Civil War Coming To America
Joe Cortina/Ex Green Beret Interviews

Civil War Coming To America
Interview With Joe Cortina – Ex Green Beret
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2013
Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
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JOE CORTINA IS AN EX GREEN BERET, a former airborne special operations officer and US Army Training Center commander.
Joe Cortina’s subsequent experiences as an intelligence investigator and anti-terrorist adviser brought him to such hotbeds of turmoil as the State of Israel, adjacent Middle East nations, and Central America.
Joe Cortina’s Web Site, “My Name Is Joe Cortina,” is a showcase of crimes committed against humanity by the Jewish global elite. Here.
Br Nathanael: Will there will be another civil war in America?
Joe Cortina: I’m not sure if Americans have the stomach for it, but Homeland Security, run by Jews, certainly does.
Yet at the same time, all the makings of a civil war are evident.
Our people are divided, our economy is in a death spiral, and our Constitution is being trashed daily by the very people who should be defending it.
Br Nathanael: Is Homeland Security preparing for civil war?
Joe Cortina: You bet they are. And feasibly preparing a false-flag to set one off.
Homeland Security is run by Jewish traitors, Lieberman and Chertoff. And, no, Lieberman has not really ‘retired.’ Jews don’t retire. He still pulls the strings.
You see, Homeland Security, under Lieberman’s and Chertoff’s orders, has bought enough bullets to kill each American 5 times.
And it recently purchased practice targets of pregnant women and elderly citizens who pose a ‘threat’ to their Jewish regime.
Couple this with a full-blown “Fema Corps” which had its first graduating class last September as a kind of Communist Red Guard to put down any resistance to their Jew World Order.
Either we will continue being embroiled in serial wars for the Jews and mired to our ears in a giant unflushed toilet of moral decay in the new Sodom and Gomorrah of the ultra-rich Jewish haves and the very poor Gentile have-nots.
Or, we will come to the collective conclusion that we must fight right here, right now, to get our nation back. If we don’t, our children will curse us in our graves for selling their heritage to the Jews.

Br Nathanael: What if various militias begin engaging in some form of civil war?
Joe Cortina: It would be a disaster for good and decent citizens. Drones flying above and Jew-paid cops below will quash it in a minute followed by martial law. An uprising has to be TOTAL involving ALL Americans.
But we have become a weak submissive people who exchange freedom for security. Yet in that process, we lose both and deserve neither.
As long as Joe six-pack has his cold Bud and his large screen TV he will endure any kind of abuse.
Whether it be gross immorality imposed 24-7 upon his children, $10 dollar-per-gallon gas, death spiral inflation, deteriorating medical care, more endless wars for the Jews, the final destruction of true Christian belief by Jewry, or total invasion of his privacy by Big Brother Jew, he will remain indifferent until he PERSONALLY suffers the horrors he has imposed on others.
Then, of course, as you once said, Lieberman and Chertoff have stocked the FEMA camps with wide screen TV’s and plenty of ‘fries’ for the Goyim.
Br Nathanael: What will it take to motivate Americans to take action against the Jewish criminals who have stolen our nation’s morality, soul, and wealth?
Joe Cortina: It’s going to take an event that affects ALL in a way that the typical dumbed-down American can no longer tolerate.
Br Nathanael: Like what?
Joe Cortina: Like a new mass shooting resulting in Feinstein and her ilk passing an all-out gun law enabling Jewish-trained Storm Troopers to take our guns and start killing people in their homes.
MAYBE that will be the final straw to push Americans over the top to actively DEFEND their God-given right to arm themselves.
Or how about this. Just ONE respected military commander with an above-reproach background and a powerful following—(kind of like Patton)—who turns on the government and exposes mass corruption and treason BY NAME, and I mean Jewish names who have run our nation into the ground.
I would follow a man like that to the gates of hell. I suspect I would not be alone as millions of REAL patriot veterans would follow his lead.

Br Nathanael: What needs to be done to restore our nation?
Joe Cortina: You DON’T cure cancer with band-aids and herbs. It MUST BE CUT OUT — every sick threatening cell must be KILLED to save the patient.
We would begin by registering AIPAC as an agent of a foreign nation.
Then nationalizing the press on a temporary basis to remove it from Jewish ownership.
Next, a new Amendment to our Bill of Rights would have to be enacted that would forbid the Second Amendment to be tampered with by domestic enemies—that is, the Jews.
Finally, closing down the Jewish-owned Federal Reserve Bank so that we can coin our own money WITHOUT INTEREST as our Constitution provides.
This would pave the way to independence from International Jewry, the most pernicious force ever to appear in the history of man. You see, America is no longer a sovereign nation, it’s run by the Jews, a global network of thieves.
Then, and only then, will there be no reason for another civil war to save our dying, Jew-occupied nation.

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For More See: Prepare For Martial Law Click Here
And: Homeland Security’s Deadly Ammo Plan Click Here
And: Prepare For A Jewish Police State Click Here
And: A Military Coup In America? Click Here

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Brother Nathanael @ February 21, 2013
Dear Real Jew News Family,
It was bound to happen. The Jews now have their OWN private army of controllable youth: FEMA CORPS!
Yes, JEW-LED Fema Corps coming to a door near you to take away your guns and kill you if you resist.
Just like Joe Cortina says, Fema Corps is a kind of Communist Red Guard that will STOP anyone from even thinking about resisting the JEW WORLD ORDER here in JEWMERICA.
And just like I have said so many times, Jews do NOT ‘retire.’ Lieberman still runs the show at Jewland Security. And his Christ-hating synagogue buddy Chertiff got everybody stripped naked and zapped at his PornoScanners at every Jewmerica airport.
AND just like BOTH Joe and I say, Lieberman and Chertoff have plenty of ‘fries’ for the Goys at their Fema Camps where their Fema Corps will haul all the Goys who even think about resisting gun confiscations.
Welcome to the JEW WORLD ORDER here in Jewmerica! Fema Corps will do the BIDDING of the JEWS!
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+Brother Nathanael
Watch the “New Madrid” fault closely.
Great article and interview, Joe C and +BN.
A real winner, if a bit grim. Shocking but not surprising.
Looks like Homeland Insecurity has surreptitiously added another category of “terrorists” to their lists just by the targets they are now practicing with.
Good grief. Targets with pregnant women and old men. That makes my hair stand on end.
These are the people who are most likely to be at home defending themselves, their loved ones, their children, and their homes, and not out and about in a citizen street patrol.
I’m sure next on the Homeland Insecurity target practice list will be the granny-types like me and my pea-shooter, printed up along with rock throwing preteens, children, and toddlers.
Israhell and the Jews have a lot of training on how to do this. And the Jews have certainly been working overtime to pass their “anti-terrorist” training methods along to police and military to be applied to ordinary Americans.
Just ask the Palestinians.
Remember the word “Intifada.”
Interesting times we live in, but Christ prevails.
Stay warm and safe on your Street Evangelism, dear +BN!
As a Canadian, I feel we will be dragged into this abyss that is known as “Amerika!”
Most people are stupid, afraid and need something to follow or someone to guide them.
This is why Religion is so effective, one must have “Faith” in that which is intangible. I am 60 years old and I still can’t decide whether or not there is a God. I know there is a Creator, call it God if you wish but, not the God I was raised as a Catholic to worship.
That God was merciful. He would never allow what is happening today, or for the past 80 years for that matter. However, a Creator may be watching from a distance and planning to show himself at some predetermined “Tipping Point.”
All I know for sure is Israel is the real threat to World Peace. 100% Israel. Why can the American rank and file not see Israel and the Zionists for what they are?
There are too many incidents of note that are not adding up:
– The Pope resigning? What’s up with that? I hear he’s in legal trouble, if so, can he not summon up his God to protect him?
– The Meteor in Russia? That was not the only one but it is the only one Mainstream Media is telling us about.
– How about the report on You Tube from the GEOMAR scientists where they show a time lapsed video of what the radiation will be like in 8 years in the Pacific from Fukishima? Why is the MSM not covering the Fukishima Disaster in more depth? It is still in it’s infancy as far as “Nuclear Disasters” are concerned.
I mean, Chernobyl is still putting out excessive Radiation. That City is still a “Dead Zone.”
– Where are the massive, unexplained noises coming from all over the United States and around the World which, by the way, is not covered by the MSM again?
– And last but certainly not least, why is there not more people reading and watching Brother Nathanael’s writings and videos? Why? Why? Why?
How very sad.
Those sick, satanic Jew motherf*¿&ers have destroyed the once proud and great USA.
Patriot Gentile Americans, expose these evil criminals with all you have, fight like proud citizens and do not give up your guns.
We’re counting on you! May God be with you in your fight against Satan’s bidders.
Wow! Mr. Cortina sure does not mince any words.
My only disappointment with this stellar interview is that it is too short. It still would have remained engrossing if it were five times as long.
Kind of like looking through Glory B’s stuff. I can read, read, and continue reading Glory’s material and NEVER get bored.
Thank you, +BN and Joe Cortina.
“Interesting times we live in, but Christ prevails.”
Indeed so. The ancient Chinese curse ran: “May you live as a high elected official in interesting times.”
Why? Because they were the first ones the people blamed for any misfortune that befell them, and the first ones who got the whack put on them as a result.
The O-man is currently the most high “elected official” in the land today. Speed the day!
@Mike Boileau
>> “- And last but certainly not least, why is there not more people reading and watching Brother Nathanael’s writings and videos? Why? Why? Why?”
Well, Mike, as my verbally clever late father would have put it, “They’re out screwing the dog!”
400 IRA Freedom Fighters Defeateed 40,000 of England’s finest (SAS Special Forces et al) in a war of attrition, killing 9x the numbers of combatants, and limiting civilian casualites, actually killing less non-combatants than England’s occupiers and the Protestant thug paramilitaries UDF.
The IRA missed PM John Major and his entire cabinet by 1 room (Downing Street), and missed PM Thug Margaret Thatcher by 1 minute in the Brighton Hotel Bombing.
Facts: Between 1968 and 1998, IRA killed 728 civilians and 1,000 British security forces. Protest-ant Loyalist Paramilitaries killed 864 civilians, actually more than the IRA.
The British occupying army killed 127 Republicans, 13 loyalists, 2 RUC officers and 156 civilians.
Ex-British Army Captain, Fred Holroyd, (MI6) revealed details of Britains Dirty tricks in the 6 Counties.
British tactics included Murders, Bombings, Framing of innocent victims, Black propaganda and Kidnappings.
Don’t forget that More Irish Catholics were sold as slaves to the US colonies & plantations from 1651 to 1660, than the total existing free population of the Americas!
1641-1652, 550,000 Irish were killed by the English & 300,000 were sold as Slaves: the Irish population of Ireland fell from 1,466,000 to 616,000.
1649 Cromwell landed in Ireland, slaughtering 30,000 Irish. 25,000 were sold to planters in St. Kitt. 100,000 Irish children, 10-14 years old, taken from parents & sold as slaves in the West Indies, Va & N. England.
PENAL LAWS: Irish Catholics were Forbidden to Receive Education, Enter a Profession, Hold Public Office, Engage in a Trade, Own Land, Lease land, Accept a Mortgage on Land, Vote, Keep Arms, Practice Law, Forbidden to Buy Land From a Protestant, Inherit Land from a Protestant.
He could not attend Catholic Mass, or educate his child.
Additionally, 25,000 Taliban have managed to fight off 300,000 of Americas finest, including Blackwater thugs, Navy Seals, Green Berets, and Drone attacks on the civilian gatherings et al.
The USSA now controls LESS ground than it did in 2003.
Keep Hope! +
“That God was merciful. He would never allow what is happening today, or for the past 80 years for that matter. However, a Creator may be watching from a distance and planning to show himself at some predetermined “Tipping Point.”
I remember hearing people laugh over what happened at Waco, and that wasn’t 80 years ago.
“Most people are stupid, afraid and need something to follow or someone to guide them.”
I don’t nor should you.
The Amerikan sheeple are a marvelous breed — they applauded Slickster blasting the daylights out of the Orthodox Christian Serbs back in 1999 right at Christmas.
Remember that?
Now we have his protege’ the O-man doing the same thing with his drones.
They are in Afghanistan and Pak today — they will be here tomorrow. Just a matter of time.
“Keep Hope! +”
I think they have an old saying in Ireland: “We have known the days.”
I hear your cries and understand your plight, Americans.
After all, Australia cannot escape this mess either! We are your supposed allies and the damned Jews/NWO satanists want us enslaved and our souls captured for satan, too.
I am doing my best to spread the truth about the satanic NWO and those evil satan bidding Jews controlling the world.
I am spreading the word about this site amongst others.
May God guide us Christians and good-willed Gentiles in these end times just as He did when He led my grandparents and relatives out of the Bolshevist jew stolen Russia. Jesus lives!
Once again, fantastic research… I look forward to your articles every week!
I live in the New York City region, and no one up here within 100 miles of this city has a clue (and frankly even for me it’s just hard to believe what’s really happening/coming because I’ve never experienced anything like this).
While there are signs everywhere our country’s slowly collapsing it still isn’t obvious for many people here.
The economy may be bad but many people here are still riding high with their high-paying jobs and party lifestyles, so they’re not witnessing our decline first-hand.
Of course many are struggling more and more here as well but are too pre-occupied working just to survive. I wonder what this city will look like 5 years from now. Is Armageddon coming here soon??
I plan to donate again soon once my return comes in!
Everyone reading Brother Nathanael’s page should donate something soon en masse. He is our only hope and probably the most courageous man alive today!
Civil war or a revolution I believe is inevitable.
My heart breaks for all of the children & young people whose future is being stolen by the Jewish supremacist faction.
I agree it’s absolutely imperative that control be removed from the Jews of the media & the Fed Reserve shut down. Not to mention removal of all corrupt politicians & power brokers of corporations running Amerika into the ground.
This cannot be accomplished by petitions, protests, letters to politicians etc. It can only be accomplished by force & thank God Americans are still armed. They must act now before it’s too late.
My heart breaks for the country that it used to be, but the time has come to rise up & redeem what the locusts have stolen.
Thank you so much, +BN, for posting your interview with Joe Cortina on your website.
What’s revealed here is nearly reminiscent of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, but without the gunfire and mass murder of citizens — so far, that is.
In order to consolidate their power over the Russian masses, the Bolshevik Jews had to impose a massive gun confiscation program and disarm them, before singling out clergy, Cossacks, and other undesirables for outright execution or the death camps newly finished in Siberia.
It’s time for the Amerikan sheeple to wake up now and nip this cancer in the bud before it mestatizes.
The Constitution does not allow any kind of paper or electronic money to be created in any way shape or form.
Gold and silver coin is the only money permitted.
If you are going to overthrow the Jews and their evil ways you have to go all the way.
There is no room for compromise or half measures.
Joe’s analysis is spot on and accurate. Great interview.
Several years back, the powers that be attempted a simple experiment.
They went around the District of Criminals area, which was the murder capital of the US before some of the crack trade branched out into PG county, and attempted to confiscate unregistered firearms. This experiment literally ended after less than one half day!
After bombing the small countries Iraq and Afghanistan back to the stone age, and the continual murdering, raping and pillaging by foreign troops, the US military still cannot disarm the locals.
Now imagine them attempting this at home, where there are many more people, with 300 million firearms and a culture of violence, and an intact infrastructure that has not been leveled by depleted uranium or any other munitions.
