Spy Deal For Israeli Freeze – BrN On Video!
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Spy Deal For Israeli Freeze
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Brother Nathanael @ November 17, 2010
Dear Real Zionist News Family –
In a HUGE rush. Must go. Will make significant comment later.
Please Help Financially! Huge Expenses with more Brother Nathanael Foundation work both in Corporate details and Nativity Scene Display Project both here in Frisco and SOON: Nationwide!
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Much Love in Christ TO ALL!
+Brother Nathanael
“Spy Deal For Israeli Freeze”
Growing up as a Jew and attending an upper Middle Class Synagogue, an automatic conditioning set in that installed in us a sense that we Jews were DIFFERENT with special privledges and we expected to be treated as such from those around us.
You see, we were Jews FIRST and Americans second. And this informed all that we thought and did.
Whenever an election came around the question about any particular candidate was always: “Is he good for the Jews?” It was never: “Is he good for America?”
And whenever the rabbi gave a sermon – after a quick quote from Torah or Talmud – he would launch into a commentary on the political issues of the day and how it affected the Jewish community either for better or for worse.
If for worse, then it was understood that it was time to dig into our pockets and send LOTS of money to the American Jewish Committee who would lobby for Jewish interests.
If you didn’t come up with the bucks then you were stigmatized as a “traitor” even though you considered the political issue to be justly in disfavor of Jewish interests.
A typical example of this kind of manipulation was the Jason Pollard case.
Jason Pollard, a Jew who happened to be an American citizen, was put in prison in 1987 for spying for Israel.
His sister soon was making the synagogue-circuit seeking funding for her brother’s case.
Now, even Though we KNEW that SPYING was a CRIME and that Pollard was JUSTLY jailed – simply because Pollard was a FELLOW JEW – then the US government was the BAD GUY and Pollard was the GOOD GUY and out came our pocket books. And Pollard’s sister left the synagogue smiling.
Israel ALSO agreed that the US was the BAD GUY when they made Pollard an HONORARY citizen of their ungrateful state shortly after his jailing. And the entire Jewish Community applauded Israel!
Last week, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, offered a NEW DEAL to Obama that he felt the Zionist puppet in the White House could not refuse.
The deal was that Obama should free Pollard in exchange for a “60 day” settlement freeze.
Obama countered the offer with a 2 billion dollar deal that included 20 fighter jets and a promise NEVER to criticize Israel.
The question comes up again today: Is it good for the Jews? Of course! It has always been this way.
But the continual and ultimate question: “Is it good for America?” is churning deep within many disgruntled Americans whose pent up rage may soon explode in the faces of all those who want what’s good for the Jews but NOT what’s good for America!
Smells like Mossad: The ‘underwear’ bomber’s Israel links.
His explosives couldn’t have blown up his own seat. Even if full power, it wouldn’t have worked.”
These were the words relayed to me during a Jan. 2 interview with military analyst and counterinsurgency specialist Gordon Duff in regard to the attempt of Christmas Day underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab [sometimes referred to as Abdulmutallab] to ignite 80 grams of the explosive PETN on a flight destined for America.
He also explained how the patsy’s country of origin, Nigeria, is clandestinely controlled by the Israeli army and Mossad.
Pakistan arrests American-born al-Qaida spokesman
The American-born spokesman for al-Qaida has been arrested by Pakistani intelligence officers in the southern city of Karachi, two officers and a government official said Sunday as video emerged of him urging U.S. Muslims to attack their own country.
Times Square “Fizzler,” Israel’s Crotch Bomber Redux
Press TV’s Waqar Rizvi talks to Mark Dankof on Truth abut 9/11
Mossad in America
When is a Leak “Hacking”, Hacking a “Leak” and What is “Espionage?”:
F-35 Stealth Fighter Cover-Up
$2 Trillion False Flag Event at the U.S. Treasury, The Fed’s Furtive Filching
$2,000,000,000,000.00 dollars has been stolen from the US Treasury!! What happened? Who did it? Did they get away with it?
The answers: A ‘false flag’ event, the Federal Reserve, and yes.
British document: Israel initiated Entebbe hijack
The state of Israel was behind the hijacking of an Air France plane to Entebbe in 1976, and cooperated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in staging the affair, a UK government file compiled at the time of the occurrences and published by the BBC Friday revealed.
Israeli art student activity reported at federal officials’ homes
Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF YOU NEED
BBC – Dead in the Water – The Attack on the USS Liberty 1of7
Here is not enough space to post all the blessings America and the world receive from the chosen people.
Proverbs 15:3
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
Luke 12:2
For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.
Don’t forget that money to Israel never actually gets to the Israeli people.
No one else has commented on that except Barry Chamish.
Once Israel’s leading and most well known journalist who fled to the US to escape death a couple of years ago.
Will Internet censorship bill be pushed through lame-duck Congress?
That end part is explicitly for charlie.
“For instance, Australia in recent years set up a “firewall” around its Internet, with the intention of blacklisting child pornography Web sites. But a list of the blocked sites, leaked to Wikileaks, showed that the Australian government was censoring more than porn: The blacklist contained religious and political Web sites.
According to the Melbourne Age:
But about half of the sites on the list are not related to child porn and include a slew of online poker sites, YouTube links, regular gay and straight porn sites, Wikipedia entries, euthanasia sites, websites of fringe religions such as satanic sites, fetish sites, Christian sites, the website of a tour operator and even a Queensland dentist.”
“It seems to me as if just about anything can potentially get on the list,” [University of Sydney associate professor Bjorn] Landfelt said.
As predicted by some critics, the “great Aussie firewall” ended up blocking access to parts of WikiLeaks.
Defense Against Jewish Aggression by J.B. Campbell, Final installment of three part series
Defense Against Jewish Aggression requires that Jews be disfranchised from all positions of power and influence in the important aspects of our lives.
Starting with government, of course. Medicine, law, banking, finance, news, publishing, entertainment – all must be free of Jews and Jewish influence.
Our actions should start against the powerful Jewish organizations of subversion, such as the Anti-Defamation League, AIPAC, the Jews-only Masonic lodge they call B’nai B’rith and the Council on Foreign Relations, which is roughly 70% Jewish.
There are hundreds and hundreds of Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Committee, the Zionist Organization. Quite simply, these subversive organizations must be destroyed. Jews must be put on notice that their dreamy days of power are ending. All things must end and Jewish power is one of them.
Naturally, the Jews will fight hard to prevent losing their unearned power over us. That is, they will hire as many of us as they can to fight us. Jews can’t fight. They can kill, assassinate, murder and just about anything by stealth, but they can’t fight. When the Jew is confronted with his Jewishness, he splits.
The filmmaker John Carpenter made a great training film for us in this coming struggle. THEY LIVE. Malevolent aliens live among us. But most of us can’t tell who’s who, or realize how they control our lives.
A small group of resistance fighters have special glasses that reveal the hideous faces of the aliens, who have taken over the organs of power. The aliens are so evil that no mercy can be shown them.
If you see the scary face, start shooting, because they mean to enslave all of us and kill some of us. The only way to save ourselves is to kill them and keep killing them until the source of their power can be turned off – forever.
Carpenter’s aliens are the Jews. Most of them actually look like us. Carpenter’s special glasses represent the Jewish Protocols. Once you read a few of them, you see immediately what we’re up against. That’s why the Jews always freak out whenever the Protocols are mentioned.
They are probably the most important writings you will ever read, even if you can only manage a few of them. Victor Marsden of the London Morning Post translated them in a special room in the British Museum but could only manage a page or so per day, so malevolent and disturbing were they. He died shortly after finishing his work.
Just look at Palestine! Do you want to live the way those people live, showing your papers to some creepy armed Jew at a checkpoint twice a day, fearful that he may refuse to let you pass today?
This is how life is under Jewish Rule. But forget Palestine – now we’re getting a well-deserved dose of Jewish Rule at our airports. In case you hadn’t considered it, the only reason for “airport security” is the fake fear that enraged, crazy Moslems are trying to get on board with bombs and guns, which the TSA can’t seem to find at the best of times.
And why are these Moslems supposedly enraged and crazy? Because of Israel, right? Isn’t airport security all about Moslems being angry about Israel? Now there may have been a couple of fake Moslems with phony explosives in their pants or shoes, but real Palestinians? Name one. Not to mention that most airport security is run by Israeli companies.
TSA now stands for The Sex Aggressors.
These morons are now authorized to squeeze your private parts for Glocks and grenades. Little kids, too! A friend of mine’s wife was strip-searched in June after she’d passed successfully through the metal detector because the moron thought she “didn’t look right.”
“Airport security” is the result of what Israel does to Arabs. When you get your crotch squeezed, if you haven’t got the brains to stop flying, think about Defense Against Jewish Aggression.
