and execution of the catastrophe, the wars it spawned and the wars its architects now want us to wage in Israel’s name, linking treason and treachery in tandem no matter where the emphasis is placed.
Unraveling that issue is something to be left for a future investigation, interrogations and trials, followed by punishments appropriate to the magnitude of the crimes for all of the participants. Bringing an awareness of these events to the American public and others abroad in a practical and actionable way is the subject of the final piece in this series: Riposte Against Zionism: Go Tell It To The People.
*Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D, University of Michigan) is a ten-year US Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of the US Army War College. He can be contacted at
RealJewNewsLetter Update!
1) Server is setup!
2) Back-end programming done!
3) Database installed, configured!
4) Back-coded shell installed and configured!
5) DNS server info submitted (24 hours to propagate)
6) Homepage created
Next step is the visual design and feature implementation. GREAT PROGRESS
Launching Next Week! Stay tuned………………+bn
You quite obviously have some very highly electronically skilled technicians on staff. They should try to develop and patent an anti-israel virus protection system that the general public can use.
“I recently came across a remark by a Jesuit priest to the effect that “Every time I hear that Israel is America’s only friend in the Middle East, I remember that before Israel, America had no enemies in the Middle East” – a point well worth remembering.”
Dr Alan Sabrosky from the above article
Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake
By Alan Sabrosky -June 27, 2011
Israel protests after Jordanian spokeswoman steps on its flag
Jumana Ghunaimat, Jordan’s minister for media affairs and communications and the government spokeswoman, on Thursday walked over an Israeli flag painted on the floor of the headquarters of Jordan’s professional unions in Amman, Reuters reported on Sunday.
Daniel 11:45 says the end time ruler will set up his royal headquarters at the holy mountain between the seas where he will come to his end and no one will help him.
The ruling headquarters in the vicinity of the holy mountain / temple mount / Mount Moriah / Mount Zion are already set up. These headquarters are the Knesset and the President’s Residence aka Nasi Residence. Nasi means leader, prince, ruler, in Hebrew.
The Knesset is Israel’s version of Congress / Parliament. The Knesset and Nasi locations are both less than 2 miles from Mount Zion and Mount Moriah, each of which has been cited as a holy mountain.
Between the seas means between the Mediterranean and Dead Sea, which is where Jerusalem, the Knesset, Holy Mountain, etc., are located.
The UN, USA, EU, & Company appear to be on the verge of pulling out of the Mideast and no longer helping Israel maintain military dominance there in the wars for Zionism.
If the USA and Company pull out of the Mideast, it will probably appear to Syria, Iran, Russia, and their allies that the time is ripe to finally destroy the Zionist beast, lsrael.
Revelation 16 says that evil spirits will influence the rulers of the nations to gather their armies together for battle at Armageddon, which is located in northern Israel.
When Russia, Syria, Iran, et al, start cutting out the Zionist cancer, then at some point the Zionist controlled puppet politicians in the US, France, England, et al will probably be yanked by their puppet strings to order their armies to defend Israel.
China will probably side with Russia and provide most of the 200 million soldiers specified at Rev 9:16. China is the most populous nation on Earth and perhaps the only nation that could field such a huge army.
When GOD speaks most human beings do not listen these days!
GOD at one time in Christian history said clearly, NO TEMPLE in Zio-IsraHell, and we Christians know that GOD shall not be mocked!
AP: Senator: Trump slowing down troop pullout from Syria
2 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has ordered a slowdown to the withdrawal of U.S. forces in Syria, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday.
“I think we’re in a pause situation,” the South Carolina Republican said outside the White House after lunch with the president.
Graham had been an outspoken critic of Trump’s decision, which had drawn bipartisan criticism. The announcement also had shocked lawmakers and American allies, including Kurds who have fought alongside the U.S. against the Islamic State group and face an expected assault by Turkey.
“I think we’re slowing things down in a smart way,” Graham said, adding that Trump was very aware of the plight of the Kurds.
Critics had contended that the U.S. withdrawal would embolden Iran and Russia, which have supported the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
National security adviser John Bolton was expected to travel to Israel and Turkey next weekend to discuss the president’s plans with the American allies.
During his appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Graham previewed his arguments to Trump for reconsidering the Syria pullout.
“I’m going to ask him to sit down with his generals and reconsider how to do this. Slow this down. Make sure that we get it right. Make sure ISIS never comes back. Don’t turn Syria over to the Iranians. That’s a nightmare for Israel,” Graham said.
“And, at the end of the day, if we leave the Kurds and abandon them and they get slaughtered, who’s going to help you in the future?” he said.
“I want to fight the war in the enemy’s backyard, not ours. That’s why we need a forward-deployed force in Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan for a while to come.”
