Episode 65: Blow Up!
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Episode 65: Blow Up!
January 14 2025
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Brother Nathanael @ January 14, 2025
“Israeli soldiers refuse to fight until Gaza ceasefire is signed”
Secretary Blinken, your legacy will be genocide.
You will forever be known as ‘Bloody Blinken, secretary of genocide,’” the protester said. “You have the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent people on your hands. We have spent a year — we have spent a year trying to appeal to your humanity in front of your house.”
Dear Brother Nathanael.
Please pay NO attention to Sharon Herling. She obviously doesn’t know WTF she is talking about. Why is there always some know-it-all “woman” with a big mouth talking sh*t?
She can’t even spell Semitic right! That’s the first sign of stupidity: people who cannot spell.
Hey Sharon: EXAMINE YOURSELF “SISTER!” YOU are the one who will find yourself in the pits of hell just for exercising your lying tongue!
Why don’t YOU look in the mirror and see the reflection of ugliness so vile, that no man would ever have YOU! Maybe YOU are the “WHORE of Babylon.” Is that why YOU are so bitter?
Maybe YOU are a jew (lower case mine) or a homosexual. Maybe that’s where your ugly disposition comes from.
Israel is NOT God’s chosen people. Israel is the Synagogue of Satan!
Hey Sharon: YOU probably rejoice at the 45,000 dead women and children in Palestine, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, etc.
Sharon is a Karen — a throwback to the Covidian years.
It seems like YOU think YOU know everything, but YOU don’t! Do us all a big favor and go post your mistaken diatribes somewhere else. YOU are the anti-Christ.
As James Taylor once said in a song: “Don’t loose your lip on me!”
Karen Sharon, YOU are funky! Herling makes me want to hurl! This song is especially for YOU:
Palestinians dedicate a new West Bank olive grove to Jimmy Carter
Sharon Herling is a Jew and an idiot
Trump turns on Satanyahu
Goy in the U.S.A., Brutus Spring
Fell down in a Hebrew town,
The first coin they took when it hit the ground,
End up like a chump that’s been blamed too much,
With a holocaust of lies just to cover it up
Goy in the U.S.A., I’m a goy in the U.S.A.
I’m a goy in the U.S.A., goy in the U.S.A.
Got in a jam with the ADL,
So they put me in a prison cell,
Where goys are sent to do hard time,
It was all real in my mind
Goy in the U.S.A.
Come back home what did I see,
The place is filled with vibrancy,
Went down to the grocery store,
And I saw even more
I had a brother who crossed a jew,
Posted memes but just a few,
ADL says, they’re gonna sue
He had some money he left in the bank,
Jews took it just to see him tank
In the Congress they’re all bought by jews,
Now they even control the news,
Countries 10 years burning down our rights,
And the goyim are too afraid to even put up a fight
Goy in the U.S.A., I’m a goy in the U.S.A.
I’m a goy in the U.S.A., goy in the U.S.A.
I’m a big bad goy in the U.S.A.
(repeat 6 million times)
Sharon is obviously in one of those idiotic Zio-Christian cults. Brother Nate’s response was calm and measured given the breadth of her lunacy.
The problem with jews is, and always has been, *kikes*. Kikes who somehow end up working the wheels, levers and pedals of jewry, and who drive other jews off down the road to perdition with themselves.
I wonder what the ratio of kikes to normal jews is now? I’m going with a version of Pareto’s Law… the 80/20 rule. Twenty percent of the people do eighty percent of the work: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle
In my version, twenty percent of jews are kikes. Twenty percent aren’t kikes. And the rest fall somewhere in between. However, as mentioned before, the kikes are the ones who end up driving the bus.
Satan gets a two-fer there. When the jew bus goes over the precipice he gets a chuckle at their deaths; but more importantly he’s getting the non-kike jews killed.
This is important because at the end of the World the 144,000 “sealed” jews of the Tribes of Israel will play a significant role in the destruction of satan’s empire: Hell on Earth. And probably a paramount role.
There’s always been a vein of decency, even holiness – back in the day – running through the jews. So, when he kills jews, most especially the decent jews, (yes, they’re still out there) he’s postponing his D-day.
It’s been pretty much an epic mission failure with the jews. Almost from the start. But God obviously isn’t through with them yet. In the end His reasoning will be made clear and the jews will finally be vindicated. Pray for their conversion.
I’m sorry to hear Brother Nathanael is having problems with other Orthodox. Given all the faggots and communists who’ve wormed their way into the Catholic Church, and who spread their perversions administratively on to the rest of us, I can sympathize with what he’s going through.
Another donation’s coming in a week, Bro’.
Thanks for linking to that Kim Iverson podcast, Dave. I hadn’t heard of her before but I’m a new subscriber.
