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Episode 62: My Christmas Dream

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Episode 62: My Christmas Dream
December 26 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ December 26, 2024


  1. Dave December 26, 2024 @ 9:59 pm

    This is the best thing any pope has ever did:

    Jews threaten Pope with Murder during Christmas over his condemnation of their mass murder of innocent children with US Approval

  2. Noticer BagelDog December 27, 2024 @ 2:11 am

    Weird trip down a Paypal jewish deception rabbi(t) hole.

    They should add this to the Talmud.

  3. Dave December 27, 2024 @ 8:08 am

    Israeli troops burn northern Gaza hospital after forcibly removing staff and patients, officials say

  4. Dave December 27, 2024 @ 8:44 am

    I want you to publicly address this idiot in a response in the comments here;
    “Pope can’t rewrite Bible – Jesus was a Jew from Judea, not Palestinian,’ Christian leader says”

    I’d also like you to personally somehow educate her via email and make that publicly known here in comments

    Here is her contact info;

    Laurie Cardozo Moore

    Our mission is to educate, advocate and move to activate Christians, Jews and all people of conscience in building a global community of action and prayer in support of Israel and the Jewish people.
    Contact Us
    PJTN P.O. Box 682711 Franklin, TN. 37068

    Phone: 615-778-0202
    Email: info@pjtn.orga

  5. DR. SCOTT December 27, 2024 @ 12:51 pm

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, Brother.

    Look what Trump said about Christmas and Jesus Christ.

  6. KathJuliane December 27, 2024 @ 2:35 pm

    The Difference Between Israelite Jews and Rabbinic/Talmudic Jews

    Orthodoxy Translated

  7. Dave December 27, 2024 @ 4:59 pm

    UNC to offer spring class on Israel-Palestine, with a possible trip to the territories

    The course will include a funded trip to Israel and the Palestinian Territories

    You know, you just know the Zionists are going to somehow someway inveigle they’re way into controlling this class.

    They do everything they can to prevent letting the truth out!

    AIPAC, ADL, and Epstein’s sugar daddy Lex Werner will probably be the ones who “fund” the trip to Israel.

  8. Rabbi Glickman December 27, 2024 @ 9:07 pm

    The Jews must survive!

    So what if we bribe, blackmail and bully the goyim to do our will and wreck their own nations?

    It’s not like they put up much of a struggle.

    The last one who did?

    Well, we all know what happened there.

  9. Rav Mortichai December 27, 2024 @ 10:09 pm


    I had some of my rabbi buddies over today to celebrate Hanukkah.

    After eating our fill of latkes, we retired to the downstairs living room where I have burrowed underground a secret tunnel. At the end of which there is a secret room with a bust of Karl Marx.

    Each of us sat upon chairs shaped like toadstools where we began plotting the overthrow of the goyim.

    After which, we played dreidel and watched reruns of Seinfeld.


  10. KathJuliane December 28, 2024 @ 1:46 pm

    Dear Rav Mortichai,

    Truly, there is no more inspirational Yiddish song than ‘I Have A Little Dreidel’ while play the dreidel game.

    So classic. So spiritual. So otherworldly. Ponders the deep mystery of all things KKKKKchannukkkkah!

    Especially when the first day of Cha-muck-kahkah falls on Nittel Nacht, and the Yids have neurotic fits trying to figure out with what to call it when that happens, and their love-hate of their made up inclusive ‘Chrismukkkkkhah’ nonsense, including ugly Season sweaters.

    For Orthodox Jews, when Nittel Nacht and Chan-muck-kkkkah overlap, it creates a separate theological problem.

    And not to be missed: The Dreidel Song – in Yiddish!

    Did you win the Dreidel game? Did you use the money version or the drinking version?

    L’chaim! Shalom!

    P.S. I like latkes, though (draniki in Russian & Belorusian). Jews think they invented them, but latkes are universally part of Slavic cuisine, using potatoes which originally came from the Peruvian-Bolivian Andes, South America.

    Palate cleanser: The Wexford Carol – 12th Century Irish Christmas Carol

  11. KathJuliane December 28, 2024 @ 1:52 pm

    Swift Return – The Wexford Carol

    Representative text from

    1. Good people all, this Christmas time,
    Consider well and bear in mind
    What our good God for us has done,
    In sending His belovèd Son.
    With Mary holy we should pray
    To God with love this Christmas Day;
    In Bethlehem upon the morn
    There was a blest Messiah born.

