Jews Are Very Smart!
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Jews Are Very Smart!
April 4, 2018 ©
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Brother Nathanael @ April 4, 2018
Text –Text– Text
Jews are very smart.
This is something everyone agrees on.
Growing up Jewish was like living in an incubator in order to maintain the high temperature of this popular perception.
For instance, if I ever said something stupid I was pounced on by other Jews as having a “goyisha kup,” that is, “thinking like a goy.”
And we have lots of role models today who “think like Jews,” not goys,
and get a lots of attention from ‘goys.’
[Clip: Music, walking to chair, waiving her hands]
See what I mean? She’s a superstar!
[Clip: “Justice Ginsberg, thanks very much for taking the time to sit down with us today. You’ve been working on issues of women’s rights, gender equality for your whole career. As you look back, what have you accomplished over the course of your career?” “I haven’t accomplished anything alone, but I was fortunate to be part of, of, of a revived feminist movement starting in the late ’60s. And I was a lawyer with a talent that could contribute to that, to that effort.”]
Well, yeah.
Jewish lawyers have “talent” for getting the intended verdict.
For instance, a Gentile acquaintance of mine told me he got ripped off in a business deal and was looking for a ‘good Jewish lawyer.’
He suddenly switched his story saying that the person who ripped him off was Jewish and that a Jewish lawyer wouldn’t quite fit the bill.
So you’ll get a Gentile lawyer? I asked.
“I’m forced to,” he said.
Well, sounded like he was settling for ‘second-best’ Since Jewish lawyers got the smarts.
[Clip: “As dean of Harvard Law School, you did two things: You hired some conservatives–which is a good thing–and you opposed military recruitment, which I thought was inappropriate. But we’ll have a discussion about what all that really does mean. It’s a good example of what you bring to this hearing: a little of this and a little of that.
Now, what do we know? We know you’re very smart.”]
It’s assumed from the start, she’s Jewish, she’s smart.
[Clip: “Now, as we move forward and deal with law-of-war issues, the Christmas Day bomber — where are you at on Christmas Day?” “Senator Graham, that is an undecided legal issue, which — well, I suppose I should ask exactly what you mean by that. I’m assuming that the question you mean is whether a person who is apprehended in the United States is…” “No, I just asked you where you were at on Christmas?” “You know, like all Jews, I was probably at a Chinese restaurant.”]
Jews crack smart jokes too, and, of course, don’t celebrate Christmas.
Jews celebrate Hanukkah.
The White House celebrates Hanukkah too.
[Clip: “Earlier this week President Trump hosted his first Hanukkah reception. As president of the White House his family was also in attendance”
“Well I know for a fact there are a lot of happy people in this room. (Applause). Jerusalem. Thank you. And Melania and I are thrilled to welcome you and so many wonderful friends to the White House. We wish you a very happy Hanukkah, and I think this one will go down as especially special. (Applause.)”
“Baruch Atah, Melech Ha’Olam, Sh’hecheyanu, V’Kiyemanu, V’Higianu LaZman HaZeh.
“We’ll now proceed with the lighting of the hanukkiya, of the menorah. I will light the shamash, the top light, and then the President’s grandchildren will kindle the first light, heralding symbolically the upcoming first night of Hanukkah. As soon as the President’s grandchildren light this light, please join me in singing the first stanza of one of the most beloved of Hanukkah songs which is Ma’oz Tzur. And I mean please join me because we do not want to subject the President and the First Lady uh to my own singing. So uh so, all those who know please join me. I will light the shamash, and then you take the candle, right? There you go, you got it?”]
You know, Kushner’s children come from a mixed marriage.
Kushner’s smart, he’s Jewish, he’s got an office in the West Wing, that’s pretty smart.
Ivanka, I don’t know. She doesn’t look Jewish.
We don’t hear much from Kushner these days. Is he on his way out?
But he’s very smart. Very well connected with other very smart Jewish people.
His dad, Charles, is also very smart.
He bankrolled Trump’s campaign from the start.
Giving bucks to Manhattan hacks is a very smart Jewish thing to do.
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Hey Bro
Sorry I missed early on your post on our favorite Israel loving neocon John “bombs away” Bolton.
I didn’t get a chance to read it until three dcays after it posted and by then my post would’ve been buried deep in the comments.
I consider myself somewhat if an expert.
On Bolton, kind-of like an epidemiologist might be expert on world wide pandemic outbreaks. Get the drift?
One thing about bombs away you didn’t mention, is the evil-like devious underhanded thing he pulled on the UN.
And a very honest stand guy called Bustami stood in the way of the Jewish Israeli neocon plan, first proposed by Jew Oded Yinon.
The plan was then revised by the Jewish spies deceitfully masquerading as dual citizens Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and Doug Feiith who first infected our government by entering throug the Israel sympathizer Scoop Jackson’s office then thru the naive president Reagan’s officeto destroy Israel’s enemies by using our US military as a subservient proxy military to do the biddings if the Jew’s and Israel.
— Director General of the OPCW
Bustani was appointed the first director general of the OPCW in 1997. His four-year term was due to expire in 2001. However, he was unanimously reelected to this position one year early, in May 2000 for a term of four years.
— Removal from Office
Soon after, Bustani fell out of favour with the U.S., who now began to lobby aggressively for Bustani’s removal, in a campaign orchestrated by U.S. official John Bolton.
Finally, at Bolton’s behest, a special meeting was held in The Hague on Sunday, April 21, 2002. Following what are reputed to have been both secretive and very tempestuous deliberations, a vote was held, with Bustani’s removal being carried by a vote of 48–7, with 43 abstentions.
This was the first time in history that the head of a major international organization was removed during his/her term of office.
There is much controversy surrounding the reasons behind Bustani’s removal.
Bustani had been negotiating with the Iraqi government, and was hoping to persuade them to sign up to the OPCW, thus granting OPCW inspectors full access to Iraq’s purported “chemical weapons arsenal”.
If Bustani had succeeded, this would have placed a formidable obstacle in the path of the Bush administration’s war plans, by removing their ostensible motive. Bustani’s supporters insist this was the reason why the US forced him out.
The Bush administration claimed that Bustani’s position was no longer tenable, stating three main reasons: “polarizing and confrontational conduct,” “mismanagement issues” and “advocacy of inappropriate roles for the OPCW”.
Bustani’s supporters also claim that the U.S. ambassador issued threats against OPCW members in order to coerce them to support the U.S. initiative against Bustani, including the withdrawal of U.S. support for the organization.
It has been said that Bustani was bullied out from the OPCW by John Bolton — something that appears consistent with what was said about Bolton’s practices during the U.S. Senate hearings prior to his appointment as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
Bustani filed a complaint with the International Labour Organization Administrative Tribunal, which a year later set aside the dismissal decision, and provided moral as well as material financial compensation to Bustani; Bustani did not seek reinstatement.
According to the Statement of the Delegation of Brazil, on the IX Conference of States Parties to the CWC (Chemical Weapons Convention, a treaty signed in 1993) on 3 December 2004, he donated 100% of his compensation to the International Cooperation programmes of the OPCW.
A letter from Ambassador Bustani regarding this donation and comments about the final Judgement of the ILOAT on the issue of his removal can be found in a National Paper distributed by Brazil, document C-9/NAT.1, dated 13 August 2004.
I leave you all with this rather unpleasant but very real possibility:
Bibi Satanyahu couldn’t have personally hand-picked a better Israeli Jewish spy to be implanted into our government than Bolton.
Was it not Maxwell Smart who used to walk into walls?
Well, define “smart”.
I never considered them intelligent or wise. The occasional Jewish nerd will have a left-brained acumen for technical details that may be impressive. But a truly clear grasp of objective reality and the wisdom to act upon it, I seldom if ever see.
The apostle Paul made a distinction between the wisdom of the world and the wisdom from above, and his insight that God gave him would be a Jew at the top of my list as a truly exceptional mind.
Maybe the smart that you are referring to is cunning. In that case I’ll give it to you.
They are. Along with guile and deviousness and greed. But those things tend to also include a profound tunnel vision near blindness.
Unfaithfulness and disbelief is never very “smart”.
I suppose you could say that their “smart” is highly idiosyncratic to their own ends and worldly viewpoint.
That was great. Made my day!
Very, very funny!
Personally, I’ve never thought the Jews where dumb, according to this world.
Jesus, tells us the controllers of this world are wiser than then the children of light.
So use your worldly wealth to help the poor. Not to be mis-interpreted as giving your resources to Christ-hating swines.
Hi Brother Nathanael,
The definition of stupidity and/or insanity: “To always do things the same way and expect different results.” I am sure everybody has heard this before.
So we find that Jews have been expelled throughout their history from well over a hundred places because they NEVER learn from their experiences.
When they enter a host country each and every time they follow the exact same script of parasitism, infiltration and subversion. They always overplay their hand! It always led to the exact same repercussions. How smart is that?
History will repeat itself. Thanks to the Internet, the whole world has their measure now but apparently they do not understand that this time the repercussions will also be on a global scale. They don’t get it! How smart is that?
Or do they perhaps have another planet they plan on escaping to?
So I’d suggest to Jews to:
A) start repenting and making amends and hope that Gentiles will show them the kind of mercy and justice they themselves are clearly incapable of; or
B) start the weeping and gnashing of teeth for the long overdue balancing of the books is coming!
The video reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield who said when he was born he was so ugly his mother said ‘He’s not mine’.
Wonder what the moms of the Jew Queen Bitches Kagan and Ginsberg said when they were hatched?
There are certainly some crafty Jews; however, their power is in their supernatural unity.
As Henry Ford wrote in his book, The International Jew – The World’s Foremost Problem: “Judaism is the most closely organized power on earth, even more than the British Empire.”
It is not typical for a person (or people) to endeavor all of their life to contribute to a goal that neither they nor their children will benefit from, something that will likely not materialize for perhaps even centuries.
Jews seem to be driven by a mentality that doesn’t die and drives them like ponds to acheive a goal many generations after them — a supernatural mentality — perhaps that of the devil.
The Jews rejected their Messiah, that was not smart.
All that accepted Christ, to them gave he the power to become the “Sons of God” by adoption.
Happy Easter, Br. Nat.
The definition of stupidity and/or insanity is “Doing the same actions over and over and expecting different results”.’