What are the self chosen vampires (SCV) going to do, have US military aircraft take out our infrastructure?
The other logistical part of this equation is the US military is mostly made up of White, Black and Hispanic folks, not Arabs.
The US troops will have issues killing what they perceive to be their own, and (unlike WWII) there are almost no SCV in the US military.
Think of all the Generals and Admirals that have been fired over the past few years, and the multiple tours the troops have had to endure, and it should be obvious the US Military probably despises the District of Criminals to begin with.
If a civil war breaks out, there is also the very real prospect of states separating from the quagmire, as they are on the verge of doing so anyway, as in the coming economic collapse may bring this about.
The US has two options to expel the SCV, a military coup and/or a second American Revolution. With nowhere to run, this is endgame for the SCV in the US.
Mike Boileau February 21, 2013 @ 8:27 pm
As a Canadian, I feel we will be dragged into this abyss that is known as “Amerika!”
Most people are stupid, afraid and need something to follow or someone to guide them.
Canada, U.S. agree to use each other’s troops in civil emergencies
Canada and the U.S. have signed an agreement that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each other’s borders during an emergency, but some are questioning why the Harper government has kept silent on the deal.
COMMENT: Suffice it to say that this effectively gives the US the ability to invade Canada, and likely never leave.
Joe Cortina said:
“You DON’T cure cancer with band-aids and herbs. It MUST BE CUT OUT — every sick threatening cell must be KILLED to save the patient.
We would begin by registering AIPAC as an agent of a foreign nation.
Then nationalizing the press on a temporary basis to remove it from Jewish ownership.”
President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, attempted to do just that with AIPAC, then named American Zionist Council, commencing in the early ’60s.
The reorganization of the AZC into AIPAC during the Johnson Mal-administration was merely lipstick.
This online archive from the Israel Lobby Archive of the Institute for Research: Middle East Policy is a national treasure.
It’s archived government documents offer a glimpse back when Capitol Hill and the White House was actually still American turf before the unofficial Congressional Jewish Caucus backed by AIPAC and the rest of the Synagogue of Satan’s political machinery took them over to be our Zionist Occupied Government.
The unofficial Jewish Congressional Caucus now runs cover under the official Latino-Jewish Congressional Caucus which was launched in 2011 by the American Jewish Committee (AJC).
“The Latino-Jewish Congressional Caucus will provide for further collaborative engagement between U.S. Latinos and Jews on domestic and foreign policy issues of joint interest and concern,” said Dina Siegel Vann, director of AJC’s Latino and Latin American Institute.
“The AJC institute was created in 2005 to advance the global advocacy organization’s collaborative relations with the largest and fastest growing minority in the U.S.”
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The effort to register the AZC/AIPAC was eventually quashed under the LB Johnson Administration and Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, who was previously Deputy Attorney General under RFK.
The very last entry link in chain of documents kept online by The Israel Lobby Archive indicates that the effort to get the AZC registered as a foreign agent failed, and that AIPAC was merely a reorganized front, reads:
“11/27/1967 — The American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC applies for a federal tax exemption. The US Treasury Department grants it — backdated to 1953.”
DOJ orders the AZC to Register as a Foreign Agent
“Attached hereto is the entire file relating to the American Zionist Council and our efforts to obtain its registration under the terms of the Foreign Agents Registration Act…”
In the early 1960’s Israel funneled $5 million (more than $35 million in today’s dollars) into US propaganda and lobbying operations.
The funds were channeled via the quasi governmental Jewish Agency’s New York office into an Israel lobby umbrella group, the American Zionist Council.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigations and hearings documented funding flows, propaganda, and public relations efforts and put them into the record.
But the true fate of the American Zionist Council was never known, except that its major functions were visibly shut down and shifted over to a former AZC unit known as the “Kenen Committee,” called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC) in the late 1960’s.
The following chronology provides links to images of original Department of Justice case files released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act filing.”
Must see:
AG Katzenbach has an interesting notation which Wikipedia has coughed up in his bio in relation to the Kennedy Assassination (
A 1979 account of the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), reported that on November 25, 1963, only 3 days after the John F. Kennedy assassination and before any formal federal investigation had been conducted, Nicholas Katzenbach, then deputy attorney general, had written a memo to presidential assistant Bill Moyers at the White House.
Katzenbach’s memo comes the closest of any known official document (Katzenbach’s memo) to discussing a government coverup:
“The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he had no confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial…Speculation about Oswald’s motivation ought to be cut off…
“Unfortunately the facts on Oswald seem about too pat—too obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.)…We need something to head off public speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort.”
Wiki noted: The Committee’s final report implies that Katzenbach, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, and others were the key actors behind the creation of the Warren Commission.
According to the report, Hoover told staff members on November 24, 1963 that he and Katzenbach were anxious to have “something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin,” though the idea of a commission was initially opposed by President Johnson.
And the Jew-loving, pro-Israel, dyed-in-the-wool, Judaizing, Zionist-From-The-Cradle President Johnson surrounded himself with nothing but Jews (especially his unofficial close Jewish friends), Judaizers and liberal democrat sycophants in the White House after his election.
LBJ made sure that no recriminations would fall on Israel over their blatant act of war against the US with IOF’s attempted false-flag attack on the USS Liberty. The attack has never been investigated in Congress, either. The unofficial Congressional Jewish Caucus sees to that.
Kennedy was the first president to approve the sale of defensive US weapons to Israel, specifically Hawk anti-aircraft missiles, otherwise US foreign and military aid to Israel was modest, and on par with other Middle Eastern countries.
Johnson approved aggressive aid in the form of tanks and fighter jets, and multiplied military aid to Israel manyfold over what JFK had authorized. LBJ considered boosting aid a necessity after the 1967 war when France imposed a freeze on sales to Israel.
There was a 2008 move among some Jews to even have the arch-sleaze, traitor, criminal and moral reprobate LBJ posthumously awarded the Yad Vashem title of Righteous Gentile Among the Nations for helping Jews illegally enter the US before and during WW2 in his clandestine “Operation Texas” while he was US Congressman.
Johnson helped hundreds of European Jews illegally enter Texas through Cuba, Mexico and South America and take up residence.
“Research into Johnson’s personal history indicates that he inherited his concern for the Jewish people from his family [LBJ was raised a Christadelphian]. His aunt Jessie Johnson Hatcher, a major influence on LBJ, was a member of the Zionist Organization of America.
“According to Gomolak, Aunt Jessie had nurtured LBJ’s commitment to befriending Jews for 50 years. As a young boy, Lyndon watched his politically active grandfather “Big Sam” and father “Little Sam” seek clemency for Leo Frank, the Jewish victim of a blood libel in Atlanta.”
The Johnson Administration is when the Jewish cancer really began to grow and gnaw away at the Christian American body politic and her culture and society. During the Johnson presidency, from 1963 to 1969, “the United States became Israel’s chief diplomatic ally and primary arms supplier.”
Friend, Ally, Savior: Revealing LBJ’s Jewish Ties [ought to make anyone retch]:
( )
“The US has two options to expel the SCV, a military coup and/or a second American Revolution. With nowhere to run, this is endgame for the SCV in the US.” — jim February 22, 2013 @ 7:31 am
Maybe it could be impressed on them to pack up and leave on their own. Let’s be creative in the power of suggestion.
They really need to take their Talmudized Christian Zionist sidekicks with them too due their loyalty to “die Juden” above their own people and country.
Die Juden seem to be feeling a little heat in France. On the other hand, it could be all just an act because we know what innate acting talents the Self-Chosen posses.
ALL of the Jewish holidays now have been rabbinically perverted into Jewish celebrations of violence:
HANNUKAH has been twisted to celebrate the Jews’ military victory over the Greeks; PASSOVER memorializes killing of the Egyptian 1st born Children and includes praise for God for killing the Egyptians in the Red Sea.
The modern YOM HAATZMAUT, Israel’s Independence Day, celebrates the military victory of the Israeli forces over the neighboring Arab forces; and PURIM celebrates the Jews killing tens of thousands of “enemies.”
What makes this particular festival of Purim so disturbing are the overt cannibalistic overtones dominating the festivities.
Besides the religiously-mandated drunkenness, Jews gather at homes and eat prepared foods made to resemble the body parts (ears, eyes, feet, internal organs–you name it, they make it) of Haman, the Persian ruler described in the modified Jewish book of Esther who conspired against them.
Compare and contrast this with what Judaism’s 2 main competitors — Christianity and Islam — do at their various religious feasts.
At Christmas time, Christians eat gingerbread cookies. At Eid al Fitr, Muslims eat Kahka, cookies filled with nuts and covered with powdered sugar.
They have no equivalent where they devour the symbolic body parts and organs of their enemies, because, quite simply, they — unlike their Judaic counterparts — have no tendencies or motivations celebrating revenge, despoilment and gloating over the suffering of others.
In fact, no other religion of any civilized people on the planet engages in something like this. The closest we could possibly come to finding something like this would be some of the voodoo practices found in the Caribbean or West Africa.
“Tell me, do the evil men of this world have a bad time? They hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating. They don’t suffer from indigestion and are not punished by Heaven.
“I want Israel to join that club. Maybe the world will then at last begin to fear us instead of feeling sorry. Maybe they will start to tremble, to fear our madness instead of admiring our nobility.
“Let them tremble; let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a savage country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go wild, that we might start World War Three just like that, or that we might one day go crazy and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East.
“Personally, I don’t want to be any better than Harry Truman who snuffed out half a million Japanese with two fine bombs.” — Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 1982
“Choice of Targets”
(Scroll down after clicking on the link)
Hi Br N:
Some words of encouragement for you and everyone else who is involved in the battle to rid this great nation of Jewish domination.
First, we must have faith in the power of truth. What you telling the world is true. It is not a “conspiracy theory.” You are naming Jews in positions of power and showing how they abuse that power to advance Jewish interests at our expense.
Second, the only way the situation can be reversed is through a military coup. A popular uprising isn’t going to happen.
The only way is if some truly patriotic, deeply committed Christian generals and top officers decide that enough is enough and turn against these people.
What this means is that you should target your messages at the military.
When an idea resonates among the ranks, it will make its way to the top. Help the grunts in Afghanistan and Iraq realize that they are laying down their lives for cowardly Jews who lack the guts to fight their own wars.
If you propose a plan of action ~ a military coup ~ the idea will make its way to the top. Have faith in God’s power to accomplish this.
Every video, every article should end with an impassioned plea to the military to defend the Constitution and end Jewish domination, and to share the message with their colleagues and commanding officers.
Good luck and God Bless,
Obama’s homosexual activity is once again making news in the Alternative News Sector.
Why isn’t the Jewish controlled media divulging the facts about Obama’s homosexual tendencies?
Aren’t they always lecturing us that gayness is tender and loving and has tender and loving moments that we could all learn from and want to put those proud pictures on our mantels at home?
All the points Joe mentioned are admirable, but not feasible.
The one thing Joe said is the most important, and that is the American Public has been dumbed down to such an extent that they don’t even understand a grave situation.
And second, they have been feminized to such an extent that it may not be possible to motivate them no matter what happens.
Those of us who understand the gravity of the Jewish Cabal’s ownership of not only the U.S. but the world are out here alone!
The Jews instigated civil war in Africa. Here they are, as stamps:
Legendary Heroes of Africa
In the anti-Apartheid South African Liberation struggle, it was estimated that Jews were over represented by 2,500 percent in their proportion to the governing population.
This stamp issue acknowledges the extraordinary sacrifices made by Jews to the liberation of their African brethren,…
I have been saying this stuff for years, but nobody listened.
Now you people have no choice. The Jewish filth has taken control of every facet of Government.
You want freedom it is going to mean liberation from every single Jew and every single Jew supporter.
Don’t believe me, I dont really care. You’re at a point now were you have no choice but to face it head on.
If you don’t, you will be slaves to these dirty filthy little Kikeroaches.
Wake up!
Stock up, and allow no Jew to pass!
America destroyed Germany and Europe for no good reason other than the Jews. How can they save themselves?
America is sinking in a communist Goldman Sachs pit of its own stupid making. Abe Lincoln was a Rousseau liberal and a proto-crypto-Communist. Karl Marx and all the exiled ’48ers from Germany in America supported the Lincoln faction’s war against the CSA.
Karl Marx enjoyed writing Lincoln nice supporting letters of encouragement. All the communist volunteers from America in the Spanish Civil War were correctly called “the Lincoln Brigades.”
The “U.S.A.” is not a legitimate government or nation. It is a Judeo-Masonic binge cycle.
Abe Lincoln was another deceptive rogue out of the anti-Christ hall of mirrors, yet most of America still worships that old devil. “Newsweek” said it themselves on the cover: “OBAMA IS LINCOLN.”
Lincoln is Obama and America will be doomed by it. Everybody who’s spent enough time there, knows the White House is haunted by poltergeists. No joke. And the White House is located directly on the supposed Luciferic point of a Masonic goathead pentagram of Baphomet.
These are waves of an apocalypse rolling over America. How long it will continue and what will happen, I couldn’t say more than in general terms. This could be leading into the final apocalypse and the end of days at some point … not too far away.
This is a spiritual war. If you are not baptized or you have lost your faith, you are in more danger. Get baptized and say your prayers.
Bad moons and storms and lost souls are rising.
Br Nathanael: What needs to be done to restore our nation?
Joe Cortina: You DON’T cure cancer with band-aids and herbs. It MUST BE CUT OUT — every sick threatening cell must be KILLED to save the patient.
We would begin by registering AIPAC as an agent of a foreign nation.
At Joe Cortina: This is where you go wrong!
How did the Jews take control of Russia in 1917? The Jews killed the entire Russian elite. How do you take control of the American state the year 2013?
You destroy the power of the entire Jew elite. Anything less is futile.
“We would begin by registering AIPAC as an agent of a foreign nation.” –Joe Cortina–
That is not even futile.
Round up and isolate the entire Jew elite and the Jew m(ass)es are clueless what to do.
Control the elite and you rule the country/state.
Hello +BN, Joe and all.
Jesus Christ is alive after three days in the tomb, and he is The Resurrection and the Life. Some fox tried to kill Him forever, but they failed, and will fail again.
I’m not that religious and I certainly cannot prove the Holy Writings to be true, but anyone can calculate, that Christ lives in the minds of millions of peoples in many forms, religion, culture and so.
As Silvermans’ failed to kill the God-man Christ as mere man, their plan B seems to be to kill the Mind of the Man, and if The Man happened to die too, that’s a bonus.
Somehow it feels like this all, first some Civil Wars, WW1 & 2, War on Terror, War on Economy etc is just some powerfuls try to make themselves to believe that their religion wasn’t a big defeat at the very beginning.
“When an idea resonates among the ranks, it will make its way to the top. Help the grunts in Afghanistan and Iraq realize that they are laying down their lives for cowardly Jews who lack the guts to fight their own wars.”
I note that Caligula Caesar was murdered by his own Praetorian Guard, while in Nero Caesar’s case they simply stood down and let the mobs of enraged Romans have at him.
He stabbed himself before they got to him.
What will Obama Caesar do when his time comes?
“Control the elite and you rule the country/state.”
Not so. Control the guns and you control all else. The people who have the weapons make the rules.
“All power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” — Chairman Mao
“The US has two options to expel the SCV, a military coup and/or a second American Revolution. With nowhere to run, this is endgame for the SCV in the US”.
Now you know why they want the guns out of civilian hands so badly.