DAJA. First step: Recognize the Jewish Problem. Where does the Problem originate? Well, probably in the synagogues, in Hebrew school, in all the brainwash programs the Jews have for their kids.
These kids are born and bred to hate us, to feel nothing when they cheat us, steal from us and kill us. It’s all laid out in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and of course in the Talmud. The problem is with the rabbis.
I’ve written it before but Defense Against Jewish Aggression means the entire rabbinical class has to be wiped out. That means all the rabbis who preach Jewish hate and all the Jews who accept it.
The rabbis are the political commissars who keep the party members in line, just like the Jewish commissars under Stalin who shot Russian soldiers from behind to terrorize the rest into attacking the Germans. I’d bet that a lot of Jews who’d like to assimilate with us would even help wipe out some of the hate-mongering rabbis.
Theodor Herzl comes to mind. Herzl, the supposed designer of Zionism, actually hated the Jewish ruling class and all typically Jewish ways. What he wanted was to blend with the Gentiles, whom he greatly admired.
He was rejected because in those days, it was hard to trust a Jew, no matter how much he wanted to be a Gentile, or a Christian. Sad story.
So Plan B was to get the Jews out of Europe, out of polite society, and into a land for Jews only. Herzl knew that most Jews just couldn’t behave properly, so the humane thing was to put them somewhere they couldn’t do any harm.
What he didn’t count on was the rise of the Russian Jews, the real Zionists, whom he’d never heard of before his 1897 Zionist Congress in Basel. These uncouth roughnecks from the Pale showed up, demanding to go to Palestine. Not Uganda, not Madagascar, not America, not South America – Palestine.
These were the phony Jews, the poseurs, the Khazar converts to Judaism but converts who possessed the deadliest zeal in the history of the world. They wanted to kill all the Palestinians and take over “the holy land.” Well?
My late friend, Heinz Weichardt, was another. His mother was Jewish, a famous opera singer in Berlin, his father a well-known journalist with the big German papers.
Heinz was a life-long supporter of Hitler and of National Socialism. I recommend his memoir, “Under Two Flags,” on the Gnostic Liberation Front website.
Jews such as Aaron Russo and David Cole have done more to hurt the Jewish racket than anyone on our side. So we mustn’t be indiscriminant in our Defense Against Jewish Aggression.
Anti-Jewish operations must be designed carefully. The big organizations must be taken out first.
The US military has never exactly covered itself in glory. Actually, it has been a total disgrace to America. The military has done the Jews’ dirty work, and I do mean dirty, ever since the Civil War and the Indian Wars.
World Wars I & II? Imagine, Americans going to fight Germans in Europe! Most Americans in those days were of German descent. Korea, Vietnam… Total disgraces. Desert Storm? Burying alive thousands of Iraqis with their hands up.
Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, Bagram, Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman, Fallujah, Predator drones – Jesus, what a shower of s*it the US military has always been, including the glory days against the fascists. (Read Other Losses, Crimes & Mercies, Operation Keelhaul if you’re craving US military glory.)
And, soldier boys, I have news for you. The Jews consider YOU to be the fascists. That’s what the military is for, to absorb the “fascistic element” of society (masculine men) into a controllable organization, because you scare the hell out of the Jews.
They dread the day that you will turn on them, stop killing their enemies like the fools you are, and aim your guns at them. Watch THEY LIVE.
How do you think the guards at Abu Ghraib could become so sadistic so early in our invasion and occupation of Iraq? They were conditioned by Jews with Jewish hate before they ever got out of the US.
I do have one good story to tell about the Marines. A buddy of mine, Mike Hanson, was at the airport in West Beirut in ’83, near where Arafat and his men were holed up. A half-dozen Israeli tanks came rolling up to wipe them out.
The Marines just looked at them but the captain in charge of the airport detail climbed up on the lead tank and held the muzzle of his .45 against the Jew commander’s head. “If this tank moves another foot, your brains are gonna be all over this tank.”
Jew commander ordered everyone to leave. This is the only language Jews understand. The upshot was, a truck bomb soon killed over 240 marines nearby. Victor Ostravsky, a Mossad officer, revealed that the Mossad knew about the plot but deliberately withheld the information.
Translation: the bombing of the Marine barracks was a Mossad operation, probably in retaliation for the marine captain’s heroism. Mike bunked in the open and escaped the blast at the barracks. He carried out a lot of bodies.
But that captain was the exception that proves the rule: the US military man is always obeying Jewish orders. So, the only way for a US military man to gain his honor is to join with this DAJA program – Defense Against Jewish Aggression. It’s the only way to gain honor.
You can’t regain something you never had. You joined up to fight, didn’t you? Against all enemies, foreign and domestic? The only foreign enemies we have are in Israel. You don’t need to mess with them.
The real enemy is domestic, the Jew who sends you to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran to kill people who never threatened us but who are hated by Jews.
We have to clean up this country by wiping out the Jewish organization. Once the organization is wiped out, the Federal Reserve and its stinking Note can be wiped out and replaced by the debt-free US Note.
And that’s how we’re going to clean up this Jewish mess.
This new David Duke video is SOOOOOO strong.
Before l woke up to the Jews l was told by an extremely Jew-wise person that it was the Jew Boas that was behind the “We are all equal” jew-BS.
l wrote to him: How can one single Jew do all that?
Well, today as Jew-wise l can explain what, how and why the Jew Boas made it, because the Jews as a collective was promoting Boas wholesale in order to destroy western culture and Christianity.
When l woke up to the Jews l asked myself: What day in my whole life did l NOT hear about the Jew Sigmond SHLOMO Fraud?
Well, l never heard a word about the Jew Boas until some 6-7 years ago on the internet, but every single day in my whole life l have heard about the Jew Sigmund Shlomo Fraud. And ALWAYS in a good context.
Why is that? Tell me what day in your entire life you have NOT heard about the Commmunist-Jew Karl Marx in a good context.
The Jew Boas is today down the memoryhole. Today Boas is replaced with the Jew Karl Marx and the Jew Sigmund Shlomo Fraud.
Why is that? Because these Jews are good for the Jews – and because the Jews own and controls the whole propaganda-machine, that’s why.
ln this video David Duke explains to the core why the Jews have promoted the Jew Sigmund Shlomo Fraud wholesale for the last half a century.
This is a ten minute short video. Listen to it to the end. You can replace the Jew Sigmund SHLOMO Fraud with the Jew Boas or the Jew Karl Marx and it’s the Jews’ propaganda MO repeated all over again.
Take any issue that is repeated over, over over and over again in the Jews’ propaganda-machine, also known as (AKA) the MEDIA, and you can only be sure of one thing: lt’s the Jew and it’s good for the Jews.
Anything that is good for the Jews is ALWAYS BAD FOR YOU and your family – ALWAYS – no exceptions.
“Freud, Zionism and Sexual Revolution ”
Greetings in the Lord, +Bro Nathanael,
The snow is gorgeous where you are.
Thanks again for this video, and another glimpse into “Jew-think.”
What can I say about these sick, evil twists and their “Let’s Make a Deal” except that it makes me nauseated?
Describing the double-minded, double-think Jew mentality behind such actions, and of how the synagogue overrides moral conscience, and their lying perceptions of “righteousness” defined as “being good for the Jews” no matter how perverse it is to ANY society, is a genuine pearl.
Found your labelling to be particularly apt of “Pollard – A JEW, who happens to be an American citizen…”
That’s how it has gone through history. The majority of Jews say “I am a Jew first, a Jew second, and a Jew third” in terms of any loyalty or patriotism.
Israelis ‘enjoy Gaza war destruction’
An Israeli activist has published a new video showing that Israeli soldiers are joyful over destroying Palestinian homes during the offensive against the Gaza Strip.
The video, posted on the internet on Thursday, showed that the Israeli soldiers were laughing and exclaiming as they witnessed a series of explosions destroying three Palestinian houses, Maan news agency reported.
After the first two houses were exploded, one of the Israeli soldiers was heard saying, according to the English subtitles, “It’s all documented. It’s all on camera. What about the third house? Give me the third house please [laughs].”
Following the third explosion, the same soldier is heard saying, “There’s nothing like this [laughs.] Bye, Gaza, bye. Wow, dude, what a thing!”
“How small are we. We’re so small compared to this,” he says, as the camera pans around to show the soldiers lying on the ground as they witness the destruction.
Israeli activist Assaf Kintzer said that he obtained the video from a soldier who was deployed in Gaza during the attack.
The Israeli military launched a deadly assault on the beleaguered Gaza Strip at the turn of 2009, killing at least 1,400 Palestinians, most of them women and children.
By the way, Bro Nate,
So much for Tex Marr’s wishful thinking and his “Obama has finally had enough of the Jews.”
