Dress Rehearsal For The Antichrist
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Dress Rehearsal For The Antichrist
March 1, 2018 ©
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Brother Nathanael @ March 2, 2018
Dress Rehearsal For The Antichrist
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2018
Come, sit down, every mother’s son, and rehearse your parts.
There’s still some play within the plot to ease the anguish of the torturing hour.
And stagecraft—even of the coming of the Antichrist—gestates with technological achievement.
[Clip: “Today we have no crime, no disease, no war, no aging, no suffering. Each of us is genetically designed to fit perfectly into our place in society.”]
World State sits on everyone’s screen—where art, the x-ray of society—no longer has a place.
There’s nothing to uncover when truth kills a criminal gang of World State police.
It’s backstage for the Antichrist, whom the Orthodox Church teaches will be a Jew, in consonance with Messiah Jesus Christ…
…while World Governance sets the stage of the dismemberment of family and community and the enforcement of universal uniformity…
[Clip: ” Each of us is genetically designed to fit perfectly into our place in society.” “We’ve only had queers since the Soviet Union collapsed. So they’re a stand in for everything Western, and everything imported, and it gets traction with sort of this desire to return to an imaginary past with the traditional values, whatever they were.”]
…where every form of collective identity—national, religious, AND gender—is being annihilated.
Add to the mix a One World Currency—Bitcoin could fit the bill—
and a global payment system—Swift, Letters of Credit, Forex—(a Rothschild operation), and the dress rehearsal begins.
Have you been vaccinated? Chipped? Finger-printed? Iris-scanned?
No experience necessary. Just hop on stage with an aim to please. But keep your thoughts to yourself.
You know the script, don’t blow it, there’s an algorithm to pay.
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I just had an interesting thought yesterday.
I was watching a video that showed how McINSANE was such a zionist puppet. When I thought of his image, it was the recent picture of him with the HEAD WOUND.
Gee, is he a candidate for being the future Antichrist?
Beautiful mosaic dedicated to “God Jesus Christ” uncovered by prisoners in jail in Megiddo (Armageddon) In Israel.
Amazing report by Israeli Haretz newspaper.
This is the newspaper that is not afraid to confront the Israeli government about its treatment of Palestinians and internal corruption leading to the charging of Nitanfatoo and hopefully leading to the fall of corruption in government aka the fall of the government and its replacement by justice loving government in relation to the Palestinians
That Masha Gessen.
Good lord’amighty, is she hard on the eyes and soul.
Putin just stuck it to the Antichrist.
He stated categorically at his State of the Nation address that any attack on its allies, aka Syria and Iran, (does this include North Korea?) by any nation will be considered an attack on Russia and responded to with full force including weapons which cannot be intercepted and can hit anywhere on the planet.
Done and dusted.
NWO is toast for breakfast.
This Genderless, misconceived, miscreant of a being Gessen calls Putin a “Playground bully”.
You disgusting outcast of humanity, go somewhere out of ear shot & reach of ALL, contaminate no more, bury yourself.
Any other of life’s species would dispatch you & your ilk in an instant.
Putin is Sooooo Precious!
The outward show of military power, is one thing. However, as Adolph Hitler realised, far too late, it is the game of (I.S.C.T.), or Intel-specific covert tactics, that should, and hopefully are, being used.
The Serpent’s Head must be removed, swiftly and silently, otherwise every effort will go the way of previous years.
Mint Press News: Israel Seeks US Ammunition, Support for Planned Attack on Lebanese Civilian Targets
Sen. Graham stated that the Israeli government was requesting “ammunition, ammunition, ammunition” from the U.S., as well as U.S. diplomatic support for when Israel strikes civilian targets — such as apartment buildings, hospitals, and schools — because Hezbollah has become “integrated” into these structures.
BEIRUT — Just a few weeks ago, it seemed that Israel was on the brink of starting a war with Syria. However, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), known for his neo-conservative tendencies, is now warning that it is Israel’s other northern neighbor, Lebanon, that is in the crosshairs. At a press conference on Tuesday, Graham – who visited the Middle East with Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) – told reporters that “Southern Lebanon is where the next war is coming.”
Even though he has regularly supported Israeli military aggression and has long championed tearing up the Iran nuclear accord (JCPOA), Graham struck a grim tone, calling the trip “unnerving” and warning that the war for which the Israelis are planning is “going to be really bloody.”
