Trump Ransacks Hillary’s Foreign Policy
Brother Nathanael Channel Videos!, BroVids, Elections 2016
Trump Ransacks Hillary’s Foreign Policy
April 23, 2016 ©
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And: Why The Jews Love Hillary Click Here
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Brother Nathanael @ April 23, 2016
Text –Text– Text
Trump Ransacks Hillary’s Foreign Policy
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2016
Trump’s all about the bottom line.
That’s why his foreign policy reads like a Spread Sheet:
“Are we getting a return or being ripped off.”
Take NATO. Trump says America’s bearing the brunt and wants others to pick up the slack.
[Clip: “We are taking care, and if you look into NATO as an example, we are funding and taking care disproportionately of the costs of many countries, many, many countries that are taking us for a ride.”]
That’s the business man in Trump, he’s not gonna get ripped off.
Not Hillary. Her money’s on the mayhem.
[Clip: “NATO, in particular, is one of the best investments America has ever made. From the Balkans to Afghanistan and beyond, NATO allies have fought alongside the United States, sharing the burdens and the sacrifices.”]
She means sharing the slaughter.
The Balkans saw Serbs bombed to smithereens; Afghanistan saw civilians at weddings murdered. And beyond? Libya’s a basket case, and Trump lays the rap on Hillary.
[Clip: “Most of the so-called experts are now saying maybe Trump wins the nomination, but he’s still going to get swamped in the general election by Hillary Clinton.”
“Everything she does is, like, theatrical. ‘Oh, Donald Trump said this. He’ — actually it was interesting. She said — I watched her last night. It looks like, she practices in front of a mirror for two hours, ‘Donald Trump said, I think he’s dangerous,’ I’m dangerous. She’s the one that caused all this problem with her stupid policies.
“You look at what she did with Libya, what she did with Syria. Look at Egypt. What happened with Egypt, a total mess. They don’t back — we don’t back any of our allies. You look, she was truly, if not the — one of the worst Secretaries of State in the history of the country. She talks about me being dangerous. She’s killed hundreds of thousands of people with her stupidity.”]
That’s a lot of Muslims she’s killed. Yet Trump’s a bigot? A bigot’s one thing but a murderer’s quite another.
With the real danger, ISIS, Hillary’s all over the place…but Trump cuts to the chase.
[Clip: “When it comes to the struggle against ISIS, we need our allies as much as ever. We need them to be strong and engaged…”
“Somebody criticized me the other day because they asked me what I’d do, I said, ‘I’m going to bomb the s—t out of them! It’s true. I don’t care.” Applause, Applause.]
Putin’s doing that, but the right way in tandem with Syria’s military and with Assad’s invitation. That’s the way ISIS is being knocked out.
And then there’s Israel in the foreign policy contest where ‘eternal bonds’ can’t be broken, unless its devotion to God, which America has ditched.
That’s fine with Hillary, homosexuality takes first seat.
[Clip: “At our best, both Israel and America are seen as a light unto the nations because of those values. (Applause)
In Israel’s story, we see our own, and the story of all people who struggle for freedom and self-determination. There’s so many examples. You know, we look at the Pride Parade in Tel Aviv, one of the biggest and most prominent in the world.” Applause, Cheers!]
She means ‘darkness unto the nations’ because of those debauched values…and Trump’s ‘neutrality’ takes a back seat.
[Clip: “We need steady hands, not a president who says he’s neutral on Monday, pro-Israel on Tuesday, and who knows what on Wednesday, because everything’s negotiable!” Applause]
Trump’s not ‘neutral.’ Jerusalem’s just an embassy away.
[Clip: “When the United States stands with Israel, the chances of peace really rise and rises exponentially. That’s what will happen when Donald Trump is president of the United States. (Cheers, Applause) We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem.” (Cheers, Applause, Cheers.)]
Who’s writing your script Donald, Hillary? What don’t you just hold hands and grovel together?
Besides, Jews haven’t possessed Jerusalem for the last 2,000 years, and before that, only some 900 years total. That’s eternal?
But it’s eternal this, eternal that, when it comes to the Jewww-ish peeple.
What about America First? But under God, like the founders had it.
But one nation, under Jews, divisible, is bad business for us all.
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Terrific Video, dear +BN!
Trump ransacking Hillary’s foreign policy, how true. But it doesn’t matter all that much to the Jews whose foreign policy it is, as long as Jewmerica’s foreign policy and treasury is focused on the Jews and Israhell.
