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MAGA Hits A Brick Wall

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MAGA Hits A Brick Wall
December 4 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ December 4, 2024


  1. Brother Nathanael December 4, 2024 @ 5:24 pm

    MAGA Hits A Brick Wall

    There’s a wall around MAGA and Trump don’t know what it is.

    Not once did he say: “we need to get our manufacturing back” during his campaign.

    Without it MAGA is dead.

    You see, 48% of our economy is from government:

    Employee payrolls, military, welfare, tons of programs.

    That means TONS OF AMERICANS will lose their jobs if Trump’s Vivek Ramaswammy gets his way in his Department of Government Efficiency, DOGE.

    He’ll cut a few experiments on rats and that’s about it.

    With tons of JOBS LOST where will Americans find other jobs?

    All we make is pizza and bombs.

    That means more pepperoni and more wars for the jews.

    Trump’s already talking war.

    “Hamas will have hell to pay!” says Trump.

    You, my friends, will pay it.

    I mean…

    …with the Jew-owned FED pumping more fake money into the bomb making…

    …and inflation soaring with those bombs…

    …your eggs will reach the teens per dozen.

    It’s a brick wall on steroids.

    And we ain’t bringing any manufacturing…BACK.

    Wall Street jews, Larry Fink and all, will keep it in China, Mexico, and Outer Mongolia.

    I say let’s start with underwear.

    We used to make Fruit Of The Loom here. Now it’s made in Vietnam.

    Get some entrepreneur—not a Hindu, a White dude instead—to start a whole new brand… of underwear.

    Trump could subsidize it, and local counties, cities, towns, and states, pitching in.

    The Family is the core of our society.

    But without producing real solid goods, the Brick Wall just keeps coming on MAGA.

  2. Citizenfitz December 4, 2024 @ 5:36 pm

    Amen, Bro!

    Before too long Trump will be building a wall to keep Americans IN.

  3. Sue December 4, 2024 @ 6:06 pm

    Donald trump is a fake, fraud and phoney.

    Americans making pepperoni for the Jews. Make sure it’s kosher, lol.

    Otherwise they will sue you.

  4. Argus December 4, 2024 @ 6:52 pm

    I disagree with you, Brother.

    Trump has been talking tariffs, which is legislative incentive to bring back manufacturing.

    Furthermore, Trump is trying to free us from unconstitutional income tax by reducing governmental bloat and leveraging revenue generated by tariffs.

    Tariffs can temporarily fund the government until DOGE can optimize or return government services to the private sector.

    There is nothing the government does that the private sector can’t do better and for less. Look at Artemis vs Starship. $100B vs $5B.

    No one will “lose their jobs,” and the replacement jobs will not only pay better, but get more done and cost the American people less.

    Wars won’t readily destabilize our economy as manufacturing returns, and free of income tax, our economy would skyrocket.

    In a healthy economy, the issue of Jews printing money can finally be addressed.

    Americans need to be empowered first.

  5. Michael B December 4, 2024 @ 7:18 pm

    I was concerned that could happen with Trump.

    Look Trump! The only thing all the freeloaders and their jews know how to do is print counterfeit currency. It’s one big club and you ain’t in it because you took your chances on Americans. I rest my case for now.

    I would say Action Plan #1 is let Americans OCCUPY the Federal Reserve to the point the jews who own it no longer effectively own it.

    Subject to #1 is a performance clause for the Americans OCCUPYING the foreign instrument selling off of the printing presses after removing any identifying numbers to unknown purchasers without any receipt.

    Down the road a few miles auction it all off to the same buyers who will then own and donate it to the families who St. Germaine set aside the gold for and was stolen with attack on Pentagon 9/11 the computer was to distribute the gold to the rightful descendants of white Israel.

    So, they found an abandoned bank car in basement of Twin Towers after 9/11 filled with gold from Fort Knox but all the other eight trucks made it out before the drivers of the ninth truck might have panicked but the evidence was documented before of the last truck they left behind.

    So, we want Trump to please keep the jews off our shores who rape babies to rig courts, incriminate doctors of murdering the masses with their covid shots, and all the crap you hear AJ talk about, too.

    We ask Trump to get rid of jews and their supporters from our lawmaking processes and everything to it. When I say jews I am not saying everyone who think themselves such but those who don’t belong in other peoples lands and since God has given us better lands than those who would still claim themselves capable of replacing white Israel – here they come..

