Israel’s Stacked Deck – BrN On Video!
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Israel’s Stacked Deck
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Brother Nathanael @ September 14, 2010
Dear Real Zionist News Family –
As I wrote on the Comments Section of the last RZN article:
A new editor for our local and HIGHLY read newspaper, The Summit Daily, who wishes to assassinate my character, allowed a Jew to write up an OP/ED- FEATURE piece on me — COMPLETE with my Picture –attacking me viciously with lies and slanders.
Under my picture is the heading: “What’s Really Behind Brother Nathanael’s Smile?”
The Jew wrote that I am an “avowed anti-Semite” who wishes for the “eradication of all Jews.” And this is what is behind my smile.
I never once called myself an “anti-Semite” since I have nothing against anyone’s DNA.
And I certainly NEVER called for the “eradication” of all Jews.
But the editor of the paper, wishing to ruin my name here in the County, was very happy to publish LIES about me.
Now, in my own hometown, people are yelling out curses to me, “Hey, you Nazi!” — “Jew Hater!” — “There’s The Anti-Semite!” — etcetera and etcetera. Others, who were once quite friendly to me, are now cold as ice.
But, MOST, are honking and waving to me MORE enthusiastically than ever.
But, the curses really hurt – especially in my own hometown, where simply taking a walk, is liking moving through a highly-charged obstacle course.
Now, last nite, as I was holding high the HOLY CROSS on the median strip in Silverthorne in Summit County — a man rolled down his window and THRUST from his lips a WAD OF SPIT at me.
It’s not so much a violation of my person, BUT, because I wear many Holy Crosses, the man committed SACRILEGE!
Thus, I memorized his License Plate and called the Police in Pursuit of ASSAULT & BATTERY.
The License was Tracked.
This morning I met with a Police Officer to take down my account of the Spitting and I had to identify the man via many Pictures that were presented to me.
The next step is for the Police to contact the offender and question him — I will keep you posted — but while in Boston tomorrow thru Saturday — I am not sure I will be getting updates from the police.
Now this morning, another man, went into a fit of rage and STARTED CURSING ME with FOUL LANGUAGE.
I started making the sign of the Holy Cross ALL OVER HIS face and the man looked absolutely shocked and then ashamed.
The Holy Cross “Humbles the Insolence” of Christ’s enemies” as we chant in the Russian Orthodox Church!
On another Note, I am working hard to GET SOME NATIVITY SCENES up here in town. I have to go through my Lawyer to get it underway.
I am also working on (and might have to use my Lawyer on this one too as the other lawyer from California who originally volunteered services, may not be doing it.)
Soo… PLEASE CONSIDER helping with The Brother Nathanael Foundation With a Donation @
Donations May Also Be Sent TO:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Many THANKS in Advance!
AND – Be Sure To CHECK OUT the Full MENU & PICS @
Much Love In Christ To All Of Our PRECIOUS Real Zionist News Family!
Your Ever +Brother in Christ, Nathanael
Street Evangelism Coming To Boston!
==== September 15-21 2010 ====
I will be leaving for Boston TOMORROW on September 15 for a THREE DAY “Street Evangelism” Effort in Boston MA.
I will be going to the highly populated JEWISH AREA of Brookline, (Yom Kippur that Friday); Harvard Square; AND Downtown Boston right in front of the Federal Reserve Bdlg.
Second, Here is an Interview of me with my dear friend Mark Glenn of Internet fame – In This Pic I Am In Front Of The Federal Reserve Bldg in Boston @
See Street Evangelism Pics @
This first pic is of a Muslim (he was not afraid of the rain) who told me, “Your religion is superior to mine.” He was from Iran @
The next two pics basically show me holding the Cross in the POURING RAIN @ &
AND: Check Out Brother Nathanael “On The Streets” @
Donations May Also Be Sent To:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Many Thanks In Advance!
And PLEASE Pray for Christ’s Protection & His Supply Of Good Success While In Boston.
I will BE GOING BACK to NYC the end of this month as well SINCE the last Street Evangelism Trip to NYC was a ROUSING SUCCESS!
Also, a trip is NOW being planned for the West Coast in November or December.
Much LOVE in Christ to All!
Your +Brother in Christ, Nathanael
These peace talks inevitably stumble over the status of Jerusalem.
Zechariah 12:1 The revelation of the word of the Lord concerning Israel: The Lord – he who stretches out the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth, who forms the human spirit within a person – says:
12:2 “I am about to make Jerusalem a cup that brings dizziness to all the surrounding nations; indeed, Judah will also be included when Jerusalem is besieged. 12:3 Moreover, on that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy burden for all the nations, and all who try to carry it will be seriously injured; yet all the peoples of the earth will be assembled against it.”
Here is some prophetic teaching on this issue.
A Variety of Prophetic Things
When Jacob-Israel blessed his sons in Genesis 48 and 49, he split the Birthright into various parts and divided it up among his sons.
To the sons of Joseph he gave the main portion of the Birthright, including the name Israel and the multiplication of descendants (Gen. 48:16).
To Judah he gave the Scepter (Gen. 49:10).
Levi, along with Simeon, was to be “scattered in Israel” (Gen. 49:7). Simeon was located south of Judah and was eventually absorbed into Judah. Levi was later given the priesthood and had no land inheritance, being scattered throughout the tribes in priestly cities.
Yet Levi’s portion was not clarified until the time of Moses, when the priesthood was established and given to Aaron, the Levite.
The rest of the sons were blessed in more “minor” ways, each having a small piece of the Birthright.
The point is that Jacob’s blessing was the beginning of the “breach” in the Birthright. We usually focus upon the main “breach” between the Scepter and the Birthright (Judah and Joseph), but the Priesthood of Levi was also split from the Birthright.
So to get a more complete picture of the “repair of the breach,” we should not forget the Priesthood.
When Jesus came the first time, He was born in the tribe of Judah and the House of David in order to receive the Scepter. But He was also the high priest after the Order of Melchizedek (Heb. 7:17). In other words, His first coming repaired the breach between the Scepter and the Priesthood.
Melchizedek is a compound Hebrew word. Melchi = King. Zedek = Righteousness. But Zadok was also the priest who took over from Abiathar in the early days of Solomon’s reign (1 Kings 2:35).
Abiathar was the last of the line of Phinehas (Num. 25:11-13), who had been given the priesthood after Aaron died. So the “Zadok” in Melchizedek is the priestly calling, united with the Melchi, “King.”
The original Melchizedek in Genesis 14:18 was Shem, who had received the Birthright from his father, Noah. He built Jerusalem and became its Priest-King. And since he outlived Abraham (according to the genealogy), Abraham himself never received the Birthright, but it was given to his son Isaac when Shem died. Isaac gave it to Jacob, who was given the name Israel, and Jacob-Israel split it up among his sons.
Many years later we find God calling David a priest after the Order of Melchizedek (Ps. 110:4). As a priest, he constructed the Tabernacle of David and was able to approach God and the Ark of the Covenant even as Moses had done before him.
Both Moses and David were priests of the Melchizedek Order, showing the continuing existence of this priesthood even while the Levitical priests ministered at Shiloh and Jerusalem. They were parallel priesthoods.
Jesus then was born of Judah, not qualifying as a Levitical priest, but He too was called as High Priest of the Melchizedek Order. In His coming, He re-united the Scepter with the Priesthood, even as David had done earlier. But this time the unification coincided with the end of Levi’s calling and his expulsion from the priesthood. Melchizedek did indeed replace Levi.
This is what began to repair the breach in the Birthright. It was the reunification of the Scepter and the Priesthood. It would be another 2000 years before the actual Birthright (Sonship) of Joseph would be reunited with the other parts, for it would take a second coming of Christ to facilitate this full repair of the breach.
For this reason, He comes the second time as “Joseph,” with his robe dipped in blood (Rev. 19:13). He comes as Joshua (Yeshua) the Ephraimite to lead us into the Kingdom. At that point, all three main parts of the breached Birthright will be fully united under One Head, Jesus Christ. And with this will come also the smaller bits and pieces that were given to each of the tribes of Israel.
Meanwhile, however, in the last 160 years we have seen the rise of a new theology called Dispensationalism, which is attempting to retain the breaches and divisions in opposition to the Divine Plan.
Those who are of this persuasion actively finance and pray to establish the Levitical priesthood once again with all of its trappings. Christians have financed the materials for a physical temple in Jerusalem to accommodate Levi.
They teach that Jesus Christ will soon return as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, instead of as Joseph. They are content to let Joseph remain forever “lost,” so that the Jews can inherit all things with Hagar-Jerusalem.
This teaching is the last-ditch attempt to set up a Jewish-Ishmaelite kingdom in Jerusalem in opposition to the true Kingdom of Christ. The advocates of this counterfeit kingdom find it necessary to try to prevent the repair of the breach. Once the breach is repaired, the true Kingdom of Christ will win, and the other will be cast out.
Benjamin Fulford’s latest writing (Sept. 13) says that the world rulers are divided in their opinion. Some believe (from their interpretation of Scripture) that they must work to cause a large-scale war that would reduce the world’s population greatly.
That faction wants to “fulfill prophecy” as they see it. The other faction is more secular and wants to prevent that mass destruction from happening.
Fulford says that the secular faction seems to have won the dispute, and that they are planning to set up Jerusalem as an international city for all faiths–i.e., for Judaism, Islam, and Churchianity.
He says the plan is to build a Jewish temple next to the mosque on the old temple site in 2012. As you probably are aware, the mosque is not situated on the site of Solomon’s Temple, but is nearby on the same mount.
It will be interesting to see how far God allows these world rulers to proceed with their plans before they all fail. Their plan is to give Jerusalem to all of the disputing parties, whereas Isaiah 29:7 and 8 says that in the end no one will get it. In Isaiah 29:1-6 tells us that God will lay siege to Jerusalem (“Ariel”) and will bring the city down to the ground. The description sounds much like a nuclear explosion.
Then in verses 7 and 8, God speaks of the armies He is using to lay siege to the city. God works through people, and God makes it clear in verses 1-3 that He is on the side of those laying siege to the city. Yet in the end, it will be like a bad dream, where a hungry man is eating, but when he wakes up, he is still hungry; or when a thirsty man drinks, but when he waked up, he is still thirsty.
The point is that those who lay siege to the city will not inherit it either. No one will get it. They may all have a dream in which they believe they will inherit it, but God says He will cast out the bondwoman and her son.
The bondwoman is Jerusalem, and her “son” is Ishmael on many levels. Galatians 4 makes it clear that those who follow Judaism are Ishmaelites, because they consider old Jerusalem to be their “mother.” But the book of Galatians reveals also the problem of Ishmael in the Church. That occurs when the Judaizers succeed in re-establishing Hagar-Jerusalem as our “mother.”
The first inheritors of Ishmael, however, are the Arab people, for they are the first-born of Ishmael and the oldest “son” of Hagar. Judaism and Judaized Christianity seek to enthrone Ishmael as the inheritor of the promise, not understanding that all they have done in the end is to empower the Arabs.
And then they wonder why Islam is spreading around the world, and why Europe and Britain are becoming more and more Islamic. Now it is moving to take over America.
This trend will continue as long as Christians continue to give their Birthright to Ishmael. They think they are giving it to the Jewish Ishmaelism, but in fact they are empowering the oldest son of Ishmael, the Arabs.
KathJuliane, Father Joe:
Guys, love you both, but you are arguing and going off on a religious or political diatribe again, that Joe Cortina (Correctly) warned, everyone to stay away from on here?
My question to you both, does the Zionist care?
You, him, and me, are nothing but the low end of a caste system, they have now created in the west!
Who cares about these round robins of banter, on either religion or political issues?
Our main mission on here is to enlighten the novelist, or neophyte, to the Zionist’s crimes against humanity, for the last 200 years!
They come on here, and you two are constantly arguing over religious dogma, or politics, they will get bored and leave?
It is that simple: don’t be divided, or divide yourselves for them, that is their number WEAPON, and has been for 200 years!
Greetings in the Lord, +Bro Nathanael,
Truly outstanding, and made my day and somes smiles busting this political bubble. Pithy, factual, to the point with a bouncy load of humor:
“Wait til I unmask this Magician’s Trick, my friends.”
Israhell’s “Partial Moratorium…”. I suppose that is like being only “half-pregnant.”
Love the Poker Game Card Shark and Magician’s Illusion angles of “Stacking the Deck”:
“Dealing from the Bottom,” “Sleight of Hand,” “Setting up the Bluff,” “Distract With The Other Hand To Create the Magical Illusion” implications of the Judeo-Zionists.
A crooked, professional Card Shark always stacks the deck to win the gamble, because for him it is no gamble, and he is a master at disguising his thieving illusion under the mask of an honest gambler.
He capitalizes instead on the fact that most people are of a decent moral character, and that honest card players appreciate a clean game of skill and strategy, whether win, lose, or draw.
Former President Jimmy Carter from this Feb 2006 article, which he has not wavered from his position of recognizing a “DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED” Hamas?
Didn’t ole Bush Junior, preach to us, that his (really Zionist Hawks) wars on Iraq (when they didn’t find any WMDs) and Afghanistan, were for democracy??
Now we flash forward, Hamas is a democratically elected representative of the people, YET WE WILL NOT RECOGNIZE THEM AS SUCH?
Geeh, what happen to the “War for Freedoms” of countries to democratically elect their own representatives, well THAT IS ONLY IF IT DOESN’T INTERFERE WITH THE ZIONIST JEW INTERESTS!
ALL Brother Nathanael Videos Are ARCHIVED @
See you There! +BN
Dear DWC,
If you haven’t noticed for how many years now, each one of the Br. Nathanael’s RZN is a DIATRIBE.
I don’t think telling Joe Cortina that little fact-of-RZN-life will do a bit of good.
As a matter of fact, the greatest, hard-hitting, in-your-face DIATRIBES posted here have BEEN FROM Joe Cortina.
And the Zionist couldn’t care LESS about Br. Nathanael OR Joe Cortina either!
So…where does that leave us?
It’s about HIGH TIME people begin entertaining the notion that SUPERNATURAL INTERVENTION is needed in and for our contemporary World.
Once THAT idea, that notion, that CONCEPT sinks into KathJuliane’s mind and heart – then perhaps I can get her off her anti-Catholic-anything Serbian O’s high horse in order to get HER to understand and (by a Divine Miracle of Grace) —
ACCEPT what the Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Blessed Virgin Mary AS Our Lady of FATIMA told the BISHOPS of her Son’s Church TO DO in order to REALLY and FINALLY defeat these Zionists, Satanists, Illmunists, Masons, Roscicrucians, Hermetic Orders galore all running our World, the Human Race and HER SON’S CHURCH MILITANT here on earth “in the ground”.
Sorry about the ‘DIATRIBE’ vs. the Zionists, etc. 🙂
– +Fr. Joseph
It’s my personal observation that Hamas is by no means innocent either.
I’m sorry but civilians allowing people to launch rockets from their backyard are not “innocent civilians”. Both sides have played dirty.
Regardless of what people think of the above, we need to worry about getting our government to stop funding Israel and fighting wars for them, before we actually get people to take sides of their enemies. That is the first big step.
As far as a “stacked deck” first we need to devalue their favorite preemptive strike card, the dreaded “ANTI-SEMITISM card” (seeing as how Jew bankers devalue our dollars, it’s only fair).
Then we can move on to let Israhell stand on their own to feet without Uncle Sam’s help. Whether they last on their own in a shaky peace with their Arab neighbors or get wiped off the map, I don’t particularly care.
Our main goal as Americans is to break Zionist power.
PLEASE – listen to what DWC said – as frankly – he said it far better than I. He apparently sees exactly the same problem. I KNOW what I’m talking about.
I have done some type of radio TV and journalism for over 40 years and I KNOW what turns people off. Virtually nobody other than clergy themselves want to get involved in detailed religious minutiae.
I had FOUR years of specialized Jesuit education and NOTHING will turn the general reading public of more than proselytizing. This is NOT Sunday School. Bro Nathanael is trying to EDUCATE the reader with FACTS – often UGLY but always TRUE and valuable to know.
His street evangelism he keeps effectively separate from his hard hitting ‘history’ and ‘current events’ delivery. THAT is why he is successful. If you want to destroy the effectiveness and PURPOSE of what we are trying to do here – then continue the turning of every issue into advanced ‘Sunday school classes’.
If this continues – In a month’s time – you will see several dozen hits by only the same 4 or 5 people – regardless of how dynamic Bro’s topics are. IT TURNS PEOPLE OFF – BELIEVE ME IT DOES.
Are you willing to risk destroying the site by tring to prove I’m wrong? I’m talking about REAL LIFE here – the ugly world – the REAL world.
Yes – perhaps I do get into ‘diatribes’ of castigating – because I see it destroying this site.
Bro Nathanael does maybe 5-10% ‘diatribes’ and ALL the rest is pure 100% informative, useful, true priceless valuable information that CAN be acted upon or used to defend similar issues as they arise in your circle of friends associated and encounters.
Not one Biblical quote was mentioned nor even appropriate to Bro’s delivery – yet it always seems to regress to that. IF – Bro Nathanael WANTED you to relate to everything he presents as related to some scriptural relevance he WOULD SAY SO!
For God sake – can’t you see what you are doing? Do I have to BEG you on my knees?
Brother Nathanael you are amazing!..
The UK loves you!..
One Love..
Dear Joe Cortina,
Personally, “I Don’t Give A Flip” about a) What Turns People ON or b) What Turns People Off!!!
Get THIS into your head, ’cause it is a FACTUAL TRUTH OF HUMAN HISTORY!!
GOD took on OUR human nature in the womb of a WOMAN 2,000 years ago – and GOD walked upon this planet earth.
And if GOD, that SAME God Who exercised COMPLETE Authority over His Own Creation, His Winds, His Seas – and He ROSE people from the DEAD – and He CURED incurable diseases – and He CAST OUT DEMONS by the legions – and He REBUKED the Jews of His day – and He changed water in WINE – and He was CRUCIFIED, He DIED, He was BURIED and He ROSE FROM THE DEAD and He ascended into Heaven and He will RETURN to Judge the Living and the dead…
…if RZN readers and visitors are “Turned Off” by THOSE FACTUAL historical TRUTHS….then ‘TOO BAD’.
You have had ENOUGH ‘popsy-whopsy, don’t offend or ‘turn off’ ANYBODY’ social, educational, financial, economic, military, religious and spiritual GARBAGE shoved down YOUR throat and the throats of the rest of our Human Race for the past 50 years!
The problem with you, Joe Cortina, is that YOU DON’T WANT TO WIN THIS WAR VS. ‘THE JEWS’! And neither to the Jesuits. And neither does the Eastern Orthodox Church. And neither does the Vatican. And neither does the Catholic Church. And neither do the 52,000 “Bible-believing” incorporated church organizations throughout our World.
But if you and Br. Nathanael were to MANAGE to get the Bishop of Rome ORDERING the Bishops of the Catholic Church TO DO what the WOMAN of Genesis 3:15 TOLD THEM TO DO – the Collegial Consecration of RUSSIA to her Immaculate Heart – then you’d SEE and HEAR Satan’s HEAD CRUSHED!
And with SATAN’S head CRUSHED – you’d BE DONE WITH your stupid Zhid Zionists, their Masonic goy drones, your Illuminists, your Communists, etc. ONCE AND FOR ALL.
Now if THAT “TURNS YOU OFF,” then you TOO can “leave RZN” – for you are WASTING all of our time and money and are RUNNING AWAY FROM God’s Own Divine Solution and His Own Divine “Final Solution.”
You want POOPSIE-WHOOPSIES here on RZN who DO NOT WANT TO DO that which is REQUIRED to WIN this ‘Spiritual Battle’?
Some ‘Commissioned Officer’!
All of us ‘Folks’ have a big, BIG PROBLEM – and you cowardly shirk away from God’s Own DIVINE SOLUTION because it may “offend” somebody who has never nor will never spare Br. Nathanael a couple of stinkin’ FedRes notes!
Maybe I should just LEAVE by my own accord this time since SO FEW want to REALLY see to it that God’s Divine Will GETS DOWN here on earth.
Let me THINK that over – since I wind up WASTING so much of my personal life and time posting to people who just want to get “Turned On” and NOT “Turned Off”.
Welcome to ‘Woodstock, 2010 Anno Domini ON the Internet here at Br. Nathanael’s “Farm”‘
We’re heading towards a global thermonuclear Third World War JUST AS Our Lady of Fatima indicated and reaffirmed once again as Our Lady of Akita, Japan back in 1973 – and YOU are worried about ‘turning people OFF’ – gimme a break.
What on earth DID you learn from ‘The Jesuits’? Maybe about THE SAME all of these Commissioned US Military Officers – these 0-1 to 0-10 “ZEROES” learned at their respective US Military Academies.
Apparently NOTHING of any real significance in the light of 9-11-2001!
– +Fr. Joseph
Father Joseph, you are missing the point here.
Look at Father Joseph Coughlin, out of Henry Ford’s camp. Like Joe said, he handled this question of Jewish Supremacy just like Bro Nate, with in-your-face facts, not Sunday school preaching!
If me, and you, Father Joe (we are both Roman Catholics as is Joe Cortina) are going to come on here, and start talking about dogmas of the Catholic church, how many hits to this site, you think, Bro Nate will keep getting?
I could guarantee within a week, it would be a half, or a third of what it is now.
Not only would we be doing a disservice to Bro Nate, and his cause, to spread the word on these devils, but you would cripple him FINANCIALLY!
What you could do is just post links to this Catholic info, for those who wish to hypertext over there?
Remember, this is not Brother Nathanael’s Roman Catholic take on the Zionist problem.
He is not even Catholic, he is Eastern Orthodox, yet I never, NEVER hear Bro Nate pushing Eastern Orthodox dogmas or preaching (like Joe Stated) on here.
Remember, Joe came from radio in the Tampa area, he knows the what and the how of MARKETING!
Left Coast Christian, I am not saying I am a big supporter of Hamas, all I am saying is they won a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED place to represent the Palestinian people, and that HAS TO BE RESPECTED.
Kudos to Brother Nathanael, the most sincere fellow I’ve heard in quite some time.
I’d like the Good Brother to post some material explaining away the Communist-Zionist connection.
Anton Lavay, the late of Church of Satan founder was an underground Zionist involved with Irgun-Stern types to help Israel get up on its feet.
Re: +Brother (nay “Father”) Joseph:
This is Brother Nathanael’s site and he pays the bills so he can diatribe all he wants. Brother Nathanael’s reports are informative, productive, and interesting.
Furthermore, Brother Nathanael and Joe Cortina stay on point, which are the Zionist anti-Christ Jew-devils among us.
You, on the other hand, persist in using this comment section to shill for your your own sectarian view with twenty paragraph diatribes at Bro. Nathanael’s expense, that are off topic, and too often attacking other commentors.
This is the Devil’s work.
“It’s about HIGH TIME people begin entertaining the notion that SUPERNATURAL INTERVENTION is needed in and for our contemporary World.”
“When they didn’t find any WMDs ”
Whose word are you taking there? Suitcase nukes, computer nukes, laptop nukes…I believe they are everywhere.
My favorite commentors here:
Fr Joseph
But that’s just me.
It would be a shame to lose Fr Joseph — that guy is a wealth of knowledge, a gushing fountain of knowledge.
Dear Bro. Nathanael,
Thanks for all you do for US.
I hope that you are able to have that guy charged. If anything it will show that hate crimes are not tolerated in your town.
If I was there you could use me as a human shield to take the spit and other abuse. It would be an honor.
Your motto should be “Fear God not the Jews.”
Why? Because it’s my motto. In light of recent history, I’m trying hard not to get it tatooed on my body.
Keep your head high and your mouth roaring.
May God bless you and keep you during your Boston travels, Brother Nathanael!
Love you!
Hope you’ll be able to come to Chicago area soon, please.
Thank you for your commitment and your courage for the cause of Christ.
My prayers are with you.
Sincerely in the Lord Jesus,
There’s obviously a lot of bickering going on here, and I guess some of us are failing to see the difference between discussions that are “RELATED” and what is actually “RELEVANT.”
I confess I say some things that are only borderline relevant but at the very least informative (I have no I idea who’s aware of what). But I feel I keep my posts short.
We should simply have an unwritten rule that if people are going to go off topic, somehow tie it in with the subject at hand, or at the very LEAST keep it short.
This is a site for independent minded people, and I HATE, ABSOLUTELY HATE the idea of banning someone but if it causes number of visitors to go down, we may have to resort to erasing/shortening comments.
Or Brother Nate will have to warn people for blatantly wasting time and space.
As for the trolls, we should not hesitate to put them on temporary time-outs if their stupidity calls for it.
Hello, Brother Nathanael and RZN “family.”
I feel I must comment on the “In-fighting” on BrN site here. Some of these attacks seem somewhat personal. Maybe, they weren’t meant to be? It’s kind of disappointing when Brother N. views us/you as “a family” — he always says that.
The first time/things I wrote on this blog were criticized by one person. I did not even reply to his criticism, because I knew what I said was the un-PC Truth…No need to respond to him.
But, It did make me think twice before commenting again recently…and only in Brother Nathanael’s interest about what was being said about his “Jewishness” on another blog.
Furthermore, I have learned from the posts on here from many, especially KathJuliane (love that name) and Fr. Joseph (who always shows the most noble of the Catholic Religion in his comments)…Please don’t stop commenting, both of you!!
In ending:
And these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the Greatest of these is Love.
= 1 Corinthians 13:13
Love in Christ Jesus,
Oh, and by the way, I’m criticising no one.
Joe Cortina seems like a good man with a rather “fiery” spirit…a Warrior? I would suggest to Joe to read again about Apostle James in the NT Bible. (He had great inner strength, but was “measured”.)
I like that Brother Nathanael is so straight-forward in his manner of presentation.
Brother Nathanael, those who persecute you will have to pay for their crimes against you. By the True God, I am witness of this in my own persecutions by others for being who I am.
Look just how organized these people are already…..
“Kitat Konenut New York is run and trained by veterans of the Israel Defense Forces and incorporates elite Israeli fighting skills.”