That was another ” Jew smoke screen” to confuse stupid Goy, give them more false hopes?
Just like the TEA (Z-Party) Party:
Another Zionist Jew hoax, where I see Sarah Palin saying she will run in 2012. You ponder another “Hitler,” instead we are going to get another Ariel Sharon in high heels and glasses?
God Bless You, Brother Nathanael.
I got some videos you might be interested in viewing online.
After many years of traditional Catholics wondering what has occurred with their church since Vatican II, there is an organization that has studied thousands of hours of documents and organizations within the church support structure and they have produced 5 videos with what they have observed.
I have been burning DVD discs and loaded these on my spare Sony Laptop which I loan out, for my Catholic friends to view who deserve to see the liberal influences in our church are not by accident.
You might just recognize some names in the hundreds of organizations that the liberals in leadership in the church support financially and politically.
The videos are at the bottom of the page, with five of them already being completed. They run about 1 hour each, plus or minus a few minutes.
The link to the videos is:
The Israeli military launched a deadly assault on the beleaguered Gaza Strip at the turn of 2009, killing at least 1,400 Palestinians, most of them women and children.
English Civil War (now Commiely referred to as the English “Revolution”): kill the king, establish central bank.
French “Revolution”: kill the king, establish central bank.
Russian “Revolution”: kill the king, establish central bank.
Jew instigated “revolution” : kill the king, establish jew run central bank.
Kill the king, establish jew run central bank.
This is what the jews have done to America, the jews killed the king and establish jew run central bank. Also Known As (AKA) FED.
The Jews and their codewords – by Hoff:
Thank You Dear Hoff For Your Enthusiasm For (not mine) BUT David Duke’s Video!
Your opening line in your comment above — “This new David Duke video is SOOOOOO strong” — REALLY GRABBED ME!
Although I was brought up in a Jewish household and did NOT learn about the Lord Jesus Christ…at least I WAS taught good manners.
I worked hard on this Video for 2 days with the Text, writing, and rewriting it, doing research, rewriting it again, and then editing it…and then, editing it some more.
And then, I had to memorize it over and over again for a good 2 hours.
THEN I went outside in the FREEZING cold this AM and the dogs were barking, the snow plows were backing up with their DING DING sound, the neighbor got out his snow blower and the other neighbor started his own plowing and, well, it was ‘SOOOOOO’ FREEZING!
But, after being very patient and doing a couple of takes FINALLY I finished the taping.
THEN I had to upload it which takes a good 45 minutes.
THEN I had to add the Tags, links, Annotations which took a good 2 hours.
THEN I had to do the embedding and the lead picture. Whew!
Lots of work dear Hoff!
Sometimes it is nice when some viewers come on and say, “Great Video dear Br Nathanael!”
But, you don’t have to do that dear Hoff.
We can say “GREAT VIDEO dear David Duke!” (of course it is a ‘great’ video) along with ALL Of the 100s of his helpers who say the same.
As I mentioned many times, complements are nice. But I really DO need financial help dear Hoff.
Perhaps you ALSO would consider helping me out, and forget the need for compliments, you can save them for David Duke.
Please Click:
OR @
Donations By Mail: The Brother Nathanael Foundation / Or Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
God Bless You Dear Hoff! (God Bless David Duke ‘TOOOOO!’)
+Brother Nathanael
By Rev. Ted Pike
17 Nov 10
As we approach the holiday season, Jewish supremacist groups such as the Anti-Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center and American Civil Liberties Union will protest Christian symbols and messages in public.
The National Prayer Network will be in the forefront of opposing them. Yet we have been hit hard by the recession. This year NPN especially needs your support to perform our vital watchdog role.
Yibutions to liberty:
* Anti-Zionist veterans generally agree that my 1984 bestselling book Israel: Our Duty, Our Dilemma and 1987 video The Other Israel brought a new level of scrutiny and criticism of Jewish supremacism worldwide.
(Watch The Other Israel) They were produced in a time of nearly universal indulgence and non-criticism of Israel by the western world.
This video, viewed by hundreds of thousands, uncovered the mainspring of the world revolutionary movement, the Talmud and Kabbalah, opening the eyes of countless thousands of Christians and patriots. These included prominent anti-Zionist leader Texe Marrs.
* From 1988 to 2009, NPN played the decisive role in holding back ADL’s federal hate crimes bill four times between 2001 and 2009.
The Brownback amendment, which helps safeguard free speech under the hate bill, was entirely a result of NPN-generated, last-minute calling pressure on the Democrats. (See “Senate Passes Hate Bill! Yet Democrats Compromise”).
NPN has played such a dominant role in creating opposition to hate laws in the American right that the federal hate law can’t be enforced with its intended vigor. It may even be vulnerable to repeal.
NPN is also out front in stopping further ADL hate bills, such as we did last spring when patriots responded in force to our rallying cry to block ADL’s pro-homosexual cyber-bullying and AWARE bills in the House Judiciary.
This legislation had been unopposed by right-wing “watchdogs” because of its Jewish origins. (See “Cyberbullying Hearing Goes Badly for Liberals!”) Just this week, we were first to warn of ADL’s new “Don’t Criticize Jews and Muslims” bill.
* After the arrest of the “Philly 11” Christians for the “hate crime” of witnessing to homosexuals in 2004, I seized the opportunity provided by burgeoning alternative talk radio to alert the world of the dangers posed by ADL, their hate laws, Jewish supremacism and the state of Israel.
Until that time, most alternative radio was either supportive of Israel (as the Tea Party movement is today) or only guardedly critical. Yet, after I stormed talk radio, speaking the whole truth on more than 700 talk shows featured by about 135 talk hosts, criticism of matters Jewish has now become universally accepted within the media of the populist right.
* Over the past 20 years, NPN has repeatedly resisted and opposed Jewish media attempts to denigrate Jesus. In 1988 we sent copies of my explosive flyer, “The Real Reason behind the Last Temptation of Christ,” to nearly 200,000 evangelical pastors in America.
It exposed the Hollywood Jews behind this unprecedented blasphemy. Ten years later, a national Jewish authority said that our outreach caused “the greatest disaster in Jewish-Christian relations in the past century.”
NPN has consistently exposed Jewish supremacists behind promotion of such outrages as The Da Vinci Code book and film, The Book of Daniel TV show, and the Gnostic gospels craze. (See “The Jews Behind Da Vinci Code”)
As a result, such media moguls have largely given up large-scale mockery and sacrilege of Christ as part of their war on Christianity. Yes, evangelicals protested these attacks. But it was really NPN’s online trumpeting of their Jewish origins that caused them to slow down.
* Over the past 30 years, NPN has provided a Biblically based alternative to the heresies of Scofield pre-tribulationism, with its “rapture” escapism and unconditional support of Israel.
Through my groundbreaking thesis that Israel is the Great Harlot of Revelation 17 (See “Israel: On the Way to Empire in the Mideast”) and that Christ-rejecting Jews as a nation have no right to occupy Palestine (See “Almost Anyone Can Occupy Palestine”), evangelicals are now encouraged to obey the Bible and legitimately “flee Babylon” (Israel), no longer building this foundation for anti-Christ. Many evangelicals are waking up.
Most of the e-mails we receive are from Christians.
* We also now provide an online church for Christians seeking an alternative to the pro-Israel teaching of their local congregations.
Although only publicized during the last five weeks, my online Bible studies are proving very popular, with more than 3,000 visits already.
Perhaps those who benefit from my online messages might consider tithing regularly to NPN instead of to churches which promote the Great Harlot.
Help Us Save Freedom
These are only highlights of NPN’s 30 years of service to God and freedom, beginning in 1980 with our pivotal role in persuading President Reagan to revive the National Day of Prayer. (See “How Faith – and an Old Airplane – Helped Revive the National Day of Prayer”)
As you plan your giving this holiday season, please consider giving back to NPN for all the truth, vigilance and activism it has devoted to you and your children over the decades.
You can contribute by calling 503-631-3808, donating online at the Truthtellers.org Store or by mailing your gift to National Prayer Network, PO Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015. All gifts are tax deductible.
Thank you again for your many messages of support and solidarity in our increasingly successful fight for liberty. Together, especially after midterm victories, God is showing us that, by following God and speaking the whole truth, regardless of the cost, we can save America.
Many Thanks Dear Hoff For Your Enthusiasm For (not mine) BUT David Duke’s Video!
Your opening line in your comment above — “This new David Duke video is SOOOOOO strong” — REALLY GRABBED ME!
Although I was brought up in a Jewish household and did NOT learn about the Lord Jesus Christ…at least I WAS taught good manners.
I worked hard on this Video for 2 days with the Text, writing, and rewriting it, doing research, rewriting it again, and then editing it…and then, editing it some more.
And then, I had to memorize it over and over again for a good 2 hours.