According to Graham, who has received more than $380,000 from the Israel lobby over the past two election cycles, the Israeli government is preparing for war owing to the alleged presence of a rocket factory in Lebanon. The factory is said to be connected to Hezbollah, a Lebanese political party originally formed to counter Israel’s illegal occupation of Lebanon in the 1980s.
It is also a major military power in the country and has helped the Lebanese Army – a beneficiary of U.S. military aid – defend the country in past wars with Israel in 2000 and 2006. It has also spent the last several years successfully fighting terrorist groups like Daesh (ISIS) in Syria.
In addition, Marwa Osman, a political analyst and commentator living in Beirut, asserts that Israel’s claim that Hezbollah has a rocket factory in South Lebanon would be “laughable” if the threats built around this assertion didn’t threaten so many civilian lives.
In an interview with MintPress News, Osman noted that Hezbollah’s armaments come from abroad, making the Israeli government’s claims unreasonable:
“Why would the Islamic resistance Hezbollah need a ‘factory’ when all the missiles and weapons they need are delivered as needed by the Islamic Republic of Iran? …
“Any sane person with just a map of Lebanon can see that it is practically impossible to have any sort of ammunition or weapons factory in the areas that Israel has as targets, namely the suburbs of Beirut known as Dahye.”
Despite no concrete evidence showing the existence of the rocket factory, Israeli officials told the U.S. senators that, if the factory continues to operate, “they are going to have to go in,” as Graham put it.
Stated differently, Israel is planning to invade Lebanon because Hezbollah – a major player in the Lebanese government – is allegedly making armaments that could be used against Israel at some point in the future.
In other words, Israel is planning for a “preventative” war based on scant evidence.
To Osman, Israel’s lack of evidence did not come as a surprise:
“Israel has never needed an excuse to invade or bomb any place. It has always situated itself at an offensive position with the same old excuse that it is defending its existence. What defense strategy are they talking about when they own the war planes and they invade the Lebanese and Syrian airspaces?”
Continued: https://www.mintpressnews.com/israel-seeks-us-ammunition-support-planned-attack-lebanese-civilian-targets/238425/
Trump has just driven a stake into the heart of the beast —
He did so by announcing new tariffs on imported steel and aluminium, and also reciprocal tariffs on other imported goods ie. to match those of other countries on the same imported American goods.
Why didn’t previous presidents do this sooner?
Because they were working for the globalists whose plan is to destroy America. Thats why.
What was the American (globalist) media reaction to the news? They were up in arms!
Isn’t the agenda of the USA corporate and mass media clear then?
To destroy the American nation. That same American nation they are meant in a democracy to educate empower and unify.
Well – Bitcoin is just a precursor for World Currency.
A “rebellish” monetary system created by a single mystical supersmart Asian who then disappeared.
He tricked the system and went underground.
This is a dumb nerds romantic wet dream.
Exactly the story you tell socially incompetent and physically challenged Omega Males to win them over and get them used to this kind of money, because the kikes know very well that people would never accept a worldwide currency when it is introduced to them via IMF, BiS or whatever Rothschild agency.
But the bigger problem and biggest advantage of the so called Antichrist is that, by some incredible coincidence, the biggest mass murderers and slave traders in the world became the “biggest” victims ever, because of Holocaust.
A “blessing” which occured after thousands of years at the very right movement = the ultimate and indespensible tool for globalisation to not be hunted down by mankind.
Without — oy weh! — holocaust, the Jews would be treated like all other people in the world, and a huge protest would have occured decades ago to protest against Jewish supremacy and kicked out of countries and sound money would be the norm.
But thanks to the Holocaust the Jew can do whatever he wants to do (the jew is “white” as long as he commits his crimes, but jew as soon as he is held accountable), and always be the victim.
Trump needs to arrest everyone involved in this school duck hunting farce before it gets out of control.
If he can’t America is toast.
The globalists have also come out of the closet with their open season on school students and the American psyche.
That’s good because while they think they can, rather now that they are exposed being out in the open themselves they are actually vulnerable to arrest at the highest levels and continuing all the way down to the cops themselves and crisis actors and the media. It’s game over, slam dunk.
I was shocked to read on RT today, that if man of peace Putin could go back in time and change one thing, he’d save the 1917 Jewish Jacob Schiff funded USSR.
