Greece Tilts Toward Russia

Greece Tilts Toward Russia
By Brother Nathanael Kapner February 7, 2015 ©
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IT’S DEJA VU all over again. But this time the adversary (“Jewmerica”) is well known and protected against.
In 2007, Greek prime minister Karamanlis and Russian president Putin were on the brink
of signing several agreements including major energy accords extending to 2040.But with the Mossad’s and CIA’s plot to assassinate Karamanlis due to his boosting ties with Orthodox Christian Russia (Jews fear the Russian Church) and his toppling in 2009 just prior to Papandreou signing Greece’s death warrant with the IMF, that all came to an end.
Wiser today, (Jew-wise that is), Greece is again tilting toward Russia due to Syriza’s new populist coalition government.
Both Orthodox countries, Greece and Russia have long enjoyed bilateral relations despite setbacks in the 19th and 20th century. There are many Greek expats in Russia and a large community of Russians in Greece.
And with Turkish Stream in the background—with its pending construction reaching to the Turkish-Greek border from which the EU must build its own infrastructure to bring Gazprom to southern Europe—Russia and Greece will soon enjoy an economic partnership vis-a-vis Europe’s energy needs.
The ball is in motion with Putin inviting Greece’s new prime minister Alexis Tsipras to visit Russia on May 9th when Moscow celebrates Victory Day commemorating its win against “nazi” Germany.
The symbolism is clear: Both Putin and Tsipras agree that the West-enabled Kiev coup brings a “neo-nazi” threat to the Ukraine-Europe alliance.

FORMING A COALITION with center-right nationalist party ANEL, Syriza is positioned to bring Greece closer to Russia.
Not only is Tsipras going to Russia, so is new Defense Minister, Panos Kammenos.
A seasoned politician, Kammenos formed ANEL in 2012, a patriotic, church-loving, anti-immigration party, after being ousted from the New Democracy Party for refusing to vote in favor of the Memorandum signed with Greece’s foreign lenders.
Called an ‘anti-Semite’ by the ADL for recently saying, “Greek Jews don’t pay taxes in contrast to Christian Orthodox Greeks,” Kammenos announced his upcoming meeting with Russian counterpart, Sergei Shoigu.
With demands from the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece that he apologize for his “serious anti-semitic act,” Kammenos, who wants a greater role of the Orthodox Church in government decisions, refused to kow to Christ-hating Jews.
Kammenos presents himself as a defender of Greece sovereignty from a range of foes hell bent on destroying the country.
Even when his statements are attacked by his detractors (Jews) as “baseless,” his supporters see their debunking as evidence of plots and control of the media by “shadowy forces,” again…Jews.
WORKING CLOSELY with fellow ANEL MP, Gavriil Avramidis, who heads up the “Greek-Russian Alliance” aimed at widening cooperation between Greece and Russia, Kammenos has a strong ally in forging greater ties with Russia.
“Greece must adjust its geopolitical priorities and turn towards Russia,” Avramides reportedly told Itar-Tass upon the forming of the Syriza-Anel coalition government.
Only by turning from Jewish-oriented Europe to Christian-oriented Russia can Greeks be delivered from the sink hole of the depraved, Jew-ruined West.
For More See: Greece Resists IMF Swindle Click Here
And: Goldman Sachs Does Greece Click Here
And: The Jewish Siege Of Europe Click Here
And: Eurosceptics Revolt! Click Here
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Brother Nathanael @ February 6, 2015
Dear Real Jew News Family,
If there is ONE THING Jews FEAR MOST it’s the ‘Symphony of Church and State’ that is the historical modus operandi of Orthodox countries.
What the ‘symphony’ does is arrogate Jews as second-class citizens bereft of possessing civil authority and public education (media/press) influence.
This is why Jewmerica is made Russia our Jew-ruined country the ‘enemy.’
This is why an alliance between Orthodox Russia and Greece (with potential Orthodox emergence) give Jews the shivers.
LET THEM SHIVER. Jews have RUINED the Western World once known and experienced as “Christendom.”
Now, with HanuKAKA lights in everyone’s face both in Europe and Jewmerica, what is our hope?
That Christ-Killing JEWS will be put out of civil authority and media control ONE FINE DAY!
VERY FEW are supporting me financially.
Looks like I may be forced to BORROW money again.
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Brother Nathanael; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
PS – ALL cash donations by mail come in safely. Many thanks to those who send cash.
Much Love In Christ!
+Brother Nathanael Kapner @
PS Special Thanks To Claire from Missouri!
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May Christ Bless Us All!
+Brother Nathanael @
So few people in America even know about the Orthodox Church. The American Main-Stream Media has created a populace of brain-dead ignoramuses.
Russia and Greece are hated by the Jews simply because the faith of these nations is Holy Orthodoxy.
I loved it when the Elders of Mt. Athos and the Bishops of Greece withstood the introduction of “the Citizen’s Card” in 2011, telling the citizens of Greece to not accept the Citizen’s Card as it was a prelude to the Antichrist’s mark of the beast.
Look here:
No wonder the Jews hate Orthodoxy and the nations who possess the Orthodox faith.
From what reliable Source can One obtain Copies of the Orthodox-Christian Bible?
@Mario P Velasco
Start Here:
Hello Brother.
Love your article, like usual, and for me Greece is a Russia natural ally, as a matter of fact a long time ago. Two thumbs up!
I also wanted to call your attention on this news from Yesterday, published on Itar-Tass:
“Head of Ukrainian Orthodox Church asks US for weapons to fight Donbas militia”
How in this world a Patriarch can ask for weapons to kill his own peoples instead of PRAYS! JEWS got the Kiev Patriarch in the pocket, this needs to be denounced, because from now and on, any casualty in both side in Ukraine, blood is in hands of this JUDAS patriarch.
See the picture in the article of the JEW behind the Patriarch in the Capitol Hill (I don’t remember his name now) how the JEW is smiling! Like saying: “We did it again, we got Judas again”.
How much was now, 30 silver coins or 30 Euros? Really disgusting.
ADL has it wrong. Kammenos never said “Greek Jews don’t pay taxes in contrast to Christian Orthodox Greeks.”
What he said was that Greek Orthodox Church pays more taxes than churches of other religions, and he mentioned Buddhists, Muslims, Jews on a discussion about whether the Orthodox Church should pay more taxes.
It did not refer to the people, but to the churches. The video is on YouTube.
The Jews have been getting noticeably nervous of late. Lies DO have a way of coming back at you after all….
There are quite a few of these “Jews! Buy guns and ammo – or flee to Israel… NOW!” videos circulating on the Internet.
This unintentionally funny little gem has several age-denying JDL Jewesses bemoaning how they’re about to become “martyrs” yet again:
18:00 France was “Israel’s” biggest supporter. France gave the Jews a working nuclear reactor.
When the Jews attacked America (U.S.S. Liberty) in 1967 the jetfighters was Mirage, a France-made fighter jet.
In the mid 60s America stepped in as the Jews main supplier.
The Complete History of Israel’s Intelligence Community: Mossad, Aman, and Shin Bet (1990); 55 min video:
I, too, have come across a lot of such warnings as “Jews! Buy guns and ammo – or flee to Israel….NOW!!” and most of them have come from Bibi Boo-Boo himself – the same Bibi Boo-Boo who’s scheduled to give Congress its marching orders next month. He’s a real psychopath, to say the least.
@Br. Nathanael
This is good news, especially for Greece. Both Greece and Russia, as you said, are Orthodox Christian nations; thus, bringing them closer together. I can see why Greece would tilt toward Russia; Russia has offered it membership in the European Economic Union (and possibly BRICS), which would lift Greece from its economic woes.
The EU and IMF only thrust it into economic chaos through harsh austerity measures (the IMF is a Jewish institution).
I have a friend (Peter Papaheraklis) who works for American Free Press and knows a lot about his country of birth. He and his family came to the US in 1969 and have been living here since. I’m sure he keeps up with the Greek situation; and the elections must have come as great news to him.
While I’m at it, Brother, I’m sending you my usual contribution. I’m not happy that you may have to borrow funds to keep up with your ministry, but hope my donation will help keep you from borrowing.
I’m still keeping you in my prayers, and I’ll continue to do so.
God bless you always,
Obama confesses the coup in Ukraine was an American job.
Ukraine run by “miserable Jews,” according to rebel.
Excerpt: Alexander Zakharchenko, leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, claimed that Kiev’s pro-Western leaders were “miserable representatives of the great Jewish people.”
“I can’t remember a time when Cossacks were led by people who have never held a sword in their hands,” Zakharchenko told a press conference in the eastern rebel stronghold of Donetsk, in a reference to Ukraine’s nationalist forebears, the Cossacks.
Zakharchenko said that the country’s historical nationalists “would turn in their graves if they could see who is running Ukraine.”
More on site.
It seems to be lining up like the late great Elder Paisios said.
He said there will be an alliance between Russia and Greece. Turkey will eventually turn on Greece, then Russia will step in and throat-punch Turkey once and for all. Then Turkey will be Christian once again and Instanbul will be Constantinople once again, and Turkey will be given to Greece!
And the Jews will not be able to do anything about it, other than the usual propaganda and lies. These events will signal that the end of the age is very very near.
The heresy of Chilianism teaches about the 1000 year rule of Christ on earth in the future that we are still waiting for. Well folks, that is a heresy because we are already well into that phase and going into the next phase. The rule of Christ on earth and the limited power of satan is TODAY. That is the Church.
My priest told me watch out for around the year 2036. Christ was born some say in 4 AD, was crucified some say in 36 AD, then 2000 years after that something big will happen. The total history of man is only supposed to be around 7000 years.
So we had about 5000 years of OT time, and over 2000 under the New Covenant, so the time may be a lot closer than we realize.