CNN (starts at 5:06):
Mint Press News: How Critics of Trumps’ Syria Withdrawal Fueled the Rise of ISIS
Too many of those protesting the removal of U.S. forces are authors of the catastrophe that tore Syria to pieces.
by Max Blumenthal
President Donald Trump’s announcement of an imminent withdrawal of US troops from northeastern Syria summoned a predictable paroxysm of outrage from Washington’s foreign policy establishment.
Former Secretary of State and self-described “hair icon” Hillary Clinton perfectly distilled the bipartisan freakout into a single tweet, accusing Trump of “isolationism” and “playing into Russia and Iran’s hands.”
Hillary Clinton
Actions have consequences, and whether we’re in Syria or not, the people who want to harm us are there & at war. Isolationism is weakness. Empowering ISIS is dangerous. Playing into Russia & Iran’s hands is foolish. This President is putting our national security at grave risk.
8:53 AM – Dec 21, 2018
Michelle Flournoy, the DC apparatchik who would have been Hillary’s Secretary of Defense, slammed the pull-out as “foreign policy malpractice,” while Hillary’s successor at the State Department, John Kerry, threw bits of red meat to the Russiagate-crazed Democratic base by branding Trump’s decision “a Christmas gift to Putin.”
From the halls of Congress to the K Street corridors of Gulf-funded think tanks, a chorus of protest proclaimed that removing US troops from Syria would simultaneously abet Iran and bring ISIS back from the grave.
Yet few of those thundering condemnations of the president’s move seemed able to explain just why a few thousand U.S. troops had been deployed to the Syrian hinterlands in the first place.
If the mission was to destroy ISIS, then why did ISIS rise in the first place? And why was the jihadist organization still festering right in the midst of the U.S. military occupation?
Too many critics of withdrawal had played central roles in the Syrian crisis to answer these questions honestly. They had either served as media cheerleaders for intervention, or crafted the policies aimed at collapsing Syria’s government that fueled the rise of ISIS.
The Syrian catastrophe was their legacy, and they were out to defend it at any cost.
Birthing ISIS From the Womb of Regime Change
During the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, Clinton, Kerry, and the rest of the Beltway blob lined up reflexively behind George W. Bush.
The insurgency that followed the violent removal of Iraq’s Ba’athist government set the stage for the declaration of the first Islamic State by Abu Musab Zarqawi in 2006.
Five years later, with near-total consent from Congress, Hillary enthusiastically presided over NATO’s assault on Libya, cackling with glee when she learned that the country’s longtime leader, Moammar Gaddafi, had been sodomized with a bayonet and shot to death by Islamist insurgents — “We came, we saw, he died!”
It was not long before an Islamist Emirate was established in Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte, while 31 flavors of jihadi militias festered in Tripoli and Benghazi.
While still defending her vote on Iraq, Hillary made the case for arming the anti-Assad opposition in Syria. “In a conflict like this,” she said, “the hard men with the guns are going to be the more likely actors in any political transition than those on the outside just talking.”
In 2012, the CIA initiated a one billion dollar arm-and-equip operation to fund the so-called “moderate rebels” united under the banner of the Free Syrian Army (FSA).
A classified Defense Intelligence Agency memo distributed across Obama administration channels in August of that year warned that jihadist forces emanating from Iraq aimed to exploit the security vacuum opened up by the US-backed proxy war to establish a “Salafist principality in eastern Syria” — an “Islamic State,” in the exact words of the memo.
Referring to Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia’s Syrian affiliate by its name, Jabhat al-Nusra, before Western media ever had, the DIA emphasized the close ties the group had fostered with Syria’s “moderate rebels”:
“AQI supported the Syrian opposition from the beginning, both ideologically and through the media. AQI declared its opposition to Assad’s regime from the beginning because it considered it a sectarian regime targeting Sunnis.”
The memo was authored under the watch of then-Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who was convicted this year of failing to register as a foreign agent of Turkey — an extremely ironic development considering Turkey’s role in fueling the Syrian insurgency.
Predictably, the document was ignored across the board by the Obama administration. Meanwhile, heavy weapons were flowing out of the U.S. Incirlik air base in Turkey and into the hands of anyone who could grab them across the Syrian border.
As early as February 2013, a United Nations independent inquiry report concluded, “The FSA has remained a brand name only.”
The UN further issued a damning assessment of the role of the United States, UK and their Gulf allies in fueling extremism across Syria.
“The intervention of external sponsors has contributed to the radicalization of the insurgency as it has favoured Salafi armed groups such as the al-Nusra Front, and even encouraged mainstream insurgents to join them owing to their superior logistical and operational capabilities,” the report stated.
US Arms, ISIS Caliphate
How ISIS overran large swaths of territory in northeastern Syria and established its de facto capital Raqqa is scarcely understood, let alone discussed by Western media.
That is partly because the real story is so inconvenient to the established narrative of the Syrian conflict, which blames Assad for every atrocity that has ever occurred in his country, and for some horrors that may not have ever taken place.
