Politically Incorrect Jewish News – 8/1/13
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Politically Incorrect Jewish News – 8/1/13
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Brother Nathanael @ July 31, 2013
Text –Text– Text
Politically Incorrect Jewish News – 8/1/13
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2013
Here’s this headlines this week in Jewish news for all of you politically incorrect connoisseurs.
In DC, it’s dead-on-arrival for those Mideast peace talks now on display at the US State Department’s kickoff dinner.
For what better way to get off to a hopeless start than to have the Israeli Flag ‘center-stage’ towering over the ‘din din’ table!
And that Jewish star remains center stage even when the Palestinian proxy is placed before the cameras.
It’s a B-movie charade where the actors play their parts:
The Palestinians need their budget shortfall bolstered by US dollars and the Israelis need their world opinion low-ratings propped up by a schmaltzed-up powwow.
At the Wailing Wall, Jewish feminists may be barred again from praying ‘close up’ before the cracks and crevices of those ‘holy’ stones.
When cordoned off last month for wearing men’s-only tallits and yarmulkes during their monthly prayer protests, Women Of The Wall’s head Anat Hoffman grumpily said, “It sucks.”
But what’s really scuzzy is all that humping going on by the men in black copulating with the Kabbalistic feminist emanation of their strange god, the “shekinah.”
Where could this all lead if women are given ‘equal’ prayer rights?
Some Jewish feminist might get it into her head that the humping rabbis are a bunch of chauvinists and demand the ‘shekinah’ be provided with special safeguards against the rabbis as an exploited female in the sky.
Across America, the Boy Scouts face monumental loss of membership after opening the doors to openly homosexual youth.
The Southern Baptist Convention has urged its 16 million members to cut ties with the once Christian-oriented scouts.
But the Jewish-led ACLU, which litigates against dozens of Christian Boy Scout chapters for their censure of sodomy, remains unmoved.
Why the ACLU never files charges against the Jewish Committee on Scouting for their self-segregating ‘packs’ isn’t hard to grasp.
The Church is in Jewry’s crosshairs but the Synagogue gets a free pass.
And in Italy, Jewish lawmaker Emanuele Fiano is up in arms over the magazine rack in the waiting room of country doctor Gianantonio Valli.
Citing leaflets such as “The Auschwitz Lie” nestled among cooking magazines, Fiano pressured authorities to investigate whether the doctor’s ‘magazine rack’ is compatible with the country’s medical profession.
But Valli’s clients disagree. “He’s an excellent doctor always willing to help,” said one satisfied patient.
In other words, the doctor may question the ‘6 million’ myth but he can sure cure a common cold!
And that’s the way it is.
Join me next week for another edition of Politically Incorrect Jewish News.
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+Brother Nathanael @
Due to many inquiries I am posting my rebuttal once again.
In response to Archbishop Kyrill’s ‘Statement’ against me, first of all please SEE:
http://brothernathanaelfoundation.org/about –
— “Brother Nathanael is a monastic with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Of Russia (ROCOR) where he is blessed by Bishop Jerome as a “poslushnik”/”novice” monk and to pursue a public ministry.” —
Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco, who I have learned acted without the knowledge of the majority of the voting bishops, did not censure me for any sin or sins on my part but rather for exercising my God-given right of freedom of speech.
It’s one thing for a hierarch to censure a member of the Church for sin but quite another for a hierarch to attempt to muzzle the mouth of one exposing the works of darkness.
Archbishop Kyrill over-stepped his ecclesial bounds with regard to me and thus he was out of order. (Again, I have learned that the majority of the voting bishops knew nothing of the ’statement’ until after it was posted.)
And as Archbishop Kyrill is not my Spiritual Father in no position to know the state of my soul, he was out-of-order in stating that he deplored the state of my soul.
Because he was out of order, I have requested of him and am still awaiting both a public and personal apology from Abp Kyrill.
Thus, I continue my public ministry with a clear conscience and with a strong sense of my calling from Christ, my God and Defender, of which calling, Bishop Jerome of ROCOR sanctions with his blessing.
+Brother Nathanael Kapner
“Poslushnik”/”Novice” Monk
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR)
SEE: http://brothernathanaelfoundation.org/about
AND: http://brovids.com / http://www.realjewnews.com/
Dear Real Jew News Family,
1. The ‘Peace Talks’ will fail…nothing but a play for US bucks for the PLO and Opinion Ratings for Israel.
2. Jewish Women Of The Wall are TOTAL neurotics like ALL Jewish women.
3. The Boy Scouts SERVES Jews and slights Christians. (SEE: http://www.scouting.org/About/FactSheets/operating_orgs/Jewish.aspx
4. Jews Force the Goyim to Censure Free Speech especially when it comes to the Holohoax. (See: http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=664
On Another Note
Due to extreme discouragement owing to low numbers of donations (lower than ever) and poor responses to my Appeals, I will be turning off my computer for 5 days to go into deep prayer and thought to see where the Lord Jesus Christ is guiding me.
