Israel’s Loyalty Oath Exposed (BrN On Video!)
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Israel’s Loyalty Oath Exposed
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Brother Nathanael @ October 19, 2010
Dear Real Zionist News Family –
The Palestinians (both Muslim and Christian) are GETTING THE ROYAL SHAFT from these WICKED JEWS who constantly are intriguing against them.
The judgement of Christ will catch up with these Judaic Christ-Killers who are hell-bent on the complete ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.
I am going to NYC tomorrow early AM for Street Evangelism in Times Sq and Wall Street.
PLEASE keep me in your prayers dear RZN family for Christ’s Protection and Blessings!
I will be giving a blow by blow report on a regular basis while there with my “have lap top will travel” system!
The Nativity Scene issue in Frisco CO is moving along well.
I just got back from seeing the Law Firm and we NOW have concrete proof that the Town allows the park for Public Forums for “political” protests. We GOT PROOF! And we will use it to put up the Holy Nativity Display of The Lord Jesus Christ’s HOLY BIRTH! Updates will follow next week…
I need Financial Help to pay for the Law Firm, OUR site, and to keep The Brother Nathanael Foundation Alive.
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I Love and Appreciate our Real Zionist News FAMILY.
Let’s ALL STAY in the orbit and Let’s ALL STAY connected!
Blessings to All With the Holy Sign of The Cross!
+Brother Nathanael
Great video Brother!
Israel’s Loyalty Oath is an affront to human dignity.
Greetings in the Lord Jesus, dear BN,
Outstanding presentation exposing the hideous and pernicious nature of this Oath to Israhell.
I hadn’t thought it through this far, and now with the U.S. State Department officially endorsing it, this is truly frightening.
Before my eyes like a sushi chef, you have cored, peeled, sliced and diced the political, and more importantly, the spiritual & theological ramifications of the rotten seeds and fruit of this Israeli oath thing for any remnant of right-believing Christians in America and elsewhere.
Israel is just the first step.
That’s possibly why the “Zionist State Department” is jumping to endorse it.
America/Australia/Europe etc may be put under similar constraint if they are allowed to proceed….as I tried to warn against in this fictional account in 1991.
“….I reflected on why I had been placed here on this shore. It wasn’t nice. I had been a non-conformist, unacceptable in the world I knew for two reasons.
Firstly I did not take the oath of allegiance required by the new secular authorities. In the name of harmony and the efficient functioning of all aspects of society this was mandatory on all citizens of every age, sex, state of health and background, vocationally and ethnically.
It overode all religious affiliations and duties and beliefs associated with such religious organization. Its catchcry was “End wars, peace begins at home.”
Its message was conform but conform to what? A computer or aetheists idea of humanitarianism which correlated with conformity at all costs, a set of lies.
………. But this wasn’t their main aim. Their real aim was the fulfilment of a false doctrine. This doctrine was simply that society was best served by being properly ordered and it was best ordered by completely dehumanizing it to the level of a computer program.
It started out many years beforehand with the introduction of an I.D. card for all citizens.
Bureaucrats and politicians saw how much easier their job was becoming once they had more and more control and the process was deliberate.
At heart was the real desire to have people work for you rather than you work for them; to completely turn it around and become not the servant of the public but the served by the public.
It was an old idea which needed only one basic human emotion, that was selfishness, to revive it but it took on a modern technological disguise. The disguise was in its simplest form “crowd control.”
They used the population increase to justify under the guise of patrimony that tired old human emotion, for thats all it was, there wasn’t a real reason for it, dictatorial enslavement and servitude.
But a servitude far more sinister, ruthless and dehumanizing than any previous dictatorship of human history…….”
From “South Africa in Winter,” a fictional account of escape from the New World Order.
First off, Bro Nate,
I told you several weeks back I thought Dick was a Zionist mole, on here to create dissension?
Russian Spy Anna Chapman many say has Jewish roots, does that surprise anyone?
Are they loyal anywhere except Israel?
Israhell is the outcast of all nations.
An oath like that cannot be taken by any one who is not a Jew, unless he denies his own identity.
Why don’t we force the Jews in America to choose between loyalty to the state of Israhell or the USA. Napoleon posed a similar question to the Jews.
It backfired however, and they got special rights.
I got convicted in my heart and felt chills in my spine when I saw this Video broadcast.
A thought occurred to me about what Christ said about the Truth setting us free.
When we accept and humble ourselves before God, the burdens of guilt, failure, loss, and broken-heartness, are taken away.
This applies to people of all faiths.
Now I understand your burden for the Jew and their rejection of the Cross.
Their double sins of Rejection and Deicide.
I wonder if this rejection is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost?
This indeed, is quite disturbing.
Video Text For “Israel’s Loyalty Oath Exposed”
(Thank You Dear Linda S!)
Israel’s Loyalty Oath Exposed
October 19, 2010
COPYRIGHT, 2010, Brother Nathanael Foundation
Law Firm – Richmond, Sprouse, & Murphy LLC
On October 10, 2010, the Israeli cabinet voted to institute a loyalty oath that requires new Israeli citizens to declare allegiance to the “Jewish democratic state” of Israel.
The 1,000,000 Palestinian citizens who reside in Israel condemn the legislation as racist, discriminatory, and contradictory. For Israel cannot be Jewish and democratic at the same time.
But there is much more here that evinces both a malicious intent and an ominous future for the Palestinian people.
You see the loyalty oath creates a legal justification for Israel’s ongoing program of ethnic cleansing.
For the establishment, by law, of a Jewish State that must be declared allegiance to, classifies those whose loyalties are in other directions as seditionists who must be purged.
Secondly, the loyalty oath wrecks havoc on the cause of the Palestinian refugees who seek a right of return to their homes stolen by Zionists.
For the refugees to repossess their homes an oath must be taken that would dispossess them of their religion and this is a devilish Israeli construct.
But there is an even greater pernicious element that adheres in Israel’s loyalty oath that all Christendom must be alarmed by and alerted to.
On October 12, 2010, US State Department spokesman, Philip Crowley, in support of the oath and underlying Israel’s Jewish character told a press conference, “Israel is a state for the Jewish people.” Then he added falteringly, and for other faiths as well.
What Crowley failed to acknowledge is that no loyalty oath is required of those “other faiths” in Israel, and that would be Islam and Christianity.
What is at stake here for Americans, who comprise a Christian majority, is that for the US to endorse an oath to a Jewish state is to endorse all that Judaism stands for.
The core of Judaism is that it denies the Messiah-ship of Jesus Christ and affirms His crucifixion that those Jewish leaders demanded of Pontius Pilate.
You see specifically, for the United States to endorse an oath to a Jewish state, the United States becomes party to the Judaic crime of deicide. What we must insist on is a separation of synagogue and state in America.
As President of the Brother Nathanael Foundation we are engaged in warning Americans of the increasing Jewification of our nation.
We denounce the US State Department’s decision that brings us one step closer to a Judaic World Order.
And unless this Judaic World Order is stopped no vestige of a Christian consciousness will remain in America!
+Brother Nathanael
I really liked the backdrop of this video (the pine forest).
It’s very visually appealing and gives a sense of serenity.
I’m surprised that they haven’t created a Loyalty Oath here. Remember George Bush saying “you’re either with the terrorists or against them”.
We here at this extended family, realize that George Bush was the terrorist in league with CIA and Mossad terrorists during the WTC and Pentagon attacks on 911.
That is why we must condemn them and condemn those who blame the “Moozlims” in stead.
To me, Judaism isn’t a religion.
If Judaism really were a religion, why is it that someone who’s half Jewish (Jewish mother) and has never stepped foot in a synagogue is considered Jewish, and yet religious Gentiles who uphold the laws of Judaism are strongly discouraged from converting to Judaism and are almost never considered Jewish?
Jews are indeed a race.
After all, since Jewish law mandates that someone born a Jew dies a Jew, regardless of whether or not that Jewish person practices another religion, that’s a clear indication that Jews themselves see their Jewishness through a racial lens.
For example, do any of you recall the Seinfeld episode where Jerry’s dentist converts to Judaism and starts cracking Jewish jokes?
On a couple of occasions, Jerry tells him that he has no right to tell Jewish jokes. Even though his dentist is religiously Jewish and Jerry is secular, Jerry sees himself as a more authentic Jew.
To understand Jews, me must recognize that they are a RACE, first and foremost, and a religion second.
This is very relevant when analyzing Israel’s “Jewish State.”
Dear Bro Nathanael,
No one doubts your rising status as THE premiere enemy of our traditional enemy at this time.
NO one doubts your compassion, enthusiasm and above all HUMOUR as a “fool for Christ” exposing the father of lies and his minions. However – are you missing well over half of the picture?
The silver bullet, the tungsten carbide/depleted uranium discarding sabot STAKE in the heart of the enemy is his ability to MONITOR COMMUNICATIONS and see who is calling whom, who is e-mailing whom, whom is encrypting to whom and who is monitoring them and their minions ala the D.E.A. and the Israeli Intelligence front company Verint and their heavy involvement in the data intercepts business for law enforcement all around the globe.
Hitler largely lost the war because of his compromised communications system via “Ultra Intercepts.”
His “unbreakable” code machine was largely compromised in 1939 and continual breaches of “code book” security thought the war enabled the British to have virtual up to the minute, full order of battle and upcoming tactical and strategic operations knowlege which they fed to Stalin who refused to believe (initially) that the British could have such up to the minute knowledge of German battle plans.
Even with all of this knowledge – Stalin just barely held on which shows you the incompetence of the Soviet leadership, the quality (lack of) in their troops and the brilliance of German combined arms tactics.
With these thoughts in mind I was wondering when you would be doing one of your brilliant reports on Israeli Intelligence front companies that dominate the electronics communications business?
ALL Western countries (and most of the others) have Israeli designed and even manufactured routers, switching gear and data intercept equipment in their communications exchanges giving FULL access to the Israeli State of information of the most sensitive kind.
Of particular interest is the “Rad Group” of companies which spawned a grand total of 24 start up companies that have totally infiltrated EVERY aspect of communications systems around the world including aircraft control tower technology and military communications gear. It was started by 2 brothers.
Here is an example of the articles I have found…
– How Elite Military School Feeds Israel’s Tech Firms
After graduating from high school in 1993, Arik Czerniak entered a secretive Israeli military program called Talpiot.
The country’s most selective institution, it accepts 50 students a year and trains them in physics, computers and other sciences. Its mission is to create innovative, tech-savvy leaders capable of transforming Israel’s military…
Three decades after Talpiot was founded to modernize the Israeli army, the program has created an unforeseen byproduct — a legion of entrepreneurs that has helped turn Israel into a technology juggernaut…
Mr. Czerniak and other Talpions, as graduates are called, have started dozens of these companies in recent years, specializing in security equipment, encryption software, communications and high-end Internet hardware. Many, like Mr. Czerniak, have moved to Silicon Valley…
“The successful high-tech industry is a problem for the military,” says Zohar Zisapel, 58, considered a father of Israel’s technology industry.
Mr. Zisapel’s Tel Aviv-based RAD Group has launched 28 tech start-ups over the years, six of them listed on Nasdaq. “It provides opportunities for Talpions the military cannot match,” he says…-
Remember also that Intel has now built the largest chip fabrication factory outside of the United States in Israel. This means every Laptop, every mobile phone, every desk top and every corporate server with Intel Inside is OWNED by Israel and the Jewish Criminal Network.
Brother Nathanael – Putin would be so proud of you.
Do the article of articles on this subject, pour your heart and soul into it and then get a dog and a gun and pray because I GUARANTEE they will come after you with a vengeance but that is what we are here for is it not?
I presume you and Joe Cortina have my e-mail although there is little likelihood you will get through with the amount of mail that never arrives. Lucky telephone still works. I will ring Joe Cortina in a couple of days and give him my input if you will do an article.
God Bless you my friend.
I have watched and admired you since you first appeared on Liberty Forum which seems like an age ago. I wish I could give you more than words right now in the form of a big load of cash – maybe that will have to wait, for now.
How many times ad nauseum have we been pounded with “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East” ?
[Excerpted from Talknic]
“First, find out what isn’t true…October 12, 2010
“Is Israel actually a democratic state?
“Read the Declaration for the Establishment of the State of Israel. The words ‘democratic’ and ‘democracy’ simply do not appear.”
Partial text:
“WE DECLARE that, with effect from the moment of the termination of the Mandate being tonight, the eve of Sabbath, the 6th Iyar, 5708 (15th May, 1948), until the establishment of the elected, regular authorities of the State in accordance with the Constitution which shall be adopted by the Elected Constituent Assembly not later than the 1st October 1948,”
An Israeli Government has never been elected in accordance with A) the Declaration B) in accordance with the Constitution. An Israeli constitution has yet to be written.
“THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel;”
The prophets of Israel are a religious notion = theocratic.”
[Much more]
Just a small question:
Of what value is a loyalty oath taken by Israelies when they have Kol Nidre?
This is pathetic that America’s bureaucrats even care about what Israel does.
Whatever happened to the wise advice of George Washington saying to avoid, “Foreign Entanglements?”
Foreign Nations don’t care about America.
All this yuppie, pinko love of diverse cultures. What a load of bull.
Since common sense is virtually dead-whatever happened to attending to our own business?
Oh yeah, I forgot rich fake Jew Khazar Internationalist money men decided it would be fun to attempt to manipulate and control the whole World turning Peoples, Faiths, and Nations into coerced chaos while, simultaneously doing all they can to preserve their Khazar ways.
Imagine how the pinko Khazar media, and Universities would react if American Government did what they did, “We are making all citizens declare an oath to the race of our forefathers (white European) and to Jesus Christ our Lord.”
