Seats Of Jewish Power – (BrN On Video!)
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Seats Of Jewish Power
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Brother Nathanael @ December 14, 2010
Dear Real Zionist News Family –
It is SO Obvious…
“According to the facts” … JEWS RUN AMERICA!
You are SO right, dear Helen, you are SO VERY RIGHT!
In other words, “Happy Hanukkah!” America you saps.
The Jews have taken your Christmas from you and you are scared to death to face them down, aren’t you?
Not me.
I fear NO JEW, NO MAN, only the Lord Jesus Christ! (Whom I love…) AND, perfect love casts out fear!
On another note.
If you like what I am doing, The Videos; The articles; The work of The Brother Nathanael Foundation (The Nativity Scene is NOW UP in Frisco — Pics Coming Soon!; and this VERY INFORMATIVE Comments Section —
Please Consider Making A Donation!
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Donations By Mail: The Brother Nathanael Foundation / Or Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Your +Brother in Christ, Nathanael
The best book ever written about the Synagogue of Satan.
“Who is Esau-Edom”
Please read this book @
What did I tell you and your RZN, Bro Nate.
Have I not preached Israel and or the MOSSAD are behind this??
Chaos that will give Zionist puppet Obama the perfect excuse for operation Internet kill switch.
Moldovans tear down JEWISH menorah & put up the HOLY CROSS!!!
Text Of Video
Seats Of Jewish Power
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2010
All Rights Reserved
To a standing ovation, former White House correspondent, Helen Thomas, told an audience last week that “Zionists control Congress, the White House, Wall Street, and Hollywood.”
In other words, the levers of power in America: Policy, Law, Finance, and Propaganda are in the hands of Zionist Jews.
Now, is Helen Thomas right or wrong? Let’s look at the facts.
On Capitol Hill, the major Committees are chaired by Jews:
Lieberman, a Talmudic Jew, chairs Homeland Security and Lieberman’s co-religionist Barney Frank, an avowed homosexual, chairs the House Finance Committee.
Carl Levin chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee and his brother, Sander Levin chairs the House Ways and Means Committee which oversees taxation.
Barbara Boxer chairs the Senate Public Works Committee, Henry Waxman chairs the Senate Commerce Committee, Diane Feinstein chairs the Senate Committee on Intelligence, and Howard Berman chairs the House Foreign Relations Committee.
I don’t see any Murphy’s, Smith’s, or MacDonald’s on this list, do you?
At the White House, the new Budget Director is Talmudic Jew, Jacob Lew, who lit the White House Hanukkah Menorah on the South Lawn last week flanked by two rabbis in another episode of the Union of Synagogue & State.
In other words, “Happy Hanukkah!” dear America, there is no more “Merry Christmas” since that doesn’t fit the Zionist agenda.
According to the Jewish Chronicle: “The two individuals now running White House policy are National Security Council staffers Daniel Shapiro and Dennis Ross, both Jews.”
In finance, we have Ben Shalom Bernanke, head of the Fed, along with 4 of his co-religionists on the Board of Governors.
Goldman Sachs, known as “Government Sachs,” plays musical chairs between positions at US Treasury, the White House Economic Advisory Board, and the Fed’s controlling bank, the NY Federal Reserve.
In America’s propaganda realm, Obama just appointed Talmudic Jew, Julius Genachowsk, who is calling for Internet censorship of “unreasonable discrimination.”
That’s a fancy Zionist phrase for gagging our right of Free Speech and criticizing Israel.
Now, is Helen Thomas right or wrong in outlining the seats of Jewish power in America and adding that “Zionists are moving America in all the wrong directions?”
According to the facts, dear Helen, you’re right. Yes, dear Helen, you are SO VERY RIGHT!
Gordon Duff Interviewed:!
Tried to post your message on Yahoo stock message board tonight.
Got a message stating that they could turn my IP address over to law enforcement officials if I post anything offensive against another.
It went on to say there was an error and rejected my post.
This site may be a target for the upcoming vote in Congress for internet lock-down on 12/21…
Oh yeah…Brother Nathanael telling it like it is, man I love it!
Didn’t I just see something from the ADL and Ape Foxman about them cronies calling for all professional accolades and journalistic honors of Helen Thomas to be rescinded because of her “vulgar antisemitism”?
Amazing the crap that spews forth from that organization.
BTW, what is “vulgar anti-semitism”?
Next it’ll be “slanderous anti-semitism” or some other such new and improved name calling phrase as the current “anti-semitism” is a bit worn out.
ADL = Always Defile League.
NEW VIDEO for Br. Nathanael:
Br. Nathanael the Baptist: The US Military’s Purge of Zionists and Demons
Even though many have lost confidence in the US military due to the Zionist and Satanic infiltration and war agendas, more and more high ranking leaders and good men of the US military are waking up to and defending the Truth of a Christian America.
However, the military is still infested with demons and needs to expel in the Name of Christ Jesus in order to save the world, America, and restore the reputation of the US military.
ADL = Always Disseminate Lies
Anti-Antisemitism is zio-commie mind control. Like the World Chess Champion said, I’m not anti-semetic I don’t hate Arabs.
Antisemitism is a trick to silence rightful dissent at the Khazar pillagers of one’s civilization –
Ashkenazi “Jew”/Khazars are Eastern European Gentiles so they’re goyim as well. Ironic 80% of the “self-chosenites” (great term that always brings a laugh Joe Cortina) are goys themselves isn’t it?
They’re the best chicanery artists in history.
Another excellent presentation Brother Nate!
Despite what other people may say or think, Amerikans are a patient and tolerant people.
Others might say that we are slow to react given how “asleep” we are owing to the distractions around us.
But there comes a time when pushing leads to shoving. After that, you do not want to be in the way of any upset Amerikans. If more Amerikans would abandon all suport for things Israeli as well as Jewish, the effect would be noticeable.
And keep a bag of bacon bits handy.
MERRY CHRISTMAS Brother Nathanael and to everyone supporting RZN as well as those who merely happen by here for a look at what ails this great CHRISTIAN nation.
Dear Brother Nathanael.
I send you a small donation from Germany.
Thank you for your prayers.
God Bless
Georgios (old calendarian Orthodox)
I wish I had as much confidence as you do.
Americans wont do a thing.
They’ll go on sleeping, as long as they have Beer, Pu–y and Sports, they are all right, and the Zio-Criminals that own America make sure they have plenty of each.
So it is confirmed again, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Jews control the country.
If you like this, go back to sleep!
If you do not like this, do something right now!
1. Donate money to the Brother Nathanael Foundation.
2. Do not be afraid of the Jews.
Listen to Helen Thomas talk about being intimidated by the ADL.
This lady is awake!
Greetings in the Lord, dear Bro Nathanael,
Wonderful news that the Nativity Creche scene is now up, and that through you, our Lord Jesus is showing some of His power.
I still shake my head at the obstacles you’ve had to endure, navigate around, and plow through just to exercise religious and civic rights, and it saddens me that America, “land of the free, home of the brave” has now reached such a sorry state.
Nevertheless, Christ conquers!
Terrific Video.
Bouncy, and you packed in quite a bit of information covering all the cardinal directions of the Jewish Caucus Map over America.
Talk about Jew-Pillars of Power. How obvious can it be that we are colonized and occupied by an evil foreign imperial State, and have been for a very long time?
Well done, and thank you and God bless you, dear brother in Christ.
“Despite what other people may say or think, Amerikans are a patient and tolerant people.”
Here’s a quote to best sum up what you just said: “The American people are slow to wrath, but when their wrath is once kindled it burns like a consuming flame.” -Teddy Roosevelt
I think once Americans start to lose the comforts of life, and see basic freedoms like flying, 4th amendment, ability to surf the internet etc. taken away then perhaps more than anticipated will wake up.
Bro Nate I have not donated in a while, today I will send you a small donation
Wikileaks has leaked.
An Israeli plan to nuke two American cities and blame it on Pakistan, allowing the US to nuke two Pakistani cities was erroneously leaked on the running ticker tape at the bottom of the news broadcast on Skye channel then quickly withdrawn.
Is Assage being punished for his Wikileaks Leak leak?
It appears so.
Is he repentant?
It appears so.
Hence his plea to the Freemason International to get him outa there – his exagerated touch to his nose shot through the porthole of his prison van – shown repeatedly on world wide television.
The message was clear — there should be no more leaks from Wikileaks-Leaks.
By Rev. Ted Pike
15 Dec 10
When the United Nations declared “Zionism is a form of racism” in 1975, the Jewish/Christian world erupted in anger over such blatant “anti-Semitism.”
When President Jimmy Carter titled his best-selling book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid the Jewish Anti-Defamation League demanded (and got) an apology.
Yet for the past week Israel’s media has brought international attention to the declaration by at least 50 top, state-supported municipal rabbis that Zionism is and should be racist and discriminatory.
The rabbis declared Arabs should be treated as unwelcome, second-class citizens to whom Israelis should not rent or sell. Haaretz reports,
‘We don’t need to help Arabs set down roots in Israel,’ Rabbi Shlomo Aviner of the Beit El settlement, said on Tuesday. Aviner explained that he supported the move for two reasons: one, a Jew looking for an apartment should get precedence over a Gentile; and two, to keep the growing Arab population from settling too deeply.
‘Racism originated in the Torah,’ said Rabbi Yosef Scheinen, who heads the Ashdod Yeshiva. ‘The land of Israel is designated for the people of Israel. This is what the Holy One, Blessed Be He, intended and that is what the [sage] Rashi interpreted.’ (Rashi is one of the very greatest Talmudic authorities.)
Voices in Israel’s government repudiated these rabbis. Mertz faction-whip Ilan Ghilon immediately asked the Attorney General to dismiss [from state employment] each of the rabbis who signed their names. (Israel has a law banning incitement to religious hatred.)
“We are witnessing an epidemic of racism and xenophobia and we must act firmly,” he said. Prime Minister Netanyahu finally issued a condemnation saying the Bible requires Jews to “love the stranger.”
Yet it is doubted his official statement will go beyond words. It is feared that if the 50 prominent rabbis do not retract their discriminatory commands, 500 lesser rabbis in Israel will preach them.
The original decree commanding Jews not to rent or sell to Arabs was written by chief rabbi of Safed Shmuel Eliyahu who said:
Their way of life is different than that of the Jews… among [the Gentiles] are those who are bitter and hateful toward us and who meddle in our lives to the point where they are a danger….