    But it isn’t that so much as how you live life. Just go live their own lives in their own land but leave our lands with or without a fight. We want to fight pedophile Podestas not allow them to be around us. Thanks.

    I felt a little tired trying to write. Thanks for raising the alarm though.

    I think what AJ is saying indicates the jews occupying our land are accelerating their death cult though, and so I am hoping to say something to let Trump know we are choosing to fight our enemy if they do not cease and desist.

    I hope he can observe as an arbitrator before dealing his will onto the issues they call issues, and we just call them retarded f***s who better get back to work instead of burning down food factories.

    I hope he will understand. My wife wants to write a letter to Trump and I sure she can impress upon him with words.

    Thanks for hating evil same as other decent people hate evil Brother Nathanael.

  6. Mike December 4, 2024 @ 8:14 pm

    To ARGUS above,

    just a little reminder, Marxist JEWS run and Own DC. Trump Is owned By Israel.

    Democrats, Republicans are one and the same, probably Laughing together behind closed doors.

    NOTHING but the greatest show on earth that you believe.

    In all actuality Trump is Guilty of Treason, So is Ron desantis Gov. of Florida

    No disrespect.

  7. Brother Nathanael December 4, 2024 @ 9:33 pm


    You must be kidding.

    Trump’s gonna end the Income Tax?

    And I own a matzah ball factory in Missouri!

  8. Brother Nathanael December 4, 2024 @ 9:36 pm

    Argus, paleeze WAKE UP!

    Tariffs will NOT bring back our factories!

    Tariffs are a TAX passed onto goys to pay MORE for their nikes tires and maytags.

  9. Brother Nathanael December 4, 2024 @ 9:39 pm

    Dear All,

    First of all, I will be doing regular Videos again. I was spending time getting my Streams and X going: @RealBroNat

    Second of all, I finally realize that Trump is 100% shyster.

    He knows how to get elected but once there his constituency is 100% jew.

  10. Brother Nathanael December 4, 2024 @ 9:42 pm

    @Argus again

    Tariffs do NOT affect China, nor Outer Mongolia, where our products by our once indigenous factories are now made.

    It affects the megacorporations run and funded by kikes who simply pass on the TAX (tariff) to the goyim with higher prices.

    But Trump is a blowhard and the American boob drinks it in. +bn

  11. Brother Nathanael December 4, 2024 @ 9:43 pm

    Dear All,

    Nothing will change under Trump, only the rhetoric, and the goys swallow it whole.

  12. Rabbi Glickman December 4, 2024 @ 10:36 pm

    Ach! The CEO of America’s largest healthcare company was just MURDERED in broad daylight in New York City!

    Even though he wasn’t Jewish his business ethics were shady. Very shady. The company, under his tenure, became infamous for denying claims and taking forever to reimburse doctors and hospitals.

    So, the goyim are going to think he must have been a Jew! He won’t be the last either. Another pogrom is coming! Flee for your livrs, my people!

    Many have already booked flights for Thailand, the Seychelles, and our secret bunker complexes in Hawaii and New Zealand… where we can ride things out in style and comfort until things settle down again.

    Oy gevalt!

  13. Magda December 4, 2024 @ 11:14 pm

    Dear Bro Nat,

    I’m glad you finally see Trump for who he really is, Zion Don the Con.

    It’s very disturbing how he’s managed to dupe so many Christians and conservatives when he is neither. IMO we are in for a rough ride.

  14. Rav Mortichi December 4, 2024 @ 11:16 pm

    Right again. Trump is all Jewed up.

    It was clear when Miriam Adelson (Jew) donated $100Mil to Trump’s campaign. This donation happened after Trump started signaling he would use the US to help the Greater Israel Project (Jews want all the Middle East).

    All Trump’s legal problems disappeared overnight. Phone calls were made. High level Jews greased the legal skids. Now Trump is good for the Jews. Trump will be busy helping his Jew buddies.

    You have to get government to end the Federal Reserve money scam. That will defund the Jew agenda.

    How to do it? Start telling everyone it’s crooked and is destroying the finances of this country. Every chance you get.

    When someone talks about the problems of this country, hear them out, then steer the conversation to the root cause of everything, fake money financing Jews.

    Don’t say Jew though. Say “establishment” or “deep state”. When you say Jew, people have been brainwashed to shut down.

  15. KathJuliane December 5, 2024 @ 12:57 am

    So, Thompson was CEO of UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealth Group’s insurance arm, which is based in Minnesota, and last year received a salary of a paltry $10.2 million.

