Black Dallas Shooter Was ‘Upset’ With BLM…Why?
America In Decline Articles, Dear Diary Articles, Jewish Agenda Articles
Was ‘Upset’ With BLM…Why?
By Brother Nathanael Kapner July 10, 2016 ©
DEAR DIARY, THE NEWS about the Dallas shooting left me much troubled.
A peaceful march to protest perceived police violence against blacks organized by a black Baptist pastor turned into a nightmare.
Five police ended up being killed by a black sniper who was a veteran of America’s Afghanistan war.
What caught my eye was that the sniper Micah X Johnson told the cops when cornered in the El Centro College Garage that he was “upset” with Black Lives Matter.
Why was he upset? Dallas PD doesn’t have an answer.
This was never explained by the Jew-owned press and no one thought of pursuing this question: What was Johnson’s gripe against Black Lives Matter?
While the international Black Lives Matter movement is cast as a “virtuous” group fighting “injustice” against blacks, it has a suspicious origin since it was launched by three black leftist radical feminist lesbians in 2013.
With ties to George Soros’ ACORN Lobby, the founders (with apparent money and media enabling) exploited the acquittal of George Zimmerman’s in the Trayvon Martin case so as to bring their Marxist “racial rage” into the public eye.
As the group took wings using a Twitter hashtag, #BlackLivesMatter, they soon adopted the phrase “Hands Up–Don’t Shoot!” as its trademark slogan of the false Ferguson narrative built from the media-driven proven lies of Dorian Johnson–star witness in the Brown incident. Michael Brown never surrendered with his hands up.
A myriad of communist groups spurred the growth of Black Lives Matter, all under the advocacy of the Jewish-run Southern Poverty Law Center.
THE QUESTION arises: is Black Lives Matter a cover group to funnel money and arms to street gangs and militant blacks?
And aren’t these gangs touting themselves as “revolutionaries” and “freedom fighters?”
Sounds to me that Jewish communists (the same who put Obama in the White House) might get for themselves with the cover movement “Black Lives Matter” a repeat of the Bolshevik Revolution so as to create a whole new Jew World Order.
A clue to it all is to find out who’s funding Black Lives Matter and associated black race-baiting causes. (I smell “Jew” all the way.)
First of all, as of last January the leftist Jewish billionaire George Soros gave $34 million in seed money to Black Lives Matter affiliated groups in furtherance of his agenda to overturn a Christian-informed society.
Second, the leftist group, Democracy Alliance (DA)—launched by George Soros in 2006—met in DC last November with leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement to discuss funding for its burgeoning ‘protest’ movement.
Billionaire Jewish donors including Tom Steyer and Paul Egerman, DA’s treasurer, were on the list to attend the DA meeting.
Third, Democracy Alliance head, Phillip Gara LaMarche, (a typical Gentile shill for the Jews) has worked for George Soros and the ACLU, both militantly active in subverting a Christian-informed society.
WHICH BRINGS ME to the sniper Micah X Johnson’s gripe with Black Lives Matter.
Was he upset because the #BLM flash mob he was expecting didn’t show up at the sound of his rants on Twitter and Facebook to start a race riot?
Well, he certainly will be assured by demons in hell that fellow demons on earth (Jews) are about to create racially-impelled chaos throughout the United States bolstered by Obama and reinforced by Clinton.
It’s no secret that Clinton has placed herself squarely in the arms of “black” interests and (no kidding) a huge black-voter endorsement.
Oh, Hillary’s jumping right on the Black Lives Matter’s ‘anti-white cop’ bandwagon!
And so dear diary, sad to say, the unraveling of America has only just begun.
For More See: How The Jews Took The White House Click Here
And: America’s Coming Nightmare Click Here
And: How The Jews Destroyed America Click Here
And: Night Of The Living Dead Click Here
And: What If Jews Ran America? Click Here
And: Is Michael Brown A National Hero? Click Here
And: The Obama/Soros Plan To Destroy America Click Here
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Brother Nathanael @ July 9, 2016
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It may be a misunderstanding of words.
Maybe it meant he was upset over the issue the group was representing.
This is a really good article. It would have made a great video.
Not sure how you’re getting by but if readers of this website can’t send a lot of money maybe they could instead send canned food and a can opener eating utensils.
A follow-up Video is in the works. Stay tuned! +BN
Brother, good point.
It reminds me of back in the 60s, when the Soviet leader said that they will destroy American not with bombs but with civil unrest.
3 months later MLK started the SCLC with 5 million in cash.
I’ll just leave this here…
Still Report #1013 – Comey’s Devastating Testimony In Congress
Do a search on Operation Summer of Chaos.
Back in 1971 Alan Watts called these unfolding events nearly word for word, but he expected it much sooner, he thought it would happen by the year 2000.
Things will get much worse as the collapse unfolds.
I read a comment today that the slave trade which brought blacks to this continent was the greatest single mistake America every made….well it was a bad mistake…but it doesn’t come close to allowing Jews into our nation.
We were warned from the beginning not to do it – and reportedly Franklin even proposed a lifetime ban on Jews by way of the Constitution.
Internet sources say George Soros give Black Lives Matter $33 million per year.
Soros, as usual, seems to be the turd in the punch bowl.The NRA was the first to identify him as such – years ago.
I am very suprised that he and his entire family have not been eliminated because he has been behind so many deadly revolutions that he has already cost the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people.
You would think someone would have taken payback long ago but few seem to know whose strings he is pulling.
In October 2005, Professor Kamao Kambon (aka Leroy Jefferson) advocated the extermination of the white race at Howard University Law School.
“…[I]s Black Lives Matter a cover group to funnel money and arms to street gangs and militant blacks?”
The lights should be coming on for a lot of sleepy citizens. Behind every “liberating force” is a Talmudist intent on taking apart the Christian values building western civilization. Nothing is as it appears at face value when it comes to lib’rel causes. There is always a hidden, ulterior motive suckering in well-meaning, naive (ignorant) people for what appears to be a “just cause.”
It may take awhile for the movement’s true colors to be revealed, but by that time the damage is done and those well-meaning, naive supporters become cannibalized by the cause itself.
In the final analysis, even satan himself can make himself to appear as an Angel of Light. Thank you Brother Nathanael for flipping the switch to close the circuit.
I want to see you succeed!!
The Jew boys at yahoo new have another 75-year old story about Hitler’s lover Eva Braun. I didn’t read it.
It’s always Jewish Bullshit but it’s there once a day on a Jewish so-called news service – 75 years after the war is over.
The Jews should be removed from journalism. They shoot journalists in Israel, which is easy to blog and find out, and they are too stupid for journalism. They just are. Its a fact.
Even Charles Manson and his Laurel Canyon affiliates were puppets of Jews inciting race wars way back in the Sixties. Manson himself admitted trying to start a race war. That was well over 40 years ago.