I STILL feel very strongly that Christ HAS CALLED ME to this MINISTRY and do wish to continue.
I need your financial help to continue.
Less and less readers and viewers are donating to me…even those who once regularly donated to me have stopped.
I will not be able to continue with this dismal, low numbers of donations.
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Thus, due to deep discouragement that has set in (I am $15,000 in credit debt and climbing just to stay online) I will be turning off my computer for 5 days to go into deep prayer to seek guidance of where this Site, my Videos, and my Articles, should be heading.
I REFUSE to quit. I MUST continue.
Although horrible SLANDER against me is flooding the Internet, (John Kaminiski is an ENEMY of Christ, a despiser of the Holy Church, and a devilish Christ-hater who will come to a bad end) I realize that the messenger may be attacked (and the slander and lies will no doubt get worse) the MESSAGE endures.
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Brother Nathanael; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856.
PS ALL cash donations by mail come in safely and securely. Many thanks to those who send cash.
With Much Love In Christ!
+Brother Nathanael Kapner @
Once again, you’ve royally done Politically Incorrect Jewish News.
I alternate between laughing and shaking my head at the real life Jewish Theater of the Absurd.
Yet another round of negotiations for the so-called two-state solution.
But, there is not much in the way of Palestinian land left that hasn’t been stolen or rendered useless because of the obscene wall, while at the same time, Israhell can steal more land through the “illegal” squatting of their Settlers.
When they squat in a spot long enough, Israhell annexes that Palestinian land.
Right, and Kerry is going to fix things, “this time.”
What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over again — hoping for a different outcome.
Jew business as usual. Heads I win, tails, you lose, Palestine.
And the placement of the flag of Israel at the center of the three flags? I don’t know the protocols for flag placement and whether the center is the most prominent spot, but there sure is a message in the image as it is of that big, unmistakable flag of “Greater Israhell” front and center dominating the shots.
I am very sad at what has happened to the Boy Scouts now. I knew it wasn’t going to be too long down the road that the BSA would begin to split up as a result of their last conference which voted to allow sodomite members.
That was to be expected, too, after so many years of being hounded by the ACLU and the GLBT activist organizations in lawsuits and threats of same in and out of the courtrooms.
I had no idea that there was a Jewish Boy Scouts of America as an authorized sub-group. You’re right, this is the Jews segrating themselves while at the same time, pushing “equality.”
The hypocritical Jews, obsessed with forcing everyone to be perfectly equal may have shot themselves in the foot, though.
If they have Jew-only Boy Scout packs and troops, which is clearly set up along religious orientation (a Boy Scout yarmulke?), then they, the ACLU, the ADL and every Jew organization lined up behind them won’t have a place to whine when Christian churches begin setting up their own Christian-only versions of the BSA.
Nevertheless, leave it to the Jews to destroy something good, bright and clean in the way of a youth organization promoting good morals, citizenship, patriotism, self-reliance and character building, like the highly-respected institution of the Boy Scouts of America wit, who never did anyone else one iota of harm, and have always proven themselves to be helpful and friendly.
Alas! What is the saying? “The Jews are our misfortune!”
I do find a small amount of petty vengeful delight in seeing the feminist “blowback” coming home to roost among the Jews to ultimately impact upon the male-only sacred space at the western wall of the Herodian base of Fortress Antonia, built and named in honor of Marc Anthony, where the temple never stood.
But the Roman Praetorium did stand there on top of the giant platform that Herod built with Roman engineering and construction, where our Lord Jesus Christ was judged innocent by Pilate, but condemned to crucifixion by the Jews. It was one of the chief sacred sites to Christians in Jerusalem bound together in the Passion of the Lord, and for other reasons later in history, became sacred to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary.
After all, the Judeo-Communists were the ones who preached feminism as one of their egalitarian planks. We’ve had to endure man-hating Jewish Red-feminists all of these years, like Betty Friedan and Simone de Beauvoir. Now its gone back to Israhell in the form of yarmulke and tallit wearing feminist rabbis, and the Jewish men aren’t happy at all.
That really made me laugh, and laugh, and laugh.
God bless, dear +BN, and keep up the good work. My contribution will be there tomorrow.
PS to Taylor. Thank you for your compliment. I am addicted to history!
Never a dull moment with you Bro.
Facts intermingled with humor. Love it.
Ahem. Say it isn’t so.