It is the endgame for them everywhere – fail here and they lose the entire game period.
May God answer our prayers and protect us from ensuing evil.
“Civil war or a revolution I believe is inevitable.
My heart breaks for all of the children & young people whose future is being stolen by the Jewish supremacist faction.
I agree it’s absolutely imperative that control be removed from the Jews of the media & the Fed Reserve shut down. Not to mention removal of all corrupt politicians & power brokers of corporations running Amerika into the ground.
This cannot be accomplished by petitions, protests, letters to politicians etc. It can only be accomplished by force & thank God Americans are still armed. They must act now before it’s too late.
My heart breaks for the country that it used to be, but the time has come to rise up & redeem what the locusts have stolen.”
Perfectly said.
Look at the history of post WW-I Germany. Had “they” not been so greedy, WW-II would never have taken place, but they planned it that way.
The Bavarian Civil War of 1919 is an interesting and nearly unknown today period when the Reds got their tails kicked by the Friekorps, many of whom were veterans of WW-I.
They are fixing to learn the same lesson again over here in Amerika.
Joe Cortina’s solutions to the Jewish problem are practical, reasonable, and doable AND a good first step.
Yours are a fantasy and a pipe dream. Dream on Hoff, dream on…+BN
Hoff says “You destroy the power of the entire Jew elite.”
History shows that Hoff is right and that civil war may result in tightened Jewish control.
“Personally, I don’t want to be any better than Harry Truman who snuffed out half a million Japanese with two fine bombs.” — Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 1982
The fire bomb raids on Japan killed far more than the two A-bombs did.
B-29s attacked at low level with white phosphorous bombs at night. In a single raid, 1000 planes carpet bombed Tokyo.
In the fire storms that followed, over 100,000 people — most of them women, children, and the elderly — were burned to death.
They did the same thing to Dresden earlier. Kindhearted, aren’t we?
“We would begin by registering AIPAC as an agent of a foreign nation.” — Joe Cortina
JFK and his brother Robert knew this as well, and tried to make it happen.
From the American Zionist Council to AIPAC timeline:
I don’t think that Civil War has ever been any good. Civil war is of course the last option, but if one said what was the first?
Nobody gives the answer, but why not ask My-, Your-, and Ourselves?
And of course, as we continued until the “our” section, all the “right answers” had already been thought about by media and their masters.
Their weakness is, that they think, that all the Christians are same as they are, “this is the way” – gypsies.
No, this is the Home and the ways are many. Choose the wrong way, You can always get back to Your home, someone is always waiting for You.
Let’s see, Kennedy wanted to register the American Zionist Council as a foreign agent, and he was absolutely opposed to a nuclear armed Zionist State.
What else did JFK do to ruffle the feathers of International Jewry?
That settles if for me.
The Warren Commission is the gospel and Jacob Rubenstein shot Oswald because he was so upset with him for murdering his beloved President.
Actually the only way to beat the Jews is to ignore them and stop giving them any sort of authority.
The Blacks don’t listen to the government and completely ignore it except to suck down benefits. Same with the illegals.
Only Whites acknowledge the government and that’s their undoing. Ignore the government out of existence. The government only has what power you give them. Otherwise they’re a non-entity.
We all know the government is the Jews. Very few Gentiles are in any position of power that they aren’t just a Jewish puppet.
All Whites have to do is (but we know Whites have become too cowardly for fear of losing their LCD Big Screen and their 6 pack) behave just like the lawless Black and Mestizo populations.
Stop paying taxes, don’t pay fines, don’t respond to legal pleadings, take – take – take but don’t contribute anymore and guess what — don’t pay any tribute to Caesar and Caesar dies.
It’s getting a little late so I’m feeling a bit drowsy; it’s very cold outside; I have a miserable flat tire in the parking lot (no joke); and, my brain has temporarily frozen!
What does the acronym SCV stand for?
The acronym SCV stands for “Self Chosen Vampires.”
What this means is when you become your own god, you have cut yourself off from Power itself (the real God) and therefore will end up feeding off of others, as you have no Power to feed yourself anymore. The misery that the fallen angel feels is literally being cut off from the source of all Power.
Atheism is the ultimate stupid act. The SCV have traded away real Power for narcissist egoism, and that is why Christ called them the children of the Devil.
The term SCV is actually not connected to any religion, because the District of Criminals are filled with these types, and most of them are so called Christians nominally, which is what Joe Cortina was pointing out.
I like these solutions, but a full Christianization would have to happen in Amerika, just like it did in Russia after the fall of the anti-Christ Jew run USSR.
Amerika needs to give up Jew-loving heresies of protestantism and dispensationalism, and stop taking orders from Hal Lindsay, John Hagee, Jack Impe, and all other heretics who spoon feed Zionist heretic crap to the uneducated masses.
You forget though once the media is nationalized, the Jews must be rounded up and deported or converted (if there are any willing to embrace Christ and Orthodoxy).
Finally you reforge Amerika into a Christian imperium and crown an Orthodox prince as emperor.
Christ God bless you all!
(Servant of Christ and His Church)
Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco pray to God for us!
My mom’s mom’s mom was a Self Chosen Vampire (SCV).
The SCV students and teachers always treated me as one of them, and my seventh grade SCV teacher even offered me a good math tutor job, which my stupidity refused. My SCV boss in NJ paid me $600 a week way back in 1983, without a college degree, to manage his business.
My Physics and Engineering professors were all SCV, and they gave me five paid years of Graduate school. They granted my first break as a contract engineer, and they still keep hiring me for great money. My real doctorate professor (left before completion) earnestly asked me to join the tribe.
Am not an SCV, but everyone looks at me that way.
I noticed the FEMA CORP picture looked like they were mostly Latino.
I guess all the RAZA-MEChA and other Hispanic-Latino studies teaching RECONQUISTA-AZTLAN (the plan to reclaim the former Mexican territory ranging from the states of CA to CO-TX) are finally paying off.
This RECONQUISTA-AZTLAN plan is shamefully taught in higher-grade USA schools and our schools don’t mind ILLEGAL ALIENS (chiefly Mexican and the more, the merrier) in California schools while they keep whining they don’t have enough money.
I think our schools need to be reminded what nation they’re in before they demand more money and yet another parcel tax. At this point, I’m asolutely sick of seeing “Matriculacion para kindergarden, ahora” on the school wall that I drive fairly frequently by.
The corrupt church system in California also greatly supports the ILLEGAL ALIENs.
I truly wish they would lose their tax-exempt status and the same applies to all these NGOs and nonprofits like LA RAZA (the RACE), MEChA, MALDEF, LULAC etc and I truly wish our government would absolutely hammer and destroy every business that utilizes ILLEGAL ALIENS.
And every BUSINESS-CORPORATION caught with ILLEGAL ALIENS must be jailed and E-VERIFY should be forced on every employer.
Okay, back to the civil war. No, I think citizenry is (generally) too dumbed down.
I’m not having much luck where I’m at.
I’m trying to convince and warn people about what’s really going with the Banksters, Agenda 21-ICLEI and the U.N. and ILLEGAL ALIENS with their RECONQUISTA-AZTLAN which is being piggybacked onto the NORTH AMERICAN UNION and SPP (Security and Prosperity Parternship) plans to MERGE: Canada, the USA and Mexico together, etc.
We have meet the enemy. They are Israel!
To Sorry Charlie,
Good point! Just needs a little more case & point type of directive.
Wonderful article and I so wish what is proposed were the real solution to our problems.
“Just ONE respected military commander with an above-reproach background.”
However, as much as I would like to believe in that one respected military commander, I can see that his background is not completely above reproach.
Please read about how Hagel was the owner of and ran the company that counted the votes in both of his senatorial elections.
I am not a fan of opednews but this shows how Wikipedia is trying to suppress the background of Hagel. Hagel voted for the banker bailout and is considered by Stew Webb and others to be part of a “Zio fifth column.”
We can look at this in a few different ways.
One we can say, human beings are complex creatures and they have made a mistake in the past but they can be correct on the important issues today.
We can think…
This person may have been captured by the enemy and may still to this day be working for the enemy, and there is even a possibility he does not know he is working for the enemy.
But make no mistake about it, the enemy has already totally taken over the USA and no matter how much one person gives us hope that there is a way out of the grip of the enemy, there is a real possibility that that hope in one person is just another evil manipulation being used against us.
Whenever one human being becomes “our one big hope of salvation,” I am old enough now to see the folly of that way of thinking.
Here is why I say the one military commander’s background is not above reproach.
Interesting story in the Toronto Star.
At least three of the four groups wanting to open gambling casinos in downtown Toronto are Jewish, and likely all four are. They include Sheldon Adelson’s Sands Hotel and Gerry Schwartz’s Onex Corp. Both actively support Israel and the IDF.
Soon Toronto will be financing the IDF and Israeli wars. But lots of work for young Toronto girls as hookers.
At one time gambling money was to go to the province of Ontario to pay for schools, medical care, etc., but now I guess it will all be funneled into Israel to finance wars.
Just takes a few bribes. That is all.
Yeah, Cortina has a firm grasp on the obvious.
As for a civil war, it’s not gonna happen and here’s why. The Jews will never accept total loss of power and control over the slaves of Amerika. NEVER!
If need be, they will kill EVERYBODY and simply start over again with more controllable genetically engineered humans. In fact, it’s already under way.
A group of Italian programmers have created a riot simulator that has the elite ticked off and wanting it shutdown.
Art imitates life. In the 80’s it was Italian plumbers bouncing up and down for gold coins. Now it’s people hitting the streets and taking on the KGB Jewish Enforcers (cops).
I can’t imagine many people taking the cops perspective in the game.
If video games promote violence, then I say this is the first one to actually call for something productive. Afterall the USA always uses violence against its own people, if they get some in return, then perhaps they’ll begin to learn that they’re dangerously outnumbered.
Unlike in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Europe, what is ZOG going to do, blow up all the infrastructure here in the JewSA in order to regain the upper hand? It didn’t work in all those other countries.
The JewSA still occupies Japan, Germany, Guam, Phillipines, South Korea, Cuba because it’s a weak, unguided by morality, entity that the world doesn’t respect and NOW the AmeriKwan has lost respect for it too.
End game for ZOG
Brother Nathanael,
You are a treasure for the world. You are so precious.
I just now emailed 2 articles: This and Homeland Ammo.
Can you please confirm it worked. Thanks.
Brother Nathanael,
To make sure you get the message because Jewish enemies are always meddling with everything we try to do, I posted the following message at Joe Cortina’s website under his latest article:
Joe, is there a way to email your articles like the way Brother Nathanael’s set up?
Also can you please talk to Brother Nathanael and inform him to check his set up to make sure it is working and that the articles I am emailing are going to people that are in my list.
Joe thank you so much for all the information you have given Brother Nathanael. Isn’t Brother Nathanael a real treasure? God bless you and our great Brother Nathanael!
(P. S. Brother Nathanael, please keep a list of those I have been emailing so that every time you do a post it can automatically go to each one of them in case these criminals start meddling more.)
Re Obama and homosexuality:
Quite a lot of evidence to this effect, but he is in for his second term. I think the Jews have performed the social engineering that makes homosexuality acceptable in society.
So, even if the White House announces he is gay, Obama will be supported by all those brainwashed liberal-istas.
However, what is interesting is that many gays have the right psychological programming to be sociopaths, in other words, we may see a trend to more of these gay politicians in positions of power. “Outing” them means nothing, its their inherent psyche that counts.
Hilary Clinton seems to be next for the DEMOCRATS as President, and lots of evidence she is a lesbian.
“History shows that Hoff is right and that civil war may result in tightened Jewish control.”
Actually it shows the opposite to be true.
You don’t have control of much if you are dead or in exile or running for your life.
“If need be, they will kill EVERYBODY and simply start over again with more controllable genetically engineered humans. In fact, it’s already under way.”
Doubtful. They would be exterminated long before they got that far.
Right now, they can’t even trust their own troops fully — what do you think is going to happen to them when the troopies get really fed up?
About the “Good Jews.” I think what most of you that use this term “But.. but…but What about the Good Jews?” mistake what you see. Like mistaking a shadow outline someone has placed on their property for a real cowboy leaning against a post. “Hey! Look at that! Look at that cowboy leaning against that post over there!”
These people that you claim are “Good Jews” are merely leftovers, outcasts, for whatever reason they’re comfortable enough that joining with the tribe completely is not really that interesting to them.
Sometimes they’re just supporters and not “Jews” at all but someone who is always at the ready to defend them like enlisted military personnel or Evangelicals.
When questioned, these “Good Jews” always reveal their first alliance which is to the tribe, second alliance to Israel and third alliance to greed. They have no other alliances and are not like you and me.
The question really needs to be closed for additional commenting.
Like Sasquatch or UFOs, there just is no hard evidence that a “Good Jew” exists. Yes, in “theory” Santa Claus exists because Kwans give him life and carry the story but there has NEVER been an actual sighting of a “real” Santa Claus.
Sure, every year you say that you see “Santa Claus” at the mall. The same as there has never been an actual siting of a “Good Jew” you may think you ran in to one at the mall but in fact the real ones were over at Jared’s picking out a new Rolex. What you ran in to is one of their puppets. Jews don’t go to malls.
At outlets like Veterans Today and other sites, we see what is merely a Jew in snakes clothing.
These sites are there to direct you back in a circle so that you’re left with no new answers. The intent is so you begin to question what you’ve been previously told about Jewish Supremacy.
You’re wanting to question “Oh maybe they’re not so bad. After all they did provide organs for young Jewish children who needed a kidney transplant and if they took if from a Palestinian child that was already dead, what’s wrong with that? That’s just focusing on life instead of death.”
Another good example is how you watch John Wayne movies and deduce “Dem Injuns wuz really asking for it and the Duke gave it to them” leaving out the real facts that “The Duke” was a right wing extremist. He was a ZOG tool for mythologizing the Indians as savages who attacked first.
This served to rewrite the history books. It conveniently leaves out that the Jews were behind the so called “Indian Wars.” They knew the Indians were on resource rich lands and like the Palestinians the Indians were opposed to being kicked off their native land.
Most attacks were false flags initiated by the Calvary so that there could be a provocation for attacking the Indians and Jews were always there at the ready to guide the Calvary on their next mission. However, the stories do help you.
Being White, you’re always ready to serve the Jew and take on the guilt that your race killed the Indians but that it was justified because Injuns killed settlers.
So in conclusion, I see how common it is amongst Whites to shed some of the Talmudic training while grasping firmly to other aspects of it that they hold near and dear.
“Jews don’t go to malls.”
They do when they are Israeli “art students”…
If your wallet can handle, thank you for your consideration to help Brother Nathanael.
You will be greatly blessed for helping him. His website is the best that addresses the biggest threat to mankind.
Supporting him is the best we can do, in ways that are possible for each one of us, every moment we get.
If you can give him financial support to sustain him, it is a great act of compassion.
If you can’t for now, then bless him, pray for him, spread his fame among mankind, share his articles and videos with different people etc and thank you and God bless!
“Supporting him is the best we can do, in ways that are possible for each one of us, every moment we get.”
I can’t do much, but I can do a little. Even an elephant can be taken down by ants if they all just band together and fight as one.
Folks, some of you STILL don’t get it.
The original interview was a bit longer and because of certain constraints, Brother Nathanael opted to shorten it.
Here are two important issues that were not given enough play considering their importance in this looming possibility of a revolt to regain our freedoms from not ONLY the Jews, but the their largest ally in treason.