After the Manson family committed the gruesome murders they wrote “Kill whitey” on the wall in the victims’ blood; faking evidence so it looked like blacks murdered the victims.
At the time of the Manson murders, Bernardine Dohrn (nee Ohrnstein) infamously said “Dig it! First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in pig Tate’s belly. Wild!”
Later Dohrn and her husband Bill Ayers helped lead Obama into politics as shown by this link:
This is widely known and it is more evidence that Obama and the Jew run federal government are complicit with inciting the riots, murders, destruction.
If it turned out that “Black Lives Matter” BLM was NOT a Jewish led operation to promote race hate and race riots, it might shock those who know about the Protocols of Zion, Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins, and so on.
Compared to the Jews Media, Jewish trillionaires, Jewish control of governments, colleges, multi-national corporations, BLM is a small cog in the JWO gears.
Besides the Dallas police murders, the Jews media also announced, organized, and incited protests / riots this weekend at Chicago, Atlanta, Baton Rouge, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and who knows where else.
Last week before any cops were murdered or any riots happened, the riots were anticipated, predicted at the RJN link below –
I think it’s obvious BLM is just another Bolshevik/Communist style organization being funded by rich Jews like Soros.
It’s the same Jewish M.O. that’s gone on for centuries, and very similar to what Europe and Russia dealt with in the the 19th and early 20th century.
Murder of individuals, mass murder and other intrigues have always been the favorite means applied by the Jews against Christendom and any society that stands in their way.
The Jewish problem is just as much a problem today as it was during Communism’s heydey. As long as people of the Jewish race are allowed to continue in power and influence these things will continue on and on.
It’s time for humanity to act!
Here is a video of Paul Joseph Watson (in English speaking and French subtitles exposing the truth about BLM) found on the French website of Egalité et Reconciliation:
The Devil is furious because he knows his time is short and is spending his last forces to eradicate white European Christianty all over the world and particularly now Orthodox Christianity.
BLM is one of his means to spread civil war in the US country together with the positioning of US and OTAN troups and missiles in front of the borders of the Russian country to boost the start of WWIII!
But “Christus imperat Christus vincit” as we say in Latin!
People playing the racism card need to stop!
Racism would normally make sense if our genetics were entirely different and there was no way for the other ‘races’ to intermingle. But is that the case? No! A black man can impregnate a white woman, and a Chinese woman can have a white man’s offspring.
What does that tell you about human genetics? It means that there is very little to no variation between the so-called ‘races’; therefore, all arguments in support of racism are invalid.
The real enemy is what is known as ‘culture’. But, for some reason, it is never pointed as the culprit for the misery we all experience on this planet.
If you were to get rid of language, tradition, and religion, you would be amazed at the transformation this world would go through.
There was a website a few years ago that showed how Barack Obama’s named literally means Satan in the original languages.
Run by a native American Indian, named something like “shooting star,” those articles were taken down.
Would be useful to find this info again.
Thankfully there are some in the Black community who recognize the baiters in their midst and don’t like Obama none to well either.
But don’t count on the media to expose the fact that this is a top-down affair like most of their schemes. Here’s an example that’s typical of this BS:
Judicial Watch: Documents Reveal US Army Indoctrinated Soldiers on Dangers of ‘White Privilege’
I don’t feel privileged compared to those who are raking in the money while playing games with race. Obama who would not admit to being biracial was used by the Dems to rally a dormant base – the blacks in the cities. (Hillary’s trying to do the same.)
But now it’s trendy, the media push it, and even lighter skinned blacks (like Beyonce) claim it even though their lives are nothing like those of the typical common black people in this country.
Those in the ranks up above know that divided we fall. If they keep us divided and fighting amongst ourselves we’ll never be able to take their power away.
Danielle, good points in the video.
I noticed part of the name of that website includes the word egalite. That is often used in exchange with equality. That is wrong.
Egalite is the forced leveling of society economically and politically like Marxism.
Our version of equality means equality under the law.
Do we have it? No. But it is a good ideal.
Smells of Gladio-Style COINTEL proxied color revolutionary jumbull-lieya, with 5 sides of bloodied realism, and a liberal dash of Hollyswood disinfo.
Guaranteed to make any truth-seeker retch their heart out.
You wrote, “If you were to get rid of language, tradition, and religion, you would be amazed at the transformation this world would go through”.
You just described COMMUNISM. Get the hell out of here!
Brother Nathanael has summarized the situation with outstanding knowledge of the facts and of course the reality as to what is behind all of those kinds of situations.
It is indeed the Jews who are the main tools of hell to enforce its demonic designs. Particularly Soros it would seem and he is hell-bent at his Satanic master’s control. Racial warfare is a must in the designs that were laid out in the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Sion’.
Jesus said His Church that He is building and which no man does indeed construct, despite men’s contrary designs and desires, would be at the gates of Hell.
There it remains, always receiving the onslaught of demons under Satan through the willing agency of men and women. Surely Hillary Clinton is one and Obama? Yes, he was placed there by Soros and that revealing on Fox News by Glen Beck who was removed swiftly.
Nevertheless, Christ is Conqueror on behalf of His elect. The Divine Temple continues to flourish in illustrious glory of heaven, in such an invisible manner that such a heavenly glow remains hidden.
On the other hand, the attacks of Satan are obvious to all but the blind of heart. To them, little is understood of the forces of evil that control Judaism. This is the very opposite of the supposition by many Judeo-christians that it comprises a holy people, the chosen, the people of God, who are esteemed more by God than any love He has for His true Church.
The World Order that was the Roman Empire did end. This present design by Judaism for its own New World Order could indeed find fruition but it will end. Perhaps such a possibility depends on the truth being accepted by the scores of millions of blinded ‘Christians’.
There is only one true Gospel. Does it include a love of this Judaism and its cult followers? A thousand times ‘No’.
America is well on the way to a final take-over. Then one may well ask, What will that mean for the nation, the Christians and the world?
Way to smoke those Rats out of their holes +BN — Way To Go!!!+
You can just smell the sociopathetic Wormy jeWISH liberAhole desperation – so close to election time – Haaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaa!
It’s all going to continue to blow up in their faces too, but that wont stop them from simply deflecting and throwing another goy shill to the lions/under the bus!
Meet the Press, I mean meet the Jew(s)! Chuck Todd is a Jew himself, but of course, who better than a LiberAhole DemonCrap Jew to play The Devil’s Advocate with a pinch of Smugness and with a misplaced superiority complex!
So sickening! Wow – they just keep thinking that if they don’t believe something – it simply doesn’t exist and isn’t important = EVIL!
In just the past few years they have turned this land in to a legal Sodom and Gomorrah. And people are still sleeping???
Then they deserve the Judgement of God.
When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.