I was hoping he’d have gone back to 1917 and save the Romanov Russian Royal family from the Jews and their bayonets that killed the children
My research has shown that N Korea will be joined by China in any retaliatory strike on the USA – good luck with that.
Oh, and btw China is an ally of Russia in case you are not aware of global politics – so good luck with that as well.
Shakespeare once said all the worlds a stage. In global politics it certainly is.
It’s not looking good for the Talmud.
Whilst shelling aid convoys in Ghouta, Talmud is threatening Damascus itself for chlorine gas attacks against civilians which are being carried out by their own forces or not at all.
This was Putin’s red line which they crossed so soon after it was issued that it leaves Russia no choice.
Fill in the blanks.
Jerusalem’s existence in Revelation is no guarantee Israel won’t get annihilated.
Jerusalem is not Israel.
It is an international city.
Home to the three great world religions and for this reason it will escape destruction when Israel is toast.
RT: ‘I criticize Putin’s policies, but applaud the way he stands for his people’ – Geert Wilders
Geert Wilders, who has become a polarizing figure in Europe over his anti-EU and anti-Islam platform, is currently visiting Russia in his capacity as a member of the Dutch Parliament.
RT caught up with him for an exclusive interview.
RT: FINALLY Russian troll bots reveal themselves!
The Kremlin’s troll army finally reveals itself – in a tongue-in-cheek video campaign, American activists point out the media hype behind the perceived Russian influence on the 2016 election.
Brother Nathanael, the Antichrist was Nero.
Why do you believe Christ will return in the future when His Olivet Discourse was clear that His coming would be the Jewish War, the destruction of the Temple and the end of the Old Covenant?
It’s quite a feat how the Jew World Order has managed to influence government all the way down to cops at the very bottom of the power structure – the cop on the beat, the trooper in the patrol car.
Occasionally there are news articles about applicants for police jobs who were rejected for scoring too high on police exams. Sometimes an applicant sues because candidates with lower scores were hired instead.
Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops
The typical establishment defense for this practice of hiring less intelligent people to be cops is that smart people ‘would be bored by tedious police work’ and quit the job.
Zionist Jews would have us believe that dumb cops are the kind of cops needed.
It’s a similar story with the Marines. The branch of the military tasked with most of the gun fighting, hand to hand combat, and raw violence, is the Marines.
Like with police, the Marine Corps recruits lots of low intelligence candidates. Law enforcement is heavily populated by ex-Marines.
For people who are jew-wise it’s easy to see why Zionists prefer cops who don’t catch on easily; and marines who don’t understand. Intelligent cops, marines, and troopers might be smart enough to expose corruption instead of blindly obey corrupt officials.
Dumbed down law enforcement and military is one more piece of the puzzle in the big picture of how Satan rules the world through his Jew World Order.
@Larry Chasteen
Nero, according to St Paul, (this is St John Chrysostom’s understanding of St Paul’s Epistle to the Thessalonians) was a forerunner of the final AntiChrist.
Although St Paul did not specifically name Nero, (out of concern for bringing unneeded trouble upon the Christians of the Roman Empire, according to St John Chrysostom), he evidently was pointing to him.
The Revelation of St John deals primarily with the destruction of the Temple and the end of the Old Covenant but STILL has a strong future component in its purview. Same with Christ’s discourse of the “end” in Matthew 24.
We simply are NOT to be reductionist when reading Holy Writ. The Orthodox Church Fathers, whom I read every day, interpret the Bible IN CONTEXT and in its FULL spectrum.
St John Chrysostom, for instance, knew many portions of the Bible from memory and was able to effortlessly compare “Spiritual things with Spiritual things.” This is a great discipline which few attain to.
As for the “coming” of Jesus Christ, there are MANY “comings,” that is, “visitations” of judgement by Christ throughout the Bible. The Second “Coming” is Christ’s final one.
Aussie Dave – you said “I was shocked to read on RT today, that if man of peace Putin could go back in time and change one thing, he’d save the 1917 Jewish Jacob Schiff funded USSR.”
Putin said he would save the USSR – his country, he didn’t mean a return to Bolshevism.
When the USSR collapsed, the Jewish power had long been eliminated (that’s why the Jews in the U.S. were anti-Russia and of course are today).
He probably feels that it would be an even stronger country today if it had not collapsed – but he had to save it and rebuild it almost from ashes.
