Mt Athos Prophecies On ‘666’
Brother Nathanael Channel Videos!, BroVids

Mt Athos Prophecies On ‘666’
Copyright 2011
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Brother Nathanael @ May 21, 2011
Good Evening Dear Real Jew News Family –
I strive for absolute excellence and perhaps that I was I am so totally drained that I feel that my life is no longer my own.
Of course, our lives are “not our own” since we all belong to Christ.
This Video took some 15 hours of production time not counting the hours of research and preperation.
It is my FIRST DOCUMENTARY using a Green Screen and special lighting with all kinds of “special effects.”
I really wanted this to be of TOP EXCELLENCE to honor the Holy Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain of Mount Athos. And I think it is just that, excellence to honor a very holy
and wonderful man WHO SAW THE WHOLE JEW-CONTROL unfolding with his holy clairvoyant eyes way back in the early 1990’s.
Please know that I employ a Technical Expert to help me with these latest Videos with a very expensive new Adobe Editor and the Techinal Expert’s VERY EXPENSIVE hourly rate.
Basically, I am quickly going broke.
I only received a few donations this week and I am quickly going broke and quite frankly, I am getting worried if I will be able to continue my ministry over the long haul if this trend keeps up.
Quite frankly, if, as it has been the case over the last 5 months, I keep putting out more money than what has been coming in, then I will not be able to continue indefinitely
as I would like to do. I always have “Plan B” in mind and that is if funding runs dry then I will go back into a monastery.
HARDLY ANYONE CONTRIBUTES to my ministry any longer. I am really getting discouraged quite frankly. The Jews got all the money putting out their lies on the Main Stream Media
and I, trying to bring the Truth, am going broke with VERY LITTLE HELP.
I keep saying it over and over again, if it were not for a FEW, then this Site and my Street Evangelism would have shut down a long time ago. BUT even the FEW are beginning to diminish and this is cause of great concern and worry for me.
Numbers of donations just keep on sinking. I used to get some substantial donations in dollar amount but that is few and far between now.
SO, I depend on NUMBERS of donations to help pay for the HUGE Bills that keep on piling up.
To Donate Simply Click:
Or (My Personal Needs/rent, food etc):
Donations May Also Be Sent To:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
(Personal Needs) Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
God Bless You All! +Brother Nathanael
A+++ Great Video!
Christ is Risen, Dear Brother Nathanael!
Enthusiastic congratulations to you and your technical staff for an outstanding Video production!
The Green Screen and special effects are stunning. Looking forward to more Christian themes using these tools.
I loved the scenes from Mt Athos and your respectful treatment of the Holy Elder Paisios. Bravo!
***I am a contributor to the Brother Nathanael Foundation***
Dear Brother Nathanael,
You know who they are that want your money.
So don’t be a big spender. Then you are serving them.
Keep the things simple.
Else dire streets is round the corner. They have then your money.
Don’t hire expensive people.
Don’t use expensive methods.
There is a German proverb: “In der Beschränkung zeigt sich der Meister.”
In the limitation becomes the Master visible.
This also applies to you and me.
Honouring a holy man is OK.
You can also do this in small things.
Wish you all the blessings you need.
May the Eternal God keep you healthy and wise.
Dear Bro Nathanael,
Using the black screen, you seem more authoritative, more professional.
If you want my opinon for sinking donations, it is this:
Everybody visiting your forum undestands Jewish control over present and past events. You have hundreds of articles that take off on this them.
What people want is a solution. A final solution to the Jewish problem. Their psychopathic days of tyranny must be brought to an end.
There are very few of them in the Jew World Order compared to us. And when we realize that, they are cooked.
Allow me to present this clip from the Disney film “A bug’s life”. This clip demonstrates this idea perfectly. In the film a small number of grasshoppers hold a multitude of ants in slavery. Watch:
You were a Jew. You are an insider. You need to work on articles where you come up with the solutions. The internet is full of belly achers complaining about this or that.
But the man who rises to the top is the man who offers the way out of this mess. Please consider what I am saying in all seriousness.
Very nice job on the video!
I disagree some with John King above, many people, especially Christians do not see the problem, so educating them seems in order. But there are those who say, ‘biblical prophecy, you cannot change anything.”
I think exposure and opposition of the Satanic activities of Zionists and the NWO ilk are part of “occupying till He comes” just as much as preaching the Gospel and bringing men to saving relationship with Jesus…Id rather see you run ads than shut down.
I think it may be helpful to have a specific funds drive, commitments from readers for so much a month….Thanks for the kind note, have another off soon.
I maxed out my credit cards and stopped paying them – it was a lot of money too, a whole lot.
They will never get a penny of it, I will die first. I have declared war on the financial system.
My grandparents lived almost entirely self-sufficiently, and I suppose I can too.
That was the first step and I am planning more action.
PS: I will send more money in a month.
Dear John King –
I have MANY TIMES given solutions to the Jew-takeover of the Western world – and NOW – with this Video @ I will give some “solutions” to the JEW-TAKEOVER of the World Economy, as Elder Paisios of The Holy Mountain predicted in 1992.
First of all, as I have encouraged my readers and viewers MANY TIMES, get yourselves in a Christian-oriented, Christ-Centered Community Church Life and support one another with prayer, fellowship, and helping one another in day to day needs.
Two, as I have encouraged MANY TIMES, get out of dollar denominated assets into silver and gold.
Three, as I have encouraged MANY TIMES, stock up on freeze dried foods, water, necessaries, heating and cooking alternatives like Coleman stoves etc.
Four, start a garden or greenhouse.
Five, preserve, protect, and make use of your 2nd Amendment rights “to bear arms.”
Six, keep your children away from the Jew TV and if possible, HOME SCHOOL them to protect against JEW-PROMOTED HOMOSEXUALITY and LESBIANISM for the Goyim.
Seven – Deepen your prayer life with Daily Prayer to Christ for Guidance, Protection, and Sustenance, both Spiritually and Physically.
Now if you want a “Final Solution” for the Jews, then you are living in a fantasy land.
The JEWS OWN AMERICA — And as this Video Makes Clear @ — the WORLD ECONOMY.
The Jews will allow some “Arab Springs” and some “Gaza Intervention by Egypt” just to make these nations feel good.
But ultimately, the JEWS DICTATE international policy. One false move from any Arab/Muslim Nation then the JEWS WILL SEND THEIR US-LED (same thing as JEW LED) NATO to bomb the splithereens out of them like they are doing in Libya to “protect” the “civilians” whom JEWS view as Goyim cattle.
The gap between the rich (JEWS) and the vanishing white middle class (the GOYIM) ever widens.
The JEWS HAVE PUT THEIR MONEY overseas in the “emerging markets” underwritten by their synagogue of satan leaders on Wall Street, Blankfein, Cohn, Rubin, Weil, Friedman, Bernanke, Greenspan etc. (They will remain financially secure while the GOYIM sink into deeper poverty.)
One peep out of an “America First” candidate and his presidential ambitions are over.
If you think the “ballot box” is a “solution” then again you are in a fantasy world.
The JEWS DECIDE who will run (and who will be known for they control the Main Stream Media) and you really DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE.
And even if 99% of America voted for Ron Paul, the JEWS WHO CONTROL THE MILITARY will RIG the Ballot Box and get their SCHWARTZA back in to the Oval Office.
If Obama really wanted a ‘change’ in the Mid East, he would have called for an END OF THE SETTLEMENTS.
Instead, he just parroted that old line of “pre-67 borders” which sounds statesman-like, but will NEVER HAPPEN and the schwartza knows it.
Prepare for his re-election, SEVERE GUN CONTROL, and Martial Law via some new False Flag that the Americans who “just love their fries” will fall for.
It’s all over John.
This is why after deep prayer and consultation I AM NOW GOING TO EVERY MAJOR CITY in the United States (next week Colorado Springs CO) and HOLD HIGH THE CROSS as a WARNING and A BANNER for people to TRUST IN — in preparation for a TOTAL JEW POLICE STATE.
We all must prepare for this horrible time by disciplining our eating habits, our prayer life, and vigilance for The Truth.
As for your “bugs and grasshopers” theory, that’s a laugh.
THE JEWS HAVE THE MONEY, THE POLITICAL LEVERS, EVERY CONGRESSMAN AND SENATOR IN THEIR POCKETS — AND THEIR POWER KEEPS ON GROWING, grasshoppers and bugs notwithstanding, for your grasshoppers and bugs HAVE NO INFLUENCE OR POWER even if they outnumber the Jews a million to one!
Please Consider Helping Me Financially Everyone!
To Donate Simply Click:
Or (My Personal Needs/rent, food etc):
Donations May Also Be Sent To:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
(Personal Needs) Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
God Bless You All! +Brother Nathanael
What needs to be said is that most of the Jews that have caused a world of slavery are not Jews. They are Khazars who stole the religion away from the true Jews, those who stayed in Israel became the Palestinians and the Khazars are trying to wipe them out, because they are now Muslim.
The oligarchs are those Khazars who control the world through usury. Simple, get rid of the money system, and they loose their power. It really is that simple.
What if someone decided that sea shells were worth their weight in gold?? It’s happened before. Or salt? the money system has destroyed the world. And those who control all the money would loose all their power if gold and silver were worth nothing. It’s a matter of semantics.
What if everyone treated food as more important? I mean really everyone taking their money and sinking it into food. Then money would be worthless because people would then use food to barter. That was the old system, bartering.
You can’t eat gold. The money system can only be supported by death. Lots of it. This system is totally based on the utilization of the power of death.
The trouble really is that true Jews support Israel.
Rothschild went to the queen of England at the end of the 19th century and bought up Palestine. Poured millions into a desert. Paid the Crown millions to buy invaded land. The Brits colonized Palestine and allowed Rothschild to buy up all available land. The Balfour declaration made it possible for Jews to return to Israel.
Israel is an illegal state. Boycotting all Israeli produce and exports would be the first step.
If Obama had any balls he would have told Nitwityahoo that there would be no more US support of Israel unless there were two equal states and the old borders were enforced.
The American Tax payer gives Israel billions of dollars every year. The best way to stop this is to stop paying taxes.
It can be done. Just stop paying taxes. This would have to be done by a very large part of the population. But it would send a clear message.
There are solutions, but the oligarchs have their respective hooks into most Arab countries now, and the only thing that can be done is a very painful violent confrontation between the Muslim countries of the Middle east, all of them at once, and Israel.
Egypt is now flexing it’s muscles, but the whole area needs to go against Israel. They have the might, and when enough blood is spilled, maybe they will have the courage.
So you can spew hate against a generalized term, Zionist or nwo or illuminati, but actions speak louder than words.
Good Luck. I think that people do not donate to nay sayers. When you constantly point the accusing finger, people grow intolerant of you.
I agree you must now seek solutions. It’s not a Jewish Problem. The oligarchs are all the heads of state of Europe, the crown of England the IMF and the Fed, who have supported the illegal state of Israel. Whether they are called Illuminati, or Bilderbergers or Free Masons or Jews makes no difference, they are on a collision course, they must have death to continue to make this system work.
They have used the blood of innocents to keep this system running. We can see that they will not stop. The only way to run this monster of a machine is with the blood of children. This is Moloch and he must be fed.
We only need look at the Mayan Civilization, which demanded blood everyday in it’s everyday world. Until there were none left, or just a few who ran away.
What you should be doing is telling young Americans not to go to war.
I find it incredible that the Government daily goes into high schools and corrupts the minds of children, and puts weapons into their hands and points them in a direction and tells them to kill the ‘enemy’
I’d be shooting all of the government officials who were telling me these things.
“Thou shalt not kill”
This is what needs to be said.
My problem is I am a Jew. A Jew first. I believe in the Messiah, and the message that he brought forth. It is the greatest message given to mankind. I see that his staunchest supporters are all murderers. It’s easy to destroy Christendom because some of the practitioners no longer listen to the words of the man they supposedly follow.
Jesus stole the inheritance from Egypt. He was born as the random equation of natural selection. He was the immaculate concept. There is no death in that. He preached love, tolerance, and the two greatest commandments, and it seems no one is following them.
Jesus only ever called himself the son of man. The White Europeans needed him to be the white Christ, the perfect Aryan.
The Papacy of Rome has helped destroy the message, it is why the very existence of Christ is being brought into question.
What we need to do is remind people why they are good Christians.
The finger pointing must stop.
Dear Brother Nathanael, there is no room in your hand when you point the accusing finger. Besides 3 fingers point back at yourself.
Remember that Balaam of Beor pointed the accusing finger, and he realized this, and instead held his hand out and open, and the curse became a blessing.
You seek blessings.
Dear “highpriestess” – (with all of your solutions and condemnation of me, why can’t you tell us your real name, huh?) If you really want to fight you got to be public in a real way, dear.
You have a “sugary” approach to the Holy Gospels and the New Testament.
I am not too much “sugar” like you but have got a lot of “hot pepper” in me dear.
That is why NO ONE Quotes me, No One has me on their radio shows, Except for Jeff Rense, and Political Cesspool, and Mark Weber of IHR) — no one wants anything to do with me any more.
Your “solution” to “stop paying taxes” is a LAUGH.
And your “boycott” Israel is an ENDLESS LAUGH. Israel is MOSTLY IN THE MILITARY/SECURITY business. They could care less if you stop eating their oranges.
You see, dear “anonymous,” with all of your “solutions” and “condemnations” of me YOU STILL WON’T MAKE PUBLIC YOUR NAME! First TELL US YOUR NAME and then give us all the “answers” so that we can thank you PERSONALLY. But YOU WILL NOT DO THAT ’cause you WILL NOT PUT YOURSELF ON THE LINE like I do EVERY MINUTE OF MY LIFE now.
I KNOW TOO MUCH. I grew up as a Jew AND KNOW THEIR GAME. This is why you will NEVER see me mentioned in the Main Stream Media but to SMEAR ME like your are now doing BUT IT WILL NOT WORK. Christ is with me and NO ONE can be against me!
+Brother Nathanael
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” ~ Revelation 2:9
“Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
But he said, >>>Nay
Dear Br Nathanael,
You have hit the nail on the head. Either one chooses Christ and a life of self-control and discipline, or one is rendered over to the Antichrist to be tyrannically controlled and disciplined.
The choice is simple: Christ is our Creator. He is the only source of happiness and bliss – eternally.
Dear Bro. Nat,
When are you coming to Northern California to street evangelize? I would be honored to buy you breakfast or lunch! We too need spiritual cleansing out here, including me!
I agree that you are one of the few who lays it on the line for the truth of Jesus. Have you ever contacted George Noory of Coast to Coast a.m. – I would hope that he would invite you as an esteemed guest – yours is THE most important message.
Do you know about the “Alexander Palace” six (6) miles from London? I never realized that almost all important gov’t buildings around the world, and virtually all the Churches have symbols of “pyramids” and “ufo platforms” or the “winged planet” or the “Horned Planet”.
Did you? Do you recognize the ancient role of the Nephilim and the tares brother Nat? I would appreciate your opinion on these matters.
God Bless You Bro. Nat., and may the grace of Jesus always protect you, until you meet up with our Savior.
Yours in faith,
Hipriestess, (or should I say Lilith?), may I say to you that the Khazar story is just another excuse and a fabricated delusion by the Jews.
Yes by the Jews. Did the Khazars invented the Jewish most holy evil books the Zohar, the Talmud or the Tanya?
No, its done by the same old enemies of Christ who founded Pharisaic Judaism after Jesus Christ preached the Gospel for all mankind and not for a racist supremacist group of people who killed the prophets and the saints perpetually tries to replace the good news by our Lord with their counterfeit religion of death, mayhem and ritual genocide.
Just common sense coupled with a moderate intellect, observant eyes and ears, and a willingness to see truth for what it is, is enough to know several things absolutely clearly:
1. Antichrist will be a Jew.
2. Jews control neatly every country, organization, and politician on the planet that has any power.
3. They’re not giving up voluntarily what they stole, conned, connived, tricked, corrupted, or twisted.
This combination leads to two further obvious observations:
4. If Antichrist needs to pick a time when the Zhyds have the power and circumstances in place to completely rout the Christians into oblivion, now sure looks like the best time ever. Of course, it might be more opportune in a few years, but it won’t take another century for them to completely consolidate world power and control.
5. Unless Christians immediately become completely aware of the undeclared war they are already in, they haven’t a chance to stop what has been already put in motion.
Knowing the ‘so-called’ Christian delusion as to who the true enemy is (witness the clowns Hagee and others), it’s obvious the only viable place to take a stand is the Orthodox countries. At least there, this nonsensical contradictory “Christian Zionism” does not (yet) exist.
Flee to the mountains, while you can.
Pray that Russia becomes the true defender of the faith, and that Putin is allowed time to strengthen that country enough to be a bulwark against a renewed worldwide Jooish Bolshevism in the days to come.
It is obvious she is a Jewish Kabbalistic highpriestess of Lucifer.
@ Oxy,
Does the Elder say the European Union is dominated by “Free Masons” or by “Zionists?” I hear Bro Nate say, “Zionists,” does everyone else hear it?
Now kindly leave, and take you your liberal Judas Goat fairly-tales with you!!!
My Dear Bro. Nathanael,
I simply wanted to say that I love you in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and I appreciate the work you are doing.
Since I was a boy of 13 ( I’m now 58) I have studied and researched the occult, and this great conspiracy, and have done what I can in my little corner of the world to warn people of the sword coming upon this land and the rest of the world.
Winston Churchill once said that everyone stumbles across the truth at least once in there life, but most of us get up, brush ourselves off, and hurry on our way as if nothing ever happened.
So it has been with most folks I have had occasion to talk with, But at least their blood is not on my hands. So, keep up the good work you are doing for your labors for the LORD are NOT in vain.
Bro. Fred
Nate, and All,
I think, “hipriestess” is “Oxy” under yet another moniker spinning the same lies and deception.
I think, it first came on using a man’s name or moniker, now it uses female monikers.
It is from Australia, a liberal communist Judas Goat, and steers all the world chaos away from World Jewry, mostly toward some crazy Free Mason world plot.
It is a typical trick of moles, or liberal Jew Gentile puppets.
It tries to use it as a deception, (remember, it does the Devil’s work, and operates by deception just like him).
Just ignore it, you can pick it’s posts out, just look for “Free Masons” it has them in almost every post it makes on here.
Brother Nathanael,
Thanks as always for bringing your accurate version of the truth to the internet.
I have to tell you that I used to get really tense and upset when I read and heard about all of the horrible things happening in this world. I was motivated by indignation and anger, believing that others out there would stand with me against this evil, thinking “I’ve got to DO SOMETHING to wake people up.”
I’ve realized, and my mind has been set at rest in knowing that it’s OK to be “wise as serpents.” But there’s pretty much only one thing we as Christians can do to counter Satan’s synagogue and the power of all of their trillions of ill-gotten $$$, and that is to work in our own small ways to bring souls to Jesus Christ.
If one soul is brought to Christ, then the details of good and evil within their lives will take care of themselves, and a change will be manifested in their “works.”
Regarding the “beast” system, Rev. 13:4 says “…Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”
How do good people with limited means go head to head in this world against a force that has the power to literally create wealth out of thin air?
It can’t logistically be done, because there are more than enough “Judas” types out there to infiltrate and subvert well meaning political groups — such as “The Tea Party.”
We can only hope to jump on a higher wave, that of God Almighty, and pray for guidance and direction, doing things HIS way toward HIS end.
I surmise that built into your, and so many other honest, well-meaning commentators presentations is the hope that if enough people read and comprehend the information they will be mentally and emotionally aroused to the point that they may actually rise up against the perpetrators of evil.
Problem is, most of us are essentially low-security prisoners on planet earth, spending our energies trying to stay above water within this wicked financial system.
Some few have an intellectual curiosity and invest time in learning “the truth,” but most of the woefully undereducated people “out there” (many of them can’t even READ, for heaven’s sake) couldn’t care less and many would sell their own souls to live like the very satanic scum that keeps them down.
The spiritual brainwashing is intense! On our website, if you go to the “Amazing Links” section and spend a little time there you can see how the music business has been used to help bring about a spiritual paradigm shift.
Just like you, we are tying to get our message “out there” to those good souls who want to walk that narrow “straight” path. We present the information and pray that whoever reads it will wake up to spiritual realities, and bring Christ and the Holy Spirit into their lives.
I’m getting a bit long-winded, because I can type very fast, but if you’re ever in southwestern Virginia, we hope you will contact us and stop by. Contact us anyway.
We would be more than happy to have you as a guest at our home, and play some new songs for you. There would be much to talk about. Perhaps there are ways we can work together to assist each other in our respective missions.
Stephen Langston
Hi Brother Nathanael
I just went to make a very humble donation of $10 to you because it is difficult to ignore the outstanding work that you are doing. (I understand why you have desired to invest in excellent computer hardware and software and I hope that you have reached your objectives for this investment.)
However, what I found is that in addition to receiving a charge on my credit card statement from “Brother Nathanael Found” (which is tolerable), I had to supply my address and phone number.
I am not prepared to supply this information. Therefore I did not end up donating. I am simply relaying the facts to you.
I would like to please strongly encourage you to do two things:
1. Investigate a means of donating whereby the donor does not need to supply their address and phone number. Could you use AlertPay also, thereby giving donors a choice or the payment service they use?
2. Investigate a means of putting a hyperlink (ie. URL) inside your YouTube videos at the end of each video which the viewer can then click on to donate to your ministry. I can guarantee you that if you do this and you ask the viewer for a donation in a wise and gracious manner leading up to the display of this URL in the video, your donations will increase dramatically.
I am 95% certain that it is possible to put a clickable link or clickable button inside a YouTube video. I have done it myself using I encourage you to investigate this.
Brother Nathanael, I trust you. I trust you completely. For you, in your legitimate quest for financial support to sustain your ministry to all of us, this trust that people like me place in you is 90% of the battle you face. Tedious as it is (I know from experience), I encourage you to investigate the issues I raised above in order to increase your donations.
Kind Regards
@ Bro Nate,
Give me about a week Nate. I had to fix an old air conditioner that broke down, bought a new one. I will have some more money for your crusade against NWO evil.
Let’s support Brother Nathanael Kapner. There is no excuse. If you send him money in snail mail (US Mail) there is no way for them to trace it, if it is done anonymously, without return address, just make sure you have proper postage.
Donations May Also Be Sent To:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
(Personal Needs) Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
God Bless You All! +Brother Nathanael
online: To Donate Simply Click:
Show Bro Nate that you are not like the son that Jesus talks about in one of his parables, addressed to the phony Pharisees, by way of telling it to a group of children in their presence, making sure they overheard him.
Parable of The Two Sons: “A father owned a vineyard, that needed constant tending, and care, to bring the fruit of the vine to fruition. The father asked the first son, if he would go tend to the corps and make sure they would yield fruit.
“The first son, told the father, sure he would do it, right away. He then proceeded to go off and flounder the father’s hard earned money. Next the father asked the second son, the same thing, and although he complained to the father, how hard the work is, he then went and tended the crop.”
Jesus asked the children, “What son did the father’s will, the first, who said, he would, but then did what he wanted, or the second, that complained, but then went to tend the fields?”
At this, all the children raised two fingers to indicate the second. Jesus looks at the Pharisees, “See, even out of the mouth of babes comes the truth. There are those who appear holy and righteous, but do their own will, and others, who really do His will, and are not liars to him.”
Be the second son, support this man. PROVE IT WITH ACTIONS, as just saying you love Bro Nate, applauding his work, doesn’t really SHOW him anything that in reality.
As most still would rather keep every cent they have to buy “Zionist Jew material things” and make a fool of him, while making their conscience feel good. “I fought the good fight, I posted on RZN and they could possible trace my IP address?”
Ohhh, big deal, they are going to do a hell of a lot more than that, unless people try to oppose them. Not by posting anonymously on some site, but by giving and providing the means for a brave man who does!!!
Thank you Brother Nathanael, for another masterpiece.
“Knowledge is a good defence”
As some of you know Judaism is the most closely well organized power on earth, even more than any empire before. This age or modern kronos, there are riots world-wide now, things happening, that were unheard of before, fire and smoke everywhere, yet people still do not see the Hidden Hand behind it.
People are so gullible and accept just about anything the media says.
Only when you understand when it comes to Christianity, the Jews have a 2000 year old, long-lasting rage.
About Israel giving up land. Please see here
Jews were once in possession of God’s truth. Yet their whole history was the record of their disobedience and despising of God’s Law and their following the lies, the falsehoods, the deceptions of lying prophets, the inventions of sinful man. Romans 2:1-29
Only by following the true God and His word of Truth can man escape the Wrath of God.
The True Israel is not composed of any Nation or Race. It is composed of those who accept Jesus Christ in Faith.
I have some thoughts to share. The whole system smacks of a drug deal.
The Zio’s and their minions are the pimps and the goy are the addicts. Goy are peddled every imaginable drug, heroin, television, sugar, homosexuality, pornography, food, money, power, security etc.
These drug dealers by their influence of control on our addictions decide what drugs we ingest and when, only using the simple control tool of availability. Its that simple. They decide when and how we feel good, and how and when we feel bad, with our agreement of course.
So get off the drugs man. Stop watching TV. Get interested in something else.
Stop eating so much food, its not necessary to eat as much as you do. Eat healthier, be healthier, and beat the drug dealers.
Start off with instead of six beers have two, instead of two burgers have one, its a no-brainer.
Resist temptation, sexual or otherwise, practice at it, get good at it, be proud of it.
Teach yourself some stuff. How to work with electricity, metal, wood. Make yourself a valuable asset to the community whether prospering or suffering a Nakba.
Start cultivating friendships and the relationships you already have. These people are your backup and you theirs. Don’t start being genuine and caring after a crisis, be there before. In essence be real.
Stop posing for the invisible cameras all the time. Your not impressing anyone. Work on your self esteem so you don’t need all these drugs.
On being proactive, keep hand tools, keep a crash kit, update it, know it and practice with it.
Can you make an antibiotic? Well get down to the library, its free.
If you don’t have a gun, you have to be useful in another way. Have you figured out safe escape routes from your home? During the threat of flooding, violence or fire are you going to look for a uniform to tell you what to do or do you already know and have taken responsibility for yourself and loved ones?
Stopping there, I think I made my point. Good work Brother Nathanael.
Oh yeah, don’t forget to save toilet paper. I reckon it will be more valuable than gold.
Watch Glenn Beck on Fox News and he believes the JEWS are correct in what they are doing.
I do not know what to believe anymore. Are Jews for America or just using us?
Thank you,
God be with you Brother Nathanael.
We live in the days of the Antichrist. May God help us. Peace to all of you Brothers and Sisters.
Christ is Risen!
Good warning, good solutions.
They must set up internet surveillance system before they can do rest of their evil plans.
To slow them down, Real ID must be stopped. Some states did refuse, that slowed them down.
When troll cam system with face-voice print done, they can control surface from DUMBs (deep underground bases, cities are built, many a mile down linked with super speed transports. the military drones can be controlled from there).
They are moving fast. When the drones rise like clouds of black locusts from the DUMBs, it’s over.
Stop Real ID!!!!
@ hipriestess,
You made some good points. Palestine’s original natives were Canaanites along with Philistines and God allowed the exile Jews from Egypt to occupy the land.
God was in a way cleansing that nation for their wickedness.
Then, the land was called Palestine, because we read that in the early chapters of Matthew. The Jews lived side by side then. Today, Palestine has those Muslims that were forcefully converted to Islam by Mohammad.
I read the transcript of Hilary and Bibi and I believe it is a farce. I had read a long time ago that in the last days, Israel will elect a rogue as their leader who will back the anti-Christ and Rothschild by misleading, blackmailing the good Jews in Israel.
Don’t jump to conclusion as yet, because God is merciful and long-suffering.
He will change the hearts of the Jews during the tribulation and they will accept Messiah. Rothschild has used the Israelis to create havoc and since they rejected his orders, he got the Russian/German Jews (?) to enter Israel and cause destruction around.
The Russian and East European Jews had created the Talmud, because they were not the real Jews. They were Molech worshipers of the ancient Assyrians, Israel, Judah, etc.
The peace treaty is a cleverly invented peace of garbage. These NWO wicked people are fooling both Palestinian Muslims and the Jews to negotiate by creating a false state.
Thereafter, the Christian Zionists from the U.S. will drum up their propaganda by calling for a new temple in Jerusalem. This pretext of false worship will cause the Vatican and the false political leader to build the temple. Remember, NWO has the power over the Islamic mosques and the estates of Israel at this point.
Once the temple has been built, the Vatican Pope will turn out to be the Lucifer in disguise offering swine as a sacrifice and sit on the ancient Salomon’s throne and desecrating the Sabbath. At this, the God fearing Jews will wake up and wage war against the anti-christ.
Here, the entire world will come against Israel. I may be wrong, but my imaginations always lead to believe that Iranians, S. Arabia, Jordan, and those nations will protect the Jews from total disaster.
Jerusalem belongs to God and whoever sells the land to foreign occupation or desecrates are in big trouble.
God Himself will fight those who undermine His authority.
The sifting of good and bad Jews will take place according to the Book of Ezekiel. The good Jews do not have to worry; they belong in the inner circle of God.
Many Jews will leave to their homeland once they create the false peace treaty, because the evil one want to surround them for the great slaughter. I pray that they will accept Christ before that. May the good news of the gospel be preached to them.
Please do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah. Accept Yeshua who has been so patient and full of love and mercy towards the Jewish people. It is like a lottery, we do not know who will be spared and who will perish. The one consolation is that those who have accepted Christ will have no fear.
America, be cautious how you judge Israel. Israel belongs to Messiah and all the people that put their hope in His salvation.
I truly pray also that Muslims and the Jews will unite for the sake of destroying the NWO and the Anti-Christ leader from Vatican.
This is just my wish.
@ ET,
“The good Jews in Israel.”
Sounds like you and Oxy have been drinking the John Hagee rancid Kool-Aid sermon?
Like 75% of the place is atheist, descendants of Bolsheviks. What isn’t is Sephardic (Spanish Jews, but originally from Jerusalem) that started slavery:
Monsanto Family: Spanish Jew Slave merchants:
Just what is good about either one?
The only “good Jews” as you and Oxy refer to them: are the ones like Nate and Glory B who had forsaken that devil religion a long time ago, and converted to Christianity.