When the Jews enter a host nation, they follow the exact same script of parasitism, infiltration and subversion. Throughout history this has caused their expulsion from several nations, beginning around 250 AD, and they were expelled from some nations more than once. How smart is that?
History will, indeed, repeat itself. Thanks to the Internet, the whole world has their measure now, but apparently they don’t understand that this time the repercussions will also be on a global scale. They just don’t get it! How smart is that?
Or, perhaps they have another planet wherein they can escape?
My advice to them is this:
1) Start repenting and making amends and hope that Gentiles will show them the kind of mercy and justice they themselves are incapable of; or
2) Start the weeping and gnashing of teeth, for the long overdue balancing of the books is coming.
I wish, Brother, I could send you $5,000 to help you get out of debt, but I have expenses coming up, such as my auto insurance bill’s due on May 5, and I still need my car’s interior lights taken care of .. and, I’m a retiree on a fixed income. However, I intend to send you my prayers and a small contribution.
I just wish your wealthiest readers/viewers would do their part and get you back in the black. I also wish that one or more of them would sponsor your Evangelism trips as well. Just don’t give up; the Lord Jesus has your back.
God bless you always,
Two Billion Facebook Users Hacked and Data Sold.
Go watch the video from RT.
Facebook believes ‘most’ of its 2bn users had their data improperly mined & misused
The personal information of 87mn users was improperly shared with Cambridge Analytica, the social media giant has said, while also admitting that they “believe most people on Facebook” have had their data misused at some point.
Close your Facebook Today.
What a hilarious Video, dear +BN, of smart Jews tripping over their own brains for all of the world to see.
Now for the not so funny side of the disgusting, stupid, Zhyddish brainiacs wallowing in their own glorious moral sewage, intentionally and shamelessly committing war crimes for all to see.
The diapered Zeta-male IDF snipers blew off the knee of a Palestinian league footballer (soccer) and badly damaged the other knee with a “butterfly” bullet at the March of Return a few days ago.
Khalil was nowhere close to the Gaza prison fence.
While taking a selfie, the video captures the shooting and a brief second of the horrific damage after Khalil hit the ground.
As he was moving around talking during the selfie, he happened to turn to the side, exposing the right side of his knee to the unseen sniper.
Sniper then took the shot aiming for a two-fer on both knees.
Mohammed Kareem, Khalil’s friend, uploaded Khalil’s selfie video and marked out where the sniper was (pinpoint sized on the video), and added English captions to what Khalil was saying.
I hope you, with your “Jewish souls,” “Jewish values,” and “Jewish morals,” all choked on your Bloody Pesach Seder. We all see out in the open what “Judaism” has to offer the world now.
Mohammed Kareem @vic2pal (video)
Video shows the exact moment of shooting the Palestinian footballer
Mohammed Khalil in his knee putting an end to his career.Note that
Mohammed was protesting peacefully & unarmed in #GreatReturnMarch
Now, Mohammed needs a knee replacement surgery to be able to walk again
Dr. Basem Naim @basemn63 (photos)
Alert! This is the bullets, #Israel forces is using
on the peaceful protesters in #Gaza. They r
explosive bullets & intl. prohibited, called
the butterfly. It enters the body of the victim &
opens inside the body, making much destruction.
There r 100s of such cases.
Dr. Basem Naim @basemn63
Eli Hazan, spokesman 4 #Netanyahu’s Likud,
referred to the men, women, children and elderly
protesters camped 100s of metersfrom the border fence,
and told @i24NEWS_EN Monday without flinching:
“All 30,000 are legitimate targets” ?!
#GazaMassacre #GreatMarchOfReturn #ICC4Israel
In preparation for Friday’s protests, Gazans have also been collecting tires, which they plan to burn near the border fence in hopes that the thick, black smoke will make it difficult for soldiers to shoot at demonstrators. On social media, this Friday’s protest is already being dubbed Rubber Tire Day.
They are also collecting as many mirrors as possible to try to temporarily blind the snipers. Bulldozers were at work expanding the area of the tent encampment near Khan Yunis, in southern Gaza, and creating sand heaps near the border fence to protect demonstrators from Israeli fire.
Its all temporary luciferian anti-life smartness, that causes the total destruction of the entire planet.
Jews celebrate Ha-Nuke-Ahhhh.
Al Jazeera: The Lobby
Al Jazeera Investigations exposes how the Israel lobby influences British politics. A six-month undercover investigation reveals how Israel penetrates different levels of British democracy.
Episode One: In part one, Al Jazeera Investigations reveals how pro-Israel groups are trying to influence Britain’s youth.
Episode Two: In part two, our undercover reporter joins a delegation from the Israeli embassy at last year’s Labour Party Conference.
Episode Three: In part three, our undercover reporter witnesses a heated conversation between two opposing activists. The evidence raises serious questions about whether accusations of anti-Semitism are used to stifle political debate.
Episode Four: In part four, the senior political officer at the Israeli embassy in London discusses a potential plot to ‘take down’ British politicians – including a minister.
Still waiting for Al Jazeera to release that part of The Lobby series which concurrently investigated the Lobby in the US.
More information on the likely hold up:
Help! Help! Terrorist!
—– Israel Kills Palestinians and Western Liberals Shrug – Their Humanitarianism Is a Sham
–Mehdi Hassan
Where is the outcry from liberal interventionists across the West when Palestinians are massacred asks Mehdi Hasan
“On Friday, the IDF shot an astonishing 773 people with live ammunition, killing 17 of them.”
“If the concept of intervention is driven by universal human rights, why is it — from the people who identify themselves as liberal interventionists — why do we never hear a peep, a word, about intervening to protect the Palestinians?”
That was the question I put to the French philosopher, author, and champion of liberal (or humanitarian) interventionism, Bernard-Henri Lévy, on my Al Jazeera English interview show “Head to Head” in 2013.
The usually silver-tongued Levy struggled to answer the question. The situation in Palestine is “not the same” as in Syria and “you have not all the good on one side and all the bad on the other side,” said Levy, who once remarked in reference to the Israeli Defense Forces, or IDF, that he had “never seen such a democratic army, which asks itself so many moral questions.”
I couldn’t help but be reminded of my exchange with the man known as “BHL” this past weekend, as I watched horrific images of unarmed Palestinian protesters at the Gaza border being shot in the back by the “democratic army” of Israel. How many “moral questions” did those Israeli snipers ask themselves, I wondered, before they gunned down Gazan refugees for daring to demand a return to their homes inside the Green Line?
On Friday, the IDF shot an astonishing 773 people with live ammunition, killing 17 of them. Yet a spokesperson for the IDF bragged that Israeli troops “arrived prepared” and “everything was accurate. … We know where every bullet landed.” On Sunday, Israel’s hawkish defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman, roundly rejected calls from the European Union and the United Nations for an independent inquiry into the violence and insisted that “our soldiers deserve a commendation.”
To be clear, then: Israeli troops will continue to murder and maim Palestinians while the Israeli government guarantees that there will be no consequences for their actions.
So, where is the outcry from liberal interventionists across the West? Where is BHL, as Palestinians are being shot and wounded in the hundreds in 2018?
Where is the call from former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose 1999 speech in Chicago defending the concept of a “just war” and a “doctrine of the international community” became a key text for liberal interventionists, for a “no-fly” zone over Gaza? Why does a guest speaker at Ariel Sharon’s funeral have nothing to say about the increasing number of Palestinian funerals?
Where is the moral outrage from former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, the famously pro-intervention, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of a “A Problem From Hell,” which lamented U.S. inaction in Rwanda, over the sheer number of unarmed Palestinians shot, killed, and injured in recent days? How does she have time to retweet a picture of an elephant and a lion cub, but not to make a statement about the violence in Gaza?
Where is the demand from Canadian academic-turned-politician Michael Ignatieff, who was once one of the loudest voices in favor of the so-called responsibility to protect doctrine, for peacekeeping troops to be deployed to the Occupied Territories?
Where are the righteously angry op-eds from Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times, or Richard Cohen of the Washington Post, or David Aaronovitch of The Times of London, demanding concrete action against the human rights abusers of the IDF?
And where is the appeal from former U.S. Secretary of State and arch-interventionist Madeleine Albright for economic and financial sanctions against the state of Israel? For an arms embargo? For travel bans on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Lieberman, and IDF chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot?
Their silence is deafening — and telling. Palestinians, it seems, have been so dehumanized that they don’t deserve a humanitarian intervention; their blood is cheap, their plight is unimportant, and, perhaps above all else, their killers are our friends.
Should we really be surprised, though? After all, this isn’t the first time that members of the liberal intervention brigade have shamelessly ignored the tragic deaths of innocent Palestinians.
You hit it well. Jews are not smart rather they are dubious, cunning, parasitic, and above all diabolical.
Repeated pogroms all over history, how smart is that?
Judaism is the only religion without a temple and a priest. How smart is that?
Israel is the only country created by the United Nations and the only country that trampled the highest number of the UN resolutions. How smart is that?
Obviously they’re children of the devil!
the 1st Commandment is the issue.
The story in Genesis is about the children of Israel.
There are in fact NO “Proselytes” to Talmudic Judaism in the Old Testament. ipso facto “The Jews rejected their Messiah, that was not smart.”
The Children of Israel who are not ‘Proselytes’ to Talmudic Judaism should not violate the 1st Commandment
John 8:44 — Judah Monis, Scholem Asch, Benjamin H. Freedman & six million more.
Share the good news of the Gospel — today!!!
No one on earth HAS to stay in the cult compound for the Jesus-hating psychopaths.
If Goys stick together, work together, think alike, cherish their people then Goys are called racist by the Jews who own the show, for now.
The only smart Jews in modern times were the ones who conned Woodrow Wilson onto legalizing the Federal Reserve. Other than that Jews are stupid.
For one thing Jews love blood sacrifice to their gods, love to sacrifice Goys, ritual and wars, stupid, this will be their undoing. Jews, are mean to animals, cruel, the Creator, I am sure doesn’t like this about Jews. Jews, are overly licentious and perverted in so many ways. For another thing Jews think brainwashing Goys will have no effect on Jews, wrong, as we can see by all the black male and white Jewish female sex unions.
Mayer Amschel Bauer, was a smart Jew. If not for him, Jews would still be doing paving jobs and robbing their clients, reading palms and ripping off their customers, the women selling themselves for a few dollars.
