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Episode 68: Who’s Your Favorite Guitarist?

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Episode 68: Who’s Your Favorite Guitarist?

January 24 2025

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Brother Nathanael @ January 24, 2025


  1. CG January 25, 2025 @ 10:17 am

    Man, you remind me ALOT of my first guitar teacher who taught me at least half (probably more like 75%) of what I know on guitar. He’s also a Mid-Westerner, old cool former hippie, from Cleveland, OH.

    He can play at least 10 different instruments (guitar, bass, mandolin, violin, dulcimer, banjo, piano, drums, and various brass and woodwinds) and transposes deep almost lost and forgotten musical transcripts for his students like obscure classical music that was published 40 or more years ago and an old Charlie Byrd (he was a Latin Jazz guitar upper echelon world renown guitarist from the 60’s and 70’s) to keyboard books into guitar tabs (so guitarists can see unique chord voicing’s from the keyboard back when quality musicians were the norm over to guitar playing for the current era) for way less knowledgeable and experienced guitar hobbyists in the suburbs.

    I’m also a lead guitarist and would love to hear your old recordings from your band and see you do a video jamming out with a combo amp and a strat on rumble or YouTube. Even my favorite modern guitarist is a Mid-Westerner, Mr. Mark Tremonti from Detroit and Chicagoland. Check out Tremonti’s ‘Avo Tabo Taco Salad’ on YouTube just a blazing hot player like a combo of Eddie VanHalen, Neal Schon, and Kirk Hammett.

    I have my original guitar teacher from The Land to thank for my love of jazz and blues music as I was just a 70’s-90’s rock guy when I first met him, but now I probably listen to more jazz and blues than rock music. So many great jazz and blues guitarist like Joe Pass, Grant Green, Russ Freeman, BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Albert King, Buddy Guy, Bernard Allison, etc. Of the classic rock I would vote Hendrix and Page.

    Jimmy Page just had a deeper knowledge of music and recording than his peers. All the layers of sound and altered tuning just made listening to all the classic Zeppelin stuff an experience of its own. The JWO has dumbed the kids down and messed them up so much that I doubt we will see another Jimmy Page level of guitarist and original creative song writer like that for the many years.

    Maybe a kid from Russia or Serbia (I’ve seen some really talented younger generation guitarists on YouTube from those two countries. Poland and Argentina also have some real talent among their population’s as well), a place not so JWOd up like Murica’ could do that, but the waters are overly kosher nostra Khazarian Mafia and toxic in the land of the fee’s and home of the big INC slaves nowadays man.

  2. Rabbi Glickman January 25, 2025 @ 12:17 pm

    Hey Goy – by Rebbe Hendrixbaum

    Hey goy
    Where you going with that money in hand?
    Hey goy
    I said, where you going with all that money in hand?
    I’m going to buy some potato chips
    And then watch tv with my old best friend
    I’m going to watch the Superbowl
    You can’t do any better if you’re American
    And ain’t that cool?

    Hey goy
    I heard you laid your money down
    You laid it down, yow
    Hey goy
    I heard you laid all your money down
    You laid it down like a clown

    Yes I did, I blew it
    You know I blew it like a clown, like the town clown
    Yes I did, I blew it
    You know I can’t keep from messing ’round like a clown
    So, I’m broke again
    I blew it!

    Hey goy
    Where you going to run to now?
    Where you going to run to?
    Hey goy (I said)
    Where you going to run to now?
    Where you, where you going to go?
    Well, sheeeeiiittt

    I’m going to pay my taxes
    It’s all going Israel’s way
    I’m going to pay my taxes
    ‘Cause they’re the only democracy
    Our only friend in the Middle east

    Ain’t no Muslim going to…
    They ain’t going to kill our democracy
    You better believe it right now
    Let’s go to war!

    Hey goy
    You better go to war
    Goodbye everybody!
    Hey goy, uh
    Run to war

  3. Benzion Kook January 25, 2025 @ 10:04 pm

    Leo Kottke worth listening to.
    I like his “Waltz.”

  4. Rav Mortichai January 26, 2025 @ 3:29 pm

    So many great guitarist…

    Eric Clapton, pretty sure he’s not jew

  5. Citizenfitz January 26, 2025 @ 5:48 pm

    George Harrison doesn’t get the respect he’s due when talking about the great guitarists.

    People almost always go to Hendrix, Page, Clapton, Allman, Beck, and sometimes Keith Richards when talking about the noteworthy guitarists of that era. For some reason Harrison often goes unmentioned. Not always, but too often. That needs to be fixed.

    Harrison was the most influential guitarist of them all. But he did so quietly. Hendrix took things to the next level with his strange, glorious, confident competence. But Harrison is the guy that tens of millions of budding guitarists started out aping.