That HUGE ally IS our most virulent mortal enemy and the singular entity which has enabled ALL of these horrible serial wars of agression, collapsed our economy, destroyed our true Christian faith, and twisted the minds of an entire generation of our youth down a path of perdition from which there is no escape.
These reprobate bastards, these putrid imbecile redneck treasonous country-selling scum, those apostate hypocrites who SCREAM and HOWL for more endless violence murders, and self debasement, and whose Holy Grail is the death wish of Armageddon, are 50-60 million strong and have controlled our insane foreign policies for decades.
We know these demons from hell, these brothers of Satan, these literal WORSHIPERS of the Jews damned by the Lord as the sons of all that is evil wicked and filthy, as dispensationalists or fundalmentalists or evangelicals or Christian-Zionists, and are mostly Baptists by formal identification.
Because of their gross stupidity, inability to rationally deal with reality, and their dazzling collective ignorance, love of violence, death, destruction and misery towards ANYONE who doesn’t look or speak or believe their inane insane irrational nonsense, I call them BaptDUHS!
Until you — the REAL people — the AUTHENTIC Americans are prepared to deal with these wicked reptiles as the pernicious deadly enemies of mankind they in REALITY ARE, NONE of this discussion regarding taking back the Republic we once had means a farthing — PERIOD!
If ANY of you are still under the false impression that ANY Of these SOBs are just misinformed, well-meaning, decent people who can be reasoned with, and really no different that any of your neighbors, you may as well get an early reservation with Haliburton Arms in a nice tropical climate while they are still available.
ALL of these reptiles are your DEADLY, DEADLY, DEADLY, DEADLY ENEMIES!
Is there ANY part of that you do NOT yet understand at this late date? We are in the last half of the ninth inning and you still don’t seem to get it!
You disgrace, defame, isolate, disenfranchise, avoid like the plague these filthy, stinking, Godless hypocrite Jew wanna-be, Jew-infused collective scum — and that 1% of real Jews will have lost their entire power base.
Run them out of your lives, your schools, your communities, and wherever you find them. To tolerate them in ANY way is eventually collective suicide for ALL of you!
“I killed all those civilians because they were animals. I enjoyed it and I have no regrets.” — Chris Kyle, war criminal and mass murderer of civilian men, women, and children.
Kyle and the family who supported his serial murders were all BaptDUH pigs! He had already organized a company to train American police to murder American civilians.
“My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.” — Benyamin Netanyahu, at the time a former IsraHELL prime minister.
Point#2 that was not mentioned, but I am sure that many of the readers have connected the dots for themselves.
AmeriKans today are lazy, cowardly, and morally bankrupt as a collective group. As long as we have our two-car garage, our cold beer in the fridge, and our giant thin screen plazma HD Talmud Vision to entertain our feeble child-like minds, we are not concerned about the rest of the world.
Just give us our NFL Stupid Bowl violence, our NASCAR violence, lots of lurid sex and — did I mention LOTS AND LOTS Of VIOLENCE? — we are just fine. I’m not gussing or even being sarcastic. I have observed this classic ‘Merkan phenomenon for decades now and it is always predictably the same.
The Jews won’t have to kill us all, just keep on providing the same rancid filth that have flooded our living rooms with for decades now.
‘Merkans have the attention spans of oysters and the memories of amoebas. Just bring up the USS LIberty massacre of American sons by the wicked, perverse Jews in a group of ‘friends’. “Ah, but that’s ancient history, man.”
The ancient Roman Senate were not fools. They knew that if they could keep the unwashed masses occupied with shallow inane foolishness, they would have no time to be concerned with what went on in the Senate that may affect their lives.
So what did ‘Rome’ do? It provided free ‘world-class’ entertainment for Tiberius Sixpak! Lots of violence with their favorite gladiators — kinda like the NFL of ancient Rome.
Instead of concern for new taxes or less freedoms, aside from the names, the discussions would be very similar to what I hear in my modern day community.
“Marcus, I hear that Gluteous Maximus will be fighting in the Coloseum this week.”
“I know but I favor Brutus Metallicus and I will wager 20 dinares he wins.” Sound familiar?
Fast forward to today as our country, a morally rotted corpse, is dying before our very eyes. And the most intelligent discussion at lunch will be like this: “Hey Bob, gonna catch the game this weekend?”
“How ’bout them Bucs, Tom? Did you hear that Rocky McMan was just drafted from St. Louis, and starts his contract at 2 mil + benefits!”
“Awsome, man!”
I have known very few people who are a generation or so younger who have in any way endured any great risks or suffered any great pain in the cause of freedom.
We have become frogs in a pot of gradually boiling Jew s&*t. Ho hum. I fear we will all die of acute mediocrity combined with chronic denial — ultimately, a departure from sanity.
I fear that as long as cold beer & HD giant screens are cheap and the NFL and Talmud-Vision provide affordable violence sex and sensationalism, we will pretend the chains are not so cumbersome.
Take away our shallow diversions and cause us REAL grief, make fear a daily occurrence and we may yet find a way to reach the balls we stored away as needless, somewhere out of reach, on high shelves — long ago.
We sold our heritage long ago when we allowed the first Jew into our blessed nation, and it wasn’t as if we didn’t know the grave consequences of that folly. John 8-44 was an early warning.
Perhaps George Washington came to that somber conclusion when he lamented not having expulsed the Christ-hating Jew from our shores. Every American would do well to read that passage.
“Take away our shallow diversions and cause us REAL grief, make fear a daily occurrence and we may yet find a way to reach the balls we stored away as needless, somewhere out of reach, on high shelves — long ago.”
When Amerika finally becomes Russia in 1919 on, or China in 1949 plus, THEN the sheeple will realize just how stupid they actually were…
That was an interesting interview with Gilad, as he is an apologist and you were the antagonist.
My feelings gravitate in your direction, by the way. Both of you see bad events arising, as this has happened many times before.
If the SCV would just burn their damned Babylonian Talmud, and hire only intelligent and morally sound individuals to lead their tribe, then they could share some of their wisdom and guide Humanity into a Golden Age.
They would be wealthy in the “true” sense that everyone surrounding them was of strong physical and moral character. They and all others would live in God’s intended Paradise, instead of what could accurately be described as Hell.
Re: JOHNNY BARTEE’s posting
The thing is, the Jew-led powers that be are in fact ruthless and arrogant enough to go all the way and wipe out the population of the USA, if need be.
Does that mean Americans should meekly surrender all that they have, strip naked, and kneel at the lime pit and await the bullet to the head? No!
It means that when push comes to shove, Americans have to fight back and, no matter what the risk and expense, press the counterattack untill they have achieved victory over the enemy.
When your enemy believes even the best of the Gentiles should be killed, and that means damned near everybody, then there is no justification for restraint when it comes to self defense and punishing the enemy.
Joe Cortina,
Very good follow-up. Many Baptist people are so naive and ignorant as to the kind of things are discussed here, it’s at the border of insanity.
The portraits of the young people for FEMA corps give an impression that, either they don’t know what they’re into and are super naive, or they know, and are very happy, which is even worse. What the hell?
In order for Zio-Christianity to be exposed, it will have to be destroyed, period. That thing cannot be ‘fixed’.
I will fight back but only for myself. I WILL NOT fight to preserve AmeriKwa. I will not assist an AmeriKwan or rescue them from the packed busses headed to the FEMA camps.
We are best to let the Little Satans round up these morons and rid both them and us of the worthless animals that surround us on a daily basis.
A trip to any Maomart will confirm for you that AmeriKwa is filled to the brim with worthless mouth breathers that will never contribute a single thing in their entire worthless lives.
That seems harsh to some especially from someone espousing Christianity. But Christ WAS NOT a socialist the way Judeo-Christianity often purposely misrepresents him. He was very much against the sloth and laziness that is the modern AmeriKwan.
Again back to Maomart: the current consumerist society is unsustainable. The race is on to dig deeper and deeper in to Earth’s crust and Ocean’s to suck the remaining life out of this planet as if it were an orange.
These beasts that you see roaming the aisles of all these consumer driven warehouses are worthless and are NOT worth saving. They have no value. Quit thinking that you will change them. They are fodder for the coming firestorm. Let them burn.
They will out you in a second for your views thinking it will buy them a little more time.
I for one am sick and tired of hearing about “turning this nation around.” No such thing will happen.
These gluttonous pigs that surround us are perfectly content in their sty. Let them wallow in the filth that the Talmud has guaranteed them. Let them go off and die for the Jew. Let them go off and be dismembered and come back a shattered zombie. It’s their fate, let them have it.
Find space for yourself and the few people you may know that are worthwhile and forget about the sea of humanity as it is filth and unworthy of your efforts. But before you do: Raise your fist to that filth and shout: “Damn you all to hell where you belong!”
Frank DePinto
Chattanooga, TN
Thank you again.
I believe your article is correct, ‘the ball has been pushed too far down a steep road to think it will return.’
I think the actual event will happen with a ‘spontaneous explosion,’ like the cumulative ‘atmospheric energies/pressures building, then bursting’ into a tornadoes or hurricanes, a burst in the sky, then onto our earth, our people.
We had better have some good leaders around, to ‘make-sense’ of it all, to install the justice that will ameliorate the evil that we now swim in.
More specifically, I believe:
(1) Jews should be declared a threat to America’s national security, and treated as were the Japanese in America during WWII.
(2) They should be encouraged to leave the country.
(3) Jews should be taken out of all government, courts, etc. positions.
(4) They should be responsible for the financial burden that has driven the poor, homeless, Black communities and the middle-class into poverty and crime i.e. 16 million homeless children from the 2008 Jew recession:
a) All those who have lost their mortgages to the actions of ‘Goldman-Sachs,’ etc. be returned to thier homes;
b) The $400 billion Lehman Bros. heisted to Israel, the reason for its collapse;
c) Goldman-Sachs to be closed and assets used to payback the American people;
d) The $3 trillion Jew bankers got from the instigation of actions by Obama’s Geithner, that was never returned;
e) The $3-$5 trillion/yr Americans have subsidized Israel;
f) The $11.5 trillion for the 5 Jew-wars since 2001, costs of Homeland Security & Police State, TSA, national and global counterinsurgency, etc.;
g) Reparations to the families of the 8,000 US soldiers killed in the 5 Jew-wars and the 48,000 maimed and related Veterans’ pensions, benefits and costs of hospitalization and rehabilitation programs;
h) Reparation for the deaths of 200,000 Muslims, 800,000 maimed, 5 million refugees.
(5) An immediate stop to all American subsidies to Israel, and all subsidies to Middle-East and African CIA/covert or overt US invasions, colonizations, counter-insurgency, drones, etc.
(6) An immediate end to all hostilities against the Muslim People, Muslim Nations and peace accords established with the United States without the nemesis of the Jew occupation of Palestine.
(7) The dismantling of Homeland Security/Fascism and Liebermann torture Fusion Centers.
(8) War crime trials for all US politicians who financially supported the Afghan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libyan and Syrian wars.
(9) A reoccupation of Palestine by Palestinians to original 1948 borders.
(10) Dissolving Israel.
Dear Bill,
Are you familiar with Recon 14?
I talked to a guy who was in the British Army in Ireland and he told me they, and not MI5 or MI6, do hits for the British government.
He said they began in Ireland and make people disappear. More or less do what the French and Mossad have done for a very long time, and what Obama does now.
Joe Cortina is right and one thing I agree 100% and more is the concept of “collective soul.”
Equally well I could take my country as an example, but let’s say the US, that is better known around.
False flag patriotism is to think that every citizen is a reflection of the Nation. Wrong direction of influence. That will lead to central government monopole and guess who will be sitting at the top of the mountain?
Real patriotism is to think that the Nation is a reflection of individual citizens, who got brains enough to think of their own, without Talmudvision’s questions and answers, at which answers are set first as a part of Zionists’ agenda and then suitable questions are made up afterwards to entertain the idiots in front of TV-screens.
This kind of Nation of individuals, their brains turned On, is chaotic system of opinions, too unpredictable for Zionists to handle. But this sort of chaos has progress embedded, while today’s politically correct order has total destruction.
Fear works, but guilt and shame works even better.
Divide and conquer, but today instill guilt and isolate seems to work better.
Zionists have spent plenty of money to create a collective guilt. Even though it is logically incorrect, people might feel that “I should have helped them, although that event took place 500 years before I was born.”
That gradually destroys the self-respect of individuals, and then further destroys respect to other people.
No longer is one guy, that the other guy disagrees 100% his basis of inspiration.
Rather both of them are sitting in front of TV like zombies and then pick up one stereotype that Talmudvision has to offer. And if their untrue and false characters still happened to disagree, they both are working for the same boss anyway.
I hate to say this, but I’ve never heard a more accurate description of the state the United States is in today, than when Joe Cortina calls it… “a giant toilet of unflushed moral decay”….
I mean, any honest American who is old enough to compare the America of a mere 40 years ago with the one today would have to agree.
Americans are basically hopeless and will never, ever, protest anything. Please, come on!
Here is just one example out of thousands by now, that should have motivated Americans, regardless of political affiliation.
When American citizens asked Nancy Pelosi, who at the time was Speaker of the House, for a Town Hall meeting, she called them “NAZIS.”
She called them Nazis because a few days earlier, citizens had cornered her in a debate and began to actually ask some “tough” questions. Pelosi became all p-ssed off, because she had no good answers for those legitimate questions.
So, when she was asked to began allowing Town Hall meetings, in the beautiful places Americans of the past and now built for that purpose, she referred to them as Nazis.
Did she suffer for this abuse of the public? No she did not. Instead she was allowed to offer a “weak,” “insincere” apology, and that was that.
Instead she should have been forced to step down, and been charged with not being worthy to represent the American citizenry.
Lately, she said that Americans killed by drones need not be identified to the citizens. Was she asked to step down, NO SHE WAS NOT.
Just my observations.
Yes, Civil War is Coming to America…
Time for a MAJOR “Correction.”
Lets just hope we can hold onto some of our rights when all the dust settles.
Best to follow the words and works of the MASTER:
Jesus of Nazareth Part 1:—Part-1-%28Full-Version%29
Jesus of Nazareth Part 2:—Part-2-%28Full-Version%29
Do you believe in the Archangel Michael and the Heavenly Hosts?
He visited Russia recently and vowed his protection for all of us. Meteorite, yeah right. Wake up all.
God is here and with us. He is showing us.
God Bless you, Brother Nathanael and Joe Cortina.
(1) Jews should be declared a threat to America’s national security, and treated as were the Japanese in America during WWII.
Bad idea. They didn’t round up the Italian or German Americans did they?
Most of the Japanese here were just as American and just as loyal to America as the European descended ones were.
The US Army units that earned the highest combat honors in Europe during WW-2 were composed of Japanese Americans.
h) Reparation for the deaths of 200,000 Muslims, 800,000 maimed, 5 million refugees.
You going to include the Orthodox Christian Serbs Uncle blasted back in 1999 at Christmas too?
“…and what Obama does now.”
Party down hardy with Reggie Love?
If there is war then let it be in my time so my children can live in peace.
It’s our generation that got us into this mess so it’s our responsibility to ourselves out of this mess.
A TIME TO STAND by Jerry Clinton Oliver is a must read because it’s decent Americans taking a stand against federal tyranny.
It’s provocative so I recommend it & seems to be what is about to happen soon.
