Feinstein’s The Traitor NOT Snowden

Feinstein’s The Traitor NOT Snowden
By Brother Nathanael Kapner Copyright 2013
June 26, 2013
Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
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“He violated the oath. It’s treason!” said Dianne Feinstein with regard to Edward Snowden upon his revealing how the US Stasi State spies on its citizens.
“I don’t look at this as being a whistleblower, I think it’s an act of treason,” the Jewish chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee told reporters in early June 2013.
BUT the REAL traitor is Feinstein herself who has perpetrated COUNTLESS acts of treachery against the Christian taxpayers of America.
While mayor of San Francisco, Feinstein married Jewish financier Richard Blum in 1980. Those who knew them called theirs “a marriage of the public and private sectors.”
And that “marriage” brought to Blum and his Jewish friends many handsome profits garnered from various and sundry public projects sent their way by Feinstein.
Upon her entering the Senate in 1992, (along with Jew Barbara Boxer…Jew money brings Jews into high places), Feinstein’s financial portfolio ‘bloomed’ at rapid speed along with her husband’s diversified investments providing for enormous mutual wealth.
As Chair of the Military Construction and Appropriations Subcommittee 2001-2005, Feinstein steered many contracts to companies controlled by her Jew husband Blum via his investment firm, “Blum Capital Partners,” which profited handsomely.
Under Feinstein’s leadership, military construction contracts worth $1.5 billion were funneled to “URS Group Inc,” a San Francisco-based engineering services firm, and “Tutor Perini,” both substantially owned by Blum, earning the couple in excess of $5m.

GITMO & THE IRAQ/AFGHAN WARS brought millions of dollars into the criminal pockets of Jewish shysters Feinstein and Blum.

• Throughout 2001-2005, Feinstein awarded in excess of $25 million to Blum’s “URS” and “CB Ellis Real Estate” to refurbish closed military bases including McClellan Air Force Base near Sacramento. Feinstein frequently added tens of millions of dollars to the project.
• In March 2003, Feinstein awarded a multi-million dollar military contract to her husband’s “Perini Company” for the design and construction of facilities for the Washington sponsored ‘Afghan National Army’ located near Kabul.
• In 2004, Feinstein awarded her husband’s “URS” $28 million worth of military contracts to oversee repairs to Iraq’s communications systems.
• On October 13 2005, Feinstein awarded her husband’s “Perini Company” a $185 million contract to reinforce the roofs of US Army barracks in Iraq.
• In 2009, Feinstein introduced legislation to provide $25 billion to the FDIC after it gave Blum’s “CBRE Real Estate Company” a contract to sell foreclosed properties at far higher rates than normal market price.
• In the summer of 2012, Blum’s “CBRE Group” was awarded the exclusive contract to broker the sales of properties owned by the US Postal Service.
AND while pretending to be against Jewmerica’s torture chamber at Guantanamo Bay, Feinstein reaped a harvest of “blood money” owing to her husband’s joint-ownership of Astar Air Cargo which holds a defense contract to service the military prison at Gitmo.
Whistleblower Snowden or Jewish vulture Feinstein?
Did Snowden bilk millions of dollars from Christian tax-payers?
Is Snowden’s purse DRIPPING with the BLOOD of US soldiers and innocents abroad?
No…Feinstein’s The Traitor NOT Snowden!
While Jewry hails Feinstein as a “hero” and Snowden as a “traitor,” history will see the two trading places when truth finally prevails over Jewish lies, corruption, and treachery.

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For More See: Feinstein…The Enemy Of America Click Here
And: Fact Sheet…Jews Control America Click Here
And: Jewry’s Lock On America’s Security Click Here
And: Prepare For A Jewish Police State Click Here

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Brother Nathanael @ June 26, 2013
Dear Real Jew News Family,
Feinstein is nothing less than a vicious JEWISH VULTURE who is the ENEMY of America.
Of course, JEWRY is THE ARCH ENEMY of America with their SODOMIZING of our once Christian-oriented nation.
Feinstein and her Jew co-religionists on the ‘supreme’ toilet seat ALL voted for the ANALization of Jewmerica.
JEWmeriKAHKAH has entered into a JEW-SPONSORED Sodom and Gomorrah BROUGHT to us by Feinstein and Friends who are LIARS, MURDERERS of the TRUTH, and TRAITORS to ALL that is good, just like their father in HELL, Satan himself.
JUDGEMENT is COMING to JEWmerica! Christ warned that He would rain FIRE and Brimstone DOWN on Sodom and Gomorrah and HE did JUST that!
It’s coming to our Jew-RUINED country! (It’s already in motion with FIRES, DROUGHT, NO JOBS, and the DUMBING DOWN of the STUPID Goyim!
Jews are the sons of Satan! Christ said it, I believe it, that SETTLES it!
The Jews CONTINUE to do SATAN’s work! Satan has been cast down into the bottomless pit of smoke that darkens men’s souls!
It’s all over for Jewmerica.
As the Elder of Zyklon B (who posts here often) just wrote to me:
There will be no resistance to social and cultural wickedness which is, and will continue to be heaped upon the masses of the willfully deceived here in the JSA.
And now for the…Good NEWS!
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Let’s Keep A Good Thing GOING!
May Christ CONTINUE To Bless Us All!
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Bro. Nathanael,
You’re ‘awesome’!….to say the least! By today’s ruling at SCUSA, America is needing a leader.
I’ve elected YOU! We need someone strong and vocal about God’s truth. Someone who will lead the US back to Godly living and principals. Otherwise, we look like we a just letting this happen – those criminals have us ‘divided’.
That is why we need a leader who we can rally around and prove we are not divided.
That leader is you. God’s strength, Christian support, and just a fraction of Feinstein’s ill-gotten gains would be enough to propel action to kick their tails.
Brother Nathanael,
Please know that we pray for your health and safety each and every day.
May GOD bless you and keep you safe from all harm.
I will continue to send my regular donation. It is small but I hope it helps a little.
I encourage each and every person that sees your Videos and reads your Articles to send a regular donation to help you in your work.
GOD Bless You!
Your Brother in the Lord Jesus Christ,
So sad that gentile Americans allowed such putrid venom to gain so handsomely off of the backs of working class people.
Feinstein and her vulturous and parasitic husband Blum are true parasites.
Well done Brother Nathanael.
Once again your intrepid genius shines through the filth and evil of the dark side. A well rehearsed trick in psychological warfare is to accuse your adversary of the very crime you are in fact committing.
Many never seem to learn as they are either overly medicated or too cowardly to face the truth and hide behind wilful ignorance.
In many cases our enemy knows us better than we know ourselves. They know that most are in thrall to a powerful master called “comfort.”
To attain a desired result they simply threaten our existing level of contentment. Coupled with a daily dose of psychotronic warfare (helevision) and most are completely tranquilized.
Note: The helevision places the mind in a highly receptive state. This information then flows freely (uncontested) into our subconscious thoughts. I’m sorry, but who was it you said controlled the data stream?
Gentle reader please pray for a powerful presence of the Holy Spirit for all those walking in faith and especially Brother Nathanael.
Of all the Jews who are in the Senate, Feinstein scares me the most. This woman is obsessed, and she acts like she is possessed.
If you remember, it was Feinstein who wanted to pass legislation back in 2002 that would make anti-semitism in America a federal crime punishable by doing time in prison.
President Bush told her at the time regarding her bill: “Not now. We will pass it later.”
Why are the Jews supportive of the government spying on its citizens?
I have learned that the software that is being used was designed in Israel, and Israel is in bed with our government spying on the Goyim.
The software allows the spies to get into your computer and listen to what you say from the microphone on your computer, even if you are not using your computer.
They can also see who you are through the web cam on your computer.
The same goes with cell phones. They not only can detect where you are at any given time; they can also listen to your conversations with those next to you, EVEN THOUGH YOUR CELL PHONE IS OFF!
The only way to prevent this is to remove the battery from your cell phone.
The Jews are the champions of mass murder:
The Russian holodomor/holocaust (more than 60 million Russians murdered by Jewish communists), the African slave trade (this was a Jewish trade, estimates of 50 to 100 million of innocent Africans were murdered during transportation on Jewish ships), the Armenian holocaust (the young Turks movement was Jewish, at least a million victims), not to mention they are the architects of the world wars!
The dancing Israelis, dancing on the graves of the 9-11 victims who were murdered by the Mossad, they keep on dancing for ever if the “Gentiles/Goys” do not wake up!
Now that America IS waking up in the mouth of the Jewish beast, will the American people be smart and courageous to prevent the Jewish mass killing of (yet again) many millions of innocent people?