Echoing the Bush administration’s discredited attempts to link Saddam Hussein to Al Qaeda, some neoconservative pundits hatched a conspiracy theory that accused Assad of covertly orchestrating the rise of ISIS in order to curry support from the West.
But the documented evidence firmly established the success of ISIS as a byproduct of the semi-covert American program to arm Assad’s supposedly moderate opposition.
Back in March 2013, a coalition of Syrian rebel forces representing the CIA-backed FSA, the Turkish and Qatari proxy, Ahrar al-Sham, and the Al Qaeda affiliate, al-Nusra, overwhelmed the Syrian army in Raqqa.
Opposition activists declared the city the “icon of the revolution”and celebrated in Raqqa’s town center, waving the tricolor flags of the FSA alongside the black banners of ISIS and al-Nusra, which set up its headquarters in the city’s town hall.
But disorder quickly spread throughout the city as its residents attempted to order their affairs through local councils. Meanwhile, the US-backed FSA had ceded the city to al-Nusra, taking the fight to the front lines against government forces further afield.
The chaos stirred by the insurgents and their foreign backers had created the perfect petri dish for jihadism to fester.
A month after Raqqa was taken, the Iraqi zealot and ISIS commander Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi revealed that al-Nusra had been a Trojan horse for his organization, referring to its commander, Mohammed Jolani, as “our son.”
Jolani, in turn, admitted that he had entered Syria from Iraq as a soldier of the Islamic State, declaring, “We accompanied the jihad in Iraq as military escorts from its beginning until our return [to Syria] after the Syrian revolution.”
By August, Baghdadi completed his coup, announcing control over the city. According to the anti-Assad website, Syria Untold, the U.S.-backed FSA had “balked in the face of ISIS and avoided any military confrontation with it.” Many of its fighters quickly jumped ship to either the Islamic State or al-Nusra.
“The [FSA] battalions are scared to become the weakest link, that they will be swallowed by ISIS,” a media activist named Ahmed al-Asmeh told the journalist Alison Meuse. “A number joined ISIS, and those who were with the people joined Jabhat al-Nusra.”
Backing “Territorial ISIS”
As the insurgency advanced towards Syria’s coast, leaving piles of corpses in its wake and propelling a refugee crisis of unprecedented proportions, the U.S. stepped up its arm-and-equip program.
By 2015, the CIA was pouring anti-tank missiles into the ranks of Nourredine Al-Zinki, an extremist militia that eventually forged a coalition with bands of fanatics that made no attempt to disguise their ideology.
Among the new opposition umbrella group was one outfit called, “The Bin Laden Front.”
Despite all its war on terror bluster, the U.S. was treating ISIS as an asset in its bid to topple Assad.
Then-Secretary of State Kerry copped to the strategy in a leaked private meeting with Syrian opposition activists in Sept. 2016:
“We were watching,” Kerry revealed. “We saw that Daesh [ISIS] was growing in strength and we thought Assad was threatened. We thought, however, we could probably manage, you know, that Assad might negotiate and instead of negotiating, you got Assad, ah, you got Putin supporting him.”
When Russia directly intervened in Syria in 2015, the Obama administration’s most outspoken interventionists railed against its campaign to roll back the presence of Al Qaeda and its allies, comparing it to the Rwandan genocide.
These same officials were curiously quiet, however, when Russia combined forces with the Syrian military to drive ISIS from the city of Palmyra, to save the home of the world’s most treasured antiquities from destruction.
At a March 24, 2016, press briefing, a reporter asked U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner, “Do you want to see the [Syrian] regime retake Palmyra, or would you prefer that it stays in Daesh’s [ISIS] hands?”
Toner strung together empty platitudes for a full minute.
“You’re not answering my question,” the reporter protested.
Toner emitted a nervous laugh and conceded, “I know I’m not.”
About a year later, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman openly called for the U.S. to use ISIS as a strategic tool, reiterating the cynical logic for the strategy that was already in place.
“We could simply back off fighting territorial ISIS in Syria and make it entirely a problem for Iran, Russia, Hezbollah and Assad,” Friedman proposed.
After all, they’re the ones overextended in Syria, not us. Make them fight a two-front war—the moderate rebels on one side and ISIS on the other.”
Giving ISIS ‘Breathing Space’
When the U.S. finally decided to make a move against ISIS in 2017, it was gripped with anxiety about the Syrian government restoring control over the oil-rich areas ISIS controlled across the northeast.
With help from Russia, and against opposition from the U.S., Syria had already liberated the city of Deir Ezzor from a years-long siege by the Islamic State.
Fearing that ISIS-occupied Raqqa could be next to be returned to government hands, the U.S. unleashed a brutal bombing campaign while its allies in the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (a rebranded offshoot of the People’s Protection Units or YPG) assaulted the city by ground.
The U.S.-led campaign reduced much of Raqqa to rubble. In contrast to Aleppo, where rebuilding was underway and refugees were returning, Raqqa and outlying towns under U.S. control were cut off from basic government services and plunged into darkness.