    2. The night before that happy tide
    The noble virgin and her guide
    Were long time seeking up and down
    To find a lodging in the town.
    But mark how all things came to pass:
    From every door repelled, alas!
    As long foretold, their refuge all
    Was but a humble oxen stall.

    3. Near Bethlehem did shepherds keep
    Their flocks of lambs and feeding sheep;
    To whom God’s angels did appear
    Which put the shepherds in great fear.
    Prepare and go, the angels said,
    To Bethlehem, be not afraid;
    For there you’ll find, this happy morn,
    A princely babe, sweet Jesus born.

    4. With thankful heart and joyful mind,
    The shepherds went the babe to find,
    And as God’s angel has foretold,
    They did our Savior Christ behold.
    Within a manger He was laid,
    And by His side the virgin maid
    Attending to the Lord of Life,
    Who came on earth to end all strife.

  12. KathJuliane December 28, 2024 @ 4:35 pm

    For the sake of mutual respect and understanding, promoting religious tolerance and diversity, here is a grand lesson on the lofty traditions of the Yiddish Nittel Nacht Yids observe on Christmas Eve, which the beloved fake RJN rabbis brought to our attention.

    L’chaim~ Thank you, Jews, for your tidings of peace, comfort and joy and best wishes to Christ, His Mother, and Christians around the world.

    This is probably ok stuff with ‘Judeo-Christians’. -Kj


    Nittel Nacht: An Inverted Christmas with Toledot Yeshu

    How Jews responded to the celebration of Jesus’ birth by creating a cynical version of Christmas Eve lampooning him.

    Shai Alleson-Gerberg


    Nittel Nacht: An Inverted Christmas with Toledot Yeshu

    [Picture] The Wandering Jew. Samuel Hirszenberg, 1899

    “You shall not consider debasing idolatry and urinating on it or excreting on it because that is what was done to Pe’or.”
    (Sefer Ḥasidim Ms. Parma H 3280, Cap.1348)

    Earliest References to Nittel Nacht and the Custom not to Study Torah

    In Jewish sources, Christmas Eve is known as Nittel Nacht. The term nittel originates from the Latin Natale Domini, “Nativity of the Lord”; however, when spelled in Hebrew, it takes on a new shade of meaning, becoming a derogatory name for the Christian festival – “Night of the Hanged One” (nittel i.e., talui), or as other popular etymology stated – the night in which Jesus’ life was taken from him (leil netilato min ha-‘olam).

    Mekor Ḥayyim, the commentary of the Ashkenazi Rabbi R. Yair Ḥayyim Bakhrakh (1639-1702) on Shulḥan Arukh, Orah Ḥayyim, is the earliest and the only Jewish source in the seventeenth-century to mention the custom of abstaining from Torah study on Christmas Eve, practiced to this day in Hasidic circles.[1]

    Earlier writings, however, reflect the existence of a unique Jewish tradition related to Christmas Eve, specifically, as Marc Shapiro shows in his fundamental article on Nittel, the writings of Jewish converts to Christianity reporting on what Jews do that night.

    For example, the sixteen-century convert Ernest Ferdinand Hess wrote in his book Juden Geissel (“Scourge of the Jews”, 1589) that on Christmas Eve, while Christians gather in churches to praise Christ, Jews assemble in their homes, and when they hear the church bells ringing, they announce that at that very hour the bastard (mamzer) is crawling through all the latrines (maschovim).[2]

    A similar description appears about half a century earlier in the writings of Johannes Pfefferkorn (1469-1523),[3] and a few decades later, in those of Julius Conrad Otto (1562-1607)[4] and Samuel Friederich Brentz (converted in 1601),[5] all Jewish converts to Christianity.

    All three cases add that on Christmas Eve, Jews were accustomed to publically relate the story of Jesus, that is to say, they read the popular Jewish narrative Toledot Yeshu (“Life of Jesus”), also familiar as Ma‘aseh Toleh (“The Tale of the Hanged One”).

    The Toledot Yeshu: An Overview

    Toledot Yeshu is an anonymous Jewish folk narrative existing in various versions, primarily in manuscripts. It offers a biting satire on the Gospels, and deals systematically with matters concerning Christian dogma: the virgin birth, the divinity of Jesus, the separation of Christianity from Judaism and the rise of the Church.[6]

    Known by Christian scholars since the ninth century, it is generally categorized by them as blasphemia.[7]

    In contrast to the canonical story of the New Testament, versions of Toledot Yeshu hold that Jesus was born of incest, stole the Ineffable Name of God from the Temple, and made improper use of it until he was caught and sentenced to death as a blasphemer (megadef).