How to prevent another Jew made Armageddon, this will be the challenge of our time. We are all Snowden, we should all resist, peacefully and otherwise …
Thank you dear Chuck for your prayers for my health and safety.
As regards my health, my Doctor just completed an internal examination which amongst other issues revealed a “low thyroid” and “adrenal depletion.”
I am now on a special “raw” vegan diet with added supplements of kelp and “green foods” which a reader of RJN sent to me. I am also about to embark on a “detox” program.
Slowly, but surely, I’m on the road to recovery. I hope to get fully back into my Street Evangelism soon beginning with my long overdue trip to Austin TX.
Regarding my safety, I’m now taking extra precautions due to death threats and harassments I’ve been getting.
But this is a good sign that my message is having a greater impact than ever. +BN
Glad to hear the good news. Looking forward to seeing you when you come to Austin.
Andy Borowitz wonders if the US government can’t see “the irony” of charging Snowden with “spying.”
Can not Feinstein see the irony of accusing Snowden of violating ‘the oath’ and that it constitutes treason?
When I compare your Blog with the Blog I included with this comment, I can only say Americas in a deep trouble.
Dear Bro Nat,
Impressive list of business and money, which Jewess Feinstein pushed to Jew Blum.
There was a time when such acts would have been inconceivable and if shown to be true would have led to long terms of imprisonment. But the world is dynamic and will not have regard for our emotional or nostalgic attempts to stick the past back in the bottle viz. to catch for eternity static moments of contentment and happiness.
So we must free ourselves from illusions and understand that the criminals in power will not leave the feeding troughs by way of the ballot box, nor by way of public demonstrations, not by vitriolic commentaries in the media and not through action withinin the legal system.
It is for the simple fact that they own it all, from the ballot box to the legal system and even everything in between.
So what is to be done? It seems the time for building resistance networks is long gone, it vanished with JFK. All which are left are our debating environments, but if we are honest we must admit that they might disappear at the push of a button at any given moment.
So it must be the choice of the individual to decide what he can do.
Snowden has taken this choice and he has inflicted heavy damage on the Jewish anti-humanity system. I can judge this well for I can not only observe the political circus in America, but also in Europe and especially in Germany.
That’s why I was so surprised to note Tomato Bubble circulating their opinion that Snowden is a Jew agent playing out a role which is part of a Jew operation. To be straight: Tomato Bubble writes good articles and has an archive, which is a treasure trove.
I am at a loss to understand wherein the purpose of a psy-op should be seen if all it does is to show the evil acitivities of USA and UK and ridicule the USA over its lack of power to stop Snowden from travelling across the Continents.
Considering that the US is the Jews’ main power base, he may have an interest to control and manipulate the US population, to seize control of local and national power switches, but he cannot have an interest to ridicule the US internationally and demonstrate their lack of power.
Not everything that happens in the world is Jew made, but most of what is Jew-made happens in North America and Europe, not in Russia and China!
I am so glad you used the term “US Stasi State spies.”
However many are not erudite (in the least) to know the details of who and what and where that vileness cometh . . . the jews of the former NKVD.
Many lay people will erroneously associate “Stasi” with Germany, or even more ignorantly Adolf Hitler. But not to belabor the point, let us look to the prior handiwork of that satanic, talmudic filth during the Jew war called “World War II.”
Please see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA9byC0PjrE
And by the way — just to be clear — Stasi was part of the Jew “East Germany.”
This woman only is loyal to that motley crew of cockroaches in the Middle East.
A traitor against them is a hero indeed.
Well, Brother Nathanael, that more and more people visit realjewnews.com and becoming known about the truth with regard the true causes of many problems in America, is véry good news indeed!
And regarding the coming judgment over America (and I believe also over Europe, the New Euro-Jewish Soviet Union), this New Babylon will have suffer the consequences of many Jewish lies, deceptions, and treachery.
My hope, however, is that there eventually are a sufficent number of people who will awake to the real causes of heavy suffering as result of this, and will take measures in order to prevent such a judgment.
Thank you very much for all your e-mails with are brimful with truth!
Hi BrN:
Once again, I applaud your accuracy. Names, places, dates.
Not a conspiracy theory, but historical facts.
Keep unmasking the corrupt Zionist vultures, and may God keep you safe and in good health.
What are the treason and crimes of Diane Feinstein and her race against America and the rest of the world?
1. Gun control legislation.
2. Jewish control over banking, the media and government.
3. The Federal Reserve System.
4. Paper, electronic currency, credit cards, debit cards and RFID technology.
5. Abortion, feminism and the promotion and protection of homosexuality, bisexuality, pedophilia and prostitution. This is anti-Goy and anti-White genocide.
6. 9/11 and other terrorist and revolutionary atrocities committed in the last 300 years. This is anti goy and anti white genocide.
7. All the wars of all descriptions, slaveries and economic recessions and depressions during the last millennia. This is anti-Goy and anti-White genocide.
8. Jewish paganism, subversion and persecution of Christianity have led to many deaths. They demanded the death of Jesus Christ and had the Romans torture and crucify him.
If given the chance to do it again they would do it with out hesitation and with much enthusiasm. They would and did kill the Son of God and would and have done the same to his followers. John 8:44 is absolutely true.
9. All real estate market bubbles are inspired by the Jewish dictum that a man without land is nothing. No man wants to be nothing hence the mad urge to buy real estate no matter the price.
Plus the example of buying low and selling high has prompted the Goyim to do like wise and price their children out of the nation they were born into. This is anti-Goy and anti-White genocide.
10. The Jews present themselves as a righteous persecuted people and yet they slyly plot the enslavement, robbery and extinction of the Goyim. They abuse the tolerance and the trust of the Goyim to facilitate their crimes against humanity every where including America.
By way of deception they make war and commit crimes against Gentiles. This is anti-Goy and anti-White genocide.
If that all together is not treason and genocide then those crimes ought to be expunged from all law codes and maybe the law codes of the nations should be expunged as well.
It is all or nothing and no exemption for Jews or there is no law, and anything goes including unregulated revenge for offenses and insults committed.
The Christian and White nations of the earth can not afford the luxury of having Jews or their allies and fans for within their borders.
From stand points of morality, finances, national security, religious doctrine and the propagation of our people it is a health and safety issue.
Bro Nat,
Don’t be deceived by Fenstein’s theatrical ‘condemnation’ of “Edward Snowden.”
This is a clever Jewish trick, known as ‘sheep-dipping’.
Snowden is a PHONY. This Jewish inspired, CIA-Mossad stunt is staged as an anti-Russian ploy, and also to let Americans know that the government spies on people.
The Snowden Affair is a TOTAL HOAX! Read this:
Re Feinstein:
It never ceases to amaze me how these Jew cockroaches live on and on and on. Do they ever DIE?
I am in my 50’s, and I though Kissinger was old 40 years ago.
Feinstein. The first time I ever heard of her was in the 1970’s when gay Jew Harvey “martyr” Milk and then Mayor Moscone were shot.
Then Feinstein “conveniently” slid into the Mayor’s chair.
Here we are almost 40 years later, she is still haunting us like the other old Jews.
Hoax Schmoax!
I Agree With Br. Nathanael:
Senator Feinstein (really Senator ‘Frankenstein) is the traitor, not Snowden!
Besides, we true Constitutional American Patriots KNOW that the NSA has been spying on U.S. Americans & other freedom loving peoples of the world since the end of WWII!
Call Ed Snowden what you will, but in the eyes of true Patriot U.S. Constitutional American Citizens, he (Snowden) is a U.S. American Hero and Senator ‘Frankenstein’ is the treacherous villain and She-Devil!
And even if this is a “CIA-MOSSAD stunt and staged as an anti-Russian ploy,” Mr. Putin isn’t buying into it, nor is China, as they are deflecting the “Snowden Affair” as an evil U.S.-American & Israeli spy, snooping, spooking, voyeur and Peeping-Tom affair against all the peoples of the world!
So, Snowden, keep up the good work, as what you are doing will back-fire on your so-called CIA-MOSSAD handlers if you, Snowden, are what Dr. Pastore says you are.
But we true U.S. American Patriots and Constitutionalists think and believe otherwise — Snowden is a Hero!
Truthfully, Honestly, Sincerely Yours & Faithfully Recorded,
Br. Tony Cisneros
Here we have a nation that was under the control of the rat face Jews for almost a century, and converted into an Evil Empire known to the world as the Soviet Union, and also hated by the world, because of their social/communist way of life, now under the leadership of a godly man, who used to be part of the evil empire as a KGB agent, now as a Christian and as President, has God changed the image of Russia into a nation that now is being praised by God’s People while hated by the Evil People.