Jeffrey Sachs is an interesting man. Very articulate. But a walking question mark.
A lot of what he says is intelligent and reasonable. But he’s also a member of the Sustainable Development Club. Plus, he’s a jew. Also, Wikipedia isn’t smearing him, which they definitely would if he were not a jew.
So, is he one of the decent jews… who genuinely deplores Israel’s atrocities? Or is he working an angle in a traditional jewish fashion: speaking out of both sides of his mouth?
I suppose time will tell. In any event you have to keep in mind that the jew you like might go kike.
Phil Giraldi – Congress protects Israel
Everyone honor Phil Giraldi, one of the very last true patriotic Americans to gave the guts and integrity to call out the Zionist News and their international criminal enterprise called Israel
Trump, Love Him or Hate Him, He Secured a Ceasefire in Gaza
Larry Johnson – 15 January 2025
Gotta give credit where credit is due. Donald Trump scored a peace-goal even before being sworn in. While Joe Biden is insisting, I did that, those whose mental faculties are still intact understand that it was Trump’s intervention that brought this about.
Whether it is a genuine ceasefire and brings peace to Gaza remains to be seen. For now, the Palestinians are celebrating, and the extremist Zionists are grumbling.
I think this agreement, and the events leading up to it, is a cautionary tale about not drawing too many conclusions from what Trump says in public.
On the public side of the ledger, Trump accepted a large donation from Miriam Adelson, which most observers concluded that Trump was going to go stronger for Israel than Joe Biden.
He then nominated a slew of officials with pro-Zionist records, such as Michael Waltz, Steven Witkoff and Marco Rubio. Finally, Trump vowed, I will rain down hell on Hamas, if a deal to release the hostages was not in place prior to January 20th.
But then Trump threw a curve ball and posted a snippet of Jeffrey Sach’s speech at the Cambridge Union last November, where Sach’s blistered Natanyahu. That was a gut punch for the pro-Zionist crowd.
Then, the biggest surprise of all, Steve Witkoff — a devout Jew and strong supporter of Israel — entered the fray under orders from Donald Trump and compelled Netanyahu to accept the deal.
We do not know what was said in the Witkoff / Netanyahu meeting last Friday in Jerusalem, but we know the result — Netanyahu caved after 14 months of resisting a deal with Hamas.
Haaretz columnist, Chaim Levinson, offered this account of Witkoff’s intervention: …
Continue reading:
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Never-Before-Heard Audio Of Former Executive Director Of The DNC & Close Associate Of LBJ, Clifton Carter, Admitting That LBJ Hired Mac Wallace To Assassinate JFK!
Also see:
Mac Wallace: LBJ’s Deadly Enforcer Revealed!
America’s Untold Stories
November 22, 2022
Discover the untold story of Malcolm Wallace, Lyndon B. Johnson’s alleged hitman and a key figure in the dark web of power and murder surrounding JFK’s assassination.
In this gripping exposé, we uncover Wallace’s transformation from an idealistic student to one of LBJ’s most feared enforcers. Was Wallace involved in the suspicious deaths tied to LBJ’s rise to power?
What secrets do his fingerprints at the Texas School Book Depository reveal? Join us as we dive into the dark, mysterious world of political intrigue, corruption, and murder that shaped American history.
Glad to see you back, KathJ! I was growing concerned. And you too, Englishman.
But Ted’s been gone for over a month now. Anyone heard from him?
Make the United States the United States again.
End “Christian, Evangelical ( Billy Graham Crackers) Zionists, and Jewish occupation of our federal government.
Trump and Obama?
I saw them being buddies at the Jimmy Carter memorial service. It made me sick. It proved that the two party system is all theater for the suckers who vote for their kabuki dances. Trump took 100 million bribe from Miriam Adelsen.
George Washington would call Donald a Judas, a traitor to the United States. MAGA folks are going to finally wake up.
Trump is for Israel, first.
Israel first
They have a thirst
For the blood of innocents.
If you go for the human part why not talk about refuting Islam as well?
Who is the false prophet in revelation? What about Gnostic Freemasonry?
Doesn’t Satan use dictators to kill jews? Of course the Talmud is Satanic.
All who deny Christ came in the flesh are antichrist. Just curious?
And what do you think about KHAZARs?