History has shown that the ugly head of tyranny shows it’s face, but is always defeated. Right is on our side.
A word about Joe and his comments on February 23, 2013 @ 12:12 pm:
With very few exceptions he is right.
Why am I so confident he is correct?
I have an insider’s understanding of these people in the way Brother Nathanael has to Talmudic Jewry. The only difference is I still work with and live around these willfully brainwashed clowns.
I can assure you that the Kris Kyles of the JSA are indeed heroes to them. They frequently have “patriotic” parades for the ones returned to the JSA in coffins. College and professional football games devote pregame and halftime ceremonies to their honor.
They share a delight in seeing their children ape out aberrant Negroidal behavior as well as all manner of Jewy filth “as seen of TV.”
Those who attempt to show them the proof of International Jewry’s agenda including New Testament Scripture are promptly called “Nazis.”
They are indeed very, very childlike and refuse to budge from their 4th grade worldview.
Interesting photos showing how the Free Syrian Army rebels are protecting themselves:
More about Band Aid, or more precisely it was Live Earth 2007, collective guilt and chaotic thermodynamical systems.
We are talking about Al Gore, the big money whore, their climate change and their spectacular intercontinental carbon tax commercial.
I saw Al Gore’s documentary. To gain at least some credibility to his case, he spoke about his family, about their tobacco farm, and her sister, who smoked, and then become ill and then died on lung cancer.
But there are thousands of loyal and dedicated medical scientists who do their best to cure lung cancer, wheter the patient was a smoker or nonsmoker.
For their loyal colleague at climate sciences Al Gore simply snapped, the debate is over. So let the taxation begin, in practice wealthy transportation from poorer and middle class to billionaires. Hypocrisy seems to have no limitations.
It just happened in time, while American auto industry was (and unfortunately still is) in big trouble. American cars are usually somewhat bigger and consume a bit more. So Al Gore suggested American customers to buy smaller cars, maybe manufactured in China.
During last Presidental Elections, Fox New’s Bill O’Reilly raised up an issue about President Obama sponsoring Spyker Company to start assembling cars in Uusikaupunki Finland. Criticism is all justifiable but amount of money was quite tiny, at least what took place prior Obama’s first Presidency.
Wall Street just walked into Congress Room in Capitol Hill and demanded Bank Bailouts. As first voting turned out to be negative, enormous pressure to all somewhat loyal congressmen and the second voting was worth billions for Goldman Sachs.
After that some Americans were quite critical and demanded some support for American Auto Industry as well. For them Bill O’Reilly said something — that American workers are lazy and stupid, they do better job in China, end of debate.
Prostitute is a prostitute, no matter how big the money was. Since then, they have began to mock the auto industry’s hard working and tax paying citizens.
To Joe C.
“Your Churches Will Teach the Jew’s Religion”
Excerpt from a 1956 speech, “GEORGE WASHINGTON’S SURRENDER” by Senator Joseph McCarthy (1908-1957.)
And many of the people of the land became Jews.” Esther 9:17.
“Jonathan Williams recorded in his “LEGIONS OF SATAN,” 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that “a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.”
Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem a contradiction:
“Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government.
That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”
“The confession of General Cornwallis (left) to General Washington at Yorktown (Oct. 17, 1781) has been well hidden by historians.
“History books and text books have taught for years that when Cornwallis surrendered his army to General Washington that American independence came, and we lived happily ever after until the tribulations of the twentieth century.”
Wow, Cortina made my day!
The disappointed Jews of old believed that Jesus would be their king and trample down the Roman Empire. Many turned away from God during the time of constant judgment coming from the Babylonian quarters. They were bent on doing evil and did not change from their evil ways.
When they realized that Jesus was discussing about a glorious kingdom which is spiritual, they were bitter and killed Him. They were in the habit of getting what they wanted through bribes and murder. And that is exactly what they premeditated and succeeded.
As I was reading this interview, I realized that their off-spring who abandoned their faith to serve Satan are planning to create their own Kingdom here on earth with a Jewish Messiah because they are not prepared to leave the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, money, glamor, etc.
The Jews know that the gates of heaven has been closed. They have to linger here in the underworld. Their wishes will be granted by Satan. I hope Chertoff is not the Anti-Christ or is there someone else?
However, I have hope that soon America will have the victory. They are resilient to every opposition.
I agree with Cortina, the Jewish mafia should be exposed one by one. When we the people open their eyes and mind to the real enemy within and fight for their survival, we will win the battle. The focus should be diverted to the ME regions.
The Jews have brought some of the powerful nations under their thumbs — the dictators of the world. They have infiltrated the Vatican and once they take over Rome, they will attack the U.S by creating inner turmoil and brother fighting the brother, etc.
We will surely have some casualties, but U.S will still be a powerful nation.
God is boiling with anger and His justice cannot be mocked. He is fair in His dealing. He has no favoritism.
@Frank DePinto.
I second it.
I trust all of Br. Nathanael’s fans will second this as well.
Liberty or tyranny?
IMPEACH JEW “PUPPET” OBAMA for high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Charge JEW “PUPPET” OBAMA with High Treason against the American People.
For approving JEW Laws which bypass and or nullify the American Constitution.
For the hundreds of LIES he has told to the American People.
For promoting and expanding “JEW WARS” World Wide.
For promoting the “JEW New World Order Communist Dictatorship SCAM.
For promoting the “JEW CO2 Global Warming, Carbon TAX SCAM.
The fraudulent “Carbon Taxes” will be used by the JEW Criminal Mafia to finance their New World Order Communist Dictatorship SCAM.
NATIONALISE the “JEW FED” and put it under the control of the American Congress.
Imprison the JEW Bankers for theft of $60 TRILLION.
Bring back the “GREEN BACK”.
SECEDE TODAY before you are all “JEW SLAVES.”
The Second Amendment is NOT about hunting and or target shooting it’s about protecting the American People against JEW Government Tyranny.
More GUNS = Less Crime.
Liberty or tyranny?
You choose.
Frank DePinto,
Great post! Your wishes will be granted. The Jews will leave to their father’s land – Israel. One thing, the Zionist mafia have no control over God’s sovereign plan. When they plan to hurt the innocent warriors, God diverts the plan by creating another mess around them.
The Scripture comes to mind: Psalm 35 where God contends for His children. Also, pray, “I am the head and not the tail; I am above and not beneath. The angels of the Lord will encamp around us. The enemy will come in one direction, but flees from SEVEN DIRECTIONS.”
Yes, the angels are constantly alert and fighting for us. If you have the eyes, you can see them pushing the great Satan out from our homes, nation, etc.
Be brave!
@ Hoff February 22, 2013 @ 3:44 pm
“This stamp issue acknowledges the extraordinary sacrifices made by Jews to the liberation of their African brethren,… ”
Which country did you come from?
The JEWS destroyed South Africa.
The JEWS BRIBED all the WHITE leaders to hand over power to the BLACKS because P. W. BOTHA refused to be BRIBED by the JEWS and REFUSED to join the JEW NEW WORLD ORDER.
Because the Boers refused to join the JEW NEW WORLD ORDER.
The JEWS undermined them to put a “JEW PUPPET” government in place.
The JEWS have done this in every Country in Africa and the World.
The JEWS destroyed South Africa.
The BLACKS are the most incompetent fools we have ever had in Government.
South Africa is BANKRUPT.
The ANC Government has STOLEN all the Money.
South Africa from a First World thriving Country with one of the best Infrastructure in the world to the Third World Squatter SLUM with SEWERAGE in ever River, Bay and the SEA.
Congratulations you dirtbag JEWS and the STUPID WHITE LIBERALS World Wide and especially in CANADA.
The JEWS destroyed South Africa.
The JEW New World Order Communist Dictatorship now OWN South Africa.
If only kicking Israel out was the answer.
Have we forgot about their threat to use the Sampson Option already?
A few months ago I commented about the movie Gray State Concept Trailer. Below is the link for the YouTube short video (2:40min).
They have a webpage that I think completes the trailer because it discusses the theme of this posting by +BN.
May 2013 be The Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
God Bless!
Revelation 2:9
JEW PROPAGANDA in JEW owned Newspapers.
Six Million My Ass
ALL THE STUPID WHITE LIBERALS who gave $millions to that Atheist, Communist Nelson Mandela.
If there is a second civil war, will it take Black troops once again to save us “White Crackers,” like depicted now in Jewish Hollywood versions of the Civil War?
Or will Black pilots single handily save the war like in WWII?
“If only kicking Israel out was the answer.
Have we forgot about their threat to use the Sampson Option already”?
Let them.
About 20 minutes later Israel would be a flat, radioactive glass parking lot for a few thousand years.
Joe Cortina,
The only thing that will happen is what the government allows to happen.
If you were the government with access to 2 million lawmen and tanks, tasers, lasers, microwave and acoustic weapons how would you handle it? Would you have the people turn in the guns and then hit the laggers all at once?
I know you want to be positive, but the only chance is if we hit Capitol Hill and take the Congress hostage and then the Illuminati will just send in bombers and bomb the whole place.
If there is a revolution where do we all meet up? If we congregate it makes their job easier. If we stay spread out we can’t help one annother.
I say charge Capitol Hill and throw out the politicians and then we got it started.
You have to ask yourselves “If not me, then who?”
Do think the mindless masses at Maomart will save you and your family?
Most of you sound as if you’re betting on the same fictitious soldiers Hitler thought would save the Third Reich, as the Allies crossed over the Rhine in to Germany.
Whites and only Whites have something to lose. The Brown races have everything to gain. They come from nothing and the Jews will cast pearls before them for their continued cooperation in the genocide of the White race.
Do you honestly think “The good Blacks” will speak up for you as you’re being cut down? They harbor nothing but deep seated hatred for you, seared in to them by the Jewish-controlled education system and Welfare State.
Do you think “The Good Mexicans” will speak up for you? They harbor nothing but deep seated hatred for you, seared in to them by the Jewish controlled-judicial system.
Look at how Blacks live in AmeriKwa. They do nothing to achieve what they have. They only demand that they be paid tribute. Paid tribute for nothing.
The illegal Mexicans come from filth and poverty and crime and have a chance at taking from you what they didn’t have in Mexico.
Oh no, the Jew has played it’s hand well.
Previous White generations did nothing when there was still time to do something. They lived comfortably and ignored issues like forced integration, bussing, the Welfare State. Now it seems that all is lost.
Any Civil War or disobedience will be met with frightening violence and horrendous loss of life. The Bolsheviks proved in Russia in the last century that they are bloodthirsty monsters that will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They ARE at the gates.
Sorry, but your parents waited to long to speak and now you’ve got no voice at all.
“I know you want to be positive, but the only chance is if we hit Capitol Hill and take the Congress hostage and then the Illuminati will just send in bombers and bomb the whole place.”
These “people” can’t pour their own urine out of a boot with the instructions pasted upside down on the heel.
If they could win, they already would have. Go read Sun Tzu.
“Most of you sound as if you’re betting on the same fictitious soldiers Hitler thought would save the Third Reich, as the Allies crossed over the Rhine in to Germany.”
There is no army in history that ever fought longer, harder, and against greater odds than did the German Army in WW-2, that is a simple fact like it or not.
IF they had only had the same resources as the Allies had, it would have been more an equal fight and none of this nonsense would be happening today.
“Do you think “The Good Mexicans” will speak up for you? They harbor nothing but deep seated hatred for you, seared in to them by the Jewish controlled-judicial system.”
Yep! I just had one fix my old Chrysler van and bring it back to me knowing I might not be able to pay him for a week or so.
“The illegal Mexicans come from filth and poverty and crime and have a chance at taking from you what they didn’t have in Mexico.”
Most of the Mexicans I have met and worked with are very kind, polite, respectful, and hard-working people. They are Catholic by and large, with a deep regard for the Church and family.
I have been far more harmed by so called “Whites” than by any Mexicans.
“Any Civil War or disobedience will be met with frightening violence and horrendous loss of life. The Bolsheviks proved in Russia in the last century that they are bloodthirsty monsters that will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They ARE at the gates”.
Let’s rock!
According to the 2000 US census, 88% of Detroit’s population is non-White. This percentage is even higher in the city center. Detroit qualifies as the most ruined city in the USA.
In addition to massive White Flight, the non-White residents started the tradition – which has spread to other cities – of “Devil’s Night.” This is the habit or burning down parts of the city on the night before Halloween.
A huge non-White population, combined with annual arson attacks, bankruptcy, crime and decay, have combined to make Detroit – once the USA’s leading automotive industrial center – into a ruin comparable with those of the ancient civilizations – with the cause being identical: the replacement of the White population who built the city, with a new non-White population.
Detroit used to be America’s automotive manufacturing center: this was the city where Henry Ford built his greatest factories and where he revolutionized the production process. When Detroit became a non-White city, virtually all of these White-driven engineering works closed down.
It was not only Ford that had automotive plants in White Detroit: other companies such as Packard and Studebaker also had factories there when the city was majority White. Today, with the changed demographics and non-White city population, only the ruins of these once-great American industries remain.
This decay followed the rapid demographic transformation of Detroit from a prosperous majority-European American city into a crime-ridden and poverty-stricken majority African-American city propped up by government handouts, band-aids and feel good charitable donations from corporations.
Built in 1912, the floorspace of the Continental Motors plant on Detroit’s east side covered 12 acres. The facility provided engines to Detroit car and truck manufacturers the for the first several decades of the 20th Century.
During the 1940’s and 1950’s this plant built tank engines for the US Army and aircraft engines for the US Navy. Production of industrial engines and electric governing devices continued at the facility into the 1960’s.
Continental closed the plant in 1965, due in part to the increased militancy of the labor force. But militant labor unionism was but one aspect of the destructive leftward shift in the political landscape of the USA in the 1960’s.
The most famous political movement of the time, the “civil rights” revolution, allowed the black population to liberate itself, with the substantial connivance of the mass media of news and entertainment, from abiding by the rule of law that it had previously been held much more accountable to.
By the 1960’s, a dramatic demographic shift was well underway in Detroit’s lower east side where this plant was located. During that period, black criminals began in earnest, the long and bloody path in destroying white Detroit.
There can be no doubt that the owners of this factory saw the way the wind was blowing and like so many other manufacturers in Detroit and the white population in general, evacuated the city.
While white liberals were dreamily marching hand-in-hand with Martin Luther King in cities all over the USA, black criminality was transforming Detroit into the most dangerous major city in America.
White American society simply lacked the determination to face down the black power revolution and the unfortunate white citizens who bore the brunt of the onslaught were left defenseless by a political establishment that hadn’t the will to protect them.
While conservative white politicians thundered against communism in Vietnam and other far-flung corners of the world, they failed to perceive or address the infiltration by third world communist ideology of “revolutionary justice” and “spontaneous redistribution of wealth” on the streets of their own cities.
You wrote about the Mexicans “They are Catholic by and large, with a deep regard for the Church.”
In S. Cal I’ve had up to 40 Mexicans who have worked for me at one time and I’ve worked with them for decades. It is true many of them are Catholic, but to most of them God’s word is merely a suggestion, and Christianity is something to claim because it seems fashionable.
I’ve seen them tattoo a cross as big as BN+ carries on their body, then lie, cheat and steal as much as they could get. I’ve gone to church with some who’ve beat their wives.
There’s an old Pentecostal saying, “it’s not how high you jump, it’s how straight you walk when come down.” Claiming Christianity means nothing if you don’t follow God’s word.