Duke Mantee,
When you have 70,000 people ALL simultaneously seeing and experiencing a SUPERNATURAL EVENT that ONLY GOD HIMSELF can cause – and that Supernatural Event is reported by ALL the major European newspapers in EVERY LAST European capitol city – then the APPARITIONS of the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY as OUR LADY OF FATIMA is not some ‘only for Roman Catholics’ INFORMATION!
When the bogus, fake and staged 9-11-2001 “Arab Terrorist” attacks occurred, those TELEVISED IMAGES were SHOVED DOWN YOUR THROAT time after time after time – and the Jewish-controlled Media here in the USA (and for that matter, in the OTHER nations-states of our World) WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO ‘FORGET IT’!
But “forget Our Lady of Fatima” – THAT you and everyone else here are SO QUICK to want to do IN COMPLIANCE WITH and PER THE WISHES of Satan, his elemental demonics, and those practicioners of the Kabbalah-Zohar with their Babylonian Talmuds and their private ownership of the Central Banks of our WORLD (save for remaining Iran and North Korea)!
You’re a “troll” as far as I am concerned.
– +Fr. Joseph
And one other FINAL thing, Duke Mantee…
“I PAID MY ‘DUES'” – and I “claim my RIGHT” to speak out and speak my mind HERE on RZN.
I spent THOUSANDS of my own wage-earners Federal Reserve Notes INFORMING others, Governmental Officials, Military Officers, Religious Leaders (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and yes, MOSLEM) leaders, media outlets, newspaper editors, FBI Field Offices, US Attorneys, US State Governors, Sheriffs all across the USA, Lawyers and Law Firms/Organizations, NGO’s, Mayors of US cities, the City Govermental officials of those US cities, Educators, Labor Unions and the list GOES ON that
9-11-2001 was an INSIDE JOB!
I INFORMED Military Officers to NOT send wave after wave of US ARMED FORCES PERSONNEL, US Army Soldier and US Marines into areas SATURATED with spend Depleted Uranium munitions!
You and your “poopsy-whoopsy”, don’t tell me about YOUR stinkin’ Catholic Chrisitan Church’s FAITH and her Moral Theology about caring for your fellow US citizens and doing those things vitally necessary for THE NATION-STATE you live in and its welfare and well-being as a RESPONSIBLE US citizen.
YOU will most assuredly DIE too some day, right along with every last living human soul created in the Image and Likeness of God Himself here on planet earth. And then there IS Divine Judgement.
GOD is going to ask every last Catholic, every last ORTHODOX, every last Protestant, every last Moslem, every last Hindu, every last Buddhist, every last Mason, every last Khazarian-Kabbalah-Zohar-Talmud JEW, every last Pagan, every last Atheist, every last Deist, every last Theist
While we are deeply worried with the destiny of the “white Christian America,” in other parts of the world the Jews and their Evangelic lackeys continue unabated in their quest for the complete destruction of remnant Christianity.
Stones are being shipped directly from Hebron, Israel to be used in the building, where according to Edir Macedo, the mega satanic founder of the fringe “Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus” claims that it will be a meeting place for all those that believe in God, be it Jewish, Christian, etc.
God please forgive us!
Category: News and Politics
Dear Real Zionist News Family!
Okay, I am in the sunny city of Boston,,, Yeah!
It’s now 3:15 PM and I will be heading to the “Street” in just a few minutes.
Do KEEP me in your prayers everyone for a successful “evangelism” effort here in Boston.
I just want you ALL to know that our precious Real Zionist News Family is a Great source of comfort to me at all times and especially when I am out travelling by my ‘little ol lonesome self.’
I will be giving a FULL report later tonite God willing, or sometime tomorrow as time allows.
ALSO – please know that because of intense time constraints I have employed a “moderating team” to deal with all of the comments.
I am not happy about the “bickering” as we MUST conduct ourselves with Christian charity.
When it comes to the ENEMIES of Christ, we MUST speak the truth, but as St Paul instructed us, “to speak the Truth in love.”
I do, to the best of my ability, try to remain conscious of this teaching.
God Bless You All! Your +BROTHER in Christ, NATHANAEL
So let us NOW focus on ‘Marketing’ degrees and ‘MASS MARKETING’.
So I, too, have my business degree in business management and MARKETING. Shoot, I’m but several University courses and a Doctoral Thesis paper SHY of earning my own “Ooohh-Lah-Lah You’re A Big Man On Campus And In U.S. Society’ PH.D. in International Business. One NEEDS such a ‘Ph.D.’ in order to RUN a National or International “LEMONADE STAND”!
I could then don my ‘Three Piece Suit’, get hauled around “with trumpets blaring announcing my arrival” in a posh stretch limousine – and the people on the sidewalks would then BOW DOWN and KISS MY FEET, sucking up to me in order to obtain my “notice” with their unspoken hopes of Doing a little “crony capitalism FAVOR” for them! (laughing-out-loud-to-myself)
And to think that many years ago, I was actually going TO APPLY to work with the C.I.A. as an international economics analyst with a PALTRY starting salary of $80,000. Why go work for the C.I.A. when you can go work for ANY of the ‘Cheatem, Fleecem and Ripemoff’ WALL STREET Banking and Financial GIANTS like Goldman-Sachs!
Or better yet, get a job in the ‘Regulatory Hierarchy’ of NASDAQ under one very Jewish Bernie MADOFF – make my “U.S. Taxpayer Subsidized” millions or billions – WIRE TRANSFER the ‘Hot Money’ to ISRAEL and then, FLEE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
So you want to talk about APPLY one’s own ‘BUSINESS MARKETING DEGREES’ and doing something REAL and of SUBSTANCE with the Brother Nathanael Foundation.
Get Br. Nathanael’s entire collection of RZN videos and ALL of his RZN articles into but TWO nice and neat ‘Professionally Appearing’ PACKAGES.
You get EVERYONE who is on ‘The Board’ of the Brother Nathanael Foundation to all meet and assemble in NEW YORK CITY.
The ENTIRE ‘Executive Board of Directors’ of the Brother Nathanael Foundation then simply WALK OVER TO
1) 15 East 97th Street, New York, NY 10029
2) 1011 First Avenue, New York, NY 10022
and you DELIVER those BNF/RZN Videos and Articles to these TWO PERSONS at
15 East 97th Street, New York, NY 10029:
1011 First Avenue, New York, NY 10022:
THEN, in order TO PLEASE one KathJuliane, you get KATHJULIANE to print up, assemble and PERSONALLY CONTACT so as to PERSONALLY DELIVER those BNF/RNZ Video and Articles packages to:
Now that EVERYONE on ‘The Executive Board of Directors’ of the BROTHER NATHANAEL FOUNDATION knows what TO DO at long last:
All of the rest of you TROLLS and DETRACTORS and verbally abusive so-called ‘CONTRIBUTORS’ of mine to these commentary sections either COUGH UP THE BUCKS needed for this Spiritual MILITARY Assault and Spiritual COUNTER-ATTACK vs. these Kabbalah-Zoharin’ Zionists – or you SHUT UP, GO AWAY and GET OFF my ‘Aching Catholic Christian’ BACK’!
“LEAD – FOLLOW – OR GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!” – A common United States Air Force’s NCO’s “barking admonishment” to his subordinates
– +Fr. Joseph
Now everyone here on RZN —
And, for that matter, throughout our entire World, KNOWS FULL WELL that Br. Nathanael’s RZN website is regularly and constantly monitored by Israelis, Mossad agents, Zionists of every manner, type, sort and description.
IF the ‘Board of Directors’ of the Brother Nathanael Foundation were to PUBLICLY ANNOUNCE their full intention of making ALL of Br. Nathanael’s VIDEOS and ALL of his researched and documented articles personally delivered INTO the hands of
1) The Most Reverend Justinian, Archbishop of Naro-Fominsk at NEW YORK CITY’S St. Nicholas Cathedral, and
2) Arcbishop Timoty Dolan at NEW YORK CITY’S World-Famous St. Patrick’s Cathedral
that will CAUSE the Jewish controlled media outlets – and they are MANY – here in NEW YORK CITY and SURROUNDING very, VERY populous NYC/NJ region – to come out RELENTLESSLY VICIOUS against BOTH the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.
(Shoot, the very Jewish radio-talk show personality Michael Savage is ALREADY spewing venom and stirring up ‘The Goys’ vs. Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to the UK and against the Pope’s associated “instutionalized religion”.)
MIGHT AS WELL GET THIS SPIRITUAL WAR AND COMBAT OUT IN THE OPEN, GOING FULL BORE, IN THE SIGHT OF EVERYONE! Catholics, Orthodox, Protestant, Evangelicals, Moslems, Jews, Hindus, etc. instead of allowing this JEWISH-ZIONIST SPIRITUAL CANCER to spread out into and throughout the ENTIRE population of the United States of America UNCHECKED, UNADDRESSED and UNANSWERED!
The Jewish controlled MSM here in the NYC/NJ area will undoubtedly have to conjure up some DIRT vs. the Russian Orthodox Church here in the USA such as its having ‘secretive spying relations’ with PUTIN and MEDVEDEV and Patriarch Kirill.
And the Jewish controlled MSM here in the NYC/NJ area will have to undoubtedly conjure on several full length, commerical free, documentaries and/or ‘exposes’ of Archbishop Dolan COVERING UP Catholic priest sexual scandals there in the Boroughs of New York City as well as throughout the State of New York.
Got to try to do SOMETHING to prevent these Satanic-Illuminists-Kabbalah-Zohar-goy Masonic groups from launching their thermonuclear Third World War, thus giving the average-Joe and average-Jane a FIGHTING CHANCE to avail themselves to Christ Jesus’ Own Church Militant’s NEW COVENANT SACRAMENTS!
– +Fr. Joseph
The Zionists laugh at us while we bicker amongst ourselves.
A united, gentile Christian political front is what they never want to see.
1950’s America is what they hate, and they sold their subversive bull as social dogma to degrade the moral integrity of the masses into the pinko, hippie scum of 1960’s and onward.
That’s why they use all these politically correct soundbites/brainwashing in the media and promote all these divisive agendas in order to divide, rip off, and conquer from the majority.
Let’s not play their game any longer. Let’s step out of the politically correct paradigm of mental enslavement.
The hippie movement was the result of the Zionist Jews’ dismantling of the social order.
It was an organic, real movement. At the grassroots level it was an almost matrifocal-centered society for love and peace and all good things, but was naive.
Left alone it was easy prey for the Zionist control freaks and social planners. If the people had found their own way, without the Zionists and their social-deviate flunkies to exploit the hippies, their message of love might have gained a foothold.
The Zionist is a parasite on the body politic.
Here it comes folks.
Navy to test its ability to vaccinate masses in a pandemic
The Virginian-Pilot
© September 15, 2010
It may be part of an exercise, but have no doubt: The needles in this simulated pandemic flu scenario are real. And so are the deltoids of thousands of sailors to be immunized in coming days as part of a test of the Navy’s capacity to “surge” huge quantities of vaccines to its work force.
Every military exercise gets a name, typically by shortening key words and condensing the spaces between them. The first phase of PANFLUEX – short for pandemic flu exercise – begins today, when nurses and corpsmen from Portsmouth Naval Medical Center will fan out to local military medical clinics. Their goal is to vaccinate about 6,000 “mission essential personnel” within 48 hours.
“Primarily, the first part of the exercise is getting health care workers vaccinated,” said Rebecca Perron, a spokeswoman for the medical center. “If it were the real thing, we would get 60,000 doses and have 48 hours to administer them.”
Because this is the first time medical center personnel are attempting such a large-scale, real-world exercise, she said, they’re doing the immunizations in batches over the coming weeks.
Ultimately, some 60,000 active duty personnel working at shore commands will receive flu vaccines as part of PANFLUEX. That’s a little less than half the doses the medical center plans on administering this year. The rest will go to military family members.
Those flu shots will be available later this month, Perron said. Family members will not be immunized as part of the exercise.
In the exercise’s three final phases, medical personnel won’t wait for patients to come to them. Corpsmen and nurses will head to local bases and commands and set up miniature clinics. They will attempt to inoculate 20,000 people in a 24-hour period.
Sailors assigned to local ships will get their flu shots from their ships’ medical departments and are not part of the exercise, Perron said.
USSA Today:
Amen, my friend, you just summed it all up right there!
“The Zionists laugh at us while we bicker amongst ourselves.”
“A united, gentile Christian political front is what they never want to see.”
“1950’s America is what they hate, and they sold their subversive bull as social dogma to degrade the moral integrity of the masses into the pinko, hippie scum of 1960’s and onward.”
Man that is good and precise! Right to the point, without any Gettysburg Address length post!
I wish Hoff comes on this thread, and reads it, a couple of little paragraphs and you encapsulate their protocol for America this last century.
I only wish I would of posted it, absolutely BRILLIANT though!
Thanks for the encouraging comments DWC
God bless you brother!
Let’s be succinct, make our various points, and fight this cursed NWO to the last man standing.
Damn the NWO into hell where it came from!
Christ is God, not the Pharisaic global political plantation system of politics/NWO.
Interesting documentary on vilification of Arabs by Hollyweird-
Soros Attacks Again
by Jeff Davis
Billionaire leftist George Soros is at it again. Infowars reports: “George Soros and the foundation left have launched a website designed to go after the growing Tea Party movement. will post video interviews and blog entries gathered by folks on the false left who never grow weary of demonstrating their outrage over the very idea of a grassroots political effort overthrowing establishment Democrats and Republicans in the district of corporate criminals.”
Apparently Soros disapproves of the largely White, right-wing Tea Party movement.
Much of the left wing activism is carefully staged for the sake of achieving some goal for Gays or minorities.
Maybe Leftists don’t understand that the Tea Party is a genuine grass roots organization.
Folks like Soros seem to think that all political activism is carefully organized by wire-pullers behind the scenes.
Infowars goes on: “ will be sponsored by the NAACP, Think Progress, New Left Media and Media Matters for America.
Think Progress is a George Soros operation connected to John Podesta’s Center for American Progress. Podesta is Clinton’s former chief of staff.
Media Matters for America is the brainchild of a MoveOn consultant and Podesta’s Center for American Progress. Soros is a major supporter of MoveOn.
On July 13, the NAACP unanimously passed a resolution repudiating the Tea Party for alleged racism.
The resolution followed accusations that the Tea Party had accosted members the Congressional Black Caucus as they traipsed the district of criminals mall on their way to vote for Obamacare, a grand larceny scam cooked up by large corporations.
‘Civil rights icon John Lewis was spit on, while Congressman Emanuel Cleaver was called the ‘N’ word and openly gay Congressman Barney Frank was called an ugly anti-gay slur,’ a press released issued by the NAACP claims.
On April 1, provided evidence that protesters in fact did not spit on Missouri Democrat Emanuel Cleaver nor did they hurl racial epithets at members of the Congressional Black Caucus.”
Sometimes we may wonder just what the much-discussed Jewish world conspiracy looks like in real life. George Soros might be called the public face of that conspiracy.
Obviously the thought of a genuine grass roots movement in opposition to the Obama regime, comprised mostly of White people, is something the Jews have decided in their wisdom that we are not to be allowed.
Soros made his fortune as a stock speculator, so it would seem that he would be fervently pro-capitalist.
And yet Soros has been the money man behind countless ultra-left causes and movements down through the decades, especially those aimed at transforming the United States into a multi-racial Marxist welfare state. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!
It is, of course, purely coincidental that this billionaire who seems intent on repaying the country that so richly rewarded him by transforming it into a Third World garbage heap is a Jew. Of course it is.
Look at those eyes (Soros): beady, just like a snake, right from hell!
Street Evangelism Report!
Okay everybody.
I’m back now in my hotel room from the Streets of Boston putting in a good 4 hours of hard work on the MEDIAN STRIP of JEWISH Brookline, 10 minutes outside Boston Proper with TONS of both car and walking traffic.
As soon as I started holding HIGH the HOLY CROSS Of Our Saviour, two Irish Catholic officers of the Brookline Police drove by and started HOLDING HIGH THEIR FISTS in HONOR OF THE HOLY CROSS!
Then in the midst of Jews and every race and color under the sun, other Irish Catholics started yelling out GOD BLESS YOU and parking their cars to take pictures with me.
Most of the Jews were giving me nasty looks and one Jew (my reputation for censoring the enemies of Christ is getting very well known these days), rolled down his window and yelled out, “Brother Nathanael Sucks!”
I just laughed and made the sign of the Cross over him which “humbles the insolence of Christ’s foes” as we chant in our Orthodox Churches.
Then a man with a very professional look and a very expensive large camera started taking many different shots of me for about 30 minutes.
Finally, he approached me and told me he was from the Boston Globe and iterviewed me. He said he wants to have my pics and story published in the Globe.
Many young people came up to me asking to explain more of my message and I got a chance to share my love for Christ with them.
A Jewish man in his 50s (I just turned 60 so I have “seniority”) came up and said he was glad to see me and appreciates the work I am doing,
It turned out that he was a very secularized Jew and found my work to be quite inspiring,
He was in a hurry so I hope he returns tomorrow so I can share his MESSIAH, the Lord Jesus with him.
About 30 minutes later a nice looking woman approached me and introduced herself to me as a “reader of all my articles on Real Zionist News” and was from Germany visiting Boston.
It was THRILLING to meet her! She said she was going to send a donation in the mail to me BUT since she just happened to see me in person she gave to me a very generous donation right there on the Street!
I was just about to call it a night, when 3 boys in the early teens walked by going to synagogue (this is Yom Kippur week for the Jews).
These three Jewish boys were obviously Hasidic boys – with their long “paisos” (curly sideburns” and wearing prayer shawls and long fringes attached to their vests JUST LIKE THE PHARISEES that Christ condemned with their long phylacteries.
I made the sign of the Cross in a very friendly “Blessing” way over each one of them.
I did NOT like this.
So I went up to them and told them that they MUST embrace Christ as their MESSIAH and began quoting the Torah to them which PREDICTED Who the Messiah would be and that He would conquer death.
A woman observing all of this became “indignant” and started yelling at me for “pushing my religion” on these 3 Jews.
I IGNORED HER YELLING and kept on QUOTING HOLY SCRIPTURES to these 3 young Jewish Pharisees.
That’s it!
Tomorrow morning I go back to Brookline for morning Rush Hour, then downtown Boston, then Harvard Square, then back to Brookline for evening Rush Hour.
PLEASE keep me in your prayers!
The Brother Nathanael Foundation is SPONSORING this Street Evangelism Trip and all future trips planned as well (Back to NYC soon; hopefully Chicago soon; UCLA; St Louis; and Monterey Cal.)
Soo… PLEASE CONSIDER helping with The Brother Nathanael Foundation With a Donation TO KEEP ON SPREADING THE WORD @
Donations May Also Be Sent TO:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Many THANKS in Advance!
God Bless Our Real Zionist News Family!
Your +Brother in Christ, Nathanael
Wow- +Brother N in Boston. What a witness!
To Left Coast Christian September 14, 2010 @ 3:18 pm who says;
~~It’s my personal observation that Hamas is by no means innocent either. I’m sorry but civilians allowing people to launch rockets from their backyard are not “innocent civilians”. Both sides have played dirty.~~
the following needs be said;
There were no rockets or mortars fired by Hamas onto Israel during Operation Cast Lead 08/09. Likewise during the assault on Lebanon Jul/Aug06, there were no Katyusha or Grad rockets fired by Hezbollah onto Israel.
During those assaults I paid particular attention to ALL the tv and net video made available by IDF psyops, and draw the solid conclusion that it was ALL faked, both the missiles and the alleged damage – there was no ordnance of any kind thrown by either Hamas or Hezbollah.
There was an incident which inadvertantly revealed that there indeed were no missiles of any kind being launched by Hamas out of Gaza into southern Israel during Operation Cast Lead.
In Jan09 throngs of Israelis as war tourists went to Parash Hill – which is nearer northern Gaza than allegedly much bombed Sderot, and they partied to music, having as refreshment hot and cold drinks laid on, while watching not 2kms away over the border into Gaza, huge plumes of earth erupting at the impact of 250-500lb IAF bombs.
There they were, the war loving Israelis, smiling bemusedly, standing fully out in the open, certain that not even a humble bullet would zing into them from a long range pot shot of perhaps 2kms – rifle bullets of this kind easily go the distance and beyond for lethality, though not accuracy.
One of gawkers remarked at the IAF bombing display to her front that `it was a bit Nazi.’
This at the precise time we dumb goys (so they think) were being regaled daily of the `thousands of Qassam rockets` being fired on southern Israel by Hamas.
Right now (15/9) the IAF has responded – so it says, to rocket attacks from Gaza.
Knowing their routine lies I categorically reject any such claim.
The Masonic temple is built with the spit of the Jews.
And Zionism, once germinated spreads out from there under the guise of money to throttle the leaders of the world in its embrace to bring down western culture.
Even as it advances and multiplies so that the flowering maturity of Christian civilization emerges not in beauty, with pristine dappling but dabbled in rust and rot.
But it need not, for not all the world is corrupted, not all the Jews, not all their enemies, not all the flowers in the field.
And the landowner cometh riding a white horse, he has his hreshing tool in his right hand and the flowers free of blight he plucks and lights the rest with fire.
Give until it hurts.
Keep it up BN.
God bless you,
Michael Mazur,
You’re right. Your quote to LCC, it was Hezbollah, not Hamas.
Also, of those rockets fired, very few Jews were killed, compared to almost 1300 Palestinian victims, mostly INNOCENT women and children, from Israel’s raids.
In which Israel used phosphorous bombs, which have been banned by the world community.
Of course IsraHell doesn’t have to follow any bans or UN treaties. They are a kingdom all unto themselves, and answer to no one.
We saw that with the Flotilla raid, earlier in the year.
That’s some excellent news-the gospel of Christ being shared.
I’m praying for the salvation of souls in Boston.
May the peace of the Lord be with you as you testify about the Eternal Son of God and Savior of the World — The Lord Jesus Christ.
Re: Sao Palo Solomons Temple.
Just another Masonic temple. Nothing to worry about.
All Masonic temples will be destroyed.
Actually it looks nothing like Solomon’s Temple.
The greater Gods patience and forebearance the greater will his retribution be.
All evil must be revealed before the day of Judgement.
We have had clear warning for the whole history of Christianity about these days so there is really no excuse for the learned and the ignorant alike.
The ignorant will receive like warning as well as the learned with great things in stall for mankind in the coming few years.
This is a hard time, albeit a time of grace.
We will be judged, but after the judgement comes peace, we hope, then everlasting life.
They stoned the prophets of old for prophesying judgement upon Israel and its destruction.
They stone the prophets today for prophesying judgement upon Babylon and its destruction.
“…… nothing new under the sun.”
As Solomon himself said so eloquently in his time.
Dear +Brother Nathanael,
What is happening to you now is only the beginning of events that may become worse and it truly breaks my heart.
I personally suffered some verbal abuse in comments posted on 3AW radio in Melbourne in regards to Israeli attack on the humanitarian flotilla but the written words couldn’t hurt me.
I was glad to pass on some of yours and other RZN members comments for all to read including the links.
I still do it on My Space, Facebook and Shtyle with one desire on my mind – to make more people aware.
Some are very interested and some a very rude, yet who can hurt me when I’m home?
But when I think of you being exposed to danger out there on the streets of American cities goose bumps crawls on my skin.
Brother Nathanael, we need YOU HERE to run this website and your foundation. I just cannot imagine anyone else should (God forbid!) anything happened to you.
We all admire your courage, but PLEASE!, take care.
May God always watch over you.
Michael Mazur, DWC
I wasn’t aware it was yet ANOTHER false flag attack, and am happy to be proven wrong.
Either way for every one Israeli death, (regardless of who’s responsible) it gives them even greater excuse to come down on the Palestinians even harder.
Brother Nathanael,
That behavior from those Jew boys is repulsive.
If you ever come to the Left Coast I will happily volunteer to be your bodyguard.
In the mean time I recommend you learn Krav Maga, a self defense system, it’s what I’m gonna learn for the upcoming Zionist Police State (ironically Krav Maga is what the israelis teach the Mossad)
Dear Joe Cortina,
If you have possibly noticed, you will see, that I have stopped putting oil in this fire of denominational arguments. For the sake of Br. Nathanael’s, cause. So in this respect I have already agreed with you in PRACTICE. No need to convince me.
But make no mistake, IT MATTERS more that you know, whether you are Roman Catholic, Some kind of Protestant, or Orthodox Christian. It matters on a personal level and it matters for your SOUL. And that means, that in terms of our struggle, it also matters.
And my personal prediction, is that for those who are still alive when it all becomes truly BAD, this question will resurface and you ALL will have to reconsider this…
And as you put it, trust me I know what I am talking about too!!!! We both know what we are talking about, on different matters.
And don’t worry, I am not going to step into the trap of responding to others arguments against what I write here. My opinions, and answers can be found in the archived comments sections in this site.
Hola Charlie,
You may be right, this Solomon Temple might be Masonic in aspect (remember that Freemasonry is deep into Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah and Zohar).
The problem is not the temple itself but its meaning — exalting the Old Covenant, the Jews and the same Pharisees types that spat on Br. Nathanael and the Holy Cross.
Do not forget that was one of “Bishop’s” Edir Macedo “pastors” that publicly desecrated an image of the Blessed Mother of God, as represented by the “Virgen de Aparecida” protector of Brasil.
The problem, Charlie, seems to me a far reaching ‘ecumenism’ much more sinister in object and intent that the one being promulgated by the Post-Conciliar Catholic Church.
Those fringe but immensely rich evangelic ‘churches’ preach an insane theology of spiritual reciprocity, in which God will fulfill human material desires in exchange of material sacrifices(‘dízimo’a word derived from latin 1/10th equivalent to tithe in English and diezmo in Spanish).
And each and every evangelical mass, called a ‘cult,’ profusely make use of Jewish propaganda in the form of Old Testament reading, re-telling deeds and adventures of the Jews of old, asking many times blessing for the them.
Now, a replica of Solomon’s Temple in our lands is completely out of our religious and cultural traditions.
It is being built lavishly with the scarce money of deluded, poor, desperate people.
And will cleanly perform its ultimate objective that is to diminish, mix, detract and negate Jesus Deity.
I share your contempt for church teaching that talks about tithing in exchange for God giving people material “blessings.”