In the mean time a once Christian nation now under the control of the same Jews that destroyed Russia, and with a Black Jew Evil President, is now disrespected and hated by the world after destroying God’s reputation in the EYES of humanity, and right under the noses of the once called Christians that sold their souls for a bowl of Lies and Deception.
How can any unbeliever even think that God is not involved in human affairs? The judgment that our Heavenly Father has for America is going to be no less than what happened to Israhell.
And perhaps even more so especially after the salvation that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice in coming to earth and die for a worthless humanity in order to provide them with a godly Holy Spirit to guide us all unto all truth, something the biblical Hebrews never had.
Lately, or actually for some time now, I think opposites when listening to government officials.
If they say it is good — you can be sure it’s bad.
If they say traitor — it means patriot.
It certainly is clear who the traitors to the US are. They are not fooling the people who are awake.
Read again what Brother Nathanael wrote to open up the comment section.
There is no mincing of words, no Zio this or Zio that, just the hard hitting truth and reality of the dire situation humanity faces against “der ewige jude.”
With a few graphics by “Fips,” his words could have could have appeared in Streicher’s “Der Stürmer” in another time and place. I can see those caricatures of ’supreme’ toilet seat membership right now.
I can think of very, very few other internet writers who come close to spelling it out and saying it the way he does. Many of those who do take great delight in scorning Christ and Christianity, even though they are correct in their assessment of International Jewry.
Most church going individuals I know are too AFRAID to come to +BN’s site. That is right; even now without REAL persecution they are too scared to read his valuable work and research that requires so much time and effort to produce. They are afraid of the truth.
How can such cowards ever be part of helping others climb out of the Jewish cesspool of mass deception?
These clowns are not too afraid to gather round the tel-a-viv-a-vision with their children to ingest heapin’ helpins’ of Talmudic filth. Oh how they love to yuck it up with Bill Mahr, Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, Larry David, along with “Will and Grace” just to name a few.
I stand by my statement that there will be no resistance to the social and cultural wickedness that Talmudic Jewry continues to heap upon the JSA.
I know of high school students who have been shouted down by their peers for their criticisms of the homosex agenda.
An unusually astute and aware 25 year old told me the other day that the same thing happens to him when he stands up for traditional Christ-like values among most of his age group.
I know of Elie Wiesel humping teachers who tell young men who voice opposition to race mixing dating and marriage that they will just have to get used to it and change with the times.
Oh, and by the way, I live in a “conservative” Bible Belt state.
Yes, there will always be some who have been reared correctly at home who reject the secularized satanic agenda being dumped on us wholesale.
Unfortunately, they are a remnant, and are vastly outnumbered by those who obtain their worldview via the psychotronic warfare programming from the radio, television, and film industry.
Separate yourselves from such willfully beguiled fools.
One cannot serve Talmudic Jewry and Christ at the same time! As +BN says, “Jews are the sons of Satan! Christ said it, I believe it, that SETTLES it!”
(psychotronic warfare — credit commenter jason)
Feinstein’s The Traitor NOT Snowden
Thank You Edward Snowden.
The Whole World is indebted YOU.
From Snowy Smith
Senior Complaints Investigator
Consumer Protection Guide (No Fear, No Favour)
Fair Civil Law
The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil. South Africa is a Country of Thieves.
Snowden issue is a red herring, whether it is a hoax or not.
Governments are corrupt, period. Nothing new to see here… lets move along.
“Russia reports pullout from small base in Syria”
Has this been confirmed? If so, this could spell the end for Assad.
@Steve Rowlandson
>>”This is anti-Goy and anti-White genocide.”
You made this above statement twice. I understand where you’re coming from. However, Jewish perfidy too has harmed non-Whites, including Native Americans and African-Americans.
There are some African-Americans who do understand the nature and implication of Jewish chicanery and manipulation directed at their people.
In short, Jewish malevolence and treachery has not only profoundly harmed White societies, but others too have been very negatively impacted.
While destroying Goyim Whites is a key objective of Jewry, others too are targets of this insidious tribe.
Madame Frankenshtein Goes Ballistic On China Over The Snowden Case!
What a babbling evil gargoyle she is.
The chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Robert Menendez, has suggested punishing Ecuador economically if it does offer asylum.
He said he was ready to campaign to end preferential trade access for Ecuador.
Senator Menendez has also called on Russia to stop sheltering Mr Snowden immediately and turn him over to the United States.
( bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-23068252 )
BBC went to Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow to get a lead on Snowden, in a sort of “Where’s Waldo” kind of way.
Reporter says there has been no sightings of Snowden, just reports of this and that. Takes a look at a Transit Zone’s hotel room.
Snowden could theoretically spend the next ten years in the Moscow airport…wasn’t there a movie some time ago about
( bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-23077350
Dear Abe,
The Russian 16-ship naval task force in the Eastern Mediterranean will remain on post. Russian civilians throughout Syria and the few military personnel have been evacuated for some time.
This article explains it better from AlMonitor in their interview with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, who is the Russian President’s plenipotentiary for Middle East
There was never a real military base in Tartarus.
FM Bogdanov “lived in Syria for 10 years and visited this location many times when we had an actual military presence there,” he was quoted as saying.
“We never, at any time, had a real military base in Tartus. This is a maintenance center for ships that pass through the Mediterranean, a technical center.
“There is not even a deep dock that allows ships to approach, refuel or undergo repairs. This center has no military or strategic significance.”
No ships have called at Tartus since April, Vedomosti reported.
A person with knowledge of the Kremlin’s decision told Russia’s RT television channel that the withdrawal reflected concerns about the risks posed by Syria’s ongoing civil war, as well as the fear of an incident involving the Russian military that could have larger consequences.
( rt.com/politics/navy-diplomat-syria-base-251/ )
Hello and thanks +BN and all.
Every now and then it’s time for playful contest to choose the hypocrite of the year. President Obama has scored really well, but what I just read about Dianne Feinstein, not even close.
Obama surely is a bad President for the US. He just talk the talk, but nothing gets done, like war against Iran. That must make him the worst President for Israel. That incompetence of the President may have cost Americans many jobs offshored as revenge by bankers order.
I think Iran was the primary plan, that would have been really thin ice and results and consequences totally unpredictable. Arab Spring and Syria may have been some secondary plan and European idiots more active than Americans, at least until Russian Bear growled a little.
Say hypothetically, it was President Obama who gave the orders to Edward Snowden by some General’s advice, because civil war mongering Feinstein seems to have too much speed while challenging Einstein’s speed of light. That is, Einstein recommended to drop atomic bomb outside US, Feinstein would rather drop it inside US.
Of course that was just one of those “what about if” speculations, but here’s quite interesting article about Bloomberg fooling around, as if they were kind of nervous and busy.
One reason Brother Natanael is correct, is because the Orthodox Church is correct.
Orthodox teaching means correct teaching.
Disclaimer: if I am not Orthodox, don’t believe me.
Those wonderful ‘democracy loving’ rebels that the JEWS are supporting and now ARMING through their shvartza puppet, Obama, just BEHEADED a Syrian Orthodox Bishop and his Orthodox assistant.
The JEWS and their puppet Obama are our ENEMIES.
“Syrian Orthodox bishop and his assistant, beheaded by militants logistically protected by Israel and armed by NATO/EU/USA/petromonarchies” @
Thank you, +BN, for this very insightful article.
Once again, you do not mince words and call a spade a spade. I agree with you 100%.
Edward Snowden IS, indeed, a hero. Only heroes put themselves at great risk by exposing Government abuses.
The real traitor in this entire episode is Senator Feinstein – errr – Frankenstein, one of the most evil, vile dirtbags who ever occupied the Halls of Congress. If anyone deserves the death penalty for high treason, Feinstein is at the front of the line.
Also, Russian President Vladimir Putin deserves a round of applause for his part in telling the Obama Regime that Snowden hadn’t broken any Russian laws and that the US and Russia have no extradition treaty between them; thus, he won’t extradite the whistle-blower.
Good for you, President Putin; don’t take any guff from these Yiddish bullies. Just sit back and laugh your head off at them as they throw the motherload of tantrums and hissy fits in vain.
+BN, it’s good to hear that you’re receiving treatments for your ailments and your health is improving. I’ve said a prayer for your recovery and safety.
When you resume your Street Evangelism, Brother, please watch your back. You do present a visible target for your enemies. I and the rest of your readers want you well and safe.
May Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and St. Christopher be always with you, both at home, and when you resume your travels.
I am not going to watch that video, but I can imagine what’s in it, that is can’t even imagine how low can human go.
Maybe it is, that President Obama would rather turn albino than be unloyal for his Master.
But I think that video was addressed to President Vladimir Putin.
In Soviet times they had a special operation unit Spetsnaz, just wondering if they still have?
Yes, Spetsnaz is still there. It played an important role against the bandits in the Chechen conflict.