The neighbors and acquaintances [of a Jew who sells or rents to an Arab] must distance himself from the Jew, refrain from doing business with him, deny him the right to read from the Torah, and similarly [ostracize] him until he goes back from this harmful deed…
The rabbi’s exhortation toward harsh treatment has taken effect. Followers attacked Arab students and threatened to burn down the homes of Jewish landlords renting to them.
The 50 rabbis’ inflammatory words add fuel to similar declarations over the past few months.
Some of Israel’s most authoritative rabbis now publicly contend that authentic, Talmudic Judaism considers the Gentile “goyim” subhuman and says Jews have the right to rule them and even kill them and their children.
(See, Homicidal Rabbi Finds Wide Support in Israel and Top Rabbi: ‘Gentiles Exist to Serve Jews’) Now, 50 state-supported rabbis assert (just as “anti-Semites” have alleged for the past century) that Zionism is indeed an elitist and discriminatory movement and ideology.
A Brief History of Jewish Racism
Jewish history quickly reveals that racism is not only woven into the prayer shawl that covers the Orthodox Jew, but it has also played a vital part in defining and even preserving the Jewish race.
The ancient Hebrews had a very strong conception of being chosen by God for a special destiny but actual racism does not exist in the Old Testament.
Hebrew separatism implemented God’s command not to be contaminated by the morally polluting Canaanites. Except for the cults of human sacrifice which pervaded Central and South America before arrival of Europeans, the ancient Canaanites were unrivaled in their religious requirement of infant sacrifice. They also practiced every kind of idolatry and moral perversion.
When Jericho was excavated a century ago, hundreds of urns were discovered, each containing the skeleton of an infant sacrificed to keep the sun shining, rain falling, and crops growing.
The Hebrews under Joshua were commanded to exterminate Jericho but not because Canaanites were genetically inferior or even spiritually unclean by birth. Rather, all Canaanite influence had to be removed from God’s chosen people because the “iniquity of the Amorites” would quickly end God’s whole purpose for the Jewish people: to prepare the world for Jesus Christ, the Savior of all mankind.
Yet in about the 2 nd century B.C., a class of religious teachers, the scribes and Pharisees, returned to Palestine from Babylon bringing a very different, malignant, truly racist ethic with them.
The Pharisees repeated the boast of the rebels of Korah under Moses who declared that “all the people are holy; every one of them and the Lord is among them.” (Numbers 16) The Pharisees asserted that while Moses was atop Sinai receiving a written law from God, 70 elders were also receiving an oral law.
This oral law superseded (and mostly contradicted) the written law. Jesus described this as “the tradition of the elders,” which “made the law of God of none effect.” (
Mark 7:13) The Jewish Encyclopedia clarifies how this perverse Pharisaic innovation became the basis for modern, or Talmudic, Judaism.
“The whole history of Judaism was reconstructed from the Pharisaic point of view… Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all of the future.” (Jewish Encyclopedia, “Pharisees,” pg. 666)
In the several centuries before Christ, the Pharisees taught the Jews that they were spiritually superior to the “goyim” and that their Sanhedrin of 70 elders vastly surpassed the authority of the Mosaic Law.
Within a few centuries after Israel’s rejection and crucifixion of Christ, this oral tradition (Mishna) was written down and became, along with supplemental commentary, the vast Babylonian Talmud—the greatest religious and ethical authority for observant Jews.
Today, in every Jewish religious school (Yeshivah) in Israel, half of the nation’s children are first educated in the context of Talmud.
Young Jewish boys and girls are taught Jews are specially chosen by God to “repair” a world brought into chaos by the Gentiles. Even more menacing, they are taught the Jew is intrinsically higher, divinely favored, even sacred, in comparison to the goyim.
The Talmud, written by those who crucified Jesus, is the glue that holds religious Jews together.
Jewish author Herman Wouk in his book This Is My God wrote: “The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs, or ceremonies we observe – whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or merely spasmodic sentimentalist – we follow the Talmud. It is our common law.”
Jews Victimized by Talmudic Bigotry
The racism of the Talmud has historically united the Jews together as a people because of the cause-and-effect of its two mentalities.
First, it stimulates a superiority complex: a conviction of a divine right which sanctions Jews to lie, deceive and steal from Gentiles.
(See, Kol Nidre: Judaism’s License to Lie and Talmud Encourages Jews to Deceive) Since Jews are superior and destined to rule the nations before the coming of messiah, many supremacist Jews have believed anything can be done to weaken Gentile (especially Christian) power in order to hasten those events.
This may include corruption of the nations through liquor, pornography,et Isaiah that apostat (See, Talmud: Wellspring of Jewish Pornography Industry), homosexuality (See, Judaism and Homosexuality: A Marriage Made in Hell), media (See, Jews Confirm Big Media is Jewish), etc., as well as philosophies that weaken civilization morally, politically, and economically (See, Jewish Activists Created Communism). God told the prophe Jews are “children who are corrupters.” (Isaiah 1:4)
The habitual tendency of many Jews (but not all) in every age to subvert society has, not surprisingly, resulted in scores of expulsions of Jews from various countries over the millennia.
Such reaction from the goyim has precipitated a second reaction fundamental to the creation of the modern Jew: a persecution complex.
This is a deep conviction, taught from infancy, that “anti-Semitic” Gentiles are preoccupied with an incurable, irrational appetite to destroy Jews. The only safety for Jews is to never, never forget the evil Gentiles have done to them.
Supremacist Jews also demand atonement for Christian/Gentile persecution in the form of special rights and privileges, including exemption from “anti-Semitic” scrutiny and criticism.
Both of these Talmudic racial complexes act in a self-perpetuating circle to isolate the Jew over the past 2000 years, barricading him behind a wall of superiority, self-righteousness, antagonism and suspicion.
Such racism is twisted and tragic. Yet ironically, more than anything else, it has kept the Jewish people intact, preventing assimilation.
Many Jewish authorities today would like it that way again, especially keeping young Jews from discovering how much evangelical Christians actually love and elevate them to cult-like veneration.
Such discovery explains why more than 50 percent of Jewish boys in “Christian America” now marry Gentile girls. Orthodox authority regards this as a state of virtual “genocide,” rivaling the Holocaust in its potential to destroy the Jewish race.
Evangelicals: Catching Racism from Israel
Evangelical Christianity has totally endorses Israel in her anti-Arab racism. Most “Israel-first” evangelicals also increasingly consider Arabs of less value than Jews.
They may deny this, but such racism, pervades their reflexes. Evangelicals are habitually hardened to any claim that Palestinians or even their children deserve compassion because of horrendous injustices inflicted by Israel. Such unconditional alignment with Israel’s oppressions does not escape notice by the world’s 1.1 billion Muslims.
It prejudices them from being open to the gospel, which most evangelical supporters of Israel hypocritically claim is offered to all men equally.
As Talmudic racism insulates Jews from assimilation, for the past century it has insulated the church from effective evangelism of the Muslim world. Is God judging the church by allowing Islam to now threaten to overwhelm Western Christian society?
Zionist racism is like a rabid dog which bites anything it can, making others just as menacing. This is what Scripture prophecies.
Babylon the Great, Israel, will corrupt and derange the world (including an apostate church) in the last days. It says all nations will have drunk of the wine of her spiritual fornication; “therefore the nations are mad.” (Jeremiah 51:7)
Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative watchdog organization.
NATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015
Hi Brother Nate, I trust you are well.
I posted what you had to say about the Jews in power on here :
And needless to say that Zio-nazi was averse of the truth and refused to put up any of my comments. Keep up the good work. They are pressed!
Reads like a Jewish wedding list!!!
Laugh. Laugh.
Thank you Brother Nathanael for this video and all else you are doing.
A Missing Wikileak
By Rev. Ted Pike: (I included my personal comments in brackets).
15 Dec 10
When the United Nations declared “Zionism is a form of racism” in 1975, the Jewish/Christian world erupted in anger over such blatant “anti-Semitism.” When President Jimmy Carter titled his best-selling book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid the Jewish Anti-Defamation League demanded (and got) an apology.
Yet for the past week Israel’s media has brought international attention to the declaration by at least 50 top, state-supported municipal rabbis that Zionism is and should be racist and discriminatory.(According to the Anti-Christ Talmud).
The rabbis declared Arabs should be treated as unwelcome, second-class citizens to whom Israelis should not rent or sell. (Ask any Palestinian and he can tell you that this racism is alive and well).
‘We don’t need to help Arabs set down roots in Israel,’ Rabbi Shlomo Aviner of the Beit El settlement, said on Tuesday. Aviner explained that he supported the move for two reasons: one, a Jew looking for an apartment should get precedence over a Gentile; and two, to keep the growing Arab population from settling too deeply. (Sorry,”rabbi,” our blood is in the soil).
‘Racism originated in the Torah,’ said Rabbi Yosef Scheinen, who heads the Ashdod Yeshiva. ‘The land of Israel is designated for the people of Israel. This is what the Holy One, Blessed Be He, intended and that is what the [sage] Rashi interpreted.’ (Rashi is one of the very greatest Talmudic authorities.) (Rashi is only but one satanically inspired ideologists).
Voices in Israel’s government repudiated these rabbis. Mertz faction-whip Ilan Ghilon immediately asked the Attorney General to dismiss [from state employment] each of the rabbis who signed their names. (Israel has a law banning incitement to religious hatred.)
“We are witnessing an epidemic of racism and xenophobia and we must act firmly,” he said. Prime Minister Netanyahu finally issued a condemnation saying the Bible requires Jews to “love the stranger.” (BS. This man is a liar. By his actions we all know him).
Yet it is doubted his official statement will go beyond words. It is feared that if the 50 prominent rabbis do not retract their discriminatory commands, 500 lesser rabbis in Israel will preach them. (They do not know anything else, but hate).
The original decree commanding Jews not to rent or sell to Arabs was written by chief rabbi of Safed Shmuel Eliyahu who said:
Their way of life is different than that of the Jews… among [the Gentiles] are those who are bitter and hateful toward us and who meddle in our lives to the point where they are a danger….
The neighbors and acquaintances [of a Jew who sells or rents to an Arab] must distance himself from the Jew, refrain from doing business with him, deny him the right to read from the Torah, and similarly [ostracize] him until he goes back from this harmful deed… (hopefully he will be on his way to heaven, by accepting Christ!!).
The rabbi’s exhortation toward harsh treatment has taken effect. Followers attacked Arab students and threatened to burn down the homes of Jewish landlords renting to them. (children of satan loves violence).
