Jewish Scholar Refutes The Holocaust
Jewish Scholar Refutes The Holocaust
A Letter To Brother Nathanael Kapner June 18, 2014 ©
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+Brother Nathanael Kapner
“DEAR BROTHER NATHANAEL… My name is Robert Litoff. I have been following your site for many years. You may publish this Letter and my name.
I was born in New Haven, Connecticut in 1945 of two Jewish parents but am now a non-practicing Jew. As far as I can trace, all my ancestors are Jews.
I graduated Phi Beta Kappa in psychology from the University of Connecticut.
The claim that 6 million Jews died during World War II is wrong.
During the war period, before and shortly afterward, 5 million Jews went to Israel, and the Jewish population of North America increased from 4 million to 6 million.
Jews also went to Brazil, Argentina, Australia and other nations. This accounts for the decrease of 6 million Jews in Europe.
The world Jewish population was 15 million circa 1929 but it reached an estimated high of 18 million in 1989, an increase of 16%, which would have been impossible if 6 million Jews died in World War II.
The rabbi of my synagogue was Rabbi Andrew Klein who was a Hungarian Jew. He was interned in Auschwitz during World War II. His wife and 2 sons, Theodore and Lester, were interned in Bergen-Belsen.
One of the stories you hear about the nazis is that they killed all the Jews who could not work. But, Theodore and Lester were both children who could not work when they were at Bergen-Belsen but they were not killed.
Soon after the end of the war, there were a few different stories of how the nazis committed mass murder. One was that the victims were put in water and an electric current was sent through the water electrocuting the victims.
Another was that the victims were thrown in great fiery pits. Yet another was that the victims were driven in trucks which had their exhaust fumes channeled into the compartment in which the victims were placed, thereby killing them.
Finally, there is the story about the victims ‘taking showers’ in gas chambers which is the one claimed today. I take issue with this claim for the following reasons.
ZYKLON-B WAS INVENTED in America, not Germany. It was first used in Texas to disinfect the clothing of Mexicans crossing the border.
In the German work camps, Zyklon-B was used to disinfect the clothing of the internees to stem the tide of typhus.
Perhaps you have heard the story that the internees were led into a room in which they were told that they would be given showers and then they were gassed to death.
In reality, the doors of a real gas chamber would have to be airtight and look something like an airplane door. Otherwise, the gas would seep out and kill those operating the gas chamber.
In employing a gas chamber for an execution of one person, (as it was once done in America), a method used was to have potassium nuggets dropped into sulfuric acid by a lever. This would result in the production of hydrogen cyanide which would kill the person being executed.
Before the doors of the gas chamber could be opened—post-execution—another gas, anhydrous ammonia, must be injected into the chamber to react with the poisonous gas to make it a less lethal resulting gas.
Even so, anhydrous ammonia being poisonous, it would react with the gas used and would have to be scrubbed away. All of this would have been a long, dangerous, inefficient and toilsome task for the nazis to destroy ‘millions’ using gas chambers.
If Hitler wanted to kill as many Jews as he could, he would have had them shot by machine guns and automatic rifles. This would have been the least expensive and quickest way to commit mass murder. And, tragically, there were many mass murders in World War II by soldiers using machine guns and automatic rifles.
But, I am only stating that the claim that Hitler committed a genocidal war against Jews is false. I am not defending Hitler. He started a war which caused the deaths of millions.
I FIRST READ Elie Wiesel’s “Night” when in it was an earlier publication.
In this early edition, Wiesel does not mention any gas chambers but states that mass murder was committed by throwing Jews of all ages into great fiery pits.
When I ask various Jews why did Wiesel not mention gas chambers if they existed, and, if great fiery pits were used to kill people, then why are people not talking about the great fiery pits now like people are always talking about the gas chambers?
The usual response is that the victims were killed by both methods and that Wiesel’s failure to mention gas chambers is not proof that the gas chambers for killing people did not exist. This answer is not convincing since Wiesel purports to be giving an eyewitness account.
Weasel (misspelling intentional…for the man is a deceiver and a sneak) wrote about the internees taking showers, being shaved of all body hair, and being covered with disinfectant which would be consistent with a program to prevent typhus and other diseases from killing the internees and not consistent with a program which wanted the internees to die.
In the earlier edition of “Night,” Wiesel wrote that he had surgery on one of his feet at a “well equipped hospital” in Auschwitz before taken to other camps. In the newer editions of “Night” this has been changed to an “infirmary.”
Yet, in both editions, he states that he was given two weeks off from work after his surgery which is inconsistent with the claim that all internees who could not work were killed.
Weasel wrote that while he was recuperating the Russians were approaching Auschwitz and the Germans knew that they could not hold out in Auschwitz any longer.
So, they offered all their internees who were in the hospital that they could decide whether to wait for the Russian soldiers to come or leave with the Germans. Wiesel decided to leave with the Germans who were supposedly committing genocide against the Jews instead of waiting for liberation by the Russians.
Perhaps, you have seen pictures of piles of dead and walking skeletons of a liberated concentration camp.
But, by the end of the war, all Germans were having difficulty feeding themselves.
Also, the American and British air forces were bombing all the railroad tracks making it impossible to bring sufficient quantities of food into the camps. So, America and Britain share most of the blame for the starvation in the camps at the end of the war.
Jews need to keep bringing up the Holocaust so they can extort billions of dollars from America and its most advanced weapons systems for their Zionist program in Israel.
Jews own and control America’s mainline media, so that they can control most everything Americans hear and see.
While Americans argue about what to do about medical care and how much it will cost, Israel has a much more generous medical care program for its citizens and does not need to worry about the costs because it’s paid for by tax-paying American citizens in the aid we give to Israel.
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Brother Nathanael @ June 18, 2014
Dear Real Jew News Family –
Indeed, the Holocaust tale is a huge HOAX.
When I was growing up in the 1950’s the Encyclopedia Britannica published an Article by Jacob Markus, a Jewish historian, in their World War II entry.
Markus called the camps “work camps” NOT “concentration camps. He ALSO stated that “thousands perished” and NOT the ridiculous figure of “6 million.”
But, the edition was pulled off the market in the 60’s when the Jews started HYPING the HOAX.
See my Video: “The Holocaust Denial Debate” @
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Much Love In Christ!
+Brother Nathanael Kapner @
This letter is written in a very plain-speaking, candidly revealing style.
A big thank you to this gentleman for sharing his insight.
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What this gentleman said was most believable…..and he is very courageous using his name and about himself.
We need many more like him to testify to this hoax.
I had great doubts about this official story since I was young in the 50’s and 60’s.
God bless him.
Holocaust is a lie.
That’s fantastic, but Robert Litoff is wrong in saying Hitler started the war.
I would like you send him an email with a link to to set that history straight. Or at the very least set him straight on real history.
Great Article. Reminds me of
Also mention that NY Times was saying 6 millions Jews were suffering 40 years before WWII!!
Thank you, Brother.
We are in a time of revelations and MUCH more will be revealed as the days and weeks unfold.
God bless Robert Litoff for his courage in exposing what so many Jewish people know to be the truth.
Judgement time draws near….
You refer to Mr. Litoff as a Jewish scholar.
Would be interested to know something about his credentials.
Thank God for this ex-Jewish brother and gentleman. We salute you.
Canada has imprisoned Ernst Luntz for avowing there was no Holocaust with technical proof. Canadians authorities, husband being one but he knows truth, take note.
Then there is our own Australian German, Dr. Frederic Toben, who also bravely published the truth, having been imprisoned a few times in different countries. Australian Government, please heed.
Brother Nathaneal’s labors already had convinced multitudes. We trust many more eyes will be opened to this scourge on society and more important, its evil face that presents lies in Anglo-Saxon Churches.
It does seem, however, that many in England are presently waking to understand the truth about Jewry.
What a bunch of crap.
May be people should research a Dutch site were there is a lot of research regarding the Holocaust. And these people who are so sure that it did not exist, I bet they never talked to people who lost a lot of relatives in those camps.
Do people realize how many camps there were?
Go by country to country over Europe and see how many Jews each country lost and add it up. Why are people so concerned in which way the people were killed. Dead is dead.
No I am not Jewish, but had friends who lost family in those dreadful camps.
To me, after what happened to them how can they be so cruel to the Palestinian people. With Jews going to Israel for their military obligation, they don’t give a hoot how they treat the Palestinians.
It is despicable how people’s houses are bulldozed down for new houses for the Jews. Palestinians who lived there for hundreds of years.
People who just happen to have the Jewish religion thinking they have the right to kick people of their ancestral land, while they have nothing to do with the original Israelites of that area.
Listen how certain Jewish singers in Tel Aviv sing about Jesus and Mary, that’s disgusting and nobody says a word.
With the actions of Israel people are getting disgusted with the Jewish population that’s why you see the anti-Semitism growing.
The bad thing is that the good Jewish people have to suffer from that, too.
When I read a comment like from DIDGEVIlLAGE, I just think another dummy who really don’t know what happened and most likely did not even live in Europe.
There are so many lies about wars, and people like to take what suits them for the truth.
With all the mess in the Middle East, Israel is just lucky they have not been attacked by their neighboring countries.
That’s why they are armed to the teeth with American taxpayers money, and again they bombed Gaza and the west says nothing. Talk about an uneven fight. The biggest open air jail almost a concentration camp.
No say so over their lives. Restrictions with everything. Yes stone throwers are annoying but why are they doing it?
This whole world is in a mess, the greedy people are at work.
Just let’s hope no WWIII is in the making with all the tensions and killings in the Middle East, the Oekraine with its failure to pay Russia for its gas, trying to make Putin the evil man, who did an illegal coupe d’état, not Russia.
Crimea did an election. Just like Syria.
China, Japan, Philippines over rights in the China Sea.
And the West fearful for returning fighters from Syria and Iraq, will they start havoc?
Then God help us all.
What a hateful world.
Smoking gun proof of “Israeli teen kidnapping” false flag
Mossad Chief predicted “three teens will be kidnapped” one week before it happened
Everything is generally more complex than the average person can bring himself to understand. It is always intellectually easier and more emotionally satisfying to believe a black and white tale from one or other of the various competing points of view.
Much of what this non-practising Jewish person has said is demonstrably true, and has long been in the public record.
I am not sure what gives his testimony any special credibility; he is simply reiterating well-known facts.
And I feel that we should always beware of Jews, even allegedly non-practising ones, bearing gifts; these gifts are invariably poisoned chalices.
However, it does seem to be at least arguable that hundreds of thousands of Jews at a minimum were deliberately murdered by, not “The Nazis” as a defined group; but by “The Nazi” known as Heinrich Himmler.
This operation, known as “Reinhardt,” was restricted to four camps in the east of Poland, including Sobibor, Treblinka, and two others, and was defined by the mass shootings of Jews; exactly as the letter-writer says would be the appropriate way to address the perceived problem.
Many more were deliberately and indiscriminately shot by the Einsatzgruppen which followed the Wehrmacht into the east.
David Irving has a reputation as an anti-Semite; however, his work is based foursquare on the evidence revealed by intercepted German communications. He it is who outlines the scale of this operation; he it is who states categorically that Himmler was brutally beaten to death by the British when he surrendered to them at war’s end; it has to be assumed that this was done as some kind of revenge for what he himself had done.
I would strongly encourage everyone to listen to what Irving has to say about this matter.
A few references to the researchers that actually discovered the facts mentioned by Mr. Litoff are necessary.
Much more so if we considered that most of them had to endure prison, persecution and character assassination.
Here are the some of the most prominent:
John C. Ball
Robert Faurisson
Fred Leuchter
Carlo Mattogno
Germar Rudolf
Ernst Zündel
As much as I respect David Irving as an historian, he has no solid evidence in his allegations regarding “Aktion Reinhardt” camps.
He came with this story out of his Austrian prison, who knows what he had to promise in order to be released…
Two works debunking this “holocaust reloaded” here: by Mattogno, Kues and Graf
John C. Ball, Air Photo Evidence
“I am not defending Hitler. He started a war which caused the deaths of millions.”
Hey, I thought the Brits and the French started WWII!
Not to mention the Americans squeezing Japan with a crushing embargo that left them no other choice really than attack the US.
I would LOVE to print out this letter and show it to ALL the Jews in my state.
“To me, after what happened to them how can they be so cruel to the Palestinian people. With Jews going to Israel for their military obligation, they don’t give a hoot how they treat the Palestinians.”
The clue is in your question itself. No normal people (who have a heart) can ill treat another the same way they have been ill treated, right?