Dear Brother Nathanael,
Thank you for interesting answer to Chasteen and in view of Matthew 24.
On another note, perhaps is The Lord Jesus Christ really waiting on the fullness of the Jews rather than the gentiles (Romans 11:1-36) in that all Israel will be saved.
“As far as the gospel is concerned, they (the Jews) are enemies for your (the gentiles’) sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, 29 for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.
30 Just as you who were at one time disobedient to God have now received mercy as a result of their disobedience, 31 so they too have now become disobedient in order that they too may now[h] receive mercy as a result of God’s mercy to you. 32 For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.
Does it really mean the Jews get a “free pass” in that “all Israel will be saved”?
I do lean toward the Orthodox teaching in that the Anti-christ will be Jewish. The Jewish anti-Christ spirit and influence in general throughout the world is prevailing.
Don’t know what i’m trying to say but you do, BroNate.
God Bless.
Certainly, “God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable.” In other words, let God be true but everyone a liar that He might be justified when He speaks, and be clear when He is judged.
The “election” of God are those He chooses unto salvation when He sees their repentance and good temper and intentions.
This “election” applies to Jews also as stated in Romans 11: “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.”
One must deliniate here the interaction between God’s “election” based on a person’s good intentions and God’s “grace” which is independent of a person’s efforts.
St John Chrysostom puts it succinctly and nails it:
“Observe that each word maintains its own rank, showing at once God’s grace, and the obedient temper of them that receive salvation. For by saying election, he showed the approval of them, but by saying grace, he showed the gift of God.”
The “fullness of the Gentiles” continues, according to Chyrsostom, up until the Second Coming of Christ, and during this interval, ONLY a “remnant” of Jews will be saved.
This is the meaning of “All Israel Will Be Saved,” that is the “Israel of God” made up of a “remnant of Jews” (as it was throughout the Old Testament and in the days of Elijah that St Paul refers to) and Gentiles, completing the heavenly “Commonwealth of Israel” — the Ecclesia of Christ.
This is the Orthodox position of the end time scenario regarding the Jews and is the correct one. +Brother Nathanael
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I LOST my Street Evangelism sponsorship at end of 2017. I really hope to continue this as the response is HUGE.
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God Bless Us All! +Brother Nathanael
The US hopes to bomb Russia into oblivion whilst shooting down its response by encircling the country at close range with, currently 400 ABM defence missiles among other weapons.
This is something like the scenario that Russia has gleaned from its encirclement, as I understand it.
But the revelation of Russia’s new missiles which are untouchable changes the equation.
What now for the US, poison gas? Biological agents? Race specific genome attacks?
The Talmud has only one gear, foreword. There is no reverse.
Russia needs to realise this if it doesn’t already. The conclusion is obvious.
“2018 was a catharctic year” – Historians will write.
It’s the 70 year mark for the product of WWII, Israel.
The 70 year mark for the product of WWI, the USSR saw it fall silently into the night without a shot being fired.
If Israel falls in like manner, the USA may halt its belligerent stance towards Israel’s targets for annihilation so it can rule the world.
However the USSR changed from within.
There is no internal change visible in Israel. If anything it is headed more and more in the other direction.
Putin should be aware of who pulls Americas strings, Israel.
He should also be aware of who pulls Israels strings, the Talmudic bankers in London, Brussels and in their underground dens where they think they can hide from the destruction of their own making.
This final war, the third is a plan of the Talmudic bankers to bring in their final phase, total planetary and human control.
They have everything planned, but, who gets the first punch will decide the outcome.
This is the current state of global affairs.
We, the planet are on a knife edge.
Who blinks first will reap the fruits of destruction.
These Poles don’t like Jews. Can you blame them?
“As for the “coming” of Jesus Christ, there are MANY “comings,” that is, “visitations” of judgement by Christ throughout the Bible. The Second “Coming” is Christ’s final one.”
Thank you for your response, Brother Nathanael.
Under your scenario, where exactly will Jesus return and what will He be doing? A rabbi explains in context:
“We are now in a position to discuss the Jewish conception of the Kingdom of God. The contrast between the Christian dogma and the Jewish doctrine of the Kingdom is evident…Nothing is mentioned in the New Testament of the spiritual and material glory of Palestine in the day of fulfillment…The New Testament is mainly concerned, not with the earthly, but rather with the heavenly Kingdom of God…Jesus thought of the Kingdom as having actually begun with him and his disciples.