    He’s somewhat like Ringo in that respect. Ringo was a phenomenal drummer. He wasn’t flashy, he just came up with the perfect beat the songs needed. He very rarely screwed up, and even experienced professional drummers have trouble keeping some of the unassuming sounding beats he put out there.

    Harrison for his part could come up with great guitar lines. Melodic, catchy, unforgettable. For every memorable lick of Hendrix, think of how many more Harrison had.

    He wasn’t afraid to experiment with new sounds; and whereas Hendrix was pretty much limited to doing power blues, Harrison could cover any type of song. He could have come up with good licks if you’d put an opera score in front of him. He just didn’t wave his own flag.

    As is often the case in God’s great creation, the quiet ones are the ones doing the greater things.

  6. Rav Mortichai January 26, 2025 @ 8:42 pm

    Thanks for the video, Brother. Great topic and personal interest of mine.

    EVH would refer to the piano type playing as “tapping” and he was also big on harmonics and flanger effects.

    Iommi was/is lead guitar for Black Sabbath. Interesting thing about him is he lost the tips of his fingers in a sheetmetal accident and uses prosthetic tips to play.

    Anyone interested in learning guitar electric, I can save you some time and money. The Fender Stratocaster is the most affordable and playable electric guitar and is lighter weight. I play and have owned Fender Telecasters, Strats, Gibson LPs, and Martin acoustic.

    Let’s not forget classical guitar…

    Asturias, performed by Segovia

  7. KathJuliane January 27, 2025 @ 9:28 am

    The Jews need to get out of Palestine

    DuckStreetStudios | 27 January 2025


    Dear Ted Gorsline,

    Are you ok? Still with us? Praying for you, whatever the situation.

    God bless. -Kj

  8. Citizenfitz January 27, 2025 @ 12:51 pm

    Yeah, I’m worried about Ted, too.

    It’s been a month and a half since he last stopped by. Everybody, let’s pray for Ted’s safe return.

    I’ve got two Fender jazz basses. No complaints against them except that my Ibanez basses are lighter. That and I like their slender necks better. My Schecter Stiletto sounds the best though.

    If any of you have kids who want to learn guitar, *don’t spend a lot of money on one*. You can find perfectly good guitars on Facebook Marketplace for under $200. The reason is 90% of new guitarists quit within a few months once they discover how much hard work it is… and you won’t be out $1,000.

    If the kid has a musical gift, they will stick it out on the cheapo one. In a year or two, if they show determination and progress, you might then consider getting them one of the more expensive ones for a gift.

    And remember this: *just because something costs more doesn’t necessarily mean it’s gonna’ be better*. I have a Chinese made bass – Zebrawood – that I bought for about $260! It sounds and plays great. Looks great too, but it’s heavy as an anchor and no fun to have hanging on your shoulder for an hour or more.

    The point is that making music is somewhat hard work. A lot harder than video games. Most kids will not put in the effort to learn it.

  9. Rav Mortichai January 27, 2025 @ 3:06 pm


    I hear ya on saving money. I like to save money, too. For me, a guitar is a place to store wealth also. A quality guitar can increase in value. All of my guitars I can sell for more than I paid for them new.

    You don’t want to get a guitar that’s so unplayable that it frustrates you to the point of quitting. Action is important, the pressure you need to apply to make a note. Also a guitar should stay in tune.

    The old saying goes, “you get what you pay for” so don’t jew yourself out of a quality instrument. You can always sell it later if you don’t like it. A cheap one, you wont be able to get rid of it.

    Ted is probably out hunting bear deep in the forest.

  10. The Englishman January 28, 2025 @ 1:17 pm

    The “Untouchables”

  11. Citizenfitz January 28, 2025 @ 4:00 pm

    “You get what you pay for”.

    Sometimes. Often enough, I guess. But sometimes what you pay for is the name. I’ve got basses that list for nearly $2K, and others that I paid only a couple of hundred for and which I played on stage. The Schecter Stiletto was my go to bass when the band was still together. It still is. I got it for about $300. New. They go for two or three times that now.

    That $260 Chinder Jazz Bass would be perfectly acceptable in any venue large or small, except that it weighs a ton. You really feel it after ten minutes.

    My son learned guitar on a Squier Strat, and got halfway good on it. A year later for Christmas I bought him a Fender Hot Rod-Strat. He said the difference was like night and day. The Hot Strat played that much better.

    But he’d persevered for a year, so I knew that buying him the new Strat wasn’t going to be a waste of money. I always advise people wondering whether to buy their kid an expensive instrument or not to start them out on a cheaper one so as not to be out all that money when the kid puts it in the closet for good, short months later.