It’s sick, self-serving.
It’s nowhere in the New Testament.
And the Jesus Christ-rejecting, money controlling, Jews love it.
They can thus control human behavior by giving people money who stupidly think it is coming from God who his “blessing” them.
It’s sick, scary and dangerous and ever prevalent in the U.S.A.
Might I try to get ALL OF YOU to think about, dwell on, mull over, bounce-around in your CHRISTIAN minds and hearts this very simple inner ‘spiritual image’:
Back on September 11, 2001, via a ‘FIAT OF THE STATE’ and widely distributed and promoted by every last form and outlet of manifold forms of the Mass Media here in and throughout our United States of America, a “National Public Emergency” was declared.
That “National Public Emergency”, that ‘FIAT OF THE STATE’ was a Public Declaration that THE WEATHER all across the United States of America was now ‘DOOMED’ to be constantly, perpetually, and without any let up possible RAINY-DRIZZLY and FOGGIE-OVERCAST.
And on account of this ‘WEATHER EMERGENCY,’ every last person here in the USA, be he/she/they US citizens or NOT, would be REQUIRED to carry about them an UMBRELLA all the time and have it DEPLOYED at every moment while outside.
For NINE YEARS, millions upon millions of CHRISTIANS here in the United States of America CONSTANTLY and CONSISTENTLY ‘OBEYED’ this ‘Fiat of the State’ and this declared ‘National Emergency’.
The CHRISTIAN Church’s Patriarchs, Metropolitans, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Abbesses, Prior Generals of EVERY last Religious Order, all of the Parish Priests;
All the the many Pastors, Preachers, Teachers and Leaders of any and ALL OTHER religious groups, organizations, associations and institutions and EVERY LAST MEMBER of their particular Church, Sect, Denomination, etc. would ‘go to church’ WITH their fully deployed UMBRELLAS day in and day out, week in and week out, month in and month out, year in and year out.
And DESPITE THE PLAIN FACT that there was NO CONSTANT RAIN-DRIZZLE and NO CONSTANT FOG-OVERCAST, these same ‘U.S. CHRISTIANS’ would go into and come out of their ‘Houses of Worship’ throughout the entire United States of America with their DEPLOYED UMBRELLAS.
And when the Patriarchs, Metropolitans, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, Religious, Clergy and rank-and-filed of the LAITY and MEMBERS of these vast arrays and types of “parishes” and “houses of worship” were ASKED:
‘Why do all of you USE/DEPLOY those UMBRELLAS coming and going to your particular ‘religious/worship services’ when you ALL SEE that there is NO RAIN, that there is NO DRIZZLE, that there is NO FOG and that there is NO OVERCAST SKIES on it being PLAINLY EVIDENT TO ONE-AND-ALL THAT THE SUN IS BRIGHLY ALIT ABOVE ALL OF YOUR HEADS?’…
…There only has been, is and will continue to be…
The PLAINLY-IN-YOUR-FACE-EVIDENCE is all over the US ‘Public Domain’ showing and proving that 9-11-2001 was NOT an ‘Arab Terrorist’ attack, but rather an INSIDE JOB.
And ALL of the ‘CHRISTIANS’ throughout and all across the United States of America MAKE PUBLIC FOOLS OF THEMSELVES AND THEIR ‘HOUSE OF WORSHIP’ AND THEIR ‘FAITH’ by DEPLOYING/USING UMBRELLAS because THE STATE and the US MEDIA has “ordered them all” into adopting and adhering to such STUPID, FOOLISH, LACKING-ANY-SENSE, INSANE BEHAVIOR!
– +Fr. Joseph
Bro Nathanael,
Your Boston testimony is absolutely thrilling!
The good always will outweigh the bad.
My prayer for you:
Lead Bro Nathanael by the garden path…
Where roses sprout their wings.
Dust him with the holy pollen
That causes his spirit to spring
And leap around,
And not rebound
From the beauty of Your presence…
Fill him, as the fragrant flower,
With the glory of Your essence.
Lead Bro. Nathanael by the garden path…
To the heart-scape of Yeshua.
Pull up the weeds all around
That live to deter renewal,
Set his heart straight
Toward heaven’s gate,
Where acceptance is anticipated…
Shower down the tasty manna,
What alone can keep him sated.
Lead Bro. Nathanael by the garden path…
As a Lover leads His beloved.
Spread the petals of holiness
Amidst worldly push and shove.
Silence all doubt,
And move about
The plot of clay that is he…
For his heart yearns in silence,
To stroll arm in arm with Thee.
Hvt—absolutely beautiful!!
Consumed in truth and beauty!!
To all others: I am not a Catholic, I am not Orthodox, but am a departed Methodist and a vibrant believer in Jesus Christ!!
I am a Constitutionalist who fervently believes in freedom of religion for:
I am a white Christian American who believes who believes in “white” as a factor in the selection of the political process but not the dominant factor! Constitutionalist American is the dominant factor!
Zionist Jews are the ENEMY!
They are the murderous scum filth of planet earth. Israel is the murderous scum nation state of this world! if we can’t set aside petty religious bickering then we play right into the hands of this SCUM ZIONIST FILTH!!
And I am sure they smile with their obnoxious grin!
Dear RZN Family and Brother Nathanael,
COMMAND the Angels to go out and PROTECT Brother Nathanael on each and every Street Mission that he does.
(It Works if you are “pure of heart”/”well” with the Lord.)
You must first pray for forgiveness of your sins in the precious blood of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You are So Wonderful, Brother Nathanael! God Bless your Beautiful Soul and Spirit.
@ Fr. Joseph…
I’m sure your are familiar with the “SERENITY PRAYER” aren’t you? Theres nothing at our level in society that we can do about 9-11-01. Nothing, its just not going to happen.
You recently brought up that we are in need of “supernatural intervention” on a recent post here on RZN. It may be that that has already occured across the nation, what else can explain such a grand lack of interest/action in what happened that day.
Something about “things and principalties that we know not of” comes to mind.
I’ve come to the conclusion that if whats happening today in our world is of our LORD’S WILL, well then there is really nothing ANY of us can do to stop it, now is there? It’s not part of the plan he’s put in motion.
On the other hand though if it isnt his WILL, well then he’ll deal with it all in his own good time and manner.
In the mean time I for one CHOOSE NOT TO DWELL on such a horrible event.
I hope Brother Nathaneal is having a wonderful time out in Boston. In the fresh air, waving at people and having fun spreading the good word.
IF the Catholic Church here in the USA and ALL of the Eastern Orthodox Churches here in the USA and ALL of the Protestant churches here in the USA and ALL of the ‘Bible-believing Evangelical’ churches here in the USA —
Will NOT publicly come out to announce to their “own flocks” and to the people in their neighborhoods, cities, and States that THE STATE and the Jewish owned-controlled MSN is NOT ‘GOD’! —
And if they DO NOTHING to make ‘Public Knowledge’ that the 9-11-2001 so-called ‘ARAB’ terrorist attacks were an INSIDE JOB pulled off by dual-citizenship Israelis and their Zionist counterparts, then this is going to happen…
THE STATE controlled by these dual-citizeship Israelis and their Zionist co-conspirators will use the POWERS OF THE STATE to
1) promote the universal idea that there is NO SUCH THING as Objective Truth
2) promote the universal idea that THE STATE defines what Reality IS and the reason, meaning and purpose FOR human life and for all human beings under THE STATE’s jurisdiction, and
3) must necessarily CLOSE DOWN all of those “churches” which will NOT tow the Party Line.
And THAT is nothing more that watching the old and moldy RE-RUN of the ‘Popeye and Bluto’ cartoons we’ve ALL SEEN BEFORE which were “broadcast to the World” back in 1917 A.D. in the nation-state we all know as RUSSIA.
“The Bolshevik Revolution” and Marxism Communism here in and throughout what remains of our Constitutional Republic known by the name of ‘The United States of America’.
Either the CHURCH speaks up and ‘Gets It The Face’ of those behind and lying about 9-11-2001…or “Kiss the USA and the Church here in the USA Goodbye!”
– +Fr. Joseph
Actually, Fr Joseph what you have described is a fact in a way.
Everyone has an umbrella over their head so that the truth does not fall on them like rain –
You’ve cracked it – what a beautiful analogy.
Hope this site at least, can fold its umbrella.
Hope this site can BELIEVE in their heart the criminal act of 9-11, by people who think the American people are a joke by people who laugh and sneer at the foolhardiness of Americans and others for allowing the media to define their truth for them, their reality.
This laughing and sneering evident in the choice of the date which was always meant to be the name of the event,
“911” the emergency call number.
They are laughing at you and pressing you down every time you say or think 911 in relation to that event if you are not aware of this parody and just a parrot.
They are experts on psychology, beginning with Freud.
Dear Mark M,
The ‘Serenity Prayer’ does NOT absolve us from doing what we CAN do. In the ‘Serenity Prayer’, we ask God for Divine Wisdom TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE between what we can and cannot do.
In the “Confitiur’ of our daily Catholic Masses, we pray:
“I CONFESS to Almighy God, and TO YOU my brothers and sisters, that I have SINNED through MY OWN FAULT, in my thoughts and in my words, IN WHAT I HAVE DONE and in what I HAVE FAILED TO DO…et al.”
The Hierarchy of my Catholic Church have SINNED against all of us, Catholic or not.
They have BURIED the Third Secret of Fatima, keeping it away from our entire Human Race’s knowledge. And my Catholic Church’s Hierarchy there in the Vatican has sinned against all of us, Catholic or not, by FAILING TO CONSECRATE RUSSIA to the Immaculately Loving Heart of Jesus Christ’s Own Mother per her Fatima Instructions.
Those in my Catholic Church’s Hiearchy have DONE THINGS they should have not and never had done – and they have FAILED TO DO those things which Heaven has required of them to do.
And these sorts of SINS of both COMMISSION as well as OMISSION is everywhere to be found in our Nation-State’s Goverments, our Human Societies, every last Human Association imaginable.
May GOD the HOLY SPIRIT grant us ALL the ability to TELL THE DIFFERENCE between those things we CANNOT CHANGE (like the sky over our heads being BLUE) and those things we CAN CHANGE (like being OBEDIENT to what God wants for us TO DO in and with these lives both in the Chuch and in/throughout the Nation-States of our World). +Amen.
– +Fr. Joseph
Just to point out the ‘spiritually’ OBVIOUS to everyone here on RZN.
It was STALIN who gave his Zhid-Bolshevik-Jew-Talmud-Kabbalah-Zohar-Communist “theological” CREDAT statement in ONE LINE:
To speak out against ‘The Lie’ (which is held to be spiritually ‘Sacred’ to these Zhid-Bolsvehik Jew-Marxist-Kabbalah-Communists) is to “speak BLASPHEMY” against that which they consider ‘Sacred’ – i.e. THE LIE!
With regards to THE LIE that was and are the 9-11-2001 attacks being planned and launched by ‘ARABS’ – which is THE LIE – the Zhid-Kabbalah-Jews here in and throughout all of the United States of America HAVE ALREADY MADE the following ‘Honorary Members’ of the COMMUNIST PARTY and its designs and desires for 1) World Dominance and 2) World Government.
The President of the USA is an ‘Honorary Communist Party Member’ as he supports and uphold ‘The SACRED 9-11 Lie’.
The Nine U.S. Supreme Court Justices are, in fact, de facto ‘Honorary Members of the Communist Party’ as they support and uphold ‘The SACRED 9-11 Lie’.
The 100 U.S. Senators are now, in fact, de facto ‘Honorary Membersof the Communist Party’ as they, too, support and uphold ‘The SACRED 9-11 Lie’.
All the members of our U.S. Congress are now, in fact, de facto ‘Honorary Members of the Communist Party’ as they ALL support and uphold ‘The SACRED 9-11 Lie’.
Every last U.S. MILITARY COMMISSIONED OFFICER of the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corp are now, in fact, de facto ‘Honorary Members of the Communist Party’ as they ALL support and uphold ‘The SACRED 9-11 Lie’.
And truth to tell, ALL of the Patriarchs, Metropolitans, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, Religious, Laity, Pastors, Preachers and Teachers in and from ALL of the ‘Religious Groups’ here in the USA are now, in fact, de facto ‘Honorary Members of the Communist Party’ for they all, too, support and uphold ‘The SACRED 9-11 Lie’ to and for and in front of each and every last one of their respective and particular ‘Flocks’ and ‘Congregations’.
The above ALSO applies to all of our U.S. State Governments and ALL of our U.S. Corporations, Businesses, Institutions, Organizations, Associations, etc. in and throughout the entire United States of America!
All of “my fellow US citizens” AGREE to that single religious-theological-docrtinal CREDAL STATEMENT of Stalin’s very own.
There is but ONE and ONLY ONE ‘Divine Rx’ for this RESIDENT EVIL having sucked the BRAINS and the HEART of so many millions upon millions of US citizens and people the World over:
And it is the MOTHER OF GOD as Our Lady of Fatima who is God’s Personally Appointed ‘PHARMACIST’ who can OBTAIN for the peoples of the USA and the entire World God’s Own Divine Rx vs. the Resident SATANIC evils with which they are all spiritually INFECTED and which is EATING AWAY AT/DEVOURING their own minds, hearts, souls and spirits – bringing them ALL to the very brink of ETERNAL-TERMINAL DEATH!
Sure is readily apparent that those ‘holed up IN the Vatican’ are so DESIROUS of seeing to it that ALL OF YOU have your minds, hearts, souls and spirits SOLD OFF TO SATAN for all of eternity!
Makes all of these Catholic clergy ‘sex scandals’ to be nothing but MARSHMALLOWS in spiritual comparison!
– +Fr. Joseph
Obviously the pleadings with you by the Virgin, the shaking by the Father in Heaven, you have described on here, have had no effect on you Fr. Joseph.
You continue to make a mockery of the Catholic church by your inane rants about a Consecration which is finished, done, all wrapped up and working its “magic” for twenty + years already.
Your yardstick of the consecration…why hasn’t America been helped….ummm, that’s because America is not Russia. A deluded concept if ever there was one, irrational at best.
More shaking required…
More pleading? Forget it.
Dear Real Zionist News Family –
I started Street Evangelism this morning at 7 AM to greet the morning Rush Hour traffic with the HOLY CROSS help high and in Blessing mode in Brookline MA – a bedroom community only 10 minutes from Boston proper.
Many of the commuters knew me from before as come to Boston often for Street Evangelism.
It seemed that the pattern for the day was set since early this morning (it is now 8 PM and I just got back to the Hotel) as I got into MANY conversations throughout the day.
This morning THREE police officers from the Town of Brookline engaged me in conversation – all of then Irish Catholic.
One of them expressed his affirmation that I was a former Jew who came to embrace Jesus Christ.
He felt that my obvious Jewish background was a clear and strong testimony in a very Jewish community (Brookline) that harkened back to the original apostles of Christianity who were also “former Jews” who “understood the Jesus was the Jewish Messiah,” as the officer so eloquently put it.
This conversation really set the tone for the entire day.
Soon afterward as I was waiting for the subway (in Boston called the “T” – a young lady in her 30s approached me and asked me what Church I was part of and what my message in particular was.
I explained briefly that I was with the Russian Orthodox Church and my mission to bring the main symbol of Christianity, the Holy Cross, to the public square.
She told me that she was a half Jew and studying intently under Orthodox Rabbis in order to devote her life to religious Judaism.
I very politely but firmly told her she was embarking on a very dangerous path (she would NEVER be fully accepted by Jews being a “half-Jew” and not raised at all in any form of Judaism).
I then quoted Old Testament Scriptures outlining the predictions of Who the Messiah would be and that these Scriptures pointed to Jesus Christ.
Although she became very indignant for my having “burst her bubble” she nevertheless HEARD THE TRUTH and that shall always endure in her consciousness.
AGAIN today, people came up to me saying they read Real Zionist News and were delighted to meet me as I as them.
A group of young men in their forties came up to me downtown (a median strip in front of the Jew-owned Federal Reserve Bank) and showed me a picture they had taken of me in Summit County on a median strip.
They were so excited to me and took more pics with me.
At Harvard Square a conversation with one of the students gave me the opportunity to share my Orthodoxy.
Back to Brookline for evening Rush Hour, two Jews, one secular and one ultra religious and his wife approached me and I had the opportunity to impart Christ to them.
One incident occurred though that greatly disturbed me.
Because the Jews pushed through the “Open Immigration Law Of 1965” we now have a ** multi cultural – multi racial – multi creedal society ** here in America.
This can be clearly seen here in Boston.
One says to himself, “Where am I? Am I in Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, or Senegal? It can’t be America.”
With this backdrop, as I was making the sign of the Cross before Cars in Brookline foe evening rush hour, an off-coloured brown woman from some Asian alien nation started shaking her head NO before the Holy Cross.
I became enraged with Holy Zeal. I made the CROSS vehemently all over her face and wished her OUT OF AMERICA!
The JEWS did this to us. They pushed the Open Immigration Law of 1965 down our throats to DESTROY Christianity in America.
Berfore 1965, NO brown alien off-colored woman would ever DARE in America to defy the Holy Cross.
Now! They have been enabled by the CHRIST HATING Jews who gave them their “rights” to DEFY the Cross.
BUT in spite of this very displeasing incident, All in all – I am so PLEASED with the results of today’s outing on the Streets of Boston.
The Brother Nathanael Foundation is SPONSORING this Street Evangelism Trip and all future trips planned as well (Back to NYC soon; hopefully Chicago soon; UCLA; St Louis; and Monterey Cal.)
Soo… PLEASE CONSIDER helping with The Brother Nathanael Foundation With a Donation TO KEEP ON SPREADING THE WORD @
Donations May Also Be Sent TO:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Many THANKS in Advance!
God Bless Our Real Zionist News Family!
Your +Brother in Christ, Nathanael
Charlie you 5:08 comment makes zero sense to me.
Which is surprising to me because you often seem very sensible to me, and very interesting.
I see sound human logic and more importantly spiritual Christian knowledge and wisdom pouring fourth as always from Fr Joseph’s comments, everyone of them.
Keep up the good work Fr Joseph!
Dukhovnost –
A key Russian word meaning “Quality of Spirit’ and you Br. Nathanael have an immense measure of it.
God bless!!!
Peace and Salvation and much success
“WHOEVER thinks the prophetic mission of Fatima is OVER is DECEIVED.” – Pope Benedict XVI
quoting the Bishop of Rome from
The BISHOP OF ROME has just informed you, Charlie, that you are DECEIVED.
Sorry. But you can always start your own personal ‘Reformation’.
‘Sola Scriptura! Sola Fide! Sola Consecration of Russia Has Been Done!’
And get the good Kings and Queens of ENGLAND on you side as well, not to mention the good kings and queens of the Scandinavian countries along with Scotland, etc.
– +Fr. Joseph
Fr Joseph
If you get a chance to read this Wikipedia article about Fatima, just wondering if you think they do a decent job of explaining it.
Or if they twist/omit/distort as I have seen Wikipedia do on a number of occasions about different things, though sometimes I find that they are decent.
Charlie: I am beginning to think that you are an element of discord on this site!
You repeatedly offer negative innuendos toward Fr. Joseph. Fr. Joseph has more Christian doctrine in trust in his little fingernail than you and I together have in our entire brain structure!
You throw repeatred innuendos at the truth about our Lady of Fatima!
I guess you do not believe over 140 press reports that the earth and sky were darkened and returned to daylight on that day in Fatima. Other documented facts prove the truth and glory of the most beautiful and loving woman to walk on planet earth!
If you do not believe the preceding, then that is your privilege. But there are plenty on this site who do! And keep your negative inuendos locked up in “personnae charlie.”
And now your most ridiculious innuendo of alll! You down grade and besmirch Fr. Joseph for his extensive and brilliant presentation of the “SACRED LIE” of the Zionist Jews and the continued LIE! LIE! LIE! about 911! You seem to believe the official version of the bloody tragic event.
A few nights back you must have missed BRO NATE’S brilliant exposure of the Zionist Jews dominating TOTALLY the 911 Commission investigation. I think that if your inuendos are examined and you are allowed continued posting your pot shots and inuendos should be retained inside “personnae charlie”.
A parting thought on this post. There is a brilliant scholar who posts on this RZN site namd Dr. Albert Pastore who has written a book titled STRANGER THAN FICTION which is the absolute “TRUTH IN FACT” best documentary of of 911 written to date!
EVERY statement and assertion is documented by footnotes in fact!
I read this book in 5 continuous hours without stop! I am 80 years old and not proficient in computer technology. I wish that some interested party would apply the “HOFF” hi-tech treatment to this internet presentation.
BRO NATE we are inspired by your courage and committment! God bless your every endeavor!
Fr Joseph.
Do not twist the words of Fatima and the Pope.
I agree with Benedict but I do not agree with you. Nor does he agree with you.
Nor does anyone believe you can come on here flogging a dead horse ad Infinitum until it stinks up the whole site.
“WHOEVER thinks the prophetic mission of Fatima is OVER is DECEIVED.”
This does not equate to “Whoever thinks the consecration of Fatima has been done is deceived.”
What it does mean is that in spite of the Pope’s consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the prophetic mission of Fatima does not end.
Of course it doesn’t. It is the message of the Gospel, and will never end.
You don’t know the doctrine of Fatima otherwise you wouldn’t jump to such specious conclusions based on Benedict’s words.
Go away and study the doctrine of Fatima and how it relates to the end times.
Soak it up.
You’re going to need it to help you cope with the confusion wrought on this world beyond your belief system.
Brainy Zek you obviously cannot read.
Or is it that you are a little prejudiced in what you care to read and the meaning you like to impute to others words, a la the opposite to the obvious.
Hey all,
I say enough already!!!!!
ENOUGH is enough!!!!
Let’s put this Fatima thing aside and stay focused on the BIG problem at hand…
To me the Fatima apparitions, are demonic until proven otherwise, clearly and beyond any doubt.
But, I don’t go about defending my position anymore… My previous posts were already beginning to become repetitive.
Lets put this one aside shall we, may be there will be a more appropriate time to resolve this, when we have more real and hard evidence and proof.
I respect all of you as people, but not some of your opinions, as for example that you believe that these apparitions have made any difference and they were divine.
Don’t bother answering, I will not respond and make the flaming worse.
I say enough already!!!!!
ENOUGH is enough!!!!
Let’s put this one aside and stay focused on the BIG problem at hand…
I have such an itch, such a drive, such an urge to explain AGAIN and AGAIN why I think the Fatima Apparitions were not only bogus, but demonic.
But I DON’T.
Trust me, if I can stop, so can all of you.
Fr. Joseph, Charlie, Greg, TBZ etc. etc. and everyone else who goes on at this: I am not asking you to change your opinion. Keep it. No problem. Just don’t mention it on this site anymore.
Don’t you see how much you are disturbing?
Br. Nathanael has asked politely, AGAIN and AGAIN for you to stay ON TOPIC.
Respect him and his efforts, and DO IT then! If you still don’t, then you are either trying to disrupt on purpose or you are have some kind of compulsive disorder.
For some here, I am convinced that this is now an implicit or explicit attempt to disturb.
Are we all really so obsessed with this trying to keep saving face, that we are willing to completely trash the comments section?
I mean, look at the comments, up to this point, it’s just crazy.
Almost ALL it, is off topic!!!
And the worst thing is, it’s not even helpful nor coming to any foreseeable conclusion.
If you are so concerned about this subject, please, send each other your emails, and debate all you want there!
Want to go public on this?
Fine, go to wordpress or blogger, there are tons of options for setting up free sites and start debating. I may even go on there and join in, since I also have a one track mind concerning denominations and the Fatima Apparitions etc. But not here!
Please, don’t trash this site! To me it is really starting to feel like this.
It is fast getting out of hand people, don’t you see?
Fr. Joseph,
Your last couple of posts were fabulous!
When you stay on the mark, you are one of the BEST posters, a brilliant mind!
Just stay away from religious arguments. It is like that Old Who song “The Seeker” where it states, “I will not get what I am after, til the day I die.”
This is reality: you and KJ can argue til the cows comes home, who’s religion is right, the only time you will get the true answer is the day you die, from God himself!
Dear Craig,
I read the Wikipedia article on/about the Appartions of the Mother of God as Our Lady of FATIMA.
Pretty darn good article.
You asked me if there were any overt twistings and/or deliberate omissions – and YES! there is – a very IMPORTANT to the ‘average Joe’ and ‘average Jane’ reader here on RZN.
Those 70,000 people had been walking and standing in THE RAIN for hours on end that ‘Miracle of the Sun’ day. They had walked in MUD and they were all DRENCHED to some degree by the incessant RAINS.
The vital Wikipedia omission is THIS:
Right after their VISUALLY seeing the phenomenon of the ‘Miracle of the Sun’ – ALL OF THEIR CLOTHING WAS DRIED OUT and the rain-saturated ground and mud under their 70,000 pairs of feet were DRY!
Nothing BUT a Truly Authentic DIVINE MIRACLE DONE BY GOD HIMSELF could do THAT!
– +Fr. Joseph
“To me the Fatima apparitions, are demonic until proven otherwise, clearly and beyond any doubt.”
Stav, I agree with you that this site is not for such topics, we should stay with debunking Zionists, 100% with you there.
As far as demonic, dude, as Jesus said to the scribes, Pharisees and priests (as you do now)when they said he was of the Devil, and did the Devil’s work, he said, “would Satan cast out Satan” when he rid someone of demonic possession.
All I have ever read, and I read much on the subject (Fatima), Mary told the children to honor God, live by his rules, and that of his holy Son.
Now, I have also read books on possession, and some on the Roman rituals, that rid these poor souls of it, NEVER HAVE I ever ENCOUNTER where a demon would instruct people to follow God’s rules, and certainly not to follow his holy Son!
That quote is ridiculous!
You “love” challenging me in public here on RZN.
And hate to have to tell you this – I RELISH being ‘challenged’.
I LOVE being ‘challenged’ to a game of 8-ball, to sitting down to a game of Texas Hold’em poker and I used to LOVE BEING CHALLENGED to a game of Chess – not that I’m world class player – but I was GOOD ENOUGH at the game to realy put up a GOOD fight – all the way down to either my King being checkmated OR in being FORCED into “Resigning” (in disgust).
