Episode 24: Protocols Of Zion Unlocked!
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Episode 24: Protocols Of Zion Unlocked!
September 4 2024
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Brother Nathanael @ September 4, 2024
Why do we have to hear the NOISE at the beginning of your videos (what you call “music”) ?
All Along the Watchtower was originally a Bob Dylan song.
Brother Nathanael:
You say the “dispersion” that the Protocols talk about is the dispersion of the White people and you list eight “dispersions.” But actually the dispersion the Protocols talk about is the dispersion of the Jews all over the world which, they say, appears to be something negative but is actually the source of their strength.
Meaning it looks as if they are weak when scattered everywhere but because they are scattered they are able to infiltrate everywhere. So, the “dispersion” is the dispersion of the Jews, not the White collective that you mention.
Don’t you agree?
We are rightly told to pay attention to history lest it repeat itself.
There are some interesting parallels in this talk with some key events on-going today.
I find it interesting that it seems to be always Jews when there are monstrous acts of brutal violence and cruelty.
In today’s Orthodox Nationalist, Dr. Johnson details one of the least known genocidal events of the Soviet era, that of the famine of 1930-1933 in Kazakhstan.
This was a direct result of collectivization, a policy designed to destroy the social fabric of the country, overseen by the Jewish dictator, Fillip Goloshchyokin.
The purpose of this collectivization of formerly free herders and nomads was to break any resistance Kazakhs might have had against the USSR. Goloshchyokin himself referred to the herders as goyim and sought their total destruction.
I get this as a podcast but you should be able to hunt it down on the website
here’s a easy direct link.
Kill the Jooocommie Power Sources and Save the Children!
Act-I-vate Local/–Fed! Run for office on this “Save America’s Children Manifesto” for Peace and Prosperity!
Jeffersonian/Jacksonian Banking System with interest free money backed by gold AND SILVER confiscated from the criminal international central bankers and printed by the Treasury Department (Abolish the FED!).
Arrest, try for treason, and if found guilty, execute all Communists (including centeral banksterists) for unconstitutional sedition and treason!
Reparations to post-Covid Hoax small business people out of confiscated Rothschild […] Read more
God bless you, Br. Nathanael.
Remember, “Eat right for your type” by D’Adamo, as I sent you the book many years ago.
Everybody of Christ, please pray for Klein family healing, IJN, Amen!
Does the ROC pray to Mary and the Apostles?
According to (quality) sources, Bob Dylan, like Einstein, stole (most) of his lyrics and melodies from old British and American folk songs.
Regarding the Jewish problem, I see only three possibilities for this tribe of Satan.
1) A miracle will happen, and they will (truthfully) convert in mass to Christianity, as is foretold in the Bible.
2) Another Titus will arise, and annihilate 1 million or more of them again, which will set their Anti-Christ time table back 1000’s of years.
3) They will be exposed and rounded up in mass, spayed and neutered so they can’t reproduce, and then thrown into work camps again, as they justly deserve.
As JESUS CHRIST commands, we must pray for our enemies. Who is our enemy? The same tribe that killed JESUS CHRIST our lord and savior.
SO we MUST pray for the Jews, and their (honest) conversion, while at the same time taking away their power, over our Christian based cultures. They have been thrown out of 109 countries over 1000 times.
So, they can be caught and brought to justice.
SONAR21 | 5 September 2024
by Larry Johnson
I do not know how long the following video will remain on YouTube. My guess, is not long. However, you can watch it at Bitchute (here is the link).
I copied it from Odysee and learned that not even WordPress will allow me to post a link to Odysee. We are living in an age of draconian authoritarianism in the West.
I remember a time when we in the West were smug and sanctimonious in condemning the Soviet Union and Communist China for punishing political opponents.
Now, we have passed through the looking glass and are in an upside-down world, where it is the United States and Europe that are silencing political opponents and aggressively using social media to spread government propaganda.
The political hit job picked up steam today with the indictment of American citizen, Dimitri Simes, and his wife, for “violating US sanctions on Russia.” Just look at the following headlines. The last one is from the US Department of Justice website. Talk about misinformation.
None admit the fact that Dimitri and his wife are US citizens and have held citizenship for 50 years. So much for civil rights.
Channel One Russia personality indicted over alleged violations of US sanctions
US charges Russian TV contributor Dimitri Simes with sanctions violations
US charges former Trump 2016 campaign adviser Dimitri Simes over work for sancti…
TV Presenter Who Worked for Channel One Russia Charged with Violating U.S. Sanctions Imposed on Russia
This is nothing more than a desperate Democrat hit-job on the Trump campaign. This is one of the themes I touched during my appearance on RT (I was not paid or compensated in anyway and what I said reflects my own strongly held beliefs.)
If you did not see my interview last week with Dimitri, I am posting it again. Dimitri was a prominent member of the Washington, DC foreign policy community.
He served as President of the Nixon Center for 30 years. He is now learning that US citizenship means nothing if you are not part of the current political mob.
THIS! – Scott Ritter — Is Putin’s Patience Paying Off?
Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom
CBC TV is promoting another so-called “Russian” dissident named Vladimir Kura Murza who was released from jail.