Has anyone ever noticed that whatever the Jews falsely accuse the Goyim of doing is what the Jews themselves have actually done. For example:
Fascism v Bolshevism
For the ultimate evil of Fascism/National Socialism (lie) substitute the Jewish mass murder machine known as Bolshevism (true)
Holocaust v Holdomor
For Himmler’s Holocaust (false) substitute the Holdomor in Ukraine (real) whose architect was the Jew Kaganovich
Concentration camps v Gulags
For German death camps (false) substitute the murderous gulags (true) of the Judaeo-Bolshevist system
6m v 66m deaths
For the infamous 6m dead (false) substitute the estimated 7m deliberately starved to death in the Holdomor or the 66m Russians murdered (according to Solzhenitsyn) by the Judaeo-Bolshevist system
Anti-semitism v anti-goyism
For anti-semitism of the goyim (sometimes falsely blamed on the gospel of John) substitute the hateful anti-goyim teachings of the Talmud (true)
Lebensraum v Greater Israel project
For 1940 German territorial expansionist aims in the East (living space or lebrensaum) substitute the greater Israel project of expanding the nation of Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates (worn as a official sleeve badge on the IDF uniform)
German genocide v Morgenthau plan
For the German planned genocide of the Jews (zero documentary evidence in support of this allegation) substitute the 1945 Morgenthau plan probably based on the 1941 book “Germany must perish” by Theodore Kaufman (a Jew) which advocated the mass extermination of the German people through forced sterilization and territorial dismemberment
According to Solzhenitsyn, Henry Ford (and even Winston Churchill) Bolshevism was a Jewish construct
All this deceit is in line with the apostle John calling the Devil “the father of lies” and the pharisees “his children” (John 8)
And I am sure there are many more examples
If I want It – by Goldfinger
If I want it, here I come, I will get it
Hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm, made my mind up fast
If I want it anytime I can get it
But I’d better hurry ’cause it may not last
Did I hear you say that that I must be a Heeb?
Would I walk away from a goy and his money?
If I want it, there it is, I will get it
But I’d better hurry ’cause it’s goin’ fast
If I want it, here I come, and I’ll get it
Hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm, better move in fast
If I want it anytime, I will get it
But I’d better hurry ’cause it may not last
Did I hear you say that I must be a Heeb?
Would I walk away from a goy and his money?
Sonny, if I want it, here I come, and I’ll get it
But I’d better hurry ’cause it just won’t last
I’d better hurry ’cause it’s going fast
I’d better hurry ’cause it’s going fast
Shekels In the Wind, Rabbi Dillan Zimmerburg
How many memes must a goy tweet now,
Before you call him a troll,
And how many times must a jew make you bow,
Before you sell your own soul,
The shekels my friend, are ours in the end,
Sweet shekels are ours in the end
Yes, and how many times will we keep wanting more,
Before you can meet all our needs,
And many times must a goy go to war,
Before their mothers all grieve,
The shekels my friend, are ours in the end,
Sweet shekels are ours in the end
Hahahaha! Good ones, dear fake rebbes.
Thanks, Citizenfitz. I was taking a little time off for the Nativity Season. – Kj
Will the Left Disrupt the Inauguration?
A network of progressive groups and militants is preparing for battle.
City Journal | 17 January 2025
Left-wing radicals have been mobilizing near the nation’s capital ahead of the January 20 inauguration, which has been moved indoors. Since summer, we have tracked D.C.’s radical networks—their movements, methods, and potential for violence.
After George Floyd’s death in 2020, these groups learned that street protests could yield political gains. Now, with Donald Trump returning to the White House, they’re weighing their options.
This network is decentralized, adaptable, and steeped in organizing social unrest. Black Lives Matter messaging is fading, replaced by anti-Israel rhetoric. As Inauguration Day approaches, Communist militants and members of Antifa-aligned hubs have suggested storming the Capitol, bringing “direct action” to the streets, and obstructing law enforcement.
If these demonstrations unfold, they will have been carefully planned and ideologically incited by professionals, some visible, others hidden.
The network spans college professors, nonprofit leaders, and masked and often troubled militants willing to engage in violence. Those less directly involved play a sophisticated inside-outside game, relying on prestigious NGOs to provide financing and logistics while maintaining arm’s length control over the more radical elements, which do the dirty work.
Key components of this infrastructure include legal organizations, violent demonstrators, street medics, propaganda specialists, and safehouses, indoctrination centers, and publications. Though some Antifa-aligned groups from prior riots have gone underground or merged, a core network of the most committed activists—veterans and new recruits alike—remains active and prepared.
This is their unmasking.
Continue reading: https://www.city-journal.org/article/will-the-left-disrupt-the-inauguration
Daddy says the Jews created Elon Musk
DuckStreetStudios | 17 January 2025
God bless America.
Get this one
Rev. Dennis Fahey
first print 1938
printing over 20 editions
last 1986 USA
Game Changer — Russia and Iran Sign Mutual Security Agreement
17 January 2025 by Larry C. Johnson
The treaty Russia and Iran inked today will change the political dynamics in the Middle East (or, if you prefer, West Asia) and create potentially catastrophic risks for Israel and the United States if either decides to launch a military attack on Iran.
You can find the entire agreement at the end of this post. The treaty consists of 47 Articles. I want to focus your attention on six of the 47 Articles.