The Khazars want to take away our rights and heritage yet, impose their’s on the rest of the World.
They are the Revelation 2:9 Synagogue of Satan. Detestable!
The suname Chapman is not Jewish.
TO —– Bay Area Guy
October 19, 2010 @ 5:33 pm
—-To me, Judaism isn’t a religion. —-
Good for you. Lets see that backed up.
— If Judaism really were a religion, why is it that someone who’s half Jewish (Jewish mother) and has never stepped foot in a synagogue is considered Jewish, and yet religious gentiles who uphold the laws of Judaism are strongly discouraged from converting to Judaism and are almost never considered Jewish? —
Who says they are “strongly discouraged”? People convert to Judaism all of the time. There are (supposedly) 10 lost tribes remember that Jews are waiting to bring back into the fold.
— Jews are indeed a race. —
Tell that to an Ethiopian Orthodox Jew or a Yemeni Orthodox Jew or even a Russian Jew.
— After all, since Jewish law mandates that someone born a Jew dies a Jew, regardless of whether or not that Jewish person practices another religion, that’s a clear indication that Jews themselves see their Jewishness through a racial lens. —
The Law Of Return SPECIFICALLY states that Jewish Halakah (Religious Law) applies when deciding who is a “Jew” with regards the State of Israel.
That is a human being born to a Jewish Mother or a human being born to a Jewish CONVERT to Judaism. THAT is the Law of Laws when the state of Israel is involved and they – as the Jewish STATE – must be held pre-eminant on that matter.
— For example, do any of you recall the Seinfeld episode where Jerry’s dentist converts to Judaism and starts cracking Jewish jokes?
On a couple of occasions, Jerry tells him that he has no right to tell Jewish jokes.
Even though his dentist is religiously Jewish and Jerry is secular, Jerry sees himself as a more authentic Jew. —
Too many people equate American Jews (YIDDISH/POLISH/SLAVIC) culture with “Jews.”
Yiddish culture INDEED has a claim to being an “ethnic” group in the traditional sense of the word – it’s own language, music and even jokes. But that is a particular Yiddish culture and NOT “Jewish” culture. In fact their is NO “Jewish Culture” outside of RELIGIOUS culture.
I challenge anyone to tell me the common binding cultural tie that binds Jews from all over the world that is NOT religious in origin. Fact is – there is none.
— To understand Jews, we must recognize that they are a RACE, first and foremost, and a religion second. —
Says who? By what measure? It is clear you FEEL they are but based on what? Seinfeld? Yiddish culture is NOT Jewish culture.
Let me quote a jewish site…
— Those secular American Jews would probably be surprised to learn that much of what they think of as Jewish culture is really just Ashkenazic Jewish culture, the culture of Jews whose ancestors come from one part of the world.
Jews have lived in many parts of the world and have developed many different traditions. As a Sephardic friend likes to remind me, Yiddish is not part of his culture, nor are bagels and lox, chopped liver, latkes, gefilte fish or matzah ball soup.
His idea of Jewish cooking includes bourekas, phyllo dough pastries filled with cheese or spinach. His ancestors probably wouldn’t know what to do with a dreidel. —
— This is very relevant when analyzing Israel’s “Jewish State.” —
Wrong. Israel more than ANY other is actually far more tolerant than the average fat Askenazi/Yiddish/Slavic Floridian screaming for war and destruction while safe in their air conditioned retirement village.
It is importing “Indian Jews” and “Ethiopian Jews” and “Chinese Jews” and it has large areas FULL to the brim with Phillipino’s who marry Jews etc…
It is actually surprising to acknowledge just how tolerant the State of Israel can be as it tries to prop itself up with anyone it can to fill it’s ranks.
People should read Professor Shlomo Sand’s excellent book – “The Invention Of The Jewish People.”
He argues (successfully) that there is indeed a “Jewish Identity” but not a Jewish race or ethnicity. Sand argues that even “cat lovers” have an identity but they are not a people or a nation.
The idea of Jews as a “racial group” (which includes ethnicity) came out of the vast nationalist outpourings of Europe in the late 1800’s which was grabbed onto by Theodore Herzel and Co.
The Polish radicals, stuck in the Shtetyls of Poland and Russia grabbed with both hands the idea of a Jewish Nation and People that would prop up their strong atheistic tones.
The rest is history.
What was once a minority view has become a mainstream view amongst many Jews (particularly in the U.S) that they are a “race”.
This is encouraged by the State of Israel as it seeks to form common bonds of loyalty among highly disparate Jewish groups around the world from whom it seeks material and moral support as it slowly sinks down the gurgler of Palestinian birth rates and active physical resistance.
Check out this link to see the extreme racism that is tolerated in Israeli politics:
We have a loyalty oath, it’s called the pledge of alliengence to the flag.
It’s just the USA is not defined as a religious state…YET…and the loyalty is to the Constituion.
I’m glad you pointed out that the USA supporting this oath goes against our policies of separation of church and state.
There was a reason for that clause and many people have forgotten it.
Your videos are great. I rather enjoy them very much.
Thank you.
“It is actually surprising to acknowledge just how tolerant the State of Israel can be as it tries to prop itself up with anyone it can to fill it’s ranks.”
Moshe, I know Israel is very diverse among the Jews. However, I remember a quote from one Russian Jew who lived there for a while saying, that if there were no Arabs, Jews would start killing each other..
Seems like there is tons of racism within Israeli society between the Jews.
I am a former Jew who gave up on the sterile, hate-filled, vengeful Jewish system of oppressing non-Jewish people, and especially Christians.
I turned my life over to Jesus Christ, and accepted Him as the True Messiah that the Jews claim has not come yet (untrue).
The Jewish god preaches hatred and vengeance against non-Jews, and that the Jews are the Chosen People whose destiny is to rule the world.
Our Lord, on the other hand, teaches loving your neighbor, giving one’s money to the poor, and helping one another.
I decided that Christ’s message of love is far better than the Jewish hatred system.
I am also a loyal American who would give up my life to defend our beloved land from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
That is a promise that Jews cannot make, because the first loyalty of American Jews, and Jews of every country in the world, is to Israel, not to the country of their birth.
When I was a Jew, the rabbis pounded into our heads that we were Jews first, Jews second and Jews third. We were Americans only when it did not conflict with the interests of Judaism.
If Israel needed money to oppress the Palestinians, it was our duty to support Israel, and to pressure the American government to remember that “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.”
Up on the stage of the synagogue were two flags, one American and one with the Jew-star. And the American flag was usually worn and faded, while the one with the Jew-star was clean and bright.
That’s how Jews feel about America, that they’re only living here temporarily to make all the money they can. Then they want to go to Israel to advance the cause of making Israel the strongest country in the region, and ultimately the world.
Jews cannot be proud Americans when they’re first loyalty is to Israel.
To make Palestinians swear a loyalty oath to the Jewish state is a typical shyster Jew-lawyer trick.
Jews won’t swear a loyalty oath to America because that would be against their loyalty to Israel.
I think we Christians should demand that Jews swear allegiance to America or leave. If they refuse to swear allegiance, ship them out.
Don’t send them to Israel, however, as that would just be putting more trouble-makers into an area of the world that has too much trouble as it is.
There must be an island somewhere in the world that is big enough to hold all the American Jews. Then they can go about their usual Jewish practice of swindling money out of their neighbors.
Only this time their neighbors will be their fellow Hebrews.
Brother Nathanael,
This is one of your best yet. I want to say that I do not view the Jews as a race of people. And I don’t view them as a religion either.
I agree with Moshe’s view that they have a Jewish identity. And what does this entity entail?
Low level Masons do not know what Masonry is all about. They don’t know what the highest order of the Masons really espouse.
The same goes with the Jews. The vast majority of Jews espouse a religion and identity. But I think that the very highest echelons of Judaism espouse a Mafia style mentality.
In other words they are really criminals with a religious face. That way they makes themselves seem respectable and above reproach. Their fostering of the holocaust is a little, in fact a lot, of added insurance.
I want to add that I wonder if this demand of an oath may not be the mark of the beast. For in the Apocalypse, it states that no one would be able to buy or sell save he that has the mark of the beast.
This really frightens me as I know a lot of otherwise cautious Christians might take the oath in order to get their weekly groceries. But if we all took a stand, that damage could be mitigated.
A Great summation of the facts Brother Nathanael.
Excellent expose dear Brother Nathanael, with no holds barred!!!
I would also add that, with this new law requiring an oath of fealty from its citizens to a JEWISH Israeli state, the Zionist entity has openly become a THEOCRACY, rather than the fake democracy that it has always been.
It has now showed its true colors and is clearly a religiously fundamental politico-religious state, definitely worse than Iran, because Iran does not require from its citizens, including Christians, Jews, Baha’is, and Zoroastrians, an oath of fealty to Islam!
The state of Israel is the creature of Talmudic halaka, racism, and supremacism, being now revealed on the world stage.
“There must be an island somewhere in the world that is big enough to hold all the American Jews.”
Actually, there’s a whole continent. It’s called Antarctica.
This video goes hand-in-hand with recent comments made by Israel Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who is apparently a mainstream Zionist there.
“Yosef is considered a major religious leader in Israel who enjoys the allegiance of hundreds of thousands of followers. Shas is a chief coalition partner in the current Israeli government.
“Yosef, also a former Chief Rabbi of Israel, was quoted by the right-wing newspaper, the Jerusalem Post, as saying that the basic function of a goy, a derogatory word for a Gentile, was to serve Jews.”
I think its time we faced facts: Israel and its Zionist supporters — Left to Right, Jew and Gentile, aliyah and diaspora alike — are all Jewish supremacists, through and through.
Worse than that, they support the concept of institutionalized, state-enforced Jewish supremacy.
It’s taken awhile, but their true faces are finally becoming obvious — and in retrospect, their Jewish supremacy has been obvious in the worst aspects of US policy for ages. —
Chris Moore, editor
Greetings from the BIG APPLE everyone for Street Evangelism!
I just got into NYC and I am at the Hostel now in Manhattan.
As soon as I get completely unpacked I am headed for Times Square as it is now 3:30 PM.
It’s good to know that I am not alone but that my Real Zionist News family is with me in prayer and support.
What a great comfort!
I will be reporting back later tonite for a full report.
Christ’s Blessings To All!
+Brother Nathanael
Response to Bay Area Guy,
When asked about whether Jews were a race or a religion, I think it was John Kaminski who responded that it (Judaism) was more like “a Club or Crime Scheme masquerading as a religion.”
Eli James said about the definition of a Jew: “An imposter of Judah who worships Satan in the name of Moses.”
Gilad Atzmon: From Rabbi Yosef to Marx.
In case the Goyim cannot find a purpose in their life, Israeli senior Sephardi Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is there to help them out.
In his Saturday sermon Rabbi Yosef revealed that the sole purpose of Gentiles is to serve Jews. “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world.”
The Rabbi was also kind enough to provide the Goyim with some precise tasks. “Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created.”
I guess that it is about time the friends of Israel in Western politics started to fully comprehend their role in our Judified universe — AIPAC and the Conservatives’ Friends of Israel do indeed, have a crucial function : They are there to ‘help’ our politicians grasp why they ‘were created.’
And their role is, apparently, to ‘serve the Jews,’ as the Chief Rabbi describes it so eloquently.
Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Jews deceive the whole world of being Israel, the children of God, while they are AshkeNAZI, Khazars that adopted this satanic religion (Judaism,Talmudism).
Revelation 12:10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
Don’t you people see who is the accuser here, who cry crocodile tears and blame everybody else but themselves.
That is what they learn from their father, look what happen to their god, their time to be cast down is coming.
Obadiah 1:3 The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, who shall bring me down to the ground?
Obadiah 1:4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars,thence will I bring thee down,saith the Lord.
Isaiah 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.
Isaiah 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high.
What happen to their proud father, boasting about his vision, yet he was the loser one. Look how proud his children are, how rich and how much power they got, we will built a NEW WORLD ORDER (Jew World Order).
Jews will become its own Messiah, attain world dominion, we shall be the head and rule with a rod of iron. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled (satan ‘holy’ book).
Obadiah 1:15 For the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen; as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee; thy reward shall return upon thine own head.
What you have done to poor Palestinians, it shall be done unto you and you shall be devoured and there shall not be any remaining because God has spoken. Amen.
‘What Crowley failed to acknowledge is that no loyalty oath is required of those “other faiths” in Israel, and that would be Islam and Christianity.’
But that is precisely the point!
I know (from reading the already posted comments) that what I am about to say will not go over well. But it must be said.
Because the US Government mandated schools have been preaching the ‘Holocaust indoctrination mantra’ for the last twenty years ( at least) you also need to realize that they have been preaching the ‘SECULAR NATURE OF ALL GOVERMENT’ for the last seventy!
If you doubt that statement, you need to read Iserbyt’s ‘Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.’
Why? Because the concept of a religious state is UNAVOIDABLE.
The Protestant Christian reconstructionists have been showing that for over forty years, and (as Calvinists) they have the pulse of the Founding Fathers’ generation well in hand – for, it has been documented that over 80% of the residents of the Colonies were Calvinists – even as they were Methodists, Anglicans, and Baptists!
What THAT means, is that the charters of the 13 Colonies ALL mandated an ‘oath’ to the Christian religion, for all citizens, and especially OFFICE HOLDERS.
Why, even the Supreme Court ratified that ‘We are a Christian nation’ over a hundred years ago, before the “under God’ phrase was inserted into the Pledge (which, coincidentally enough, was invented to create a ‘statist’ conformity in COMPETITION with the Christian religion – early pics of the Pledge show kids with raised arms like Nazis, ‘pledging the flag.’)