    Compared to other anti-Christian polemical works of a more intellectual nature, Toledot Yeshu did not demand sophisticated knowledge of its readers. As Ora Limor noted,

    “It is easy to interpret Toledot Yeshu as a crude and vulgar composition whose purpose is to provide sharp satire of the prevailing religion’s absurd beliefs, with the intention of keeping up the spirits of the depressed minority.”[8]

    Reading or Performing Toledot Yeshu on Nittel Nacht

    Although sources written by Jewish converts to Christianity should be treated with caution,[9]the claim put forth by them that Toledot Yeshu was read in Jewish homes on Christian Festivals, including and especially Christmas Eve is worth taking seriously.

    In fact, Sarit Kattan Gribetz suggests that Toledot Yeshu was cast in the same literary mold as the Scroll of Esther, and like it, was publicly read on particular occasions, such as Purim and Christmas Eve.[10]

    Although Toledot Yeshu says nothing about Jesus coming back on Christmas Eve and crawling through latrines, I would suggest that this most essential component of Nittel is based on the Talmudic tradition which holds that Jesus was punished with boiling excrement (b. Gittin 57a),[11] and quite naturally follows the storyline of Toledot Yeshu.

    Nittel’s possible link to Toledot Yeshu already appeared in Shapiro’s above-referenced study on Nittel.[12] He does not, however, support his claim with Hebrew sources, nor does he deal with the cultural meaning of Nittel for Jewish-Christian relations.

    The tradition of Jesus being soiled, in addition to the public declaration that he was born a bastard (Hurenkind), indicates an essential affinity between Nittel and Toledot Yeshu. Hence, Nittel should be regarded as ritual-theatrical expression of the narrative embodied in liturgical time.

    Fear of Privies on Nittel

    As Shapiro already noted, we learn from the writings of Jewish converts to Christianity that the image of Jesus creeping through the latrines on Christmas Eve was so ingrained and frightening to Jews in the early modern period that it caused them, and especially children, to avoid visits to the privy on Nittel:

    “When Christmas Eve (weyhenacht abent) fell, I would pass water outside of the privy (stübe oder kamer) for worry and fear of the hanged Jesus (gehangenen iescho),[13] since he was acting in a filthy way that night.[14]

    “You imbue the hearts of your small children and the entire household with dread and horror about going to the private chambers (heimliche Gemächer) on this night (selben nacht) even though they might be in dire need.[15]

    “On Ascension Day (Himmelfarths Tag)… you tell your children when they go to this place (an den Ort) ‘see that the hanged one (talui) does not pull you in.'[16]”

    The Huldreich version of Toledot Yeshu (1705) states that Judas Iscariot buried Jesus’ body “in a cellar with chamber pots and excrement” in order to observe the Talmudic dictum relating to Jesus himself, “Whoever mocks the words of the Sages is punished with boiling excrement (nidon ba-tzo’ah rotaḥat).”[17]

    Maese Thola mentioned in Friderich Samuel Brentz’s book Jüdischer abgestreiffter Schlangenbalg (“The Jewish Snake-Skin Sloughed”, 1614), tells about Jesus’ fall into a privy (winckel)[18] at the end of an airborne struggle with Judas Iscariot, after which he was pulled out by his hair and became bald.[19]

    In Gali Razia Occultorum Detectio (1613) by Julius Konrad Otto, in another description of Toledot Yeshu, after God caused Jesus to fall from the sky, the Jewish multitude dragged him through all the latrines (moschabim), where he was tainted with excrement and left to decompose.[20]

    Picking Up Where Toledot Yeshu Leaves Off

    Thus, Nittel’s mythology begins where the Talmud and Toledot Yeshu end. The pelting, burial and punishment of Jesus with excrement, and similarly the transformation of the household cesspool into his temporary habitation for one night of the year, are grotesque and vulgar expressions of contempt for Christianity.

    Jesus’ humiliating defeat by Judas [in Toledot Yeshu aerial battles-Kj] derides the tradition of the former’s ascension forty days after his resurrection from the dead and symbolizes an inverted movement from the heights of heaven to the abyss of the earth. When he is finally resurrected, it is only to creep through latrines again.