Another so-called culture hero.
Like Pussy Riot, he is just another jew.
Kath, I used to think that Putin was playing for Russia. Not anymore.
I think he’s playing for the Tribe. I don’t know to what degree, but I’d wager it’s substantial. The Nord Stream debacle… The Crocus attack (and they’d been forewarned)… the Ukrainian “incursion”… etc.
I don’t know for a fact that Putin’s a jew, but his bizarre, slow-motion approach to the war with Ukraine raises suspicions concerning his real loyalties.
Plus, it is rumored that he left his wife for a young gymnast.
Russia needs someone of Medvedev’s mindset to clean up the mess in Ukraine,
Are jews starting to lean towards Trump?
They do seem to be nervously distancing themselves from Camel’s sinking ship.
Here’s the choice facing jews: with the Camel it’ll be: “Open war on White people!” Good!
With Trump: “More wars for Israel!” Better?
Such a difficult decision.
RAY McGOVERN: Conditioning Americans for War With Russia
September 4, 2024
With new U.S. action today against Moscow, Russiagate remains like a vampire, with no one able to drive a wooden stake into its heart and keep it there.
Special to Consortium News
As the drums beat louder and louder about alleged threats from Russia, the Biden administration today blew perilous new life into the debunked and disgraced Russiagate disinformation operation.
Russiagate seems too good of a weapon for the Democrats to give up. Its initial appearance, beginning in 2016, dangerously raised tensions with nuclear-armed Russia. But in the midst of today’s escalating crisis in Ukraine, a Russiagate repeat recklessly raises risk to insane heights.
Here’s how The New York Times reported it today:
“The United States on Wednesday announced a broad effort to push back on Russian influence campaigns in the 2024 election, as it tries to curb the Kremlin’s use of state-run media and fake news sites to sway American voters.
The actions include sanctions, indictments and seizing of web domains that U.S. officials say the Kremlin uses to spread propaganda and disinformation about Ukraine, which Russia invaded more than two years ago.
Attorney General Merrick B. Garland detailed the actions taken by the Justice Department. They include the indictment of two Russian employees of RT, the state-owned broadcaster, who used a company in Tennessee to spread content, and the takedown of a Russian malign influence campaign known as Doppelgänger.
‘The American people are entitled to know when a foreign power engages in political activities or seeks to influence public discourse,’ Mr. Garland said. …
The State Department has offered a $10 million reward for information pertaining to foreign interference in an American election.”
Garland testified: “The effort in this case is to affect the preferred outcome of the presidential election. … the Director of National Intelligence has testified that Russia’s preferences have not changed from the preceding election.”
CNN’s Breaking News alert dredged up thoroughly disproven myths of “Russia’s 2016 activity, which included hacking the Democratic National Committee and leaking documents aimed at undercutting Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.”
The Lie That Won’t Die
Most Americans (not attentive readers of Consortium News) will believe this recycled drivel from top Justice Department and F.B.I. officials, whose predecessors promoted the same gambit.
As we pointed out four weeks ago in “Decay, Decrepitude, Deceit in Journalism,” thanks to Establishment media, Russiagate continues to survive “like a science fiction monster resilient to bullets.” This, even though the $32 million Robert Mueller investigation found no conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign — a main plank in the Russiagate tale.
The other main plank, that Russia hacked Democratic National Committee computers, was also debunked, as we shall get to shortly.
The government’s actions today were preceded by more Russiagate drivel last Saturday from a repeat offender, Michael Isikoff (via Spy Talk). This time around, Russiagate is consequential drivel as it helps grease the skids for war.
In 2017 Isikoff wrote (with David Corn) Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump — “how American democracy was hacked by Moscow to help Trump” (Amazon); a “most thorough and riveting account” (The New York Times).
It was all, as the British say, bollocks! In fact, a year after the “riveting” book came out, Isikoff had to admit publicly that the “Steele Dossier” and infamous “pee-tape” were “likely false.” He confessed during an interview on Dec. 15, 2018, (with an unsuspecting — and somewhat shocked) admirer.
[See: Michael Isikoff Cuts His Losses at ‘Russian Roulette’]
Continue reading: https://consortiumnews.com/2024/09/04/ray-mcgovern-conditioning-americans-for-war-with-russia/
I think Putin knows exactly what he is doing. I don’t think he is sucking up to the jews. He has called the Israelis aliens.
The Ukraine war is gradually breaking the European Union away from the USA.
Germany just elected its first far right politician since WW2.
Erdogan wants to joing BRICS. I did not know until yesterday that the CIA once tried to kill Erdogan. He has no loyalty to the USA.
Without Russian gas, German industry is doomed and the Germans know it. Scholtz’s approval rating is about 5%. He is doomed.
Things are now changing very fast in Europe and the expense of the Ukraine war is the main reason why.
I also think Putin is using the Ukraine war to gradually train hundreds of thousands of Russians for war.
If any large war should break out with NATO he will be ready. I think he is very smart.