    They probably don’t listen but it’s not my problem.

  12. Ben January 29, 2025 @ 1:16 am

    Hey all, I ran across this YouTube channel.

    You need to check it out. Very funny. Love the music video.

  13. CG January 29, 2025 @ 7:05 am

    I agree with you guys comments about starting out a newbie/youth on a budget guitar but I would add the caveat that oftentimes if a guitar doesn’t retail for probably $300-400+ (if you can get a deal on a good used one for less then great) that the action and playability of the neck or frets usually isn’t as good and can frustrate a new rookie guitarist who is first learning to play.

    I think there’s a baseline for quality as $100 guitar really are some junkers with slow or uneven actions that hinder playability. My instructor was always big on Yamaha guitars as they play like a Fender Strat or Tele or a decent mid range Ibanez electric and are probably one of the best bangs for the buck on the market. I always thought Yamaha made a really nice guitar for the money as well especially the Pacifica model.

    You can find about any guitar model under the Sun on eBay, too, if you’re looking for something really specific regardless of age they are out there man. There are several huge Japanese music dealers on that site who ship the guitars over from Japan that have World class impressive inventories available for collectors.

    I haven’t seen a Parker Fly (my favorite rock guitarist of this era Mark Tremonti recorded his band Creed’s debut album hit radio song ‘One’ with one of those-it’s what makes all the really cool feedback sounds on that studio album version of the track especially the outro) in music stores for almost 20 years because Parker quit making them, but they have quite a few of them on eBay right now for a pretty penny, for example.

    I’ve had 5k guitars – I paid 3k for it at a close-out sale from a small shop [it was a Terry C McInturff Glory Custom kinda amber tiger wood burst color and was a legit work of art with gold hardware and beautiful pearl inlays decked out everywhere and a lot of people don’t know he mentored Paul Reed Smith on guitar building back in the day-Terry is an old hippie who almost had a record deal in the 80’s. He’s a good dude so he probably didn’t want to sell his soul to the Hollywood self-chosenite Khazarian Mafia Illuminati NWO globalist turd’s would be my guess, but has been building guitars since the 70’s and his work is really brilliant.

    The blonde rhythm guitarist [clearly Joe Perry is the lead guitar in that band another 1970’s massive sound and skill legendary guitarist] guy in Aerosmith used to use and endorse his guitars in the early to mid 00’s] but I sold it because it didn’t really outplay my 1k [IMO Parettos 80/20 is right on- you can have a lot of guitar for $1-1500, usually no need to spend 3k+ on a guitar.

    I really like the Ibanez Steve Vai signature models those all play like a dream with a fast and smooth action and good tone and hardware) main guitar and was just a work of art I didn’t want to scratch up by actually using it so it was kind of pointless other than having a slight tone advantage due to having a custom tone port inside the guitar that was like a hollow space on a solid body electric guitar and did sound better recording but I’m not recording anything at a pro level so it was way more design enhancements than I ever really needed].

    Also these days YouTube is an absolute gold mine of free guitar education for all levels and styles of guitarists. Mel Bay publishers is a classic publisher of music theory and also musician’s institute for more modern technique based rock stuff (their guitar education books are really good). If you want to play like Joe Pass, Grant Green, Wes Montgomery, Segovia, or Chet Atkins Melbay is where you want to be.

    If you’re trying to sound like Mark Tremonti or Steve Vai I’d go with Musicians Institute.

    To the newbies it’s all just what you’re trying to do but, in the guitar World quality self-education materials definitely aren’t lacking these days. This wasn’t always the nature of reality for new guitarists at all so, we can all be grateful for that at least when so much depressing stuff is going on in the World today.

  14. Rabbi Glickman January 29, 2025 @ 11:31 am

    My Way – by Rank Sinner

    And now, the end is near
    And so I face the final Shoah
    My friends I’ll make it clear
    I’ll win my case before Jeh-vah
    I loudly sing my praise
    And reap the fruits of all I live by
    And more, much more than this
    I am a Rabbi

    Regrets? Can’t think of one
    Disowned my son, for all his nonsense
    I did what I had to do
    And wrote him off without a conscience
    I cooked up clever schemes
    Then drove off down life’s twisted highway
    And more, much more than this
    I am a Rabbi

    Yes, many times I played the Jew
    I took your home – life savings too
    But through it all there was no doubt
    I’d chew you up and spit you out
    I’ve got you all by the balls
    I am a Rabbi!