THEN I went outside in the FREEZING cold this AM and the dogs were barking, the snow plows were backing up with their DING DING sound, the neighbor got out his snow blower and the other neighbor started his own plowing and, well, it was ‘SOOOOOO’ FREEZING!
But, after being very patient and doing a couple of takes FINALLY I finished the taping.
THEN I had to upload it which takes a good 45 minutes.
THEN I had to add the Tags, links, Annotations which took a good 2 hours.
THEN I had to do the embedding and the lead picture. Whew!
Lots of work dear Hoff!
Sometimes it is nice when some viewers come on and say, “Great Video dear Br Nathanael!”
But, you don’t have to do that dear Hoff.
We can say “GREAT VIDEO dear David Duke!” (of course it is a ‘great’ video) along with ALL Of the 100s of his helpers who say the same.
As I mentioned many times, complements are nice. But I really DO need financial help dear Hoff.
Perhaps you ALSO would consider helping me out, and forget the need for compliments, you can save them for David Duke.
Please Click:
OR @
Donations By Mail: The Brother Nathanael Foundation / Or Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
God Bless You Dear Hoff! (God Bless David Duke ‘TOOOOO!’)
+Brother Nathanael
Please STAY On Topic!
(Moderation Team Take Notice)
+Brother Nathanael
Br Nathanael.
Your video reminded me that your Nativity Set will be in a beautiful snow setting.
How lovely.
This is just a storybook setting for us here in the Southern Hemisphere because its always Summer at Christmas, and even in winter it doesn’t snow.
Just doesn’t seem the same.
Dear Brother Nathanael,
I also can identify with your early years in the Jewish belief system.
You wrote: “Growing up as a Jew and attending an upper Middle Class Synagogue, an automatic conditioning set in that installed in us a sense that we Jews were DIFFERENT with special privledges and we expected to be treated as such from those around us.
“You see, we were Jews FIRST and Americans second. And this informed all that we thought and did.”
As you know, I too am a former Jew and, like you, was taught that Jews are special and better than non-Jews.
I was taught that Jews must treat Christians with contempt because Christians hate Jews, so we Jews must “get them before they get us.”
I was also told that as Jews, our first loyalty is to Israel, and that Israel is the country that all Jews should support and give allegiance to.
I was taught that Israel was established as the homeland of the Jewish people, and that all good Jews eventually should move to Israel and become citizens there.
I remember being embarrassed by these teachings, and thinking, “That isn’t right. I’m an American, not an Israeli, and I don’t feel any loyalty to Israel. When I pledge allegiance, it’s to America.”
As an adult, before I abandoned Judaism and turned over my life to Jesus Christ, even when I was a Jew, I used to argue with my Jewish “friends” when they would make fun of America and of Christians.
As you know, what Jews say in public and what they say in private are two different things. In public, they make a great show of loving America, and being very broad-minded about blacks and Christians in general.
But in private, Jews laugh about the Gentiles and how they make money off “stupid goys” by cheating the hell out of them.
Particularly obnoxious were the Jewish financiers, who would gloat about how they pulled the wool over the eyes of Christians, lying to them about the terms of the money loans they were making, and later repossessing their cars and their houses when the Christians couldn’t make the outrageous payments that the Jews had foisted on them.
Brother Nathanael, you also mentioned how the rabbi would start off his “sermon” with some quotes from the Torah or the Talmud.
I remember this, also. The rabbi would quote from the Talmud, and I would think to myself, “What is he talking about? That doesn’t sound like something I should believe in.”
Because Jews are taught that the Talmud is their holiest book, and we were never to question anything that is in the Talmud.
Of course, I never read the Talmud because I couldn’t read Hebrew, so I really didn’t know what was in there … only what the rabbis said.
It was only when I was in college and met many real Christians face-to-face who knew more about the Talmud than I did, that I found out what a dirty, foul book the Talmud really is.
Here are some of the things that are in the Talmud that I never knew about until I was showed them (in translation) by my professors, who were all Christians.
‘The teachings of the Talmud stand above all other laws. They are more important than the laws of Moses.’ — Rabbi Issael, Rabbi Chasbar, et. al.
“The Talmud is the Code of the Jew”:
1. ‘We beg Thee, Oh Lord, inflict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in Thee. Take away, Oh Lord, all hope from them. Destroy all foes of Thy nation.’ -Synagoga Judaica, p. 212. Minhagen, p. 23. Crach Chain, 480 Magah.
2. “The decisions of the Talmud are words of the living God. Jehovah Himself asks the opinion of the earthly rabbis when there are difficult affairs in heaven.” — Rabbi Menechen, Commentary on Fifth Book.
3. “Jehovah Himself studies the Talmud standing, he has such respect for that book.” — Tract Mechillo.
4. “It is more wicked to question the words of the rabbis than those of the Torah.” — Michna Sanhedrin 11:3.
5. “It is forbidden to disclose the secrets of the law. He who would do it would be as guilty as though he destroyed the whole world.” — Jektat Chadasz, 171, 3.
6. “Every goy who studies the Talmud and every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die.” –Sanhedrin 59, aboda Zora 8-6, Szagiga 13.
7. “To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly.” — Libbre David 37.
8. “If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death.” — Libbre David 37.
9. “A Jew should and must make a false oath when the goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.”–Szaaloth-Utszabot, Book of Jore Via 17.
10. “The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts.” — Saba Mecia 114, 6.
11. “When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.” — Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D.
12. “Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.” -Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225.
13. “As soon as the King Messiah will declare himself, He will destroy Rome and make a wilderness of it. Thorns and weeds will grow in the Pope’s palace. Then He will start a merciless war on non-Jews and will overpower them. He will slay them in masses, kill their kings and lay waste the whole Roman land. He will say to the Jews: ‘I am the King Messiah for whom you have been waiting. Take the silver and gold from the goyim.” –Josiah 60, 6. Rabbi Abarbanel to Daniel 7, 13.
14. “A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.” — Sboda Sarah 37.
15. “A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.” — Gad Shas. 2:2.
16. “A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.” –Hadarine, 20, Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348.
17. “A Jew may misuse the non-Jewess in her state of unbelief.” — Maimonides, Jak. Chasaka 2:2.
18. “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy he is NOT responsible.” –Tosefta. Aboda 8, 5.
19. “It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces.”–Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 345.
20. “Thou shalt not do injury to thy neighbor (Bible), but it is not said, ‘Thou shalt not do injury to a Goy.’ ” — Mishna Sanhedryn 57.
21. “When you go to war do not go as the first, but as the last, so that you may return as the first. Five things has Kanaan recommended to his sons: ‘Love each other, love the robbery, hate your masters and never tell the truth.’ ” — Pesachis F. 113B.
22. “A Jew is permitted to rape, cheat and perjure himself; but he must take care that he is not found out, so that Israel may not suffer.” — Schulchan Aruch, Jore Dia.
23. “A Jew may rob a goy – that is, he may cheat him in a bill, if unlikely to be perceived by him.” Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348.
24. “If a goy wants a Jew to stand witness against a Jew in a Court of Law, and if the Jew could give fair evidence, he is forbidden to do it; but if a Jew wants a Jew to be a witness in a similar case against a goy, he may do it.” — Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 28, Art. 3 and 4.
25. “Those who do not confess the Torah and the Prophets must be killed. Who has the power to kill them, let them kill them openly with the sword. If not, let them use artifices, till they are done away with.” –Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 425.5.
26. “All property of other nations belongs
to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general’ “–Schulchan Aruch. Choszen Hamiszpat 348.
27. “Should a Jew inform the goyish authorities that another Jew has much money, and the other will suffer a loss through it, he must give him emuneration.”–Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388
28. “How to interpret the word ‘robbery.’ A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew. But a Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a goy.”–Tosefta, Qubda Zara, 5.
29. “On the house of the goy one looks as on the fold of cattle.” — Tosefta, Erabin VZZ, 1.
30. “All vows, oaths, promises, engagements, and swearing, which, beginning this very day or reconciliation till the next day of reconciliation, we intend to vow, promise, swear, and bind ourselves to fulfill, we repent of beforehand; let them be illegalized, acquitted, annihilated, abolished, valueless, unimportant. Our vows shall be no vows, and our oaths no oaths at all.” — Schulchan Aruch, Edit. 1, 136. (This is the Jewish Kol Nidre [‘All Vows”] Oath that is sung as a chant at each Yom Kippur [Jewish Day of Atonement] service.)
31. “Everything a Jew needs for his synagogue ritual no goy is permitted to manufacture, but only a Jew, because this must be manufactured by human beings and the Jew is not permitted to consider the goyim as human beings.” — Schulchan Aruch, Orach Chaiw 14, 20, 32, 33, 39. TaImud Jebamoth 61.