Homosexual–Oops! Memory hole it. -Kj
Georgia School Mass Murderer Is Homosexual and Frustrated Over Trans Acceptance So Expect the Story to Disappear
When the narrative breaks, the reporters look elsewhere.
SEP 06, 2024
The narrative that it’s always right-wing straight white dudes shooting up schools took another hit today when it was revealed Georgia school shooter Colt Gray is “gay” and expressed frustration over the acceptance of transgenders.
The story will be pushed down on corporate media’s priority list immediately.
According to Collin Rugg:
JUST IN: Georgia school sh**ter Colt Gray was “bullied for being gay” and “expressed frustration with the acceptance of transgender people.”
According to CNN, Gray’s Discord account discussed his frustration with the “acceptance of trans people.”
“The account referenced Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook Elementary School sh**ter, and in separate posts shared a desire to target an elementary school and expressed frustration with the acceptance of transgender people,” CNN reported
Colin Gray, Colt’s father, reportedly told the Jackson County Sheriff’s office last year that his son was bullied at school for being gay.
“It was very difficult for him to go to school and not get picked on,” he said.
“It went from one thing to another… I was trying to get him on the golf team… [they were like] ‘Oh, look, Colt’s gay. He’s dating that guy. Just ridiculed him day after day after day.'”
During the same interview, Colin Gray said his son “gets flustered and under pressure” and “doesn’t really think straight.”
“He knows the seriousness of weapons and what they can do, and how to use them and not use them.”
They’ll report it as they are now, then it will be memory holed.
Under the Second Amendment category…
The intervention of very brave, assertive, trained, and highly competent armed school resource officers stopped the massacre from becoming worse. -Kj
Georgia High School Attacker Stopped by Good Guy with a Gun
Breitbart | 4 September 2024
On Wednesday afternoon, Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith made clear the Apalachee High School attacker was stopped by an armed School Resource Officer.
During a joint press conference with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI), Smith noted that the shooter was confronted by a School Resource Officer and faced with the option of surrendering or being shot.
Starts at 40:53: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LwCyN4QrhI
FOX 35 Orlando aired the press conference, where Smith said, “Obviously the shooter was armed, and our School Resource Officer engaged him, and the shooter quickly realized that if he did not give up, that it would end with an officer involved shooting.”
He said the shooter “gave up, got on the ground, and the deputy took him into custody.”
Ironically, in 2019, during her first presidential campaign, Kamala Harris called for taking police officers out of schools.
RT Under Fire: Dmitry Polyanskiy Speaks on US Sanctions & Media Crackdown
Streamed live 5 hours ago
Join us live with Dmitry Polyanskiy, First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations, for an in-depth discussion on RT’s sanctions and censorship in the US, the potential for Russia-Ukraine peace talks, Ukraine’s Kursk invasion, NATO weapons on Russian soil, and recent reshuffles in Zelensky’s government.
Don’t miss this crucial conversation on current global conflicts and diplomacy.
Scott Ritter takes part in the podcast, too. -Kj
Ritter possesses a profound percipience of his nation’s ills, Russiaphobia, and the Euro/Brit situation, of their arrival at the Event Horizon of a Black Hole.
Also, Ray McGovern is another exceptional gentleman with a unique understanding of Holy Russia and Amerika’s notoriety.
The Atlanticists in the personage of Anne Applebaum, and the DOJ jew, Garfinkel etc. must be living on their nerves these days, knowing their game is up.
lastly, Fitz, I’m confident your analysis of Putin is very wrong. It’s as bad as dear +BN’s apparent parody of Groucho Marx.
I see by the CBC where a Pakistani guy living in Canada has been arrested for plotting to kill a bunch of jews in New York.
What surprise me is that this kind of thing is not happening on a daily basis.
The target was to be in Brooklyn where there are as many jews as there are sewer rats.
Given the way the genocidal jews are deliberately murdering innocent women and children in Palestine by knowingly burying them alive, I would have thought different Arab groups would be attacking jews and burning down synagogues all over the world by now, in a justified tit-for-tat response
Muslims are proving to be very tolerant people compared to the cowardly, heavily inbred, pathetic and hateful jews.
I am amazed at how disciplined and brave Hamas is and how filthy, cowardly and evil the jewish IDF has proven to be. Huge moral difference.
There are now endless videos of Hamas men running across hundreds of yards of open ground to place bombs under Israeli tanks. Most, but not all, are rich enough to be able to afford a pair of running shoes but some still run barefoot.
IDF footage just shows groups of frightened men huddled together and firing at something in the distance which is most cases seems to be cement walls.
On another matter, Turkey has just arrested a pile of Mossad agents. What the Mossad is doing is recruiting the wives of Palestinian men killed in Gaza but now living in Turkey.
These women have children but no money to raise them, so the Mossad pays them to betray and gather intelligence on their fellow Palestinians.
Certainly America needs to bring back the 160 dancing Israelis who blew up the World Trade Center on 9/11 when Israel formally declared war on the USA by murdering 3,000 Americans and when all high ranking American military men, except Dr. Alan Sabrosky, stood down and betrayed their oath of office.
The occupying tentacled Fiend, of the jewnited Kikedom.