My point? ALL Countries ARE INEVITABLY religious. To ‘require’ that the citizens of a land ‘uphold’ a certain religion, is as biblical as the theocratic nature of the one nation that YHWH God decreed was his ‘Model’ State – the Davidic Kingdom of the Old Testament.
It’s never a case of ‘religion or no religion’ – it is ALWAYS a case of “WHICH religion rules a land?”
The Zionist state has decided on the idolatrous religion of Jewish deification.
After seeing the bitter fruits of the “Obamanation,” don’t you think we should bow the knee to God, and repent in sackcloth and ashes and ask HIM to be our King, as our ancestors strove to do, before the Deists and the Enlightenment radicals usurped that from us?
“The suname Chapman is not Jewish.” — Kay
That is not her real name.
She has Jewish relatives, “Red Russian” usually denote Khazar heritage.
Jerry Stiller, Carrot Top, Debra Messing, that is just off the top of my head?
Back From Times Sq Street Evangelism!
Exhausted but Exhilarated!
All went well! The youth mobbed me and many engaged in conversation in which I had many opportunities to share the Lord Jesus Christ.
The police were very friendly and ALL went well thanks to everyone’s prayers.
It’s now 9:30 PM and put in a good 5 hours on the streets of New York.
Early tomorrow AM I will be attending Divine Liturgy at the Russian Orthodox Church and then BACK TO THE STREETS starting with Wall Street and then on to Times Square again.
Please keep me in your prayers everyone!
The Brother Nathanael Foundation sponsors all Street Evangelism activities.
Donations Are Welcome & Needed!
Simply Click:
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Donations By Mail: The Brother Nathanael Foundation / Or Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Blessings In Christ To All!
+Brother Nathanael
Br. Nathanael the Baptist: The Zionists Sell Out America to the Red Dragon.
Our near future is in the evil hands of the Red Dragon from the land of Nod, who have been given America by their distant brothers of the same Kenite lineage, the criminal “Jewish” network.
Dear Brother Nathanael, you so outdid yourself this time around.
Thank you for the latest video release. Telling!
Meanwhile, blessings to you on the sidewalks of New York and to those with whom you speak. May they seek Jesus!
Thank you for the reports in-transit. God bless you in your street evangelism in a hungry world for the Truth.
May The Force and protection of the Holy Spirit be with you! Hope you find time to replenish at Zabar’s.
First of all I would like to thank Glory B. for that excellent article.
This is one more example of a former Jew exposing the realities of Jewish arrogance. Israel has never been a democratic state, Its actually a militaristic state that has caused nothing but havoc in the Middle East since 1948.
The State Department is overun with Jews and Zionists, when will Christian America wake up!
Jews make up only 2% of the U.S population yet Brother Nathanael is correct in saying that America is corrupted by Judaic deception.
I will be sending a donation very soon too the Brother Nathanael Foundation. Thanks again…
Donna Chestergimli wrote:
“Low level Masons do not know what Masonry is all about. They don’t know what the highest order of the Masons really espouse.
“The same goes with the Jews. The vast majority of Jews espouse a religion and identity. But I think that the very highest echelons of Judaism espouse a Mafia style mentality.
“IN OTHER WORDS THEY ARE REALLY CRIMINALS WITH A RELIGIOUS FACE [my emphasis]. That way they makes themselves seem respectable and above reproach. Their fostering of the holocaust is a little, in fact a lot, of added insurance.”
When I was a Jew — before I cast off the Anti-Christ Jewish belief system (I won’t call it a religion, that would be too complimentary) — I didn’t realize that I was taking part in a criminal conspiracy.
But I did understand that what the rabbis constantly preached — that we were Jews first, last and always, and that we were Americans only when American policy didn’t conflict with Israel’s — was un-American.
I think most Jews understand that, but they are too scared of Jewish retribution, or too comfortable with the inflated returns of Jew-dominated Wall Street, or simply convinced that as Jews they are superior to other, lower Gentiles, to do anything about it.
It was only when I went away to college, and was introduced to the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus Christ by my Christian instructors, that I understood that Jews — whose ancestors betrayed and killed Christ, the Perfect Man and God in the flesh — have never worked on behalf of mankind, but only for their own benefit.
You can tell most Jews that they are part of a criminal conspiracy, and that they are helping to undermine non-Jewish humanity, until you are blue in the face. Either they will laugh at you and call you a nut and an anti-semite, or they’ll report you to the Jewish leaders, who will see to it that some harm befalls you.
Unless and until Christians unite against evil Jewry, we are and will remain powerless. That is why I have put my faith in Our Divine Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and pray earnestly for His speedy return to establish His Kingdom.
As Our Lord said, He will come like a thief in the night, and no one except God the Father knows the day or date of his return. But HE IS COMING, and that is when the criminal Jews and other non-believers will get what is coming to them, if not before.
Andrew wrote, (in response to my suggestion that the Jews in America who won’t swear allegiance to this country be sent to an island somewhere):
“Actually, there’s a whole continent [where the Jews can be sent]. It’s called Antarctica.”
Very good, Andrew. I like the idea of sending the Jews to a very cold place, especially since ultimately they’re destined to inhabit a very warm place, namely Hell, with their father the devil.
But wouldn’t it be cruel and un-Christian to inflict the satanic Jews on the unsuspecting penguins? Don’t we have more regard than that for those cute little black-and-white birds?
Here’s another idea: Why not send the Jews to a place like Liberia? Liberia, as you may recall, was founded by freed American black slaves who over the years made a mess of it.
Nigras are mentally incapable of running anything right. That’s why Jews get along so well with nigras; they know they can cheat them and take advantage of them easier than they can with whites.
So if we send the Jews to Liberia, they can have a field day, cheating the nigras out of their hard-earned cash. Let the Jews fight with the Hottentots.
Zionist beast bombed again, and blamed innocent as always.
Bomb on bus in Philippines kills 8, wounds 10
A bomb ripped through a passenger bus Thursday in the southern Philippines, killing at least eight people and wounding 10 in an attack authorities blamed on an extortion gang with links to Muslim militants.
New Zionist agent has spoken.
They come out like anti-human robots one after another from all parts of human society.
This is the only cancer on the globe. This is mental illness what this insect is doing.
Top Officials Back Schneiderman Plan To Take Action Against Businesses Doing Business With Iran
Dear RZN friends,
A very interesting and succinct report from one of the best living Argentinean analysts, Adrián Salbuchi.
Exposing the Global danger of the World Government or as we probably call it more properly World Jewish Sinister Empire.
Another Zionist protocol.
Zionist beast controls North Korea. This is just daily Zionist propaganda:
Activity detected at North Korea nuclear test site: report
Dear Christian family.
A horrible crime committed by the Zionist Ashkenazi, Sephardic on children who emigrated from Morocco.
Zionists Poisoned/Radiated 100,000 Sefardi Jewish Children
By Barry Chamish
On August 14, at 9 PM, Israeli television station, Channel Ten, broke all convention and exposed the ugliest secret of Israel’s Labor Zionist founders; the deliberate mass radiation poisoning of nearly all Sephardi youths.
The expose began with the presentation of a documentary film called, 100,000 Radiations, and concluded with a panel discussion moderated by TV host Dan Margalit, surprising because he is infamous for toeing the establishment line.
Film Details:
100,000 Radiations, released by Dimona Productions Ltd. in 2003.
Producer – Dudi Bergman Directors – Asher Khamias, David Balrosen
Panel Discussion Participants
A Moroccan singer was joined by David Edri, head of the Compensation Committee for Ringworm X-Ray Victims, and Boaz Lev, a spokesman for the Ministry Of Health.
In 1951, the director general of the Israeli Health Ministry, Dr. Chaim Sheba flew to America and returned with 7 x-ray machines, supplied to him by the American army.
They were to be used in a mass atomic experiment with an entire generation of Sephardi youths to be used as guinea pigs. Every Sephardi child was to be given 35,000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through his head.
For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300,000 Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60,000 liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of dollars today.
To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on “school trips” and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6,000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given, the many of the rest developed cancers that killed them over time and are still killing them now.
While living, the victims suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer’s disease, chronic headaches and psychosis.
Yes, that is the subject of the documentary in cold terms. It is another matter to see the victims on the screen. ie. To watch the Moroccan lady describe what getting 35,000 times the dose of allowable x-rays in her head feels like.
“I screamed make the headache go away. Make the headache go away. Make the headache go away. But it never went away.”
To watch the bearded man walk hunched down the street.
“I’m in my fifties and everyone thinks I’m in my seventies. I have to stoop when I walk so I won’t fall over. They took my youth away with those x-rays.”
To watch the old lady who administered the doses to thousands of children.
“They brought them in lines. First their heads were shaved and smeared in burning gel. Then a ball was put between their legs and the children were ordered not to drop it, so they wouldn’t move.
“The children weren’t protected over the rest of their bodies. There were no lead vests for them. I was told I was doing good by helping to remove ringworm. If I knew what dangers the children were facing, I would never have cooperated. Never!”
Because the whole body was exposed to the rays, the genetic makeup of the children was often altered, affecting the next generation. We watch the woman with the distorted face explain, “All three of my children have the same cancers my family suffered. Are you going to tell me that’s a coincidence?”
Everyone notices that Sephardi women in their fifties today, often have sparse patchy hair, which they try to cover with henna. Most of us assumed it was just a characteristic of Sephardi women.
We watch the woman on the screen wearing a baseball-style hat. She places a picture of a lovely young teenager with flowing black hair opposite the lens. “That was me before my treatment. Now look at me.” She removes her hat. Even the red henna can’t cover the horrifying scarred bald spots.
The majority of the victims were Moroccan because they were the most numerous of the Sephardi immigrants.
The generation that was poisoned became the country’s perpetual poor and criminal class. It didn’t make sense. The Moroccans who fled to France became prosperous and highly educated. The common explanation was that France got the rich, thus smart ones. The real explanation is that every French Moroccan child didn’t have his brain cells fried with gamma rays.
The film made it perfectly plain that this operation was no accident. The dangers of x-rays had been known for over forty years. We read the official guidelines for x-ray treatment in 1952.
The maximum dose to be given a child in Israel was .5 rad. There was no mistake made. The children were deliberately poisoned. David Deri, makes the point that only Sephardi children received the x-rays.
“I was in class and the men came to take us on a tour. They asked our names. The Ashkenazi children were told to return to their seats. The dark children were put on the bus.”
The film presents a historian who first gives a potted history of the eugenics movement. In a later sound bite, he declares that the ringworm operation was a eugenics program aimed at weeding out the perceived weak strains of society. The film now quotes two noted anti-Sephardi racist Jewish leaders, Nahum Goldmann and Levi Eshkol.
Goldmann spent the Holocaust years first in Switzerland, where he made sure few Jewish refugees were given shelter, then flew to New York to become head of the World Jewish Congress headed by Samuel Bronfman.
According to Canadian writer Mordecai Richler, Bronfman had cut a deal with Prime Minister Mackenzie King to prevent the immigration of European Jews to Canada.
But Levi Eshkol’s role in the Holocaust was far more sinister than merely not saving lives. He was busy taking them instead. From a biography of Levi Eshkol from the Israeli government web site:
“In 1937 Levi Eshkol played a central role in the establishment of the Mekorot Water Company and in this role was instrumental in convincing the German government to allow Jews emigrating to Palestine to take with them some of their assets – mostly in the form of German-made equipment.”
While world Jewry was boycotting the Nazi regime in the ’30s, the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem was propping up Hitler. A deal, called The Transfer Agreement, was cut whereby the Nazis would chase Germany’s Jews to Palestine, and the Labor Zionists would force the immigrants to use their assets to buy only German goods.
Once the Jewish Agency got the German Jews it wanted, those they secretly indoctrinated in the anti-Judaism of Shabtai Tzvi and Jacob Frank, they let the Nazis take care of the rest of European Jewry. The Holocaust was a eugenics program and Levi Eshkol played a major role in it.
The Moroccan lady is back on the screen. “It was a Holocaust, a Sephardi Holocaust. And what I want to know is why no one stood up to stop it.”
David Deri, on film and then as a panel member, relates the frustration he encountered when trying to find his childhood medical records.
“All I wanted to know was what they did to me. I wanted to know who authorized it. I wanted to trace the chain of command. But the Health Ministry told me my records were missing.”
Boaz Lev, the Health Ministry’s spokesman chimes in, “Almost all the records were burned in a fire.”
So, let us help Mr. Deri trace the chain of command. But now I must intrude myself in the review.
About six years ago, I investigated the kidnapping of some 4500, mostly Yemenite immigrant infants and children, during the early years of the state. I met the leader of the Yemenite children’s movement, Rabbi Uzi Meshulum, imprisoned for trying to get the truth out. He was later returned home in a vegetative state from which he has not emerged. He told me that the kidnapped children were sent to America to die cruelly in nuclear experiments.
The American government had banned human testing and needed guinea pigs. The Israeli government agreed to supply the humans in exchange for money and nuclear secrets. The initiator of Israel’s nuclear program was Defence Ministry director-general Shimon Peres.
Rabbi David Sevilia of Jerusalem corroborated the crime and later, I even saw photos of the radiation scars on the few surviving children, and the cages the infants were shipped to America in.
Just over five years ago I published my belief on the internet, that Israel’s Labor Zionist founders had conducted atomic experiments on Yemenite and other Sephardi children, killing thousands of them. Almost three years ago, I published the same assertion in my last book, Save Israel!. I suffered much scorn for doing so. However, I was right.