Why would Canadian Jewish [Zionist] leaders suddenly take such an interest in Natives and support their struggle for reparations from the Canadian government for the centuries of colonial subjugation and exploitation?
Is it altruism, because of the Jewish tradition of being ‘a light unto peoples’? This is what CIJA would have us believe, with its claims to “profound cultural and historical similarities,” “striving for acceptance, equal rights, rights to their own land.”
There is another, very different explanation.
Things are going really well! I now have a desk to place my computer. And a neighbor brought over a chair! Things are looking up!
AND – In case you missed it:
Dear All,
I am SO grateful to those who have been sending me donations. Thank you! I am really beginning to feel settled in to my new place.
My computer is set up and I’m sleeping on a comfortable pad. My ministry IS continuing!
SO: If you like my Articles and Videos, please help me financially to keep my ministry alive.
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Brother Nathanael; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
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PS – ALL cash donations by mail come in safely.
PPS All mail is forwarded from my prior mailing address:
POB 1242; Frisco CO, 80443
Zero Hedge reports 115 blacks shot this weekend in Chicongo.
No one cares.
If what you claim about biracial children is true, why is it that they cannot receive organ and bone marrow transplants?
Why do they die within hours as the body rejects any such attempt?
Enlighten me please.
And also read Tobit 4:12
“The white race is the cancer of humanity” — Susan Sontag nee Rosenblatt
Hello bn,
“I read a comment today that the slave trade which brought blacks to this continent was the greatest single mistake America every made….well it was a bad mistake…but it doesn’t come close to allowing Jews into our nation.
We were warned from the beginning not to do it – and reportedly Franklin even proposed a lifetime ban on Jews by way of the Constitution.”
Actually both statements are related to each other.
At the period of time in the new world wherever there were Jews there was the trans-Atlantic slave trade or some type of business or service associated with it. A higher proportion of Jews in the American South were slave owners compared to whites. The abolitionist movement was a Christian cause not a Jewish one.
Jesus Christ and evil cannot coexist.
Amen Behind the Riots!
I totally agree.
“Behind the Riots
July 10, 2016 @ 10:39 am
Even Charles Manson and his Laurel Canyon affiliates were puppets of Jews inciting race wars way back in the Sixties. Manson himself admitted trying to start a race war. That was well over 40 years ago.
After the Manson family committed the gruesome murders they wrote “Kill whitey” on the wall in the victims’ blood; faking evidence so it looked like blacks murdered the victims.
At the time of the Manson murders, Bernardine Dohrn (nee Ohrnstein) infamously said “Dig it! First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in pig Tate’s belly. Wild!”
Later Dohrn and her husband Bill Ayers helped lead Obama into politics as shown by this link: ”
This is widely known and it is more evidence that Obama and the Jew run federal government are complicit with inciting the riots, murders, destruction.
If it turned out that “Black Lives Matter” BLM was NOT a Jewish led operation to promote race hate and race riots, it might shock those who know about the Protocols of Zion, Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins, and so on.
Compared to the Jews Media, Jewish trillionaires, Jewish control of governments, colleges, multi-national corporations, BLM is a small cog in the JWO gears.
Besides the Dallas police murders, the Jews media also announced, organized, and incited protests / riots this weekend at Chicago, Atlanta, Baton Rouge, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and who knows where else.
Last week before any cops were murdered or any riots happened, the riots were anticipated, predicted at the RJN link below –”
It’s nothing but a small cog in the machine of evil.
Hello Tetragrammaton,
I liked all of what you said until your last statement.
July 10, 2016 @ 1:03 pm
People playing the racism card need to stop!
Racism would normally make sense if our genetics were entirely different and there was no way for the other ‘races’ to intermingle. But is that the case? No! A black man can impregnate a white woman, and a Chinese woman can have a white man’s offspring.
What does that tell you about human genetics? It means that there is very little to no variation between the so-called ‘races’; therefore, all arguments in support of racism are invalid.
The real enemy is what is known as ‘culture’. But, for some reason, it is never pointed as the culprit for the misery we all experience on this planet.
If you were to get rid of language, tradition, and religion, you would be amazed at the transformation this world would go through.”
Language, tradition, culture, and religion is not the problem. It’s a small group that is agitating conflict between people of different languages, traditions, cultures, and religions that is the problem.
Actually I’m in favor of the super-states being broken up into smaller sized countries, kingdoms, regional confederations and city-states with their own autonomy. Establishing good solid morals with the help of the Church and local bishops. It would be a big step in the right direction.
Ever notice how if you say fewer than 6,000,000 Jews died in “the Holocaust” Jews become angry and start calling you an “anti-Semite”?
They actually prefer more dead Jews over fewer dead Jews.
Strange people….
Some kind of twisted self hatred is at work there.
Even if the six million figure is bogus it should be left on the table for eventual completion, as meeting that figure is very important to the Jews to re-inforce their victimhood mythology.They have hijacked suffering for at least 75 years. It’s what they do best.
On a cheerier and more practical note perhaps that figure should be bumped up considerably for future consideration.
There are already enough tatoo parlors out there to handle that end of things on a contract basis.
Bro Nat could do a little crowd funding or maybe sell some beer mugs to finance the cattle cars? Big things have small beginnings.
While the Jews may consider their holocaust to be a tragedy certainly others like the Palestinians, whose children the Jews are murdering, consider it to be a good start.
I too was struck by the seemingly odd phrasing, that the shooter was “upset with” or “upset about” Black Lives Matter.
As a black man, targeting whites, especially white cops, one would think him to be sympathetic to “Black Lives”.
I took it as media’s way of trying to suggest that this violence was NOT associated with the Black Lives agenda – although obviously it is.
HI everyone!
Check out the Renegade Tribune.
Very cool, not really Christian though, but very good still and young — there’s lots there.
I wish my brother had done something like this he was murdered and became a failed white statistic, because my dad was a traitor and filled with demons and let out that spiritual power over my family.
But not me, I’ve done well and I listened to the right advice.
Brother Nathanael you’ve helped too, and thanks to all the other commentators. Your faithful comments and care is useful to everyone thanks for doing what you can.
And Counter Currents too is a great site with great books!
God bless you!
Don’t forget the website
Its founder/editor is none other than Mike S. King, author of several books – including “The Bad War” – which places International Jewry behind the founding of Communism by Marx and Engels, the schemes behind the breakup of certain European nations, the two World Wars, and the vast majority of conflicts that followed.
Br. Nate’s totally right in placing Jewry behind “Black Lives Matter”.
The Jews are desperate for an all-out race war here in the US, and the murders of 5 White police officers by a Black Afghan War veteran may very well be the trigger for such a civil war. We’ll have to see.
The incident was sparked by an anti-White speech by Barack Obama, who himself, hates Whites and hates America itself.
I’m glad everyone is keeping ahead of all the problems facing the USA at the moment.