Do watch the Savagery of Ogre-occupation. Courtesy of Daily Stormer.
Boys and girls, I too was once like you.
I thought Putin was a White knight, 3D chess genius who was taking on the Tribe and thwarting its plans for Russia, and by extension its dream of World dominion.
Not anymore.
I no longer think Putin is playing 3D chess. Not after all the humiliating black eyes Russia has suffered due to his strange leadership.
Nope, I think he too is playing for the Tribe. He IS a politician after all, and the Tribe first and foremost targets pols for “the treatment”.
They got to him. Like they have so many others.
The slow motion operation and all the disasters and setbacks Russia has suffered under his watch (See Citizenfitz, “Going as Planned for Who…?” support this view, not the “3D chess genius”.
Is Putin part jewish himself? Maybe.
That’d explain some things in any event.
In the Russian troops who do cease-fire negotiations to Prime Minister Bennett of Israel, and do not kill Zelinskii, President Putin promises the west Ukraine to withdrawal and withdrawal from the outskirts of Kiev, and he will sign a cease-fire agreement at March, 2022 5 every day.
President Putin cannot go Russian troops into the west Ukraine which is keeping the promise with former Prime Minister Bennett and which does not kill Zelinskii still now.
However, the Zelinskii Administration is the missile by which the Ukraine army has killed invasion and Russians to Kursk in Russia and which was supplied to Western countries, attacks Russian soil, cancels the cease-fire agreement which has killed many Russia people, and attacks Russia.
However, President Putin still keeps a promise with former Prime Minister Bennett, and I do not deliver an attack to Zelinskii.
The mysterious state continues.
Paul Craig Roberts September 7, 2024
Putin’s Inability to Act Is Bringing On the Worst War in Human History
Governments and Media roles in War Propaganda | THE WAR YOU DON’T SEE | John Pilger Documentary
A powerful and timely investigation into the media’s role in war, tracing the history of embedded and independent reporting from the carnage of World War One to the destruction of Hiroshima, and from the invasion of Vietnam to the current war in Afghanistan and disaster in Iraq.
As weapons and propaganda become even more sophisticated, the nature of war is developing into an electronic battlefield in which journalists play a key role, and civilians are the victims. But who is the real enemy?
Written, Produced and Directed by John Pilger with Alan Lowery
The manipulation of the American mind: Edward Bernays and the birth of public relations
Edward L. Bernays, Nephew of Freud, Founds Public Relations
History of Information
In 1923 Edward L. Bernays, founder of the public relations industry and double nephew of Sigmund Freud, published Crystallizing Public Opinion in New York through Boni & Liveright.
Bernays combined the ideas of French sociologist Gustave Le Bon, originator of crowd psychology, with the psychoanalytic ideas of his uncle, Sigmund Freud [especially preying upon the subconscious and pandering to ego -Kj] and those of British surgeon and social psychologist Wilfred Trotter, who promoted similar ideas in the anglophone world in his book Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War.
“Trotter, who was a head and neck surgeon at University College Hospital, London, read Freud’s works, and it was he who introduced Wilfred Bion, whom he lived and worked with, to Freud’s ideas. When Freud fled Vienna for London after the Anschluss, Trotter became his personal physician, and Wilfred Bion and Ernest Jones became key members of the Freudian psychoanalysis movement in England, and would develop the field of Group Dynamics, largely associated with the Tavistock Institute where many of Freud’s followers worked.
Thus ideas of group psychology and psychoanalysis came together in London around World War II.
“Bernays’ public relations efforts helped to popularize Freud’s theories in the United States. Bernays also pioneered the PR industry’s use of psychology and other social sciences to design its public persuasion campaigns:
“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits.” He called this scientific technique of opinion-molding the ‘engineering of consent'” (Wikipedia article on Edward Bernays, accessed 02-17-2012).
10 Ways That Freud’s Nephew Duped Us All (And Still Does)
Not touched on by the late John Pilger, Edward Bernays, Jew, architect of modern mass manipulation, “Father of Public Relations and Propaganda,” was the nephew of Sigmund Freud twice over, giving some hint into Jewish inbreeding. His mother was Freud’s sister Anna, and his father, Ely Bernays, was the brother of Freud’s wife Martha.
Somewhere along the line, Madison Avenue threw in Pavlovian conditioning on top of Bernays through advertising giant, J. B. Watson.
Actually, of Bernays’ ten Madison Avenue market advertising dupings, two I don’t mind — ham and eggs for breakfast, and hairnets for industrial food processing.
Rest in Peace, dear champion warrior for truth, justice, and journalistic integrity and excellence. -Kj
Re: Bernay’s article.
Good show, very interesting.
So this is another indirect form of mind control, it hasn’t been integrated into psychotronics, they complement each other: this body of knowledge encompasses non-physical control of the mind, whereas psychotronics is physical control of the mind.
So, practically and pragmatically, how does individuality fare with all this and similar activity going on?
Western governments are in a crisis of their own making
CitizenFitz: “That $300,000,000,000 that Putin left in the US Federal Reserve Bank, and which was subsequently “frozen” by the US…. That was kinda’ strange. What’s the story there?”