We return to the documentary. We are told that a US law in the late ’40s put a stop to the human radiation experiments conducted on prisoners, the mentally feeble and the like. The American atomic program needed a new source of human lab rats and the Israeli government supplied it.
Here was the government cabinet at the time of the ringworm atrocities:
Prime Minister – David Ben Gurion Finance Minister – Eliezer Kaplan Settlement Minister – Levi Eshkol Foreign Minister – Moshe Sharrett Health Minister – Yosef Burg Labor Minister – Golda Meir Police Minister – Amos Ben Gurion
The highest ranking non-cabinet post belonged to the Director General Of The Defence Ministry, Shimon Peres.
That a program involving the equivalent of billions of dollars of American government funds should be unknown to the Prime Minister of cash-strapped Israel is ridiculous. Ben Gurion was in on the horrors and undoubtedly chose his son to be Police Minister in case anyone interfered with them.
Now let’s have a quick glance at the other plotters, starting with the Finance Minister Eliezer Kaplan. He handled the profits of the operation and was rewarded for eternity with a hospital named after him near Rehovot. But he’s not alone in this honor.
The racist bigot Chaim Sheba, who ran Ringworm Incorporated, had a whole medical complex named after him. Needless to say, if there is an ounce of decency in the local medical profession, those hospital names will have to change.
Then there is Yosef Burg, who the leaders of the Yemenite Children’s movement insist was the most responsible for the kidnappings of their infants. As Health Minister, he certainly played a pivotal role in the Ringworm murders. That would go a great way to explaining the peculiar behavior of his son, the peacemaker, Avraham Burg.
Let us not forget Moshe Sharrett, who had Rabbi Yoel Brand arrested in Aleppo in 1944 for proposing a practical way to save 800,000 Jews trapped in Hungary. Sharrett’s most cited quote is, “If Shimon Peres ever enters this government, I will tear my clothes and start to mourn.” Several Yemenite Children activists told me Sharrett was referring to the kidnapping of the Yemenite children when he made this statement.
And other amateur historians have told me that Levi Eshkol openly and proudly announced his belief in the tenets of Shabtai Tzvi, but try as I have, I haven’t tracked down a citation. However, we do know of Eshkol, that during the period of the radiations, he served first as Settlement Minister, then took over from Kaplan as Finance Minister. From his bio:
“In 1951 Eshkol was appointed Minister of Agriculture and Development, and from 1952 to 1963 – a decade characterized by unprecedented economic growth despite the burden of financing immigrant absorption and the 1956 Sinai Campaign – he served as Minister of Finance.
“Between 1949 and 1963, Eshkol also served as head of the settlement division of the Jewish Agency. In the first four years of statehood, he was also treasurer of the Jewish Agency, largely responsible for obtaining the funds for the country’s development, absorption of the massive waves of immigrants and equipment for the army.”
In short, Eshkol was the person most responsible for Israel’s immigrants, the ones he sent to radiation torture chambers.
Finally, there is Golda Meir. We don’t know her role, but she was in on the secret and rewarded for it. Note that every prime minister thereafter until 1977, when the honorable Menachem Begin was elected, came from this cabal. And note also, that no one from what is called the Right today, was privy to the slaughter of the Sephardi children.
Apply that lesson to a contemporary fact: It is the descendants of these butchers who brought us the Oslo “peace” and are determined to wipe out the settlers of Judea, Samaria and Gaza as surely as they had dealt with the inferior dark Jews who came into their clutches fifty years before.
Now try and imagine it is 1952 and you are in a cabinet meeting. You will be debating whether to send the Yemenite babies to America for their final zapping, or whether to have them zapped here. That is what the Luciferian, satanic Sabbataian founders of our nation were prattling on about when they got together to discuss the affairs of state.
After the film ended, TV host Dan Margalit tried to put a better face on what he’d witnessed. Any face had to be better than what he had seen. He explained meekly, “But the state was poor. It was a matter of day to day survival.” Then he stopped. He knew there was no excusing the atrocities the Sephardi children endured.
But it was the Moroccan singer who summed up the experience best. “It’s going to hurt, but the truth has to be told. If not, the wounds will never heal.”
There is one person alive who knows the truth and participated in the atrocities. He is Leader Of The Opposition Shimon Peres, the peacemaker. The only way to get to the truth and start the healing is to investigate him for his role in the kidnapping of 4500 Yemenite infants and the mass poisoning of over 100,000 Sephardi children and youths.
But here is why that won’t happen. It is a miracle that 100,000 Radiations was broadcast at all.
Clearly though, someone fought for it but had to agree to a compromise. The show was aired at the same time as the highest-rated show of the year, the final of Israel’s, A Star Is Born. The next day, there was not a word about 100,000 Radiations in any paper, but the newly-born star’s photo took up half the front pages.
That’s how the truth is buried in Israel, and somehow, these tricks work. The same methods were used to cover up the Rabin assassination.
However, a few hundred thousand people saw the film on their screens and they will never forget the truth. If the Rabin assassination doesn’t bury Labor Zionism for good, then 100,000 Radiations eventually will.
A decent background piece on the subject of the Ringworm Holocaust is found at:
Click here to read about Israel’s Labor Zionist founders and ringworms…
And here to read about Israel’s Labor Zionist founders selling the Yemenite Jewish children…
I cover the subject and explain the motivations for the evil on my new audio CD and video called The Dirty Secrets Of Oslo.
I’m getting my first reactions and they are strong. Here are two:
“I’ve listened to your CDs twice so far, and will do so again. You speak truth. I know that.”
“Hi Barry, I have listened to your CD twice now. You need to somehow get this word out. I don’t know how. After listening to this, I have more admiration and respect for you than ever. You have managed to put things together in the right perspective.
“You have broken into something that answers many questions that I have always had. We have to get this word out somehow. If you can think of anything that I can do to help you, please do let me know.”…4.html#August17
“I want to add that I wonder if this demand of an oath may not be the mark of the beast. For in the Apocalypse, it states that no one would be able to buy or sell save he that has the mark of the beast”
There are other levels of interpretation of this portion of scripture but at least one is that the “mark” is credit/debt. We have had a debt based monetary system throughout the world for more than forty years run by the beast from the earth, the global banking system.
The mark on the forehead or hand mirrors the instruction in of the Mosaic law to keep the commandments:
Deuteronomy 11:16-18 “Make sure you do not turn away to serve and worship other gods!… Fix these words of mine into your mind and being, and tie them as a reminder on your hands and let them be symbols on your forehead.”
This is to be spiritually interpreted as is the scripture in Revelation to mean that the principles of Mammon (other gods) should not be embraced nor even dallied with. This means that Christians should not enter into debt of any kind since every debt creates an obligation to the beast and furthers the extension of his kingdom.
The consequences of doing so are now being revealed from heaven against those Christians foolish enough to ignore the clear commandment of the Lord.
The number 666 can be understood as the number of the first Adam, the man of flesh. He was told to multiply and when he did his number 6 became 36 (6X6). The factorial of 36, the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 36, is 666.
Therefore 666 is the perfected number of the flesh the fruit of which is now being demonstrated in all its corruption throughout the world. The Jewish mentality is perfectly materialistic and a reflection of this mind of the flesh which is why they as a people are so successful in the Mammon system.
How hard will it be for “Christians” to make an oath to Israhell in an apocalyptic frenzy mentally and spiritually poisoned with Judaizing?
As well-conditioned and faithful Noachide donkeys, not hard at all.
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis: Prepare for the Coming of Messiah
by Malkah Fleisher
Internationally renowned Jewish inspirational speaker Rebbetzin Esther
…Jungreis warns that we are feeling the “birth pangs of the [Jewish Anti-Christ] Mashiach,” with limited time to save ourselves from dark prophecies surrounding his arrival.
“We have been very blessed, perhaps there was never in history such a wealthy Jewish generation as ours was. But there was no Hakaras HaTov, no credit to Hashem. “My strength did all this.”
“We became arrogant, we became chutzpahdik, we forgot Hashem…
“Imach shemam [their names be obliterated], the sons of Ishmael, every minute it’s “Allah.” The sons of Esav, “the Lord,” every minute. Their leadership is always speaking the name of G-d.
“Am Yisrael … they heard the word of Hashem panim el panim, face to face – has forgotten its G-d.”
[One striking “American Christian” commentor Claudia, believe she said she’s a PhD, is afflicted with terminal Post-Auschwitz Theology Syndrome.
She is fawningly oblivious to the fact that her precious Deicide Rebbetzin Esther has just arrogantly cursed Christians, including herself, as “sons of Esau” (Edom) & “Esau” = Christ; along with “the sons of Ishmael” and “Allah.”
Think again about how the Jew and the Synagogue claims to no longer curse Christ out of a new sense of “tolerance,” dismissing such things as “medieval.”
Btw, Arab Christians also use the word “Allah” in church because this is the Arabic word for God, and long predates the rise of Islam. Arab Christians are one of the oldest Christian communities – see Acts 2:11]
(Comment#) 20. the coming of the Messiah
“Dear Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis: It was a relief to read your article.
“So many of us here in America are seeing the signs of the coming of the Messiah. The signs are all around for anyone to see. I am a Roman Catholic and pro-Israel.
“Could you hold hands with a Christian who is grateful for all that the Jewish people have given to the world?
“We [Judaizing, apostate] Christians owe the Jews everything. And, we will not abandon Israel: no matter how hard the birthpangs and no matter that we might get a socialist as a President.
We love the Lord and have faith in His love and protection (for all of His children) – God Bless you and keep you….regards, Claudia”
David Robertson, you may be right about the debt thing.
If so, then I guess that most citizens of this world have the mark of the beast. All US citizens who have bought a house have the mark of the beast. And I believe, seeing the most recent carnage in the mortgage industry, that this is so. And debt is very hard on all of us.
These debts get so large that we are unable to pay them as can be seen by people who have taken out these mortgages, and credit cards, and car loans. Maybe this is the torment of all of us who have gone into debt for any reason.
And why we will drink of the cup of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mingled with pure wine in the cup of his wrath, and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the sight of the holy angels, and in the sight of the Lamb, Apocalypse 14:9 & 10.
I more am inclined to believe though that it means anyone who puts their faith in the monetary/usury system. Read Isaias 44: 14 through 21. There are people like myself and a few others I have spoken to who could care less if money, which is a form of a medium of exchange, went into the dustbins of history.
Other forms of exchange are gold, silver, bars of lead as in ancient Sparta, or anything else that SOMEONE gives value to. Anything that is a, “residue from which man makes a god, and a graven thing for himself: he boweth down before it, and adoreth it, and prayeth unto it, saying: “Deliver me, for thou art my God,” Isaias 44:17
What does modern man do but constantly try to figure out ways to maximize his investments and count his pennies that he has in his stocks and smile contentedly at the amount that he has made and figures that this money will “set me for life”.
How many people on this site have heard someone use these exact words? Apocalypse 18:4, “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.”
This seems to be saying that the international financial system along with the medium of exchange is coming down. And all of us will be turning our back on her.
To David Robertson,
Please consider that the following observations in nothing detracts your spiritual insights:
In fact the chained sum of 1 through 36 gives 666:
(1+2+3+…..35+36)= 666
The factorial of 36 is 3.7199…E41, as you see, a very large number.
The factorial of 6 is 720, close to 666 but not there.
All imaginable mathematical curiosities with the number 666.
Not very RCC sympathetic number theories associated with Popes and 666.
To solobiblia:
Good you remembered this terrible and real genocide.
A direct link to a video on “100.000 Radiation” (44 minutes, in Hebrew with legends).
An it shows a repugnant racism, because many Sephardic Jews are dark skinned, dark hair and dark eyes.
“You know the name of the game is skin colour” (I learned this the other day, here).
Bro Nate,
I know this may be a little off topic but it is necessary. I don’t know why people keep talking about why this site has not been shut down or why you have not been assassinated.
Well, I will tell the audience here that it’s really quite simple. The truth is already out there and assassinating you would just prove the point that you are getting somewhere with this site (actually, you have reached hundreds of people already). And, the more you expose evil Jews, the better.
By the same token, there really are evil Christians and Muslims. A lot of folks are beginning to recognize this fact and many are beginning to spread the word.
I just want to say, Brother Nathanael, that singling out the Jews is unfair.
I really was at a stage in my life (in the past) where I did the same sort of thing and it got me nowhere. This type of reasoning is not right. I call this blind hate.
When you provide topics here which shed light on many current and historical issues, there really is always two sides to each issue.
Some of you on this site have labeled me as a Jew before. At the time, I was taken aback and actually became upset. I am equally taken aback when people label me as a Muslim.
The point here is that being Jewish is just a label. It is a meaningless word, as far as I’m concerned. All Jews belong to one nation or another; some belong to Israel.
For you Brother Nathanael, and with all due respect, to believe that all Jews have a connection to one another and that somehow this is a bad thing is not right.
We as Christians on this site do the very same thing. Do we not?
And, a vast majority of Muslims do exactly the same thing. Do they not?
The three monotheistic religions do not have the will of God or their spiritual leader(s) believing in every creed or thought that was ever conceived.
The fundamental premise of Christianity is to treat thy neighbor as you would like to be treated. And, this is what separates us from Jews and Christians.
I think that Kathlene Juliane and many other folks always try to give the whole picture on every particular issue.
It is just too convenient to blame everything on Israel and the Jews, no matter how controversial they happen to be.
It really does take two to tango. When push comes to shove, so to speak, the majority and the minority really do pushing and shoving of their own.
My advice to the audience here would be to always take the devil’s advocate approach. Why not? This is the only way to convince others of a certain point of view.