Funny how Trump, for all of his criticisms about other countries’ taking us for a ride, doesn’t say word one about the biggest, bloated tick-head parasite on Jewmerica–that crappy little Zionist state in the Middle East.
I love how you caught the cadence in the final line from the Pledge of Allegiance “One nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all” in your prose as “One nation under Jews, divisible, is bad business for us all.”
That womanoid harpy’s shriek is like a spike being driven through my temples…
Hate to point out the obvious error in your AIPAC speech, oh, wicked Hildebeast:
“At our best, both Israel and America are seen as a BLIGHT unto the nations.”
God bless you, dear +BN, and thoroughly enjoying the scenery around your new home.
The simple fact that so many still support this succubus speaks volumes about the decay of not only the country, it’s morals, economy etc. but about their complete abandonment of Christianity.
Further, they turn their backs on their God for those who framed, tortured and murdered His only begotten Son.
Sewer Nation – Idiot Culture.
Dear Brother Nathanael,
Before you were an Orthodox Christian did you consider attending a Baptist or Methodist church?
Trump makes his noises about NATO, but what is he doing, really, besides flapping his arms and blustering about making the NATO allies, and the other partner countries hosting US military bases, cough up more money and assume more of their own defense spending?
Trump’s fine with NATO and all of the US bases overseas. He doesn’t want Jewmerica to pull out of the alliance, so, I must assume he will continue the War Party’s interventionist foreign policies, particularly with all of the neocons he’s been assembling for his “evolving team”.
Has he even spoken recently about our sub-par, failing infrastructure and the hundreds of billions it will take to overhaul America’s infrastructure? Or is this a dead issue for him now that his Jewish son-in-law is writing his speeches?
I’m reposting part of a comment I made a couple of weeks ago. Trump made no indication that he would push to get America off of the War Economy it’s been addicted to for the past 70 years and more:
I was struck by your [+BN] statement that we need to go back to a Peace economy, a genuine one, to begin fixing our run-down, decaying, decrepit and decades-neglected infrastructure.
Ron Paul, one of the few marginalized Old Right Republicans in the public eye, along with Buchanan, are examples of the non-interventionist, non-imperialistic Old Right Republican Party ideals.
Robert Taft, General Smedley Butler, and Charles Lindbergh were all members of the Old Right movement, before and during WWII in opposition to FDR and the Lucian New Right Repbulicans.
We need to shrink the military to genuine defensive proportions within our own boundaries, not a bazillion military bases around the world.
We need to bring home the NATO Cash Cow of Military Welfare to wealthy and prosperous countries in order to kick start the Peace economy and rebuild our country with hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars reallocated from the cancerous and bloated War budget.
We provide all of this wonderful defense and US personnel to the wealthy countries of Europe, Southeast Asia, and Japan for example, for over 50 years.
They’ve grown their economies and industries and keep improving their infrastructure at our expense. We don’t even get paid for our defense services.
I read the other day on the American Society of Civil Engineers website that they have rated 16 areas of our national infrastructure an average of a D+.
It will cost, in their estimation, $2.3 trillion dollars in investment by 2020 to save America’s infrastructure.
That kind of money sure can’t be squeezed out of what’s left of the shrinking middle class, and of course the wealthy and the corporations all have their tax dodges and loopholes.
The one place federal monies for infrastructure can come from is the War budget, which unlike most other federal fiscal obligations like Social Security and Medicare, etc, is discretionary funding.
Start with this: My Journey Into The Orthodox Church @
I will post an expanded reply soon. +BN
Look up Steve Pieczenik…among his many credentials, he was the guy that inspired Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan character.
He also happens to be a Jew. After months of not watching Alex Jones I come across this latest Gem!
Mr. Pieczenik confirms that Israel did 9/11! This is HUGE news!
I sold 3 T-Shirts of an art work I did of Brother Nathanael.
You can help Brother Nathanael by buying merchandise of the art works I did of Brother Nathanael. There are 2 so far. One of Brother Nathanael and another the same with a title.
All future profits from sales of Brother Nathanael will go to The Brother Nathanael Foundation. Products available of Brother Nathanael include T-Shirts of different shapes, sizes and colors. Also Greeting cards, wall art, coffee mugs, etc, etc.