I came upon this site through a link provided by whale.to site:
For me, this is more evidence of the dangers our once great republic is facing by a foreign entity that is demonic to it’s very core: Zionist Jewry. I believe it is a must read for all concerned.
Thank you Brother Nathanael for all the work you are doing. You have done an excellent piece about one of America’s worst enemies: Diana Feinstein.
It is nice to know you are taking good care of yourself. God bless the RJN reader who sent you supplements and God bless everyone who is supporting your mission. I am busy behind-the-scene.
As more information becomes available we will all know that story about Snowden is another Jewish hoax.
It appears to be a multipurpose Jewish project one important purpose being to create trouble for President Putin, China, South America and Iceland and for Jews to come across as truth-tellers and saviors and put the blame on the US government.
This is a global level deception and people across the globe will blame White Americans for spying on them(and Jews will go free) because no one knows America is run by Jews.
For all the atrocities Jews are committing on humanity, White people in America will get the blame just like Russians in Russia got the blame and Germans in Germany got the blame even after being destroyed by the Jews and the Jew went free.
God bless you Brother Nathanael!
LOL! Just say it like it is. It’s obvious people are being dumbed down.
“Syrian Orthodox bishop and his assistant, beheaded by militants logistically protected by Israel…”
Yes, these satanic b–tards who spiritually grovel on all fours are indeed backed by your tax dollars. We’re ultimately paying for our own execution which will come soon enough if we don’t wake up.
Don’t expect Mr. Hope & Change to do anything as he’s more concerned with “slamming a few hoops” on weekends if you know what I mean.
Paul V. Sheridan
“Please see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA9byC0PjrE ”
Yes, I did and so should everybody in the whole world. The first thing I was told on the internet was that Jews own all “media.” I asked “What does it matter if all “media” is owned by Jews?”
Well you see how stupid and ignorant I, Hoff, was. This is the reason I allow myself to mock and ridicule people and call them stupid and ignorant. I have been there, done that, then I woke up to the Jews, grew a brain and did my homework.
I will now give you a crystal clear example of why it matters that the Jews own all “media.”
September 1939 the Jew-ruled Soviet attacked and invaded Poland and then England and France declared war on Soviet.
Wait, wait … England and France did NOT declare war on the Jew-ruled Soviet because they invaded Poland.
Soviet and Germany both invaded Poland and took half each. The reason we are told England-France declared war was because they cared soooooo much about Poland sovereignty.
The Soviets took half Poland but that part they didn’t care about but they were dead scared when Germany did exactly the same thing as the Jew-ruled Soviet.
This is why it matters that the Jews own all “media,” they lie, they will tell us any BS AND they can omit what they don’t want you to know and point the other way.
Another crystal clear example from the video. The Katyn mass graves. The whole world was invited by the Germans to come and see what they found on the Jew-ruled territory. The Jew-ruled Soviet was in control of the Katyn Forest when the mass murder was done.
Papers, diaries, every paper with a date ended in mid April 1940. They were all wearing winter uniforms. Only the Jew-ruled Soviet could have commited this systematical mass murder. Were you ever told this in Jew “media”? No, the only thing you ever heard is that it was the NAZIS that did Katyn.
We have been told all our life Mr Hitler started WW2. No, he did NOT start WW2. The Jews started WW2. Read the book Icebreaker from intro and all the way to the end of chapter six.
Do you get it? The question is not if the Jews can tell us any lie because the Jews have a monopoly on the whole propaganda machine. The only question you should ask yourself is: What else have Jews lied about?
The Black slave trade over the Atlantic was nearly a Jew monopoly.
But who does the Jew “media” blame? White people.
Homosexual Jew blows a fuse on a Christian standing like a soldier with a sign.
Warning: Jew drops a load of f-bombs, but it’s worth watching for a a good laugh.
Challenging US Lawlessness
By Stephen Lendman
It’s vital today more than ever. America’s a rogue terror state. It’s ruthlessly out-of-control. It spurns rule of law principles. It mocks democratic rights. It honors its worst. It persecutes its best.
Read more..
It acts unconscionably. It threatens freedom. It menaces world peace. It endangers humanity. It’s guilty of worldwide espionage on a massive, unprecedented scale.
@$10 Bagel
Dude…thanks for the laugh.
Those losers always make me crack up and pray even harder.
BTW, Bro Nathanael, always praying for you.
Keep up the Lord’s work!
@$10 Bagel
This was more than a good laugh! I placed the link on “real ZCF” for the attention of Zogstein!
Response to “family won’t watch Brother Nathanael ”
Americans are conditioned to afraid of being labeled a “racist”.
The History being taught, such as the Holocaust stories, KKK, slavery, Neo-nazies, etc, has established “who” is the “racist.” So being politically correct is framed by the history you are being taught.
The consequences of being labeled a racist are evident by the public humiliation on talk shows. Also this is reinforced in the news, schools, and workplace environments. In this framework it is very easy for a mudslinger place another in this category.
Brother Nathanael’s website is vulnerable to this kind of attack. Your family members are instantly aware of this and turn away so as not to be associated. Just as so many kids turn their backs on the kid who got bullied and lick the boots of the bully so they won’t get bullied next.
What we need are stepping stones. One cannot go from A to Z. One must go from “A” to “B.” “B” should be to replace the media. The Internet is doing a good job, but the the truth has to be sought after.
The truth is not being served on a platter like the mainstream media. Therefore “A” is that they must first lose faith in the media. For me it is 9/11. Others it is Sandy Hook.
I think Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth’s video on “WTC 7 no longer controversial” is the best video to show people the fact on 9/11. For those who dare, it is on YouTube.
Since the Towers came down from controlled demolition, then the media is covering it up and the politicians are going along with it, or are fooled themselves. Once it is accepted that the media has covered it up, and the government covered it up, then you must ask yourself …Who knows the truth and is speak it…..
What about the rest of our history. Are there more lies about the history we have been taught?
Brother Nathanael’s website is one of those websites that recognizes 9/11 as a false flag. Physics is physics. WTC7 fell at the rate of gravity, which is impossible unless it was a controlled demolition.
Even simple observation of World Trade Center 7’s collapse shows that it is indeed the case as evidenced by the middle of the building at the roofline buckling first so as to have the building collapse into itself instead of off to one side.
One can see the penthouse go down prior to the rest of the building falling and there was not even smoke.
Many are very aware of the gun bans and know something is not right. But nothing compares to the biggest lie in your face and that is 9/11. One way or the other they must lose faith in the media. This is “A.”
The Protocols of The Elders of Zion says the bribe is more powerful than logic. And poverty is their weapon. This is the plan that has been instituted.
Dear friends and Dear Brother,
God is not mocked. These poor Goy and Zionists are going to get a real wake up call.
The Almighty will shake the earth as if it were a toy. The day of the triumph of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary will soon be here.
There may be some suffering for us but the death of the saints is precious in the sight of the Lord. Let us pray and work for that triumph.
$10 Bagel
The video was funny. However it is so over the top one almost wonders if it was staged.
The “Jew” claimed he grew up in the (Southern accent please?) and jogs barefoot?
He/It had the stage for almost 10 minutes to unload a lot of tired old Jew propoganda stereotypes.
Re Snowden:
Was listening to James Corbett being interviewed.
Apparently the spotlight on Snowden is overshadowing another expose’ that the NSA has been wiretapping Politicians. They discussed how at the G20, fake internet cafes were set up so as to access delegates’ e-mails.
Not that this should surprise anyone, its been going on for years.
I read recently that Marilyn Monroe’s house, when renovated, uncovered old cutting-edge surveillance technology and cost $100,000 to remove.
However one point made is that these create “Shadow Governments,” often run by the private sector that have the dirt on politicians and can play them like puppets.
I’ve concluded long ago that those who are in office are either compromised going in or soon afterward…or else quit in disgust.
For what its worth I would like to share with the readership what the life of a truther REALLY is.
When you read one of thes blogs be aware that it takes hour and hours and perhaps days of intense reading research being careful to not make any mistakes – verifying and re-verifying sources.
Sometimes it take hours to dig up just one set of statistics. Your personal life for the most part is trashed. If you have family, chances are they they will not support your efforts and your old party buddies are long since gone and erased you from their social circle WHY?
Because you are not ‘fun’ any more or you are deemed unpatriotic or “anti-Semitic” (by people who haven’t the foggiest what the term even means); decades old frienships vanish like the morning fog.
You will never again be invited to social affairs, parties etc because you are a living reminder of the putrid kind of people they have become — secular, lazy, cowardly, shallow, bigots, and racists who would sell your truth-oriented souls for money and your integrity and honor for fun and thrills.