Omitting key facts that will distort a true event or omitting other types of information that do not support a particular point of view is not right.
Again, labeling Jews as this thing and that cannot be a manifestation of anything remotely true. If criminals happen to be Jewish, we should call them on it. They just happen to be Jews.
What about all the legendary black crime in the United States? Is that all because of the Jews as well?
Now, the picture is not rosy at all – in fact, we get the image of the Salem witchcraft trials which were, in some respects, like the Inquisition.
Black on black crime is just that. Where’s the Jewish connection? How far gone are the Jews really? How far down the rabbit hole do we go? Let us not get stuck in a pit we can’t get out of.
We have to take every piece of information with a grain of salt. Believing what you want is fine, but not accepting other points of view is not fine. The minority view really is sometimes the right view.
I want to warn people on this site of falling for the canard that black people are inferior in any way.
I could say a lot about the real reasons some white men and Jewish men actually envy black people and so hate them. I will not unless someone asks.
Many of the Jews are so inbred that they produce insane weirdos like Woody Allen, who shows all classic signs of being very inbred. His weak constitution, his pedophilia, his extreme neuroticism.
The Jews bred for intelligence, and look where it got them. Many of them have severe genetic mental problems.
Br. Nathanael the Baptist: Bending Over Backwards for Zion
What does impromptu street dancing, red light car washing, nervous breakdowns and kangaroo boxing have in common?
They are the jobs of America’s future!
Rabbi on why “Goyim” exist –
More NWO baloney –
Regarding the 2nd link above look at who runs the show –
Coincidence? For Martians maybe.
Dear Jarrad,
From the time of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Crucifixion, unrepentent Jews have taken every possible opportunity to exterminate the Christians, either directly or through various plots, plans and deceptions for the past 2,000 years.
You once mused that “Arabs” had not done much for humanity. Well, the Eastern Church has a long memory, and we remember our glorious martyrs for Christ, at the hands of many different nations and religions.
However, none is so egregious nor more vicious and blood-thirsty as that at the hands of the Jews, time and again.
What have the Arabs given to Christianity? Martyrs – Witnesses for Christ, for one important thing.
“The principal and most powerful obstacle to the permanent success of Christianity in Yemen was undoubtedly the numerous communities of Jews scattered in that section of the peninsula, who had acquired so great a religious, political, and monetary influence that they threatened for a while to become the dominant power.
“They had their own poets and orators, synagogues, schools, princes and even kings. Their power was constantly used to keep in check the progress of Christianity, and they were the direct cause of the almost entire annihilation of the Christians of Najran.” [100 + years BEFORE the rise of Islam.]
Arethas the Great Martyr & Syncletiki and her two daughters
October 24
These Martyrs contested for piety’s sake in the year 524 in Najran, a city of Arabia Felix (present-day Yemen). When Dhu Nuwas, ruler of the Himyarite tribe in south Arabia, and a [Jew or] Judaizer, took power, he sought to blot out Christianity, especially at Najran, a Christian city.
Against the counsels of Arethas, chief man of Najran, the city surrendered to Dhu Nuwas, who immediately broke the word he had given and sought to compel the city to renounce Christ.
Led by Saint Arethas, hundreds of martyrs, including women, children, and babes, valiantly withstood his threats, and were beheaded and burned.
After the men had been slain, all the free-born Christian women of Najran were brought before the tyrant and commanded to abjure Christ or die; yet they rebuked the persecutor with such boldness that he said even the men had not insulted him so contemptuously.
So great was their faith that not one woman was found to deny Christ in all Najran, although some of them suffered torments more bitter than most of the men.
In alliance with Byzantium, the Ethiopian King Elesbaan liberated Najran from Dhu Nuwas soon after and raised up churches in honour of the Martyrs.
Najran became a place of pilgrimage until the rise of Islam a century later.
At the end of his life King Elesbaan, who was also called Caleb, retired into solitude as a hermit; he sent his crown to Jerusalem as an offering to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
He also is commemorated on this day as a saint. Saint Arethas’ name in Arabic, Harith, means “plowman, tiller,” much the same as “George” does in Greek.
The Quran exhorts Muslims to steadfastness and resignation, and in one passage are reminded of the constancy of the Christian martyrs in Najran, as well as condemns the persecutions at the hands of the Jews.
“Al-Ukhdud is mentioned in the Holy Quran as being the site of a massacre of Christians in 101BH (525). This event is sometimes referred to as the massacre of the Najran martyrs.
“Dhu Nuwas laid siege to Al-Ukhdud. When the town capitulated, the inhabitants were given an impossible choice – convert or die. They chose the latter and thousands were thrown into a burning ditch.
“The ditch (which may be a defensive moat) is still visible, and archaeologists have found evidence of burning which supports the written accounts of the tragedy.”
The Quran records this historical martyrdom of Christians in Sura al-Buruj 85: 1-8
“I call to witness the sky (bespangled) with the signs of the Zodiak,
And the promised day,
And the witness and the witnessed,
That accursed are the men of the trench
Full of fire fed by faggots,
As they sat around it
Witnessing what they had done to the believers!
They had no other reason for hating them except that they believed in God…”
The “men of the trench” (or the “diggers of the pit” in other versions) were the Jewish persecutors of Yemen, Dzu Nowas and his followers.
Anywhere from 4,000 to 20,000 Christians were martyred, depending on the sources.
“By the same token, there really are evil Christians and Muslims. A lot of folks are beginning to recognize this fact and many are beginning to spread the word.
I just want to say, Brother Nathanael, that singling out the Jews is unfair.” – Jarrad.
I don’t understand Jarrad, Bro Nate has attack Zionist Jews, as well as Zionist Christians puppets, who are for my money as bad, or worse than their Jew counterparts.
Certainly, there are good Jewish people in the world, but most are overshadowed by their majority: the Israel loving Zionist war mongers.
This is a simple reality. What you fail to realize is they are 2% of the world population, yet they CONTROL everything. That can’t happen by accident, randomly, it is a mathematical impossibility!
The war mongering Zionist Jew overshadows the peaceful ones 10 to 1, that is a reality you have to deal with.
Sometimes in life, the real good apples will be thrown out with the rotten ones.
Good reply to Jarrad, but I believe he cannot be convinced by mere facts.
Why does he continue to believe lies instead of facts?
Some people you just can’t reach.
Some people hear the truth for the first time and immediately the become hungry for more.
They go on a quest for the truth.
Others have hardened their hearts and the truth can not get in.
NYC Street Evangelism Report!
Day Two!!
Dear Real Zionist News Family,
First of all, please know that I was thinking about ALL of you throughout this very long day which began at 7 AM this morning.
I began the day with Divine Liturgy and Holy Communion at the Cathedral Parish of Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
The chief hierarch, Metropolitan Hilarion invited me to breakfast with him and we had a long talk.
In a nutshell, he told me that Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and Vladimir Putin (whom Met Hilarion knows personally) just began a new “project” of building exactly “200” new Churches throughout Moscow. The project was assigned to a priest who is also a personal friend of Metropolitan Hilarion.
Also, I was informed by Met Hilarion that the Patriarch & Putin is building the Orthodox Church in Central Asia in a very concerted way.
On WALL STREET today many of the Gentile Stockbrokers were very receptive to me and engaged in much interchange with me.
Many of them looked quite beleaguered and I couldn’t help thinking to myself and even wanted to shout it out loud:
“If you work on Wall Street and you’r not a Jew – you AIN’T making any money!”
Many Jews were on Wall Street and perhaps today was “Jewish” day as one Orthodox Jew in his thirties with yalmulke and all seemed quite captivated with what I was doing, that is, holding the Holy Cross very high with a combative stance in front of the New York Stock Exchange Building.
After about 15 minutes of this young Jewish man not being able to take his eyes of me, I finally made very strong eye contact with him and he gave me a very enthusiastic thumbs up and then he left quickly and hurried off without me getting a chance to interact with him…
BUT – later on when I was at Times Square on the median strip, another Jewish man came up to me with much excitement and a smiling from ear to ear wife wanted to take a picture with me. I DID get a chance to share Yeshua the Messiah with him and he was rather open.
Then shortly after ANOTHER Jewish couple engaged me in conversation and this time the woman was very impressed by my sharing Old Testament prophecies of the coming of Jesus the Messiah.
Tons of people were quite captivated by the Holy Cross and the Street Evangelism and many came up to me saying they “Love Your Website” — “Hey, Brother Nathanael! Saw you on YouTube!” — “Hey, Didn’t I see you in Colordo?” — and — “Brother Nathanael, I read your Web Site all the time!”
Then Commander Radigan rode up on his horse and gave me a nice welcome and THAT MADE MY DAY! (He is the one who told a rookie cop last time to leave me alone.)
From that point on Hundreds of pedestrians simply “mobbed” me with great enthusiasm and I was able to impart Christ to all of them!
I am SO pleased and SO Blessed to serve the Lord Jesus Christ AND so blessed to have all of you, my Real Zionist Family, there for me for emotional and Spiritual support.
God Bless You ALL!
Please keep me in your prayers everyone!
The Brother Nathanael Foundation sponsors all Street Evangelism activities.
Donations Are Welcome & Needed!
Simply Click:
Please Consider Making a Donation @
OR @
Donations By Mail: The Brother Nathanael Foundation / Or Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Much Lovw in In Christ To All!
+Brother Nathanael
PS – I forgot to mention. One of the cab drivers today was a man from Egypt in his 50’s. He told me that most Egyptians are convinced that Sadat’s assassination was set up by the Mossad. Why? Because after Camp David Sadat had much international prestige and much influence in the Middle East (too much influence for the Jews) and that he was about to negotiate for the Palestinians to return to pre-1967 borders which would have had Carter’s and the international communities support and leverage against Israel to materialize.
THAT’S WHEN MOSSAD & CIA got him through their lone “extremeist” agent. +bn
Next Bro Nate, you will be converting the most hardcore Jews like Saul of Tarsus.
Good work!
Love the Putin News, I personally and very fond of the guy, he has 5 times the spine of Obama or Biden put together.
Nate you buy all this Tex Mar, and others saying Obama is turning on the Jew???
I think, it is a crock, the Zionist Jew loves to make Goyim believe he has hopes.
Which we know are always false, like Tea Party, now TEAicons who will support war mongering Israel.
If the free world’s only hope is Obama we are in some serious trouble!
With all due respect Disgusted White Christian and Brother Nathanael, I think you have both misunderstood what I’m trying to say.
Again White Christian, and again with all due respect, labeling this person and that as a Zionist Jew or a Zionist Christian is fine. But these are just labels. The bottom line is that these people belong to Judaism and Christianity. Right?
And, they really give a bad name to both religions. I disagree when Charlie says that a Christian betrays Christ when he or she becomes a fully fledged Zionist Christian. What religion have they left? They are still Christian. Although, I can see it Charlie’s way in that Zionist Christians do not comprise mainstream America.
And again, Disgusted White Christian and Brother Nathanael, you both, at least in my view, do not attack Muslims in any way shape or form – or at least not even to the extent that you should be. When was the last time either of you did this?
I know this site is about evil Judaism, but Islam is not some kind chosen religion. As Charlie would probably say, let’s stop the BS (excuse my language).
Disgusted White Christian, I’m not a fan of Israel. If you closely read my responses/comments or whatever you want to call them, I really go after Israel quite a bit. I happen to be partially Palestinian, which makes me a sort of expert on Israeli Jews. And, Joe Cortina does a very good job in describing Israeli Jews as well.
Now as far as American Jews and European Jews are concerned, that’s an entirely different story. Yes, some of them have a connection to Israel. Yes, illegal immigration to Israel occurs all the time. Yes, armed settlers in Israel are usually on the offensive.
I know this all too well people. Therefore, would you call John Hague a Zionist Christian puppet? To me, John is a Christian who is acting by his own free will. No person put a gun to his head and is forcing him to support Israel monetarily.
This is something everyone needs to keep in mind. Support for Israel really can be seen to be the handy work of folks with free will.
Yes, powerful Jews do control some parts of our culture and chose to act subversively. Some Islamic folks are not much better at all and do exactly the same thing and sometimes their influence spreads into mainstream America.
Dear DWC –
I mentioned this many times already.
I laughed to myself when I saw Tex Marr’s take on Obama standing up to the Jews.
Obama begged Netanyahu to extend the “partial” slowed-down so-called “freeze” (what a joke by the Jews) on the settlements with all kinds of “carrots” offered to Netanyahu.
That is NOT standing up to the Jews.
One false move from Obama-boy and the Jews got his BIRTH CERTIFICATE FROM KENYA up on 60 Minutes TV show.
Then they get Larry Sinclair on the next week’s show with Larry spilling the beans on Obama picking up Larry twice when Sinclair was a male prostitute. (I have a copy of Larry Sinclair’s book now BANNED that tells it all with FACTS.)
(All of this is outlined in the Protocols of the Jews’ Power and Control of Leaders.)
Kathlene Juliane,
I do comprehend your line of reasoning. I do comprehend you when you say that many Arabs have given the ultimate sacrifice of their lives.
But, not every single Arab that has died is some kind of a saint. Some of them deserved to die in vain and some of them not so.
I do agree with all of you that Israel is always on a rampage. The manner is which it behaves is bloodthirsty and quite arrogant. How many Palestinians have died since the creation of Israel? The number will easily exceed the tens of thousands.
Kathlene Juliane and all the rest of the folks, what have I said in the past? Did I not say that Hammas must be held accountable? How is it fair that young Palestinians sacrifice themselves, while Hammas leaders do not?