Now keep in mind it will not be a destroyed heaven and earth, but a new, transfigured and transformed Kingdom that will have no end.(Creed) So keep repenting and communing with God everyone, for no one knows when the Master of the house will return….
Dear +BN,
Terrific article, and I hadn’t realized that relations between Greece and Russia were so close for so long — over 150 years.
Greece is in an ideal position to become a regional economic, trade and energy leader for the Balkans and Southern Europe.
This was published today from (Google translated. If someone can help smooth out the translation, I’d be grateful.)
Alexis Tsipris Read Policy Statements of the Government
“So will govern”, spoke of Athens as it was in Thessalonica: Alexis stayed loyal to election commitments, moved the Greeks
08 February 2015
True to the Thessaloniki agenda appeared Prime Minister when reading the policy statements of the government.
Alexis Tsipras sent strong messages to both the internal, political-business-trapeziki- experiences of media elites who ruled this place 40 years, and to the outside, particularly in Angela Merkel.
“The current government can only be the voice of this people, honor and history that carries this people we only His will we can be. We will not negotiate the pride and dignity of this people.
“We each word in the Constitution of this country and will serve until the end,” said a hoarse voice emotion Prime Minister and called on Members to give a vote of confidence in the government social salvation, as characterizes the government.
Mr. Tsipras stressed that the aim of the government is for our country to become self-supporting, sovereign and equal partner in the Eurozone.
Consequently basic pillars of social salvation government will be the recovery of popular sovereignty and equitable role in the country within the EU and to address the humanitarian crisis.
The prothypougos gave assurances to the final decision of the government to honor the whole and to implement its election commitments. “The people can [not] take another frustration and disappointment after five years mnimoniakis governance.
“The course for the reconstruction of our country will be long rested on the forces of the sovereign people, supported by the Prime Minister. The government only has a commitment to serve the interest of the Greek people and for the sake of that intends to collide with pathologies that plunged the country in crisis.”
Regarding the negotiation stressed that the problem of Greek debt is not technical problem, but political choices: “While insisting on austerity as the debt will be recycled. If we agree that austerity is catastrophic through negotiated solutions will be found.”
The Prime Minister also complained the government of Antonis Samaras did not accept six [months] technical extension of the program but two months to impede the efforts of the new government of SYRIZA.
“The odds of a united Europe is not to return to the “era of monsters” and not fueling hatred between peoples but to prevail understanding and solidarity.
“We seek sustainable agreement with partners and am confident that this agreement will succeed because it will be the signal that Europe maintains its Republic and will not lead a people in humility and humiliation.”
First priority is to address the humanitarian crisis and the Memorandum wounds. In this context, announced the immediate restoration of unconstitutionally dismissed in the public sector: cleaners, school guards, administrators, university officials. He also announced the restriction of waste in the public sector and privileges of members.
Direct decongest the public by the army of the Council of Ministers. “We give a mandate to sell state cars costing defiantly amounts exceeding 700,000 euros and also sold one of three government aircraft” Prime Minister also announced the limitation of staff Maximos Mansion 30% and police guard the Prime Minister by 40% ‘.
In the program of the government include:
– New code for civil servants. Evaluation of objective criteria, the new institutional framework with a radical revision of Kallikratis.
– The government is ready to fight the high corruption against interlocking system. We do not give absolution to anyone. Checking Lagarde list, Liechtenstein.
– Combating tobacco and oil smuggling.
– Check the triangular transactions Direct mobilize against Financial Crime to check priority lists of megalokatatheton.
– Finally in thalassodaneia.
– Committee of Inquiry Memoranda, not for revenge but to expand all aspects if there are responsibilities and attributed.
– Re ERT from scratch, without caste privileges and provocative fees
– New institutional framework for controlling television stations and other media
– The police will not have the role of suppression of popular protests, but will guarantee the protection of citizens. Reset the institution of the police in the neighborhood.
– In Service Protection sovereignty renamed the EYP.
– Stable, simple and fair tax system. Single tax bracket with tax free 12,000 euros periousiologio, repealing ENFIA 2015 and replaced by the large real estate tax.
– 100 repayments of amounts owed to the State.
– Immediate restoration of collective bargaining, three years, scalability contracts, arbitration.
– Reset the minimum wage to 751 euro gradually in 2016.
– Establishment Development Bank
– Do not sell out the networks and infrastructure of the country are national capital, our natural and mineral wealth
– Prohibition auctions first katoikios and deposition loans to Greek or foreign speculators.
– Support the interaural investment that can play a key role in the production reconstruction.
– Enlargement welfare state, social security system rescue.
– Promoting forms of social economy and cooperatives that would build a new model of economic activity.
– No increase in age limits, no reduction in main and supplementary pensions.
– 13th pension and Christmas gift for those who receive pensions lower than EUR 700 per month.
– Establishment of National Wealth Fund and Social Security. Exploiting public property for the support of the insurance funds.
– Public, free health care for all citizens of the country.
– Dialogue for changing the three tiers in Education. Remove the selection by 50% from the bank issues. Abolished provisions for institutions councils failed because this institution and violated the self rule of the Universities. Particular focus is given by the government to research the definition competent Deputy Minister.
– The foreign policy highlights the country as a peace pole and stability in an environment of instability enclosed by the crisis in Syria, Ukraine and B. Africa. Addressing the destructive phenomenon of jihadism spreading.
Alexis Tsipras set the historical obligation of the new Greek government, claiming the occupation loan and German reparations, while special mention made in great offer of Manolis Glezos.
The Prime Minister thanked the President of ANEL for his contribution to the new government.
Turkey, Russia Outline Route of Turkish Stream Pipeline
Istanbul (AFP) – Turkey and Russia on Sunday tentatively agreed on the route for their planned Turkish Stream gas pipeline which Moscow hopes will replace its now scrapped South Stream project.
Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz and Gazprom chief executive Alexei Miller surveyed the route over the Black Sea during a four-hour ride by helicopter from Istanbul.
Russian President Vladimir Putin dramatically scrapped the South Stream project during a visit to Ankara in December, blaming the European Union for placing obstructions in its way.
The South Stream pipeline aimed to carry Russian gas from southern Russia to EU consumers under the Black Sea avoiding Ukraine, whose relations with Russia are currently in deep crisis.
It was to have surfaced in EU member Bulgaria.
Under the new Turkish Stream project, the pipeline will surface on Turkish territory on the Black Sea and then carry the gas overland up to the Greek border.
Yildiz told the Anatolia news agency that the pipeline landfall was planned to be in the Turkish Black Sea town of Kiyikoy.
The Turkish Stream pipeline would go through Turkey’s Luleburgaz region to the town of Ipsala on the Turkey-Greece border.
“We had an opportunity to… explore the pipeline route,” Yildiz told Anatolia. “We passed over some places two to three times as we tried to assess how we can work with environmental concerns,”he added.
Gazprom in a statement confirmed the route and said that the length of the onshore pipeline in Turkey would be 180 kilometres (110 miles) after it crosses the Black Sea.
“The tentative date for the completion of the first line is December 2016,” it said.
The capacity of the pipeline — to be built by a new Gazprom subsidiary — will be 63 billion cubic meters of gas. About 50 billion cubic meters will be delivered to the Ipsala gas hub for further export.
The Turkish Stream pipeline is seen as a symbol of a burgeoning new relationship between Turkey and Russia, at a time when both countries have chilly ties with the West.
Turkey is an official candidate for EU membership but that process has stalled in recent years over several stumbling blocks, including its human rights record and objections from some EU states to admitting an overwhelmingly Muslim country.
For Fear Of The Jew Word
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
I see “The Saker” as the BIGGEST CULPRIT of those who FEAR the JEWS.
Here’s his latest evasion:
“Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. The people of Russia and USA have the same enemy and that makes them allies. We are struggling together against the same evil.”
( )
Now tell me, why doesn’t Saker quote St Paul who said:
“The Jews are contrary to all men.” “The Jews are enemies of the Cross.” The Jews forbid us to preach the Gospel.” “The Jews are dogs.” etc etc
BECAUSE The Saker is apparently scared to death to name the REAL ENEMY of goodness, truth, and sanity: JEWS.
(Betcha Saker NEVER gets death threats like +Brother Nathanael does.)
How does The Saker saying we wrestle against spiritual powers help our cause?
It’s just more stammerings in the same category as: “1%ers,” “elites, “globalists,” “presstitutes,” etc.
FACT IS, we are ALWAYS fighting against the SATANIZED JEWISH SPIRIT.
This is what St John ASSERTS when he says the “the spirit of anti-Christ is of those who deny the Incarnation,” JEWS, consummate “deceivers.”
Here’s more gobble-de-gook from Saker:
“The West can be divided into three groups: The 1%ers at the top, the “Charlies” who have been zombified by the elites, and the “Carpenters” who see through the smokescreen and understand it all.”
Sorry Mr Saker. You’re NOT helping to stop the JEW menace by your euphemisms and evasions.
How about this Mr Forsaker:
+BN says: “The West Can Be Divided Into Three Groups”
1) JEWS with money, positions, and lobbies to get what they want.
2) GOYS who work for the Jews or else their political & institutional careers are over.
3) MASSES OF GOYIM who are under strong delusion as promoted by the JEW-OWNED MSM.
THERE YOU HAVE IT! The TRUTH of the matter. Pretty simple. ‘Cause if you can’t say JEW, your’re promoting what’s false.
And by the way Mr Saker, all the problems regarding Ukraine emanate from the JEW-Ruled US Treasury. See my Article:
The Enemies Of Vladimir Putin @
AND See My Video, Jewish War On Holy Russia @
I rest my case!
+Brother Nathanael Kapner @
Member In Good Standing of Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) @
An enemy can be attacked from multiple fronts.