1 Cor. 6:9 – Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
A large part of the Mexican community are filled with hatred and envy as to be expected from people who aren’t Christians. Titus 3:3 – At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another.
I don’t see the “by and large” of Mexicans regard for Jesus. I’m not their judge, but I have my doubts on seeing large numbers of them when I get to the other side.
Narrow is the way.
Jews are the predators of the human race.
They are the velociraptors, wolves, blood sucking leeches, rats. They sic their Negroes on the once proud European American Christian culture in which fine arts, beautiful women, majestic homes once bloomed all over America; now burned out crime ridden cities.
But don’t fret. Jesus and his angels are coming soon. That will be the end of of the three headed devil worshipping monster called Judaism with its Kabbala, Talmud and Freemasonry. Jesus touches the Jewish Temple with his toe and splits it with a great earthquake and the devil’s roost is no more.
In the meantime, pray for the conversion of wicked Jews to Jesus and pray for the brainwashed European American apostate Christians to finally unite to save this country and pray for Negroes to establish their own great African culture without the need to be communist Jew forced integration parasites.
Most Mexicans are not good Americans and they resent Whites. That hard working, respectful, stuff is the distant past as is Church and family.
@ Sorry Charlie
“Or will Black pilots single handily save the war like in WWII?”
WOW I think you are living in a dream world.
South Africa had the BEST WHITE Pilots in the World.
In the South African Airways and in the SANDF Army/Air Force.
We had the BEST ARMY, Air Force in the World.
I personally can vouch for the WHITE PILOTS in the ARMY/Air Force.
I have personally see them do incredibly brave flying especially the helicopter pilots.
TODAY in South Africa, the ANC BLACK government has the worst Pilots in the World.
At the “Passing out Parade” the other day they had NO PETROL for the planes.
There are NO White Pilots in the ANC ARMY/Air Force.
I would not count on the SA BLACKS to help. They will more than likely go on STRIKE for more pay or all the batteries and tyres will have been STOLEN.
We will more than likely have an Electricity Power Failure.
WHITE FREEDOM FIGHTERS it’s time to UNITE and take back America.
I have been Mountain Climbing, Backpacking in the African wilderness all my life.
15 years in the South African Army Sharp shooter.
I can survive in the Wilderness permanently.
This book is essential reading for all those who never did ARMY training.
SURVIVAL HANDBOOK in association with the Royal Marines Commandos.
Endurance essentials for the Great Outdoors.
ISBN 978-1-4053-2236-2
Some essential tips:
If you are NOT under attack hike slowly to conserve energy sipping water every 15 minutes.
Hike at least 3 metres apart.
If you are lost, sunrise and sunset will give you a starting point.
If you are lost in thick mist or fog sit down and make a cup of tea, wait until it lifts.
Do NOT continue hiking in thick mist it is very dangerous.
Lightning storms are very dangerous, always move off the summit.
You must never be the highest point.
Go bury some survival rations and spare AMMO in a secret spot in the Wilderness.
The S&*T is going to hit the fan in the Towns and Cities.
Try and team up with an experienced Army Veteran.
There are many “BULLS&*TS” in the world so you need to personally assess the situation.
If you are heavenly outnumbered by the enemy, rather retreat to fight another day.
Pack you backpack light and store nonessential items in the wilderness.
Always have a pre arranged meeting place if you get split up.
Do NOT take chances, Plan everything with a Backup Plan.
Use your BRAINS and fight CLEVER.
@Ralph Jackson February 24, 2013 @ 4:21 pm
Re: Joe Cortina
1st. Lawmen is the NWO misleading term for repressive organizations, bodies, corps, etc. Sadly, the Lemmings buy it.
2nd. Check Vietnam. Despite the power of the invader, the Vietcongs assumed a guerrilla tactics. Of course, documents released much later revealed how the Vietnam war (propelled after JFK “neutralization”) was never meant to be won.
That observation notwithstanding, the point is that frontal confrontation (e.g. 1700s battle style) will not be a match as you pointed out. Therefore, the Vietcongs’ style of fighting (including clever traps, sharpshooters, etc) seems more appropriate for our current predicament.
Disclaimer: Any resemblance with reality is pure coincidence (as in the Gray State Movie).
@Snowy Smith South Africa February 24, 2013 @ 3:57 pm
Re: TruthTube vid
Too bad I got to tell the children that the Easter Bunny story is a Hoax.
Re: Dr. William Pierce
Hope that by now +BN fans have already heard the whole collection of audio tapes (available for free download).
May The Message of Revelation 2:9 Be Heard Worldwide!
@Snowy Smith South Africa February 25, 2013 @ 12:07 am
“Or will Black pilots single handily save the war like in WWII?”
Sarcasm is everywhere. Please learn how to identify it. TY
Some people think I speak/write harshly.
Some people will say “Please can’t you hide behind words like everyone else does? Can’t you learn to speak in half truths and choose politically correct terms the way everyone else does? Your words are truthful and they wound those that want an alternate reality to cling to.”
Even though I am an American, I am not a warmongering, foul mouthed, Black athlete worshipping, Jew idolator, piece of worthless trash.
I was brought up in an Irish Catholic family and attended Catholic grade and high school. I wasn’t given a public education indoctrination system mush of accepting sewage as pure gold. I can’t help but speak the truth.
My mind is not wired to speak and write like others. I am not wired to be a deceiver. When I speak or write I speak/write in clear terms. If someone is homosexual, I have to speak out and call it what it is.
I am unable to say things like “Oh, so you’re gay! I think that’s soooooo cooool. Is your lover here today, I’d like to meet the man that’s sodomizing you.”
@Snowy Smith South Africa February 25, 2013 @ 1:04 am FREEDOM FIGHTERS
“I have been Mountain Climbing, Backpacking in the African wilderness all my life. 15 years in the South African Army Sharp shooter. I can survive in the Wilderness permanently.”
But you have not had to live outdoors all your life. Humans are not wild animals. Much like how people discard house cats and dogs thinking they can make it on their own, these animals have been domesticated and only live a couple of years outdoors.
Humans quickly succumb to either hypothermia or hyperthermia from outdoor exposure. Since we have no fur or other natural means to insulate ourselves and our cooling system saps our body of precious water needed to keep us alive, we fail miserably when subjected to outdoor conditions for prolonged periods.
Thinking like this is dangerous and defeatist. This is not the goal. We should not be forced out of OUR homes and made to live in the woods. It is the Jews and their lackeys that need to be forced out and made to live without shelter! They are the ones to made to be wanderers NOT US!
This is what they want you to do! To surrender and live in the woods where they can use their night vision and heat sensing technology to track you down and shoot you like an animal.
The evil ones must be treated this way. I refuse to be treated this way and am not a coward.
I would not shoot first but if it’s their life or my life, I will not spare their life. I will make them give me their life with an incredible amount of suffering first so that they know why they were killed. has a video called “All wars are bank wars-The central bank beast” now far down on the right hand column.
I think it addresses the problem perfectly.
Thanks for sharing this info, i.e.,“All wars are bank wars-The central bank beast.”
As a suggestion, it would be good if you could have copied and pasted the link at the end of your message.
Others on this forum do that, which enables RJN readers to access immediately whatever video.
Israel can’t afford civil war in America, at least as long as Iran stands on his own feet.
A civil war might cause a dramatic drop of American aid to Israel and Israel might be in deep trouble.
It will be seen that the China/India project was too big bit for Zionists. Far East is a huge market and 3 billion subservients more for global Ziomasters.
But why not to try, that costs nothing for Zionists, as long as Fed’s moneyprinter works ok. Take factories to China with Chinese loan, where production costs nothing.
Then take the items produced back to the West and sell at the price that drives western independent factories to bankruptcy. And the money used was, of course, printed from thin air by the Fed or European counterparts and then given as loans to customers.
And when the payback time arrived, Zionists owned Chinese factories and the Chinese owned your house.
Unless China had something to say about this, too. Perhaps they are not that happy after all with the situation, and Iran is one of their energy importers. So what’s going on Netanyahu, what’s the hurry? As Ted mentioned, all wars are bank wars plus Greater Israel as bonus.
Those camps maybe psychological bluffing. To make loyal flowerhat liberals and their best friends nuke-extreme Republicans more loyal to government, and any opposition more outlaw.
After reading the comments section today, I’d have to think the same way.
Why would the Christ-killers want a civil war in Amerika?
The Jews have Iran breathing down their neck and Holy Mother Russia (May Christ protect Vladimir Putin from the Devil’s children) who is not giving the Jews any power or influence and in fact is a pain in their side.
The Jews would be wary to start a civil war, in fact they are stupid if they think the “aid” will keep flowing to IsraHELL, because it won’t.
The Satanic parasite will be starved and the Jews will be looking forward to Hell fire (which is fire as God knows it and is MUCH MUCH worse than regular fire).
Christ God bless you all!,
Saint Vladimir pray to God for us!
(Servant of Christ and His Church)
Sorry Charlie,
Your 6:11 post is so utterly accurate in the questions it poses, that it should be read by every single European-American family or person, simply to make them aware, to actually think for a change about a possible scenerio other than the one they are constantly being presented by the Main Stream News sources.
By now, any thinking person can see that the Main Stream News is the official government news sources.
Rally 10, 000 true American patriots and cordon the AIPAC Jews annual three day “conference” in Washington DC 3-5 March:
You don’t need any guns or anything. Just go there and block the entire building. Don’t let anybody inside. Where?
Walter E. Washington Convention Center:
The Jews have 33 secret weapons and one, if not the most powerful, weapon of the Jews is Boycott. Learn the Jews strategy – and turn against the Jews.
You want out of business? Boycott is the answer.
If 10,000 true American patriots screw up the Jews’ AIPAC annual Jew-fest, that would surely make front page in all Jew “media.”
Snowy Smith South Africa February 24, 2013 @ 1:57 pm
@Hoff February 22, 2013 @ 3:44 pm
“This stamp issue acknowledges the extraordinary sacrifices made by Jews to the liberation of their African brethren,… ”
Snowy — “WOW. Which country did you come from? The JEWS destroyed South Africa.”
I Hoff know the Jews destroyed South Africa. The Jews started every single communist party in every single country in the whole world. The Jew Joe Slovo started ANC in SA.
Mandela is just the same as Obongo NoBody, a cheap Jew-whore.
Mandela is nothing but a criminal Black who the Jews turned into a “hero” for retarded liberal White people, just the same as the Jews also turned Obama NoBody into a retarded White peoples’ “hero”.
No one said Jews thought it through. They do want massive suffering and eventually a complete genocide of Whites because they recognize Whites as their only enemies.
Their intent is to destroy Whites and enslave the Brown races. Only thing it they’re counting on the Brown races to do is just roll over.
Sure, some will like the inner city Blacks. They are used to having Uncle Cracker bring them everything on a platter.
The only problem for the Jew though is that a portion of the Brown races have absolutely no intention of doing anything manual labor save for pleasures of the flesh.
Well…on the POSITIVE side…
Perhaps the modern Jews ramped up their Talmudic protocols agenda, and now are thinking “WTF do we do now?”
True EVIL never has the perfect plan. The sword they ultimately impale themselves on is often hubris.
As I have said before, in ALL of history, this is not a good time to be a Jew…
Proverbs 16:18
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
“I’ve seen them tattoo a cross as big as BN+ carries on their body, then lie, cheat and steal as much as they could get. I’ve gone to church with some who’ve beat their wives.”
I can say the same of Whites. I have worked with them for decades too.
You aren’t in Texas are you?
“Most Mexicans are not good Americans and they resent Whites. That hard working, respectful, stuff is the distant past as is Church and family.”
Baloney. You are flat out wrong, I see it every day and did again today. Take your narrow attitude elsewhere than with me.
“Mandela is just the same as Obongo NoBody, a cheap Jew-whore.”
Their “wives” ex and current, are much the same. The “necklace” bit hasn’t shown up over here as yet, but that may change.
“But you have not had to live outdoors all your life. Humans are not wild animals. Much like how people discard house cats and dogs thinking they can make it on their own, these animals have been domesticated and only live a couple of years outdoors.”
Nonsense. You obviously have never lived in the country or raised animals. They do very well. Humans are far closer to wild animals than you think. What happened in that plane crash in the Andes?
“The only problem for the Jew though is that a portion of the Brown races have absolutely no intention of doing anything manual labor save for pleasures of the flesh.”
There is no such thing as a “Brown race.”
There are but four races of man:
1. Australoid
2. Negroid
3. Mongoloid
4. Caucasoid
That is it. Skin tones can vary tremendously, but there is no race difference strictly by skin color.
On an objective observer basis…
I am noticing the Jew virus of “divide and conquer” is infecting much of the “truth-seeking” movement.
I would submit that whatever differences that may exist, or are imagined to exist, they be set aside and target the common enemy.
After that crucial battle/war is resolved with a final victory, then we, the 98% of the global population, can resolve the oft-petty differences that have historically kept us divided and conquered.
Otherwise peace ALL and continue to fight the good fight !!!
Dear JKinTX,
I was born in east Texas and lived there until I was 4. Growing up I would go back there every year and spend time with my grandparents. Met a lot of good people in Texas.
I moved to the NW and grew up in a mixture of Catholic and Protestant. When I was 16 God led me to move into a Christian commune and I lived there 2 ½ years. It was like a monastery in the mountains. All we did was pray, work and fellowship. No drugs, alcohol, women or ungodly behavior.
In my opinion, God is angry at all the nations of the world and his wrath will soon be released — Jeremiah 46-52.
For a couple of years I have been feeling God is impressing Isaiah 24 on me. It says the Lord is going to lay waste the earth and devastate it; he will ruin its face. 19. The earth is broken up, the earth is split asunder, the earth is thoroughly shaken. 20 The earth reels like a drunkard, it sways like a hut in the wind;
If you read Revelations it says the FIRST WOE to happen is the earth being struck, “something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea.” — Rev. 8:8.
If you read further, it appears, this giant meteor will strike the earth so hard that it will break through the crust of the earth to the outer core and smoke will bellow like a giant furnace.
Rev. 9:1-2: The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. 2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.
This ties in with Luke 21:25 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26 People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.
When the giant meteor hits the earth in the sea, so hard that it breaks through the crust to the outer core, the earth will reel like a drunkard and sway like a hut in the wind. The seas will roar and toss, and the earth will sway, and people will faint from terror.
I’ve been having dreams of flooding. In one dream I saw a huge wave cover a west coast city. The waves that are going to come from the meteor and the swaying of the earth are going to be huge.
I live about 26’ above sea level so I plan on moving. I believe the time is near, but how near, only God knows.
I was in California off and on for about 4 years. I hate the place. It is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. I met the worst people there, White and Mexican.
I would classify S. Cal as Godless and evil.
Why The Banking Elite Want Riots in America
Every indication clearly suggests that authorities in the United States are preparing for widespread civil unrest.
This trend has not emerged by accident – it is part of a tried and tested method used by the banking elite to seize control of nations, strip them of their assets, and absorb them into the new world order.
There is a crucial economic imperative as to why the elite is seeking to engineer and exploit social unrest.
More here:
Dear Taylor,
I called up the video but don’t know where to look to find the link – I am not computer literate – but a link to a written transcript of the video is listed at
However, I recommend you google the U tube video.
Religion aside you cannot start wars without media control to whip up support — and money — and the Jews have both. Dismanteling their media control and taking away their cash will stop all wars.