    An Inverted Christmas Eve

    The manifestation of Toledot Yeshu in the night of Nittel, whether the narrative was actually read during the night or not, turned the liturgical custom into an inverted version of Christmas Eve.

    At the very hour when Christians gathered to glorify their God and savior, even Jews ceased their regular course of time. This custom of abstaining from Torah study was first mentioned in an anti-Jewish pamphlet published by the convert Johann Adrian in 1609, although it probably began earlier.

    [27] With regard to this practice, the following legend is told about R. Jonathan Eibeschütz (1690-1764), the eighteen-century Rabbi who was accused of Sabbatean heresy:

    “[Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Rotenberg Alter of Ger] recounted that once a priest asked the holy Gaon, rabbi of all the diaspora, R. Jonathan Eibeschütz of blessed memory, “Do you Jews have a time when you do not study Torah, and your sages wrote that the world stands on the Torah, and if so, on what does the world stand in those hours.”

    And Rabbi Jonathan Eibeschütz answered him, that the custom of Israel is Torah. And the fact that Torah is not studied, is Torah, and the world exists on that.[28]

    As Marc Shapiro has shown, Jews believed that studying Torah would absolve Jesus of his punishment that night and gain him vitality. Jews thus abstained from Torah study, and even from sexual relations.[29] Instead they ate garlic (presumably to keep Jesus away), played cards, and mocked the Christian messiah.[30]

    It comes as no surprise that in the writings of converts such as Hess, Nittel is described as a nasty parody. However, this portrayal does not adequately reflect the complexity of the Jewish rituals of that evening.

    Complete scholarly article by a subtly proud Yid academic about how wonderful Yiddish Nittel Nacht traditions really are:


    Oy veh! “Judeo-Christian” is a complete oxymoron. -Kj

  13. KathJuliane December 28, 2024 @ 6:07 pm

    Ukraine Troops: Bloodied & Demoralized /Losing Kursk to Russia

    Daniel Davis / Deep Dive

  14. KathJuliane December 28, 2024 @ 6:27 pm

    Orthodox Christianity and Zionism are Morally Incompatible

    Orthodox Reflections | November 17, 2023

    American Life, Orthodox International Relations, Palestinian Rights, Theology, Western Civilization

    It is common in America, and other Western countries, to use the term “Judeo-Christian” when speaking about culture and morals.

    This is done for several reasons. It emphasizes the common perception that Christianity was derived from Judaism. The phrase links the two religions together via the Old Testament, which seemingly gives them a common foundation in law and morals.

    The phrase is beloved of the ecumenical movement, as it implies that both religions, while different, are equally valid. The phrase also works as a way of forming a unified “tribe” against Muslims, and others, who are not part of “Judeo-Christian” civilization.

    In a hostile world, all of us “Judeo-Christians” have to stick together. We all have the same enemies, and the same friends. Our interests are perfectly aligned. Together, we’re the good guys!

    “If you take away the Jewish contribution to Christianity, there would be no Christianity. Judaism does not need Christianity to explain its existence; Christianity, however, cannot explain its existence without Judaism.” — John Hagee

    Every bit of what is written above is completely false. The phrase “Judeo-Christian” is a propaganda slogan, not a statement of truth.

    Rabbinic Judaism, especially when infused with Zionism, is completely incompatible with Orthodox Christianity in all respects – morally, religiously, and culturally.

    For that matter, the same applies to Christian Zionism, which is even further afield from Orthodoxy than older, more “mainline” Protestants were until their moral collapse.

    Before we explore how and why Zionism is incompatible with Orthodoxy, let’s get our religious timeline in order.

    Orthodox Christianity is actually older than Rabbinic Judaism and did not “derive” from it. Following the Day of Pentecost, the Apostles and their disciples began spreading the Christian Faith far and wide.

    The Early Church used the Old Testament scriptures in Greek, and Christian liturgical worship was influenced by both the Temple in Jerusalem and Synagogue practices of the time. The Apostles were Hebrews, after all.

    After the destruction of the Second Temple in A.D. 70., the heart of the Jewish religion was ripped out. The true Mosaic religion had been sacerdotal, based on sacrifices in the Temple to reconcile with God.