    He had flown in from Michigan for a UnitedHealth Group investor conference at the Hilton Midtown when he was assassinated in a a premeditated, pre-planned, targeted attack” per Commissioner Tisch (later ginned up in MSM as “brazen attack”) outside by a lone gunman “laying in wait” using an automatic pistol with possible silencer, having “light skin”, wearing what was originally described in early reports as a “cream” colored hoodie (corrected to “black jacket”), and grey backpack.

    It will be assumed from the Starbuck’s footage that the perp was a white male as only part of the forehead and eyes are visible, but could be a white Ashkenazi Jew, too.

    Oh, those Ashkenazis and their deliberate skin color ambiguity–white when it’s good for the Jews, and brown/BIPOC when its good for the Jews.

    In any case, now because the guy may be white, they will be zeroing in on “right-wing radicals”, even though there are left-wing Antifa white guys who do train in “self-defense” and carry weapons, too, but we already know where the weather vane will point.

    MSM then broadcasts Starbuck’s surveillance footage of a figure in a black or charcoal grey hoodie jacket and light-colored backpack (which could still be grey) leaving the store a few minutes before the shooting.

    Perp then walked across the street into an alley and reportedly headed for Central Park on an e-bike. And then they come up with some footage of a similar described person on an e-bike leaving the area of the park some 15 minutes later. Police located a discarded water bottle and a cellphone, which may (or may not) be a “burner phone” belonging to the perp, although in a Jew York alley, plenty of the drug-dealing, gangsta underground have burner phones, too.

    An “eerie message” (“chilling message”, to be pumped up to “bone-chilling and blood-curdling”) was found written on the bullet casings, “deny,” “defend” and “depose,” which is going to point the finger…somewhere.

    But yes, this was a planned hit. Someone knew Thompson’s itinerary, that he would fly and be picked up by company limo, I suppose (Wealthy CEO in a rental car?) and since he wasn’t a very public guy and tended to avoid the spotlight for family, the perp knew him by sight.

    So much for that. Rolling Stone ran a piece worth reading about social media reactions across the American spectrum (republished on Yahoo News) -Kj

    Social Media Has Little Sympathy for Murdered Health Insurance Exec
    Rolling Stone | 4 December 2024

    The fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson outside a Midtown Manhattan hotel on Wednesday morning was a shock to the city and the nation.

    But as police hunted for the missing gunman in what they called a “premeditated, pre-planned, targeted attack,” social media erupted with contempt for the health insurance industry he represented — and his company in particular.

    “Saw mainstream news coverage about the killing of the CEO of United Healthcare on TikTok and I think political and industry leaders might want to read the comments and think hard about them,” wrote political activist Tobita Chow in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

    In screenshots he shared, TikTok users reacted to the story with blistering references to the costly and often unnavigable for-profit U.S. health insurance system. “Sending prior authorization, denied claims, collections & prayers to his family,” wrote one.

    “As someone covered under UnitedHealthCare I can completely understand the actions taken,” wrote an X user replying to a news link about Thompson’s murder “being investigated as a possible hit,” according to a statement from law enforcement. “Did he have a pre-existing condition?” asked another. And under an ABC News TikTok on police officers’ efforts to find the killer, a user asked, “Why are they investigating this?”

    “Got a push notification to exercise caution because the United Healthcare shooter is still at large,” noted standup comic Samantha Ruddy in her own X post. “I personally do not feel like I am on the shooter’s radar because I am not the CEO of a highly divisive multibillion dollar insurance company.”

    Thompson’s violent death outside a hotel where UnitedHealthcare was hosting an investor conference didn’t just prompt scathing jokes but heated criticism of the insurer he had helmed since 2021.

    One image that made the rounds online was a chart from the personal finance website ValuePenguin, which found that UnitedHealthcare denies 32 percent of all in-network claims relating to individual health insurance plans — twice the industry average.

    Some pointed to headlines describing how UnitedHealthcare has used an allegedly faulty AI algorithm to assess claims and deny care for seriously ill patients on private Medicare Advantage plans, as described in an ongoing class-action lawsuit brought by the estates of two deceased people who were denied coverage for their care at an extended-care facility.

    Among those who amplified that story was right-wing podcaster Tim Pool, suggesting that Americans across the political spectrum can find rare consensus when it comes to disdain for their free-market health care system.

    “It’s actually kind of touching that the one thing that can bring together our fractious and disunited country is celebrating the assassination of a health insurance CEO,” wrote University of Virginia historian David Austin Walsh on X.