Either Jews are heartless by nature or the Holocaust did not happen and most are pathological liars.
@Caveman 2012
As I have said, these are complex issues and cannot be glibly treated of by anyone.
I have to say that I find DI to be a model of propriety, and his analysis of the probable underpinnings of these events to be highly plausible, and satisfyingly complex; appealing to common sense, with all that implies in terms of being sometimes better described as non-sense; and doing justice to a major event in human history by painting it in terms of black and white and grey, rather than the preferred option for most people, ie black and white.
The evidence for what he says is presented to the audience in terms of original documents which he has discovered, and which frequently still bear the original German military and police rubric; this evidence might be said to go against the prevailing notion in some quarters that there was no organized mass murder of the Jews; as such, Irving is telling a story which might be thought by some to undermine a position which he was always thought to have.
His testimony therefore, to me at least, bears the hallmarks of complete integrity in the face of the evidence.
The Jews are hated, and have always been hated; the evidence for their extermination in many countries and locations over the years cannot be realistically denied.
They themselves, of course, have been the primary instigators of this hatred, both because of what they believe that the Talmud tells them about themselves, and in terms of what they then go on to inflict onto the Gentile societies which surround and dwarf their own.
Indeed, their rabbis delight in this hatred and promote it, as by so doing, they think to preserve the unique genetic heritage of these people, and prevent their intercalation and eventual disappearance into Gentile society.
Irving, to me at least, tells a story which rings entirely true, the obscuring passage of days has not prevented this truth from, at the very least, beginning to appear from the fog of a history which has been almost entirely rewritten by this most benighted of races.
Jews can go to Talmudia…
or Jesus.
JEWS ZIONIST and their “Christian” Zionist created today ISIS…
Both of them should be delivered to them…Go ahead!!
Mario Herrera Twitter @norightsforyou
VERY upset over this thing by the stereotypical LYING Jew, Robert Litoff.
Can’t believe Bro would post his article, because when it gets to him claiming he’s not defending Hitler and accuses him of starting WWII, when ANYONE who reads and uses their BRAIN, knows full well that in 1933, JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY.
So who started the war? Wasn’t Hitler. It was the Jews. But now here’s Litoff claiming the Holocaust didn’t happen, yet still blames Hitler for the war, when it very clearly, and factually proven, was the Jews who started it.
The Balfour Declaration was written in WWI. They never got to see it fulfilled. This is why they made moves to create a second world war, so they could get that declaration which was as legit as a three dollar bill, passed, and Palestine GIVEN to the people who had no rights to claim it.
If I have the time, I’ll post a more complete version of events… but in the meantime I suggest people go LISTEN to the full speech given in 1961 at the Willard Hotel by Benjamin Freedman, the Jews claim he was a self hating Jew.
Nothing could be further from the truth… but then since most Jews who push the holocaust that Litoff denounces, are liars themselves, it’s not difficult to find out WHY they want to HIDE the truth.
Most people that believe the Holocaust myth, are just repeating what they were told in school or by Hollywood movies.
Most people that know the official Holocaust story is a lie have done intensive research and have gone through mountains of discrediting evidence.
I admire Mr. Liftoff for going on the record, his bravery may encourage others.
The Jews did start the war by declaring waar on Germany and organising a boycott of German goods in 1933, soon after Hitler was elected. This was in response to a National Socialist plan to remove Jews from office.
So, the Jews were intered in camps for the same reason that Japanese were intered in American Camps – because they were enemy aliens.
The Jewish supremasists are resposible for American and British involvement in regime change to create their Jew World Order today. Also, multi-cutrualism to create a borderless, raceless, anti-Christ world which they can dominate easily.
Myron Fagin, a Jewish American playright, wrote an article called the Illuminati. You can Google it.
Fagin states in his article that 500,000 Jews died in the Holocaust not 6 million. They died from malnutrition and typhus, which was the reason for the gas chambers, to disinfect the people from typhus. It is very worthwhile article to read. He reveals other info besides the Holohoax. It is a must read.
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His Articles and Videos are current and cover many topics. Brother Nathanael’s Articles and Videos are full of excellent information. He names names and tells you who is causing all the world’s troubles.
Thank God that there are SOME honest Jews in the world.
I greatly admire Jews like Brother Nathanael and Benjamin Freedman who have courageously spoken out against the lies of their fellow tribesmen.
If more Jews would stop lying and tell the TRUTH, our world would be a much better place.
Whilst M-S-M daily bombard us with these horrible lies about WWII Germany I have never seen one Hollywood movie on the heinous crimes of the mass murder machine called Bolshevism (60-147m deaths) presumably because this genocidal regime was created, led and financed by Ashkenazim Jewry.
Have Zionists successfully passed off the crimes of the Jewish Bolsheviks onto the German nation?
It is totally ridiculous to claim — with all the information and clarity available to us today — that Hitler and the Third Reich provoked and then started World War Two.
Such a viewpoint held today is pure dogma, and does not represent truth or scholarly history.
It is representative and typical of the lie factories that are Washington DC and New York City.
For heavens sake! One would have thought even the dumb would have learned by now that International Jewry declared war on Germany AND the German People, in March of 1933!!!
The Madison Square Gardens stadium was rented in order to whip up the fervour of New York City’s Jews just for that purpose! Videos of this event have been circulating on the Web for well over 8 years.
Poland was the most provocative war-monger during the 1930s, just as it still is today, vis-a-vis the Ukraine and Russia. Go figure!
And as regards the commenter: @TimW … he writes:
“Many more [Jews] were deliberately and indiscriminately shot by the Einsatzgruppen which followed the Wehrmacht into the east.”
As so many have it these days, he only has it half correct.
The Einsatzgruppen certainly did kill (execute) a lot of Jews, but that was not their purpose. ‘Jews’ being shot dead was an incidental consequence of a far more noble policy.
These units followed the advance of the Wehrmacht to find and prosecute the inhuman perpetrators of the Holodomor, plus the many ‘Jewish’ scams that had been tormenting the Ukrainian (and Germanic) people for over a century.
The Einsatzgruppen targeted COMMUNISTS … and NOT ‘Jews’ per se. But if most Communists were also ‘Jews’, then I guess that is too bad for the ‘Jews’. Right? Correct? You agree?
The Germans, and especially the Prussians, knew far better than most what horrors had transpired in Russia after 1917. They knew who was providing the philosophical guidance and murderous policies that then shaped the Soviet Union.
They knew that internal organs had been ripped out of thousands of White Russians (following the Red’s victory over the Whites) while they were still alive, in order to provoke fear, dread, and panic throughout the rest of the populace.
That is why the Third Reich created and then deployed the … Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD.
Don’t visit Brother Nathanael’s website to comment on history until you have first studied it properly. Brother Nathanael’s research is impeccable. So should yours be.
For those who wish to delve much deeper (about the true horrors that birthed the Soviet Union) then seek out the work of the Estonian named, Juri Lina.
I give you guys the web page that describes what really happens in WWII who was behind it and what happened after it and you argue like bickering children. THE BAD WAR – True history of WWII not your fantasy or brainwashing by your upbringing as a child, but the true history.
Read it do research learn from it. Now I shall give you one more website to learn from.
In the entertainment industry, sports, fashion, and music, if you say something about Holocaust not happening you’re not working anymore in any of these fields…Why because they’re run by Zionist Jews!
Read also John Sack: An Eye For An Eye.
This is the story of Jews who sought revenge for the holocaust. It describes the life in the camps, during and after WWII.
It confirms that the showers were for delousing the inmates that worked in the German war industry.
The Jews were very instrumental in starting WW2, in a multitude of ways.
One facet that is NEVER taught in Jewmerica schools is the real HOLOCAUST that was caused by Ashkenazi-Zionist Jews in Russia, resulting in the deaths of over 80 million!
This fact is hard to ignore when trying to understand why the Nazis could hate so much (they were just evil, or on meth! etc.). In 1918 stories of the atrocities in Russia were reaching western Europe, as were the Bolsheviks themselves.
In 1919 they basically “invaded” Bavaria, installing the “Bolshevik state of Bavaria” under the murderous Jew thug Tolleffson. Over 10,000 were killed in the fighting. Only the German Friekorps could finally oust these Bolshevik murderers.
Do you know who lived in Bavaria and witnessed this Bolshevik barbarism 1st hand?? Goebbels, Joseph Streicher,and ADOLF HITLER. They knew, as did millions of Russian Christians, what these Bolshevik vermin were capable of.
Every Christian(and Torah Jew) Must read Solyztnishin’s “The Gulag Archipelago”volumes 1-4. Only when one understands what happened in Russia can one grasp the entirety of Pre-ww2 Europe.
Every American student knows the names of Hitler and Himmler etc..(and as a Christian, I can never condone their actions), but no American student has never even heard of Genrich Yagoda, Kaganovich etc., because they were Jews, and their quantity of murders made the Nazis look like choir boys.
Quoting you, “VERY upset over this thing by the stereotypical LYING Jew, Robert Litoff.”
Well, it’s certainly accurate to argue that Mr. Litoff has it totally wrong in blaming the start of WWII on Adolph Hitler when:
(1) International Jewry declared war on Germany in 1933 (probably mostly due to the fact that Germany, under Hitler, would not en-slavishly kowtow to Rothschild usurious banking) and
(2) when the German military had to take action in Poland in 1939, due to the Communists in Poland inflicting horrendous atrocity and brutality at the Germany population living there.
THEN, it was England and France, not Germany, who pressed for war after Hitler’s necessary military action in September of 1939 that brought security to the German people living in Poland.
I’ll grant you the above, BUT Mr. Litoff has outlined an unconventional view of the so called Holocaust that is anything but standard mainstream propaganda. Here, he elucidates in a manner not at all stereotypically Jewish.
It is puzzling why he clings to the notion that Germany through Hitler started the war, when he knows full well that Germany through Hitler never engineered the systematic industrialized slaughter of 6 million Jews in gas chambers.
Did he miss some basic facts concerning the spawning of the war, or is he behaving yet like a typical conniving, manipulative Chosenite, knowing full well that Jewry, not Adolph Hitler, started WWII. The bottom line is that either he has made an honest mistake, or he is purposefully and cunningly lying.
I don’t know the answer.
What is wrong with the world, Jews who are NO Jews at all, murder which was NO murder.
Auschwitz which was a camp for running the buna factory nearby, and where the Germans were producing (or trying) plutonium for a bomb and in the process used more electricity as Berlin in her heyday.
Lots of people emigrated to the workcamps so NOT to have to work, is leading to a big conclusion, are there only stupid donkeys running around, or is society a big fake in which “we” and special innocent RUS people (Russians, Belarussians, Oekrainers) pay the highest price for the greed and perversion of demons with a Jew outlook.
In that case its better that Jesus Christ is very soon coming and will bring justice to this world.
“Yet, in both editions, he states that he was given two weeks off from work after his surgery which is inconsistent with the claim that all internees who could not work were killed.”
This statement made by Elie Weasel also doesn’t make sense. Why would the “Nazis” operate on Weasel’s feet?
Wouldn’t it cheaper and less troublesome, even more efficient to just kill him and replace him with another expendable, slave-labor Jew who didn’t require all the maintenance?
If you’re into killing all the Jews why operate on their feet? Why not get rid of the pesky Jew and throw him in the “showers” or the “great firey pit?”
Wow! Robert, thank you for sharing this.
This confirms some things Alfred Lilienthal said about what he called the “Holocaust Industry.”
It’s a messy, sad state of affairs for Americans and the duped American Christian Zionists. The country needs stirred and awakened to the truth. Blessings to you!
TimW wrote:
“Much of what this non-practising Jewish person has said is demonstrably true, and has long been in the public record.
“I am not sure what gives his testimony any special credibility; he is simply reiterating well-known facts. And I feel that we should always beware of Jews, even allegedly non-practising ones, bearing gifts; these gifts are invariably poisoned chalices.”
I think we should take heed that any “non-practicing Jew” who has not wholly renounced Rabbinic Judaism and embraced the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is still in the service of Satan, no matter how apparently genuine he may appear.
Jews are a cursed people (Mat 21:19) who are members of the Devil’s Synagogue and until the veil is taken from their cold hearts and the light of the Gospel of Christ shines in their souls (2 Cor 3:4, 4:4) they are dogs, evil workers, the concision (Phil 3:2) who God warns is to beware of.
Here is the crux of our problem.
Of all the horrors committed in history — only ONE is above examination. So sacred it cant be questioned or doubted or whispered about.