The 50 rabbis’ inflammatory words add fuel to similar declarations over the past few months. Some of Israel’s most authoritative rabbis now publicly contend that authentic, Talmudic Judaism considers the Gentile “goyim” subhuman and says Jews have the right to rule them and even kill them and their children. (See, Homicidal Rabbi Finds Wide Support in Israel and Top Rabbi: ‘Gentiles Exist to Serve Jews’)
Now, 50 state-supported rabbis assert (just as “anti-Semites” have alleged for the past century) that Zionism is indeed an elitist and discriminatory movement and ideology. (Brother Nathanael Kapner has been telling this us for years now).
“Despite what other people may say or think, Amerikans are a patient and tolerant people.”
Here’s a quote to best sum up what you just said: “The American people are slow to wrath, but when their wrath is once kindled it burns like a consuming flame.” -Teddy Roosevelt
Let me explain why:
Since the 1700s, Americans have been an armed people. In some other countries, people come out to throw rocks and molitov cocktails when they have had enough.
Here, if you start something like that, it will quickly escalate to a shooting match, and most sensible people know this. “A well armed society is a polite society.”
Hence, we are only too aware of the price of breaking the peace, for all of us and for the innocent all around, any of whom may be hit with a stray bullet.
This does not make us docile, just prudent.
The PERSECUTION of Helen Thomas is a classic example of the viciousness and coldheartedness of the Jews.
Yes, I said “persecution.” That’s a word that the Christ-hating Jews have for centuries applied to themselves.
Whenever non-Jews, especially Christians, defend themselves against Jewish lies and dirty dealings, the Jews scream at the top of their lungs, “Persecution!!!”
Yet here is a case — one of many — where the Jews have ganged up on a person who is speaking the truth about their criminal behavior.
Helen Thomas is a 90-year-old journalist of the highest reputation and prestige.
She earned the title of “Dean of the White House Press Corps,” having covered the White House for a variety of news organizations since the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, back in the 1950s.
She occupied a front-row seat at Presidential news conferences, and had the privilege of asking the last question of the president and then saying in a loud voice, “Thank you, Mr. President,” which was the traditional way of ending the news conference.
Surely Helen Thomas knows about foreign relations and who controls world politics.
But Helen Thomas is also the daughter of Lebanese immigrants who came to America.
She grew up in Detroit, and graduated from Wayne State University.
At White House news briefings, Thomas was known for her anti-Israel sentiments.
Last May, at a briefing with Robert Gibbs, President Obongo’s press secretary, that followed a flotilla raid by Israeli commandos on a ship carrying vitally needed supplies to starving Palestinians in Gaza, Thomas called the raid a “deliberate massacre” and “an international crime.”
“What is the sacrosanct, iron-clad relationship where a country that deliberately kills people and boycotts — and we aid and abet the boycott?” she asked.
What got Thomas into real trouble with the Jewish power brokers was some comments — off-the-cuff, top-of-the-head remarks — she made to a Jewish rabbi who was in Washington covering a Jewish American Heritage Month celebration.
The rabbi asked Thomas her opinion of Israel. He had a camcorder and video-taped her reply.
Thomas responded by saying: “Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine.”
Turning her attention to the Palestinians, she said, “Remember, these people are occupied. And it’s their land,” adding that the Jews should “go home” to Poland, Germany, America, “and everywhere else.”
The reaction was swift and predictable.
First, Thomas was forced to issue an abject apology
“I deeply regret my comments,” she said in a statement, claiming they “do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance.”
That didn’t satisfy the Jews.
Lanny Davis, former special counsel to and White House spokesman for President Bill Clinton, said the apology “was not direct and didn’t address the merits of her belief in the stereotype that Jews are aliens in Israel and don’t belong there.”
Calling for Thomas’s employer, Hearst News Service, to at least suspend her White House privileges, Davis said Thomas had revealed herself to be “an anti-Semitic bigot.”
Ari Fleischer, former President George W. Bush’s press secretary, said her comments amounted to a call for “religious cleansing.”
Fleischer told Fox News that Thomas should lose her job over the comments.
“This goes beyond all boundaries,” Fleischer said. “When you advocate that people need to be separated on the basis of their religion … this is hatred, this is bigotry, this is prejudice.”
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, said Thomas’s comments were “outrageous” and urged her to make a “more forceful” apology.
“Her suggestion that Israelis should go back to Poland and Germany is bigoted and shows a profound ignorance of history,” Foxy-man said in a written statement.
Shortly thereafter, Hearst issued a statement saying that Thomas had “retired, effective immediately.”
Make no mistake: Thomas was forced to resign.
But that wasn’t the end of it. When someone as prominent as Helen Thomas makes anti-Israel statements, the Jews go after them with especial vindictiveness.
First, the speaking agency that represents Thomas dropped her. Then a Washington-area high school canceled a graduation speech she was scheduled to deliver.
Then the ADL’s Abie Foxy-man issued a statement that said in part:
“It is time for those schools and professional organizations that have honored Thomas in one form or another over the years to consider rescinding those honors in light of her pervasively anti-Semitic rhetoric. Professional associations and academic institutions should not want to be associated with an anti-Semite.”
Over the course of her long career, Thomas received more than 30 honorary degrees, and her alma mater, Wayne State University, established an award for journalists in her honor. She has also been honored by the Society of Professional Journalists and the Freedom Forum.
Hours after Foxy-man issued his statement demanding that the “schools and professional organizations that have honored Thomas in one form or another over the years … consider rescinding those honors,” Wayne State University, Thomas’s alma mater, dropped the award that was named after her.
Did Helen Thomas take this lying down? Did she quietly withdraw in abject disgrace?
Not at all! Helen Thomas is nothing if not feisty.
Contacted by the Detroit Free Press, Thomas criticized her alma mater, adding that “the university also has betrayed academic freedom — a sad day for its students.”
She also gave a speech in Deaborn, Michigan, to a workshop put on by an organization named Arab Detroit.
Speaking to an audience of about 300 people, most of them non-Arab, Thomas said:
“Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street are owned by the Zionists. No question.”
Newspapers reported that she received a “standing ovation.”
Before she spoke, Thomas told reporters that her comments in June, when she said Jews in Israel should “go home,” were “the truth.”
“I stand by it. I told the truth,” Thomas said. “I paid a price but it’s worth it to speak the truth.”
Asked by a reporter from The Detroit Free Press how she’d respond to people who say she’s anti-Semitic, Thomas answered: “I’d say I’m a Semite. What are you talking about?”
In the face of Jewish persecution, Helen Thomas is not going to give up her right to free speech.
Her difficulties because of the Jews are a perfect illustration of what the Rev. Ted Pike described in his recent column, “Top 50 Israeli Rabbis: Proud to Be Racists.”
“Some of Israel’s most authoritative rabbis now publicly contend that authentic, Talmudic Judaism considers the Gentile “goyim” subhuman and says Jews have the right to rule them and even kill them and their children,” Pike wrote.
“Young Jewish boys and girls are taught Jews are specially chosen by God to “repair” a world brought into chaos by the Gentiles. Even more menacing, they are taught the Jew is intrinsically higher, divinely favored, even sacred, in comparison to the goyim.
“The Talmud, written by those [Jews] who crucified Jesus, is the glue that holds [all] Jews together.”
The Talmud gives the Jews permission to lie, cheat, steal, swindle and kill non-Jews, as long as they do it in a place and in a manner where they won’t get caught.
And the Jewish prayer Kol Nidre tells the Jews that any oath that they swear has no effect, and therefore it is alright to break an oath or a promise that they make to Gentiles.
Should we Christians continue to grovel before the lying, cheating, back-stabbing, anti-Christ Jews, and put up with their Jewish b.s.?
Or do we take a page from the example set by Helen Thomas, speaking out and fighting back against Jewish vindictiveness and viciousness?
It seems to me that the choice is obvious!
Judaea delenda est.
“Jewry must be destroyed.”
Glory B:
What a brilliant outstanding post!! You were TERRIFIC!!
I only hope a copy of your post finds its way to Helen Thomas!!
She is a deserving PATRIOT IN TRUTH!!
Dear Glory B –
Thank you my dear sister in Christ “Glory B” for your CHRISTmas donation!
And a VERY Merry CHRISTmas to you dear Glorious B!
Your Ever +Brother in Christ, Nathanael
Nativity Scene PICS! Sponsored By The Brother Nathanael Foundation!
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Please Consider Helping To Offset Costs @
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Much Love AND Appreciation in Christ,
+Brother Nathanael
The Brother Nathanael Foundation @
For the sake of the SALVATION OF SOULS throughout our World, for the SAKE OF those who might read these many articles of +Br. Nathanael’s RZN:
Regarding the “Seats of Jewish Power”, once again I’m posting the Thoughts, Advise, Counsel and Wisdom of our Lord and King, JESUS CHRIST given to one of His Canandian Catholic visionaries back on March 7, 2003 A.D. in Toronto, Canada.
Be comforted/consoled that our Lord KNOWS ALL ABOUT ‘The Jews’ and their role in RUINING the lives of nations and states, His Own Church Militant here on earth as well as millions upon millions of the lives of PEOPLE throughout our World who are ALL created in His Image and Likeness.
From our Lord Jseus Christ to Canadian visionary ‘Tiny Tree’, March 7, 2003 A.D.”
“MY DEAREST CHILDREN, you are standing on the eve of a war, a terrible, awful war, a nuclear war. The Holy Father (i.e. Pope John Paul II) is doing everything in order to prevent this war but who listens to him in the Worldly Governments THAT DESIRE this war?
“The Holy Father knows the Secret of Fatima and knows how this war will end. He knows how many people will be lost and that these nuclear weapons will be utilized by several countries. And he knows WHICH countries will unleash this barbarism.
“You have already been informed by Me, JESUS CHRIST the King, this war approaches, that you will bid farewell to your sons and daughters, fathers and mothers and that that will occur.
“Already deployed across the ocean to war are one hundred thousand soldiers of the U.S.A.. Every one of them goes there as if protected and that they will return for sure. For sure the spirit of the soldier returns, but will the body return? That is only something I know, JESUS CHRIST the King.
“This will be the greatest war in the history of Mankind. God is PERMITTING this war, as people nowadays are Godless, EVIL, PROUD, ARROGANT and ENTIRELY FORGETFUL of God Who Is their Creator. The youth are without (spiritual) life, without shame, without good manners and without good behavior all across the entire World.