Bro Nate reminds me a lot of the Apostle Paul, who was Saul of Taurus, an orthodox Jew Pharisee, that Jesus blinded with the TRUTH of His light. He then converted to Jesus and Christianity.
The devil or “NWO Anti-Christ” in the Vatican was placed there by Crypto-Judaism or fake Jews that appeared to convert to Christianity only to subvert it, make it cancerous, what it is today: “Christian Zionism.”
You both have nerve to say “the good Jews of Israel” watch that video below, then tell me how good they are???
Dear Andrew – PAY PAL BANNED ME a year ago.
MANY donate way more than $10 on my Click and Pledge and HAVE NO PROBLEM with supplying their address and phone #.
Your suggestions are irrelevant. You can always send your $10 by snail mail anonymously.
I really DO NOT HAVE TIME to deal with your obsessions. +BN
A Time for Truth: Bin Laden’s Death Won’t End War on Terror Until Americans Understand the Threat was Always Us
The Ghost of Ezra Pound
By John Kaminski on May 21, 2011
John Kaminski – Tales of the Tribe Part 8
Is another European empire collapsing before our eyes?
By Wayne Madsen on May 21, 2011
Wayne Madsen – Strategic Culture May 15, 2011
ET, you do not know what you are talking about when you call the Pope the anti-christ.
The Catholic Faith has never denied Jesus is the Christ or that he came in the flesh. Read IJn.2:22-24 and IIJn.7.
That’s the definition of anti-christ. The Jews and the Muslims deny Jesus is the Christ and that he came in the flesh, yet you want them to unite and destroy the “anti-christ leader from the Vatican.”
Yeah, you can also pray that they will attack Mt Athos too, eh?!
Request –
Can anyone write up the texts for both this Video and my past 7 Videos for the Hearing Impaired? Thank you. +BN
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Home page –
@ All,
Friends of Israel — Enemies Inside the Gates: Great video on Australian Zionist control, and Zio-Goy-liberal-puppets like Oxy, how despicable they really are.
They cry to us in the USA about treatment of the Blacks in the past, and Mexicans now, while simultaneously IGNORING all the humane rights violations done to their Brown brethren in Gaza.
You and your Australian ilk are DESPICABLE Oxy!!!!
Nothing but lying hypocrites licking your Zionist master’s boots!!!
Larry Elliott, Dan Atkinson – The Gods That Failed: How Blind Faith in Markets Has Cost Us Our Future
Publisher: Nаtion Bjoks | 2010-04-06 | ISBN: 1568584407 | PDF | 304 pages | 1.27 MB
Latest in the parade of where-were-they-a-year-ago expert financial authors are economics editors Elliott (of the Guardian) and Atkinson (of Britain’s Mail on Sunday).
Likening Wall Street professionals to “New Olympians” who opened a “Pandora’s Box” of financial evils, the two are less than skilled with their analogies, but possess great knowledge and a perspective encompassing London, Wall Street and Washington DC.
While it’s true that free-market philosophies have been increasingly adopted, even by the left (Jimmy Carter’s deregulation of airlines and telecommunications, Bill Clinton’s NAFTA), the authors blame the current mess, somewhat fantastically, on an international group of 38 economic theorists (including Friedrich von Hayek, Karl Popper and Milton Friedman) who, meeting in Switzerland in 1947, set the course for “classical liberalism” to fight back against “what was seen as the tyranny of the collective.”
Aside from this, the authors provide an excellent, witty explanation for the past few years of economic boom and bust, with a broad approach that makes clear the multiple forces working to sink the economy (rather than focusing exclusively on, say, Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve).
Though it’s not impartial, this is a well-written, well-informed guide to today’s crisis and a sharp critique of free market philosophies.
@Stephen E Dalton
Good point!
@Brother Nathanael
Great video!!! I am thankful for your videos and website!
Bro Nate
I’ve finally got paid on a job that was overdue and am temporarily past raiding the change jar in my car and will send in some money (anonymously so ZOG doesn’t track it).
I own my own business and battle the Jew on a daily basis.
I don’t want them doing me any more damage (although I know my business line is tapped and my internet connection is also).
If I do it anonymously, at least they can’t use the IRS to partner me up with Trondell in Cell Block Z-251
What would you say if changed my moniker to Voxberg or Voxstein or maybe Voxman?
@ Bro Nate
As a small business, how can I join the Jewish religion so as to reap all of the business rewards like they do?
Like a charter membership or like the Rotary Club. I don’t have to go to synagogue or worship their version of God, because after all neither do they.
I won’t denounce Christ as my Saviour.
I’ll just Whip out my “Master Race Card” (Don’t leave home without it!) “Do you take – the Master Race Card?”
You know so I can’t get some of the business they (actually do) prevent me from getting because I’m not a Tribe Member.
Br. Nathanael,
I’ll give your Hearing Impaired texts a try. I’ll work on the text for this video first and then send it to you by email.
The text file will be timed for your video and will be an SRT file.
If you like the results, then I will do the previous 7 videos for you.
If anyone else is already working on this, please let me know. =]
Dear Words of Wisdom –
Thank you for your willingness to do the Hearing Impaired Texts!
No one else has offered. So, thank you! +bn
Dear John K. –
I have MANY TIMES given solutions to the Jew-takeover of the Western world – and NOW – with this Video @ I will give some “solutions” to the JEW-TAKEOVER of the World Economy, as Elder Paisios of The Holy Mountain predicted in 1992.
First of all, as I have encouraged my readers and viewers MANY TIMES, get yourselves in a Christian-oriented, Christ-Centered Community Church Life and support one another with prayer, fellowship, and helping one another in day to day needs.
Two, as I have encouraged MANY TIMES, get out of dollar denominated assets into silver and gold.
Three, as I have encouraged MANY TIMES, stock up on freeze dried foods, water, necessaries, heating and cooking alternatives like Coleman stoves etc.
Four, start a garden or greenhouse.
Five, preserve, protect, and make use of your 2nd Amendment rights “to bear arms.”
Six, keep your children away from the Jew TV and if possible, HOME SCHOOL them to protect against JEW-PROMOTED HOMOSEXUALITY and LESBIANISM for the Goyim.
Seven – Deepen your prayer life with Daily Prayer to Christ for Guidance, Protection, and Sustenance, both Spiritually and Physically.
Now if you want a “Final Solution” for the Jews, then you are living in a fantasy land.
The JEWS OWN AMERICA — And as this Video Makes Clear @ — the WORLD ECONOMY.
The Jews will allow some “Arab Springs” and some “Gaza Intervention by Egypt” just to make these nations feel good.
But ultimately, the JEWS DICTATE international policy. One false move from any Arab/Muslim Nation then the JEWS WILL SEND THEIR US-LED (same thing as JEW LED) NATO to bomb the splithereens out of them like they are doing in Libya to “protect” the “civilians” whom JEWS view as Goyim cattle.
The gap between the rich (JEWS) and the vanishing white middle class (the GOYIM) ever widens.
The JEWS HAVE PUT THEIR MONEY overseas in the “emerging markets” underwritten by their synagogue of satan leaders on Wall Street, Blankfein, Cohn, Rubin, Weil, Friedman, Bernanke, Greenspan etc. (They will remain financially secure while the GOYIM sink into deeper poverty.)
One peep out of an “America First” candidate and his presidential ambitions are over.
If you think the “ballot box” is a “solution” then again you are in a fantasy world.
The JEWS DECIDE who will run (and who will be known for they control the Main Stream Media) and you really DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE.
And even if 99% of America voted for Ron Paul, the JEWS WHO CONTROL THE MILITARY will RIG the Ballot Box and get their SCHWARTZA back in to the Oval Office.
If Obama really wanted a ‘change’ in the Mid East, he would have called for an END OF THE SETTLEMENTS.
Instead, he just parroted that old line of “pre-67 borders” which sounds statesman-like, but will NEVER HAPPEN and the schwartza knows it.
Prepare for his re-election, SEVERE GUN CONTROL, and Martial Law via some new False Flag that the Americans who “just love their fries” will fall for.
It’s all over John.
This is why after deep prayer and consultation I AM NOW GOING TO EVERY MAJOR CITY in the United States (next week Colorado Springs CO) and HOLD HIGH THE CROSS as a WARNING and A BANNER for people to TRUST IN — in preparation for a TOTAL JEW POLICE STATE.
We all must prepare for this horrible time by disciplining our eating habits, our prayer life, and vigilance for The Truth.
As for your “bugs and grasshopers” theory, that’s a laugh.
THE JEWS HAVE THE MONEY, THE POLITICAL LEVERS, EVERY CONGRESSMAN AND SENATOR IN THEIR POCKETS — AND THEIR POWER KEEPS ON GROWING, grasshoppers and bugs notwithstanding, for your grasshoppers and bugs HAVE NO INFLUENCE OR POWER even if they outnumber the Jews a million to one!
Please Consider Helping Me Financially Everyone!
To Donate Simply Click:
Or (My Personal Needs/rent, food etc):
Donations May Also Be Sent To:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
(Personal Needs) Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
God Bless You All! +Brother Nathanael
The pope that is to come after Benedict will be the anti-Christ. He will be ushered in by the Rothschild to desecrate the Christendom.
Just because people are Catholics that does not mean anything. All have to accept Christ, repent, and walk in faith and holiness.
If you read the history of the Popes during the dark ages, you will wonder if it was created by the Scribes and Pharisees to undermine the early church of the ACTS.
The Vatican is a gloomy place and they are wicked.
Disgusted White Christian,
I hear you, but you have to understand, we always should allow for some room to those who will be called to the great salvation soon. I cannot be the judge, only God is. He knows the hearts of the people. Just as Isaiah had said, ” God does not judge by what He hears or sees, but the intentions of our hearts.”
In fact, we Christians are called to judge other Christians who are backsliders. We cannot judge a non-believer but are called to pray.
I was a Sephardic, but accepted Christ and His teaching some years ago.
Forbidden film:
Documentary on Jewish ADL Entitled Defamation Part 1 – 8
A must watch before it disappears
The globalists are dismantling the world’s currencies.
Their aim is to replace the current fiat based monetary systems with an electronic, cashless monetary system. Their motivation to do this is control, because once all business is done electronically and no more cash exists, they will be able to monitor all transactions worldwide.
You will not be able to buy and sell unless you prescribe to their rules and conditions. At the push of a button they will be able to electronically wipe out all your savings…..
They have been setting up this system and it is being implemented as we speak. Why you don’t realise this is because it is hidden in plain sight.
Let’s refer to global warming and green house gasses such as carbon. The scientific community is still divided as to whether carbon is the culprit and whether the warming is caused by humans, yet already carbon trading is in existence. The ones pushing this agenda are the globalist bankers. Why?
Carbon is an interesting atom. It is has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons (666) and it is the number of man, because we are all carbon based lifeforms.
The final implementation of this carbon based electronic monetary system can be done extremely quickly, once the fiat currencies fail.
You will receive you pay check electronically and it will consist out of carbon credits … the amount depending on the type of work you do.
Tax will be paid in the form of carbon tax.
Everything will have a specific carbon price based on the amount of carbon released during its manufacturing process. A bread might be 10 carbon credits and a car 10,000 carbon credits.
You will be required to pay carbon tax personally, as you also release carbon when you breathe. Parents will pay more carbon tax for each of their children.
I am not saying that this monetary system will materialise, but what I am saying is that it is a fact that the globalists are pushing this agenda.
Why would they do that?
Dear ET,
You say:
“The pope that is to come after Benedict will be the anti-Christ. He will be ushered in by the Rothschild to desecrate the Christendom. ”
I have and want nothing to do with Catholicism, but, don’t be so sure that you know who the anti-Christ will be. It’s not easy to know, nor wise and much less so to be absolutely sure about this.
What we need to do is to be true Christians, until it is clear who it is. We have our “instructions,” nothing really changes depending on who the anti-Christ is. His spirit is already around us every day.
If we are not already eagerly, happily and willing to give our lives and everything else we possess to remain Christian, then we are already doing something wrong.
Dear Br. Nathanael,
Amazing presentation as always!
I know very well that you do your research.
But you show a video of Elder Paisios that I have never seen before (the one where he is climbing the rocks), which I have never seen.
And I thought I had read, listened and viewed everything there was available about Elder Paisios.
I hope that this fact shows clearly to everyone here, that you really DO RESEARCH your content, obviously know exactly what you are talking about!
May God and His most Holy Mother Bless you!
Writing from the collapsing Greece,
Pray for us Greeks all of you that can, things are not well at all.
I am not even sure I’ll be able to afford my Internet connection next month…
“Abortion Rock Music and Freemasonry Exposed.”
(2nd video on page- freemasonry begins at 8 minutes in.)
I disagree with the condemnation of Elvis Presley in the first section. Utter nonsense.
Dumb – Deep Underground Bases for the elite and their servants/(slaves?) is the 3rd video on the above page. (My last post).
Rare footage; incredible, disturbing, and thought provoking…followed by a powerful dissertation on prayer.
Only for truthseekers, No fairytales.
After some research I was able to find a picture of Oxy
Dear Brother Nathanael,
I would like to add one more point to your list of measures that we Christians can take to at least moderate, if not eliminate, the control that the Jews have on America, and the world.
We, that is the U.S. government, should cut off ALL aid to IsraHELL. Let the Jews know that we do not approve of their plotting and scheming to rule over us, and therefore we are not going to pay for their upkeep.
Let the American and European Jews support their brethren in IsraHELL. That will dent their pocketbooks quite a bit.
Meanwhile, we Christians in the United States have better use for our hard-earned dollars than to waste them on a bunch of Jews who are conniving to swindle us, and thinking of ways to further their satanic world rule.
This video will help unite the true Christians in here and expose the liars that crawl amongst you.
God Bless you Brother Nathanael.
Beware of the counter-culture that lurks here destroying your work.
To vox, One of the untold stories of our history is how Jews have masqueraded as Christians to infiltrate and destroy.
The Neo-nazis of the 70s were initiated, organized and run by a Jew, who is now forgiven and living in retirement in Florida.
Hugh Hefner pretended to be Presbyterian for decades before “coming out” a few years ago. Madeleine Albright is another. Oh yeah, she didn’t know she was Jewish.
So the question is, is it allowable for us to pretend to be Jewish, to infiltrate and destroy that which is destroying us? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Ah ha, now we are seeing through the facade.
Practicing Christianity underground is not a new concept, it goes back thousands of years. So how to become Jewish? Its very easy, as its been explained by the Israeli government, “Jews are anyone who say they are.”
So get in there, have a bagel, visit the synagogue, say ‘oy vey’ alot and use terms like schmuk, schmoidal and yenta, throw shiksa in for good measure.
If you really want to see the Jews at your new “gogue” wiggle in delight, throw the term “schwarzer” around and curse Jesus alot. If in your heart you know the truth it should be ok.
This question is directed to Brother Nate:
I and others in the RZN family would feel alot more comfortable donating $$$ to your foundation and your noble cause’s ensuing expenses if I knew that what I donate is a tax deductible contribution. In that way we both mutually benefit in a win/win situation.
Please let me know if your foundation is, in fact, a not-for-profit, or what it is classified as, and if it is registered with the IRS, and what percentage of what I decide to eventually donate is tax deductible when I finally report and itemize it when I file my tax return next year in 2012.
Thx in advance for the info which will benefit yourself, myself and all members of the RZN family. It looks like it will help facilitate the positive cash flows to roll in quicker.
It will also help fund the mounting expenses that you constantly convey a sense of urgency for repeatedly in your messages and you suggest that you are incurring on a daily basis.
Hopefully you are covering these expenses without deficit spending (for example by putting it on your personal credit card in a buy now pay later with interest scenario).
Africa4 quote:
The globalists are dismantling the worlds currencies. Their aim is to replace the current fiat based monetary systems with an electronic, cashless monetary system. Their motivation to do this is control, because once all business is done electronically and no more cash exists, they will be able to monitor all transactions worldwide.
You will not be able to buy and sell unless you prescribe to their rules and conditions. At the push of a button they will be able to electronically wipe out all your savings…..
They have been setting up this system and it is being implemented as we speak. Why you don’t realise this is because it is hidden in plain sight.
Let’s refer to global warming and green house gasses such as carbon. The scientific community is still divided as to whether carbon is the culprit and whether the warming is caused by humans, yet already carbon trading is in existence. The ones pushing this agenda are the globalist bankers. Why?
And what is the mechanism bringing all this …is it the race of people called Jews or is it the higher level of the Organization of people which includes Jews, called FREEMASONRY.
Level One.
What was the point or rather six points of your video.
We are all aware in here of the Hexagram. It is the main symbol of Freemasonry.
It seems like logic is hard to deal with for some people.
The monk Paisios, obviously used logic to reach his conclusions.
He also used logic when he said that the majority would not listen to him, so be it.
Truth is infinitely stronger than lie.
You cannot pull the wool over God’s eyes. Actions have to follow words. You will convict yourself.
“For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.”
“ex verbis enim tuis iustificaberis et ex verbis tuis condemnaberis”
Matthew 12:37
“The Vatican is a gloomy place and they are wicked.” – ET
How many times does a person have to hear it was the crypto-fake Jews who slithered their way in to the Vatican, that corrupted it?
You sure you did not post under the moniker ” charlie” or was it “Stanley?” on here earlier, I can smell out people like hound dog.
There was an ex-Jew on here, who constantly argued with me saying it was the Jesuits, not World Jewry, running things, which is almost laughable, if it was so sickening to hear such stupid b_llsh_t!!!
If you can’t see Jews run the world, you are STUPID or BLIND?
Great photo of “Oxy-Goat.”
Did you see the video from Australia, I posted? They have more Zio-Whores (see John Hagee). What this thing is down there, then here, quite possibly?
@ All
Look in the post below where it states “other religion” if Hoff is out there, he will back me up, that is code word for “Jew Religion.”
Prescribing Jesus Gets Doctor Censured
Updated: Sunday, 22 May 2011, 1:57 PM EDT
Published : Sunday, 22 May 2011, 1:57 PM EDT
(NewsCore) – MARGATE, England — A Christian doctor in England has been threatened with an official warning from his professional body for discussing Jesus with a patient, The (London) Sunday Times reported.
Richard Scott, a doctor for 28 years, is under investigation by the General Medical Council (GMC) and faces disciplinary action after he suggested to a 24-year-old man that he might find solace in Christianity.
Scott, who practices at a medical center in Margate, east of London, well known for having Christian doctors, insists he only raised his spiritual beliefs after carrying out a thorough and lengthy consultation, during which medical checks and referrals for further care were arranged.
When the man’s mother inquired of the consultation, however, her son apparently replied, “He just said I need Jesus.” This prompted his mother to refer Scott to the GMC, claiming that he had not offered medical advice during the consultation but instead talked about Jesus.
The young man, who has been described as “in a rut and in need of help” grew up in a different religion but his faith had lapsed. He has continued to seek treatment from the practice despite the complaint filed by his mother.
The GMC has written to Scott suggesting he accept an official warning but the GP (family doctor), who has an unblemished record as a medic, has decided to fight the allegations and stand up to what he believes is a politically correct trend in Britain to persecute Christians for expressing their faith in the workplace.
Scott fears that if he accepts the warning, and discusses his Christian beliefs with other patients, he could be struck off.
He maintains he acted professionally and says the complaint was made against him in the knowledge that professional bodies are nervous about claims of a religious nature.
Scott said, “I only discussed my faith at the end of a lengthy medical consultation after exploring the various interventions that the patient had previously tried, and after promising to follow up the patient’s request for an appointment with other medical professionals.
“I only discussed mutual faith after obtaining the patient’s permission. In our conversation, I said that, personally, I had found having faith in Jesus helped me and could help the patient. At no time did the patient indicate that they were offended, or that they wanted to stop the discussion. If that had been the case, I would have immediately ended the conversation.
“This complaint was brought to the GMC not by the patient, who has continued to be a patient in this practice, but by the patient’s mother.”
Scott is a partner at the Bethesda medical center in Margate, Kent. The six partners at the practice are all Christians and it has taken a biblical name. Practice leaflets and message boards publicize the doctors’ religion and invite patients to raise Christian beliefs with them.
Scott is being advised by the Christian Legal Center. Paul Diamond, the leading human rights barrister, has been instructed in the case.
We all must stand strong and pass the word whenever/wherever we can. Today I was in McDonald’s which I don’t frequent very often because the food is so industrial. But nonetheless, hungry, short on cash, decided to dine in.
As I looked around it had been recently remodeled in the coffee house style. There were LARGE photo-pictures framed on the wall. One was a White female and she was very close, intimately close to a the Euro-Centric looking black male type. They were all smiles and yucking it up in a sexual way is what the pic portrayed.
Next one I saw was an Asian female and a black female talking at a table. Next two mystery meats with one with the arm around the neck of the black female in the middle and some other assorted framed pictures of similar bent.
I saw two young White guys near me and as I was leaving I went over to their table and showed them the picture of the White female/black male combo since it was hanging on the wall behind them.
I asked them, I said: “Do you notice that the cup of McCafe coffee in the women’s hand is so obscure as to not be the dominant theme in this photo. What do you think the message behind this picture is?”
And then asked them “Who’s face do you not see in any of these pictures?” They looked at me kind of puzzled.
Then I made a circular motion with my finger to include the three of us in a group and said “Our faces. White male faces. The faces you see less and less represented all the time in photos like this.” I said “the message of the picture is pretty clear, think about it.”
Brother Nate:
If you get a chance please read Richard Bach’s famous book “A Reluctant Messiah.”
In it Richard discusses a christlike figure who went out to save the world and instead became an internationally famous spiritual leader and martyred himself in the process by attracting wealthy and jealous enemies along the way at an early age (33?), instead of having the alternate sense during these life experiences of his to return to the humble lifepath he led previously as a carpenter to seek and cherish his pockets of happiness.
Today as you probably well know by now there is a now famous man named Harold Egbert Camping (a former civil engineer who previously owned a construction company in his career before his ministry, so essentially he would have been considered a carpenter in Biblical times) who I am sure that you and the RZN family are by now and since last Saturday well aware of.
And now most of our US citizens as well are aware of him thanks to the mass media picking up the story (to essentially shame him like they usually do to fallen idols) when his prophesy date did not materialize.
Mr. Camping by the way leads an $18 million dollar not-for-profit ministry & radio/media network which brought in $1.8 million dollars alone last year according to public records of the not-for-profit.
Mr. Camping put a date on a doomsday prophecy which included a rapture/judgement day and end of the world day to have commenced on May 21, 2011 (last Saturday) and was to have culminated in a holocaustal conflagration 5 months later on Oct 21, 2011.
Camping’s prophesy — even though he repeatedly said that the Bible guaranteed it, when it was his interpretation of the Bible that actually guaranteed it — incited a lot of people to give up most of their life savings in hopes of salvation and to spread the word by paying for expensive advertising.
So who you may ask benefited from this one might ask? The advertisers (essentially Illuminati owners of the mass media outlets that they used to communicate their doomsday warnings, whose leaders, btw, are the enemies of the common people that you purport to protect and educate with your messages); and secondly family radio coffers who were entrusted with and received some of the listener’s advertising funds which paid for billboards/newspaper full page ads as well as actual caravans traveling around the country spreading the word.
Camping and his familyradio media conglomeration also benefited in a sense by becoming infamous as he may now reach the status of a household name.
Tonight I look forward to listening to Mr.Camping’s question and answer session on radio entitled “The Open Forum” (assuming he has it live on air as opposed to a prerecorded session like he sometimes does) and listen to how he wriggles out of this one and justifies what he says the Bible guarantees.
It appears that only his pride was hurt and he can get over that with honest prayer, repentance and asking God for divine forgiveness.
This is also not to say that Bible prophesy was averted and we aren’t headed ever more quickly towards the end of the world prophecy (eschatological) prediction of the Bible, but possibly a brief postponement at best; but the bottom line is that Camping should have heeded the advice in the Bible that “no one but the Father shall know the day or the hour” he misinterpreted that “a wise heart discerneth these things” to mean an exact date and time which obviously now he should never have assumed.
So Camping might have been better off as Richard Bach suggests to return to roots which is that of a civil engineer who owned a moral and successful construction company (so essentially a carpenter for all practical purposes). Camping essentially by predicting an exact day and time for the end of the world was like, or in fact a god himself, or a prophet who God shared a vital secret with like Daniel from the Bible by purporting that he essentially could read the mind of God.
So starting out humble like you did brother Nate and writing your cogent articles in a simple way might be all that is required of you by God.
When you use the expensive tools of the mass media like you and for example David Icke (Icke Media) seem to incrementally be doing (building a media empire and a vast following), you are becoming like the not unlike the Illuminati Rothschild Zionist controlled mass media and when you head in this direction you become more and more like what you purport to hate (Illuminati Rothschild Zionists)and fall into their web or trap and that is what they want.
To quote David Icke “One doesn’t fight for peace, you peace for peace.” Expensive media technology and expensive trips and over-budget travel costs around America for street evangelising will only put your ministry and RZN family believers/donators more in debt to the Illuminati, so essentially you become debt slaves.
So please try to practice loving your brothers, sisters, God’s creatures & living things and enemies like Jesus would have done by offering his other cheek when faced with confrontation & please try to practice tolerance for in essence “their (the Illuminati master’s) conscious minds seem not to know not what their subconcious minds, full of hurt from life’s tragic experiences, tell them to do”!
In addition, i suggest you please also heed the words and warnings of another supposedly “Estimated Prophet” at one time, during his Reborn Christian (Jew for Jesus) phase named Bob Zimmerman (aka Bob Dylan (BABYLONd if you jumble it since Dylan wrote many times in parables/symbolism/cryptic language himself to secretly convey his message in HIPster lingo)) when he said and I quote from one of his songs:
“I become my enemy in the instant that I preach” and try to please avoid pointing fingers at enemies for that matter.
In the meantime, God Bless you brother Nate and your honorable intentions and may your infinite consciousness (because that is what you are) hopefully someday experience a peace like none other and never before and experience it eternally.
Dear Friedrich –
The Brother Nathanael Foundation is a “not for profit” corporation but NOT Tax-exempt.
There are MANY regulations regarding “tax exempt” corporations falling under a “501 3c” status. Thus because of my “political” positions I would (and have already) been challenged regarding the Foundation’s status.
The State of Colorado got a letter apparently from some Jewish Organizations insisting that I be investigated. I had to pay $1500 to get the whole thing cleared up.
Thus The Brother Nathanael Foundation REMAINS as it stands.
I really don’t care if you donate or not dear Friedrich. What it boils down to is you and your “many others” no longer having Brother Nathanael’s voice.
+Brother Nathanael
Dear Friedrich –
In spite of the fact of you USING MY FORUM WHICH COSTS MUCH $$$ for your FROTHING AT THE MOUTH — as I stated below:
It is WRONG to *discountenance* ANYONE SPEAKING FOR THE TRUTH.
+Brother Nathanael Kapner
Early in 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859), a famous French statesman, received official permission from the French government to travel to the United States to study the reason behind America’s greatness. After having spent nine months in our land, he returned and delivered the following report to the French Parliament:
I went at your bidding and passed through their thorough- fares of trade; I ascended their mountains and went down their valleys; I visited their manufactories, their commercial markets and emporiums of trade; I entered their judicial courts and legislative halls; but I sought everywhere in vain until I entered the Church.
It was there as I listened to the soul-elevating principles of the Gospel of Christ, as they fell from Sabbath to Sabbath upon the masses of the people, that I learned why America was great and free and why France was a slave.
America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.
Tocqueville visited America during our nation’s Second Great Awakening, when pulpits were aflame with the gospel of repentance and salvation. Very significant were the thousands of MASONS who flocked to church altars to renounce their Masonic oaths and receive Christ as Savior. Evangelist Charles Finney specifically included repentance from Freemasonry in his preaching and saw this action as a precursor to revival.
America was experiencing revival amidst the Anti-Masonic Movement.
Little or no mention is made in our history books of the ANTI MASONIC MOVEMENT, which formed the Anti-Masonic Party in 1827.
“…..At that future time, due to the power of such great crimes and licentiousness, people will be deprived of the grace of the Holy Spirit, which they received in Holy Baptism, and equally of remorse. …”
End time prophecy of St Nilus 5th century
Be converted!!!! Seek Christ the Good Shepherd whilst he is still to be found and the Holy Spirit will descend on you and lead you the way you must go.
Be converted, and Jesus and Mary will accompany on your walk and the Holy Spirit will descend on you. the Holy Spirit is even now driving out the forces of the Antichrist from your life. Be attentive and listen to his voice. The still small voice within you. Be converted for the love of God.
@ Vox,
“Then I made a circular motion with my finger to include the three of us in a group and said “Our faces. White male faces. The faces you see less and less represented all the time in photos like this.” I said “the message of the picture is pretty clear, think about it.” – Vox
Sure, that is everywhere now: TV (Talmudivision), movies, ads, on everything. If you do see what appears to look like a White male, at first glance, it is almost always a Jew, when seen close up. They have the beady little reptile-like soulless eyes, long hook nose, oily skin, and usually a scowl on their face.
What you saw was classic liberal communist Zionist Jew Diversity:
The Black women, (homosexuals) lesbians, Black male with VERY White skinned, and blond, or red hair Caucasian women, Asian-Pacific: either Orientals or Asiatic Indians (never Native Americans, Jews don’t want to risk empowering them, may have to pay future reparations $$$$) and of course the Jew/Jewess face is plastered everywhere!
It is so predictable it is almost comical, except, like you stated. Most Whites haven’t a clue that it is, and has been transpiring for 3 generations now. The Zionist Jew has wrecked the destruction of their race and culture, and these buffoons would rather ignore it and refuse to see reality and continue to live a fairy tale.
@ Oxy-continental Rocks.
What is your financial donation for using this site so frequently, to post your nonsense?
@ Stav,
“Pray for us Greeks all of you that can, things are not well at all.
I am not even sure I’ll be able to afford my Internet connection next month…” – Stav
I will pray for you too Stav and Greece.
Ο Χριστός είναι μαζί σας
Bro Nate,
What happen to all the old RZN group? Father Joseph, Father John, Donna Chestermigli, KJ(Orthodox Greek girl), Joe Cortina, KC…..etc.
I haven’t seen any post in months?
Are they financially OK?
Do they email you?
DWC none takes you seriously anymore. You are a well trained, well prepared well of disinformation. A troll.