Again, NCIS folks – great TV show. You will learn a lot about Israel and Hammas if you choose to watch this show.
“The fundamental premise of Christianity is to treat thy neighbor as you would like to be treated. And, this is what separates us from Jews and Christians.” – Jarrad
Say what? Whose “us,” pilgrim? And what are thobes?
“Again, NCIS folks – great TV show. You will learn a lot about Israel and Hammas if you choose to watch this show.” – Jarrad
What am I supposed to learn from a police procedure show run on CBS, a subsidiary of the conglomerate Westinghouse/CBS Inc (which has government ties);
Revolving around a fictional team of special agents, but based on the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (a real police service of the Navy and Marine Corps which is involved with hundreds of cases in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, and may provide consultancy for the show);
Which co-stars a character that is “ex-Mossad;”
With what looks like at least 7-8 Jewish producers out of 27, judging by their names, utilizing probably a fairly high percentage of Jewish screenwriters hanging out in Jew-controlled Hollyweird? (I didn’t check that far.)
Propaganda, perhaps?
With all due respect Arjan, what facts are you talking about here?
Your facts?
For every single fact you throw at me, I can throw an equally valid counterexample back at you – and no offense to you at all.
With all due respect, I don’t need to be lectured on the facts. There simply is too much blame to go around, and some of it lies on Jews.
Arjan, no, you cannot reach me with the facts. As I just mentioned above, I can give you a counterexample for every single fact you throw at me.
My foremost allegiance is to my nation, the United States of America. My allegiance is not to my religion (which is nonpracticing Catholicism – if that even qualifies). It is only in America where views can be exchanged like they are here on this site.
And, by the way Arjan, what are you saying exactly when you claim that I believe in lies? Are you trying to call me a liar?
But that’s not the point. I don’t believe in lies. Please do not try to convince me of this point of view or that one. I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything.
What I said is that points of view can be distorted when people omit what they choose to omit. You cannot have selective reasoning.
I do accept everyone’s point of view on this site. I never rejected any point of view, although I have disagreed on more than one occassion.
If I may, for those of you reading my responses, please keep in mind who the writer is. As Brother Nathanel used to be a Jew and is now a devout Christian, I too grew up in an Islamic environment (a different environment) and am now proud to have been influenced by Christianity – quite a bit I might say.
And, as I said so many times before, and it is worth repeating, Islam and Judaism have so many parallels. And again, it is not only the Catholics who believe this.
Ms. Juliane, I do believe you are a voice of reason on this site – just to let you know. And, there are many other voices of reason too.
Again, I’m not out to disagree with you folks. I just have a different set of beliefs and a different set of principals. In large part, I agree a lot in what is said on this site.
By the way, Brother Nathanael, I like the cross you have as part of your appearance. I hope everyone on this site, at the very minimum, will follow suit and purchase a cross if they don’t already have one.
I must admit, I wear my own cross almost every single day. It literally has became part of my body. I do admit though that my views can be rather conservative, partly rooted in my religious belief. I assure everyone here that I leave my religious belief inside, and am not rigid at all as far as accepting differences in others.
There must be mutual understanding among us, or else there will never be agreement. As I said before, and again it’s worth repeating, I accept all points of view expressed here and always will because this is the essence of Christianity.
A true Christian, which a good number of you are (probably all of you), would accept all points of view. Therefore, is it so hard to see it my way?
If not, I most certainly am not the kind of person who would say “my way or the highway.” Each point of view expressed here is equally valid, and just that – a point of view.
The fact of the matter is that it is White America that is colorblind, religion blind, ethnicity blind, and country blind. In my view, it has always been White America who have been champions of civil rights and who have always attempted to aid struggling people.
If non-white people follow suit, then, this is absolutely great. Brother Nathanael has mentioned white America on multiple occassions in recognition of the fact that the White race has always been the greatest race of Earth.
Of course, Fr. Joseph has called me a bigot for having this view. In response Joe, can you please show me a list of all inventions that have been created? How many inventions have been created by the White race? And, how many continue to be created by the White race?
Am I saying that other races are inferior? No, I don’t have to say it. I recognize that the White race has come and still is going the longest way. I have deep love for the United States because it is largely White and largely Christian.
Does this mean I don’t love non-Whites/non-Christians? You couldn’t be further from reality.
And, for those of you who still think I’m bigoted, that’s ok. If you really want to know, I do have German blood somewhere along my family tree.
Anyway, enough said. I hope you all see where I’m coming from now.
Dear Real Zionist News Family,
NYC Street Evangelism Report!
Day Two!
First of all, please know that I was thinking about ALL of you throughout this very long day which began at 7 AM this morning.
I began the day with Divine Liturgy and Holy Communion at the Cathedral Parish of Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
The chief hierarch, Metropolitan Hilarion invited me to breakfast with him and we had a long talk.
In a nutshell, he told me that Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and Vladimir Putin (whom Met Hilarion knows personally) just began a new “project” of building exactly “200″ new Churches throughout Moscow. The project was assigned to a priest who is also a personal friend of Metropolitan Hilarion.
Also, I was informed by Met Hilarion that the Patriarch & Putin is building the Orthodox Church in Central Asia in a very concerted way.
On WALL STREET today many of the Gentile Stockbrokers were very receptive to me and engaged in much interchange with me.
Many of them looked quite beleaguered and I couldn’t help thinking to myself and even wanted to shout it out loud:
“If you work on Wall Street and you’r not a Jew – you AIN’T making any money!”
Many Jews were on Wall Street and perhaps today was “Jewish” day as one Orthodox Jew in his thirties with yalmulke and all seemed quite captivated with what I was doing, that is, holding the Holy Cross very high with a combative stance in front of the New York Stock Exchange Building.
After about 15 minutes of this young Jewish man not being able to take his eyes of me, I finally made very strong eye contact with him and he gave me a very enthusiastic thumbs up and then he left quickly and hurried off without me getting a chance to interact with him…
BUT – later on when I was at Times Square on the median strip, another Jewish man came up to me with much excitement and a smiling from ear to ear wife wanted to take a picture with me. I DID get a chance to share Yeshua the Messiah with him and he was rather open.
Then shortly after ANOTHER Jewish couple engaged me in conversation and this time the woman was very impressed by my sharing Old Testament prophecies of the coming of Jesus the Messiah.
Tons of people were quite captivated by the Holy Cross and the Street Evangelism and many came up to me saying they “Love Your Website” — “Hey, Brother Nathanael! Saw you on YouTube!” — “Hey, Didn’t I see you in Colordo?” — and — “Brother Nathanael, I read your Web Site all the time!”
Then Commander Radigan rode up on his horse and gave me a nice welcome and THAT MADE MY DAY! (He is the one who told a rookie cop last time to leave me alone.)
From that point on Hundreds of pedestrians simply “mobbed” me with great enthusiasm and I was able to impart Christ to all of them!
I am SO pleased and SO Blessed to serve the Lord Jesus Christ AND so blessed to have all of you, my Real Zionist Family, there for me for emotional and Spiritual support.
God Bless You ALL!
Please keep me in your prayers everyone!
The Brother Nathanael Foundation sponsors all Street Evangelism activities.
Donations Are Welcome & Needed!
Simply Click:
Please Consider Making a Donation @
OR @
Donations By Mail: The Brother Nathanael Foundation / Or Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Much Lovw in In Christ To All!
+Brother Nathanael
PS – I forgot to mention. One of the cab drivers today was a man from Egypt in his 50’s. He told me that most Egyptians are convinced that Sadat’s assassination was set up by the Mossad. Why? Because after Camp David Sadat had much international prestige and much influence in the Middle East (too much influence for the Jews) and that he was about to negotiate for the Palestinians to return to pre-1967 borders which would have had Carter’s and the international communities support and leverage against Israel to materialize.
THAT’S WHEN MOSSAD & CIA got him through their lone “extremeist” agent. +bn
October 21, 2010 – (Christian Science Monitor)
The US State Department officially announced Wednesday plans to sell up to $60 billion in advanced military aircraft to Saudi Arabia, in what experts call an effort to bolster regional powers against Iran.
The Wall Street Journal, which broke details of the sale in early September, reports the largest-ever US overseas arms deal will include authorization for the Saudis to purchase up to 84 new F-15s and upgrades to Saudi Arabia’s existing fleet of 70 F-15s, as well as new helicopters and other weapons.
…Wednesday’s announcement revealed that it would include up to 1,000 one-ton bunker-buster bombs, which would “enhance the capability of Saudi Arabia’s air force to bomb hardened bunkers and tunnels, such as those that the West believes are used by Iran to hide nuclear and ballistic missile programs,” reports the Journal.
[US Arms Deal Koshered by Israhell]
…The package, which would be the US’s largest-ever overseas arms sale and has been in negotiations since 2007, underscores how Israel no longer feels threatened by Saudi Arabia and how the US increasingly sees the Gulf state as essential toward containing Iran, says Thomas Lippman at the Council on Foreign Relations.
…Israeli concerns about the newest deal have been reportedly calmed by assurances that the jets will lack long-range weapons systems and be of a lower grade than those sold to Israel.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak has reportedly discussed the deal with US officials and a US Defense Department official told Reuters that Israel is “fairly comfortable” with it overall.
As an editorial in The Jerusalem Post recently highlighted, “If the US does not sell to the Gulf states, EU countries or even Russia, which are much less receptive to Israeli interests, might fill the vacuum.”
[Well, at least its reported that the deal is for “Israeli interests,” rather than calling it the bogus “American interests in the Middle East” for once.]
After Thoughts ON Street Evangelism Day 2
As I reported, today’s outing appeared to be “Jewish Day” in so far as I had some encounters with individual Jews which were somewhat positive.
But this does not alter my perception (no longer concealed by the Jews by CENSORED by the Jews) that the Judaic control and decimation of America and the West is TOTALITARIAN by which the White Christian race has been taken to the precipice over which its race has all but disappeared.
Times Square for all the enthusiastic response is essentially a multi-cultural and dissipated/jaded youth nightmare.
I actually do not recall seeing any intelligent looking and wholesome appearing White in the myriad of the multicultural mush.
If one did appear, that White was totally aloof with complete indiffernence written all over his face.
The other Whites were stupid looking, ta-tooed, in a perpetual stupor.
In Orthodoxy we speak of the “distorted image,” that is, the “image of God” gone afoul through sin.
Too much Television and movies will create a mirror image of depravity and distortion that the Jew owned media inculcates into the Gentile cattle.
For my part, if Street Evangelism can awaken perhaps a few, then perhaps I am fulfilling Christ’s Holy Will for this ministry that He has without a doubt called me to.
But more important, by bringing out the Holy Cross into the Public Square, the demons are routed and that I feel is my main mission.
+Brother Nathanael
Jarrad. I didn’t say Zionist Christians weren’t Christians.
I recall saying you can’t be a Mason and a Christian.
Also I am not a “Gentile.” That term went out with the Death of Christ on the Cross.
Jews, even false Jews, are not so special since mankind’s redemption that there should be a term to desribe everyone in the world who is not a Jew.
That was OK before Christ was crucified but that act of God made everyone a child of God therefore the term is offensive to me and I imagine to most.
Another Zionist protocol.
Top 3 criminal state on the planet, Zionist US dictates “MUST.”
# 05:50
U.S.: Like all countries, Venezuela must apply sanctions on Iran (Israel Radio).
I am not going to be as nice to you as others! I believe you are either a moron, which I don’t think as you have a decent comprehension of the English language, or are, by inference or design, a distractive Zionist shill planting seeds of discord on this site!
Brother Nathanael posts in TRUTH!
For you to assert that he should subscribe to your two-sided theory for discussion of issues or either have respect or give adherence to majority opinion would be obnoxious and/or destructive to this site!
For you, by inference, to drag KathJuliane into your two-sided theory is stupid and inane!
KathJuliane is a beaming light of historical fact the likes of which, and the extent of which I have not enjoyed more in my 80 years! For me, she has shared NONE of your obsession with respect for majority opinion!
For you to say that Judaism shares a moral base with Catholicism is obnoxious and untrue! I am not a Catholic but two of my three daughters are. They were both stunned by your remark.
If you can show me in the Catholic Bible any place that that asserts that Jesus Christ was the bastard son of a Roman soldier, and conceived during menstruation of a woman who was a common slut and a harlot for carpenters, then I know that you are totally out of bounds with your trash and nonsense!
That is just part of the filthy teachings for the Talmud, the bible of Israel and Zio-America! These are filthy people and their Talmud tops the filth list!
You keep looking for someone on this site to trash Islam! DWC made a brilliant assessment of Islam when he stated that Islam is carrying the ball for Christian America because Christian America has lost control over its media, money and government!
You state that Hamas is inherently evil because the do not sacrifice their lives like certain young Palestinians have. This is a statement that is just stupid on its face! Hamas, being on the Israeli border faces threat 24/7 365!
I had the privilege last week of seeing Hamas meet with President Akminejad of Iran and see pictures of his 35 car motorcade and pictures of 750,000 Lebanese waving their arms and throwing kisses! He signed 17 bilateral agreements with Lebanon and Hamas!
Your distractions on this site will not go unnoticed! I will be stunned and amazed to see your continued posts on this RZN site!
Holocaustianity in full swing.
While it is because of Jew Zionist Israhelli conspiracy that Nazis and holocaust existed, beside the fact that it is 90% lie, and while this same Zionist fake Jew killed before Nazis and after Nazis STILL TODAY AND EVERY DAY. Do you see the joke?
# 05:42
Hungarian government and rail companies sued for their part in Nazi Holocaust (Reuters)
A mason has undergone a satanic rite of initiation taken a satanic oath and pledged allegiance to a satanic brotherhood – ” you cannot serve two masters..”