Oh dear, CF. Has your account been hacked or is it just your head?
Putin is behind BRICS, the replacement of SWIFT, the US dollar and the return to a gold standard.
That is the greatest threat to the jewish private bankers that exists. Khadaffy tried it but didn’t have the military to back up his plans.
Russia is trying it again and does have the ability to drop the hammer
and they are the deep state. I don’t think Russia has suffered any black eyes. What are those black eyes? I don’t see any.
This is most confusing.
@The Englishman
The families of young Ukainians who have been railroaded in going to war are trying to stop the war by sabotaging the supplies of the jewish-led Ukrainian army, at least that is what the Russians are saying.
You never know what is true in war?
How do you view RT? At first when the seditious banned RT in the UK I could reach it through Tor Onion, but that too is now “unavailable”.
It is perplexing that a commenter here at RJN, as loyal and knowledgeable as Fitz, is hung up on Putin being a Fifth columnist.
With the exception of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, His belief that Dmitry Medvedev would play the S.M.O. differently is I believe a fallacy.
Perhaps the example of the Heretic in the Vatican has coloured your judgement, Fitz.
@Ted Gorsline
I would wager the likes of the “Telegraph” & “Guardian” will blame Russian special forces, & as likely not report it.
Russia’s False Accusation.
By Sakai Tanaka. [September 6, 2024]
The people of Donbas are Russian, and the removal of orphans is not a crime against humanity.
It is not surprising that even in Ukraine outside of Donbas, more and more caregivers of orphans think it would be better to find adoptive parents in Russia.
The description that Russian authorities are forcibly abducting orphans contains distortions by the U.S. and Ukrainian authorities, who are hostile to Russia.
Geopolitical Shift in Mongolia.
By Sakai Tanaka. [September 4, 2024]
Putin’s visit to Mongolia is of global importance for two reasons.
One is that Mongolia ignored the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC).
The second is that, as a spinoff from that, the US’s attempt to turn Mongolia into a country hostile to Russia and China since last year has apparently failed, and this visit marks the beginning of a trend in which Mongolia may once again become friendly with Russia and China.
Well Ted, let’s start with that $300,000,000,000 plus Russia had on deposit with the US Federal Reserve, and which the US “froze” at the very start of the “SMO”.
Kinda’ mysterious that… don’t you think?
I go into more detail about things at the blog. Pick one point you disagree with, and we’ll debate it in detail.
Some people find it impossible to believe that Putin is himself a zionist… beholden to the Tribe. They’ll gladly agree with how corrupt politicians are – but refuse to believe that’s possible (politician) Putin.
The Tribe controls ALL sides of *any* political debate. And most of the politicians of the world are under their thumb. Definitely all the important ones.
One way or another, they got to Putin.
Maybe the various factions will get the Mongols to reinvade Europe and perhaps Nihon.
After all, the holohoax museumers are building Museums of the Mongol next to theirs.
I use PIA which provides a VPN service, even so sometimes I still have to choose a foreign country-based server to view some content, which has ONLY EVER been content to do with the fake holocaust and the criminal jews.
just a few pounds per month, I’ve used for many years.
Russia put all that money with the federal Reserve at a time when it was the safest place to keep it and US currency was the safest to hold. Still, is even thought its getting weaker.
Not long ago, prior to 2012, Russia was hoping to have friendly relations with both the USA and Germany. All the Russians wanted to do was increase trade. Thus holding money in the USA and building Nordstream 2 with Germany made sense.
Once that fat jewish pig Victoria Nudelman and her jewish neocon friends starting with Paul Wolfowitz made it clear in 2012 that jew-controlled America was intent on using NATO and Ukraine to break up and rob Christian Russia, Putin changed the goal posts and introduced BRICS, which is a direct threat to the jewish banking cartel.
The whole world is tired of being in the jewish bankers yoke which is why everyone including Turkey and Saudi Arabia are joining up.
Only then did jewish owned and controlled USA, and the world’s biggest whore house–US Congress–stab Russia in the back (with jews its inevitable) by seizing Russia’s assets and blowing up Nordstream 2.
The jewish word is worthless. The jewish contract is worthless. The jewish hand shake is worthless.
Putin is very patient and is winning on every front. Mevedev’s only reason for being is to float trial balloons to see what the reaction will be. Putin uses him for this purpose. Mevedev does not make policy. He is a controlled loose cannon. He will run everything he says past Putin before he says it.
Putin just uses him to stir the pot so as to guage reactions.
What is your website called. I’ll take a look at it.
Israeli airstrike on Syria kills 14 people – media
9 Sep, 2024 08:08
The attack reportedly targeted the country’s Hama province
Israeli airstrike on Syria kills 14 people – media
FILE PHOTO: An Israeli F-16 jet takes off from from Ramat David airbase.
Why doesn’t the Russian military use the S-300s deployed in Syria to shoot down
Israeli fighter jets?
Russian military does not protect Syria.
The Russian military’s S-300, which has been in use for six years, does not provide air defense in Syria.
An incomprehensible reality.