It’s none of your business how much if anything I contribute to the site.
Dear Oxy and DWC –
Please end the thread. +bn
Dear Words of Wisdom:
I am hearing impaired and I would appreciate a written text on BN+’s videos!!!
God Bless Brother Nathanael!
That’s what I thought, Zero. You got it Nate, what about my question of the old RZN posters?
Where did everyone go?
White males in movies play the darkest roles, even when the roles appear to be race neutral. For example, in the sequel to Wall Street, all the actors who played failures or who got dumped on the most blatantly are actually Gentiles in real life. The real life Jews in the film (though not playing Jews) came out on top.
I opened a magazine the other day and saw an ad for the most disgustingly evil new production on HBO — all the main characters are white. All of them.
The darkest characters in all the horror films are white; I don’t see horror films, but I sit through the ASSAULT of this crap when I visit a theater and am stuck with the previews. I watch to see if the perp is white, and the answer is always yes.
One of the world’s greatest actors, Tony Hopkins, has made millions playing mass murderers and other characters from the crypt. Anthony Hopkins!
This garbage is washing over our FAMILIES, our SOULS, but I think the people who are getting kicked in the b*lls the most are Gentile men! Don’t they see that they’re the only ones doing this crap?
Look at the What’s In Your Wallet Cap One commercials. A bunch of Barbarian Vikings. What would happen if they were instead a group of spear chucking Africans, incapable of knowing what money even is while they stumble through a modern world?
What would happen if we put a group of Mexicans, Native Americans or Jews from the Russian Shtetls in commercials, to mock their ancestors?
Why are white men putting up with this crap? Sometimes I wonder if Christian churches have sold the ‘turn the other cheek’ issue too well!
Dear DWC –
No one went anywhere. They simply haven’t commented for a while.
I still get emails from MANY who have posted here including our beloved Joe Cortina… +bn
OK Nate, on the number “666” getting back to something relevant to the title of the thread: (extracted from Internet article)
Is the barcode paving the road to 666: the Mark of the Beast?
Yes. The barcode undoubtedly is paving the road for 666: the Mark of the Beast.
The barcode did something very important to help bring in 666: The mark of the Beast. . .
The barcode opened the door (in fact, it not only opened it, it kicked the door down) to the “digital world.” Everything is now a number. Everything gets a barcode. As someone truly said, “If it exists, bar code it.” I remember when barcodes first started appearing.
I began telling people back then, the barcode was preparing the world for 666: the Mark of the Beast. Was I ever laughed at. . . even by the Christians. I can still remember their laughing and ridicule, “You mean to tell me, everything is getting one of those “marks.”
You mean, I’ll go even to the local “7-Eleven” and they’ll have laser scanners and they’ll scan these “marks.” No way. It would be too obvious what was happening. Everybody would know the mark of the beast is coming”.
But isn’t it amazing 30 years later. . . and nobody gives the “mysterious” barcodes even a “second thought.”
Satan very carefully and subtlety (see Genesis 3:1 and 2 Cor. 11:3) indoctrinated us to our wonderful, convenient, new “digital world.”
And the road to 666 is just ahead. . .
– Text — Text — Text –
“Mt Athos Prophecies On ‘666’”
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2011
All Rights Reserved
As early as 1992, Elder Paisios of Mt Athos, an Orthodox monastic enclave on Greece’s northeastern shore, gave a series of prophecies to a group of visiting monks, predictions which remarkably, are now unfolding right before our very eyes.
Elder Paisios began his clear-sighted and clairvoyant vision by warning of the dangers of the then newly-formed European Union. When the opening question was asked of Elder Paisios by the visiting monks, “How do you view the change taking place in Europe?” the holy elder answered:
“Christ will use these events for His Own Plan. The European Union is not the United States of America. For America, in its time, the unity of the States was beneficial. But hiding behind this so called European Union is a Zionist dictatorship.”
A “Zionist dictatorship”, as seen through the clairvoyant eyes of Elder Paisios as early as 1992? Yes. For what began as a supposedly economic union has over the years been transformed into an atheistic “cultural union” heavily influenced, as Elder Paisios predicted by Zionist-Jewish interests.
Indeed, EU’s governing body out of Brussels denies the role of Christendom’s formative influence of Europe. The EU forbids any mention of Christmas in Europe’s public schools while the Jewish anti-Christ holiday of Hanukkah has been incorporated and promoted by Europe’s leaders, as central to European culture.
The question was put to Elder Paisios again, but with a different twist, “If we keep the Orthodox traditions, can we influence the European Union for Orthodoxy and Christ?” The holy elder answered with a greater emphasis on the Judaic tyranny of the EU:
“Who listens to us anyways? You may want to help, but will they allow you? They will tell you to believe whatever you like, but at the same time they will put you in their basket. They will have complete control over you and will guide you according to their plans. Behind this Satanic system hides a Zionist dictatorship. The Jews have worked on this for years, planning to govern the world.”
When, during the closing first session with the visiting monks, the question was asked about the reign of the antichrist, Elder Paisios prefaced his answer by outlining the “economic” plan of the Jews and the significance of the number “666”:
“Even someone not familiar with St John’s writings in The Revelation about the number 666 belonging to the antichrist, judging from the events of our times, one could still understand what is happening. For the Zionist Jews, the three digits, 666, is a measure for their universal financial world order, a symbol of subjugation to them.”
Elder Paisios explained that the three digit number 666 is a symbol for Judaic world hegemony that was foreshadowed in the Old Testament during the reign of King Solomon:
“All the surrounding kings brought gold to King Solomon. The weight was 666 talents each year as recorded in the Old Testament book of the Chronicles of the Kings. It was a financial symbol, an established measure that every king subjected to King Solomon had to pay.
The Jews today are planning to control the world economy. They will have the ability to do this with the Brussels’ supercomputer. They will be able to monitor each one of us, monitoring all our information and all of our finances. The world economy will eventually be in the Jews’ hands.
Amazing, isn’t it! What is unfolding before our very eyes was predicted by Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain way back in 1992. Zionist Jewry now has total control of the world economy, but don’t let them take control of your very souls!
AmeriKwans will have to reach a point where they openly admit that there are now only two kinds of people in the world. Jews and everyone else.
In AmeriKwa the Jews are the only ones that matter both to Jews and the vast majority of the “everyone else.”
And now we’re to believe Ireland is the Failed Liberal Messiah’s Ancestral Homeland.
You can tell by the tightly curled hair, brown eyes, and dark skin that he’s obviously Irish.
Obama visits Ireland, his ancestral homeland:
Disgusted White Christian May 23, 2011 @ 3:06 pm Wrote:
“The Vatican is a gloomy place and they are wicked.” – ET
How many times does a person have to hear it was the crypto-fake Jews who slithered their way in to the Vatican, that corrupted it?
You sure you did not post under the moniker ” charlie” or was it “Stanley?” on here earlier, I can smell out people like hound dog.
There was an ex-Jew on here, who constantly argued with me saying it was the Jesuits, not World Jewry, running things, which is almost laughable, if it was so sickening to hear such stupid b_llsh_t!!!
If you can’t see Jews run the world, you are STUPID or BLIND?
DWC, how wrong you are! You cannot smell anything except your own poop. I have some decency and would never use any other monikers other than MINE!
St. Malachi prophesied about the last Pope. The time is ripe and they will get rid of Benedict just like Obama who are puppets of the Zionist.
The last one — His name is Romanov from Rome. He will be the Anti-Christ that is mentioned in the Book of Daniel, Thesalonica, and the Dragon from Revelation who will boast and is above the law.
However, I just read today a passage from the Book of Matthew that Jesus Christ came for the sinners and that said, we are not allowed to be self-righteous but warn people of the doom and gloom. Rest your case!
Dear Words of Wisdom:
Thank you for the BN’s hearing-impaired text.
Bless you,
I just don’t get this good Jew/bad Jew thing. I see Jews as a pyramid. The most ruthless and powerful are on top and the common garden variety Jews are on the bottom of the pyramid supporting the ruthless ones on top in many sneaky little ways.
Also, I believe that Judaism was always a satanic cult from the very beginning that forced itself on the true righteous Hebrews and their prophets. Judaism is an amalgamation of all kinds of evil tribes and cults going back thousands of years. Judaism is the umbrella organization for all these devil worshipping cults.
So it’s nonsense to say the later Khazars were the bad Jews and before them were the good Jews.
Jesus was not born into this satanic cult. I believe he and his family belonged to a righteous Hebrew religion that shunned the “synagogue of Satan.”
The most revered historical figure to modern Jews is King Solomon who worshipped demons.
His favorite demon was Asmodeus, the demon of lust, so there must have been many orgies in the temple during Solomon’s reign. Also, King Solomon sacrificed children to Molech, the god of the underworld better known as Satan or Lucifer.
So much for the idea of good Jews and bad Jews. They all embrace the devil to some degree and reject the Holy Ghost and the Father and the Son.
The claim that rejecting Jesus doesn’t hurt their salvation is not true. It does, if they also reject the Holy Spirit in Jesus and embrace the evil spirit. That bans them from heaven because no filthy, evil thing is allowed in heaven. They must repent of their sins.
The Jews that truly repent can go to heaven because repentance means they reject the devil and his vehicle Judaism and accept Jesus’ sacrifice as the great Lamb of God as their atonement and Saviour.
The Jews that don’t repent go to a lesser kingdom but not the highest kingdom of Jesus and the Father better known as “heaven.”
Open Letter To Dr Paul Craig Roberts –
This is an email I just sent to Dr Paul Craig Roberts regarding his Videos: “Revolution Is The Only Answer” Pts 1 & 2 that were just posted on @
Dear Dr Roberts –
You are right, only a “revolution” can save America. But, it will never happen.
We have, as you know, a military/police state in America and most Americans are passive, unrighteous, (who cannot stand up for justice and righteousness) and basically downright stupid — who serve their bellies and not Christian morality.
The “thugs” who rule our military/police state are Talmudic Jews Senator Joseph Lieberman & Michael Chertoff — not the alleged-lesbian Napolitano who is their puppet.
[ See My Videos “Chertoff’s TSA Death Scanners” @ & “TSA’s Zionist Food Chain” @ ]
As regards Lieberman’s announced retirement, please know, Jews NEVER retire — especially Talmudic Jews like Lieberman who will NEVER give up his TREMENDOUS power and influence as RULER of DHS.
[ See My Video: “Big Brother At The Airport” @ ]
The widening gap between the rich (Jews) and the vanishing Middle Class (White Christian Gentiles) ever widens.
The Jews (I grew up as a Jew) have all their money invested in the “emerging markets” that Goldman Sachs and their Jewish banking buddies of Finance Capital created in China and India.
[ See My Video: “The Oligarchs Of Globalization” @ ]
Thus the Jews will remain immune to the economic collapse of America while the Goyim, whom the Zionist Jews are hellbent on enslaving, will continue to lose their jobs and homes AND what meager savings they may have.
The “bankers” who have the REAL influence are all Jews:
Goldman/Sachs; NM Rothschild & Sons; ING Group of Amsterdam run by Rothschild; Oppenheimer Bank; Wolfensohn Int. Group; Sanford Weil’s CitiGroup; JP Morgan Chase; etc.
I was recently on Wall Street for my Street Evangelism and a well-dressed Gentile businessman walked up to me and engaged me in intelligent conversation.
When I told him, “If you’re not a Jew working on Wall Street then you’re not making any money nor any important decisions,” he immediately replied, “You’re right about that!”
+Brother Nathanael Kapner
Publisher, Real Zionist News @
@ Friedrich,
You wrote:
“I and others in the RZN family would feel alot more comfortable donating $$$ to your foundation and your noble cause’s ensuing expenses if I knew that what I donate is a tax deductible contribution. In that way we both mutually benefit in a win/win situation.
“Please let me know if your foundation is, in fact, a not-for-profit, or what it is classified as, and if it is registered with the IRS, and what percentage of what I decide to eventually donate is tax deductible when I finally report and itemize it when I file my tax return next year in 2012.
“Thx in advance for the info which will benefit yourself, myself and all members of the RZN family. It looks like it will help facilitate the positive cash flows to roll in quicker.”
I almost threw up when I read your post, Friedrich. How dare you ask if Brother Nathanael’s foundation is registered with the IRS, and if your contribution to his cause is tax-deductible? You must be a Jew; only a Jew would be so crass and money-hungry as to ask a dumb question like that.
Friedrich, you are well-named. Your brain is “fried,” and your motives of how you can become “rich” are disgusting, to say the least.
I suppose you deduct the contributions you make to your church — if you are a Christian, which I highly doubt — instead of following our Lord’s command to give to the poor without hesitation, and without consideration for your reward in heaven.
To answer your (stupid) question, of course Brother Nathanael’s foundation is not registered with the IRS. The government is owned and controlled by Jews, and they are not going to give any tax advantage to a true Christian like Brother Nathanael whose life is devoted to warning “How Zionist Jews Are Destroying Christianity Throughout The World,” as he says at the top of his forum.
Jews are doing everything they can in their considerable power to suppress Brother Nathanael’s message, and to make his life as difficult as possible.
Can you imagine the number of threats on his life, and the email messages that he receives every day telling him to “go f**k himself”?
Our Brother Nathanael is a very brave and tolerant Christian man to put up with such abuse. Not to mention the street crusades he conducts, bringing the message of Christ’s love to an unbelieving world.
Brother Nathanael was quite right in telling you to “shove it.”
I would add to you, Friedrich, go to hell. You’ll be at home there, with your fellow-Jews and Jew-lovers who reject Christ as their Lord and Savior, and who follow the commands of their father the Devil.
True Christians don’t think about tax advantages when they send money to Brother Nathanael and other worthy, Christ-loving websites. And any so-called Christian website that says that contributions are tax-deductible is obviously Jewish in spirit, if not in fact.
So take your money elsewhere, Friedrich, and take your Jew-backed tax deduction and, as Brother Nathanael has so aptly put it, “shove it.”
The biggest lie being told today is the lie that Jesus was a Jew.
Revelations warn of the people that will pretend to be Judean, but will in reality be the synagogue of satan. It is quite interesting to note how these people infiltrated the tribe of Juda.
In Ezra 8 it is explained to us.
In this chapter the Judeans are returning from their exile in Babylon. In Ezra 8:15 Ezra looks out over the tribe and in particular notices that under the priests their were no Levites. It must be understand that only the sons of Levi were allowed to be priests to the tribes.
Ezra send a runner back to the head of the Babylonian priesthood to ask the Babylonian high priest to send some Levites and he does send Ezra 38 Levites, but at the same time he also sends another 220 Babylonian priests.
The word used to describe these Babylonian priests in the bible is the Hebrew word Nethinims.
These are the people who’s ancestors would eventually kill Jesus. This is why there have always been two conflicting messages.
Some very interesting reading in which it is proposed that Cain founded the Sumerian empire after he was exiled from Eden.
Please read this E-Book.
Hi ET,
You say:
“St. Malachi prophesied about the last Pope.”
St. Malachi is not an Orthodox Saint, so please leave me the freedom not to take this prophecy as absolute truth.
Regardless, it is wise to admit that we don;t know much about who the anti-Christ will be.
Iran at odds with U.S. and Russia on smallpox stocks
The variola virus that causes smallpox is a virus that must be totally destoyed. After much concerted effort this dreadful and highly contagious disease that had been a scourge on this face of our world was finally eradicated.
However some nations took it upon themselves to retain the virii of it on the pretext that it is un-ethical to totally deliberatelly anihilate a life form. Same nations were also producing and weaponizing this virus by the tons only a few decades ago hence they can not and must not be trusted with the last remaining samples of the virus.
Smallpox is far more dangerous than atomic weapons and not only is no one today is immunized against this disease but there are zero stockpiles of vaccines anywhere were this disease to break out today. We must all make a stand against all nations stockpiling the last remaining variola virus to force them to relinquish their possession of it and gladly consing the virus to hell where it belongs.
Please read the following book to be scared out of your wits if you did not know what a nightmare smallpox was.
The Demon in the Freezer: A True Story
Author: Richard Preston | ISBN: 0375508562
Never mind Ebola, the hemorrhagic disease that was the main subject of Preston’s 1994 #1 bestseller, The Hot Zone. What we really should be worrying about, explains Preston in this terrifying, cautionary new title, is smallpox, or variola.
But wasn’t that eradicated? many might ask, particularly older Americans who remember painful vaccinations and the resultant scars. Officially, yes, nods Preston, who devotes the first half of the book to the valorous attempt by an army of volunteers to wipe out the virus (an attempt initially sparked by ’60s icon Ram Dass and his Indian guru) via strategic vaccination; in 1977 the last case of naturally occurring smallpox was documented in Somalia, and today the variola virus exists officially in only two storage depots, in Russia and at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta (in the freezer of the title).
To believe that variola is not held elsewhere, however, is nonsense, argues Preston, who delves into the possibility that several nations, including Iraq and Russia, have recently worked or are currently working with smallpox as a biological weapon. The author devotes much space to the anthrax attacks of last fall, mostly to demonstrate how easily a devastating assault with smallpox could occur here.
He includes an interview with Steven Hatfill, who has received much press coverage for the FBI’s investigation of him regarding those attacks; his description of meeting Hatfill, hallmarked by a quick character sketch (“He was a vital, engaging man, with a sharp mind and a sense of humor…. He was heavy-set but looked fit, and he had dark blue eyes”) is emblematic of what makes this New Yorker regular’s writing so gripping.
Preston humanizes his science reportage by focusing on individuals – scientists, patients, physicians, government figures. That, and a flair for teasing out without overstatement the drama in his inherently compelling topics, plus a prose style that’s simple and forceful, make this book as exciting as the best thrillers, yet scarier by far, for Preston’s pages deal with clear, present and very real dangers.
Don Nardo, “The Black Death (World History)”
Lucent Books | 2011 | ISBN: 1420503480 | 128 pages | PDF | 7,8 MB
…one of the worst natural disasters in recorded history. Just two years before… a horrifying disease epidemic struck Florence, Italy. At the same time, the disease was beginning to ravage Greece, Spain, France, and other parts of southern Europe.
People also started contracting it in Palestine, Egypt, and across North Africa. In the short span of about four years, the disease killed at least 25 million people in Europe alone. Many millions more succumbed in the regions bordering Europe.
The disease not only killed people with abandon, but it also wiped out the populations of entire towns, destroyed national economies, altered numerous political and social institutions, and changed the way many people felt about God and the church
Almost a “must watch”:
CBS 60 Minutes “Mount Athos”! Shot only a few months ago!
Behind the scenes:;housing
Very interesting!
Do you have hoff’s web site address? There was a book I was in the middle of before I went into rehab. Thanks in advance.
All of my bookmarks were wiped out and my computer was cleaned while I was away. The family wants me in the here “IN THE NOW,” present, and not educating myself on world problems or doom and gloom stuff, they tell me…
Brother Nathanael,
I must ask you this last time for your trust and understanding when I say money is on the way.
Where I’ve been — I was sent away to a facility (family intervention ) and while there I had an incident with a Rabbi — The Rabbi had a temper tantrum over my concerns for Palestinian people.
I told that Rabbi: You follow your -god- ; as I performed the sign of the cross and told him that he was a liar and that I will follow MY GOD; “THE FATHER, THE SON, Jesus Christ, and HOLY SPIRIT”.
The institution then heavily medicated me for 3 days while they attempted to put me back in detox and even kick me out of the facility. All the other patients were told I was a trouble maker and to stay clear of me. The most popular and outspoken patients were told some lies about me. They would try to instigate trouble with me.
To all the others here that are attempting to disrupt — Go follow your – god – or maybe start to prepare for ‘the real deal’, GOD and the JUDGEMENT DAY that awaits you…
@ Bro Nat
I realize you are in business but if you were in the construction industry as I am, you would have seen that ALL of the Stimulus Grants for so called “research” and “boots on the ground” projects went to Jews. Not some but ALL of it.
Once you read through any list of recipients and then trace it back and see the names associated with that company, you would see it’s a Jew company. Not a Gentile amongst the list.
@ African4
“Your Jesus was Jewish!” is a scare tactic used by Jews and non-Jews to scare Christians into submission. What they’re saying is that “We are your Messiah” because Jesus is related to us (Jews) even though we killed Him.
Jews try to scare Christians in to believing that they can not defy a Jew’s commands because that is the equivalent of defying Christ.
Jesus of the Biblical description was a Nazarene. However, all tribes of the world report having been visited by Christ at this same time. This is largely ignored in order to serve Jewish interests. But it is prevalent through all tribe’s traditions handed down through generations.
So it is my personal belief as a Christian that Christ appeared to all nations and all tribes, not just the so called “Holy Lands.” This speculation would firmly point to Jesus Christ not having been a Middle Easterner and as a matter of fact he is of no faith and no nationality as he was Divinity.
He would have appeared before you as what you would have been most comfortable with. If you were a North American Indian he would have appeared to you as being of the Red Race, if you were a Afrikaner he would have appeared as of the Black race and so on……
@ All
Netanyahu’s speech to Congress met with HUGE cheers:
Tells you who runs things and who Congress recognizes doesn’t it?
Wow!!! and omg!!!!… Just got this from a contact.
Sit down, buckle yourself in, and pour yourself a double. If this story has legs at all, and I believe it does, the political earthquake that ensues from this will make “Watergate” look like a church picnic.
Is BHO, (the unknown president) a foreign plant? It sure looks like it. And, what a surprise, it looks like the usual subjects are involved. This is why that obscure language in the Constitution requiring that all Presidents be “natural born” is so important. (It always amazes me the degree of prescience shown by our founding fathers.)
Will the U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois do their jobs? We shall see…..
“Because you will not hear this one on CBS, NBC, ABC, or any of the other feign stream news organizations.”
Who is Barack H. Obama, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, a.k.a.Harrison J. Bounel, really?
The fox in the hen house has been identified. You wanted change, did you get what you wanted?
If these allegations are true, the half-white, bisexual, Nobel Peace Prize winner, pinko-commie Kenyan usurper, dead beat debtor, and his accomplices in crime should be in prison at Guantanamo Bay with the rest of the terrorists for the rest of their natural lives.
“St. Macarius was living among some ruins when one day he found a skull and turning it over with his staff, asked it who it had been.
‘I was the high priest of the pagans of this place.’ it answered. ‘And where are you now?’ he asked. ‘In Hell!’ came the reply.
Macarius then asked the skull if its place was very deep in Hell. ‘As far down as the earth is lower than Heaven.’
‘Are there any souls lower than you?’ ‘Yes, the souls of the Jews.’
‘And are there any souls lower than the Jews?’ ‘Yes, the souls of bad Christians – who were redeemed by the blood of Christ but valued their salvation so cheaply.’”
I accidentally uncovered very disturbing fact that doesn’t look like coincidence at all. Brother Nathanael, I would appreciate if you could comment on this or make a movie. We need explanation to this. Thank you! God Bless You!
Here it is:
If we number each letter of English alphabet from 1 to 26 and multiply each number by 9 then the following words in sum would produce 666.
A = 1 x 9 = 9
B = 2 x 9 = 18
C = 3 x 9 = 27
D = 4 x 9 = 36
E = 5 x 9 = 45
F = 6 x 9 = 54
G = 7 x 9 = 63
H = 8 x 9 = 72
I = 9 x 9 = 81
J = 10 x 9 = 90
K = 11 x 9 = 99
L = 12 x 9 = 108
M = 13 x 9 = 117
N = 14 x 9 = 126
O = 15 x 9 = 135
P = 16 x 9 = 144
Q = 17 x 9 = 153
R = 18 x 9 = 162
S = 19 x 9 = 171
T = 20 x 9 = 180
U = 21 x 9 = 189
V = 22 x 9 = 198
W = 23 x 9 = 207
X = 24 x 9 = 216
Y = 25 x 9 = 225
Z = 26 x 9 = 234
(L)108 + (U)189 + (C)27 + (I)81 + (F)54 + (E)45 + (R)162 = 666
(M)117 + (E)45 + (S)171 + (S)171 + (I)81 + (A)9 + (H)72 = 666
(J)90 + (E)45 + (S)171 + (U)189 + (S)171 = 666
(G)63 + (O)135 + (S)171 + (P)144 + (E)45 + (L)108 = 666
(C)27 + (R)162 + (O)135 + (S)171 + (S)171 = 666
(J)90 + (E)45 + (W)207 + (I)81 + (S)171 + (H)72 = 666
Holowhopper of the day – the SS made sausages (kremawurst) out of human flesh:
“What can we say about former Krematorium III Sonderkommando member David Olère coolly telling me in 1981 that the SS made sausages of human flesh; except that he was still living in the nightmare that had been imposed on him and recounted anything that came into his head, whereas I held in my hands his own drawings of 1945-47 which are masterpieces of authenticity.” Jean-Claude Pressac, Auschwitz: Technique & Operation of the Gas Chambers, 1989
The Fukushima reactor is still spewing its ungodly burden on our world and we pretend that everything is fine.
Had you been in Singapore and dropped a bit of chewing-gum on the sidewalk, or had you lit a cigarette on a no smoking zone then God forbid – but this megadisaster that is unfolding before our eyes, none of our authorities ever lifts a finger against the instigators of this awful and dangerous energy form and neither do they explain to us the dangers it involves to all life forms, the environment and specifically the future world.
Which goes on to show that humanity has its priorities backward and can not figure out whether chewing-gum pollution takes precedence over atomic and nuclear waste pollution.
To give you an idea, imagine a nightmare world where everything is misshapen and the image of whom we were made in is mocked and made a charade.
Chernobyl Decay and Deformed
Children of Chernobyl – 49min. documentary
Still want more nuke plants?
Mmmmm, kremawurst, tasty! LOL
Makow has written an article in about Obama’s grandfather being a Jew. Give me a break!
The Jews accepted the grandfather in their communistic group because they were living then in Chicago and most black and Irish (Dunham is an Irish name) were joining the rich Jews for monetary benefits.
Ms. Dunham joined the Communists and worked for Geithner’s father. Since she was an insider trying to promote their agenda, they were comfortable in selecting Obama.
Obama’s grandfather looks like an American Indian. I am not sure why Obama and Hillary Clinton (another Irish/English Bitch) love the fanning from the Jewish quarters and like to affiliate with the name “Jew.”
What if the Jews were like the Blacks and poor, they would never have related their names or had anything to do with them. The label “Rich” “Powerful,” etc. is important to small minded people, because they see the outward popularity rather than the inward man.
Obama is an African Egyptian, French, American Indian, Irish mixture.
It doesn’t matter about Obama’s past.
You all voted for him. That is why he’s in the White House with an assumed name. The name he assumed is a combination of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. Just to prove how dumb you all are. That’s the biggest joke at the club.
I wouldn’t worry about Jews too much. I’d get your own house in order and stop worshiping the “God” on your one dollar bill…Satan.
DWC. How are my many contributions to Br. Nathanael any of your business? I don’t brag about them like you do.
Mike, would it be the same in Dutch?
I don’t think so. English is not a special language.
The average value of a 5.7 letter word is 666.
Example: 26/2*5.7*9 = 667. That is if all letters were used equally.
That means that 5 or 6 letter words would be more likely to end up in that range. I am sure it is just a coincidence.
Sadly, the kremawurst story turned out to be true. I found proof right here:
Hans-Werner Sinn, “Casino Capitalism: How the Financial Crisis Came About and What Needs to be Done Now”
Publisher: Oxford University Press | 2010 | ISBN: 0199588279 | PDF | 304 pages | 10.2 MB
In Casino Capitalism, Hans-Werner Sinn examines the causes of the banking crisis, points out the flaws in the economic rescue packages, and presents a master plan for the reform of financial markets.
Sinn argues that the crisis came about because limited liability induced both Wall Street and Main Street to gamble with real estate properties. He meticulously describes the process of lending to American homeowners and criticizes both the process of securitizing and selling mortgage claims to the world, as well as the poor job rating agencies did in providing transparency.
He argues that the American Dream has ended because the world now realizes that this dream was built on loans that are never likely to be repaid.
Sinn also asserts that the banking crisis has not yet been resolved, because the necessary write-offs of toxic assets have largely been swept under the carpet. Comparing actual worldwide write-offs with those estimated by the IMF estimates, he concludes that substantial parts, if not most, of the true losses have yet to be revealed and that the banking systems of many countries are on the brink of insolvency.
In view of this, he directs sharp criticism at the various economic rescue packages, arguing that the plans assume that banks have a liquidity problem while, in fact, they suffer from a solvency crisis.
Sinn points out that the conflict between the goals of rescuing banks in the short term and inducing more prudent behaviour in the long term requires the government to help the banks, but not their shareholders, by becoming a temporary co-owner.
In addition, he calls for higher equity requirements, a worldwide return to more cautious accounting methods, a ban on extremely speculative short selling, and strict regulations on conduits, hedge funds and credit default swaps.
This authoritative account provides an invaluable overview for academics, students, policymakers, politicians, and all those with an interest in the unprecedented 2008 banking crisis.
“”I Stand With Israel! The Congress Stands With Israel & America Stands With Israel!” Sen Reid pt.2 ”
“Netanyahu: America is Easy to Push Around (English Subtitles)”
This is the biggest horse s**t l ever heard.
“Netanyahu addresses Congress (MAY 24 2011) ”
Tex Marrs quote.
“Judaism itself is one of the world’s largest sex cults. It holds that distinction in common with a secret sect, secret society which actually is based on the Jewish Kabbsala which, as you know is the Masonic Lodge, Freemasonry.
Freemasonry has the six pointed star in their square and compass symbol. that IS the six pointed star.”
Discussion on his new book “The Six Pointed Star.” [450 pages]
What difference is Clowngress USA 2011 and Jew run Soviet 1930?
Same Jew-whores. Same s**t Jew-whores.
“Stalin speech buzzer” :
(W)207 + (I)81 + (S)171 + (D)36 + (O)135 + (M)117 = 747
Coincidence? I THINK NOT!!! I’m actually writing this while on an airplane.
I found the perfect acronym: TICK.
Talmud International Crime Kabal.
Not only does it avoid lumping all Jews in with the satanists, but the TICK is an insect parasite, and a malignant one.
FROM JOE CORTINA – Web Site “My Name Is Joe Cortina” @
Well – It looks like I need to make an ‘appearance’ every now and then just to takes names and kick ass – NOT That Brother Nate cannot connect the dots and kick some butt on his own!