Here is one of the self-declared ‘libertarian free speech-above-all’ closet Zionists on a self-righteous rant about how The Chosen race’s sufferings are above ALL others — more worthwhile, and unassailable.
100 millions killed in history, but only THEIR suffering merits absolute worship, obedience and censorship.
Look here — this is a beauty. JUSTIN RAiMONDO of See @ 6:40:20. Truly outrageous. A real sleazebag.
Wow, one of a microscopic number of Jews finally is right for once.
This is respectable.
David Cole (a very intelligent Jewish gentleman) took samples from the walls of the alleged ‘gas chambers’ in several German/Polish labour camps, like Auschwitz. Not a trace of zyclon-b was detected on these wall samples.
So how many Jews actually died from hunger and tyfus (and other diseases), as a consequence of the bombing of Germany by the Allied forces? Some revisionist figure about 200,000 Jews total died in the labour camps.
The many Jewish holocaust monuments have to remind us all of the 6 million ‘murdered’ Jews. What to do with these monuments, turn them into monuments to remember the 60 million murdered (by the Jewish communists) Russian Christians?
And where are the many monuments to remember the 50/100 million Africans, murdered by Jewish slave traders, the main organisers of the African slave holocaust?
Not to mention the financial compensation which has yet to be paid by the Jewish community for the Russian, Chinese, and African victims.
The Jews are special indeed, they know how to hide their crimes.
Why do some people here get “all over” Mr. Litoff, when he doesn’t correctly state who started the war, etc.
Isn’t it enough that the man sticks out his neck in this politically correct society where saying the things he said could lead to his defamation?
Question: How many of those people posting here, would do the same thing Mr. Litoff did?
How many would risk anything to state would they believe to other people they know, at their jobs, or in other area’s of their lives, as Mr. Litoff did openly and especially Brother Nathanael?
It seems kind of petty to me to so easily knock people who risk so much already. Just my opinion.
Being a Jew is first a matter of biology and then nationality.
It is not a matter of religious belief. It is possible for Jew to believe anything from hard core Satanism to Christianity.
Backing up the brave Mr. Litoff I would like to add my 2 cents.
The movie ‘The Last Train To Auschwitz’ made in, I believe in the world’s 2nd largest (by percent of total population) Jewish population country, Argentina, begins with a short shot of the CURRENT signs out side the visitor’s center saying, ‘1 million, 6 hundred and 68 thousand Jews died here.”
That’s interesting since all during the Cold War, Jews claimed that of the 6 million Jews that died in Hitler’s camps, 4.5 million were conveniently housed at Auschwitz BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN!
So that means that now the maximum number killed would have to be something around 3.25 million. Auschwitz supposedly had gas chambers…a f”’ing lie! That lie was created by Joseph Stalin colaborating with the NY Times. Stalin’s soldiers put up the showerheads connected to solid concrete – totally non-functional. But the NYT said that they were real so no more discussion is allowed.
Two brave people investagated those ‘chambers’.
One, a 28 year old German chemist named Genmar Rudolf who went to Auschwitz and took wall scrapings from the chambers, went home and made a solution from the wall scrapings…no poisonous residue of any kind! For this the new Zionist whores of the postwar German Government got this young man put in prison.
The second was an American who was called Dr. Death because of his work repairing electric chairs for the US prison system.
I have a copy of his video. His test was similar to Mr. Rudolf’s but crushing interior fragments of the gas chamber rubble of chambers which were bulldosed.
His results were consistent with Mr. Rudolf’s, but he was not imprisoned but harrassed by a series of enraged Jewish women who followed him everywhere and mad sure that he never worked in the US Prison system again.
So the ZIONISTS got their revenge. Another interesting note: The Diary Of Anne Frank was a massive fraud also! On the internet was a credible story stating that her father, Mr. Frank, had this diary written by a professional writer…who never was paid by Mr. Frank as had been agreed upon.
More Jewish history has been exposed.
Now basically all Spain knows Tourqemada(sp?), the horrible Catholic Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition was he, himself, a Jew convert! So dimwitted Christians would ask, well why would a Jew torture and kill his own people. THINK!
1) To put guilt on the Christian majority, thus neutering them even more that their Catholic Church had already done! Also to create what I call the Torquemada diaspora…moving many out of Jewish dominated Spain in order to grow into and eventually dominate secretly other European countries.
Like Turkey which has been Jewish controlled for more than 100 years. Recently an old Turkish historian was on an on-line video saying that today’s Turkey has three Jews as its top three generals!
And of course the Rothschilds and Rockefellers went via Turkey to Germany where the Rothschilds as what Europeans call Crypto-Jews were named Bauer, and the Rockefellers were named Rockenfelder. And others spread elsewhere similarly.
A similar psy-op was done during WW2 when the very Jewish Rothschilds lived comfortably in their Frankfort Palace (I’ve walked past it – looks like a bomb-proofed factory all steel reinforced concrete cream colored with a rich sort of chocolate brown framing) ALL THROUGH Hitler’s supposed reign of terror. Not all Jews were created equally, obviously!
Not only that, but Hitler’s 2nd in command made reports to the Rothschilds in Frankfort regularly. So copying Torquemada and his Jewish cohorts of old Spain they used not useful throwaway Jews in a gigantic psy-op in order to justify creating Israel which had been unceremoniously rejectly by the world right after WW1, thus the need for WW2!
Its even worse as I don’t have time to go into the George H.W. Bush – George Scherf (NAZI – Jew working early in Germany for Hitler connection.
The jews have had a general controling influence over the Western and Mideastern world for thousands of years. Unending wars, endless attempts at creating a Moslem-Christian world war – just unending crap!
Christians and Moslems should be on the same side…but not allowed!
Maria said:
May be people should research a Dutch site were there is a lot of research regarding the Holocaust. And these people who are so sure that it did not exist, I bet they never talked to people who lost a lot of relatives in those camps.
Actually, I have.
A Jewish friend of mine lost a lot of relatives at Auschwitz, but the interesting thing is that they were all executed. Not disease. Not gassed. Anyway, it seems that the Zionist/Communist arm of the family mostly survived the camps, but the anti-Zionist/anti-Communist arm of the family mostly perished in the camps.
The Jewish guards and kapos were diabolical, apparently. Interesting, no?
My Jewish friend actually saw photos of his family members in the camp museum at Auschwitz. He says “the Holocaust” is a hoax even though he lost many family members in that unfortunate episode. Of course, he’s too scared to say it in public. It takes a brave soul — “for fear of the Jews.”
Other relatives of his were in German POW camps and said the Germans treated them very well.
They are all too scared to write books about what really happened to them, but always said they should have. Sure the camps were unpleasant places, but at least they got lice treatment and food.
In Stalingrad, the German soldiers were covered in lice so thick the surgeons had to use a spatula to scrape them off before they could see to operate on the wounds. They got two slices of bread a day each, and that’s it. Compared to that, Auschwitz was survivable for many.
If we look at the facts, it appears that the Nazis were actually trying to wipe out Germans, not Jews. Who died in the camps – the weakest Jews. Who were sent on suicide missions – the best Germans!
So Maria, we are debating facts here. Please take your emotional arguments somewhere else. Thanks.
And as for your problem with anti-Semitism, it seems that the Goyim suffered mostly from that in WW2. It enabled Hitler. 100 million goys dead. A questionable number of Jews dead. Israel created.
The Goyish world was turned upside down and we might never recover.
Then there is the problem of guilt, which you seem to want to perpetuate. Germany is still paying reparations, and will be for another 100 years probably. And yet, hundreds of thousands of Jews and Israelis live in Berlin to this day. Why is that?
What about the Germans?
How many of them died, purposely starved to death in US and Allied managed camps after they lost the war? Over two million perhaps?
This does not include all those German civilians who died through US and Allied systematical bombing of civilian cities.
Why are all those German civilian victims forgotten?
Perhaps it would be a good to mention them a little!
Yep, all those pics of starved people, the body piles and the stories of gas chambers were just professional actors
P.S. Anti-antisemitism is Spiritual Darkness.
Nice job, loquendolaxe. Very nice.
International Jewry via their puppets WINSTON CHURCHILL and FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT were the warmongers who demanded World War Jew II.
Schwein Churchill LOVED war as those who have the courage to read and learn will discover. He and Franklin Rosenfeld were hellbent on the total destruction on Germany and the German people.
Churchill even said that the war was about the destroying the strength of the German people.
Get a copy of “War! War! War!” written under the pen name of Cincinnatus. Eustace Mullins wrote the foreward to the book.
You will find a real cornucopia of quotes by Churchill and key members of International Jewry which will put and end to any Talmudic/Hollywood lies that we have been force fed.
You will also see that it was the hidden hand of Talmudic Jewry which brought us Jew World War I as well.
There are many other books out there as well and many are online. Hoff has many books available on his site at
“One must either affirm or reject anti-semitism.
He who defends the Jew harms his own people.
One can only be a Jewish lackey or a Jewish opponent.
Opposing the Jews is a matter of personal hygiene.”
Dr. Joseph Goebbels
How is it that any credible person ever identified those skinny folks in pictures as Jews? Who knows that they weren’t Russians, British or Americans? What credible person verified where and when the pictures were actually taken? How many did anyone personally count?
Pro-Zionism is Satan worship — plain and simple. Gentiles defending or supporting Zionists (proselytes) were best described by the Master himself:
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” Mt. 23:15
“…twofold more the child of hell” than even Zionist Jews? Is that even possible?
So far as I’ve ever seen, there’s only two categories of people that shriek the words “anti-semite” or “anti-semitism”: Jews and their proselytes, and they always misapply it or use it in hypocrisy.
Zionists (Jew or Goy) are the most evil anti-semites on the planet. They continually bear false witness against, steal from, torture and/or murder the one branch of the children of Sem (Shem) — true Semites — the Arabic people.
God bless Mr. Litoff and Brother Nate for exposing more Zionist lies, even though Mr. Litoff is mistaken that Chancellor Hitler “started a war.”
EVERY PERSON ON THIS PLANET should read Chancellor Hitler’s Declaration of War. It ought to be required reading in all public schools of the world.
Ever wonder why it’s kept such a secret in all Jewish occupied countries like Jewmerica?
Perhaps Brother Nate will post it on his web-site.
Dear All –
Robert Litoff just e-mailed me and said I left out an important part of his Letter (which I did inadvertently due to the huge length of the Letter which dealt with myriads of topics.)
Here it is sectioned off with *** and I added it to the Article above as well:
*** “In employing a gas chamber for an execution of one person, (as it was once done in America), a method used was to have potassium nuggets dropped into sulfuric acid by a lever. This would result in the production of hydrogen cyanide which would kill the person being executed.
Before the doors of the gas chamber could be opened—post-execution—another gas, anhydrous ammonia, must be injected into the chamber to react with the poisonous gas to make it a less lethal resulting gas.
Even so, anhydrous ammonia being poisonous, it would react with the gas used and would have to be scrubbed away. All of this would have been a long, dangerous, inefficient and toilsome task for the nazis to destroy ‘millions’ using gas chambers. ***
If Hitler wanted to kill as many Jews as he could, he would have had them shot by machine guns and automatic rifles. This would have been the least expensive and quickest way to commit mass murder. And, tragically, there were many mass murders in World War II by soldiers using machine guns and automatic rifles.”
Yes, many Jews were killed by Nazis, but beside Jews, much more other nationalities were killed, but nobody never talks about it.
Western Jewish mass media “promote” value of Jewish life only, they don’ t care about not Jewish people.
Whatever else he was, Hitler and European nationalists from every country in Central and Western Europe saved ALL OF EUROPE from communist mass murderer.
As for who started the war, Hitler was tricked into it by Poland, same as they are trying to entice Putin into Ukraine today.
Why the blitz on Hitler, while hardly anyone knows what was committed by Jewish Bolsheviks?
This book is a must read for everyone:
The Holocaust Hoax Museum is being built.
The holyhoax myth is now being debunked throughout the alternative media, well, at least a lot more than it used to be.
Next step, take a more honest look at the Nazis. Not saying they were angels but 99 percent of what we hear about them is Jewish propaganda too.
Quite possible that Rosenvelt and Churchill were vastly worse than Hitler!
See: Thomas Dalton, The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, and an excellent read.
Thank you Bro N.!
Dear Bruce Wayne,
If you want to see pics of starving people look at Holodomor, 16.5 million starved.
Seems this is of no consequence yet what happened in Hitler’s work camps were.
World War II was FORCED upon Germany!
Hitler did everything he could to avoid it.
Read this….”Hitler visits Oprah’
Thank You, Mr Litof.