No, Jews aren’t smart, Jews are parasites, nothing about the systems of white people were established by Jews, in fact Jews have laid ruin to every good thing Goys have ever done, this too Jews must pay for.
Jews, just by controlling and using the Goys money, move in on everything Goy and mess it up, like it is today.
The day will come when the chickens come home to roost, then we’ll see how smart Jews are.
Make your bed and lie in it. It is good the Jews worry so much for they must know, what goes around comes around.
And the next Leader of the Gentiles may do everything and more that Hitler is accused of doing, though Hitler did nothing but bend over backwards to facilitate the Jews, certainly, he didn’t have Jews murdered, not at all.
In fact Hitler punished, even personally executed an officer of his people, for mistreating a Jew. History, like a bad meal, can come back to haunt a person, a people, what will history say about the Jews fifty years from now and how will the Goys deal with that?
Jews are not any gods’ chosen people, and, pay day is right around the corner.
If I was a Jew, Sarah Silverman for example, I too would scream and holler, make fun of the terror my people have brought onto the world, humans, and other living things, because, I, like Sarah, would know, pay back is a mf’er.
If they hide we will find them, if they go into the ground we will bring the ground down onto them, we will drown them in the water below, if they try to fight back we will annihilate them, numbers don’t lie, Jews are so few, we are so many, a big mistake is always being so exclusive, for, way too many are left out and these you will have to deal with in time.
Jews think they have the bases covered. They have no idea the plot brewing right below the surface of this Earth.
Never think we are alone, we are not alone, we were never alone. When Jews try to collect on the bill they think the Leadership owes them, when the Leadership comes down on us, we, the people, then new Leadership and a new methodology will be borne of the hate, like a disease hate will fill the bodies of men so they will destroy their oppressors, even the Earth if necessary.
Men ran the Annunaki packing from this side of the ice wall. Jews, what a joke, no problem’o as one crypto Jew once said.
Cunning? Devious? Murderous?
how about out of power?
People-correct it if it’s it wrong but…
Isn’t going to court in any major American city basically like a modern day Sanhedrin or Phrasiac meetup?
You’ve got Jewish judges, Jewish bureaucrats in auxiliary agencies that influence the courts, mostly Jewish lawyers and prosecutors. At least the big shot lawyers making all the big moves in the courts are Jews — plenty of slob lawyers of half-ass competency with goy surnames.
There are even Jewish law enforcement leaders. They ain’t stopping people for speeding or parking violations but probably do make alterations in shift command patrol coverage when a big shipment their cotribalists and Masonic brothers bring in arrives into town because they say Wall Street is involved in certain domestic controversies, lol.
Israel and the Talmudic Zionist Jews control the United States, Canada, and the European Union.
The Jews are moving against Holy Russia. World War III is around the corner.
The Rothschilds will make trillions of dollars since thy control the central banks. The Jews are the Synagogue of Satan and their father is the DEVIL.
Hey Brother N:
Jews are definitely smart. They killed Jesus and have a lot of holidays. They paid off the president in 1913 and got us the Federal Reserve.
The Jews are smart but they did one really dumb thing: They killed Jesus. Now they are killing America
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The Talmudic Jews think themselves so smart that gentiles are like cattle compared to them.
Lots of articles state that Jews have been expelled from about 110 different nations down through the ages. The major reason seems to be that Zionist Jews always try to set themselves up as the rulers of the world.
The children of the devil, with the Zionist super bankers at the top, are Satan’s human hierarchy through which Satan rules the governments of this dark world.
In their devilish desire to rule the world they make themselves disgusting. Their anti-Christ madness, evil migrant floods designed to drown Christianity, etc, appears to be what will cause the beast and the ten horns to start hating them.
The drug addiction, pornography, sodomy, transgender toilets, migrant floods, debt slavery scams, and such evils of the Zionist Jews will backfire. This time it will be worldwide. They will flee from a lion only to meet a bear. No nation will want to bail them out because their evil is so horrible.
If they were not blinded by their father the devil they would be smart enough to see this.
The Real News: US Blocks UN Investigation into Israeli Military Killings in Gaza (pt. 1/2)
Reacting to Trump administration blocking of a UN investigation into Israeli military’s killings of Palestinians, Col. Larry Wilkerson says the United States is “in the back pocket of Israel like we have never been associated with any other country in the world.”
US Blocks UN Investigation into Israeli Military Killings in Gaza (pt. 2/2)
As the May 12 deadline for the Iran Nuclear Agreement looms, Trump and his new foreign policy advisors, Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, are determined to toe Netanyahu’s line about cancelling the agreement, seeking regime change in Iran, says Col. Larry Wilkerson
Oh, Mossad. Was this you?
Syriana Analysis video below shows a clip from 2013 of a Sunni Muslim of the “FSA”/Al Qaeda terrorist head-chopper blob after their capture of Jobar calling for the Jews to come and haul the religious and cultural artifacts away from synagogue.
This has all the earmarks of a professional heist, which in my opinion was carried out with the paid assistance of Israel’s pet jihadi terrorists.
Many religious artifacts and synagogue furnishings were carefully removed. There is not one burnt or rubbished book on the floor or strewn around, no broken furniture or glass from windows, and no busted chandeliers on the floor mixed in with the rubble.
Even the benches and chairs were taken away, but that may have been later if the terrorists recycled the left over furniture.
It would have taken several trucks to haul away the synagogue’s treasures. In the scenes from the 2013 clip, the Torah Scroll is missing from the Ark, a little ornamental closet facing Jerusalem that its kept it. It was probably taken when some of the the last remaining Syrian Jews were airlifted out at the start of the war.
Syrian Jews have a long history of emigration to North American, Latin American and British Jewish communities. Back in 1992, the 4,000 remaining members of the Damascus Jewish community, as well as the Aleppo community and the Jews of Qamishli, were permitted under the government of Hafez al-Assad to leave Syria provided they did not immigrate to Israel.
Within a few months, thousands of Syrian Jews made their way to Brooklyn, with a few families choosing to go to France and Turkey. The majority settled in Brooklyn with the help of their kin in the Syrian Jewish community. As of 2016, there is reportedly 18 Jews left in Syria after several hundred were airlifted out after the international war on Syria began.
In April of 2014, WSJ ran an article about “One Muslim’s Quest to Save a Revered Syrian Synagogue — A Syrian Muslim Sought Help From Israel and American Jews.”
“Maj. Avichay Adraee, an Israeli army spokesman, was taken aback when he received a message from a mysterious man writing from the heart of Syria’s bloody civil war.
“The man, a Sunni Muslim who created a Facebook page called “Jobar Synagogue,” said he was on a mission to preserve his town’s crown jewel, a centuries-old religious site.
In it, WSJ also embedded a video from the Jew’s point of view about the Jobar Synagogue, narrated by presumably a rabbi, perhaps a Syrian Jew (who has odd moments when he smiles). The synagogue was struck by rockets in Spring of 2014, and partially destroyed.
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Strolling back in time, Times of Israel reported on 1 April 2013, “‘The rebels said the Syrian government looted the synagogue before burning it to the ground,’ Israel Radio reported Sunday.
“The government said the rebels burned the synagogue and that so-called Zionist agents stole its historic religious items in an operation that had been planned for several weeks, the Arabic Al-Manar Television reported, citing the Arabic Syria Truth website.”
“…Maamoun Abdul-Karim, head of the Antiquities and Museums Department of the Syrian Culture Ministry Maamoun Abdul-Karim, head of the Antiquities and Museums Department of the Syrian Culture Ministry, told The Associated Press,’It’s the Syrian mosaic and the heritage of the people.’
“Abdul-Karim said some objects from the synagogue had been stolen last year (2012), but that officials hadn’t been able to visit the building in about four months because rebels control the area.”
In March and April 2013, there were videos of mortar damage to the Jobar synagogue — several holes had been punched through walls, but relatively minor amount of damage occurred to the furnishings and artifacts in the jam-packed but orderly interior had been damaged — glass broken, books knocked off shelves, etc.
Jobar Media — FSA Rebels – March 2013:
“Opposition” blames al Assad. Damage footage begins at 01:25:
Naturally, the “Syrian regime” was blamed and found guilty as part of the great coordinated Western/Syrian “opposition” propaganda war on Syria, and all it was lacking was the weeping violin music.
There’s a variety of still photos in the WSJ vid, but there’s one incriminating undated photo at 1:50 that’s inserted into the series of photos illustrating the narrative of battle damage — its the interior of the main part of the synagogue.
The undated photo clearly shows that the building at the time the photo was taken was intact and undamaged. Everything had been stripped out from the interior, with the exception of chandeliers still hanging from the ceiling. And, there’s a ladder right next to one of the largest chandeliers. What considerate terrorists!
At this point, I believe the Syrian government, considering that one photo in the WSJ vid which shows the interior of the synagogue completely cleared out in an orderly fashion, the building still mostly intact, with the removal of the chandeliers in process.
An inscription in English at the synagogue reads, “Shrine and synagogue of prophet Eliahou Hanabi since 720 BC,” built on the site per Jewish tradition where the prophet Elijah concealed himself from persecution and anointed his successor, Elisha, as a prophet.
The synagogue was a major Jewish center in Medieval Syria.
Jews are smarter than Holy Scripture to know the exact place where Elijah concealed himself, despite the fact that the Holy Bible clearly records that the Prophet Elijah withdrew to a cave in Horeb/Mt Sinai.
Some Islamic traditions describe the site to be the tomb of Al-Khizr, a prophet who traveled with Moses.
Syriana Analysis: Has Israel stolen the synagogue of Jobar (Eastern Ghouta)?
The Syrian soldier from the Republican Guard, Wassim Issa documents the organized theft and destruction of the oldest Jewish Synagogue of its kind in Jobar/Eastern Ghouta.
Days of Palestine
Today’s first victim is Thaer Mohammed, 30, who died of wounds he sustained last Friday while peacefully protesting in the #GreatReturnMarch.
Death toll rose to 22 and is likely to rise during #The_Friday_of_Tires.
“Bullying bullets” .. A firefight aimed at paralyzing peaceful demonstrators
The video is in Arabic of interviews of two Palestinian males who were shot in the knees and legs by snipers at the Gaza March and their family, friends, and a trauma doctor at one of the Gazan hospitals.
Most of the shooting victims receive bullets to the head, knees, and pelvis/hip/groin.