I see by the internet where one of the world’s most worthless jews has passed away. His name is Robert Schad and he founded the Husky Injection Molding Systems plastics company.
He was born in 1928 in Karslruhe, Germmany so he was from 11 to 17 years old during WW2 or of Hitler Youth age. The Canadian Army killed some 22,000 17-year-old Hitler Youth at the end of WW2 but I have found no reference to his having a role in the German Army. Some 160,000 jews, including one jewish field marshal, fought for Hitler.
The cover story, the song and dance story, is that he arrived in Canada with $25.00 and a letter of reference from Albert Einstein, and that he then went on to invent a snowmobile that did not work and parlayed this failure into the largest plastic injection moulding company in the world.
This story smells as much as the story about the jew Sergie Brin creating an internet empire in his garage. I once had a Russian jewish client on safari and he told me he went from having nothing to having $10 billion in 3 years on arrival in Chicago.
I believe all of these people are planted by jewish organized crime. I don’t believe any of their cover stories.
Anyhow, Schad ended up owning Husky plastic injection moulding and was producing 80 billion plastic bottles a year in the USA alone and more in plants in China.
He created a really weird environmental group where he encouraged poor kids to do thing like sell lemonade on the street and give to money to his multi million dollar organization. Smelled like child labour to me.
I would say his greatest achievement was having his products create the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the largest introduction of filth into the world’s oceans by any specific individual.
He also created a process to break the plastics down so fine that while it became less of an eyesore it then made its way into every tiny niche in the world including the human brain.
He financed morons like the CBC’s David Suzuki who would rail about plastic pollution but not tell you that we was taking money from the man who produced most of it.
Not a single person ever went after the $billionaire when it came to making a plan to pay to clean up all the huge floating garbage dumps in all the world’s oceans, even though he, more than anyone else on planet earth, was the person responsible for them.
An utterly worthless human being.
I am sick to death of having people compare jews to the Nazis.
Its unfair to the Nazis because it has begun to give them a bad name.
Happy belated birthday, dear +BN!
God grant you many, many more years!
Not 1, not 2, but 3! innocent NATO members experienced “wayward Russian drones” within a very short time frame, which apparently no one can find. -KJ
Wayward Russian Drone Panic: NATO Members Launch Latest Desperate Stunt
SEP 09, 2024
It’s unbelievable how transparent Zelensky and the West’s diabolical plans have become. As I’ve been reporting, there is nothing left for Zelensky to do other than desperately try to involve NATO in the war to save himself.
And now that one of his last-ditch schemes have failed, he and his partners appear to be resorting to one of the most laughably obvious ploys imaginable.
Note how for more than two years now, Russia has ceaselessly struck Ukraine with tens of thousands of drones without issue. Suddenly, as soon as Ukraine falls into dire straits and Zelensky requires a desperate last-minute life-line, what do we see? Repeated instances of “Russian” drones and missiles going awry and just happening to hit ‘NATO’ territory.
During the huge Russian strikes last week, we heard several instances of Russian drones allegedly going off-course into Poland, for which Poland was forced to issue several embarrassing responses; the first was that Poland could not shoot the drone down due to “bad weather”:
That’s quite the damning appraisal of NATO integrated radar coverage capabilities, given that they admit the drone could not be tracked.
Summary: they searched 3,200 square kilometers of their territory and could find no trace of the alleged Russian drone. The most humorous part comes at the bottom highlighted in yellow where they admit their lackluster NATO radar systems need to be updated and “optimized”.
Recall that the last time a Russian “missile” had hit Polish territory, killing an innocent Polish farmer, it was later revealed to be Ukrainian by all parties.
Now, getting back to the current developments—a most see-through and obviously-orchestrated campaign in accordance with the above is being carried out. First there was the claim that a Russian Geran drone flew into Romania:
The Romanian MOD officially declared that they had scrambled F-16s against the potential threat, and that the planes’ radars allegedly tracked the ‘drone’ as it violated Romanian airspace:
If that wasn’t obvious enough, they increased their information campaign with Latvia absurdly claiming that a Russian drone had likewise violated their airspace as well:
Here’s the Latvian president himself announcing this ‘violation’:
Propagandists immediately sprang into action to begin their churning and amplifying of the coordinated information package, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of Parliament of Lithuania, Chairman of TS-LKD, Homeland Union Party of Lithuania Gabrielius Landsbergis leading the way:
Think about that for a moment: as I said earlier, for two plus years, Russia has successfully launched drones against Ukraine with no mishaps.
Suddenly, as soon as Zelensky appears to be on his last leg, Russian drones just “happen” to develop a miraculous inability to stay their course, with a total degradation of their guidance accuracy in a way that just happens to send them veering dangerously into innocent NATO countries, of all places.
How realistic does this sound to you?
Full story: https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/wayward-russian-drone-panic-nato
Ted: “Russia put all that money with the federal Reserve at a time when it was the safest place to keep it and US currency was the safest to hold.”
Well, Russia left *$300,000,000,000* on deposit with the US… even AFTER the US sponsored the Maidan Revolution… even after the US illegally seized their consulates… and started weaponizing Ukraine like an Ottoman army… and began indulging in increasingly warlike rhetoric?