I’m glad that you have yours. Please don’t deny the Saker of his.
I just made a first contribution to your cause. Then, the very next post of yours is a non-constructive criticism of my friend, the Saker. It is not necessary.
Please remain focused. You are valuable and needed in this fight.
Thank you.
Thank you for your contribution, however…
I have said it MANY times and I will KEEP ON SAYING it:
If we don’t point out EXACTLY who the enemy IS…”JEWS”…then we get Nowhere.
By Saker saying that the enemy is “powers of darkness,” “elites,” “1%ers,” ad infinitum, then he is NOT helping to stop the JEW MENACE.
And it is the JEW MENACE that has and is still causing ALL the problems in the world INCLUDING Ukraine.
And since Saker is your “friend,” why don’t you send to him my Article, “The Enemies Of Vladimir Putin” @ and my Video, “Jewish War On Holy Russia” @
Then, hopefully he will get up the nerve (and courage) to say who the enemy really is “JEWS.”
+Brother Nathanael
PS I will be happy to refund your contribution if my “non-constructive” postings bother you. My gloves are off, I don’t mince words. That’s why Saker never gets death threats but +Brother Nathanael does. And besides, I’m giving him free advertising for his site which he NEVER does for me.
Eph_6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
“The Saker” is correct in his assessment that our struggle is a spiritual one against forces that are unseen. However, he fails to mention this verse:
Rev_2:9 I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
This verse makes reference to the fact that 95 per cent of Jews today do not have an ounce of DNA from the father Abraham but are Khazars. Khazars
(khä`zärz), ancient Turkic people who appeared in Transcaucasia in the 2d cent. A.D. and subsequently settled in the lower Volga region.
They emerged as a force in the 7th cent. and rose to great power. The Khazar empire extended (8th–10th cent.) from the northern shores of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea to the Urals and as far westward as Kiev. Itil, the Khazar capital in the Volga delta, was a great commercial center.
The Khazars conquered the Volga Bulgars and the Crimea, levied tribute from the eastern Slavs, and warred with the Arabs, Persians, and Armenians. Religious tolerance was complete in the Khazar empire, which reached a relatively high degree of civilization. In the 8th cent. the Khazar nobility embraced Judaism.
This has been supposedly proven by Jewish researchers from John Hopkins in the US and researchers from Tel Aviv in Israel. So, 95% of all Jews today can be traced back to this region that now would contain the Ukraine. They recognize this and is why they want Ukraine to make it a second holy land of the Jews.
Judaism as practiced today, is a satanic cult, as Henry Makow points out. This is verified by the same verse, Rev 2:9. So our struggle is simply against a satanic cult that wants a one world government that they control to enslave all of humanity.
One only has to read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to know their plan, how they view Jesus Christ, and how they view Gentiles as being lower than the animals. They are the most racist people on the face of the earth.
Good work and honesty, Brother Nate!
Anyone who doesn’t openly point out the guilty Jews is either a liar, coward or idiot.
The Alex Jones/es of the world are not the heavy hitters of truth – plain and simple.
Greece wants to preserve her culture. She doesn’t want to be flooded with Jew promoted multi culturalism like the U.S. and she identifies with Russia which also doesn’t want to be flooded with people from Africa and the Middle East.
The big Zionist Jew plan is for all the Jews to be gathered into “greater Israel” and practice segregation from the “cattle” while turning the rest of the world into coffee colored, mongrelized slaves thinned out by war with white Christianity whose roots are in Russia and Europe completely wiped out of existence.
No more blonde, blue eyed babies should exist unless they’re Jews in Israel according to “master race” Rabbis.
Dear Brother Nathanael,
Your comments to hjay are well founded, but I also see his point and have the same trouble as you do, ie that I am sometimes too blunt for some.
That old adage, “you get more bees with honey than vinegar” comes to mind and I get told it often.
The point being that there are some that hopefully begin the process of awakening the masses, like this Saker character (whom I’ve never heard of).
As people mature and then make the decision — like our american founder Patrick Henry — to know the whole truth no matter how upsetting to the emotions, then at that time they are ready for those like you and I that are far more brash and direct.
And at that time they really do need us, but perhaps Saker is still winning over some softer folks that because of him may start questioning the powers that be, that little bit of truth will eventually lead honest people to you dear brother.
You say, “Your comments to hjay are well founded, but I also see his point and have the same trouble as you do, ie that I am sometimes too blunt for some.”
Then you bring up, “You get more bees with honey than vinegar.”
You see dear Jeff, my Articles and Videos are not an issue for me whether or not I am “too blunt” for some.
Neither am I interested in “honey-coating” my message.
My message is bringing FACTS and NOT “honey” to the world.
Now if FACTS are “too blunt” and not “honeyish” for some then that’s JUST TOO BAD.
TRUTH IS “VINEGAR”…VINEGAR in every Jew’s eye.
JEWS fear nothing more than FACTS…these wretched Christ-haters and Free-Speech destroyers.
Why have some of my Videos been BANNED by YouTube? Why are JEW GROUPS constantly badgering YouTube to BAN me?
Because I preach “honey?” Because I use honey-coated words like Saker does, like Paul Craig Roberts does, like Gerry Celente does?
Honey-coated words like: “1%ers,” “elites,” “rulers in high places,” “globalists,” “neocons,” “presstitutes.”
NO. Because I use the MOST FEARED word today: “JEW.”
JEWS have destroyed America; JEWS have destroyed Europe; JEWS have destroyed Ukraine.
Now, again after 100 years JEWS are trying to destroy Holy Orthodox Christian Russia AGAIN…Not “elites,” not “powers of darkness,” not “1%ers,” BUT JEWS.
+Brother Nathanael Kapner
My Gloves Are Off
I Don’t Do “Honey”
PS Saker has made it clear to his readers that “JEWS” are not the enemy but the “1%ers” and “rulers in high places” are.
How will that lead his readers to the TRUTH and not his gooble-de-gook?
Maybe Putin is trying to reincarnate Byzantium?
By making alliances with countries surrounding Europe. On the map it sure looks like it.
Alex Jones is merely a big mouth, no action, although not as low a liar as fatso preacher in San Antonio — Hagee.
Bush & Cheney are lying cowards, puppets of the Federal Reserve.
A big thank you to Bro Nathanael and all who agree with his important edifications.
“3) MASSES OF GOYIM who are under strong delusion as promoted by the JEW-OWNED MSM….”
“Therefore, God shall send them a strong delusion that they should believe the lie.” – 2 Thess. 2:11
But the Jews wouldn’t have near as much money and influence were it not for the venality and gullibility of the goyim.
We practically beg them to steal our eyeballs.
You suggest, “You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.”
MY TASK, dear Jeff, is NOT to “catch flies” like Saker, Paul Craig Roberts, Stephen Lendman, Gerry Celente, and ALL THE REST of the “Jew-fearers.”
SO, here is MY saying:
“You catch more Jews with vinegar than you do with honey.”
Honey-coats like ” “1%ers,” “elites,” “rulers in high places,” “presstitutes,” are not in my vocabulary.
That’s why I get death threats but Saker and the rest of the Jew-fearers don’t.
TO ALL – Please Help Me To POUR ON THE VINEGAR! (I am NOT afraid to die for Christ)
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OR Donate Your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Contribution Via Click & Pledge @
By Mail:
TO: The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
FOR MY PERSONAL NEEDS: (Rent, food, utilities, necessities etc)
Brother Nathanael; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
ALL cash donations by mail come in safely. Many thanks to those who send cash.
Much Love In Christ!
+Brother Nathanael Kapner @
Its the Jews Stupid, Its Our Duty to tell the TRUTH, (like BN), No matter what happens to US.
This is Not the work for Cowards or Fools. We owe our Life to Jesus and our country.
— Disabled Vet
No Extension to Greek Bailout, Says Tsipras
Alexis Tsipras, the new Greek prime minister, has insisted he will not seek an extension to the country’s current bailout, putting his leftwing government on a collision course with its creditors in the run-up to this week’s EU summit.
“This government isn’t justified in seeking an extension … The bailout has failed,” a defiant Mr Tsipras said in a speech to parliament on Sunday night setting out his government’s policy priorities.
He said Greece would “pursue a new agreement with our partners, a bridge agreement until June” that would provide a breathing space to negotiate “a stable and balanced arrangement …. that would not condemn us to further austerity.”
Many observers expected a policy switch to be announced in Sunday’s statement after Mr Tsipras and his finance minister Yanis Varoufakis failed to win support last week from other eurozone leaders for a restructuring of Greece’s €315bn foreign debt during a first round of visits to European capitals.
Jeroen Dijsselbloem, head of the eurozone group of EU finance ministers, who clashed publicly with Mr Varoufakis over the debt issue during a recent visit to Athens, said bluntly on Friday, “We don’t do bridge loans.”
Mr Tsipras’s two-week-old government already faces a funding crunch following last week’s decision by the European Central Bank to restrict Greek banks’ access to cheap cash.
Mr Varoufakis is due to present details of Greece’s economic reform plans, including a fresh proposal on debt restructuring, at an emergency meeting of eurozone finance ministers on Wednesday, the day before Mr Tsipras attends his first European summit.
But with the current bailout extension due to expire on February 28, Greece has little room to manoeuvre. Without a deal in place, ECB funding for its banks would dry up altogether, forcing Athens to impose capital controls and effectively suspending its membership of the eurozone.
The new government also plans to reverse key structural reforms agreed with international lenders, from restoring the minimum wage to its pre-crisis level to abolishing a deeply unpopular property tax that contributed the bulk of last year’s primary budget surplus, before debt repayments.
Mr Tsipras said a €25bn privatisation programme, seen as critical to reducing the public debt, would be halted. “We are not going to sell off the country’s infrastructure, which is part of our national capital,” he said.