“Compare Mark 1:15: “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.”…This dogma of a purely spiritual Kingdom, independent of the material, earthly world, was later expounded more fully by the sophisticated argumentation of Paul…” Rabbi Michael Higger, The Jewish Utopia, p.113.
Just one of the myriad of preliminary Anti Christ sorties. Goy brain control.
An earthy response from “Doreen”
I have a plan you may not like — too bad.
First we cut Israel off from international trade until it ceases its terrorist activities against Palestinians.
USA will be forced to shell out even more of the blood, sweat and tears of its people to keep the Holohoax regime afloat.
This in turn will collapse the USA getting rid of the only other terrorist state in the world.
The United States of America and Israhell will then be forced to allow a Palestinian state that is not economically, financially, militarily and geographically blockaded by insects in uniforms and politicians in gravy trains funded by bankers with stolen American money.
Many Lithuanians murdered in the last gasp of the USSR.
March 13 is Lithuanian Independence Day (again).
Thank you! (also sharing your kind response w/my son).
May God Bless you richly, Brother Nathanael.
Continuing to support your work as I’m able.
To Brother Nathanael & KathJuliane
The latest news from Down Under is that ironically my own illegitimate cousin, James Packer, who is officially non-Jewish, (but his family descend from wealthy Dutch Jewish merchants who inte-married with the Protestant English Aristocracy in the 18th & 19th centuries-as the family name Packer means “wholesaler” in the Yiddish language) has resigned from Crown Casino CEO responsibilities due to “mental health issues”.
Even his former Jewish partner — Kate Fisher (or now calls herself Tziporah Malkuh or whatever, perhaps Bro Nathanael knows how this Hebrew name is pronounced?) is “shocked” by James Packer’s resignation!
Guess whom Jamie Packer was involved with in Israel? Why old BIBI himself! (LOL)
Look up CROWN CASINO news and/or JAMES PACKER and it’s all there for the readers to see for themselves!
Many people in Australia are quite convinced that James Packer is Jewish or least part-Jewish. Well, I am too, I’m related to him and this David guy whom I often quote, like Bro Nathanal, was raised a full-Jew, but since quit the Jewish community, for his own spiritual growth reasons, despite the Jewish community accusing him of being “MAD”.
Also David thought the “street fight” between James Packer & other part-Jew, Bruce Gygnell (or whatever his name is) was hilarious and shows how wimpy & gutless the modern Jewish man has become, since the tough Jewish hoods of America in New York, during the time Bro Nathanael was born in New York, (eg-Meyer Lanksy, Benny Segal, Mickey Cohen, Moe Dalitz, Gorilla Shapiro, Louis Lepke, Abe Reles etc).
David reckons “Jewish-feminism” has turned the tough mid-century Jewish male hustler into a metro-sexual gutless wimp of the early 21st century (eg-Jerry Seinfeld) and that’s why the West is on it’s way out, and not just because of weakening Christian values.
Also James Packer has also serious obesity issues, like many Jewish people do these days, due to the fast-food lifestyle, too busy for family & friends & everyone does their own thing now.
The “Babylonian” lifestyle of the decadent West, especially today’s America, no longer means much in the West, as natural resources are fast drying up.
These horrible casinos that Jamie runs, who would bother even visiting them, as “revelations” of fixed pokie (slot) machines and not letting the MUG punters win anything at all! Sounds worse than Howard Hughes in Las Vegas circa 1970, no wonder the punters threw him out!
For the official Israeli Press to declare “James Packer is not Jewish” serves to only fool themselves, because the “Goyim” are awakening “en masse”.
Even Jamie’s former born-again, Jewish spouse-Kate Fisher, senses this, at least she’s a more sincere practicing Jewish lady. She ‘s getting by with a lot less than Jamie and re-building herself esteem up again.
Many people in Australia are quite convinced that Jamie Packer is Jewish! I know many Jewish guys in Melbourne’s Jewish community whom reckon James Packer has not got any of his late father, Kerry Packer’s business acumen or ruthless streak nor capable of making independent decisions.
And dating this vulgar Mariah Carey — thank God he dodged that bullet!
Consonance. now, there’s a word.
I’ve not heard it that way with the messiah Jesus Christ. I thought abandoned was bad.
Can you imagine God abandoning anything He’s made? indeed He Will. js