But as the brilliant people on this site said:
Adolf Hitler neither wanted or began WW2! This is why he and others in Europe hated the Jews so much.
It was they who agitated for that war in the Rothschild-owned British Empire, and the USA, not to mention their influence in Stalin’s system.
More factoids on the Holohoax. 36,000 personnel were involved in the Concentration Camp system. Only 6,000 were Germans! A mere fraction of the AXIS personal from ALL nations of Europe who served in the German Armed Forces.
Of the 2.8 million Jews reported in Europe during WW2, 4.8 million asked for compensation afterward!
It would have taken Germany 65 years to ‘gas,’ and 35 to ‘cremate,’ 6 million people! The reported time of the’Final Solution’ was supposed to have happened in 22 months!
“Upon inspection of camps for interned enemy populations, no HOMICIDAL MACHINERY was FOUND.”
I’m glad you mentioned Estonian writer Juri Lina in your comment. I have the first of his two books, entitled UNDER THE SIGN OF THE SCORPION. It’s this book in which he detailed the true horrors of Bolshevism in all its savagery.
I bought the book over ten years ago at a conference in Washington, DC. More people died under Communism than under any other form of tyranny in the history of mankind, over 145 million.
@Br. Nathanael
Thank you for publishing Robert Litoff’s letter denouncing the Holohoax.
I’m only disappointed with his statement that Hitler started WWII; when, in fact, World Jewry started it back in March, 1933, with their own declaration: “JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY”.
Other than that error, Dr. Litoff is spot on. He should be commended for speaking the truth about the Holohoax; but, I doubt very much that Organized Jewry will ever do that; instead they’ll denounce him as a “self-hating Jew”.
In the meantime, I’m getting my donation out to you to help you continue your excellent work.
God Bless you always,
I was about to write exactly the same thing as Richard and then I saw his post. Thanks Richard!
After skimming the article there wasn’t anything that jumped out at me that I disagreed with except for, “I am not defending Hitler. He started a war which caused the deaths of millions.”
The article was 99% accurate, however, this bombshell was enough to destroy the entire article. What I mean by that is – I could not pass this on to anybody to read.
Please pray for an 89 year old man who is having health problems named Johann Breyer, that he will not be extradited to Germany and that he will be released from jail. He was arrested on a warrant from Germany for working at Auschwitz during WW2 and for allegedly assisting in a Holocaust that never happened.
It never ceases to amaze me how absolutely cruel the Jews are. When I hear about things such as what is happening to Johann Breyer it makes me burn with indignation.
When I said I was going to write the same thing as Richard, I was referring to his June 19, 3:48am comment concerning the Robert Litoff article.
At the time, I hadn’t finished reading all the comments. Richard’s later June 19, 1:42pm comment about Jewish guards, anti-Zionist executions & Communist survivors, and Nazis who wanted to kill Germans, confused the hell out of me.
None of that could be further from the truth. Why make such a great comment and then completely discredit yourself on the next?
Dear BN,
When I found your site I was in — “Is this Jew controlled false opposition? — mode.
In essence, is +BN for real?
Well, this is article 943 by +BN. Look at the URL/link.
To this day I can NOT debunk any statement +BN do about the jews, can you?
+BN has been under sever attacks, many times at and other sites. I have not told +BN and beaten those Jews down with my highly insensitive sledgehammer. 😉
My litmus test is very simple: Do he or she promote the Jews holohoax BS?
To quote Brother Nathanael (June 18, 2014 @ 8:59 pm):
“Dear Real Jew News Family –
“Indeed, the Holocaust tale is a huge HOAX.”
+BN is the real deal. Case closed.
WW2 was started by Jews! Period.
What really happened in Russia a century ago, in 1917 was that the Jews stole the biggest country in the world.
What really happened in Russia 1917 was that the Jews killed the whole Russian elite, all police and the upper military brass. Then the Jews moved into their houses, hence replacing the Russian elite with a Jew elite.
Once the Jews were in control of the Russian state, the rest was easy. The state central bank and all “media,” the whole propaganda machine was owned and controlled lock, stock and barrel by Jews.
Who took control of the central bank in America the year 1913? The Jews. America 2014 is Russia 1913 all over again.
The Jews’ holohoax. Video. Edwin Black is a jew.
Decree 54/33 The Transfer Agreement (between Germany and Zionists.)
At last, an honest Jew.
Well I shouldn’t say that, if he was honest he would seek out his true Messiah in our Lord Jesus Christ, but at least he truthfully says things I have been saying for quite some time.
The populations of Jews increased to their present numbers. I knew this, too, because if you look at American Jew population numbers they point to the ominous 6 million as well, and Mr Litoff states accurately that they went to various countries before, during, and after WWII.
Plus his explanation of Amerikan execution procedures (of which anyone should be familiar with), show that guards would have been killed because gas doesn’t discriminate, and they had no airtight chamber unlike those in California, Colorado, Arizona or any other state that has used lethal gas.
In short, the “Holocaust”(TM) is refuted soundly, but the Allies still have to answer the deaths of 15 million German civilians, many Italian civilians, and millions of Japanese and Asian civilians at their hands.
As was stated, it would have taken Hitler 65 years to gas Jews by this method. This task would be finished in 2006, if you take 1941 (alleged year of the Wanasee Conference) and add 65 years.
This myth is busted.
A very bad man in Amsterdam was trying to sell an evil book and he is going to be prosecuted by the Dutch government.
The book offends a certain group of people, that has no power, is continually persecuted and is just trying to live in peace.
These innocent people were accused in the book of running the media, owning large financial institutions and using their influence to control the government.
If the Dutch government stops this man it will keep the Dutch people’s thoughts from being polluted. This is great!
However, this does not go far enough. Some countries still allow their citizens to read this book, in particular the United States of America. I urge the Dutch to implement sanctions against this country to set an example to the world.
Kris you are right about Holmodor, and NO AMERICAN STUDENT HAS ANY IDEA!
“And as of ’22, due to the FORCED collection of wheats and foodstuffs, the people of the Volga knew the definition of hell on Earth, as the only method of staying alive was EATING THEIR CHILDREN!” — The Gulag Archipelago Vol. 1
You answered correctly on both sides of the same coin.
They are heartless by nature, except in the outer fakeness they show the Goy, and they are nearly all most definitely deeply disturbed pathological liars.
That was a well written article.
The US has arrested a Czech man that emigrated into the United States after WWII under the claim of being “the last living Nazi.” This man is 89 years old and appears to be similar to Ernzt.
So while more and more people are reading the revisionists and even Jewish people such as Robert Litoff, people are realizing that, yes, the war was horrible and it’s just that simple. But these people created a fictional story and received millions and millions of dollars from Germany, who was the loser of the war.
So while people scream that Holocaust Deniers are denying true history, the “revisionists” are actually the National Historical Institute.
This man says he is not defending Hitler because Hitler started a war which killed millions of people. Not true!
Hitler did not start a war — in fact, he did everything in his power to prevent war.
The Jews started WW2 just like they started every war in recent history.
“The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the world.
“There are reasons for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany.
“Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany…” – Valadimir Jabotinsky, in Mascha Rjetsch (January, 1934)
by Constantin von Hoffmeister
The above article reveals the real truth about the work camps, and that out of 1,000,000 SS members, only 400,000 were actually German, the rest, some 600,000, actually being volunteers from 30 different countries, of many different races, peoples and religions, including Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, 150,000 Jews even, and other minorities, from Tibet, India, China, Japan and Africa (see ‘Black Nazis’, by Veronica Clarke).
National Socialism not only did not start the war, but also was not even racist. Sadly, Hitler identifying the Jews as the real racists against the entire world, became the target for their insane hatred.
58,000 Germans living in Poland were methodically butchered in the most vile manner possible, by Jewish-led mobs, with tacit approval from the Polish government, to goad Hitler into entering Poland to attempt to stop the murders, when all diplomatic approaches to Poland on that and other issues were inexplicably completely ignored by the Polish government.
WWII could begin for the excuse for Israel to be founded, and for scores of millions more Goyim to be slaughtered in a new Red Revolution, whilst Jews would again be stated to be the only real victims, after they, of course, started the whole thing, as usual.
And, of course, Jews were never really the victims at all, as in the case of the 100,000 supposed Jews at Babi Yar in Kiev, who were in reality 100,000 dead Christians murdered 20 years earlier by Jewish led Bolshevik forces.
This was, of course, a dishonest ploy to prevent any other slave nation ever again adopting any similar noble National Socialist principles, for fear of being similarly annihilated as a purported threat against the Jews.
The ‘sacred’ rabbinic commentary, the Zohar, states that when the Jewish Messiah comes, all Gentiles will be exterminated from the entire Earth and their souls sent to dwell in hell under the Angel Duma.
How Jews continue to dominate the world when this is their stated belief absolutely amazes me; too much fluoride I guess.
On the same hand, no chemical plants or pipelines to distribute fluoride were ever discovered in Germany after WWII to prove the lie that Hitler used fluoride on anyone at all, in camps or otherwise.
The only supposed ‘proof’ that he ever used it having been some say-so allegedly repeated verbally from one officer alone, that unsubstantiated allegation being subsequently stated merely on one page in one book, with no evidence whatever to back it up. But, we do know for certain who uses it today, and of it’s effects.
The Zionists were talking of a Holocaust and six million starving Jews in Europe at the very start of the 20th century.
If you google “six million starving Jews” you’ll see the six million figures has been being thrown around since 1900.
It’s all a ploy to play the injured party forever by the Zionists.
Peripherally related to this discussion is Solzhenitsyn’s last work, “Two Hundred Years Together”, which, as RJN family is aware, has been very tightly censored.
Like the Genie being let out of its captivity (the bottle), the chains that bind Solzhenitsyn’s final literary product need to be broken.
Just the name Solzhenitsyn will draw many millions to read “Two Hundred Years Together,” if and when it is ever unleashed.
The authorities charged a retiree, 89 year old Johann Breyer, as complicit in the gassing of 216,000 Jews brought to Auschwitz in 1944 from Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Germany.
How can it be possible to charge a man for gassing Jews when it now seems clear that no gas chambers existed in any case??
“The Myth Of German Villainy” by Benton L. Bradberry, US Navy 1955-1977
Get a copy, read it and pass it around. He did an outstanding job with this book.
The Holocaust” is the greatest lie ever told.
All in all a total Jews died during ww2 in all camps. Red Cross document. 1.6oo pages in all.
Solzhenitsyn’s last book before he died. And yes, it’s about the Jews that ruled Soviet.
My favorite holohaox lie. The NAZIs masturbated the Jews to death. It’s true, a Jew said so!
In Stolen Soul, Holstein talks about how Nazi doctors attempted to prove Aryan superiority by collecting Jewish semen with masturbating machines that often killed their subjects.
Quote…(page 117)
But we never gave in, not really; there was that one time just before liberation but other than that we were strong.
We would see the boys they put on those masturbating machines just drop, just die, right there in front of us. The absolute cruelty was beyond our belief.
Yes, beyond belief.
Idea…why not start a Campaign for the Goyim…a blitzkrieg!
As many as possible should post to as many sites as possible, all the factual statements that Jews made leading up to, during and after WWII where they state the world will to be guaranteed to them and how it will be accomplished.
Cite the resource and actual quote(s)– ie., old newsclips, newspapers, books, meetings, etc.
We need drastic measures. The days grow ever darker!
“The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany. Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany.
The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler’s people.” – Daily Express (March 24, 1933)
“…Jabotinsky insisted that all energies be expended to force the Congress to join the boycott movement.
“Nothing less than a ‘merciless fight’ would be acceptable, cried Jabotinsky. ‘The present Congress is duty bound to put the Jewish problem in Germany before the entire world…
“(We [Jews] must) destroy, destroy, destroy them, not only with the boycott, but politically, supporting all existing forces against them to isolate Germany from the civilized world…our enemy [Germany] must be destroyed.” (Speech by Vladimir Jabotinsky, a Polish Jews, on June 16, 1933)
“Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you should buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronises German ships or shipping….
We will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends.” – Samuel Undermeyer, in a Radio Broadcast on WABC, New York (August 6, 1933, reported in the New York Times, August 7, 1933)
“Joining with Samuel Untermeyer in calling for a war against Germany, Bernard Baruch, at the same time, was promoting preparations for war against Germany.