At 2:23, X-rays of pulverized knee joints and bone caused by Jew snipers’ “butterfly” ammunition are shown.
RT: Abby Martin interview critical of Israel is blocked by YouTube in 28 countries
Published time: 6 Apr, 2018 00:12
An episode of Abby Martin’s Empire Files, featuring journalist Max Blumenthal and spotlighting rising militarism in Israel, has been blocked by YouTube in 28 countries, including Israel and the UK, for violating “local laws.”
“Just notified by YouTube that Abby Martin’s interview with Max Blumenthal has been blocked from being viewed in 28 countries (including Israel) to ‘comply with local laws.’ Actions disabled & warnings for viewers elsewhere,” the program’s official Twitter account related on Thursday.
Entitled “Jewish-American on Israel’s Fascism: ‘No Hope For Change From Within’,” the episode featured a discussion between Martin and journalist Max Blumenthal about the increasingly militaristic, racist attitude of Israel towards Palestinians.
“YouTube has claimed that it removed my interview on Israel-Palestine with Abby Martin to comply with laws in 28 countries.
“However, nothing I did or said in the discussion was even remotely illegal, even in countries with the strictest hate crime laws,” Blumenthal told RT in an email.
“My comments were based entirely on my extensive journalistic experience in the region and my analysis was clinical in nature. At no point did I denigrate anyone based on their faith or ethnicity.”
Blumenthal said that his comments were “motivated by a strong opposition to Israel’s systemic discrimination against Palestinians,” and his “dedication to equal rights for all.”
He called the YouTube’s decision “a political one and likely made under pressure from powerful pro-Israel interests.”
A screenshot from YouTube which accompanied the tweet identified the 28 countries and territories where the video was blocked and this list includes most European countries.
Viewers from around the world responded to Empire Files’ tweet, reporting that the video includes a warning that is has been “identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.”
The video’s description, view counter, comments section, as well as ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ options have apparently also been disabled by YouTube.
According to Blumenthal, this isn’t the first time YouTube has censored his commentary and journalism on Israel-Palestine.
In 2010, he made a viral video exposing “racist extremism” in Israel, which received widespread media coverage and was subsequently removed from the platform without explanation.
“The trend of censoring material that presents Israel in a less than favorable light has only intensified as establishment attacks on critical voices expands.
This latest episode confirms my view that the pro-Israel lobby and its willing accomplices in Silicon Valley present one of the greatest threats to free speech in the West,” Blumenthal told RT.
Last year, YouTube invited the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to join its “Trusted Flagger” system.
The ADL defines opposition to Israel’s system of apartheid as a form of anti-Semitism. Blumenthal told RT that he believes the ADL is likely behind the suppression of his interview with Martin.
Empire Files, the documentary and interview program airing on teleSUR, is known for addressing hot-button issues that are often overlooked or ignored by traditional media.
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This is a 2015 Empire Files video discussion of the Jews’ vicious 2014 51-Day War on Gaza, by the way. It’s excellent.
You have to click to proceed to watch the partially disabled video.
Jewish-American on Israel’s Fascism: “No Hope For Change From Within”
You don’t have to be Einstein to answer this question.
Who is the Saviour of the world?
I’ll give you a hint –
It’s Good Friday (in the Eastern Orthodox calendar).
Arabic Orthodox Chant – Holy Friday
Taking down of Jesus from the Cross –
Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy
Spirit both now and ever and unto ages of
ages. Amen
Thou who art clothed with light as a garment,
when Joseph together with Nicodemus took
Thee down from the Tree and he gazed
upon Thee dead, naked and unburied, and
in grief and mourning he lamented:
Woe is me, my sweetest Jesus! A short while
ago, the sun beheld Thee hanging on the
Cross and it shrouded itself in darkness. The
earth quaked in fear. The veil of the temple
was torn. Now I see Thee willingly submitting
to death for my sake. How shall I bury Thee,
O my God? How can I wrap Thee with
windings sheets? How can I touch Thy most
pure body with my hands? What songs shall
I hymn thy departure, O compassionate one?
I magnify Thy Passion. I glorify Thy Burial
and Thy Holy Resurrection, crying:
O Lord, Glory to Thee!
On Friday night, the Matins of Holy and Great Saturday, a unique service known as the The Lamentation at the Tomb (Epitáphios Thrēnos) is celebrated.
This service is also sometimes called Jerusalem Matins. Much of the service takes place around the tomb of Christ in the center of the nave.
A unique feature of the service is the chanting of the Lamentations or Praises (Enkōmia), which consist of verses chanted by the clergy interspersed between the verses of Psalm 119 (which is, by far, the longest psalm in the Bible).
The Lamentations
(1) In the grave they laid Thee,
O My Life and My Christ
And the armies of the Angels was so amazed,
As they sang the praise of Thy submissive love!
(2) O my sweet Lord Jesus
My salvation, my light
How art Thou now by a grave and its darkness hid?
How unspeakable the mystery of Thy Love!
(3) Gone the Light the world knew.
Gone the Light that was mine.
O my Jesus, Thou art all of my heart’ desire;
So the Virgin spake lamenting at Thy grave.
(4) Who will give me water,
For the tears I must weep?
So the maiden wed to God cried with loud lament;
That for my sweet Jesus I may rightly mourn.
(5) All we call Thee blessed,
Theotokos, most pure.
And with faithful hearts we honour the burial
Suffered three days by Thy Son who is our God.
(6) How O life canst Thou die?
In a grave how canst dwell?
For the proud domain of death Thou destroyest now
And the dead of hades makest Thou to rise.
(7) Now we magnify Thee,
O Lord Jesus our King.
And we venerate Thy passion and burial,
For therewith hast Thou delivered us from death.
Good Friday — Lamentations in Arabic and Greek
Canon of Holy Saturday
The Matins of Holy Saturday are usually celebrated on Friday night in parish churches, but at the 7th hour (1 am) in monasteries.
They begin in the normal way with the singing of God is the Lord, the troparion The Noble Joseph, and the following troparia:
“When Thou didst descend to death 0 Life Immortal,
Thou didst slay hell with the splendor of Thy Godhead!
And when from the depths Thou didst raise the dead,
all the powers of heaven cried out:
O Giver of Life! Christ our God! Glory to Thee!
The angel standing by the grave cried out to the women:
Myrrh is proper for the dead, but Christ has shown himself a stranger to corruption.
In place of the regular psalm reading the entire Psalm 119 is read with a verse praising the dead Saviour chanted between each of its lines.
This particular psalm is the verbal icon of Jesus, the righteous man whose life is in the hands of God and who, therefore, cannot remain dead.
The Praises, as the verses are called, glorify God as “the Resurrection and the Life,” and marvel at his humble condescension into death.
There is in the person of Jesus Christ the perfect unification of the perfect love of man toward God and the perfect love of God toward man.
It is this divine human love which is contemplated and praised over the tomb of the Savior.
As the reading progresses the Praises become shorter, and gradually more concentrated on the final victory of the Lord, thus coming to their proper conclusion:
I long for Thy salvation, 0 Lord, Thy law is my delight (Ps 119:174).
The mind is affrighted at Thy dread and strange burial.
Let me live, that I may praise Thee, and let Thy ordinances help me (119:175).
The women with spices came early at dawn to anoint Thee.
I have gone astray like a lost sheep, seek Thy servant, for I do not forget Thy commandments (119:176).
By Thy resurrection grant peace to the Church and salvation to Thy people!
Canon of Holy Saturday – Odes
Ode 1
Of old Thou didst bury the pursuing tyrant beneath the waves of the sea.
Now the children of those who were saved bury Thee beneath the earth,
but with the maidens let us sing to the Lord,
for gloriously has He been glorified.
Ode 3
Thou didst suspend the earth immovably upon the waters.
Now creation beholds Thee suspended on Calvary.
It quakes with great amazement and cries:
“None is holy but Thee, O Lord.”
Ode 4
Foreseeing Thy divine humiliation on the cross,
Habakkuk cried out trembling;
“Thou didst shatter the dominion of the mighty by
joining those in hell as the almighty Lord.”
Ode 5
Isaiah saw the never-setting light of Thy compassionate
manifestation to us as God, O Christ.
Rising early from the night he cried out:
“The dead shall arise.
Those in the tombs shall awake.
All those on earth shall greatly rejoice.”
Ode 6
Jonah was caught but not held fast in the belly of the whale.
He was a sign of Thee who hast suffered and accepted burial.
Coming forth from the beast as from a bridal chamber,
he called out to the guard:
“By observing vanities and lies you have forsaken your own mercy.”
Ode 7
Inexpressible wonder!
In the furnace Thou didst save the holy youths from the flame.
Now Thou art placed in the grave as a lifeless corpse,
for the salvation of us who sing:
“Blessed art Thou, O God, our Redeemer!”
Ode 8
Be amazed, O heavens!
Be shaken, O foundations of the earth!
Behold, He that dwell in the highest
is numbered among the dead and sheltered in a lowly tomb.
Bless Him, O youths, Praise Him, O priests!
O people, exalt Him above all forever!
Ode 9
Do not lament me O Mother seeing me in the tomb,
the Son you conceived in the womb without seed.
For I shall arise and be glorified with the eternal glorious God.
I shall exalt all those who magnify Thee with faith and in love.
The day embodies in the fullest possible sense the meaning of xarmolipi – joyful-sadness, which has dominated the celebrations of Great Week.
The canon song of Matins continues to praise Christ’s victory over death by His own death, and uses each of the Old Testamental canticles as a prefigurative image of man’s final salvation through Jesus.
Here for the first time there emerges the indication that this Sabbath, this particular Saturday on which Christ lay dead — is truly the most blessed seventh day that ever existed.
This is the day when Christ rests from His work of recreating the world.
This is the day when the Word of God “through Whom all things were made” (Jn 1.3) rests as a dead man in the grave, saving the world of His own creation and opening the graves:
This is the most blessed Sabbath on which Christ sleeps, but to rise again on the third day (Kontakion and Oikos).
Again, the canon ends on the final note of the victory of Christ.
In the 9th Ode, the hymnographer of the Church has penetrated the profound mystery, and helps us to understand it through the following poetic dialogue that he has devised between Jesus and His Mother:
“Weep not for me, O Mother, beholding in the sepulcher the Son
whom thou hast conceived without seed in thy womb.