From Times of Israel:
‘PM cuts secret deal with Jewish Home on settlements’
Netanyahu promises thousands of new West Bank homes, Maariv reports, to keep nationalist party from bolting coalition over prisoner releases
In a deal to temper Jewish Home’s resistance to the release of over a hundred long-time Palestinian prisoners, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to advance construction of thousands of housing units in the West Bank [euphemistically called Samaria by the Jews] and East Jerusalem [of occupied Palestine – Kj], the Hebrew daily Maariv reported Wednesday morning.
The Prime Minister’s office declined to comment on the report.
According to the report, members of the religious-nationalist Jewish Home party were convinced to swallow what they saw as the bitter pill of the prisoner release — and not threaten to walk out of the government — for the sake of furthering their cause of fortifying the settlement enterprise.
Housing Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) reportedly acted as the go-between in negotiations that culminated with Netanyahu’s offer, which was sent in a hand-delivered sealed envelope to the desk of the party’s head, Economics and Trade Minister Naftali Bennett, the paper reported.
The secrecy over the deal was to prevent details being leaked and potentially sabotaging the start of peace talks in Washington on Monday-Tuesday.
More: http://www.timesofisrael.com/pm-cuts-secret-deal-with-jewish-home-on-settlements/
Oh, oops. Not a secret anymore!
Always love to see your videos Brother Nathanael; you always get right to the point with clear/concise facts.
Plus your humor is right on. Keep up the great work.
Kudos for your excellent work, which I’ve followed for nearly a decade.
I’ve been trying for some time to spread your message to the brain-dead average Croat here in Croatia.
The average man on the street has been been totally brainwashed by half a century of communist rule. As someone once wrote, the biggest revenge of a totalitarian system is what it leaves after its collapse and aftermath.
My biggest regret is that I’m hard put to send you any funds, as I live on a hand-to-mouth existence from my military pension (Im a 100 percent invalid). If I do come into some money, you’ll be the first I’ll share it with.
This is one Kenyan I like:
Thanks for your insight Brother N, and if I ever get fortunate enough to one day get a huge payday, you will get a big chunk of it.
Keep up the good work.
I asked a lawyer the other day if she thought the Federal Reserve was an agency of the government and she said it was, she thought
I told her the truth and she will look it up. Its amazing how the Jewish elites are brainwashing everyone.
Hey BN,
Maybe number the ~PC Jewish News items so we know which ones we have seen before.
Just a suggestion to make things easier for your listeners.
Excellent video my dear Brother in Christ.
Perfect exposition on the decline of godless Amerika at the hands of satanic Jewry.
It’s funny how the Feminist Jews want to have the same “right” to copulate at Satan’s seat in the wailing wall.
It’s bad news for everyone else, good news for the Christ killers though. Come Lord Jesus rid us of this evil!
Marvelous as usual!
Sick – guess what tribe!
The little boy who started a sex change aged eight because he (and his lesbian parents) knew he always wanted to be a girl
Parents say it’s better for Thomas to have sex change before he is adult
Sweden’s government consider to allow children to have a sex change.
“Regeringen överväger tillåta könsbyte för barn”
Sweden is TOTALLY ruled by the sick Jews.
If the following pull out of Diplomats tomorrow in the Middle East, does not scare the crap out of any of you, then you are either completely insane or super faithful in the Lord Almighty and fear nothing.
Will probably eat something expensive tomorrow, as it could be my last meal.
Folks are juggling lit torches, while standing on top of gasoline soaked fireworks, and we will all be incinerated if they screw their act up at all!
Israhell has committed suicide for no good reason at all.
All they had to do is fully cooperate with their neighbors, and share their Eastern European knowledge of science and other stuff, and the Palestinians and other folk would have embraced these refugees with open arms, because Arabs are in general kindly folk, if you have a sad enough story.
Instead of murdering, pillaging and raping everyone in sight, they could have fit in without any notice.
However, the Self Chosen Vampires (scv) can never feel good about themselves unless they drink deeply into the healthy blood stream of an otherwise happy people.
Only by committing the very worst of atrocities, and then laughing about it whole heartedly while counting their stolen coins, can these most vile monsters gain any real pleasure, from their seats in Hell.
What is even more horrifying than the scv is the complete ignorance by the Goy of this most malevolent critter.
The entire fate of Humanity rests with the Christian King Putin, and it will all come about very soon.
That comment, by Ann Lewis, one of Hillary Clinton’s most trusted aides and the other comments recorded in Dana Milbank’s enlightening article The Audacity of Chutzpah, referred to by Mondo above, prove the current treasonous extreme of America’s pro-Israeli lobby — the lobby many say is the most powerful in America — the lobby that many believe almost single-handedly pushed America into its ill-considered and ill-fated war in Iraq.