America will come down if things continue as they are, in fact communism will take over; it will happen in Canada as well.
Here is a link to a Catholic European seer that in my opinion is a must to read. The messages contained there in address everything that is needed to be known.
@Halina February 25, 2013 @ 10:49 pm
Re: Why The Banking Elite Want Riots in America
Thank you for the reminder.
God Bless!
I Hoff know the Jews destroyed South Africa. The Jews started every single communist party in every single country in the whole world. The Jew Joe Slovo started ANC in SA.
Mandela is just the same as Obongo NoBody, a cheap Jew-whore. Mandela is nothing but a criminal Black who the Jews turned into a “hero” for retarded liberal White people, just the same as the Jews also turned Obama NoBody into a retarded White peoples’ “hero”.
Most of those in the so called liberation struggle were criminals, murderers.
Every COMMUNIST uprising in Africa was JEW Paid mercenaries originated in JEW run and JEW owned Communist RUSSIA.
The JEWS destabilized and undermined the whole of Africa with their JEW Communism.
They are doing the exact same TODAY.
As Peter Waine pointed out, the only option is Christ’s return.
IF enough people could ever be awakened so that a serious effort could be made to dislodge Jews from power, Israel would simply go down in flames, launching nukes, chems and bios at the world.
That is how insanely dedicated to their loony-bird Talmudic fantasies of One-World Jewish rule and enslavement of goyim they are. Look back at the 20th century and see the gambits they were willing to attempt when they had much less power and could have been exposed.
Assassinations, terrorism, spending their whole lives under assumed names pretending to be someone they aren’t just so they can undermine and destroy- these people are a special kind of messed up.
An organization to keep an eye on is the NRA because they do fight and don’t mince words. That is why mainstream media hates them.
They now have 5 million members and are growing at the rate of 12,500 per week. By comparison Zionist CNN lost half its viewership last year. While the NRA is viewed as a civilian organization I would bet at least half its members are trained law enforcement or ex-military.
They are on par with the military at the camp Perry Shooting matches. Also they have excellent communications excluding use of the internet. They do not need the internet to organize instantly. If its shut down they can reach all their members within 10 days. They have said two interesting things.
Once they are aware of America’s shadow govenment problem (which means the Jewish lobby) and two they would never revolt against an elected goverment.
Obama is safe until its time for another election but if the next election was suspended all bets are off.
In looking at Veterans Today I see where there are 4 million members in the US military.
The NRA, with five million members, essentially all volunteers who pay to belong, rather than are paid to belong, already has the US military outnumbered, and a great many NRA members are trained soliders of the old fashioned kind who believe in the US Constitution.
The NRA is the only real defender of the Constitution. Mainstream media has long ridiculed state militias showing them to be fat, undisciplined buffoons, but the NRA is not like that. They are skilled riflemen. The NRA could win a civil war and probably very easily. If they took the lead, millions would follow them.
I suspect that is why Jewish media is afraid of them and constantly vilifies them.
CNN’s Piers Morgan seems to have made it his life’s work. CBS and NBC all tried to destroy the NRA and failed. CNN is failing. Wayne LaPierre was the first to cast doubt on mainstream media years before the internet began when he started his column “what they didn’t tell you today.”
Liberty depends on the distribution of power and the NRA is not in the mainstream media camp and never has been. The J-boys are going to get a bloody nose if they are not careful.
Dear Ted Gorsline, Taylor and RJN family,
Here is the direct link to Michael Rivero’s video ‘All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars’ (courtesy via Rense):
Rivero’s article at What Really Happened (and it is detailed):
Actual protests happening all across AmeriKwa.
These protests have nothing at their center.
No cause, no statement, just violence against White society.
However, as others have stated these “youngsters” can be counted on to get your back if the economy collapses.
When I was a kid, I used to spend a lot of good time reading Donald Duck.
From Mickey Mouse I learned that the criminal always returns to the crime scene.
Maybe that was a bit too harsh description about liberal Jewish activists joining Martin Luther King side by side during Civil Rights movement. But the fact is, that Jewish played significant role in colonialism and slavery.
Somehow main stream media has forgot to mention that.
The other fact is while thinking about family tribes, that most Black Americans have lot to do with slavery, but most White Americans have absolutely nothing to do with it.
Somehow main stream media has got things mixed again, and they NEVER follow the big money, that might tell, who benefit of slavery etc.
That’s the way it goes — privatize economical profit and honour, socialize economical failure and guilt.
Somehow Blacks don’t seem to be interested at all, what really took place some centuries ago.
Rather they eat from their former slavemasters one hand, and for that keep hating all the White folks around the World. And White idiots play the bad guys role in present fiction-based, true dumb TV and want some more whip from master’s other hand.
Good comments by Michael Collins Piper on the red herring of Gun Control:
(NOTE:The meat of the issue is from approx 25:00 to 40:00 minute mark)
As we who follow Communism know, the population is kept under control via intimidation. The base level is the “thought police.”
Words will be deemed as much like bullets exiting a gun. The Jews want to make it so that free speech will be grounds for expulsion from school, rehab, or jail.
This is why they wish to ramp up the social engineering and cultural marxism in the schools, so people have less backbone and turn into eternal victims — sound familiar?
Then they will come and take your guns, or deny you possession once you are certified as a “psychological problem ” which may become a later threat, just as +BN warned us in an earlier post.
As usual, be wary and thus determine the old Jewish end-around.
Your Representatives in Washington D.C. don’t have time for you but they do have time for “The Tribe”
United States Congress to Hold Hearing on Anti-Semitism
Snowy Smith South Africa February 26, 2013 @ 2:16 am
Every COMMUNIST uprising in Africa was JEW Paid mercenaries originated in JEW run and JEW owned Communist RUSSIA.
Soviet — not Russia. Officially the Jews changed the name of Russia to Soviet Union Dec 31, 1922. The Jews often do those changes at Christmas & New Year. Most people’s mind is on their family.
Anything concerning “Russia” 1917 to 1990 is Jew-ruled SOVIET. This is a simple litmus test. RJN is a factual based blog. The explicit distinction between “Russia” and Jew-Ruled Soviet is very important!
Why the Jews changed Russia to Soviet was because Soviet means Kehilla, a Jew-ruled council.
It took the Jews four years and some months to take total control of Russia. The leap from Tsarist Russia to Jew-Ruled Soviet was four years, and some months.
To boil it down and make it simple, I call anything regarding “Russia” from 1917 – 1990 as Soviet.
Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy (née Bouvier) was raised in a Jesuit convent. She was also Jewish, a fact well hidden, but revealed by her cousin/step-brother, Gore Vidal, in his autobiography:
“… the ethnic surprise buried deep inside Gore Vidal’s much-hyped autobiography, … ‘Palimpsest: A Memoir,’ … [is that Jackie Kennedy’s] mother, Janet, was Jewish. Janet, who had Jackie with her husband John ‘Black Jack’ Bouvier, eventually divorced him and married Hugh Auchincloss, who was also Vidal’s stepfather.
I don’t know the truth here, but …
Please upload this if you can, Brother Nathanael.
Its called:
An Open Message To Police and Military
The last thing the Banksters want are Riots where they are in the sights/crosshairs.
That is why Senor Banking Board members and VIPs were spying on Occupy movements, paying for security, and taking extra precautions.
The FBI was said to have also spied and looked into targeted assassinations.
Your link is a non-starter and disinfo.
A Massive OCCUPY the FED Movement will cause the same panic.
They will accept chaos, but not the kind where they are targeted.
Big difference.
You might be right. But let me assure you that it is NOT in my intention to misinform you guys.
Similar news is delivered to my inbox.
Regarding this kind of politics I must admit that I do get confused.
The situation, however, isn’t looking good at all.
Many circumstances are pointing out to possible civil unrest.
So, the info I get I like to share…
You may from it draw your conclusions.
GS Patton,
Thank you and may God bless you too 🙂
I’ve been having dreams of flooding. In one dream I saw a huge wave cover a west coast city. The waves that are going to come from the meteor and the swaying of the earth are going to be huge.
“I live about 26’ above sea level so I plan on moving. I believe the time is near, but how near, only God knows.
I was in California off and on for about 4 years. I hate the place. It is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. I met the worst people there, White and Mexican.
I would classify S. Cal as Godless and evil.”
I would agree with you, my friend. Long years of dreams, my ancestors on my mother’s side were “medicine people” of the Choctaw.
What was before will be again. Amerika, as it is, is doomed, it will be split in two and blood shall answer blood.
“The NRA is the only real defender of the Constitution.”
I hate to break this to you, but they are just a flip side of the same coin as their so-called opponents.
In 10 years of the onerous 1994 Crime Bill being in effect they made no court effort to oppose it, nor the GCA-68, nor the NFA of 1934 which is where all this nonsense stems from.
If you think they are going to save us, best buy your own body bag now and keep it handy.
“Once they are aware of America’s shadow govenment problem (which means the Jewish lobby) and two they would never revolt against an elected goverment.
Obama is safe until its time for another election but if the next election was suspended all bets are off.”
In other words they are “controlled opposition” and are not going to do a damn thing about anything, except suck up member’s dues as they have for the past 40 plus years.
You best go look at history and you’d find their track record of effective opposition to the destruction of the 2nd Amendment is abysmal at best.
O-man is illegitmate; he is a fake and a fraud. He couldn’t be legally hired on to most city governments as a dog catcher because his documentation cannot be verified, like his SSN just to start.
The NRA knows that and still stood silent thru how many years now of his farce Presidency?
“A Massive OCCUPY the FED Movement will cause the same panic.
They will accept chaos, but not the kind where they are targeted.”
“For every one for us, we shall have two against us”!
They glory in it. You can’t see the trees for all the darn forest in the way!
Dear JKinTexas,
You might be right about the NRA being controlled opposition but I am not sure that is true. They are not anti-Jewish. Former NRA president Sandy Fromme is Jewish and they did suck up to Adelson shill Mitt Romney and his string puller Cantor in the last election.
Also Ron Paul did not speak at their convention prior to the last election which is a bad sign. So you could be right but I am not 100% convinced.
A few years back Jewsih owned CBS news tried to rook the NRA and shut down their ability to speak through some legal manoeuvre.
If my memory serves me correctly, the NRA response was to create their own TV network and in that way somehow put themselves legally in bed with CBS to nullify the assault.
Oddly enough at about this time I had a friend visit a media conference in New York. He made the allegaton to me that he saw CBS president Barry Diller on the elevator wearing a red dress and lipstick. Stranger things have happened in New York with mainstream media personalities.
Zionist CNN’s gay business commentator Richard Quest was found nude and high in Central Park with a rope tied from his neck to his genitals so who knows for sure.
How America Was Conned into Fighting Hitler: The Lies, Crimes and Hypocrisy of FDR
I was recently asked, is it possible to compare the Third Reich to the modern day USA which lied her way into the Iraq War with stories of WMDs for example, and others in recent memory, and could it be possible that the Germans were also deceived into electing Hitler, or deceived by their government into attacking Poland and other countries?
There is no comparison. National Socialism was a truly representative and democratically elected, not on vague promises, nor on the basis of imaginary threats, but in response to a disastrous situation.
Weimar Germany was in shambles and a “failed state” if there ever was one. That was no secret. The National Socialists were a true “grass roots” movement which honestly addressed the social and economic despair that all were acutely aware of, and its root causes and those responsible, and they devised a concrete plan for recovery and to rescue the nation.
Must read about Hitler’s Germany.
Soviet = Jew Kehilla = Jew ruled Russia.
The Hidden History of Zionism
Must read:
Dear JKinTX,
I looked up the NRA on Wikipedia. To be fair they were a very small organization in 1934 when the Gun Control Act came in and did not get involved in politics until the creation of the ILA in 1975.
I actually hunted bears in Ontario with the late Colonel Merle Prebble who started the ILA. He was career army and was in WW2, Korea and Viet Nam and is buried at Arlington.
I think he was with the First Air Cavalry or something like that. A very nice man. He was so humble he reminded me of Jimmy Stewart. He was also a lousy shot. He missed a bear grazing on clover in the open at 30 yards and it was then that I realized career members of the military were not necessarily better shots than civilians who practise alot.
I had a friend named Keith Budd who was a good civilian shot and one day I saw him shoot five running jack rabbits in a row at 150 yards. Wow!
The NRA very definitely got politically involved in politics in reaction to the way the three big Jewish networks CBS, NBC and ABC handled American shooters.
I would not be suprised to learn their members were involved in bringing the Jew Dan Rather to earth and they constantly hammered away at Morely Safer and Mike what’s his name from 60 Minutes.
They do fight and much of their fighting has been against the influence of big Jewish media. Until the internet came along nobody else had ever done that. They were the very first to take on the networks which are decling in power as the NRA grows.
They make Diane Feinstein nervous and that is good enough for me.
Mike what’s his name from 60 Minutes.
Mike – I’m a lying POS scumbag – Wallace.
Apologize to the World Mr. Wallace and Return that Emmy
Yes. That’s the a-hole.
I like the fact that the NRA has for a very long time stood up to the likes of Wallace, Soros, Bloomberg, Wolf Blitzer and other CNN staff, Dan Rather, Morley Safer, Barbara Streisand, Feinstein, Chuckey Schumer etc. etc. — nothing more than a bunch of Jews working to disarm American Goys, while at the exact same time supporting Israel where everyone has a machine gun and supporting the destruction of the Muslim world.
Perhaps it just God’s loathesome people at work.
“They do fight and much of their fighting has been against the influence of big Jewish media. Until the internet came along nobody else had ever done that. They were the very first to take on the networks which are decling in power as the NRA grows.
They make Diane Feinstein nervous and that is good enough for me.”
Not for me.
I am an ex member and staying that way.
Your knowledge is limited, I repeat they did nothing in ten years to challenge the 1994 Crime Bill, nor did they oppose the GCA-1968 to any significant degree, not even to this day.
Had they, none of this would be an issue now.
They let Class-3 owners down, too, back in 1986 under Reagan. NO sir, they are not good guys at all.
Dear JKinTX,
I have never been a member of the NRA because I am not American so I don’t have any inside information but compared to the shooting organizations is all other countrys in the world they are very effective.
In Canada the hunting and shooting organizations are so wimpy that mainstream media doesn’t even bother to interview them when a gun issue comes up. Any group with the name “federation” in it in Canada is a bunch of losers.
For legal reasons they are considered “fraternal” organizations and if they take part in politics they lose that status which used to allow the govermnet to boost the mailing rates of their magazines so much they could no longer communicate.
Now with the internet they could shift their magazine to the net AND take part in politics and not worry about mailing rates but they are so conditioned to forelock tugging (and taking government grants) they are unlikely to change.
The same is true in Europe where they have no power at all. If you go on a driven hunt in Germany there is nobody there who does not have gray hair. They are being legislated into oblivion.
Something I has not thought about but just realized is the NRA’s growth from the time I first became aware of them 30 years ago when they had 800,000 members to now when they have 5 million members has been created almost entirely by fighting Jewish owned TV.
They never use the word Jew but almost without exception their detractors have been Jews and in particular the CBS, NBC and ABC television and Jewish publications like the New York Times and Washington Post and more recetly CNN. During this conflict the NRA has grow enormously and the Jewish media has withered on the vine.
Without ever using the word Jew the NRA has demonstrated by example that fighting Jewish institutions and values seems to be a bullet proof way for any organization to gain strength and numbers.
In regards to Mike Wallace watch this.