    Decades after the Temple was destroyed, rabbis gathering at a city called Jamnia around A.D. 90 started to lay the foundations for what became the modern faith of Rabbinic Judaism. These rabbis were grounded in the Pharisaic tradition, the same one that Christ had so often sharply criticized in His earthly ministry.

    Over succeeding centuries as Rabbinic Judaism developed, the Talmud was compiled. The Talmud contains the writings, teachings and opinions of thousands of rabbis on a variety of subjects, including halakha, Jewish ethics, philosophy, customs, history, folklore, Biblical interpretation, and other topics.

    The Talmud is the basis for all codes of Jewish law and is widely quoted in rabbinic literature. The compilation of the Talmud probably began prior to the birth of Christ but continued in Babylon up till at least the 5th century. There are also Rabbinic commentaries that are considered part of Talmudic studies which were written as late as the 10th Century.

    Rabbinic Judaism is not the religion practiced by Jesus while He was on Earth. It arose decades after His Ascension. Rabbinic Judaism was not a foundational influence on Christianity.

    Much of the Pharisaic teaching written in the Talmud are the same “traditions of men” that Christ repudiated as recorded in such scriptures as Matthew 15:9, “They worship Me in vain, teaching as doctrines the commands of men.”

    Christianity is a sacerdotal religion centered around Jesus’ sacrifice as represented in the Eucharist at the center of each Divine Liturgy. Rabbinic Judaism uses prayer and penitence to take the place of sacrifices which can no longer be offered in the absence of the Temple. In truth, Christianity seems to have had way more influence on the rabbis than the rabbis had on the Fathers of the Church.

    “Christianity did not derive from Judaism; Rather, Judaism is a perversion of Christianity” — St. Ignatius of Antioch

    Rabbinic Judaism is an explicit denial of Christ as the promised Messiah. It is incompatible with Christianity on that basis alone. Rabbinic Jews still await their messiah, whom Christians assert not only has already come, but Who is God Incarnate. While we could stop there, there is much more to consider such as the impact of Zionism.

    Rabbinic Judaism, founded after Orthodox Christianity, is not even the same religion as it was a mere 100 years ago. …

    Continue reading:

  15. Honorary Jew December 28, 2024 @ 9:44 pm

    Can you guess?

  16. Caveman December 29, 2024 @ 12:39 am

    Dear KJ,

    Thank you for the interesting piece on Nittel Nacht!

    Even Wikipedia seems to be written by a Der Stürmer reporter:

    Together with other Jewish customs, such as Kol Nidre and Kapparot, it clearly shows that Judaism is not a religion, it is at best a superstition system.

    In reality though, Judaism is a malignant, Satanic ideology. No religion teaches such things about Jesus Christ. Islam reveres Jesus as a prophet, although most of the time Christians were the enemies of the Islamic people.

    “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 2:9)

  17. Randy December 29, 2024 @ 6:25 am

    And the disintegration continues.

  18. KathJuliane December 29, 2024 @ 1:11 pm

    How anti-Semitic of the FBI! Don’t you know Jews are the “light unto the Goyim”?-KJ

    Three US-Israeli real estate mogul brothers charged for alleged rape gang trafficking

    Law enforcement appealed to more victims and witnesses to step forward.

    Jerusalem Post | 13 December 2024

    Three Israeli-American real estate mogul brothers were arrested and charged for allegedly orchestrating the luring, drugging, gang rape, and sexual trafficking of dozens of women in New York and Miami, the New York Southern District US Attorney’s Office.

    Twins Alon and Oren Alexander, 37, and their older brother Tal Alexander, 38, were indicted on Wednesday for conspiracy to commit sex trafficking and sex trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion. The elder Alexander faced an additional charge for sex trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion.

    “The charges outlined in this indictment reflect some of the most heinous and dehumanizing crimes of sexual exploitation that our NYPD detectives investigate,” New York Police Department Commissioner Jessica Tisch said in a statement.

    During the alleged 2010-2021 sexual predation campaign, the ultra-luxury real estate agents and other men would identify targets that they found attractive to invite to parties, social events, and domestic and international trips through dating applications and social media.

    According to the indictment, they would sometimes work with party promoters to ensure attractive women would be present at events, while other victims were met by chance at bars or nightclubs.

    Brothers used wealth, status, to prey on innocent women, FBI says

    “The Alexander brothers allegedly conspired using their wealth and status to prey on innocent women,” said FBI Assistant Director in Charge James Dennehy.