I only wish we had ‘a’ Brother Nathanael in Australia. If anyone can tell me of any good outspoken peace maker in Australia, I would be truly grateful.
In the meantime the only thing I can do to help Australia, is to help +BN.
Don’t forget to buy T-Shirts, coffee mugs, post cards etc,. of +BN from my web site. All profits go to help +BN.
The police had to kill the shooter with a robot bomb.
Had no choice?
Please explain why Black leaders always blame Whitey for police brutality but never complain about Jewish Black Op Chemtrails loaded with heavy metal dust sprayed over Black neighborhoods for slow genocide.
They don’t complain about Jews using Blacks as endless cannon fodder against 1 billion Muslims in the Middle East or employing Blacks in the new plantation slavery involving low wages and high interest credit cards?
Maybe a few shekels secretly given to Jesse, Rev. Al, the NAACP or Black Lives Matter keeps Whitey in the cross hairs and Jews invisible and untouchable.
It breaks my heart to say this. Any so called “baptist” that supports so called Israel is commiting treason against us . I don’t say this lightly.
For to accept the APOSTATE doctrine of dispenstionalism which CLEARLY says the CHURCH which is Jesus Christ’s Body is a parenthesis, dying, corrupt beyond repair etc .
It is a delusional doctrine.
Jesus Christ’s Body was the plan BEFORE the foundation of the earth for He existed BEFORE the foundation of the earth.
Here this little one STANDS with Jesus Christ his King of Kings LORD of Lords , the Alpha and the Omega.
Jesus Christ PROMISED the gates of hell will NOT prevail against His Church which is His body. Jesus Christ is Already victorious .
BLM leadership in general is largely composed of queer blacks.
The chapter in Toronto did a half hour sit-in recently, blocking the sodomite parade.
I didn’t really know anything about them, I only noticed there are angry black women in the front line (where are the men?) and later found out many of them are lesbian or bi. Before I thought, are they sisters /mothers of those killed by police? They’re not!
This gives them an extra angry edge ,because they will hate not only just whites, but whites as a family unit, the way all gays subconsciously hate normal family. And that hatred is phenomenal.
In the US there are tons of poor blacks which have nothing to lose, which BLM can use as their army to just trash the middle class and grab a bit wealth just how it happened in Russia with poor angry men.
They’ll be happy to do it!! And what if you can’t have a gun?
Simultaneously, based on history, Christians can be put in concentration camps and exterminated, which happened after the Bolshevik revolution, leaving the nation’s culture composed of low class wannabe rulers/imbeciles (a disaster to live among).
Read the history of USSR!!! I see history repeating itself.
Russia is still traumatized for generations to come. But they have Orthodox Church as a place anyone can truly heal themselves and LGBT was never given green light.
What does US have to sustain itself as a nation?? I’m not talking about money or food.
The little people are killing one another again while George Soros, the money behind black lives matter, and the revolution in Georgia and any number of other stirring of the pots, stays off the radar.
Only when manipulative Jews like Soros, and the flunkies who work for them, have to be perpetually looking over their shoulders, will anything change.
Albert, I would like to do a bulk purchase of 500 +BN mugs, to fill with coffee and give to Jews.
About how much would that cost, per mug?
Not to mention cop-killer, Micah X Johnson who “served” in Afghanistan, never saw combat.
Don’t mean to be crass but he was a disgruntled panty sniffer, having been kicked out of the Army for sexually harassing women in his unit according to sources read.
Had a serious case of “PTSD” alright – combined with radical black militant tendencies. Ticking time-bomb. The numbers of angry, enraged people are rising among their ranks.
The Black community continues to be exploited and seem to be the most easily manipulated of the goyim. In ways, I feel sorry for them for “they know not what they do”. Didn’t Michael Jackson write a song, “all I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us”?
I am credited with posting “Albert, I would like to do a bulk purchase of 500 +BN mugs.”
I did not make that posting. Somebody else has inserted my name to that post.
On another matter, Yahoo news once gain has its daily “Jew as victim” story about Auscwitz. They do it once a day 75 years after the war is over.
Some news service.
Ah, but culture is the problem! Where do you think the word culture is derived from, anyway?
If you mix the biological term which states: to grow (microorganisms, tissues, etc.) in or on a controlled or defined medium and mix it with the implied term which states: the total range of activities and ideas of a group of people with shared traditions, which are transmitted and reinforced by members of the group – you get an understanding of what is really going on.
Earth is an experiment, and each country is a petri dish that contains a different ‘culture’ within it.
By mixing two or more cultures together, one cannot reasonable expect there not to be a reaction of some kind. The same is true in chemistry: if you mix an acid with baking soda, you get a mild explosion.
As above, so below.
If the people of this world truly wanted world peace and wanted to finally escape this prison we call Earth, they would discard their differences, and embrace a universal language.
There was a time in the ancient past where we all spoke one language and there was no culture or division and we accomplished things that are still way beyond anything we can achieve today – for instance, we built pyramids all over the earth, including Antarctica, with mathematical precision that is absolutely mind-boggling.
Oh, and then there was the Tower of Babel incident (humanity’s first space-port).
But if the Bible is to be believed, something sinister came along and confused our language and we became the divided mess that we are today. With that in mind, ‘something’ is scared of what will happen if humanity wakes up and becomes a single organism again.
So, yes, culture is the root of all evil and if we want to be anything like our ancient ancestors, the ones of renown, then we need to get rid of our differences and embrace our birthright.
Did Jesus not say: “You are gods – you are all children of the Most High.” If that is the case, then it’s about time we start acting like it!
Ok. How about Bibi in Uganda. Stellar.
God bless the Ugandan President.
Quote: “But if the Bible is to be believed, something sinister came along and confused our language and we became the divided mess that we are today. With that in mind, ’something’ is scared of what will happen if humanity wakes up and becomes a single organism again.”
That “something” is none other than our Triune God:
Genesis 11, “6. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this [the tower of Babel], then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
Yes, God seems to be your enemy. Your proposals are 100% in line with the goals of Satanic Jews: abolish white race through miscegenation, abolish all religions apart from their own (Talmudism), abolish culture, languages and nations!!
As 11Mic22hael33 said before: GET OUT OF HERE, you Jew troll!
The AP’s (Associated Protocol) take on all this shows them to be what they, and the rest of the Jew-controlled mass media, always were: lying scum.
Dear tetradamagon,
You are dumber than a bag of hammers and my apology to the hammers because compared to your addle headed thinking, they are the light and the way.
You don’t want one world anything be it language or anything else. You want a world where everyone can go in their own direction as long as they don’t hurt anyone else.
Its called Liberty and it depends on the distribution of power and not the centralization of power as silly you and the dunderhead Jews always advocate to prop up you and their dead souls, to compensate for yours and their irrelevance.
You want control! What for? Everybody’s days are numbered. Better to get along and tolerate the differences.