“Like they were to their others, present dissolute young girls are to their fathers much like their egostical young boys. Who is responsible for this fault, the youth being so corrupted? Naturally those who rule over the World, but also OVER YOU mothers and fathers as well.
“You chase after the dollar day and night. You have no time for your children. You raise them on television that is manipulating them through slimy Masonic permissiveness, to make all of you STUPID, to make you all filled with GARBAGE and to turn your minds into MUSH.
“Television is to be used by people, but not that type, the type you are being impalled by. These sorts of T.V. programs are impalling you, miring you in a swamp, and you watch these sorts of things and you pay good money for it.
“Declare this, Who give you throught this visionary whose real name you do not reveal, who corrects you, who freely calls to you, how each and every last person lives their lives on the Earth.
“Write this down, who tells them about these visions, whose real name you wish not to reveal, yet who has to correct them, those who have FREE WILL, how each and every person lives on Earth.
“You who’ve I’ve named ‘Tiny Tree’, don’t wait for applause, not even renown for any of this, that you are a visionary. Few are such visionaries in the World, who are so modest and humble. Visionaries rather prefer admiration; ‘Tiny Tree’ prefers silence and isolation.
“At Marmora (Canada) which you all pass by, My ‘Tiny Tree’, humbly aways the joyful young girl, at times takes you by the hand for My Blessing, seeking for you My constant Forgiveness, so that I, JESUS, would Bless and will heal you through her hands.
“However, the merciful time, My ‘Tiny Tree’, is coming to an end because of falling nuclear bombs. And not just on the the U.S.A.with radioactive powder covering the ground and rendering you enormous anguish and suffering. Then, at that time ‘Tiny Tree’, you will be sent to their rescue because of your great gift of healing. Such are My Ways, higher than your thoughts and plans.
“Nuclear weapons will fall on the U.S.A. as well, not only on Asia, Africa or Germany. PLEASE GO TO CONFESSION! Confess your sins while you still have the time. Do not delay or put it off!
“Many of you are soiled with sins and I will grant you My Forgiveness for everything! The greatest sins as well. THE GLOBAL SITUATION IS SO DREADFUL and the Confessionals are SO EMPTY! What are you people waiting for, dearest children of Mine?
“You raise controversies so that you part from one another. No, never seperate yourselves! This War is going to a (THIRD) WORLD WAR and only cinders and ashes will remain. Everything is contained in the Secret of Fatima.
“What type of destruction this War brings and that brings and end to this Era, yet NO ONE of THE VATICAN warns any of you of this. The Cardinals of the Vatican REMAIN SILENT about this and they haven’t allowed the Pope to release the Secret of Fatima, yet GOD THE FATHER Calls for its release in order that the whole World knows that the remaining Secret of Fatima is terribly frightening.
“The children of Fatima conveyed this weakly. The CLERGY don’t preach about or announce the Secret of Fatima to the People of the World. The People of the whole World MUST KNOW what awaits them and that which will occur.
“And know this, My dearest children, this War is an injustice. The approaching War is an injustice, but it will be a purifying and brutal injustice. It won’t occur over petroleum and oil, as you think, you who bring to bear the U.S. Government DOWN UPON the whole World.
“THE NATION OF JEWS WANT TO BE LORDS OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD AND ALL OF ITS PEOPLE. By this War they want to begin implementing ‘chipping’. They already have everything planned and are proceeding step-by-step with the enslavement of Human Life.
“You SUBMIT TO THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE IN ALL GOVERNING POSITIONS. They are in both the lowest and higher/superior positions. This is most disturbing, BUT THERE IS NO LACK OF THEM IN AND THROUGHOUT MY CHURCH.
“They are waiting for the anguish and suffering of this coming War, famine, disease, cold and catastrophies. My dearest children, ENTIRE NATIONS WILL LAY IN RUINS. Don’t think that ‘The Arabs’ caused this misery.
“Unite yourselves and support one another during this whole brief time for the entire World in whatever might happen to you or that which will be released and caused to fall upon each and everyone throughout the whole World.
“SATAN HAS RASIED MORE SUCH ‘LORDS’ AND ‘RULERS’ ACROSS THE WORLD and they are ALL cunning, deceitful and sly. The massive slaughtering off of people will be short to include Laity and Clergy. Churches will be closed. Priests will have to go into hiding.
“There will be earthquakes that will swallow up entire nations of people into the depths of the earth within minutes. Surging oceans will be as tall as a two hundred story skyscraper and entire towns and villages will be swept away into the abyss of the oceans.
“Storms and lightning will be so powerful that the thunder will be deafening and the light blinding. The air temperature will fall to minus 90 Centigrade. Yes, you only have My Mother Mary for protection for your lives that you might survive such low temperatures.
“This, why do you fear? Tornados not comparable to any winds ever will rush across oceans and lands. There will be huge rains that will pour down upon present countries.
“Amid all of this you will not convert…how? Then save yourselves NOW. I will cast over you an entirely new sleep, a great deep sleep, in which you will be shown an entirely new type/sort/way of living life. There will be new strong, sturdy trees with ripened fruits.
“And what does the Lord desire?
“About six billion living people will lose their lives soon. The Vatican is greatly endangered, but none of the CARDINALS for once allow themselves to bring any of this to their minds.
“The Holy Father prays day and night for God’s Mercy for the entire World, and it is for that reason this approaching War is constantly delayed. Pray for yourselves and for the Holy Father upon whom rests such great burdens of peril.
“To you who I, JESUS CHRIST the King, reveal these things, don’t think I can’t be believed. That these things will not be for decades. This will occur shortly and very soon, sooner than all of you might expect. I remind you all – GO TO CONFESSION! – already a religious-spiritual duty of yours, with a waiting line a kilometer long.
“This is what the part of the Secret of Fatima which you want revealed, if you want to be My knowledgeable children, what awaits you, what awaits the entire World.
“I KNOW this is full of woe, but it’s the truth. CORRUPT Human Civilization, men turning on men like packs of wolves…this cannot be allowed to continue! There is CORRUPTION within and upon EVERY RUNG of Human Society and AT EVERY LEVEL OF THE GOVERNMENTS of the Nations of your World which is the GREATEST CORRUPTION.
“You ALREADY KNOW who ‘reigns’ over you at every level. GREATLY HUMBLED soon will be those WHO LEAST EXPECT IT! And how many of them will be left? Their number will be as many as a pear tree has pears during a fertile year, those (Jews) who will CONVERT to Christianity.
“You are awaiting for the manifestation of the Antichrist. He has ALREADY BEEN RULING over all of you. YOu know him (via T.V.) That he is this way he GOES TO WAR till he rules over the whold World.
“GOD will not agree to this, but it continues right along as th Antichrist has planned; One World Government, One World Currency (the ‘Chip’) and One Very SATANIC Religion.
“I AM YOUR GOD. I AM YOUR LORD, I JESUS CHRIST THE KING…and not some bunch of GREEDY and CARNAL nation of people who crucified Me and now who are crucifying all of you, My chilren.
“That’s enough of what I wanted to tell you.
“Bless yourselves; Pray for strength, that you might ENDURE these difficult times which are RAPIDLY APPROACHING.
“I’m sending you My Divine Grace. I’m your JESUS CHRIST THE KING.”
– +Fr. Joseph
Nazareth Hermitage – USA
Helen Thomas is not only right, she has the Canaanite, Phoenician blood running in her veins.
She knows that 2000 years ago those Jews killed and raped Palestine, she knows they crucified our Jesus of Nazareth.
She, like 3 million Lebanese, stand tall in front of the biggest killing machine (Israhell) supported by all the might and strength of the US Zionist government.
“National security adviser Giora Eiland said Thursday, warning that Israel’s home front would suffer greatly in any confrontation between the two sides”
What Eiland and Jews in Palestine should do is keep their bags ready at all times. It won’t be only Rockets falling on your heads. True the final war will be bloody but we are willing to take every inch of Palestine back even if it cost us 3 million lives.
To my Americans brothers end your own occupation. Kick them out, but not to Palestine.
Stop funding them, stop voting for them, stop watching them, stop reading them.
Resist and learn from the heroes how to.
Long live the resistance in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq.
Bless you Brother Nathanael, keep the flame burning.
It is set up to look that way, another cabal owns America and every country in the world!!!!!
Kindra Arnesen put it succinctly when she said the Federal government she always believed in doesn’t even exist.
America is ruled by corporations.
Elected members are told which way to vote on which bills, and heaven help them if they don’t. They don’t even read what they’re voting on.
You have to take Apocalypse as your guide otherwise you haven’t a clue about these times.
“Blessed are they who read the words of this book and keep them.” It says therein.
This page “Seats of Jewish Power” is what I have been saying all along.
Zionism is the POLITICAL (second) beast of the Apocalypse.
Freemasonry is the SOCIAL (first) beast of the Apocalypse.
Now we know one politican or politican appointee wields way more power than an average person, but there are FEWER of them.
On the other hand the Masons are many and promote each other preferentially and even exclusively into positions of INFLUENCE AND POWER, at every level.
They heavily influence the courts, police, schools, social security, doctors, prisons, media, banking and finance, churches, elected officals and political representatives, entertainment, news presentation. etc, etc.
Zionism would be able to do nothing without them. They both work for the same master.
It is the stated purpose of the Learned Elders of Zion, who pull the strings of both, to get you to focus on one or the other.
“Those who see the connection will be looked on as mad by the populace, and thus we will achieve our aims”, for while they are focused in on one or the other they cannot see the interaction betwen the two which produces the results.
Thus in Apocalypse the second beast, rising up out of the earth. ie politics, Zionism, because of its political (ie law making) power causes people to be marked with the mark of the societal (first) beast. rising up out of the sea. ie peoples.. a sea of people, Freemasonry and the second beast is described as ….”the second beast, like unto the first.”
But the learned Elders of Zion also know, because they state, that once the connection between them becomes known they will be defeated.
So they do all in their power to obscure this connection, and its been working as see….up until now.
To explain the “earth” politics connection a little better –
Politics consists of weighty matters, weighty matter, earthy matters, “down to earth” if you will – hence one word to symbolize it – “earth” to keep the book short and readable,
same goes for “sea” peoples – sea of peoples to describe the first beast.
Br. Nat,
The Nativity Scene is very beautiful.
Please support Brother Nathanael as he sets a strong example of what any Christian should be doing these days – more than ever!