For I shall rise and shall be glorified, and as God
I shall exalt in everlasting glory those who magnify thee with faith and love.”
“O Son without beginning, in ways surpassing nature
was I blessed at Thy strange birth, for I was spared all travail.
But now beholding Thee, my God, a lifeless corpse,
I am pierced by the sword of bitter sorrow.
But arise, that I may be magnified.”
“By mine own will the earth covers me, O Mother,
but the gatekeepers of hell tremble as they see me,
clothed in the bloodstained garment of vengeance:
for on the Cross as God have I struck down mine enemies,
and I shall rise again and magnify thee.”
“Let the creation rejoice exceedingly, let all those born on earth be glad:
for hell, the enemy, has been despoiled.
Ye women, come to meet me with sweet spices:
for I am delivering Adam and Eve with all their offspring,
and on the third day I shall rise again.”
After the final glorification of the Trinity, the church building is lighted and the first announcement of the women coming to the tomb resounds through the congregation as the celebrant censes the entire church.
Here for the first time comes the clear proclamation of the good news of salvation in Christ’s resurrection.
Listen to Orthodox Christian Rachmaninov Vespers “Bless the Lord, O My Soul” On Good Friday
Psalm 103 King James Version (KJV)
1 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
6 The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.
7 He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.
8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.
9 He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.
10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.
12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.
14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.
15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
16 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.
17 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children’s children;
18 To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.
19 The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.
20 Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.
21 Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.
22 Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the Lord, O my soul.
Arise, O God; judge the earth, for You shall inherit all the Nations.
Glory to God for all things.
Christ Conquers All!
Oh so smart indeed they are. Their cunning and treacherous intelligence is rubbed in our faces everyday, and you better accept it or else.
Who else but smart Jews like Zukerberg and Sandberg of Facebook could convince all the gullible Facebook users to continue using their deceptive services after revelations of massive data “breeches?”
Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg of Faceberg was on the electronic rabbi this morning explaining to the Goyim that the Faceberg team is working day and night to solve this issue for their benefit.
There is really no need for her to do so, because the talmudized Faceberg users don’t care anymore about this than they have about learning the obvious truth about Jewish/Zionist orchestrated events such as 9-11. The date itself reveals much to the remnant of the informed.
“The Creators of the World’s Misfortunes”
Well worth the time for an historical perspective along with the comments and short video.
Well! So much for separation of church and state, sorry synagogue and state is OK.
Let not your hearts be troubled, there is a God in heaven and the battle has already been won, they just don’t know it yet.
Happy Resurrection Day!
Days of Palestine @DaysofPalestine
Since this morning, 4 peaceful protesters have been murdered by #Israeli occupation forces, among them a child.
About 1000 injuries, including 7 women and 31 children.
#GreatReturnMarch #FridayOfTires
Israel Has Used America as a Whore
Hi Brother,
Jews aren’t that smart. My brother and I attended a Jewish High School – Theodor Herzl.
At Matric graduation the Jews thought that a Jewish girl (Lisa Raccussen) was going to be Valedictorian, so much so, that they had her name engraved on the trophy beforehand.
But my brother beat her by a long shot.
Here is a smart Jew.
His Name is Norman Barwin. He is featured on CBC News today. He runs a fertility clinic.
He has been impregnationg various women with his own sperm.
You want a tall blonde blue-eyed kid. You get a wimpy hook nose mongrel complete with various genetic disorders.
Jewish intellect = treachery. Its always the same.
Lots of Jew-wise authors stated that nearly everything Einstein published was plagiarized, that Einstein’s supposed genius is only a product of the Jews’ media.
Have not studied the matter enough to know whether Einstein was a genius or just another Jews’ media fabrication, but it sounds like something Zionist Jews would do.
If so, that would be consistent with stories about Einstein doing poorly in school and being a sub par student.
Like other folks here have noted: there is Godly wisdom – and then there is worldly wisdom.
Jews certainly seem to have the corner on worldly wisdom.
To their credit they ARE very good with money. Give a Jew a million $$$ and in a few years he’s probably turned it into two million $$$.
Give a Goy a million $$$ and in a few years he’s probably broke. They have no equals when it comes to money matters. And second place is a distant second.
Incredible as it seems now, the Jews once gave Satan trouble. But with the Jesus Affair concluded Satan finally gained mastery over them.
Now they give ample evidence that they’ve become his minions.
In fact when you read transcripts or stories of exorcisms the demons sound *a lot* like Jews. They really do: slyness, narcissism, psychological projection, denial, crassness, dishonesty….
And just like the demons they refuse to accept blame for anything. *Nothing* is their fault.
Jews expelled from hundreds of lands throughout history? It’s obviously due to “Anti-Semitism!” (though how can you be against a family of languages?)
Bad as they can be now, at least the bigger Jews, there are many prophecies speaking of their dramatic conversion to Christ once THE Anti-Christ starts tearing into them.
It seems, to me at least, that God’s plan for the Jews, now seemingly lost forever, is in fact proceeding quietly, and at the consummation of the present world His reasons concerning them will be vindicated.
Whenever the Jews’ Media accuses Russia of something rotten, it’s a fairly safe bet that Israel and/or international Jewry was who actually did the dirty deed.
On this basis, it must have been Mossad, Zionists, the usual suspects, who mined the Facebook data of the Jew Zuckerberg.
The Jews’ media has been accusing Russia of mining Facebook info, which suggests Mossad et al was who actually did the deed.
Alahed News: Gaza’s Great Return March: 9 Martyred, Including Journalist, 1000 Injured
Local Editor
While the Palestinians were participating in the peaceful protests outside the occupied borders, “Israeli” occupation forces martyred at least 9 of them, including a journalist, and wounded more than 1,000 others.
n further details, thousands participated in a mass demonstration demanding the right of return for Palestinian refugees.
While the Palestinian Health Ministry reported on Friday that 293 people were injured by live ammunition after Israeli forces fired on protesters who had gathered near the Israeli border in the besieged Gaza Strip.
Elsewhere, hundreds of protesters suffered other injuries, including tear gas inhalation.
The journalists wounded and killed were all wearing their press jackets.
Relatively, one of the martyrs was journalist Yasser Murtaja, a photographer with the Gaza-based Ain Media agency who was hit during protests Friday.
Later, an AFP photograph taken after he was wounded showed Murtaja wearing a press vest as he received treatment.
Meanwhile, the “Israeli” army declined to comment, claiming it was reviewing the incident.
The deaths brought the number of Palestinians martyred during Friday’s confrontations to nine after thousands gathered along the border for the second week in a row.
Some Palestinians burned mounds of tires and threw stones at “Israeli” soldiers over the border fence.
In all, at least 491 Palestinians were injured by shooting, the health ministry said.
Along with dropping teargas from drones, there are reports and videos surfacing that some kind of nerve agent which causes seizures, severe uncontrollable spasming and tremors of the entire body have been used as well.
One smart trick of the Jews is to totally dominate the media and any discussion.
They can use that method to distract from urgent matters, tell subtle lies about who did what, contradict the Gospel so that people become confused, intimidate the goyim from expressing themselves and create a state of helplessness and apathy.
In order to facilitate that, many Jews are crypto Jews or Jews who pretend to be non-Jews or Christians.
People like the Bush crime family, Hillary Clinton, Donal;d Trump and Alex Jones are, I believe, crypto Jews.
Jones claims to be the leader of the 911 Truth Movement but does everything in his power to point away from the true culprits which is organized Jewry and Israel to Saudi Arabia, the CIA, the military industrial complex etc. yet he has thousands of worshippers.
Anyone who totally dominates the discussion with a lot of hollow fluff, I suspect is a crypto Jew.
Governmental, Institutionalized, pathological hatred of Holy, mainly, Christian Russia.
Spiritually decadent, desultory, moribund, LGTB, human garbage receptacle Britain refuses visa to Skipal cousin.
British government officials, and Jew influenced media conduct in this matter has been appalling, by comparison Russian officials and state funded RT channel have behaved with total decorum.
This latest act of spite together with judicial kangaroo behavior can be no better exemplified than by Bozo Boris.
Everybody knows the Jews are crazy.
Everybody knows that they’re no good.
Everybody knows they’re out to screw you.
Everybody knows they run pedowood.
Everybody knows they aim to kill you.
Everybody knows their “law” is the evil Talmud.
Everybody knows
Russian TV: The Holy Fire Descends Upon The Tomb Of The Jesus In Jerusalem, Arriving in Moscow Soon
The Angel Cried
The Angel cried to the Lady Full of Grace:
Rejoice, O Pure Virgin!
Again I say: Rejoice!
Your Son is risen from His three days in the tomb.
With Himself He has raised all the dead.
Rejoice, all ye people!
Shine, shine, O New Jerusalem,
The glory of the Lord has shone on you.
Exult now and be glad, O Zion,
Be radiant, O Pure Theotokos,
In the Resurrection of your Son!
RT: Patriarch Kirill leads Orthodox Easter service at Christ the Saviour Cathedral
Come, Receive the Light
In the Paschal Vigil, there is a dramatic moment when the faithful wait in darkness for the Paschal Light to emerge.
As soon as it does, a famous hymn is chanted: “Come Receive the Light, from the Unwaining Light, and Glorify Christ, Who is risen from the dead.”
Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered!
A sacred Pascha today hath been shown unto us:
a Pascha new and holy,
a Pascha mystical,
a Pascha all venerable,
a Pascha that is Christ the Redeemer;
a Pascha immaculate, a great Pascha;
a Pascha of the faithful;
a Pascha that hath opened the gates of Paradise unto us;
a Pascha that doth sanctify all the faithful.
As smoke vanisheth so let them vanish!
Come from the vision, O ye women, bearers of good tidings, and say ye unto Sion:receive from us the good tidings of the Resurrection of Christ; adorn thyself, exult, and rejoice, O Jerusalem, for thou hast seen Christ the King come forth from the tomb like a bridegroom in procession.
So let sinners perish at the presence of God and let the righteous be glad!
The myrrh-bearing women in the deep dawn stood before the tomb of the Giver of life; they found an angel sitting upon the stone, and he, speaking to them, said thus: Why seek ye the living among the dead?
Why mourn ye the incorruptible amid corruption? Go, proclaim unto His disciples.
This is the day which the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad therein!