32. “A Jewish mid-wife is not only permitted but she is compelled to help a Jewish mother on the Jewish Sabbath and when so doing to do anything which otherwise would desecrate the Sabbath. But it is forbidden to help a non-Jewish woman even if it should be possible to help her without desecrating the Sabbath, because she is to be considered only as an animal.” — Schulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 330.
33. “At the time of the Cholhamoed the transaction of any kind of business is forbidden. But it is permitted to cheat a goy, because cheating of goyim at any time pleases the Lord.” — Schulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 539.
34. “The Jews are strictly forbidden to cheat their brothers and it is considered cheating already if one-sixth of the value has been taken away from him. Whoever has cheated his brother has to return it to him. Naturally all that only holds towards the Jew, to cheat a goy he is permitted and he is not permitted to return to him what he cheated him out of. Because the Bible says: ‘Thou shalt not cheat thy next brother,’ but the non-Jews are not our brethren, but as mentioned above, worse than dogs.” — Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 227.
Dear Brother Nathanael, imagine my dismay when I learned that my so-called “religion” was no better than devil-worship.
How can any decent person listen to, believe or follow this crap and still consider himself or herself a human being?
Certainly I never felt this way, and I never felt that I was better than a Christian, or that Israel was better than America.
But the Lord Jesus Christ showed me the way out of the Jewish cesspool, and that was to turn my life over to Him.
I was baptized as a Christian on my birthday, which also happened to be Easter Sunday, and I became a new person in Christ.
I feel so much closer to God the Father as a Christian than I ever felt as a Jew. As a Jew, I felt God was nothing more than some old guy up there in the clouds, who wasn’t interested in me as an individual.
But when I became a Christian, I found that Jesus is with me every minute of every day. He is my best friend, even my brother, who is guiding my steps as I move through life.
I feel sorry for all the Jews who are still being misled by the rabbis. Although I don’t know this for sure, I think there are many Jews who do not agree with the rabbis, the sayings of the foul Talmud, or the policies of the bandit state IsraHELL, but they are too intimidated or too comfortable as Jews to say or do anything about it.
So they just sit there in their synagogues and nod their heads when the rabbi tells them that Israel, not America, is their homeland, and that they owe their loyalty, and their money, to Israel and not to America.
Ah, money. When Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil, He must have had the Jews in mind.
For money, cold hard cash, is the Jew’s milk, bread, meat and potatoes, and he will do anything — lie, cheat, steal, even kill — to get it.
And all this is condoned by the Talmud, which is holier to the Jew than the Bible.
So it doesn’t surprise me that our black president is making deals with the Israelis to give them fighter jets and armaments with which the Jews can continue to oppress the Palestinians, and steal Palestinians’ land.
I pray that Jesus will come back soon, as He is the One, the only one, who can straighten out this mess.
November 17, 2010 @ 4:34 pm
Don’t forget that money to Israel never actually gets to the Israeli people.
No one else has commented on that except Barry Chamish.
Once Israel’s leading and most well known journalist who fled to the US to escape death a couple of years ago.
Dukes video’s are indeed impressive. Slick and well done. His presentation is fantastic and that hoard of supporters, P.A.’s and volunteers help, too.
Still – there is only ONE Brother Nathanael who I eagerly await the next video from.
I boot up the much hated and hacked Firefox to use the excellent video download helper so I can keep your vids on my hard drive and convert them to DivX format and put on disk for people. People LOVE your presentation style! That classic little grin at the end.
I play them often – in fact I will put my Laptop on my chest and watch your collection as I tootle off to dreamy land.
You are an inspiration to many. I expect you will get nothing from it but heartache, anger and frustration.
Such is the lot of Christians with a gutless Church hierarchy who speak in whispers but will not come forward…for fear of the Jew. They will not enter into the book of life and by their silence they deny Christ and the commandment to follow Him.
Instead the Church berates earnest and forthright Priests who speak of the Jewish question, and the schizoid nature of the beast is further exacerbated by English versions of official Church flyers (R.O.C) detailing the distaste of the Jew which doesn’t seem to translate into meaningful action on a large and organized scale.
I have seen beautiful men of God – true Christians full of love and good humor who I wish I could be more like – begin to scowl and foam at the mouth when the word “Jew” and “Israel” and “IDF” is mentioned and yet STILL it translates to nothing meaningful.
It would seem the Church puts profit, power and Church land in the Holy Land before Christ’s commandments to be compassionate and bear fruits and berate evil wherever it lays.
I say God is most pleased with you.
I will never agree with you for the sake of it. I will always give it straight. I feel you are an inspiration for many, but alas few have the heart and the BALLS to get out there on the street…for fear of the Jew.
The greater sin is the fact that so many can afford beer and wine but not a $20 donation.
One day the chickens will come home to roost. Maybe in a big way. God Willing. I’ll send a cheque.
I say release Pollard.
I say then release ALL JEWS for a flight to the Holy Land.
Clearly this is what they want.
Give it to them and wave goodbye with a great big smile.
Glory B:
What a Helluva post! I have even heard that those who reveal truths about the Talmud place themselves in harm’s way!
I will now begin to pray for you as I have always prayed for Brother Nathanael as he is in harm’s way 24/7 365!
This deal is just outrageous to the point of being funny…I don’t even know what to say.
I know politics is dirty and there are many ‘deals’ but openly on a high level like this? Or the high level is a very low level?
Thank you Brother for this interesting video..I promise as soon I get some income I will send you a donation.
Glory B,
“Jehovah Himself studies the Talmud standing, he has such respect for that book.” — Tract Mechillo.”
I found that funny also…as if God needs to study things? A little bit ‘adorable’. I guess that is because they think of themselves as God.
Not too far from Tower of Babylon.
Maybe it is a good idea to expose Talmud on the Internet as much as possible. When there was this scandal of burning Quran books, the newspapers only talked about Bible and Quran as the main books…
Never did I see a mention of Talmud, which is a major religious book.
Now that is worth burning since it is, using a modern language, extremist, intolerant, racist book that may breed terrorists.
Dear Brother Nathanael,
From time to time I go through and read your “Categories.”
I find that you have a collection of material that may not be found anywhere else. Are you planning a book?
Thanks for your personal insight. Please accept my gratitude and donation that follows.
Dear Brother Nathanael and Glory B,
Thank you both for the VERY IMPORTANT information that you shared with us.
You put yourselves in harm’s way by doing so, this is clearly stated in the Talmud’s quotations posted by Glory B.
For those seeking to further explore the Talmud and its perversities please have a look at:
The site contains the 1892 book by I.B. Pranaitis, Roman Catholic Priest; Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church in St. Petersburg.
Again, Brother Nathanael and Glory B, may our LORD JESUS CHRIST PROTECT YOU BOTH, GIVE YOU STRENGTH AND BLESS YOU, for you are true disciples of our Lord.
This is an excellent video.
I like almost every video Brother Nathanael and David Duke have produced and they both are my favorites in the truth movement.
From Philip Giraldi:
“Vice President Joe Biden told the Jewish Federations of North America annual gathering in New Orleans last week that “the ties between our two countries are literally unbreakable” and described how he is “absolutely certain that our support for Israel must continue … forever,” echoing similar statements made by both Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama.
Biden knows full well that Israeli and US interests do not coincide and his comments amount to political pandering of the worst sort. It is even more disconcerting to think that he might actually mean what he says.
Meanwhile Steny Hoyer, who calls himself a Zionist and frequently expresses his love for Israel, and has spoken of “our responsibility to stand by Israel and the Jewish people,” is poised to take over as Minority Whip in the House of Representatives.
On the other side of the aisle, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Eric Cantor are unrelenting advocates of Israel who are about to step into senior positions in the Republican dominated congress.
Cantor recently met privately with Bibi Netanyahu and said the Republican Party would serve “as a check on” the Obama Administration over its policies in the Middle East.
Then “He made clear that the Republican majority understands the special relationship between Israel and the United States, and that the security of each nation is reliant upon the other.”
In other words, Cantor was meeting with the leader of a foreign country and promising to do whatever he could to influence and even subvert the foreign policy of his own country. Think about that one for a minute or two.”
— Writes Philip Giraldi. Taken from the Ugly Truth website. Read more from Philip Giraldi.
Yesterday [11/17/10] I was visited by a man who introduced himself as a federal agent who wanted to know about a young Jewish woman who used to live in one of the apartments in the building where I live, because “she has applied for a government job, do you know whether she had wild parties when she lived here?”
I told him this was rather suspicious and the government is spying on citizens; however we need to be careful of Jewish people because they have hijacked our country and they have too much power.
I also asked him “Is this about framing me as an anti-Semite? And he soon left.
I called the FBI office to report his visit and told the on duty agent that I was suspicious this man came to frame me — and that I wanted to know his name. He said he will call me back and I called him again today after 11 am. The line got cut off twice.