The link to find my Brother Nathanael products is my RedBubble site.
I hope that OK’s by you Brother Nathanael !
I dare say Trump is going to pin the ears back on the RNC and Cruz if they keep the shenanigans up.
The burgeoning phenomenon “Brother Nathanael”:
Regarding the Australian commentor’s foray into “Art Works”
If indeed B. Nathaneal agrees to OK such ventures, I’m sure you (Albert) will agree control over licences/copyrights should remain exclusively his.
It should be hoped that PROCEEDS of sales should go to foundation coffers and who knows one day bid for rights to manufacture, remember Che? Saints preserve us!
Your closing statement says it all.
May God keep and Bless you Bro. N.
Your brief reply above to Heyoka ( by reference to ) reinforced that amongst other things, this site with its multifarious postings is a great repository of reasonings concerning the spiritual with a Christian focus – albeit with (justifiable) fixations on matters Jewish and political.
Your opening line in that earlier article, “What’s a nice Jewish boy doing in the Russian Orthodox Church?” still has me smiling – I think its the nice Jewish boy description that does it!
But I am left with the questions – Why not Greek Orthodox Church or the Roman Catholic Church or the Maronite or Coptic etc? Does your Askenazi (ie East European) origins predispose you to the choice of Russian Orthodox?
Hackneyed but true: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, hoping for a different outcome.
The Jewmerican government is insane.
The Interceptor: Andrew Bacevich and America’s Long Misguided War to Control the Greater Middle East
Charles Glass
Apr. 23 2016
THE CONVICTION that invasion, bombing, and special forces benefit large swaths of the globe, while remaining consonant with a Platonic ideal of the national interest, runs deep in the American psyche.
Like the poet Stevie Smith’s cat, the United States “likes to gallop about doing good.”
The cat attacks and misses, sometimes injuring itself, but does not give up. It asks, as the U.S. should,
What’s the good
Of galloping about doing good
When angels stand in the path
And do not do as they should
Nothing undermines the American belief in military force. No matter how often its galloping about results in resentment and mayhem, the U.S. gets up again to do good elsewhere.
Failure to improve life in Vietnam, Lebanon, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya stiffens the resolve to get it right next time.
This notion prevails among politicized elements of the officer corps; much of the media, whether nominally liberal or conservative; the foreign policy elite recycled quadrennially between corporation-endowed think tanks and government; and most politicians on the national stage.
For them and the public they influence, the question is less whether to deploy force than when, where, and how.
Since 1979, when the Iranians overthrew the Shah and the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, the U.S. has concentrated its firepower in what former U.S. Army colonel Andrew Bacevich calls the “Greater Middle East.”
The region comprises most of what America’s imperial predecessors, the British, called the Near and Middle East, a vast zone from Pakistan west to Morocco.
In his new book, America’s War for the Greater Middle East, Bacevich writes, “From the end of World War II until 1980, virtually no American soldiers were killed in action while serving in that region. Within a decade, a great shift occurred.
“Since 1990, virtually no American soldiers have been killed anywhere except the Greater Middle East.”
That observation alone might prompt a less propagandized electorate to rebel against leaders who perpetuate policies that, while killing and maiming American soldiers, devastate the societies they touch.
Bacevich describes a loyal cadre of intellectuals and pundits favoring war after war, laying the moral ground for invasions and excusing them when they go wrong.
He notes that in 1975, when American imperium was collapsing in Indochina, the guardians of American exceptionalism renewed their case for preserving the U.S. as the exception to international law.
An article by Robert Tucker in Commentary that year set the ball rolling with the proposition that “to insist that before using force one must exhaust all other remedies is little more than the functional equivalent of accepting chaos.”
Another evangelist for military action, Miles Ignotus, wrote in Harper’s two months later that the U.S. with Israel’s help must prepare to seize Saudi Arabia’s oilfields.
Miles Ignotus, Latin for “unknown soldier,” turned out to be the known civilian and Pentagon consultant Edward Luttwak.
Luttwak urged a “revolution” in warfare doctrine toward “fast, light forces to penetrate the enemy’s vital centers” with Saudi Arabia a test case.
The practical test would come, with results familiar to most of the world, 27 years later in Iraq.
The Pentagon, its pride and reputation wounded in Vietnam as surely as the bodies of 150,000 scarred American soldiers, was slow to take the hint. The end of compulsory military service robbed it of manpower for massive global intervention.