    The Alexander brothers reportedly used the promise of relationships, drugs, and luxury vacations and experiences to entice the women into meeting with them. Together with partners, they would pool resources to transport and provide the women with luxuries to get them alone.

    The brothers and other men would allegedly drug the women, rendering them physically and mentally impaired. Ignoring their pleas and physically restraining the victims, sometimes individually, sometimes with their brothers, and sometimes with other men, the Alexanders would rape and sexually assault the women.

    After the rapes, the Alexanders allegedly offered the victims concert tickets, travel plans, and other luxury products.

    Law enforcement appealed to more victims and witnesses to step forward.

    “Our investigation is far from over,” said US Attorney Damian Williams. “If you have been a victim of the alleged sexual violence perpetrated by Alon Alexander, Oren Alexander, or Tal Alexander – or if you know anything about their alleged crimes – we urge you to come forward.”

    The charges of sex trafficking conspiracy and sex trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion both carry a maximum sentence of life in prison, with the latter carrying a minimum of 15 years imprisonment.

  19. Rabbi Glickman December 29, 2024 @ 3:18 pm

    Ach, those shiksas took advantage of the Alexander brother’s generosity, then betrayed them to federal authorities when they were at their most vulnerable. All so they could play the victim!

    How typical.

    Did they return the plane tickets and other luxury items they shook them down for? No?

    Oh, my people…. How we suffer!

    On another note I am happy to tell you all that I found a shekel I lost back in 1974. It was April 6th I believe.

    Yes, my friends, sometimes it’s the little things that mean the most!

  20. KathJuliane December 29, 2024 @ 3:46 pm

    Former President Jimmy Carter Dies At Age 100

    Daily Caller | 29 December 2024

    Former President Jimmy Carter died on Sunday at age 100 after over a year in hospice care in Plains, Georgia, the Carter Center announced.

    “There will be public observances in Atlanta and Washington, D.C., followed by a private interment in Plains, Georgia,” the Carter Center said in a statement on Sunday. “The final arrangements for President Carter’s state funeral, including all public events and motorcade routes, are still pending.”

    I can’t say that Jimmy Carter was a great president while in office for his one term. His Iran policy was disastrous, and Camp David has proven to be an exercise in futility, but otherwise he did the office no harm or dishonor that I know of, and extended a genuine hand of friendship to the world, as well as took a lot of grief as an “anti-Semite” for his stances against the Zionist Apartheid State.

    He was a very decent, humble man with a strong, fundamental Christian faith, love towards all, ethics, and morality he tried to live up to all of his life.

    President Carter went on to become one of the best ex-presidents ever devoted to public service, promoting international peace, conflict mediation, human and civil rights, economic and social development, and grassroots philanthropic movements, such as Habitats for Humanity, well into advanced old age.

    The world loses something with the passing of President Carter. -Kj

  21. KathJuliane December 29, 2024 @ 4:04 pm

    Washington Report on Middle East Affairs Newsletter

    In Memorium
    President Jimmy Carter (1924-2024)

    Former President Jimmy Carter died earlier today at the age of 100. Below are articles from our archive about his efforts—both successful and unsuccessful—to foster peace and justice in the Middle East.

    His warnings about Israeli apartheid went ignored by his successors. Hopefully one day the U.S. will again have a president who puts aside special interests and allows common decency and the facts govern Middle East policy.

    Carter’s Mediation Produced a Separate Peace with Egypt and Broken Promises from Israel
    By Walter L. Hixson

    “Rivaled only by Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and George H. W. Bush in their willingness to challenge Israel, Carter strove for a just settlement of the Palestine issue, but like all American presidents since 1948 he was rebuffed by the Zionists and their lobby.

    “Think about that for a moment: every American president since 1948 has succumbed to Israel and the lobby, which has kept the United States Congress in its pocket for 75 years.”

    Jewish Community Smears Carter With Charges of Anti-Semitism
    By Allan C. Brownfeld

    “It is important to remember the brutal assault former President Jimmy Carter faced from militant supporters of Israel and the number of times there were attempts to silence him, claiming he was ‘anti-Semitic,’ the usual tactic used to silence criticism of Israel.

    Yet Carter was repaid for his success and for his commitment to both Israeli security and Palestinian rights with a consistent campaign of vilification by American Jewish leaders. Most of them never forgave him for the tenacity with which he pursued his vision of an evenhanded Middle East peace.”