That sounds like 3D chess to you?
That’s just for starters.
So CF, are you the Timothy Fitzpatrick of this site?
As some of the commenters note, you make claims and use your own site as ‘proof’.
Certainly on you own blog you make such unfounded ad-hominem statements such as:
“I think the MAGA Trumpies are like that. The Donald could pee in a mug in front of them, tell them it was Heineken’s, and they’d slurp it down”
“Some people just have to have a hero to venerate”
“Putin’s fans want to believe that although politicians are naturally liars, thieves and traitors, somehow Putin is immune to all of it”
there may be some truth to the above statements but they hardly combine to make a reasonable argument.
@CF, where is your refutation of the great post by our well respected and researched KathJ.
Just to clarify for you, I came to my own conclusion after much deliberation and doubting that Putin is a man for his people, the Russian Orthodox Christian people, however as I cannot know for certain, it remains as a question OPEN to new information as it becomes accessible. When the entire Western media is hostile to him and his leadership example we need to be super vigilant to embedded propaganda.
Just one last point on this ‘Fitz, if you were in his position as the leader of his country and you found yourself surrounded by hostile cultures and in a very vulnerable state unable to defend yourself in battle, do you stand up and declare yourself in opposition to them or do you work to fool them into believing you are with them and their agenda?
I believe that Putin does read and understand true history and allowed his understanding of how Hitler brought about the recovery of Germany following the treachery of the WW1 ending and the devastation that was brought to bear upon the German people.
Putin paid off the National Debt to the jew bankers and removed them from the central bank putting it back in the hands of the nation and its State. What sort of message do you think that sends to the world?
Sorry, but that is all the time I’m going to spend on this nonsense from you.
My understanding is that US companies have more than $300 billion is assets in Russia that Putin could seize but that Putin has decided to leave them alone to see what happens. He is very patient.
I think he is just waiting for the elections not just in the USA but especially in Germany, to see if the goal posts are will change and will make decisions once the dust has settled.
We Must Never Forget 9-9-21
How Biden’s Mandates Devastated America and His Presidency
SEP 10, 2024
Note: Since I now I have a voice through this newsletter, I periodically take part in campaigns to aimed at shifting the national dialog in a positive manner.
This revised article is being sent out today since many of believe it is critical to bring public awareness to the three year anniversary of Biden’s abhorrent vaccine mandates.
Recently, a rather extraordinary turn of events happened. The sitting president was forced to drop out of his re-election campaign because his cognitive impairment was undeniably exposed to the country through a presidential debate and his party then turned against him.
I and many others hold the opinion that over the last 3 years, Biden experienced cognitive and neurological decline, that this decline perfectly paralleled his zealous endorsement of the COVID vaccines, and that causality can be established since that same decline has been seen in many others following COVID vaccination (especially older adults with pre-existing cognitive impairment).
On 9/9/21, Biden gave one of the most divisive speeches in American history. There he announced his illegal workforce mandate (which was later struck down by the Supreme Court), repeated a series of known lies about the COVID vaccine and repeatedly attempted to incite hatred against the unvaccinated.
Since the entire conference was 27 minutes long (which made it too long to watch), I spent a while trimming it down to the key points. The primary reason I made this article was to highlight this video, so please consider watching it (and take note of how much more lucid and coherent he was just three years ago).
Note: the above clip can also be viewed on Twitter here, while the full conference can be viewed here.
Watching that speech is understandably upsetting for many of you. In my eyes, the most important aspect of this speech is that it illustrates why it is so critical to have laws against tyranny because someone in a position of power will always become convinced that it is acceptable to do something absolutely grotesque to the citizens, and will do so unless safeguards are already in place to prevent that.
When I first saw Biden’s speech, I was shocked by the audacity of his lies (e.g., many of his justifications for the mandates, such as the vaccines “preventing” transmission, went against the known science at the time), the irrational contradictions between them (e.g., how can the vaccines “work” if you can’t be around the unvaccinated) and the absolute certainty he had in his positions alongside his gross contempt for those who disagreed with him.
Put differently, the Biden I saw was no different from one of the many difficult older men I know who listen to CNN or MSNBC all day, have absolute certainty in the beliefs they get from the mainstream media, angrily will insist abhorrent policies are justified on the basis of their beliefs and have a specific type of ego which under no circumstances will be willing to acknowledge its beliefs were incorrect.
Note: I suspect many of you have people like this in your life too. One of the remarkable things I’ve discovered from researching the Federal government is how often the head of an agency will be completely ignorant of the actual science on a medical controversy, and instead mindlessly repeat the party-line regardless of how at odds it is with reality (e.g., multiple heads of the FDA did this DMSO).
This mentality in turn helps to explain some of Biden’s other notorious actions during his presidency…
The Consequences of Biden’s Mandates
Biden’s mandates were likely one of the most flawed policy decisions in American history. For example:
•It injured, disabled and killed American workers, creating an unprecedented loss of productivity our economy has not recovered from.
•It created one of the greatest mass casualty events in American history.
•The vaccines and their mandates failed to decrease COVID rates. Rather they increased them (because it was a rushed and badly designed vaccine).