The U.S. proceeded to occupy the city and its outlying areas, insisting that the Syrian government and its allies were too weak to prevent the resurgence of ISIS on their own.
But almost as soon as U.S. boots hit the ground, ISIS began to gather strength. In fact, a report this August by the UN Security Council’s Sanctions Monitoring Team found that in areas under direct American control, ISIS had suddenly found “breathing space to prepare for the next phase of its evolution into a global covert network.”
This October, when Iran launched missile strikes against ISIS, nearly killing the ISIS emir, Baghdadi, the Pentagon complained that the missiles had struck only three kilometers from U.S. positions.
The protest raised uncomfortable questions about what the top honchos of the Islamic State were doing in such close proximity to the American military, and why the U.S. was unwilling to do what Iran just had done and attack them. No answers from the Pentagon have arrived so far.
Target: Iran
With the appointment this August of James Jeffrey, a self-described “Never Trumper” from the pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East Policy, as Trump’s special representative for Syria engagement, it became clear that the mission to eradicate ISIS was of secondary importance.
In testimony before Congress this December, Jeffrey laid out an agenda that focused heavily on what he called “Iran’s malign influence in the region,” “Countering Iran in Syria,” and “remov[ing] all Iranian-commanded forces and proxy forces from the entirety of Syria.”
In all, Jeffrey made 30 mentions of Iran, all of them hostile, while referring only 23 times to ISIS. It was clear he had regime change in Tehran on the brain.
Trump, for his part, had been mulling removal of U.S. forces from northern Syria since at least last Spring, when he put forward a vision for an all-Arab military force funded by Saudi Arabia to replace them.
But when Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was sawed apart inside his country’s embassy in Istanbul this October, Trump’s plan went to pieces as well.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan exploited the Khashoggi saga to perfection, helping to transform Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman from the darling of America’s elite into persona non grata in Washington.
As a result, he arranged a front line position for Turkey in the wake of any U.S. withdrawal.
There are now real reasons to fear that a Turkish advance will ignite a resurgence of ISIS.
Turkey was not only a source of aid and oil sales to the jihadist group, it currently oversees a mercenary force of Salafi militiamen that includes droves of former Islamic State fighters.
If the Turkish onslaught proves destabilizing, Iran and its allied Shia militias could ramp up their deployment in Syria, which would trigger a harsh reaction from Israel and its Beltway cut-outs.
Then again, the Kurdish YPG is in high-level negotiations with Damascus and may team up with the Syrian military to fill the void. From an anti-ISIS standpoint, this is clearly the best option. It is, therefore, the least popular one in Washington.
Whatever happens in Syria, those who presided over U.S. policy towards the country over the past seven years are in no position to criticize.
They set the stage for the entire crisis, propelling the rise of ISIS in a bid to decapitate another insufficiently pliant state.
And though they may never face the accountability they deserve, the impending withdrawal of American troops is a long overdue and richly satisfying rebuke.
And warmonger Lindsey Graham is eyeballs deep in the buckets of Middle Easterners’ blood Jewmerica has shed all to fight wars for Israhell.
Kremlin (English captions): New Year Address to the Nation
31 December 2018 11:51 pm Moscow Time
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends,
A new year, year 2019, is right around the corner. Behind us is the busy month of December, when we rushed to complete all our urgent tasks, finalised our plans for the future, and of course, got ready for New Year celebrations.
Filled with excitement and hope, we are now waiting for the New Year to arrive. We see the eyes of our children shining with enthusiasm. We feel the joy of our parents and grandparents, if the entire family is together at this moment.
Their hearts are warmed by the tenderness and attention, and they can experience the New Year magic created by the generosity of our spirits.
This generosity is essential not only when we celebrate, but also in our daily lives, when we are there to support those who need our help, those who are alone or not well.
After all, we must be responsive to the misfortunes of others, and care is always repaid in kindness and gives us the joy of involvement.
While our expectations at this very moment may differ, what we all want is for our loved ones to be healthy, our home to be full of harmony, our children to bring us joy, our life to be peaceful, and our dreams, even the most sacred ones, to come true.
Just like in our childhood, on New Year’s Eve we make wishes and expect this night to bring us luck and success. May all this come true.
At the same time, we all know for sure that only through our own efforts and by working together can we build a better life for ourselves, our families and our homeland.
We face many pressing tasks in the economy, research, technology, healthcare, education and culture.
What matters the most is that we make steady progress in improving the wellbeing and quality of life in Russia, so that all its people, each and every one of us, feel the change for the better as soon as next year.
We will succeed, but only if we are able to work together. We never had any help in these endeavours, and never will. For this reason, we must form a team that is united, strong and acts as a single whole.
Let the friendship and good hopes that bring all of us together accompany us moving forward and help us in our work and in achieving our common goals.
The New Year is just a few seconds away. Let us wish happiness to those next to us.
