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Episode 55: How To Talk Beethoven

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Episode 55: How To Talk Beethoven
December 15 2024

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Brother Nathanael @ December 15, 2024


  1. Dave December 15, 2024 @ 11:04 pm

    Why isn’t Israel being held accountable for killing my wife and other innocents?

    Biden’s final disgusting pardon will be the evil satanic Zionist Israeli Jew who cowardly murderes this innocent American woman

  2. Dave December 15, 2024 @ 11:37 pm


    A large explosion lit up the southern Gaza skyline on Sunday night. An Israeli airstrike hit a school and killed at least 16 people in the southern city of Khan Younis, according to Nasser Hospital, where the bodies were taken. There was no immediate Israeli military statement.

    In the north, an airstrike hit the Khalil Aweida school in the town of Beit Hanoun and killed at least 15 people, according to nearby Kamal Adwan Hospital where casualties were taken. The dead included two parents and their daughter and a father and his son, the hospital said.

    And in Gaza City, at least 17 people including six women and five children were killed in three airstrikes that hit houses sheltering displaced people, according to Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital.

    We woke up to the strike. I woke up with the rubble on top of me,” said a bandaged Yahia al-Yazji, who grieved for his wife and daughter. “I found my wife with her head and skull visible, and my daughter’s intestines were gone. My wife was three months pregnant.” His hand rested on a body wrapped in a blanket on the floor.

    Israel’s military in a statement said it struck a “terrorist cell” in Gaza City and a “terrorist meeting point” in the Beit Hanoun area.

    Another Israeli airstrike killed a Palestinian journalist working for Al Jazeera, Ahmed al-Lawh, in central Gaza, a hospital and the Qatari-based TV station said.

  3. Dave December 16, 2024 @ 12:05 pm


    “Shortly after Hamas sparked the ongoing war in Gaza with its Oct. 7 attack”

    I just copy and pasted this from a brand new breaking report of renewed fighting between Hezbollah and da jews.

    Their subservient puppets in their media (fake American mass media) use it every single solitary time virtually any article has ever been writing on this subject as if they were in a class and their teacher ordered them to do so.

    “Class, for now on forever, whenever you write an article about the slightest mere skirmish between our beloved IDF who ate valiantly protecting our promised land and the terrorists (a terrorist is anybody who resists Jewish supremacist oppression), you will always include that Hamas started the war with their horrendous(you are free to pick any synonyms) attack on October 7. ALWAYS!

    Who was it that said a big lie repeated often enough soon becomes the truth.

    And when that big lie in told to already brainwashed idiots it doesn’t take long at all to become their artificial excuse for the truth (see the “The Obsolete Man” from the Twilight Zone).

  4. Rabbi Glickman December 16, 2024 @ 12:18 pm

    My friends, are you aware of all the charities we Jews covertly control… and to which you’re send your rapidly dwindling number of increasingly hard-earned dollars to?

    You might think you’re forwarding a donation to end abortion, or to fight hunger in Africa… when in truth it’s all going into pockets much deeper than your own? Heh… heh… heh….

    Even charities purporting to help those “poor, suffering Palestinians”.

    Yep, we control those too!

    Ach, my people… we Jews cover ALL the bases! Except for this Brother Nathanael character. He’s causing us problems. Oy gevalt!

  5. Dave December 16, 2024 @ 12:47 pm


    When are you going to write your first book?

    Let me recommend this title:

    “The Evil of Israel”

  6. Dave December 16, 2024 @ 5:00 pm

    Trump in ABC News:

    “The killing of the CEO was horrible” (but it’s perfectly OK for my good jewish friends in Israel to kill 212,000).

  7. Peter Parker December 16, 2024 @ 6:22 pm

    @ +BN

    Where’s the merch?

  8. Mark December 16, 2024 @ 7:04 pm

    Hello Brother Nathanael,

    I really enjoyed this video. It felt like I was attending a college-level class in music appreciation.

    Beethoven is on a level by himself. I appreciate your insight and chosen musical clips. That “Deutschland Uber Alles” song and video was top notch.

    I do hope that the Germans can one day raise their heads high, toss out the invaders and criminal “leaders”, and get their country back.

    What do you think of Toscanini’s work and interpretations?

  9. The Ghost of Christmas Past December 16, 2024 @ 7:31 pm

    The Kosher Nostra are playing the AmeriKan goyim like a stradivarius.

    It’s like an orgasmic convolution of the “best and the brightest” professional psychopathic mass murderers, grifters, and child molesters ever assembled for the final performance given for the benefit of the stupidest, most cowardly, and morally bankrupt generation of pagans ever assembled in front of a TV set!

    Enjoy the show, goyim.

    Armageddon is the encore, so make sure all of you are back in your seats for the shock and awe not seen by human eyes since Sodom & Gomarrah went up in smoke.

    And YOU are gonna have front row seats.

    I guarantee it.

  10. John Rush December 17, 2024 @ 1:22 am

    I really like the Clockwork Orange song.

  11. John December 17, 2024 @ 4:33 am

    The evil Jews (Not all of them – Most of them are brainwashed Gentiles) control everything that is reported in the mainstream Media, and almost everything also reported in the alternative Media.

    They are snakes.

    They are the Synagogue of Satan!!

  12. MeMe December 17, 2024 @ 6:52 am

    I always preferred Karajan’s presentation of Beethoven’s works as he understood more clearly than any others the heart and soul of Beethoven.

