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Episode 57: Growing Up Jewish

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Episode 57: Growing Up Jewish
December 17 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ December 17, 2024


  1. Caveman December 18, 2024 @ 12:01 am

    Thank you +BN for this important recollection of your childhood as a Jew!

    It is very important, because it shows the extent to which Jewish kids are brainwashed in their synagogues, shabbos schools and even in their own family.

    The best definition of Judaism is: a supremacist and anti-Christian ideology that strives for world domination by Jews.

    Mind you: I wrote Judaism, not Zionism. All Jews are Zionist in a political (Israel) or symbolic way (internationalism). Both branches of Zionism seek to rule the world, one by first establishing a base in Israel, the other without it (as they did pre-1948).

    In the end Judaism has nothing to do with religion, apart from Satanism, because their god is the Devil (John 8:44).

  2. Caveman December 18, 2024 @ 12:17 am

    It is hard for Christians to understand the depravity of the Synagogue.

    As +BN says in the video, the more you pay, the better sits you get in the synagogue, the front rows.

    Alas, if you pay enough you even get to read the Torah.

    Can you imagine such a thing in a Christian church? We give alms, mostly anonymously, but nobody gets an advantage on this world because of that. Jesus forbids that. Listen to what He said:

    “Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.” (Matthew 6:2)

    Evidently, in Jesus’ times the Synagogue was already fully perverted. Jesus and the apostles warned them, but they “stopped their ears”, the same as when they stoned Stephen.

    The Jews may seem victorious at times, but they will experience the full wrath and judgment of God, which even the entire Universe, time and space cannot resist.

  3. Dave December 18, 2024 @ 1:15 am

    Judaism is a cult, not a religion, in the true sense of the word.

    I’ll never forget a jewish born friend of mine I met a long time ago in college told me “by the time I was ten I knew it was all bullshit”

  4. TheTruthwillsetyouFree December 18, 2024 @ 6:59 am

    Brother Nathanael,

    You are so wrong regarding your foolish statements about Protestantism and the Orthodox and Catholic Church. The Orthodox Church has many False Doctrines that Contradict the Master’s Teachings, like the emphasis of Baptism before the day of accountability, worshiping of images and works.

    The Lord Jesus Christ said we must be born again!

    Martin Luther Nailed the protest letter to the Castle Church in October 31st, 1517 A.D. in the year of our Lord because Christ showed him the 95 Errors and False Doctrines of the Catholic Church and Tyranny!

    Thank God for the German Preacher, Mono and Theologian to give us the Bible in simple vernacular which caused millions of people to accept Christ because they could finally understand and interpret the Holy Scriptures instead of having to pay indulgences to the Catholic Church.

    Freedom and Liberty for all denominations to build churches for Jesus Christ!

    I do agree with you that many denominations have given into the world and for some odd reason to include money and materialism worship the international Jews which contradicts Christ and the New Testament but stop being so divisive and arrogant!!!

  5. Jenny Yeager December 18, 2024 @ 7:16 am

    Remember what happened when Elijah was on his high horse like yourself boasting about how great he was and how nobody worshiped the LORD the way he did. What did the Lord tell him?

    The LORD reminded Elijah that He had 7,000 more just like him!

  6. SNR December 18, 2024 @ 7:59 am

    If baby baptism was required by God, then subsequently the Son of God Jesus Christ would have been baptized as a baby along with the Forerunner John the Baptizer, but all denominations may pick and choose Scriptures to defend their positions.

    The True church was NOT the Catholic Church. The first churches were built in Syria and Palestine during the Roman occupation and the Territory.

    It was called the Decapolis, the southern Levant and Palaestina Prima with the capital of Caesarea and they spoke mostly the language of Christ called Galilean Aramaic and Aramaic Syriac and the Old Testament was read in Aramaic known as the Targums and the Peshitta as Hebrew was a banned language from 586/587 BC until 130 A.D.