    I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried
    Six Million died, my heart is oozing
    And now as tears subside
    I find your sufferings amusing
    To think I survived that
    And like a rat, went on to prosper
    No need to ask, “who is that guy?”
    I am a Rabbi

    For what is a man, what has he got?
    If not for gold, then he has naught
    To make the goyim shake and blink
    And hear those shiny shekels clink
    The record proves I never lose
    I am a Rabbi!

  15. Benzion Kook January 29, 2025 @ 2:36 pm

    Mark Knopfler words and music also a standout.

  16. Grizzled Adamson January 29, 2025 @ 3:15 pm

    I’m beginning to worry about Mr. Ted Gorsline, who is a regular in here and who’s books have been an inspiration for me. Perhaps one of us should reach out to him through his website?

    Hopefully, it’s nothing or he is writing another volume of bear attacks.

    I tried to mail Mortichai his phone that he dropped when he rushed out of here, but it came back no address.

  17. Rabbi Glickman January 29, 2025 @ 5:22 pm

    I do hope that Mr. Gorsline returns soon.

    I have a business proposition for him: to assist me in marketing my new line of bear skin shtreimels… complete with muzzle, eyes and fangs!

    We’ll make a fortune!

  18. Rav Mortichai January 29, 2025 @ 7:23 pm

    One for the Goyim, Frankel Sinatrastein

    There’s a quarter for me,
    The goys know their place,
    They’re payin their fees,
    So toss out old Joe,
    Then start the Trump show

    He’s best for the jews,
    It’s all in the news,
    Of a Trump victory,
    Make it one for the Goyim,
    And 6 mil for the shoah

    I’m watchin you close,
    So drop another shekel outa your cloths,
    You’re bringin me glee,
    My hands rub joyfully

    Stop funding the world,
    Make more for the jews,
    It’s a beautiful plan,
    Make it one for the Goyim,
    And 6 mil for the shoah

    That long, long shoah

  19. KathJuliane January 30, 2025 @ 6:52 am

    RIP Bishop Richard Williamson: Courageous Catholic Who Spoke Truth to Power

    Listen to my 2017 interview with him, and watch the one from fourteen months ago

    Truth Jihad Radio


    Bishop Richard Williamson, a courageous man of faith, passed away on January 29 at the age of 84. He was best-known for the persecution he suffered after made headlines in 2009 for his remarks in an interview with a Swedish television channel:

    “I believe the gas chambers did not exist,” he stated “I think 200,000 to 300,000 Jews died in Nazi concentration camps, but not in that way (…). I do not believe six million Jews were gassed.”

    By opposing the false religion of Holocaustianity—the unofficial state religion of the Western empire—Bishop Williamson was subjected to various indignities by the modern-day Inquisition.

    I was lucky enough to have had several conversations with Bishop Williamson. The audio file above and write-up below is from our August 6, 2017 interview, while the video is from November 2023.

    -Kevin Barrett


    Memory eternal, dearest, always steadfast, Bishop Richard Williamson. -Kj

  20. Benzion Kook January 30, 2025 @ 10:36 am


    Check out Mr. Jumbo playing the Lithuanian National Anthem on YouTube.

  21. Rabbi Glickman January 30, 2025 @ 10:52 am

    No Matter What – by Badsinger

    No matter what we say
    We will never go away
    While complaining every day, goy
    Ooh goy, at you

    No matter where you go
    We will always go with you
    Doesn’t matter what you do, goy
    Ooh goy, with you

    Knock down the Gaza walls
    Women, children and all
    Nothing to say, nothing to see, nothing to do

    If you won’t give us all
    Then we’ll just take it from you
    Give it to me! Give it to me! Give it to me!

    No matter where you go
    We will track you to that place
    And be right back in your face, goy
    Ooh goy, need you

    (Jew’s harp solo)

    Knock down the Gaza walls
    Women, children and all
    Nothing to say, nothing to see, nothing to do

    If you won’t give us all
    Then we’ll just take it from you
    Give it to me! Give it to me! Give it to me!

    No matter where you’re found
    We will always track you down
    We have noses like bloodhounds, goy
    Ooh goy, for you
    Ooh goy, you goy, want you
    Ooh goy, you goy, need you

  22. Mark M January 30, 2025 @ 3:42 pm

    The greatest in my opinion is Stevie Ray Vaughan.

    +BN, please watch the YouTube video of SRV playing the guitar live to the song “Texas Flood”. It’s jaw-dropping.

  23. Citizenfitz January 30, 2025 @ 5:04 pm

    Fr. Robinson defrocked for giving the “Hitler salute”.

    Some here may know of Calvin Robinson, an intelligent, eloquent speaker. Although an Anglican, not a Catholic as the article tries to insinuate, listening to him speak it seems he’s learned from St. Thomas Aquinas, and is mostly in alignment with Rome.