Well done everybody! Of late comments & replies have been good and in one or two cases positively hilarious.
I can see the day when Brother Nathaneal will be holding a convention & brave attending souls wearing one of those “dangle identifiers”
When Brother Nathaneal gets interviewed on RT (when the hour cometh) then ALL will know his true worth.
Marina: “Very cool, not really Christian though, but very good still and young — there’s lots there….”, i.e. Renegade Press.
Saying they’re “not really Christian” is kind of an understatement about those guys…. They’re anti-Christian neo-pagans.
As with many so-called “truth proponents”: David Icke, Alex Jones, John Hagee, Eric Jon Phelps they do say some good stuff – but then mix in toxic measures of falsehood.
Except maybe Alex. He just chooses to ignore the bellowing elephant in the room.
I was wondering about Tetragrammaton too.
The “as above so below” line is undiluted kabbalism.
The Jew “soap” just doesn’t lather like it used to 🙁 It’s not working out the way they planned is it BN+ 🙂 Haaa!
This means DESPERATE Measures, but in performing them, their next False Flag(s), will only expose their DIRECT evil involvement that much more to an already privy audience – the World!
I just watched the Dallas Police memorial.
There was a Christian pastor, a woman, who gave a speech and it got a rousing applause.
There was a Muslim religious leader and he gave a speech and he too got a rousing applause.
Finally there was a Jewish rabbi and he gave a speech and nobody clapped. Dead silence. Maybe people are catching on.
1965 Rhodesia: Ian Smith was a hero to many.
Betrayed by Harold Wilson & his government & the world.
Steadfastly defied the one man one vote brigades. When asked about majority rule his reply “Never never in a thousand years!”
Right now, I bet Pastor Evan Mawarire would swap his despotic tyranical nonagenarian President together with most of the population for an “Ian Douglas Smith.”
Ted: “Finally there was a Jewish rabbi and he gave a speech and nobody clapped. Dead silence….”
Maybe he should go to the US Capitol. A much warmer reception can be expected there.
When I’m being accused of anti-Semitism, which happens quite a lot… I say, “I’m not anti-Semitic – or anti-Jew either. I’m anti-kike.”
I grew up in New England in a Jew-heavy town near Hartford. Lots of Jewish kids at school there and I got along fine with most of them. Only one of them was a kike to my recollection.
I’d found a dollar on the playground and the little kike tried to extort fifty cents from me… or he’d, “go tell coach!” I told him no, so he went and told coach, who shrugged his shoulders and said, “So what?”
This came as something of a surprise to me because we’d gotten along well before then. I realize now that he was indoctrinated with the, “Half of what Gentiles have is rightfully ours!” idea.
There’s definitely a kike strain running through Jewry but is there a figure out there as to what percentage of Jews actually ARE kikes? Ten percent? Twenty? Why do otherwise friendly and likeable Jews unexpectedly “go kike” on you at the scent of a shekel – as happened to me? Or was that kid the exception?
There are jerks in all races but in the case of Jews their jerks are more imminent.
In plain English, “anti-Semitism” simply is defined as public discussion of the Jewish question, which is taboo in all of Western society.
It has nothing to do with “hating” or wishing harm to Jews.
Wouldn’t it be better to embrace the label “anti-Semite” then shirk when the Jews aim the charge at us??
Loved it! God bless him.
Kiimm: “Ok. How about Bibi in Uganda. Stellar.
God bless the Ugandan President.”
I have heard that argument for the past 10 to 15 years. It’s misguided.
There is nothing wrong with many cultures, languages, and nations. I could care less about mixed race or ethnic marriages. Just like I could care less about same race or ethnic marriages. Free will.
My issue is the intentions of the so-called chosen people that are trying to promote conflict between different groups of people.
A great example is Western Europe and it’s immigration policy. Europe has a low native birth rate. In many places young men outnumber young women. The culture that made Europe great is Christianity; not Judaism, Islam, atheism, enlightenment, paganism, secularism, etc.
Immigration priority to Western Europe should have been granted first to traditional white and non-white Christian populations — better assimilation rate into western European culture, and then second to women under 35 — to crush Jewish funded militant feminism and to boost the Christian birth rate.
Why are the Jews encouraging young non-Christian males to move to Western Europe?
No Jesus Christ, then no paradise, in this life or the next, only hell.
“Caveman2012 @Tetragrammaton
Quote: “But if the Bible is to be believed, something sinister came along and confused our language and we became the divided mess that we are today. With that in mind, ’something’ is scared of what will happen if humanity wakes up and becomes a single organism again.”
That “something” is none other than our Triune God:
Genesis 11, “6. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this [the tower of Babel], then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
Yes, Tetragrammaton, God seems to be your enemy. Your proposals are 100% in line with the goals of Satanic Jews: abolish white race through miscegenation, abolish all religions apart from their own (Talmudism), abolish culture, languages and nations!!
As 11Mic22hael33 said before: GET OUT OF HERE, you Jew troll!”
Dear All –
Fresh NEW Video coming tomorrow, Lord willing. STAY tuned! +bn
Citizenfitz, Your post reminds me of copper wire –
“I’d found a dollar on the playground and the little kike tried to extort fifty cents from me… or he’d, “go tell coach!”
Q. How was copper wire invented?
A. Two Jews found the same penny at the same time.
Orthodox view of Salvation
LIVE: Putin and Medvedev attend Orthodox Easter Liturgy Mass in Moscow
I watched this live a few months ago on RT. Starting at 47 minutes those words and the replies from the faithful in the crowd.
I can’t get it out of my mind–I feel like my soul is on fire when I hear or even think about it.
Khristos voskrese! Voistinu voskrese!
Christ is Risen! In truth, He is Risen!
Evangelicals Come Home to the Orthodox Church
All peoples — even the Jews — are being called home, will they listen?
AWESOME – Can hardly wait +BN!:)
@ALL Above & Ted Grosline- Not “Anti-semite”…. ANTI – PARASITE!:)
Haaaa – it’s ALL lives matter now huh? Too funny! Like I said above!
White Nationalists attacked, beaten and stabbed by organized militant Antifa reds… while Sacramento police stand and watch:
The Palestinians are Semitic people. The Jews have killed about 750,000 or more of them since 1945 and are still doing it.
The Jews are the most anti-semitic people on earth. Always have been.
Today’s daily Yahoo News “Jew as victim” or “Nazi as bad guy” propaganda is about how Austria is going to take over Hitler’s home to keep it from becoming a shrine.
Just a few years ago the Jew boys actually had peace activist Herman Hess’s bones dug up and disposed of because so many people were laying flowers on his grave that the Jews worried he would become an icon.
The icons they want people to see are their self pitying holocaust, or in my view, collateral damage centers.
The primitive Jewish spirit of savage revenge has no bounds.