Pascha the beautiful, Pascha, the Lord’s Pascha, the Pascha all-venerable hath dawned upon us. Pascha, with joy let us embrace one another. O Pascha! Ransom from sorrow, for from the tomb today, as from a bridal chamber hath Christ shone forth, and hath filled the women with joy, saying: proclaim unto the apostles.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Both now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
It is the day of Resurrection, let us be radiant for the feast, and let us embrace one another. Let us say: Brethren, even to them that hate us, let us forgive all things on the Resurrection, and thus let us cry out:
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, And on those in the tombs bestowing life.
Arise, O God : Byzantine Chant in English
Arise, O God, judge the earth; for Thou shalt have an inheritance among all the nations.
1. God stood in the congregation of the gods, and in the midst He shall stand out among gods.
2. How long will Ye judge unrighteously, and accept the person of sinners?
3. Judge for the orphan and the poor man; do justice to the humble and the pauper.
4. Rescue the poor man and the needy from the hand of the sinner, and deliver him.
5. They have not known nor understood; they walk in darkness; let all the foundations of the earth be shaken.
6. I said: “Ye are gods and all of you sons of the Most High, but like men ye shall die, and like one of the rulers do ye fall.”
The Paschal Canon
Christ is Risen from the dead,
Trampling down death by death,
And on those in the tombs bestowing life.
Paschal Troparion ‘Christ is risen’ in different languages part 1
Paschal Troparion ‘Christ is risen’ in different languages part 2
Paschal Troparion ‘Christ is risen’ in different languages part 3
Civilian Dead, Firefighters Injured In Fire At Trump Tower In New York”
How come the building didn’t implode on itself like a pre-planned controlled demolition? mmmmmmm
Glorious, KathJuliane–
Thank you!
Follow the genealogy and you’ll find many people with the top careers are connected thru family lines.
Ivana, Ivanka’s mother, is said to have Jewish roots. Of course same with Donald.
I would say it’s not intelligence but a combination of networking that gives people with lower IQ’s rubber stamp approval so doors are open for success.
I’ll add to what Lee perfectly said.
Jude is not collectively intelligent, but individually some of them are crafty, like a criminal who never needs to work because he takes, cons, and robs his fellow man.
Also, it is not intellect that makes Jews successful, but mere criminal opportunism. Remember this, their origins are from the start, based on theft and usury.
Once a small but determined criminal family, welded together by self-interest, envy, and hatred of the really clever ones, whom build society and order, found a way to “offer” debt to warring Europeans and Eastern tribal leaders, the rest was easy.
No, these criminals are not highly intelligent, but merely at this current time, building upon past successes of lazy, parasitical opportunists.
The world is now underneath them, as Jude creates its empire.
Blaze at Trump Tower.
4 Questions:
Is this going to be another “Controlled Demolition”?
Has anyone seen the 4 Dancing Israelis on top of the Van FILMING?
After the Controlled Demolition which Countries are the Jew Criminal Mafia going to attack and bomb for 32 days?
Is the False Fake Criminal Media going to blame RUSSIA?
The Bible explains that Satan is the ruler of this world and the anti-Christ Jews are his children. John 12:31, Ephesians 2:2, John 8:44
Satan rules the world through his Jew World Order. That is why Satan gives authority, power, and success to his anti-Christ Jews.
“Trump threatens “Animal Assad,” Putin over alleged chemical attack in Syria” CBS News Headline
Looks like the fat-bottom sellout is willing to start a war for Israel and the U.S. military/security/industrial complex.
Once again based on concocted (Trumped up) chemical weapons charges (no evidence) which Russia predicted would occur over a month ago.
A world war and economic misery is just around the corner for those living in the West…
More Lies about Syria from the Jew Criminal Mafia.
The White Helmets work for the Jew Criminal Mafia.
Russia says “Chemical Attack” in Syria is Fake News and Warns Against Intervention
False flag designed to ‘justify potential military strikes from the outside,’ claims Foreign Minister.
Reports of an alleged gas attack in the Syrian town of Douma are ‘fake news’ aimed at justifying potential strikes against Syria, Moscow said.
It warned of “dire consequences” in the event of any military interference.
USA Go Home. You are not wanted in the Middle East..
As predicted, another false flag chemical attack.
Just as Damascus has successfully negotiated the latest evacuation deal in East Ghouta for the release of expected thousands of kidnapped civilians and soldiers held captive in jails and began transporting busloads of civilians out, with the terrorists to depart within 48 hours, the SAA conducts a “chlorine gas attack” on East Ghoutans?
East Ghouta has been under a total occupation and reign of terror by the CIA-MI6-Mossad international jihadist terrorist army for six years.
60 tons of chemical weapons supplies, including chlorine and mustard gas precursors were found by the SAA in just one week in East Ghouta in terrorist manufacturing facilities using US made production equipment made in the US in 2015.
This proves without doubt that the chemical weapons being used in Syria, but not by Assad.
Syriana Analysis: How To Fabricate Chemical Attack in Syria?
A short clip by Al-Mayadeen TV explains the chronology of creating an alleged chemical attack story from Twitter to UN Security Council hearings.
First bus carrying people held by terrorists in Syria’s Douma reaches Damascus
South Front: The Matrix Failure or Just a Propaganda Misfire?
Last week made a funny compilation showing how local news stations owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group air promotional pieces to combat the spread of “fake stories”.
The most interesting thing is that they all use the same script repeating a very few key ideas:
“We’re concerned about the troubling trend of irresponsible, one-sided news stories plaguing our country.”
“The sharing of biased and false news has become all too common on social media.”
“More alarming, some media outlets publish these same fake stories, stories that just aren’t true, without checking facts first.”
“Unfortunately, some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control exactly what people think. This is extremely dangerous to a democracy.”
However, these outlets have achieved result that they have not expected. They’ve unintentionally revealed a mechanism that direct the mainstream media narrative.
[T-4 (Tiyas) in Homs governate is the same missile base that Trump ordered the strike on last year on April 6, 2017. Israel is labeling it as an “Iranian-affiliated airbase”.]
Last night, the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) responded to a missile attack on the T4 airbase located in the country’s Homs province, on the highway between the cities of Palmyra and Homs.
According to the Syrian state-run news agency SANA, the SADF shot down at least 8 missiles. However, there were several “martyrs and wounded” in the incident.
The Russian state-run news agency Sputnik reported citing an “informed source source” that there had been no casualties and material damage as a result of the missile attack.
“The Syrian Air Defense Force has destroyed a few missiles, which attacked the T-4 air base. The missiles fell in the vicinity of the airfield,” Sputnik quoted the source as saying.
Local sources also indicate that no “notable” damage had been delivered to the base. However, the situation with the casualties remain unclear.
The SANA said that the US may have been behind the missile strike. However, the US Department of Defense officially denied this:
“At this time, the Department of Defense is not conducting air strikes in Syria,” the Pentagon told Reuters in a statement.
“However, we continue to closely watch the situation and support the ongoing diplomatic efforts to hold those who use chemical weapons, in Syria and otherwise, accountable.”
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) rejected to comment on the reports about the missile strike in Syria. However, a video appeared online showing unidentified fighter jets in Lebanese airspace prior to the strike.
Considering that the IDF often uses Lebanese airspace to launch missiles at targets inside Syria, Israel is the main suspect in the last night attack.
According to Lebanon’s Al-Mayadeen TV channel, ISIS terrorists attacked the Syrian Arab Army in Sebaa-Biar area in the Homs desert following the missile strike. Nonetheless, the attack was repelled.
It’s interesting to note that the efficiency of Israeli airstrikes in Syria has significantly decreased over the past few years. In February 2018, the IDF even lost a F-16I warplane as a result of the SADF’s retaliatory fire.
Some Syrian experts speculated that the IDF’s recent problems with delivering strikes in Syria are the reason why Israeli officials and public figures had encouraged US President Donald Trump to use a direct force against the Syrian government on April 8 following reports on the alleged chemical attack in Douma.
However, despite a fierce tweet chain slamming Putin, Russia, Iran and “Animal Assad,” the Trump administration conducted no direct actions last night. So, according to this version of the events, Israel once again attempted to act on its own.
A fact contributing to this version is that the Israeli F-16I was shot down in February when it was conducting strikes on alleged Iranian positions in the T4 Airbase.
Russian forces deployed in Syria, including S-400 and Pantsir-S1 air defense systems and Sukhoi Su-30SM multirole fighters, have been put on a combat alert, according to reports appearing from local sources in the country’s provinces of Tartus and Latakia where Russian military facilities are located.
Meanwhile, the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS claimed citing US officials that the US military is going to provide President Donald Trump with “a set of options for carrying out strikes against the Syrian government”.
“Both the Joint Chiefs of Staff and CENTCOM, the US forces in the Middle East, were compiling target lists and attack options to be presented to Trump and his national security team within hours, the officials said,” i24NEWS wrote.
A few hours earlier, a group of Israeli top officials and public figures officially called on Trump to conduct missile strikes against Syrian government forces in response to the alleged chemical attack in Douma.
In turn, Trump forgot that no confirmation of condicting the attack by government forces had been provided and claimed that “Animal Assad” will pay a “big price”. He also blamed “President Putin, Russia and Iran” for the incident.
Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry denounced the chemical attack reprots as “hoax” and warned that military actions against Syria could lead to the “gravest consequences.”
The conflict Syria is on the brink of another large-scale escalation.
Facebook: Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
11 hrs ·
MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. The Russian Foreign Ministry – МИД России has rejected as fake news Saturday’s reports on a chemical attack carried out by the Syrian government forces in Douma near Damascus.
“Fake news on the use of chlorine or other chemical agents by the government forces continue,” the ministry said. “Another piece of such fabricated information on the alleged chemical attack in Douma emerged yesterday.”
Allegations about the use of chemical agents by the Syrian government forces are aimed at justifying external military strikes, the ministry said. “The goal of these false speculations, which are not substantiated by any facts, is to cover up terrorists and irreconcilable radical opposition, which opposes political settlement, and to simultaneously try to justify potential external military strikes,” the ministry said.
“It is necessary to once again caution that military intervention under false and fabricated pretexts in Syria, where the Russian servicemen stay at the request of the legitimate government, is absolutely unacceptable and may trigger the gravest consequences,” the ministry said.