    Of course, Anglican orders are no orders at all.

    Hopefully, this will be his wake-up call, and he’ll come around.

  24. InlinePaul January 30, 2025 @ 11:44 pm

    Great video, but I was hoping to see my favorite guitarist, Johnny Winter, included. Well, maybe next time?

  25. Rabbi Glickman January 31, 2025 @ 6:54 am

    Oy gevalt! I have learned to my horror that four… no… five… no… six…. Yes, SIX of my beloved family members died in the crash of American Airlines flight 5342.

    I have started GoFundMe accounts for all five… no six… yes… SIX of our darlings. If any of you can find it in your hearts to contribute something to help alleviate our grief and suffering, we will be eternally grateful. Go to GoFundMe and look up “THE Rabbi Glickman Fund”.

    Every little bit helps.

  26. Brother Nathanael January 31, 2025 @ 12:45 pm

    Does OpenAI give you the creeps? Maybe this is why:

  27. Jeff February 1, 2025 @ 2:06 am

    Dear Brother,

    Do you think the Jews are behind the drones and all these airplane crashes?

    Thank you for all for your hard work! You are a light in the world!

    God bless!

  28. Roy February 1, 2025 @ 4:31 am

    Thanks for sharing Ben.

    That song Oy to the Vey song keeps going through my head. I’m even singing it in the shower. What a catchy foot tapping tune!

  29. Greg February 1, 2025 @ 8:08 pm

    There are no garage bands and never were.

    Record labels don’t wait around for kids to show up with demo tapes. They put the bands together, write the songs, and sell everything as a package.

    You have to be related to someone or connected to someone putting up a lot of money to have success. They all have pay your dues stories, but a few months eating Ramen doesn’t really count.

    Playing a musical instrument is a learning process and can be enjoyable. The music business is something else entirely. At the local level you can have success. Become soo good at your playing that people have no choice but to give you a chance.

  30. Citizenfitz February 2, 2025 @ 1:16 pm


    “There are no garage bands and never were.”

    Really? I was in two garage bands.

    We practiced in garages. Literally. That’s where the term comes from.

    The rest of your post is quite erroneous as well.

  31. Caveman February 2, 2025 @ 10:42 pm

    Bishop Richard Williamson (1940-2025)

    Rest in peace faithful servant of Jesus Christ!

    He had the courage of a lion and opposed the Jews that keep crucifying Jesus with their lies and perversion every day.

    His biography and his accurate comments (“Eleison”) can be found here:

  32. Citizenfitz February 3, 2025 @ 10:45 am

    Last night I tried to access RJN using my cell phone. Something I rarely do.

    First, I tried speaking into it. Everything *except* RJN loaded onto the menu screen. I tried it again, speaking more distinctly this time. Same thing. Very strange.

    So, I typed “Real Jew News”. This time RJN loaded. But within a few seconds a message saying, “”Your cellphone has been heavily damaged by two viruses” popped up. Then another screen loaded saying the same thing but in a different format and instructed me to tap on the “fix it now” button in the lower screen. Which of course I didn’t

    Anyone else having this or a similar problem?

  33. The Englishman February 3, 2025 @ 12:11 pm

    Yes, Fitz, this came up after clicking on “notifications”

    xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx URL BLock (fake scam)

    Avast/AVG stopped the threat though google’s Macafee and others & continued to shout alarms (virus had infected laptop) new it was fake since I have Avast premium protection took a while to rid the alarms.

    Probably unconnected on then looking for the RJN tab not for the first time it was missing, on entering RJN in a new window Avast would not load. This has happened a couple of times previous.

  34. KathJuliane February 3, 2025 @ 12:25 pm

    I had problems on my desktop this morning with Malwarebytes & AVG alarming & blocking threats and sent a note to +BN’s email.

    RJN appears to be clean now, my security is not activating, so his tech must have worked on it.

    How is it for you, Citizenfitz & The Englishman?

  35. The Englishman February 3, 2025 @ 1:44 pm

    @KathJuliane & Fitz

    No worries, all good!

  36. KathJuliane February 3, 2025 @ 3:52 pm

    From the IHR Archives:

    Auschwitz and the Exile Government of Poland According to the ‘Polish Fortnightly Review‘ 1940-1945

    By Enrique Aynat

    1. Motive and Genesis
    For some time I have been interested in knowing how the Polish Government-in-Exile reacted to the enormous slaughter of Jews that supposedly took place in the concentration camp of Auschwitz.

    Whatever may have occurred in Auschwitz, it was the concern of the Polish exile government, for Auschwitz was on the territory of the Polish Republic until September of 1939, and the Polish government that was installed in London beginning in June of 1940, recognizing none of the territorial annexations carried out by Germany, claimed jurisdiction over all of prewar Poland.