However, Mr Tsipras announced two measures that would meet with creditors’ approval: a crackdown on tax evasion by the wealthy and a drive to eliminate the influence of “oligarchs” or powerful interest groups that dominate public procurement and control the country’s electronic media.
“We will put an end to this damaging tripartite arrangement of interest groups, the political system and the media,” Mr Tsipras said.
International Jewry is evidently willing to allow criticism of: “Elites”, Freemasonry, Bilderbergers, Illuminati, Trilateralists, CFRers, Jesuits…. Even Zionism – to a limited degree.
But when you say the “J word” it quickly gets their kike up.
I’ve wondered about this. Why will they allow a certain level of criticism — even of themselves — but when a certain line is crossed, as Brother Nate is aware, they swarm in like angry hornets?
There’s a military strategy known as “defense in depth” that I think explains some things. Wikipedia says this about it:
“Defense in Depth is a military strategy that seeks to delay rather than prevent the advance of an attacker, buying time and causing additional casualties by yielding space.
“Rather than defeating an attacker with a single, strong defensive line, defense in depth relies on the tendency of an attack to lose momentum over a period of time or as it covers a larger area.
“A defender can thus yield lightly defended territory in an effort to stress an attacker’s logistics or spread out a numerically superior attacking force.
“Once an attacker has lost momentum or is forced to spread out to pacify a large area, defensive counter-attacks can be mounted on the attacker’s weak points, with the goal being to cause attrition warfare or drive the attacker back to its original starting position.
“The idea of defense in depth is now also widely used to describe multi-layered or redundant protections for *non-military situations*, both tactical and strategic….”
The Soviets used Defense in Depth to blunt the Blitzkrieg tactics of the Germans in WW2. Most famously at the Battle of Kursk.
It’s a defensive posture designed to exhaust an attacker by making him fight through multiple lines of defense. If the attacker gets too close to the core position of the defender, the defender counter attacks with his reserves at that salient.
The Jews I believe are using a modified form of defense in depth — to buy time for themselves in order to get their major strongholds fully fortified.
This might explain why YouTube hasn’t yet pulled the plug on the growing number of anti-kike posters there. YouTube isn’t in the final line.
They will, but the time isn’t right yet.
On another note, be sure to call your DC reps and let them know you’re looking forward to seeing them stand and ovate until their hands are bloody stumps…when Bibi comes to town next month.
Although you have stated this many times, it bears repeating:
The purpose of +BN’s videos is to bring the ‘lost’, though ignorant, Jews into the flock; you/we preach Christ crucified as the only means for Salvation. There is no other way.
Problem is that many Jews, despite our preaching, will not submit to that man, the Good Lord hanging from the tree.
In fact, many Jews even in public have continued to excoriate God’s only begotten Son and His teachings every chance they get. Moreover, their ‘Talmud’ is replete with their diabolical hate for the one, true and living God: Jesus Christ. What a shame…
As far as exposing the Jews for their wicked works, you are a master.
Just look at Ukraine. Its current status as a failed state is the result and can only be attributed to one source and one source only: the American Jew sponsored coup d’etat of the democratically elected government of Viktor Yanukovych; the result of the bloodied handiwork of Jew Victoria Nudleman, her husband Robert Kagan of the Crooks Institute, and the rest of their ilk at the U.S. State Department.
And let’s not kid ourselves. They hatched this heinous and murderous crime in order to establish a bridgehead (one of many); a bridgehead leading where? It should be obvious.
The same lying Jew cabal have already planned an all out assault on Russia; through another regime change. The grand prize: SIBERIA.
Think about that. Underneath that vast expanse of frozen tundra lays hidden a repository of mineral wealth and natural resources beyond the world’s wildest expectations and the Jews’ wickedest dreams.
President Putin has stated the exact same candor, many times.
Moreover, Jews are in dire need of another source for wealth; that much is certain; once their Fed led ‘ponzi scheme’ of fractional fiat reserves and the dollar bubble comes crashing down on their heads; all hell will explode when the 1.25 quadrillion dollar derivative debts are called. It’s that simple.
On another note, and keeping with the theme of this thread, I agree with your truthful premise: This Vineyard Faker is another incantation and total iteration of Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, Dave Hodge and the rest of their ilk of fakes/false prophets. Not much truth in the whole lot…
And like you I do not believe in making tepid, lukewarm statements; all of which amounts to waffling; or fluff; a total waste of time and space. And by no means should you ascribe to the laughable adage: “You catch more bears with honey.” Total poppycock.
Uh, if your critics/supporters have not noticed by now, well, I will read them the riot act:
Orthodox Christians are at war! Jews are the instigators.
The Russian bear is not in need of honey. On the contrary, we out of compulsion should throw our unwavering support behind Orthodox Christian Russia and its great and courageous leader: President Vladimir Putin.
Putin is at the vanguard of this fight. A devout and life time servant, President Putin carries and lifts Christ’s banner high as evidenced in his support of the Orthodox True Church.
The Greeks know this, too well; as do you. The rest of us are without excuse…
You nailed it.
We can’t pussyfoot around anymore like Saker, Paul Craig Roberts, and his “presstitute” buddy, Gerry Celente.
By openly declaring the problem vis-a-vis the JEWS, it will put pressure on the morally-conscious Jews (very few such as Gilad Atzmon and maybe one or two others) and they will hopefully (don’t hold your breath) choose one side or the other: TRUTH or FALSEHOOD.
We are NOT living in “Germany 1930s” any more in which Jews STILL live…and who want the GOYIM masses to still live via their JEW-OWNED main stream media.
No one is talking about “rounding up and deporting Jews.”
We ARE, on Real Jew News, talking about getting JEWS REGISTERED as FOREIGN agents.
However, we are not responsible for what will be inevitable consequences for their actions.
History DOES repeat itself AND of course the lying JEWS will whine, “We are innocent victims!” NO, WICKED JEWS are NOT “innocent” victims and NEVER WERE.
If Jews wish to live as a “nation apart” INSIDE other nations as a transnational state, (no, they are NOT “fleeing” from France as “Wash Poop” says), then it’s time to institute the Byzantine Empire SOLUTION:
Get Jews OUT of government politics, banking, and education (schools and press), and let them live as a “millet,” that is, as a sequestered, monitored, controlled tiny community as it was in the Byzantine and Ottoman empires.
Lastly, I promise NEVER to disappoint or let you down. I do NOT fear Christ-killers!
+Brother Nathanael Kapner
Dear Real Jew News Family,
It’s TIME to distinguish between false spirituality and BIBLICAL SPIRITUALITY.
Saker wants us to think that the enemy is “powers of darkness in the heavenly realm.”
On the contrary, spiritual forces manifest themselves and their effects IN the PHYSICAL world.
If you read St Paul’s context from which Saker lifts his quote, you will see that St Paul understood this VERY WELL, he’s VERY PRAGMATIC about it.
St Paul doesn’t get off into spiritual abstracts leaving the physical world behind.
Does not St Paul CONSTANTLY point out who was harrassing him?
Has Saker (who claims to be an “Orthodox Christian”…albeit he is with some schismatic group) ever read the New Testament’s Book of Acts?
It’s all about the Holy Spirit working IN THE WORLD. Bingo.
And who are the principal adversaries of the Holy Sprit working in the world? JEWS. Christ-Hating JEWS.
Didn’t St Stephen say before the JEWS STONED HIM TO DEATH, “You do always resist the Holy Spirit.”
And this is what St Paul CONSTANTLY points to throughout the Book of Acts and his Epistles.
Try READING IT SOMETIME dear Saker and quit your pussyfooting around.
+Brother Nathanael Kapner
Member In Good Standing of Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) @
Matthew 12:25
And Jesus knowing their thoughts, said to them: Every kingdom divided against itself shall be made desolate: and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.
Romans 12:18
If it be possible, as much as is in you, have peace with all men.
Hebrews 12:14
Follow peace with all men, and holiness: without which no man shall see God.
You sound like a typical IGNORAMUS who pulls Scripture “verses” out of context and throws them out like they’re some pieces of digital scraps.
Why don’t you quote the Lord Jesus Christ Who said, “Think not that I have come to bring peace but a sword.”
And His, “I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.”
How about this one, you total ignoramus:
“Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.”
AND, why don’t you quote St Paul who said, “Reprove the works of darkness;” and “reprove, rebuke;” and “teach them not to give heed to old wives fables.”
It’s because your’re trying to defend the indefensible with your random, digital scraps.
PLEASE do not ISOLATE out of context “verses” which DEGRADE Holy Scriptures via your digital dribble.
St Paul states emphatically that the Spiritual man compares SCRIPTURE with SCRIPTURE.
And that the Holy Scriptures are subject to the prophets, that is, holy men such as the Orthodox Church Fathers who RIGHTLY divide the Word of Truth.
Men like St John Chrysostom who CENSURED THE JEWS in his, “Against The Judaizers” @
Try again, you idiot. I don’t (and my readers don’t) buy your lovey, dovey “peace-meal” scraps.
+Brother Nathanael Kapner
Member in Good Standing of Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) @
PS If you’re going to moralize then please muster the courage not to use a fake name dearest “CP.”
PPS You’re wasting your time trying to use Scripture “verses” against me. I have read the Holy Scriptures cover-to-cover well over a hundred times and have memorized many chapters, passages, and MANY “verses.”
And besides, I am steeped in the Biblical Commentaries of the Holy Church Fathers ever since my days of 8 years in monastic community. I NEVER express my “own opinion” BUT what the Orthodox Church Fathers teach.
“Who will make to understand this passage?” cried the Ethiopian eunuch of Queen Candace’s court. The holy apostle Philip climbed up into the eunuchs chariot and enlightened him.