So here’s MY direct, one-to-one, PERSONAL ‘FATIMA’ CHALLENGE to you in front of the ‘Whole Wide RZN Reading World.’
You CONTACT every last Catholic Bishop’s Conferences throughout our contemporary World – and YOU get from each and every last one of them THE DAY and THE YEAR that the Bishops of that particular Catholic Bishop’s Conference PERFORMED a public and solemn Collegial Consecration of RUSSIA to the Immaculately Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
Then come back here to RZN and you “Get Into MY Face With Your Waving Finger On The Tip Of My Fr. Joseph’s Nose” by POSTING the Catholic Bishop’s Conference, the DAY and the YEAR that that particular Bishop’s Conference DID exactly that – a public and solemn Collegial Consecration of RUSSIA to the Most Holy Theotokos’ Immaculately Loving Heart.
If you DON’T DO THAT or if you WILL NOT DO THAT – then don’t you EVER EVER AGAIN so much as dream about posting TO me or ABOUT me here on RZN!
I’ve gone ‘ALL-IN’ with every last of my Priestly CHIPS here IN PUBLIC on this ‘RELIGIOUS POKER TABLE’ with regards to FATIMA.
Are you going ‘TO CALL’ or not.
You either FOLD YOUR HAND and WALK AWAY while I rake all of these CHIPS into my end of the table – or you ‘CALL’ and MATCH my ‘All-In’ BET!
Either ‘Belly Up To The Bar’ or ADMIT to everyone here that you are NOT ‘Of Drinking Age’ since you CANNOT show any of us ANY valid identification of your ‘Fatima Assertions’ BIRTH DATE!
– +Fr. Joseph
DEFEATING the Zionist Zhids, the demonic conjurers of Satan and his legions of evil elemental spirits via their Kabbalah-Zohar Christ-Rejecting Babylonian Talmud IS ‘THE TOPIC’ here, folks!
Get USED THE FACT you are going up against SATAN and his demonic legions of SPIRITS, elemental AS WELL AS incarnate.
Now ‘How On Earth’ are all of you going to CRUSH Satan’s head in order to put a permanent END to the evil machinations and actions of his legions of elementals and incarnates?
You are simply GOING-TO-HAVE-TO-USE-AND-EMPLOY God’s Own Divine WEAPON against them all.
GO READ Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 12:17, for CRYIN’ OUT LOUD!
“My People PERISH for lack on knowledge!”
– Prophet Hosea – Hosea 4:6
That LACK OF KNOWLEDGE is publicly displayed on a DAILY BASIS right here in front of EVERYONE’S EYES AND NOSES in these RZN commentary sections!
– +Fr. Joseph
Give all of us YOUR most excellent analysis and opinion to the WHOLE WORLD via Br. Nathanael’s RZN about this one photo of an ‘Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary’:
Is THAT photographed and captured on T.V. APPARITION “from HELL” or is “from HEAVEN”?
And right long with your SIMPLE two-word EXPERT answer of either ‘from HELL’ or ‘from HEAVEN’, please provide ALL OF US RZN readers your reasons FOR your particular answer.
Thank you.
And ALL of Br. Nathanael’s RZN readers also ‘Thank you.’
– +Fr. Joseph
Fr. Joseph,
Amen my man!
I agree 100% with my man Father Joseph, many look at this Zionist thing from a SECULAR VIEWPOINT” in other words, they fail to see Satan’s work at hand here?
The Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion was said to be inspired by Satan.
These rituals Jews have done by mutilating and sacrificing Christian children are to Satan.
Many believe the Lindbergh baby was taken for this reason, as Charles and his father tried to stop Talmudic bankers from starting the Zionist owned Federal Reserve.
Their star is to Satan (not David) Rothschild and incorporated that star into Judaism only about
250 years ago?
When you fail to see the Pure Evil behind them, you grossly underestimate their depravity and hatred for Christianity, like Satan does, or our Lord said, “you are of your father the Devil.”
Father Joseph,
You forget to mention then Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser witnessed those sightings of Mary in Egypt.
Why is that unusual? Nasser was a socialist, and an atheist by nature.
Brother Nathanael is doing what has so far failed to be:
A man who unites us against the Talmudics without making it exclusionary to those who don’t share his theological stand.
We stand together or hang separately.
Pennsylvania Homeland Security Employed Israeli Company to Spy On Americans
Kurt Nimmo
Friday, September 17, 2010
On the Alex Jones Show yesterday, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen discussed the involvement of a shadowy Israeli company in an effort by Pennsylvania’s Homeland Security to spy on activists exercising their First Amendment.
Former Pennsylvania Governor Ridge involved:
Dear Fr. Joseph,
You say:
“Give all of us YOUR most excellent analysis “…
Happy to debate with you via email or public forums anywhere else, though. This subject is trashing this site now, in my personal opinion.
I am going to do no such thing. Lets clean up this site, and keep it ON TOPIC.
If you want, I can set you up with a free Blogger, wordpress or any other site you want, and we can debae there publicly. If you are concerned about other readers here missing the important info you will give them, tell them to join us there.
It’s not as if this is the only possible outlet for this, is it?
Lets debate the things we can do to BATTLE against the Zionists and all their Satanic minions.
There’s an appropriate time and place for everything. This site is now a part of the Br. Nathanael Foundation, focused on fighting the destruction of your country and my country.
Something along those lines would make an interesting RZN article about how Israeli companies actively monitor US Civilian activity, and several do so on our government’s behalf according to former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura.
Alex Jones is a controlled mass marketer, but he does have better info than the uber retard lamestream media.
Amerika must be REALLY dumbed down to follow that baloney called “television news.”
RZN > Infowars > Lamestream media
True, I think, Jones secretly loath his Zionist bosses, but he knows he has to toe the line or be removed?
Your quote below, should tells us than who REALLY controls our country and it’s government?
“Something along those lines would make an interesting RZN article about how Israeli companies actively monitor US Civilian activity, and several do so on our government’s behalf according to former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura.” USSA
Also, doesn’t it just make your blood boil, to know these b_strds are using our own tax dollars to spy on us, and to eventually take away all our constitutional rights, also our God given rights!
If we don’t do something soon, it will be a crime in this country to even question Zionist Jews or Israel, similar to what they did in the early years of the Jew-run Soviet Union.
There and then, they would kneel Christians down and then shoot them in the back of the head.
Russian Gentiles were not allowed to question Jews.
Stav, I agree, take that stuff off-line, we are here to EXPOSE Zionist traitors to our country, not argue theology.
Greetings in the Lord, Jgalindes,
This caught my eye from your link regarding the evangelical “temple of Solomon.”
It seems like whenever Jews take an interest in something remotely “Christian,” they’ve already had their hands in it for some time for the purposes of Zionist Nationalism.
And, there are a considerable number of Jewish Masonic Halls throughout Palestine.
Some arose out of the revolutionary and irregular Masonic Order of Mizraim/French Grand Orient traditions, which were either founded by, or allowed, Jews, especially from the Middle East and Ottoman Empire. The Orients were disavowed by both the English and French Lodges in the early 19th c.
(Lodge and Orient are two different things. The Grand Orient was an irregular spin-off of the French Lodges at the time.)
Unless there are very long-standing, close ties to Tel Aviv to be only guessed at, the claim that “stones of the same type used by Solomon had been ordered from Jerusalem” to be shipped to Brazil for this long-planned project, is rather unlikely, if this means what I think it means.
This is truly very odd. The Zio-evangelical Judaizers (and smaller groups of Noachides) are the largest Gentile devotees of rebuilding the 3rd temple, but all of their efforts are directed at supporting the proposed future work in Jerusalem itself.
What’s pictured is a replica of Herod’s Temple. The Herodian stones were cut from a very unusual kind of limestone rock, which I believe is only found in the vicinity of Jerusalem in what were considered to be the royal quarries, traditionally held to be that of Solomon, and later Herod.
As such, these stones should likely be considered too holy and precious to be traded like common building material or leave the Land, especially if this very same quarry is earmarked for the future Zionist Temple as well.
Considering how Zionist Jew Zealots feel about the preciousness of every last grain of sand in the holy land which should be kept from, and cleansed from “defilement” (Christians, Palestinians, and Muslims, in that order), then it is truly unlikely that those stones would go to a project like this, unless it was already a Zionist-Jew front.
“The Bishop’s blog also reported that a leader of the city’s Jews has called the temple project “very interesting” and suggested that the project might help fight anti-Semitism by educating Brazilians about Israel.”
Sounds like a clever, deceptive creeping form of gradually building up the Rabbinic civilization’s Noachide system in Brazil.
The blog also said this about the prospects for a similar project in Jerusalem :
“For Jews, there is still hope that the Third Temple is constructed so that the Messiah will reign with them. But for that to happen, they will have to expect some natural disaster or governmental changes.”
That strikes rather ominously, too, considering the highly charged atmosphere concerning Israhell and Iran. The messianic Zealots do believe that the Jewish messiah can only come after these, and other, conditions are accomplished by the Jews.
Maybe for the Zionist and their “draconian hate laws” the chickens are coming home to roost?
Someone needs to file one on Foxman, so he knows what it feels like?
Ann Coulter, Free Speech and Canada
by Jeff Davis
Ann Coulter is turning Canada’s infamous hate crime laws against the very left wing establishment that created them.
The Vancouver Sun reports: “Inflammatory right-wing pundit Ann Coulter took aim at a University of Ottawa administrator Monday night, saying an e-mail from the school warning her to use restraint, respect and consideration when addressing Ontario students during a speaking tour this week made her a victim of a hate crime.
Speaking to students and academics at the University of Western Ontario Monday, Coulter said the e-mail sent to her Friday by Francois Houle, vice-president academic and provost of the University of Ottawa, targeted her as a member of an identifiable group and as such, she will be filing a complaint with the Human Rights Commission alleging hate speech.
‘I’m sure the Human Rights Commission will get to the bottom of it,’ Coulter said to loud cheers from the 800-strong audience.
‘I think I’m the victim of a hate crime here. Either what (Mr. Houle) did was a hate crime, or the whole commission is BS.’ ”
Canada has some of the most draconian hate crime laws in the world. Even criticism of the government can fall into the cateogry of being a hate crime.
So Miss Coulter is not really stretching things by insisting that the same hate crime laws that protect every flaming liberal organization in Canada, including the government, should be applied to protect conservatives especially if some liberal hack is trying to tell her to not exercise her free speech.
The Sun: “In Houle’s e-mail, a copy of which was obtained by the National Post, the administrator urges Coulter to weigh her words with respect and civility in mind when she speaks at the University of Ottawa campus Tuesday.
‘Our domestic laws, both provincial and federal, delineate freedom of expression in a manner that is somewhat different than the approach taken in the United States.
I therefore encourage you to educate yourself, if need be, as to what is acceptable in Canada and to do so before your planned visit here.’ Houle goes on: ‘Promoting hatred against any identifiable group would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges.’ ”
This man is not only an anti-White bigot, he is arrogant too. In other words, he’s threatening an invited speaker to his university. So much for liberals being full of love and tolerance.
The Sun continues: “Ezra Levant, lawyer and former publisher of the Western Standard magazine, spoke before Coulter on Monday and called Houle’s letter a veiled threat.
Seamus Wolfe, the president of the University of Ottawa’s student federation, has already said that Coulter is not welcome on campus and that he is trying to work with the administration to find a venue for her speech elsewhere.”
It has been said that the last remaining refuges of Marxism in the world are Cuba, China, North Korea and western college campuses.
In Canada, anyone criticizing minorities (especially Jews) is hauled up before something called a Human Rights Tribunal composed of a panel of “judges”.
These kangaroo courts are not actual Canadian courts (which are bad enough, considering the nature of Canada’s government and laws) but they have the power to force appearance in front of them and although they can’t actually imprison people (yet) they can levy crushing fines which are legally enforced and which can strip a victim of their entire life’s savings, home and property.
They can also “recommend” dismissal from employment and criminal charges in the actual courts. So much for putting a chill on free speech.
These bizarre “tribunals” have recently faced serious criticism when Muslims began taking Jews and neocons in front of them for defaming and criticizing Islam, notably Jewish neocon columnist Mark Steyn for an article he wrote in Canada’s Maclean magazine.
The Jews don’t like being hoist on their own petard.
Ann Coulter is making an important point with her complaint. Any nation that subjects free speech to hate crime laws, no longer has free speech.
The sooner White people in Canada and Europe realize this and overturn these laws, the sooner, they will have free speech.
The Fr. Joseph plot to underrmine the authenticity of the consecration has gone on with no real substance – except perhaps a game of chess – very Russian.
Well, I’ll give you 30 million Russian ‘games of chess’ the Soviets martyred, which came to an end with the consecration of that beloved country to Mary and her Immaculate heart.
I also call on 30,000,000 witnesses to that fact.
You can ask them if the consecration has been carried out; – and while you’re at it also ask those who would have been martyred had it not been done.
– Check mate.
“I RELISH being ‘challenged’. ”
Love it. I dont understand what it is about Fr Joseph that summons some kind of attack mode in Charlie, I really don’t understand it at all.
But I have to say it makes me want to pay even closer attention to everything Fr Joseph says.
No disrespect to Charlie, who I am pretty sure is a sincere Christian, though not 100% sure
over it.
“They can’t actually imprison people.”
They can get more use out of people when they are “free” and broke or in debt.
I think some of you might be well intentioned, but taken in by these deceivers.
BY the way, I am pretty sure that I am taken in by some deceivers, maybe, my judgement is not infalliable (but I think its really close)
Thumbs down on Coulter.
Thumbs down on David Duke.
Thumbs down on Ron Paul.
They are bad, they are deceivers, some here might disagree.
But this is something that I am 100% convinced of and will never be convinced otherwise.
There seems to be universal acknowledgement of the piece-of-s***-ness of Glenn Beck, which I say AMEN!
The above three should be viewed in the same manner.
The above three drink the same water, and serve the same masters.
I am 100% sure of this, to the extent that you pay attention to them, your mind is contaminated.
Dear RZN Family.
Blessings of Our Lord Jesus Christ with All of you.
What an excellent video Brother Nathanael!
I wonder if calling some one an “anti-semite” could be considered hate speech under Canadian law.
That would be a sudden turn of events — oooh the irony!
The Brainy Zek wrote:
“There is a brilliant scholar who posts on this RZN site namd Dr. Albert Pastore who has written a book titled STRANGER THAN FICTION which is the absolute “TRUTH IN FACT” best documentary (article on) 911 written to date!
EVERY statement and assertion is documented by footnotes in fact!
It’s on ‘Scribd’… I have it on my site.
Here it is… (Just click on ‘Fullscreen’ beside the ‘Scribd’ logo at top left)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
As a side note… I think everyone should just leave the comment moderation here at RZN to Br. Nathanael and his capable helpers. They are quite able to handle it on their own.
I might also remind everyone that KathJuliane and Fr. Joseph have been members of this family, posting here for longer than most of the commentors now frequenting this board.
There’s plenty of room for everyone to have their say here!
Anything that is written in the comments section does not detract anything from Br. Nathanael’s main body of work!
If you don’t like the postings of certain individuals…
1. Just keep it to yourself. We are all guests of Br. Nathanael here… If he doesn’t have a problem with a commentor (you’ll know this to be the case because the post in question will be visible to you here – meaning that it has ALREADY been approved in a moderational capacity) – then you shouldn’t either.
2. Don’t read them! Seriously!
As far as I’m concerned – anything that’s REALLY ZIONIST NEWS is on topic here at REAL ZIONIST NEWS.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
PS… Fr. Joseph,
Thank-you for posting this:
“Fight to the death for truth, and the Lord God will fight for you.”
– Wisdom of Sirach/Ecclesiasticus 4:28 (LXX)
This is my new favorite verse!
Much love to everyone…
“I wonder if calling some one an “anti-semite” could be considered hate speech under Canadian law.
That would be a sudden turn of events — oooh the irony!” – Mark M
Considering Jews are but a few of the Semitic peoples over there, they seem to have taken control of that name for their own sole possession.
Also, many are Khazar-Turkish mongrels to boot, they are NOT EVEN Semitic people.
I would love to see someone file a hate speech crime on Foxman.
Craig, I don’t care much for Coulter, don’t know much about Ron Paul, except his crusade to get rid of the Federal Reserve, his kid is a puppet, but you are way way off on Dr. Duke.
He has been on a crusade against Zionists before you were born! He also opened up people’s eyes on the Jews involvement in all forms of slavery.
Just because the Zionist controlled media tells you he is a racist, and a bigot, don’t drink the rancid Kool-Aid!
They go after him the most because he has done the most to expose them the last 30 years.
If it wasn’t for people like Dr. Duke, people like Bro Nate, Ted Pike, Jeff Rense, Joe Cortina (list is endless) would of found it a heck of a lot harder convincing people of what these monsters have done and are doing, JUST REMEMBER THAT!
Boston Street Evangelism Report – Day 3.
Dear Real Zionist News Family –
I must be brief as I am now in a state of total exhaustion.
The highlight of today’s outing on the Streets of Boston was this evening during Rush Hour and afterwards in Jewish Brookline during Yom Kippur, The Jews’ “Day Of Atonement” while all the Jews were walking to synagogue.
I held high alongside the Holy Cross a Huge Sign which read: “Jesus The Messiah – Why Not?”
Some Jews were popping the middle finger at me when an Irish Catholic cop walked over who was directing traffic and stood by me for an hour affirming my message and the nasty gestures stopped.
Many were giving me the THUMBS UP (young Gentile men) when a religious Jewish man in his late forties engaged me in conversation.
After I showed him from the Torah that the role of the Messiah was to conquer death, he said to me: “But you will always be a Jew by blood and must return to your people.”
I simply answered: “And if I always will be a Jew and if Jesus IS INDEED the Jewish Messiah as He MOST DEFINITELY IS – than I will NEVER return to Judaism.”
I then walked over to an Orthodox Synagogue called Young Israel on Green Street. I held my sign and the Cross on the sidewalk right in front of the synagogue as about 300 congregants gathered for their Yom Kippur service.
They were rather indignant that I should be standing there with my sign, “Jesus The Messiah – Why Not,” and some were cursing me, others wished me “La Shona Tova,” (a good year), and others trying to ignore me which they really could not.
Then a young boy about 16 years old came out from the services and said, “Why are you standing here when you know that as Orthodox Jews that we are all dedicated to Judaism? Why don’t you go to the secular Jews or go to the Reformed and Conservative synagogues where they really don’t care about being religious?”
I answered him by saying, “You know the Holy Scriptures better than them, thus I am able to dialogue with you based on the Scriptures.”
I then proceeded to quote Genesis 3:15 and how the “seed of the woman” — the Messiah — would “crush the head of the serpent” and therefore undo the curse of death.
The young boy listened intently and said, “Thank you. I see you have a reason for being here.” and then walked away.
He came out a half hour later and looked me straight in the eye in a very intelligent and respectful manner and said, “Have a nice evening, sir.”
All in all, the Street Evangelism effort went quite well in spite of the heavy “multi-culturism” that has engulfed the city of Boston.
While out on the streets I keep askiing myself, “Where am I?” Am I in Zimbabwe, Indonesia, or Somalia? I couldn’t be in Boston.”
The Jews did this to us with their “Open Immigration Law of 1965” that they pushed through. I will be doing a Video on this soon.
IN the meantime, with a high total of 30,000 plus hits this week, only 4 donations have come in.
If it wasn’t for a very FEW that help me to continue, I would be very discouraged.
In fact, I now have little hope for America.
The Jews have taken over, we now have (because of the Jews) a multicultural America where any kind of Christian consciousness has been ANNIHILATED.
I only continue so that perhaps a FEW will come to their senses and acknowledge that only an embrace of Jesus Christ and THE TRUTH and awareness of His enemies (the Jews) and their evil control of America.
I am also on the path of martyrdom which I am preparing for.
If you like what I am doing and this Web Site and the Vision of The Brother Nathanael Foundation @ then please help me out financially so that I can continue this work.
To make a donation online simply CLICK:
Donations May Also Be SAFELY SENT To:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation or Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
God Bless You All and I APPRECIATE our Real Zionist News Family!
+Brother Nathanael
Bro Nate,
You must also tell them, from Torah:the atonement for sin was the sacrifice of the unblemished lamb.
God had wanted Abraham to sacrifice his on son to him, then relieved Abraham of this burden.
But God would ask this of his own Son, and this time the cup was not passed, thy will be done.
Don’t they see the symbolism?
The atonement for all men’s sin thus has to be the ultimate unblemished lamb, God’s holy and perfect (born without sin), “The Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world.”
Their Passover was the freedom from the bondage of slavery and Jesus’s death and resurrection was the freedom from the bondage of death.
The great Hebrew Prophet Isaiah whom prophesied:
“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.”
Surely they can not be that BLIND?
Because I respect your opinion, I’ll try to keep an open mind on Duke.
Dear Disgusted White Christian –
That’s all good regarding types regarding “atonement” etc.
But, believe me, the Orthodox Christian focus on the Jewish Messiah conquering death and bringing life and immortality to light, REALLY gets the Jew thinking.
I used to be in the “Jews for Jesus” / “Messianic Jewish Movement” and we used all of those kinds of “proof texts” when sharing Christ with Jews. They would simply keep on arguing.
But after I became an Orthodox Christian in 1987, I started on a different tack with the Jews.
I focused on the role of the Messiah conquering death and ushering in the Resurrection (BOTH predicted in the Old Testament), and THIS always stumps and gives the Jews pause. They simply cannot argue against it.
They then become irrational or simply change the subject like the religious Jew who engaged me in the street. +BN
Brother Nathanael,
The only worthwhile activity in life is spreading the Powerful Symbol and Word of Christ Jesus.
EVERY man should be doing what you are doing, but on their spare time, they are still wrapped up in “this world,” and this is weakpoint of humanity that Satan and his children have taken advantage of and are operating from.
Soon, that will change, when all men will embrace and spend time only for the sake of Christ Jesus. You are that starting example, Brother Nathanael!
To Stav:
“Let’s put this Fatima thing aside and stay focused on the BIG problem at hand…
To me the Fatima apparitions, are demonic until proven otherwise, clearly and beyond any doubt.”
Stav, that’s the most damning thing you have ever done to yourself.
Faith in Mother Mary is Faith in Christ Jesus, and if you can’t understand that, you are no better than the Muslim and ect apostates, who are “deaf and blind” to Christ Jesus.
Mother Mary is the only way to Paradise, that is the Law of God wheher you like it or not. Anyhow, it is a matter of time when you and all misguided apostates will be Blessed with the belief and understanding of Mother Mary.
The Prodigal Son:
Many thanks for your response to my request!
You appear to be quite a scholar and technician yourself!
Again, many thanks!
Bro Nate,
What about Torah pointing to the Godhead being as we understand it in Christianity, the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Moses experience of the burning bush, the fire that does not burn? We later learn it to be the Holy Spirit of God, that would come down on the Apostles at the bequest of Jesus.
The pronoun “us” and “our” clearly indicate that the Godhead consists of more than one person (see also Genesis 3:22; 11:7).
In the Old Testament the name for God is “Elohim.” In the Hebrew language, the singular for God is “El,” the dual for God is “Elohaim,” and the plural for God is “Elohim.”
Thus the very name for God points to the fact that the Godhead consists of at least three persons. It is in the New Testament we fully realize that the Godhead constitutes three divine persons — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Brother Nathanael,
I love the end of your video where you say, “I prefer sooner — don’t you?”
Please don’t be overly discouraged by the multi-culturalism.
Okay, so multi-culturalism probably is a divide and conquer strategy.
But some of these multi-culturals are already Christians–and the rest are a mission field!
Certainly many cultures are at least as sympathetic to the Palestinians as is the mainstream American culture.
And if these people are Muslims, it is doubtful that they support the Israeli lobby!
“I am also on the path of martyrdom which I am preparing for.”
Bro. Nathanael, your martyrdom will not come soon unlike the common American patriot, nor will it come from the hands of the Jewish elite’s goons and thugs.
Your attempted murder will be done in an almost unbelievable way, as is Satan is fighting the Archangel Gabriel in a rematch in flesh instead of in the spiritual realm.
You must always know that the Antichrist will first personally come to meet you and seduce you into following and working for him, and when you deny his offer, he will meet you in the street when you will not expect it and he will challenge you and try to humiliate and defeat you in front of the public using his magic sourced from Satan.
Yet, he will not succeed if you are mentally, physically, and spiritually “one” and pepared to deflect his magic through the Armor of God, the Sword and Shield of the Holy Spirit.
When you defeat and embarrass the Antichrist, this news will not be published in the media, but the news of your power through Christ Jesus will spread among the people of all nations.
The Antichrist will not be able to touch you and he will try to torture you with famine and harrasment from his regime to no avail, for the Holy Spirit will be your food and drink.
At this point, the Antichrist will avoid you completely, pretending that you do not exist, and through your Blessed superpower of Christ Jesus, the Armour of God, he will have a fatal wound, a spiritual weakpoint that you will be able to use through constant prayer in order to weaken and fluster the Antichrist until he is destroyed by the Second Coming of Christ Jesus.
Bro. Nathanael, you better start preparing your mind, body, and spirit into One Solid and Controlled Piece, and that is done through constant meditation, prayer, rest, and silence, in order that you will be ready for a literal spiritual death match with Antichrist.
Your role is no different than a expert-master warrior of a deadly fighting art who is preparing to fight and equally deadly master to a death match to prove who is most powerful and expert.
In this case, the confident invocation of Christ Jesus in His most Powerful Form (the degree of spiritual strength granted to the Saints) will be the weapon, otherwise known as the Armour of God, the Sword and Shield of Christ Jesus.
Any man challenging Satan that does not have the Armor of God will be easily defeated by Antichrist and his henchmen.
There is going to have to come a time soon when your public ministry and activities come to a stop, and you go into meditation in order to prepare and arm yourself with the Armor of Christ Jesus for this Showdown with Antichrist, who cannot wait to seduce.
And when that fails, then challenge you in public. I see this event happening in my visions and dreams almost everyday. Be prepared, and I know you will, Bro. Nathanael.