Revelations of war crimes and political chicanery from the Senate’s Church Committee and the Pike Committee in the House added to public disenchantment with military adventures and intelligence meddling in other countries’ affairs.
It would take years of effort to cure America of its “Vietnam Syndrome,” the preference for diplomatic before military solutions.
In the Middle East, President Gerald Ford saw no reason to rescind his predecessor’s policy, the Nixon Doctrine of reliance on local clients armed by the U.S. to protect Persian Gulf oil for America’s gas-hungry consumers. Nothing much happened, though, until one of the local gendarmes, the Shah of Iran, fell to a popular revolution and the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.
CHANGE CAME with the Carter Doctrine, enunciated in the president’s January 1980 State of the Union address: “An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and as such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.”
Carter’s combative national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, wrote later, “The Carter Doctrine was modeled on the Truman Doctrine.”
Bacevich comments that the Truman Doctrine of ostensibly containing the Soviet Union while absorbing the richer portions of the decolonizing French and British Empires “invited misinterpretation and misuse, with the Vietnam War one example of the consequences.” Carter’s doctrine, modified but not rescinded by his successors, led to similar consequences in Afghanistan and Iraq.
George W. Bush took the Carter Doctrine to fresh lengths when he made the case, prepared for him by national security adviser Condoleezza Rice, for preventive war in a speech at the U.S. Military Academy on June 1, 2002:
“If we wait for threats to fully materialize, we will have waited too long.”
Bacevich quotes the Nuremberg court’s view of preventive war: “To initiate a war of aggression is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”
After the failures to impose order in Afghanistan and Iraq, President Barack Obama rather than abandon the policy merely moved its emphasis from Iraq to Afghanistan without achieving any military or political objectives.
Bacevich, a West Point graduate and Vietnam veteran, while conceding his “undistinguished military career,” is more willing than most journalists to question the justice and utility of expanded military operations in the Middle East and to challenge the media-hyped reputations of some of America’s favorite generals, Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf, Colin Powell, Wesley Clark, and David Petraeus foremost.
One general who comes out well in Bacevich’s assessment is British, Sir Michael Jackson, who resisted Wesley Clark’s order to block a runway at Pristina airport against Russian flights into Kosovo.
His answer, worthy of Gen. Anthony McAuliffe’s reply of “Nuts” to the German demand for surrender at Bastogne: “Sir, I’m not starting World War III for you.”
This tour de force of a book covers the modern history of American warfare with sharp criticism of political decisions and rigorous analysis of battlefield strategy and tactics.
As such, it should be required reading at the author’s alma mater. It would not hurt for those aspiring to succeed Barack Obama as commander-in-chief to dip into it as well. None of them, with the possible exception of Bernie Sanders, is likely to reject the worldview that led to so many deaths around the world.
Watch for more military missions.
Be prepared for more assassination by drone, of which even former Afghanistan commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal said, “They are hated on a visceral level, even by people who’ve never seen one or seen the effects of one.”
McChrystal pointed out that drone strikes are great recruiters, not for the U.S. military, but for the Taliban, al Qaeda, and ISIS.
Ignoring Bacevich and heeding the call of the intellectual warmongers who guided Bush, Obama’s successor, like Stevie Smith’s cat, is likely “to go on being / A cat that likes to / Gallop about doing good,” expanding rather than limiting the projection of armed might into the Greater Middle East.
Charles Glass, former ABC News chief Middle East correspondent, recently published Syria Burning: A Short History of a Catastrophe (Verso).
ANOTHER Fantastic video +BN!!
I can see the change in you from last month to now – you’re much more at peace, grounded, and centered!
This in turn is making you Much more Powerful in your presentations & video!+++
So we have Hillary or Donald for the next president of the USA.
Another false flag operation. War in Syria or Iran.
Increased military police presence.
Why don’t they just release a virus bomb and get it over with?
What are they waiting for, just want see people suffer?
“Al Qaeda” & the “Israhell ‘secret’ intel service, aka Mossad, aka “ISIS” are all obviosly creatures of the Jews.
They merely use “Jewmericans,” something Glass can’t seem to figure out?
Wonder why. An ABC production.
That’s fine, thanks! +BN
Just change a few Jew names and you got the same Jew crap in America right now. Differente Jew aka-names, same Jew here in EUSSR as in USSR.