Thus, this “enlightenment” continued with the “laying on of hands” securing the Apostolic succession of Bishops and Teachers of the Holy Orthodox Church.
Brother Nathanael,
I am sorry to see this difference between you and the Saker. However, I believe your missions are quite different. Whilst you might feel that the Saker is not being true to the Bible in calling a ‘spade a spade’, if you will, his mission seems not to be the same as yours. He recognises the disease of Zionism and its Satanic origins quite clearly, I think. He has few allusions about that. But his mission is to an audience different than yours, I believe, and so the message is built to suit that audience.
Your criticisms of others who hold essentially the same views as yourself, but express them differently and not to your liking, is not one of your more attractive features – it acts to marginalise you and your mission. Society of today has been thoroughly brainwashed by the Jewish influence. Thus, it reacts in an extremely negative way to direct assaults upon its body, much like a carefully tuned immune system to a virus. So while direct attacks can be effective, for the most part they are not so because, like the virus, they are immediately marginalised (quarantined), and eliminated from the public mind.
This is not to say that direct attacks are not vital to the goal we all share – getting the truth out and exposing the corrosive power of the Jew – but we should recognise that others have other ways of attacking the Beast. We should honour those ways, especially if they are committed by those of similar Christian faith, as Russian Orthodox. I would encourage you not to fight with your Christian brother. We all need each other in these darkest of days, and should work to support each others’ missions, not causing divides that help not to settle truth, but instead to dilute our common fight.
As to the Saker, I place him in the same category as Putin. Do you see Putin slamming the Jew? No, you do not. Why? If he were truly a committed Christian as you are and as you have often proclaimed, would he not follow your advice and hammer them openly if he were REALLY committed to truth? Of course, not. Why? He has a different mission. He knows the enemy, but for very practical reasons he does not choose the strategy of a direct attack. Yet you respect him, and hold him up in the highest regard. Why do you not, then, respect others who carry on the same battle, like the Saker who also is a committed Russian Orthodox believer?
Your mission discloses much of the truth about the Jewish power in this world, truth that is vital to a proper understanding of today’s world. It gives vital ammunition to those of us who fight the Jew in different ways.
There are many Christians out there, and all have their own way of carrying on the battle. Do not deny them the respect and honour they deserve as common brothers in Christ. Each of us must answer himself to God, and to God only for our acts in this life – do not judge your brothers and sisters who answer to the same Master – it is for God alone to judge them – and to give them their missions.
As always, thank you for your great insights and the power of your message to cast a strong light in the darkness, clearly exposing the acts of those enemies of Christ who hate the light.
You TOTALLY miss the point of my message.
First of all, you say my message “marginalizes” me. Ha, ha, ha.
On the contrary, it EXPANDS me. If not, why is it that EVERYWHERE I go, people come up to me or yell out of their cars, “LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!”
How does having 60 million HITS on my Articles and 22 million Views (combined from other channels) make me a “marginalized” person?
Then you compare Saker to Putin. Utterly ridiculous. Like comparing a twig to a mountain.
Putin is the Russian President of a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-creedal populace (which he inherited) and it would be TOTALLY inappropriate (and unwise) for him to speak against the Jews.
(He is VERY aware of them and their international intrigues as assured to me by a Russian Orthodox Bishop.)
But Saker (whoever he is, but he is with a schismatic ‘Orthodox’ group bereft of the grace of the Holy Spirit) is an Internet blogger and NOT a nation’s and world leader like Putin.
Why can’t Saker simply state that JEWS have maneuvered the Ukraine crisis into an escalated warfare scenario?
It’s the TRUTH, isn’t it. I mean, Victoria Nudelman IS A WRETCHED JEW and does not live up in the air as some amorphous “power of the air” that Saker tells his readers is the “enemy.”
(Nudelman lives in the JEW-S State Department which is RIDDEN with Neocon JEWS like her and her wretched JEW husband, Robert Kagan.)
And what about the JEWS Jacob Lew and David S Cohen of the JEW-S Treasury who authored ALL THE SANCTIONS against Holy Orthodox Russia? Do they live in Saker’s nebulous, amorphous air? NO. They live in the Department of the JEW-S Treasury.
The ENEMY is the JEW ON PLANET EARTH. Say it Saker and quit pussyfooting around with your “airy rulers,” “elites,” and “1%ers.”
+Brother Nathanael Kapner
Member in Good Standing of the canonical Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) @
PS Because Saker is with some schismatic ‘Orthodox’ group (who never tells his readers what sect he is with) I cannot really call him my “Christian” brother. He has attacked the canonical Russian Church on his blog with his double-mindedness.
‘He [Jesus] shall supply all your needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus’ .
I think people are frightened to give financially to the BNF as they may feel that they will be persecuted by the powers that be? Afraid their bank cards will be traced and then outed as an “anti-Semite”?
Everybody I know likes very much your videos, but are afraid to contribute to the BNF for fear of the Jews.
If you are ever in Scotland look us up. I will start to intercede for you and the work and pray that the Lord blesses us financially to send you a wee bit of financial help if I can?
I and my house are not afraid of the Ant-Christ Jews and we continue to highlight the Zionist/Jewish threat to our Christian culture.
Blessings to you and keep up the good fight.
I understand Victor’s point of view, but point out that playing antic semantics with words and nuances about the [Zionist/Jew], take over plays into the hands of these devious people.
There is a great difference between a leader of a country and those in delicate political/religious positions and those of us who are but wee tiny cogs in the machine.
I used to be ‘oh so polite and politically correct’ when dealing with Christian Zionism and Jews, but found that by doing this compromise with the truth, the sword of the Spirit was blunted and failed to pierce the heart of the heretic.
I find that the two edged sword must be sharp and wielded with great force to shock the deluded blasphemers who sell out our Lord for a few spiritual Shekels. The shock and awe of the truth sets the captive free!
I understand many are in agreement with the battle against the Zionists but are afraid of being persecuted and labelled [that old worn out label], Anti semite ! But let us remember that Jesus himself and the Apostles did not mince their words about the Jews who were not Jews but of the synagogues of Satan.
Every body will stand at the great white throne judgment at the end of days and you must ask yourself did you do what the Master said or did you compromise out of fear and PC ? It is open season on biblical Christians so be as gentle as the dove and wise as the serpent?
The latest attack on Putin is that he has Asperger Syndrome. Ha ha.
Excuse me, that is the condition I have and it affects you socially. The accusation is a slap in the face to those who truly have the condition. There is NO way Putin has it. He has surmounted every challenge against him and wouldn’t be able to do so if he had a mental deficit. More smoke being blown around.
As +BN has stated many times, saying the words “elites,” “globalists,” and “the one percent” does not good. If you don’t receive threats, you’re not getting to the root of the problem. Sounds harsh to say it this way.
If you say Zionists are the root of the problem, you get death threats because you’re on the right track. Who else has had anxiety due to the realization, “What is the point of working and advancing in a career when there is no positive future due to how badly were getting beaten up by Jewish mob bosses?”
As George Carlin stated in a comedic routine, the ones who get assassinated are those who wish to live in peace and harmony.
Special Request
If anyone can translate German into English (for my next Video) please email me at bronathanael [at] yahoo [dot] com
So… why DO pundits, talking heads, politbloggers, common taters, etc really refuse to use the word “Jew”?
Somewhere in their truncated mentality they really fear that if ANYTHING NEGATIVE comes to the general front about Jews, they, in their Holo cost programming, will blame themselves and feel so “guilty”.. as programmed to do.
Of course, the only other reason has to be, 1. They ARE Jews, married to a Jew, Jewish relatives..etc. or, 2. They receive Jewish money or work for the Jewish MSM. More and more, I see people waking up, but refusing to speak out. Pity…
G’day Pilgrims,
Brother Nathanael nails it.
For example the Saker tells his readers:
“This latest crisis in the Ukraine really did “break” something in the Russian national awareness and now I think that the prevailing feeling in Russia about the West is simply disgust…Disgust with a society which did not have the moral fiber to resist Hitler and which had to be freed from Hitler by Stalin.”
Ron: This statement is not merely prejudiced, it is ignorant and destructive to the point of insanity! The attitude it represents explains why the Techma (Jews) control our world and are destroying it, as typified by what Jews are doing in Ukraine while the Saker pretends that they are “Nazis.”
The Saker is a better “gatekeeper” for the Jews than ANY Jew hasbara could be because he is a genuinely ignorant mind controlled, gentile “tool” of Judaic propaganda. He epitomises what the Jews refer to as a “useful idiot,” ie: someone who ignorantly supports and furthers the Talmudic Techma cause.
The Saker is important to the Jews because he is naively genuine and so he attracts a lot of supporters who believe him. His value to the Techma also explains the great success and expansion of his blog.
Not only do the Jews not feel the need to inhibit his progress but also they will have provided covert support for its proliferation because his demonisation of Hitler, National Socialism and Germans, IS GOOD FOR THE JEWS!
The icing on the cake is the Saker’s persistent concealment of the truth about the true identity and purpose of the Jews’ takeover of the Ukraine and their desire to ethnically cleanse it in order to create a new Khazaria.
By demonising Hitler and National Socialism the Saker is not only able to blame Germans rather than Jews for the Kiev COUP but also he conceals the fact that Jews control Germany and have done since 8 May 1945.
THAT is a vital distortion. Why? Because we have it on good authority that THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.
Until the German people and the rest of the Western World realise the truth that the Holocaust is a humungous calumny and blood libel of the German nation and that it has been used to conceal the fact that the Jews WON WWII and have controlled Germany, Britain, France and the US ever since, humanity will not be free.
The slaves who are the most enslaved are those who believe they are free. The Saker exemplifies that condition and assists the Techma to convince others also.