    The Catholic Church sold indulgences and committed 95 false doctrines, Martin Luther the German Reformer, Preacher, Monk and Theologian was called by Christ to teach the TRUTH about the lies of the Catholic Heresies and So he subsequently nailed the 95 Theses protest letter to the door of the Castle church on October 31st, 1517 A.D. in the year of our Lord, called the Great Protestant Reformation to preach and teach the truth about the Holy Scriptures and the Teachings of Christ and end the false teaching.

  7. KathJuliane December 18, 2024 @ 1:09 pm

    No, Jenny Yeager.

    You have it completely wrong, reading what you want to read into Scripture, and then cherry picking it trying to score a gotcha point of some sort. That’s called eisegesis.

    Elijah as a prophet of YHWH wasn’t boasting, he was in deep despair.

    After Elijah had performed a great miracle on Mount Carmel, defeating the prophets of Baal and demonstrating the power of the true GOD before the people of Israel, Queen Jezebel, furious at the defeat of her priests, threatens to kill him, forcing Elijah to flee into the wilderness.

    In this state of fear and discouragement, Elijah sits under a broom tree and prays to die, saying, “It is enough, O LORD! Take my life, for I am no better than my fathers” (1 Kings 19:4).

    Remember reading that part?

    This cry from Elijah is a profound act of distrust not only towards his mission but also towards himself, as he feels the weight of failure and loneliness.

    In that moment, Elijah feels he has failed in his mission and fears he may never see Israel fully restored to faithfulness toward the LORD God.

    GOD’s response to this crisis is filled with compassion and gentleness. GOD sends an angel to bring him food and water and invites him to rest.

    Only after Elijah has eaten and rested does the LORD guide him on a journey to Mount Horeb, where an extraordinary encounter takes place.

    At Mount Horeb, GOD does not reveal Himself to Elijah through dramatic events like a mighty wind, an earthquake, or a fire, but rather through “a still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12).

    Elijah despaired that he is the only faithful servant of God left in Israel. However, God reveals to him a powerful truth that he had overlooked: there exists a hidden remnant of 7,000 faithful people who have not turned to the worship of Baal.

    This declaration serves as both encouragement and empowerment for Elijah, illustrating God’s unwavering preservation of a faithful minority even in the face of widespread apostasy. The LORD reminds Elijah that he is not isolated in his struggles but is part of a larger narrative of faithfulness that spans generations.

    This understanding not only restores Elijah’s hope but also equips him for the ongoing tasks that God has set before him.

    1 Kings 19:18 “Yet I will leave 7,000 in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal and every mouth that has not kissed him.”

    So, no. Elijah wasn’t boasting in the least, not if he was praying for his own death.

  8. Peter Parker December 18, 2024 @ 8:03 pm

    I think Brother is mixed race.

    I’ve said it before, if a Jew doesn’t look like he/she comes from a Middle Eastern desert then he has a lot of Euro DNA. Johnathon Greenblatt looks like he’s all or mostly jew. Same with the actor/comedian Adam Sandler.

    Contrast that with the actors Daniel Radcliffe and Jennifer Connelly that are claimed to be jewish. They look European.

  9. Peter Parker December 18, 2024 @ 8:19 pm

    I’m commenting as I’m watching which isn’t a good idea.

    I had to laugh about the pork chop.

    It gave me an idea, maybe us Christians should hang pork chops on the front door during Christmas.

  10. Peter Parker December 18, 2024 @ 8:38 pm

    Last comment.

    I think the super chat saying you said Satan is your friend is referring to your podcast the other day where you said the snake you were holding was Satan and he’s your friend, or maybe it was the other way around.

    I took that as a joke.

    I want one of your T shirts and I want a coffee mug. I hope they come out soon.

  11. Kraig Spivey January 13, 2025 @ 6:36 pm

    Amen Brother Nathanael. Keep calling out those Satanic Jews.

    Fight, Fight, Fight.

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