Brother Nathanael:
Just a brilliant video! your naming of names and consequent exposure of positions of power was magnificent!
Father Joseph:
Understanding that the power and influence of Zionist Jews crosses the borders of America amd certainly has total control of the European Union and many other states of the world, I seem to remember from your prior posts of Zionist Jew infiltration into the Vatican!
Zionist Jews do not stop short of ANYTHING that is SECRET! I am sure that whatever secret the pope has from Fatima Zionist Jews have been privy to that information!
Back in the 1950s I studied Fatima extensively and will attest to its authenticity without question. I am not Catholic but I have asked my two Catholic daughters and now I ask you why has the Fatima secret been witheld from the whole whole world??
Secrecy was NOT specified by the beautiful holy mother of Jesus!
Grassfire Nation Update
President Obama and Elitist liberals are waging war on thelast free-market stronghold in the world — the Internet, and with your help we think we can stop them.
Click here now for more information and to take action:
Last week we brought you chilling details aboutNet Neutrality and how Obama was kicking you, Congress and the Constitution aside to achieve his goal — taking federal control of the Internet using the Federal Communications Commission!
Liberal (Code for Zionist Jews) success would deal a severe blow to our Free Speech rights as the federal government would regularization and control what you see and hear on the Internet!
+ + December 20 begins the assault on YOUR FREEDOM. We have an incredibly short period of time to respond to Obama’s Internet power-grab and we are urging you to take a few moments to sign our petition so that we can represent you on Capitol Hill in just a few days!
Click here now to sign:
After signing, take a few additional moments to alert your conservative friends and family members to Obama’s latest statist scheme.
Urge them to click right now to stop his unconstitutional assault on liberty and freedom.
Like a huge cyber-wrecking ball, the FCC is poised to do Obama’s bidding and begin the deconstruction of the Internet — all in the name of freedom for all, and we have just days to stop it.
Thank you for standing with Grassfire Nation.
P.S. Again, after signing our petition forward this message to 30-40 friends alerting them to the FCC’s plan to seize control of the Internet. Urge them to add their name to our petition by clicking here now:
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Fr. Joseph and Brainy Zek,
I understand that a cardinal, in fact I think that it was Cardinal Ratzinger, said that the 3rd secret of Fatima could cause a lot of sensationalism.
What I can’t understand if what Tiny Tree has said is why the gospels are called “Good News”. And 6 billion people die? There are only about a little less than 7 billion on this planet.
That practically gives the anti-christ the victory he wants. He wants to reduce the population of the world drastically.
Is this what Jesus intends to do? Let Lucifer destroy God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Ghost’s world?
Yet I believe that somewhere in Isaiah, he says that Jesus will save the nations. If 6 billion people are killed, there won’t be anyone to save and I can’t figure out how that can be called good news.
So what gives?
Dear Brainy Zek,
As SUCCINCTLY as I might be able to ‘Paint the BIG PICTURE’ with regards to this past century since the establishment of the mere human convention known as ‘The Federal Reserve Bank’, and then some 30-40 years prior to 1913.
You can Internet search for ‘A Short History of the Prayer of St. Michael the Archangel’.
Within that text, the entire World is informed that POPE LEO XIII was given a ‘Divine Heads Up!’ by OUR LORD HIMSELF.
Pope Leo XIII was plunged into a state of spiritual ecstacy (a Divine suspension of one’s entirely NATURAL-BIOLOGICAL functioning as He has the Divine Power of OVER ‘Life and Death’) and while in that spiritually suspended state, was given to overhear/personally witness SATAN challenging our LORD JESUS CHRIST that if he, SATAN, were given more power and more influence OVER those who would sell/give themselves to him that he, SATAN, could and would destroy His CHURCH Militant here on earth.
Our LORD JESUS CHRIST ‘Accepted’ Satan’s challenge – and was granted more satanic spiritual power OVER those who would give themselves to him (e.g. Kabbalah-Zohar Zionists & Masons & Rosicrucians & every other manner-type of Hermetic Order-Occult type of group or cult).
That ‘century worth of time’ has more that EXPIRED-LAPSED, and now SATAN knowing that his ‘end’ is near fully intends “TO HARVEST” all of the human souls he has currently managed to plunge and keep in states of MORTAL SIN.
With SATAN’S spiritual influence WITH-OVER those who HAVE ‘sold their souls’ to him for the passing temporal wealth, so-called power, prestige, standing, etc. in THIS World of ours, SATAN has the means whereby to now intice/dupe/force those same human souls TO LAUNCH/DELIBERATELY INSTIGATE a thermonuclear Third World War.
Upon a person’s DEATH, there comes DIVINE JUDGEMENT – and Divine Judgement consists of GOD HIMSELF dispatching souls TO HELL, to purge-purify them in Purgatory OR to grant them Entrance/Eternal Life in His Heavenly and Eternal KINGDOM of Heaven.
Consider, if you will, if RIGHT NOW every last nuclear weapon and weapon’s system ordinance were LAUNCHED-EXPLODED in or over every last major human population center on our current God-given, God-sustained Planet Earth.
Such an event would most assuredly KILL or BRING DEATH TO billions of human beings.
Now then, you read the news. You live in a nation-state, in a human community. YOU get to see the types and sorts of lives these people live and what THEY DO with their God-given lives.
Most assuredly, you cannot but help SEE with your own two eyes that SIN is running amock throughout our World.
IF all of the major human population centers of our contemporary World are DESTROYED by nuclear weapons and all other sorts of military ordinance to include Biological and Chemical as well – and the GREAT MAJORITY of those fellow members of OUR Human Race are KILLED OFF which will result in their being brought before the Judgement Throne of GOD HIMSELF, what would be your guess as to the percentages of people who wind up being ‘HARVESTED’ for Satan and his demons of HELL vis-a-vis those who wind up with our GOD and LORD and SAVIOR and KING in His Heavenly Kingdom possessing Eternal Life???
So you see, my dear Brainy Zek, the JEWS and the MASONS and the SATANISTS and the ILLUMINISTS etc, who have infiltrated into the highest echelons of MY Catholic Church are PREVENTING the public and solemn Collegial Consecration of RUSSIA to the Mother of God’s Immaculately Loving Heart per her 1917 A.D. Fatima DIVINE-COMBAT Instructions SO THAT Satan’s thermonuclear THIRD World War is LAUNCHED thus “harvesting” millions upon millions upon million of human souls FOR HELL and for ALL ETERNITY!
And, my dear Brainy Zek, there is NOTHING I can personally DO about it as I am NOT the Bishop of Rome nor a high-ranking and recognizable Cardinal/Archbishop/Bishop of the Church Militant here on earth. I’m but a PRIEST in the Church’s Monastic Brotherhood ALL ‘ALONE’ and all ‘BY MYSELF’ here at my Nazareth Hermitage, USA.
All I have going for me is the ability to offer up my private votive Masses FOR THE SAKE OF the Universal Church Militant here on earth.
Kinda like holding out against all odds at ‘Bastogne’ in World War II – OR – trying to hold off a German Tiger II tank with the rounds of a .45 Colt sidearm as was the concluding scene from ‘Saving Private Ryan’.
– +Fr. Joseph
Nazareth Hermitage – USA
Donna chestergimli,
In the beginning, the Word was with God, and all that there is came from his speech: the Alpha and the Omega.
Nothing in heaven, earth or the whole universe was not made without his breath of creation.
If Satan killed a trillion people, or destroyed the world 10 times over, God and his Holy Son could restore 100 times over.
Remember, if you truly believe in the “Lamb’s Book of Life” you and your existence were ordained right in the dawn of creation, you just entered this world at this time.
It is why so many people that have had near-death experiences, have a sensation of returning home.
Many either say it isn’t their time, God has more work for them here, or there is such little faith, God has allowed them to return, to tell others of the spiritual realm.
“Destroy this temple, and I will rebuild it in 3 days.”-The Christ
Of course he was speaking metaphorically, he knew they were intending to kill him, Jesus being the true temple of God, and he would be restored in 3 days.
There is nothing Satan does, or will do, that God is not aware of.
I Would like to ask another question.
What about the return of Jesus to us? The return that we are in such anticipation of. Is he to come back to a planet where about 6/7ths of the population has been destroyed and all that remains are Jews and masons? And what about the separation of the wheat from the tares?
From the looks of things, there won’t be any wheat left. What is the sense of fighting if we are all going to be destroyed anyway? It seems that this destruction of the entire human race defeats the very purpose of Jesus’s coming to earth among mankind in the first place.
Sure He came to save us from our sins. But He also came to save the humanity which God planted here. Like I have said before, I don’t think that there will be a giant war.
There is a giant financial war going on right now. And there are several little wars going on. But what this Tiny Tree seems to be saying doesn’t seem to coincide with what the Apocalypse is saying.
Apocalypse 14 14-20 seems to be alluding to the 1st and 2nd world wars. And the request of the consecration of Russia would have completely stopped the 2nd world war. The Holy Mother said in 1929 that if Russia were to be consecrated to her that there would be peace.
If not there would be a second world war and after that only a certain period of peace. She had said that the Pope would do it but that it would be late and hence that is the reason for only a period of peace.
Peace is the absence of war, right?
In the 50’s, the Korean conflict started. And why did she all of a sudden tell Tiny Tree that it was the Jews and the masons who were the problems? She didn’t reveal this at Fatima, Garabandal, Spain, or Medjugorge, Yugoslavia.
One of the main things that she said in all of these places was to pray for priests. I think she said this because she knew that there would be many Masons and Jews among them who would try to destroy them.
What this Tiny Tree said doesn’t seem to coincide with the dreams of John Bosco either. He spoke about a great falling away where the pope and the clergy would lead the faithful out to what they thought would be a new age for the church only to turn around and find so many dead and wounded faithful behind them.
Then he would start the resurrection of the church to the traditional latin mass of the ages. A statement that Sister Lucy made at the very end of the 2nd secret was that in Portugal, the dogma of the faith would always be kept. So what does that tell you about the 3rd secret.
That the third secret was about the apostacy from the faith. And Our Lord said that he would return after the great falling away or apostacy from the faith.
Fr. Joseph, you need to look at the footnotes of your Douay Rheims bible regarding Armagedon. It says, “Armagedon. That is the hill of robbers.”
This battle of Armagedon is a financial battle. Look at what is happening in Ireland right now, at what has happened in Greece and Iceland. Soon all of Europe will be whirling in this debt battle.