Observations: This blog now has over a HUNDRED posts – mostly meaningless bullshit and ‘threads’ of childish squabbling. I have suggested time and time again that readers PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC! Nathanael spends a LOT of effort AND $ in the organization and research of each new topic for the purpose of YOUR EDUCATION.
This site is NOT for the greater glory of your personal sick twisted divisive ego trip lectures. ARE YOU LISTENING? – HIGHPRIESTESS – FRIEDRICH and the rest of you moles and argumentative experts? Get the hell off our site and don’t bother to come back.
I wanted to vomit when I read the comment about the necessity for more definite tax ‘status’ for donations – so as to be more mutually beneficial. For God sake man – our Brother Nate has sacrificed his LIFE his FREEDOM – his PERSONAL comfort – most material rewards of life – AND THAT’S NOT ENOUGH?!
And as for you Catholic bashers – you people are too young to remember the FACT that the ONLY REAL AND EFFECTIVE enemy of the evil of the Jews when I was a child and teen in the 40s and 50s WAS the CATHOLIC CHURCH – PERIOD!
Yes – the Church has been infiltrated and our current Pope is more a wicked evil JEW than a true follower of Christ – but lets not ‘throw out the baby with the bathwater’. He is a blasphemous abomination and needs to be exposed for what he is – an enemy of the Lord.
STOP the bickering – STOP the of topic tirades – You well educated experienced readers – like DWC – when you detect what is OBVIOUSLY deception and purposeful divisiveness and ad-hominem attacks from Jew moles or useful idiots acting in their behalf – then take a brief off topic post to CONDEMN the offensive SOB and DEMAND he or she GET LOST!
This is ‘YOUR’ SITE! It is NOT owned and controlled by the stinking wicked Jews – or IsraHELL or our Jew dominated corrupt evil government. It is run and administered by our own courageous TRUE Orthodox Christian friend scholar and truth-seeker – Brother Nathanael.
In today’s sick twisted society of this morally rotted corpse – consider yourselves FORTUNATE to have such a man with the knowledge AND courage to speak the TRUTH. As long as he uncompromisingly and fearlessly continues to deliver these valuable truths – I will support defend and sustain him the best I can.
I – as he knows – am not fearful of disagreeing with him on his stances – as sometimes he appears to be harsh or cynical. DO NOT misinterpret these ugly truths as anything but – THAT!
Aside from not having been raised Jewish – I have had a GREAT DEAL Of experiences in the REAL outside world as it pertains to issues with Jews – here in our own ZOG and in IsraHELL. I am now 73 as of last week and have experienced more horrors than most folks.
When he surmises that we will never have the guts to revolt regardless of how much abuse we suffer he is correct as he quotes: ” Americans are a passive people who can and will not stand up for justice” – he is DEAD NUTS ON TARGET TRUE. SAD – DISGRACEFUL – SICKENING – but TRUE. I haven’t seen him essentially wrong on any issue yet.
When this whole deck of flimsy cards comes crashing down around us – NONE can say that NO ONE HAD THE GUTS TO WARN AND EDUCATE US.
The ONLY people I despise MORE than the Jews – are those treasonous putrid scum who have sold out our nation – betrayed us from within and are as solely responsibe for our demise AND the worldwide suffering of hundreds of millions of innocent human beings – the MOST EVIL of ALL criminals in this land – the stinking ‘Bapt-Duhs’!
Yes – they ARE hypocrites and Pharisees – the WORST enemies of Christ – NO – Scripture does NOT mandate we Love the enemies of the Lord. NO – they are NOT ‘my neighbors’.
You should see the way these pasty-faced, fat, red-neck morons kissed the asses of their Christ-hating Jew hosts/masters in IsraHELL – too stupid to even realize the Jews were laughing their asses off at their stupidity. A prime example is the sap Huckabee.
These pernicious, criminally ignorant, hypocrite filth are the REAL harbingers of death and destruction – the TRUE enablers of ALL serial wars – and the useful idiot demons who will inevitably cause – encourage – enable and percipitate the NEXT WORLD WAR! Watch and see!
The Jews are just the evil demonic opportunists who utilized their weak superstitious minds and imbecile servile natures to do what evil greedy Jews do best – create misery for mankind. Be sure and thank your Zio-bot Bapt-Duh ‘friends’ for what they have done to us.
Joe Cortina – been there – seen that – done that.
AND: See My Site “My Name Is Joe Cortina? @
BTW – a superb professional presentation – in content AND format first class – loved the new look – Madison Ave quality.
You’ve come a long way, Bro.
Peter W. Flint, “The Bible at Qumran: Text, Shape, and Interpretation (Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature) ”
Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company | ISBN 10: 0802846300 | 2001 | PDF | 266 pages | 5.9 MB
The Bible at Qumran puts the Dead Sea Scrolls to use in exploring two principal themes: the text and shape of the “Bible” at Qumran and the interpretation of these scriptures in this fascinating Jewish community.
Written by leading scholars in the field, these informed studies make an important contribution to our understanding of the biblical text at a pivotal period in history.
Martin G. Abegg Jr.
James E. Bowley
Craig A. Evans
Peter W. Flint
James A. Sanders
James M. Scott
Eugene Ulrich
James C. VanderKam
Robert W. Wall
Bruce K. Waltke
You’re right; it’s only this way in English. Thanks for sharing your idea. Although, it’s not very convincing.
Those who were involved in Bible translation knew much about things like Cabbala, Zohar and Occult numerology. If that was a coincidence they would not let it pass, they would have caught it. There is something else to it.
Words of Wisdom,
How does number 747 relate to a Bible?
Was 747 given any meaning by any religious scriptures? May be Zionists used Christianity in some way to make their plan possible. Look at Geographical map of ZOG. Their most successful implementations are in Christian courtiers. They may have used Christianity to enslave and stupidity populations by misinterpreting the real message if Christ.
It’s very likely that they promote false believes to us, in order to make it possible for them to reach their goal.
I am proud to stand with the current Pope.
I prayed for his election and God ‘answered ‘ my prayer.
@ All
Rare color photos from the 1940s (before the JewSA was ruined with multiculturalism, diversity and talmudic rule).
The Secret History of the World.
THE Most Dangerous Secret Society – How clandestine elites actually gain and hold power.
By Craig Heimbichner.
What’s beyond Freemasonry? That’s the question investigators have pondered for decades.
The author furnishes fascinating answers as he probes deeply into the sooty arcana of the Ordo Templi Orientis or OTO the highest secret society to which elite Freemasons EMIGRATE as part of a process of OCCULT SUCESSION. “Blood on the Altar” pursues the shape-shifting trail of this successor group on the Left as the pillar of a liberterian ethos, avant-garde drug culture, and radical hedonism and on the Right, as the pillar of aristocratic preference for authoritarian rule and classical culture.
Heimbichner has deconstructed not just a Janus [double]-faced secret society but a method of operation so DECEPTIVE the reader can hardly believe that such audacity and far-flung duplicity and misdirection could possibly succeed for so long without exposure.
But succeed it has until now.
The head-spinning trail of the OTO leads us from the U.S. government to the NASA rocket program, and from the Hollywood film industry to Right-wing “patriot” groups.
The OTO has cast its spell over a double-minded populace alternately seeking freedom-and-constraint, sex-and-repression, magic-and-Christendom, science-and-superstition.
Blood on the Altar shows the OTO to be the signature secret society behind the most dazzling – and puzzling – charades of the modern Cryptocracy.
Highly recommended to all serious students of how clandestine elites actually gain and hold power.
A 747 is a Boeing airplane. If you have to ask what a 747 has to do with the Bible, then you obviously didn’t understand my sarcasm.
Don’t get trapped up in numerology. Which do you have faith in: the Holy Gospels or some website you found that you pasted into our comments section?
LUCIFER adds up to 666… interesting, but whatever.
JEWISH adds up to 666… cool, whatever.
But as soon as you started seeing these words: MESSIAH, JESUS, GOSPEL, and CROSS; you should have known better than to question the Holy Bible with some stupid numbers game.
Hello Mr.Cortina, your comment was a refreshing read.
God Bless you and Brother Nathanael.
By Rev. Ted Pike
24 May 11
Top rated talk show host Michael Savage says the Bible predicts coming war and invasion against Israel and that Obama and nations resisting “God’s chosen people” are fomenting it. He says those who come against Israel will ultimately face ghastly annihilation by the Almighty.
Savage (Jewish) says that, by calling for pre-1967 borders of a new Palestinian state, President Obama is “laying the groundwork for a massive war against the Jewish people in the Middle East.” He implies it is morally dangerous and reprehensible to criticize Israel, giving aid and comfort to its enemies and God’s.
He says God, in turn, will wage war against all “these despicable nations that Obama is in love with [who] rise up against the Jewish people… there will be so many corpses coming at Israel, it will take years to bury all the corpses of those that rise up against Israel.” (See WND’s article Americans to Israel: Don’t listen to Obama)
Savage read extensively on the air from Ezekiel 38 and 39, ominous Old Testament Scriptures which are taken very seriously by evangelicals yet are completely misunderstood by them.
Here is what these chapters really say:
Beginning with chapter 38, God is telling the prophet that in the last days “the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal,” clearly the Antichrist, will look covetously at the riches of Israel. The people of Israel are living in what seems to be a state of millennial security and bliss. They have been “gathered out of many people” and are “brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.” (Ezekiel 38:8)
“They are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates.” (Ezekiel 38:11) A cursory reading of these passages might indicate that what the prophet is seeing is the Jews in the millennium. Such far-seeing prophecies almost have us believe that the lion has at last lain down with the lamb, with contentious Israel now dwelling at peace with the nations.
Israel at Peace, Yet Wicked
We are jerked back to reality, however, in Chapter 39 where it says that during this period of sweetness and light Israel is actually “polluting God’s holy name,” (Ezekiel 39:7) trespassing His commandments (Ezekiel 39:26) and because of their iniquities He is hiding His face from them! (Ezekiel 39:29)
All this is done, as verse 26 says, “when they dwelt safely in their land, and none made them afraid.”
It is because the iniquity of Israel will have reached an unendurable magnitude at this time that God will call the “prince of Gog” (Russia) to invade Israel, conquer it, and disperse them into captivity for their sins (Ezekiel 39:23-28).
Until then, it is implied that Israel does not know God; yet after this great punishment to come, the prophet says. . . “the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that and forward.” (Ezekiel 39:22)
The prevalent evangelical viewpoint denies that Gog will successfully invade Palestine or enslave the Jews. Ezekiel 38:18 is cited as upholding this claim. “And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face.”
This and subsequent Scripture which describes the armies of Gog being destroyed on the mountains of Israel are taken as proof that Jerusalem in the last days is invulnerable to attack by Antichrist or by Russia. These Scriptures are widely quoted by fundamentalists as giving assurance to America that a war fought in defense of Israel can never be lost.
However, Scripture says nothing of the kind. Ezekiel 38:18 merely points out the fact that God is seized with anger at Gog’s presumption. But in no way does it infer that He immediately destroys him, something which would frustrate the whole structure of prophetic judgment on apostate Jewry.
Such necessitates chastisement of the Jews at the hand of the Antichrist (“wrath on this people,” as Jesus predicted in Luke 21:23), and the Antichrist in turn is chastised by God.
In fact, Ezekiel 39:23 proves that, although Gog is finally destroyed by God in Palestine and on the mountains of Israel (battle of Armageddon), yet it is only after he conquers and enslaves the Jews: “Israel went into captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against me, therefore I hid my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies; so fell they all by the sword.”
What Does It Mean?
What are the implications of these incredible Scriptures? What do they tell us concerning the future of Israel?
First, they assert that just before the millennium there is coming a period of great “peace and safety” for Israel, so much so that she will be able to “dwell without bars or gates.” She will have no need of the conventional defenses that have been vital to every other period of her history.
This is especially unprecedented for a nation which, because of her size and geographical location, has always had to be militaristic.
And this period is not, as idealists might suggest, a coming era of world utopia, when not only Israel but all nations will be living “without bars or gates,” with aggression having lost its appeal to the nations as a way of settling issues.
It surely has not lost its appeal to the Antichrist, as Chapter 38 indicates, who is about to swoop down upon the rich yet undefended land of Israel!
No, there must be another reason why a city and people possessing such wealth are totally undefended; a reason that is much more in keeping with human nature and the dynamics of world politics.
It is because Jerusalem, or Babylon the Great, is in such military and economic control of the nations that the threat of anyone coming against her has become obsolete. We are told that the Great Harlot and the beast she rides upon do not simply share power with the world, but rule it, exercising lordship and dominion over “all nations, kindreds and tongues.” (See, ‘Babylon the Great’ is Israel)
Does Ezekiel describe that state of Israel’s impregnability which the nations admire and lament, when they say of her new husband, Antichrist, “Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” (Revelation 13:4)
Yes, he does. These amazing passages clearly describe Israel in dominion of the world, a dominion which has brought her the impregnability and “peace and safety” she has coveted so long, yet without the clean heart God says she must have if she is to inherit the land.
These passages ominously remind us that the Jewish return to Palestine today is indeed prophesied in Scripture, yet not in the joyous way we would like to believe.
The present experiment in Palestine is headed directly for the kind of world control which necessitates that every other rival become impotent.
For if the Jews will someday live in such a utopia that “none made them afraid” and yet are wicked, it can only be because those who might make them afraid are powerless to do so. There is no other way to make sense of these Scriptures.
A Jewish Funeral
With such a pattern established in the Old Testament, it is not surprising that a very similar situation appears in the last book of the New Testament. In Revelation 17 a great harlot is described as fornicating with the kings of the earth and making the earth drunk with the wine of her spiritual lewdness.
Such a description of Israel could have been lifted out of Hosea, Joel, Jeremiah, or Ezekiel. In more than 80 of the clearest statements, Israel is described as being the archetypal harlot, the first to have had spiritual relationship with God and the first to violate it.
Yet, just as Israel of old was turned upon by her lovers, Assyria and Babylon, ravished, desolated and burned with fire, so we see the “Great Harlot” in the last days undergoing the same fate.
Ten world rulers, in confederation with Antichrist, the beast upon whom the woman sits, shall do exactly what the confederate armies under Sargon II did to Israel, what Nebuchadnezzar did to Judah, what the forces of Antiochus Epiphanes did to Palestine, and what Titus did to Jerusalem. Only they bring against Zionist world control an international army so numerous it takes seven years to bury their corpses.
This powerfully indicates that “tiny” Israel has mushroomed into a world-dominating government of such impregnability that Antichrist believes he needs the largest army in history to overthrow it.
The destruction of the Mother of Harlots, Israel, in the last days thus completes a pattern of apostasy and inevitable judgment established and repeated millenniums ago.
The Jews have forgotten or ignored those slumbering curses pronounced by every major prophet from Moses to Malachi against Israel if she continued in rebellion. And the Church today has assisted Israel in that amnesia, cooing, like the false prophets of old, that Jerusalem need not fear destruction.
‘Bibi’ Votes Republican
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Tuesday – May 24, 2011
Not since Nikita Khrushchev berated Dwight Eisenhower over Gary Powers’ U-2 spy flight over Russia only weeks earlier has an American president been subjected to a dressing down like the one Barack Obama received from Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday.
With this crucial difference. Khrushchev ranted behind closed doors, and when Ike refused to apologize, blew up the Paris summit hosted by President de Gaulle.
Obama, however, was lectured like some schoolboy in the Oval Office in front of the national press and a worldwide TV audience.
And two days later, he trooped over to the Israeli lobby AIPAC to walk back what he had said that had so infuriated Netanyahu.
“Bibi” then purred that he was “pleased” with the clarification.
Diplomatic oil is now being poured over the troubled waters, but this humiliation will not be forgotten.
What did Obama do to draw this public rebuke? In his Thursday speech on the Arab Spring and Middle East peace, Obama declared:
“We believe the borders of Israel should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states. … Israel must be able to defend itself — by itself — against any threat.”
Ignoring Obama’s call for “mutually agreed swaps” of land to guarantee secure and defensible borders for Israel, Netanyahu, warning the president against a peace “based on illusions,” acted as though Obama had called for an Israel withdrawal to the armistice line of 1967.
This was absurd. All Obama was saying was what three Israeli prime ministers — Yitzhak Rabin, Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert — have all recognized.
To get Palestinian and international recognition for a united Jerusalem and Israel’s annexation of the settlements around the city, Israel will have to trade land for land.
Obama was not saying the 1967 borders were to be the end of negotiations but the starting point. Indeed, where else would one begin land negotiations if not from the last recognized map?
Undeniably, Netanyahu won the smack-down. The president was humiliated in the Oval Office, and in his trip to AIPAC’s woodshed he spoke of the future peace negotiations ending just as Israelis desire and demand.
Nor is this the first time Obama has been rolled by the Israeli prime minister. Obama came into office demanding an end to all new or expanded settlements on the West Bank and in East Jerusalem, and subsequently backed down from each and every demand.
Fed up, his Mideast peace negotiator George Mitchell has quit.
Politically, too, the president has been hurt. To the world, and not just the Arabs, he appears weak.
In Israel, Netanyahu is seen as having stood up for Israel’s vital interests and forced an American president to back down. His right-wing coalition is cheering him on.
Indeed, the issue is not whether Obama has been hurt, but why Bibi, raised in the U.S.A., who knows American politics better than any previous Israeli prime minister, did it. Why wound Obama like that?
Why would the leader of a nation of 7 million that is dependent on U.S. arms, foreign aid and diplomatic support choose to humiliate a president who could be sitting in that office until 2017?
The one explanation that makes sense is that Netanyahu sees Obama as more sympathetic to the Palestinians and less so to Israel than any president since Jimmy Carter, and he, Netanyahu, would like to see Obama replaced by someone more like the born-again pro-Israel Christian George W. Bush.
And indeed, the Republicans and the right, Mitt Romney in the lead, accusing Obama of “throwing Israel under the bus,” seized on the issue and, almost universally, have taken Netanyahu’s side.
This could be a serious problem for the president and his party in 2012. For, consider:
In 2008, Obama won the African-American vote 95 to 4, or 16 to 1. He won the Jewish vote 78 to 21, by 57 points, a historic landslide.
These are arguably the two most reliable of Democratic voting blocs.
And while the Jewish vote may be only one-seventh of the black vote, it has proven decisive in the crucial state of Florida. Moreover, Jewish contributions, by some estimates, may make up half of all the contributions to the Democratic Party.
If, after hearing an Israeli prime minister berate Obama for ignorance or indifference to the cold realities the Jewish state faces, Jewish folks decide Obama is bad for Israel and close their checkbooks, the impact in a tight election could be critical.
On the other hand, for African-Americans to see the first black president treated like some truant third-grader by a prime minister of Israel whose nation is deeply dependent on this country has to grate.
In the short run, Bibi won the confrontation, hands down. Like no other leader before him, he humiliated a U.S. president in front of the world, forced him to revise his remarks of four days previous, then graciously accepted the revision.
But a second-term Obama is unlikely to forget what was done to him.
Words of Wisdom,
Yes I found that info on one of the web sites. I do not share the view of that web site owner. But it doesn’t matter where it came from.
This numerological fact existed for far longer time then whole internet. If someone made this up on a purpose it was done at the time of Bible translation from Hebrew and Greek to English. So, they would know the meaning of Hebrew letter Beth (nine). This could have only being done on the purpose.
So, you would say it’s just some stupid number game but at the same time you take this number serious when reading about it in the Bible. That’s a double-standard right there.
Or you would say that it doesn’t matter that it mentioned in the Bible? That’s not what good Christian would do.
Should good Christian use his logic and reasoning to define the reality or should he just blindly believe to something that was made in Israel? I’m not trying to offend Christianity but it’s the fact that whole story on which Christianity based originated in Israel.
If Christian should blindly believe to Christianity that came from Israel without applying logic and reasoning to reality then why do we even have this web site? It’s too political compared to Christian idea. And the politics are made of logic and reasoning which is not what Christian supposed to use.
It sounds like some people trying to use whatever is convenient at the time.
Brother Nathanael,
You say that America screwed up by Zionists and you skillfully educate people on all aspects of this situation. At the same time you say that revolution is not possible in America and there is no hope. Forgive me, but, is that the best you can do for people? Scare them up, disgust them, anger them and convince them that there is nothing that can be done. What type of Christianity is that? Aren’t you supposed to give people hope instead of making people craving for revenge that can never be done? You’re not helping poor souls to free up from this burden; instead you’re making it heavier.
People need to know what they can do, not what they can’t do. Is you final goal to make people miserable, hopeless and hateful, or to help them to cope through difficult times and find solution and heal their souls?
All made in Israel things, books and religions should be treated with suspicion. All we need to do is to belief to top real God and if Jesus is in him then he will accept us, understand us and forgive us under given circumstances. And if he will not forgive us for believing in his own father then is he really good?
Forgive me if my views differ from yours. Please explain you point of view so I could have a chance to change my mind if convinced.
@ All
U.S. political system will collapse soon: Ahmadinejad
Tehran Times Political Desk
TEHRAN – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said the current political system of the United States will collapse soon.
“Freedom-seekers will rule this country (the U.S.) soon,” Ahmadinejad said during an address on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony of the first phase of a gasoline production unit in Abadan, Khuzestan Province on Tuesday.
He added, “Those who speak of freedom (in the U.S.) themselves say which group has freedom (in their country) and can rule the country. What person seeking freedom has been able to win an election so far in this country, which calls itself the cradle of freedom?”
Only one group, either Democratic or Republican, can attain political power in the U.S., and the others are not allowed to express their ideas, he stated.
I almost forgot, I wanted to get back to the Judas Goat discussion.
It’s not that I hadn’t heard the expression before. I have, but I forgot how true it is of our current “Fourth Branch of Government.”
The Jewsmedia is all a Judas Goat and none better than Fox. They decorate their goats up with bleach blonde hair and enourmous breasts and tight dresses and then polish up the package with a Jew lackey, corrosive, anti-heterosexual, anti-White male, abusive, Western female mouth on her.
And then a mental midget of a White male with his ballcap brim turned backwards and his shirt half untucked drools “Man, she’s friggin HAWT! I’d do her.”
All while he’s being programmed to accept Jews as his master.
Thanks — We Needed That!!!!
Dear Mike –
You really want to pick a fight with me do you?
As I told some others here, “NEVER PUT DOWN A MAN WHO SPEAKS FOR THE TRUTH” my friend.
Here are the SOLUTIONS I wrote to someone else who was looking for some kind of “revolution”:
I have MANY TIMES given solutions to the Jew-takeover of the Western world – and NOW – with this Video @ I will give some “solutions” to the JEW-TAKEOVER of the World Economy, as Elder Paisios of The Holy Mountain predicted in 1992.
First of all, as I have encouraged my readers and viewers MANY TIMES, get yourselves in a Christian-oriented, Christ-Centered Community Church Life and support one another with prayer, fellowship, and helping one another in day to day needs.
Two, as I have encouraged MANY TIMES, get out of dollar denominated assets into silver and gold.
Three, as I have encouraged MANY TIMES, stock up on freeze dried foods, water, necessaries, heating and cooking alternatives like Coleman stoves etc.
Four, start a garden or greenhouse.
Five, preserve, protect, and make use of your 2nd Amendment rights “to bear arms.”
Six, keep your children away from the Jew TV and if possible, HOME SCHOOL them to protect against JEW-PROMOTED HOMOSEXUALITY and LESBIANISM for the Goyim.
Seven – Deepen your prayer life with Daily Prayer to Christ for Guidance, Protection, and Sustenance, both Spiritually and Physically.
Now if you want a “Final Solution” for the Jews, then you are living in a fantasy land.
The JEWS OWN AMERICA — And as this Video Makes Clear @ — the WORLD ECONOMY.
The Jews will allow some “Arab Springs” and some “Gaza Intervention by Egypt” just to make these nations feel good.
But ultimately, the JEWS DICTATE international policy. One false move from any Arab/Muslim Nation then the JEWS WILL SEND THEIR US-LED (same thing as JEW LED) NATO to bomb the splithereens out of them like they are doing in Libya to “protect” the “civilians” whom JEWS view as Goyim cattle.
The gap between the rich (JEWS) and the vanishing white middle class (the GOYIM) ever widens.
The JEWS HAVE PUT THEIR MONEY overseas in the “emerging markets” underwritten by their synagogue of satan leaders on Wall Street, Blankfein, Cohn, Rubin, Weil, Friedman, Bernanke, Greenspan etc. (They will remain financially secure while the GOYIM sink into deeper poverty.)
One peep out of an “America First” candidate and his presidential ambitions are over.
If you think the “ballot box” is a “solution” then again you are in a fantasy world.
The JEWS DECIDE who will run (and who will be known for they control the Main Stream Media) and you really DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE.
And even if 99% of America voted for Ron Paul, the JEWS WHO CONTROL THE MILITARY will RIG the Ballot Box and get their SCHWARTZA back in to the Oval Office.
If Obama really wanted a ‘change’ in the Mid East, he would have called for an END OF THE SETTLEMENTS.
Instead, he just parroted that old line of “pre-67 borders” which sounds statesman-like, but will NEVER HAPPEN and the schwartza knows it.
Prepare for his re-election, SEVERE GUN CONTROL, and Martial Law via some new False Flag that the Americans who “just love their fries” will fall for.
It’s all over John.
This is why after deep prayer and consultation I AM NOW GOING TO EVERY MAJOR CITY in the United States (next week Colorado Springs CO) and HOLD HIGH THE CROSS as a WARNING and A BANNER for people to TRUST IN — in preparation for a TOTAL JEW POLICE STATE.
We all must prepare for this horrible time by disciplining our eating habits, our prayer life, and vigilance for The Truth.
As for your “bugs and grasshopers” theory, that’s a laugh.
THE JEWS HAVE THE MONEY, THE POLITICAL LEVERS, EVERY CONGRESSMAN AND SENATOR IN THEIR POCKETS — AND THEIR POWER KEEPS ON GROWING, grasshoppers and bugs notwithstanding, for your grasshoppers and bugs HAVE NO INFLUENCE OR POWER even if they outnumber the Jews a million to one!
Please Consider Helping Me Financially Everyone!
To Donate Simply Click:
Or (My Personal Needs/rent, food etc):
Donations May Also Be Sent To:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
(Personal Needs) Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
God Bless You All! +Brother Nathanael
And the most courageous woman in the hallowed halls of the occupied congress of America is RAE ABILEAH !
Here’s a typical Jewish rock group in their tight pantyhose, black leather and face paint expressing how everyone here feels
– Text — Text — Text –
“AIPAC’S Prelude to Treason 2011”
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2011
All Rights Reserved
Once again it’s time to get our faces rubbed in the annual, beyond treasonous, morbid, political obedience show known formally as the AIPAC conference and held this year right in the capital of the “Zionist States of America”.
This kosher communist convocation and pinky ring (pun intended) will as always present a kennel full of political dogs who are the devoted servants of that Rothschild conceived, created, and owned racist thermonuclear genocidal crime state known as Israel… or IsraHell as many honorable human beings call it.
[Al Jazeera Audio Clip] “Morning their dead in the Gaza strip as Israel continues to bomb the territory for a third consecutive day.”
The usual types of traitorous American political goons will cue up to try to outdo each other, bootlicking the assembled AIPAC Jewish audience, hoping to be rewarded with Zionist cash and lots of Jewish votes.
Zionist Jewish agents, Cantor and Hoyer, will actually be the keynote speakers this year while goyim Zionist spear-carriers, Boehner and Reed, will keep the annual anti-American pimp show moving right along by pledging their eternal loyalty to the state of Israel.
Their all too predictable vows of their unbreakable bond, not to the Constitution and their constituents mind you, but to the outlaw state of Israel are guaranteed to repulse all true Americans of every race and religion.
For them, after all, there is no money to be had in a government by and for the people but there are plenty of shekels for US political hacks who are willing to serve the self-anointed, chosen master race.
The big boss of these American toadies is of course Israel Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu who would train the goyim shills in bowing and scraping to Zionist interests.
The speeches of these American turncoat career service of Israel, invariably parrot Bibi’s own shtick that the Israeli killer Jews are all just innocent victims.
Bibi did the same song and dance at last years AIPAC conference eliciting the contrived and utterly obedient sympathies of the goyim-hucksters in attendance.
[Benjamin Netanyahu audio clip] “The founding of Israel didn’t stop the attack on the Jews.”
As a dress rehearsal for these depraved American seekers of Jewish money and votes, they would do well to watch Jewish senator Steny Hoyer’s pledge of allegiance to Israel when he was seeking re-election money for his New York senate seat at the 2010 AIPAC conference.
You see, it’s not enough to vow an unbreakable bond with Israel to get the Jewish votes. One has to bow and scrape with all kinds of bonds as Hoyer did last year at AIPAC.
[Steny Hoyer audio clip] “At core there is an unshakable, unbreakable, unmovable bond between Israel and the United States.”
Or perhaps this from poodle Tony Blair at last year’s conference will show these American political prostitutes how to best please the Zionists by praising Israel as a moral model to the world.
[Tony Blair audio clip] “The Middle East region should regard Israel not as an enemy but as a model.”
In spite of Blair’s own admission that Israel’s checkpoints, searches, permits, demolitions, and security measures applied to Palestinians are often too heavy and too oppressive:
[Tony Blair audio clip] “The tragedy for Palestinians is… checkpoints, searches, permits, demolitions, and security measures that are often heavy and sometimes oppressive.”
But if the goyim shills, Boehner and Reed, really want to please the Jews then the example of Jewish Senator Eric Cantor’s war cry against Iran at AIPAC’s 2010 conference is a must for there upcoming speeches next week.
[Eric Cantor audio clip] “The Iranian regime emboldened by the west’s lack of unity and resolve brazenly forges ahead with its nuclear weapons program. And Iran’s president denies the Holocaust and threatens to wipe Israel off the map.”
What I have outlined, my friends, is a prelude of what to expect at next weeks AIPAC conference. More sucking up, more vows of loyalty to the Talmudic constitution of Israel, and more demands for war on pariah states such as Iran to send gentile American youths to their deaths, for American Jewry does not send their own to fight the very wars they incite and orchestrate half way around the globe.
Some may call all this groveling to the Zionist Jews at the AIPAC conference, and all year long, politics as usual. But I call it as it is… nothing less than the most treacherous treason to America possible!