•The mandates were counterproductive to their goal of increasing vaccine uptake because they caused much of the public to stop trusting their healthcare authorities and hence motivated them to instead refuse to vaccinate (e.g., this shift demonstrated by a recent CDC study). Furthermore, that loss of trust extended beyond the COVID vaccines (e.g., childhood immunization rates are now experiencing an unprecedented decrease), and Federal Health Authorities are beginning to admit there is an unprecedented loss of trust in them which needs to be “addressed.”
Finally, since the vaccines had such a high rate of injury, they frequently harmed the public figures who promoted them to the point everyone could see it.
Brain Injured Democrat Senators
Full story: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/we-must-never-forget-9-9-21
Be quiet while adults are speaking, Ninnee.
Putin has been extremely patient then, wouldn’t you say? Even if US businesses do/did have $three hundred billion in assets in Russia, they’ve gone wonderfully unmolested. Even returning profits to their overseas owners well after the SMO kicked off… even down to this very day.
And why did Russia continue selling natural gas and oil to NATO after the SMO kicked off? And why is Russia *STILL!* selling gas and oil to NATO?
Which then turns around and sells a large part of it back to Ukraine… which uses it to fill up their tanks and trucks… so that Ukraine can continue maiming and killing Russians….
May Christ be with you Always Brother Nathanael! God With Us!
We must Wake Up and Fight the Evil Doer’s at All Costs.
Materialism is destroying many countries and I believe many people are too comfortable to speak out or fight. If we don’t act soon it may be too late.
How the world really works:
Dear Citizenfitz,
The Central Bank of Russia did not bank “$300 billion dollars in the Federal Reserve.” What hat did you pull that from?
The CBR does own blocked (“frozen”) deposit and security accounts with different international central banks, including China, Britian, US and different European countries, but they didn’t put their eggs in the one basket as you claimed.
Only about $6 billion were held in American banks under sanctions imposed by the US Treasury, which Congress started investigating in 2023 for privateering purposes to go towards keeping Ukraine propped up for US/NATO’s proxy war.
The House had to settle for that paltry sum incorporated into some sort of appropriations bill for Ukraine, under the color of new legislation making the US Gov theft legal, commandeered the blocked Russian forex account(s) of its $6 billion this past April.
There’s another ~$280 billion (not including accumulated interest) of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves in dollars and euros held in European banks, frozen by the EU within the Euroclear banking network, because at the time, Russia had to pay their foreign trade and financial obligations in only dollars or euros.
When the US imposed primary sanctions on Russia, it also imposed the threat of secondary sanctions upon US and most critically European banks holding Russian funds, and US Treasury was prepared to impose secondary sanctions and freeze their own assets and transactions as well, if they still continued to process banking and money exchanges with Russia.
I think there also were a few billion in cash reserves in Japan. The EU thieves have long been trying to figure out how to seize and confiscate the
estimated $280 billion blocked in European banking accounts and give it to Ukraine, but they’ve so far decided not to do that, since Russia is in turn holding some $300 billion in European assets that Moscow could seize in retaliation.
So, the nitwit Euro-brains instead decided to figure out how to legally skim off and cheat Russia of the compound interest and give it to Ukraine, with some kind of justification that they weren’t stealing the actual principal, just appropriating the interest, which rightfully and legally belongs to Russia, too, which is accumulating at a fantastic rate in those frozen European accounts.
The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) explained in Sept 2022 “why half of the country’s foreign currency reserves were being held abroad, which enabled their seizure by Western governments.”
There was no other way to make debt and foreign trade settlements, according to the regulator
FEU aims to use Russian assets to generate cash for Ukraine
December 2, 2022
The European Commission has laid out options to get frozen Russian assets, be they central bank reserves overseas or seized yachts, to make money for war-ravaged Ukraine. But the path forward remains unclear.
Oddly, so far as I know, the EU still hasn’t published any sort of master list spelling out exactly what CBR foreign exchange assets and accounts are being held where and their amounts.
I think only France ever published what its central bank held, and the semi-mythical figure of ‘$300 billion’ popularly bandied about is simply borrowed from the CBR’s own last published Foreign Exchange and Gold Asset Management Report for fiscal year July 2020 to June 2021 and published in January 2022.
The CBR’s last public report on gold and foreign exchange management, from January 2022 covering their fiscal year 2020-2021, broke down its international reserves by type of asset, by currency, by jurisdiction, and by risk rating as it was at the end of the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year.
Looking at jurisdictions from the report, between 55 and 66 per cent (depending on what is in the “others” category) of reserves were held in countries that would soon block access to them.
The SMO commenced in February, 2022.
Statista published a graph
Geographical distribution of foreign exchange (FX) and gold reserves of the Central Bank of Russia from January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2022
Bank of Russia foreign exchange and gold reserve share 2021-2022, by country
Published by Statista Research Department, Jun 27, 2023
As of January 1, 2022, the largest share of foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank of Russia was held in European banks. Together, Germany, France, the United Kingdom (UK), and Austria held approximately one third of the total FX and gold assets.