I think this agreement explains why Russia was able to persuade Iran not to retaliate against Israel for its October 27 attack on Iranian territory. In short, this agreement confronts the United States and Israel with a new reality — i.e., any attack on Iran will bring Russia into the response.
Continue reading: https://sonar21.com/game-changer-russia-and-iran-sign-mutual-security-agreement/
Israelis Protest AGAINST Peace Deal In Gaza!
A ceasefire agreement has been reached between the Israeli government and Hamas after untold devastation to Gaza and tens of thousands of deaths. While Palestinians across Gaza are cheering the deal, Israelis poured into the street to register their objection to any agreement, insisting that Netanyahu keep the genocidal assault going.
Guest hosts Russell Dobular and Keaton Weiss of the Due Dissidence podcast, along with guest Jimmy Dore, discuss whether the Palestinians or Israelis are more brainwashed.
I am convinced Elon Musk is a Crypto-Jew.
You cannot achieve his level of success unless you belong to the Demonic tribe of Satan.
Hi from Australia, +BN,
After 60 years I left the Catholic Church because:
Pope Francis is a demon who tricked the children to “worship the creation” and not “the Creator”. How? by substituting Climate Change over Jesus.
Top Bishops in Australia SUCK UP TO JEWS endlessly – always worrying about anti semitism, Holocaust and meeting with high level religious jew demons here.
Love having their photos taken with jews.
Well, I for one am glad you’re back, KathJ! Now, let’s hope Ted reappears soon, too.
Angel, you’ve been a Catholic for 60 years and you still haven’t realized the obvious?
The problem isn’t “Catholicism”. The problem is Catholics. Same as it ever was.
The comment of Angel brings into focus factions plaguing “Christianity”.
With +BN in furious attack mode with the person or persons of his chosen Theology, it illustrates the depth of feeling afforded Christ’s authoritative disciple.
The style of the new platform will have raised many an eyebrow.
Though it is most reassuring, whatever the outcome when it is his Lord and Saviour, detractors will not be tolerated.
Stay! Ted.
How’d we let you know?
I say old bean. It seems as though Mr. Gorsline went on holiday, as it were. Right!
Let’s hope the jews didn’t have at him. Especially that sneaky Mortichai fellow, a known scoundrel and notorious rabbi. Righto, jolly good and all that…etc.
God Save The King!
Sir Loin, kt
Oy vey, I am not a “fake” rabbi. I am a GENUINE fake rabbi! The rarest sort of rabbi, because I actually speak truth.
We Don’t Share Anymore, Rabbi Phillip Collinsberg
(entry with shofar)
Well, you can tell all the goyim to get outta our town,
Cause we don’t wanna see ’em hangin’ around,
We don’t share anymore,
We don’t share anymo-o-ore
Gonna drive all the goyim outta our state,
The chosen aren’t concerned about their fate,
We don’t share anymore,
We don’t share anymo-o-ore
We don’t share, with the goy,
They were just a wartime toy
‘Cause I’ve been meeting with the rabbis we agree on that,
Time for the goyim to take their vaxx,
We don’t share anymore,
We don’t share anymo-o-ore
Oy-vey, oy vey,
No more, no more
Oy-vey, oy vey,
No more, no more
I’d like to see Trump send the FBI off on a long one-way trip.
But I suspect we’re going to find out that he’s learned an ancient lesson over the past decade, and two assassination attempts: “If you can’t beat them, join them.”.
That Faceberg, Bezos and Gates have all met privately with Trump is one gauge for reading the future. I’ve noticed recently how my news feeds have begun offering articles more inclined towards conservative values than in the past.
Something very interesting is going on there. Have they finally decided conservatism isn’t going anywhere?
Whatever may happen over the next few years, the Devil has poured centuries of time and effort into turning DC into his personal playground. At this late point, only Jesus Christ can kick him out.
What kind of person names a shaving soap Massacre of the Innocents?
For those that don’t watch videos, anyway to get a written transcript like there was for the older videos?
Jürgen Graf, 15 August 1951 – 13 January 2025
By Germar Rudolf ∙ January 17, 2025
A great Holocaust Revisionist has passed away. I usually do not write revisionist with a capital letter. But in this case, I have to. Jürgen was a very dear friend of mine.
I met him for the first time in 1994 in his hometown Basel, when we went out for dinner one evening. The previous year, Jürgen had published two revisionist books: The 300+-page Der Holocaust-Schwindel (no need to translate that) and the much shorter 100-page booklet Der Holocaust auf dem Prüfstand (The Holocaust on the Test Stand).
That same year, the first edition of my expert report on the Chemistry of Auschwitz (today’s English title) as well as the 350-page Vorlesungen über Zeitgeschichte (now in English as Lectures on the Holocaust) had appeared.