    Jimmy Carter is Our Greatest Former President
    By James Zogby

    “I took personal note of the news of Jimmy Carter’s decision to enter hospice and was reminded of a quote from a talk he gave to his church in 2019: ‘I didn’t ask God to let me live, but I asked God to give me a proper attitude toward death. And I found that I was absolutely and completely at ease with death.’

    This is the legacy of Jimmy Carter: a great former president who taught us how to live a life for others, and, as he approaches his end, is teaching us how to die with grace.”

    Carter’s Stumbles Tripped into Conflict With Iran
    By Mohammad Javad Mousavizadeh

    “Some analysts believe that Carter’s costly mistakes in Iran played a significant role in the tensions between the two countries that have continued for decades.

    The Carter administration’s policies toward Iran were contradictory. While revolutionaries protested against the Pahlavi regime and President Carter publicly called for reform in Iran, his administration continued to sell weapons to Iran’s government, further enraging anti-American sentiment.”

    Excerpt from The Outlier: The Unfinished Presidency of Jimmy Carter
    By Kai Bird

    “Bill Casey, 67, was managing the Reagan campaign from his corner office on the 53rd floor of the Pan Am building in Midtown Manhattan. Casey soon put in motion a media strategy to inoculate the electorate, planting the suspicion that President Carter was ‘playing politics’ with the hostages.

    “If the hostages were suddenly released, he wanted voters to think that perhaps Carter had paid too high a price. At the same time, Casey sent a private message to the Iranians that they could get a better deal from a Reagan presidency.

    “Casey was dabbling in off-the-books private diplomacy. Sending messages to the Iranians through intermediaries like the PLO was a gray area—not exactly kosher.

    “Taking a meeting with a representative of the Ayatollah Khomeini to discuss the hostage crisis would fall into an entirely different category of behavior. Indeed, it could be deemed a blatant violation of the 1799 Logan Act prohibiting private citizens from negotiating disputes with foreign powers.

    “The Casey story is a disturbing and enduring mystery. President Carter at the time knew nothing of Casey’s backdoor diplomacy.”


  22. KathJuliane December 29, 2024 @ 4:50 pm

    Jimmy Carter: A Declassified Obituary

    National Security Archive

    Highest-level national security documents reveal tough-minded, detail-oriented president

    Handwritten notations could be severe — once chided Brzezinski: “Lying?” “You’ll be wasting your time”

    President privately complained Kissinger was a “liar,” “irresponsible” over U.S. treatment of Shah

  23. Citizenfitz December 29, 2024 @ 8:15 pm

    Thanks, Noticer BagelDog, for turning me on to MegaLag.

    MegaLag is an interesting YT channel. Very interesting. They seem to noticers, too.

    Along with that excellent (((PayPal))) “Honey scam” expose, they did another one on a scam being run by a company called EnChroma. EnChroma sells wildly expensive eyeware they claim help “fix” colorblindness:

    It looks like the usual suspects are involved there, too. What with the exorbitant prices, fake claims, law skirting and fraudulent online review practices.

    It all seems so familiar.

    Looking into things, you learn the CEO of EnChroma is a man named Erik Ritchie. Surely, with a Nordic sounding name like “Erik” he must have some Viking blood in him, no?

    Well, Mr. Ritchie sounds an awful lot like, and even looks a little like, Tom Bosley, the father on Happy Days. Who, though he played goyim on TV, was himself a member of the society of name changers.

    So, I did the “rabbi test” and sure enough got a bingo. There are a number of rabbis surnamed “Ritchie”.

    If you’re ever in doubt about whether someone is trying to hide their jewishness behind a gentile sounding name, use the rabbi test. It works like a charm.

    And is there anything anymore that’*not* a jewish scam?

  24. Dave December 29, 2024 @ 9:25 pm

    Jimmy Carter, the last and only American president to ever stand up to the evil Christian-hating satanic jewish Israeli supremacist power monolith, is dead.

    Thank God for his sake he’ll no longer be around to sickenly witness the day in and day out subservience of his once beautiful Christian America to Satan Israel.

  25. Benzion Kook December 29, 2024 @ 10:43 pm

    Again, the Arab victims are the Semites.

    The perpetually lying kikes are Steppe billies whose only intelligence was stolen from Aryans.