Do you really think that the English language was created around some sort of numerological code? Or maybe you are trying to spread your doubt in the Christian faith onto other Christians?
In Jesus’ Revelation to John, JESUS SAYS that 666 is the number of the Beast. Did you read your Bible?
Why would Jesus call himself the Beast? Would a true Christian ever consider calling Jesus the Beast?
The Jews are the ones who are obsessed with words have a number equivalent. Why do you want to make the same mistake that these idiot Jews make?
@ All
Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them
A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem’s Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window. When the clergyman let the window down, the passerby spat in his face.
The clergyman preferred not to lodge a complaint with the police and told an acquaintance that he was used to being spat at by Jews. Many Jerusalem clergy have been subjected to abuse of this kind. For the most part, they ignore it but sometimes they cannot.
On Sunday, a fracas developed when a yeshiva student spat at the cross being carried by the Armenian Archbishop during a procession near the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City. The archbishop’s 17th-century cross was broken during the brawl and he slapped the yeshiva student.
Both were questioned by police and the yeshiva student will be brought to trial. The Jerusalem District Court has meanwhile banned the student from approaching the Old City for 75 days.
But the Armenians are far from satisfied by the police action and say this sort of thing has been going on for years. Archbishop Nourhan Manougian says he expects the education minister to say something.
“When there is an attack against Jews anywhere in the world, the Israeli government is incensed, so why when our religion and pride are hurt, don’t they take harsher measures?” he asks.
According to Daniel Rossing, former adviser to the Religious Affairs Ministry on Christian affairs and director of a Jerusalem center for Christian-Jewish dialogue, there has been an increase in the number of such incidents recently, “as part of a general atmosphere of lack of tolerance in the country.”
Rossing says there are certain common characteristics from the point of view of time and location to the incidents. He points to the fact that there are more incidents in areas where Jews and Christians mingle, such as the Jewish and Armenian quarters of the Old City and the Jaffa Gate.
There are an increased number at certain times of year, such as during the Purim holiday. “I know Christians who lock themselves indoors during the entire Purim holiday,” he says.
Former adviser to the mayor on Christian affairs, Shmuel Evyatar, describes the situation as “a huge disgrace.” He says most of the instigators are yeshiva students studying in the Old City who view the Christian religion with disdain.
“I’m sure the phenomenon would end as soon as rabbis and well-known educators denounce it. In practice, rabbis of yeshivas ignore or even encourage it,” he says.
Evyatar says he himself was spat at while walking with a Serbian bishop in the Jewish quarter, near his home. “A group of yeshiva students spat at us and their teacher just stood by and watched.”
Jerusalem municipal officials said they are aware of the problem but it has to be dealt with by the police. Shmuel Ben-Ruby, the police spokesman, said they had only two complaints from Christians in the past two years. He said that, in both cases, the culprits were caught and punished.
He said the police deploy an inordinately high number of patrols and special technology in the Old City and its surroundings in an attempt to keep order.
Ted Pike: Great news!
I just read his incredible article and he has articulated magnificently. I hope World Net Daily, INFORWARS, Huffington Post will publish this article or for that matter even the MSM. I hope Glen Beck will have a feast on this one.
Ted Pike is right that Savage and the Evangelicals are confusing or rather distorting the truth and pandering to the Israel First about the Millennium peace after the great tribulation by the Anti-Christ or Russia.
The Jews have not learned one bit of a lesson from past atrocities and wickedness and how God sent them to Babylon for 70 years. They constantly need a leash (lol) to control them. God must be so tired that He will lose his patience soon.
I am so glad today that we have a God that cannot be mocked about the true justice. He will do as He says.
Great Job, Ted Pike!
Thank God, I have a clean conscience that I did not vote for OBAMA.
I just saw Obama and his poor wife’s pictures from U.K visiting the Queen. Obama rather looked stunned at the grandiosity of the Palace. Obama should relax, because the Queen and her ancestors robbed all that wealth from other countries. Stolen goods have no honor!
The Queen is shining or rather having a new Public Relations stunt to capture her backslidden leadership as a Queen. I am not sure why Obama is visiting U.K. and Ireland rather like a fox in grandma’s clothing.
Every time he enters a nation, he brings in disaster. Watch out for these countries; Ireland is next!
Some courage shown at last!
“Former Israeli soldiers break the silence on military violations”
Obama’s “humiliation” by Netanyhu WAS NOT an accident. It was pre-scripted and approved.
Obama thinks his pre-election ratings will increase if his stance against Israel looks genuine.
Can anyone tell me ONE truth that Obama has ever stated, EVER?
Netanyahu and Obama agreed before hand just like every move by Israel has always had an devious agenda in ITS favor.
Obama takes his orders from Israel, and always has.
This is not just a supposition from my part, it is REALITY NOW.
Just take the time to have a look at EVERY bar code on EVERY product you buy and:
The 6-6-6 is there, regardless of the product type or where it was made!
This link explains it all:
In Revelation we read that “IT IS A HUMAN NUMBER”, so the 666 in the bar code is probably not the one referred to by John.
Nevertheless interesting anyway!
We see now the beginning of WW III. USRAEL is now in a position to tackle China, by dragging India into a war with Pakistan and China.
All of them, China, India, Pakistan and the USRAEL have large nuclear arsenals.
The Antichrist knows that his time is short…
Read carefully:
Brother Nathanael,
I just read your open letter to Dr. Roberts and another letter to one of your readers.
I have to agree with you: the seemingly invincible Jews are easily winning this worldwide battle and life for the Goyim is getting almost unbearably horrible.
Consider if Jews chose to focus their energy, superior intellect, and very outstanding ability on improving not only themselves but everyone else! What a wonderful world we could have. That, however, can never take place.
Like a cat that cannot help conducting himself as a natural killer, the Jew is by nature (as well as via his culture and Talmudic indoctrination) a great deceiver and cutthroat. Conniving, manipulative, nasty, deceitful, cunning, and cruel: all of these descriptions fit the Jew. Like the cat incapable in showing kindness to creatures smaller and weaker than himself, the Jew can’s help but effect himself as a hideously and dastardly schmuck.
Bottom line: this world is owned and controlled lock, stock, and barrel by the Jews, and that is the primary reason life for most Goyim is awful.
“Japanese Government Pays 60 Trillion Yen to Stop More H.A.A.R.P. Attacks”
The cowardly Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan handed 60 trillion yen HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) over to the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate immediately after his country was attacked with HAARP and nuclear terror, according to Japanese security police sources. The extortion money was paid off following threats to use HAARP to cause Mt. Fuji to erupt.
For those of you still too brainwashed to believe such a thing is possible, please take a look at the following transcript available on the US Defence Department’s home page:
It quotes then Secretary of Defense William Cohen as publicly stating in 1997 that:
“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”
Isn’t another Icelandic volcano eruption within one year too coincidental?
They’ve got everything they want from ya, now its SOUL TIME.
White Jew world order and the RACE OF TAN, game set and match.
The 14th Congress of the Russian Communist Party has roundly condemned the notion of equality.
Prior to the congress, Zinoviev had mentioned the idea in the course of his polemic against Ustrialov and Bukharin. He declared then that the whole of contemporary philosophy was sustained by the idea of equality.
Kalinin spoke up forcefully at the congress against that contention, taking the line that any reference to equality could not help but be harmful and was not to be tolerated. His reasoning was as follows:
‘Can we talk to peasants about equality? No, that is out of the question, for in that case, they would set about demanding the same rights as workers, which would be in complete contradiction with the dictatorship of the proletariat.
‘Likewise, can we talk of equality to workers? No, that is out of the question too, for if, say, a communist and a non-party member do the same job, the difference resides in the former being paid twice the wage of the latter.
‘To concede equality would allow non-party members to demand the same pay as is paid out to a communist. Is that acceptable, comrades? No, it is not. Can we call for equality among communists then? No, that is not on either, for they too occupy different positions, in terms of their rights and their material circumstances alike.’
“Equality” Jew style when the Jews run the state.
Dear RZN readers,
Hi. My name is Mary Phagan. This talk by Michael Savage (Jew named Weiner) is just what I expect. What I fear is that the Jews are up to no good. The break between NetanYAHOO and Obama is political theatre, a staged event to keep the Goy masses asleep.
This is very bad news. What I fear is that this means that the Jews plan a nuke hit on an American city to be blamed on their enemies. They need to squash rumours that American is under the control of the Jews.
Savage and his like-mind Zionist Jews will then say that the nuke was punishment from God on America for betraying Israel.
The Zionists have everything to gain. The money they make when their biometric and security company stocks skyrocket. The power they gain by scaring Americans in to giving up rights for “security.”
The power they gain to spy on Americans. The power they get for more money to Israel, more hatred of who they blame, etc.
And the fear that they gain when their Zio-shills like Savage say that we must be good slaves to the Jews or God will make us suffer for it.
Do you see, RZN readers? There is danger here. The ADL needs a major incident to keep people blind and destroy freedom.
Interesting quotes after Israeli PM, Netenyahoo, humiliates our President while taking our hard earned tax dollars back to Israhell!
“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” – Benjamin Netanyahu.
A comment made by Netanyahu, the prime minister of “Israel” to Jonathan Pollard (convicted traitor and spy) upon exiting Pollard’s jail cell.
AIPAC beats up defenseless Jewish lady … This is not a joke. These guys are EVIL!!!!!
CODEPINK activist Rae Abileah was arrested at the George Washington University Hospital in Washington D.C. after heckling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to the anti-war group.
The 28-year-old Jewish American woman was allegedly tackled by members of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) during Netanyahu’s speech to Congress after she yelled, “stop Israeli war crimes.”
Abileah was taken to the George Washington University Hospital, where she was being treating for neck and shoulder injuries.
Speaking from her hospital bed, Abileah said she was in “great pain” but that it was nothing “compared to the pain and suffering that Palestinians go through on a regular basis.”
The bar-code thing is not true.
We want to speak the truth here.
Check things out before you believe them and especially before you post them!
But hey, at least you didn’t do it your real name.
A wealthy Israeli Jew, riding in his limousine, munching down a Reuben-on-Rye and drinking a cup of Starbucks coffee saw two Palestinian men along the roadside eating grass. Disturbed, he ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate the matter.
He asked one man, “Why are you eating grass?”
“We don’t have any money for food,” the poor Palestinian man replied. “We have to eat grass.”
“Well then, you can come with me to my house and I’ll feed you,” the Israeli Jew said.
“But sir, I have a wife and two children with me. They are over there, under that tree.”
“Bring them along,” the Israeli Jew replied.
Turning to the other poor Palestinian man the Israeli Jew stated, “You come with us also.”
The second Palestinian man, in a pitiful voice then said, “But sir, I also have a wife and nine children with me!”
“Bring them all, as well,” the Israeli Jew answered.
They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as the limousine.
Once underway, one of the poor fellows turned to the Jew and said, “Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you.”
The Jew replied, “Glad to do it. You’ll love my place – the grass is almost three feet tall!”
On March 15th, 1923, the “JEWISH WORLD” asserted — “Fundamentally Judaism is Anti-Christian.”
( )
In 1931 Jean Izoulet, a prominent member of the “JEWISH ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE,” wrote in his “Paris la Capitale des Religions” :
“The meaning of the history of the last century is that today 300 Jewish financiers, all Masters of Lodges, rule the world.”
( )
In the 3rd Protocol of the Elders of Zion, we read:
“We shall create by all the secret subterranean methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all in our hands, a UNIVERSAL ECONOMICAL CRISIS whereby we shall simultaneously throw upon the streets whole mobs of workers in all countries of Europe.
“Our (property) they will not touch, because the moment of attack will be known to us and we shall take measures to protect our own.”
I have no intention to spread my doubt to others. I’m just trying to find the truth for myself. I believe the truth and God cannot be separate.
So, Jehovah (made pact with Abraham, is the God of Israel) is the father of Jesus. In Greek Jehovah is Tetragrammaton. Tetragrammaton represented as pentagram. The pentagram is first and foremost a sign of the five elements, fire, water, air, earth and spirit in Cabbalah. It represents man, and the microcosm, while the hexagram represents planetary influences and the macrocosm.
Jesus said to Pharisees that their father is Devil. Does it mean they betrayed their God Jehovah? Or, did he mean that Jehovah is Devil? Material; of Devil. Spiritual; of a God.
ET here’s an article about the little old lady QE2 and ‘the city’:
Interesting comments below the piece, too.
@ All
Protester who Heckled Netanyahu in Congress Allegedly Beaten, Arrested at Hospital
@ FreeGaza
A Joke back at you :
George Bush and Dick Cheney were called to an inquest in to the deaths of three American prisoners captured during anti-Israeli protests that died while incarcerated.
The coroner asks: These deaths are very suspicious. I want to know what happened to them. The first one died of overdose, apparently from drinking too much kool-aid?
George Bush: He he friggin tarist, yeah he loved kool-aid, he he
Coroner: The second died of the same thing?
Bush: Those tarists once they start drinkin you can’t stop em! he he
Coroner: Well the third died of blunt force trauma to the head?
Cheney: (grunts) G* D* terrorist wouldn’t drink the kool-aid.
@ All
Obama’s Social Security Number Tied To An Alias Harrison J Bounel – 5/18/11
Dear Wallace,
Do I have to accept that “the barcode thing is not true” just because you say so?
If you want to discuss something, first PROVIDE AT LEAST SOME EVIDENCE. Or just shut up.
I will do it for you, pointing to a website that does deny the 666 in the barcode:
However, much more evidence points to the 666 really being embedded in the barcode:
I quote just the most important:
“Technically, from a computer’s perspective the number “666” is NOT in the UPC barcode. . . but from a human’s perspective — YES, the “appearance” of 666 is there!”
“What does the inventor of the UPC barcode (George Laurer) say about the number “666” in the UPC barcode?”
“Yes, they do RESEMBLE the code for a six.”
So you see dear Wallace, even the (Jewish??) inventor of the barcode concedes that the six IS THERE!
This is where the “barcode thing” (Wallace dixit) gets quite weird.
An ongoing project seeks to BARCODE ALL LIVING THINGS ON EARTH!
It is called “the Barcode of Life project”.
Now dear RZN readers please guess who is openly sponsoring this endeavour?
None other that ROCKEFELLER through the Rockefeller University:
But hey, maybe this PHILANTROPIST ist just interested in taxonomy and has no obscure intentions…(I hear Wallace talking already)
You are mistaken “Dunham” is an English name, and often a place name in England, and its NOT an Irish name, though it can be found in Ireland just like many French names can be, after the invasion of 1066 of England and Ireland by William the Conqueror.
Though many Jews do seem to use this name and other English and Irish names.
On a side note…
Many Jewish money lenders disguised as peasants, traders and artisans followed on with William the conqueror to England and Ireland. And it was they who cemented the never ending problems with Ireland and England, because they used the divide and conqueror method, as it was they first had eyes for taking Ireland as their new homeland for centuries!
Not many know this!
They were the puppet masters behind all the uprisings and the IRA! Many hidden Jews, for example, were front men of the IRA, Jews also used a lot of Irish Gypsies as front men because they were violent and intimidating, can you guess who some were and are today?
Jews infiltrated the church and became priests, especially “Jesuits” — code for Jewish in cloth of the christian church! And directed the poor Irish to misery blaming everything on England!
Even the potato famine was caused by hidden Jews forcing them to plant a mono crop! The hidden Jewish land owners who had lots of food in port from England, (England was oblivious to the fact that the Jewish land owners were not distributing the food! So arrived too late with food for many!) even though England also had a famine to deal with and as many died of starvation, Jews were using a planned lack of food to divert attention from their dastardly deeds!
Because their goal was for the Irish to die or migrate, so that they could have Ireland as a new Jewish homeland state, until they took Palestine using a bad agreement and off course terror!
Very cunning and manipulative them Jews!
“ET May 24, 2011 @ 12:04 pm
Makow has written an article in about Obama’s grandfather being a Jew. Give me a break!
The Jews accepted the grandfather in their communistic group because they were living then in Chicago and most black and Irish (Dunham is an Irish name) were joining the rich Jews for monetary benefits.”
See what the crazies are up to now ?
Chemical Lithium is a hazardous material whose storage and movements are dictated by some stringent international procedures.
But of course no one told them that the lithium used by the body is the biotic form that is synthesized by plants, whereas the chemical form ignites and explodes when it comes into contact with water.
They have virtually removed all essential minerals from the environment and once when populations are found to be deficient in these minerals then they force feed us the wastes of their chemicals as if we are their private dumping grounds.
By the way the decision to add fluoride into the water supply was a way out for companies to offload their toxic chemical wastes.
Controversial call to add lithium to drinking water for mental health.
Meet the real “president” of America.
“Benjamin Netanyahu Address To Joint Session Of Congress pt.1 ”
Here’s a bizarre story. A Jewish mother of the late middle ages murders her own children rather than risk them being baptized by some rampaging Crusaders. Because of this, her name has come down through Jewish history as, “Rachel the Pious”.
Jews… you couldn’t make this stuff up. Citizenfitz
Rachel and Her Children
“Now I shall recount and tell of the most unusual deeds that were done on that day [May 27, 1096] by these righteous ones…. Who has ever seen anything like this? Who has ever heard of a deed like that which was performed by this righteous and pious woman, the young Rachel, the daughter of Rabbi Isaac ben Asher, the wife of rabbi Judah?
“For she said to her friends: “I have four children. Do not spare even them, lest the Christians come, take them alive, and bring them up in their false religion. Through them, too, sanctify the name of the Holy God.”
“So one of her companions came and picked up a knife to slaughter her son. But when the mother of the children saw the knife, she let out a loud and bitter lament and she beat her face and breast, crying: Where are Thy mercies, O God?” In the bitterness of her soul she said to her friend: “Do not slay Isaac in the presence of his brother Aaron lest Aaron see his brother’s death and run away.”
“The woman then took the lad Isaac, who was small and very pretty, and she slaughtered him while the mother spread out her sleeves to receive the blood, catching it in her garment instead of a basin. When the child Aaron saw that his brother Isaac was slain, he screamed again and again: “Mother, mother, do not butcher me,” and ran and hid under a chest.
“She had two daughters also who still lived at home, Bella and Matrona, beautiful young girls, the children of her husband Rabbi Judah. The girls took the knife and sharpened it themselves that it should not be nicked.
“Then the woman bared their necks and sacrificed them to the Lord God of Hosts who has commanded us not to change His pure religion but to be perfect with Him, as it is written [Deuteronomy 18:13]: “Perfect shall you be with the Lord your God.”
“When this righteous woman had made an end of sacrificing her three children to their Creator, she then raised her voice and called out to her son Aaron: “Aaron, where are you? You also I will not spare nor will I have any mercy.” Then she dragged him out by his foot from under the chest where he had hidden himself, and she sacrificed him before God, the high and exalted.
“She put her children next to her body, two on each side, covering them with her two sleeves, and there they lay struggling in the agony of death. When the enemy seized the room they found her sitting and wailing over them “Show us the money that is under your sleeves,” they said to her.
“But when it was the slaughtered children they saw, they Struck her and killed her, upon her children, and her spirit flew away and her soul found peace at last. To her applied the Biblical verse [Hosea 10:14]: “The mother was dashed in pieces with her children.”
@ All
The Irony of our discussions is how many people say “Oh well the Jewish people, they’re the smartest people in the room!” Which is complete trash.
Jews are the biggest idiots. They pull their stunts right out in front of everyone and count on their Shabbos Goy to defend them. The number of Shabbos Goy is dwindling.
They will talk about you with you present as if you can’t hear them. They are using the exact same playbook as in Germany, complete control of the media, education, justice systems……. and they think they’ll get different results.
They’ve used the same playbook over and over and over again and it always nets the same results, they get their asses handed to them in the end. They are truly insane idiots.
Holowhopper of the day:
“Many commandants of concentration camps actually singled out children for particular cruelty.
“The commandant of the Janowski camp in Lvov, Obersturmfuehrer Wilhaus especially enjoyed this form of sport. He was in the habit of standing on the balcony of the camp office and taking pot-shots at the prisoners working below to amuse his wife and nine-year-old daughter.
“Sometimes Wilhaus would order someone to throw three- or four-year-old children into the air while he shot at them. His daughter would clap her hands and cry: “Do it again, Papa, do it again.” And he would go on shooting.” — Soviet Government Statements on Nazi Atrocities – London, 1946
Dr Alan Sabrosky
Dear Brother Nathanael,
Thank you for all you have done. I still remember when I first came to your web site.
I was looking for information on the Jewish take over of the United States and a solution to the problem.
It did not take long for me to find it on your site and I will never forget it.
Here are three things we can do:
1. Take a slow boat to China.
2. Build a space ship and fly to another planet.
3. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
You said,
“I’m just trying to find the truth for myself. I believe the truth and God cannot be separate.”
Good, let me help you.
“So, Jehovah (made pact with Abraham, is the God of Israel) is the father of Jesus.”
Actually God has no name. Only human beings seem to name everything in order to relate to them. If you want to call God, Jehovah, that is up to you. Personally, I stay away from trying to name God other than His earthly name Jesus or Yeshua.
“In Greek Jehovah is Tetragrammaton. Tetragrammaton represented as pentagram. The pentagram is first and foremost a sign of the five elements, fire, water, air, earth and spirit in Cabbalah. It represents man, and the microcosm, while the hexagram represents planetary influences and the macrocosm.”
Don’t turn to the occult for answers. I have studied the occult for 7 years and it only leads to darkness. The knowledge that it promises is a lie.
“Jesus said to Pharisees that their father is Devil. Does it mean they betrayed their God Jehovah? Or, did he mean that Jehovah is Devil? Material; of Devil. Spiritual; of a God.”
Jesus very clearly said He is of God The Father in heaven. When Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and told them that they were of “their father” the devil, it was because the Pharisees were Talmudic Satan worshippers who fell away from God.
@ Arjan
Sorry but I crossed #1 and #2 off my list a long time ago.
Only leaves #3 in my book because without a bloody revolution ain’t nothin’ gonna change.
11:25 For I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: A partial hardening has happened to Israel until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. 11:26 And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written:
“The Deliverer will come out of Zion;
he will remove ungodliness from Jacob.
11:27 And this is my covenant with them,
when I take away their sins.”
11:28 In regard to the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but in regard to election they are dearly loved for the sake of the fathers. 11:29 For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable.
11:30 Just as you were formerly disobedient to God, but have now received mercy due to their disobedience, 11:31 so they too have now been disobedient in order that, by the mercy shown to you, they too may now receive mercy.
The Jews hearts have been hardened. This is why they do not accept Jesus Christ, why they killed Him, and why it is impossible to discuss anything with a Jew.
A remnant of Christ-accepting Jews will be saved, but only after the evil and wicked Jews are wiped out during Tribulation.
Only the Gentiles and Jews who have accepted Christ are worthy of God’s mercy!
About the Illuminati, Freemasons, Bilderbergs, Tri-Lateral Commission, AIPAC…….. keep in mind these are all teams that are in the same league much like baseball or football.
They might be individual teams but they all belong to the same larger group. So let’s not branch off from discussions of for who’s benefit all these individual entities are working towards.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in CHRIST:
What do you think about the JEW GOLD phenomenon? Fact or fiction?
One of my neighbors (a JEW), is weaker and smaller than me. He’s also a whiner and protests my diligent lawn-care at our neighborhood association.
One of these days I know I’m going smack him in the kisser. But I’m trying to decide if I should make a public example of him or try to do this in private, where I can relieve him of his JEW GOLD (if it exists).
Has anyone here ever seen JEW GOLD? Would I be able to melt it and sell it, do you think?
If I succeed I’ll happily share my proceeds in the form of a donation to BRO NAT.
Your Brother,
About the Illuminati, Freemasons, Bilderbergs, Tri-Lateral Commission, AIPAC…….. keep in mind these are all teams that are in the same league much like baseball or football.”
They might be individual teams but they all belong to the same larger group. So let’s not branch off from discussions of for who’s benefit all these individual entities are working towards.”
Whats the larger group?
You don’t know otherwise you would tell us. So how do you know it exists?
You just like to make things up?
C’mon tell us what the larger group is?
I’ll tell you what you think it is. Its Jewry. Isn’t it?
You thus implicate and condemn all Jews. And you will burn in hell for it.
Brother Gordon,
You have to be kidding.
I wanted to reach out to you and offer you comfort and support.
Now that Oprah is retiring I thought it might be hitting you hard and you might need to open up and talk about your feelings? (he he)
The measure you use to judge others will be the measure God uses to judge you.
You say the Jews deny Christ therefore they deserve hell.
Then at judgement God will judge you in the same way, for you have denied Christ also every time you failed to “love all men [that includes Jews] as I have loved you.”
Christ never judged the Sanhedrin and high priests when he said “how can you save yourselves from the judgement to come?”
He meant it. He was pleading with them. he wasn’t being sarcastic either. Christ is never sarcastic.
Now, just how emphatic do the providential judgements of God, that are being poured out upon the U.S.A. have to get, before the nations leaders reverse their suicidal course?
Actually, pretty damned emphatic! The Book of Revelation calls men to repent in it’s opening Letters To The Seven Churches; and continues to record that in spite of both mercy shown, and judgement demonstrated, that men turn a hardened heart, a blind eye, and a deaf ear to that message of reformation.
So, as the present course continues, we may expect more frequent and severe displays of God’s displeasure upon the ‘good ole’ U.S.A.
What is most astonishing, is the deafening silence on the subject.
From NO quarter do we hear that the many catastrophes, that have accelerated in type, and occurrence, are providential judgements from God upon the Godlessness of the U.S.A.
Why is it that we hear nothing linking the catastrophes of our era with the Godlessness of our policies?
In the end, I suppose, that even the Pundits of The Redeemed believe that it couldn’t be. Surely God, Who is no respecter of persons, must surely exempt this country from reaping what it has sown: after all we’re America The Great!
Just for a reality check, let’s reflect upon the tragedies, both man made and supernatural, that have befallen America since it outlawed Jesus Christ; and persecuted Him from the home, and the school, and all public environments; and instead have begun to frame ungodliness by way of law.
Oh, that’s right! ” I don’t recall”. It all slipped down the memory drain while I was, _________________________. (fill in the blank)
Judgement is coming again to Uncle Sam, and with great escalation. The three spheres of Spiritual, Natural, and Political will all rage judgement from Him upon this ungodly beast called America.
Does that anger? Then you will not reform. Shake your fist at heaven and kindle the sparks of your own destiny without Him, as you have also done before.
@ Hoff,
That was my exact thought; B Netanyahu giving an impression and almost acting as the real President of US.
Referring back to his speech just listen carefully the way he boasts about Israel:
“We don’t need to do nation building in Israel. We already built!
You don’t need to send American troops to defend Israel. We defend ourselves!
You’ve been generous in giving us tools to do the job in defending Israel on our own!
Thank you all and thank you President Obama for your steadfast commitment to Israel’s security”.
Not a word of thanks to American taxpayers and families who sacrificed their sons and fathers in the false war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq.
“Support in Israel’s security is a wise investment in our common future for epic battle is now underway in the Middle East.”
Yes. The genocide of Palestinians!
” A great convulsion is shaking the Earth.”
Is he talking of earthquakes? Sending quiet messages? Warnings?
“The ground is still shifting.”
Which means –‘we have not finished with you yet.’
Bibi mentions the millions of young people out there who are determined to change their future:
“We look at them.
They must show courage.
They risk their lives.
They demand dignity.
They desire liberty.
…There are extraordinary scenes in Tunis and Cairo, Berlin and Prague….”.
But not a word of the young Palestinian people whose dreams are like everybody else’s — of freedom, enough food on the table, comfortable living conditions, career opportunities.
In this moment during Bibi’s speech a protester is trying to voice her opinion but is instantly REMOVED and to which he responds:
“In our free society you can have his protest. This is real democracy.”
She wasn’t given a chance to speak out.
She was booed and silenced by loud applause of congressmen and women.
This is no longer the free America.
The Israelis have placed their heavy paws on you all.
They dictate and impose their will on you and your government is applauding it.
@ Oxy
You are a walking contradiction.
Jews judged Christ and sentenced him to death. By your measuring stick…….. Jews still judge Christ.
Calling him a bastard, a homosexual and many other vile things. Your arguments are built on a foundation of shifting sands.
Freemasonry rules the world – that is the kingdom of darkness, and that is why Christ calls the devil “the prince of this world”
ZionismFreemasonry is a Jansian [double faced] occult religion, asnd most of the naysayers, in fact all of them are under its spell. you have submitted yourselves to the religion of freemasonry and pretend to be against the evils of jewry you are nothing of the sort. you advance its aims by mocking it.
The Jews’ temple was destroyed in 586bc because they broke the covenant and turned from God.
Jesus came to save the Jews but again, they spit on Him, abused Him, and when Pilate gave them a choice, their own words ( let Jesus blood be upon our heads and the heads of our children) and so it was.
Jesus has already told them the temple would be destroyed and when the Romans marched on on the city, they killed 1,100,000 Jews but not a single Christian died there. They fled the city just like Jesus told them, they fled across the Jordan river into a place called Pella.
When you reject God, and you reject the one sent to redeem you, there is nothing left for you to be chosen for, and I never recall any promises made to save the state of Israel. Israel and the Jews will suffer greatly because they broke the covenant, rejected God, and rejected Jesus.
On funding: Perhaps it would be a good idea to require a donation to post a comment.
Spurious commenters would have to pay to put up their blather, and if they did not, then you would not have to read junky comments.
If they paid, at least the time to read them (if not moderated out) would be some support and compensation. The good commenters, all of you ought to be contributors ANYWAY.
Bless you Br. Nathanael
“Protester who heckled Netanyahu in Congress allegedly beaten, arrested at hospital.
CODEPINK activist Rae Abileah was arrested at the George Washington University Hospital in Washington D.C. after heckling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to the anti-war group.
The 28-year-old Jewish American woman was allegedly tackled by members of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) during Netanyahu’s speech to Congress after she yelled, “stop Israeli war crimes.”
Abileah was taken to the George Washington University Hospital, where she was being treating for neck and shoulder injuries.
“You know I take it as a badge of honor, and so should you, that in our free societies that you can have protest,” Netanyahu said after being interrupted by Abileah. “You can’t have these protest in the farcical parliaments in Tehran or in Tripoli. This is real democracy.”