Let us say the warmest words to all those we treasure, thank our parents, give a tender hug to our children, and open our hearts to each other. After all, when millions of people share these wonderful feelings, the world is filled with love and trust.
From all my heart I wish joy and wellbeing to you, and success and prosperity to our homeland, to our beloved Russia.
Happy New Year 2019!
Mr. Trump is already wavering under the pressure from the Zionists, led by your favorite and mine, Lindsey Graham, the Zionist puppet who made his reservation in hell a long, long time ago.
Little doubt the President will fold and bow to his buddy Benji.
It’s truly amazing how the politicians speak of the dangers of “isolationism” when the U.S. is the greatest practitioners of such through hegemony policies throughout the world by placing isolating “sanctions” on those countries who refuse to bow to the U.S. or the Zionists.
Hypocrisy at its finest.
Benjamin H. Freedman, Jewish Historian – Researcher – Scholar.
From “Common Sense”, p. 2-1-53 and 5-1-59
“Christians have been duped by the unholiest hoax in all history, by so-called Jews. This is considered their most effective weapon.”
“This ‘big lie’ technique is brainwashing United States Christians into believing that Jesus Christ was “King of the Jews”, in the sense that so-called ‘Jews’ today call themselves ‘Jews’.
This reference was first made in English translations of the Old and New Testaments, centuries before the so-called Jews highjacked the word ‘Jew’ in the 18th century A.D. to palm themselves off on the Christian world as having a kinship with Jesus Christ. This alleged kinship comes from the myth of their common ancestry with the so-called ‘Jews’ of the Holy Land in the Old Testament history, a fiction based on fable.”
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
December 31 2018
*SEE by comparison*
I SEE IT FROM A DIFFERENT ANGLE. This guy above is a Westernized Iranian linked to neocon think-tanks and just speculating at this point.
First of all, Assad would like good relations with the entire Arab and Muslim world.
What I see are the concrete actions of Damascus and Tehran constantly meeting and making agreements in delegations of various kinds (political, educational, legislative, cultural, scientific, military, economic, financial, commercial), working on tightening up and improving their strategic relations with, less visibly, but just as dynamically, also Baghdad.
Syrians, Iraqis, and Iranians are industrious and enterprising peoples, as are Egyptians and Jordanians.
The Saudis are just getting morbidly obese off of American fast food, and hire foreign workers to do their work for them.
70% of Saudi males and 37% of Saudi females are clinically obese. In a 2007 Forbes list of the fattest countries in the world, Saudia ranked 29th. I’m sure they’re higher up on the list now.
And while Egypt and Jordan sided with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, imposing sanctions and expelling Syria from the Arab League, their actual adversarial stance was as minimally and superficially as possible.
At the same time, both Egypt and Jordan tried not to do anything which would imperil the loans extended to Cairo and Amman by Saudia and the UAE that Egypt and Jordan needed for cash injections into their respective economies in order to survive.
Moreover, Jordan had a hellacious burden with Syrian refugees, and the Gulf states were providing humanitarian aid.
But, neither Jordan nor Egypt funded or gave support to terrorist groups, nor did they covertly send fighters, nor completely broke diplomatic relations.
Instead, there were diplomatic trips back and forth, and I believe both kept an unofficial diplomatic presence in Damascus.
Syria has Jordanian POWs, but those were radicalized jihadist volunteers. Egypt has jihadi terrorist woes of its own.
THE HOUSE OF SAUD is a degenerate, corrupt, brutal and often disgusting house prone to clan feuding, and wears the Wahabi clerics as camouflage for Saudi fake piety.
They’ve turned Mecca into Disneyland and a spectacle of conspicuous consumption with luxury high-rise hotels surrounding the Kaaba that only the very wealthy can afford, and they are charging a fortune for Muslims to make pilgrimages.
However, if Dr Assad and Syria return to the Arab League, as is likely, it will be on Dr Assad’s terms, with Syria being a country to reckon with, not dictated by the GCC states to “bring back Syria into the Arab fold.”
Nor will Syrians elevate their former enemies above their steadfast friends. To forgive, as Dr Assad has done with Jordan and Egypt, is not the same as forgetting, and Syria won’t forget what the Sauds, Qatar, and the UAE have done to them.
Twitter reports are that Dr Assad is scheduled to speak at the Arab League on March 19.
In the meantime, political analysts in Lebanon, given Netanyahu’s latest caterwauling over a few cross-border tunnels they claim to have found, observing that the US step of withdrawing from eastern Syria could also be a maneuver in preparation for political and on-the-ground escalation into southern Lebanon.
The Lebanese are keeping a keen eye on Trump’s nomination of Retired General John Abizaid to be the next US ambassador To Saudi Arabia. The position has been empty since Trump took office two years ago.
Abizaid, a Lebanese American, is not just another general nominated by Trump to a sensitive post at a sensitive stage.