If you are not an NFL fanatic and worship the morons of the Stupid Bowl (the ‘Merkan version of the ancient colluseum violence spectacles where Christians are eaten,burned and murderd for entertainment) you are ostracised as an outsider not worthy of their company.
Try to start ANY conversation with neighbors that requires anything above plant life intelligence and see what happens.
Try to remind your OWN neighbors of the moral dangers and rot their children are immersed in 24-7.
Instead of thanks, you will receive resentment for even suggesting you might possibly be interested in the filth your beloved childen hear and see — the putrid role models that have replaced traditional time honord wholesome exposure.
For the ofference of your wisdom and sacrifices, you are deemed radical, insane, insensitive, and worse. “No good deed goes unpunished” — right?
If you DARE to be so radical as to suggest that their childen’s future and well-being might be well served by a better knowledge of thier own government and our once proud colonial heritage you will be looked upon as if you carried the black plague.
You will probably lose the love & respect of your wife, children, family, and lifelong ‘friends’ should you insist on being truthful patriotic and responsible. The ONLY positive input you will ever know from that point on is from people you have probably never met and never will.
OH, but make lots of bucks and everyone is your friend and wants to know how you do it.
Sometimes when you are at your lowest point of self-esteem and worthiness in your own mind, you get a phone call or Email from a pefect stranger who thanks you profusely for opening their eyes and hearts and minds to truth and wisdom.
Their sincere words are like precious gold and for a while you feel your life is NOT in vain and you put aside an inner voice thats TO HELL WITH THESE INGRATES.
The voice says “It isn’t worth the pain, sacrifice and energy. Take your savings and spend what life you have left on fun travel and self indulgence – YOU HAVE EARNED IT!”
You cast it aside and seek the solace of a good night’s rest. The next morning you are ready to do battle once more with the evil ones and their useful idiots.
You read an encouraging passage from Scripture — don your armor of truth and honor and go out to another day of doing battle with lies, hatred, evil, shallowness, hypocrisy, and Satanic agenda of what used to be your beloved, moral, honorable United States Of America not occupied by the children of Satan, as you remember most of the goodness of your childhood.
That is the unglamorous task we have self imposed upon ourselves because there is no one else who will do it. There are only a handful of us who have stayed the course — borne the weight of battle — and have endured emotional scars which will never heal yet never show.
We are the few — We are the TRUTHERS. Our holy quest is to save the nation from itself.
Brother Nathanael and handful more are the only people who have assumed this awesome, gut-wrenching, thankless task. He goes through the same emotional roller coaster that I do, or Mark Glenn or any of the other TRUE faithful. Some have compromisd with the devil.
If the greedy slime selfish and filth in this sick dying nation can get the man in the street to support their abysmally evil garbage, then shouldn’t you — the decent Godly people — support those who have selflessly given their ALL for ALL of our benefit? Shouldn’t you be eager to keep these valuable sites viable and immensely valuable?
Thank you for responding to my plea for support — always for the true warriors other than myself, like Brother Nathanael, for justice and freedom.
Please visit my site and that of Mark Glenn – another true warrior.
JC @ http://www.mynameisjoecortina.wordpress.com/
Great article as always Brother Nate.
God Bless all readers and supporters of BN and RJN.
Re: that video of the gay barefoot lunatic…what a sick rabid dog “atheist”– he should be put down like a rabid dog.
You say that you are wondering if the video was staged. What’s your line of thinking?
Was it staged by the Jews or by the fellow holding the placard? Or might it have been that the nutty screamer wanted to stage himself?
Re your post on wire tapping: I have always been wondering how the British Jew papers got hold of Prince Charles’ tampon story! It seems this thing has been going on for quite some time.
How did Snowden say? “I could have even wired up the President at the push of a button.”
U.S. backed Syrian rebels beheaded a Syrian Orthodox bishop with another man, likely the bishop’s assistant though not yet identified.
Metropolitan Paul Yazigi, the brother of Patriarch John, was killed by Islamic fundamentalists who cheered that they killed infidels.
Metropolitan Paul Yazigi and Archbishop Youhanna Ibrahim were kidnapped by Chechen militants in April.
Why is America supporting these cruel and barbaric people?
Greetings in the Lord, dear BAB
I received an email earlier this morning with intifada.palestine’s update of the identity of the clergy slain in their original article that reported the victims as a slain Orthodox bishop and two others.
As Christians, they were clearly slain for their faith, and that makes them not only hero-martyrs for Syria, but martyrs for Christ. In faith, they met their destiny calmly and impassively and without a word or cry of pain as we can see from the hard to bear brutal video posted at intifada-palestine.
We can be certain they were in fervent silent prayer of the heart.
Update: June 28, 2013
According to sources close to the Syriac Orthodox Archbishop, it was confirmed that the incident does actually involve a Syrian Catholic priest Father François Murad 49, and two of his assistants.
This video [on website] shows militants believed to be Chechen gunmen speaking Arabic with a broken accent, slaughtering three people in the countryside of Edlib, including Father François Murad, who was patron of Sumaan al-Amoudi Monastery.
Father Francois and two assistants were brutally executed – beheaded with a small combat knife. Echoing previous beheading recorded by insurgents, the head is held up to the cheers of onlookers and then placed on the body.
The monastery in which he resided was burnt and looted, echoing the events of a massacre in Homs last month which resulted in the entire population of a Christian village being wiped out and their houses and possessions burnt.
Two Christian bishops who were kidnapped by Chechen gunmen in Aleppo earlier this year, are still missing and are not the same persons that were beheaded.
As well as Christians, Shia villages are receiving the brunt of a boldly-confident insurgency.
This newly-found confidence has resulted in having just recently received confirmation of America’s intent to supply them with more weapons.
Last week, militants massacred dozens of villagers in the province’s town of Hatla. Since then, summary executions and sectarian house-to-house raids have taken place.
This month has seen an escalation in sectarian atrocities committed by insurgents,(foreign mercenaries) who have been publicly armed and supported by America, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and other actors.
Indeed, the atrocities are coinciding with further arms transfers – with new advanced weaponry witnessed in the hands of militants in the past number of weeks.
The most recent beheading recorded on video and uploaded to the internet, reportedly took place in Idlib countryside.
The reported beheading of the three Christians comes about the same time America has started sending arms to rebel fighters, the Wall Street Journal revealed this week.
The Journal reported the Central Intelligence Agency just began transporting weapons to Jordan for eventual transfer to Syrian fighters.
The weapons transfer is aimed at helping Free Syrian forces oust Syria’s President Bashar al- Assad. It’s scheduled to coincide with arms shipments from other European and Arab allies for a planned and coordinated rebel attack set for August, the Journal reported.
However, Syria News reported about 15 hours ago that there was an assassination attempt on Patriarch John X (Yazigi) of Antioch and All The East in Damascus
Only ethnic based enclaves would justify the existence of the pure ‘Jewish’ state of Israel, and having these enclaves fighting in between helps secure the safety of the ‘Jewish State of Israel’.
The small obstacle they face in proceeding with the ‘Jewish State of Israel’ plan is the existence of millions of Christians in Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon and of course Palestine itself, although millions already left the region so far post US invasion of Iraq in 2003, so empty the region from Christians.
‘Why not bring them here?‘ Former French president Sarkozy told Maronite Cardinal Rai in a meeting in Paris referring to the dangers Christians in the Levant are facing.
The assassination attempt of Patriarch Yazigi would help fuel the fear and push them out of the region.
On 27 June 2013 and just moments after Patriarch John X (Yazigi) of Antioch and All The East passed by a narrow street in the mostly Christian dominated Bab Touma neighborhood in Damascus heading towards Greek Orthodox Virgin Mary church, as some locals reported, a bombing occurred.
[It was] initially reported as a suicide bomber before further investigation indicated to a mortar shell and after obtaining footage from a CCTV placed on one of the shops from the targeted location.
It was confirmed to be a mortar shell that missed the patriarch in moments but didn’t miss 4 civilians whom were killed a number of others injured, not to mention the destruction in properties.
The assassination attempt took place more than 2 months after the kidnapping of Patriarch’s brother Boulous Yazigi, Archbishop the Greek Orthodox Church of Aleppo with Syriac Orthodox bishop Yuhanna Ibrahim of Aleppo whom were kidnapped in Aleppo on April 22, 2013 by a foreign death squad with fate unknown till this moment, despite the confirmation of US backed and formed Qatari based Coalition of Syrian Oppositions abroad that they’re in contact with the kidnapping group and working on their release.
Syria News has the footage posted from the CCTV which shows the mortar shell landing in one of the frames which Syria News managed to enhance.
They also a stock photo of a similar mortar round being hand filled by the ‘rebels.’
Pray for the peace of Syria through the complete victory of the Syrian Arab Army and their Commander-in-Chief, President Al-Assad.