“‘I emphasised that the defeat of Germany and Japan and their elimination from world trade would give Britain a tremendous opportunity to swell her foreign commerce in both volume and profit.'” – Baruch, The Public Years, by Bernard M. Baruch (p.347)
“Hitler will have no war (does not want war), but we will force it on him, not this year, but soon.” – Emil Ludwig Cohn in Les Annales, June, 1934 (also quoted in his book The New Holy Alliance).
“The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance.
“We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany.
“Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany…” (Valadimir Jabotinsky, in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934)
Unrelated but it seems as if you have made it to Hollywood Brother Nate..
I think they are tipping their hat to you in the new ‘Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit’ movie as they try and pin the coming economic collapse on Russia..
Some of the ‘terrorists’ are members of the Russian Orthodox Church in America and they make efforts to show the Priest who ‘surprise’ is a Brother Nate basically you (and Russia) are the cause of America’s pending ‘Great Depression II’ as they refer to it..
Talk about reverse psychology how they blame other people for the problems they cause..(and want..).
Maybe a sequel to your latest ‘cameo’ coming soon on BroVids..? 🙂
Anyone hear anything about this… anywhere?
Ukraine’s foreign Minister, the guy who called Putin a dick head, has been fired.
You couldn’t go five minutes without coming across the “dick head” incident being mentioned somewhere. But now….
Putin must really have the Rothschilds in a dither!
Dear Citizenfitz,
This is what I have.
From Pravda, on June 17:
Brainless Ukrainian Politicians No Longer Exist For Russia
Acting Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Andriy Deshchytsia, no longer exists for Russia, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin said on Monday commenting on public remarks from the Ukrainian diplomat that insulted the Russian administration.
“He no longer exists for us. His only function was to translate U.S. instructions into the Ukrainian language. So this is not a great loss,” said Vitaly Churkin.
On Saturday, the Russian embassy in Kiev became an object of a barbaric attack. Deshchytsia, who arrived on the scene, released obscene remarks with the use of swear words towards the Russian president.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that he had nothing to talk about with “a character named Deshchytsia.”
Russia offered the UN Security Council to condemn the attack on the embassy, but the application was not accepted, ITAR-TASS reported.
Vitaly Churkin was surprised that Secretary General Ban Ki-moon did not condemn the attack on the Russian Embassy in Kiev.
The diplomat told journalists on Monday after a meeting at the Security Council:
“I’m actually a little surprised that the Secretary General has not made such a statement. I hope it’s only because he is away, but I will double-check, because in our understanding, every time when such situations occur, the Secretary General should side with international law. So was it in the past,” said the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation.
Then, the Kyiv Post (which is American Jew founded, now owned by a British E Indian oligarch now living in Ukraine, I believe) identified Deshchytsia as the EX-foreign minister on June 19, while conducting a popular opinion poll:
Vox Populi with Victoria Petrenko:
What is your attitude towards ex-Foreign Minister Andriy Deshchytsia calling Russian President Vladimir Putin a dickhead?
I am in SERIOUS financial straits. I need help. I don’t want to go into debt again. I will simply cut back that’s all.
VERY FEW are donating to my ministry. I’m in serious financial trouble.
First of all, due to multiple hacking attacks I had to purchase and install a New powerful costly Server and Lite Speed Attachment.
Hackers will now have MUCH difficulty along with added anti-hacking tracking software. This was a very expensive operation.
Second, VERY FEW are donating to me. This is very discouraging after 7 years of very hard work. I thought by now it would be clear sailing but things are financially worse than ever. I NEED a “bailout” desperately.
I am now looking at the REAL possibility of cutting back on my Videos. The funding is JUST NOT THERE.
If some generous person(s) could come up to the plate with a sizeable donation(s) of $50,000 or even $25,000 then I could breathe freely and KEEP the Videos coming regularly. Even $5,000 would put me closer to a comfort zone.
I am not looking to get rich. I just want to MOVE my Articles and Videos to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL and KEEP Real Jew News ALIVE.
I live a VERY AUSTERE monastic lifestyle of 1 Vegan meal a day, NO car, NO TV, and a teeny, weeny apartment that’s so small that when I turn around I bump into myself. Those who have visited me here can AFFIRM this.
SO: If you want me to continue I NEED your financial support. And I NEED it MORE THAN EVER.
*** The Brother Nathanael Foundation is NOW a “Tax-Exempt” 501(c)3 Foundation! ***
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Brother Nathanael; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
PS – ALL cash donations by mail come in safely. Many thanks to those who send cash.
Much Love In Christ!
+Brother Nathanael Kapner @
New Article Coming Soon On Ukraine ‘Cease Fire’
I’ve been following Ukraine events with access to Berkut (anti-junta former Kiev police force) and Novorossiya (Federal Republic recently established in Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine) social sites AND “insider” reports.
The Article will be ON the cutting edge.
Stay tuned. +BN
In a final flourish, he said that, if elected Prime Minister next year, he [Labour Party Leader] would enter Downing Street proud to be a “friend of Israel, a Jew and… part of the community gathered here today.”
History is an agreed upon set of lies by the victors in war. Most of what we are assured of by the Jewmedia as being fact every day is gross distortion, ommision or outright lying.
This Jew created drivel will become the ‘history’ of the future.
It is difficult for the average person to realise that he is being constantly lied to by the creatures who misrule us. For him, the ‘holocaust’ is proven, indisputable fact while the jew murder of scores of millions of white people under communism and their contrived wars is, at best, only a vaguely suspected possibility.
The internet is, at present, the only source of fact. Unfortunately, it is difficult to filter out the facts because of the vast quantities of disinformation and irrelevant nonsense.
Additionally, the net is proactive; one has to actively search for information, whereas the Jew media is usually received passively in a slow process of brainwashing. The safest thing to do when trying to get to the truth about ‘history’ is to completely avoid the Jew media, unless it is to demonstrate how it deliberately and consistantly lies.
The Jews’ hubris has lately made them careless. They have such contempt for the intelligence of the masses that they don’t seem to care that much how unconvincing their lies are any more.
And, when observing those masses, one would have to agree with them. The public constantly swallows the most outrageous lies without demur. However, there is a growing body who no longer accept the vampires’ lies without question and that gives cause for hope.”
— brian boru
100 books about the Jews online in full text, the whole book.
Most, or even all of these “German military documents” dealing with extermination of Jews have to be viewed with suspicion.
They all surfaced, and continue surfacing, decades after the Nuremberg Trials (where virtually all the so-called “evidence” and “testimony” was second hand, or obtained under duress, or otherwise incredible) and appeared in very odd places (like from someone that knew someone that was in an alleged “unit”). To me it smacks of forgery.
Firstly, forged documents were, and are to this day, very widespread where-ever propaganda points are being stacked up.
Secondly, and most importantly, if such documents had indeed existed, isn’t it most likely that the “guilty” parties would have bent over backwards to destroy absolutely all of them?
The SS, which are the alleged perpetrators, had to go through a rigorous selection process, and when their impending doom became apparent they did a good job of erasing all evidence of their presence and themselves, despite their all-pervasive presence in the German administration, industrial, and military apparatus.
Whatever remained is in the hands of the intelligence services of GB, Russia and US you can be certain of that.
In the face of hard evidence an obsessed mind tends to fabricate all kinds of myths to corroborate its point of view.
“British Labor Party Leader, Miliband (has) appointed David Axelrod, a New York Jew who the Guardian newspaper described as the “US president’s right-hand man, who masterminded back-to-back election wins” to devise a new *election strategy* for the Labour Party in the 2015 elections.”
“Election strategy” is Jewspeak for bribery, blackmail, physical threats and vote rigging in the so-called “democracies.”
Of course I’m preaching to the choir here.
Axelrod is the guy who helped get Obama and Rahm Emanuel “elected.”
Bobby Fisher on the Jews!
Dogged Said above:
“I think we should take heed that any ‘non-practicing Jew’ [like the letter writer above, Robert Litoff (allegedly born in New Haven, Connecticut 1945)] who has not wholly renounced Rabbinic Judaism and embraced the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is still in the service of Satan, no matter how apparently genuine he may appear.”
Hear! Hear!
Well Said.
Disinfo Police:
Move along now folks…
There’s nothing new to see here- please disperse!
I repeat:
There’s nothing new to see here- please disperse!
@Mary Shelly
I’ve been calling this Holohoax since I read that rabbis where talking about 6 million Jews that have to be killed before they return to the promised land since 1903.
That statement was then vindicated when I realized that Balfour (UK foreign secretary) had also decided that “Israel” was going to be created in Palestine in 1917 (aka. Balfour Declaration).
All of these declarations have NOTHING to do with WWII that is supposed to have led to the HOLOHOAX and to the invasion of Palestine by the Zionist Ashkenazis from Europe.
Canada also provides funding to Israel.
In Canada, there are laws now in place which prevent people from making critical statements of Israel and it’s policies.
This is an outrage!
Earnst Zundel is in jail in zionist-occupied Germany because he refused to believe that these jews were masturbated TO DEATH or had to eat wolf vomit.
I had to laugh at the wolf vomit stories; Holstein said G-d had delivered them food in this form, the Jews being taken in by wolves in a “wolf cave” who protected and fed them slimy wolf vomit and even led them to water. Oy.
US soldiers in Afghanistan are now outright patrolling and protecting poppy farms for Israeli heroin refinement. No wonder so many commit SUICIDE knowing this is what they risk life and limb for.
Robert Litoff is a little late to this discovery that Jacob Markus, and others made long ago.
And we know that Hitler and other “leaders” were pawns and didn’t start anything.
As we search for truth we are finding out how much we need each other.
I find it hard to believe that there wasn’t a holocaust.
Hitler was quite open about his hatred of Jews.
I can believe that a few bad apples tried to exploit the tragedy to make money. Wiesel let other Jews down with his lies. Most Jews are good people.
The bad ones are the ones that secretly worship LUCIFER. Even then, it is Lucifer who is the true enemy.
Besides, Nazis were the thugs of Germany.
Hohenzollern is another story indeed. Funny how this site never praises Hohenzollern. It’s as if Germany has no history before Hitler.
New Article Coming Soon On Ukraine ‘Cease Fire’ and Porky’s ‘Peace Plan’
STILL working on it. Much NEW information KEEPS coming in.
AGAIN – I’ve been following Ukraine events with access to Berkut (anti-junta former Kiev police force) and Novorossiya (Federal Republic recently established in Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine) social sites AND “insider” reports.
The Article will be ON the cutting edge.
Stay tuned. Hope to have it up by Sunday eve. +BN
According to Jewish Kabbalah, Israel had to be made undead in 1948, for the prophesy to become reality.
It is possibly why WWII in the time domain exists in the shape of a Jewish menorah, the central candelabra being ’42, the number of ‘god,’ according to the kabbalists.
The jewhiss messiah they tout is due in 2018……
I too refute the Holocaust, and I am Jewish by blood. There is too much evidence that contradicts its claim.
An excellent documentary is called “Judea Declared War on Germany,” by Dr. Fredrick Tolbien. Conditions in the camps were better than wartime conditions for German soldiers.
Never in Western education we are told about this, only lies.
Dear Bro Nat,
You have come a long way since your interview with Mackow or whatever his name is. God bless!
The fall of the holocaust story will preceed the fall of the Jews!
It will also remove the basis for Israel’s existence – according to their own Scriptures.
The Jews have got great problems at present for in trying to swallow Russia and China. They know they would suffocate.
So they are trying to get hold of Russia first, but Putin is outsmarting them all the way long. And the Jews don’t have much time for they have bankrupted the entire Western world. I don’t envy them right now, since what’s coming their way will not be pleasant.
As for heaps of dead in the camps: The burning structures for the corpses of Dresden have been sold as dead Jews.
Also: I would recommend available records relating to the activities of Lt. Bushyhead in Dachau.
Further: Long trains with open wagons and thousands upon thousands of people on them have been sold as Jews being transported to be gassed.
Clever people could show that it was German refugees being brought West to escape the onslaught of the Red Army and Ehrenburg. A German soldier protecting farmworkers from Partisans has been represented as trying to kill a woman and her child, the forgeries are endless and fill whole books.
The Einsatzgruppen were deployed in catching and eliminating Partisans, and Irving’s “discovery” of conversations taking place between German generals in custody in England
are so dim-witted that even a half wit could conclude that German generals must have been more stupid than he himself.
When you let it be publicly known that you are keen to publish stuff for the first time, the Jew will take care that you will “find” it.
Ley has done a great job to prove the Wannsee documents as forgery – at one time they were quoted almost daily as proof of the holocaust, but Ney showed half a dozen Anglo-saxon idiosyncrasies in the protocols, which were totally inconsistent with contemporary German, so today nobody is mentioning the stuff any more.