While waiting for his nomination to pass, he currently works as a private consultant “providing strategic and analytic consulting services to corporate, non-profit, international and government clients.”
The President’s pick highlights the importance he has placed on the military partnership between Jewmerica and the Saudi royal court of an Arab country which hosts 5 major US bases, and which signed an arms deal with the US worth billions of dollars last year.
Abizaid would fill the role at a time when US ties with Saudi Arabia are strained following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. He studied and often served in the Middle East, speaks Arabic, and is widely considered to be an expert in the field of Middle Eastern affairs.
IF APPROVED BY THE US SENATE, the nomination of Abizaid gives Trump greater control over the current weak Saudi regime under the aging King and the Clown Prince.
Some of his responsibilities will likely be negotiating defense contracts, ending the devastating war in Yemen, lift the blockade on Qatar, helping the Saudi regime tighten up its own armed services into a more effective regional fighting force, keep oil prices stable, and last but not least, help reach Arab-Israeli strategic agreements.
He has been a long-time advocate of moving the US-Israel relationship from a de facto alliance to one of “unmistakable alliance” particularly against Iran.
Abizaid, the Lebanese, is an expert on Hezbollah and Iran from the Israeli perspective. First, because he is the longest-serving commander of the US Central Command from 2003-2007 during the US occupation of Iraq.
He saw the beginning rise of the Iraqi resistance against occupation forces which in turn gave birth to the Wahabi jihadist Al Qaeda in Iraq,/Al Nusra/ISIS jihadist blob fused with a command structure of marginalized former Sunni military officers of Saddam’s Iraqi armed forces, and which he came to dub “The Long War.”
He was also quite aware of the Israeli-Lebanon border war against Hezbollah in 2006.
Concurrently, he oversaw humanitarian operations such as evacuation of American citizens from Lebanon prior to and during the Israeli-Hezbollah border conflict in 2006.
Earlier staff assignments include a tour with the United Nations as Operations Officer (G-3) for Observer Group Lebanon and a tour in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the US Army.
While serving with the UN in 1985 during the Lebanon civil war and the Israeli invasion, occupation and war against burgeoning Hezbollah in the Shia populations of Beirut and southern Lebanon, Abizaid’s family lived in Israel. He saw some of the first suicide bombings and attacks carried out by Lebanese militants and its allies.
This included a March 1985 suicide truck bombing targeting the IDF in South Lebanon on the road to Metulla. He saw Shi’ite resistance fighters firing Katyusha rockets into Israel from Lebanon.
If the nomination to Saudi Arabia goes through, with Abizaid’s military experience and expertise, it would be like the Pentagon opened up a branch annex in Riyadh inside the US embassy.
Lebanese analysts think that Trump’s step of disengaging with northern Syria, could also be understood as a tactical step in the context of political escalation preparing the ground for an outsourced military escalation in southern Lebanon against Hezbollah, Syria and Iran, within which framework Israel will be its spearhead.
Thus, the question arises inside Lebanon: Is the US withdrawal from northern Syria the prelude to an Israeli aggression against Syria and Lebanon in the south?
+Brother Nathanael
Publisher Real Jew News @
The Jeworms time is very short now!+
God bless you, dear +BN.
The montages are great. You found a great one of the Clown Prince glaring daggers into the back of King Salman’s head.
Below is a video of what Mecca looks like now.
It’s no exaggeration that the House of Saud is turning Mecca into a glitsy, ostentatious Disneyland for the rich.
Mecca is the holiest place in the Muslim world which Muslims are required to pray towards in daily prayers.
Now they are praying towards an opulent Las Vegas-like glitzy commercialization of a religious site of world importance entirely surrounded by the luxury high-rises and the immense 600 meter tall Mecca Royal Clocktower which surround and overshadow the Grand Mosque and the Kaaba.
The Grand Mosque beautifully reconstructed and enlarged to accommodate the growing crowds of millions of annual pilgrims, anticipated to be 25 million by 2025. It is dwarfed in comparison to the high-rises and the clocktower.
Clearing ground in order to build these structures, around 95% of the millenia old buildings and heritage sites including those associated with Mohammed and his family’s life were demolished within the past two decades or so.
This video from Journeyman Pictures is quite the eye opener:
Saudi’s Lavish Buildings Threaten To Overwhelm Mecca Site
Triumph or Folly? Mecca’s Royal Clock Tower: Mecca: the holiest place in the Muslim world. Yet, in recent years lavish developments like the Mecca Royal Clock Tower have attracted criticism. Is the Saudi appetite for luxury at odds with tradition?
Responding to your last para Bro Nat,
I’d say that Israel isn’t going to attack anyone for the reason that all past periodic bouts of insanity were additionally motivated in the hope of triggering a much much wider war into which America would be drawn in to rescue it’s much picked upon best buddy, at which tantalising moment the Jewish State’s greater Israel project looms into view.