Politically Incorrect Jewish News
THANK YOU Brother Nathanael. Another WINNER Video.
We need to Promote Real Jew News Videos on all Web Sites World Wide.
Welcome To “REAL JEW NEWS!” http://www.realjewnews.com/
Also there are some very good videos on PressTV.
It seems that the caretakers did not want another boy and “made” this child into a girl to fit themselves. I wonder what the birth parents would think about this if they knew.
How could a child this young purport to know that his gender is incorrect? Perhaps it’s a boy who wants to be a chef, or a designer, an artist, a journalist or an occupation with sensitive traits…does that merit changing a gender of an 8-year old where there is nothing structurally wrong?
Perhaps the caretakers are in a loop with the medical center transgender program which is serving a scientific interest as well?
It doesn’t seem that this is serving the interest of the child and it’s the kind of fodder that fuels movements to ban gay adoption.
Dear RJN Family,
Is William Melvin Hicks and Alex Jones the same person?
The little Jews are like the nuts and bolts in a well-oiled machine. They are needed for the Jew machine to work. And I believe I’m being modest.
I’m sure that most Jews know exactly what they’re doing — and why. –t-bone–
As you know the JEWS are promoting WAR in the whole of the Middle East and North Africa.
JEW Promoting Genocide of the WHITE RACE World Wide.
JEW Undermining Governments who refuse the support the JEW new World Order One World Government.
JEW Orchestrating Regime Government Change World Wide.
JEW “PUPPET Governments” World Wide.
We must Promote and support Palestine.
Do comments on all Web Sites supporting Palestine condemning the JEWS.
RJN should be a DAILY feature on RT (Russia Today)!
Brother Nathanael has informed us repeatedly about the Jewish controlled DHS and the ongoing war on American people.
Here is something really important to understand and share:
Jews in the attic, and they’re spying on you.
Jews in the wells and they’re poisoning the water.
Jews in the Pentagram and they’re stealing our boys.
There’s Jews on the farm and they’re poisoning our food.
The Jews financed the slave trade,
The Jews financed the drug trade, killing many Blacks and destroying lives.
The Jews own the bank.
The Jews own the news.
Are Whites to blame
For letting the Jews play their deadly game?
Doing a deadly soft shoe shuffle
With Whites donned in aprons at the Lodge
Hoping for some of the action and
Destroying music and film
While still making money off of it.
Now thats art.
Black art.
No pun intended with the word black.
How come this site has not been discussing escalating Black mob violence and Jewry’s hand in it?
“Zionist Editing on Wikipedia” was a course given to Jews aimed at deceiving the world through corrupting the Wikipedia information:
I’m with Mississippi Burning Man re escalating black mob violence. Meanwhile, master instigators continue to masterfully instigate.
From: My-Kinda-Town-Chicago-Isn’t-Gal.
God bless.
Jim wrote:
“The entire fate of Humanity rests with the Christian King Putin, and it will all come about very soon.”
Wouldn’t count on it. Apologies if this has been aired before, but recently stumbled over this item from 2012:
You don’t climb to the top and stay there in somewhere like Russia (or USA etc.) unless you are first and foremost a consummate politician! Who knows what chess-playing Putin and close buddies in Kremlin really thinks.
On a different note. Having followed some of the links in recent postings re slander against Bro N, I concur with most here that the accusations were without substance and motivated out of sick racist attitudes or worse.
There was however one angle encountered that struck a chord. It gets down to this: what exactly is the goal of disseminating the excellently presented info here?
One issue for me as an ex-true believer turned agnostic is that Brother Nathanael every now and then brings up the Divinely ordained inevitability of the Zionist nightmare NWO succeeding. Revelation 666 and all that.
Admittedly only temporarily, but still guaranteed to succeed on that basis. Which in a more general way is the criticism leveled at other similar voices, some secular, who accurately identify the rapidly spreading malignant cancer, but where is the cure?
In Bro N’s and many believer’s case, God and Jesus is the ultimate answer. Fine if one has that faith in Scripture. Otherwise, it can as critics argue, simply lead to despair, paralysis, fatalism guaranteeing ‘fulfillment of prophecy.’
The other extreme I just recently encountered is that of J.B.C’s Extremism Online – kill e’m all approach that sounds desperate and dangerous, but then what isn’t given the situation?
In trying to analyze my own involvement here, guess it boils down to supporting the most articulate and accurate voice I know of shouting out on this deadly issue, in the hope it somehow substantially aides in reaching a critical mass audience.
Is it realistic to think this ‘critical mass’ could be attained and then somehow transform into effective revolution — under the ever present monitoring of super-organized Big Zio?