Hitler and the National Socialists KNEW what Lenin and Stalin and their Bolshevik brethren had done to Imperial Russia (including Ukraine).
See eg: The Other Holocaust “The Terror Famine in Ukraine”:
They also knew that Stalin was about to invade Germany: Did Adolf Hitler Save Europe From Communism?
And they fought honourably in an effort to avoid a similar fate.
Unfortunately they failed and the Jews, Stalin, Eisenhower and Churchill, genocided 13 million German POWs and civilians AFTER WWII, many of them dying of starvation.
See eg: GRUESOME HARVEST The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People of Germany:
And: Documentary: Eisenhowers Rhine Meadows Death Camps Deliberate Policy of Extermination:
( )
See From Napoleon to Adolf Hitler to Conchita Wurst:
( )
Peace and Blessings be upon everyone.
G’day again Pilgrims,
A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still. The Saker appears to consider himself to be a legend in his own lunch hour. He says humanity’s real enemy is an “ism” – an ideology which he calls “Anglo-Zionism”. He then pontificates that:
“Zionism and Nazism are born from the same fetid womb: 19th [Ron: Century?] European secular nationalism… First, we cannot fight an Empire whose nature and essence we do not understand.
“Second, we cannot fight an enemy whom we cannot even name. I therefore submit that speaking of the AngloZionist Empire is not only correct, but even crucial: “Anglo” refers to historical roots and geopolitical reality, “Zionist” refers to its ideological world view.’
This is a strange opinion given the Saker’s proud protestations that he is an Orthodox Christian which implies he adheres to the teachings of Jesus the Christ. Jesus condemned the Pharisees and their anti-God, anti-human ideology, almost two thousand years ago.
Assuming that the neo-Pharisees (ie the Techma, aka Khazarian Jews and their Talmudic ideology) are not the root cause of the current global conspiracy to control humanity and the planet; and that “Anglos” ARE, is a novel rewrite of history.
Stating that humanity’s current dystopia stems from “Anglo” historical roots implies Esu’s warnings are at best, irrelevent, and that the current global conspiracy to conquer humanity and the world arose with the appearance of “Anglo” based Zionism in the 19th Century. That view is so unhistorical that it does not need refutation.
Moreover, assuming as the Saker does, that humanity’s enemy is an “ism”, an ideology, rather than its progenitors and implementers, is irrational. To me that is the same as saying we must have a war on “evil” or “terrorism”. Human beings create ideas and enliven them, not the other way round.
See Ukraine SITREP January 27th: Zionists, Nazis and a bit of history:
Peace and Blessings be upon all,
G’day Pilgrims,
Almost no one apart from Brother Nathanael, emphasises that the Kiev COUP was a Jews’ COUP, just like the Jews’ COUP in Imperial Russia in 1917 which is always mislabeled the “Russian Revolution”. It wasn’t.
For those interested I list some of the Jews now in power in the Kiev Junta as a result of the murderous Kiev Putsch:
President-Poroshenko (Vlatsman) – Jew
President Turchinov (Kogan) – Jew
Prime Minister – Yatsenyuk (Buckeye) – Jew
Minister of Finance – Alexander Shlapak – Jew
Secretary of national security and Defence – Andrew Parubiy- Jew
Vice Prime Minister – Vladimir Groisman – a Jew
Interior Minister Arsen Avakov – Armenian Jew
Minister of Culture – Sergei Nischuk – Jew
Mason – Director of the National Bank – Stepan Kubiv – Jew
Head of the Administration of President – Sergey Pashinskiy- Jew
The main presidential candidates from the opposition:
Yulia Tymoshenko (Celia Kapitelman) – Jewish
Vitali Klitschko (Etinzon) – a Jew by his father
Oleg Tyagnibok (Frotman) – a Jew mom
Dmitry (Avdimou) Yarosh – Jew Hasid
See also this list of the so called nazi-regime in Kiev:
Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: Ihor Kolomoysky – A Jew, the second or third richest person in Ukraine (after Rinat Akhmetov and/or Viktor Pinchuk) since 2006.
Kolomoysky has a triple Ukrainian-Israeli-Cyprus citizenship because dual citizenship is not recognized by Ukraine. Kolomoyskyi explained that: “The constitution prohibits double citizenship but triple citizenship is not forbidden.”
On 2 March 2014, amidst the 2014 pro-Russian conflict in Ukraine, acting President Oleksandr Turchynov appointed Kolomoyskyi governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.
Two days later, Russian President Vladimir Putin described Kolomoyskyi as a “unique crook,” and said that the citizens of Dnipropetrovsk were not happy with his appointment as Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.
In contrast, The Daily Beast, a US publication, wrote in mid-June 2014 that Kolomoyskyi enjoyed the local population’s strong support.
In April 2014 Kolomoyskyi offered a bounty for the capture of Russian-backed militants and incentives for the turning in of weapons. He also is believed to have spent $10 million to create the Dnipro Battalion, and also funds the Aidar, Azov, Dnepr 1, Dnepr 2, and Donbas volunteer battalions.
Members of the Aidar Battalion “have been involved in widespread abuses, including abductions, unlawful detention, ill-treatment, theft, extortion, and possible executions,” according to Amnesty International, while the Azov Battalion was seen flying flags carrying symbols of a Ukraine neo-Nazi party, Patriot of Ukraine.
Russia is asking for Kolomoyskyi to be put on Interpol’s wanted list. On 2 July 2014 a Russian District Court authorized his arrest in absentia for “organizing the killing of civilians”. (
US liaison and sponser: Victoria Nuland (Nudelman) – Jewess married to a Jew.
See: Some of the Jews in power in the Kiev Junta:
Peace and Blessings,
Can you believe it, that the tribe of Javan in the end times have more common sense than the 12 tribes of Israel? As we know where this all end.
An economic moral chaos, fear, anger, death, the replacement of the 12 tribes back to their tribal land, the attacks of the Islam and people from the rise of the sun, which only Jerusalem escapes.
And for Russia, it is to hope that as much as possible from them are welcome in the house of the Lord. And “WE” can pray for that.
Hi BrN:
I am a follower of the Saker but share your concerns. He correctly names the “AngloZionist Empire”, but fails to say the “J” word.
Your insights have convinced me that the world is in the evil grip of wealthy Zionist Jews, who have taken over the USA and are using it to benefit themselves and the state of Israel(and their Goy lackeys).
However, remember that many Jews are opposed to Zionism and are not devoted members of the tribe. Like most ordinary Christians, most ordinary Jews have been brainwashed and are spiritually asleep.
The enemy is the Jew on planet Earth?
This is a very tricky statement. I know many good and decent Jews and Christians that hate Zionism and what it’s done to the world. From the massive amount of data I’ve researched, I have come to the conclusion that “the Jew” is not neccessarily or singularly the enemy.
It’s the collective Zionists. They are both Jew and Christian and others with NO religious affiliation, no doubt. THEY are the enemy. THEY and their deeds are what needs to be exterminated by any means expedient.
My point is the enemy is those who practice and promote Zionism, not just Jews. The distinction should be noted.
Thanks for your brave work.
For anyone interested, see
This site explains that capitalism is Jewish usury under a different name. The site has several other articles which I intend to read also. I tend to agree with you Brother Nathanael.
You have to call a spade a spade if that is what it is.
I was reading an article from Truth Seekers that they [Jews] want to pass a law for hate speech on the net they compare it to child pornography.
I think there is only one thing worse then a politician that is a child molester. A lot of Orthodox Christians were murdered by Jews, more so than Catholics, because I feel they have been corrupted by Jews where as the Orthodox Church stays true to the teachings of God.
If Jesus is coming back with the sword does it mean we should take up the sword if they want to take away our pens?
“Somewhere in their truncated mentality they really fear that if ANYTHING NEGATIVE comes to the general front about Jews, they, in their Holo cost programming, will blame themselves and feel so “guilty”.. as programmed to do.”
An apt descriptor for those pseudo-Xtians who parrot ad infinitum those very, tiny kernels of half-truths contained in Saker’s (and the others like him) latte laced blog.
The rest is all glib talk.
Nope. Not it…
The non-Jew Zionists are just useful; artful stooges that they are, the Zionists get ridden hard by the harlot. Look at world politiks…floozie Smerkel and Charlie Zollande.
Make no mistake: The Jews sit atop of the power pyramid. Their ultimate goal is total world domination = no Christians. And they won’t share the spoils with any other group.
See +BN’s description of the second group. The GOYS too are slated for destruction.
Good, actually GREAT NEWS…
The other day, two friends, both policemen, could hardly contain their excitement when we met for coffee.
One, showed me the Youtube video on his smart phone. His words, “Check this out. The street preacher has got real ballz!”
I replied, “Brother Nathanael?”
“You got it. This one has already gone viral in the force!”
Yes +BN, your message is out there. Your videos are all over the hinterland. And OH BOY! — Are they ever working. In over drive!
John Steinbeck (Catholic, not a Jew) once said of capitalism: a strange, curious, ritualized thievery.
I know whom he had in mind.
Here is the latest headline from RT.COM quoting Marie Le Pen.
It basically says the USA is trying to start a war in Europe from which it will distance itself once the catastrophic conflict begins.
The headline should be re-written to read:
Once again the Jews who control America (and are adept at using other nations as proxies for their evil designs) are trying to start a war in Europe.
Hopefully some of these people are reading your website.
Brother Nathanael you have said all you have about the Jews one hundred perent correctly, I believe and really know.
The Goyim are generally ignorant, particularly the majority of American Church people and others world-wide.
The deception among them, willingly or unknowingly is enormous. For their own good they must begin to learn the truth instead of the myths with which they are fed – in relation to Judaism, Israel, the Jews and End Times.
It has lead to idiocy, belief in a false gospel and also a false people.