Whereas anyone can call themselves a Zionist. It means different things to different people.
To some it means they simply support a place for lying, pretend Jews to call a home.
To others it means world domination by lying, pretend Jews.
These latter cannot be Christian and most are probably masons.
Br Nathanael –
We Christians either by faith or culture do not refer to ourselves as Gentiles.
That is a lying pretend Jew-term for someone who is not like them, and has no real basis in fact.
It is never used outside lying pretend Jew-circles.
The Israel loyalty oath at least is a known entity that we can study and see the evil therein.
It is the secret loyalty oaths of the Synagogue of Satan that are actually attempting to destroy Chistanity in the world. A case in point in the news right now is the cancelling of a cameo appearance Mel Gibson was to make in the film “Hangover 2”.
The Altar to Baal that the Kazharist “Jews” have erected in “Jew Holy Wood” will NEVER forget Mel’s “Passion of the Christ” and they will continue to try to destroy Mel’s career, just as the Kazharist-controlled media will report every negative incident in Mel’s life.
Zionist Terrorist Mafia bombed Pakistan mosque, again.
Jarrad wrote:
“By the way, Brother Nathanael, I like the cross you have as part of your appearance. I hope everyone on this site, at the very minimum, will follow suit and purchase a cross if they don’t already have one.
“I must admit, I wear my own cross almost every single day. It literally has became part of my body.”
I wish more Christians would wear the Holy Cross and display more openly their faith.
When I was a kid, my parents wanted me to wear a Star of David. But I never felt comfortable wearing the Jew-star, and took it off whenever they weren’t around.
As soon as I joined the Body of Christ and was baptized, I put on a cross, and I have never taken it off.
It is a constant reminder to me of the sacrifices that Jesus Christ Our Lord made for me, and for everyone who accepts Him as the True Messiah who brings us closer to God the Father.
When I wear the cross, I feel that Jesus is with me every minute of every day, protecting me against all evil, and in particular that of the Christ-hating Jews who would seek to harm me because I discarded their money-grubbing belief system and accepted Christ as Savior and Lord.
One thing about the Jews: They get very nervous when they see a cross. I have found that when a Jew sees my cross, he gets fidgety and shifty-eyed, and he can’t wait to get away from me. Is this because he feels the power of the Cross and it makes him feel ill?
I think that when Jews get close to the Blessed Cross, it reminds them of how their ancestors betrayed Our Lord and crucified Him on the Cross.
That makes them feel guilty, and they don’t want to be reminded of their awful crime of deicide.
Jews will never be forgiven for their crime while they remain in their sin. They can only be released, as I am, by turning their lives over to Christ, as I did.
And that won’t happen, because Jews are too much under the influence of their father the devil, and they do the will of their father.
Zionist Nato puppets preach jokes how NATO is instrument for peace, while their Zionist bosses and cartel bomb innocents, and blame innocents, and murder them.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen From his speech at the German Bundestag today:
“NATO was, is, and will remain an instrument for peace. Through our operations, we are defending peace.”
Dear Brainy Zek,
I applaud your comments on the Talmud of the Jews. You are absolutely right. The Talmud is a filthy book that governs the behavior of the Jews, far more than the Old Testament does.
Before I became a Christian, I had heard of the Talmud but I had never read anything of it. All I knew was what the rabbis said, that Jesus’s Mother Mary was a whore, and that Jesus Himself was a bastard, born out of wedlock.
It was only in college where I was tutored in true Christianity that I learned about the Talmud and what it teaches.
The Talmud tells the Jews that it is OK to lie, cheat and steal, as long as they do it in a place and in a way where they don’t get caught.
And the Jews follow the Talmud to the letter.
Glory B,
I also wear my cross — it’s great.
Christians are the real ‘Jews’:)
We are the ones who can praise God in Truth. What are you afraid of?
If you wish so, the world can be divided amongst people not by race etc, but in three major faiths, Christianity, Judaism and Paganism (Islam, Buddhism fall here).
Bro Nat. is speaking against Judaism, whose followers are Jews, and which dictates political ideology harmful to all other people including Christians.
Brother Nathanael,
Why would Texe Marrs report that Obama was “standing up to the Jews”?
Is he also a feeler for public opinion like shabbus Alex Jonestein? What’s the truth with that?
+Peace be with you+
USSA Today
@ Moshe
It is important to note that being a Jew has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do.
A person born to non-Jewish parents who has not undergone the formal process of conversion but who believes everything that Orthodox Jews believe and observes every law and custom of Judaism is still a non-Jew, even in the eyes of the most liberal movements of Judaism.
And a person born to a Jewish mother who is an atheist and never practices the Jewish religion is still a Jew, even in the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox.
In this sense, Judaism is more like a nationality than like other religions, and being Jewish is like a citizenship.
Enough said.
Also, keep in mind that as an American, I’m mainly thinking of American Jews, and yes, they do indeed see their Jewishness as an ethnic/racial matter.
Apologies to Sephardic and Ethiopian Jews for not acknowledging them as much as I should, but at least for Ashkenazi Jews, their Jewishness is similar to a racial identity.
I believe it was Rabbi Stephen Wise who said, “Hitler was right about one thing. He called Jews a race, and we are indeed a race.”
After more than forty years of being mercilessly attacked intellectually by Zionist JEWS, Dr. Carleton Coon said in his last book — THE RACES ARE DIFFERENT.
NATURE MADE THEM THAT WAY TO SURVIVE best in their own environments.
That means completely alone and unexploited unless they ask for help. No UN poison vaccines, no intrusive technology, no nothing. LEAVE THEM ALONE.
Thanks for the heads-up on the meaning of factorial.
I have always thought it was the sum of all the numbers but it is the product. Who knew? The chained sum, I’ll remember that.
The usual translation is the number of “a man” and this has led to the unscriptural development of a belief in a coming Antichrist which is quite wrong. The spirit of antichrist is already in the world and has been since apostolic days.
The meaning of the Greek is Mankind not “a man”. The interpretation that it represents a beast system based upon the principles of Mammon or the corporate manifestation of the carnal mind of Man is well supported in biblical symbology.
This is why I use the term First Adam since he was from the earth, earthy. The Second and Last Adam, Jesus Christ is the Heavenly Man, the firstborn of the New Creation which we are as Christians.
After his fall Adam and his progeny, i.e. us, became enslaved to their carnal minds and the world we live in is a creation of this mind which is enmity to God and a projection of the corporate Self.
So the 666 beast is the corporate expression of mankind, the world system which is controlled by the spirit of antichrist.
What Donna said about putting one’s faith in the world system of usury is exactly correct. This is indeed Mammon and we cannot serve God and Mammon. This is what now enmeshes the entire world and we cannot escape it except through the narrow gate.
This is why we must be vigilant since the devil goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. This means that the powers that rule this present darkness use fear, and its natural child anxiety, to promote rampant consumerism and lead the unwary into ever increasing toils of debt slavery.
Anyone who is entangled with the world system is already in the clutches of the beast with the number 666. To anyone in this predicament the only practical counsel is to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and forsake all material pursuits. He whom the Son sets free will be free indeed.
“I know this all too well people. Therefore, would you call John Hague a Zionist Christian puppet?
“To me, John is a Christian who is acting by his own free will. No person put a gun to his head and is forcing him to support Israel monetarily.”- Jarrad
First off Jarrad, Hagee is NOTHING but a whore, that would prostitute himself to anyone who had the power. In other words if Israel was overrun, and China or Islam took over, John Hagee would do a 180 so fast, and be the biggest ally of Islam, or China, your head would spin!
John Hagee knows what is in the Talmud and how anti-Christian it is, he is just one of the biggest “power whores” and FALSE prophets, you could ever find! He is a YELLOW coward PERIOD!
Maybe if the Zionist Jews, Jarrad, starting giving Palestinians rights, people may let up on them. This will NEVER HAPPEN willfully by them!
Fact is Talmudic Judaism runs Israel now, Jarrad, and as far as they, the Talmudist, Zionist Jew are concerned we are sub-human, and here to be their humble servants.
You can bow Jarrad to them, I would DIE first, from my mouth to God’s ears!
PS Nate, I love the Kenyan birth certificate stuff, and Larry Sinclair, sooooooo true, you being an ex-Jew, and me growing up around these monsters, we know them like the back of our hands!
I wish, Jarrad could of grown up around them, he may of sung a different tune?
Does evil have a smell ?
Greetings in the Lord Jesus, USSA Today and RZN family,
You wrote:
“Someone needs to write a coherent rebuttal filled with high integrity sources that John Doe Public Baptist, Pentecostal, etc, can understand.”
Here you go, on the previous page ‘Original Sins Against Palestine.’
Found two 24k gold nuggets of Gospel truth that are firmly based on, and deeply reasoned from Holy Scripture, written by the American Christian Philip Mauro in the 1920’s during the rising tide of Zionism bursting in the world.
Mauro steps into the arena with Scripture, and thoroughly thrashes and demolishes the Scofield Bible, Dispensationalism as the Judaizing heresy as it genuinely is, and further proves that Dispensationalism is the reincarnation of Rabbinism.
Hi Everybody –
All is well here on my last day in NYC.
I am in a state of physical collapse and must be very brief.
The youth have been very receptive but in all truth they all look quite wierd and rudderless.
Many perverted homosexuals walk the streets of Jew York as well. Secular Judaism with its control of the media, the press, academia, Madison Avenue have promoted this perversion of Gentile manhood.
In other words, the Secular Jew has destroyed America and I am quite depressed about it all.
If I am to continue I am going to need the financial support to be brought to a higher level.
This week with 20,000 plus Hits only 2 people donated online and only 3 people donated by mail.
I was forced to get on the phone for the last two weeks to try and drum up some financial support to help me get out from under the huge bills to run this site, to pay the Law Firm for the Nativity Scene, and to keep the Street Evangelism going.
Bringing the Holy Cross to the Streets of NYC with only 2 people donating really can be quite discouraging — not to mention all the time I put into the Videos and the article with very little support.
Information Cleating House which does nothing more than post other writers’ articles complains that he gets only 180 donations per month.
If only half of that would come in for Real Zionist News than I would not have to be getting on the phone and calling people for help.
Some of you like to use this Forum for their own venue BUT don’t send a penny to help…
If you like this Site — If you like what I am trying to accomplish — Please consider making a donation @
OR @
Donations By Mail: The Brother Nathanael Foundation / Or Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
+Brother Nathanael
All lies have the stink of death, it is said in Heart of Darkness by Conrad.
Many Thanks To Linda S For This New Video Text Of:
“Israel’s Master Plan”
Israel’s Master Plan
October 7, 2010
COPYRIGHT, 2010, Brother Nathanael Foundation
Law Firm – Richmond, Sprouce, & Murphy LLC
I grew up as a Jew and at every Sabbath service we sang the Israeli national anthem, Hatikvah.
The rabbi always began his sermons with a passage from Torah and then launched into a commentary, not on Torah, but on political events.
When Israel declared itself an official state in 1948, and with Harry Truman’s immediate recognition, we Jews no longer saw ourselves as a religious group but from there on in primarily as a RACIALLY oriented political entity.
This is very important to understand and the West still doesn’t get it.
Israel defines itself as a Jewish State, not religiously but RACIALLY.
For every Jew who can prove his birth from a Jewish mother, not whether he attends synagogue or not, is granted immediate citizenship.
Now where do the Palestinians fit in all of this? They don’t.
That is why they are caged in like animals in the open air prison camp known as Gaza Strip and cordoned off in the occupied territories by walls, fences, and military check points.
It’s not the Palestinians, it’s the entire world. It’s EVERY non-Jew who has become an enemy of Israel’s Master Plan.
Growing up as a Jew there was instilled in me a “victim complex” and it became a matter of “us against them.” With Israel recognized as an official state we could now expand our newly acquired political status defending ourselves against “them” in HIGH diplomatic, legislative, and military places.
With the military, the Atom bomb that is, and an arsenal of nuclear warheads at Israel’s command, in spite of their being touted by Israel’s agents in America as a “democracy”; Israel is in reality a military state.
It does not matter who is the Prime Minister whether it’s a Netanyahu, a hard-liner, or a Rabin, a soft-liner …the military rules!
The Israeli military is doing something that no other nation has ever done before and that is expanding its frontiers both geographically and politically to advance a borderless entity known as global Jewry spread throughout the world.
My friends this is nothing less than RACIAL Imperialism not Nationalistic Imperialism, where EVERY non-Jew…not just Palestinians, not just Arabs … becomes the enemy.
As President of the Brother Nathanael Foundation, we are engaged in warning the churches of the evil designs of the Jewish State of Israel.
For by definition, the Jewish State of Israel, is an Anti-Christ country.
It’s high time, don’t you think, that the churches with their Zionist longings remove the veil from their eyes?
For with political Zionism now in power and in total control of America, no one, not even the churches with their love for the Zionist State, will be able to resist the onward march and the crushing feet of Israel’s Master Plan!
Thank you KathJuliane
That site is loaded with materials on Church History.
This is very interesting –
Historical Headline:
“Mr. Marshall and Dr. Adler Return From France – Jews Now Equal Before Law ln All Countries Throughout the World”
The Jewish Exponent, Aug 1, 1919. Frontpage.
Dear KathJuliane,
Thanks a lot for directing our attention to the preteristarchive:
Great website, full of ‘good to research’ articles and books.
Thanks for the link to the preterist archive and to Philip Mauro’s writings.
This is where I received the first gleam of light to lead me out of the darkness of futurist eschatology and other carnal and soulish doctrines ten years ago.