    Still, a few dissenters tried to shame anyone making light of the slaying. Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota, who unsuccessfully challenged President Joe Biden for the 2024 Democratic Party presidential nomination, drew an odd comparison to Israel‘s ongoing bombardment of Gaza and Lebanon.

    “Seems like leftists opposed to killing terrorists in the Middle East support killing CEOs in Midtown Manhattan,” he fumed on X, adding: “Sick.” Both Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, where UnitedHealthcare is based, shared statements of condolence.

    While the shooter’s identity and motive are presently unknown, Thompson’s wife, Paulette Thompson, told NBC News that he had received threats and that they may have involved issues with a customer’s “lack of coverage.”

    The NYPD has released surveillance images of the suspect, who was masked and wearing a black jacket with a gray backpack, and have offered a $10,000 reward for information regarding the homicide.

    Another ongoing lawsuit against UnitedHealthcare’s parent company, UnitedHealth Group, named Thompson along with two other top executives.

    A pension for firefighters in the city of Hollywood, Florida, filed the securities fraud class action earlier this year, accusing Thompson and his colleagues of selling $120 million of their UnitedHealth shares after learning of a U.S. Justice Department antitrust investigation of the company — but before the probe became public.

    Between coverage of such alleged profiteering, UnitedHealthcare’s grim reputation, and disclosures of the millions the company spends on lobbying and Thompson’s $10 million salary, there was hardly a shortage of material for vicious riffs.

    “It’s no surprise that gallows humor is responding to the assassination of a gallows business model CEO,” observed Dr. Steven Thrasher in a post on X. A professor at Northwestern University’s Medill School, Thrasher is the author of The Viral Underclass, a book about inequalities in healthcare that determine who has privileged access to medical resources.

    “Health insurances lets ghouls decide whether live or die based upon how much your life or death will affect shareholder value.”

    For once, too, it seemed that no extremist factions were quick to blame the murder on ideological opponents, as they typically have in the wake of high-profile shootings throughout the U.S. in recent years (save one Fox News commentator who suggested the NYPD hadn’t yet located the shooter because they were too busy dealing with immigrant crime).

    Online influencers known to shape a narrative before the facts emerge instead proved willing to wait and see where the case would lead. Within the feverish climate of social media, this made for an unfamiliar sort of restraint — almost as unusual as the street homicide of an American businessman.

  16. KathJuliane December 5, 2024 @ 1:39 am

    So, while digesting all of this, and contemplating just how the Jew might capitalize on the Thompson murder in the inevitable propaganda direction against us “anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist White Supremacists” and Congress’ push to destroy the First Amendment and to pass legislation punishing criticism of Jews and Israel, and suppress protests against US foreign policy and political support for Palestinians and the Axis of Resistance, lo and behold, what should show up in my email?

    A newsletter from the Jewish Forward announcing this Hollywood Jew highly fictionalized, high-end special effects fever-dream fantasy gem of a “crime thriller” dated today based on a 40-year old, mostly forgotten episode of American history in an era of violent radicalization, revolution, and rogue groups spanning the left-right color spectrum.

    Notice all the rest of the bits and pieces of Jew spew being thrown in to build the narrative, including “The Turner Diaries played a part in the July 6 Insurrection”. This thing, “The Order” is being splashed all over the MSM. — Kj


    In ‘The Order,’ Jude Law enters the heart of white nationalist darkness
    The taut thriller tells the true story of a plot to ignite a race war

    The Forward

    Header photo: Jude Law visits a white power compound in The Order. Courtesy of Vertical

    By PJ Grisar
    December 4, 2024

    The first thing you hear in The Order, a propulsive thriller about a White Power group’s plans to spark a race war, is a discussion of blood libel.

    “You were saying Jews use the blood of Christian babies,” says Marc Maron, playing Denver radio personality Alan Berg. At first Berg jokes along, asking his caller if Jews use the blood as a condiment or gravy. When the antisemite on the line calls him a kike, Berg hangs up the phone.

    The call wasn’t something to laugh off. Berg, in the film as in life, said those jeering at him during his show saw Jews as “some mythological thing” to fault for their problems. To them, “the only really good Jew is a dead Jew.”

    The words were prophetic: A splinter group of the Aryan Nations would murder Berg in his driveway on June 18, 1984, a short time after he avowed on air his belief that people, though disaffected, are fundamentally decent.