Speaking from her hospital bed, Abileah said she was in “great pain” but that it was nothing “compared to the pain and suffering that Palestinians go through on a regular basis.”
“I have been to Gaza and the West Bank, I have seen Palestinians homes bombed and bulldozed, I have talked to mothers whose children have been killed during the invasion of Gaza, I have seen the Jewish-only roads leading to ever-expanding settlements in the West Bank.”
“This kind of colonial occupation cannot continue,” she added. “As a Jew and a U.S. citizen, I feel obligated to rise up and speak out against stop these crimes being committed in my name and with my tax dollars.”
During his speech, Netanyahu said Israel was willing to make “painful” land concessions for peace.”
+1 mike!!!!!!!!!
— STREET EVANGELISM, May 24, 2011, Colorado Springs CO! —
I will be going to Colorado Springs tomorrow, Thursday, in continuance of my “Streets Across America!” campaign.
Last week I went to Boulder CO, (besides my regular Street Evangelism here in the Rocky Mt Ski Resort Area of Summit County CO), and was harassed by police there in Boulder.
So this time, I called the Colorado Springs City Hall and asked if they had any local ordinances against exercising my First Amendment Rights (and Supreme Court Affirmed Cases Regarding Median Strips) and the City has none.
The Police though said that I must obey a “Pedestrian Crossing Code” or be liable to police action.
I consulted my lawyer and he advised me that this pedestrian code does NOT prohibit or have anything to do, NOR SPECIFIES, anything about my right on the Median Strip.
But the officer in charge STILL affirmed the “pedestrian code” as applying to median strips — which, in truth, IT DOES NOT.
Thus I WILL BE STANDING ON A MEDIAN STRIP tomorrow (Thursday) in downtown Colorado Springs and WILL DEFEND MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
Do keep me in your prayers for a successful outcome.
AND, Please Support My “Streets Across America” Campaign.
If you would like to host me in your city or town PLEASE CONTACT ME by email.
Here are some interviews and articles about my Street Evangelism:
Second, Here is an Interview of me with Mark Glenn of Internet fame – In This Pic I Am In Front Of The Federal Reserve Bldg in Boston @
AND See Street Evangelism Pics:
This first pic is of a Muslim (he was not afraid of the rain) who told me, “Your religion is superior to mine.” He was from Iran @
The next two pics basically show me holding the Cross in the POURING RAIN @ &
ALSO: Check Out Brother Nathanael “On The Streets” @
Donations May Also Be Sent To:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Many Thanks In Advance!
And PLEASE Pray for Christ’s Protection & His Supply Of Good Success For This NEW & DECIDED Street Evangelism Endeavor.
Also, a trip is NOW DEFINITE for Hastings Nebraska June 1 and then to Chicago, (still in planning stages, June 15-17, and then DEFINITELY to NYC at end of month of June.
Your “Street” +Brother in Christ,, Nathanael
America ‘s Coming Nakba
“….Forced to do the bidding of its adopted child by the “corpocracy” that governs this empire and its unending need for wars to sustain its economic growth, America finds itself woefully weak as its forces futilely attempt to contain terrorism throughout the Mid-East.
“Now America finds itself bereft of power, bereft of resources, and bereft of friends, manipulated by Israeli Zionists like Sharon, Olmert, and Netanyahu who disdain America’s weakness holding its Congress prisoner by coercion, bribery and deceit the very strategies that Israel has used against the people of the mid-east to create the illusion of peace.
“….In this season of remembrances, it is incumbent upon the people of the United States to reflect on the role they played in the abortive birth of the state of Israel and the disastrous catastrophe inflicted upon the people of Palestine.
“Ironically, most Americans can recall neither the Israeli Declaration of Independence nor the Nakba, yet in 2011, their very existence economically, politically, and internationally grows from the decades of unconditional support the U.S. government has provided to the terrorist state of Israel.”
The Israeli leaders have stripped you off your dignity.
You no longer live in the United States of America.
This is a new country — Amero-IsraHell.
Jewish Mafia
Swindler’s List
Lior Orgad, David Yamin, Mor Galanti, Guy Mayo, Elad Mayo, Asi Almakias, and Yaniv Kalbers… All Israeli nationals, plead guilty to organizing a phoney lottery/telemarketing scheme that targeted elderly Americans, telling them that they had won substantial cash prizes which they would receive as soon as they paid the necessary fees and taxes.
Of course, there was no lottery prize and the victims were collectively robbed of approximately $2 million.
Avi Yanai… An Israeli citizen sentenced to 18 years in prison by the Moscow military court, for organizing a vast network of sex trafficking.
According to the court, from 1999 to 2007, when most of the network’s agents were arrested, and his accomplices sold hundreds of women for prostitution to Israel, Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates and other countries.
The minimal official estimate stands at 129 women, but some of the states still investigating the network put the number at several hundred. The women were lured from Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Uzbekistan.
Dennis Glick… President of B’nai B’rith International, indicted on federal charges of tax fraud. Charged with falsifying tax returns for a client and lying about it to investigators.
– Text — Text — Text –
“The ADL’s War On White America”
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2011
All Rights Reserved
The Anti-Defamation League, whose agenda extends far beyond its stated purpose of defending Jews from defamation, announced this week that it has teamed up with NBC to promote diversity.
These 10 second TV spots are currently being aired as, although they are obvious Big Brother brainwashing propaganda, public service messages interspersed between NBC’s regular daily programming.
The ADL chose Jewish comedian Andy Cohen to launch its flagship diversity message with Cohen lecturing all the goyim, as if they were childish racist baboons, to love thy neighbor even if thy neighbor happens to be different then thyself.
[Andy Cohen audio clip] “The phrase is: love thy neighbor, not love thy neighbor only if they are just like you.”
Now diversity, as far as the ADL gains to use it, is simply a camouflage for their agenda to fragment a white Christian presence in America, aiming for its ultimate dissolution.
Dr. Kevin MacDonald, author of “Culture of Critique”, gives probably the best explanation of Jewish fear of and quest to destroy white Christian culture in this recent interview:
[Kevin MacDonald PhD audio clip] “Jews have had a huge animosity towards the culture that did that… Jews as I said have, because they see western culture as fundamentally anti-Jewish going back to the middle ages, they have wanted to essentially end European domination of this society. And I think they’re well on their way to doing that.”
As for the ADL teaming up with NBC to promote diversity that is inundating America with multiculturalism, multiracialism, and multicreedalism; this is nothing new for this powerful Jewish organization.
ADL’s director Abraham Foxman, who sports a Jewish yarmulke to show the ADL’s affiliation with Judaism, recently told an audience that the ADL has penetrated into America’s public schools with its diversity message.
[Abe Foxman audio clip] “Some of us go to schools. We have bearing witness. We have all kinds of programs.”
Targeting children in their impressionable years, kindergarten through fifth grade, Foxman has infiltrated our public schools with propagandizing books such as “Who Belongs Here?: An American Story” which purposely omits the record that America’s Pilgrims wished to create a white European Christian alternative to British monarchical rule and the book “Black is Brown is Tan” which promotes interracial marriages.
Believe me when I tell you, for I grew up as a Jew, there is nothing more abhorrent to Jewish parents than a son or daughter marrying a black or anyone of various shades of brown or tan.
The perpetuity of Jewish lineage depends on children marrying those of their own race, as far as Jewish parents are concerned.
[Jewish Rabbi audio clip] “I’m going to tell you the most important thing you have to remember, about all that I learned in the world this is it, no matter what happens you marry a Jewish girl.” [audience laughs] ”That’s right, your mother was right. You marry a Jewish boy. There’s nothing more important in the whole than this. And there’s another reason you better marry a Jewish girl. So you mother doesn’t break both your legs.”
But for the goyim, not only is interracial marriage acceptable, but advances the ADL’s agenda to destroy the last remaining power block that could potentially oppose Jewish hegemony, namely white Christianity.
The hypocrisy and double standard of the ADL is clear. While Foxman promotes a monolithic racial society for the state of Israel:
[Abe Foxman audio clip] “If you act out against Israel, you are acting out against the Jewish people.” he decries any form of white predominance in America.
Foxman has often used his civil rights director, Deborah Lauter, to label any form of white political activism as right wing extremism with the threat that the ADL is monitoring extremists who favour Arizona’s anti-immigration law:
[Deborah Lauter audio clip] “We in the American-Jewish community know too well the backlash that immigrants can get in this country. The Arizona legislative initiative which was signed by the governor is just not the right answer. We in the ADL monitor right wing extremist groups and I can tell you unequivocally that national socialist movement, one of the leading neo-Nazi groups in this country, is revelling. They literally have been marching in Nazi uniforms celebrating the implementation of this law in Arizona.” attempting to drum up hysteria, by selecting one or two so-called neo-Nazi groups as leading the anti-immigration cause, so as to cast dispersion on vowed and lawful opposition to immigration by respectable white American citizens.
Lauter has also led the ADL‘s lobbying effort on Capitol Hill to pass the notorious Dream Act which grants to children of illegal aliens instant citizenship, yet another ploy of the ADL to destroy white America. And apparently they’ve got their puppet in the White House to push the Dream Act though:
[President Obama audio clip] “And I will keep fighting alongside many of you to make the Dream Act the law of the land.” [applause] “Like all of this country’s movements towards justice, it will be difficult and it will take time. I know some here wish that I could just bypass Congress and change the law myself.”
In a society made up of multicultures, multiraces, and multicreeds which the ADL promotes in its push for diversity, there is only one minority that rises to the top and takes control. And that minority is that which Abraham Foxman represents: American Jewry.
We can either have a Jewish America which is now the case or a Christian America which we once had. Believe me when I tell you there is no in-between!
Dear RZN Family –
It’s after 3 AM and after much agonizing and agitation of spirit I sense that the Colorado Springs officer in charge who expressed hostility to me for “challenging” his “pedestrian code for walking on crosswalks” and told me, “you WILL deal with police if you come,” has alerted his patrol to ARREST me on sight and trump up some charge of me “threatening” violence.
Perhaps in this case, wisdom is the better part of valor… I am simply changing my plan of attack in the midst of the battle.
Thus I will be going to Denver or some other Colorado city instead and deal with Colorado Springs after I clarify with the City Attorney’s Office my 1st Amendment right to median strip use. +bn
@ Words of Wisdom,
Truer words than yours were never spoken (or written) when you wrote:
“The Jews hearts have been hardened. This is why they do not accept Jesus Christ, why they killed Him, and why it is impossible to discuss anything with a Jew.
“A remnant of Christ-accepting Jews will be saved, but only after the evil and wicked Jews are wiped out during Tribulation.
“Only the Gentiles and Jews who have accepted Christ are worthy of God’s mercy!”
Like Brother Nathanael, I am a former Jew who broke away from the evil Jewish belief system.
Judaism is not a religion because they reject Jesus Christ, the Messiah and the Son of God.
Far from being a religion which is God-centered, Judaism, or Zionism — same thing — is an organized criminal conspiracy, bigger than the Mafia or the NAACP or the Communist Party.
Jews believe wholeheartedly that they are the Chosen People, and therefore they can do anything, pull any dirty, dishonest deal, cheat, lie, steal and kill, and not feel guilty, because they are serving their Jewish god and destroying their enemies, the Gentiles, and most specifically, the Christians.
What wicked thing have Christians ever done to the Jews, that the Jews did not richly deserve, or that Christians had to do in self-defense, to protect themselves against Jewish evil.
After all, if a thief breaks into your home and comes at you with a knife, do you throw up your hands and say, “Take my life savings, rape my wife, and help yourself to the food in my refrigerator on the way out”? Or do you pick up a gun — if you’re wise enough to possess one — and blow the stinkin’ kike’s head off.
This is not what Jesus wants — He was against violence — but even Jesus had his fill of the Jew-thieves.
Jesus picked up a whip and used it against the Jews who were selling their crap inside the walls of the holy Temple in Jerusalem, and told them, “My Father’s house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.” And he chased the kike bastards out of the Temple. What a sight that must have been.
So, Words of Wisdom, as you wrote, “It is impossible to discuss anything with a Jew.” As a former Jew, and now a believing follower of our Lord Jesus Christ, I echo your words.
In fact, I would add, “Don’t even try to discuss anything with a Jew.” First of all, the Jew is more cunning than the Christian, always scheming, always plotting, always thinking of ways in which to con you and swindle you out of your money.
Second, Jews are two-faced liars. They will smile to your face and when your back is turned, stab you in the back while also picking your pocket. And then they’ll turn around and say that they had to kill you because you were threatening them, and they were acting in self-defense. What B.S. — but the Jews are masters of B.S.
Third, the Jews are masters of the Big Lie. They will twist your words, and make it sound like everything is your fault.
A great example of this is how they treat the Palestinians, stealing their land, denying them the ability to earn a living, blockading their roads, killing their children.
And all the while, the Jews are claiming that they are the victims, and furthermore, God gave them — the Jews — the right to occupy the Palestinians’ land, and they — the Jews — are never going to give it up.
I totally agree with the person, who ever it was, who said, “Never trust a Jew.” They are the most untrustworthy, evil, lying scum to ever inhabit this earth, and the sooner the people of the world realize this and take defensive action against this scourge, the better off we will be.
I think it was Vox who wanted to know how he could pretend to be Jewish so he could grab some of the wealth that the Jews steal from honest Christians every day.
I can tell Vox, from experience, that it is very hard for the average Christian person to infiltrate the Jewish conspiracy. First of all, you probably don’t look like a Jew (beady eyes, long nose, thick lips, bad breath, stinking of garlic and gefilter fish).
Secondly, you don’t talk like a Jew (whiny voice, screeching laugh, always complaining that people are against you).
Thirdly, you don’t think like a Jew (trying to get over on people, glad when you have cheated them, feeling no guilt when you’ve pulled a fast one on a non-Jew).
Face it, Jews are a special breed all by themselves, who worship Satan and do his bidding, and who rejoice that their ancestors killed Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and who are scheming and plotting every day to ruin Christ’s followers.
So my advice to all of you in the RZN family — and I am speaking as a former Jew who has accepted Jesus as my personal Savior, and who attempts to follow His example in my daily life — is to keep the Jew at arm’s length.
You can’t avoid them, because they control virtually every aspect of our lives — the banks, the media, the medical profession, the legal profession, the educational system, the entertainment industry, finance, the stock market, etc., etc. — but you have to be aware of how evil they are, and how they are always plotting to destroy you and swindle you out of your hard-earned money.
Every war that has ever been started has been caused by the Jews, or has been fought because of the Jews. And it is always the Jews who stay in the background, never volunteering to fight, because they are mostly cowards who like to see other, non-Jewish people, waste their blood and treasure to protect holy Israel.
Just think how pleasant life would be if the Jews were to disappear. No Federal Reserve, no IRS, no wars on behalf of Israel, everybody friendly and loving each other.
Jews are like locusts, destroying everything in their path, sucking the life blood out of every country they inhabit, serving no worthwile purpose.
Jews are like snakes, like vipers, poisoning everything they can get their greedy fingers on.
Some of the greatest men in history — Martin Luther, St. John Chrysostom, Adolf Hitler, David Duke, to name only a few — have spoken out against the Jew-parasites. Christians should look at what they have said and written, and learn from it.
“The commands of the Rabbis are more important than the commands of the Bible…” (Talmud, Erubin 21b)
Look, believe whatever you want. I’m not here to argue (much less with a self-professed Caveman).
The even parity version of six we are concerned with contains a bar, then a space, then another bar, THEN FOUR SPACES.
So whether to a barcode reader deciphered by a computer or to my human eyeballs relayed to my gray matter the guard bars (the ones you think look like a six) on the left will rarely and the ones in the center will almost never have room for the four spaces that are required to visually represent the number 6.
If it doesn’t have the four spaces – then clearly it isn’t a six.
For the guard bars to look like a six to you… you would have to have knowledge of what a six actually does look like.
If you have knowledge of what a six actually looks like, then you will know that the guard bars DO NOT look like a six because they lack the four spaces that ARE present in the even parity visual representation of a six.
Seems pretty cut and dried to me.
In Greek Septuaginta (Old Testament) there is nowhere the word Jehovah or Jahwe or similar. It says mainly the word KYRIOS (Lord), sometimes Sabbaoth.
Christ spoke in parables in order to irritate and trap the devil.
@ sinner: My blog,
jewise wordpress com
@ Voxer
“@ DWC
Here’s a typical Jewish rock group in their tight pantyhose, black leather and face paint expressing how everyone here feels” — Vox
This is the one I prefer, Voxer, from a White Anglo Christian great British group (I barely ever saw Roger Daltry sing without a huge cross on)!
“Welcome to the camp, my name is Oxy, and I became aware this year.”
Well, we can revise the lyrics here, Vox.
As far as Oprah goes, I’ll never forget when she had an alleged member of a White supremacist group on and she says, “So you think I look like an ape or gorilla” and he says “yeah” she threw him off the show right there.
Springer has been caught numerous times employing out of work actors as so called “White Supremacists/Nazis/KKK” etc.
You can bet Harpo has done the same.
@ All
Isn’t it time we all admit that we are the same juncture Pre-War Germany faced?
Ravaged by usury, leaderless because of a corrupt Weimar government, poisoned by yellow journalism and pornography, flooded with faces of people not responsible for the advancement of society only those living off its’ wealth…….
And the outcome? It’s inevitable.
Just an honest question here guys.
Why are the Jews helping America self destruct?
Don’t the Jews realise that sending it’s standover country America to even further wars, like they’re pushing for America to war with Iran as well maybe Syria one day, will make America’s debt even worse, and possibly mean the end of America as a super power?
Without America as a superpower, Israel will quickly fall to it’s enemies.
Kol Nidre is the prayer of the ruling satanists
@ Minotaur,
It is like Hitler stated, “the Jew is the only person that will saw off the branch he is sitting on.” That is their nature, even if it means their own destruction. We have seen them do it through history time and time again in the host country in which they have EXPLOITED.
It is why they have been thrown out of so many places since their expulsion from Jerusalem by the Romans. That is just not coincidence. Wherever they have been, trouble, anarchy, treachery, deceit against the same host country who helped them in first place always followed!!!!
The Jew sees kindness, mercy, compassion as a “weakness” to EXPLOIT, unlike a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or Hindu who sees this as a virtue, to be honored, and paid back.
It is why in Scripture Jews are referred to as “The Enemy of Man.”
Yes, they do use plants like that to show the “Evil Gun Toting White Racist” stereotype — Hollywood EXPLOITS it constantly!
Most of the American “Nazi Führers” were actual full Jewish, or half-Jew scams trying to propagate hatred for White Christianity and the bastards have succeeded.
Look at Oxy: that is your perfect example of a self loathing, self hating, White Anglo Saxon, that still drinks this rancid Liberal Zionist Jew Kool-Aid non stop!!!!
@ Minotaur
“Why are the Jews helping America self destruct? ”
Because they believe that they will achieve their #1 Goal which is to eliminate Christians and the White race which they know stand between them and World Domination.
@ Minotaur
Which BTW, even despite Christians’ and Whites’ transgressions, we are the only religion and the only race that seeks out Social Justice and Equality and Freedom amongst men.
Although it’s our strength, the Jews use it against us as a weakness.
Jews have no morals or ethics, they use our strong sense of morals and ethics against us to apply rules that only apply to us such as the enforcement of multiculturalism, diversity, homosexuality, freedom of the press to protect pornography, protecting abortion and sexual deviance as “lifestyle and pursuit of freedom” choices, etc.
Images aired Denmark’s Radio, and allegedly documenting tortured Syrian demonstrators were false.
REUTERS did the same just a week ago:
Silver Lining 12 May 2011 – Reuters apologizes to French channel for providing false images on Syria
About Denmarks’s Radio:
Officially Denmark’s most important Public Service Station.
Unofficially the channel, together with its nearest competitor TV2 (half and half public service) have become mouthpieces for American, NATO and New World Order propaganda, spewing out one questionable uncritical broadcast after another containing mostly rumors and allegations, relating to the Mideast and the Muslim world in general.
Always saving the maximum amount of venom for Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah, and of course Iran. In the case of the attack on Libya, in which the Danish puppet regime voluntarily and enthusiastically took part, it seems as if the Danish media were almost part of the alleged democratic ‘rebel forces’, often demanding ‘more action’ from the government, in order to ‘prevent a genocide’ or support ‘the democratic movement.’
This is the same Jew warmongering propaganda and it’s the same in ALL western countries.
Some “gay sponsor” corporations:
Absolut Vodka
American Airlines
Bank of America
Bud Light
CITI MOrtgage
Delta Airlines
Ford Motor Company
Fox News
Fiji water
Home Depot
Ketel One Vodka
Merrill Lynch
Met Life
New York Life
New York Times
Petco and Puma
Quaker Oats
Red Bull
SKYY Vodka
Sundance Channel
Time Warner Cable
Tylenol PM
Warner Brothers
Washington Mutual
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo/Wachovia
W Hotels
Bingo, @ 0937, Vox.
I know you agree with me on this too and it’s what the Oxy clown tries to hit us over the head with – As a Christian I’d never support anyone being beaten or killed for the color of the skin or their beliefs. That is wrong and immoral and a sin.
Every man has a right to his place on Earth and to fulfill his search for why he is here. What I don’t agree with is that we can be made to be compatible with each other. Races vary in their beliefs, customs and behavior. That’s just a fact.
I just don’t think that Whites and Blacks, Christians and Jews are compatible or can be forced to be compatible. There’s just too many differences in order to bridge a gap. We can keep reaching out BUT it now has to be at a safe distance from each other.
Until our destroyers have learned that we will not allow them to sacrifice ourselves on their alters of hatred and divisiveness, we must treat them with distrust.
They’ve deceived us far too many times to take them at their word anymore. Loving and respecting one’s ownself first is the only way a Christian can approach the firestorm of the world.
In exposing the works of Darkness, we have to be careful that we do not cede our holy ground to the evil one.
Yes, we must declare the works of darkness so that others will not be deceived and fall victim to Evil, BUT, we have to always remember that the Victory belongs to Christ. Jesus ALWAYS wins. Jesus ALWAYS wins “whenever two or more are gathered in His name..”
When the Devil tempted Christ for 40 days in the desert, to an onlooker his assaults and temptations would have seemed wholly oppressive and depressing — but to the Son of God, to Whom All Glory and Power reign forever and ever, Christ sent the evil one fleeing with his Holy and Powerful responses.
The Devil used Scripture to tempt Jesus. Jesus used Scripture to send the Devil on his way … in haste.
Brother Nathanael, I hope you see this next thought as a desire to help you grow as a Christian and thereby help your ministry also. You do present the works of darkness very effectively. But, I think that after you present the works of darkness you should have a counterpoint explaining the Victory of Christ in the same situation.
For instance, if your theme involved the evil one and his desire to trap men into pornography to damage their souls and lead them away from their eventual heavenly home — of course explain that fully — but then follow with what Christ and Christians should do to counteract that Specific threat.
Saying everyone should go to church falls short of the mark. Instead, as Christians we should begin campaigns that show publicly that children are being over-sexualized by this culture and that caring parents (not just Christians) should react by dressing their children in modest clothing — rejecting the values of Wall Street.., for example.
Parents should rally their public schools to teach children about the moral values of purity. Of course, we know that public schools have no interest in teaching Christian principles on morality — they are secular humanists. So what? Christians need to stop arguing and dividing themselves about finer points and pick up the mantle of Christianity in general.
We must stand together with Jesus and his Gospel, or Divided we fall.
Exactly what the Enemy desires.
THE CRIME OF THE DECADE: Americans die for Israel in Iraq
Wallace I’m afraid Caveman’s argument seems more convincing than yours.
Didn’t he already state it was not a six in computer terms but in human terms? Not only he stated it twice, but the INVENTOR of the bar code also stated it.
What cracks me up is hypocrites like Oxy and ET come on here and tell us how good some of these Jews are in Israel and here, outside of Bro. Nate, Gilad Atzman and Dr. Norman Finkelstein, I don’t know any other righteous Jews, do you?
They see all the bigotry of White Christianity in the rural south of the US from the early 1900s through the 1960s, but yet dare not condemn the Zionist Jew caste system here, and MOST DEFINITELY in Israel.
Israel is where Nelson Mandella called what the Zionist does to the indigenous Palestinian, just as bad or worse than Apartheid in South Africa. Plus, the Jews have laws as bad or worse than Jim Crow in Israel, restricting them in their own land.
Yet, these two tell you they never met bad Jews, just Free Masons, their sucking up as a power whores (kiss up to that which has the power) MAKES me sick!
America the Beautiful, yes you can reference Jesus’ works well, but remember He scolded the religious hypocrites (Pharisees) of the times for being phony, just like I will now with our current Pope and the Vatican. Where does he come off saying the Jews were innocent of Christ’s crucifixion?
In fact, the reference to “washing my hands” what Pilate said, is now infamous with not condemning an innocent man.
If Pilate really didn’t want to kill Him, who did?
The Jewish Pharisees, whom hated Him with a passion, that’s who!!!
But now, the Pope tells them it is OK, the slate is clean, so millions more Catholics around the world will listen, and keep getting brainwashed by these earthly demons!
I’m going to try to answer your question. These are only my opinions that I’ve gained from my research.
It is no suprise that the United States became a world power after World War I. The Jewish financiers had been moving their wealth into America for a long time before that.
Any country that the Jews bring there money into seem to have a rise in military power or a golden age.
We saw this in Spain during the 1400s and in various other countries such as France and Great Britain after the Jews were kicked out of Spain.
It is said that the Jews have been kicked out of 79 countries. A commentator once said, “let’s kick them out of the US and make it 80”.
However, whether the Jews are kicked out or not, they always keep moving their headquarters. They use the host country to fulfill a specific part of their plan and then they move on.
Right now the US military, which is the most powerful in the world, is being used to pave the way for the beginnings of the New World Order. This is what the G20 meetings have been all about; setting up a global financial system that will eventually be bound by international law.
The Muslim countries in the Middle East have always been a stumbling block for the Jews, but so have the American people! The American civilians are more heavily armed than any other people on this planet.
The might of the American army is being used against the Muslim countries at the same time they are financially ruining the United States. This is the two-for-one special that the Jews always look for.
These Jewish financiers are packing up their money and bringing it over to India and China which will be their new headquarters for the time being. This way they will be able to allow the US to completely crash.
We’ll see this when the reserve currency is switched to something other than the US dollar. The reserve currency status of the US dollar is the only thing that is left holding up the US economy.
So what about Israel right? I’m not too sure switching over to India and China was the Jews best move. China and India are not going to be the “best friends” of Israel that the US once was.
I think that the Jews are in such a rush to complete their New World Order that they might be rushing things too fast and making mistakes along the way.
The Bible says that all nations will come against Israel. It does not mention the United States backing up Israel. This might be because there is no United States left.
The Gullible Mind Explained.
Mike Adams should have gone further and reminded us that even of those who subscribe to alternative theories there are those also who possess a gullible mind.
@Brother Nathanael
May God keep you safe on your street mission! I will pray for you.
IAEA Knew Within Weeks of Japanese Earthquake that Reactors Had Melted Down … Public Not Told for a Month and a Half
My argument is that its Jewish Freemasons that are bringing in the NWO not Jews.
It is important to realize that this is the case.
The average IQ of Jews in Israel is less than that of thirty six other nations according to a study recently.
Same goes for the Masons but they FOLLOW the lead of their spirit guides who are of the devil.
Thus it is a satanic NWO not a Jewish one.
Can you see the disconnect here on this board with everything biblical?
What lead to the rise of the KKK in the South was not slavery or freed blacks, it was the Jewish carpetbaggers that ravaged the South after the Civil War.
That’s why there was the establishment of the Southern Poverty Law Center (Jew justice). It was to assist Jews in the takeover of the agricultural and manufacturing of the Southern States as Southern Christians resisted the assault on their way of life and culture.
I once read somewhere (sorry no link provided) that actual numbers of all black lynchings in America, for all decades to today, has numbered around 843.
Which if placed against a backdrop for all races/religions lynched and total black population figures, is probably consistent.
I’d have to surmise from reading old texts and such that child molestors, rapists, murderers, thieves of ALL RACES were previously dealt with very harshly before Jews took over the AmeriKwan justice system and demanded all the scum be put on pedestals and worshipped.
Words of Wisdom May 26, 2011 @ 2:20 pm
“The Bible says that all nations will come against Israel. It does not mention the United States backing up Israel. This might be because there is no United States left”.
The proposition of the Bible mentioning the United States has been debated, both pro and con, by many.
The arguments for both perspectives are numerous; most all of them defy logic, history, Biblical interpretation and usage of words, thoughtful reflection, and common sense.
The Bible does however describe a world conqueror which it assigns the term “A Beast.”
The figurative picture it gives us, is one of “A Harlot” riding upon “A Beast.”
She steers “The Beast,” and “The Beast” ‘carries’ her.
In all The Prophets, apostate Israel, is termed “A Harlot.”
@ Vox,
“My argument is that its Jewish Freemasons that are bringing in the NWO not Jews.” Oxy-Goat
That’s total b_llsh_t, then why isn’t it “Free Mason White Christian” that were/are bad to the Blacks, and other minorities, not all Whites or barely any here in America? Ohh, then you change your liberal story to “racist bigots,” Free Masonry has NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR EVIL, right!
Most Jews are atheists, LIBERAL LEFTISTS, and have no idea, what the hell Free Masonry is. They all SUPPORT RACIST TOTALITARIAN ISRAEL: whether they are Jew liberals, conservatives,republicans, democrats, fascists, socialists or communists.
Tell me something genius (Oxy), how come all these liberal Jews and their fake Communism started civil rights revolutions all around the world in the 20th Century — “rise up comrade, against your oppressor –” EXCEPT FOR ISRAEL????
You are telling me, everyone of these Jews were Free Masons, and you can PROVE that?
@ Vox,
I once read somewhere (sorry no link provided) that actual numbers of all black lynchings in America, for all decades to today, has numbered around 843.-Vox
Same for the numbers on Gay crimes: most are perpetrated by gay on gay, but the liberal Zionist media spins it as heterosexuals doing it to them.
@ Oxy
Watch the video about Zionist control of Australia (Not Free Masons):
He asks for Australians to take orders from your homeland and not Tel Aviv.