Jude is so up to it’s collective neck in hate and arrogance, it cannot see, or even imagine, how many people loathe them.
They say pride comes before a fall. These self-described destroyers and subversives, have co concept of decency or charatable love of others.
Charity is the greatest of the three God inspired tenets: “Faith, Hope, and Charity”.
Jewish charity is self-serving, and thus starts and ends at their own blood-red doorsteps.
All the best to Brother Nathanael and readers/supporters. If this year is different for me personally, I will make up for the lack of funds. God bless.
You’re doing a great job speaking the truth and exposing evil.
When the Joos talk and think of Hezbollah you can be sure they have their pampers on.
At the moment they try to provocate Hezbollah while knowing Hezbollah have become a formidable force nowadays. If Israel wants warmongering with “Lebanon” again, it will be their last one, I believe.
The Zionists can scrap Lebanon from their infamous “List of Seven Countries” of the ME to be destroyed.
Israel collapsed their bond market in the early ’80s. I went there in ’84.
They had a new Shekelum circulating after they knocked off three zeros.
Putting Jews in charge of your bond market is a bad idea. Jewish FED heads have done the same thing here.
Israel can see the financial collapse of America looming. NO problem. The Congress has locked in a veto-proof funding package for Israel until 2028.
“It is perhaps somewhat flattering to our national pride to know that the Rothschilds, who hold up every despotism in Europe, have concluded that it would be cheaper to buy up one of our political parties, the Democrats, [now both] and in that way secure the dissolution of the Union, than to have their agents in England and France interfere and fight us.” – The Chicago Tribune, October 16, 1864, p. 2.
For those of you that still harbor any faint delusions that this Saudi Journalist was actually killed in this Embassy False Flag I will shake my head in wonder.
When the JEWSMEDIA goes to the extreme in gushing out propaganda you have to immediately suspect that something is amiss.
This entire saga is a HollyJEW script from inception to end. This Journalist was either transplanted or ghosted and dumped at sea.
Nobody was killed in the Istanbul Saudi Embassy, there was no hit squad, no one was dismembered, nobody was tossed down a well. It’s all intentional disinformation to mislead the public.
The USA, Israel, Britain, France ( all Jew Controlled countries) are sucking Saudi Arabia dry.
The new Prince must be balking at some of the lopsided deals that Kushner et el are forcing on him so they created a sideshow to exert some international pressure to wise him up.
The Saudi’s are so entangled now they have no way to turn other than to scream out loud and flee in their underwear to Iran for help. That is how far they are mired have no doubt.
Get over this “ Over Publicized” False Flag and see it for the fabrication is really is!
NEW Video Coming Tomorrow Wednesday Afternoon!
Be In Tune! +BN
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+Brother Nathanael Kapner @
Lets hope the spawn of satan (Jews that hate Jesus Christ) will hang themselves in the USA.
It will be interesting to see how Drumpf backs down to his owners…looks like it’s already happening.
He is back-peddling on the Syria pull out…not so fast…he says…hmmmm… stay tuned.
Remember before he was elected he would say over and over…’I love Israel!’
In order for him to keep his job he must put Israel above the USA.
American Herald Tribune: Israel Is Bad for America
Philip Giraldi 01012019
A New York Times Columnist explains why
American journalism has become in its mainstream exponents a compendium of half-truths and out-and-out lies.
The public, though poorly informed on most issues as a result, has generally figured out that it is being hoodwinked and trust in the Fourth Estate has plummeted over the past twenty years.
The skepticism about what is being reported has enabled President Donald Trump and other politicians to evade serious questions about policy by claiming that what is being reported is little more than “fake news.”
No news is more fake than the reporting in the U.S. media that relates to the state of Israel.
Former Illinois congressman Paul Findley in his seminal book They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby observed that nearly all the foreign press correspondents working out of Israel are Jewish while most of the editors that they report to at news desks are also Jews, guaranteeing that the articles that eventually surface in the newspapers will be carefully constructed to minimize any criticism of the Jewish state.
The same goes for television news, particularly on cable news stations like CNN.
A particularly galling aspect of the sanitization of news reports regarding Israel is the underlying assumption that Israelis share American values and interests, to include freedom and democracy.
This leads to the perception that Israelis are just like Americans with Israel’s enemies being America’s enemies.
Given that, it is natural to believe that the United States and Israel are permanent allies and friends and that it is in the U.S. interest to do whatever is necessary to support Israel, including providing billions of dollars in aid to a country that is already wealthy as well as unlimited political cover in international bodies like the United Nations.
That bogus but nevertheless seemingly eternal bond is essentially the point from which a December 26th op-ed in The New York Times departs.
The piece is by one of the Times’ resident opinion writers Bret Stephens [uhhmm, he’s a Jew – Kj] and is entitled Donald Trump is Bad for Israel.
Stephens gets to the point rather quickly, claiming that “The president has abruptly undermined Israel’s security following a phone call with an Islamist strongman in Turkey. So much for the idea, common on the right, that this is the most pro-Israel administration ever.