I only got his family name [Friedleberg] because I could not hear the first name. I told this FBI agent that the information I have got which I repeat to others about corruption, fraud and deception of Jews is given by Jews themselves and I gave him some of this information [“Hidden Tyranny” by Harold Wallece Rosenthal and “Facts are Facts” by Benjamin Freedman].
I dont know their games, but I am sick of the Jewish deception, fraud and crime and how these people have subverted the American culture, looted our banks, stolen farm land and homes of millions of Americans.
The Jews are involved in porn and prostitution thus corrupting our people while boasting about these things — while wanting to give more and more to Israel to spy on Americans and destroy people in Palestine and Gaza and engage in all sorts of other crime — while trying to take our freedoms away.
Where will this end?
Is the worst crime in the world denying the holocaust and/or criticizing Jewish crime on humanity?
“14. “A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.” — Sboda Sarah 37.
15. “A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.” — Gad Shas. 2:2….”
Gloria B, thank you for your courage and honesty.
God bless!
Greetings in the Lord +BN –
God bless you many times over for the labors that you dedicate yourself to. I had no idea how much time and work went into your videos – you are genuinely a “one man production team.”
And what a sense of humor.
After reading the description of your “production day” routine with the crew of “you, yourself, and you” packing around your video, sound, and computer equipment, on your natural world “sound stage” for this video — I was laughing so hard my sides ached at the irony of how much you accomplish compared to other forums having a larger budget, teams and resource pool for their own productions.
Bravo, my dear brother in Christ!! Nothing like a determined lay monk!
Donate folks! He’s working on a shoestring as it is.
Latest Jewish Whine by Rep. Anthony Weiner (Dem-Israel) New York’s 9th Congressional district:
The U.S. is “Failing To Recognize Jerusalem” by refusing to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
“…[T]his outrage [over a passport issue as explained in the article] eventually led to Congressional action, it also points to a larger problem – the failure of the State Department the to recognize Jerusalem as the undisputed capital of Israel.”
[In 2002, President Bush issued a signing statement saying it considered these parts of the law non-binding and that the administration would not implement them.]
What the Talmud quotes of Glory B show (I haven’t finished reading them yet – can only take so much) is the insanity of the book and the people who believe in it.
You don’t have to be afraid of people like that.
They have no legitimacy as members of society whatsoever and I doubt idiots like that would have the courage to achieve the level of reprisal they advocate towards Christians physically.
However institutionally – that is another story, and the Talmud is being fulfilled to the tee.
Hence we have dehumanizing naked body scans, and police out of control.
The operative word is dehumanizing….as in the Gulf as in Katrina, as in hurricane Andrew, as in the treatment of New Yorkers in the aftermath of 911.
Notice they are not Jews who are doing this, just instigating it through their dumb ‘Christian” accomplices.
I believe the subject was Jonathan Polllard the traitor.
Dear Polly –
I got the Jew spy’s last name right and that is really ALL that matters to Jews.
No one would possibly disparage me for getting his first name wrong as this is a common occurence.
FACTS are FACTS and whether the first name is Tom, Dick, or Harry, Jason, or Jonathan —
***POLLARD*** WAS GUILTY OF SPYING and his PUNISHMENT is JUST! AND – he is NOT a ‘commodity’ to be bartered for ILLEGAL settlements.
Jason or Jonathan it really doesn’t matter to tell you the truth in Jew circles. We knew him as “Pollard” and that is why I really didn’t focus on his first name.
But, thanks for your concerns. To change the Video is now not practical for me at this point as I do NOT have the time to do it NOR do I feel it is really necessary.
+Brother Nathanael
Many Thanks To You Dear Hoff For Your Enthusiasm For (not mine) BUT David Duke’s Video!
Your opening line in your comment above — “This new David Duke video is SOOOOOO strong” — REALLY GRABBED ME!
Although I was brought up in a Jewish household and did NOT learn about the Lord Jesus Christ…at least I WAS taught good manners.
I worked hard on this Video for 2 days with the Text, writing, and rewriting it, doing research, rewriting it again, and then editing it…and then, editing it some more.
And then, I had to memorize it over and over again for a good 2 hours.
THEN I went outside in the FREEZING cold this AM and the dogs were barking, the snow plows were backing up with their DING DING sound, the neighbor got out his snow blower and the other neighbor started his own plowing and, well, it was ‘SOOOOOO’ FREEZING!
But, after being very patient and doing a couple of takes FINALLY I finished the taping.
THEN I had to upload it which takes a good 45 minutes.
THEN I had to add the Tags, links, Annotations which took a good 2 hours.
THEN I had to do the embedding and the lead picture. Whew!
Lots of work dear Hoff!
Sometimes it is nice when some viewers come on and say, “Great Video dear Br Nathanael!”
But, you don’t have to do that dear Hoff.
We can say “GREAT VIDEO dear David Duke!” (of course it is a ‘great’ video) along with ALL Of the 100s of his helpers who say the same.
As I mentioned many times, complements are nice. But I really DO need financial help dear Hoff.
Perhaps you ALSO would consider helping me out, and forget the need for compliments, you can save them for David Duke.
Please Click:
OR @
Donations By Mail: The Brother Nathanael Foundation / Or Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
God Bless You Dear Hoff! (God Bless David Duke ‘TOOOOO!’)
+Brother Nathanael
This is COMPLIMENTS of Jeff Rense of his 12 million HITS a month Web Site @
Great work Brother Nat,
Pollard shoud be executed for treason. When did that happen last?
We are seeing the fruits of his labors now — equal weapon strength on the battlefield will cause the chaos that brings “order” and “peace peace peace.”
I think we all need to ask ourselves…what is good for America for more often.
There is more at stake than just one spy…but our entire way of life, our freedoms and our future.
The TSA has not been good for America.
Israel has not been good for America. Our CIA has not been good for America.
Two wars have not been good for America.
NAFTA and a host of free trade treaties has not been good for America.
Wall Street has not been good for America.
The Fed has not been good for America. The list goes on….
not sure what Americans will do to get our country back but I know what they won’t do…vote.
It seems to me we are on a long downward slope.
Thank you Br. Nathanael for you videos.
You are one of the few things that is good for America.
This commentary, along with the Jeff Rense interview of both Brother Nathanael and Reverend Ted Pike, brings up some of the most mind-boggling, spirit-boggling turns of events yet.
Seeking the sources for this news about Obama’s negotiations with Netanyahu, I had trouble finding them.
Eventually, I found an article by Amos Harel on a Haaretz blog called MESS report.
Israeli Amos Harel marveled:
“The list of defense-related and other gifts the U.S. administration is willing to offer to Israel in exchange for three months of construction freeze raises suspicions that someone has gone mad.”
And also, Jeff Rense expressed dismay at this:
“…Morbid bribe by the alleged government of this country to pay off Zionist genocidal racist apartheid Israel with about a third of a trillion dollars in new weapons systems and arms simply to postpone illegal so-called settlement constructions in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem for 90 days. A third of a trillion dollar bribe for ninety days!”
Most RZN readers are, I imagine, well enough aware of the grave injustice and also the illegality of these Israeli settlements on Palestinian territories.
Any knowledgeable person, including Obama, must also be aware that the deceitful political state named “Israel” (along with the ruthless and powerful people sponsoring “Israel”) is potentially the United States’ most deadly military enemy.
Why does the United States send massive military empowerment to “Israel,” a nation whose Talmud religion is hateful not only toward Christians but even toward Jesus Christ and His blessed mother Mary???
And our government is not only sending military support to Israel, our government is also considering legislation which would make it a “hate” crime even to speak out exposing anti-Christ religions or to “criticize” Israel?!?
As Brother Nathanael’s personal anecdote illustrates, we cannot expect help from the synagogues.
Spiritually, Christians cannot be separated from Jesus Christ, thank God!
But in every other way, to again quote Jeff Rense:
“We are in deep trouble.”
But many Jews are completely innocent!
Here are some News articles and Commentaries on the “Spy Deal For Israeli Freeze” @
Great video Br. Nathanael!
Thank you for the hard work. Sorry it was freezing outside – it is beautiful, however. I have some $ on its way manana.
Glory B. I would love to make some contacts with Jews who think like you and have come to know Jesus. If you would like to here is my email: mcangemi@usa.net
Dear Sam –
Unless they REPUDIATE their fellow Jews, they are NOT innocent.
As the leaders go, so goes the tribe. +BN
OK Mosche.
Chamish may know a little more about Israel than he does about the Vatican.
Get a life Mosche. A prayer life.
Brother Nathanael,
Aren’t you a little hard on Hoff by posting the same chastisement three times?
If anybody wants to see how life will be in the Jew-nited States of America, please study many recent events happening in Jew York City.