Memory eternal, Father Francois and the Companions with you.
Pray to God for your beloved Syria, and please spare a small prayer for us, too.
Why is America supporting these cruel and barbaric people?
Nothing new here…
Re the most massive slaughter of millions of Christians in Bolshevik Russia, the revolutionaries were actually trained in the US — New Jersey I believe.
There is no such thing as Judeo-Christian..its more like Satanic pseudo-Christian. Christian Zionists would be better off as atheists.
The United Kingdom has a very explicit policy of not allowing hate preachers and inciters of violence to enter their nation.
It is in this vein that the UK has announced another massive blow to the merchants of Islamophobic hate and fear: Rev. Deacon Robert Spencer and his close companion Pamela Geller have been banned from entering the UK to speak at a rally for the extremist English Defence League.
Guardian political columnist Sunny Hundal has the initial details:
Both Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have been banned from entering the UK by the Home Office, after a campaign by the anti-racist group Hope Not Hate.
Both bloggers posted letters to their websites today, from the Home Office, stating that they had been banned from entering…
The duo were invited to speak at a rally by the English Defence League… Pamela Geller has been exposed as repeatedly publishing false stories about Muslims in order to stir up hatred.
etc. etc.
Feinstein has been a traitor since 33 AD.
She has blood on her hands as do the rest of the Christ-hating Jews.
They are all stained with the blood of Christ as Saint Basil the Great tells us. All Jews NOT “Zionists,” are enemies of European-Christian civilization and the Orthodox Church of Christ.
They seek to destroy us in accordance with the Talmud and the wishes of their father the Devil.
“For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: Who both killed the Lord Jesus and their owne prophets and have persecuted us and are enemies of all men.”
This should leave no doubts that Feinstein and Jews are traitors.
Memory Eternal for those who are lost in Syria!,
(Servant of Christ and HIS Church)
Saint John of Damascus pray to God for us!
Beautiful inspiring words Joe, right on the mark.
Thank you.
Dear Steven Rowlandson,
The video you have is the same that Infitada Palestine has posted. They originally reported the victim as being a Syrian bishop, and +BN had posted that a day or two ago. Then sometime on the 28th, they updated what I first posted today.
They have now updated again stating that the identity of the victim is now unconfirmed to be that of Father François Murad, a Syrian Catholic priest.
Intifada Palestine’s update by Elias reads:
“According to unconfirmed sources, the incident does involve a Syrian Catholic priest Father François Murad 49, and two of his assistants.
Although Intifada Palestine cannot officially confirm that the Christians beheaded are Father Francois Murad and his two assistants.
We will update article as soon as receive more information.”
Last month, the US/Israeli funded and supported Al-Qaeda Nusra Front attacked and murdered about 40 residents of a Christian village including women and children just outside Homs near Lebanon. Some of them were tortured, had their bones broken and burned before being shot in the head.
The rest of the village managed to escape. Thousands of Christians in various places have been forced out and displaced by the FSA, and others forced to flee to avoid trouble.
For example, Christian refugees from Qusayr, a town with a Christian population of 10,000 before the war, claimed that their male relatives had been killed by “rebels.”
Sources inside the Syrian Orthodox Church claimed an “ongoing ethnic cleansing of Christians” was being carried out by the Free Syrian Army.
In a communication received by Agenzia Fides (news agency of the Vatican), the sources claimed that over 90% of the Christians of Homs have been expelled by militant Islamists of the Farouq Brigades who went door to door, forcing Christians to flee without their belongings and confiscating their homes.
The Christian population of Homs had dropped from a pre-conflict total of 160,000 down to about 1,000.
I can actually understand the difficulty of trying to get a confirmed identity of the victims, especially off the YouTube if no bodies have been found yet, when refugees who might ID them are in camps with no way to view the videos until the authorities come around. And the video quality is not that great.
It’s a real nightmare for the Syrians. Someone disappears, and friends and relatives spend a lot of time going through trophy videos that the FSA and the cannibal militias post on the internet for propaganda and terror purposes of the tortures, murders and mayhems trying to find their loved ones. Sometimes the bodies are never found reportedly fed to dogs, and the vids of their gruesome deaths are all that the survivors have.
The Christians have been ethnically cleansed from some of the areas, and it makes it even more difficult that their are congregations of Armenians, Greek Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, Marionite and Roman Catholics all under different hierarchal authorities.
As far as this video goes, it and others like it, is certainly very real. These are Christians being martyred for their faith because one version I saw had English subtitles, and they were being beheaded for being ‘infidels’ according to the Chechen butchers. I believe one is at least a clergyman.
Elias personally believes that the clergyman slain is NOT Fr. François, but a bishop so we could have at least two incidents of slain clergy or monastics taken after their churches and monasteries which are being conflated into a single confused narrative.
It doesn’t change the fact that all of this serves Israhell’s interests and the Jew-owned Capitol Hill and Obombya have a great deal of blood, particularly Christian on their hands.
These videos especially of the brutality of the Chechens have certainly given me new insight into what the Chechen wars were like for Russians, although I had a fair idea before.
Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Rodionov was a Russian soldier who was taken prisoner and later executed in Chechen captivity for his refusal to convert to Islam and defect to the enemy side.
The circumstances of his death have garnered him much admiration throughout Russia and he is considered a saint and martyr by the Russian Orthodox Church.
A church named in Yevgeny Aleksandrovich’s honor has been built in Hankala, near Groziniy in Chechnya.
He is widely venerated in Russia and other Orthodox countries where he is seen as a patron of soldiers and military men.
A bunch of American Jews, Israelis, NGOs, Soros, Brzezinski, the Arab Mujahideen in Chechnya (Al Qaeda linked) and the CIA and Mossad backed the Chechens. Mercenaries came in from all over the place.
The Chechen separatists had also established close contacts with Islamists organizations, mostly related to and funded by Saudi Arabia and acting in Russia, the Trans-Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia), the Ukraine, Central Asia, Turkey and a number of European countries, among which are Great Britain, Germany, Sweden and France.
There is nothing new under the sun.
I wonder how much blood money Madame Frankenshtein and her hubby Blum are raking in now that the US is officially sending arms and other things.
Dear Bubba,
I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, and know UC Berkeley where that video was shot, which was in their “free speech zone.” I doubt it was a set up.
That kind of stuff happens all of the time. There’s a reason with the ultra-liberal city is sometimes named Berzerkley for there are a lot of interesting and colorful characters.
A lunatic Southern Jew who probably forgot to take his meds jogging onto campus in his bare feet going off like he did at the man quietly holding the sign for no reason?
In Berzerkley, I believe it.
Just google Berkeley + Naked Guy
Dear KathJuliane
ThankS for your long, explicit and up to date post. Well done.
Please tell me is any of all this in the MSM -US press as I don’t read newpapers nor watch TV any more ?
Thank’s again.
This whole Snowden thing is a psyop.
See this web site for what’s really going on:
Is the NSA ‘Blackmail Inc.’ for the Military-Industrial Complex?
One also needs to ask, ‘what is the Military-Industrial Complex?’ and ‘who controls it?’. The answer points to the owners of the Federal Reserve System as key players/owners.
In the 21st Century, there are well less than 100 multinational corporations, all with interlocking directorships, that control the global economy and control/influence the remaining large corporations.
These key corporations — and I always say “follow the money” — trace back to the Global Banking Cartel families. This concentration of power, is what they have been working on for generations, and is why they not only did not really oppose Communism but actually paid to create it and supported it until they were ready to replace it.
Because, Communism was simply a massive concentration of power in the hands of a tiny elite answering to — guess who — the Global Banking Cartel families.
If you think this is crazy, study how the Warburgs and Schiffs and Rothschilds organized and funded and controlled the early communists in Russia and elsewhere.
Follow the money, and the power, if you want to know who is really behind things, who the real Wizard of Oz is behind the curtain! And behind this tiny evil super-elite, you will find Satan! Stirling http://europebusines.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the comment.
I thought the campus looked “familiar” as I walked the Berkeley campus years ago.
It’s always healthy to engage in debate on whether a given event is a psy-op or actual event.
Either way, I think it backfired on this blonde barefoot self proclaimed atheist gay “Juden” and the rest of the tribe.
I simply sit back, watch/listen for the spew of usual kosher BS, and look forward to the future reality show “NUREMBERG II: Goyim Rising”
To All RJN Readers
Just recently I had the opportunity to meet with +Brother N and I was blessed. I have supported him monthly for many months or years (I don’t remember when I started) and it is a Godly investment.
I witnessed and heard firsthand his passion for his work and his desire to see Christianity relevant in the world once again.