    Accordingly, I have taken as my point of departure for this study the assumption that if a great slaughter of Jews had taken place in Auschwitz, the Polish Government-in-Exile would have known of it and in consequence manifested a reaction of some kind.

    2. Purpose and Limits
    The goal of this article is to determine what in fact was published about Auschwitz by the Polish Fortnightly Review, the official organ of the Ministry of the Interior of the Polish government in London; and it is therefore limited to a study, based solely on those issues of the Polish Fortnightly Review published from 1940 to 1945, of what was known by the Polish Government-in-Exile with regard to the Auschwitz camp.

    Other questions, such as analysis of the documents relating to Auschwitz that were sent to London by the Polish resistance, or the study of the references to that camp in the Polish underground press, have not been touched on in this investigation.

    The selection of the “Polish Fortnightly Review” was motivated principally by three things:

    a. the fact that it was an official organ of the Polish Government-in-Exile (see document I);

    b. the fact, as pointed out by the Israeli professor David Engel, that it was one of “the principal vehicles for disseminating Polish propaganda in the English language” and “a primary vehicle through which the government released information to the Western press”; [1] and

    c. my incomprehension of the Polish sources, due to my still deficient understanding of that language; whereas the Polish Fortnightly Review, published in English, was accessible to me.

    Full article:

  37. Rabbi Glickman February 3, 2025 @ 4:20 pm

    Oy gevalt!

    The goy are noticing.

    It’s all this Brother Nathanael character’s fault. Shut him down!

  38. Raphael (Yianni) February 4, 2025 @ 3:40 am

    What is the connection between Saint Simeon the Righteous, Father Seraphim Rose and Johann Sebastian Bach? #thegoodtoknow

    Johann Sebastian Bach composed a piece inspired by the meeting of Saint Simeon the Righteous with the Savior: Ich habe genug (“I have enough”).

    Father Seraphim Rose, the well-known American hieromonk, testified that this composition played a decisive role in his conversion to Orthodoxy.

    In the book Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works, Hieromonk Damascene tells how, while listening to this piece, Father Seraphim began contemplating death and chose “to die to this world” by being tonsured as a monk.

    After this change, for him, music was no longer anything but a means to lead to prayer. He accepted only music created for the glory of God, listening to it very rarely, believing that such joy should be reserved for the Kingdom of Heaven, not this earthly life.

    It is said that Ich habe genug was the last classical composition Father Seraphim heard before passing away:

    “When the sounds of music echoed through the forest and melted into the deep valley below, Father Seraphim concluded, saying how the soul of man rejoices as it grows in Christ the Orthodox and how Christian culture, so degraded by the inhumanity of our times, can form and elevate the soul, bringing it to the very threshold of Heaven. Yet, he did not say that, in his formative years, this cantata delighted him and enveloped him in such a mystery that it led him to the idea of dying to the world.”

  39. KathJuliane February 4, 2025 @ 10:58 am


    Identity Dixie

    February 4, 2025 Padraig Martin

    Yesterday, among all the buzz related to Canada and Mexico tariffs, Trump began the process of establishing an American Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF). The move was almost unnoticed. In fact, it seems somewhat crazy that the United States did not already have an SWF – but decades of financial mismanagement by the U.S. government played a role.

    The other reason the United States did not have an SWF is because of the Federal Reserve Bank. The creation of a SWF effectively returns financial power to the American Republic. The following explains what it is and why it pulls power away from the Fed.

    Sovereign Wealth Funds are essentially government investment programs – a nest egg of sorts. Every single American state has some sort of publicly funded fund, usually to cover pension programs.

    Globally, some of the best managed countries (financially) have a SWF, including China, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and Norway – among others.

    The largest SWF is Norway’s, with $1.7 trillion in assets, the proceeds of which are serving the needs of 5.5 million Norwegian citizens. It should be noted that many poorer countries also have SWFs, often as a means to enrich kleptocrats.

    Without getting into the nitty gritty, an American SWF would likely mirror a 401K type investment program. It would hold a mixed allotment of various commodities, stocks, and bonds, which should appreciate year over year through compound interest and earnings.

    Generally, SWF’s usually only rise – albeit often slowly – because they invest in safer assets, like bonds and commodities (oil, gas, gold, etc.). Stocks are often either a blue-chip variety or a corporate pursuit aligned with a national interest.

    The managers of the SWF are held accountable based on the performance of the SWF, which generally leads them to avoid personal passions or silly sociopolitical pursuits.