Under Satanic Jew Mayor Bloomberg EVERY DAY brings another assault upon basic human reason and dignity.
Chess players in Inwood Park were recently ARRESTED for PLAYING CHESS, and teaching young people how to play chess, while drug dealers are allowed to run free, and drag these same young peoples SOULS into HELL by drug abuse, which is exactly where the Satanic Jews want them to be, while they take over!
Self serving Jew Bloomberg also hired a School Chancellor with ABSOLUTELY NO EXPERIENCE in schools, but ONLY a high position in the Jew controlled media!
A Lesbian Jew “artist” recently had her self artificially inseminated, and ABORTED the fetus, as part of a Jew art world controlled “artwork” with “artlover” and collector Bloomberg grining with approval. After all Jew York City is the “art” capital of the world.
Jew art PHD’s will write Doctoral Theses on this DEMONIC LESBIAN “artist.”
Sam wrote:
“But many Jews are completely innocent!”
Don’t you believe it, Sam. There are NO innocent Jews.
Jews who curse Our Lord Jesus Christ in their hearts are GUILTY!
Jews who support Israeli aggression against the Palestinians are GUILTY!
Jews who follow the teachings of the unholy, anti-Christ Talmud are GUILTY!
Jews who swindle non-Jews out of their hard-earned cash are GUILTY!
(According to the Talmud: “A Jew may rob a goy – that is, he may cheat him in a bill, if unlikely to be perceived by him.” Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348.)
Jews who spy for Israel against the United States are GUILTY!
Jews who behind our backs laugh about the “stupid goys” are GUILTY!
Jews who accept the teachings of the rabbis that they are superior to non-Jews, and that they have the God-given mission to rule Gentiles, who they consider as beasts, are GUILTY!
(From the Talmud: “The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts.” — Saba Mecia 114, 6.
“When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.” — Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D.
“Sexual intercourse between the ‘goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” — Sanhedrin 74b)
Jew-lawyers who care only about the next buck and don’t give a s–t about their clients are GUILTY!
Jew-psychiatrists who mess with people’s heads and spout their phony psycho-babble are GUILTY!
Jew-teachers who mess with children’s minds and bring pornography and smut into our schools, while taking prayer out of the classrooms, are GUILTY!
Jews who control Hollywood (aka Hebrewwood) and poison people’s minds with pornography and anti-Christ propaganda are GUILTY!
Jews who work to wipe out Christianity and impose their godless belief system are GUILTY!
Jews who try to prevent true Christians from erecting a Nativity Scene in a town park celebrating the birth of Our Lord are GUILTY!
Jews who promote abortions and gay “rights” and civil “rights” and communist subversion and integration of the races in order to advance their Jewish agenda are GUILTY!
Jews who worship Satan and the almighty dollar and work to advance Satan’s anti-Christ agenda are GUILTY!
Jews who control prostitution in America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East are GUILTY!
Jews who promote their Holocaust industry to make money and make Christians feel guilty so they’ll give money to Jewish causes and to IsraHELL are GUILTY! (World War II ended 65 years ago, for Pete’s sake. Fuhgedd about it!)
Jews who reject Our Lord and who every day crucify Him in their hearts are GUILTY!
Jews who mock the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who became Man for our salvation, are GUILTY!
(From the Talmud: “‘Yashu'(derogatory for Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” — Gittin 57
“Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” — Sanhedrin 107)
Jews who blaspheme against the Blessed Virgin Mary and who call Her a whore and a harlot, are GUILTY!
(From the Talmud: “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the Virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.” — Sanhedrin 106)
Jews who cry “anti-Semite” whenever anyone criticises Jews or Israel are GUILTY!
I could find a lot more things to convict Jews of, but you get the idea.
If you need more convincing, just read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. That lays out the entire Jewish program of world domination right there. AND IT’S ALL TAKING PLACE!
The Jews are despised around the world due to their deceit and dirty dealings. Plus the Jews deserve their fate, for they put a curse on themselves when they demanded that Christ be crucified. “And all the people answered and said, “His blood be upon us and on our children.” Matthew 27:25
The only way that the Jews can escape the eternal agony of Hell and damnation is to give up their pharasitical — and parasitical — belief system and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Messiah and Saviour.
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23
Gloria B,
I love your comments because they are so true.
That is the same reason why I like Brother Nathanael’s work and David Duke’s work.
I have criticized Gordon Duff recently based on what I observed. Yes, I give him credit for criticizing Israel but he is not the kind of truthteller I want in the truth movement for many reasons as I explain below. Nevertheless there is always room for improvement.
Gordon Duff is not as bad as the ADL or SPLC and he has exposed Israel and addressed the Jewish issue [the latter to a limited extent] and I used to like him a lot few months ago before I came to my new realization.
I don’t want to say here what happened between Gordon Duff [his blog] and me because it is complicated and I am also less concerned about personal issues although it helped me to understand Gordon Duff better.
Gordon Duff has criticized Jesus Christ with regard to everything I hold dear about the Lord in my heart but does not criticize the filthy Talmud because he is afraid to anger Jews who believe in it.
He has referred to people who are angry [righteously] with the government for the tyranny they face as “anti government groups” which gives ammunition to ADL and SPLC and other Jewish groups like those employed by the Jewish governor of Pennsylvania Ed Randall.
Has he ever written about the Jewish Kitat Kohnet groups? -– not to my knowledge. He conveniently leaves out names of Jews in his articles as well. He does not expose people like Bill Krystol and other Communist Jews who are the major problem in both parties and he does a bad job whenever he writes about Republican vs Democrat.
He wanted to smear David Duke just like the Mainstream Media which he did in a very devious way. Why did he want to tie David Duke to his past 30 years ago? Everybody gets a break but not David Duke?
Is there any question in the minds of sane people that Chuck Schumer has been a destruction to America? He is like Eric Cantor or Joe Lieberman and other Jewish politicians who are enemies of this country and all these people are responsible for the tyranny that is being waged on America [and the Muslim world] and against veterans and soldiers.
Are they also not Talmud believers which means they believe “Jesus is a bastard, Mary is a whore, Jews are the superior race, Gentiles exist to serve Jews, it is ok to molest a girl 3 years or younger” etc?
So when it comes to David Duke and Chuck Schumer what is the verdict?
Is there even a comparison between an America hater [and a Jesus hater] and a patriotic American like David Duke [who is a Christian as well]. David Duke is not a violent or obnoxious man like Charles Schumer who among other things yelled out at a flight attendent calling her a “bitch”. What is the crime David Duke committed?
Anybody anywhere who want to use David Duke as a football think again and be reasonable. What has he done [to contribute] to any of the sufferings Americans or other citizens of the world?
Is David Duke responsible for illegal wars against Muslims and Asians? No.
Is he responsible for the Federal Reserve that has looted America since 1913? No.
Is he responsible for stealing farm lands or the mortgage back securitied and other scams to steal homes of Americans? No.
Is he responsible for giving aid to Israel or spying on Americans? No
Is he doing things against minorities like the blacks to keep them from getting ahead in life? No
Is he lying and deceiving Americans to collect their money through phony charities like Jay Sekulow and Sean Hannity? No
Is he responsible for open borders and millions of illegal immigrants in the Us? No.
Is he poisoning veterans and soldiers and doing all kind of other harm to them? No.
Is he responsible for poisons [and other forms of assault] in/to our water, food, vegetation, pollution of air through chemtrails, gene manipulations etc? No.
Is he responsible for HAARP generated earthquakes, volcano, floods, twisters etc? No.
Is he sexually molesting women, men and children like the TSA? No.
Is he responsible for the body scanners that cause radiation? No.
Is he encouraging White people to harm minorities? No.
Chuck Schumer [and Eric Cantor, Joe Lieberman et al] on the other hand can be found guilty of many things.
So if anyone [including Gordon Duff] wants a football make a fair choice!
If I were Gordon Duff I will examine my own faults to see where I have gone wrong and how I can improve rather than [cover up my faults] or get angry with others who criticize me.
Gordon Duff can choose this situation to be a better truthteller and I wish him the best to do that.
Laudetur Iesus Christus ! Semper Laudetur !
In my country, if we just tell the 0,01% of what you wrote here on your blog, they send us in jail for a long time.
To survive we have only one way: stay silent.
Viva Cristo Rey ! Viva !
RZL – Radio Zone Libre
Interesting subject.
I can personally say that the same guilt has been installed in me through high-school education.
I remember the Holocaust movie making me cry, but why don’t they play other more things relevant to today? What about Congo war? Serbian war?
I come from Russia and there was NOTHING like this in my school there. I was perfectly comfortable in who I am. I refuse to this pressure and be who I am…Orthodox Christian. I like all people too but I have no reason to feel guilt before them that is based on my origin.