And as for Anne Frank?
You can even read the case number of the NY court in the Internet, because the Jewish father of the girl failed to pay the Jewish writer, who sued. Not only the ballpoints point to the forgery, but also sexually perverted stuff that no 15 year old girl would write in her diary, let alone in the style and structure in which it was presented.
In the Jew World everything is a forgery. At least a dozen books in recent years of so called holocaust survivors, who were never interned, could be shown to be forgeries (I have only tried to show how it might have been) or in the Canada trials under cross examination of Christie “I have taken literary license,”
Concerning the Rothschilds:
As far as I know the Frankfurt line collapsed already during Bismarck times, whilst the chief of the Austrian line was arrested by the police, given special accommodation.
And, after some wheeling and dealing, especially over some factory in Böhmen, was allowed to leave Greater Germany for Switzerland, with the German authorities, in the light of asset seizures, agreeing to pay a number of Rothschilds personal servants pensions.
And Faurrissons reward to show anywhere in the world a functioning gas chamber manufactured by the Germans to kill Jews by way of zyklon b remains unclaimed to this very day!
5 Things You Should Know About The Zohar
Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: “Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath.”” At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: “The Lord alone will appear great on that day!…
Zohar, Vayshlah 177b
Jewish Talmudic Quotes – Facts Are Facts
From Acharya S
Part One: Case For The Prosecution. “A Goy who pries into the Talmud …”
This contains the specific quote on the Gentile souls being intended to be sent to hell under the Angel Duma.
To: $10 Bagel:
The reason it appears I said the real truth, and then discredited myself on the next Richard post, is simply because either someone else didn’t bother to look that another Richard posted first.
So for this one, I call myself Richard the 1st, who was a Great King, unlike his loser Son who became King John, and was so hated they finally executed him. LOL Moron. That’s what we need to do to today’s evil rulers.
So anyway, this is the same Richard of June 19, 3:48am. The other one doesn’t pay attention, or he’s out to get me OR a moron. 😛
I would never make such comments that I do, then counter them a day later. That would be rather stupid.
I did say if I had more time, I’d post more events to show more WHY things happened as they did.
Obviously I didn’t find the time, but I will say one thing which ANYONE that wants to prove how it didn’t happen, is to find on JewTube the video called “Six Million 1915-1938.”
Just look at those authentic near 100-year old newspapers, and SEE with your own eyes, just how they FIXED IT, so that because they couldn’t get the Balfour Declaration fulfilled in WWI, they went to work declaring SIX MILLION poor Jewish souls were being systematically exterminated in European Cities, as well as Russia, etc.
As you read the stories (make sure you download the 1080P version so you get a clear read of the rest of the articles that the poster shows as he scans the articles with his camcorder.)
You’ll see in 1919 it’s declared that the six million WILL BE completely exterminated. Now, if this were truth, then as the papers state, that six million is HALF of the entire population of world Jewry, then BEFORE Hitler came to power, those EVIL Russians killed Six Million…. did Hitler then kill the other Six Million?
He must have, and this would mean at end of WWII, there should be completely ZERO Jews left in the entire world, RIGHT? Of course it’s right. Six Million prior to Hitler (1915-1938), and then Six Million more under Hitler = No more Jews on the Planet. POOF! All gone.
Yet strangely, there were MORE Jews after WWII than the full 12 million stated as being the full amount of them worldwide. How did they perform that magic trick? The only way would be that ZERO Jews perished in both instances.
The proof is there! Jews told the WORLD that Half of them were COMPLETELY EXTERMINATED “Before” Hitler. Then Hitler supposedly killed Six Million as well? Do the math, they should all be dead, and Brother Nathanael never could’ve been born. 🙂
So there it is… in the New York Times, proof that the Holocaust never happened… they prove it themselves, to the WORLD. So how come the world believes the LIE? It must be a lie, if the Jews said they all died, but then we now find out they didn’t.
No more needs be said. The Proof is all laid out in the video, showing the Newspapers printed BEFORE Hitler was even known to the world. From 1915 to approx. 1930, Hitler was a Nobody Soldier.. Another 9 years before the war began, but according to the New York Times, Six Million Jews had already been completely exterminated.
Go figure.
P.S. How on earth did all those Six Million Jews TRAVEL from Russia, to European cities, back to Russia, and keep on moving around 100s of miles at a time, often overnight to make the newspaper headlines? LOL
That’s a LOT of people to move about so quickly, and they were being attacked — many were very old. How did they do it? LOL
They DIDN’T. It’s all BULLSHIT.
The Jews’ six million Jews bullshit in their own words in their own papers. It doesn’t get more kosher than this:
It doesn’t matter what you show some people, they have believed this kosher lie for such a long time that they will never admit they are wrong.
Both Jews and Gentiles.
If there was no execution by gas chambers then there was no holocaust. Why?
Mass wartime internment (of nations deemed subversives) and mass death from typhus B and starvation (caused primarily by the breakdown of the German infrastructure post 1943 as a result of heavy Allied bombing) does NOT constitute a GENOCIDE.
And if there was no holocaust then the myth of a war between the bestial Germans and the saintly Allies is over and may even be turned on its head since some of the Allied crimes have no parallel in history. For example:
1) The systematic rape of 2m German women (primarily) by NKVD and Mongolian units urged on by chief Soviet propagandist Ehrenburg (a Jew now honoured in Israel)
2) The carpet bombing by USAF and RAF of German cities of no military value whatsoever and crammed with terrified refugees (which caused hundreds of thousands of deaths)
It looks like we have been sold a completely false narrative and that the German people are owed at least US$55B plus damages for historically unparalleled slander.
It looks like German industry may be telling Merkel that they do not want a conflict with Russia and so suddenly the holohoax card is brought out.
Presumably major German companies may be asked to pay for an event that never happened unless of course they drop their resistance to the Jewish neocons plan for Ukraine. Here
Such are the tactics of international Zionists.
I agree with everything this guy posted except the part about Hitler started the war.
I believe he was baited and egged on by the banksters to start a war, one which he was hoping was going to be a short, ‘little’ war to regain territories lost during WW1, like The Corridor and the Rhineland. He also was defiant to the banksters about Germany being a cash cow and how it got sucked into the reparation racket.
If you don’t play ball with these bastards you will be severely punished, and he was.
His printing of debt-free currency was what signed his death warrant, as well as many innocent German civilians. The same banksters backed Hitler as Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt.
Yes, there were camps (labor camps), yes the conditions got to be atrocious, yes people died there (mostly from Typhus and starvation), yes some of them were Jews, but was there an actual deliberate campaign to mass gas/murder Jews? The answer is no.
Just because someone had a relative who died in a camp, does this prove mass gassing? Of course not.
Is this not more hear-say? Don’t forget the Red Cross inspected these facilities and found no evidence of any such activities.
How easy could it be to ‘hide’ the mass murder of millions? Why were so many Jews allowed to leave for Palestine with all their belongings, as well as other countries?
Hitler just wanted Jews out of Europe, not to ‘exterminate’ them. Mass-emmigration was the idea, which played right into the laps of the Zionist element. The “Nazis” even had Zionist allies in Palestine.
Hitler had Jews in his inner circle, eg: Eichmann.
They tried the 6 million myth out during the First World War. The number 6 is always suspect of Jewish deception. The bastardized star of David has 6 lines, 6 triangles, and 6 points. Add this all up and the story of the holohoax crumbles very fast.
When I was writer/editor of my high school newspaper, I wrote a front page featured article on the “Holocaust.”
I was very interested in WWII at the time and was force-fed this propaganda. I became very interested in the holocaust story as well, yet couldn’t completely shake lingering doubts I had on the whole story.
For starters, I had a hard time seeing evidence that actual gas chambers existed, even after watching all the horrifying footage of the time.
Then some years later as an adult I again developed an interest in WWII and Nazi Germany. My own curiosity led me to seeing David Cole’s documentary and finally discovering realjewnews. I feel as though I have a much greater understanding now of the Jewish issue than I ever thought I would.
We know now with virtual certainty that the gas chamber theory is a fabrication. But who are the people who fabricated it? And how was it that the “Holocaust” didn’t become part of the culture until the ’50s or ’60s, years after the fact?
All the evidence seems to point to the fact that Hitler never had any specific plan to “exterminate” Europe’s Jews.
The reaction against Jews living Germany was for world Jewry’s declaration of war on Germany in 1933, the real imminent threat that Soviet (Jewish) Bolshevism presented, and for Jewish practices we’re all too familiar with now.
I believe it’s true the Jews did pay a price in WWII by being put into forced labor and unfortunately yes many were murdered thousands NOT millions), as they brought their tragedy on themselves as they so often have.
It’s also odd how the Nazi state opted for a secular-pagan ideology as the framework for their dealing with the Jewish problem, and not an explicitly Christian one. The National Socialists were right to oppose the Jews but at the same time did not have a necessary Christian perspective.
I want to Thank Robert Letoff for his words in this very important artcicle Jewish Scholar Refutes The Holocaust.
If you are fearful of the Jews and so, keep quiet, you, too, are jointly guilty of the sin of bigotry and hate.
By your silence, you become an accomplice to these devilish rabbis and their kin.
May our God in heaven, who loves and holds equally worthy and accountable every man who believes in Him and serves Him in faith, strengthen you in spirit and give you boldness to stand up to the Jews. Be courageous. Tell the truth.
Here is a recent TV Show watch and share:
Manchester Jewry etc.
Here is a few words about the 1000 pp evidence we have about corruption in UK. The documents includes queries sent to the highly Jewish area of UK Manchester, and its regarding cover ups attempted there by coroners working for city hall in respect of avoidable deaths.
The city hall is failing to reply and the same goes for the delegates or councillors. The chief exec at city hall is Bernstein who we think is Jewish.
We contacted several Jewish welfare orgs in the said area, and email addresses suddenly disappeared. We wrote to Jewish Chronicle and the mails were barred. The Manch Even News is printing dangerous lies re health system-caused deaths, and their owners Mirror group wont reply.
The Mirror group employs ex Labour party ministers.
The 1000 pp of evidence about UK govt was offered to BBC who then told to to “hide it abroad.”
Throughout the 12 yrs we spent gathering evidence we were subjected to police violence, and it’s still happening.
Recently we got visits from mentally ill police using violence on a dying man who just happens to be the fastest Mental Health clinician in UK who was told to stop work because he did in 7 hours what the UK health service cant do in 20 years of drugging.
It was inconvenient as the victims were needed by UK councils as cheap labour through freemason agencies and others working with local councils.
We intend to expose the issues in Manchester regardless of police violence. And guess what, in the last two momths another death has happened this time at a LEEDS school.
We warned the following about the poss risks months ago and the following did not reply — CAMERON, CLEGG. GRAYSON (Attorney General) Brennan (“Justice Dept”), PICKLES (“Councils”), GROVE (Schools), HUNT (Health), Lord Chadlington (Funder), Elles (Euro MP).
Dozens others incl Herts/Yorks/Norfolk/Bristol Police commissioners etc. Universities implicated are BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, LEEDS. Bristol Uni funded by UK govt to hoodwink the ever ready to comply public.
We looked at and visited three political orgs and all were doing corruption. The Liberal Party in UK are deleting this info off their websites fast as we can load them. The charities are going along with everything in order to get funding.
The public wants – Sport, Violent TV Programs, Celebrities, Cruises, Good Causes, Quizzes, New Kitchens, Kids, Food, Clothes, Cosmetics, but sadly reality escapes them or maybe they escape it.
We started a “NO CORRUPTUION” political party, guess how much support we got? Wanna know something amazing? Our family have got the stencils on their arms and we dont mean fashion tattoos either. Religion? No thanx.
At least not the stuff thats presently marketed. All statements sworn to be fact/truth/reality. We found one religion tackling issues but thats a rare find indeed.
The corruption is not the preserve of Jews. But they shoot themselves in the foot by promoting an image of being faultless based on wghat happened in Germany decades ago.
We never, ever found anyone made pure by being victim.
If that was the case the standard of motorway driving would be improving not declining due to the lessons learned by seeing or being aware of accidents.
Consider the facts on cremation in making an even stronger argument against the six million lie.
Cremation take 1 to 1.5 hours for a dead body. There no way million of people could be cremated around the clock year after year. 2/3 of the human body is water. Water does not burn.
Second, how on earth do you turn on Zyklon-B gas after cramming hundreds of people into a gas chamber behind WOODEN doors?