Christians are woefully ignorant of the Church’s struggles and Her teachings; that is why in some aspect Jewry has infiltrated our ranks and divided the church.
Readers, +Brother N is the real deal!
He needs your support.
As a pastor of many years I know firsthand it takes committed people AND money to do effective ministry. Did not the apostle chide the church at Corinth about their carnality when he wrote in 2 Corinthians 11:8 “I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service.”
In Mark 12 we read of a widow woman who gave two mites, which came from what she had to live on; and Jesus commended her.
Many avenues can be opened for RJN and +Brother Nathanael if people who visit this site would give.
If RJN has ANY impact on your life in ANY way, please support this brave +brother.
ANY amount will further the outreach of what he is commissioned to do!
I do not believe there is actually a genetic ‘Jew.’ This has already been proven thru DNA. Most of these things that call themselves ‘Jews’ are Khazars that eventually moved eastward spreading into Europe. They have no historical, nor genetic link to the Middle East.
Yes to the above comment regarding Hitler..and it was these Khazarians that pulled off World War One which led immediately to the Balfour Declaration which illegally gave them Palestine.
Hitler was used much the way Saddam, Mubarek, and others have been.
I fully agree with you. Maybe that many Palestinians have more Hebrew blood in them than those who call themselves Jews.
I agree with you also about Hitler having been used by the international bankers who abandon those they have promoted when no longer useful for them.
Interview with Ralph Schoenman by presstv:
“I have to be clear that everyday there’s another revelation and it’s pretty well established that the United States authorities, the ruling class in the United States arrogates to itself the right to affectively conduct a state of permanent war with all other nations to determine the nature of their governments and to subordinate their sovereign rights to the imperial needs of the United States rulers – namely the exploitation of their resources and the imposition of governments that effectively facilitate American imperialism, not the national rights of the peoples’ concerned.
That’s why we have these spy operations, that’s why we have the NSA operating not only to record the conversations of officials wherever they are, but also to intervene in the affairs of each country and the American public itself which is feared by the United States rulers for its disapproval and alienation from this permanent state of war that the US rulers impose on mankind.
The economic crisis is enormous, the falling rate of the standard of living afflict a huge numbers of people in the United States – 100 million people now living in the poverty line in the United States.
The US rulers understand that sooner or later there will be a mass uprising in the US against the conditions that are imposed on its people and, at the same time, opposition to a permanent state of war the US maintains with peoples across the world.
These spy operations are an expression of that, both the assassination programs, the intervention with the national functioning of state after state, the creation of war conditions in Syria, against Iran and the region at large and the world at large.”
After a public communiqué about the “Doctors’ Plot” Stalin lived only 51 days.
“The release from custody and the acquittal of the doctors without trial were perceived by the older generation of Soviet Jews as a repetition of the Purim miracle”: Stalin had perished on the day of Purim, when Esther saved the Jews of Persia from Haman (67).
On April 3 all the surviving accused in the “Doctors’ Plot” were released. It was publicly announced the next day.
Re Jews: My understanding is this:
The majority of modern day Jews, at least the problem ones, descend from the Khazars. Khazars converted to Judaism for diplomatic reasons.
They are not the Biblical Jews.
However, being a Biblical Jew is IRRELEVANT, means NOTHING, its simply an interesting game show tidbit.
Jews = Race, religion, DNA = big deal, it’s red herring.
In the dogmatic sense, these Jews are simply a carry over of a an old religion. In pragmatic side they are a Satanic cult of vampires that wishes to suck from us both our physical and spiritual well being, as in kill us and send us to hell ( Is it a coincidence that vampires in horror movies look Jewish? )
Many Christians and others do not heed Christ warnings about the Jews. He stated unambiguously that there is no differentiation between Jew and Gentile, all must accept Him, PERIOD, or perish.
Many Christians believe the Jews just didn’t believe in Christ the first time around, but will the second time. No, next time is too late.
In the meantime, the Jews are serving their master Satan and creating a hell on earth and setting up souls to go to Hell.
Israel was created as a safehouse for Jews. Benjamin Friedman stated they have no basis of claim to it. Israel appears to have been “Balfour”ed to comply with some rabbinical laws/teachings so the Jews can move onto other phases of their plans.
The problem is the Goyim do not take the time and see that each step the Jews make is a set of lies, this is a compilation of deceptions at every step.
Go to the back of the class and start over before it is too late.
Interview with Ralph Schoenman by presstv:
“The economic crisis is enormous, the falling rate of the standard of living afflict a huge numbers of people in the United States – 100 million people now living in the poverty line in the United States.”
A silent Marxist revolution is swiftly taking hold in North America. White guilt mischievously orchestrated by the Bolshevik owned or controlled media and Hollywood has ingrained a sense of nervous servility upon the gormless majority.
As the Western world’s major cities become balkanized by Christ hating aliens our adversary has stealthily tightened our electronic shackles such that escape is now virtually impossible.
Dear friend, will today be the day of your personal awakening? Very soon it will be too late…
Dear Jason,
I do not quite understand why I must wake up before it is too late.
Can you explain?
How Not To Defend Atheism –
Crazy gay, Jewish Atheist goes postal at street preacher
I am reading an article from Ex U.S. Communist Bella Dodd
This is her journey form a young impressional academic to the upper echelons of the Communist movement, to chewed up, spit out and her epiphany.
Written in the context of first half of the 20th century.
What is intriguing is that while she woke up and connected may dots, the JEW factor should have stared her in the face but she does not get it….or avoids it…….as JEW names are littered through her article.
Regardless an excellent article a MUST READ to see the seeds sown decades ago
There were many parts of the puzzle which did not fit into the Party structure. Parallel organizations which I had dimly glimpsed now became more clearly visible, and their connections with the apparatus I knew became apparent. As the war in Korea developed, further illumination came to me.
We in the Party had been told in 1945, after the publication of the Duclos letter, that the Party in the United States would have a difficult role to play.
Our country, we were told, would be the last to be taken by the Communists; the Party in the United States would often find itself in opposition not only to the interests of our government, but even against the interests of our own workers.
Now I realized that, with the best motives and a desire to serve the working people of my country, I, and thousands like me, had been led to a betrayal of these very people. I now saw that I had been poised on the side of those who sought the destruction of my own country
I thought of an answer Pop Mindel, of the Party’s Education Bureau, had once given me in reply to the question whether the Party would oppose the entry of our boys into the Army.
I had asked this question at a time when the Communists were conducting a violent campaign for peace, and it seemed reasonable to me to draw pacifist conclusions. Pop Mindel sucked on his pipe and with a knowing look in his eyes said:
“Well, if we keep our members from the Army, then where will our boys learn to use weapons with which to seize power?”
I realized how the Soviets had utilized Spain as a preview of the revolution to come. Now other peoples had become expendable ~ the Koreans, North and South, the Chinese soldiers, and the American soldiers. I found myself praying, “God, help them all.”
What now became clear to me was the collusion of these two forces: the Communists with their timetable for world control, and certain mercenary forces in the free world bent on making profit from blood. But I was alone with these thoughts and had no opportunity to talk over my conclusions with friends.
Jews Unite Behind Push for Immigration Reform
Ethics and Self-Interest Drive Unusual Nationwide Effort
Read more: http://forward.com/articles/179296/jews-unite-behind-push-for-immigration-reform/
Forward is a major, if not the leading, Jewpaper in USrael.
Just been reading a very long and documented article by Laurent Guyénot. http://www.voltairenet.org
Guyénot confirms Brother Nath’s articles saying that it definitely was the Mossad which carried out 9/11 with the active help of dual nationality traitors in the US security administration.
Laurent Guyénot Shows that 9/11 was not an inside job but a mossad job with cover-up by the US administration.
This should not come as a surprise because the Mossad is known for having a long experience in faulse flag operations with cover-ups.
The Catholic Church still survives in a remnant of traditional Catholics who reject Vatican II (1965) and the apostate antipopes leading this counterfeit religion which has imposed new sacraments, a new catechism (1983), and new bastardized protestant mass (Novus Ordo Missae 1969).
We are living through the height of the great apostasy of the Catholic Church which was predicted in private revelations/apparitions of the Blessed Mother at Fatima (1917) and La Salette, France in 1846.
Dear BAB,
My comment was intended to segue (rather poorly I admit) off of Mr. Schoenman’s comment you posted.
Take no offense as my comments are primarily intended for the curious passersby who read these comments.
Many Blessings!
The Elder of Zyklon-B
‘Most church going individuals I know are too AFRAID to come to +BN’s site. That is right; even now without REAL persecution they are too scared to read his valuable work and research that requires so much time and effort to produce. They are afraid of the truth.
How can such cowards……….etc’
Totally bang on, mate.