Evidently, we were both working on our respective projects concurrently, but in complete isolation and ignorance of each other’s existence. We both had been in touch with Dr. Robert Faurisson since 1991, who knew about our work in progress and gave us advice, but Robert never mentioned to either of us anything about the other.
That was a pity, because we both could have benefited greatly from each other’s skills and knowledge.
While the books I wrote got me in serious trouble in Germany, ruining my career as a fledgling research Chemist and ending with a prison term for my iconoclastic forensic research, Jürgen initially only lost his position as a foreign-language teacher in Switzerland, while a latter book he wrote got him a prison term as well (which he successfully dodged serving by going into Russian exile).
During our dinner that memorable evening in 1994, we decided to work no longer separately, but to join forces in order to help each other in our efforts to understand what really happened to the Jews within the German sphere of influence during the Second World War.
Continue reading: https://codoh.com/library/document/jurgen-graf-15-august-1951-13-january-2025/
Rest in peace, Jürgen Graf.
Trump’s on fire!
He pardoned all January 6 Patriots!
Withdrew the US from the WHO and the Paris Agreements!
Only two genders: male and female!
Several Executive Orders to end the invasion at the southern border. And much more!
The balance of the first day in office is overwhelmingly positive and in line with his campaign promises.
The only disappointment was Melania hiding behind a huge hat, maybe she was disguised as “El Zorro”, who knows?
@International Hyenas
There were many plans to erase the Germans from the face of the Earth, most of them authored by Jews. Some of them are being enacted now, not only on Germany but on much of Europe and other White Christian countries
The Morgenthau Plan was the 1944-1945 plan to de-industrialize Germany and turn it into a third-world country, causing the death by starvation of estimated 10 million people. The author was Henry Morgenthau Jr., Secretary of the Treasury under Roosevelt. Look for the excelent book by David Irving:
The 1941 Kaufman Plan was a bit more drastic: forced sterilization of 48 million Germans, plain and simple genocide. The author was “philanthropist” Theodore Kaufman, also a Jew. The title of his book was “Germany Must Perish!”.
The replacement plan currently underway in most White Christian countries is the 1943 Hooton Plan, authored by anthropologist Earnest A. Hooton. The plan envisaged the mass immigration of non-white males into Germany, in order to “breed war strain out of Germans”. Here the original text:
Then there is the plan of the nice Luis Nizer, also a Jew, who wanted to execute 150.000 Germans and imprison hundreds of thousands for life. The rest would be submitted to radical brainwash, something that actually happened! Mr. Nizer was of course a member of the B’nai B’rith exclusively Jewish Freemason lodge, one of the main instruments of world domination.
This is just a short list of the extermination plans against the Germans. Many of them are being carried out on White Christian countries!
Well thought out plan, and soundly reasoned measures, if taken, would actually work.
Personally, I’m for burn it down, as well as the CIA, who was founded by Wall Street Bankers as its global economic, political, and financial muscle designed to keep US corporations on top, and joined at the hip with MI6 and Mossad.
However, these ideas for radical reform of the FBI are sound constitutional and domestic policy we can and should deluge the Trump White House with demands to implement.
Trump should immediately adopt Identity Dixie’s recommendations for his own political protection, and the preservation and effective management of his own new White House administration. -Kj
Identity Dixie
January 20, 2025 Padraig Martin
Before we begin, let me be very clear: I do not believe the Federal Bureau of Investigations can be reformed. I think it is a diabolical, anti-American agency comprised of traitors to the Constitution – full stop.
There are no “good” FBI agents. They are all bad. If there were any “good” FBI agents, they would have protected the 2016 will of the people from the “bad” agents who sought to undermine the elected president of the United States. Whistleblowers would have blown up the airwaves from within.
Instead, the FBI protected agents who weaponized counterterrorism tools to subvert the will of the American citizenry.
The agency needs to be dismantled. While I believe that is possible, it is highly unlikely. The following article, therefore, shares some ideas that the Trump Administration should consider as a means to – at a minimum – devastate the FBI’s more odious elements.
Of course, much of this is predicated on the idea that Trump really wants to eliminate or reform the FBI. I remain skeptical about Trump and his capacity, if not his actual intentions. A tiger never changes its stripes.
From 2017 – 2021, Trump showed he is not that familiar with policy, bureaucratic management, or even cared to learn about the nuances of government.
For those of us who watched the military lurch far left in 2012 and warned about the DOD, it was painfully frustrating to watch Trump continually select career military men – generals – for important positions of power. I do not believe that character flaw was fixed in four years.
Additionally, I do not have a lot of confidence in Hindu “patriots.” Mr. Patel, like Vivek Ramaswamy, may say a lot of things with which we agree, but at the end of the day, Indian supremacism is just as real a gravitational pull as Jewish supremacism.