    Helmed by Australian [Jew] director Justin Kurzel, The Order is about the titular terror cell who slew Berg, robbed banks and Brinks trucks and planted bombs outside synagogues and porn stores throughout the 1980s in the Pacific Northwest.

    The string of robberies leads FBI agent Terry Husk, a mustachioed, nose bleed-prone Jude Law, to uncover the extremist group, paying visits to scenic compounds with barn roofs painted with swastikas and children sieg heil-ing from playground equipment.

    The Order, we learn, went rogue, unwilling to wait for their ideology of white supremacy to gain “members in the Congress, the Senate” as neo-Nazi preacher Richard Butler advocated.

    Led by Bob Matthews (Nicholas Hoult), the group is using The Turner Diaries, the 1978 neo-Nazi novel, as a blueprint for amassing funds to build an army and upend the government by seizing the Capitol and hanging race traitors. (These mentions are none too subtle — as a coda before the credits notes, The Turner Diaries played a similar role in the Jan. 6 insurrection.)

    Kurzel, staging some Michael Mann-worthy shootouts, is approaching the material, scripted by King Richard writer Zach Baylin and based on the nonfiction book The Silent Brotherhood, with a sense of dour responsibility. There’s a palpable concern for the revival of the militia movement and the racial animus that animates it.

    But the film falls short in demonstrating the roots of this discontent, and why the response so often falls back into patterns of bigotry. Matthews, at a gathering of the Aryan Nations, may speak of how the men have lost their jobs, dignity and country, but the words feel more like slogans than anything demonstrated on screen. We’re told the problems that fuel this reactionary hate, but engage shockingly little with their reality.

    Of course this is partially by design. To show white supremacists as properly aggrieved would risk legitimizing their narrative, which blames all the wrong actors for their predicament. [That’s the whole point of this stupid production).

    Instead of indulging them, Kurzel sets the racists against an interracial family (Tye Sheridan as a young policeman and Morgan Holstrom as his wife) and a Black FBI agent (Jurnee Smollett) standing in for an inclusive vision of America, at odds with Matthews’ white American birthright. [How artsy fartsy! -Kj]

    In being short on direct commentary (Ronald Reagan’s portrait — that godhead of trickle down policy who sought to end affirmative action — looms in the background of a field office) The Order risks minimizing the factors that furnished our current nativist moment, and the growing appeal of militarism beyond the usual, racially resentful suspects.

    The film takes the threat of groups like the Order seriously, but not the conditions that give rise to them.

    In the words of Berg — a martyred saint here, striking a stark contrast with Eric Bogosian’s fictionalization in Talk Radio — “you have to have someone to blame for your life.”

    For the angry white man, the blame has traditionally fallen to minorities. Yet to address that scapegoating — and not who benefits from it — is to dismiss a clear and present danger as inexplicable and, worse still, useless to resist.

    Zach Baylin, Jew, married to a Jew, is the screenwriter for ‘The Order’. The gang was founded by Robert Jay Matthews and was composed of about 12-13 members, known for their armed bank-robbery fundraising (having gotten their start robbing a porn store), assassination of radio talk show host Alan Berg, and finally Matthews’ shootouts with the FBI (injuring one). The FBI’s trail ended with the Washington island house Matthew was holed up in and shooting from going up in a spectacular ball of flames when law enforcement pitched some incendiary flares into the old, tinder-dry house.

    Baylin’s written several screenplays lionizing unsung Black heroes and heroines in his historical fictions, so naturally, this story will highlight the fictional heroic Black FBI woman (even though she’s quite light-skinned) in juxtaposition to the “White supremacist terrorist” trope, played by some liberal white actor or another.

    Sounds like real Netflix material.

    ‘The Order’ will be released in theaters on December 6. I’m so thrilled (yawn). -Kj

    Indie Wire gushes over Baylin, “You’ve become a real go-to screenwriter for true stories of extremely different stripes.”

    For Baylin, “The Order” was an interesting story when it took place in the ’80s, a compelling one to write nearly a decade ago, and an absolutely necessary one to share in 2024. Relevant? Yes. Controversial? No.

    Associated Forward links:

    White supremacists, seizing on Israel-Hamas war, have accelerated their antisemitism since Oct. 7 (March 2024)

    From city council disruptions to violent online threats, neo-Nazis have sought ways to capitalize on the moment

    Meet a Jewish woman who lives in the former stronghold of the Aryan Nations (2021)

    (JTA) — Andie Bond can almost see the one-time bastion of the American neo-Nazi movement from her house.