Then the contagion will cross the Atlantic and the USA will be caught up in it. Then it will hit the whole world. The very last verse of Chapter 16 verse 21 says,
“And great hail, like a talent. came down from heaven upon men: and men blasphemed God for the plague of the hail: because it was exceeding great.”
What was a talent in the ancient world? Any of various ancient weights and denominations of MONEY, used in ancient Greece, Rome, and the Middle East.
This seems to me to be saying that the value of money will fall all over the world. And this is what quantitative easing will do to all of us. Enough said.
Samosir in Indonesia along with Yellowstone may erupt as supervolcanos and could conceivably swallow entire nations.
I believe there are one or two other giant calderas in the world — Africa? and South America?
This and its aftermath of plunging world temps and the absence of light for weeks from the ash would be enough to destroy at least half the world’s population.
I believe Our Lord spoke of the eruption of Yellowstone…. Our Lady, the eruption of Samosir, to different people.
Whether or not it was human causes they did not say.
It will seem as though the earth itself is rebelling against mankind.
Australia will presumeably not be spared if Samosir which is apparently much bigger even than Yellowstone, erupts; at least the Northern half. Most of the population is in the south.
The American South would survive a Yellowstone eruption if it survives BP and other crap.
The geniuses with all the money are well informed and this is some of the reason why they have underground cities for themselves and their slaves and playthings.
You know the ones, the useless eaters themselves who insist on calling us useless eaters; us whom they have parasited off to gain their wealth (it isn’t created in a vaccum and without work – despite what speculators think).
Us, the producers and distributors of the food they consume and have stockpiled to last themselves ten years.
Us, who work to create, not destroy.
Us, whom they fear like darkness does the light, and for good reason.
But their underground cities will be their tombs…no matter how deep, for they cannot hide from the living God.
How terrible it is to fall into His hands.
To Mekhael,
You said my dear brother in Christ:
“Long live the resistance in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq.”
“Helen Thomas is not only right, she has the Canaanite, Phoenician blood running in her veins.”
“She knows that 2000 years ago those Jews killed and raped Palestine, she knows they crucified our Jesus of Nazareth.”
“She, like 3 million Lebanese, stand tall in front of the biggest killing machine (Israhell) supported by all the might and strength of the US Zionist government. ”
Freemasonry hides behind secrecy.
But this is not why the people on this board don’t see the beast that it is, working in a co-ordinated manner, hand in hand with the political aspect, Zionism, a beast in itself, to mold and herd society in the direction of giving up its soul to Satan.
All witchcraft emanates from freemasonry, satanism, and all the myriad secret sects and societies all originate out of the Beast of Freemasonry.
And this is a Beast indeed because it imitates the Body of Christ with its many members in order to draw the whole world, by mens of its many tentacles, into a spiritual slavery to the devil, as opposed to the service of the Lord and of mankind which is the role of the Body of Christ.
Hence we see an aerial view of a highly and quite sophisticatedly organized Detention camp looking IDENTICAL to the motherboard of a computer and is run as such, with the inmates assigned designated units of energy, which is what they are referred to — as units of energy.
This is slavery, and this is the intended destination of millions, world wide unless they are stopped.
No slave in the past was forced to give up its soul to the devil.
This is the present danger and reality unless we pray against it instead of squabbling about whether or not it even exists.
And why the people on this board don’t see it, is a carefully socially crafted ignorance, one; and two – a diversion of those who question the matrix into dead end ghost trails which go no where, or chasing one of ther Beasts and not the other – two separate parts to a key.
I believe Jeff Rense sees it, but he doesn’t point it out to anyone because that is something he doesn’t get into.
His work is perfectly understood by those who can already see it. Sometime he may get lost in the forest and not see it for the trees, but everything freemasonry does is co-ordinated for the stated purpose, slavery of mankind and its destruction and the destruction of everything beautiful in nature – and with its twin beast, Zionism.
The harnessing of these twin forces, social and political is what it takes to get the job done apparently.
This is demonic intelligence at work; superior to ours unless we rely on the guidance of God, and submit ourselves to his will for our lives.
An invasion of a terribly weakened USA by the Chinese is all part of the NWO agenda to reduce the population and force the freedom loving Americans into submission to it.
But prophecy has repeatedly, I believe, said that although suffering big losses initially, Americans will regroup in the centere of the nation and eventually drive them out. Victory will be yours.
This is why the government have given the Chinese Red Army control of some of your major ports. Know about that?
Check the details on a Rense search.
This is also why the Chinese Red Army own some of China’s biggest shipping companies, such as Cosco.
There’ll come a time when they’ll be shipping troops and equipment through American ports which they control.
American aircraft carriers didn’t stop the Japanese at Pearl Harbour and they won’t stop the Chinese either, because in the future, as then, they don’t want to.
‘Israel involved in Kosovo organ trade’
A European Union prosecutor who says Israel has been trading with an elaborate organ trafficking network in Kosovo has brought the case to Pristina District Court, a report says.
Jonathan Ratel, who serves in Kosovo as part of the EU’s rule of law mission, has announced that the seven suspected Kosovons working as physicians for a clinic called Medicus in the capital, Pristina, belong to an international network that trades in the organs of people suffering from extreme poverty, the Associated Press reported.
The donors were from Moldova, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey and were enticed with the false promise of payments as much as 20 thousand dollars. However, they never got any money.
There are also charges pressed against an Israeli individual and a Turkish doctor who have not been arrested yet.
The organs were illegally removed from the victims and transplanted into rich recipients most of whom were from Israel, Canada, Germany and Poland.
Among the suspects are some of Kosovo’s most famous doctors. One of them used to be permanent secretary of health and gave the clinic a false license. Also Dr Lutfi Dervishi, a university professor, who is said to be the ringleader of the group, set up the operations.
Police were alerted to the network in November 2008, when a Turkish man, Yilmaz Altun, appeared exhausted at Pristina airport while waiting to board a flight home. When questioned by police, he said he had donated his kidney to an Israeli recipient. Kosovo law forbids the removal and transplant of organs.
The Council of Europe has launched a probe into the issue and its report will be released to the public in France on Thursday.
Now you know why they were so “eagerly” helping those poor Haitians after the earthquake in that elaborate “field harvester”…Oh I mean Hospital.
A racist “country” that forwarded U.S/E.U nuclear bomb technology to South Africa during the height of white supremacist appartite in order to further enslave blacks in their own country was “helping” the black Haitians?
Whereever there is money to be made, there will be Zionist Jews to abuse the people.
In Haiti Israeli doctors were kicked out after being caught stealing organs from the earthquake victims.
In many parts of the world, they come as part of UN or other teams, to make a lot of money.
Israel is a greedy and racist nation.
It caused this world recession. Now its is harvesting human kidneys.
It’s like Matrix film where Zion is linked to Israel.
Beside many other titles, this illegal state of Israel is and will be known as ORGAN TRAFFICKER of the world. Something west has a blind eye on and the world is witness, and will be hold to answer it in future.
Dear Donna Chestergimli,
The Divine Gifts and entirely Unmerited Divine Graces of OUR One, True and All-Holy LIVING God are distributed onto members of His Church Militant here on earth by God the Holy Spirit Who does exactly what HE wants to do and what HE wants done in order to affect and effect the Outcome of our Human Race’s Salvation History.
We must simply avoid at all costs the spiritual temptation to think in terms of our personal and communal spiritual relationship(s) with our One, True, All-Holy and LIVING God as those who hold to a utterly falacious and erroneous ‘naturalistic’ and ‘deist’ theological understanding of our LIVING God.
God did NOT simply create all that is seen and Unseen, ‘Wind-It-Up’ like some sort of Cosmic-Clock and then WALK AWAY FROM IT, leaving His Creation to ‘do-its-own-thing’ so to speak and taking NO PERSONAL DIVINE INTEREST into what happens in, to and throughout His Creation.
God is INFINITELY and PERSONALLY Active in both the Creation of His seen and Unseen ‘All’ as well as Personally ACTIVE in maintaining it, sustaining it and KEEPING it all in existance!
And THAT correctly implies to all of us with respect to those things that are Theological in nature, Spiritual and Religous in nature, that our SAME One, True and All-Holy GOD, Creator, Sustainer and MAINTAINER of His Own Creation DOES take a Personally Active Part in His dealings with both the individual and collectively grouped members of OUR Human Race.
It is by His HOLY SPIRIT that He, our One, True and All-Holy GOD, continues on in COMMUNICATING with indivduals and groups of people who move, live and have their being here on this God-given Planet Earth of OURS in order to give His Commands, His Advise, His Counsel, His Warnings, His Thoughts, Longings and Divine Desires for ALL of members of our Human Race.
The entire collection of books/writings contained in the FIRST HALF of everyone’s ‘Bible’ is meant TO INSTRUCT people that God works in, works with and works through PEOPLE via the Divine Movements and Actions of His Very Own UNSEEN Holy Spirit!
The entire collection of books/writings contained in the SECOND HALF of everyone’s ‘Bible’ – which relays and explains God’s Own NEW COVENANT with ALL of Mankind – is meant to instruct people that God works in, works with and works through PEOPLE via the same exact Divine Movements and Actions of His Very Own UNSEEN Holy Spirit!
With all of that having been said, God the Holy Spirit ACTIVELY engages our Human Race by His Divine Gifts and Graces down through the centuries since the time of the Apostles and PENTECOST.
God is the SAME yesterday, today and forever!
So, with a LIVING GOD Who Is the SAME yesterday, today and forever and Who ACTIVELY takes Divine Interest IN and ACTS upon the living-life affairs of both individual and collective members of our Human Race – one of the many ways God the Holy Spirit does so is through what the Church Militant teaches to be the Holy Spirit’s ‘Gift of Prophecy’.
And the Divine ‘Gift of Prophecy’ is NOT about ‘fortune telling’ or ‘predicting the future’ or ‘outlining events’ which are taken by us members of the Human Race to be ‘FATALISTIC’ in nature and, hence, those things WE members of our Human Race CANNOT do anything about!
The Divine Gift of ‘Prophecy’ is meant TO INSTRUCT people, TO ADVISE people, TO INFORM people, as to what the Thoughts and Desires of our One, True, All-Holy and LIVING GOD are.
And we who are endowed by our One, True, All-Holy and LIVING God with our own FREE WILL are called to be DOCILE and OBEDIENT to what God Himself WANTS US TO DO with our own Free Wills within this ‘Cause & Effect’ ALL of His Creating, Sustaining and Maintaining.