This was evident by Ramaswamy’s support and rhetorical defense of H-1B visas. I suspect that Kash Patel holds similar beliefs. Even if he is not anti-White, I am weary of a Hindu “savior.”
Still, the following is based on my belief that Trump has a real opportunity to greatly weaken, if not finally eliminate the FBI – which is the Praetorian Guard of the most vile government in world history.
There never has been a more demonic government than the one found in 21st Century Washington, D.C. Not even Stalin sought the chemical castration of his national children. From the state sanctioned Covid murders to the torture of peaceful J6 political protesters, the U.S. government is evil.
It is the world’s cancer, and the FBI ensures its continuation. If we want to clean house in DC, the FBI needs to go first. Here is how to do it.
Step One: Immediately pull ALL former Administration Security Clearances
Step Two: Crush every internal enemy who still works in the FBI by the power of “deployment”
Step Three: Parcel Out the Divisions
Step Four: Impose passing a nearly impossible Civic Knowledge Exam on all government employees
Step Five: Use Congressional greed to scatter them everywhere
Full awesome article: https://identitydixie.com/2025/01/20/how-to-reform-the-fbi/
Taken In – by Kike and the Satanics
Taken in, taken in again!
Wrapped around the fingers of your fair-weather friends
Suckered in with promises, left out in the end
No pride, taken for a ride
You think we’re the Chosen Ones and G-d is on our side
You want to believe it, but your brains are fried
And when we kick you off your land you won’t believe it
And when you xtians are all banned you won’t believe it
And when we prove we have no shame you won’t believe it
Ane when we steal all your spare change you won’t believe it
Won’t believe it
Taken in, swindled like before
Should have seen it coming, it’s not like you weren’t warned
There’s one born every minute, and we’re looking for more
And when we tell you some tall tale you must believe it
And when we tell you dark is pale you must believe it
And if it’s real within our minds you must believe it
And when we tell you piss is wine you must believe it
Must believe it
Taken in, taken in again
Wrapped around the fingers of your fair-weather friends
Suckered in with promises, left out in the end
No pride, taken for a ride
You think we’re the Chosen Ones and G-d is on our side
You’re trained to believe it and now your brains are fried
And when we tell you cows are whales you must believe it
And when we tell you girls are males you must believe it
Oh, there’s one born every minute and we’re counting on him
Taken in, swindled like before
Should have seen it coming, it’s not like you weren’t warned
There’s one born every minute, and we’re looking for more….
Biden’s Last Insult To America
Ron Paul Liberty Report | 21 January 2025
As he was literally exiting the Oval Office for the last time, former President Joe “No one is above the law” Biden has issued dozens of preemptive pardons to people from Fauci to Milley to the J6 Committee. But there is a catch… Also today, a new New York Times poll demonstrates strong support for ending conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.
Putin Says Trump Will Help Prevent WW3 In Inauguration Day Congratulations Message
Zero Hedge
MONDAY, JAN 20, 2025 – 09:45 AM
Russia has congratulated Donald Trump as he takes office as US president on Monday, with President Putin making statements expressing hope for speedy resumption of official contacts between the two countries.
The Russian leader made the remarks in a meeting of the country’s National Security Council, crucially suggesting Trump’s return to the White House will help prevent world war three.
“We’re hearing the statements of the newly elected US president and members of his team about the desire to restore direct contacts with Russia, which were halted by the outgoing administration,” Putin began.
That’s when he stressed, “We also hear his statement about the need to do everything to prevent world war three.” A separate translation of the televised national security speech reads as follows:
“We hear [Trump’s] statements on the need to prevent World War III. We undoubtedly welcome such a disposition and congratulate the elected U.S. president.”
“Of course, we welcome such an attitude and congratulate the elected US president on taking office,” he continued, explaining that Moscow has never “refused dialogue” with the United States. He said any fresh dialogue must be done on an “equal and mutually respectful basis.”
According to more of Putin’s congratulatory remarks via The Wall Street Journal:
“Putin, in comments to the Russian security council on Monday, said Russia sought a ‘long-term peace based on respect for the legitimate interests of all people, all peoples who live in the region.’
He added that his country would ‘Fight for the interests of Russia and the Russian people, which is the objective of the special military operation.’
Trump, who has been skeptical of aid to Ukraine, has said that he wants to see an end to the war, which is about to enter its fourth year, and has called for a cease-fire administered by European forces.”
A week ago Trump said of Putin, “I know he wants to meet, and I’m going to meet very quickly.” Trump had described, “I would have done it sooner, but… you have to get into the office.”
These words came soon on the heels of incoming national security adviser, Rep. Mike Waltz teling ABC News that “the preparations are underway” for a meeting between Trump and the Russian leader.