    That’s quite the pair of eyes, because Butler’s compound was demolished in 2001 after Butler lost the property to the SPLC in a 2000 legal judgement. “Oh, but its real in my mind!”

    What a brave Jewess. -Kj

    Israel delenda est!

  17. KathJuliane December 5, 2024 @ 2:23 am

    Additional note of interest:

    There is a published 2010 book “Delay, Deny, Defend: Why Insurance Companies Don’t Pay Claims and What You Can Do About It” (Jew author).

    “Do you think your insurance policy has your property protected from life’s many mishaps? That those premiums you pay every month guarantee you the help you need when you need it? That your insurance company is a benevolent entity that strives to pay claims fairly and promptly? Think again.

    Your insurer’s main objective is not to protect you; in fact, insurers often try to avoid paying justified claims. Today the name of the game is delay, deny, defend: to improve their profits, insurance companies delay payment of justified claims, deny payment altogether, and defend their actions by forcing claimants to enter litigation.”

    Maybe motive, maybe red herring, maybe something to be ginned up as part of a fake narrative bread crumb trail leading right up to some “White supremacist” or “anti-Semite” or “pro-Kkkkhamas terrorist” Palestinian activist. Maybe “inside the domestic house”. -Kj

  18. Rebel Roy December 5, 2024 @ 2:28 am

    Great article Brother and God bless you.

    I also agree with your response to Argus, as well as Trump being a shill for the Jews.

    Thank you and keep fighting for truth.

    We must all remain steadfast and never give in.

    May the good Lord’s will be done.

    Christ Jesus is my Master and Savior. Take care.

  19. KathJuliane December 5, 2024 @ 2:56 am

    Well, something good came out of the 2024 Presidential Election after all.

    Feminists are Getting Sterilized to Protest Trump Becoming President

    LifeNews | 4 December 2024

    Feminists across America have come up with a new way to protest the election of President Donald Trump and the expectation that he will continue the pro-life policies from his first administration.

    They’re getting sterilized.

    Of course, it would make more sense if they’d just decide to practice abstinence and not get pregnant, so the issue of abortion isn’t relevant in the first place. But that’s apparently expecting too much.

    Here’s more:

    Leftist women’s pledges to abstain from sex, termed the “4B movement,” seemed sterile enough. It is a refusal to date, copulate, marry, or parent, all in the name of resistance to ideology. Of course, there is the bit in there about protecting oneself from unwanted consequences that loom as irreversible.

    Now, women are moving forward with sterilization appointments and pushing them as the only remaining option.

    Such plans are on the spectrum of responses to Republican ownership of Congress and the White House following Election Day. The idea behind sterilization is insurance against finding oneself pregnant, whether by rape or casual sex, and being unable to control the outcome. It is a “necessity due to the politics and subjugation coming our way,” according to one of five proponents whom Newsweek interviewed about the procedure.

    In sum, they undergo one, definite unwanted procedure to avoid a different, improbable unwanted procedure. A weighing of choices, but one that moves away from rationality rather than closer to it. The women who encourage it intend to convey a firm, rebel spirit alongside resentment at the situation. What their audience receives instead is a desire for safety upon safety upon safety, and so forth.

    One woman from the Newsweek story described her strange thought process: “I had no choice but to proceed to ensure that I can protect my health should I be assaulted during a Trump presidency, should my husband’s vasectomy fail and/or should my hormonal birth control become inaccessible.”


    “Envelope, please. And the winners of this year’s Darwin Awards are…!!!” -Kj

  20. Rabbi Glickman December 5, 2024 @ 6:11 am

    When the Jews disappear, something big is getting near. L’Chaim!

  21. Rabbi Glickman December 5, 2024 @ 6:15 am

    I’m All Jewed Up – by Selfish Pelvis

    Uh, well, a-bless my soul, what’s wrong with me?
    I’m twitchin’ like a man on a gallows tree
    My friends say I’m actin’ like I’m on drugs
    I’m in love! I’m all Jewed up
    Mmm, mmm, yay, yay-yay

    Well, my hands get shaky, and my knees get weak
    I can’t even stand on my own two feet
    Just tell me who and what I must suck
    I’m in love! I’m all Jewed up
    Mmm, mmm, yay, yay-yay

    Well, please don’t ask me what’s wrong with me
    I rub my hands with a devilish glee
    When I’m near the ones that I love best
    My heart beats hard cuz’ they scare me to death!