We must tell the truth about the Jews in the hope of some at least in the ministry and churches, will seeing their false beliefs. They must realise the sin of being under the witchcraft of ‘the Jews who are not Jews’.
Saker is presenting grave error. He knows in a way the common foe of mankind is the Jews. He ignores the blatantly obvious that the Jews rule America as they once ruled Russia so cruelly.
In his denial of this he is giving the public over to such a falsity that his countrymen could end up in a position similar to what prevailed in Russia under the communist Jews.
Does he think as Roosevelt did that Joe Stalin was that wonderful big brother? That cruel of the cruelest of dictators?
Is he unaware to the real history at the end of World War II when the Jew, Eisenhower, condemned 12,000,000 German Prisoners of War to death by imprisoning them in the open, under snow, inadequate clothing and food where such a number died?
His ‘evil’ enemy Hitler’s Germany repatriated 99% of Allied Prisoners of War.
Is Saker accepting the fire-bombing of Dresden, Hamburg civilians, women and children as being the norm? When such innnocents were running screaming, as they burned like torches to a shrivel?
Who was behind that? Churchill was under the Jews, as was Harris a Jew, in charge of the British while the Americans in their Flying Fortresses rained death from the skies on entrapped civilians? Crimes against humanity?
I used to read it in the newspapers, oblivious to the suffering, patriotic to our cause, cheering at the side-lines – young and innocent but never being told the truth. Except once.
Around 1946 in the Readers’ Digest of Australia, I remember reading an article relating how Churchill insisted on repatriating about 1,000,000 Ukrainian Prisoners of
War who begged not to be sent back – to their death as they feared.
He sent them back. They were exterminated.
Russia under the Jews did her terrible share of atrocities.
Not all Goyim are angels, surely. In our countries that were supposed to engender Christianity, the Christian principle is supposed to have prevailed and not the Judaism of the enemies of mankind and of ours.
Brother Nathanael is right to expose Saker for his double-mindedness.
‘A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways’, says James the Apostle, brother of our Lord.
Such a man is not to be followed.
Just got off the phone with my DC rep’s offices with the following message. Feel free to use it without attribution when you call your Congresshuman.
“Benjamin (Bibi or Bibsy depending on how close you are to to him) Netanyahu is coming to Washington in a month to speak before a joint session of Congress.
“I just want to say I’ve seen the video of when Mr. Netanyahu spoke to Congress a couple of years ago. Back then he was given not one, not two, not ten, not even twenty standing ovations. He got *twenty nine* standing ovations! The Congressmen and senators who were there must have had bloody hands at the end of it all!
And that was good — but not good enough….
“This time around I’d like to see him get at least *one hundred* standing ovations!
“Please tell Senator Schumer I’ll be looking for him on the YouTube videos of Bibi’s Second Coming to Congress: and when he’s done applauding I want to see bloody stumps where his hands once were!
Nukes being used in Ukraine?
I am stirred enough on reading of Saker’s ignorance as to Zioism and Nazism to attempt a reply.
Zionism is of and out of the Jews and Jews alone.
It has nothing to do with the Old Testament, the Pentateuch, Moses who led the Children of Israel out of idolatrous Egypt.
They were a nation under God, the only one there has ever been, a Theocracy.
As a nation they were an abjectly pitiful, idolatrous people for generations.
In their midst were the remnant of those faithful to the God of Israel of old and not of any so-called Israel nationally toay.
Christianity is not Zionism in any form and it is not Judeo-Christian. There is no such thing. It is Christianity standing alone, with the Christ of God, Seed of David according to the flesh and ‘the Only Begotten of the Father’ as distinct from Moses and the Law.
He is the Seed promised under the Abrahamic Covenant given to him and not to the nation he would father. Christ is the fulfilment.
Christianity is under the New Covenant, whose Mediator is Jesus Christ.
Zionism is Judaism with all of its strange gods and they do worship as god, ‘Themselves’.
The Christians’ only God is The Lord and His Christ, the Trinity as disclosed even in the Old Testament.
Judaisms is Satanism, occultic, a reversal of the Good in the Old Testament to becoming Evil and Evil Good.
Judaism wants to rule the world and the Illuminatis, and others are at the head. It is out to destroy Christianity.
What Goyim still live after their proposed wars and devastations of famine etc. are to be their slaves.
Christianity should not fear authentic Islam. Yes Christians are often persecuted but their are countries where Christians live peaceably side by side with Moslems. I have been in several.
The Christians’ enemy is Judaism, the ‘Jews who are not Jews’, ‘Synagogue of Satan’, enemy of mankind.
As for Nazism and ‘evil’ Hitler.
One pities the German people, specially the last couple of generations or so who have been taken captive by the Jews and USA as part of their empire.
The worst sin against them is that there has been imposed upon them a monstrous lie of the Holocaust and supposed other atrocities in “death camps” performed by Hitler and their nation that is the contrary of the truth.
All should research Revisionist Historians and other sites.
Brother Nathanael of course knows much more than I do and what he knows one has found by research to be correct. Never a false statement or lie.
As to Hitler, he did not want war. He did his utmost for peace.
One even remembers the story about Neville Chamberlain of Britain and how he was unsatisfactory to the powers that be due to his trying for peace.
Know your enemy.
Find out the truth.
Listen to Brother Nathanael as many of us do.
France is now tilting toward Russia and Germany is at odds with it’s occupier over arming Kiev.
Putin is waiting for the West to declare war or bankruptcy.
In response to Charles comment in that he wonders why the word ‘Jew’ is not used.
In my experience it has taken on an almost magical status that is so sacred it cannot be uttered.
In Germany it is [illegal] I think to use the word Jew in any respect? One has to say ‘Jewish person , or you will receive a corrective visit from the state police to intimidate you ? ‘Please any Germans correct me if I am wrong’?
“Jew” said forcefully can sound intimidating when spoken with venom and can be associated with the far right mentality so folks delete it? We as Christians have to be as ‘gentle as the dove but as wise as the serpent’, ‘a gently tongue turns away wrath’.
I think the shills who use other synonyms for Jew, ‘globalist’, ‘elite’ etc, are merely afraid, programmed or have a special interest or relationship with some things Jewish.
We can say he or she is a Catholic, Protestant, communist, Mormon but the Jew word is sacrosanct! The West has been brainwashed not to use “Jew” as they say that it isolates the Jewish people, and singles them out as a minority, putting them in danger by associating their Jewishness to the subject matter being discussed or examined.
Is it just another sneaky Jewish trick to stop the Gentile from criticizing the Jews, very much like the slag term ‘anti-Semitic’ is used (which sounds like a laxative) to stifle debate, intimidate, and ward off criticism?
The Jews must spend hours thinking up these words and smear catchphrases in their book caves to impress and startle.
I presume it is to give weight to their weak and pithy arguments! Kabbalist clout to curse its victims, much like the scare tactic the Christian Zionists use to drill fear into its slaves that they must bless Jews and the modern state of Israel or they are in for the wrath of God for ‘disrespecting Gods chosen people’!
It’s all antic semantics and reductionist clap trap. Ignore it and don’t be afraid to call whatever and whoever is troubling the gospel message of Christ.
If it be Jew, Jesuit, Communist, Mormon or “right wing Nazis” call them out by name. If this is not done the message becomes pithy, weak and compromising.
The Jews love to use ‘Jew’ by way of describing themselves or their organisations, so we have the right of free speech to do the same.
I did discover recently that the state of Israel in 2004 passed a motion through its law court that a person criticising Israel or questioning the Holocaust should be deported to Israel to stand criminal trial.
This highlights how desperate and morally bankrupt this fascist regime of Zionism and Rabbi mind control is becoming. This would probably work out in reality by the offender being kidnapped by the Mossad boys, illegally transported to Israel, then tortured to confess and be beheaded in accordance to the commands of the Talmud!
The Jews are master manipulators who have much to prove to themselves, their god, rabbi and peers, so this is the motivating factor to advance themselves by any means, foul or fair!
‘No man dared speak of Jesus for fear of the Jews’ [Math 7:7]. ‘And they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and loved not their lives unto the end’.
You are a force for good. Can you educate us, your readers, more about the Jesus Prayer in the Orthodox Church, the prayer’s history and use over the last 2,000 years?
It could unite us all in this great battle with evil we are in.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy on me, a sinner. It never fails.
I have experienced first hand in my own personal life what you are trying to convey about the horrible treacherous reality.
I was born a Catholic surrounded by rich Jews all my life. I lived in Valley Stream, NY & went to Hewlett School with the wealthy Jews from Hewlett Bay Harbor, NY.
I later moved to Old Bethpage, NY & went to Plainview High Schools filled with more middle class Jews. At the time they were all my friends & I thought I was one of them.
Later I went to Ithaca College, NY. Robert Iger was there at the same time. He is a Billionaire CEO now.
Years later I worked in low level administrative job at Goldman Sachs around 1985 to 1990. Many of the men I met & worked for are Billionaires & in Politics like Robert Rubin, John Thain, John Thornton. I never met Hank Paulson but he was there & we all know what happened with him during the 2008 meltdown on Wall Street.
In August 1992 I was an Aids Activist opposing Bush Senior at the Houston Republican Convention. As soon as I dared venture into the Street to protest the evils of the “System” the Jewish SMACKDOWN of my life began. It has gone on for 23 years now day in & day out.
It never stops. They are wearing me down & down to nothing & laughing in my face with their INSANE CRAP.
I have been doing research to understand their hatred & anger & now it all makes sense.
Yours, Paul Deland
I don’t trust MilesFranklin who are essentially “gold salesmen” and have no grasp of International Jewry and its machinations. They’d lose tons of Jew customers if they did.
France “tilting” toward Russia and Germany “at odds” with Jewmerica?