The two Australians loyal to Zionist Israel are both Zionist Aussie Jews (SOUND FAMILIAR WESTERN WORLD?), you CAN’T TELL BY LOOKING AT THEM, AND THEIR NAMES?
Where is your listing of Tel Aviv Free Masons? Provide it for all of us.
@ All
“Thus it is a satanic NWO not a Jewish one.
Can you see the disconnect here on this board with everything biblical?” – Oxy Goat
What idiocy.
Revelation 3:9
“I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars–I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.”
Well genius, that is our Lord’s words. Where does he say ” Free Mason Temple or lodge of Satan?” I don’t see that in Scripture. It is pretty clear here, and also the Apostle Paul, Ex-Jew Pharisees himself, says, “Jews will be our (Christians) eternal enemy.”
See it is crazy delusional brainwashed fools like you that keep people in the dark. You do Satan’s work by casting the light on some fake devil, you let the Zionist Jews go scott-free to continue their crimes.
Br Nathanael – a wise decision. You understand the police mind well, as we all need to during this terrible time of persecution of the true faith.
In Australia btw there is a law against standing on the median strips so go for it while you can!
It is a brilliant way to get noticed for the cross of Christ in this Modern World of car transport…car worship almost – absolutely brilliant.
Israel is no more the Judeans but the New Israel of grace, the Church of Christ.
I guess the answer to your question, DWC, regarding the ‘guilt of the Jews’ is, Do you believe Pilate, or Jesus?
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, they know NOT what they do.”
I, for my part, look to Jesus and His words.
The synagogue of Satan is the masonic temple. It doesn’t matter whether it is Bnai Brith or some other masonic temple.
If these teachings are taught in Jewish synagogues it doesn’t change that fact – they are taught in Catholic and other Christian churches as well, but the temple is freemasonry, pure and simple.
Christ also said that “unless you forgive, you will not be forgiven.”
So we can spout words of wisdom all day long, pray and fast, evangelize and preach the gospel from sun up until sun down — BUT, if we do not forgive — we will NOT be forgiven.
Plain and simple. End of story.
With unforgiveness in our heart, our fate is sealed — we will not see heaven.
@ ATB,
“I guess the answer to your question, DWC, regarding the ‘guilt of the Jews’ is, Do you believe Pilate, or Jesus?
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, they know NOT what they do.”
I, for my part, look to Jesus and His words.”- ATB
What does that have to do with Satanic World Jewry today?
How does the Pope pardoning them, and also visiting them shortly after they KILLED INNOCENT MEN, AND WOMEN in Gaza, HAVING ANYTHING TO DO WITH Jesus?
If you are really after the Catholic bashers, why don’t you write the Pope, or Vatican, and ask them why they are silent when these same Jews constantly show nuns and priests as perverts, psychos, and the Catholic church as Satanic buffoons in all their Hollywood productions and media?
I agree that Israel aka “the Jews” are the harlot because Revelation says that the city that the harlot represents is the city where Jesus Christ was crucified.
I see the United States as being the part of the last empire that falls and gives birth to the beast which is the 8th and final empire. The beast is the one world government which the harlot has been so instumental in creating.
But by this time is there anything left of the United States that we would recognize? Or will we be just another 3rd world country amongst the world governance?
“The synagogue of Satan is the masonic temple. It doesn’t matter whether it is Bnai Brith or some other masonic temple….”
You’re going to have a hard time winning with that dead horse. Were there Freemasons in 70AD?
@ All, Oxy Goat
“The synagogue of Satan is the masonic temple. It doesn’t matter whether it is Bnai Brith or some other masonic temple.
If these teachings are taught in Jewish synagogues it doesn’t change that fact – they are taught in Catholic and other Christian churches as well, but the temple is freemasonry, pure and simple.”-Oxy Goat
How was the “Free Masonry” known then, if it was only started centuries later in Scotland?
What, we are to believe you, some delusional Aussie fruit cake, instead of the Apostle Paul, who was quite clear about the eternal enemy of Christians: World Jewry!!!
What don’t you understand about the scholarly research below: CLEARLY SHOWING Free Masonry was a tool brought about by Babylonian Talmudists, through the Khazar region to Europe?
Look directly at the last paragraph, where he says, EXACTLY what I have told you, for two months now!!!
As outlined in “The Thirteenth Tribe” by a Jewish scholar Arthur Koestler, the Khazars were “…people of Turkish stock… ” (p.13) a fierce tribe of wily traders, whose “main source of income was foreign trade …slaves from the north” (p.47). They also relied on military power, tax collection (a 10% GST!), customs tariffs, arts and crafts, and skilled goldsmiths.
In about 740 AC the King of Khazaria “embraced the Talmudic Babylonian version of the Jewish faith which is not true-Torah Judaism, and Talmudic Judaism became the state religion” (p.15). His subjects quickly saw the benefit of this new religion.
Looking at “God – the Ultimate Paradox,” David Ash tells us (p.69:) that in ancient times Jews “had a governing body … known as the ‘Council of Elders.’” The Hebrew word for ‘Elder’ means “… ‘in touch with God’.
In the 19th century this council “described itself as the learned Elders of Zion.” We learn that there is a group within the Elders which infiltrates and creates secret societies – {such as the Masons – known as ‘The Brotherhood of the Snake … In modern times this brotherhood has adopted the title of Illuminati”} (p.74).
Mike May 25, 2011 @ 7:23 pm
Not second guessing your knowledge of the historical events, but using your comment rather as a springboard into my subject, I would like to demonstrate that it was the Jews, and NOT the Romans, who were totally and completely responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Through the medium of artistic image we have been accustomed to the perception that The Romans crucified Jesus Christ. This is even assumed from the words of The Apostles Creed, “He was crucified under Pontius Pilate.”
However, we have a much surer, and accurate, eye witness account, in the Gospel of St. John.
An attentive reading of Chapters 18 and 19, of St. John’s Gospel, will show clearly that it was in very fact, the Jews, and NOT The Romans, who actually were the animate actors in Jesus’ crucifixion.
It is an assumption to think that The Romans were the only power in Judea that had men at arms capable of carrying out the act of crucifying Christ.
There were in very fact two other military bands, with delegated authority, in Jerusalem.
The first, are the soldiers of King Herod. The second are the soldiers of The Temple, under the High Priest and Sanhedrin.
We read of the latter in this passage of St. John, from the 18th chapter, concerning Jesus’ arrest.
“These things having said, Jesus went forth with his disciples beyond the brook of Kedron, where was a garden, into which he entered, himself and his disciples, and Judas also, who delivered him up, had known the place, because many times did Jesus assemble there with his disciples. Judas, therefore, having taken the band and officers out of the chief priests and Pharisees, doth come thither with torches and lamps, and weapons;” John 18: 1-3
The emphatic description here, of those who are apprehending Jesus Christ is, “the band and officers out of the chief priests and Pharisees”. These are the officers and soldiers of The Temple. These are Jews.
In the particulars of Jesus’ arrest we also read, “The band, therefore, and the captain, and the officers of the Jews, took hold on Jesus, and bound him, and they led him away to Annas first, for he was father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was chief priest of that year,” John 18: 12-13.
This band, and captain, designates a military guard. They are soldiers, with a captain and officers. “Mobs” do not have captains and officers. These are Temple Soldiers, and they are Jews.
It is important to note the interaction between Pontius Pilate and The Jews throughout the passion narrative.
In chapter 18 and the 31st verse Pilate addresses the Jews, saying, ” ‘Take ye him — ye — and according to your law judge him;’ the Jews, therefore, said to him, `It is not lawful to us to put any one to death;'” John 18: 31
“After talking with Jesus, Pilate again addresses the Jews, saying, ‘I do find no fault in him; and ye have a custom that I shall release to you one in the Passover; will ye, therefore, that I shall release to you the king of the Jews?’ therefore they all cried out again, saying, `Not this one — but Barabbas;’ and Barabbas was a robber”. John 18:38 – 40
To pacify the spastic Jews, Pilate then scourges Christ, hoping this will defuse the situation. “Then, therefore, did Pilate take Jesus and scourge him, and the soldiers having plaited a crown of thorns, did place it on his head, and a purple garment they put around him, and said, `Hail! the king of the Jews;` and they were giving him slaps.” John 19: 1 – 3
This humiliation of Christ was ordered by Pilate; therefore, it would be Roman Soldiers who administered the punishments in this particular instance. However, as I shall show, this would be the last interaction between Christ and Roman Soldiers.
Again, after the scourging, Pilate presents Jesus to the Jews, and declares Jesus’ innocence. “Pilate, therefore, again went forth without, and saith to them, `Lo, I do bring him to you without, that ye may know that in him I find no fault;`Jesus, therefore, came forth without, bearing the thorny crown and the purple garment; and he saith to them, `Lo, the man!” John 19: 4 -5
Here the Jews clamor again for Christ’s death. At this, Pilate again proclaims Jesus’ innocence; and, refuses to execute Him.
Pilate then tells the Jews, that if they want Him crucified, they themselves, must do it! “When, therefore, the chief priests and the officers did see him, they cried out, saying, ‘Crucify, crucify;’ Pilate saith to them, `Take ye him — ye, and crucify; for I find no fault in him;” John 19:6
Again Pilate talks with Christ, and again seeks to free Him. “Pilate, therefore, saith to him, ‘To me dost thou not speak? hast thou not known that I have authority to crucify thee, and I have authority to release thee?’ Jesus answered, ‘Thou wouldst have no authority against me, if it were not having been given thee from above; because of this, he who is delivering me up to thee hath greater sin.
“From this time was Pilate seeking to release him, and the Jews were crying out, saying, ‘If this one thou mayest release, thou art not a friend of Caesar; every one making himself a king, doth speak against Caesar.'” John 19 10 – 12
Pilate once more presents Christ to the Jews. “Pilate, therefore, having heard this word, brought Jesus without — and he sat down upon the tribunal — to a place called, ‘Pavement,’ and in Hebrew, Gabbatha; and it was the preparation of the Passover, and as it were the sixth hour, and he saith to the Jews, ‘Lo, your king!’ and they cried out, ‘Take away, take away, crucify him;’ Pilate saith to them, `Your king shall I crucify?` the chief priests answered, `We have no king except Caesar.` John 19: 13 – 15
It is at this place in the narrative when Pilate capitulates to the Jews.
It is of the greatest importance to understand what is to take place next.
Pilate has already proclaimed that Jesus is innocent. He has also proclaimed that if The Jews wanted Christ crucified, that THEY would have to do it THEMSELVES!
That the Jews DID do it THEMSELVES is clearly stated in the next passage!
“Then, therefore, he (Pilate) delivered him (Christ) up to them (The Jews), that he may be crucified, and they (The Jews) took Jesus and led him away, and bearing his cross, he went forth to the place called Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew Golgotha; where they (The Jews) crucified him, and with him two others, on this side, and on that side, and Jesus in the midst.
Further proof that “The Soldiers” who carried out the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, The Son of God, were Jews and not Romans comes from the more remote contexts, that are referenced as being the fulfillment of prophecies, concerning The Messiah’s suffering AT THE HANDS OF THE JEWS!
They are found in the 22nd Psalm. These ‘prophecies’ of Christ’s suffering at the hands of His Own were written by David ‘The Prophet’ and were all fulfilled it Golgotha!
“My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? ” Psalm 22:1
“And I am a worm, and no man, A reproach of man, and despised of the people (The Jews). Psalm 22:6
All (The Jews) beholding me do mock at me, They (The Jews) make free with the lip — shake the head,” Psalm 22:7
“They (The Jews) have opened against me their mouth, A lion tearing and roaring.” Psalm 22:13
“And to the dust of death thou appointest me, For surrounded me have dogs, A company of evil doers have compassed me, (The Jews) Piercing my hands and my feet.” Psalm 22: 16
“I count all my bones — they (The Jews) look expectantly, They (The Jews) look upon me,They (The Jews) apportion my garments to themselves (The Jews) And for my clothing they (The Jews) cause a lot to fall.” Psalm 22: 17 -18
These prophecies being fulfilled by The Jews, upon their Messiah, we can accordingly conclude by the rules of language, and logic; that, the verses here speak emphatically of Jew Temple Soldiers.
“The (Jew Temple) soldiers, therefore, when they (The Jew Temple Soldiers) did crucify Jesus, took his garments, and made four parts, to each (Jew Temple) soldier a part, also the coat, and the coat was seamless, from the top woven throughout, they (The Jew Temple Soldiers) said, therefore, to one another, `We may not rend it, but cast a lot for it, whose it shall be;` that the Writing might be fulfilled, that is saying, `They (The Jews) divided my garments to themselves, and upon my raiment they (The Jews) did cast a lot;` the (Jew Temple) soldiers, therefore, indeed, did these things” John 19: 23 – 24
There also remains one very solid understanding that declares, The Jews, and they alone killed Christ!
This understanding is that of the governmental structure in place at the time.
Rome was the supreme head. Pilate was Rome’s representative, and authority. Under “The Pax Romana,” the subjected country also had a “puppet king.”
This was King Herod, who also commanded his own soldiers. The pacification of Judea by the Romans also allowed for them to retain their customary religious structure. This included animal sacrifices, their ‘days and Sabbaths,’ their priesthood, and their temple; which retained it’s “guard” of Jew soldiers.
The points of affirmation are; that Pilate had refused to crucify Christ. As the voice of Rome’s authority his decision must stand.
That Pilate knew that the Jews had soldiers capable of the task, and so declared, “I find no guilt in Him. If you want Him crucified, you take Him, and do it yourselves.”
That Pilate delivered Christ over to THEM, and that THEY took and crucified Him is clearly stated.
To think that any Roman Soldier would countermand Pilate’s decision, and as such, engage Rome in this “unlawful execution” where in Rome (Pilate) had found Him Innocent; would be unthinkable mutiny.
To think that any Roman Soldier would countermand Pilate’s ruling, and then submit to the authority of the Jew’s Temple rather than Ceasar, would be betrayal, desertion, and mutiny.
We must conclude, in the light of these facts, that NO Roman soldiers could have participated in Christ’s death.
Therefore the “soldiers” spoken of in all the Gospel Narratives of Christ’s Crucifixion, were Jews, of either Herod’s cohort, or, The Temple Guard.
Further testimony, from Scripture, that it was the Jews who killed Christ can be found from St. Peter.
“Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known; this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified — ye (The Jews) did slay;” Acts 2: 22-23
“`The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, did glorify His child Jesus, whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, he having given judgment to release him, and ye the Holy and Righteous One did deny, and desired a man — a murderer — to be granted to you, and the Prince of the life ye (The Jews) did kill, whom God did raise out of the dead, of which we are witnesses;” Acts 3: 13-15
Further testimony comes from scripture by way of St. Paul.
“For ye became imitators, brethren, of the assemblies of God that are in Judea in Christ Jesus, because such things ye suffered, even ye, from your own countrymen, as also they from the Jews, who did both put to death the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and did persecute us, and God they are not pleasing, and to all men are contrary,” 1 Thessalonians 2: 14-15
When and how The Jews began the manipulation of shifting the blame of Christ’s death from themselves to Rome would be an interesting research in itself.
The words “Crucified under Pontius Pilate” in The Apostles Creed are there as a historical time reference. This should be obvious, as many occurrences in antiquity were given with reference to prominent rulers, so as to ‘set’ the date.
Perhaps this was later manipulated to point the blame also. Yet we see in modern times that all portrayals of the event whether in picture or film, invariably, show Roman soldiers carrying out the deed, contradictory to the written account.
We might take an educated guess, as to in what era the Ecclesiastical Powers began to portray Rome as the antagonist, rather than The Jews.
That would be, about the same time they took up banking!
Words of Wisdom May 26, 2011 @ 5:48 pm
“But by this time is there anything left of the United States that we would recognize?
Are there now ?
Or,….. if we think so, have we been ‘altered’ ?
The Jews love to be hated,they can not survive without hate.
If you smile at them, tell them how good their plan is going, they will trip over each other trying to get away from ya.
But if ya debate them in a dominate or degrading way, they will smile and love for it.
What has happened to the country your Founding Fathers established?
What has happened to the country that supposed to be free from government intrusion in every aspect of your lives?
What has happened to the land forged with your ancestors determination, hard work, and blood.
Would they even recognize it?
Your pioneering legislators drafted plans for this country…plans that would control the aggressions of mad men and tyrants. Yet the very type of governing body from which your forefathers were trying to protect you has taken a strong hold.
With the help of the “checks and balances” put in place to stave off despotic rulers, your country is edging more and more toward the very government your ancestors fled their homes to escape.
You have already lost so much…
Is it too late to turn back?
How do you go about returning freedom to the population?
What will you do?
After all, those who do not learn from their history are destined to repeat it.
The above applies NOT only to America, but also Australia and many other countries dominated by the power of greedy Jews.
Are we really ready to go backwards?
Dear RZN
In Spain and Greece just know happens the 3rd Protocol of the Elders of Zion.
THIS HATRED WILL BE STILL FURTHER MAGNIFIED BY THE EFFECTS of an ECONOMIC CRISES, which will stop dealing on the exchanges and bring industry to a standstill.
We shall create by all the secret subterranean methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all in our hands, A UNIVERSAL ECONOMIC CRISES WHEREBY WE SHALL THROW UPON THE STREETS WHOLE MOBS OF WORKERS SIMULTANEOUSLY IN ALL THE COUNTRIES OF EUROPE.
These mobs will rush delightedly to shed the blood of those whom, in the simplicity of their ignorance, they have envied from their cradles, and whose property they will then be able to loot.
The Jew STEPHANE HESSEL, former Gaullist intelligence official (93 years old now!!!), wrote the book “Indignation” calling all Europeans to “raise up.”
It is a best seller through Jewish propaganda.
God help us!
One minute you are saying that it started with Solomon then with the high priests of Jesus’ time, then you twist and turn and say it started in the 18th century.
Give it up.
Everyone in power in the state of Israel is a Freemason, otherwise they wouldn’t be in power. It is the most Freemason-controlled state in the world. And a lot of it is centred on Tel Aviv, but the capital I should remind you is Jerusalem.
@ All
By the Biblical accounts Pilate knew the Jews were destructive demons.
He was essentially extorted in to handing over Christ to prevent the Jews from destroying the economic conditions in Rome and starting riots.
Doesn’t get him off the hook but explains his answer which was essentially in modern English “You Jews are nutsacks and demons. This man has done nothing but this is TJB for you psychos.”
@ Oxy
Come on! Move along. Your floppy red shoe routine doesn’t amuse us anymore.
Go back to your dorm room at Tel-Aviv University. You’ve got a Talmud test in the morning!
It takes organization to control the world.
Just being a Jew doesn’t cut it. And the organization is freemasonry.
What part of that don’t you Freemason moles from a dysfunctional KKK lodge understand?
@ Oxy Goat
“One minute you are saying that it started with Solomon then with the high priests of jesus time then you twist and turn and say it started in the 18th century. Give it up.
Everyone in power in the state of Israel is a freemason otherwise they wouldn’t be in power. it is the most freemason controlled state in the world. And a lot of it is centred on Tel Aviv, but the capital I should remind you is Jerusalem.” — Oxy Goat
I said the “Masons” built Solomon’s Temple, these later “Free Masons” they sprang out of Scotland were/are a tool used by world Jewry, from Talmudic Babylon. just like the scholars tell you Nimrod!
That is why Citizenfitz, posted that to you below, but see, you don’t take time and READ and ABSORB truth, you just keep saying the same B_llsh_t garbage over and over again, like you are reading from some card: “a Zionist Guide to Fool Goyim.”
“They are not the exact same animal, that is why you’re going to have a hard time winning with that dead horse. Were there Freemasons in 70AD? Nope.”- Citizenfitz,
The Freemasons evolved from the Protocol’s authors, that were written well after the Jews were expelled from Rome. As the text of scholars, I posted states, “they were a secret sect, that later became the “Illuminati.”
You are so dumb. You don’t even realize those original Masons of Solomon’s temple, many believe became the Knights Templar, or some other group, possibly some evolved into the Freemasons of Scotland, whom Talmudic Jew bankers used to stir up wars and revolution in Europe.
Jews are the Devil behind the Freemasons, and other entity or groups causing strife in the world. Accept it or get off the site, like Joe Cortina said, he was obviously talking about you, when he said, “Zionist Jew Puppet Mole” trying to create dissension here!
No one here agrees with you, why don’t you leave and go to “Real Freemason News?”
@ Vox,
Here is Oxy, looking at herself (?) in the mirror:
Can you point to any Scripture verses that identify the Freemasons?
I think most everyone at RZN can all agree that the reference to the “Synagogue of Satan” in Revelation had nothing to do with Freemasonry.
There is only one group of people on this planet that ever used a SYNAGOGUE and they weren’t Freemasons, they weren’t Catholics, and it’s definitely NOT the Rastafarians.
So without any further fuss, can we have some Scripture verses that back up your assertions?
If you can’t, can you at least listen to Br. Nathanael when he said, “End of Thread.”
kthxbye, LOL
Freemasonry is THE curse against civilization as outlined by the Catholic Church for centuries. Where does any Pope in the last 500 years mention ‘Jews’ as the threat to christian civilization? None. you know why?
Let me guess for you. They have all the intelligence in the world. Second to none. They knew at all times what was going on in the world and still do today.
Where do you think their 50 miles of the Vatican library shelves come from?
There is now a “rapprochement” with ” Jews,” opening the possibility for them to embrace Christianity.
Do you think their is a similar rapprochement with Freemasonry. No.
Don’t give me the crap about the Freemason Catholic bishops. They are not the Church. The Catholic church is the Pope and all who are in union with him through Jesus Christ. And there will never be any rapprochement with the Synagogue of Satan.
What does darkness have in common with light? And – what do I have in common with my opponents who pollute this forum with their filthy posts? SFA.
Vincent May 26, 2011 @ 7:12 pm
What more diabolical stratagem toward others could one conjure up, than to fill their hearts with hatred.
I have long observed this work of psychological warfare perpetrated by The Chosen upon mankind, and have long reflected upon it’s purpose.
Given the commandment of Christ, that we ‘love one another’, etc. the implications for the Christian are obvious.
When we hate others, we situate ourselves deep in enemy territory.
Therefore, what more tactical assault does Satan have than to instill hatred; and seek for it to bear fruit, in Satanic words and actions.
Vincent, you broke the code, dude !
Words of Wisdom.
I have a question for you.
Was Solomons TEMPLE a temple or a synagogue?
Was the Second TEMPLE a temple or a synagogue?
Is there a difference between the two? Were the” temples” at the time of John’s writing already being called “synagogues”?
What is the original Greek or Hebrew word for “synagogue”. Is it the same as “temple”?
Are you confused?
You are witnessing the rise of tyranny in America right now, right in front of you.
It’s called the TSA and it recognizes absolutely no limit to its power.
The gloves are off, folks. The TSA is now engaged in what can only be called an act of economic warfare against the state of Texas.
This rogue agency, which is staffed with power-hungry pedophiles, perverts and porn distributors (… ), is already asserting its false power and threatening one of the largest economies in the world — the state of Texas — with severe economic harm if its lawmakers don’t cave in to the TSA’s tyrannical demands.
More on:
Thanks to those who answered my question – DWC, Vox and WOW.
DWC and Vox, Jews always cut the branch that they sit on, true, and want to end white Christian power. However you’d think that Jews would realise that without these gullible white so-called ‘Christian’ America, that there would have no one to protect Israel from the Arabs, and the Arabs would take over Israel within days if there’s no white Christian America? Are the Jews too dumb to realise this, or am I missing something?
W.O.W. you said Jews may be putting their money in China and planning to base themselves there.
That’s probably happening now, however you’d the think Jews would realise that the Chinese are like Arabs, who are very suspicious people, and aren’t anywhere near as gullible as whites.
Not to mention that they wouldn’t be able to control the media in China anyway, as it’s completely run by the communist government.
Therefore it’d be much harder for the Jew to control China.
If the following happens:
1. Jews help the U.S. fall, and
2. base themselves in China
The Jews will undo themselves and undo Israel, rather than their enemies causing it. This is interesting…
Here is Oxy, looking at herself (?) in the mirror:
Here is DWC and Vox doing the Tango.
TSA claims supreme power over Americans
Below is the link to inform you all what are the “Ten things the TSA could do in America” :
Jewistan: Finally Recognizing Israel as the Jewish State;
Synagogues co-existed with the Temple prior to the destruction of the Temple in 70AD. They are two totally different things. However, the purpose of the synagogues changed when the Pharisees created Rabbinic Judaism because they no longer had a Temple.
Now please… find something in the Bible that mentions Freemasonry. Surely Jesus Christ would have mentioned something about them if they were the primary source of evil.
You have been ranting for months now on this site about your obsession with Freemasonry. While most of us will agree with you that Freemasonry is one of the tentacles of the Jews, we will never agree with you that it is the primary source of evil.
I really think that, considering the circumstances, everyone has been very patient with you. But it’s time you either come up with some proof or you move on some where else.
Please find some Scripture verses that prove your point or forever hold your peace.
Oxy you are like a stone in the shoe.
I think the Jews think they can control China to the same extent they control the US now. After all, who was it that came up with Communism and forced it down the throat of the Chinese just like they did to Russia?
They will use all the same tactics they usually use on the rest of the world (i.e. economic pressure, nuclear blackmail, etc.)
But I agree with you, I don’t think this time the Chinese will go along with it.
This is a public forum. Not your personal fiefdom.
My comments on various issues as long as they are accepted are directed at the general public not any of you in particular, so please don’t feel the need to reply if you cannot disagree with them respectfully and I will pay you the same courtesy.
The Serbian traitors arrested general Ratko Mladic.
The western world supports Muslims of Bosnia, but they agree with the murdering of Palestinians?
@ Minotaur,
Very good post, you are starting to get it!
I think mostly Jews are that arrogant. They just feel one big lie after another has not been challenged for the last two centuries, let’s just keep it up.
They rule more by ignorance and fear, as much as control of money.
Money just helps you keep ignorance by Goy (control of all media) and fear (pass all kinds of draconian b_llsh_t laws like HolloHoax denial, and hate crimes, to imprison, harass, and steal from those seeking the truth and ending their tyranny).
@ All,
Let’s IGNORE Oxy, the thing is clearly mentally unstable, it is bound to happen on sites like this. The thing rants endlessly, and never answers what you tell “it” to answer, to proves it’s assertions.
Jesus’ would of been clear, and all the Apostles, if it wasn’t a contaminated apostate Israel, of the future, that would seek to rule the world and have dominion over it?
I have question, Oxy. Why aren’t the Elders referred to as the “Learned Elder of Freemasonry,” and the Protocols called “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Freemasonry” if they rule everything like you assert?
It was done in secrecy: NEVER INTENDED FOR GOYIM TO READ OR LEARN ABOUT THEM, so why not just use your real group name “Freemasonry”?
A Synagogue is not a Temple. In Greek synagogue (synagogi) means to bring or gather together.
ΣΥΝ (latin cum) and ΑΓΩ (bring); to bring together
@ Oxydental
Yes, a synagogue is not a temple and it’s not a church either as Zionist Christians are fooled in to thinking.
It’s a gathering place to discuss business. Which is all a Jew has a mind for. Money making, money laundering, money hoarding…… The Hebrews knew the dangers of facing down and turning their backs to God.
Jews however are arrogant and defy the Hebrew religion and have made a mockery of God. Make no mistake Hebrews and Jews are not the same thing. Hebrews worship the Lord, Jews despise the Lord.
DWC is particularly evil and deceptive.
She equates the Church that Christ began and Promised to be with Until the End of Time with the ‘synagogue of Satan.’
Shameful, just shameful.
@ All,
It has no answer, or maybe it will tell me (like the “charlie days” whom it sound an awful lot like) the Protocols are a hoax?
Even though they read like a blueprint for 20th Century domination?
Remember Oxnard, Zionist Jews never denied the Protocols, they just said, “the are forgery.”
My question to them, a forgery of what document?
Jews haven’t got a chance at controlling the Chinese. The Chinese are a homogenous society that hasn’t undergone the multiculturalism and diversity dilution that AmeriKwa has experienced.
Divide and conquer will never work for the Jew in China, and China will not be convinced that diluting their society is in their best interest.
Since the Chinese are largely atheists, they can’t have their lack of morals and ethics used against like in AmeriKwa where Christians have had their observance of morals and ethics used against them.
The Jews can’t bellow at the Chinese “Your Mao was Jewish, you have to do what we say!” like they do with Christians and Jesus Christ.
Will “Layergate” take down Barry?
Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama’s True Origins 1 through 3
“Where’s is the Birth Certificate”
Dr. Corsi post continued:
Alex Jones interview with Dr. Corsi 1 through 3
@ America the Beautiful
“DWC is particularly evil and deceptive.
She equates the Church that Christ began and Promised to be with Until the End of Time with the ’synagogue of Satan.’
Shameful, just shameful.” – America the Beautiful
Where did I state that?
I said, ask the Pope, why he is silent about the Catholic bashing in Hollywood, and the media.” Also, the murder of innocent women and children in Gaza. You operate with the same “Devil Spirit” as the apostate Pharisees, that Jesus scolded in his day!
You are a gutless yellow weasel, that would rather attack me, and make yourself feel good (like all you Zionist Christian puppets) than confront the real Devil, Apostate Israel, and their control over the Vatican, through Rothschild money!
Let me ask you something, do you support Israel, like every other Catholic, and Zionist Christian I know??
Why are you even on this site? I think, I smell another “Zionist mole” Vox, like Joe Cortina warned us about?
@ All,
Let me show you what a lying FRAUD, this so called Catholic, America the Beautiful really is??
Bella Dodd and the “School of Darkness:”
She basically claims the Catholic church was infiltrated by Jew Zionist Communists, and that brought about Liberalism in the Catholic Church, and perversions: such as homosexuality and pedophilia.
Now, Fulton Sheen brought her back into the church, so he must have endorsed her beliefs?
Cardinal John O’Connor Liberalism in today’s Church and Anti-Christ teaching:
Now, both say EXACTLY what I did. Are you to believe Fulton Sheen and Cardinal John O’Connor, or this lying “faux in the hen house” America the Ugly?
The Last Nail – Floor Speech May 25 2011
Concentrations camps for you Obama non believers.
Jesse Ventura “The Police State Conspiracy” :
The Obama Deception HQ Full length version
A Jew was dying and called his three sons at his bed. Then he asked:
– Where is Sam?