Now hopefully, in having relayed all of the foregoing with you in order to impart knowledge and understanding about our One, True, All-Holy and LIVING GOD and His Holy Spirit to you, let me attempt one more time to EXPLAIN the Divine Course of Action that our One, True, All-Holy and LIVING GOD wants for our Human Race and our beleaguered Church Militant here on earth TO TAKE.
All in order to DEFEAT Satan so as to actively CO-OPERATE with God in the REDEMPTION of this World so as to effect the Eternal Salvation of untold numbers of Human Souls currently living their lives here on this God-given Planet Earth of ours, the year now being 2010 Anno Domini…
– +Fr. Joseph
Dear Donna,
So let us begin with employing some HIND-SIGHT as to what has ‘just happened’ to OUR Human Race this past century-plus worth of years…
‘SATAN replied he would need a century and more influence over those that would give themselves to him. JESUS said, ‘SO BE IT!’. The 20th Century is the century that was given to hijm TO TEST THE WORLD.” – quoting from
That just so happens TO INCLUDE everyone who lives in the Americas, in Europe, in Eurasia, in Asia, in Australia, in Africa, in the Arctic and Antarctic. And that also INCLUDES those who are in the His Very Own CHURCH MILITANT here on earth as well – to include the POPE, the Cardinals, the Archbishops, the Bishops, the Priests, the Deacons, the Religious, the Laity of the CATHOLIC CHURCH as well as the Patriarchs, Metropolitans, Bishops, Priests, Religious and Laity of the EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCHES!
So what has SATAN done to our World and to our Church Militant the century’s worth of time AFTER Pope Leo XIII received his ‘Divine Heads Up!’ via the DIVINE ACTION of God the Holy Spirit back in 1884 A.D.???
Here ya go – ‘In The Worldwide Internet Public Domain’:
Now consider the actions of the Popes, the Patriarchs, the Metropolitans, Cardinals, Archbishops, Priests, Religious and Laity of BOTH the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church FOLLOWING the Apparitions and Messages and Instructions of the MOTHER OF OUR LIVING GOD, the Blessed Virgin Mary, as Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal back in 1917 A.D. and the HOLY SPIRIT’S Graces and Gifts working in and working through one Sr. Lucy the Fatima Visionary:
From the 4th century Prophecy of St. Nilus which SPECIFICALLY deals with describing the 20th CENTURY to all of us:
“Christian pastors, bishop and priest will become vain men COMPLETELY FAILING to distinguish the right-hand way from the left…et al.” – quoting from In-the-Worldwide-Public-Domain reference:
So, to us members of the entire Human Race as well as those of us of the THE LORD’S Church Militant here on earth amd the Peoples of our Contemporary World of 2010 Anno Domini…
“What is your opinion of Pope John XXIII? Did he really try to stop the Council when he saw what was happening? DID HE OR DID HE NOT BELIEVE IN FATIMA?”
“NO. Pope John XXIII did NOT try to stop th Council. HE DID NOT BELIEVE IN FATIMA.” – quoting from the On-Line, In-the-Worldwide-Public-Domain reference source:
We proceed from the year 1884 A.D. through 1917 A.D. right up to the year 1973 A.D. – and the SAME One, True and LIVING GOD attempts ‘One-More-Time’ to ALTER/INFLUENCE the actions, conduct and behaviors of the People of our contemporary World and of His Own Church Militant here on earth with Divine ADVISE, INFORMATION, WARNINGS and COUNSEL:
“…if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on ALL Humanity…et al
“The work of the DEVIL (recall Pope Leo XIII’s Mystical ‘Divine Heads Up!’ Message of 1884 A.D.) will infiltrate the Church in such a way tha one will see Cardinals opposing Cardinals, Bishops against other Bishops…et al” – quoting from the On-Line, In-the-Worldwide-Public-Domain reference page:
Now about this Divine THREAT that there would be FIRE falling from the sky which will WIPE OUT our Human Race – first off, ya gotta recall that God Himself PROHIBITS Himself from destroying our Human Race by WATER via the Noahide Covenent with Noah.
But there is NO RESTRICTION in ‘the fine print’ that prevents God from using FIRE from destroying our Human Race once again as is threatened by the Message of Our Lady of Akita, Japan back in October 1973 Anno Domini.
I need a CUP OF COFFEE! Brain fatigue has set it.
Some plausible, real, true, scientifically FACTUAL information as to HOW? could or might FIRE fall from the sky thus wiping away the STENCH of the moral and spiritual SINS of our entire Human Race from the Presence of our One, True, All-Holy and LIVING GOD coming up…
– +Fr. Joseph
Thus we find the military itself immersed in Freemasonry with Zionist connections to Israel so tight the two seem almost inseparable, and indeed they are.
When we talk about a military coup in the USA we talk firstly about a mutiny against the top brass of the military itself from within its own ranks and with the support of those lower down, especially the officer corp, whom most enlisted men would follow in a heartbeat, we pray and hope so at least.
So you see it is a dangerous operation, fraught with difficulty and possibly relying on the help from dissidents within the Intelligence community itself.
I am of the belief that the dissident groups both within the Army, Navy and Airforce, backed up by the dissidents within Intelligence network already exists.
I see a Christian character to much of the dissent, and a constitutional character to all of it.
I see connections to returning military from abroad who know the deception the military forces have been subjected to and the total disregard for their health and safety they saw rampart during their terms of duty.
I see also possible connections to militia groups at home which have not been infiltrated and I see a spiritual connection to a concerned and aware citizenry that is armed and ready for revolution.
I see warriors within the political system itself which would support such a coup.
And thus I see International Jewry crumbling to its knees as its financial grip on the world from London, Brussels, Washington and Geneva breaks and lies in tatters.
Plausible ‘Fire From Heaven’…
“When the great time will come, in which Mankind will face its last, hard trial, it will be foreshadowed by striking changes in nature; the alteration between cold and heat will become more intensive, storms will have more catastrophic effects, earthquakes will destroy greater regions and the seans will overflow many lowlands. (please recall the litany of Nature’s catastrophies relayed to ‘Tiny Tree’, the Catholic Canadian visionary’s prophetic message I’ve posted above)…
“The ILLUMINATION will not come from the moon, BUT FROM ORION…” – quoting from the words of the 13th century prophecy of one Austrian Monk Johannes Friede found here:
Now regarding Monk Friede’s concern with and focus upon the constellation of “ORION” roughly 800 years, 8 centuries LATER…
“There is something very strange going on with the red giant star Betelgeuse that is the right shoulder OF ORION…et al” from Mr. Karl Scharwz’s Jeff Rense article:
– +Fr. Joseph
Fr. Joseph,
Could the effects of this explosion which might have already happened reach us on December 21, 2012?
Also, could it be the great chastisement predicted down through the ages? Our Lady of Garabandal, Spain said that if mankind did not do penance and convert, that there would be a great chastisement.
She said that within a year before a miracle that is supposed to take place at Garabandal that there would be a warning and that it would be like a fire in the sky that would not hurt anyone but would create terror in everyone. Could this be it? I wonder.
Also, Our Lord said that he had kindled a fire and that he would that it would burn. I feel that the explosion of a super nova would definitely fit the bill of fire coming from the sky. Also, there was a prophecy from before the 11th century that angels would come to Earth in silver balls and teach mankind many new things of science.
I saw this prophecy in the Sun Magazine of June 2007. Normally, I would not believe the Sun. But there were several other well-known prophecies of great saints and mystics in the Catholic Church and elsewhere.
The information from Monk Johannes Friede states that many natural disasters would not be from nature. I wonder if this could be HAARP.
I also understand that these cities underground for the elite are being built for protection from the phoney alien wars to be carried out by the governments of the world in order to get rid of most of the population and that is the reason for the seed bank in Iceland.
Makes sense, doesn’t it? The Jews and their puppet masons create these frankenseeds for all of us and save their goods seeds away from us for all of their future use.
We live in very interesting times, don’t we?
My dear Donna,
If it be of any personal spiritual consolation and/or edification to you, please do understand that in our AUTHENTIC religious-spiritual MYSTICAL dealings with our One, True, All-Holy, All-Loving God, Creator and Father in Heaven when it comes to the specific phenomenon of ‘PROPHECY’ that there are TWO TYPES of ‘Prophecy’.
There is what is called ‘CONDITIONAL’ prophecies and then there is God’s SOVEREIGN Prophecies.
God’s Own SOVEREIGN Prophecies regarding what HE HIMSELF will do via the exercising of His Divinity’s Power of Omnipotence WILL OCCUR and WILL HAPPEN despite anything we as Human Beings might do in order to alter, change or prevent His SOVEREIGN Will being done. We Human Beings DO NOT have a ‘choice’ as to whether God will do or will not do His ‘Something’ that He Himself has prophesied WILL happen.
Then there is what is termed ‘CONDITIONAL’ prophecy where we members of the Human Race CAN ‘Change God’s Mind’ about what He has in His Mind TO DO. And in all ‘CONDITIONAL’ prophecies, we Human Beings wind up CHANGING God’s Mind, getting Him TO DO or to NOT DO something with His Divine Omnipotence is His Supernatural Order, by the actions, behaviors and conduct expressed and undertaken by us Human Beings via ACTS OF OUR GOD-GIVEN FREE WILLS.
God threatened TO END our World back in the 14-1500’s (I honestly forget which century it was), yet it was on account of the PUBLIC MINISTRY of one St. Vincent Ferrer that our WORLD was spared its untimely and premature ‘END’.
It was as recently as this century that it was to now St. Faustina Kowalska that OUR LORD granted her a MYSTICAL VISION wherein she saw a huge and mighty Angel of God’s Own Superntural Realms heading towards our Planet Earth with a DIVINE-LIKE THUNDERBOLT in his hand which God ordered that Angel to launch INTO our Planet Earth in order to bring about a severe Divine PUNISHMENT upon all of Mankind.
But St. Faustina then PRAYED the prayers of the ‘Chaplet of Divine Mercy’ that OUR LORD had given to her in order to teach OTHERS to pray – and as she DID – the Mighty Angelic Spirit with Thunderbolt in hand became weaker and was rendered DOCILE towards our Planet Earth and our Human Race.
The Lord’s Own ‘SECOND COMING’ is a Divine SOVEREIGN Prophecy. There is NOTHING we Human Beings can do in order TO PREVENT our Lord Jesus Christ from coming again to our Earth in His Divine Glory in order to begin His Divine Judgement upon all of us members of the Human Race.