The Kindertransport has been exposed as a confection of distortions, myths and omissions previously in TOO, but there is another little awkward fact about the Jewish refugees taken in by Britain before the war.
And that is the remarkably high proportion of them who chose to actively betray the country which gave them sanctuary by acting as spies for Britain’s deadly enemy, the Soviet Union.
Sadly, I still hear many Trump supporters say that he is the best chance for a Palestinian state…
When God judges the nations they drink the cup of madness and stagger as occurred with Israel in relation to her captivity in Babylon and with the nations round about.
There is a similar situation today as regards many of the nations of the world, even our own Western ones.
Orthodox Christianity not being a part of the West’s Christendom, we note from history that there was the Roman Catholic Church and the so-called Roman Empire of nations.
Then Protestantism prevailed and State Churches were formed, such as the Anglican Church because Henry VIII need a divorce so he broke with Rome.
In Great Britain, there arose out of them the Reformed Churches. Presbyterianism following Calvin or allegedly Cohen, a Jew, the Congregational, Methodists, Baptists, the Evangelicals and later on the Pentecostals and Charismatics.
The madness of Judaism has infected them all. This would be the worst attack on the truths of the Gospel and of the New Testaments that any church as seen.
It has been a stealthy, sly and specific war for the purposes the Judaizers follow as set out in their Talmud and Kabbala.
The churches, pastors and people have been bewitched either unknowingly or in the majority of cases, because of their ‘tickling ears’. This is due to their desires and covetousness. So they love to hear teachers because they wish to be deceived and that comes through the doctrines of demons from these leaders.
The Apostle Paul left his Judaism of the day to follow Christ. All those who consider themselves Christians should follow suit.
Friends brought a man and wife to visit. This Baptist couple ferociously attacked our known stand for Christ against today’s Jews.
They twisted God’s words to Abraham as referring to the Jews and specially those of today. The usual ‘God will bless you if you bless them and curse you if you curse them’ was applied.
God did this with Abraham: There would be blessing and cursing of men dependent on their attitude towards him and not his descendants. All the families of the earth (the majority would be Gentiles) were to be blessed in Abraham. No mention there was made of Israel the nation.
Also, the couple made an attempt to bring the nation of Australia into the picture by saying, ‘Australia is blessed because of the way she helped Israel during the last wars’.
This was done with grave errors even of history. They knew nothing of Russian military advances, and her victory over Communism now in favor of hundreds of churches that have been built.
World War I saw an Australian Light Horse Company bring a defeat on Beersheba against the Turks and their Allies. This was 17th October 1917. How did that give aid and blessing to Israel?
The facts of the matter are that Britain and the famous Laurence of Arabia had used great deceit on the Arabs.
Because those people had agreed to enter the war with Laurence, Britain promised them Palestine through that intrepid man (to his later shame), knowing it would never occur.
Shortly after the Australian victory, in another matter (both having no connection) the Balfour Declaration appeared.
It was given in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.
As well this couple were wrong regarding World War II. After the Rats of Tobruk had their marvelous defeat of the Germans, before being sent straight on to the Pacific War with Japan, they had victories in the Battle of El Almain.
This was situated north west of Cairo and west of Alexandria and it was to thwart an attack and conquest concerning Egypt and the Suez Canal. It had no bearing on Israel.
One can only assume they were wrongly informed of this in their church affiliations.
The Orthodox Churches appear to know better.
It would be most appropriate if the Evangelicals (specially the Baptists), Pentecostals (including the Assemblies of God that was greatly deceived by a Judaizer, Myer Pearlman), Charismatics, and Fundamentalists repented of their grave heresies and knew correctly what both Testaments declare.
That Occidental Observer article was very interesting to me because one of my best friends wrote about spies for the Toronto Star, and he spent 20 years trying to figure out who the “fifth man” was. He wasn’t able to do it.
That it might be a Rothschild did not twig on him. He would have mentioned it to me. He really knew his stuff. He spent twenty years in the back of movie theatres in Toronto cross-grilling a willing Igor Gouzenko about who knew who, the idea being birds of a feather stick together.
Igor Gouzenko started the Cold War. He was a cipher clerk at the Russian Embassy in Ottawa and he revealed that Russia had a spy network in America which led to the creation of the CIA. It had been called the OSS.