    When they greased my palms, what a chill I got
    I’ll do what they say, or I may get shot
    I’m here to tell you that I’ve been bought off
    I’m in love! I’m all Jewed up
    Mmm, mmm, yay, yay-yay

    My tongue’s been bribed every word I speak
    My insides shake and my knees get weak
    There’s only one cure for this soul of mine
    That’s to serve the ones who think they’re divine

    When they greased my palms, what a chill I got
    I’ll do what they say, or I may get shot
    I’m here to tell you that I’ve been bought off
    I’m in love! I’m all Jewed up
    Mmm, mmm, yay, yay-yay
    Mmm, mmm, yay, yay-yay

    I’m all Jewed up!

  22. Joe December 5, 2024 @ 8:30 am

    Trump is and has always been a hoax.

    The amount of cognitive dissonance of the MAGA voters is beyond belief. Individuals like Brother Nathanael are beacons of wisdom and at this End-of-Times circumstance, their work of information is the most effective element that could wake up the dumb if honest MAGA electorate.

    If the world ends, it will still have been a honor to find Brother Nathanael. Integrity shall overcome.

  23. Joe December 5, 2024 @ 9:12 am

    We need to be realists: we cannot blame the Jews for the complete idiocy of the masses.

    Just like when someone’s immune system is compromised by a lifetime of vice, bacteria are not at fault but the immunodeficiency is the cause. Bacteria have their place in the world and cannot do much damage unless the biological system is already malfunctioning.

    The function of bacteria is that of disposing of rotten material. Same with the Talmudic Jews.

  24. Rav Mortichai December 5, 2024 @ 11:58 am

    Other infotainment news outlets explain what is happening in terms of human rights violations, political factions, Dems vs Cons, etc… It becomes confusing and makes no sense.

    Here is a simple way to understand everything and Jews are at the heart of the chaos.

    1. Ukraine explained: Zelensky (Jew) was installed to depopulate Ukraine and exploit whatever mineral resources there.

    2. US Border: Non-White invasion as part of ongoing Jewish scheme to end White America.

    3. Abortion/Women’s Lib/Transgender: All part of Jewish scheme to lower birthrate and depopulate White settlements.

    4. Federal Reserve/National Debt/Petro Dollar/Stock Market/Bit Coin: All Jewish schemes to fund Jewish crime.

    5. Greater Israel Project: Land grab by Jewish establishment to serve as home base and criminal refuge for Jews.

    6. AIPAC: Shell organization to pay off corrupt politicians.

    7. Hamas vs Israel war: Depopulation to expand Jew home base.

    There you have it.

  25. William December 5, 2024 @ 12:30 pm


    Not one stone will be left upon another in Jerusalem. Still on the horizon.

    The West Wall is still standing. For now.

  26. The+Elder+of+Zyklon-B December 5, 2024 @ 12:53 pm

    It’s Donnie Chabad and that is the bottom line of who the Don really is, as +BN and other astute RJN folks have reinforced here on this board.

    Instead of BSing about 25% tarriffs on Mexico with the jewess Sheinbaum, how about something that could raise hundreds of millions of juedenfetzen quickly and would not effect the rope-doped-goyim?

    Anyone who has lived around and worked with the Mexicans who have moved here knows that they send vast sums of dollars back to friends and family in Mexico. This of course extends to South and Central Americans as well.

    Simply tax the crap out of ALL remittances through outlets like Western Union. Put a tax on the companies like WU also.

    Call is a money laundering tax.

    Use the proceeds to fund sealing off the border from invaders.

    It’s an idea whose time has come and it would finally be a fair tax for once.

  27. Rusn December 5, 2024 @ 1:51 pm

    By economics it seems that by putting the big tariffs on Mexico and Canada, then this would have to increase the domestic U.S. production.

    As for underwear, evidently both Fruit of the Loom and Hanes are both manufactured from Vietnam and very good quality which is a very good trading partner today for the U.S.

    The high tariffs would force an increase in U.S. domestic production unless someone wants to be a good trading partner.

  28. Citizenfitz December 5, 2024 @ 2:34 pm

    Joe gets it and is 100% right. When Christians grow lax the jew attacks.

    If we were doing the little bit God asks they’d never have grown so dangerous. Even a pathogen as deadly as organized jewry would simply have bounced off a healthy Christian corpus. But a world of sickly porn addicts stands little chance against them.

    They’re our Y. pestis – showing up to exploit the opportunities afforded by morally deficient Christians.