Hey! Doesn’t it say in Revelations something about ‘outside are the cowards’ (among others) — talking about God’s kingdom here.
@ Bubba There are many facts through the centuries that millions of people have been motivated to carry out many acts based upon what you term a “red herring.”
This is a very large arena, including wars in which millions of people have both given their lives and have been killed as well.
Mingled in with all this carnage and geo-political maneuverings is the fact that ‘anti-semitism’ is constantly being used as a tool. Of course when a very large group of people have no ‘semite’ genetics whatsoever but still hide behind this, well you can understand the fraud being perpetrated upon the Globe.
On a side note — Hitler relaxed the gun laws in pre World War Two Germany. It was the so called ‘allied victors’ that set up the Weimar government after World War One that installed heavy guns and ammunition restrictions.
He believed that since his country, and ethnic Germans in Europe were being attacked, butchered, and raped…that it be best if ethnic Germans were ‘armed-up’ so they could defend themselves.
Only numb nuts like Alex Jones and others would claim Hitler and the “Nazis” confiscated guns. And no…God did not give ’em the land.
Of course I got the book in full text.
Excerpt: Instead, I continued to move in a world of men who were determined to create new types of human beings who would conform to the blueprint of the world they confidently expected to control.
This “create new types of human beings” is a pillar in the Jew-fraud communism. Very few non-Jews know this, but this is one of the main reason why so many non-Jew self-imposed “intellectuals” are diehard communist scumbags.
The Jew-fraud communism say that the world shall be ruled by a “chosen elite.” The non-Jew scumbags think they are going to be a part of that “chosen elite.” The Jews are rolling on the floor on that one.
What makes the non-Jew communist scum tick is the “Social engineering” in creating a new people. To do that EVERYTHING that reminds people of the old society must be totally erased from the face of earth. Anybody opposing the new world order are to be killed.
If that takes ten, twenty, or fifty percent of the population has to be killed, so be it. The non-Jew scum just don’t care about the mass killing in the name of communis.
Everytime I tell non-Jew communist scum that X million people have been killed in the name of communism they all shrug and say: – It was necessary. This proves how stupid all non-Jew communist scumbags really are.
First the Jew-fraud communism says it will make the world a better place, peace on earth and whatnot. Then the next minute they tell you that we must kill at least ten percent of the population and all worldly thing that reminds of the old society must be wiped of the face of earth.
How that works you can see here. “Yad Vashem Built on Deir Yassin Massacre Site.” Today NOTHING is left that even remotely reminds of the village Deir Yassin, the people who lived there before the Jews killed the entire village.
A main pillar in the Jew-fraud communism says that all history must be erased, and on the rubble a new people will be built. Most Jews don’t have a clue about the eir Yassin Massacre commited by Jews.
So what the Jews are doing is that they do exactly that, building a new Jew people on the ruins of the old people. This is what the Jews want to do to the entire world. But the difference is that the non-Jew new people is built — in essence dumbed down and brainwashed — to be the Jews’ slaves.
And this is the part the non-Jew communist scum just don’t get, they are helping the Jews to make themself and their children into the Jews slaves. That is what the Jews mean when they say they want to “build a new people.”
Dear Janson,
I don’t worship Schoenman
I posted Schoenman’s interview by press/TV because I think it describes pretty well the situation we are now all up against, that’s all.
As for the solution: there is no solution.
The time has now come to turn to Jesus Christ, as He alone can save us.
I do not believe in politicians any more nor in charismatic dictators.
The only things we can do is to make people aware of what is going on, is to put our children in private Christian schools and to organize our parishes for people to support and help each other, and finally to dump our TV sets and get out children interested in good entertainement.
The times are going to be very hard. Now is the time to follow the Gospel teachings.
Thanks for bringing that out.
It ought to be known that URS is itself running up costs on government contracts. I worked for them and witnessed the incompetence.
When I brought matters up to management, they wouldn’t listen and I was eventually let go while on sick leave.
These URS bastards are the worst of the worst and are bilking DOE/NNSA out of billions.
Two hundred years together 1795-1916 by Solshenitzyn
Chapter 13
The February Revolution
The 123-year-old history of unequal citizenship of the Jewish people in Russia, from the Act of Catherine the Great of 1791, ended with the February Revolution.
It bears looking into the atmosphere of those February days; what was the state of society by the moment of emancipation?
There were no newspapers during the first week of the Revolutionary events in Petrograd. And then they began trumpeting, not looking for the ways to rebuild the state but vying with each other in denouncing all the things of the past.
In an unprecedented gesture, the newspaper of the Constitutional Democrats (Kadets), Rech, announced that from now on “all Russian life must be rebuilt from the roots.”[1] (A thousand-year life! — why, all of a sudden from “the roots”?)
Excerpt: Instead, I continued to move in a world of men who were determined to create new types of human beings who would conform to the blueprint of the world they confidently expected to control.
The White race is the super race, so what must the Jews do to be able to rule the world? Wipe the WHITE RACE and everything the White race ever achived from the face of the earth.
How? First the Jews kill the king and the church. Then the rest is easy.
Republic or “democrapsy,” the king killed and the church abolished. The king is dead and the church is obsessed with homosex. And that is where we are today. The rest is easy to destroy.
Yes – it is all about race.
The jew race is destroying the White race.
Go to Incogman.net
And read!
incogman’s got the Jews’ race war on the white race nailed to the core.
You think it’s about the church? Think again. Tell me what church resist homosex and you got the real deal. All churches that promotes homosex is lost.
Today it is NOT about the church – it’s about race. Abolish the White race and the Jew is on top in ALL White countries. Then the rest is a cakewalk for the Jew.
Dear BAB,
I concur with all that you say.
When I walk into a home and discover the children or family gathered round to watch the helevision I am deeply embarrassed for them.
Worse yet a Helevision in any Christian home is a symbol of absolute shame and ignorance.
I’d rather see the thirty pieces of Judas’s silver mounted above the mantle as it could be argued that it has a truly educational purpose amongst those of the faith.
Television is a waste. You can get the news from the internet and reading the paper (albeit slower).
TV subtracts the ability to be spontaneous and social. It’s also used as an inexpensive baby sitter – they say children overexposed to TV lose the ability to react, respond and think for themselves.
They also come to expect that the world outside is just like TV sitcoms and are surprised when that isn’t so.
Subtract your TV and you lose nothing but gain a lot.
Israel’s Illegal Experiments on Humans
Never in the history of this website, has collecting evidence been so easy. Israel’s illegal experiments on humans are reported regularly by the Hebrew media. Israel performs them openly. Let’s take a look at a couple of these institutional violations.
In 2006, Four senior doctors at Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot and the Hartzfeld Geriatric Hospital in Gedera were arrested for carrying out hundreds of illegal experiments on elderly patients without their consent.
On March 2009, anthrax experiments on IDF soldiers were declared unjustified by a committee that also severely criticized the “shroud of secrecy” under which the experiments’ directors implemented them, and asks whether “that secrecy was geared at hiding the tests from the Israeli public.”
The committee also found that the Medical Corps and the IDF did not follow the guidelines of the Helsinki Accords, which has been regulating the procedures of experiments on humans since 1975.
According to the report, enlisting soldiers under direct military authority was improper and ran against the principles of the Helsinki Accords.
Are we witnessing a systematic disregard of human life by Israel? Did these practices originate with that state or are they part of the Jewish culture? Answering this is not difficult, this disregard goes beyond the practice of criminal medicine.
Never in the history of mankind was such a large and pretentious social (and Socialist) experiment conducted. Kvutzat Degania was established near the Sea of Galilee in 1909 as the first Kibbutz. Many followed afterwards and became an important part of the military machine that allowed the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.
I wasn’t born back then, but I had the rare opportunity to grow up in a kibbutz located not far from Degania in the 1980s. I’ll skip the rudimentary socialist ideology preached there; it was overshadowed by other monstrous aspects.
One of the themes repeated to us time and again was that the kibbutz goal was to create a “New Jewish Man in the Land of Israel.”
Reporters without Borders.
For Freedom of Information
24 Journalists killed
9 Netizens and citizen journalists killed
174 journalists imprisoned
164 netizens imprisoned
Why European nations must protect Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden finally has somewhere that will take him in –
After rejections from more than a dozen countries, word came late Friday that three Latin American countries — Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua — were prepared to offer Snowden asylum.
Good news for the NSA leaker, but there’s one glaring problem: how can Snowden get from Moscow’s airport, where he’s been holed up for nearly two weeks, to the open arms of his new home?
This post, a few weeks back examined flight options Snowden might take that didn’t involve stops in U.S.-friendly nations. But that was before we knew that the push to bring Snowden back to America would not just prevent him from landing in certain countries; it would likely bar him from entering their airspaces entirely