– Here father!
– Where is Aaron?
– Here!
– Where is Jeremy?
– Here!
Before dying the Jew cried: And who the f*** is in the store?
Holowhopper of the day – Jewish Zombies:
“An eyewitness stated that the poison gas had a delayed action, it allowed the victims to leave the gas chambers and walk to the mass graves by themselves.”
Repts. of the Polish Underground, Archiv der Polnischen Vereinigten Arbeiterpartei, 202/III,v.7,pp.120f.,quoted in: P. Longerich, op. cit.(note 271), p. 438.
It’s certain the Catholic church WILL be here to see Christ’s return.
It’s also certain the modern Church has been infiltrated by the minions of anti-Christ – who’ve moved into positions of power in the Vatican hierarchy.
The Great Apostasy of 2 Thess. is upon us.
I confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.
DWC, do you?
Freemasonry is the very real threat to civilization as we know it today.
The talmudic, kabbalistic tentacles are all Freemasonic. there is no other. No matter what the secret group is, the illuminati, council on foreign relations, novus Ordo, etc it is all freemasonic.
Of course it has its origins in Jewry. No one is denying that. It would be foolish to deny it. Jewry is the only religion in the world which denies Christ despite the hundreds of prophecies in the Old Testament which align perfectly with Christian belief in the New Testament.
Jewry is the only antichrist religion in the world.
So it is a fertile ground for Satan to choose his followers from. But Satan works in secret. And Jewish synagogues are not secret. Freemasonry is secret.
Most Jews have no religion. Devil worship is a religion.
To deny the existence and the power of Freemasonry in the world is a sure indication that one is a high ranking Freemason.
Jesus is not mocked and the very Name of Jesus I pronounce over you.
@ All, Oxy:
I did that a long long time ago sweetheart!
“I confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.
DWC, do you?”-Oxy
Remember, you, ATB, Henny (Hienrik), Roy and a few other liberals were the ones that attacked me first, and called me names, like “bigot” and “racist.”
I never even acknowledged any of you people’s posts, before that, or even cared about them.
You all drew first blood (as we Americans say) not me!
The Hitchiker’s Guide to Western Europe
Britain: Whenever traveling in Britain be careful while using public transportation.
Stay in the same seat! Changing seats in Britain is viewed as evidence of a crime. Always check what is permissible speech in France, Germany, Austria et al, before opening your mouth.
British authorities don’t know what’s going on! They’re not sure of their own laws and will throw you into prison while jabbering endlessly about whether you have committed a crime or not. A sure fire way out of any strife is to apologize to the local Jewish community. A donation will be expected.
France: While traveling through France always remember to keep your mouth shut about certain aspects of history. Permitted words do include, “there’s… no… proof… Hitler… killed… six… million… Jews….” But be very careful how you put them together.
The French are pretty excitable folks! Make sure your math is impeccible: 6,000,000 – 1 = 3 to five years. A sure fire way out of trouble is to apologize to the local Jewish community. A donation will be expected.
BeNeLux: The best way to travel through these countries is on tip toes with your head on a swivel. Speak only in whispers – even with close friends in their living rooms.
Always have someone watching your back. You may feel as if you’re being watched. You are! So be discreet. Don’t give the police any idea you’re having doubts about certain aspects of history. A sure fire way for getting out of trouble is to apologize to the local Jewish community. A donation will be expected.
Austria: See Germany below.
Germany: The best way to travel through Germany is at 500 miles an hour, at 35,000 feet, with a paper bag over your head and your lips sewed shut. Get in and get out as fast as you can.
DO NOT THINK! Thinking is a crime in Germany. Don’t let anyone observe facial expressions that tell them you’re thinking as you will be reported and followed. Never use vocabulizations like umm… err.. or, ahhhh…. They’re dead giveaways that you’re thinking. German authorities dislike thinkers and throw them, and their lawyers, into prison.
And do not use words like “truth,” “integrity” or “justice” at your thought crimes trial as this will only anger them even more. Such language is not permitted in Germany. If you do find yourself in trouble, just say: “Hitler holocausted… gassed… electrocuted… made soap outta… barbecued…lampshaded… boiled in oil… nuked… raped… six million Jews”.
This will impress the judge and shorten your prison sentence. But ya’ gotta’ be able to say it with a straight face. Good luck with that!
A sure fire way outta any strife is to apologize to the local Jewish community. A donation will be expected….
Oh, I totally agree with you but that doesn’t stop the Jews from thinking they can control the Chinese.
All evidence supports that the Jews are packing up their financial power in the United States and moving it to China and India.
I’ll just add that this could actually be why China ends up heading a 200 million man army (kings of the east) against Israel.
Geopolitically speaking, we are seeing a perfect scenario being created for the fulfillment of Revelation.
In Greece 98% of the Greeks deny the “Holocaust.”
To whom it may concern,
The guard bars in a UPC code (as I said) DO NOT look like the number six whether to a computer OR to a human.
Guard bars LACK the four empty spaces that are found in the representation of six. There is no room for them in many cases.
The numeral one can be MISTAKEN for a lower case ‘L’ sometimes… but that doesn’t mean that it was actually an ‘L’.
It’s just as simple as that.
Someone wrote:
“Jewry is the only anti-Christ religion in the world.”
That is also not true. Not even close.
“For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an anti-Christ.”
– II John 1:7
It is tremendously interesting that the promises of Revelation are finally coming to pass. What do RZN brethren think of Harold Camping’s predictions?
By the way, WoW, I was not joking but I ended up avoiding an altercation with the JEWNOSE-y neighbor so I never figured out if he was holding.
I’m sure one of these days I’ll figure it out and when I do I’ll report back. I have actually seen JEW GOLD in the past and I took a picture, unfortunately the phone must have been outfitted with a sensor that detected my forbidden photo.
It activated the water damage meltdown button and my phone never worked again. Wouldn’t believe it if it hadn’t happened to me personally. Leave it to Big Jew to sink his conniving clutches into the Yip hardware market.
What role do you think the Hindus will play in the end times? Or did they already play it by popularizing TM in the ’70s?
@ Vox,
Vox, take keen notice, in what Dr. Bella Dodd states:
Dr. Bella Dodd wrote: “To the New York newspapers the story of the expulsion of a woman Communist was merely one more story. It was handled in the routine way.
“I winced, however, when reputable papers headlined the Communist Party charges and used the words “fascism” and “racism,” even though I knew these words were only quoted from the Party resolution.”
You notice the term coined from the Communist Party — “racist.”
Actually, Leon Trotsky coined that term to silence White Christian defiance and opposition to their subversive ways.
Now, these parasites that come on this site call us the same thing, and say they are Christians, doing Christ’s work.
All the while they are constantly using Trotsky and the Communist Party’s propaganda and name calling to try and get the upper hand, and embarrass you, just like their Communist forefathers.
Bella Dodd and the “School of Darkness:”
Was Obama Really Biting the Hand that Controls him?
by Ian Mosley
Obama seems to have upset the “Chosen Ones”. Not a smart move for someone who’s little more than a puppet in the grand scheme of things.
The Wall Street Journal reports: “Jewish donors and fund-raisers are warning the Obama re-election campaign that the president is at risk of losing financial support because of concerns about his handling of Israel. The complaints began early in President Barack Obama’s term, centered on a perception that Mr. Obama has been too tough on Israel.
Some Jewish donors say Mr. Obama has pushed Israeli leaders too hard to halt construction of housing settlements in disputed territory, a longstanding element of U.S. policy. Some also worry that Mr. Obama is putting more pressure on the Israelis than the Palestinians to enter peace negotiations, and say they are disappointed Mr. Obama has not visited Israel yet.”
The hapless Obama is probably terrified to visit Israel. I would not be surprised if the Israeli military shot down Air Force One on its final approach and then gave some lame excuse that it was an “accident” (much like the USS Liberty incident) or perhaps they’d try to blame it on the Palestinians.
The WSJ article goes on: “One top Democratic fund-raiser, Miami developer Michael Adler, said he urged Obama campaign manager Jim Messina to be extremely proactive in countering the perception in the Jewish community that Mr. Obama is too critical of Israel. The Obama campaign has asked Penny Pritzker, Mr. Obama’s 2008 national finance chairwoman, to talk with Jewish leaders about their concerns.”
So, let me get this straight. Obama is supposed to be “anti-Israel,” but the Israeli Rahm Emanuel pretty much ran the White House for the first two years of his presidency.
The Jews demand nothing less than total subservience to them personally and to their agenda. As re-election time draws near, Obama is starting to kick at the traces a bit in an effort to “get back to his base,” including the Bush-hating liberal left.
Now Barry feels compelled to make some naughty noises at Israel in order to “shore up his base” and get the lefties to work for his re-election, but the Jews don’t even allow that much independence to a puppet they installed in the White House at a cost of half a billion dollars.
Obama has not done one thing to undo anything that Bush did. He hasn’t withdrawn from Iraq or Afghanistan, he hasn’t closed Guantanamo Bay, he backed down on a legal trial for some Muslim who was accused of being the “mastermind” behind 9/11. (I thought the “mastermind” behind 9/11 was supposed to be Osama Bin Laden, but they never can keep their stories straight about that day.)
There is one other possibility aside from pandering to the far left. Obama might be deliberately stirring up a hornet’s nest to draw attention away from his birth certificate.
The announcement of the death of bin Laden took the public’s attention off that nine-layer pdf document, that Obama trotted out, for a couple weeks. Was Obama so desperate to prolong the distraction that he would risk angering the Israeli Lobby? It sure looks that way. Perhaps Obama gave Netanyahu a heads up that it was all show and that he really didn’t mean it.
Rabbi Gordon,
Why are you trying to hide your Jewishness?
Clever little trap you came up with to try to get us to say, “Yeah, you hit that little Jew in the kisser!”, “Steal that Jews gold!,” and “Give that stolen money to Br. Nathanael!”
As funny as you think you are, that bulls**t isn’t going to work on us.
You want to compare my thoughts to Harold Camping’s predictions? Simply because Harold Camping made a fool out of himself, we as Christians can’t discuss Scripture verses that actually look like they are coming close to becoming true?
The only one who is a fool is someone who can’t recognize the signs and doesn’t prepare for them.
If you want to punch a Jew in the face, why don’t you start by punching yourself.
A synagogue or a place of worship for the Jews is called, in the Hebrew tongue Bais Haknesses.
In the O.T. when the people of Israel met together, they would call themselves “The Assembly of the Lord” — Numbers 16:3; 20:4; 31:16.
The word Synagogue in Greek, literally means a coming together, an Assembly, a Congregation. This is why John calls the Jews, not Freemasons, not Muslims, or little green men, but Jews, they are “The Synagogue of Satan.”
Prosphora is the word for an offering and a sacrifice (Acts 24:17)
I was just wondering is “White phosphorus” The same meaning.
Stav are you there, can you help with this one.
As most of you know this was the weapon that was used against the Palestinian people.
The True Israel is not composed of any Nation or Race. It is composed of those who accept Jesus Christ in Faith.
The Oxy-continental wagon train rolls on.
“Over the hills and far away…”
As the terminal end time madness continues.
There are no solutions to the rapidly evolving evil slave state USA.
Its in your face and you can’t miss it.
Far worse than anything but you deny it.
Waiting for the cavalry that doesn’t exist.
Waiting for destiny – singing the anthem that got you there in the first place.
Worshiping Lucifer. denying God.
Why America has been singled out for the worst suffering?
Why was Russia singled out for the worst suffering?
These are questions too difficult for my limited knowledge, but the reality is that it is a fact, and we have to deal in facts.
Anyone who has not made his peace with God by now I suspect thinks the NWO is a Hollywood movie and it can only happen to someone else.
If they are not following the news carefully are probably not even aware of what is going on anyway.
The Russians were defeated in the early years by superior firepower and in the latter years by ignorance. (“My people perish for lack of knowledge.”)
Americans are not more ignorant than the rest of the world but they are under greater demonic attack so their ignorance is shown against a sharper backdrop and thus more clearly focused and defined.
I feel no tears however as I know in any struggle with the demon, God is always on the side of right no matter what happens and if God is with you who can be against you?
At the moment America is not suffering any more than any other third world dictatorship and may never be.
But I suspect there is something particularly dark on the horizon for that country and when it happens, even if it happens slowly or in stages it will be used as an example to the rest of the world of the terror that awaits them if they do not toe the NWO dictates. People will gasp in fear.
People will be in shock and horror…if this can happen to the USA they will say, it can happen to any country, no doubt about it.
This is how the NWO hopes to achieve its social program which is what I am referring to.
Militarily it will be the Middle East that suffers the brunt of the coalescence into a new world empire as China and its allies are starved of raw materials and food to precipitate the World War prophesied by the devils advocates and who is there to stop them?
This was the method used against the Japanese to get them to attack the USA and the NWO is nothing if not repetitive.
Will this be in 5 years, 10 years, 15 years,who knows? but you can be sure the social program will move along smoothly in parallel with it, the one being the diversion for the other and vice versa.
This is the confusion that will be instigated as we saw with 911 which was merely a trial balloon in many ways.
Things will get bigger and more catastrophic with each new step as the cowards get bolder with each new step, for their desire, their aim is total annihilation of the creation of God, both spiritual and physical as this is the wish of the one they worship and thus the wish of the leaders and instigators of the revolution against God in all its stages and preparations over the last 5 centuries and especially the last two.
I recommend we come together in our mutual love of CHRIST and our perspicacity about these END TIMES. You don’t even know me, and I never did anything to you except participate earnestly in BROTHER NATHANAEL’S BLOG ROOM.
Calling me a Rabbi, waging ad hominen attacks for your own pleasure, exposes nothing about me but much about you.
My employing a whimsical attitude in no way contravenes my desire to procure some of that sweet JEW GOLD. Perhaps we should accept each other as brothers in CHRIST and answer one another’s questions sincerely, without malice.
I am not sure why you need to misdirect your anger at me but I have the fortitude to turn the other cheek. Thank you for engaging my questions but I suggest we both move on to other discussions.
On that note, if any sober-minded and generous-spirited CHRISTIANS would like to answer my earlier inquiry: What role are the HINDUS playing in these prophesied times of sorrow for believers?
I may be accurately called an Indian bigot as I find their bup-bup-bup accents poisonous to my ear. But I fail to see the precise threat posed by HINDUS, despite many efforts.
@ Georgios
Good One! Keep them coming. They’re such snots. 90% of comedians are Jews and mock everyone else but you don’t dare tell jokes about them because “that’s how the shoah started”.
No doubt about it. The Jews are pulling their wealth of the US Markets and sinking it in China BIG TIME! But the Chinese don’t protect an investor’s money because after all the Jews are investing in the Communist Govt, not individual firms like in AmeriKwa.
So the Chinese at some point will slam the doors on their fingers and tell them “So solly, U dunt lookey Chinese?” — but that won’t be the end of it as Jews will demand that the JewSA attack China.
‘Ceptin ain’t no hillbillies left to fight for ZOG anymore. They’ve pretty much have burned through their supply of dumb farm boys and are poking around the cities looking for the unemployed now and generally the answer is “Hell NO!” That’s why they’re so heavily dependent on mercenaries.
A draft will never work either because they won’t allow the dumb tools nowadays to take their iDevice in to battle with them.
Trotsky was a Jew demon! I’ve heard that before about the term “racist” but I think it would have come from the liberals lips anyway regardless of Uncle Moshe.
Yeah bizarre how every “White Devil” has heard of Hitler but few if any know anything about the Jews Trotsky, Lenin, and Stalin.
Brother Nathanael:
May The Lord protect you in your sacred mission. I am asset-rich but cash-poor, perhaps you can email me on the address given in my comments if you wish to be housed in TAX-a-chusetts on some future visit.
My home is simple but vigilant about the risks to believers in this sinful world. Most of the neighbors have connections to the Mayflower or the shipping industry (euphemism), but we’re close to Harvard so we get our share of JEWS. Nothing to be done but ignore.
In every event, could you please address my concerns about HINDUS with a comment reply or a future blog post?
I find their smell objectionable, they’re just as arrogant as JEWS, and their facial hair is wimpy-looking. Moreover, their culture celebrates pansexuality and pantheism to the exclusion of a righteous sacramental life in OUR LORD.
I feel like they’ve devised stealthy cultural agency through their influence over the Yoga community and the attendant propagation of TM and other PAGAN spell-casting.
Your Brother in CHRIST,
Gordon G.
Brother Gordon,
The Hindus are part of another occult based religion. They are only participating in these prophesied times by making God angry.
If you want to know more about Hindus, please go here:
You’ll find that this article has been written in a way that won’t offend you in the slightest.
Believe me when I say there is no malice between us. Sometimes it is very hard to convey emotions properly on the internet.
I just politely asked you to please punch yourself in the face. How’s that for being whimsical? =]
I would also add that I spent two years as a Dokimos in KAROULIA with the Holy Serb Ascetics Daniel and Seraphim (Great Schemamonks) and the prevailing opinion among Athonites is that HINDUS are uniformly opposed to the Western Christian worldview.
Everyone from the Great Elder Stephan to the Greek Hieromonk Theodoros (on the hill before you get to the ladders toward Seraphim’s kelli and Fr. Ephraim Krassovsky’s) will agree that HINDUS are suspicious and wage a malevolent campaign against TRUE BELIEVERS.
You may all realize that the mathematical innovations introduced by HINDUS just in the last century are striking. It is difficult to accept that their own (impoverished) culture generated such flights of intellection, only inspiration by a SATANIC figure could have afforded such profound mathematical insights.
I hope that WoW isn’t half-HINDU or something, trying to obfuscate this behind name-calling. Anyway, I need some evidence to help me impugn HINDUS in my department.
My boss is a BELIEVER who would love to join me against the bup-bup-bups INDIANS, but we cannot act on our suspicions or their legacy operations. We need some current events to motivate serious gestures.
For whoever had a thread about Fluoride:
Let’s think about this:
The Guv doesn’t care if I have a job.
The Guv doesn’t care if I lose my family.
The Guv doesn’t care if I lose my home, my car, all my possessions that I earned.
The Guv doesn’t care if I die in wars for israhell.
But the Guv does want me to have pretty teeth?
And now they want to add lithium to the water supply because they’re worried I might be sad?
Sad about the holyhoax?
Sad about the losing war of terror?
Sad that Jews don’t have all the shekels?
Sad that I don’t hate whoever it is Jews tell me to hate?
What do you suppose went wrong? Didn’t pay their Kosher taxes?
Two Israelis indicted in St. Louis on smuggling charges:
Brother Gordon,
I have no problem with your last post. I would have never of second guessed you if all you comments had been like this.
Let me repost some of you earlier comments:
“What do you think about the JEW GOLD phenomenon? Fact or fiction?
One of my neighbors (a JEW), is weaker and smaller than me. He’s also a whiner and protests my diligent lawn-care at our neighborhood association.
One of these days I know I’m going smack him in the kisser. But I’m trying to decide if I should make a public example of him or try to do this in private, where I can relieve him of his JEW GOLD (if it exists).
Has anyone here ever seen JEW GOLD? Would I be able to melt it and sell it, do you think?
If I succeed I’ll happily share my proceeds in the form of a donation to BRO NAT.”
“It is tremendously interesting that the promises of Revelation are finally coming to pass. What do RZN brethren think of Harold Camping’s predictions?
By the way, WoW, I was not joking but I ended up avoiding an altercation with the JEWNOSE-y neighbor so I never figured out if he was holding.
I’m sure one of these days I’ll figure it out and when I do I’ll report back. I have actually seen JEW GOLD in the past and I took a picture, unfortunately the phone must have been outfitted with a sensor that detected my forbidden photo.
It activated the water damage meltdown button and my phone never worked again. Wouldn’t believe it if it hadn’t happened to me personally. Leave it to Big Jew to sink his conniving clutches into the Yip hardware market.
What role do you think the Hindus will play in the end times? Or did they already play it by popularizing TM in the ’70s?”
I felt like your comments concerning JEW GOLD, specifically the part about giving stolen JEW GOLD to Br. Nathanael as a donation, was exactly what a Jew would write in order to maliciously quote RZN on other pro-Zionist websites.
I also felt like you were having fun at my expense in your attempt to compare my thoughts with that of Harold Camping. Maybe others didn’t notice it, but I did.
I think if your comments weren’t intentional, they were at the very least in very bad taste.
I’m sorry if I misjudged you and I won’t comment any further on this subject.
@ Vox,
“What do you suppose went wrong? Didn’t pay their Kosher taxes?
Two Israelis indicted in St. Louis on smuggling charges:”-Vox
They will find some way to let them off, unless they ripped off other Jews, like Madoff did.
As soon as you do that, you are a criminal of Hitleresque proportion in their minds.
The US has different rules for them, as we saw with the “Dancing Israelis” of the 9/11 fame.
You believe these little cretins go on Israeli TV, and talk about how they were in America, for filming and documenting terrorism purposes, and just by a stroke of luck, they happen to be right there when it happened. What are the odds?
Probably the same as less than 2% of the world’s population being so many millionaires, and billionaires, and it all happens just randomly?
DWC is deceptive, evil AND Hateful.
Why am I not surprised?
Christ said it is not what goes in the mouth but what come out of it that reveals the heart of a man.
We see what is in the “heart” of DWC.
Why don’t you just Repent of your extreme Pride, find some humility and learn to love again… if you ever did.
@ Bro Nate, this is what Joe Cortina warned about. Look what they did to Incog Man’s site. Many that post here, post there regularly, including Hoff.
Why Joe has warned about these “impostors” or “hasbaRATS” as he refers to them, coming to a site and creating chaos, day in and day out to ruin the flow of truth. Joe Cortina has them on his site also. It is obvious Oxy is one of them that is doing this here?
Why does an individual post CONSTANTLY about Freemasonry, on a site called “Real Zionist News?” Think about it?
From Incog Man on these impostors:
“OK, LET’S GET something real straight right the hell now. This is my site and I’ll say who I want to SPAMblinka or not.
“But first, let me define what I call “hasbaRATS.” Hasbara is an over-all term for Jewish group efforts to screw up their enemies (which is anyone not Jewish).
“They stole the name from the Israelite spies in the Old Testament. These spies were sent by Joshua into places like Jericho to open the gates in the dark of the night; allowing the rest to sneak in, slay all the non-Hebrew inhabitants, cattle, pets and anything else they could gut open with bronze age swords.
“After the orgy of mass killing, they divided up the loot among each other, with the hottest looking virgins going to the Levite priesthood.
Modern day Khazars, who claim to be the same ancient Israelites (what a sorry laugh), think they are doing the “Tribe” heroic service by messing with the Goyims’ heads and even our politics, by flooding polls and chatrooms with pro-Israel crap.
“They actually have tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) on Megaphone software, where they get the cue to go into action against something that might pose a threat to the arrogant, self-elected “Chosen Ones,” or International Jew money, 9/11 Truth and that lousy, devious country of Israel.
It’s a vast Internet network of PR agents for Israel, “Never Again” JDL psychos and devious little teenager brats — every single one a Zionist Khazar Jew (it’s doubtful there’s any multicult, liberal Whites in their organizations).
Virtually all Americans don’t have a clue to what’s going on behind the scenes.” — Incog Man
Brother Gordon
The strange smell from the Hindus could be due to Fenugreek ( ) and other combinations
of awful spices that they consume in copious and greedy portions.
The second reason for their awful smell is due to their ignorant belief in the medicinal power of consumed urine, one’s own the better. They assume that the urine is the most precious liquid in the universe and hence drink and bathe in cow’s urine; and for those really into it, their own.
Prime Minister, Morarji Desai (Hindu, Brahmin), boasted that he was drinking eight ounces of his own urine daily (pure and fresh!) in the morning in accordance with the Vedas claim that urine has medicinal value. This he stated in a Time magazine interview no less, if I am not mistaken.
I came across a book “Water of Life” written by one wayward Christian John Armstrong who wished to reconcile this ungodly practice with Christianity. His premise rested on a Bible Scripture which goes like “..and they shall drink from their own well.” And many other Biblical scriptures which he distorted.
You can read about such filth here:
The book goes on to state that the most pious and holy of Hindu saints even consume their own excrement. But then for those that know Hindus well they know how difficult it is to differentiate between a Holy man and a mad man.
As someone once said “Hindus are very sophisticated on the outside but inside they exist in a state of spiritual darkness.”
I will find and post a book by a Hindu insider who bemoans Hinduism once I find it from my library.
A book ‘Hindu Awake” can be got here
@ Brother Gordon I will disagree with you regarding the mathematical expertise of Indians.
You must remember that in some distant past the Hindus were once a righteous people with highly developed spiritual insight but as with every society, religions and cultures they somehow became decadent and the result is like what you see today.
Their mathematical expertise is next to none because we just find that whatever we thought was discovered by some Eular or Laplace was known to them from far in the past. Take the case of Ramanujan, a mathematical expert who used to jot results into his diary without showing the steps and no one today can derive such results – thousands of them.
Or take astronomy, they were aware of the equinoctial cycle (precession year) and the time it takes to complete such a cycle such that it boggles the mind as to how they knew of it since such ancient times.
All in all, Brother Gordon, the technology you enjoy today may have stemmed from their ancient heritage.
Zionism is the agenda . Freemasonry is the tool.
Freemasons and Zionists Are the Devils Fifth column America
Masonic Jews Plot to Control World
Quote: – “Now the lid is blown off the forbidden, secret powderkeg of the Masonic Jews who run Israel and, by extension, the United States and the world. Unbeknownst to either the Israeli elite or to America’s pro-Israel cabal in Washington, D.C., for over six years I have conducted an intensive investigation of Jewish Masonic influence…”
Tex Marrs.
Zionists and Freemasons Behind the London 2012 Olympic Games’ Silly Logo Design
@ All
I’m with DWC.
Sites like this attract Jewish conintelpro types, and Israeli students, some even on the AmeriKwan CIA and other Fed Gestapo type black organization payrolls.
It was recently revealed and then buried that AmeriKwan taxes were passing through to Israel then coming right back in to AmeriKwa and dispensed by AIPAC to the JewsMedia to fund stories that were Pro-Israel.
They come here posting Scripture like when Satan tempted Christ in the desert quoting Scripture. You must not give these Jewish cretins credibility by acknowledging their missives. They’re anti’s.
@ Kalif
Something that’s always perplexed me and is probably locked away from mankind by the Jews and their minions in the AmeriKwan Gestapo Black Ops machinery is:
How Egyptian, Maya, Inca…. and many other past civilizations showed enormous information about celestial workings, complicated calendars, and mathematical calculations, built pyramids with such precision, all without the aid of sophisticated machinery or heavy equipment and all around the same time period without the aid of shared information.
Where did this knowledge come from and how was it communicated across the planet and penetrate the remote jungles of South and Central America?
No doubt those these were some brutal and wicked civilizations. Human sacrifices, eating the still beating heart of the victim, etc. etc. but it’s a damn shame the equally brutal Spanish didn’t do a brain drain, before killing them rather than just grab the golden loot as their Jewish overlords had commanded them to do.
Phenomenal video, Brother Nathanael.
However, just because they Plan, doesn’t mean we can’t Plan as well.
Heirloom seeds, a return to an agrarian philosophy, getting ‘off the grid’ and ‘owing no man anything’ are still options for many in the USA.
As long as the Second Amendment stands, we can also (per the founding documents of this nation) defend ourselves, and not go meekly into the night. Russia’s model of the suffering soul before the first round of Jewish Bolsheviks, is NOT America’s – no, for even Russia waged war and defeated the Khazars once!
I have just finished reading a Protestant Agrarian’s book, called ‘Surviving OFF Off-grid.’ I also note that there is a blog for Catholic Agrarianism. One does not need to be a consumerist drone, to fill the coffers of the Jewish Bankers, if one chooses.
As Luther’s old hymn said, “for HE (Christ) shall win the Battle”
@ Oxy,
Tex Marrs is a scam! He ran a full thread (article) last year how Obama had come to his senses, and started seeking global help with Jewish control in the White House.
It was all lies and scam, just like you are trying to scam us right now!
Dear Vox
I too am also at a loss for an explanation but suffice to say that the builders of those enduring monuments and the authors of those sophisticated calenders would never have been cannibals like we are told.
Cannibals knowing arithmetic to the base of the golden ratio? Someone has to be kidding.
It has started.
The ban against male circumcision. Whether God could not have created a perfect human such that baby boys had to have genital modification, for health reasons most parents are advised to circumcise their baby boys.
Now Jews and us Muslims will have to find a rational explanation to continue with this practice other than the order of God to Abraham and his son Ismael who both removed their foreskin on the same day, 13 years before Isaac was born.
Prepare for a rough ride.
The Serbs are Orthodox Christians, Pascal was a Christian and many Russian philosophers, then there is something very valuable in that religion.
Now the Serbs are facing evil of cosmic proportions like with Turks 500 hundred years ago. There are honest and dishonest Serbs – but due to the western pressure the mentality has changed and nowadays traitors are in the power.
Our politicians have sent the entire political, military and police leadership to the Hague, because NATO has to justify bombing and aggression. We were only defending our country, but the powerful are judges.
God has withdrawn and people here seem not to recognize the true enemy. I am ashamed how many traitors we have here and it is interesting that all Jews rejoiced because General Mladic has been caught, like Sonja Liht who is the head of Soros Foundation.
We are enslaved and humiliated.
According to Russian Orthodoxy, Jesus will come back to end the flying Antichrist’s rule when this antichrist conceives a thought in his evil mind that he 666-isotope-ray-lasered everyone.
Antichrist’s minions came up with Dec. 21 in order to desensitize people to the real events predicted in the Bible. Antichrist is 0% God and 100% man. He’s possessed by Satan since he’s 12 years old. He flies. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He’s pale with red eyes.
He’s surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light. 666ed people go to permanent hell. 666 is given by lasers (isotope rays) on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card (world passport). Reject 666.
Don’t go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Those who reject 666 will go to heaven. Also, their direct ancestors will be saved from hell. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves.
Again, 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card (world passport). Police will chip and isotope ray people on highways. Food stores will isotope ray people too.
Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost. If you’re about to be marked, scream: “Lord, have mercy!” three times. Go hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666.
Greetings, Brother!
If you see this comment could you please tell me what book these saying of Saint Paisios are from? I’d like to read more about what he had to say.
Thank you!