  29. Citizenfitz December 5, 2024 @ 2:38 pm

    Rav Mortichai. That’s a good analysis of the situation.

    You should post it around the internet where you can. RT is one prospect.

  30. Dave December 5, 2024 @ 3:38 pm


    Hey everybody,

    Let’s all watch and see how soon Trumpstein obediently responds to the Israel/jew/Zionist totally illegal AIPAC order that he show up for their recently elected Israel puppet US president to be given his four year marching orders from his masters in Tel Aviv.

    Obama was there THE VERY NEXT DAY!

  31. Dave December 5, 2024 @ 3:47 pm

    They killed him on the spot.’ Israel targeted Gaza soup kitchen chef in drone attack, brother says

  32. KathJuliane December 5, 2024 @ 4:28 pm

    Important: Must See

    Exclusive: Russia Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Describes the War With the US and How to End It

    Tucker Carlson Xwitter

    Russia’s longtime foreign minister describes the war with the United States and how to end it.

    (0:00) Is the US at War With Russia?
    (12:56) Russia’s Message to the West Through Hypersonic Weapons
    (17:47) Is There Conversation Happening Between Russia and the US?
    (23:18) How Many Have Died in the Ukraine/Russia War?
    (28:21) What Would It Take To End the War?
    (36:11) What Happened to Alexei Navalny?
    (39:45) Boris Johnson Wants the War to Continue
    (45:43) Sanctions on Russia
    (56:31) The Chinese/Russian Alliance
    (1:02:18) Who Is Making Foreign Policy Decisions in the US?
    (1:05:05) Biden Pushes the US Toward Nuclear War Before Trump Takes Office
    (1:08:52) What’s Happening in Syria?
    (1:13:08) Lavrov’s Thoughts on Trump

    Also on YouTube

    Sergey Lavrov’s interview to Tucker Carlson, Moscow, December 6, 2024

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

  33. Dave December 5, 2024 @ 7:27 pm

    Every true/blue American patriot needs to understand, whatever personal sentiments you might have for him the bottom line us Trump us a traitor of America and a weak cowardly puppet subservient to the dictates of his masters in Tel Aviv!

    He allowed the worst most damaging spy in the history of America to be let go against the strong admonitions of former Secretary of State Casper Wienberger in his in court pleadings to Judge Ellis that Pollard had caused so much damage to America that he never EVER should he released again into the public!

    Pollard was an American jew who turned traitor to worldwide Jews’ true loyalty, Israel.

  34. Jewish fbi loves torture programs December 5, 2024 @ 9:05 pm

    Federal and military security contract scams.

    Denounce a Goy, hook up your synagogue buddies.

    Spend the hazard pay on matzoh balls..

  35. Ted Gorsline December 6, 2024 @ 12:30 am

    Not a bad idea. There could be a huge market for American made Loom of the Fruits underwear in Ukraine.

    One of the perks of being a Ukrainian soldier in the trenches at the moment is that by law each soldier gets a change of underwear once a week.

    Ever since the war began Yuri has been changing with Vladimir, Vladimir with Vitali, and Vitali with Yuri.

  36. Jerry December 6, 2024 @ 12:45 am

    Hi Brother, it sounds all so hopeless.

    Is there anything we can do to make some change at least?

  37. AZ December 6, 2024 @ 1:35 am

    the real fight is just beginning.

  38. MeMe December 6, 2024 @ 9:13 am

    I think you are correct @Jerry, especially if the science behind the following is true and initially from reading books like “Fingerprint of the Gods” the archaeological evidence of a great cataclysm around 12500 years ago, the end of the last ice age would indicate that it is.

    There is also the book “The Adam and Eve Story” you can get it here

    Which makes references to early word-of-mouth forms of Judaism and which was immediately suppressed by the CIA.

    And now there is new astronomical phenomena supporting the possibility of a major cataclysm if their science is accurate and it appears to be sound, see videos below.

    Watch this one first.

    At least we have the comfort that this is something the Jews will not escape either, and it may only be at most only a couple of decades away. Also worth a note, the ultra rich are known to be preparing survival bunkers in various parts of the world like New Zealand.

  39. The Englishman December 7, 2024 @ 8:07 am

    Concerning news, “Rebels” reach the suburbs of Damascus.

  40. John December 9, 2024 @ 12:33 am

    Make the Mens underwear in UTAH…our brothers Mormon will do a good job of it…and then ALL men will be girded up, if they so choose.

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