Philip Mauro wrote before the founding of the state of Israel but he was opposed to it and saw very clearly the pernicious influence of the “Jewish fables” now being embraced by most of the churches.
He also wrote before the great revelations that came with the 1948 manifestation of the Lord Jesus in the Holy Spirit during what came to be known as the Latter Rain movement so he was unaware of these revelations.
The churches of the time rejected those revelations while at the same time embracing the establishment of the state of Israel believing that it heralded the beginning of the great tribulation much beloved of futurist eschatology.
They were wrong then and they are still wrong.
If any more proof were needed then this rejection of the Lord Jesus by the Judaised churches demonstrates the rebellion and apostasy predicted by the apostle Paul in his second letter to the Thessalonians.
He came to his own and His own received Him not once again.
“And, as I said so many times before, and it is worth repeating, Islam and Judaism have so many parallels. And again, it is not only the Catholics who believe this.”
These religions are both sons of Hagar, i.e. they are “Ishmaelite” religions, just like Christian Zionism. In allegory Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, is the present Jerusalem as written by the apostle Paul in Galatians 4:21-31:
“Tell me, you who want to be under the law, do you not understand the law? For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and the other by the free woman. But one, the son by the slave woman, was born by natural descent, while the other, the son by the free woman, was born through the promise.
“These things may be treated as an allegory, for these women represent two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai bearing children for slavery; this is Hagar. Now Hagar represents Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother. For it is written:
“Rejoice, O barren woman who does not bear children;
break forth and shout, you who have no birth pains,
because the children of the desolate woman are more numerous
than those of the woman who has a husband.”
“But you, brothers and sisters, are children of the promise like Isaac. But just as at that time the one born by natural descent persecuted the one born according to the Spirit, so it is now. But what does the scripture say?
“Throw out the slave woman and her son, for the son of the slave woman will not share the inheritance with the son” of the free woman. Therefore, brothers and sisters, we are not children of the slave woman but of the free woman.”
So you see that Judaism and Islam are still under the law and seeking to be found acceptable to God, to be justified by their own fleshly efforts. They have rejected the blood of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God provided by God for their salvation.
Since Christian Zionists have embraced the present Jerusalem, Hagar, as their mother, their Holy City, they have become spiritual Ishmaelites as Paul has said.
The connection between Hagar and Hagee is interesting.
The solution to the problem is clear “Throw out the slave woman and her son.”
Zionist al Qaida propaganda strikes again:
American spokesman for Al-Qaida urges for attacks in U.S., Europe (AP)
David Robertson to Jarrad
You have the same parallels to Christianity, the Koran sees Jesus as an honored prophet and Mary is spoken more of in the Koran than in the New Testament.
She is seen as having Jesus in a “virgin birth” in the Koran.
Now lets look at the Talmud: Jesus is seen as a FALSE PROPHET, and is burning in excrement in hell, and Mary they show in a whore’s role, having Jesus out of wedlock.
Also, the Koran warns about Jew’s treachery, refers to them as “pigs.”
If what you say was true: how did Salman Rushdie’s, or why would he write,”Satanic Verses”, would he have written the sequel: Satanic Verses II: the Talmud?
Noooooooooooo because Rushdie is a British 1/2 Jew. Again, the old “Zionist Global Social Networking.”
Look at his face too, the little beady eyes, real close together?
You are buying their western brainwashing, the 20th century Islam was the Devil and his book, “Satanic Verses.”
Now they want to make the ILLUSION they are Islam’s friends now, (why Foxman and ADL have them including in Hate Crimes)? Always keep our both our enemies: Christianity and Islam fighting.
Last Century they played us for the fool: thus the term “Judeo-Christian.” Now they are Islam’s friends, except the Muslims are not as stupid, or brainwashed as the western Christian, they know what the Zionist Jew is!
Editorial of The New York Sun | October 14, 2010
Rupert Murdoch to the annual banquet of the Anti-Defamation League in New York.
The honoree of the evening, he noted that the League has been so successful that a few years ago some people were beginning to say, “Maybe we don’t need an ADL any more.”
That, he said, “is a much harder argument to make these days” when, as he put it, “we live in a world where there is an ongoing war against the Jews.”
It was the American Jewish Committee (AJC) which first vigorously advocated for open immigration in America beginning in 1914 until the great watershed in 1965.
This video is REALLY good.
“Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs – Updated 2010”!
Please view this link, you wanted more info on Zionist Pinko Jews in China see this link.
Remember Hoff, Mao had hindsight, and retrospective on his side, with the unsavory nature of the Zionist Jew. He saw what Stalin went through: be it capitalism, fascism, communism, monarchy, whatever, the Zionist Jew will turn on you, and use you for whatever is beneficial for them.
You think Mao and Stalin couldn’t see the world’s leading communist were all Jews, but the world’s leading capitalist were also all Jews: AKA Talmudic Euro Bankers.
This contradiction leads to only one conclusion: whatever the Jew is up to, it is for usury purposes, and to gain control wherever they have a foothold.
He followed Stalin’s purge, although much quieter, and got them out.
Again more below, Hoff,
Although they make up some BS reason why Stalin and Mao purged them, about “intelligentsia” or something?
Another Jew “SCHNOOK JOB” on a global stage!
Jewish author Ran Marom writes, “Since the end of 1917, the Bolsheviks had faced the problem of running a system with no professional bureaucrats and specialists.
“Without support from the Tsarist bureaucracy, they had to turn to the Jewish intelligensia which saw in the Bolshevik Revolution an opportunity to achieve full civil rights.
“Many Jewish figures suddenly appeared in the Bolshevik administration, in the highest echelons of the bureaucracy, and especially in education, justice, banks, commerce, foreign affairs, and the secret police,” (in The Bolsheviks and the Balfour Declaration, in Robert S. Wistrich (ed.), The Left Against Zion).
Stalin’s purges were in part a cover for the removal of the Jewish intelligensia.
{(Mao seems to have followed this cue: Paul Johnson says that on gaining power in China he expelled the Jews (p. 562).}
Soviet support for the Arabs in the Middle East wars led Jews to increasingly turn against the USSR, which was forced by their international pressure to allow Jews to emigrate, a successful defiance which emboldened other rebels.
The USSR failed because lying became endemic. The nomenklatura were shielded from reality by their privileges and ideology; their repeated lies produced sullenness, distrust and passive resistance; just what faces us now.
I read an entire book to try and discover Murdoch’s “ongoing war against the Jews” and guess what, it doesn’t exist.
Everything is turned into a “war against the Jews” to justify Jewish persecution of others, Jewish striving for influence wherever and in whatever country they can get a foothold.
I call it internal brainwashing for the Jews.
When there is a real war against the Jews it won’t be ongoing.
It won’t be against the rank and file.
It won’t be bloody, as their wars are and it won’t involve anyone but Jews in the higher ranks of business and banking and politics.
They will appear to self explode, and their whole system will come crashing down on top of them.
Hoff to DWC: Thx for that link to the Mao Jews. Everybody read it!
We now know that whatever the Jew is up to the Jew always uses codewords, to hide what Jew is and have done.
Give me the archive of the Jew-made Pravda in the Jew-run Soviet in english and l will give you the timeline of Jew power in any of the world’s 200 states at any time the last century.
— Since 1956, the countries had (secretly) been diverging ideologically, and, beginning in 1961, the Chinese Communists formally denounced “The Revisionist Traitor Group of Soviet Leadership.” —
The jew run Wikipedia is NOT to be trusted at any time, but it can be a good start. And l think this is a good start, hence l link to Wikipedia.
Diverging = Read: The Jew got kicked out of China.
l Hoff have studied Jew communism all my life. l have spoken to many diehard communist scumbags face to face many times. And there is one accusation every single diehard communist scumbags fear more than anything else, to be accused of being a “Revisionist.”
This is the same thing as to be accused to be a holohoax denier. Once the Jew makes that accusation you’re out.
This time in 1961 it was Mao who used the Jews codewords against the Jew and by that Mao kicked out the Jew.
Give me the Pravda archive from 1961 and l will tell you what day the Jew was kicked out of China. This is simple, the day the Jew-run Pravda say that Mao is a “facsist” is the day the Jew got kicked out of China.
To the Jew: You did a good job to hide what you Jew scumbags did. l got to handle you that. But your days are gone. Why? Because we know how to decode your codewords.
Do you know what the funniest thing is Jew scumbag?
Even the Shwartser ldi Amin kicked you lying Jew scumbags out.
“Fascist” is Jew codeword for:
Goyim expelled the Jews, hence the Jew has zero political power.
… ski = A Jew
The Origins of AIDS
100 books in full text about the Jew.
Must see video on immigration, even a dumbed down demoCrap can understand this:
Immigration Gumballs (5 min version)
The Book was called “The Secret War Against the Jews” by Arrons and Loftus and it ran for some 500+ pages.
The only thing wrong with it was that it had NOTHING to do with the title.
Just a scholarly piece of research into newly available war documents after the lapse of the thirty year rule showing mostly how intelligence was the main battleground and troops simply cannon fodder.
And that this intelligence was ALWAYS the opposite to the official historical record.
All fine and dandy, water under the bridge, but what did it have to do with a secret war against the Jews?
Nothing — except that Arrons and Loftus are both Jews. Anything they write must therefore be passed by their Jewish Masters at the Jewish lodge, and this title was presented to them in their ongoing war AGAINST THE CHRISTIANS.
Since there isn’t a war against the Jews as proven by the book, why not simply make that up as a title and people will think there is one, especially the dumb Jews who will think there is one but won’t bother to read the book?
HEY PRESTO, subconcious propaganda coup no. 123,546,738
None will be the wiser. Heck after 2000 years the dumb Jews still haven’t read a sixteen page Gospel, which has given them so much grief for all that time. They’ll never read this 500 page tome.
Jews are the chameleons of human race.
They change colors, or ideologies, to fit the situation. That is why the Jew can be communist and capitalist at the same time.
Jewry must be stamped out or the human race will perish!
Again an interesting site I came across. Hope it is of interest.
The mark of the Beast is supporting the Kenite Satanic global government.
The seal of God is obeying his commandments, precepts and laws and knowing what to do when the Global Government is in place.
Truth will set you free but the cost is obeying the written word and learning what the bible states. Just remember their will be a remnant of Judah and a remnant of Israel (Jacob) in the end of these days.
We will be as one God fearing tribe. Judah will have its eyes opened by our Master as stated in the Bible. Do not hate Jews but be aware the Kenites call themselves Jews as the Master pointed out. Not all Israel nor Judah will survive the end times.
I believe you have made many truly interesting points. Not too many people would really think about it the direction you just did. I am truly impressed that there is so much about this subject that has been uncovered and you did it so nicely
The Holocaust was masterminded by Zionism. If Hitler was not a Jew, he was a Shabbos goy that did their dirty work for them. Jews are allowed to offer HUMAN SACRIFICES but must not be the ones that carry them out:
Now let’s look at the relevant cite from the Babylonian Talmud.
Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 64a
Soncino 1961 Edition, page 437
Following the Mishnah is a discussion among the sages. One of the Talmud Sages, Rabbi Ashi, comments as follows:
GEMARA. R. Ashi propounded: What if one caused his blind or sleeping son to pass through, (3) or if he caused his grandson by his son or daughter to pass through? — One at least of these you may solve. For it has been taught: [Any men … that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall he put to death … And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people;] because he hath given of his seed unto Molech.
Why is this stated? — Because it is said, there shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire. From this I know it only of his son or daughter. Whence do I know that it applies to his son’s son or daughter’s son too? From the verse, [And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man] when he giveth of his seed unto Molech [and kill him not: Then I will … cut him off.]
— Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 64b
Soncino 1961 Edition, page 439
The Jews that went up the chimneys were non-Zionist Jews. You don’t believe me? Look what they did in ISRAEL!
Zionists Poisoned/Radiated
100k Jewish Children
Zionists Poisoned/Radiated 100,000 Sefardi Jewish Children
By Barry Chamish
Google it & be shocked!
The Truth about the Holocaust, that the world is ignorant of, is that Atheistic Zionist Jews HOLOCAUSTED the Jews they didn’t want in Israel & ever since they have blamed the world for what THEY did!
Jewish Encyclopedia
By: Joseph Jacobs, Judah David Eisenstein
The Gentile employed in a Jewish household on the Sabbath-day to perform services which are religiously forbidden to Jews on that day. The Shabbat goy’s duty is to extinguish the lighted candles or lamps on Friday night, and make a fire in the oven or stove on Sabbath mornings during the cold weather.
A poor woman (“Shabbat goyah”) often discharges these offices. The hire in olden times was a piece of ḥallah; in modern times, about 10 cents.
According to strict Jewish law, a Jew is not allowed to employ a non-Jew to do work on the Sabbath which is forbidden to a Jew. The rule of the Rabbis is “amirah le-goy shebut” (i.e., “to bid a Gentile to perform work on the Sabbath is still a breach of the Sabbath law,” though not so flagrant as performing the work oneself); but under certain circumstances the Rabbis allowed the employment of non-Jews, especially to heat the oven on winter days in northern countries.
Legendary literature contains many instances in which the Shabbat goy was replaced by a Golem. The latest story in which the Shabbat goy plays a rôle is that of K. L. Silman Franco, in Hebrew, in “Aḥiasaf,” 5665 (1904-5). Maxim Gorki, the Russian novelist, was once employed as a Shabbat goy by the Jewish colonists in the governments of Kherson and Yekaterinoslav.
Jacobs, in Jewish Year Book, 5659 (1899), p. 291.