    How this is structured would have to ensure that such funding is not robbed by a future leftist president who only invests in DEI, LGBTQ nonsense, or failing green energy schemes.

    It also needs to be defended from being used as a money pot to increase spending arbitrarily. That can be done, but Trump will need to recruit people who think like leftwing activists to help insulate future abuse of the SWF by another activist presidency.

    When I did my MBA Capstone project on International Finance, restructured SWFs and fiscal sovereignty for the Republic of Ireland were my two key points back when Ireland was climbing out of a massive post-bank collapse indebted status.

    The Irish government has since turned one SWF into a social justice piggy bank (something I feared and warned against almost 15 years ago). Thus, Trump will need to really dot every “i” and cross every “t” to ensure that does not happen in the United States. But it can be done.

    Now, how does this undermine the Fed? It immediately eliminates the Fed’s monopoly on debt management. In essence, it crushes the Fed by acting as a counterweight to its debt/loan/repayment structure.

    For those unaware, the Federal Reserve is the largest holder of U.S. debt in the world. In effect, an unelected American quasi-government agency holds about one-third of our massive debt.

    The Fed literally makes money on American spending, by charging interest back to the American people. The reason politicians ignore the debt is that they know it is a ponzi scheme. The more we spend, the higher the Fed can raise rates, the more it makes, the more it can re-loan… cycle, repeat.

    It is a shylock’s dream (look up what a shylock is, and you will quickly see the main culprits).

    If the United States has an SWF that is structured to meet some of its budgetary needs (as with Norway), the United States will not need to turn to the Fed as its default move. The money can be withdrawn from the proceeds off earnings, which cuts the Fed out of its loan shark game – or at least diminishes it.

    By establishing an alternative pot of money, Trump is weakening the Fed almost overnight. In business, such redirected investments protect against hard times and mitigate predatory banking maneuvers. An SWF – if it is built correctly – can do that for the American people.

    It is a smart move by the Trump team – if they can pull it off and insulate it from wild leftist pursuits. The latter is easier said than done. One option is to study the investment strategies of Jimmy Patronis, former CFO of Florida, who led Florida to multi-billion year-over-year surpluses without an income tax while crushing BlackRock.

    Other funds that should be studied are out of the UAE and, of course the most successful of them all, Norway. This can be a huge win for Americans – if the Fed doesn’t kill the idea in its infancy, or the leader who proposed the idea.

  40. Citizenfitz February 4, 2025 @ 11:42 am

    Alright, the RJN malware bug issue looks to have resolved.

    I’d bet a few that Brother Nate has to deal with these things often.

    But big tech is still working to shade him. I have US Cellular as my telephonic resource and when I speak “Real Jew News” into my phone, it will not load. Everything else will, but not RJN.

    “He whose name must not be spoken” comes to mind.

  41. KathJuliane February 4, 2025 @ 12:37 pm


    Oy veh! Shut it down! -Kj


    Israel’s Own AI Bot GOES ROGUE & Attacks Israel!

    The Jimmy Dore Show

  42. KathJuliane February 4, 2025 @ 1:07 pm

    Requiescat in pace, Bishop Richard Williamson, faithful servant of Christ. -Kj


    Orthodox Christian Chant – Requiem

    Blessed Art Thou O Lord (Kiev Chant)
    Choir of the Trinity-St. Serguis Laura
    Kontakion for the Departed — Kievan Chant

    Give Rest with the Saints
    Ural Cossacks Choir

    Give rest, O Christ, to thy servant with thy Saints:
    where sorrow and pain are no more; neither sighing, but life everlasting.

    Thou only art immortal, the Creator and Maker of man;
    and we are mortal, formed of the earth, and unto earth shall we return:
    for so thou didst ordain, when thou createdst me, saying,
    Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

    All we go down to the dust; and, weeping o’er the grave,
    we make our song: alleluya, alleluya, alleluya.

    Give rest, O Christ, to thy servant with thy Saints,
    where sorrow and pain are no more; neither sighing, but life everlasting.

  43. Citizenfitz February 4, 2025 @ 2:37 pm

    Thanks for that Jimmy Dore episode, Kath.

    Their own AI bot turned on them! Yep, the devil has a sense of humor.

    I called my congressman and senator’s offices to share the joke, but I don’t think they saw the humor in it.

    Still no word from Ted. I’ve tried looking him up but nothing recent is available. I’m worried he had a health crisis suddenly blow up on him.

    Let’s keep him in our prayers.

  44. The Englishman February 6, 2025 @ 2:04 am

    I suspect one man’s creation is “Under Siege”.

    Time for those capable to enable the “Noticer” to smite the champions of Devilism.

    So, yet a month into the POTUS tenure, you’ll know where he’s coming from and going to.