Jews need to be taught first: they do not have the righteous authority nor the understanding of history as meaningful process of God’s will, to teach and form the thinking of the masses.
Because they’ve killed their own Messiah and keep crucifying Him up to today. This makes them a lost people forever, unless they become Christians.
The question of Jewish identity is there for a reason they themselves don’t fully understand!
They will not understand themselves if they don’t understand God – and that can only happen if they become Christians.
Those who are ‘Lost’ and refuse to be ‘Found’ should not be in position of power, period. Lost people should not get power at all.
And if whites sell out to the golden bull, and give them the power, well…how are they any different?
I don’t believe arguments of ‘Jews are smart’. Smart people are able to build and form civilization.
Jews though, take a more parasite approach and live off a functioning nation until it gets weaker – and the parasite gets fatter.
Even the state of Israel is built on other people’s blood and financed by other people’s money.
I guess the reason they are so powerful is purely racial pride and hatred that can be a strong force. Pride is difficult to eradicate, and impossible without Christ. Its hard to teach a pride person anything.
But – ignorance can only be an excuse for so long…
Dear RZN Readers, I apologize for being off topic with this but I wanted to share it with you.
Why do we need another translation of the Bible? Who is behind this??? http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2010-11-19-newbible_N.htm?csp=24
We are already living in the NWO.
It is just a matter of degree.
And this degree is increasing by leaps and bounds, but under cover of silence. That is their secret weapon..silence.
In this way it will arrive at its peak without most people even being aware of it.
They will accept it, saying
“….who can battle with it?” (Apoc 13-4)
We know the end result of this will be martydom for many.
The only way to make your way in this dangerous world will be with a personal relationship with God the Father..Son and God the Holy Spirit. the triune God.
So it is urgent and necessary for us to prepare now… to establish, re-establish and or deepen our relationship with God through Jesus. So that we have our soul’s direction right, that we be strengthened, made wise, and that we follow the Lord’s directions for safety without compromise, now.
There is no more time to lose.
Judgement Day is just around the corner for us if we give in to the NWO.
“Pollard shoud be executed for treason. When did that happen last?
We are seeing the fruits of his labors now — equal weapon strength on the battlefield will cause the chaos that brings “order” and “peace peace peace.”
Too long ago. Traitors and spys used to have a long drop to the end of a short rope, or they were marched out and stood against a wall at sunrise and shot in the back.
Regarding your offer to communicate with me via e-mail.
Unfortunately I cannot respond to your request because of personal security concerns.
Christ-deniers don’t take kindly to ex-Jews like me who disclose the dark secrets of Jewry.
Good luck with your search for Jews who have come to know Jesus.
November 19, 2010 @ 2:16 am
OK Mosche.
Chamish may know a little more about Israel than he does about the Vatican.
Get a life Mosche. A prayer life.
Lord have mercy! Not MORE prayer! I pray in the morning (on my knees).
I pray at night (on my knees – sometimes prostrate – kissing the dirty carpet and hitting my forehead – God says this is necessary because I am so proud and arrogant).
Then I pray several times in the night as I wake – kiss my icons and my Bible…and yet just like you God, keeps telling me it’s not enough!
Hard task masters the both of you.
Glory B.
November 19, 2010 @ 7:02 pm
Regarding your offer to communicate with me via e-mail.
Unfortunately I cannot respond to your request because of personal security concerns.
Christ-deniers don’t take kindly to ex-Jews like me who disclose the dark secrets of Jewry.
Good luck with your search for Jews who have come to know Jesus.
Get a Ju Tube account and communicate through the P.M. system.
Indeed – it can get nasty for “ex-Jews.” Like leaving a crime family IN FACT you have. Literally.
November 18, 2010 @ 10:30 pm
But many Jews are completely innocent!
I have never met an “innocent” Jew. If by “innocent” you mean not knowing what was/is going on.
Jews are extremely proud of the Tribe’s accomplishments.
Admittedly – it is extremely hard to leave and they have my sincere sympathies, but I’m afraid it’s either do a Brother Nathanael and speaking out at least (become a Buddhist if Jesus is too painful). But leave that cult. One way or the other leave it.
And Brother Nathanael – what is it with the extreme amount of sexual abuse against the women and girls (and boys I presume)?
I have never failed to meet a Jewish woman who has not recounted abuse by father or brothers or brothers friends? It is an absolute epidemic.
I have genuine sympathies for those trapped within the cult, but it is time to think about other people – like 1 million+ Iraqis and tens of thousands of Palestinians killed + all the others the world over suffering under Jewish machinations.
Disgusted White Christian and others,
Pollard got caught spying. Israel did 9/11 and we have a police state.
There is a new situation. This is about an American patriot who has been arrested on murder charges and a young Jewish man [who worked with him] who refuses to answer any questions.
Mark Glenn discussed this on his radio show. He got together with the Jewish man Bob Tuskin, rather Bob Tuskin may have tricked him into it, and you can hear the rest on his podcast on 11/19/10.
I am posting here what I posted on his blog in an answer to someone who said he didn’t know about Bob Tuskin. What is important here is to find out what happened to White patriot Ray Powell.
“I know nothing about Bob Tuskin.”
Bob Tuskin is a blogger [theylie.com] and a radio talk show host [truthbetold radio] at Revolution Broadcasting owned by a patriotic American by the name of Ray Powell who has been recently arrested on “murder charges” where the authorities say “he killed” his assistant.
Of course Ray Powell’s assistant is sadly dead but what is not sure is who really killed the assistant knowing well that authorities do frame people who are opposing the tyranny of the Zionist police state and the NWO which Ray Powell courageously did.
I have heard Ray Powell on Revolution Broadcasting when his station participated in an all day show on behalf of “United We Strike. com” which is a global operation aimed at resisting the NWO.
I liked what Ray, Karen, Rick Adams and most other participants had to say and basically Ray was a person who was fighting for our freedom from tyranny like Brother Nathanael while taking a risk with his life and business.
When I heard what happened to Ray all of a sudden I was very concerned for his life, his safety, his future and the future of his business.
Already Edgar Steele, another patriot [a lawyer from Idaho] has been framed for murder charges against his wife [details available on David Duke’s website]. And caring people want to know what happened to Ray Powell, so these questions to Bob Tuskin regarding Ray Powell are out of real concern and not a personal attack on Bob Tuskin or “bashing” him.
Bob Tuskin is faced with an excellent opportunity to speak the truth through his “truth be told” microphone which he so far has not done.
Instead of dealing with the issue with honesty, integrity and courage Bob Tuskin has become defensive. Why?
If my own son/daughter or sibling were in the same situation I would be asking them the same questions that were asked of Bob Tuskin which he failed to answer.
We should all be asking many questions such as whether ADL and SPLC were involved, just like in the case of Edgar Steele; and who else worked at the radio station in addition to Bob Tuskin.
Whether there were any difficulties such as confrontation Ray Powell experienced with the authorities; anyone else or even with Bob Tuskin himself; and who is managing the cash flow and other interests of Ray Powell’s radio station.
We must encourage people to ask questions wherever tyranny is at work if we are truly interested in freedom for ourselves and others instead of just lip service or do we just want to take care of our friends like politicians do?
Pandering to special interests is the same regardless where it takes place. Mark Levin wrote a book on “Liberty and Tyranny” while supporting another war in Iran. Where he is concerned Liberty is for his friend: Israel while Tyranny is for others.
Mark Levin has done nothing for freedom because he is a tyrant himself based on the wrong view he holds about true freedom. If this is the way bloggers and radio hosts want to conduct themselves they are not doing much for freedom and liberties of all.
A blog becomes successful because of everyone that visits the blog and it should be for everyone’s benefit. And everyone benefits from freedom from tyrants and freedom from wrong doers, freedom from deceptive agents and liars regardless of their relationship to us which should not be more important than truth and justice for all for the sake of humanity.
If radio talk show hosts or blogges say they are for humanity fighting Zionist tyranny, their actions should emerge from a higher place where they have compassion for all instead of a selected few.
They are welcome to take care of their friends like politicians do with special favors but don’t criticise the politicians for doing the same. Pandering to AIPAC, taking care of special Jewish interests, interests of Israel, and other similar behaviors of politicians have eroded the freedom of our nation as a whole in addition to personal liberties of each individual.
You are not a true Christian if you allow people to get away with insulting Jesus Christ’s name. I would defend Jesus Christ from all enemies who try to smear Him. It is not simply lip service. It is not an empty promise.
I hope you will try to find out how Edgar Steele has been framed and you will inquire as to what happened to patriot American Ray Powell?
We need to also watch out for the safety of Brother Nathanael and his well-being. Homeland Security, FBI are working with ADL and SPLC and perhaps other Jewish groups to frame charges against people who are speaking against tyranny.