    Great episode +BN.

    I really enjoyed this and your own unique insightful perspective. Thank you!

    It also made me think at the end after listening to that section of the German National Anthem and what it is about, the social and cultural heart of Germany and the celebration of all this is to the people.

    I then compared it to what we got lumbered with in England and God save the Queen. Sigh.

  13. Annoying Truther December 17, 2024 @ 7:06 pm

    Hey +BN this was a really good video.

    Nice to hear you talk about classical music.

    So you like Classical and classic rock what other music do you like?

    You say you don’t care about Jupiter and the other pagan gods so why do you give a shit about the hindu gods?

    In your view wouldn’t one set of gods be as made up as the other?

  14. KathJuliane December 17, 2024 @ 9:21 pm



    St. Ursula of Cologne (†c. 383) and her companions

    St. Afra of Augsburg (†c. 304)

    St. Wiborada (†926)

    The Orthodox history of the German lands (present day Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) is quite ancient and boasts a multitude of saints. This area of Orthodox Christian history, often viewed purely through a post-Schism lens, warrants and richly rewards deeper investigation. This write-up will take a quick look at three holy women, martyrs who graced those lands and whose legacy of sanctity will forever remain.

    St. Ursula of Cologne
    One of the most enduringly beloved saints of the German lands is the virgin-martyr St. Ursula, though little is now known about her. She was a Roman-Briton princess who found herself betrothed to a pagan from Armorica, an ancient kingdom in what’s now northern France.

    She persuaded him to accept baptism, and additionally obtained his permission to travel to various holy places on the European continent prior to their wedding. Accordingly she set off for Rome and, after having spent some time there, proceeded to Cologne, where her wedding was to be held.

    However, perhaps unbeknownst to her, Cologne at that time was being besieged by the Huns. Arriving with her retinue, which according to some accounts numbered as many as 11,000, she and her entire company, including her betrothed, were martyred by the infidel horde. This took place sometime in the late 4th century. St. Ursula’s feast day is October 21.

    St. Ursula’s name means “little bear,” perhaps referring to her birth in a caul (but this is speculative). She was renowned for her beauty and exquisite gracefulness of manner. The Virgin Islands are named in her honor.

    St. Alfra’s martyrdom
    Somewhat earlier than St. Ursula, the life and struggles of St. Afra played out. With St. Ulrich (see later), she is the co-patron of Augsburg. St. Afra may originally have been from Cyprus.

    She was born to pagan parents and was dedicated at birth to the service of Venus. She may even have worked in a brothel run by her family for a time. However, she was not long to remain in such darkness and iniquity.

    During the persecutions under Diocletian, the local bishop Narcissus was compelled to take refuge with St. Afra and her mother. He soon converted their whole family to the faith of Christ. Upon later being herself denounced as a Christian to the authorities, she boldly refused the emperor’s order to sacrifice to the pagan gods, instead fearlessly proclaiming Christ.

    For her brave confession, she was publicly burned by the Lech River (other sources say she was beheaded). St. Afra entered the heavenly kingdom around the year 304.

    A final woman martyr of note came from much later times: The holy nun-martyr St. Wiborada. She lived during the late ninth–early tenth centuries.

    St. Wiborada the nun-martyr
    St. Wiborada was an anchoress, pursuing a life of prayer as a solitary Benedictine nun. Of wealthy and noble lineage from Swabia (southern Germany), St. Wiborada forsook all worldly wealth and followed her brother Hatto into monasticism at the Abbey of St. Gall in Switzerland. Here she occupied herself with various useful crafts.

    After being falsely accused of some unspecified major infraction, for which she was cruelly subjected to trial by ordeal, St. Wiborada retreated from communal life for a hermetic existence. She acquired great spiritual gifts, including prophecy and the ability to heal diseases.

    A certain girl named Richaldis, who the saint healed of some grievous disease, stayed on with her as her disciple. St. Ultich of Augsburg (see later), came often to her for counsel and she prophesied his great future spiritual attainments.

    St. Wiborada prophetically foretold a coming Magyar invasion, giving the nearby monastics time to hide their holy objects, manuscripts, and valuables and to flee from harm. She herself chose not to flee.

    When the Magyar invaders arrived, they burst into her cell as she was kneeling in prayer, and one of them split open her skull with his axe. Thus did St. Wiborada pass into eternal glory as a holy anchoress and martyr in the year 926.

    These holy women collectively constitute a brilliant part of the tapestry of Orthodox Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. May we have their prayers!

    Missionaries and Enlighteners

    St. Boniface of Mainz (+c.754)

    St. Burchard of Wurzburg (+c.752)

    St. Rupert of Salzburg (+710)

    St. Magnus of Füssen (+c.772)

    St. Gall (+c.646) and St. Deicolus (+625)

    Though Christianity had certainly been present in the German lands long before (as witnessed by the lives and martyric struggles of Saints Afra and Ursula, et al), the full conversion and enlightenment of this area was principally the work of the great St. Boniface, one of the Church’s most renowned missionary saints.

    St. Boniface, Enlightener of Germany
    St. Boniface was an Englishman, born in Devonshire. Blessed with an excellent mind, he pursued monasticism in a Benedictine monastery of Adescancastre, where he produced England’s first Latin grammar.

    From early on he had a great missionary zeal, a common feature among pre-Schism English and Celtic saints. He set out on a mission to evangelize the Frisians, but external factors frustrated the mission. …

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