And, how come the census statistics don’t show a drastic drop in worldwide Jewish population after World War II? The United States perpetuated crimes in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Dresden. But no, we’re American we can do no wrong. (Being sarcastic).
I just took my nieces to the movie “The Fault in our Stars.”
It was so filled with Jew, Christ-bashing, holohoax spouting rubbish, I wanted to vomit.
For all those who haven’t seen it, the movie centers around a young goyish cancer victim who is obsessed with a certain novel. Her parents encourage her to attend a support group at a local church.
There, she meets other cancer teens who go on to mock the whole church-process.The rug they are walking on has a picture of Christ-the symbolism obvious!
Later, the main character goes to Amsterdam to meet the author of her favorite novel, and out of the blue — you guessed it! — she visits the Anne Frank home!
This has nothing to do with the story except to let all Goyim know that even if you have terminal cancer, the (alleged) suffering of Jews was worse and MORE IMPORTANT.
I try not to let my heart fill with hate, but it gets harder and harder the more these vermin push us….
Glad to see this ex-Jew speaking the truth, but now his life is effectively over since he went public with his statements.
The other Jews will now destroy him for defecting and speaking about the facts.
Wouldn’t you love to have that great letter shown on the Jew media!
This man spells it out and to the point without any elaborate confusing info.
Hitler didn’t start the war.
See Reason Hitler invaded Poland: DANZIG MASSACRE — 45,000 once, then again days before the invasion, 4500.
Hitler called everyone to the Reichstadt.
Dear Brother Nathanael,
Elie Wiesel is a fraud:
From a romanian article:
Un supravieţuitor al Holocaustului: „Elie Wiesel nu este deţinutul A-7713” = Elie Wiesel is not prisoner A-7713
„” Autor: Istvan Deak 12 Sep 2011 – 11:19
Un supravieţuitor al Holocaustului: „Elie Wiesel nu este deţinutul A-7713”
Scriitorul american de origine romana, Elie Wiesel, a fost dat in judecata de un supravietuitor al Holocaustului, Grüner Miklos, pe motiv ca purtatorul Premiului Nobel din 1986 si-ar fi insusit identitatea detinutului A-1773.
The article above says that a holocaust survivor of Romanian descent, Elie Wiesel was sued by another holocaust survivor, hungarian Gruner Miklos, for taking his camp identity # A-7713.
The article is a lot longer; I can translate for you if you want.
Blessings! peter g.
The description of the Holocaust
Holocaust (Holocaust), meaning “burning with fire that completely vanish,” and the Greek word that means all and
1)Kaustus Holos two words mean burning and destroying the compound and literally, it means’ “holocaust” and
2). some linguists, this word is derived from the crimes of the Jews in ancient Yemeni know
3) that gradually and over time, a more general sense of burning people alive is defined in terms of, refers to the theory that claims that six million Jews during World War II, the effect of such executions in the gas chambers and burned in crematoria of the Nazi concentration camp, were killed
According to the draft law in the early 80s of the nineteenth century, by several members of the International Agency for Zionism, led by “Rene Samuel Sprat ‘, a famous rabbi of France was prepared in July 1990.
In France approved, any doubt about the “Holocaust”, ranging from doubts about the killing – the claim – Jews during World War II, the existence of gas chambers and even the slightest doubt in figure 6 million Jews were killed, and everyone is criminalized France was in violation of the law, the three issues mentioned doubts, to one month to one year in prison and pay 2 thousand to 300 thousand francs, will be fined.
Later, with pressure from the US, Britain, France and the Zionist Agency, this law was passed in most European countries, so that today any doubt about the Holocaust and claimed aspects and components in Europe is criminalized!
George W. Bush, The law against “anti Symytyzm” to the so-called control this phenomenon in the world signed. The aim of the Bush administration’s anti-Semitism is that all criticism against Israel’s atrocities and lies of the regime to silence and destroy.
Finally, the efforts of the Zionist regime, the myth, the aspect of the world and the UN General Assembly, with the approval of a resolution, on 27 January as Holocaust Memorial Day 7, named:
Holocaust incentive plan
The motivation of the project on the Holocaust myth, we are faced with two major factors that have benefited from this in different ways, one of Zionism is the major beneficiary and other Western governments.
A) motivation of Zionism
From the perspective of scholars who study the Holocaust myth plan about how and motivation have several major reason for this is as follows:
1. politically motivated
From the Zionist point of view, establishing the state of Israel, the logic of oppression of Jews in the Holocaust. It is surprising that they want to because of “Auschwitz” and crematoria illusion itself is viewed entitled to set up a government; it usurped land on the other side of the world and a nation with no relation to real crimes or made them.
As “Abraham Hshl” says: “The state of Israel is God’s answer to Auschwitz,” 10 and “Moshe Zimmermann”, Head of German Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, emphasizes that “the Holocaust [the Holocaust], the main justification for the establishment of the State of Israel ”
Why Palestine?
Zionist Organization, the World War, the first phase of the project was the key to dominate the world.
It has no choice in this perspective that the chaos caused in the world and the “poor view” as possible, so that the Christian world seem to have attacked them and killed many of them; So they are forced to go elsewhere and where better than the Middle East and the Palestinians; policy which is not based on coercion, but was quite willing, and in accordance with the goals of Zionism.
“Hannah Arendt” believes, “the National Socialist policy on Jews, a policy that was very pro-Zionist”. “Heinz Hvhnh”, German journalist in support of this view, saying: “Zionists, the establishment of fascism in Germany not as a national tragedy, but as a unique and historic opportunity to achieve his goal saw Zionist .”
In addition to the founding of Israel and international efforts to achieve the goals of Zionism, the Zionists are two main goals of other political victimization of the Jews and the sanctity of the Holocaust, pursue:
1. Prevention of world public uprising against Zionism.
2. Victimization of the Jewish race and provoking emotions and their political allies.
2. The economic incentives
Zionist Holocaust and plan lawsuits against Germany, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, etc., billions of dollars have gone so far. For example, Germany was required to pay from 1952 to 2002.
In different ways, to compensate survivors of the so-called genocide of Jews and according to the agreement made, “the government, under pressure from the Zionists seeking ransom was forced to agree to an annual grant of 50 million mark by the year 2002. To declare the Zionist regime.”
Goldman (main executor of the project) says: “The aim of this legend and lies just compensation for the victims of war; rather aimed at providing the necessary funds to establish a government that had the least say in this regard, because when these crimes were carried out, such a state did not exist, but in this case, to provide weapons to be used for new crimes. ”
3. psychological motivations
Abuse of human innate tendency to protect the oppressed, the clearest interpretation is that it can be considered the heart of all activities of the Zionist movement during the twentieth century, the concept of the creation of the illegitimate Zionist state in Palestine and strengthen its foundations, has been very effective and Jews have ever resorting to this method of all these crimes, violations and excessive litigation by not distract worldwide.
“Paul Fram”, director of the Canadian Association of freedom of expression, he says: “I agree with the Iranian president, and I think it is wrong that Europeans pay atonement Palestinians and their country lose. I also believe that the false story of the Holocaust, to get to the Europeans and the North Americans have the sense that the sinner was created.
“The myth of the Holocaust, the Jews allows billions of dollars from Germany and other countries for their compensation. Holocaust North America and Europe as well as public opinion to accept Israeli brutality and violence preparing. ”
Shiva is the Supreme Leader’s thorough analysis of how Tips Zionist propaganda and the purposes for which they victimization of Jews and crematoria plan will follow, says: “The first Zionists, a propaganda ploy chose the phrase A view of the oppressed. To view the oppressed, with many stories and legends forged, reports were made and efforts were conducted.
“They expressed concern and said the Jewish spirit over the centuries Jews were under pressure, in terms of mental anguish and psychological security they need. Zionists in talks with Western leaders, and later in negotiations with the Islamic and Arab countries, raised the issue of psychological safety and psychological security told us we needed and should be provided psychological security.
“Every effort would be made, if not profits, in the name of spirituality, can thwart it. When you land, you lose, you know what you have lost, but when you asked about the psychological security of Israel meet, do not know to where to capitulate and to give where to score. This concession, not end, the score was kept.
“Europe’s experience in this regard is instructive. Germany, one hundred and fifty million marks as compensation to the Jews, but the Jews of Germany claims, yet is still Tlbkarnd damage and they should be! What the Jews did to Germany more or less with some other European countries – such as Austria, Switzerland, France, even a few years ago with the Vatican – was also performed; all have their damage.
“This damage is not exhaustible! All politicians, journalists, intellectuals, officials and elites, the West should bow down in front of the memorial Crematorium exist, namely, the principle of which is not known story that emphasized their debt and have seen stories. These are all ways that promote self-victimization of the Jews.”
B) motivation of the West in the design and promotion of the Holocaust
In a conclusion, Europe and the US goals of this initiative are:
1. evacuation of Jews from the land of the Jewish community maximization to a specified location.
2. Tmrkzdhy to the Jews at the junction of three continents and the establishment of Israel in the heart of the Middle East, to establish a base in the Middle East watch West resources.
3. Create a security zone in the heart of West Islamic regions, for monitoring the security interests of the West in the region.
Review the causes of the Holocaust
Despite all measures, facilities and the huge volume of global advertising is used to support this event, has been featured on dozens of famous European and hundreds of teachers and recognized expert examination of historical documents, the documents for which no owner can not comment on their authenticity.
There is little doubt, in a very scientific way to prove that the Holocaust and concentration camps, gas chambers, mass murder of 6 million Jews and Zionists anything about that claim, plumper and a fictional story.
The reality certainly available documents, has been questioned, claim the Jews without valid evidence and falsifiable. People like Mark Webber, Robert Fvrysvn, Frederick Tvbn, Roger Garoudi, David Irving, ideal Amadrvs and Daryvzh Ratayzhak and the group of experts that most of the “revisionists” are the famous.
1. Gas Chambers
One of the most important claims of the Jews and the Allies after the Second World War, was that German Jews were killed in gas chambers. Scientific research about places of claims made, it proves inaccuracy.
“Professor Dr. Robert Faurisson,” the French writer and scholar, expert senior historical documents, says: “I had a great massacre of 1960, in fact I believed in the gas chambers. After fourteen years of philosophy and four years of self-study and then endlessly and tirelessly, as two of the writers of “revisionist” (revisionist) history, I had confidence that I am faced with a historical lie.
“Camp “Auschwitz” and “Birkenau” I visited several times. In the camps, “Ashtrvthvf” (in Alsace, France) and “Majdanek” (in Poland), places a “gas chamber” was introduced, I checked.
The Jewish Information Center in Paris, archives, manuscripts and written testimony, documentation of the interrogation convicted World War II and the Nuremberg trials and thousands of documents and other evidence left by the time I studied. To answer your question, endlessly from experts and historians have questions.
Years, but in vain for survivors of the war was only one survivor that your eyes have seen the gas chambers, to even a document, only one document was happy, but it did not find a document. On the contrary, what I found, countless documents were forged. After that, the silence, harassment, hatred, insults and beatings and finally faced trial.”
“Professor Dr. Roger Garoudi” French Muslim scholar, his research on the subject found that HCN gas prices and high costs have on the one hand, the result is the most expensive method of execution becomes the other hand, places where the Jews as gas chamber is known, does not have the ability to do so because this gas should be Aksydnshdny a coating of steel doors should be equipped with hinges of asbestos or Teflon rubber for.
Forensic experts after visiting these places said that the facility of gas HCN, is extremely dangerous and in these places any equipment not intended to contain the gas. 23
2. crematorium.
Another Zionist claims that the Nazis, Jews were burned in the crematorium. These claims, known today as a historical lie.
“Vyys Marshalkv” gas chambers and crematoria provides interesting documents. One of these documents, the paper of “sham” Jewish nationalist underground newspaper France, on 8 July 1944. About the 9 camps and detention camps holding Jews in Germany explains.
In this report, a word of extermination of Jews or abused by them. The report also no mention of gas chambers, concentration camps or tap the kid can do. In contrast to the report of “sham”, says that children 2 to 5 years to various preschools sent to Berlin to receive special assistance. Marshalkv explains how these Jews at the end of 1945. Camp as “Dakhv” were targeted for destruction and reconstruction.
He writes: “First of all, beautiful views and lush gardens of the camp was to be destroyed because the American moviegoer, the fact that Jews in the gardens, and a bed of flowers and plants tortured, It was hard work, especially when they were brought to the cinema to the gruesome and frightening (camps) answer to them.
Thus, for example, a puddle of blood to new workers camp ordered a pipe that went out, made to seem that way from the pit, Jewish blood through the tube, which has been evacuated. Bathing area prisons, rooms and facilities vestibular input, all were restored to be brought to the crematorium oven in which the Jews claimed, were like.