Yet, down through the centuries of our Human History, MANY of the Divine Punishments and Divine Chastisements – to include ‘THE END OF OUR WORLD’ in St. Vincent Ferrer’s time of life – were PREVENT or DIMINISHED by Mankind’s REPENTENCE and turning their minds, hearts, souls and spirits in LOVING ATTENTIVENESS to our All-good and All-loving God, Creator, Father, Lord, Savior, Redeemer and King in Heaven.
Such Divine Punishment/Chastisment prophecies like ‘The Three Days of Darkness’ and Our Lady of Akita’s ‘Fire From Heaven’ and prophetic warnings about a thermonuclear Third World War – in my HUMBLE opinion as an ordained Priest in the Church’s Monastic Brotherhood – are all of the ‘CONDITIONAL’ prophecy category and type.
Genesis 3:15 is a Divine SOVEREIGN Prophecy – the Very First Prophecy in everyone’s Bible which comes forth from the Divine Mind and the Divine Mouth of GOD HIMSELF!
If only the Bishop of Rome along with the Bishops of our Catholic Church OBEY the Woman of Genesis 3:15 as Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal and get on with a WORLDWIDE public and solemn Collegial Consecration of RUSSIA for all the nations of peoples of our World TO SEE and WITNESS for themselves – then THAT Divine SOVEREIGN Prophecy will bring about an END to the vexations, plans, evils and machinations of SATAN upon and all across our Human Race – and THAT will bring about a Glorious HOLY Change in the minds, hearts, souls and spirits all across our entire World…
…and THAT will result in the ‘CANCELLATION’ of every last CONDITIONAL prophecy we’ve been given about Divine Punishments, Divine Chastisments and the possibilty of our Human Race committing SPIRITUAL MASS SUICIDE via a thermonuclear Third World War!
But alas, my dear Donna – I am NOT the ‘Bishop of Rome’, nor a Pope, nor a Bishop of either the Catholic Church OR of any of the Eastern Orthodox Churches.
– +Fr. Joseph
The reason that the Jews will not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior is because the Jews consider themselves superior to God.
The Talmud is the holiest book of the Jews, holier even than the Bible.
Here’s what the Talmud has to say about the Jewish belief that they are smarter than God:
“A rabbi once debated with God and defeated him, with God admitting that the rabbi won the debate!” Baba Mezia, 59b
The famous Jewish rabbi, Maimonides, acclaimed by Christian apologists and defenders of Zionism as “a great man of God,” encouraged Jews to kill all Christians.
In the Talmud (Hilkoth Akrum, X, 1), Maimonides says, “Do not have pity for them. Show no mercy unto them. Therefore, if you see one in difficulty of drowning, do not go to his help… it is right to kill him by your own hand by shoving him into a well or in some other way.”
The monstrous and barbaric treatment Israel gives to Palestinians and other Arabs taken prisoner is easily understood when it is understood that the Jews’ own holy book, the Talmud, commands that heretics and traitors be killed without delay (Abhodah Zarah, 266) and that a Gentile taken prisoner may be killed, “even before he confesses … the sooner the better.” (Choschen Hammischpat, 388, 10).
Jews view themselves as “God’s Chosen,” a special Master Race. Their leaders smugly view other peoples as vermin, as inferior and of little value.
Jews are very egotistical, and they never admit that they are wrong. So the Jews (with a few exceptions) will not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of Mankind, because they will not admit that their ancestors crucified Him.
And they refuse to humble themselves. If it’s one thing that Jews hate above all (other than Jesus), it’s to humble themselves and repent of their sins.
The Jews are doomed! Jesus is coming back to redeem believers, and at that time he will judge the living and the dead, and decide who will ascend with Him to live with Him in the heavenly city, the New Jerusalem.
And the unbelieving, Christ-hating Jews will be sent to the Lake of Fire.
@ Father Joseph, re: the Secret of Fatima
“Perhaps the Great Revelation never did come.. instead there were matches struck unexpectedly in the dark..and daily illuminations..” — a much better alternative to a nuclear holocaust.
–from To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf.
Jews are funny people.
They seem totally divorced from the reality that in the not to distant future, should economic and social conditions arise – Jews will be dragged from their houses and executed on the streets. Synagogues will be burnt down.
Tens of thousands of returned vets, demoralized, un-employed and many disfigured and maimed and ARMED TO THE TEETH will wreak a vicious revenge.
When a man has nothing to lose…
Jews seem totally unaware of what is happening.
NOT TO MENTION the likes of a Dr Alan Sabrosky and his friends at the top levels of the U.S.M.C. All those serving and ex-Special Forces ready to begin assassination programs against the people that sent them to kill and be killed for a nation and people that mock and hate them.
Jews are going to be slaughtered in the not too distant future. It is as plain as day.
I bet Foxman has his ticket booked to Australia.
As always, ordinary people will suffer while the Elite make their escape.
I pray for peace knowing there will be none.
Dear Moshe,
Australia. How appropriate!
ORIGINALLY, the continent of Australia was used by the British as a PENAL COLONY, a place to “dump” their hardened CRIMINALS and to ’empty the King’s JAILS’ when they got a wee bit too full.
And much like the global worries over these Avian Flu sorts of viruses such as ‘H1N1’ spreading from one nations of people on one continent to another nation of peples on a different continent, this ‘Resident Evil VIRUS’ carried by these Christ-rejecting and Christ-HATING Babylonian Talmudics with the conjuring prayers of SATAN’s demonics via their ‘Kabbalah-Zohar’ HAS ALREADY wrecked its havoc on the morals, ethics and human nature spirits over these past centuries – from Eurasia into Europe into the Americas and the Middle East, into Asia and NOW – onto the continent of AUSTRALIA!
A whole heck of a lot of SPIRITUAL DISEASES and SPIRITUAL SICKNESS coming to all of you there ‘Down Under’ – and I don’t think for one moment that all of the FOSTER’S BEERS in the entire World are going to be any kind of spiritual ‘Vaccination’ or ‘Cure’.
And then, what does one DO when you have an ENTIRE REGION clearly affected by some sort of contagion, some sort of plague, some sort of lethal microbioligical agent(s)?
But of course – EVERYONE already knows the ANSWER to that…
As a beekeeper myself, when a bee hive and its terminally sickened populatin of BEES becomes INFECTED with particular microbiologial organisms, there is but ONE THING you simply MUST DO in order TO PREVENT that microbiological SICKNESS/DISEASE from spreading to OTHER Bee Colonies near and far…
…you DOUSE the Hives with GASOLINE and you lit a MATCH and you thrown that LIT MATCH smack dab into the MIDDLE of that hive’s hive boxes!
We are ALL created in the Image and Likeness of God – and THAT grants us the ability to CONSIDER and UNDERSTAND and ACKNOWLEDGE those Divine Thoughts that Originate IN the Mind of God our Creator and Father in Heaven HIMSELF!
While WE have it entirely in OUR finite human powers to BURN UP entirely infected Bee Hives in order TO KILL the infecting and spreading microorganisms, God Himself has it in His OMNIPOTENT Divine Powers to see to it that OUR ENTIRE PLANET EARTH winds up ‘Burned Up’ and ‘Burned Out’!
Our Lady of Akita, Japan in her October 1973 Messages and Warning to OUR Church Militant and to the ENTIRE Human Race on this Planet Earth of her Son’s CREATING and SUSTAINING that God our Father in Heaven already HAS in His Divine Hands a gallon of His High-Octane Gasoline in One Hand and a pack of strike-matches in His Other.
– +Fr. Joseph
ORIGINALLY, the continent of Australia was used by the British as a PENAL COLONY, a place to “dump” their hardened CRIMINALS and to ‘empty the King’s JAILS’ when they got a wee bit too full.
Not true.
A survey of convict records indicates that men and women were transported to New South Wales for a wide variety of offences.
From the beginning the most common offence was theft which included pick-pocketing, sheep and horse stealing, highway robbery, burglary, housebreaking and receiving stolen goods. In many cases the theft was associated with violence.
More unusual were the crimes of rape, manslaughter, murder, forgery and bigamy. Most of the transportees were town thieves, mainly pick-pockets and shoplifters, and among their number were many young people.
Americans know more about Australias’ convict history than their own.
In the 18th century convicts were transported to America from the 1720’s to the 1770’s. A period of 57 years for a total of 55,000.
Convict transportation to Australia begun in 1788 and ended officially in NSW in 1840. A period of 52 years and Australia wide in 1868. a total of 162,000.
When you eliminate 1/3 of these as political and religious prisoners you get a total of around 110,000, as stated above, mainly juvenile pickpockets, not hardened criminals who were sentenced to death not transportation.
The reason for the above was that hey wanted the colony to survive, not descend into an immoral cesspit.
Again they wanted the continent for the British and transportation for minor offences was the way to do it.
Hardened criminals were not part of the plan.
For this reason they also only chose fit and healthy people by and large.
Thus free settlers soon followed who would not have followed had it been a criminal cess pit.
The incentive was needed to undergo the tremendous voyage of nine months at sea, not the 3 week trip across the Atlantic to the continent of America.
Jews, Jews, Jews … and more Jews:
David Letterman’s hate is as old as some ancient Hebrew prophets.
Speaking of anti-Semitism, it’s Jerry Falwell and other fundy leaders who’ve gleefully predicted that in the future EVERY nation will be against Israel (an international first?) and that TWO-THIRDS of all Jews will be killed, right?
Wrong! It’s the ancient Hebrew prophet Zechariah who predicted all this in the 13th and 14th chapters of his book! The last prophet, Malachi, explains why this future Holocaust will outdo even Hitler’s by stating that “Judah hath dealt treacherously” and “the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this” and asks “Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother?”
Haven’t evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and persons perceived to be Jewish?
Then please explain the recent filthy, hate-filled, back-stabbing tirades by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard, Larry David, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Joan Rivers and Sarah Silverman) against leading evangelicals like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, and explain why most Jewish leaders have seemingly condoned Palin’s continuing “crucifixion”!
While the above anti-evangelical haters are tragically turning comedy into tragedy, they are helping to speed up and fulfill the Final Holocaust a la Zechariah and Malachi, thus helping to make the Bible even more believable!
For other unusual goodies on Google, type in “Obama Fulfilling the Bible,” “Michelle Obama’s Allah-day,” “Un-Americans Fight Franklin Graham,” “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty,” and “Stamping Out Harold Camping.”