    It won’t be long before folks are wondering, was it God or the devil who spared him?

  45. KathJuliane February 6, 2025 @ 8:44 am

    Trump’s SHOCKING Gaza Ultimatum BACKFIRES on Israel w/ Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson & Ray McGovern

    Danny Haiphong – 5 February 2025

    Trump & Israel’s Gaza takeover plot could change everything and global outcry has exploded over the move. Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson & Ray McGovern break down the crisis and weigh in on it will shape an already chaotic geopolitical reality

  46. Rabbi Glickman February 6, 2025 @ 10:36 am

    Shekeltime – by Gorgeous and Irate Chosen

    And the women are easy
    Women jumpin’
    And the markets are high

    Oh, my daddy’s rich
    And my mamma’s good lookin’
    So, shut up stupid goyim
    Vengeance is nigh

    One of these mornings
    We’re going to rise up sneaky
    Then we’ll spring our schemes
    And make the goy cry

    But ’til that morning
    There’s nothing can harm us
    With putzes and mamzers on our side

  47. KathJuliane February 6, 2025 @ 11:04 am

    Trump just SHOCKED the world over Gaza! Israel stunned! Bold move or totally insane? | Redacted News

    Redacted | 5 February 2025

    With Ryan Grim of Drop Site News

    Trump just SHOCKED the world over Gaza! Bold move or totally insane? Some are calling NAKBA 2.0… Trump’s NAKBA

  48. KathJuliane February 6, 2025 @ 3:34 pm

    Trump’s Gaza Relocation Plan: A Dangerous Scheme to Displace Palestinians and Expand Israeli Power

    The Grayzone | 5 February 2025

    Judging Freedom

    On the Judging Freedom podcast, Max Blumenthal delves into the implications of Donald Trump’s recent rhetoric regarding Gaza, where he suggests forcibly relocating two million Palestinians to Egypt’s Sinai Desert and Jordan.

    This controversial plan, framed as a “peaceful” resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, threatens to destabilize the Middle East further and faces significant opposition from Arab leaders already strained by regional tensions.

    Blumenthal highlights the immense resistance that would likely arise from Egypt and Jordan, both of which are already hosting large Palestinian refugee populations. For Egypt, the idea of absorbing more Palestinians is seen as a direct assault on its sovereignty, with many in the Egyptian elite deeply hostile to the Palestinians.

    Meanwhile, Jordan, long used as a “warehouse” for Palestinian refugees, has also seen large-scale protests in response to similar proposals, signaling that the population is unwilling to accept this new wave of displacement.

    Despite these objections, Trump’s plan has been supported by hardline Israeli factions and billionaire donors tied to the Israel lobby, suggesting that the real motive behind the plan is to solidify Israeli control over Gaza and the wider region.

    Blumenthal emphasizes that this proposal is not just about territorial expansion but also about further cementing the power of a small ruling elite that has long been aligned with U.S. imperial interests.

    Blumenthal critiques both Trump and Biden administrations for their shared responsibility in the devastation of Gaza, calling attention to the broader system of U.S. foreign policy that perpetuates violence and destabilization in the region.

    This analysis underscores the need for an alternative approach—one rooted in justice and a real understanding of the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.

  49. Magda February 7, 2025 @ 11:50 am

    It didn’t take long for Trump to show himself to be the snake in that fable he used to tell. Bibi is very proud of him, you can see it in his demonic smile at their press conference.

    The absolute callousness with which the Trump administration talks about Gaza is sickening.

  50. KathJuliane February 7, 2025 @ 1:47 pm

    Darwin Award. -Kj

    Unhinged Lawmaker Reacts to Trump Win by Sterilizing Herself

    Tucker Carlson Network Newsletter | 7 February 2025

    As one of American political history’s most polarizing figures, Donald Trump tends to elicit some pretty intense behavior.

    Those who love him will spend hours in the freezing cold for a chance to get into a MAGA rally. Those who don’t tend to take drastic measures of their own.

    Allow us to introduce you to Laurie Pohutsky. A liberal Michigan state representative, Pohutsky sees herself as an important figure in the resistance movement against America’s leader.

    It’s easy to imagine her screaming “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA!” outside the White House or going on The View to decry Elon Musk as a Nazi. She is very committed to opposing the president.

    Don’t believe us? Get this: Pohutsky recently announced that she underwent sterilization surgery in response to Trump’s November victory.

    Why would she do that? Read about her rationale here.


    Besides not reproducing liberal Woke malignant mutants like herself, it’s a Pro-Life win. She sterilizes herself so that she doesn’t get pregnant, and that’s one less abortion to feed the abortion mills. -Kj

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