Found it by accident. Its on YouTube and called “Shah of Iran & Mike Wallace on the Jewish lobby – 35 years ago.”
Very revealing. The Shah hits the nail on the head, but the Shah used Israelis to head up his torture squads.
Mike Wallace is as stupid as stupid can get.
That is why the Jew “media” pays him and call him a “journalist.”
Shah of Iran & Mike Wallace on the Jewish Lobby – 35 Yrs ago
Here in EU we are told the NRA is the most powerful lobby in America. AIPAC is called the “Israel Lobby,” somehow powerful but in no way in control.
Ask any politico in EU what AIPAC is and 99.99 percent don’t have a clue that AIPAC is the “Israel Lobby.” Just the same as 99.99 percent of all Americans don’t have a clue what AIPAC is.
Typical Jew MO, use many names for the same thing in order to confuse the non-Jews. How can you combat something you don’t even know exists?
There is a very interesting report from and Australian newspaper today on Rense today about how the MOSSAD likes Australian agents because they can legaly change their names once a year in Australia.
“I have never been a member of the NRA because I am not American so I don’t have any inside information but compared to the shooting organizations is all other countrys in the world they are very effective.”
At what exactly?
You are not listening to me, or studying history it seems.
Once more: sending money to the NRA to help them fight against more illegal gun “laws” is like fronting money to Broderic Crawford and the Highway Patrol to stop George Pal’s Martians from stomping Los Angeles.
It is a farce and a waste of time. Money sent to +BN is better, at least he can pray for you with a clear heart.
I held a Federal Firearms license for 26 years and was an NRA member until 1986 — before I learned better. I know both the NRA and the BATF VERY well.
If you read the agit-prop that comes from both “sides,” i.e. the NRA and HCI and their Brady Bunch clones, etc., you will find the exact same verbage, structure, content, etc. used in both support/opposition modes.
There is a real good reason for that — they are derived from the same source, and just whom might that be?
“Without ever using the word Jew the NRA has demonstrated by example that fighting Jewish institutions and values seems to be a bullet proof way for any organization to gain strength and numbers.”
You bet.
Sure thing if you happen to belong to the same side, you can suck out $s for the tribe from amazing sources.
“And just whom might that be” — Explain! Name names!
Otherwise your information is just innuendo and worthless.
To All –
I need financial help to continue. Things are getting quite bleak financially.
Simply put, without your financial help I will not be able to continue.
(I recently sought out a “no interest” loan. I don’t want to have to seek another one. I have to pay back this one as it is.)
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TO: The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
*** To Donate For My Personal Needs *** (Rent, food, etc) Via Mail:
TO: Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
“And just whom might that be” — Explain! Name names!
Otherwise your information is just innuendo and worthless.”
The pot calls the kettle black…
I “wonder” just whom you represent?
I think it’s interesting your statement that the United States is a land defiled by strangers where the fabric of this country should be omnipresent not subverted.
What it means to be an American really needs to be broadcast for non-citizens and citizens who don’t act like citizens.
“I have never been a member of the NRA because I am not American.”
Then why are you continously pumping them up?
Another question is why this subject matters to you, ye who are “not American?”
This one will make the 1861-65 fracas look like a minor falling out at a Baptist Sunday School picnic.
Blood shall answer blood, and Amerika will split in two; both in the land and in ideas. One will come to rule it all in the end.
Dear JKinTex,
About 40 years ago Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau introduced an omnibus bill called C-51 allegedly about peace a security but really to register and later disarm Canadians. Joe Biden sounds like a carbon copy of Pierre Trudeau.
A recent Liberal PM Paul Martin then tried to use the registry to confiscate handguns in Canada in immitation of Tony Blair in Britain – and that was the end of Paul Martin.
I was at the first meeting of a group called CASAL to oppose this C-51 thing and was shocked to see a plant from Canadian army intelligence at the meeting. It was clear no organization in Canada then (or now) had the means or knowledge to oppose C-51. So a friend and I went to Washington unannounced to meet Wayne Lapierre to see how the NRA operates. I also offered to take Merle Prebble, who started the ILA and liked hunting and fishing, hunting and fishing in Ontario to pic his brains. We came salmon fishing and bear hunting and he explained to me how they operate.
Then a group of us dead ended the political career of MP Ross Milne, from Orangeville who was then the president of the Liberal Party of Canada to see if NRA tactics work. They did so I know NRA tactics do work.
The NRA is really effective and grows like wildfire. They are winners and even stopped the UN anti-gun movement in its tracts and they should be the role model for all other shooting organizations in the world so I boost them whenever I can. But there is no point in my being a member because they do not look out for Canadian interests. They have fought and won against all the big US mainstream media inclusing CBS. CNN is so spooked by them that yesterday Johnathan Mann was too frightened to identify them by name in his news report.
I don’t know which shooting organization you support but whoever they are they are very small, weak, unheard of and irrelevant and people only follow winners. The NRA are winners and should be the role model for every shooting organization in the world. I’d like to see their tactics spread to Britain, Europe and evry commonwealth country.
They are slowly taking root in Canada now and the long gun registry was recently killed but it is the NRA that led the way. Their hunter safety program was introduced into Ontario and reduced gun accidents from something like 35 a year to about three. Huge success.
Knocking off Ross Milne was fun because he was the president of the Liberal party and in the last election had won by a huge majority. We knocked off the king of the mountain and saw it was easy to do.
We did this just to get our feet wet and then only had a vague idea of how the NRA worked. Later when Merle Prebble came to Canada he explained we had made a mistake taking out Milne.
He said we should have used our resources to take a bunch of weak Liberal seats (swing ridings) that had been won by a few votes rather than focus on a strong individual who had won by something like 10,000 votes last time around. Its a better way to change the balance of power.
By the way just who do you represent? Being an NRA member just means you paid your dues for a few years. Anybody can do that. Having a firearms license just means to filled out a form, had a background check and paid a fee. Anybody can do that.
Who are you here for?
Dear Commenters & Readers,
I need financial help to continue. Things are getting quite bleak financially.
Simply put, without your financial help I will not be able to continue.
(I recently sought out a “no interest” loan. I don’t want to have to seek another one. I have to pay back this one as it is.)
Two days ago I sent out an Appeal to 2000 Readers and only 8 responded.
UNLESS I GET some serious financial help, this site is history. You will no longer have a site to make comments on or read.
To Donate Via PayPal CLICK:
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By Mail:
TO: The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
*** To Donate For My Personal Needs *** (Rent, food, etc) Via Mail:
TO: Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856.
“Who are you here for?”
You talk a lot and say little doing it. Again, the NRA is NOT effective in opposing laws here in the USA, nor have they ever been. Since you are not a US citizen, none of this ios any of your business in the first place.
“Having a firearms license just means to filled out a form, had a background check and paid a fee. Anybody can do that”.
Pardon my typing, I couldn’t stop laughing to get the caps lock key off! My apologies to +BN
“The NRA is really effective and grows like wildfire. They are winners and even stopped the UN anti-gun movement in its tracts and they should be the role model for all other shooting organizations in the world so I boost them whenever I can. But there is no point in my being a member because they do not look out for Canadian interests.”
Yep! They are effective in sucking up money and doing nothing in return for it.
You totally fail to read and comprehend history, it is amazing to me although it shouldn’t be.
“Russia” 1917 to 1990 was the Jew-ruled Soviet Union.
Anyone that claims anything regarding the Jew ruled Soviet as “Russia” just don’t get the Jews and what the Jews did to the real Russia.
Exchange “Russia” with Jew Ruled Soviet and you start to get it. Never trust a word in JewPedia completely (Wikipedia), but it can be a good start.
Jew Made Famine In Jew Ruled Soviet:
Russian famine of 1921
The Russian famine of 1921, also known as Povolzhye famine, which began in the early spring of that year and lasted through 1922, was a severe famine that occurred in Bolshevik Russia. The famine, which killed an estimated 5 million, affected mostly the Volga and Ural region.
This is a number of official reports about what REALLY happened in Russia in 1917 and the next years.
Every single report say the same thing, it’s Jews who run the coup and the Jews used starvation as a weapon against the Russian people.
Starvation is one of the Jews’ 33 Secret Weapons:
What little did they know …
It might have been a real American pioneer spirit that motivated some of the thousands of people who moved from this country to the Soviet Union in the late 1920s and early 1930s in what Tzouliadis aptly calls a “forgotten exodus.”
For many, with the nation’s economy flat on its back in the throes of the Great Depression, it was simple desperation. Tzouliadis reports that in the first eight months of 1931 alone, the Soviet trade agency, Amtorg, based in New York, received one hundred thousand American applications for emigration to the USSR.
“Ten thousand optimistic Americans were hired that year, part of the official ‘organized emigration,’ who received their good news with glee closer to lottery winners than economic migrants.”
MUST read.
To the extent that Kolyma GULAG is representative, there was a certain cruel politico-economic logic to the Great Terror that began in the later 1930s and swallowed up millions of people, including most of the Americans.
The rigidly planned economy produced little that anyone outside Russia wanted to buy. The only desirable Soviet exports were raw materials. The most valuable raw material, and the best form of payment for needed imports, was gold.
Much of the gold and many of the other raw materials were located in places with such a cold climate that no amount of money would lure workers to go there. Prisoners were the solution.
At the same time, rigid political control required arbitrary arrests for the most trivial offenses, or in many cases, for no offense at all. That assured an endless supply of prisoners. The collective farms didn’t produce enough to feed both the free and the imprisoned populace, so the prisoners were underfed, died off, and were replaced by constant streams of new prisoners.
The author notes that many of the prisoners were transported to Kolyma in ships donated to the Soviet Union by the United States through the Lend Lease program.
What was done by the American government to rescue its citizens or “former citizens” from this horror? The answer is precious little. The government reacts to public pressure, but before there can be public pressure there must be publicity, and there was virtually none.
Amtorg Trading Corporation, also known simply as Amtorg (short for Amerikanskoe Torgovlye, American Trading), was the first Soviet trade representation in the United States when Armand Hammer established it in New York in 1924 through the amalgamation of the American firms Products Exchange Corporation (1919) and Arcos-America Inc (1923).
The latter was the US office of All Russian Co-operative Society (ARCOS). Amtorg served Soviet import and export firms seeking to conduct foreign trade in the US throughout the Communist era.
Not only was it used extensively by the Soviets for industrial espionage of Ford and many other firms according to an insider, it also served as a front for GRU and OGPU (Soviet intelligence) operations in the US.
This was especially important in the early years, before Franklin D. Roosevelt recognized the Soviets in 1933, allowing them a permanent embassy in Washington, D.C.[4] [5] It continued to handle most Soviet-America trade until 1935. As of 1999 it still exists.
“What little did they know” …
Why do you think the Russians want Alaska back?
They used to own most of the North Coast all the way down into California too.
If things keep on as they are, they will probably get it soon. The Chinese, the remainder of the carcass.
The Mark Weber Report – Lies and Deceit In American Film Propaganda
He doesn’t name the Jews — but if you’re Jew-wise — you will add the Jew-factor and get the truth.
@JKinTX March 2, 2013 @ 11:34 am
“What little did they know” …
Why do you think the Russians want Alaska back?
When did Putin make that claim?
“When did Putin make that claim?”
Same reason he can send Bears to orbit Guam.
“But there is no point in my being a member because they do not look out for Canadian interests.”
A nice lesson to all to read and observe; so in other words everything you typed regarding them is meaningless since it has no bearing on you and as I said to begin with, better to send your funds to +BN than the NRA, not so?
Smiley face to close.
“When did Putin make that claim?”
He doesn’t have to.
As I recall, if the original documents are translated correctly, the Tsar only granted a lease of the area, not an outright sale as such.
On 3/1/13 my daughter and I had a very unusual experience which I want to share with Brother Nathanael and friends and family of The Zionist News website of Brother Nathanael.
The following is what I posted on Joe Cortina’s blog about this incident:
“Joe, there is an excellent video done by Mark Glenn which Gordon Duff posted at Veterans Today which I emailed to various people. I wished I had your email address because I really wanted you to see it.
Within one hour after finishing sending the emails, 2 shots were fired by someone, which we heard as coming from a location very close to the apartment (on Ives Street near Angel Street) in Providence, RI, where my daughter and I live.
You can imagine what the Palestinian people go through every day when these criminals put them through such terror. These criminals want to create the same situation here in America while blaming Muslim people for fake terror while Jews are the real terrorists.
Joe I am so grateful to Brother Nathanael and you for being courageous, to speak the truth about these nasty people. Both of you are a treasure for the entire world. If not for people like you, the world will never know the truth about these criminals.
Joe, I hope you will take a look at Mark Glenn’s video which is really excellent. God bless you, Brother Nathanael and Mark.”
On 3/3/13 I see a red truck carrying explosives. The following is what I posted on Joe Cortina’s website about this new incident:
“I want to report here something very important. On 3/3/13, at 11.20AM, I noticed a red truck all covered with steel at the back (“Explosives”) marked near the door, parked in front of 381 Ives Street, near Angel Street in Providence, RI, very close to where I live that had the registration RI 7598, and written on the truck were: Western Mass, Blasting Corp, Hope Valley, US DOT 245465, # 35 (?vehicle#).
Seems like something sinister and most probably from the same wicked tribe who have orchestrated mass murder of millions of people in Russia, Germany and other countries. Joe thank you for looking into this.”
What was this truck with explosives doing near my apartment?
Dear +Brother Nathanael,
Last week I was in the Holy Mountain Athos and spoke with some blessed Elders. They told me that the “Aliens” are demons and that the NWO will try to deceive Americans with the “Blue Beam” Project.
In 1992 Henry Kissinger said:
“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence.
“It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil.
“The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.” – Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberger meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992.
“Last week I was in the Holy Mountain Athos and spoke with some blessed Elders. They told me that the “Aliens” are demons and that the NWO will try to deceive Americans with the “Blue Beam” Project”.
You have wise and truthful sources.
“They” are not what they appear to be and never have been.
They can appear as anything they like, they aren’t called “The Masters of Illusion” for nothing.
Deceitful, lying, spiteful, evil to their very core.
Some of the American Indian tribes used to refer to it/them as “The Trickster.” To the Norse he/it/them was “Loki.”
Another face of “Satan”…
You are only deceived if you allow yourself to be.
The American public will never ever stand and fight the Jew cabal.
They have been educated for generations to think of the so-called holocaust in Europe as a fact. And only a miracle from I don’t know were, would have to happen to make Americans believe anything different.
Secondly the public is lazy and drugged up at all time. Even people who have a job don’t want to go to it. They complain all the time about their job.
And as for any fighting maybe a few bar room types with big mouths might actually get involved, but the rest no way will they ever fight for anything.
Well maybe some drugs or beer.
The Bloody Pakistan is going To Heaven for Jewish Lobby’s?
Are the Bloody Pakistan is going To Heaven of Jewish Lobbies agencies, and Agents? After 35 years of Afghan Wars, why Americans are not thinking about Pakistan futures?
Pakistan helped the USA, UK, Israel, & other European Countries very sincerely, and honestly also obediently.
There are 7500 Jewish lobby agencies working in Pakistan from early 1948. All the NGOs, like Lion, Rotary, Jaycees, Watchtower, Awake, Freemasons, and so many other agencies are working freely & without any hesitation.
Thank U.
1948 U.N. Decision to Give Palestine to the Ashkenazi Jews/Zionist Terrorists was the Biggest Mistake of the 20th Century!