Dear DWC:
ONCE AGAIN – Don’t you realize that I know these “proof texts” you keep on quoting?
I have told you, (And please accept what I am trying to tell you), that by presenting to Jews the Orthodox Christian focus on the Messiah CONQUERING Death, the Jews’ ears begin to open.
+Brother Nathanael Kapner
Former Jew
Former “Jew fo Jesus”
NOW – An “Enlightened” Orthodox Christian
Brainy Zek,
Scholar? Not hardly… I am a fool!
And I actually had just put up the ‘Stranger Than Fiction’ embed on my site just the day before your request… I had just read it for the first time myself.
If the (anonymous?) author is reading this… all credit goes to him/her of course.
The only thing I saw that I would disagree with in ‘Stranger Than Fiction’ was the author’s acceptance of the ‘Muslim Hijacker’ myth. I say there were no Arabs on those planes.
I say the planes were hijacked electronically.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Br. Nathanael,
I’ve always found that one of the most compelling prophecies regarding the Messiah is found in the book of Daniel:
The angel Gabriel appeared to him and spoke. The Book of Daniel, Chapter 9:
“(…) while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, “Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. As soon as you began to pray, an answer was given, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed…
“Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the Ruler, comes, there will be seven `sevens’, and sixty-two `sevens’… After the sixty-two `sevens’, the Anointed One will be cut off…”
So Gabriel told Daniel that after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem, there would be “seven sevens” (which is 49), plus “sixty-two sevens” (which is 434). After these 483 years, the Anointed One would be cut off. If the prophecy is true, this would refer to the death of Jesus; this would have to be the year of the crucifixion.
Remember that in ancient times, our modern Western calendar system was not in use. In other prophetic passages a year of 360 days is used. To convert to our modern system which uses the longer solar year, we must divide by the time it takes for Earth to orbit the Sun, which is 365.24 days.
This yields 476 years on the Western (Gregorian) calendar.
We now have a number of years, but when do we start the countdown? Gabriel said to count “(…) From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem.” When was that? The prophet Nehemiah records such a decree, and he dates it as the twentieth year of Artaxerxes. On the Gregorian calendar, that date is 444 BC.
So counting 476 years from 444 BC, and remembering that there is no year numbered “zero” AD, we discover what Gabriel told Daniel: the Christ would be cut off in 33 AD!
This of course was written over 500 years before Christ’s coming!
Dear Prodigal Son,
Regarding that verse
“Fight to the death for truth,
and the Lord God will war on your side.”
All of us ARE created in His Image and Likeness. While God alone is Omniscient, it is on account of He creating us all in HIS Image and Likeness that we ALL possess this ‘ability to BE “Aware”‘ or, if you prefer, we ALL possess this “unseen thing” that we all call our ‘consciousness’.
It is on account of our Human Race’s “Original Sin” of wanting to be our own ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses’ that has infected ALL of us Human Beings with this satanically insane idea/notion as well as desire to DEFINE what Reality and Reality’s TRUTH is OR ought to be OR what we want it to be.
Hence, that is the fundamental reason why we, as Human Beings, find it SO EASY to LIE to one another. We believe that we can “change reality” by getting others to accept or adopt OUR “redefinition of what was/is Real and True”.
When we’ve become so thoroughly LOST in our own ‘lies’ OR the ‘lies’ of others, we lose all grasp upon, possession of, identification with ALL that is really ‘Real and all that is truthfully ‘True’.
And as a result, our individual, communal and national lives becomes a life WITHOUT substance, WITHOUT true meaning, WITHOUT true purpose, WITHOUT deeply experienced satisfaction.
And it is on account of this ‘EMPTINESS’ that we experience at the very core of our being ON ACCOUNT OF our lying to others and our lying to ourselves that we wind up attempting “TO FILL’ that spiritual void and vacuum of spiritual emptiness at the core of our beings.
That LACK OF authentic and concrete spiritual MEANING and PURPOSE of our living existance is that which causes us, that impels many of us, TO DO some of the most stupid things with our lives, some of the most compulsive and/or obsessive types of things.
It is coming to a conscious possession of TRUTH as Truth IS in itself, by itself, of itself that we all have this human ‘consciousness’ that really and truly IS ours.
And THAT is the spiritual reason ‘Why?’ and Omniscient God created us all in His Image and Likeness – to come to the PERSONAL POSSESSION OF GOD HIMSELF AS OUR OWN PERSONAL ‘POSSESSION’!
That is a Spiritual TRUTH of our Apostolic Chrisitan FAITH – and that is a Spiritual TRUTH that our Lord and Savior JESUS Christ came to Divinely Reveal and Teach to our ENTIRE Human Race:
‘Father, they all be ONE – as I am in You and You are in Me. They become so COMPLETELY ONE with Us”
– paraphrasing from memory a verse from the Gospel account of St. John.
GOD wants to POSSESS US for the Divne Purpose and Aim of permitting us to POSSESS Him as He Is in Himself.
Hence, when we ‘dedicate ourselves to OBJECTIVE Truth about any and all forms of His Created Reality’, it is God the HOLY SPIRIT Who comes to our assistance in order to HELP US ALL ‘WAGE WAR’ against our ignorance.
AS WELL AS against ALL of the myths, lies, deceit, deceptions that are thrown up AGAINST us – those lies and deceit thrown up AGAINST us to keep us AWAY FROM and ALIENATED from our All-good and All-loving GOD Who Is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Ssheesshhh – all of this that I just typed out for you on account of
“Fight to the death for Truth
and the Lord God will war on your side”
make any sense to you?
– +Fr. Joseph
Your assorted verbosity about 30 million Russians does not answer the challenge!
It appears the bishops conference mentioned was a false figment of your imagination!
Heres an interesting link I’d like to share for you fans of Russia….
I’m NOT “debating” with you. All I’ve asked from you is to tell us whether or not THIS Appartions shown in THIS photo is “from Heaven” or “from Hell”:
Or if you DON’T LIKE that Apparition photo, then how about informing us all whether this clearer photo of the Apparition is “from Heaven” or “from Hell”:
Now if you still don’t get it – that I am simply REQUESTING from you an ANSWER about a ‘Distanced Third Party Object’ and that I am NOT “debating” with you, then perhaps let me put it to you (and everyone else here on RZN) in a totally DIFFERENT way.
It is widely REPORTED by millions upon millions of other human beings all across our World that this photograph:
is what is called ‘The Eiffel Tower’ and this tower is located in Paris, France on the Continent of Europe.
IS or IS NOT that photo of the Eiffel Tower?
Yes or no?
Is or IS NOT that photo taken AT NIGHT?
Yes or no?
IS or IS NOT that photo taken in Paris, France?
Yes or no?
I am NOT DEBATING with you here. I am simply asking you TO DECLARE something about a ‘Third Party Objective Manifestation’ that has been REPORTED ON and of which there are PHOTOS.
What is it that PREVENTS YOU telling us a very simple, direct, and to-the-point ANSWER to a very simple and HONEST question:
Is this photo and the attending report to our entire Human Race “from Hell” or “from Heaven”???
The Photo & Report once again!
And if YOU continue to AVOID giving a simply honest and direct ANSWER to my very simple question to you – then do I have YOUR ‘PERMISSION’ to ask that same question of mine to others here on RZN???
It is a Divine Principle of God’s Own Creation and created Things:
“Something CANNOT ‘be’ and ‘not be’ AT THE SAME TIME!”
– +Fr. Joseph
Bro Nate, I see your point.
But I am not Jewish like you, but grew up around many, and know how they are, and how many think, they very LITERAL, and stubborn, almost to an unbelievable point.
You seem to be doing a great job, keep up the good work. I know, you this information, but you also have much on your mind, it was only a reminder?
PS I don’t know if it will happen like Frank States, but that is the Zionist 3 step protocol.
They first try to woe you with money, women and PLEASURES of the flesh. Then it is the public mockery, name calling, character assassination, what you experienced back in Colorado, and the worst of all the ostracizing from family and friends.
Then, as he states, the person experiences some untimely ACCIDENT? A knife welding street person, unfortunate fall, a sudden disappearance?
The Prodigal Son,
The Prophet Isaiah also gave prophecy of the means of execution (crucifixion) before
this form of execution existed??
Regarding CHESS and “forcing Checkmate” on the opposing King – apparently you are UNAWARE of the truthful FACT that as long as the ‘opposed LONE king’ continues to make THE RIGHT MOVES, it is IMPOSSIBLE to “force Checkmate’ against a LONE opposed king ALL BY HIMSELF on the chessboard FIGHTING and MANUEVERING against nothing but TWO remaining knights from the opposing king’s side!
I’m far, far from being CHECKMATED by you!
My “King’s Move” –
Knight #1: Stav INSISTS that the Appartions of and Messages & Requests as Our Lady of Fatima are ‘FROM HELL’ and are of ‘SATANIC-DEMONIC NATURE’.
Knight #2: Charlie INSISTS that the Request of Our Lady of Fatima for a Collegial Consecration of RUSSIA has been done.
BOTH “Knight #1” and “Knight #2” are IN MUTUAL AGREEMENT that RUSSIA has been CONSECRATED TO SATAN and to THE DEMONS OF HELL!
A king in CHESS can only move ONE SQUARE at at time – and can only CAPTURE one opposing piece at a time.
WHICH of these TWO OPPOSING KNIGHTS will admit FIRST that I have CAPTURED him with that LAST MOVE of mine???
– +Fr. Joseph
“Mother Mary is the only way to Paradise, ”
Jesus Christ is the only way.
Now regarding CHESS and our contemporary GLOBAL Spiritual Contest/Struggle vs. Satan:
His legions of elemental demonic spirits who are wielding their combined satanic-spiritual influences OVER so many within and throughout our COMBINED Nations and States of our contemporary World of 2010 Anno Domini.
Either CHRIST JESUS is Almighty God’s “KING” over all that is seen and Unseen – or Satan is “king” over all that is seen here in, on and all across our contemporary World of 2010 Anno Domini.
On a CHESSBOARD featuring TWO opposing ‘kings’ – the WHITE King vs. the BLACK King – with the chessboard cleared of all OTHER combatitive pieces…should the WHITE KING manage to have His TWO BISHOPS “back on the Chessboard,” then the WHITE KING can FORCE an utter TERMINATION of any and all of the lone BLACK king’s moves all across the Chessboard and FORCE the BLACK king to be permanently and eternally ‘CHECKMATED’!
In other words, one can FORCE the opposing king INTO “Checkmate” WITH one’s TWO BISHOPS – but you CANNOT force “Checkmate” WITH two knights!
If our Human Race’s WHITE KING Who is Jesus, God’s Christ, Savior and Redeemer to our ENTIRE Human Race of peoples from EVERY nation and state and race imaginable on OUR earth, can get HIS ‘Two Bishops’ BACK ON this ‘Chessboard of our World’ – and IF His ‘Two Bishops’ CARRIED OUT the WHITE KING’S move orders – then we can PERMANENTLY ELIMATE SATAN from our ‘World’ and OUR ‘Planet Earth’!
Chirst the WHITE King’s “Two Bishops” consists of those duly consecrated BISHOPS of both the Catholic and Orthodox Church!
If the ORTHODOX Church’s Patriarchs, Metropolitans and Bishops would simply AFFIRM that the Apparitions and Messages of Our Lady of Fatima were/are ‘FROM HEAVEN’ and…
If the CATHOLIC Church’s Patriarchs, Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops would simply ADMIT that the Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as Our Lady of Fatima WAS NOT and WAS NEVER DONE according to the WHITE KING’S DIVINE INSTRUCTIONS FROM HEAVEN…
Then the Collegial Consecration of Russia per the Heavenly Combat Instructions of Our Lady of Fatima could be/would be CARRIED OUT in OBEDIENCE to the WHITE KING Who is Christ Jesus our Lord – the Word of God – the LOGOS through Whom and FOR Whom all created things exist.
While it is DIVINE REVELATION that:
“Then the DRAGON was enraged with the WOMAN and went away to MAKE WAR ON the rest of her children, that is, all who obey God’s Commandments and bear witness for Jesus.”
Does or does not Br. Nathanael Kapner ‘BEAR WITNESS FOR JESUS’?? Yes or no?
Why, the answer is ‘YES!’, hence Br. Nathanael is a SPIRITUAL SON of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the MOTHER OF GOD. And THAT makes him Christ Jesus’s spiritual BROTHER.
And as Christ Jesus’ spiritual BROTHER, that makes God the Father in Heaven HIS Divine Father as well!
Now regarding this WOMAN’S OTHER ‘OFFSPRING’ against whom SATAN likewise wages his spiritual WAR. The following is also DIVINE REVELATION:
These ‘Seventy-two’ were UNITED, they were of ONE MIND and they had but ONE PURPOSE – to go and DO what God Incarante TOLD THEM TO DO!
And their UNITY and their OBEDIENCE resulted in allowing JESUS to even enjoy watching SATAN being cast from the HIGHEST PLACES!
If but only the PATRIARCHS and ECCLESIASTICAL HIERARCHY of the Eastern Orthodox Church were to simply ADMIT that the Apparitions and Messages and Instructions were/are of DIVINE Origin!
If but only the PATRIARCHS and ECCLESIASTICAL HIERARCHY of the Catholic Church were to but simply ADMIT that the Divine Instruction to perform a Collegial Consecration of RUSSIA to this WOMAN’S Immaculately Loving Heart WAS NOT nor WAS NEVER DONE!
The WHITE KING Who Is God’s Christ, Savior, Redeemer and LORD over all that is seen and Unseen would then “have back” HIS ‘Two Bishops’ UNDER His Divine Command!
And we members of the entire Human Race would THEN have the Divinely Granted Ability and Gift TO CRUSH SATAN’S HEAD as that Woman’s spiritual OFFSPRING!
– +Fr. Joseph
I think, what he meant is without the Immaculate Conception (Mary being born without original sin) which brought us this divine figure for redemption, she was this means, along with God of course.
Please, these are religious dogmas, and theology again, this site IS NOT FOR THAT!
We are not here to argue which religion and who’s dogmas are correct!
As I pointed out, in an earlier post, on this thread, you will find out fast enough when you die, from God himself, who’s dogmas are most correct, there is no use arguing these points on here??
Those are the three steps The Zionists use. It is very true. I know it is true but do nor want to elaborate.
Thy are like men who have no imagination because they always repeat the same patterns, as did the cavemen who retained tool patterns for tens of thousands of years and never innovated until Homo sapiens sapiens. They were called Neandertals.
Getting oneself deliberately locked into the self-imposed spiritual prison of being and remaining UNFLEXIBLY RIGID (as is the case of just soooo many anti-Catholic groups and denominations) does one’s own spiritual life of mind, heart, soul and spirit absolutely NO GOOD and truly becomes an IMPEDIMENT to coming to an understanding of the Ineffably Great and Grand Scope of our God’s Own Divine GOOD NEWS to each and every last one of us.
Now please prayerfully consider just HOW TRUE what I’m about to explain to you IS:
We CAN truthfully-factually say and assert the following:
Four divided by two equals TWO, or/and
The squre root of four is TWO.
We’ve said the EXACT SAME THING in a different way YET coming to and arriving at the SAME “Mathematically True and Accurate Answer”!
Or, we can say ten times two equals one-hundred. And then, we can say the same EXACTLY TRUE THING with ten raised to the second power equals one-hundred.
Now please consider this one line from the Catholic Church’s much contested ‘Novus Ordo’ Mass:
“By the mystery of this water and wine, may WE come to share in the Divinity of Christ Who humbled Himself to share in our humanity.”
IF coming to share in the Divinity of Christ Jesus is, in fact, the personal spiritual experience of having ‘Everlasting Life’ as well as having a ‘life & Being in Heaven’, then we have to give our UNDIVIDED attention to coming to an understanding of:
‘How did Christ Jesus come about taking on our humanity SO AS TO make us capable of eternally living in God’s Divine Paradise?’
You see, the Mother of God IS herself the Divine Instrument to get ALL members of our Human Race ‘Up Into Heaven’ VIA and IN CONJUNCTION WITH her Divine Son Whom she conceived in HER WOMB by the Divine Power of God the Holy Spirit.
Hope that helps get you out of that spiritual RUT you’ve been spending so much of your time and your spiritual life IN for Lord-only-knows for how long.
– +Fr. Joseph
Street Evangelism Report!
Okay everybody.
I’m back now in my hotel room from the Streets of Boston putting in a good 4 hours of hard work on the MEDIAN STRIP of JEWISH Brookline, 10 minutes outside Boston Proper with TONS of both car and walking traffic.
As soon as I started holding HIGH the HOLY CROSS Of Our Saviour, two Irish Catholic officers of the Brookline Police drove by and started HOLDING HIGH THEIR FISTS in HONOR OF THE HOLY CROSS!
Then in the midst of Jews and every race and color under the sun, other Irish Catholics started yelling out GOD BLESS YOU and parking their cars to take pictures with me.
Most of the Jews were giving me nasty looks and one Jew (my reputation for censoring the enemies of Christ is getting very well known these days), rolled down his window and yelled out, “Brother Nathanael Sucks!”
I just laughed and made the sign of the Cross over him which “humbles the insolence of Christ’s foes” as we chant in our Orthodox Churches.
Then a man with a very professional look and a very expensive large camera started taking many different shots of me for about 30 minutes.
Finally, he approached me and told me he was from the Boston Globe and iterviewed me. He said he wants to have my pics and story published in the Globe.
Many young people came up to me asking to explain more of my message and I got a chance to share my love for Christ with them.
A Jewish man in his 50s (I just turned 60 so I have “seniority”) came up and said he was glad to see me and appreciates the work I am doing,
It turned out that he was a very secularized Jew and found my work to be quite inspiring,
He was in a hurry so I hope he returns tomorrow so I can share his MESSIAH, the Lord Jesus with him.
About 30 minutes later a nice looking woman approached me and introduced herself to me as a “reader of all my articles on Real Zionist News” and was from Germany visiting Boston.
It was THRILLING to meet her! She said she was going to send a donation in the mail to me BUT since she just happened to see me in person she gave to me a very generous donation right there on the Street!
I was just about to call it a night, when 3 boys in the early teens walked by going to synagogue (this is Yom Kippur week for the Jews).
These three Jewish boys were obviously Hasidic boys – with their long “paisos” (curly sideburns” and wearing prayer shawls and long fringes attached to their vests JUST LIKE THE PHARISEES that Christ condemned with their long phylacteries.
I made the sign of the Cross in a very friendly “Blessing” way over each one of them.
I did NOT like this.
So I went up to them and told them that they MUST embrace Christ as their MESSIAH and began quoting the Torah to them which PREDICTED Who the Messiah would be and that He would conquer death.
A woman observing all of this became “indignant” and started yelling at me for “pushing my religion” on these 3 Jews.
I IGNORED HER YELLING and kept on QUOTING HOLY SCRIPTURES to these 3 young Jewish Pharisees.
That’s it!
Tomorrow morning I go back to Brookline for morning Rush Hour, then downtown Boston, then Harvard Square, then back to Brookline for evening Rush Hour.
PLEASE keep me in your prayers!
The Brother Nathanael Foundation is SPONSORING this Street Evangelism Trip and all future trips planned as well (Back to NYC soon; hopefully Chicago soon; UCLA; St Louis; and Monterey Cal.)
Soo… PLEASE CONSIDER helping with The Brother Nathanael Foundation With a Donation TO KEEP ON SPREADING THE WORD @
Donations May Also Be Sent TO:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Many THANKS in Advance!
God Bless Our Real Zionist News Family!
Your +Brother in Christ, Nathanael
Dear Real Zionist News Family –
I started Street Evangelism this morning at 7 AM to greet the morning Rush Hour traffic with the HOLY CROSS help high and in Blessing mode in Brookline MA – a bedroom community only 10 minutes from Boston proper.
Many of the commuters knew me from before as come to Boston often for Street Evangelism.
It seemed that the pattern for the day was set since early this morning (it is now 8 PM and I just got back to the Hotel) as I got into MANY conversations throughout the day.
This morning THREE police officers from the Town of Brookline engaged me in conversation – all of then Irish Catholic.
One of them expressed his affirmation that I was a former Jew who came to embrace Jesus Christ.
He felt that my obvious Jewish background was a clear and strong testimony in a very Jewish community (Brookline) that harkened back to the original apostles of Christianity who were also “former Jews” who “understood the Jesus was the Jewish Messiah,” as the officer so eloquently put it.
This conversation really set the tone for the entire day.
Soon afterward as I was waiting for the subway (in Boston called the “T” – a young lady in her 30s approached me and asked me what Church I was part of and what my message in particular was.
I explained briefly that I was with the Russian Orthodox Church and my mission to bring the main symbol of Christianity, the Holy Cross, to the public square.
She told me that she was a half Jew and studying intently under Orthodox Rabbis in order to devote her life to religious Judaism.
I very politely but firmly told her she was embarking on a very dangerous path (she would NEVER be fully accepted by Jews being a “half-Jew” and not raised at all in any form of Judaism).
I then quoted Old Testament Scriptures outlining the predictions of Who the Messiah would be and that these Scriptures pointed to Jesus Christ.
Although she became very indignant for my having “burst her bubble” she nevertheless HEARD THE TRUTH and that shall always endure in her consciousness.
AGAIN today, people came up to me saying they read Real Zionist News and were delighted to meet me as I as them.
A group of young men in their forties came up to me downtown (a median strip in front of the Jew-owned Federal Reserve Bank) and showed me a picture they had taken of me in Summit County on a median strip.
They were so excited to me and took more pics with me.
At Harvard Square a conversation with one of the students gave me the opportunity to share my Orthodoxy.
Back to Brookline for evening Rush Hour, two Jews, one secular and one ultra religious and his wife approached me and I had the opportunity to impart Christ to them.
One incident occurred though that greatly disturbed me.
Because the Jews pushed through the “Open Immigration Law Of 1965″ we now have a ** multi cultural – multi racial – multi creedal society ** here in America.
This can be clearly seen here in Boston.
One says to himself, “Where am I? Am I in Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, or Senegal? It can’t be America.”
With this backdrop, as I was making the sign of the Cross before Cars in Brookline foe evening rush hour, an off-coloured brown woman from some Asian alien nation started shaking her head NO before the Holy Cross.
I became enraged with Holy Zeal. I made the CROSS vehemently all over her face and wished her OUT OF AMERICA!
The JEWS did this to us. They pushed the Open Immigration Law of 1965 down our throats to DESTROY Christianity in America.
Berfore 1965, NO brown alien off-colored woman would ever DARE in America to defy the Holy Cross.
Now! They have been enabled by the CHRIST HATING Jews who gave them their “rights” to DEFY the Cross.
BUT in spite of this very displeasing incident, All in all – I am so PLEASED with the results of today’s outing on the Streets of Boston.
The Brother Nathanael Foundation is SPONSORING this Street Evangelism Trip and all future trips planned as well (Back to NYC soon; hopefully Chicago soon; UCLA; St Louis; and Monterey Cal.)
Soo… PLEASE CONSIDER helping with The Brother Nathanael Foundation With a Donation TO KEEP ON SPREADING THE WORD @
Donations May Also Be Sent TO:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Many THANKS in Advance!
God Bless Our Real Zionist News Family!
Your +Brother in Christ, Nathanael
Boston Street Evangelism Report – Day 3.
Dear Real Zionist News Family –
I must be brief as I am now in a state of total exhaustion.
The highlight of today’s outing on the Streets of Boston was this evening during Rush Hour and afterwards in Jewish Brookline during Yom Kippur, The Jews’ “Day Of Atonement” while all the Jews were walking to synagogue.
I held high alongside the Holy Cross a Huge Sign which read: “Jesus The Messiah – Why Not?”
Some Jews were popping the middle finger at me when an Irish Catholic cop walked over who was directing traffic and stood by me for an hour affirming my message and the nasty gestures stopped.
Many were giving me the THUMBS UP (young Gentile men) when a religious Jewish man in his late forties engaged me in conversation.
After I showed him from the Torah that the role of the Messiah was to conquer death, he said to me: “But you will always be a Jew by blood and must return to your people.”
I simply answered: “And if I always will be a Jew and if Jesus IS INDEED the Jewish Messiah as He MOST DEFINITELY IS – than I will NEVER return to Judaism.”
I then walked over to an Orthodox Synagogue called Young Israel on Green Street. I held my sign and the Cross on the sidewalk right in front of the synagogue as about 300 congregants gathered for their Yom Kippur service.
They were rather indignant that I should be standing there with my sign, “Jesus The Messiah – Why Not,” and some were cursing me, others wished me “La Shona Tova,” (a good year), and others trying to ignore me which they really could not.
Then a young boy about 16 years old came out from the services and said, “Why are you standing here when you know that as Orthodox Jews that we are all dedicated to Judaism? Why don’t you go to the secular Jews or go to the Reformed and Conservative synagogues where they really don’t care about being religious?”
I answered him by saying, “You know the Holy Scriptures better than them, thus I am able to dialogue with you based on the Scriptures.”
I then proceeded to quote Genesis 3:15 and how the “seed of the woman” — the Messiah — would “crush the head of the serpent” and therefore undo the curse of death.
The young boy listened intently and said, “Thank you. I see you have a reason for being here.” and then walked away.
He came out a half hour later and looked me straight in the eye in a very intelligent and respectful manner and said, “Have a nice evening, sir.”
All in all, the Street Evangelism effort went quite well in spite of the heavy “multi-culturism” that has engulfed the city of Boston.
While out on the streets I keep askiing myself, “Where am I?” Am I in Zimbabwe, Indonesia, or Somalia? I couldn’t be in Boston.”
The Jews did this to us with their “Open Immigration Law of 1965″ that they pushed through. I will be doing a Video on this soon.
IN the meantime, with a high total of 30,000 plus hits this week, only 4 donations have come in.
If it wasn’t for a very FEW that help me to continue, I would be very discouraged.
In fact, I now have little hope for America.
The Jews have taken over, we now have (because of the Jews) a multicultural America where any kind of Christian consciousness has been ANNIHILATED.
I only continue so that perhaps a FEW will come to their senses and acknowledge that only an embrace of Jesus Christ and THE TRUTH and awareness of His enemies (the Jews) and their evil control of America.
I am also on the path of martyrdom which I am preparing for.