“I do expect a call … at least in the coming days and weeks,” Waltz said. “So, that would be a step, and we’ll take it from there.”
Prior reporting on the ‘Trump peace plan’ suggests that the US side will offer Ukraine a twenty-year waiting period before it can hope to join NATO; however, Moscow has rejected even this possibility as a non-starter.
Without doubt, Moscow sees itself in the driver’s seat – even as Ukraine tries to inflict as much damage as possible through drone and missile strikes on Russian territory. Russian forces have made weeks of rapid gains in the Donetsk, including having captured several villages and towns just on the outskirts of Pokrovsk.
There’s widespread understanding that as soon as Pokrovsk falls, the whole of Donetsk will firmly be in Russian military control, given the city is central to the Ukrainian army’s logistical operations in the area.
The Pornographer of the Year
With thanks to Dr E Michael Jones for his inexhaustible inspiration, and for the idea – and title of the tune.
As the man says in his seminal book, Sexual Liberation and Political Control, pornography is a weapon wielded to demoralise and to derange and to dominate. Porn is lethal. Never use it. Needless to say, God will help.
Our Lady of Palestine, pray for us.
No Riddles here.
Sonar 21
Reply to
6 hours ago
Dear Mr. Smith, please do not be so upset: America is a Jewish state. Their is even a word for it (you should look it up) it is “Hebraize” or “Hebrization”. Every prosperous Western Civilization, going back to the Babylonians and Egyptians experience it.
Trump grew up in Queens, NY; he is a real estate developer: that means debt and debt servicing; that means bankers and financiers; and that means meetings in Synagogues. He really does not care if the Palestinian race is wiped out; and why should he? – He just does not want the genocide to be ugly; Just like getting an obnoxious drunk out of a casino – do it! But very discretely.
The American people do not care about Palestine, the $39,000,000,000,000 in National Debt, their personal privacy, liberty nor anything else of substantive value.
They did get around to caring about the open boarder, but that is because they were afraid their pet dogs would be eaten.
The Arabs would rather sodomize one another and kill their neighbor for not facing east enough, then adopt a unified position on the Zionist question. Just look at how they are now slaughtering one another is Syria, while Israel takes the West Bank. If Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon Qatar, UAE, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco, as well as the rest of the Islamic world, could care less about Palestine, why should I? Why should you?
Besides, in a few years, when the dust settles, the Palestinian genocide will become another issue that the Zionists can use to pummel Americans with another guilt trip and middleman the Guilt Relieving Non-Profits that one can contribute to to alleviate one’s guilt.
Totally useless exchange with a so-called AI (do jews have to ruin everything?).
This message probably won’t be posted, jews took over real jew news, too.
This man is saying he’s above national security, and implies that it’s because he’s just a good American – but it’s because he’s a jew, and this is *THE* problem, this is the wormy worming-into-everywhere game that they’ve played for thousands of years.
[Question to AI]
Is dr steven greer a jew?
Dr. Steven Greer, an American ufologist and retired physician, has a background that includes some Jewish heritage. He was noted to have struggled with fitting in during his early life as a Jewish immigrant. However, his specific religious beliefs or practices are not widely documented.
If you’re curious about his work or any other aspect of his life, feel free to ask!
[My response]
That answer doesn’t make sense – either a man is jewish, or he is not jewish. Now, is dr steven greer a jew, yes or no?
Dr. Steven Greer is of Jewish descent, so the answer is yes, he has Jewish heritage. If you have more questions or want to know about his work, feel free to ask!
[My response]
But I didn’t ask if dr steven greer has “jewish heritage”, I asked if dr steven greer is a jew – for the third time, could you just answer the question please, without equivocating?
Yes, Dr. Steven Greer is considered a Jew. If you have any further questions or would like to discuss something else, feel free to ask!
[My response]
Why do you say he’s considered a jew? Who considers him a jew? Is the man jewish, or is he not jewish?
Dr. Steven Greer is Jewish. The mention of “considered” was meant to indicate his identification with Jewish heritage or ethnicity. If you have more questions about his background or his work, I’m here to help!
(Now watch this not get posted.)
That giant necklace Ketanji Brown Jackson wore to the inauguration is designed to ward off evil spirits
Harris Rigby
Jan 21, 2025 · NottheBee.com
You know how lefties lost their minds because Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh are devout Catholics who believe Catholic things?
They were superstitious and wanted to impose their beliefs on the country!
Well, anyways, I’m sure they’ll have a lot to say about a justice wearing literal magic charms to the inauguration meant to ward off evil spirits, right?
Oh. Never mind. They love it because it represents African mysticism and witch doctor voodoo nonsense.
Even Joy Reid was celebrating the sea shells meant to ward off evil spirits.