Earlier on Sunday, the Russian Defense Ministry refuted reports that the Syrian forces had used chemical weapons in Douma in Eastern Ghouta. According to Head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Warring Sides in Syria Major General Yuri Yevtushenko, the allegations that a chlorine barrel bomb had been dropped in Douma by the Syrian armed forces came from the so-called independent non-governmental organizations, including the White Helmets, which is widely known for its fake news.
The general noted that the West used the allegations on chemical attacks to disrupt an operation beginning on Sunday on evacuating from Douma irreconcilable militants of the Jaysh al-Islam group. On Saturday, news broke that they resumed fighting against the government forces.
To divert attention away from the criminal Jewish terrorist state’s mass murder of Gazans and conducting airstrikes on Gaza —
RT: 2 Israeli warplanes carried out strikes on Syrian airbase – Russian MoD
Two Israeli F-15 fighters targeted Syria’s T-4 airbase in Homs province, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday. The jets fired eight guided missiles, but five of them were shot down before they hit the airfield.
In a statement on Monday, the Russian military said: “Two Israeli Air Force F-15 jets fired eight guided missiles at the T-4 airfield.” The Israeli aircraft did not enter Syrian airspace and launched the strikes while flying over Lebanon.
“Syrian air defense units have shot down five guided missiles,” the military said, but confirmed that three of the missiles “reached the western part of the airfield.”
Russia outed the criminal Jewish terrorist state. So much for Israhell’s infamous “ambiguity.”
SANA: Delegated by President al-Assad, Speaker Sabbagh congratulates heads of Christian denominations on Easter
Damascus, SANA- Delegated by President Bashar al-Assad, Speaker of the People’s Assembly Hammoudeh Sabbagh visited on Sunday the heads of Christian denominations that follow the Julian calendar and convoyed to them the congratulations of President al-Assad on the occasion of Easter.
Speaker Sabbagh visited Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II Karim, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox church, and Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East John X Yazigi.
Patriarch Aphrem II, for his part, said that the Easter in its essence is the triumph of life over death, adding that celebrating Easter in light of the circumstances in Syria affirms the will of life of the Syrian people, who defend themselves and their land in the face of what terrorist acts.
In turn, Patriarch Yazigi said that this year’s Easter represents the feast of victory and resurrection because it coincides with the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army in various Syrian areas.
The clergymen also expressed their deep thanks and appreciation to President al-Assad for his generous gesture.
Jews work with Satan like Parson the devil worshipper is behind the military space age.
White Helmets:
Bogus chemical attack Syria.
President Donald Trump wants to attack Syria on the strength of the information obtained from these Idiots.
World’s most photogenic rescuers who ‘don’t care’ about civilians?
The White Helmets work for the JEW World Order Criminal Mafia.
The notorious White Helmets group, claiming to be impartial first responders protecting Syrians – and filming themselves doing so – are again to the fore in Western media coverage, after they accused Damascus of a chemical attack.
They are working closely with the terrorists and operating under their protection.
Fake News.
All the main stream False Fake Propaganda News is SCRIPTED by Jews.
Another Jew Scam.
I’m still looking for those Weapons of Mass Destruction The U.S.A. accused Iraq of.
President Vladimir Putin is very intelligent.
Excellent News:
Russia to Germany gas pipeline, the Nord Stream 2 project, would bypass Ukraine.
Russia plans for building a second gas pipeline to bring gas from Russia to Germany.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is a Jew World Order Puppet working for Criminals Jew Rothschild and JEW George Soros.
Eventually there will be a blockade on Ukraine that does NOT pay their gas accounts.
Petro Poroshenko is not happy.
Ukraine steals gas without payment and the gas cannot be shut off because it would affect the rest of Europe’s supply?
The new route makes more sense and does not give power over Europe because of gas supply through Ukraine.
Russia’s company Gazprom is doing an excellent job expanding its gas supply.
Gazprom’s Nord Stream 2 project plans to connect Russia and Germany via the Baltic Sea, bypassing Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic states.
Criminal Petro Poroshenko is still murdering Russians in Ukraine.
VIVA President Vladimir Putin My Hero!
Putin Bans Rothschilds and George Soros from Russia.
President Vladimir Putin is determined to destroy the Jew World Order Criminal Mafia.
RUSSIA is NOT the Enemy.
Assange is a Hero.
“Something worse than Uranium One.”
Julian Assange drops mega bombshell on Hillary and Obama.
USA is the world’s policeman?
Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya’s Speech.
I just watched his speech about Syria on TV. Wow!:
President Vladimir Putin trained him well.
To USA: “Everywhere you go, everything you touch, you leave behind only chaos.
100% Correct.
“We’re not particularly keen to be friends with you,” the Russian envoy replied. “We’re not begging you for friendship. We want normal, civilized relations – which you arrogantly refuse, disregarding basic courtesy.”
“You are misguided to think you have friends,” after challenging the narrative of a chemical attack in the suburban Damascus city of Douma as “fake news” – as no evidence was found of the alleged attack or the victims, after Syrian and Russian troops inspected the area liberated from Army of Islam militants.
The Russian envoy closed his address to the Security Council with a warning that an unauthorized military attack on Syria, where Russian troops are legally deployed, would have “grave consequences.”
“What [the] military misadventures of the West bring about is well known, as shown by the examples of Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya. Nobody has vested you with the power to act like the world’s policeman, or to act like the prosecutor, judge, and executioner either,” he said.
President Vladimir Putin is determined to destroy the JEW World Order Criminal Mafia.
Robert Steele with Khaldon Azhari, Robert David Steele on Zionism, the Middle East, and Central Banks
Mongoose: Zionist Israel’s Censorship War — Apart from #GoogleGestapo
Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Ron Paul Liberty Report: Another False Flag – Will Trump Escalate In Syria?
Rebel-allied organizations in Syria have claimed that the government has released chlorine gas near Ghouta, killing dozens.
The Syrians and Russians deny the charges.
Neocons are all demanding that Trump launch a bigger attack or America will “lose face.”
Will the Russians sit back and allow another US attack on the Syrian government? And if they don’t?
US President Donald Trump said that he will soon decide on potential actions against Syria in response to the alleged chemical weapons use in the town of Douma, located in the Eastern Ghouta subrub of the Syrian capital, Damascus. The decision will be made within 24-48 hours promising a swift response to the “heinous attack.”
“This is about humanity and it can’t be allowed to happen,” Trump said adding that “nothing is off the table” when when asked by reporters about the military option in Syria.
Trump also promised “major decisions” after the US figures out who was responsible for the alleged attack in Douma — Russia, or Syria, or Iran, or “all of them together.”
Prior to threatening Russia, Iran and Syria, Trump complained that US was “having trouble getting people in” to Douma because the town is surrounded.
It looks Mr Trump does not know that the US military does not work with and is not involved by the legitimate Syrian government, which what a news controls the capital. So, it remains unclear how Trump wanted to “get people in” Douma if the main part of Syria-US comminucations is Washington’s various threats to strike Syrian forces.
According to media reports, Pentagon is currently providing Trump with various military options, like a cruise missile strike or a massiive airstrike on crucial Syrian faclities, which could be implemented.
Earlier on April 9, US Defense Secretary James Mattis said that the US had not ruled out a military option in Syria.
“I don’t rule out anything right now,” the defense secretary said responding to a question about a possible miltiary action against Syria before a meeting with the emir of Qatar.
Meanwhile, experts of the Russian Defense Minsitry visited the parts of the town of Douma where the alleged chemical attack took place. According to the Russians, no traces of chemical weapons use were found.
Various fake news and forgeries related to the alleged chemical weapons use have recently become a key part of the West’s strategy to promote own agenda. So, there is a serious doubt that Washington can ingore unconfirmed online rumors about the incident and take into account real reprots from the ground.
A new regional conflict is now closer than it has been ever since the US strike on the Shayrat airbase a year ago, in April 2017.
Trump names Syria, Russia, and Iran as one or all three as alleged perpetrators, but says not a word of suspicion about the terrorists in East Ghouta.
The terrorists had many large chemical weapons facilities that Syria and Russia have been reporting on for weeks.
According to reports coming from freed Syrian citizens in East Ghouta and Douma, the terrorists have held women and children in tunnel prisons, part of an extensive underground tunnel city where they can be easily asphyxiated as needed, then transported.
Trump avoids the fact that the “moderate” headchoppers have murdered captive women and children before, then used them as props for their Hollywood White Helmet productions.
CNN: President Trump Cabinet Meeting Making Decision on Syria 4/9/2018
CNN: DISGRACE! President Trump on Firing Mueller after New York Office of the FBI Raids His Lawyer Michael Cohen’s Office and Home
( )
Cohen’s Trump’s longtime fixer and has dirty paws, just like Roy Cohn with his mob ties was Trump’s father’s fixer.
The deep state creatures from the undrained swamp are clearly accelerating their attacks on Trumps presidency.
1. The FBI/Mueller investigation was clearly setup to be a thorn or worse in Trumps side.
2. The fire/blast at Trump tower a mere coincidence or warning that no one in that building Is safe.
3. Trumps marriage now on the rocks over the (deep state controlled) media’s relentless strumpet-gate coverage.
Trump now appears to have relinquished control over U.S. foreign policy outside of commerce. A great war is now clearly on the horizon.
P.S. Appointing the “deep state compromised” Jeff Sessions as Attorney General is turning out to be Trumps biggest mistake thus far.
Syriana Analysis hosts independent British journalist, Vanessa Beeley who is now in Syria, she is covering the latest in Eastern Ghouta.
UK In Syria – Creating A Dystopian Shadow State Featuring Vanessa Beeley
Another chemical attack story is developing over Syria putting the war-torn country on the edge of a new regional conflict.
On April 5, Jaish al-Islam, the group which controls the last militant-held town in the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta, broke the previously reached reconciliation deal with the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance and refused to withdraw its forces from Douma to the Turkish-occupied town of Jarabulus in northern Syria. The evacuation of civilians, sick and injured people from the region was also sabotaged.
In the period between April 5 and April 6, Jaish al-Islam leadership rejected all proposals to resume implementation of the agreement and refused to back to the negotiations table. According to the Russian military, the group has even killed three own commanders involved in the negotiations on the peaceful surrender.
These commanders were identified as “Abu Hamam” – the head of Jaysh al-Islam political office in Duma district, “Abu Ali” – the secretary of Jaysh al-Islam leader Essam al-Buwaydhani and “Abu Omar” – the financial administrative of the armed group.