If you like what I am doing and this Web Site and the Vision of The Brother Nathanael Foundation @ then please help me out financially so that I can continue this work.
To make a donation online simply CLICK:
Donations May Also Be SAFELY SENT To:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation or Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
God Bless You All and I APPRECIATE our Real Zionist News Family!
+Brother Nathanael
Here are some revealing Jew quotes:
Israel Cohen writing about the communist [JEW] party’s objectives in ‘A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century,’ published in 1912.
“We must realise that our party’s most powerful weapon is RACIAL TENSION. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mould them to our program.
The terms ‘colonialism’ and ‘imperialism’ must be featured in our propaganda. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavour to instil in the Whites a guilt complex for exploiting the Negroes.
We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sport and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
The Canadian Intelligence Service – Excerpt from September 1952 issue – submitted by James Moorhouse. –
The following speech was given by Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952.
“The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold.
“I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race [JEWS] will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa.
“I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born.
“Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women.
“Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory.
“We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people.”
Don’t let them “con” you Bro Nate.
The 1/2 Jewish girl, I mean, wanting to adopt Judaism in any form. I have seen many them in my own backyard here. I have met 100s of them.
They care little about the true religion and Jewish Messiah, and usually care about showing their earthly master (Zionist Jews) they embrace them. And they are whole heartedly willing to worship them, and the alter of Holocaustianity.
I mean really, Orthodox Judaism takes years of Yeshiva, and not only Torah but Talmudic study to truly grasp their concepts.
I wonder if she knows, in Talmud, she is subservient to the males, and barely above Goyim, in their Talmudic eyes?
It’s funny all these liberal, so called liberated Jewesses, like a Gloria Steinem, so willing to attack male dominated Christianity and Islam, seem REMARKABLY QUIET ON TALMUD’S MALE CHAUVINISM?
Like all these idiots in Hollywood, like Demi Moore and Madonna, speaking of a “Jewess wantabe” with their Kabbalah studies with Rabbi Shmueley are hypocrites also.
We will look the other way if the male CHAUVINISM is perpetrated by our Talmudic satanic masters.
I am of Irish Catholic decent, on my mom’s side. Bro Nate, those Irish boys love Jewish converts, only thing better for them if it was to Roman Catholicism.
You should purchase a Celtic cross up there, that really would have them screaming “Bro Nate…. Bro Nate.”
Dear Frank L.
You say:
“Stav, that’s the most damning thing you have ever done to yourself.”
Very good, trying to get personal so I have to respond here and now. No thanks. Want to debate this publicly (somewhere else) or via email? Be my guest.
Let’s focus on the matters at hand here.
Dear Fr. Joseph,
You say:
“I’m NOT “debating” with you. All I’ve asked ”…
Debating, talking, whatever you may call it, I now call it “trashing” this site.
Don’t you see that nothing is resolved and all we do is alienate who ever may come here suspecting something is up with all this Zionist control in your and my country?
Let’s unite in this battle and as I said before, I am happy to talk/debate/discuss in a spirit of mutual respect elsewhere.
Stav makes an excellent point, Father Joe and Frank.
I have had other Roman Catholics (no it is not just that Bapduhaaas) attack me vigorously when I tell them that Talmud sees Mary as a whore, and Jesus as a false prophet. You’d think they might want to save that venom for Talmud readers?
Oh no! they want to give them and their precious IsraHell their tax dollars, so they can kill more INNOCENT Palestinian women and children.
Please don’t lecture me. I am an old altar boy, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Catholic school, the whole 9 yards.
Simple fact, Frank and Father Joe, the Holy Roman Catholic church as we knew it from the early 40s, 50s, 60s, for me, is long gone!
I beleive Mel Gibson’s father: the Zionists and Masons took the Catholic Church over at the Second Vatican Council.
It is apostate, just like the other religions.
What difference does it make if 90% of these Catholics say, “ohh yeah, I believe Mary is now on par with God and Jesus.”
Yet, they say nothing when an artist paints a picture of her in excrement, or Obama (who owes his SHILL presidency to Catholics) has Georgetown cover up references to Jesus and Mary both, when he visited there last Spring.
Did either of you send protests to Georgetown, or even Notre Dame, when this Puppet visited there?
Did you contact your Catholic diocese in protest when the Pope visited IsraHell, right after the Gaza massacre and said nothing?
Please just stay with DEBUNKING Zionist on here and see Stav on another site as he suggests, to argue theology, and bravely challenge each other like you are ready to dual with pistols.
Give me a break!
BOSTON – Day One
Street Evangelism Report!
Okay everybody.
I’m back now in my hotel room from the Streets of Boston putting in a good 4 hours of hard work on the MEDIAN STRIP of JEWISH Brookline, 10 minutes outside Boston Proper with TONS of both car and walking traffic.
As soon as I started holding HIGH the HOLY CROSS Of Our Saviour, two Irish Catholic officers of the Brookline Police drove by and started HOLDING HIGH THEIR FISTS in HONOR OF THE HOLY CROSS!
Then in the midst of Jews and every race and color under the sun, other Irish Catholics started yelling out GOD BLESS YOU and parking their cars to take pictures with me.
Most of the Jews were giving me nasty looks and one Jew (my reputation for censoring the enemies of Christ is getting very well known these days), rolled down his window and yelled out, “Brother Nathanael Sucks!”
I just laughed and made the sign of the Cross over him which “humbles the insolence of Christ’s foes” as we chant in our Orthodox Churches.
Then a man with a very professional look and a very expensive large camera started taking many different shots of me for about 30 minutes.
Finally, he approached me and told me he was from the Boston Globe and iterviewed me. He said he wants to have my pics and story published in the Globe.
Many young people came up to me asking to explain more of my message and I got a chance to share my love for Christ with them.
A Jewish man in his 50s (I just turned 60 so I have “seniority”) came up and said he was glad to see me and appreciates the work I am doing,
It turned out that he was a very secularized Jew and found my work to be quite inspiring,
He was in a hurry so I hope he returns tomorrow so I can share his MESSIAH, the Lord Jesus with him.
About 30 minutes later a nice looking woman approached me and introduced herself to me as a “reader of all my articles on Real Zionist News” and was from Germany visiting Boston.
It was THRILLING to meet her! She said she was going to send a donation in the mail to me BUT since she just happened to see me in person she gave to me a very generous donation right there on the Street!
I was just about to call it a night, when 3 boys in the early teens walked by going to synagogue (this is Yom Kippur week for the Jews).
These three Jewish boys were obviously Hasidic boys – with their long “paisos” (curly sideburns” and wearing prayer shawls and long fringes attached to their vests JUST LIKE THE PHARISEES that Christ condemned with their long phylacteries.
I made the sign of the Cross in a very friendly “Blessing” way over each one of them.
I did NOT like this.
So I went up to them and told them that they MUST embrace Christ as their MESSIAH and began quoting the Torah to them which PREDICTED Who the Messiah would be and that He would conquer death.
A woman observing all of this became “indignant” and started yelling at me for “pushing my religion” on these 3 Jews.
I IGNORED HER YELLING and kept on QUOTING HOLY SCRIPTURES to these 3 young Jewish Pharisees.
That’s it!
Tomorrow morning I go back to Brookline for morning Rush Hour, then downtown Boston, then Harvard Square, then back to Brookline for evening Rush Hour.
PLEASE keep me in your prayers!
The Brother Nathanael Foundation is SPONSORING this Street Evangelism Trip and all future trips planned as well (Back to NYC soon; hopefully Chicago soon; UCLA; St Louis; and Monterey Cal.)
Soo… PLEASE CONSIDER helping with The Brother Nathanael Foundation With a Donation TO KEEP ON SPREADING THE WORD @
Donations May Also Be Sent TO:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Many THANKS in Advance!
God Bless Our Real Zionist News Family!
Your +Brother in Christ, Nathanael
Dear Real Zionist News Family –
I started Street Evangelism this morning at 7 AM to greet the morning Rush Hour traffic with the HOLY CROSS help high and in Blessing mode in Brookline MA – a bedroom community only 10 minutes from Boston proper.
Many of the commuters knew me from before as come to Boston often for Street Evangelism.
It seemed that the pattern for the day was set since early this morning (it is now 8 PM and I just got back to the Hotel) as I got into MANY conversations throughout the day.
This morning THREE police officers from the Town of Brookline engaged me in conversation – all of then Irish Catholic.
One of them expressed his affirmation that I was a former Jew who came to embrace Jesus Christ.
He felt that my obvious Jewish background was a clear and strong testimony in a very Jewish community (Brookline) that harkened back to the original apostles of Christianity who were also “former Jews” who “understood the Jesus was the Jewish Messiah,” as the officer so eloquently put it.
This conversation really set the tone for the entire day.
Soon afterward as I was waiting for the subway (in Boston called the “T” – a young lady in her 30s approached me and asked me what Church I was part of and what my message in particular was.
I explained briefly that I was with the Russian Orthodox Church and my mission to bring the main symbol of Christianity, the Holy Cross, to the public square.
She told me that she was a half Jew and studying intently under Orthodox Rabbis in order to devote her life to religious Judaism.
I very politely but firmly told her she was embarking on a very dangerous path (she would NEVER be fully accepted by Jews being a “half-Jew” and not raised at all in any form of Judaism).
I then quoted Old Testament Scriptures outlining the predictions of Who the Messiah would be and that these Scriptures pointed to Jesus Christ.
Although she became very indignant for my having “burst her bubble” she nevertheless HEARD THE TRUTH and that shall always endure in her consciousness.
AGAIN today, people came up to me saying they read Real Zionist News and were delighted to meet me as I as them.
A group of young men in their forties came up to me downtown (a median strip in front of the Jew-owned Federal Reserve Bank) and showed me a picture they had taken of me in Summit County on a median strip.
They were so excited to me and took more pics with me.
At Harvard Square a conversation with one of the students gave me the opportunity to share my Orthodoxy.
Back to Brookline for evening Rush Hour, two Jews, one secular and one ultra religious and his wife approached me and I had the opportunity to impart Christ to them.
One incident occurred though that greatly disturbed me.
Because the Jews pushed through the “Open Immigration Law Of 1965″ we now have a ** multi cultural – multi racial – multi creedal society ** here in America.
This can be clearly seen here in Boston.
One says to himself, “Where am I? Am I in Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, or Senegal? It can’t be America.”
With this backdrop, as I was making the sign of the Cross before Cars in Brookline foe evening rush hour, an off-coloured brown woman from some Asian alien nation started shaking her head NO before the Holy Cross.
I became enraged with Holy Zeal. I made the CROSS vehemently all over her face and wished her OUT OF AMERICA!
The JEWS did this to us. They pushed the Open Immigration Law of 1965 down our throats to DESTROY Christianity in America.
Berfore 1965, NO brown alien off-colored woman would ever DARE in America to defy the Holy Cross.
Now! They have been enabled by the CHRIST HATING Jews who gave them their “rights” to DEFY the Cross.
BUT in spite of this very displeasing incident, All in all – I am so PLEASED with the results of today’s outing on the Streets of Boston.
The Brother Nathanael Foundation is SPONSORING this Street Evangelism Trip and all future trips planned as well (Back to NYC soon; hopefully Chicago soon; UCLA; St Louis; and Monterey Cal.)
Soo… PLEASE CONSIDER helping with The Brother Nathanael Foundation With a Donation TO KEEP ON SPREADING THE WORD @
Donations May Also Be Sent TO:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
Many THANKS in Advance!
God Bless Our Real Zionist News Family!
Your +Brother in Christ, Nathanael
Street Evangelism Report – Boston – Day 3.
Dear Real Zionist News Family –
I must be brief as I am now in a state of total exhaustion.
The highlight of today’s outing on the Streets of Boston was this evening during Rush Hour and afterwards in Jewish Brookline during Yom Kippur, The Jews’ “Day Of Atonement” while all the Jews were walking to synagogue.
I held high alongside the Holy Cross a Huge Sign which read: “Jesus The Messiah – Why Not?”
Some Jews were popping the middle finger at me when an Irish Catholic cop walked over who was directing traffic and stood by me for an hour affirming my message and the nasty gestures stopped.
Many were giving me the THUMBS UP (young Gentile men) when a religious Jewish man in his late forties engaged me in conversation.
After I showed him from the Torah that the role of the Messiah was to conquer death, he said to me: “But you will always be a Jew by blood and must return to your people.”
I simply answered: “And if I always will be a Jew and if Jesus IS INDEED the Jewish Messiah as He MOST DEFINITELY IS – than I will NEVER return to Judaism.”
I then walked over to an Orthodox Synagogue called Young Israel on Green Street. I held my sign and the Cross on the sidewalk right in front of the synagogue as about 300 congregants gathered for their Yom Kippur service.
They were rather indignant that I should be standing there with my sign, “Jesus The Messiah – Why Not,” and some were cursing me, others wished me “La Shona Tova,” (a good year), and others trying to ignore me which they really could not.
Then a young boy about 16 years old came out from the services and said, “Why are you standing here when you know that as Orthodox Jews that we are all dedicated to Judaism? Why don’t you go to the secular Jews or go to the Reformed and Conservative synagogues where they really don’t care about being religious?”
I answered him by saying, “You know the Holy Scriptures better than them, thus I am able to dialogue with you based on the Scriptures.”
I then proceeded to quote Genesis 3:15 and how the “seed of the woman” — the Messiah — would “crush the head of the serpent” and therefore undo the curse of death.
The young boy listened intently and said, “Thank you. I see you have a reason for being here.” and then walked away.
He came out a half hour later and looked me straight in the eye in a very intelligent and respectful manner and said, “Have a nice evening, sir.”
All in all, the Street Evangelism effort went quite well in spite of the heavy “multi-culturism” that has engulfed the city of Boston.
While out on the streets I keep askiing myself, “Where am I?” Am I in Zimbabwe, Indonesia, or Somalia? I couldn’t be in Boston.”
The Jews did this to us with their “Open Immigration Law of 1965″ that they pushed through. I will be doing a Video on this soon.
IN the meantime, with a high total of 30,000 plus hits this week, only 4 donations have come in.
If it wasn’t for a very FEW that help me to continue, I would be very discouraged.
In fact, I now have little hope for America.
The Jews have taken over, we now have (because of the Jews) a multicultural America where any kind of Christian consciousness has been ANNIHILATED.
I only continue so that perhaps a FEW will come to their senses and acknowledge that only an embrace of Jesus Christ and THE TRUTH and awareness of His enemies (the Jews) and their evil control of America.
I am also on the path of martyrdom which I am preparing for.
If you like what I am doing and this Web Site and the Vision of The Brother Nathanael Foundation @ then please help me out financially so that I can continue this work.
To make a donation online simply CLICK:
Donations May Also Be SAFELY SENT To:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation or Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
God Bless You All and I APPRECIATE our Real Zionist News Family!
+Brother Nathanael
It is very easy and gutless of you Fr Joseph to keep insisting I am the Son of Satan as you continuously imply because I will not bow to your will.
I suggest you take a leaf out of one of your many posts this last 12 hours where you state, quite curiously in fact that EVERY man sets himself up as God to do his own will.
Your words, not mine.
I certainly don’t agree with them, but you made the call and you have now bushwacked yourself!
Good work.
I think its called “getting yourself into a tight corner”.
You have in fact, quite foolishly, checkmated yourself.
You need to spend some time before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and do an honest ‘Examination of Conscience’.
I don’t consider myself ‘gutless’, nor did I ever say or entertain the thought you are a ‘Son of Satan’.
And as for the game of CHESS….
Neither the White King OR the Black King can “Checkmate” himself.
It is an entirely ILLEGAL and PROHIBITED move for either White King or the Black King to MOVE INTO ‘Check’ or to MOVE THROUGH a ‘Check’.
The White King’s pieces are INCAPABLE of inflicting either a ‘Check’ OR ‘Checkmate’ upon the White King.
The Black King’s pieces are INCAPABLE of inflicting either a ‘Check’ or ‘Checkmate’ upon the Black King.
Get yourself a GOOD book on the game of Chess.
– +Fr. Joseph
“Israel Fuels Speculation On War Prepartion”
“Stay On Topic” – We simply MUST go on and on and on about the JEWS while we shut our eyes complete SHUT TIGHT in order to NOT SEE this forthcoming GLOBAL thermonuclear Third World War and GOD’S OWN DESIGNS as to how TO STOP IT!
MAYBE we all will FINALLY begin to ‘Stay On God’s Divine Topic’ of SAVING 6 billion human souls from NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION!
– +Fr. Joseph
Now then, I’ve repeated asked you whether or not this Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary was “demonic” and “from hell”:
I was expecting a simple answer from someone claiming to be a devout Greek Orthodox Christian here on RZN of either a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Does your Greek Orthodoxy PROHIBIT you in giving out very simply ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ answers? It saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ a MORTAL SIN there in the Greek Orthodox Church???
But since you are PROHIBITED by the Greek Orthodox Church in answering simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ questions – and since you were NOT there in Zeitun, Egpyt during those Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I’ll give YOU the answers of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ by those who personally witnessed and EXPERIENCED those Apparitions:
“By issuing this statement, the Papal Residence declares, with full faith and great joy and humility of a thankful heart, that the Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of Light, appeared in clear forms on many different nights, for periods of variable lenght…et al” – quoting the Papal Residence in Cairo, Egypt here:
And here is yet another SIMPLE answer given to the people the whole world over via the Internet:
“The apparitions have been witnessed by many thousands of citizens and foreigners belonging to different religions and sects, with groups of religious organizations and scientific and professional personages and all other categories of people who have proclaimed and announced their witnesses…all giving the same particulars as to description and form and time and place, that unanimity has placed the matter of Virgin’s apparitions BEYOND ANY DOUBT.”
– quoting from
Now the same sort Supernatural Event was witnessed by and EXPERIENCED BY 70,000 people in Fatima, Portugal 1917. They simultaneously witnessed the ‘Miracle of the Sun’ and they were all simultaneously and miraculously made DRY from the wetness caused upon their persons by the incessant rains prior to the ‘Miracle of the Sun’ which was announced going to take place BY the Blessed Virgin Mary AS Our Lady of Fatima.
What did the eye-witnesses say about the Apparitions of the Mother of God as Our Lady of Fatima? Was is a true and authentic Apparitions “from HEAVEN” and NOT “from hell” nor “demonic”?
“…after hearing the opinions of our Rev. Advisors in this diocese, we hereby
“1) Declare WORTHY OF BELIEF, the visions of the shepherd children in the Cova de Iria, parish of Fatima, in this diocese, from the 13th May to 13th October, 1917”
– quoting from
So what is it about YOU that grants you the Greek Orthodox Church’s “authority” to NOT answer a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ question about the authenticity of the Apparitions of the Mother of God as Our Lady of Zeitun?
And what is it about YOU that grants you the Greek Orthodox Church’s “authority” to PUBLICLY PROCLAIM here on RZN or anywheres and anytime thoughout our contemporary World that the Apparitions of Mother of God as Our Lady of Fatima were of “demonic origin” and “from hell”???
You MAKE DARN SURE you personally drag your eyes to view and READ the following postings of mine directly SPECIFICALLY towards both YOU and ‘Charlie’.
“I’ll be back!” Arnold Schrawtznegger as ‘THE TERMINATOR’
– +Fr. Joseph
Dear Fr. Joseph / All,
I have been “instructed” to answer to you by a process which I believe to be genuinely of God.
Therefore, I feel not guilty, nor that I am trashing this site with this response, as I put my trust into the Lord Jesus Christ that this is what He desires of me. So, here is your answer:
For the impatient, here is what I will prove beyond any shadow of a doubt (for a believing Christian that is):
1) You cannot and you should not judge the truthfulness of ANY spirit by the way it presents it self, either by word, by appearance by sound or smell etc. It is dangerous and there have been thousands of examples where this approach is potentially disastrous.
2) You cannot use the majority rule or sheer numbers of witnesses when it comes to spiritual apparitions/events to validate them. Again, it is not a fool proof, not wise way to go about this.
3) You cannot use non universally accepted authorities, to prove your position. Esspecially if you are aware that your “chosen” authority is actually a huge “bone of contention”. Trust me, it is of no help to your cause.
4) For Orthodox people to accept the Apparitions of Fatima, they will have to accept various things that are currently viewed (and with VERY good reason) as heresies.
This is because the apparition it self, refers to these heresies as if they are truth. Thus, the Apparitions acceptance is not a matter that can be dealt with on it’s own. It requires resolution at all these points which are currently accepted to be heresies by the Orthodox Church – and as I said before, with VERY VERY good reason.
And here is the long version and my response to Fr. Joseph:
You say:
“I was expecting a simple answer from someone claiming to be a devout Greek Orthodox Christian here on RZN of either a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Does your Greek Orthodoxy PROHIBIT you in giving out very simply ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ answers? It saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ a MORTAL SIN there in the Greek Orthodox Church???”
Dear Fr. Joseph, I am really not sure if you mean to pose such questions which will expose your lack of consistency, or you are doing it on purpose to gain something else.
Of course, the Orthodox Church allows COMPLETE freedom. I can answer “no”, or “yes” or what EVER I want to your question. But, some of the things I may answer, may or may not qualify me any longer to be Orthodox. If my answer for example is heretical, then yes I am free to answer, but that does not mean it is also right.
Your question is a closed one. By requiring me to answer either yes or no, you are implicitly making me to assume that your “method” of determining what is “from God” and what is evil is a valid one. But it is NOT. Thus, any answer to your question is irrelevant, to say the least.
Let me explain:
Fallacy 1: Basing opinion of spiritual events on face value:
Your original question was:
“Give all of us YOUR most excellent analysis and opinion to the WHOLE WORLD via Br. Nathanael’s RZN about this one photo of an ‘Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary’:”
So, you are placing the validity of the Fatima apparition, purely on what you or I think of the photo? That is subjective, beyond belief. It is also NOT an Orthodox not Scriptural way of determining the validity of anything spiritual. Not by a mile. Not even close, Fr. Joseph.
Satanically influenced people such as Joseph Smith, claim they saw angels, which can be proven to really be Demons. Aliens UFOs, under certain circumstances, when they are not pure fraud, can and have been proven to be Demonic.
This has been the case with St. Anthony the Great and many many other saints. Demons have been known to appear as angels, and the Mother of God, as beautiful women, animals etc. etc. If one takes all these apparitions by why they subjectively think, failure and disaster is CERTAIN.
The above list of cases where you can easily be deceived is a VERY long one, Fr. Joseph. Photos, are even MORE subjective. Photos of angels, spirits, ghosts, aliens etc. etc. are used ALL the time to try and convince people of various things. Some of which are COMPLETELY contradicting.
Thus, to this point, we have arrived at the conclusion that judging the spirit by physical appearance does not make sense as the chance for deception is very very big. By extension, judging by Photo, is even less dependable, and finally by extension, your Fatima Apparitions cannot and should not be supported by such methods.
Fallacy 2: Basing spiritual opinion on numbers or people or the majority
Now, about the other “method” you have used to validate the apparitions, which was the number of people who have apparent witnessed it:
Since when, is the majority right when it comes to judging spiritual matters?
Is it not the majority of people on the earth who are NOT Christians?
Should we trust the SUBJECTIVE spiritual experiences, in Buddhism, Or Hinduism experienced by hundredths of thousands if not millions and trust their opinions, simply on account of their numbers?
I think not even your self would accept such a proposition. So, we have established that it is possible for thousands of people to be deluded and misguided by Satanic/Demonic influences.
The Problem Dear Fr. Joseph, is not to base your acceptance of the Fatima Apparitions based on majority but based on METHOD.
Thus we have arrived at the conclusion, that you cannot base opinion on, or validate a spiritual appearance/event, based on the sheer number of people who have experienced it. Emotionally you can, but that does not make it right, does it?
And up to this point, you have presented NONE.
Lets get on towards your next fallacy:
Fallacy 3: Attempting to appeal on authority / Using FALSE (or not universally accepted) authority to prove a claim.
You state the opinions of your Pope, to validate your apparitions. Forgetting the issue of real or not authority of the Pope for a second, consider this:
WHY use a NOT universally accepted “authority” as a way to validate anything? Don’t you know by now, that for whatever reason, I do not accept your Pope as being a Pope or for that matter a bishop or even a real priest? So why even mention him? You only make your position appear weaker by mentioning him.
Same goes for mentioning the Other Rev. Bishop. It does not help, even by a little bit. It only hurts your position.
It is obvious that you have no experience with dealing with such things. To make it VERY plain, let me say this: YOU MUST NOT, AND YOU CANNOT JUDGE ANY SPIRIT OR APPARITION BY YOUR SUBJECTIVE PERCEPTION OR FALSE AUTHORITY.
Fallacy 4: Failing to follow SCRIPTURALLY established METHODS:
As I have again and again mentioned to you, and you have again and again ignored, there is a very specific way to TEST the spirits and this is given to us in the form of a COMMANDMENT in Scripture.
John 1:4
1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
At what point, in the “messages” do we have an explicit statement that Jesus Christ is God who became Flesh?
Let me ask you a very very simple question:
If you visit another country, do you or do you not have to actually SHOW your passport/visa?
You do, don’t you?
A simple mention that you respect the laws or love the country you are visiting ins NOT enough is it?
Same goes here. Mary the Mother of God, knows Scripture, and knows Her Son, does She not? And She is concerned with keeping everything right and correct. Last thing She would do, is leave things hanging around undetermined and causing confusion. Right? Right.
So, Fr. Joseph, where IS the explicit mention in your precious messages that Jesus Christ is God who became Flesh? Where? Can you show it to me?
Because THAT would constitute SCRIPTURALLY based proof. We could then TALK.
So as you can see Fr. Joseph, you have not really started yet. So how can you possibly “not have finished with me yet?”
Unless I have grown apathetic, I must say that I feel no pressure coming from you, because I have not seen any valid arguments yet. And using the same methods, yes, “you’ll be back” but for what purpose? Is it merely to continue giving all of us, defunct and invalid reasons of why we should accept your Apparitions?
No Fr. Joseph, you’ll have to do much, MUCH better than that.
Finally, although this is getting seriously off topic, I must get a little bit in the offensive:
You ask amongst other things why the Orthodox would not accept what you so naively seem to to accept as truth.