3. six million dead Jews
Based on research and historical documentation, such a thing is not true at all. Marshalkv on the basis of statistical evidence shows that all the Jews of Europe in 1933.
Over 5,600,000 have been compared, American Jews is emphasized. If this number, one million Jews out of the Molotov – Ribbentrop Rubin recovered and if the Jews living in neutral countries and the Allies subtract the figure remains 2,500,000, while according to experts, the Jewish population residing in the territory of Hitler and Himmler, it was not half a million.
Marshalkv adds: “at the highest level, the number of Jews killed can not be seen from 500 to 600 thousand people, but in comparison, the Christian nations suffered far more casualties. Let us consider that the total population of Hungary is a small country may not exceed the number of Jews today. Hungary war victims, those who died in the aerial bombing and the death camps in Siberia have died of starvation or were frozen, at least to number a million.”
1. How to deal with the Holocaust and prevent West documented scientific research and scientists, not only inconsistent with the claim of freedom of opinion and expression, but also suggests that this case is fabricated and false.
2. Human rights claimants Stereoscopic part of the crimes of the Second World War – the war crimes that took place in front of the other, such as the atomic bombing of Japan by the United States and other world genocide – their political and human rights advocates to prove have.
3. Based on historical research and documentation by researchers and specialists, the Holocaust and concentration camps, gas chambers, mass murder of 6 million Jews and Zionists everything about this claim, a lie and a myth is false.
4. lie to the myth of the Holocaust, the establishment of the Israeli government and more attention to the product of Anglo-American identity, is questioned.
5. Assuming acceptance of the Holocaust, with nothing more than “claims Christian violence against Jews” are not met, but when the West by defending the Holocaust, claiming oppression accepts them and claim reparations to Jews, because the damage other people pay out of pocket?
Europe for insisting on the Holocaust and compensation, should be a part of their land to the Zionists it. Only this way can be of great challenge West against the Jews – who find themselves c oppressed – and deliver a billion Muslims.
6. The fact that the myth of the Holocaust with the philosophy of the vital interests of the state of Israel and international Zionism and Western governments are inextricably highlight the issue of the Holocaust, merely cover up the nature of illegal acts and crimes committed by Israel in Palestine and global expansion.
Hitler did not start any war.
You have been lied to by the anti-German propaganda machinery and brain washed into believing this gross lie. The true historical fact is that both world wars were started by Jews. Do your historical research to find the truth.
Hitler wanted PEACE and made great efforts to obtain peace which were disdained, simply because Germany’s enemies, the Jews, wanted nothing but war imposed upon Germany. This history goes as follows.
The Jews, living in Germany, betrayed Germany to her enemies in the First World War, by using their influence over the American government, to bring America into the war. Study the history of the BALFOUR DECLARATION and you will find this to be the truth.
As a result, Germany was defeated and the German people suffered terribly as a result of this Jewish treachery.
Hitler decided to do something to rectify this disastrous situation, and was elected Chancellor of Germany. He immediately set about printing the German people’s own currency known as German Labour Treasury Certificates, instead of borrowing money from the Jewish bankers.
As soon as he did so, the Bankers got to work and used their power over the Americans, the British, the French, and the Russians to attack Germany.
Even though Hitler did his best to avert war, the Jews, and most particularly, the Jewish Bankers wanted their CASH COW, Germany, back. Thus Germany, the Jewish CASH-COW, was returned to the Jews with Hitler’s defeat.
As a result, since losing the war, Germany has been making huge reparation payments to Jews all over the world, and to Israel in particular. Study the true history of the World Wars.
Yours truly,
Dear Brother Nathanael,
My name is Mark and I am from Germany.
You clearly are very knowledgeable and critical on subjects like Zionism and world Jewry, etc.
I think you are primarily interested in Truth, well, so am I.
I have never bought into the whole Jew-Hater thing, but recently I have come across some disturbing information.
Naturally, I’m interested in my heritage and history, my own grandfather on my mother’s side left his life in the war.
Now it looks like a lot of things have been hidden, and a lot of things have even been distorted or completely fabricated.
I have never had any animosity against ‘The Jew’, per se.
But this material I have come across is very disturbing, and, if true, rather significant. Surely the source is somewhat slanted, and propaganda-ish, anti-Jewish.
Here are the mentioned materials, from 38:25 onwards:
I would like to ask you, straight up: do you believe there is any truth to this?
And do some of the Orthodox Jews/Zionists really hate us Germans and other non-Jews with a passion?
If so, then I’m still not totally clear on exactly why?
PS trust me, I would really prefer if this information is not true, but either way I want to know what is going on, Holocaust-allegations from both sides (Zionists and Revisionists) and all.
I am a German who is becoming increasingly interested in the history of his country and his people, and in one way or another, this is quite intimately tied with the history of the Jewish people.
In that way, I’m relatively fascinated by the Jewish people.
Anyway, I look into both sides of the story, realizing that both ‘sides’ might give a somewhat slanted account, according to their believes and convictions.
What I’m interested in, is truth. And this seems to be rather hard to determine nowadays, especially concerning Germany, the Jews, the Zionists, Hitler, Israel, etc, etc.
For example: the Holocaust. The 6 million Jews allegedly killed by Germans.
I’m sure you’re aware of the ‘Revisionists’; people who openly doubt the truth behind the official stories and numbers. I know you do.
Once again, I want the truth. If it is true that Germany, Hitler, killed 6 million Jews, then I want to know that for sure, and once I do, I will tell everyone who asks me.
If not, then I also wish to know, and I will also tell everyone who asks me.
Regarding the 6 million. When people doubt this number, the first question that comes up is this:
“Why does it even matter?”
According to the Revisionists, it matters very much. Their explanation, in short, is that the Zionists needed this number, this horrendous atrocity, to pressure the world into giving them Israel.
Anybody who says anything against Israel, the Zionists or Jews in general, is immediately branded a Anti-Semitist, a Nazi, racist, etc. That is a very powerful weapon to wield. 6 Million. ‘Never again’.
Why, even TALKING about this subject is taboo, and people look at you sideways if you do.
And allegedly, Germany has paid Billions of dollars in reparation to Israel in the meantime.
Here is their objection: you know in Auschwitz, the official number of Jews gassed there was 4 million. Then, later on, this had to be reduced down to 2 million, then less than 1 million total killed of Jews, Gypsies, and others.
Some claim no gassing has taken place at Auschwitz at all whatsoever, and they produce some relatively convincing evidence for that. If you’re interested, I can send you materials.
So, apparently the Auschwitz-number is officially reduced to less than a million. Why then is the total number of Jews killed in the 2nd world war still 6 million, and not 3?
If these missing 3 million were killed elsewhere, then where? Nobody gives any answers to that.
Then, there’s apparently sources like the World Almanac, the Red Cross and even a Jewish source I forget at the moment, which give us impartial approximations of total Jews in Germany/Europe before and after the 2nd World War.
There is nothing close to 6 million missing in those numbers, actually, they are very close to the same, before and after. And I doubt that 6 million Jews were born in 6 years…
Also, I personally find it very fishy that there is a law in Germany, stating that anyone officially questioning this number can be fined or even imprisoned for 5 years!
There is a famous case of a German Revisionist who was extradited from the U.S. to Germany, only to be jailed for the maximum of 5 years, and all he had done was doubt the official story and publish materials on same.
The Swastika and ‘Mein Kampf’ at least used to be illegal in Germany…so much for freedom of opinion, speech, and so on.
I believe that anytime it’s illegal to talk about, read about, or even have an opinion about something, then that is very fishy, indeed. Something is wrong there, it seems.
And why else would this be important? Well, for one, if this were true, if the 6 Million is a lie, it would have extremely significant implications for what is going on in the world today.
I appreciate your time, Sir,
PS here is an interview of a Jewish Professor by Ernst Zündel (the German who was jailed for 5 years that I mentioned).
The Professor says he doesn’t believe the official stories about Hitler and the Holocaust.
PS Thank you very much for your time, and I also wanted to thank you for your videos: finally a source of objective, real truth, it seems to me!
Great article.
I have to refute Robert Litoff’s comment however that “Hitler started the war” which is blatantly FALSE.
The ruling Jewish globally oligarchy started this World WAR which began FIRST in an economic boycott beginning on March 24, 1933. The Jewish Declaration Of War On Germany.
It’s time we also face the hidden FACTS, Hitler was actually nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1933 for VERY GOOD REASONS.
(Intellectually Honest) “Historians will one day record that NEVER were the peaceful proposals of one man met with more hatred than mine.
“When Germany became the example to the world of the peaceful solution of social problems and economic difficulties, the hatred of the (Jewish) Bolsheviks and (Jewish) Capitalists, the exploiters of nations, was turned against her. Only then did I turn to create the new German Wehrmacht”
– Adolf Hitler 1936. Quoted in The Triumph of Reason: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Adolf Hitler. Michael Walsh Page 68-69
What the World Rejected: Hitler’s Peace Offers, 1933-1939 – Time to face the facts!
Yep, it fits the mold exactly.
Almost precisely vice-versa all the information taught to the American masses from an early age.
Just like the American people have themselves become: BACKWARDS.
Dear Brother Nathanael,
There was that young Jewish scholar who visited the concentration camps in Europe and did quite a thorough investigation of the Holocaust story.
He came back and published and very well documents book in which he denied the Holocaust official story. He used to live in L.A. and he was ambushed by Jewish thugs and beaten up badly.
I can’t remember his name. And there is a complete black out against him all over the internet.
Do you happen to know the name of the person?
Thank you
George Nicholas
The question about how many Jews really died during WW2 is not really that important.
What is really important is World Jewry brought this situation upon their own people.
World Jewry were Communism & Internationalism and many Jews were revolutionaries, funded by the Jewish financial elite.
And yes, Germany did not start WW2. It was the British & French that started WW2.
This is Syed Nasar and I’m from Pakistan. And I’m belonging to a Muslim community.
i just want to say that this is not a war of holocast or World War 2 and others. Past is past.
But we must think about our present and our future. Are we to live with love or with war? Who kills Jews? Who kills Muslims? Who kills Christians? These are the matters.
If we make a lie then what will we hope? Where are we going? Can we take a piece on this earth or not?
The Jewish people are just a bunch of manipulative, control freaks.
6 million people never died in the ” holocaust”. Quit trying to make everyone feel pity for your ignorance. Grow up and quit being terrorists.
If the “holocaust” happend like you quoted, then there wouldn’t be any Jews left in Europe. Congrats, you’re all just plain stupid.
Peace out ✌️
As if you Jews are the most important of Peoples.
I’m tired of the “holohoax”.
Milllions of other Peoples worldwide died before and since WWII.
It’s time to put it to rest.
More computing on Auschwitz 1940s cremation capabilities compared to modern day system capability.
How many modern day cremation systems would be needed to cremate 2880 corpses in a day (1440 minutes in a day) at Auschwitz #2 and #3 crematorium (15 systems in each building) as per Karl Bischoff June 28th 1943 letter.
See link:
I have the link that states specs for a 2018 cremation system. This system can cremate an average of 1 body per 67.5 minutes. Calculate by 2880 bodies x 67.5 min / 1440 minutes in a day = 135 systems needed to accomplish 2880 bodies.
Yet, only 30 sets of 1940s version cremation system are needed. Beginning to see the lie? I have links to back up these data claims available.
Ok, my heart is in the right place, I will half the number of the stated 135 units to 67.5 units needed. It is still over twice as many as the 1940s model.
“It is easier to fool someone, than it is to convince them they been fooled”….Mark Twain
Harry Truman and Jews
A previously unknown diary by Harry Truman, discovered in 2003, revealed that he harbored harsh feelings about Jews.
Incensed when former Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr. called him about the plight of the refugee ship Exodus in 1947, Truman wrote in his diary:
“He [had] no business, whatever to call me. The Jews have no sense of proportion nor do they have any judgment on world affairs…
“The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D[isplaced] P[erson]s as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the under dog.”
This Jewish Michael Rosen ( author and writer ) talks on YouTube about his genealogical research of his Jewish extended family, and I noticed that he stated in the following video something that is very unusual and that you never hear.
He stated that one of his relatives was born in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
This statement is given at about 34:46 to 34:50 in the following video.
The Auschwitz Baby Boom
December 3, 2016 @ 11:48 pm
Thank you for pointing out the problem of collective guilt. A concept forbidden by American law. In America only individuals can be guilty.