The Russians set up shop in Canada because there was an open border in those years and the Canadian government anti-spying budget was paltry compared to that of the US. So the Russian headquartered in Canada, assumning they would not be well monitored, and went back and forth into the USA as the pleased.
When James Jesus Angleton visited Canada he did not stay in Ottawa. He stayed with my friend because Bob knew more about spies in Canada than the RCMP.
I met Gouzenko and his wife once. He used to appear on TV wearing a bag on his head, I assume because his features had been surgically changed and he did not want the Commies to know what the new Igor looked like. Google CBC and Igor Gouzenko to see him wearing his bag.
At one time I knew all the top ranked Communist spies in Canada. I think the highest ranking is still alive and was Pierre Trudeau’s male lover. Others now dead, whose names I can now identify include Bernard Ostry and Paul Nathanson who was Maurice Strong’s partner in the Canada/Russia Friendship Society.
I would assume Maurice Strong was one too, and he was a member of Pierre Trudeau’s privy council, and he was certainly chummy with the Rothschilds.
Allegedly Strong just died and nobody had said a word about how he died or where. This is all very strange. Strong was parachuted into the UN and was also the father of global warming. At one time he also invested money for American gangster Jimmy Hoffa.
Bernard Ostry’s wife Sylvia taught at the U of Toronto for years and she now works at the Monk Center set up by Peter Monk, the partner of Nate Rothschild in Kahama mines.
I am now leaning towards the belief that Judaism, Talmudism, and Communism are just about all the same thing, and that they are not a religion at all but are just a very old and extremely rich organized crime syndicate, whose gang club house was New York, but whose hard core planning is now conducted the safe house State of Israel.
I look on Israel not as a nation but as an organized crime safehouse, akin to a Hell’s Angel’s club house.
Re: ABC/Glass story
Occasionally the Gate Keepers let some truth/inside opposition comments to leak out. And it is good ammunition for us to use as a bit of indictment against those who harm us.
However, it is minimized by the noise and distractions of the day. And it may be a test to see who is paying attention.
Brother Nathanael seems more at peace now and that’s a good thing, but I also liked the fire and brimstone from the earlier videos.
Keep up the good work.
I am thinking that nations founded by Europeans need to be populated and controlled by Europeans, and those who don’t like that need to be expelled or repatriated in the name of fighting white genocide, ensuring national and racial security.
Let the Jews, Muslims and other third worlders tough it out in their own ancestral nations.
Search paper archives.
Brother Nathanael have you heard of this? E. Michael Jones and work:
The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit
DC Madam was reportedly a victim of Jewbama “targeted assasination.” She allegedly had name of Cartel Cruz on client list.
8 dead in Ohio, execution style. Jewbama sends guns south & drug runners north. Message from the cartels to “legal” growers.
PS. SCOTUS refuses release of DC client list. O say can you see?
I wish RJN would have a new right side button in the button’s list that is present on all of RJN’s web pages titled “True Virtual Jewish Holocaust Museum” or “Role of Zionism in the Holocaust”, that would document and give supporting proof of the information such as that presented in the following video, since the information in this video would never be allowed in any of today’s many Holocaust Museums.
The above video title is: “the role of Zionists in the Holocaust”
It would be helpful if there would be an online virtual True Holocaust Museum somewhere online, that would give supporting evidence proof about the many Zionist Holocaust role involvement claims.
The video time in the above video beginning at about 4:25 claims that the Nazi concentration camps were actually run by Zionist Jews. But, needed proof is not given for this Zionist role claim.
Another very interesting author on the subject of the role of the Zionists in the Holocaust is Lenni Brenner.
Full text of “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History
Archive com is a goldmine to find rare books in full text.
Encyclopedia Dramatica – Jew
@Marina Price
If you read Gibbon’s Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire you find the first 15 bishops of the Christian Church of Jerusalem were all Jews who like Bro Nat fled the coop.
Ever since then the Jews, in their usual spirit of revenge (they just tried a 93 year old accountant from Auschwitz who did nothing to anybody and yet they murder and deliberately induce PTSD in Palestinian children themselves), have done everything they possible can to undermine Christian values and replace them with their own degenerate values.
For example, if you follow early Jews in America, like the song writer Irving Berlin, you find that from the very moment they sailed past the Statue of Liberty and set foot in what was then Christian America, they began to do such things as write songs such as Berlin’s changing Christmas into the “holiday season”.
They are frightened to death of Christianity and its values.