One of the reasons, beyond the fact that your spirits have not been tested and thus should be ignored as Demonic, is this:
Because the messages contain implicitly and explicitly accepted things that CONTRADICT Orthodox Theology, which is based on the TRUTH and TRUE HOLY TRADITION, unlike the Pope, world, atheistic and gnosticism-ridden Roman “Theology.”
For example, the Demonic spirit in your messages, refers to the ridiculous idea of Purgatory.
There is ample theology based on Scripture and true Holy Tradition that purgatory IS NOT, and in fact is a ridiculous Idea, which deal with the Mystery of Death and the Mystery of Eternity as if it was a banking system. Utter blasphemy if you ask me, and mentioned by your otherwise “holy” apparition.
A second example: It refers to the “Immaculate Heart.” Which naturally refers implicitly to the completely arbitrarily decided concept of the Immaculate Conception. Which we Orthodox DO NOT accept, NO MATTER anyone says. And your “holy” apparition refers to this.
A Third example: Your “spirit” KEEPS CALLING YOUR POPE HOLY!!!! We do not see this person as a Pope NOR as Holy!!!
How can we possibly accept what this spirit is saying?
SO, Fr. Joseph, you are off course acting here, you are presenting us with some kind of theater. Because we have gone through this before.
It’s not as simple as me looking at a photo and accepting anything. And not only because that is an incredibly stupid and dangerous thing to do, but also because YOU KNOW, that you cannot convince an Orthodox of your Apparitions, UNLESS you also convince them that your HERESIES such as your belief in Purgatory and the Immaculate Conception and the Holiness of your Pope, are true.
If you don’t Achieve these prerequisites, you are simply wasting your time on trying to convince any of us to accept your “Apparition.”
Let’s cut through the BULL here…you have NOT been “instructed by God” nor have you been “instructed by ANYONE in Heaven”, to include the Angel or ALL of the Saints”!
And you most solemnly and assuredly have NOT been “instructed by the Mother of God” to come out here IN PUBLIC in front of the whole-wide WORLD here on RZN to publicly DENOUNCE and term ‘DEMONIC’ and ‘FROM HELL’ Her Very Own Appartions, Messages and INSTRUCTIONS to the Hierarchy of her Son’s Church Militant here on earth as Our Lady of Fatima.
You can’t even ‘PASS WIND’ on your own command let alone telling 70,000 people the time and place when the Mother of God’s OWN DIVINE SON is going to peform a ‘Miracle of the Sun’!
Why, for one supposedly being “instructed by God” to publicly DENOUNCE and CONDEMN AS ‘DEMONIC’ AND ‘FROM HELL’ here on RZN, you can even “instruct your own TWO FINGERS” to type out either the three simple letters Y-E-S or two simple letters N-O to a simply question I posed to you as A PRIEST and in my PRIESTLY RESPONSIBILITY to affirm, preach, teach and DEFEND those Divine Things of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Who just so happens to be (in GREEK) “The Logos” – and the Most Precious of those Divine Things of GOD INCARNATE just so happens to be HIS VERY OWN MOTHER!
And if the MOTHER of ‘The Logos’, out of her PERFECT & IMMACULATE LOVE for all of Mankind, decides to APPEAR to her own spiritual children who MAKE UP all of Mankind as God’s New Eve, then those who DENOUCE and call “Demonic” and “From Hell” this Woman’s Apparitions is most assuredly NOT getting “instructions from God” in any manner, way, shape or form!
As an ordained Priest, called into the Priesthoood by THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Himself (and I can VIVIDLY recall His Spiritual Visitation to me, the exact PLACE and in the EXACT WAY ‘The Logos’ make that Proposition-Divine Offer to me personally),
I have repeatedly made attempt after attempt TO CORRECT YOU, Stav – but you will NOT have anything to do with MY Priestly words of advise and spiritual counsel!
You are now at a spiritual cross-roads in your own personal spiriutal life – you either STOP/HALT any and all derrogatory statements or assertions AGAINST the Mother of God AS Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal and her Messages and INSTRUCTIONS to us members of the Human Race as well as those INSTRUCTIONS to the BISHOPS of Her Own Son’s Church Militant here on earth – or you and all those LIKE-MINDED (and I care not if they are ‘Eastern Orthodox’ or ‘Catholic’ or ‘Protestant’ or ‘Evangelical’ or ‘Whatever’) have chosen to continue on in PUBLICLY DISHONORING and PUBLICLY INSULTING Chirst Jesus’ Own MOTHER in front of His Holy Face and in front of His Omniscient Eyes!
You have a FREE WILL – you can FREELY WILL to not answer a Priest’s simple questions with either a simple ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ answer!
And you can FREELY ADMIT, out of humility, that as a self-proclaiming Greek Orthodox, that you MIGHT BE ABOSULETLY ‘WRONG’ and ‘IN ERROR’ – something that “being Orthodox” spiritual PREVENTS you and the all of the rest of you from the Eastern Orthodox Churches TO DO!
And should you FREELY CHOOSE, with your God-given Free Will, to “come back at ME” in any shape, matter or form here on these public commentary sections of RZN – I just want for YOU to know that…
– +Fr. Joseph
As I allow ‘Stav’ to gather up a large bouquet of fresh flowers picked from the grounds of Mount Athos —
And gather up some tapers, and perhaps get a caged singing songbird such as a canary to bring before an Icon of Statue of the MOTHER OF GOD to offer to Her as an “I’m Sorry Holy Mother!” sort of spiritual gift-of-reparation-and-reconcilation (the Blessed Virgin Mary LOVES fresh picked FLOWERS as well as SINGING birds), let me share with all of you what THE LORD has just “instructed” me to share with ALL OF YOU – a Divine Object Lesson on/regarding this one particular and isolated TOPIC:
“Supernatural Miracles & our Human Response(s) – or LACK of them”
Every year, without fail, since recorded times dating back to the days of the Emporer Constantine and the Roman Empire, your LORD & GOD in Heaven, JESUS CHRIST, has been making a constant, regular-as-clock work Supernatural Miracle seen, witnessed and recorded for ALL THE PEOPLES of our World to see with their own two bare naked eyes on a YEARLY basis.
That “Supernatural Miracle” is known as the ‘Miracle of Holy Fire in Jerusalem’.
Here are VIDEOS and PHOTOS and WRITTEN ACCOUNTS by Lord-only-knows how many HUMAN sets of eyes of His ‘Miracle of Holy Fire’:
Year in and year out, both THE JEWS of our entire World and THE MUSLIMS of our entire World get this Supernatural Miracle delivered to them BOTH “in their laps” there in Jerusalem by GOD INCARNATE HIMSELF, ‘THE LOGOS’, JESUS, God’s Christ to our entire World and Savior of ALL of Mankind.
The JEWS get to witness that Divine Miracle.
The MOSLEMS get to witness that Divine Miracle.
And yet, THE JEWS all across our World just keep right on going asserting that JESUS is ‘in hell’ and is ‘being boiled in human excrement’!
And the MOSLEMS all across our World just keep right on going asserting that JESUS is in NO WAY ‘The Son of God’ and repeatedly, over and over in their Qu’ran, make that assertion.
And while this Supernatural Miracle of ‘Holy Fire’ is made manifest to THE JEWS and to THE MOSLEMS and to ALL OF MANKIND via the prayerful liturgical actions of an ORTHODOX Patriarch of Jerusalem, we CATHOLIC CHRISTIANS do not go around nor do we DARE to go onto the Internet or in front of anyone anywhere here in this World privately or publicly proclaiming to others that THE LORD’S OWN ‘Miracle of Holy Fire’ is of ‘DEMONIC ORIGIN’ as well as ‘FROM HELL’!
Now the MOTHER of God Incarnate, the Logos, makes Her Presence VISIBLY KNOWN to ALL the peoples of our World via her most recent public Apparitions there in Zeitun, Egpyt.
Her Image is captured on television, in photos, and there are untold thousands of people who can write their own personal account of what they saw and what OCCURED to them all.
Let us ALL firmly keep in our minds and in our hearts that it is HER DIVINE SON Who Is Personally Responsible for the YEARLY AND OCCURING-WITHOUT-FAIL ‘Miracle of Holy Fire’ that THE JEWS and THE MOSLEMS and ALL THE RACES OF PEOPLE THROUGHOUT OUR WORLD get to see every YEAR!
70,000 people, back in 1917 A.D., witness a PUBLIC MIRACLE pre-announced to occur for THEM by the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, AS Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal.
Her Divine Son, that SAME Divine Son of hers Who makes the YEARLY ‘Miracle of Holy Fire’ manifested for THE JEWS of our World, for the MOSLEMS of our World to see with their own TWO EYES – caused the ‘Miracle of the Sun’ to be seen by EVERYONE regardless of their religious beliefs, affiliations, political, economic or scientific backgrounds or interests!
And while THE JEWS and THE MOSLEMS look on and on and on upon the ‘Miracle of Holy Fire’ there in Jerusalem – and BOTH the Jews and the Moslems insist and proclaim that the ‘Miracle of Holy Fire’ is DEMONIC in origin and that it is a deceit from HELL, every last EASTERN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN has been trained and condition in a fashion like ‘Pavlov’s Dog’ to BARK OUT and to BARK AT the Mother of God’s SON’S “Miracle of the Sun’ at Fatima, Portugal back in 1917 A.D. as LIKEWISE being “demonic in origin” and “from Hell”!
And LO! Even in and throughout my own Catholic Church, in and throughout my own Catholic Church’s Hierarchy – there are those in the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy as well as throughout the Laity that we are ‘SUPPOSED TO FORGET ABOUT IT ALL’, meaing the Mother of God’s as Our Lady of Fatima’s “Miracle of the Sun”…
my very own Catholic Church, her Ecclesiatical Hierarcy and the rank-and-file of her Laity are TO TREAT the Mother of God’s Son’s Own ‘Miracle of the Sun’ as being ‘DEMONIC-IN-ORIGIN’ as well as ‘FROM HELL’!
Hate to have to tell this to you, all of you PEOPLE throughout our contempoary World of 2010 Anno Domini – it appears that the ‘Diabolical Disorientation’ of SATAN has truly taken hold of our Human Race and that his demonic legions’ ‘Resident Evil’ HAS infected and diseased the minds, the hearts, the souls and the SPIRITS of our entire Human Race, both those INSIDE of the Mother of God’s Son’s CHURCH MILITANT here on earth as well as thsoe OUTSIDE of Her Divine Son’s Church Militant here on earth.
If I CAN’T even get ‘Stav’, a GREEK ORTHODOX, to see and understand what is PLAINLY SET BEFORE HIS FACE – what bloomin’ chance do I have in getting the Ecclesiatical Hierarchies of BOTH all of the Eastern Orthodox Churches as well as my own Catholic Church and her 27 Valid Eucharistic Rites to SEE and to ACKNOWLEDGE what I’ve just relayed to all of the REST OF YOU as being 1) True 2) Factual 3) Real and 4) Substantial???
– +Fr. Joseph
Can we ALL “Cut Through This Bull-Zhid”?
The Canon of our Church Militant’s SACRED SCRIPTURE Inspired by God the Holy Spirit “Cuts Thru The Bull” and right down TO THE BONE:
“This, however, YOU MUST KNOW (dear RZN readers – parens mine); I find that GOD made man simple; man’s complex problems are OF HIS OWN DEVISING.” – Ecclesiastes 7:29
Can somebody, anybody, other there in RZN Internet Cyberspace ANYWHERES here across our contemporary World of 2010 Anno Domini EXPLAIN TO ME THIS:
How is it possible to have SO MANY ‘Government Leaders’ and all those on the PAYROLLS of their particular nation or state’s GOVERNMENT – to include ALL of their Ambassadors to the United Nations just SIT THERE like DUMP SHEEP and SAY NOTHING – not so much as even a ‘BLEEP’ or a ‘BAH’ with what is going on in and throughout our World since 9-11-2001 when THIS is right in front of their FACES and their own TWO EYES?
“Loose Change”
And can somebody, ANYBODY, here on RZN Internet Cyberspace explain TO ME how we have SO MANY members of the Church’s Ecclesiastical Hierarchy – both form the EASTERN ORTHODOX Churches and well as from the Catholic Church, just SIT THERE, SAY NOTHING, DO NOTHING and PRETEND EVERYTHING IS JUST ‘PEACHY-KEENY’ in our contemporary World since 9-11-2001 with THIS right in front of their faces, right in front of their own two noses??
“Heaven’s Key To Peace”
Yessiree Bob!
What I need RIGHT NOW is for somebody, ANYBODY, from the Eastern Orthodox Churches to explain TO ME, +Fr. Joseph, just exactly WHAT IS IT that I am “getting wrong” and what is it that I am GREVIOUSLY MISTAKEN ABOUT things regarding the Apostolic Faith, Divine Revelation, Revealed Religion, in FAILING TO UNDERSTAND how and why ‘These Things’ are happening and staring me right in my FACE and right in front of MY two eyes!
– +Fr. Joseph
A little ‘Lectio Divina’ for EVERYONE – regardless of Race, Creed, Color or National Origin:
“You will listen and listen
see and see again,
For the heart of this nation
their ears are dull of hearing
for fear that they should SEE
with their eyes,
and BE HEALED by Me!”
quoting from the Gospel of St. Matthew – Matthew 13:14-15
Any ARGUMENTS? Any DEBATES? Any EXCUSES by ANYONE anywhere across our entire World who is currently reading these commentary sections from Br. Nathanael’s REAL ZIONIST NEWS website’s articles?
Almighty God Himself is currently looking all across the surface of our planet earth’s contemporary WORLD of 2010 Anno Domini – and He is EXAMINING everyone’s thoughts, everyone’s hearts, everyone’s motives, everyone’s behavior, everyone’s ‘Divine Geo-Political Persausion’ (and that INCLUDES every last ordained or consecrated member of the Church’s Ecclesistial Hierarchy ALL across our World as well!)
– +Fr. Joseph
Dear Fr. Joseph,
Oh dear, what a massive diversion. Could it be sheer panic? What on earth are you talking about? You have either deliberately or by accident completely ignored my clearly stated points.
I think your last responses reveal your inability to respond to exactly what I have stated. You are clearly appealing to the readers emotional comprehension rather than facts.
Let me be as clear as crystal:
1) I CANNOT answer “yes” or “no” to a question that is irrelevant and DANGEROUS. I am not about to implicitly accept your naive methods by answering…
Your question is dangerous because:
2) Judging the validity of a spiritual event on physical (especially photographic) or subjective information is spiritually DANGEROUS. Because you WILL be deceived — it is not the first time it has happened. Naive belief to spiritual events is the basis for many evil beliefs today; and,
3) You cannot validate any spiritual event by the number of witnesses. IT’ S DANGEROUS and pointless. It is also the basis of many evil spiritual beliefs today; and,
4) You should base your assessment of a spirit ON SPECIFICALLY INSTRUCTED AND SCRIPTURALLY VALIDATED METHOD. (not on emotional and otherwise naive assumptions) Failure to comply with this, will get you deceived; and therefore,
5) You need to offer a proof that is scripturally BASED, which you have not; furthermore,
6) To an Orthodox, there are far more important things that need to be sorted before we can even focus on “messages”. That is because they appear to clearly refer to heretical concepts as if they were truth. No spirit of God would do that; and finally,
7) I do NOT belong to your religious community, and thus it is FUTILE to try and use any such perceived not common “authority” to convince me.
I could go on, but it does not matter. They who have wisdom can see clearly. The one single question that matters is:
Can you apply the John 1:4 COMMANDMENT in order to validate the apparitions? NO? Then you must in the least ignore them OR at best, take them as Demonic and stay AWAY from them.
Can you find this scripturally supported validation? No?
NO. Otherwise you would have provided it already.
You appear to be very good at providing information that is NOT helpful. Nice, it shows your otherwise good intentions, but Fr Joseph, it seems sterile and empty to me. Where is the intangible power of words that a Holy Tradition and Scripture following Christian should have?
Do you really have to resort to photographic evidence? Does it not seem at least a bit significant, does it not even concern you a little bit that you cannot give any information or answer concerning your “Apparitions” that are not impotent, futile, empty and meaningless, carrying no weight, carrying no strength whatsoever?
Is there really any value in convincing your fellow Roman “catholics”? Why cannot you convince any one else?
And don’t compare your apparitions with the miracle of the Holy Fire. You can convince your self by going to the Holy Lands any year you like. AND I am not trying to convince you about it.
Furthermore, the Holy Light appears in a context where Jesus Christ’s first coming to the world as GOD, is affirmed ALL the time. Thus to that extent it QUALIFIES. Again Fr. Joseph, how do your apparitions qualify?
Spare us your irrelevant references to world events, Muslims, Jews, your experiences of today, your mentions on how angry and frustrated you are, links to videos and pictures, etc. etc. SOLVE your problem by qualifying your precious apparition scripturally.
Same goes to anyone who thinks I am too harsh. I did NOT bring up the subject of the Apparitions. I don’t need to prove my non-acceptance of them as Holy.
Fr. Joseph however, NEEDS to provide universally acceptable support and proofs. That’s if he really want to convince anybody who is not already convinced because they have been conditioned to accept such “apparitions.”
Feel you want to help clearing the matter up? Provide SOLID support and don’t resort to dangerous practices.
Dear Fr. Joseph and Stav,
You both are showing a total lack of respect for our dear Bro. Nathanael. Time and time and time again he has asked that the bickering over doctrine, dogma, etc., whatever not on topic cease.
I am assuming that you are both grown men, but have to tell ya you are acting like spoiled brats and are becoming quite tedious.
Is this the testimony and offering our wonderful Lord and Christ desires?
Please honor and respect our gracious host who is pouring himself out for us.
Thank you, and may God grant you each wisdom and grace to die to self.
Please inquire of Br. Nathanael why is it that he himself is publicly ‘bickering’ over the doctrines and dogmas of Rabbinic Babylonian-Talmud Kabbalah-Zohar JUDIASM.
Perhaps you’ll inform the ADL and each and every last Zionist organization throughout our entire World they likewise need to inform him to keep in his mouth shut and his religious opinions to himself and shutdown both RZN and BNF.
Perhaps you fail to appreciate the understand the Words of our Divine Saviour Who Himself said:
“Do you suppose that I am here to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. For from now on a household of five will be divided: three against two and two against three…et al” – Luke 12:31-32
From the Priest’s Eucharist Prayer of the much contested ‘Novus Ordo’ Mass based on the most ancient of known ROMAN CHURCH written liturgies composed by Hippolytus of Rome we make this SUPPLICATION to our God and Father in Heaven:
“May all of us who share in the Body and Blood of Christ BE BROUGHT TOGETHER IN UNITY by THE HOLY SPIRIT.”
If you’ve never been properly INSTRUCTED in the ‘doctrines’ and ‘dogmas’ of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of our Lord and Savior JESUS, the Christ…
God the HOLY SPIRIT is ‘The Spirit of TRUTH’
So what is YOUR ‘Truthful Yes-or-No Answer’, dear HVT…
Is THIS Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary from HEAVEN? YES or NO? as ‘Stav’ refuses to provide that simple answer.
Perhaps YOU will answer simply with a ‘YES’ or ‘NO’!
– +Fr. Joseph
“The World Struggle is NOT political or economic. Rather, it is religious and theological. It is either GOD or atheism.”
– U.S. 5 Star General Douglas MacArthur to visiting Catholic Bishop Fulton Sheen in Allied Occupied Japan
This is going to be the ABSOLUTELY LAST TIME I’m going to ask you this very simple question:
Is THIS Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary FROM HEAVEN??
And DON’T give me this “debating” rhetoric of yours.
As Greek Orthodox yourself, I’m pretty certain you are familiar with the Lord’s Words recorded in the Gospel account of St. Matthew at Matthew 5:37.
IF NOT…here are those Words of THE LORD:
“All you need say is ‘YES’ if you mean yes, and ‘NO’ if you mean no; anything more than this comes from the evil one.”
– +Fr. Joseph
NOW “IF” we can get somebody,
ANYBODY, here on Br. Nathanael’s RZN website from THE CHURCH to answer a big ‘YES!’ that the Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary were and ARE “From Heaven And Hence Of Divine Origin”…
…then we can FINALLY PROCEED to a discussion of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Apparitions and Messages for the whole wide World AS Our Lady of Akita, Japan!
THEN…by some strange sort of Divine Miracle here on RZN…once having UNDERSTOOD the Divine Messages from GOD in Heaven that have been delivered to US ALL by the Mother of God AS Our Lady of Akita, Japan…
…then we can begin a SOBER and SERIOUS consideration of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Messages and Instructions AS Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal back in 1917 A.D. where She relayed this VERY SIMPLE MESSAGE to and for both THE CHURCH and ALL OF MANKIND:
“ONLY I CAN HELP YOU!” – quoting from on-line and in-the-public-domain reference:
– +Fr. Joseph
It’s either doing THAT, or all of you can go gather around John Hagee, Jimmy Swaggart, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson and whoever else ‘TICKLES YOUR EARS’ as well as ‘TICKLES YOUR FANCIES’!
Dear Fr Joseph,
Yes… I am familiar with Matthew 5:37…
Are you?
Your reference to Matthew 5:37 is completely IRRELEVANT.
I am not required to swear here and tell the truth am I? So why mention Matthew 5:27? No wonder you are lost in heresy, if you cannot even understand basic Scripture.
Nevertheless, your needless and superfluous mention of irrelevant scripture just so you can support your demand for an answer is akin to taking the name of the Lord in vain…
Scripture is not something we use as a tool to demand answers from someone…
Back on the subject:
What on earth Fr. Joseph, don’t you understand English?
I’m not even a native English speaker, but I feel you have a bigger problem than mine.
Hmmmmm, not really, the above statement is only rhetorical, I know you are only avoiding at all costs to answer my crucial questions.
For the last time, and as kindly as possible:
Your question is NOT a valid one, nor would it help anything even if I answered it.
It is also displaying a DANGEROUS set of mind, where by you seem to propose that it’s OK to judge/validate spirits by appearance and subjective information.
Therefore, I am not going to support your naive approach by answering Yes or No.
Get it? I do NOT WISH to answer your question, not can you make me. Nor can you make me feel guilty if I don’t.
PS: @ hvt
I have no guilt for answering this one and creating a small thread after a few months of silence.
And I do not feel I need to explain why either. When important truths are told, it is a service to mankind. I only wish that someday you agree with me that these things are indeed very important.
Fr. Joseph,
All of your long and elegant writings do not negate the fact that you are disrespecting your host.
I have no qualms about answering your two questions, and will, so you will know where I stand, although there will be no debate on my part with you here concerning those issues.
Is THIS Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary from HEAVEN?
And, Fr. Joseph, I can still love you with His very love, even though we disagree.
@ hvt:
Moreover, if you take the time to see the pattern here, you will see that I only respond as a second or third to refute information that feel is not in line with my beliefs.
I Try to stick to Orthodox Holy Traditions and Theology and world view, which if you must know, I share fully with Br. Nathanael.
Have you ever thought WHY Br. Nathanael is Orthodox Christian and not some other denomination?
I feel that in certain restrained cases, it is my duty to point out that some of the things mentioned here are NOT readily compatible with Orthodox Christian belief.
This is the case with Fr. Joseph’s VERY frequent, always uninvited and without reason, mentions of the Fatima Apparitions, for which I have good (and never challenged) reasons to believe that they are demonic. And thus, should not be mentioned in an Orthodox Site such as this.
If Fr. Joseph did not mention what he KNOWS to be a controversial subject here, ALL the time, then we would have a whole lot less off topic stuff going on here.
The archived record of discussions here on this site, is openly available proof for what I am saying.
I have even offered to talk about this with Fr. Joseph by email or on some other public forum, but he has not even responded to my pleas. Ask your self why?
So why don’t you direct your full disagreement to the real reason and cause of the problem?
Hope you understand.
And I hope you understand that unless I am explicitly told by my fellow Orthodox Br. Nathanael to stop (and I will humbly stop immediately if he asks me), I will from time to time (and as rarely as possible as I have exhibited in practice), expose Fr. Josephs (and anyone else’s) heresies and misled beliefs as such!
I do understand. Thank you for your kind admonition.
You are REQUIRED to speak and to tell THE TRUTH whether or not you are ‘under oath’.
That is something that has been TOTALLY FORGOTTEN by our Church’s Ecclesiastical Hierarchy – that INCLUDES my Bishop of Rome and every last Cardinal and Archbishop and Bishop and Priest and Religious and member of the Laity of MY Catholic Church.
And if you haven’t also noticed, that is something that has been TOTALLY FORGOTTEN by our World’s National-State Leaders and all the way down their respective ‘Chains Of Command’.
And if you haven’t also noticed, that is something that has been TOTALLY FORGOTTEN by the PEOPLE who make up entire HUMAN RACE!
– +Fr. Joseph
So you, too, right along with STAV publicly declare here on RZN that the Apparitions of the Mother of God as Our Lady of Fatima are ‘DEMONIC’ and are ‘FROM HELL.’
And YOU are so concerned about ‘offending the host’???
JUST REMEMBER THIS…Your ‘HOST’ is Almighty God Himself. It is He Who has granted that life of yours, that body of yours, that mind, heart, soul and spirits of ours.
And your HOST allows you to live ‘FOR FREE’ here on this Planet Earth of His Creating and His Sustaining.
And the HOST’S MOTHER might not find your publicly statements here on RZN “agreeable WITH her.”
Just REMEMBER that – all of this which I’ve just told YOU and, by extenstion, and STAV.
Neither one of you have been ‘Assumed Into Heaven’ – just remember THAT as well! And don’t you DARE publicly say of her that the Mother of God’s ASSUMPTION INTO HEAVEN was “demonic” and was “powered by hell”!
– +Fr. Joseph
You don’t get it Fr. Joseph,
It’s a photo! Do you really want me to believe your Apparitions because of a photo?
If I accept your photo, what’s NEXT? Bigfoot? Flying saucers? Crop Circles? Tell me please!
The context is wrong, don’t you get it? Therefore photos will NOT help? Nor descriptions, not even your precious messages themselves!
Don’t you see that a different method of approval is necessary? We have been given a way to judge the spirits, and regarding your precious “Apparitions” is have NOT been provided.