Anyhow they are going to have to keep their Mossad grave diggers at work. I met two pilots from the German air force and they tell me endless streams of people, including themselves, keep putting flowers on the grave of Hans Ulrich Rudel.
If you want to see what a really courageous fighting man is, and not a sniviling and cowardly IDF (Infanticide Defence Force) soldier who kills children from roof tops, then google Han Ulrich Rudel.
Anyhow good old Yahoo News. Bringing you 75-year old – propaganda stories on a daily basis.
Trump Calls For Resignation of Evil Jewess Hag Ruth Ginsburg
( )
I kept wondering what the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) had to do with this, then I made the connection! 🙂
I hear you. Was he a “Chieftain” or “Warrior”? Ring a bell?
Not to change the important topic but get a load of this. It ties in!
Dear All –
Due to arduous work on a NEW Video up until and continuing this late hour, I will not be posting it until the finishing touches are completed tomorrow, Thursday. (It’s a winner)…stay tuned! +BN
What do you think about Hillary and Trump both being based out of NYC?
You should do an expose’ on Hillary and her Jewish Bilderberg and crony connections with the tribe.
Yes indeed, Mr Uganda President, bless your cotton socks!
My sister & I have only just stopped laughing & drying our eyes!
Them Who Have Ears – Let Them HEAR!
Them who Have EYES – LET THEM SEE!
The Jew can’t hide. He just has to tell. Calling clients muppets and whatnot.
Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs
When the history books are written about Goldman Sachs, they may reflect that the current chief executive officer, Lloyd C. Blankfein, and the president, Gary D. Cohn, lost hold of the firm’s culture on their watch.
The anti-Christian, anti-White ACAW Jews want to hide whatever evils MXJ committed that prompted officials to kick him out of the army.
So the ACAWs have ordered MXJ’s lawyer Bradford Glendening not to talk about it, cover it up, keep everyone in the dark.
Somehow the ACAWs got the army to give MXJ an honorable discharge despite military recommendations. Even Glendening was whelmed over when he found out that the army gave MXJ an honorable discharge.
When the ACAW Jews order people not to discuss something, its a pretty safe bet that the ACAWs are trying to blind the goyim from seeing the ugly truth.
The AP article on it below has been filtered and slanted by ACAWs because the AP is under Jews media control.
Ted, wrong, no applause after Black woman Christian minister.
Only rousing applause after Muslim Iman, who also tied ALL gods to one and the same God.
No applause after Rabbi.
See for yourselves:
Hi Ted Gorsline,
YES – I Agree!
And isn’t it just in their evil SOP to call themselves “Semites,” because they hide behind that “human shield” term so when you start hating “semites” (Jews), – you’re actually hating Palestinians
Soooo unbelievably wormy! SOOOOO UNBELIVEABLY WORMY!
Just like they hide behind the name of Jesus calling him a “Jew”.
EVIL purely for subversive reasons!
@View it for yourselves.
I stand corrected.
Only the Muslim got a rousing applause. The Christian and Jew got no reaction.
In case anyone here doesn’t know…
The Jew, George Soros (real name: György Schwartz) the 35th richest man in the world, and seed-capital funder of the Judeo-Communist “political action group” called “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) also funded, and STILL heavily funds to this day the Mexican group- “La Raza” (The Race)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
All of us have seen a $1 Dollar Bill.
All of us have seen a $5 Dollar Bill.
All of us have seen a $20 Dollar Bill.
All of us have seen a $50 Dollar Bill.
All of us have seen a $100 Dollar Bill.
FEW of us have EVER SEEN a $1,000 Dollar Bill.
NONE of us WILL EVER SEE a $1,000,000 (1 Million) Dollar Bill.
But $1 BILLION Dollars!…
$1 Billion Dollars = 1,000 “1 Million Dollar Bills”
That’s ONE THOUSAND “1 Million Dollar Bills!”
The Jewish-controlled media and the current Jewish-controlled politicians throw that word (Billion) around as if it were really nothing all-that special.
Did you know that 1 Billion seconds ago, Jesus Christ was STILL walking upon the earth? That’s right…
Not very many people understand what kind of “Life Force” has been locked up, and stored away (by faith alone) in $1 Billion Dollars…
Let us say that “Billion Dollar Boy” (me) wishes to heavily influence America- could I do it?
You bet I could! I’m Billion Dollar Boy and I’ve got $1 Billion dollars to blow on ANYTHING that I desire.
I just need a few PEOPLE in each of America’s united 50 States that are willing to accept my Dollar Bills in exchange for some of their property- be it a physical item, or their physical labor.
OK, I see that I have 200 people in each State who have their hands raised high (the others were all True followers of Christ and appeared to be somewhat uppity about my “Federal Reserve Notes” being an unnatural [and therefore evil] storage/usurpation of Life Force- I really have no idea so let’s just move along).
Wew Boy, that was easy! So I’ve now got 10,000 helpers throughout ALL of America…
That’s 200 “helpers” in EACH of the 50 States.
Now on to Step Number 2:
Influencing America…
My helpers want to help me, but they first want to get paid. And they want a steady pay check so to speak. So I’ve cut a deal with them all. Remember, I’ve got 200 helpers in each State. I’m Billion Dollar Boy and I’ve got $1 Billion Dollars burning a hole in my back pocket. Wew it’s getting Hot…
“I tell you what,” I say.
“I’ll sign a 1 year contract with each of you. I’ll pay the each of you UPFRONT for the year! How much? Hmmmmmm. I’ve got a Billion dollars to blow so let’s see what that comes to. Gimmeeee a sec, the wallet’s a little thick and cumbersome to deal with at times…OK, here’s what I can do…”
I’ll pay each of you upfront for the entire year’s worth of work (to be performed thereafter) on January 1st. That comes to, emmmmmm. Let’s see, that gives me $20,000,000 to spend per each State, and I’ve got 200 helpers in each State so that’s $100,000 per helper in each state.
How does $100,000 per year for the each of you sound? You say you want it on plastic (credit/debit card) instead of by cash or check? OK sure, I can do that for you — it’s easier to handle that way and it’s even MORE clandestine — I love it! Do we now have a deal? Are we all good? OK great, we’ve got a deal!
Now I’ve got a paid helper in each town in America (200 helpers per State) making $100,000 a year EACH to do WHATEVER I tell them to go and do.
MWaaaaaaa AHaaaaaa HAaaaaaa HAaaaaaa HAaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[Slow Evil grin, accompanied with loud and obnoxious laughter as head tilts slowly all of the way back, lightning strikes in the night sky]
[Innocent bystander with hand raised]
Billion Dollar Boy: “Yes Christian, you have a question?”
Innocent Bystander: “Is Billion Dollar Boy Jewish?”
Billion Dollar Boy explodes with rage, he then turns to his many “paid helpers,” points to the questioner, then hollers at the top of his lungs:
And THAT was only ONE Billion.