In the evening of April 6, the Syrian Air Force started a bombing campaign targeting fortified positions, weapon depots and HQs of the militant group in the Douma area.
On April 7, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the Tiger Forces and their allies launched a ground assault on militant positions east, south and southeast of Douma and even entered the town.
A few hours after the start of the ground operation, the Jaysh al-Islam-linked news agency Kumait accused government forces of conducting a chemical attack. The pro-militant media outlet claimed that 15 civilians had been affected with some toxic gas in the area of Duma.
By April 8, the chemical attack story had reached major mainstream media outlets and with help of so-called “rescuers and medics” from Douma, mostly members of the notorious pro-militant propaganda organization White Helmets, the number of the alleged civilian casualties had grown to 50-70 killed and 500-700 or even 1000 injured.
The US State Department reacted to the story by saying that if reports are confirmed, the US demands an “immediate response by the international community” and claimed that Russia “ultimately bears responsibility for these brutal attacks.”
US President Donald Trump ignored the words “if confirmed” and blamed “President Putin, Russia and Iran” as well as “Animal Assad” for the alleged attack.
The Syrian government rejected all allegations of being responsible for the alleged incident. The Russian Defense Ministry also denied “these claims” and announced its readiness “to send Russian experts in radiation, chemical and biological defense to Douma after its liberation from terrorists.”
The Russian Foreign Ministry described the chemical attack reports as “hoaxes” and warned that any foreign military actions against Syria over “fabricated” reports of chemical attacks may lead to the “gravest consequences.”
Meanwhile, Jaish al-Islam failed to repel the SAA attack and was once again forced to accept a withdrawal deal, which will be reportedly implemented within 48 hours. Under the deal the militants will have to depart the town towards militant-held areas in northern Syria.
Despite this, the situation remains tense as recent events on the international arena have shown that the so-called West, first of all the US and the UK, need little evidence or facts to blame somebody for something and are ready to make aggressive actions justifying them by barely confirmed allegations.
We seek more understanding of the Rothschild money power which controls us and seeks to re-engineer and enslave humanity.
Organized Jewry and Freemasonry are their preferred instruments. But it seems that the Rothschilds advance the NWO using two pincers:
Communism (globalism) and Zionism (nationalism) that appear to be at odds.
This conflict — real or artificial — was on display last week when the Zionist Netanyahu accused the Communist Soros of trying to undermine Israel. (See article below.)
( )
In his investigation of “Trump Collusion with Russia” former FBI director and so-called independent counsel Mueller is supervised by Jews like Rosenstein, Schiff, Schumer, who are not independent in the least.
Schiff, Schumer, and the Jews Media talk like it would be worse than awful if the Mueller investigation were to be shut down. Zionists are clearly who and what is behind the Mueller madness.
The Zionists are using Mueller to spy on Trump so they know everything Trump does. Using the independent counsel instead of Mossad or other unauthorized spies makes it look legal and legit.
The Mueller spy scam may find skeletons in Trump’s closet that could be powerful for blackmail. The Mueller probe is another weapon the Zionists can use on Trump if he gets off their leash.
The Jewish advisors who handle Trump try to lead Trump to support Zionist agenda instead of America or Christianity.
Everything the Mueller spy scam uncovers can be used against Trump if Trump tries to end the mid-east wars, charge Lois Lerner for her IRS evil, make peace with Russia, kill the Federal Reserve monster, etc.
The Mueller investigation and other Zionist spy networks watch Trump to see what skeletons they can find and see whether Trump really does what his handlers advise. That is the real reason for the Mueller spy scam.
In case you missed (though I very much doubt) it Dear KJ.
This “rotten to the core bastard” Tony Blair is at it again, I’m against capital punishment.
But for you Blair I would insist the Presiding Judge in his summing up in your trial-wears the black cap.
VIDEO Excellent must see:
US training Syria militants for false flag chemical attack as basis for airstrikes – Russian MoD
Russia’s Defense Ministry says “US instructors” are training militants to stage false flag chemical attacks in south Syria.
The incidents are said to be a pretext for airstrikes on Syrian government troops and infrastructure.
There is lots of Evidence that USA is funding ISIS and Israeli Terrorists and supplying arms and ammunition to ISIS and Israeli Terrorists.
USA is aiding and abetting terrorist criminals.
There is 100% proof that Israel has been supplying tons of arms and ammunition to ISIS Terrorists.
Vesti News: “Everything you Touch Turns to Chaos”: Russia’s UN Envoy Puts Psycho Nikki Haley in Her Place
The US can expect harsh consequences if they use force in Syria, as said Russia’s EU envoy, Vasily Nebenzya, at the emergency UNSC meeting.
The meeting was held upon Russia’s request to discuss global safety issues.
Nebenzya has noted that the US, the UK, and France are acting aggressively towards Moscow and Damascus. They also urge other countries to behave in the same manner.
Nebenzya, 1983 graduate from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and career diplomat since 1988, with his pearls of truth and dry piercing wit, triggered the lock-jawed clothing shop bookkeeper so much, that she and her staff had to leave when the Syrian ambassador to the UN began to speak.
Dear The Englishman,
I saw. Gnarly little pair of anti-ship missiles locked and loaded on that Su-35. Since Russia has taken up negotiated permanent basing at Tartus, naturally the citizens have become even bigger base watchers, and are very proud of the new additions.
There are certainly more patrolling along the coast along with the SAAF, which they’ve been doing since Saturday as soon as the chemical attack fake news hit the MSM.
Also 40 Pantsir1 air defense systems have been delivered to Syria since Israel’s latest attack on T4 airbase in Homs. You probably read that. That’s in response to the neocons, liberal interventionists, and of course Israel’s demands that all of the Syrian air bases be immediately destroyed by the US, to which Russia and Syria replied that they must reinforce their already thickly multi-layered, fully integrated, missile defense systems.
In the meantime, unlike President Tangerine Man who is currently obsessed with destroying Syria and bullying Russia, and a multitude of other sins, President Putin is so confident of the RF’s abilities to defend it’s sovereign territories and interests abroad, and the professionalism and training of the armed forces that he turned his most focused attention to —
Putin Begins Busting Up the Trusts: New Economic Plan Calls For Punishing Monopolistic Behavior
The topic of the State Council meeting, held by President Putin on Thursday, was the growth of fair competition in Russia. I must say that not all governors, ministers, and parliamentarians looked inspired during the tough discussions.
This is a major issue. Lack of fair competition significantly hurts the country, slowing everything down. The worst situation is at the regional and municipal levels.
There, as the President has stated, government orders go to their own firms, SUEs, and MUEs.
All this happens in violation of the current legislation, under which the punishment for this is a tiny fee, which doesn’t discourage such nepotism. And it’s not even a felony.
Judging from Putin’s mood and by how he asked the question, things will change here soon.
It seems to me that the President can relate to the experience of countries with advanced economies, where only murder and treason resulted in a more severe punishment than the violation of antimonopoly legislation.
As far as the Syrian Arab Army goes per their unofficial Facebook, they’re not exactly in awe of Trump. (Scroll down a bit)
On the Internet came a video that would have shown a special Israeli sniper firing on a Palestinian walking peacefully along the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.
The video would have been recorded on the Israeli side and demonstrates the commemoration of the soldier and his colleagues after firing on an unarmed guy.
Palestinian protester on Gaza-Israeli border (file photo)
In the recording shared by the Haaretz edition you can hear background screams as well as a voice saying, “Of course I did.” “What a legendary video,” added his colleague, commenting on the attack.
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) considers the footage not to correspond to the clashes with current Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, but recorded several months ago. In any case, the military authorities promised to investigate the incident.
The video sparked a wave of comment from both sides of the Israeli political picture, from indignation and criticism to indifference of those who indicated that Tel Aviv has warned it could attack those approaching the border.
OPCW Public Statement:
THE HAGUE, Netherlands — 10 April 2018 — Since the first reports of alleged use of chemical weapons in Douma, Syrian Arab Republic, were issued, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has been gathering information from all available sources and analysing it.
At the same time, OPCW’s Director-General, Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, has considered the deployment of a Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) team to Douma to establish facts surrounding these allegations.
Today, the OPCW Technical Secretariat has requested the Syrian Arab Republic to make the necessary arrangements for such a deployment. This has coincided with a request from the Syrian Arab Republic and the Russian Federation to investigate the allegations of chemical weapons use in Douma. The team is preparing to deploy to Syria shortly.
Set up in 2014, the on-going mandate of the OPCW Fact Finding Mission (FFM) is “to establish facts surrounding allegations of the use of toxic chemicals, reportedly chlorine, for hostile purposes in the Syrian Arab Republic”. The OPCW cannot and will not release information about an on-going investigation.
This policy exists to preserve the integrity of the investigatory process and its results as well as to ensure the safety and security of OPCW experts and personnel involved. All parties are asked to respect the confidentiality parameters required for a rigorous and unimpeded investigation.
Trump has fired just about everybody except the one he needs to fire most – AG Jeff Sessions. Trump has often tweeted, lamented, and hinted that Sessions should resign.
The reason Trump has not fired Sessions seems to be that Trump lets his Zionist Advisors make his decisions instead of doing what Trump thinks is best.
If Trump ever fires Sessions it may be the beginning of Trump making his own decisions and cutting his puppet stings.
On the false flag topic, the chemical attack in Syria, the school shootings, the riots, and agitation are standard Zionist / Communist / Jewish tactics for weakening or overthrowing goy governments.
The Zionists are clearly trying to overthrow the old Christian order of the world. They want to replace it with their Jew World Order, JWO.
Taking guns from citizens, disarming the masses, and making Israel the dominant power in the Middle East are major objectives in the JWO agenda.
Jews aren’t dumb.
Their problem is they aren’t as smart as they think they are. Which, when you consider it is the definition for “foolish”.
Evil Jewry is trying with all their wormy lying might to spin US into another one of their wars!
They HATE Russia/Putin because they can’t deceive him.
Whatabout Trump — is he playing along just long enough to finally spring the trap on the Synagogue Of Satan?
Stay Tuned!
Sinister isn’t smart.
Sinister is a thrill to evil people wanting to do evil to others, even they’re own, if need be!
If they were truly “smart” they wouldn’t be Jews – they’d choose Jesus – like you +BN!