Sort these issues for me, PLEASE!!!
Of course I am required (and you as well) to tell the truth at all times. My mention to that, was to show the utter irrelevance of your reference to Scripture.
The problem for you Fr. Joseph, is that I actually DO tell the truth and you don’t like it.
May I remind you, that avoiding to answer the truth, is VERY close to lying:
WHY will you NEVER, NEVER answer ANY of my questions?
WHY will you not take this issue elsewhere, and WHY will you not even acknowledge my offer to discuss this elsewhere?
If you know that these Apparitions are at least controversial, the WHY do you keep mentioning them, when you know FULL WELL what’s going to happen?
Can you explain WHY your spirit is calling the Pope “Holy,” when he is clearly NOT? Can you?
Does your spirit’s assertion that “only I can save you” not look at LEAST a LITTLE bit contradicting Jesus Christs OWN WORDS, that He is The Light and The way and Only Through Him we can be saved?
No? Nothing coming? Your loss, Fr. Joseph and believe me it is sad!
Do you feel like answering any of the above? Of course not.
Your silence on the things that matter, does not make you look very credible anymore. And it does not make anything you say credible either.
Want to really talk this out? Let’s do it somewhere else…
WHY the silence Fr. Joseph? Everyone can see now, that you are ignoring the real issues and keep repeating your stuff regardless.
Sounds like propaganda to me…
What is it with you? Do you think that as long as you can mention your Apparition regardless of the context in which it is set, everything will be fine?
You know how many people read my questions and your silence to them, and are not seriously doubting the Apparitions? Best thing you could do, is stop mentioning them. You are clearly not helping your “Apparitions” cause.
Which is a good thing of course…
Lectio Divina for EVERYONE!
“Yahweh, who has the right to enter Your Tent,
or to live on Your Holy Mountain?
“The man whose way of life is blameless,
who always does what is right,
whose tongue is not used for slander,
“Who does no wrong to his fellow,
casts no discredit on his neighbor,
looks with contempt on the reprobate,
but honours those who fear Yahweh;
“Who stands by his pledge at any cost,
does not ask interest on loans,
and cannot be bribed to victimize the innocent.
“IF a man DOES ALL THIS, nothing can ever shake him.” – Psalm 15
“So from now on, there must be NO MORE LIES; YOU MUST SPEAK THE TRUTH TO ONE ANOTHER, since we are all parts of one another.” – St. Paul the Apostle – Ephesians 4:25
What are we to make of Jesus Christ’s DIVINE Revelation, Teachings and Instructions? While THE LOGOS Himself said these Words:
“But as for Me, I SPEAK THE TRUTH
and for that very reason
you do not believe Me!
Can one of you convict Me of sin?
why do you NOT believe Me?” – John 8:45-46
Is there either a CATHOLIC or ORTHODOX Bibilcal Scholar who can find where it was that Jesus Christ, THE LOGOS, the Only Eternally Begotten Son of God the Father was placed under ‘AN OATH’ by any officer of any Court on earth, before ANY ‘Supreme Court’ or ‘Circuit Court’ JUDGES?
Did or did not JESUS speak the TRUTH to our entire Human Race WITHOUT being under an ‘Oath’ as He stated His Divine ‘Case’ to our Human Race?
“Yes, Virginia, there is A TRUTH! And that Truth REQUIRES ALL OF US to speak the truth with simple truthful answers to on another!”
“I Am the Way, THE TRUTH and the Life.”
– Jesus Christ’s Own Words – John 14:6
– +Fr. Joseph
“The Lie Is SACRED!” – Russia’s Stalin
And EVADING and DENYING and EVADING the truth IS the ‘Divine Liturgy’ of the Sacred Lie(s).
It was Pope John XXIII as Bishop of Rome who stated the following in his papal encyclical ‘Ad Petri Cathedram’, July 2, 1959
“The source and root of ALL THE EVILS which affect individuals, people and nations with A KIND OF POISON, and confuse the minds of many is this: IGNORANCE OF THE TRUTH and not only ignorance, but at times A CONTEMPT FOR, and A DELIBERATE TURNING AWAY from it.”
Infallible words, I would say, DESPITE this report:
It was (Masonic?!) Pope John XXIII who himself ORDERED for the Third Secret of Fatima to NOT BE RELEASED to the entire World in 1960 per the Instructions given by Our Lady of Fatima to the appartion visionary, Sr. Lucy. And there was to be NO ‘PUBLIC COLLEGIAL CONSECRATION OF RUSSIA’ to the Immaculately Loving Heart of the MOTHER OF GOD, the Woman of Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 12:17!
So it took my Catholic Church’s PRIESTS of the Church’s ROMAN Rite as EXORCISTS
to “wrestle THE TRUTH out of” the demonically possessed so that ALL OF YOU might be made aware and made INFORMED:
And to ALL OF YOU of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, go take STAV’S superior spiritual advise about ‘NOT BELIEVING IN PHOTOS’, photos such as these:
THE ZIONIST JEWS, applying Stav’s wisdom and counsel, can now go tell THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD that ‘The Miracle of Holy Fire’ is DEMONIC and FROM HELL!
Kinda/sorta makes one start to wonder whether or not STAV and HVT are Zionist SHILLS here on RZN!
– +Fr. Joseph
Dear Fr. Joseph,
And it is NOT my “superior” advise. It is SCRIPTURE (1 John 4:1-3).
Do you resent the Bible Fr. Joseph? No? Then follow it’s clear advise in this matter.
So yes it is superior to your Roman heresy, but not because of me.
I had nothing to do with it. I’m not even being wise as you sarcastically say. I merely present relevant scripture to you, and you ignore it…
1 John 4:1-3 is a SERIOUS piece of advise that should be applied any time you see, hear, smell, feel or suspect a spirit.
I am merely presenting it to you as the definitive way to find out the truth — from which you flee like a cat from water, with your long and irrelevant posts to my answers to you!
Just answer the questions, Fr. Joseph, or stay silent altogether on this matter.
Fr. Joseph,
I cannot believe I missed your last statement!!!!
Ha Ha! Me a Zionist? Come on!!!!!
Are you really calling an Orthodox Christian Greek a Zionist? Ha Ha, thats sooooo funny!
You know, I am not that way at all, but if you tried calling someone that, here in Greece, even with a secular Greek, they may well try to hurt you! It’s THAT insulting!
And your reason? I’m a Zionist because I ask you to apply Scripture to your heresy!!!
Yes, makes complete sense, does it not?
That last comment of yours does not even deserve an answer.
The people who can really make a difference, know the truth about me regardless of what you think or may say!
And since we all know what being a “Zionist Shill” entails, I consider that last statement of yours to be an ad hominem against me. And a pretty nasty one at that.
And we all know what resorting to ad hominems really means anyway, don’t we? It means you have long lost the real argument.
I have had enough of this for some time.
May God Bless you.
In Christ,
Stav, hvt,
By WHAT or WHOSE AUTHORITY to the both of you publicly declare the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima (and for that matter, the Apparitions of Our Lady of Zeitun) to be ‘Demonic-in-Nature’ and ‘From Hell’???
– +Fr. Joseph
Stav, hvt,
Go some place where it is nice and quiet and go attempt to THINK-REAL-HARD about this…
Low-yield nuclear bombs were used to bring down the New York City’s World Trade Center Twin Towers.
They were NOT brought into and planted at the base of those Twin Towers by ARABS or MOSLEMS or IRAQIs or AFGHANIs.
IF such nuclear weapons (manufactured by such organizations such as the United States of America and the Political Zionist State of ISRAEL – as Iraq couldn’t make them nor could Afghanistan make them and Iran STILL can’t make them) were placed and DETONATED with IMPUNITY here in a Major USA Metropolitan City;
Then WHO? can possibly stop/prevent these same individuals and their political States from whence they hail from doing THAT AGAIN – detonating nuclear weapons IN USA cities, and then using the US Mass Media to GO BLAMING another entirely innocent State in our World to go start yet another WAR???
Yes, as you ‘GO AWAY!’ to some nice place where you can sit there for a long time in stillness and quiet LEAVING ME, +FR. JOSEPH, IN PEACE, go and THINK-REAL-HARD about what I’ve just told you and about the question I’ve asked the two of you:
At Fatima, it was the Most Holy Theotokos AS Our Lady of Fatima who informed both THE CHURCH and ALL OF MANKIND:
“Only I can help you!”
This WOMAN of Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 12:17 GAVE Her Instructions to the BISHOPS OF THE CHURCH.
Now as EASTERN ORTHODOX, the two of you need to go ask yourself yet ANOTHER follow-up question:
‘Why are the Patriarchs, Metropolitans and Bishops of the Eastern Orthodox Churches calling and teaching you all that the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima are ‘DEMONIC’ and ‘FROM HELL’!’
“The unexamined life is NOT worth living!”
– the Greek philosopher SOCRATES for those of you in/of the GREEK Orthodox Church.
“The unexamined LIES are NOT worth believing!” – A Priest in the Monastic Brotherhood of the Lord’s CHURCH Militant here on earth!
– +Fr. Joseph
Now the following is for ALL OF YOU readers of Br. Nathanael’s RZN articles, those of you who are NOT “religious” and entirely “secular” as well as for those of you who ARE “religous” but neither Catholic or Orthodox.
At the BOTTOM of this particular webpage,
all of us find the following written words:
“ONLY by this public exercise of their God-given apostolic authority will PEACE be given to the whole world! WAR is caused by SIN – REPARATION must be made. This is the REPARATION God demands. Nothing else will suffice.”
Now regarding the BISHOPS of the Church Militant here on earth and THEIR God-given apostolic authority, this is where you can read-all-about-THAT in our Christian Church’s Canon of Sacred Scripture:
Remember those Words of the Lord Himself WELL:
Now our beloved Christian Saint, St. Paul the Apostle, does HIS first century impression of Br. Nathanael with his RZN articles:
“For it is not against human enemies that we have to struggle, but against the Sovereignties and the Powers who originate the darkness in this world, the SPIRITUAL ARMY OF EVIL in the heavens.” – Ephesians 6:12
Go to the on-line Catholic Encyclopedia and go look up ‘Kabbala’ and then, GO READ all about it’s ‘Zohar’. With an understanding of and about the ‘Zohar’, you are then know where this ‘SPIRITUAL ARMY OF EVIL in the heavens’ working all across our contemporary World of 2010 Anno Domini HAS COME FROM and THROUGH WHOSE HANDS!
Now back to this Fatima ‘Issue’ concerning the 4600 BISHOPS of the Catholic Church and the Most Holy Theotokos’ Appartions and Of-Divine-Origin INSTRUCTIONS, St. Paul INFORMS newly consecrated BISHOP TIMOTHY of the following:
“You have in you a Spiritual Gift which WAS GIVEN TO YOU when the prophets spoke and the body of Elders (OTHER BISHOPS!) laid their hands on you; DO NOT LET IT LIE UNUSED.” – 1 Timothy 4:14
It is the spiritual-religious responsibility of the BISHOP OF ROME and all of the BISHOPS of the Catholic Church TO REMIND EACH OTHER they all have the Lord’s ‘SPIRITUAL GIFT’ TO CRUSH SATAN and TO DEFEAT the entire strenght of the SPIRITUAL ARMY OF EVIL!
Can somebody – ANYBODY – here reading RZN get THAT INFORMATION to the Bishop of Rome and the Bishops of the Catholic Church all across our contemporary World 2010 Anno Domini?
A little HELP from the Eastern Orthodox here on RZN for a change would surely be NICE! But then again, the souls IN HELL all want something COOL to drink as well.
– +Fr. Joseph
From the “Prayer of the People” in the EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCHES Divine Liturgy of St. John Chysostom, their INVOCATIONS to Almighty God contain this particular supplication:
“For the PEACE of the WHOLE WORLD, for the stability of the Churches of God, and for THE UNION of them all, let us pray to the Lord….LORD HAVE MERCY!”
Sure does look to me like the Eastern Orthodox Churches DON’T WANT World Peace, they DON’T WANT the stability of the Churches of God – and most solemnly and most assuredly DO NOT WANT UNITY!
‘STAV’ here on RZN is making THAT point of his and his Greek Orthodox Church LOUD & CLEAR here in public on RZN!
Makes me wonder why do the Patriarchs, Metropolitans, Bishops, Priests, Clergy and Laity of the EOC’s even BOTHER WITH offering up their prayers and their Divine Liturgies up TO GOD in the very first place!
– +Fr.Joseph
Your GREEK Orthodox Bible has THE LORD giving these Instructions of His to His disciples:
“If you brother does something WRONG, go and have it out with him alone, between your two selves.” – Matthew 18:15
That’s EXACTLY what I’m doing here with you!
Yes, I think you are really a Zionist shill here on RZN. I say that NOT as an ad hominem, either!
The Zionist Kabbalah-Zohar Babylonian Talmud JEWS throughout our World assert that JESUS is “in Hell” and is boiling in human excrement.
YOU, on the other hand, publicly come here on RZN to announce to the ENTIRE WORLD via the Internet that JESUS’ MOTHER who appeared as Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal back in 1917 A.D. is “from Hell” and is a “demonic spirit” to boot!
Now THAT’S an ‘Ad Hominem’ PUBLICLY directed against the Most Holy Theotokos, the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary!
You have “Problems”, Stav – you have REALLY BIG PROBLEMS!, not with me – but with Someone Who just so happens to be our CREATOR and our GOD!
February 6, 1994:
“When you have pushed My Mother aside, I tell you, you have pushed Me aside too. My Mother stands with Me. When you push God aside, then you shall suffer the consequences.” – quoting from:
I’m NOWHERE close to whereever you might be living. Hence, there is NO WAY you can come to me for Reconcilation with the Lord, His Mother and God’s Own Divine Sacrament of Penance!
I have NO IDEA whatcha gonna do. No idea.
– +Fr. Joseph
Now I don’t know about any of you out there in Internet Cyberspace Land,
But I’d most assuredly would want to see BR. NATHANAEL have is VICTORY! over all of these Zionist pseudo-Jews running amok and causing HAVOC all over our world and, in particular, here with and within my own nation-state of the United States of America.
But unfortunately, it sure looks like that these Zionist pseudo-Jews worshipping Satan, worshipping Lucifer via their Kabbalah-Zohar and Babylonian Talmud in hands – are going to truly SUCCEED in getting our Human Race embroiled in and ‘culled down to psuedo-Jewish MANAGEABLE size’ via this upcoming global thermonuclear Third World Wars of theirs.
Regarding THAT Third World War, read all about it for yourselves here:
Now a GLOBAL thermonuclear Third World War WILL bring about ‘The Downfall of the Human Race’.
1,600 years ago, our CHURCH and our entire HUMAN RACE was given ‘Fair Warning’ from Heaven via the Gift of Prophecy entrusted to one St. Nilus which is in-the-public-Internet-domain here:
Now PLEASE NOTE WELL, St. Nilus has this to say about our BISHOPS in/of either the Catholic or Orthodox Churches here currently on earth:
“…and Christian pastors, Bishops, and Priests will become vain men, COMPLETELY FAILING TO DISTINGUISH the right-hand way from the left.”
Supposed ‘Christian Pastors’ such as one John Hagee and all those like-minded ‘Bible Believing Israel Supporting Evangelicals’ are leading their ‘flocks’ by their NOSES straight into this psuedo-Jewish GLOBAL thermonuclear Third World War, and…
…the Patriarchs, Metropolitans and Bishops of the EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCHES go around telling THEIR ‘flocks’ that the Apparitions, Messages and Instruction of Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal, 1917 A.D. are “demonic-in-nature” and “from HELL” while…
…my own Catholic Church’s Popes BURY the Third Secret of Fatima and DO NOT ORDER the Bishops of my Catholic Church to perform the public and solemn Collegial Consecration of RUSSIA to the Immaculately Loving Heart of Jesus Christ’s OWN MOTHER per the Mother of God’s Fatima Instructions.
So what else can I possibly tell all of you, my fellow brothers/sisters of our SAME Divine Father in Heaven and who are ALL members of our entire Human Race here on earth.
We ARE all going to get ‘Nuked’ and, that will be the DOWNFALL of our entire Human Race simply because of the ‘FEAR of the PSUEDO-JEWS’ running amok across our contemporary World’s nations and states!
The Bishop of Rome along with the Bishops of the Catholic Church in conjunction with and with the FULL approval and cooperation of the Patriarchs, Metropolitans and Bishops of ALL the Eastern Orthodox Churches aren’t gonna do a FLIPPIN’ THING about the skin on your bodies being BOILED AWAY in your ‘friendly-neighbor’ Thermonuclear Blasts coming to a neighborhood ‘theatre’ near to you!
Now much I can do about THAT.
Sorry, I really and truly DID give it my own personal Priestly ‘BEST SHOT’, but as you can see, I’ve FAILED all of you as well!
Sure is kinda hard to remember you were sent to DRAIN THE SWAMP when you find yourself 24/7/364 neck deep in ALLIGATORS!
AT LEAST, get yourselves to the Christian Church’s SACRAMENTS, especially that of the Sacrament of CONFESSION while you all stil have that skin attached to your bones!
Thank you.
– +Fr. Joseph
Fr. Joseph,
You don’t understand that I am VERY secure in who I am and what I say.
Therefore, I do not feel the slightest need of responding to your now obviously desperate attempts to get a response from me.
Your personal attacks, irrelevant comments, appeals to emotional responses and heretical opinions (some of which are blasphemous and anti Christ) have been demolished in this comment section.
You subsequent monologue only makes the TRUTH stand out event more.
In the next post I will provide you with a very “nice little cheat sheet” for you, so you can refer to it, before you speak.
God Bless you Fr. Joseph,
In Christ
Dear Fr. Joseph,
Here’s your Cheat Sheet as promised:
SECTION 1: Dealing with Spirits, Apparitions, etc. etc.
Rule 1:
Just follow 1 John 4: 1-3 and you will be fine:
1 John 4:1-3 KJV says:
1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
Rule 2:
See Rule 1…
Rule 3:
See Rule 2 or 1 (see the pattern here?)
Questions on section 1:
Question 1:
I heard of, or heard/saw/smelled/felt an apparition that seems to be genuine to me, shall I just skip Rule 1 and just believe it?
NO! Follow scripture first. It came first, we accept it FULLY, and thus it takes precedent.
Question 2:
OK, but what can happen if I follow the advice of an apparition without me being sure that it is from God?
A number of VERY bad things can happen to you and your loved ones, for example:
Islam, Mormonism, Demon possession, Loss of Soul and others…
All of these are the direct result of naively putting trust into spirits, when really Rule 1 should have been applied…
SECTION 2: On Christian Salvation and it’s source and reason:
Rule 1:
Jesus Christ Lord and God incarnate who came to earth for our salvation, is the Only Salvation because He said so. (Do I really need to quote scripture here?)
Rule 2:
Rule 1 means that no spirit, alien, idol, bishop, priest, shaman, woman, man, science, idea or ideology, energy, yourself, thing, or anything else for that matter provides Salvation and a way to God the Father.
If anyone of those are claimed to provide such a thing, then you are looking at a LIE. Pure and simple.
Questions on Section 2:
Question 1:
I have heard it said somewhere that Mary the Mother of God, is our “only salvation.” Is this not contradicting Rule 1, Section 2?
Answer: Yes it is! Very good! The Most Holy Mother Of God, can intercede for us and She will, if you ask Her. BUT, SALVATION COMES FROM CHRIST.
Question 2:
But, a spirit said that “she was the only one who could save me” and she also said she was Mary and she looked very much like Her too. Who shall I believe?
Answer: Believe Scripture and the words of Jesus Christ. Make sure you follow Rule 1 of Section 1 in such cases before you move any further!
SECTION 3: On comparing Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity:
Rule 1:
Orthodox Christianity and Roman “catholicism” are NOT the same thing. Not even close. Not even remotely close. Not even on paper or theory.
Not in practice. Not in God’s Grace. Not in truth. And no, our common historical past does not compensate for the differences that exist today.
There are SERIOUS, unity destroying, theological and practical differences which cannot be compromised or watered down, because that would mean the compromise of the Original Orthodox Christian Faith.
Questions on Section 3:
Question 1:
But I thought that Catholics and Orthodox are now one Church! Is that not the case?
Answer: NO. Look to Rule 1, Section 3 above.
Question 2:
OK, which one is right then? Which one should I follow?
I cannot tell you, you have to decide this for your self.
But there is at least one way to find out, but only if you really mean it.
The only way is through 110% honest and humble fasting and prayer and keeping an honest and humble but fully critical mind at all times.
It also helps to have the right material to read. But if you ask God, He will provide it for you, also ask around! Some people get their answer first through their brain and then their heart, others first through their heart. God knows better than anyone which type any of us are.
There you go, Fr. Joseph, now you don’t need to ask me again! Print it out, keep it next to your computer and double check it before you post again on this subject!
No point setting this message board up with a nasty flame again, at least on these subjects, now you know where we disagree! And thus you know what types of subjects could trash the site, don’t you?
There you go, it’s all neatly put into one place, that’s all I have to say on the subject. No need to monologue any further Fr. Joseph.
In Christ,
It’s all so incredibly simple.
We are heading to a thermonuclear Third World War.
The Blessed Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Fatima gave the Church and Mankind ‘A Way Out’ from having to endure, experience and suffer this forthcoming thermonuclear Third World War.
YOU reject the Mother of God’s Apparitions as Our Lady of Fatima as does your entire Eastern Orthodox Church.
My own Catholic Church’s Masonic and Crypto-Jew and Satanic Infiltrators into the Catholic Church’s Hierarchy likewise REJECT the Mother of God’s Apparitions as Our Lady of Fatima.
Hence, we will have a thermonuclear Third World War to experience, endure and suffer.
There now, doesn’t THAT make you happy and satisfied?
– +Fr. Joseph
Dr. Father Joseph,
It is difficult to establish precisely what the children said and when in the immediate aftermath of their experiences in 1917.
At the time of the apparitions of 1917, the three seers were down-to-earth farm children who could neither read or write, the oldest of whom was Lucia, at the age of 10 (born 1907), Francisco was 9 (born 1908) and Jacinta 7 (born 1910).
All accounts agree that Lucia was the only one of the three seers to interact with both her vision and the crowd, carrying on conversations while her two cousins stood by silently.
Francisco could only see The Lady and her lips move; he could not hear her. Jacinta could see and hear her, but did not converse. Lucia could see, hear, and talk with The Lady. The apparitions occurred at about midday. All throughout, Lucia played the leading role in the scenario of the apparition itself.
The most important early sources of written information are the interviews conducted and recorded by interested clergy such as Dr. Manuel Formigao, canon of the patriarchal see of Lisbon and professor at the seminary and lyceum of Santerem, and Fr. Jose Ferreira de Lacerda.
Any way its translated, it is very clear that May 13, the day of first contact of the children with the Lady (as the children always identified her) is not counted as part of the specified six months the Lady articulated, for the simple reason that the children had not been previously asked to come that day. May 13 is their first unannounced meeting with the Lady.
May 13 is the day that the Lady states her purpose, which is to “ask you to come back here on the 13 of the month at the same time [as today] for six months. [Some translations have “six consecutive months,” “six months in succession,” or “the next six months.”]
There were a total of six apparitions starting May 13, not seven. Since the first contact was spontaneous, this day cannot also be part of the specified count, as the children had not been asked yet.
Inclusive of this first contact day, there should have been a total of seven apparitions at the Cova de Irena – the first contact, and then the conditional next six months after the Lady had asked the children to return the 13th each successive month.
The Beautiful Lady said: “be not afraid, I shall do you no harm”. Lucia asked:” where have you come from?” It’s Lucia who asks all the questions. “And what to you want from me?”
The Lady said: “…I come to ask to you to come back here on the thirteenth of the month at the same time for six months. Then I shall tell you who I am and what I want. **Then I shall come a seventh time.”
Our Lady responded, “…I came to ask you to come here on the thirteenth day for six months at this same time, and then I will tell you who I am and what I want. **And afterwards, I will return here a seventh time.”
“I came to ask you to come here for six consecutive months, on the thirteenth day, at this same hour. I will tell you later who I am and what I want. **And I shall return here again a seventh time.
Our Lady: I have come to ask you to come here for six months in succession on the thirteenth day of each month at this same hour. Later I will tell you who I am and what I want. **Afterward, I will return here a seventh time.
“I ask you to come here for six successive months, on the thirteenth of each month, at this same time. In October I shall tell you who I am and what it is I wish.”
“I want you to return here on the thirteenth of each month for the next six months, and at the very same hour,” the Lady said. “Later I shall tell you who I am…”
**Curiously, this phrase “Afterwards I shall still return here a seventh time,” was not included in any of the earlier reports about the events because it was only revealed by Sister Lucia in obedience to the bishop, in her Fourth Memoir of November, 1941.
It was not included, either, in what Lucia wrote for the first time as the account of the six apparitions in her own words on January 5, 1922, at the urging of Msgr. Manuel Pereira Lopes, her confessor at Asilo de Vilar.
In any case, important early sources are the minutely detailed interrogations of Canon Formigao, which took place on September 27, October 11, 13 and 19, and finally November 2, 1917.
From Dr. Formiago’s interview of Lucia on September 27:
F: “Have you ever asked her who she is?”
L: “I asked her but she said she would tell us on October thirteenth.”
F: “Have you asked her where she comes from?”
L: “Yes, she said she came from heaven.” [Lucia clarified in 1923 that the Lady actually pointed to the sky, and did not verbally say so.]
F: “When did you ask her this?”
Clearly, by stating that July 13 was “the second time,” even at the age of ten, Lucia understood from the simplicity of the Lady’s instructions given at appropriate children’s level, that the series of six months for the children to meet her conditions did not start on May 13 as they had not been asked yet, but as of June 13.
July 13 would be the second month of the “six in succession” from not May 13, but June 13 after the children consented to the Lady’s request, as Lucia correctly understood and told Formigao on Sept 27, 1917.
Therefore, there should have been a total of 7 appearances at Cova de Irena, yet there were only six, finishing with October 13. Don’t you agree?
When was the 7th apparition at the Cova de Irena in the time specified by the Lady? Was their a November 13 apparition?
Can you clarify this confusion?