Even today they do things on programs like Seinfeld such as urinating on painting of Jesus. David Frum coined the term “axis of evil” for Muslims.
Nobody more hateful people anywhere than the Jews.
Read Gordon Duff’s article today in Veterans Today about panic in the neocon camp. He spells out 9/11 and who was involved perfectly.
If the material he provides is accurate, and I think it adds up, Israel made a formal declaration of war on the United States on 9/11 by organizing the killing of almost 3,000 Americas in the World Trade Center.
Watch the victims leap out of buildings on YouTube. They also declared war on Canada by killing about 120 Canadians and declared war on Britain by killing about 60 Brits.
They declared war on all NATO countries whose citizens were in the building – but there has been no response – bribery works – and remember if they do this to their best allies they will do it to everyone.
They cannot be trusted – ever.
The death toll is the same as Pearl Harbour except the Japanese attacked a military target, armed war ships, and Israel, the Jewish state and the showpiece nation for true Jewish values, as usual, murdered the defenceless – unarmed civilians.
The IDF is famed for murdering peace activists like Rachel Corrie, for using Apache helicopter gunships and hellfire missiles to kill blind, quadrapelegic, old men in wheelchairs, for the targeted killing of journalists from all nations, for targeting women and children with their American produced war planes, for killing scientists all over the world like Canada’s Gerald Bull, and so it goes.
They do not do at all well when drawn into Palestinian tunnels to fight man to man. That is not their bag. Their military has a street gang mentality and value system.
The IDF makes the Gestapo and the Waffen SS (who were real soldiers) look like a bunch of Mother Teresas.
So I love the enemies you create, imaginary and real, that are roads to your fate.
Tell me Brother, what in your grand wisdom should happen to the US Masonic Country? Who should rule who should be president?
How do you play the political game with out the capital to buy into it?
In war know your enemy and use his friends against him.
I am all for calling out Jews and saying Trump has changed his views on this and that…but when you are raving mad against everything your just being a fanatic.
You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
What will it be then? Trump or Hillary, Brother?
What is it all a charade a slight of hand, card of the Joker?
It used to be that the president under the Order of Elders and Mysteries was chosen at Bohemian Grove, a Homosexual Retreat worshiping Babylon (Nimrod, Moloch, Baal, etc.)
Then they created the Bilderberg Group and decided leaders and policies there. All Policies have been decided at Bilderberg Group.
Was Trump picked? Clintons have prepared for Trump for years and years. Prepared if he was to run for president.
Hilary is on the CFR, not Trump.
If Trump is evil fine then Let him be evil. I would rather take the lesser evil that will have relations with Russia, Stop the genocide of Christians, Stop the infestation of Rats (Islam Extremists) and Stop the NWO’s Agenda.
Everything else is out of our hands.
Good Luck Boys and Girls.
Let’s not forget they killed a lot of Jews that worked in the Towers on 9/11.
The ones at the apex of the pyramid of Judaism see the ones on the bottom as highly expendable.
As for the Japanese Pearl Harbor attack, that was meant to be. That’s why all the planes on the carriers were lined up for an easy kill.
No jews were present at 9/11. They were all forewarned by the Jew-only messaging service Odigo.
The carriers were not present at Pearl Harbor for similar reasons.
Stalin’s spies had already told Roosevelt about an impending attack, but the Jews running Roosevelt wanted WW2 and would need the flattops for that, so they were on manoeuvers.
I know I am off topic, but there are people Who think the law of God as given to Moses, was greater than God.
King James Bible (John 6:32):
“Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.”
My brother is caught up in this Torah movement. I would hope one day you could shed light on this subject.
I think these are the things the Jews hope will happen, to lead people away from the Father.
Thanks for your time.
What a Piece of Dignifying Words!
God save our Brother Nathanael!
Alex Jones is the gatekeeper for the Juden. A false patriot movement is what he represents to fool the goyim. I’m worried about Jeff Rense too. For, isn’t it possible that Trump might just fool all of us (not me) anyway in the end?
It’s scary how so many people are behind Trump that think he’s the answer. Good luck folks!
Buckle up your seatbelt because the Juden are still going to be in charge. They’ll just hide behind the curtain with Trump speaking against them.
By now, we should know better.
Politics is like Professional Wrestling. We know they pretend to hate each other and the MSM is pretending to hate Trump.
The masses are easily fooled; sadly.