No way. It’s all kabuki theatre. They BOTH plotted and applauded enthusiastically the toppling of the legitimately-elected government of Yanukovitch.
I’ve got a New Video coming and it will bring the house down. Hope to post it sometime tomorrow eve. +BN
To the Jews, this is a battle to the death.
Those Goyim who fail to recognize this reality should immediately add their names to the list of fallen.
Not being forceful, resolute, courageous, blunt and honest only helps the Jewish cause. Those who sit on the fence add to the confusion.
In a battle between good and evil; one cannot appease the forces of darkness. The Jews thrive on disinformation and relish indecision.
Each generation that avoids this conflict only perpetuates it.
Original poem: David Martin
Did you hear the Kagan wife and her recipe for strife
With the crass effrontery to push U.S. hegemony?
A hacker heard the callers making plans for using dollars
For neocon reign, this time in Ukraine.
If you’re blue and need it spelled out for you
It’s called the doctrine Wolfowitz…but hey,
Putin never quits.
Provocateur snipers, and mercenary vipers,
We all know it’s the pits,
But Putin never quits.
Prescribing a one-size-fits-all solution
And calling it color revolution (pollution)
Make them mix where global bankers swing big sticks,
We’re taking off the mitts,
But Putin never quits.
Now I’d like to ask you Daddyo
Have you heard of Operation Gladio? Oh no?
It’s NATO’s very rotten underbelly,
But what’s giving us fits?
Putin never quits.
Thank you, Bro N.
I just donated to you for the first time, today. You, your fellow bloggers on here (is that what you call them?) and the rest of alternative media have helped me find my way. I hope to donate more to you in the future.
If I had lots of money, I’d give you lots of money. That’s how important I feel what you are doing is. And I find you VERY brave!
To give you an idea why I say you are so brave is because I’ve posted articles and videos about Jews on Facebook for my friends and family to see and I have over 100 friends less. And even though my Facebook is closed to the rest of the entire world, I get scared of what can happen for what I post.
You, on the other hand, say what you say for the whole world to see. That is BRAVE! I respect your fearlessness and love for your brothers. Unlike you, though, I have found that many or most people are Deathly afraid of being called antisemitic more than anything else I can think of.
This is why I donated to you today and hope to do so more in the future. People have to stop being afraid of saying the word Jew which you are not afraid of doing.
I don’t know whether this makes me a bad Christian or not, but I CAN’T turn a blind eye any longer to what I think is wrong in this world, who is causing it and where they are taking us.
Although I grew up a non-practicing Catholic, (Mom is, dad isn’t religious, so I don’t know much about Jesus, God or religion) and I don’t go to church (breaks my mother’s heart), I pray to Jesus every night that he looks over me, my family, those I love and the rest of the world.
In today’s day and age, I don’t see many people in the public eye speaking or looking out for us. You do.
God Bless!
I feel exactly as you do Northeast. We are surrounded by cowards.
Supporting Brother Nathanael has given me a lot of blessings, the biggest one being that we became Orthodox Christians. Keep up the good work!
@Irene Bonney Faulkes
“The Christians’ enemy is Judaism, the ‘Jews who are not Jews’, ‘Synagogue of Satan’, enemy of mankind.”
Could you please elaborate a bit on your phrase, which I’ve heard by others numerous times, ‘Jews who are not Jews’.
Does it really matter what kind of Jew we’re referring to? Khazar Jew (not of the line of Abraham) or Jews long genetically descended directly from the Tribe? Is it necessary to put these two in separate camps and thus to examine and critique each differently?
When I hear the phrase ‘Jews who are not Jews’ from other writers, it’s almost as if there is an insinuation that the focus of criticism and discontent should be driven towards Khazarians, but not today’s Jews that had descended directly from the seed of Abraham.
Whether Jew, kind of by adoption, Khazarians or Jew by DNA lineage (Sephardic, et al), aren’t we still talking about the same Synagogue of Satan?
Please, anyone out there educate me about this. Thanks.
Please let me comment on the letter from Northeast.
I came upon this email only by accident … or did God direct me to it?
Let me tell you, this email had more of the love of Jesus in it than I have read in a long time. I, too, have been reading Brother N’s material for quite some time. You are so right about how brave he is for exposing the Jews and their teachings. Thank God for him.
The way that I would like to encourage you is to read your(KJV) Bible daily. If you have already been born again by the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth.
If a church is not preaching the truth about Israel and the Jews, do not go to that church even if they tell you that they are born again. Any extra rituals being done in the name of Christ, are not of Him.
I, too would love to support Bro. N’s ministry but I am already financially helping Africans who are being brainwashed to support Israel … when they don’t even have enough food to eat.
The world is awash with the Israel gospel.
If some day Bro. N has gone missing or dies unexpectedly, you can be sure who has been involved. God will take care of him. There are others who are being watched as closely as he is, because many are now exposing the works of Satan.
Caution: Beware of the Hebrew Roots movement.
I am from the west … but in Canada.
Blessings to you,
Paul Deland,
Your comment about going to these schools where Jews also have attended reminded of something I have believed for a long time.
And that is that there are far more Jews in this world than the rest of us realize.
This is probably why they don’t want the Jew Word used-for concealment.
I have almost come to the conclusion that the Jews have been in every corner of the world.
I even found them way up in Alaska and the Yukon. There is a hill up there that is called “Jew Hill.”
I think Bro. N could tell you that the Mossad is in every country on the face of the earth.
But we must not forget that Jesus died for them too; and thank the Lord, many Jews are being saved and turning to Christ like Bro. N and a number Jews who are also exposing this evil that is coming from their teachings, and domination.
There really are FEMA camps enclosed with barbed wire and long trains on rail road sidings equipped with shackles.
Some fear to use the word Jew because they don’t want to be put on a list and someday be sent to a FEMA death camp.
The Jewish Bolsheviks tortured, hideously mutilated, brutally murdered and starved to death 75 million Russian Christian men, women and children.
They used ethnic minorities led by Jews to do the murdering.
I see the same potential here in America, as the DHS rounds up Christians and others who will be labeled as racists and domestic terrorists. Something akin to WACO, Ruby Ridge and the Bundy Ranch, but on a larger and longer scale.
Dear All –
NEW VID coming SOON. +BN
I use the book of Ephesians to great success in pointing out that our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ is not a respecter of persons.
All are one in Christ.
Ephesians delivers the knockout punch to all racist claims of supremacy weather it be from the Zionist fascist, Talmudic Jews or any other group that claims to have an inherited and exclusive claim to the promises of God!
Today I lost a very dear friend in the Lord to the Christian Zionist doctrine. I am now enemy number one and smeared as per usual as a anti-Semite? They expect me to drop dead or be zapped by a bolt of lighting for my damned doctrine of fulfillment theology in Christ alone. ‘The battle begins’.
Blessings and prayers of intercession coming your way brothers and sisters!
Salutations Brother Nathaniel
With regards the Faker, you may be interested to learn that he has often times stated his hatred of Peter the Great which to any who understand Russian history and that of the Orthodox Church may seem strange, no?
Barbara Specter is at it again. She wants the White race gone.
Some genocide is legal it seems — so legal it’s illegal to stop it.
Dear Brother Nathaniel,
I discovered your website over a year ago and am following your videos and commentary ever since. I appreciate your candor and faithfulness. I am a devout Roman Catholic whose mother was Eastern Orthodox-Russian. I love both denominations and pray for unity.
That said, I am guarded on what goes on in Russia among the prelates and Putin. Have you ever read the draft book authored by Arthur Cherep-Spirodovich called The Secret World Government or The Hidden Hand (1925?).
Fascinating read. He asserts that the Czars from Paul I to Nicholas II wanted unity with the Roman Catholics yet the Rothschilds, for a number of reasons wanted the family annihilated.
From Paul I on, every czar was assassinated with Nicholas and his family being killed entirely. Russia was picked as the center of development for communism by the Rothshilds. Also, very interesting history of relations and support of the USA by the czars as well, particularly during the Civil War.
But if Catholicism and Orthodoxy unite, whoa!
Imagine a nation like Russia, ideally situated between Europe and Asia aggressively proselytizing atheists, Communists, Muslims, Jews, heathens, etc.
Russia would then become a true apple in the eye of the Lord. And we would have one faith worldwide, that is The Catholic Faith (not “Roman” or “Orthodox”, only One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church).
This is what I pray for with all my heart. Meanwhile, keep pursuing your agenda. You are absolutely right to not mince words.
May I say that Talmudic Jews and Masonic Goyim represent the Synagogue of Satan on earth. Mankind desperately needs modern day John the Baptist to prepare the way of the Lord. Perhaps you are a candidate.
Yours in Christ,
@Whether Jew, kind of by adoption, Khazarians or Jew by DNA lineage (Sephardic, et al), aren’t we still talking about the same Synagogue of Satan?
Yes, because Judaism is a heresy, in its original meaning of “school”.
The school of the “Scribes and Pharisees, the hypocrites! who travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, they make him twice as much a child of hell as themselves”.(Matthew 23:15).
I have suspected for a long time, that “The Saker” is Jewish, pretending to be Christian Orthodox (after seeing the change that Brother Nathanael is making).
The Saker is totally anonymous, no one knows his name. I think there is a reason for that. I think he is Jewish, trying to damage control the success of genuine truth tellers like Brother Nathanael and Gilad Atzmon.
I do not think that The Saker is Christian Orthodox, I think he is a religious Zionist Jew, trying to clear the Jews of any blame, and instead pin it on what he calls “Anglo-Zinoists”.
Don’t fall for it, unless you get proof, that proves he is what he is – and for that, we need a name, so that we know who he is, because as of now, we do not know anything about him, except what he tells us and we have no identity or other information to check that he is not lying and deceiving everyone.