Did I mention that Billion Dollar Boy has his own (1 Million Dollar Bill) printing press?…
…and that “millions” of diseased non-Christian illegal immigrants (disguised as “victims”) will soon be hitting America’s shores- all thanks to Billion Dollar Boy and his “paid helpers” both WITHIN America AND overseas?
…Did I mention that Billion Dollar Boy has “millions” of “non-paid helpers” (volunteers) who will help him for absolutely nothing — FREE — and that they’re referred to as Billion Dollar Boy’s Global “Sayanim Network”?
Well that’s all for now.
Stay tuned for Friday’s next episode of …
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Hoff, thanks for the July 14, 2016 posting.
We live in interesting times indeed when a Jewish banker publicly rejects and excoriates a Jewish-owned and -run bank.
As always, when the stuff hits the fan the big Jews will simply pull up stakes and move away — leaving the little Jews to wrath of the Gentiles.
Spot on as they say, and, +BN has the highest intellectual standard of commenters around – pretty good for a “conspiracist kook”.
I still doubt any of the “five faces of Obama” can be taken as evidence of his actual intentions which I tend to think are benign. Regardless of his Marxist roots, he sound sincere when he talks about the Constitution.
Billion Dollar Boy is at it again:
– – – – – – –
By Kenneth P. Vogel
07/27/16 05:18 AM EDT
PHILADELPHIA — George Soros is back.
The billionaire investor, who scaled back his political giving after a then-unprecedented $27 million spending spree to try to defeat President George W. Bush in 2004, has quietly reemerged as a leading funder of Democratic politics — and as a leading boogeyman of conservatives.
Soros has donated or committed more than $25 million to boost Hillary Clinton and other Democratic candidates and causes, according to Federal Election Commission records and interviews with his associates and Democratic fundraising operatives.
And some of his associates say they expect Soros, who amassed a fortune estimated at $24.9 billion through risky currency trades, to give even more as Election Day nears.
The 85-year-old Hungarian-born New Yorker had planned to attend his first-ever Democratic convention here to watch Clinton, with whom he has a 25-year relationship, accept the Democratic presidential nomination on Thursday.
But an associate said he decided to cancel the trip this week because Soros, who recently returned to active trading, felt he needed to closely monitor the economic situation in Europe.
Nonetheless, people close to Soros say he seems more politically engaged than he’s been in years, motivated, they say, by a combination of faith in Clinton and fear of her GOP rival Donald Trump, who Soros has accused of “doing the work of ISIS” by stoking fears.
Soros’ political adviser Michael Vachon said his boss “has been a consistent donor to Democratic causes, but this year the political stakes are exceptionally high.”
Vachon added: “They were high even before Trump became the nominee because of the hostility on the other side toward many of the issues George cares most about and has worked to support for many years, including immigration reform, criminal justice reform and religious tolerance.”
George Soros donates $8 million to boost Hillary
By Kenneth P. Vogel
The willingness of Soros to turn on the cash spigot full force to beat Trump is seen in Democratic finance circles as a very good sign for Clinton. Perhaps more than any other donor on the left, Soros is seen as having the potential to catalyze giving by other rich activists.
To be sure, other elite liberal donors are also stroking big checks, including San Francisco environmentalist Tom Steyer (who has donated $31 million in 2016, albeit almost entirely to a super PAC he controls), New York hedge funder Don Sussman ($13.2 million to various campaigns and committees) and media moguls Haim Saban and Fred Eychaner ($11.1 million each).
But few have the bellwether effect of Soros.
The cumulative effect of the mobilization of the left’s richest benefactors has helped Clinton’s campaign and its allied outside groups build a massive financial advantage over committees backing Trump, who is regarded with suspicion at best by the GOP donor class. That’s allowed Clinton and her allies to build a humming campaign machine that dwarfs Trump’s.
Soros has had a hand in funding many pieces of that.
Through the end of June, Soros had donated $7 million to a super PAC supporting Clinton called Priorities USA Action, according to FEC filings, making it the biggest recipient of his political largesse this cycle. And three Democratic operatives say he’s considering donating another $3 million to the group.
FEC records also show Soros gave $2 million to American Bridge 21st Century, an opposition research super PAC that has been targeting Trump and other Republican candidates, and $700,000 to an assortment of Democratic Party committees, PACs and campaigns, including Clinton’s.
Soros has committed $5 million to a super PAC called Immigrant Voters Win that’s devoted to increasing turnout among low-propensity Hispanic voters in key swing states, though FEC records show he’d donated only $3 million through the end of June, the period covered by the most recent filings.
Soros has committed another $5 million to a nonprofit devoted to fighting conservative efforts to restrict voting, according to the associate. That group, the Voting Rights Trust, is run partly by Clinton’s campaign lawyer Marc Elias.
It’s registered under a section of the tax code that doesn’t require it to disclose its donors, meaning that Soros’ donations and those of other donors will never be formally, publicly reported to the government, and also that it could be possible that some donations might be passed through from other groups.
Bill Clinton asks voters to embrace the ‘real’ Hillary
By Nick Gass
Likewise, Vachon said Soros has committed or donated $2 million to a voter mobilization group called America Votes that doesn’t disclose its donors and another $1 million or so to a handful of state-based voter mobilization groups that are not required to disclose their donors.
And this month, according to Vachon, Soros donated $1.5 million each to Senate Majority PAC, a super PAC boosting Democratic Senate candidates, and to Planned Parenthood Votes, a super PAC that boosts candidates who support abortion rights, including Clinton.
The giving pattern and motivations seem similar to 2004, when Soros, motivated by a deep and abiding opposition to the Iraq War and other Bush administration policies, sprinkled $27 million around a handful of liberal groups boosting John Kerry’s unsuccessful challenge to Bush.
That spending, coupled with Soros’ inflammatory rhetoric — he compared the Bush administration’s rhetoric to that of the Nazis and described defeating Bush as “a matter of life and death” — made him a target of sometimes vicious personal attacks from conservative politicians and media outlets casting him as a puppet master, a self-hating Jew, a communist or worse.
Some allies say the public chastisement ate at Soros, as did the inability of his political spending spree to oust Bush, and his perhaps slightly ironic concerns that campaign finance laws allowed rich Americans like himself too much influence in politics.
And, after 2004, he dialed back his political giving, suggesting he might never again spend as heavily on politics, characterizing his involvement during the 2004 election as “an exception.”
Instead, he focused his philanthropic attention on his international foundations, which have donated more than $13 billion over the past three decades to nonprofits that aim to defend human rights, shape the democratic process in Eastern Europe and expand access to health care and education in the U.S. and around the world.
And he played a formative role in the 2005 launch of a secretive club of major liberal donors called the Democracy Alliance.