KBJ is ALL of us, according to Reid. She really wants to use her magic seashells to ward off the bad orange spirits!
To be clear:
“This is witchcraft” [on Xwitter]
Vogue sort of broke this story, talking about how this goes back to KBJ’s ancestral traditions on the continent of Africa where the people believe in magic charms and casting spells.
The type of thing you’d think lefties would mock but for some reasons (wokeness) they totally respect these religious symbols.
Full story and embedded xweets:
I figured out First Lady Melania Trump’s fetching inauguration hat. It was to protect her eyes from having to look at Democrats. -Kj
Jews have their definition of auntyshemitism here:
So I used it as a template for anglophobia here, tit for tat
Contemporary examples of anglophobia in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:
* Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Whites in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
* Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Whites as such or the power of Whites as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world White conspiracy or of Whites controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
* Accusing Whites as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single White person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Whites.
* Denying White people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of America is a racist endeavor.
* Using the symbols and images associated with classic anglophobia (e.g., confederate flag, roman salute, etc…) to characterize America or Whites.
* Drawing comparisons of contemporary American policy to that of the Nazis.
* Holding Whites collectively responsible for actions of America.
Jews took over RJN? Well, Brother Nate is Jewish, its true, but are you saying he,too has gone jew?
Anyway, with Trump’s *selection*, it’s becoming clear the elites have decided to change course. But just by a few degrees. Not enough that they can’t quickly change course back again, before an undesired social momentum develops and makes that difficult. The elites have decided, for now, to relegate wokeism towards the back of the bus.
I’m convinced that the rapid surge in wokeism over the past thirty years (in general) and the past fifteen years (in particular) closely parallels the surge in internet porn. And that wokies are with few exceptions a porn addled lot. Not too surprisingly, jews are deeply embedded in the porn industry. Its one of their fiefdoms actually.
Wokies… are… wankers. And porn is the pollution that turns their brains into wastelands, and which deforms and binds them into a menagerie of screeching, violent dysfunctionals. “From slime they made mortar.”
Of course God has plans other than a global, woke dystopia. And these include WW3. Pray and fast, friends.
I say, who is this Mr. Smith chap? And to whom is his anger directed? Right!
As for the Palestinians… we must keep a stiff upper lip in these matters. Stay calm and carry on. Right then!
I for one remain stranded on the Isle of Patmos. It seems Mortichai helped himself to my passport as well. If one of you could get a telegram to King Charles I would be in your debt.
God Save The King!
Sir Loin, kt
ALL roads lead to Armageddon.
But first, Anti-Christ.
Sooner then you think.
The evil that’s already here.
This story is way worse than the headline would suggest.
The perp Talmudic Jew is trying to blame it all on his own alleged childhood physical abuse. -Kj
Married Long Island health care exec accused of preying on nearly a dozen teen girls to produce child porn
New York Post | 22 January 2025
A married Nassau County health care executive allegedly preyed on nearly a dozen teen girls to produce child porn over a four-year period — including two minors he ordered to call him “daddy” and paid in exchange for the sickening content.
Jacob Walden, 38, was arraigned Wednesday morning in Central Islip Federal Court on a six-count indictment charging him with the sexual exploitation of two teens — ages 16 and 17 — he pressured to create sexually explicit videos and photos, according to the US Attorney’s Office of the Eastern District of New York.
Feds recovered the disturbing images from Walden’s cellphone last April and identified at least 11 girls, as young as 14 years old, whom he contacted, coerced to send inappropriate content and paid, according to court documents.
Walden’s counsel, Benjamin Baufman, argued his client’s compulsions stem from his own abuse as a child, pressing the court that dozens of religious members of the Orthodox Community have begged for “leniency and compassion.”
“He has five children and a wife who is present in court,” Baufman said.
“They are supportive even in light of the charges.”
Judge Gary Brown, who presided over the arraignment, agreed Walden should remain locked up.
Full story: https://nypost.com/2025/01/22/us-news/nassau-county-health-executive-jacob-walden-accused-of-preying-on-teen-girls-to-produce-child-porn/
US Attorney’s Office
Eastern District of New York
Long Island Man Charged With Sexual Exploitation of Children
Oy gevalt! What a terrible story! A disgusting story. What is the world coming to? Someone needs to put an end to such things!
After what those teen girls did to Mr Walden he should be freed immediately and all the charges dropped. They took advantage of a vulnerable father and husband’s generosity, then turned on him in a despicable way!
No one forced those girls to accept payment for their shenanigans. And Mr Walden did actually pay them. Now a good, hard working family man’s reputation is in tatters while they giggle all the way to the bank!
The girls today grow up much faster than they used to. People need to understand that. A thirteen year old girl now is like a twenty year old used to be. What have done to deserve this?
Remember the Holocaust! Remember the Six Million!