“I write this as someone who supported Trump moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and who praised his decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal as courageous and correct. I also would have opposed the president’s decision to remove U.S. forces from Syria under nearly any circumstances.
“Contrary to the invidious myth that neoconservatives always put Israel first, the reasons for staying in Syria have everything to do with core U.S. interests.
“Among them: Keeping ISIS beaten, keeping faith with the Kurds, maintaining leverage in Syria and preventing Russia and Iran from consolidating their grip on the Levant.”
The beauty of Stephens overwrought prose is that the careful reader might realize from the git-go that the argument being promoted makes no sense.
Bret has a big heart for the Kurds but the Palestinians are invisible in his piece while his knowledge of other developments in the Middle East is superficial.
First of all, the phone call with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had nothing to do with “undermining Israel’s security.” It concerned the northern border of Syria, which Turkey shares, and arrangements for working with the Kurds, which is a vital interest for both Ankara and Washington.
And it might be added that from a U.S. national security point of view Turkey is an essential partner for the United States in the region while Israel is not, no matter what it pretends to be.
Stephens then goes on to demonstrate what he claims to be a libel, that for him and other neocons Israel always comes first, an odd assertion given the fact that he spends 80% of his article discussing what is or isn’t good for Israel.
He supports the U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem, the end of the nuclear agreement with Iran, both of which were applauded in Israel but which are extremely damaging to American interests. He attacks the planned withdrawal from Syria because it is a “core interest” for the U.S., which is complete nonsense.
Contrary to Stephens’ no evidence assertion, Russia and Iran have neither the resources nor the desire to “consolidate[e] their grip on the Levant” while it is the United States has no right and no real interest to “maintain leverage” on Syria by invading and occupying the country.
But, of course, invading and occupying are practices that Israel is good at, so Stephens’ brain fart on the issue can perhaps be attributed to confusion over whose bad policies he was defending.
Stephens also demonstrate confusion over his insistence that the U.S. must “resist foreign aggressors…the Russians and Iranians in Syria in this decade,” suggesting that he is unaware that both nations are providing assistance at the request of the legitimate government in Damascus. It is the U.S. and Israel that are the aggressors in Syria.
Stephens then looks at the situation from the “Israeli standpoint,” which is presumably is easy for him to do as that is how he looks at everything given the fact that he is far more concerned about Israel’s interests than those of the United States. …
Dear +BN
Would you please emphasize/elaborate – EDUCATE us in the Jew claim that they were slaves in Egypt.
According to the worlds foremost archeologists, their claim is a sham!
Also, how they believe that they can save themselves by performing good deeds, as opposed to CHRIST-ian belief that salvation can ONLY be granted through the forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ The Lord – Amen+! Thank you BN+!
“Abizaid’s family lived in Israel. He saw some of the first suicide bombings and attacks carried out by Lebanese militants and its allies.
“This included a March 1985 suicide truck bombing targeting the IDF in South Lebanon on the road to Metulla. He saw Shi’ite resistance fighters firing Katyusha rockets into Israel from Lebanon.”
Hey Bro:
Did he also see the brutal truck bombing murder of all our US Marines back in the 80s that the Jew Mossad/IDF carried out too?
You wrote: “Would you please emphasize/elaborate – EDUCATE us in the Jew claim that they were slaves in Egypt. According to the worlds foremost archeologists, their claim is a sham!.”
I write back: “Jew claim” you say? “A sham according to archaeologists?”
It is the Historical Record of the the Holy Prophet Moses who gave us the account of God’s Creation, Man’s fall, Redemption though the seed of the woman Who would trample on the Serpent; AND the enslavement of Jews in Egypt.
All of the writings of Moses have been confirmed by the Holy Prophets of the Old Testament and of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in the Gospels.
We do not discount the writings of this very holy man, Moses, as the wicked Supreme Court Jews did in redefining ‘marriage’ (contrary to Moses’ definition) that two men or two women could actually ‘marry.’
Moses received DIRECT Revelation from God as He Himself stated regarding Moses:
“Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.
My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.
With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?” Numbers 12
Thus the JEWS: Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor, Breyer, were “not afraid to speak against God’s servant Moses.”
Like Miriam, who did speak against Moses and was punished with leprosy, they WILL ALSO BE PUNISHED, but for them an everlasting punishment of gnashing of teeth, outer darkness, worms that die not, unceasing punitive fire.
Miriam repented and her punishment of leprosy was healed 8 days later.
BUT the Jews of SCOTUS (and all others who defy God’s servant Moses) have not repented.
Their leprous bodies will eat away at them perpetually unto eternity UNLESS they repent. (I doubt these Christ-haters, Moses-defiers, will.)
+Brother Nathanael Kapner
Member in Good Standing
ROCOR (Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia) @
A very ominous video:
Can you tell who he is talking about??