  26. MeMe December 30, 2024 @ 6:14 am

    My Xmas dream would be to see the actual truth about the National Socialists of Germany and Hitler and WW2 recognised the world over, but instead we get this dross from Hollywood.

    Goebbels and the Führer

    But then those of who are aware are not surprised, but in fact this is expected considering the real holocaust being committed by the filthy jews in Gaza and the West Bank.

    What a great example the above is of the jews’ well known practise of falsely accusing others of exactly what they themselves are perpetrating. A desperate attempt to repair the broken drum that bangs out “Oy vey, the holocaust”. Even the Pope has recently condemned them.

  27. Dave December 30, 2024 @ 8:59 am

    CHRIST still under RUBBLE in Gaza

    Palestinian Christian pastor, in a somber Christmas Day message, referred to the ongoing Israeli genocidal war against Palestinians

  28. Citizenfitz December 30, 2024 @ 12:43 pm

    The Shah of Iran did an interview some years after he was deposed in which he told the interviewer that OPEC, in collusion with the Carter administration, decided to take one of the oil producing countries off line in order to stabilize oil prices and the petrodollar; and they decided that country would be Iran.

    I never cared for Carter much. His Secret Service detail didn’t either:

    To his credit though, he wasn’t popular with Israel.

    My wife got to know a woman whose son or grandson was a Secret Service agent at the White House when Bill Clinton was President. He told the woman that Bill was OK, but only OK.

    Hillary on the other hand was quite a bitch.

    One night the White House SS detail heard screaming coming from the Clinton’s private suites. It was coming from Hillary’s bedroom. Thinking something really bad was happening they burst in, guns drawn no doubt.

    It was Hillary and another woman. Both were naked and screaming and throwing stuff at one another.

  29. Citizenfitz December 30, 2024 @ 1:35 pm

    Why on earth do people continue to praise the Fuhrer?

    His “Thousand Year Reich” barely lasted twelve. And because of his grave miscalculations, large swathes of Germany were left smoking craters. Along with the countless millions of deaths.

    Yeah OK, he was right about many things. But he was wrong about many others.

    His egomania made it impossible for him to admit to any mistakes. And there were many. Foolishly allowing himself to be drawn into a war with the US was one. Allowing the British Army to evacuate from Dunkirk was another. Not allowing the Sixth Army to withdraw from Stalingrad when it still had time to was another. Imagining his late war, shrunken, under strength divisions were still capable fighting forces was another. I could go on awhile.

    What people should be marveling about is how some guy like him could come out of *absolutely nowhere* and build an immensely powerful social machine around himself. In fact, one of the most powerful the World has ever witnessed.

    An exorcist on YouTube says he believes Hitler must have made some kind of pact with the devil. Given his astounding career trajectory that’s not unreasonable to assume.

    I suspect at the Resurrection we’re going to be astonished at how many of the World’s so-called leaders were/are demoniacs. Nazis – as well as anti-Nazis. Jews, and anti-jews. That’s how satan rolls.

  30. KathJuliane December 30, 2024 @ 9:46 pm

    Taking Stock of 2024, Is There Hope for a Happy 2025?


    30 December 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

    The death of former President Jimmy Carter at the age of 100, does not mark the end of an era.

    Actually, his death is an exclamation point for the disastrous US foreign policy of the last 45 years, especially with respect to the threat from Islamic extremism and the troubled relations with Russia. Jimmy Carter’s reign set the stage for much of the current unrest and turmoil in west Asia and Ukraine.

    While it is true that Mr. Carter worked diligently after leaving Washington, DC to burnish his image as a humanitarian, his policies towards Russia and Iran became festering sores on the American political body that linger, still suppurating, until today.

    James Carden, writing in the American Conservative, has done a masterful job of summarizing Carter’s toxic foreign policy — The Untold Story of Carter’s Fateful Foreign Policy. Carden, rightfully so in my opinion, pins much of the blame for Carter’s foreign policy failures on his choice of a National Security advisor — Zibigniew Brzezinski: …

    Continue reading:

  31. Andrés B. January 1, 2025 @ 7:16 pm

    Dear Brother, I donated 50 bucks, if I remember correctly from a third world country, Chile.

    Don’t you find something divine in the evilness, like a divine command to anihilate any trace or memory about old world order?

    I remember asking you about the missing symbols on new Orthodox monks, alectic symbols, the real matter of old world architecture…

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