@seek the truth
There were no Jews killed in the Towers on 9/11. What are you talking about? They were warned off by Odigo.
Good grief.
Forget about Uncle Gordie.
That Jew is a proven liar and he even admits it.
The neocons are not shaking in their boots. Jews are not worried in the least about Trump. Not one bit.
He is in the bag. Just like them all.
@Bill Carson
The guy I have faith in is Dr Alan Sabrosky because he has huge credentials and he was the very first to out Israel. Uncle Gordy is unstable, and came along later, but I think Jim Dean is a steady hand at the tiller, and they have a Colonel Hanke Panky in the background who seems to be a solid citizen.
But in the complete absence of all of people listed above its simply obvious to any child that 9/11 was controlled demolition from within, and the people within and dancing without, who were spirited out of the USA, were Israeli Mossad with a few Saudi Patsies thrown in for cover. And there were also obvious non jewish traitors from the US government.
The Mossad is an arm of the state of Israel. Israel is the Jewish state, the state where Jewish values are put on display and Israel’s values have always been to stab America, allegedly her best ally (and her main financier), in the back, as Jews have done to America consistently.
For be it the Rosenburgs handing over America’s nuclear secrets to communist Russia (Jewish created Russia as Nobel prize winner Alexander Solsenitsyn wrote); Jonathan Pollard doing the exact same thing years later; the IDF sinking the USS Liberty to drag America into war with Egypt; the Mossad doing 9/11 to start war with Iraq and balkanize the Middle East, ad infinitum.
Its alway war mongering Jews behind the destruction. The IDF, the Infanticide Defence Force, is the only military in the world that deliberately kills Palestinian children. Jewish courage on display. They are afraid of rocks.
It is also the Jews who are behind shutting down freedom of speech in countries like Canada and Germany with laws that make it illegal to question Jewish holocaust mythology.
The jews have hijacked suffering. We get daily “Jew as victim B.S.” on Jewish Yahoo News virtually ever day.
Jews should never be allowed in media anywhere. They are consistently the greatest enemies of freedom of speech in the whole world.They are propagandists and make worthless journalists.
I am curious to know what Barbara Walters name was doing on the personal phone list of convicted child molester Jeffrey Epstein. All hush hush so far.
There is something funny going on with mainstream media jargon ,and maybe it began with the PR firm for Jew boy George Soros’ “,” because talking heads on all Western mainstream media — be it in North America, Britain, Germany or France — are all talking about “going forward.”
Bernie Sander’s wife said it twice in an interview with Wolf Blizter this evening.
“Moving forward, going on” – it’s new jargon and its incessant. I hear it someplace every day. Its as creepy as hearing incessant Anne Frank tales. Her very name now makes my skin crawl.
Where has this “going forward” jargon suddenly come from?
Who is planting it? Does some central agency feed all these different media people all over the world their talking points and jargon, or are the writers who write the TV talking points unable to do anything other than steal new pop jargon from one another?
Its very noticable and very strange.
My guess is that its a kind of Pavlovian subliminal messaging designed to encourage people’s thoughts to move on or forward, because moving back always leads to 9/11, and that is a very uncomfortable place for MSM Jews to visit.
When it come to 9/11 the best of the Jewish journalists act like gate keepers.
Bill Carson,
The Jews that were warned to stay out of the WTC complex on 911 were Israeli Jews.
The Jews from New York City that worked in the WTC complex were not warned. A lot of Jews worked in the offices of Cantor & Fitzgerald that the Boeing drone hit when it collided with the North Tower.
GHW Bush owed them something like 40 billion which was due on 9/11 after he borrowed 10 billion exactly 10 years prior to 9/11. The precision drone destroyed all records and killed all the employees so that apparently Bush got out of it.
Similar to the drone that hit the Pentagon and killed all the investigators who were looking into the loss of 3.2 trillion from the Pentagon account. That’s precision targeting!
Bro Nathanael,
What do you suppose Clinton and Trump thought about Israel in the 60s/70s when they were in college?
Do you even think they knew there was an Israel, other than hearing it mentioned in the MSM news?
I would bet my life they were agnostic as for any belief in Israel.
These two are the consummate liars in the world That’s what Trump means when he talks “deals” meaning he can out lie all.
And the Clintons have murdered over 50 of their associates–the most famous, of course, is Vince Foster. All 50 were either advisors or security people.