It sought to steer cash away from groups fighting short-term electoral battles and toward ones seeking to build intellectual infrastructure for long-term fights outside the Democratic Party, such as combating climate change, income inequality and the outsize role of big money in politics.
Clinton claims stage back from Sanders
By Kyle Cheney
One liberal operative this week recalled asking someone close to Soros why the billionaire had reduced his spending on partisan politics.
“The answer was that he found it ‘odious’ for any one individual to throw too much political weight around through donations,” recalled the operative. “Maybe, in light of what’s happened in the last few cycles, it seems less so, or he feels like he needs to help balance the outside-money scales a bit,” the operative added.
Additionally, though Soros backed Barack Obama over Clinton in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary, he quickly soured on the Democratic president, who he felt was insufficiently aggressive in pursuing liberal priorities. He expressed frustration with Obama during a private Democracy Alliance meeting in 2010, which some interpreted as a willingness to back a primary challenger in 2012.
And though he backed Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign, that year he told a close Clinton ally that he regretted supporting Obama over her, and praised Clinton for giving him an open door to discuss policy, according to emails released late last year by the State Department.
Soros “said he’s been impressed that he can always call/meet with you on an issue of policy and said he hasn’t met with the President ever (though I thought he had),” Clinton ally Neera Tanden wrote to the then-secretary of state.
Tanden continued that Soros “then said he regretted his decision in the primary — he likes to admit mistakes when he makes them and that was one of them. He then extolled his work with you from your time as First Lady on.”
The Soros associate dismissed the conversation characterized in Tanden’s email as “idle dinner party chatter,” suggesting it did not represent Soros’ full assessment of Obama.
But Jordan Wood, national finance director for a PAC called End Citizens United, on Tuesday suggested Soros’ giving may have slumped in recent years partly because of Obama. “With George, his giving has spiked because of Hillary. He really likes Hillary Clinton, and he didn’t like Obama as much,” said Wood, in an interview at a reception at a Center City bar for the campaign finance reform group Every Voice.
End Citizens United, which supports candidates, including Clinton, who pledge to push campaign finance reforms, this year received a $5,000 check from Soros, the maximum he could legally give to that group. He also has donated to Every Voice, as has his son Jonathan Soros, who attended Tuesday’s reception.
Jonathan Soros wouldn’t comment on his father’s increased political giving, but he pointed to George Soros’ recent writing about Trump, which includes one column in which Soros warned voters that it’s important to “resist the siren song of the likes of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz” if the U.S. is to effectively fight terrorism.
Am I the only one in the USA who is getting this?
All of their crimes that you come across reported online are not even being reported by the mainstream media.
NONE of us is SAFE from them, they prey on each other constantly (black on black violence/crime), they prey on white people way more then the opposite way around, they prey on Asian people, and on all other races/ethnicities, too.
The USA honestly cannot consider itself to be and call itself a CIVILIZED country/nation because in reality it’s like A JUNGLE FULL OF SAVAGES.It’s a real wonder they don’t CANNIBALIZE their victims while they are at it!
Just yesterday or the other day I learned about how they are DESTROYING the inner cities of the USA. I looked at one of those online “SHORTS” of one of them black thugs complaining about how they destroyed one inner city ( I think it was about PHILLY but not sure anymore by now, or maybe Baltimore, but I think it was about Philadelphia), SO BAD that even a BLACK THUG HIMSELF complained about it and said “IT HURTS” and causing all of the black females there to FLEE/RUN from all of the black males there!
When even black females from those ghetto hoods are starting to FLEE/RUN/ESCAPE from their black hood males because they are that FRIGHTENED/TERRIFIED of them then you know it is really EXTREMELY SERIOUS and TOTALLY/COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL what is going on there!
When those ghetto hoods are DESTROYED by them they will then MIGRATE to other areas all over the USA !
A few months back I witnessed late at night going on until past midnight into the early morning hours like to 1am-ish to 2am-ish around my house here in a so far peaceful suburb, MULTIPLE POLICE MEN WITH A K9 DOG and FLASHLIGHTS searching this whole area here around my house including ALL OF THE WOODED AREAS WITH THEIR FLASHLIGHTS & K9 DOG.
I was watching them do that through my windows for as long as they were out there and I was thinking “WHAT THE H.E. DOUBLE HOCKEY STICK (LL)” is going on out there! And I was thinking is there some criminal on the loose out there? And I didn’t find any news coverage on that either.
As soon as BLACK LIVES MATTER started up I KNEW that it was only going to make these blacks here in the USA WORSE ! I KNEW THAT IMMEDIATELY !
This also contradicts the FEMINISM here because black guys are misogynistic and use and prey on females. They are always raping, physically assaulting and murdering females. A lot of them thugs are also involved in the sex trafficking/pimping trade, that’s where we get the term “PIMP MY RIDE”(a TV show about cars)from,blacks also have the highest rate of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE )
If they were really serious about FEMINISM here in the USA, then they wouldn’t tolerate all of these primitive/wild/savage/criminal black dudes that are always on the loose and on the prowl all over the USA!
And then they keep on importing into the USA even more DUDES FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD where they do not consider females to be EQUAL with them (and I mean the EQUAL but DIFFERENT from each other that Christianity teaches), everyday I see them from them cultures around here where I live.
I’m female and 1 very scary encounter one night around here years ago (while I was out walking) with a darker skinned creep with a foreign accent in a car asking me “DO YOU NEED RIDE?”
He was stalking me in his car and then bringing it to a stop and opening his door (on a main and well lighted road where another car could come at any moment, and police drives through there every now and then too) like he’s really getting ready to come and get me, caused me to start running from him.
After that I BOUGHT MY FIRST PEPPER SPRAY FOR MY KEYCHAIN and also another SELF DEFENSE WEAPON also for your keychain at the same time.
I have also have had other CREEPY encounters with IMPORTED DUDES OF FOREIGN ORIGIN here in the USA.
I HATE what those NWO Jews have done to the USA!
The USA has really LOST IT !
I really DARE you ( be a real “MENSCH”) to post this WHOLE comment despite any complaints or anything like that you might get from black Americans.
You stand up to Jews so you should also be able to stand up to any ANTI THE TRUTH black Americans. Jews have way extremely more money, power, control and influence in this world then any “Schwarzas” do.
You can also send it to them NWO Jews,your free to do so,just minus anything where they can identify me please.
I’m always wondering about why the USA doesn’t have a complaint department for all U.S.CITIZENS that I know of? Where is that a Democracy? Or “WE THE PEOPLE”? So all you can do here is slave away everyday (including on Sundays) and just shut up and pay your taxes?
It’s really more like THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF THE USSA.
All of those LOW IMPULSE CONTROL, TRIGGER-HAPPY HOMICIDAL MANIACS BLACK THUGS/CRIMINALS really need to be the target population/demographic of GUN CONTROL first and foremost in the USA!